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    Y V I B R A N T P I O N E E R I N G R A D I C A L B R I L L I A N T I N D I V I D



    2015 ENTRY



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    If you need a copy of thisprospectus, or certain sectionsof it, in an alternative format,please call our Student

    Recruitment Office on+44 (0)161 275 2077.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015


    Visit our website for lots more information,including full course profiles.

    Join our online admissions community

    Admissions information and the latest University newsare available on Facebook( and Twitter(@AdmissionsUoM). You can also see what our currentstudents are up to on our student blogs

    Contact your admissions officer

    Phone the admissions officer for your subject areawith specific queries about your course. Contactdetails are on our course pages.

    Find out more from your phone

    You can access digital content, includingvideos, at various points in this prospectus viayour mobile phone.

    1. Download the Junaio app from iTunes or Google Play.

    2. Open the app and search for University ofManchester UG Prospectus.

    3. Hover your phone over the page wherever you see this

    logo to find out even more about life at Manchester.

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    If you can't make it to an open day...

    We run guided visits of our campus on most

    Wednesday afternoons from November to March,and a more limited schedule of visits from April toOctober. Starting at 1.30pm and finishing at3.30pm, guided visits include a presentation onthe University and a campus tour led by one ofour students.

    If you cant make any of the guided visits, yourewelcome to have a look around our campusindependently. Our Visitors Centre (building 37on the campus map, see p220) can provide mapsand information, and is open Monday to Friday,

    9am to 5pm.

    We also run accommodation tours of some of ourhalls of residence on the Fallowfield campus mostWednesday mornings between November andMarch. Youll take a walking tour of the campusand see at least one student bedroom. Tours runfrom 10.30am until 12 noon and last for aroundan hour. Please note: due to refurbishment work,there are no tours in summer 2014.

    For more information, or to book a place on a

    guided visit or accommodation tour, call+44 (0)161 275 2077, or

    Find out more about life at Manchester by comingto one of our open days:

    2014Friday, 20 June 2014

    Saturday, 21 June 2014

    Saturday, 27 September 2014

    Saturday, 4 October 2014

    2015Friday, 19 June 2015

    Saturday, 20 June 2015

    Saturday, 3 October 2015

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    Welcome to Manchester 4

    The Manchester experience 6

    Manchester people 8

    Our research 12

    Standing on the

    shoulders of giants 14

    Making a difference:social responsibility 16

    Our campus 18

    Our city 24

    Accommodation 34

    Support 40

    Library and IT services 42

    Study abroad 44

    Careers 46

    Sport and active lifestyles 48

    The Students Union 50

    International students 52

    Finance 54

    Our courses 56

    Accounting and Finance 58

    Aerospace Engineering 60

    Archaeology 62

    Architecture 66

    Art History andVisual Studies 67

    Business Studiesand Management 69

    Chemical Engineering 74

    Chemistry 77

    Chinese 82

    Civil Engineering 84

    Classics and Ancient History 86

    Computer Science 88

    Computing 91

    Dentistry and OralHealth Sciences 93

    Drama 95

    Earth Sciences 96

    Economic andSocial Studies 100

    Economics 102

    Electrical, Electronic andMechatronic Engineering 104

    Engineering and Sciencewith an IntegratedFoundation Year 107

    English Languagefor Education 108

    English Literatureand American Studies 110

    Environmental Science 112


    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    European Studies 116

    French 117

    Geography 119

    German 121

    History 123

    Human Communication 125

    Italian 128

    Japanese 130

    Joint language courses 134

    Law 136

    Life Sciences witha Foundation Year 138

    Life Sciences 140

    Linguistics andEnglish Language 149

    Management and Leisure 152

    Materials Science 153

    Mathematics 158

    Mechanical Engineering 160

    Medicine 162

    Middle Eastern Studies 164

    Modern languages 166

    Music 170

    Nursing and Midwifery 172

    Optometry 174

    Petroleum Engineering 176

    Pharmacy 177

    Philosophy 179

    Physics and Astronomy 181Planning and EnvironmentalManagement 184

    Politics andInternational Relations 186

    Politics, Philosophyand Economics 190

    Psychology 191

    Religions and Theology 193

    Russian 195

    Social Anthropology 197

    Social Sciences 199

    Sociology 200

    Spanish, Portuguese andLatin American Studies 202

    Textiles 204

    Small print 208

    Maps 216Course index 224

    The thing about Manchester

    is its got a specific direction

    its going in - which is upwards.

    Professor Brian CoxSchool of Physics and Astronomy


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    Were influential and forward-thinking, down-to-earth and friendly, and well give you an amazinguniversity experience thats rooted in a rich heritage.

    Part of the prestigious Russell Group of universities,with outstanding facilities and the widest range ofcourses, we are highly respected across the globeas a centre of teaching excellence.

    We enjoy an international reputation for ourpioneering research and innovation, which vitaliseour undergraduate courses and introduce you to thelatest thinking in your chosen field. Our problem-based approach to learning will inspire you to thinkcritically and creatively, cultivating your independenceand making you more attractive to employers.

    And, best of all, youll get to experience all of thisat the heart of Britains most popular student city.

    We make things happen

    We turn enthusiasm into achievement and ground-breaking theory into cutting-edge practice. Thatswhy were at the forefront of the search for solutionsto some of the worlds most pressing problems.

    Weve been accomplishing feats of globalsignificance for more than 180 years, frominventing the modern computer to splitting theatom, from founding present-day economics togiving the world graphene the two-dimensionalwonder material that is one atom thick yet 200times stronger than steel.

    And we dont work in isolation. We have stronglinks with industry and the public services, and ourresearch makes a real difference to peoples livesacross the world.

    We know where were going

    Were on the way to becoming one of the worldstop 25 universities the preferred destination forthe best teachers and students, where the highestacademic values are cherished and your student

    experience is second to none.

    Our ambitious plans are backed by the biggestinvestment programme ever seen in UK highereducation weve already invested 750 million inbuildings and facilities since 2004 and were nowputting another 1 billion into further teaching andstudent facilities.

    Weve got the people to do it

    We have more Nobel laureates on our staff thanany other UK university. Youll be taught by expertswho are recognised internationally as being at theforefront of their subject and who incorporatethe very latest thinking and discoveries directly intoyour course.

    We give you excellent job prospects

    We are consistently among the most targeteduniversities in the UK by Britains best-knownemployers, according to High Fliers Research.

    Each year our careers fairs, workshops andpresentations attract more than 600 exhibitors.Through our careers service youll have access tomore than 7,000 graduate recruiters, from majormultinationals to small and medium-sizedenterprises. 91% of our graduates go straight intoemployment or further study.

    We offer much more than a degree

    At Manchester youll find the broadest range ofopportunities outside of your studies for

    developing your interests and having fun. Theseinclude outstanding sports facilities, supportedcommunity volunteering, study abroad pathways,skills-development programmes, mentoring andmuch more.

    Wed love you to join us

    Choose The University of Manchester and discoveryour own path to future success.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Manchester has so much to offer and

    you can learn a wide range of skills andreally enhance your CV. Ive got

    involved in as many things as possible

    and it is those extracurricular things

    that have made my university

    experience so memorable.

    Sophie TaylorLLB Law


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    Nowadays you need more than a strong academicqualification to achieve your potential as agraduate. Thats why we give you the opportunitiesto make the most of Manchester and set yourselfup for success throughout your life.

    We give you

    Teaching by real experts, underpinned byinternationally significant research and strongindustrial links. Youll be taught by some of thebest minds in the country who are world-leaders intheir field. Youll find their passion infectious andtheir enthusiasm will rub off on you.

    Flexible, multidisciplinary courses that you cantailor to your interests and career ambitions. All ourcourses are divided into units, some of which areoptional. The range of optional course unitstypically increases as you progress, often includingunits from other courses, or delivered by otherparts of the University.

    Career development opportunities throughoutyour degree to help you prepare for a brightfuture. You can take part in workshops and gainwork experience via our Careers Service. There are

    also opportunities for work placements andinternships, or you could get involved in one of thecitys festivals, such as the Manchester InternationalFestival or Manchester Literature Festival.

    Courses that challenge your preconceptionsand give you a greater understanding of what itmeans to be a responsible global citizen. OurManchester Leadership Programme could form partof your degree, blending community volunteeringwith a course unit that explores topics such asethical leadership and social responsibility, or you

    could combine your studies with a year abroad togain the Manchester Global Award.

    An education that encourages independentcritical thinking and analysis. Rather than justbeing taught to pass exams, you will be assessedon the skills that employers value, such as how towork as part of a team, deliver presentations andtackle problems creatively.

    Individual support to help you take control ofyour learning and develop your confidence. Anacademic adviser will work with you to help you

    achieve your full potential and give you advice andassistance if the going gets tough.

    We challenge you to... take the initiative;

    take charge of your learning and careerdevelopment;

    be proactive, seeking out opportunitiesbeyond your course;

    think critically;

    question, reason and analyse;

    play an active role in teams;

    cultivate advanced written and verbalcommunication skills;

    value integrity and be a responsiblecitizen of the world.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Personalised learning that puts you at the heartof your academic experience. As well as fantasticfacilities, including our state-of-the-art Alan GilbertLearning Commons, our virtual learningenvironment gives you study materials andactivities online, as well as interactive sessions withstaff and other students.

    The chance to satisfy your curiosity about theworld. Our University College courses allow youto broaden your horizons and dip your toe intodifferent disciplines. Drawing on the best teachingtalent across the University, you can take coursesthat showcase Manchesters research andchallenge conventional thinking exactly whatuniversity is all about.

    Hundreds of extracurricular activities to helpyou develop real-world skills and have lots of funtoo. Our Students Union is the biggest in the UK,offering an incredible choice of student societiesfor you to join. We also have excellent sports clubs,facilities and fitness programmes.

    Continual monitoring and improvement ofyour university experience. Our Directorate forthe Student Experience is dedicated to enhancingyour time with us, working in partnership with theStudents Union and academic departments tolisten to and respond to your needs.


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    Manchester students are diverse and dynamic, drawnfrom all corners of the globe, with the energy andcommitment to build a better future via anexceptional educational experience.

    They learn quickly how to balance the demands of arigorous education with the attractions of afascinating student city, enthusiastically making themost of the opportunities we offer.

    Who comes to Manchester?

    A total of 25 Nobel Prize winners have taught orstudied here, and our worldwide community ofalmost 270,000 graduates hold top positions in everyimaginable field. Were proud that our illustriousalumni retain lifelong connections with us, sharingtheir experiences and expertise with students.

    We have the largest alumni community of anycampus-based university in the UK and many of ourgraduates hold positions of seniority in business,academia, politics, industry and the media.

    Tom Bloxham Chairman, Urban Splash

    Sir Peter Maxwell Davies composer and conductor

    Mark Kermode film critic

    Sir Norman Foster architect and designer

    Teo Chee Hean Deputy Prime Minister and Ministerfor Home Affairs, Singapore

    HE George Maxwell Richards former President,Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

    Ian King Business and City Editor of The Times

    Benedict Cumberbatch actor

    Sophie Raworth broadcaster and journalist

    Lord Terrence Burns Chairman, Santander

    Winnie Cheung former Chief Executive, Hong KongInstitute of Certified Public Accountants

    Sir Philip Craven President, International ParalympicCommittee

    Chuka Ummuna Shadow Secretary of State forBusiness Innovation

    Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong television comedywriters

    Jane Cocking Humanitarian Director, Oxfam

    Toby Jones actor

    Alex Garland author, screenwriter and producer

    Are you a Manchester student?

    You want practical experience as well asacademic knowledge, provided on coursesdesigned in close collaboration with industryand informed by the best research to make youmore employable.

    You want to meet the world at the UKs biggest

    and most diverse university community, mixingwith students from 154 countries and makingfriends for life at a place that prides itself onnurturing responsible global citizens.

    You want to take charge of your future,learning about potential career paths andprospective employers, so you can plan for anexciting future and find out what you need todo to succeed.

    You want to get to know and love Manchester,a vibrant, friendly and creative place with an

    enduring energy for progress and change.

    You want to develop confidence andindependence, try new things and meetchallenges head on, find your voice and formopinions. You want to develop your inner driveand ambition, be inspired, and get involved.

    You want to look outside the University, bechallenged to view the world in different ways,identify problems and find new ways ofsolving them.

    You dont want your future to happen to you.You want to make your future happen.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Manchester is a place

    for individuals, brilliant

    kids who like to do their

    own thing ... and, if youare ready, it will release

    you to do the same.

    The Virgin Guide toBritish Universities


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    Kyriacos Georgiou

    Computer Science with

    Industrial Experience



    Dr Qing Jun Meng

    Life Sciences


    Dr Jennifer OBrien

    Geography graduate and

    Lecturer in Human Geography


    Professor Dame

    Tina Lavender

    Nursing, Midwifery and

    Social Work


    Alumni, students andstaff share their

    stories in the profilesthroughout thisprospectus.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Professor Brian Cox

    Physics and Astronomy


    Eleni Papadopoulos

    Law student


    Jake Stretton

    Nursing student


    Eleanor Morris

    Speech and Language

    Therapy student



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    Our research has real-world impact. We are at theforefront of the search for solutions to some of theworlds most pressing problems. From tackling cancerand poverty to finding the energy solutions of thefuture, we're making a real difference to the qualityof peoples lives.

    We are recognised at a global level for the quality andvolume of our pioneering research. In the last

    Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2008) animpressive 65% of our research activity was ratedworld-leading or internationally excellent, withmost of the remainder judged to be of a quality thatis recognised internationally in terms of originality,significance and rigour.

    Many of our academic staff are professionalresearchers as well as tutors and lecturers, carryingout scholarly or scientific investigation into theirspecialist subjects and making innovative discoveriesthat contribute to global knowledge.

    Bringing research into the classroom

    The best international teaching and learninginstitutions are also great research institutions, andThe University of Manchester falls firmly into thatcategory. Here you can mix with, and learn from, manyof the best and brightest people in the world, in astimulating and inspirational intellectual environment.

    You will be taught by staff who are recognised

    internationally to be at the forefront of their subject,and who can incorporate the very latest thinking anddiscoveries directly into your course. Research that ishitting the headlines one day may feature in one ofyour lectures the next.

    We have strong collaborative links with industry andpublic services, which inform our research and ensurethat your course is tailored to the needs of employers.And, to help further our research, we investsignificantly in facilities and resources, some of whichwill be available for you to use.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    I chose Manchester because it

    has one of the best RAE rankings

    and top-class facilities.

    Ali Jahran

    Biomedical Materials Science


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    Our story is one of worldfirsts and brilliantdiscoveries. In total, 25Nobel Prize winners haveworked or studied here.

    The worlds first stored-

    program computer wasdeveloped here, and AlanTuring pioneered artificialintelligence during histime at the University.

    Manchester is the birthplace ofnuclear physics, where ErnestRutherford first split the atom.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Our observatory at JodrellBank is home to the iconic

    Lovell Telescope thebiggest telescope of itstype in the world when itwas built. Fittingly, JodrellBank will be the centralcontrol hub for the worldslargest radio telescope, theSquare Kilometre Array.

    The economist Arthur Lewis

    became the first blackprofessor at a Britishuniversity when he joined us,and he published his mostinfluential works whileat Manchester.

    Christabel Pankhurst, aManchester law graduateunable to enter theprofession on account ofher sex, became one ofthe suffragettemovements mostcommitted campaigners.

    With a degree fromThe University ofManchester youll becomepart of this distinguishedclub, whose collectiveachievements have

    shaped the history of themodern world.


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    At Manchester we make a difference. We take oursocial responsibilities seriously, contributing to thewell-being of local and global communities throughour teaching, research, events and activities.

    Our priorities include:

    Socially responsible graduates

    Through your education and broader experiencesat Manchester, youll not only be one of the skilledknowledge workers of tomorrow, but youll also beable to exercise important ethical, social andenvironmental responsibilities.

    Regardless of what you study at Manchester youwill have the opportunity to be confronted by threeethical grand challenges to prepare you as aresponsible citizen and leader of tomorrow sustainability, social justice and workplace ethics.

    Our Manchester Leadership Programme offers youvolunteering opportunities that enable you todevelop skills sought by employers and interact withsociety, while our University College forInterdisciplinary Learning enables you to broadenyour educational horizons beyond the scope of your

    chosen course.Outside of your studies, there are plenty ofchances to make a meaningful and beneficialcontribution to the local community. Ourdedicated student volunteering and communityengagement team will connect you withorganisations that require student volunteers,while Student Action, located in the StudentsUnion, will help you participate in a student-ledcommunity project or manage your own.

    Research with impactOur research makes a positive difference to society.From cancer to climate change, from inequalities toenergy, we tackle the worlds greatest challengesthrough our research.

    Engaging our communities

    Our events and activities harness our knowledgeand resources for the benefit of our communities.Many of these activities take place at our visitorattractions Manchester Museum, the Whitworth

    Art Gallery, the Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre andThe John Rylands Library with many more takingplace both on and off campus.

    Social responsibility in figures

    We recruit 400 new students fromneighbourhoods with the UKs lowestparticipation in higher education morethan Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, Imperial,and LSE combined.

    1,143 students on our ManchesterLeadership Programme created 266,611of economic value from volunteeringactivity in our local community.

    We help 7,219 low-income undergraduatestudents with 19.6 million of financialsupport the highest of all the RussellGroup universities.

    We have supported more than 1,000 localunemployed people back into work,generating 16 million savings to theeconomy.

    Last year 840,000 members of the publicvisited one of our four visitor attractions the Manchester Museum, Whitworth ArtGallery, Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre andthe John Rylands Library.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Responsible processes

    We make a significant impact on our local andglobal communities through our policies, activitiesand day-to-day work, from how we manage ourfinances to the conduct that underpins ourteaching and research.

    Environmental sustainability

    Our research, teaching and activities are guided byour commitment to environmental sustainability. Weencourage everyone at the University teachers,researchers, professional support staff and students to have a positive impact on the environment andcreate a more sustainable future.


    Read more about our social responsibilitywork and priorities

    Hear from our students, staff and alumni onhow theyve made a difference


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    Packed with excellent facilities and

    reaching into the heart of Britains

    number one student city, our friendly

    campus offers everything you need for

    both your studies and your leisure

    time. We have around 40,000 students

    from 154 countries, creating a village

    within a city where a multicultural

    community comes together to study

    and relax.


    Alan Gilbert Learning Commons

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

    University Place

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    Manchester Museum

    The Whitworth Building The John Rylands Library

    The Main Library

    Alan Turing Building


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    The best facilities forteaching, learning and living

    Weve completed the biggest investment inbuildings and facilities ever seen at a Britishuniversity to create the best learning environmentfor you. Our iconic Victorian buildings are joinedby contemporary lecture theatres, laboratories,studios, computer labs and a host of student

    support services.But things dont stand still at Manchester. Wereinvesting a further 1 billion in our campus. In thenext few years therell be a new engineeringcampus, new centres for law and business, a majorrefurbishment of the library (already one of thelargest at a UK university), a bigger, better studentsunion building and a new medical school. Well alsobe refurbishing our radio telescope at Jodrell Bank,one of the jewels in our crown.

    The Universitys main focus is along the bustling

    Oxford Road and well also be spending severalmillion pounds on making this a better place tobe for the whole Manchester community including extensive tree planting andpedestrianisation in 2015.

    The Atrium

    Simon Building lecture theatre

    Students Union

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Weve got fantastic sports facilities, includingthree fitness suites, a 50-metre swimming pool

    and lots of indoor courts and outdoor pitches.See p48-49.

    Culture and entertainment

    We have our own museum and art gallery, and anindependent theatre is based on campus.See p26-30.

    Living here

    We offer you a safe and attractive livingenvironment, providing one of the widest choices

    of university accommodation in the country.See p34-39.


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    Our award-winning environmental practicesinclude comprehensive, cross-campus recycling

    facilities and the monitoring of energy usage.All new buildings are constructed to maximiseefficiency, while campus shops and cafes stockFairtrade products.

    Students Union

    The Students Union is the hub of student life. Itsright in the middle of our campus and has its own

    shops, cafes and bars, as well as four liveentertainment venues including the famousManchester Academy. See p50-51.


    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Designed with students, for students

    Were very proud of our Alan Gilbert LearningCommons, which opened in 2012. This ultra-

    modern building includes the most up-to-date ITfacilities, lots of flexible learning spaces and a hostof student-centred services.

    We developed the iconic 25 million buildingthrough consultation with our students. Theyhelped design the furniture, provided the eclecticmix of art and defined the shape and use of thespace by telling us exactly what they needed.

    The building is designed to the highest standardsof sustainability even the lighting adjusts

    automatically, according to the level of natural lightand the occupancy of the rooms.

    The Learning Commons is open 24/7 and canaccommodate more than 1,000 students. There are30 bookable rooms and a variety of pods andspaces that are perfect for group study orindependent learning.


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    Were proud to be at the heart of the

    most popular student city in the UK.

    The University is an integral part of this

    exciting place and were certain it will

    feel like home to you in next to no time.


    Manchester Town Hall

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Oxford Street

    Deansgate Portland Street

    The Printworks

    Manchester United FC


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    The city of Manchester

    Manchesters unique character comes from itspioneering past this is the place where theindustrial revolution really took hold. It grewdramatically in the 19th century on the wealthcreated by cotton, and the citys amazing Victoriancivic buildings, mills and factories shout This isManchester. Weve arrived.

    But its not all about industry. Manchester shakesup the music scene, nurtures creativity and hostsinternational sporting events. Never content to liveon past glories, this is a place that looks to thefuture with a passion for progress.

    Manchester has something that it

    can be genuinely, enormously proud

    of, something that it should shout

    from the rooftops. Manchester

    changed the worlds politics: from

    vegetarianism to feminism to trade

    unionism to communism.

    Stuart MaconiePies and Prejudice: In Search of the North

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Art and cultureFrom modern art to masterpieces, from thecampaign for social justice to the history offootball, Manchesters got an impressive range ofmuseums and galleries. Many are free, so youllkeep going back for more.

    You can explore ancient worlds at the Universitysown Manchester Museum, or browse one of theworld's finest collections of rare books andmanuscripts at our John Rylands Library.TheMuseum of Science and Industry brings innovation

    to life in the world's oldest railway station, whilethe Imperial War Museum North asks how warshapes peoples lives.

    Manchester is also home to the National FootballMuseum and Peoples History Museum. Importantclassic and contemporary art is on show at theManchester Art Gallery and at another Universitygem, the Whitworth Art Gallery (where you canview Peter Blake's iconic I Love You, picturedabove). Youll also discover smaller permanent andpop-up galleries dotted all over the city.

    Dont talk about what you are

    going to do, do it. That is the

    Manchester habit.

    Sir Edward Abbott ParryJudge and dramatist


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    Manchesters enduring energy and cosmopolitancreativity can be seen in its impressive array offestivals, covering art, music, food, comedy, andmuch more.

    FutureEverything brings art, digital culture, musicand performance together, while Parklife and Dotto Dot present the best new music and dance acts.

    And 2015 will mark the fifth outing of the biennialManchester International Festival, bringing a seriesof world premieres to the city.

    Manchester Pride, one of the best gay festivals inthe world, bursts on to the streets every year.South-east Asian culture is celebrated atManchester Mega Mela. The Viva! film festivalshowcases Spanish and Latin American cinema, andthe Manchester Literature Festival gives us the bestin contemporary writing from across the world.

    I love living in Manchester

    because it is so diverse in terms of

    the food and culture you can get

    on your doorstep. Manchester

    also has amazing venues for live

    music and great shopping.

    Emily Hind


    Manchester is a great city to be in as a

    student, because everything I need is

    so accessible, and I always feel safe.

    Catrin VaughanStudent

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Youll be inundated with club promotional offersthe minute you arrive on campus and Manchester's

    thriving nightlife scene is reflected in its dazzlingvariety of clubs.

    The Warehouse Project, celebrating its tenthbirthday in 2015, brings the worlds biggest danceacts to Manchester. Recent headlining showsincluded Thom Yorke, Chic, Disclosure, Rudimentaland The Prodigy.

    The Printworks is home to some of Manchestersbusiest and most popular venues: Tiger Tiger,Entourage and The Birdcage. Canal Street, at theheart of the Gay Village, is lined with bars and

    clubs, including Alter Ego, G-A-Y, Vanilla, Coyotes,New York New York and Via.

    Deansgate and the Locks offer glamour at AviciWhite, Sugar Buddha and Sakura, while theNorthern Quarter hosts some of the citys best livemusic nights and DJ sets at venues including MintLounge, Soup Kitchen and Kosmonaut.

    You dont even need to venture off campus to havea good night out. Favourites include the DeafInstitute, which offers gigs and club nights coveringindie, disco and much more. And in the basementof the popular bar Joshua Brooks youll find oldschool R&B and hip-hop, underground house and

    techno, and even a cult film night.

    There is never a dull moment in

    Manchester - its got to be the

    best uni city in the UK!

    Sandy JacksonStudent


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    Music and theatre

    Manchester attracts some of the worlds biggestbands and DJs, as well as plenty of up-and-coming talent.

    Catch big names on international tours at thePhones 4U Arena, Apollo or our own ManchesterAcademy. Discover new acts at Soup Kitchen,Band On the Wall, The Roadhouse, Gorilla and

    Matt and Phreds.

    If classical is more your thing, youll know thatManchester is home to the Hall and BBCPhilharmonic orchestras, which both perform atthe Bridgewater Hall. Leading chamber orchestraManchester Camerata can also be seen there, aswell as at the Royal Northern College of Music,which stages a diverse programme of music.

    Theatre and opera buffs can find everything fromarias to musicals hot from the West End, while

    experimental theatre productions take place at thePalace Theatre, Royal Exchange, Contact Theatreand The Lowry.

    Their story started in Manchester

    The Smiths

    Joy Division

    The Buzzcocks

    New Order


    Everything Everything The Stone Roses

    The Chemical Brothers

    Happy Mondays


    The Bee GeesManchester's got everything

    except a beach.

    lan BrownLead singer with The Stone Roses

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Manchester is renowned for its shopping, offeringbrilliant British designers, established worldwidebrands and quirky independent one-offs.

    Market Street is the very definition of the modernBritish high street and a good starting point forany shopping trip. Youll find premiumdepartment stores Harvey Nichols and Selfridges

    at nearby Exchange Square, or you can head toKing Street or The Avenue at Spinningfields,Manchesters most upmarket shopping streets fortop designer emporia.

    The Northern Quarter is the place for independentshops that you wont find anywhere else and thatembody Manchesters creative diversity.

    For a retail and leisure experience on a granderscale, take a short bus ride out of the city centre tothe Trafford Centre, the second largest shopping

    centre in the UK.

    I have really enjoyed the different

    opportunities everywhere that are

    just waiting for me to go and take

    hold of them.Jeffery RahalStudent


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    Manchester has long been synonymous withfootball thanks to Manchester United andManchester City, but theres much more to discoverhere. Many of Europes best rugby league sides playclose to Manchester, and you can watch nationaland international cricket at Lancashire Cricket Club,

    just outside the city centre.

    Manchester is home to the victorious Team GBcycling team and Britains first indoor Olympiccycling track at Sportcity, where youll also findmajor squash, tennis and netball events. If youwant to do more than just watch the action, youcan hire a bike and helmet and test the track atthe National Cycling Centre, learn to ski,snowboard or climb at Chill Factore, home to theUKs longest indoor ski slope, or sign up for theannual Great Manchester Run, the nationsfavourite 10k runningevent.


    Manchester has a great reputation for food anddrink. Its a multicultural medley of gastronomicdelights, with cuisine from practically every nationand to suit any budget, from high-class dining totop-notch takeaways. Try the biggest Chinatown inthe UK outside London, or the famous Curry Milefor starters. Theres so much to choose from youll

    still be discovering great new places to eat whenyou graduate.


    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Getting away from it all

    With a major international airport on yourdoorstep and excellent road and rail linkswith the rest of the UK, Manchester is oneof the most accessible cities in the countryand the perfect base for exploring. You canenjoy a day out in Blackpool, a night out in

    Liverpool or a weekend getaway in the LakeDistrict. If youre looking further afield,Manchester Airport can take you directly tomore than 200 destinations.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 130



    (45 minutes by car)

    Lake District(1.5 hours by car)

    London(2 hours by train)

    Paris(1.5 hours by plane)

    Barcelona(2.5 hours by plane)

    Athens(4 hours by plane)

    New York(8 hours by plane)

    Singapore(13.5 hours by plane)

    0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5


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    One of the most exciting things about

    coming to university for the first time

    is deciding where youre going to live.

    Whether you prefer traditional or

    modern, catered or self-catered, our

    huge range of student

    accommodation means weve got

    something for everyone.

    One thing you can be certain of is that whereveryou choose to live, Manchester will quicklybecome a home from home.

    If you decide to live at home while you study,youll be one of a significant number of studentsto do so and there will be lots of opportunities foryou to get involved in student life. Find out moreat


    From traditional and modern halls

    of residence, to smart, modern flats,

    through to small suburban Victorian

    houses, theres something to suit all

    domestic tastes.

    The Push Guide to Which University

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Our accommodation guarantee

    If youre a new first-year undergraduate studentcoming to live here by yourself, we guaranteeyou a place in University accommodation. To takeadvantage of this offer, you must submit youraccommodation application by 31 August and

    hold an unconditional offer to study here.Students who live locally to the University also fallwithin this guarantee where you live has noeffect on your accommodation application.

    When applying, you will be asked to nominateyour three preferred halls. Most applicants areallocated a room in one of their preferred halls,but we cant always guarantee that youll getone of your preferences.

    We guarantee to make an offer of

    University accommodation to all newfirst-year students coming to live alonein Manchester;

    University accommodation to allinternational (non-EU) students for theduration of their studies.


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    city centre




    Park campus




    Hall life

    Most of our halls are based inone of the following threeareas:

    City campus close to thecity centre and at the heartof our teaching campus;

    Victoria Park campus anearby suburb about a mile

    (2km) from campus;

    Fallowfield campus astudent suburb less than twomiles (3km) from campus.

    For a map of ouraccommodation, see p222.

    Halls are self-containedcommunities and some havetheir own bars, commonrooms and social activities, so

    they are an ideal place to makenew friends. All halls havesingle bedrooms with anEthernet connection.

    In self-catered halls you share akitchen / living room with otherstudents. Some halls offeren-suite facilities while othershave shared bathrooms."Halls are a base camp

    for your big city

    adventure, a chance tomeet new people and

    stage your own

    adventures, while still

    under the watchful eye

    of someone who, at

    least for now, knows

    better than you."

    Jacob Carr (Dalton Ellis Hall)

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Typical room plans:*

    *NB: Due to the diversity of halls, please note that these are indicative floor plans only.

    Shared kitchen /living room




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    Costs vary depending on facilities, but sample2013/14 prices are:

    98 a week for a single self-catering bedroomwith shared facilities;

    125 a week for a single bedroom with en-suitefacilities;

    128 a week for a single bedroom in a hall ofresidence with meals provided.

    Special requirements

    Let us know if youve got any special needs, suchas a disability, medical condition or any specificdietary requirements. As soon as you know yourecoming to Manchester, simply get in touch andwell do our best to help.

    Family accommodation

    We have a very limited supply of accommodationspecifically for students with families and,unfortunately, demand exceeds supply, so thistype of accommodation cannot be guaranteed.Contact us to discuss your requirements and welltry to help.

    Private accommodationIf you dont want to live in halls, you shouldcontact Manchester Student Homes. They are thebest source of information on privately rentedstudent accommodation in Manchester.

    Halls are something youre only

    ever going to do once an

    environment where everyone is

    sharing new experiences, having a

    crazy time and gaining

    independence. Its the easiest way

    to meet people youll ever get and so

    many people are like-minded. Thereare also great sport opportunities.

    Simon Willis (Richmond Park)


    For more on University accommodation,including:

    full terms of our accommodation guarantee

    how and when to apply

    meeting your specialist requirements

    visiting our residences details on individual halls +44 (0)161 275 [email protected]

    For more on private accommodation, including:

    housing advice

    private student properties

    Manchester Student Homes code of standards

    t +44 (0)161 275 [email protected]

    For more on living at

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Living in halls is a must-do of the uni

    experience. Theres always someone to

    talk to and something to do, support if

    needed, and lots of great friends to

    make. Dalton Ellis Hall ticked every box

    for me and made my first year an

    amazing time. Highlights were the

    meals, places to meet up, staff and themix of students.

    Rob Marsland (Dalton Ellis Hall)


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    Weve got nearly 40,000 students, but we makesure that every individual who comes here gets allthe support they need.

    Our Student Services Centre is the single point ofcontact for your administrative dealings with us,

    including questions relating to finance,immigration, student cards, exams or graduation.You can call in and speak to us in person or contactus by telephone or email.

    Youll also be ableto make use of the Atrium, abrand new, multifunctional space in our UniversityPlace building where you can access information,guidance and advice, or simply find a quiet havento check emails and squeeze in some extra studytime. Specialist advisers are on hand to chat to youabout careers, volunteering, managing money,

    international programmes, and support and well-being all the things that can help you make themost of Manchester.

    If youd rather talk to fellow students, you can usethe Students Union Advice Service, which isstaffed by professional advisers and speciallytrained student officers with expertise in welfare,academic matters and the specific needs ofdifferent student groups.


    Youll need to register with a local doctor for yourmain health care. Lists of doctors are available fromour Student Occupational Health Service, theStudents Union, local pharmacies or online, and youll be able to register oncampus during Welcome.

    For dental care, youll need to register with a localdentist. However, our University Dental Hospitaloffers emergency treatment.

    And while it cant provide you with the sameprimary care as a GP, our Student OccupationalHealth Service will offer you confidential advice andsupport relating to health concerns that may affectyour academic studies.


    Trained counsellors working within our University

    Counselling Service offer free, confidential adviceon any personal problems affecting your work orwell-being. There are also residential pastoral careteams who provide help and support in University-managed accommodation, including emergencyduty cover at night and at the weekend.

    Nightline is a listening and information telephoneservice run by students for students, providing areassuring point of contact throughout the night.

    Staying safeWe offer practical advice on the many simpleprecautions you can take to maximise yourpersonal security and safeguard your possessions.We also have our own security service and closed-circuit TV system, making our University andaccommodation campuses areas of low crime.

    Safety and security are issues in all big cities, butour excellent relationship with Greater ManchesterPolice helps keep you informed, so you can enjoyeverything that Manchester has to offer without

    taking any unnecessary risks.

    We offer you...

    specialist support services to help you look

    after your general well-being and keepyou on track academically;

    experienced and sympathetic people,offering support and advice to help youfind a solution to any difficulty financial,personal, academic or administrative.

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    Disability support

    If you have additional needs arising from a medicalcondition, a physical or sensory disability, a specificlearning difficulty, such as dyslexia, or a mentalhealth problem that affects your study, ourDisability Support Office can offer you support.

    If you think you need extra help, wed encourage

    you to make this known at the time of yourapplication. You can contact us or visit us at anytime to discuss your needs in complete confidence.

    See p214 for more on disability support.


    Our nursery facilities are located conveniently closeto campus. Places for children aged between sixmonths and five years are available on weekdays, allyear round, from 8.30am to 5.30pm, although dueto high demand for some age groups you may have

    to join a waiting list. For more information call:

    Dryden Street Nursery+44 (0)161 272 7121

    Echoes Nursery+44 (0)161 200 4979

    Students Union Advice Service+44 (0)161 275 8066 or +44 (0)161 275 8077


    Drawn from 154 countries, our student populationis one of the most diverse in the UK. And thecosmopolitan city of Manchester has places ofworship for most faiths and religions, includingmany on, or near, our campus.

    Some areas on campus are reserved for quietprayer and reflection, including dedicated Muslimprayer facilities. In the Students' Union you'll alsofind student societies for most major religions.

    Chaplains are available if you want to talk through

    problems, explore issues of faith or findinformation on local faith communities. Theyoperate from the following chaplaincy centres:

    St Peters House for the Anglican, Baptist,Methodist and United Reformed Churchdenominations, and for links to chaplaincies of

    other faiths:t +44 (0)161 275 2894

    Avila House for the Roman Catholic Chaplaincyt +44 (0)161 273 1456

    Hillel House for the Jewish Chaplaincyt +44 (0)161 226 1139

    Care leavers

    If youre a care leaver, we may be able to help youwith your application and your studies once youarrive. We want to make sure you have access toappropriate support, so please [email protected] at any time incomplete confidence.

    Equality and diversity

    We are committed to providing you with a positiveworking and learning environment, free fromdiscrimination, bullying, harassment, orvictimisation. You can seek confidential advice andguidance on any equality and diversity issue fromour Equality and Diversity Team.



    Everyone is so nice. It can be

    daunting coming to a big city and a

    new university, but everyones

    there to help you, and you just feelso welcome.

    Lauren MeadowsBA Social Sciences


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    With continuous investment in one of the biggestuniversity libraries in the UK, several specialistlibraries and extensive cross-campus IT facilities, wemake sure youve got everything you need to besuccessful in your degree.

    Our libraries

    Alongside traditional library services, we offer self-service facilities, state-of-the-art group study areasand Wi-Fi throughout.

    Across campus several specialist libraries offersubject-specific and tailored services. The JohnRylands Library, a magnificent neo-Gothic buildinghousing one of the world's finest collections of rarebooks and manuscripts, is also a thriving visitor

    attraction, with exhibitions and events taking placethroughout the year.

    And while you wont find any books there, ourAlan Gilbert Learning Commons is a great place tostudy. This 24 million purpose-built facility offers astimulating 24/7 environment for study, combininginspiring decor with flexible spaces and the latest inlearning technology.

    Help and support

    Our specialist library staff are there to provideadvice, training and help whenever you need it.When you arrive well give you a full introduction toour services, and support is always close at hand tohelp you find the resources you need.

    In addition to this, all students have access to theLibrarys skills programme, My Learning Essentials,which provides flexible support for academic studyvia a wide range of face-to-face workshops andonline modules.

    Our facilities are universally accessible withdedicated support for students with additionalneeds; there is even a text-help service for on-the-

    spot assistance if you cant find what yourelooking for.

    IT facilities

    There are nearly 4,000 computers on campus,many within individual academic Schools and hallsof residence. Our large computer clusters are opento all students and include access to laser printingand scanning facilities. All of our halls of residenceoffer Internet access and there is also extensive freeWi-Fi across campus.

    When you become a Manchester studentwell giveyou an IT account that lets you access all our maincomputing services. Well get you started on ouremail system, which includes 25GB of storagespace, a calendar for managing your schedule,instant messaging and mobile phone compatibility.

    If you get stuck, there's always someone on handto help via our 24/7 IT support telephone line. Youcan also get help online or at one of our face-to-face service desks across campus.

    Online learning

    We provide an advanced virtual learningenvironment called Blackboard that gives youonline access to course materials, interactivelearning activities, self-assessment exercises andassignment submission, as well as the opportunityto have discussions with teaching staff and otherstudents.

    With access to resources 24/7 including viamobile devices Blackboard complements face-to-

    face teaching and is a hugely popular and flexibletool for busy students.

    We offer you...

    extensive learning and research facilities;

    one of the largest and best-resourceduniversity libraries in the UK, with morethan four million books;

    a dedicated IT provision that is constantlybeing updated to meet your requirements;

    e-learning resources unrivalled by anyother UK university.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    The Learning Commons is not

    only an impressive building

    architecturally, there is a

    positive, studious ambience.

    And, with 24/7 access, no matter

    what time you arrive you know

    you are there to work.

    Jonathan RoweBA European Studies and ModernLanguages (French)


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    Our study abroad programme offers you theexciting opportunity to experience life in a differentcountry as part of your course.

    Students who opt in to this programme regularlytell us that studying abroad has been the highlightof their degree, from both a personal and anacademic perspective. You will broaden yourhorizons, experience different cultures, learn or

    improve a foreign language and stand out from thecrowd when you graduate.

    Were expanding our international partnershipseach year, and they currently include around120 Erasmus universities in Europe and more than70 universities worldwide. From Amsterdam toZrich, Auckland to Zhejiang, weve got aprogramme for you and you dont even haveto study a language to take part.

    Study abroad options

    When and where you can study abroad dependson the course you choose. Some degrees(especially those with a language) include a yearabroad, and these are generally four-year courses.

    Many other courses allow you to study abroad forone semester, usually in Year 2, and this option

    allows you to graduate within the usual threeyears. Look out for the study abroad symbol in ourcourse pages at the back of this prospectus.

    Language requirements

    Many of our European partners teach in English, aswell as those in North America, Australia, NewZealand, Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore,so you wont necessarily need to speak a foreignlanguage to study abroad.

    Of course, if you already have some knowledge of

    another language, studying abroad is the idealopportunity to improve your fluency. And ourUniversity Language Centre offers courses for allstudents, so you can brush up your language skillsbefore you go. See for more details.

    Fees and costs

    If you take a year abroad as part of a four-yearcourse, the tuition fees applicable to the yearabroad will be significantly reduced. You will not

    pay additional tuition fees to the partner universityand you will still be entitled to your student loanwhile youre abroad.

    If youre participating in an Erasmus exchange toEurope, you normally receive an Erasmus grant(around 160 a month) to help cover additionalcosts. If youre participating in a worldwideexchange, youll need to budget for flights, visasand health insurance, as well as day-to-dayliving expenses.

    We offer you...

    the widest range and highest calibre ofpartner universities, including some of thetop universities in the world with noadditional tuition fees;

    a commitment to the quality of studentexperience and support abroad we workclosely with our partners to ensure youhave a safe and rewarding experience;

    a dedicated International ProgrammesOffice to help you research your optionsand prepare for your time abroad.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    FINDOUTMORE +44 (0)161 275 [email protected]

    Study abroadopportunities

    Look out for this iconin our course pages.Wherever you see it,there areopportunities tostudy abroad.

    A worthwhile, eye-opening

    experience that will change your

    life and make your degree much

    more exciting!

    Tanysha GarciaBSc Biomedical SciencesStudied abroad at Stony Brook University,New York, US

    Going on an exchange was the

    best decision I could have made. It

    opened my eyes to a side of the

    world I had never seen and to

    people and cultures I never thought

    I would have the chance to meet.

    Celine DischampsMEng Chemical Engineering

    Studied abroad at the National Universityof Singapore




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    When you first come to Manchester you may haveno real career plan in mind, or you might knowexactly what you want to do. Either way, we offeryou everything you need to take control of yourfuture and give yourself the best chance ofsecuring your ideal job after graduation.

    Top employers target Manchester graduates, so wegive you every opportunity to make importantconnections and find out about careeropportunities in your chosen field.

    Each year our careers fairs, workshops andpresentations attract more than 600 exhibitors and20,000 visitors; no other university works harder toget your career off the ground.

    Careers development aspart of your degree

    Many of our academic Schools offer careers-relatedcourse units that count towards your degree. Byselecting these units you can develop skills such asteamwork and commercial awareness and manylectures are delivered by employers, so you can findout exactly what they are looking for.

    In addition, our Manchester Leadership Programme

    (MLP) combines a credit-bearing Leadership inAction course unit with up to 60 hours ofvoluntary work in the community. MLP is widelyrespected because you develop a range oftransferable skills that employers like to see on yourCV, while making a positive difference to the livesof local people.

    Support after graduation

    You can continue to use our Careers Service fortwo years after graduation. And if you dont have a

    job lined up, or would like more experience in a

    particular sector, you could also apply for theManchester Graduate Internship Programme.

    The programme offers paid graduate-level positionsin Greater Manchester, allowing you to developyour career in the UK's best city to live in. Salariesmay vary, but in 2013 the average was 16,000 perannum pro rata.

    We offer you...

    access to more than 7,000 employers;

    careers advice from the day you arrive,including help finding part-time jobs andwork experience to make you stand outfrom the crowd;

    opportunities to develop your skills byvolunteering in the local community;

    one-to-one mentoring with experiencedprofessionals;

    practical skills-development courses andworkshops to boost your CV;

    a comprehensive careers website, plus anonline vacancy and event database, adedicated careers Facebook group for yourcourse, and the latest careers news andevents via our blogs, Facebook page andon Twitter.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    t +44 (0)161 275 [email protected]

    I ran the student radio station and I was

    regularly involved with the Media Club,

    which is the part of the Careers Service

    for those wanting a career in media.

    Specialist careers consultants offered our

    members advice, support and details ofthe services available to them. The

    Careers Service even helped me find my

    current job. Its part of the Manchester

    Graduate Internship Programme, which is

    exclusively for graduates of the

    University. I received advice on my CV

    and covering letter, ensuring I had a

    strong application.

    Joe KearneyBA Philosophy and Religious Studies andComparative Religion


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    There are so many benefits to playing sport atuniversity: staying fit and healthy, giving your braincells valuable downtime from study and developingyour team skills.

    But most of all youll be socialising with newfriends and having plenty of fun. Our clubs, fitnessprogrammes and classes offer you the perfectchance to compete in your favourite sport or try

    something new.

    Our facilities

    Armitage Sports CentreRecently refurbished double indoor sports hall; air-conditioned fitness suite with free-weights area;outdoor multi-use courts; four squash courts; fourfloodlit 3G five-a-side football pitches; two full-sized floodlit artificial turf pitches; six grass pitches.

    Sugden Sports CentreLarge air-conditioned fitness suite and free-weightsarea; six squash courts; two double-sized sports halls;

    outdoor 3G five-a-side pitch; multi-activity room.

    Manchester Aquatics CentreTwo 50-metre swimming pools, plus a diving pool,fun pool, fitness suite, sauna, steam room and spa.

    Wythenshawe Sports Ground26 full-sized football pitches.

    Organised sport

    Athletic UnionMore than 40 sports clubs cater for all levels, frombeginners to elite athletes. Most compete onWednesday afternoons in the British Universitiesand Colleges Sport leagues, where we areconsistently ranked in the top ten.

    Campus sportPlay recreational sport with friends in a series ofleagues, where the emphasis is on having fun andbeing part of campus life.

    Hall sport

    A timetable of fun sports and activities for studentsliving in our halls of residence.

    Getting involved sport for all

    You can keep fit and healthy via our extensivefitness and well-being programme. With danceclasses, boot camp, holistic therapies, campuswalks, jogs and more, theres something foreveryone, so youve no excuse not to get involved.

    You could also gain valuable work experience anddevelop your leadership skills via our SportsVolunteer Scheme. Our network of contacts withlocal schools and sports clubs gives you access to avariety of roles, including coaching, officiating,sports development and administration.

    Sport scholarships

    If youre competing at a regional or national level,you could be eligible for support and fundingthrough our Sport Manchester Scholarship Scheme.Well help you balance your demanding trainingand competition schedule with the pressures of

    studying for a degree.

    We offer you...

    fantastic facilities, with discounted ratesfor students, including three fitness suites,two 50m swimming pools, and loads ofindoor courts and outdoor pitches;

    more than 40 Athletic Union sports clubsto join;

    the widest range of activities forbeginners;

    scholarships for performance athletes upto the value of 3,500;

    a whole city of sport, including Sportcity,home to the National Cycling Centre, aregional tennis centre, a national squashcentre and a regional athletics centre.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    FINDOUTMORE +44 (0)161 275 4962

    When I came to Manchester I knew

    I wanted to try something new so I

    went to the Sport Fair, where there

    were lots of sports to choose from.

    Everyone was so friendly and

    welcoming, which made it reallydifficult to decide. I tried a couple of

    free taster sessions and eventually

    decided that womens rugby was

    perfect for me. We have a fantastic

    team and great training facilities

    its definitely had an impact on my

    experience in Manchester!

    Katy MulqueenWomens rugby captain


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    Student life isnt just about studying. Its aboutmaking friends, gaining skills, taking a stand andexploring a new city.

    Were the UKs largest students union and wererun by students, for students. We provide you withthe space, resources and money to make the mostof your time at University.

    This is student life. Amplified.

    Societies and activities

    Theres an activity to suit everyones interests at theStudents Union. Whether youre a committed

    fundraiser, fancy yourself as the next NickGrimshaw, have a passion for volunteering orsimply want to meet like-minded people, weve gotit covered.

    With more than 300 societies offering everythingfrom knitting to scuba diving, youre sure to findthe right society for you. If there isnt, well helpyou create your own.

    Our student media outlets are some of the best inthe country and include the long-standingMancunion newspaper, Fuse FM radio station andFuse TV channel.

    Were proud to offer numerous volunteeringopportunities through our Student Action

    programme, including mentoring young peopleand working with homeless people and the elderly.

    If fundraising is your thing, dont miss the chanceto get involved with Manchester RAG. In 2012/13Manchester RAG raised more than 300,000 forlocal, national and international causes.


    The Students Union Advice Service is on hand tohelp out with personal, academic, financial andaccommodation issues.

    The Advice Service is completely free, totallyconfidential and run by professional advisers whoare independent from the University.

    The Academy

    Manchester Academy is one of the UKs most iconicmusic venues and has welcomed acclaimed artistssuch as Kylie, Alt-J, Rita Ora and Foo Fighters.

    The venue also stages Pangaea, Europes largeststudent-led festival. Taking place three times a year,Pangaea sees more than 5,000 students descend onthe Students Union and has attracted headline actsincluding Kano, Ms Dynamite and Grandmaster Flash.


    Enjoy a freshly brewed coffee in Bikos cafe, grab ameal deal from the Union Store or relax over apizza and a pitcher in the Union Bar. Were acharity, so every penny you spend at the Students

    Union is reinvested into developing and improvingservices for students.

    Weve also got The Print Shop, which will provideyou with all your print and binding needs.

    Student Voice

    Student Voice exists to represent your views andinterests and to ensure that your voice is heard.

    Whether you want to support your course matesby becoming a student rep, help direct what the

    Union does or simply have your say, Student Voicecan help.

    We offer you...

    the UKs largest students union, withmore than 300 student-run clubs, societiesand campaigns;

    four live music venues at ManchesterAcademy, attracting the latest big-nameand up-and-coming bands;

    the chance to make decisions about theUnion and influence the way ourUniversity is run;

    free, confidential and impartial advice.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    t +44 (0)161 275 2930www.manchesterstudentsunion.comTwitter: @ManchesterSUFacebook:

    The Students Union has helpedme to coordinate several

    community projects that have

    enriched my University


    Jake StrettonBNurs final year


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    Coming to Manchester is a perfect opportunity tomeet new people, experience a different way of lifeand enhance your career prospects by gaining awell-respected degree.

    Each year we welcome more international studentsthan any other UK university, so whatever youstudy, youll soon make new friends from acrossthe world.

    A tradition of academic excellence

    Our international reputation as a leading teachingand research institution is demonstrated by ourconsistently strong performance in the ShanghaiJiao Tong Universitys Academic Ranking of WorldUniversities. The 2013 survey ranked us fifth in theUK and 41st globally.

    As the UKs largest campus-based university, weoffer you the greatest breadth and diversity ofcourses. And our vibrant campus, which includesone of the UKs biggest libraries and a 24 millionlearning environment, is about to receive a further1 billion of investment in new teaching buildingsand student facilities.


    We want you to settle in quickly, enjoy your time inManchester and be successful in your studies.Thats why we offer you:

    a free shuttle service for new students arriving atManchester Airport;

    a dedicated orientation programme upon arrival;

    professional, confidential advice on a range ofissues, including immigration and visas;

    the widest variety of student-based clubs andsocieties, including the International Society,which is dedicated to providing a supportive andsocial network for people of all nations;

    places of worship for all major faiths;

    an extensive range of pre-sessional Englishlanguage programmes and free continuingEnglish language support throughout yourstudies. For details

    For more on student support, see p40-41.


    We are recognised worldwide for the quality ofour graduates. Thats why internationalemployers target Manchester graduates overthose of other universities.

    Our award winning careers service offers targetedhelp for international students, including adedicated international careers blog, workexperience for international students and advice onhow to promote yourself in the global job market.

    And thanks to our size and global reach, we havean extensive worldwide network of contacts,

    making it easier for you to connect with employersand alumni in your home country.

    For more on careers, see p46-47.

    Accommodation guarantee

    If you come to Manchester unaccompanied andpay the overseas rate of fees, we guarantee you aplace in University-managed accommodation, withfree Internet access in most residences, for theduration of your course. For more details

    For more on accommodation, see p34-39.

    We offer you...

    a truly diverse university, welcomingaround 9,000 international students from154 different countries;

    a friendly, multicultural campus at theheart of a vibrant city;

    a well respected degree that is highly

    rated by employers worldwide.

    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Manchester is a second home to

    me. The warm welcome andgenerous hospitality it has

    bestowed on me through my

    university experience has meant

    Ive never felt homesick. With its

    student-friendly environment and

    cultural diversity, no one can help

    falling in love with Manchester!

    Anum AzammBAEcon Economics


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    If youve got the ability, finance shouldnt be abarrier to coming here and being successful. Thatswhy we invest in one of the most generousfinancial support packages in the UK.

    Remember, you dont have to pay your feesup front and you can get plenty of informationand advice to help you manage your money.

    Financial basics for UK students In 2014 we charged a headline fee of 9,000

    per annum. Please note that this may rise in linewith changes in the government fees cap.

    The government provides tuition fee loans,which you only repay after you leave universityand start to earn enough. Monthly repaymentsare a set percentage of your earnings over21,000 and are not related to how much youowe in total. The following table shows a rangeof salaries and typical repayment rates:

    Here is a breakdown of typical student spendingin Manchester:

    *For catered accommodation (breakfast and anevening meal on weekdays) add approximately300 to the total.

    If your salary drops below 21,000 at any point,you cease to repay your loan until you earnabove this amount again.

    Repayments will usually be made automaticallythrough the tax system. Any outstandingamount will be written off after 30 years.

    All eligible full-time students can get a

    maintenance loan to help with expenses such asaccommodation, food and bills. You may also beeligible for a maintenance grant, which does nothave to be repaid.

    Salary(before tax)


    Approximatemonthly repayment

    18,000 1,500 0

    21,000 1,750 0

    24,000 2,000 23

    27,000 2,250 45

    30,000 2,500 68

    36,000 3,000 113

    40,000 3,333 143

    The scholarships and bursaries

    Ive received played a big part in my

    decision to choose Manchester.

    They let me concentrate on my

    course without having to worry

    about earning extra money to fund

    my studies.

    Kamran HussainSchool of Law

    Estimated living costs(based on 2013/14 figures)

    Total(40 weeks)

    Accommodation*(average cost for self-catering halls)


    Meals 1,450

    Books and stationery(dependent on your course, and ifyou buy new or second hand)


    Clothes 400

    Local transport 520

    Other general living expenses

    (photocopying and printing, laundry,phone calls, consumables,entertainment, sports, cookingequipment etc)


    Total 8,885

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    Bursaries and scholarships

    These are awards from the University that do nothave to be repaid. These are in addition togovernment support packages which you may alsobe entitled to.

    As a leading international centre of research andlearning, were committed to attracting andsupporting the very best students. We believe in

    entry based on merit, rather than on ability to pay.If you have the talent, we want to ensure that youhave the opportunity to study here, regardless ofyour financial circumstances.

    Please visit to find information on our studentfinance packages. At the time of going to print,were unable to communicate specific informationon scholarships and bursaries that will be offeredfor 2015 entry. This information will be released onour website in spring 2014.

    Faculty and School scholarships

    Our Faculties and Schools also offer their ownscholarships for students on certain courses. Detailsare available in the course pages of this prospectus,or on our website.

    NHS support

    Students on NHS-funded courses are able to qualifyfor an NHS bursary as well as having their fees paidby the NHS. The amount of bursary that a studentcan qualify for is dependent on the level ofhousehold income. The first 1,000 of the bursaryis non-means tested. If youre eligible for NHSfunding, you may not receive University ofManchester bursaries in addition to this. Finddetails of how to apply for an NHS bursary

    Support for disabled students

    UK students can access Disabled StudentsAllowances for study-related disability support. OurDisability Support Office (DSO) can help you apply.

    Personal care support should be funded by yourhome local services department.

    International students must ensure they havesufficient funding for their personal care needs.

    Please contact the DSO for details of how muchthis might cost.

    The Natalie Kate Moss Trust provides a limitednumber of scholarships for students who have hada brain injury, for example from a stroke orhaemorrhage.

    For more information [email protected] or .

    The application process

    Student Finance England advises students to applyearly for student finance for 2015 entry. You donot need a confirmed place you can apply usingyour first choice of course and then update later ifyou need to.

    The application process will open in early 2015.The deadline for student finance applications, toensure support is in place for September 2015(the start of the 2015/16 academic year), is the endof May 2015.


    For more on financial support, includingvideos, tips and advice,

    For more on government support

    For more information on Student FinanceNorthern Ireland

    For more information on Student Finance Wales

    visit more information on the Student AwardsAgency for Scotland (SAAS)


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    ENTRY REQUIREMENTSDue to the breadth of courses available atManchester, we are unable to publish thefull range of our entry requirements in thisprospectus. We have therefore included anindicative range of entry requirements foreach broad subject area. Please note that thisis not an exhaustive list, and does not includeall subject-specific, GCSE or non-academicrequirements that may also be required.


    You must be proficient in English language, themedium of instruction and examination in ourUniversity. The minimum standard foradmission to most courses is GCSE EnglishLanguage Grade C or above, or an InternationalEnglish Language Testing (IELTS) average scoreof 6.0. For courses that are more linguisticallydemanding, such as Law, Management andMedicine, requirements are normally higher.

    Have a look at our course index at the backof this prospectus for entry requirementsfor specific courses.

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    A-level: AAA-AAB

    IB: 37-35

    For entry requirements to specific

    courses, see our course index at

    the back of this prospectus.

    Accounting BSc 3/4yrsUCAS Code N400

    Accounting and FinanceBA (Econ) 3yrsUCAS Code NN43

    Economics and FinanceBA (Econ) 3yrsUCAS Code LN13

    Finance BA (Econ) 3yrsUCAS Code N300

    See also Business Studies

    and Management, and Economic

    and Social Studies.


    Excellent relations with

    professional and businesscommunities in the city, many

    of whom work closely with us

    to inform your learning

    Choice of courses, giving youaccess to both diverse

    complementary subjects in our

    School of Social Sciences, or a

    specialist degree and fast-trackto chartered accountancy at

    Manchester Business School

    Teaching informed by cutting-edge research that meets

    international standards

    of excellence



    [email protected] +44 (0)161 306 3425/3095


    undergraduatesYouTube: @MBSUGAdmissionsLinkedIn:

    BA (Economic andSocial Studies)



    t +44 (0)161 275 4470/2291/1473/ 4748


    If you cant make it to one of our

    undergraduate events on campus,

    our virtual open day is the next

    best thing. Find out more aboutcurrent students experiences, our

    courses and our campus.

    Accounting and Finance atManchester has a first-class

    reputation, taught by staff whose

    research is recognised asworldleading and internationally

    excellent (source: RAE 2008).

    Many of the staff wholl teach you

    have worked in practice so are wellplaced to provide you with learning

    which is true to life. Our graduates

    are highly sought after; many

    leading firms (including KPMG,

    Ernst & Young, Deloitte,PricewaterhouseCoopers and

    Grant Thornton) work closely with

    us, participating in key events and

    guest lectures to equip you withthe key skills required to excel in

    todays competitive marketplace.

    Your choice of course will depend

    upon whether you want ourprofessionally oriented course

    (BSc), or prefer to study within a

    wider social sciences framework(BA Econ).


    Accounting(optional paid internship)

    Run by Manchester Business SchoolGet a fast track to a career inaccountancy with this innovative

    course, which integrates study of

    the theory and practice of

    accounting with the opportunity togain relevant work experience.

    We work in collaboration with the

    ICAEWs UndergraduatePartnership Programme, which

    enables you to undertake a paid

    internship in Year 3. Students havecompleted internships at KPMG,

    Ernst & Young,PricewaterhouseCoopers, Mazars,

    Grant Thornton and Morgan

    Stanley. For further details

    Year 1: Study auditing and

    professional accounting practice,

    financial reporting and decision-making and management

    accounting, with foundationcourse units in quantitative

    methods, economics and law.



    Undergraduate Prospectus 2015

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    Choose optional course units in

    management or related subjects.

    Year 2: Develop analytical skills and

    gain more in-depth understanding

    of accounting theory and practice,

    including financial reporting andaccountability and statement

    analysis. Study business strategy

    and business information systems,

    widen your knowledge of law and

    management accounting, andselect an optional course unit in

    management or a related subject.

    Internship (optional): Successful

    applicants for the paid internship

    spend an academic year working

    with a firm of professionalaccountants or another approved

    financial organisation. Put theory

    into practice, further develop all-

    important transferable skills andget real insight into the profession,while increasing your earning

    potential by 16% (HEFCE 2010).

    Year 3: Consolidate practical skills

    and theoretical knowledge via a

    project course unit that

    incorporates group and individualprojects and essays. Gain further

    specialised knowledge in areas

    such as taxation and auditing,

    broaden your understanding of thewider business context and enjoysubstantial exemptions from

    professional accountancy exams

    (up to eight ICAEW ACA exams,

    seven ACCA and eight CIMA).

    Find out more:

    BA (Economic and SocialStudies) specialising inAccounting and/or FinanceRun jointly by our School of

    Social Sciences and ManchesterBusiness School

    Enjoy opportunities to specialise infinance, accounting and finance, or

    economics and finance, against a

    social sciences background. Highly

    flexible, it enables you to changeyour specialism during Years 1

    and 2.

    Study abroad is available.

    Year 1: Study accounting, finance,

    economics, maths/statistics and

    options from other subject areas,

    including government, politicsand sociology.

    Year 2: Study accounting andfinance in more depth, withoptions to take other social

    science and language course units.

    Year 3: Choose specialist areas ofaccounting and finance from a

    wide range of options, from

    auditing, to international finance.

    An important independent

    research project brings together

    your knowledge and skills attained

    over the entire degree.

    Both our accounting courses offer

    you the chance to obtain

    exemptions from professional

    examinations. The level ofexemptions depends on the

    course and options you select.

    See Economic and Social Studies.

    I was an audit assistantat KPMG at CanaryWharf in London.An intern at KPMG istreated like a graduateand I had a really variedworkload. Working

    for a professional firmgave me a real insightinto the business world;I have closely examinedlarge firms such as TfL,Kier and Higgins.I made some great

    business connectionsand secured myselfa graduate job withKPMG. I wouldrecommend aninternship to anybody make the most of thisopportunity while

    you can.

    Andrew Simner

    BSc Accounting



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    A-level: AAA-AAB

    IB: 37-35

    For entry requirements to specific

    courses, see our course index at

    the back of this prospectus.

    Aerospace EngineeringBEng 3yrsUCAS Code H400

    Aerospace EngineeringMEng 4yrsUCAS Code H402

    Aerospace Engineeringwith Management MEng 4yrsUCAS Code H4ND

    Aerospace Engineering

    with Industrial ExperienceMEng 5yrsUCAS Code H406

    See also Engineering and Sciencewith an Integrated Foundation Year.


    Long, distinguished history in

    engineering education and

    research Manchester was thefirst English university to offeran engineering degree

    Extensive engineering industry

    links, enhancing both

    undergraduate teaching andground-breaking research

    Excellent resources for

    information, computation andexperimentation

    Professional accreditation by

    relevant UK institutions


    [email protected] +44 (0)161 306 9210

    One of the pioneers in engineering

    education and research, theMechanics Institute the

    forerunner to The University of

    Manchester was founded by Sir

    William Fairbairn in 1824. The term

    Reynolds Number recognises thefundamental work in fluid flow that

    was undertaken by our first

    professor, Osborne Reynolds

    (appointed in 1868).

    Today, all our engineering degrees

    have a strong base of engineeringscience and build a solid

    foundation of