ukrainian orthodox cathedral of holy trinity · thanksgiving potluck fundraising dinner –...

Святкування100-річчя праці на Божій ниві Української Православної Церкви в Канаді Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of labouring in God's Holy Vineyard of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada 2018 я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Парафіяльний Місячний Бюлетень - Parish Monthly Bulletin Жовтень– 2018 October V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 [email protected] Sunday: Hours-9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy-10:00 Feast Days: Divine Lit-10:00 a.m. or as announced Protection of the Theotokos October 14 жовтня Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці- Tropar, Tone 4 Today, we Orthodox people joyfully celebrate, enlightened by Your coming among us O Mother of God, and gazing upon Your most-pure image, we say with compunction: “Shelter us with Your most pure Protection and deliver us from all evil, praying to Your Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.” Сьогодні, ми, православні люди, радісно святкуємо, осяяні Твоїм, Богомати, пришустям, і, споглядаючи на Твій пречистий образ, покірно мовимо: “Покрий нас чесним Твоїм покровом і визволи нас від усякого зла , молячи Сина Твого, Христа Бога нашого, спасти душі наші”.

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Page 1: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Thanksgiving Potluck Fundraising Dinner – Обід День Подяки Sunday/ Неділя / October 14-го жовтня Following

Святкування100-річчя праці на Божій ниві

Української Православної Церкви в Канаді

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of labouring in God's Holy

Vineyard of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada



Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Парафіяльний Місячний Бюлетень - Parish Monthly Bulletin

Жовтень– 2018 –October

V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky

Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 [email protected]

Sunday: Hours-9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy-10:00

Feast Days: Divine Lit-10:00 a.m. or as announced

Protection of the Theotokos October 14 жовтня Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці-

Tropar, Tone 4

Today, we Orthodox people joyfully celebrate, enlightened by Your coming among us O Mother of God, and gazing upon Your most-pure image, we say with compunction:

“Shelter us with Your most pure Protection and deliver us from all evil, praying to Your Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.”

Сьогодні, ми, православні люди, радісно святкуємо,

осяяні Твоїм, Богомати, пришустям, і, споглядаючи на

Твій пречистий образ, покірно мовимо:

“Покрий нас чесним Твоїм покровом і визволи нас від

усякого зла , молячи Сина Твого, Христа Бога нашого,

спасти душі наші”.

Page 2: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Thanksgiving Potluck Fundraising Dinner – Обід День Подяки Sunday/ Неділя / October 14-го жовтня Following

Сердечно Вітаємо!

We extend a warm, cheerful, hearty Welcome

To all our Parishioners & Visitors Worshipping with us today!

Слава Ісусу Христу! Слава На Віки!

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the Divine Liturgy and after Vespers.

Проба Катедрального Хору / Cathedral Choir Rehearsal: Monday – 6:00 p.m.

Проба Хору Діброва / Dibrova Ukr. Folk Ensemble Rehearsal: Wednesday – 1:00 p.m.

October/ Жовтень - Schedule of Services

Sun Oct 7 Sunday 19 after Pentecost /Неділя 19-та після П’ятидес.

Holy Protomartyr Thecla / Першомц. рівноап. Фекли

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія - 10:00 a.m Tone/ Голос 2 2 Cor/ Кор11:31-1:9 : Luke 5:1-11

Sat. Oct 13 St. Michael, 1st Met. Kyiv/ Свт. Михаїла, першого митр. Київського Tone/ Голос 2- 2 Cor/ Кор 1:8-11; Luke/ Лк. 5:17-26 (Ord)

Heb/Євр. 7:26-8:2; Jn. /Ін 10:1-9 (Saint/Свт)

Sun. Oct 14 Protection of Theotokos / Покрова Пресятої Богородиці Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:00 a.m.

Tone/Голос 3 - Heb/ Євр 9:1-7 - Luke/Лк. 10:38-42 ; 11:27-28(Theo/Богор)

Gal/Гал. 1:11-19; Luke 6:31-36 (ordinary)

Sun. Oct 21 Sunday 21 after Pentecost / Нед.21-ша по П’ятдес.

Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council / Пам’ять святих

отців сьомого Вселенського Собору

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія - 10:00 a.m Tone/Голос 4 - Heb /Євр. 13:7-16 ; John /Ін 17:1-13 Fathers

Ga/Гал 2:16-20 ; Luke/Лк 7:11-16 (ordinary)

Sun. Oct 28 Sunday 22 after Pentecost / Нед.22-га по П’ятдес.

Lucian, Pres Kyiv Caves/Сщмч. Лукіана Києвр-Печерського

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія - 10:00 a.m Tone/Голос 5 - Gal/Гал 6:11-18; Luke/Лк. 8:5-15

"To our faithful and friends, who have come to worship with us,

we welcome you. Please come and join our family in regular weekly

worship in our Cathedral"

Дорогі парафіяни та друзі нашої Катедри, які відвідують наші

Богослужіння. Щиро запрошуємо Вас також приходити та

молитися разом із нами на наші буденні служби.

Page 3: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Thanksgiving Potluck Fundraising Dinner – Обід День Подяки Sunday/ Неділя / October 14-го жовтня Following

Хрещення Baptisms

We welcome the following to our Church family - Вітаємо

Evelyna parents - Andriy & Natalia Goma

Elysse parents - Tyson Pederson Ulyana Isak

Dennis parents - Ingen and Vita Demiashov

Desmond parents - Dr. Devon Trischuk and Dr. Jennifer Guy

Makar parents - Ruslan Skliar and Olga Dundar

Please Pray for The Health & Well Being — Просимо Молитись За Хворих

Просимо подати імена своїх рідних або знайомих, котрі

перебувають у стані хвороби та потребують нашої молитовної

допомоги щодо швидшого одужання. Також пам’ятаймо у своїх

молитвах за тих, хто не може вийти з дому або перебуває у

старечому домі чи шпиталі. Молімось за здоров’я та одужання,

імена надруковані по англійськи нижче:

Please submit the names of your relatives or friends who are ill so we can say prayers for them

to help restore their health. Remember in your prayers all those who are homebound, in care

facilities or impeded by illness and cannot attend church. May our Lord God bless you for your

generosity to our Cathedral and remember that God will reward you. Please pray for the well-

being and health of those listed below:

Alexandra Clark Ernie Michael Peter Walter

Alice Dobr Erika Kelly Myron Rose Wasyl

Ann Elaine Lily Nadia Stan

Anna Elsie Mary Nick Susan

Caleb Elsie Michael Paul Toni

Please let Father Taras Or Nadine Potts know of others whom we should remember in our

prayers or when you feel your name could be taken off the list

On the Benefits of Attending the Liturgy

It is necessary for every Christian to spend time in the holy church of

God, and never to miss the celebration of the Divine Liturgy – for here,

the holy angels have custody – they register the people going in each

time and offer their angelic intercessions on their behalf. Each person who is found present at the

Divine Liturgy, the grace of the Holy Spirit transforms, remolds, and truly remodels into a more

divine image, conforming to Himself St. Maximos the Confessor

Page 4: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Thanksgiving Potluck Fundraising Dinner – Обід День Подяки Sunday/ Неділя / October 14-го жовтня Following

Wedding Congratulations

Congratulations to:

Tatiana Makowsky & Roman Soltykevych

Daughter of Fr Taras & Dobr. Joanne Makowsky

Son of Orest & Lesia Soltykevych

Gonzalez Cabella and Veronica Vent

Збори Союзу Українок Канади – Відділь Ім. Ольги Кобилянської:

Слідуючі загальні збори Сoюзу відбудуться у неділю,

21-го Жовтня о год. 1:00 по обіді. Запрошуємо всіx членкинь

U.W.A.C. – Olha Kobylianska Branch: will hold their regular

meeting on Sunday, October 21st at 1:00 p.m.

Note: Reports for UWAC Annual Meeting Booklet due Oct 16th Forward to Nadine or Larise

Товариство Українців Самостійників

Загальні Збори відбудутьса у четвер, 18-го Жовтня

о год. 5:30, гостинніст – о год. 6:00, вечеря і збори

USRA/TYC - Saskatoon ‘Steppe’ Branch:

Will hold their next general supper meeting on Thursday October 18th

Social 5:30 – Supper – 6:00 - Meeting to follow


Збори Парафіяльної Управи Катедри: Слідуючі збори управи

Катедри відбудуться 9-го Жовтня , год. 7:00 вечором. Як маєте щось

на увазі, яке відноситься до нашої катедри, прошу подайтеся до когось на управі.

Cathedral Parish Council Meeting: The next meeting will be held

on Tuesday, October 9th at 7:00 pm in the Church basement.

If your have concerns or observations, concerning our Cathedral parish,

please call one of the council members & express your thoughts.

Page 5: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Thanksgiving Potluck Fundraising Dinner – Обід День Подяки Sunday/ Неділя / October 14-го жовтня Following

Times for Work BeeS

Perohy Prep: Wednesday: October 10th - 8:00 am

Perohy Pinching

Thursday: October 11rd - 8:30/9:00 am

Cabbage Roll Bee:

Tuesday: October 23th - 9:00 am

Heritage Committee Grants (Spadchyna) The Charity can provide funds to members of

the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of the

Holy Trinity for:

a) The advancement of Education

b) Moral and Religious guidance and instruction

c) Fostering & perpetuating cultural traditions of Ukrainian people

Application forms with guidelines can be picked up at the back of the Church or on

the bulletin board in the hall, or contact Fr. Taras

Deadline for applications is October 31, 2018

Verenyky Supper Friday October 26th Group 1 working Co-ordinators - Cindy & John Didula

Vera Webster Olga Dwernychuk Bohdan Larionyk

Elsie Marshall Sonia Kodak Robert Rudy

Vickie Balon Gord & Adele Trischuk Ernie Stefaniuk

Jean Zaleschuk Vivian Lundgren Jim Hrycuik

Rodney Antonichuk Peter & Linda Kindrachuk

Joe &Tami Bohle Riley/Karma/Logan Bohle

Suzanne & Ron Skwarchuk

If you are unable to work your shift call one of the spares below:

Randy Evans, Tatiana Smolyakov, Ron Trischuk, Janet & Andriy Hawrysh, Peter

& Zenia Kalyn, Maurice Werezak & Carol Cisecki

If you have any questions, Cindy & John 306-374-1839

Thanks to Pat/Stan’s crew who fed 412 patrons + 30 workers and to

Vesper & Nestor who coordinated the supper on September 28th

Page 6: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Thanksgiving Potluck Fundraising Dinner – Обід День Подяки Sunday/ Неділя / October 14-го жовтня Following

Вечеря Вареників: Слідуюча вечеря вареників

відбудиться у п'ятницю, 26-го Жовтня - Просимо всіх від

год. 5:00 – 7:00 вечором.

Ціна за вечерю з десертом є $12.00. Ковбаса та голубці окремо продаються. Next All-You-Can-Eat Varenyky Supper:

Ukrainian Orthodox Auditorium on Friday, October 26th from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Cost is $12.00 (includes dessert) Extras priced separately. Bring your family and friends

Frozen Varenyky/Perogies & Cabbage Roll sales: Saturday, October 27th 10am –12:00

Annual Meeting of the Central Eparchy

October 18– 21st in Winnipeg

October 18 Clergy meeting - October 19 & 20 – Laity Meetings

If you’re interested in going as a delegate, contact

Rod Antonichuk 306-881-0008 or email: [email protected]

See Holy Trinity website for agenda & full details

Fox & Hounds Pub October 12th Canarama Shopping Center Assiniboine Drive

Tickets: Larry Klopoushak 242-2753 or any Lastiwka Choir member

Thanksgiving Potluck Fundraising Dinner – Обід День Подяки

Sunday/ Неділя / October 14-го жовтня

Following the Divine Liturgy / після служби

Everyone welcome Вітаємо всіх! Please bring your favorite dish to share with everyone.

Вудь ласка, принесіть ваше улюблену страви поділитися з усіма

Don’t forget your Cheque Book! Не забувайте чекову книжку!

(There is no charge for dinner/обід буде без плато)

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Parish Council Notes

The new carpet has been installed, and everyone agrees

the colour is beautiful. Prestige Flooring has assured us that

the varying colours & seams will blend with wear and

cleaning, so we need to be patient. They have provided

warranty on the new carpet until October 2019.

Arrangements are being made to have the elm trees on the south side removed

as they are leaning posing a safety issue

Upper Auditorium floor is wearing with increased use, so a quote is being


Semi Annual Meeting and Potluck Fundraiser will be combined, so bring your

questions and comments to the Quarterly AGM October 14th

New windows are needed for the Auditorium. People can designate donations

specifically, to this project at the Thanksgiving Fundraiser

UWAC had a 5th printing of their Lenten Cook book & 1000 new books were delivered

at the end of August. Their AGM is on Nov 18th

Welcome to new members Slawka Skwarchuk, and Joel/Alecia Howlett

Note Change of Date

Page 8: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Thanksgiving Potluck Fundraising Dinner – Обід День Подяки Sunday/ Неділя / October 14-го жовтня Following

Divine Liturgy - Most Ancient Service

As it is celebrated today, the Divine Liturgy is a product of historical

development. The fundamental core of the Liturgy dates from the time of

Christ and the Apostles. To this, prayers, hymns, and gestures have been added

throughout the centuries. The Liturgy achieved it's final basic framework by

the ninth century.

The Divine Liturgy is considered the most significant ancient Christian service, not so much

for its phrasing and words as for its meaning. In fact, the Divine Liturgy was in practice right

after the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Disciples of Christ on the 50th day after His

Resurrection, as the sacred writer of the Acts of the Apostles records (Acts 2:46). The Divine

Liturgy in its swaddlings at the beginning of the Christian era consisted of free hymns and

prayers for the officiating of a certain framework of faith. It was officiated long before the

beginning of the writings of the New Testament. The Divine Liturgy as such was the center of

the inspiration of the first Christians in their communion with God and with one another.

In upper rooms and catacombs, the Apostles and later the Presbyters and Bishops of the

primitive Christian Church offered the Divine Liturgy for its sacred Mysteries. It seems that

relics and reminiscences of that time were preserved in the Divine Liturgies of the 2nd century

and especially of the 4th century when the Liturgies took their final form. But whatever were

the various forms of the Divine Liturgy of the primitive Church, as well as of the Church of

the final formation of the Divine Liturgy, the meaning given to it by both the celebrants and

the communicants was one and the same; that is, the belief of the awesome change of the

sacred Species of the Bread and Wine into the precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, the


The Apostle Paul refers to the meaning of the Divine Liturgy (1 Cor. 11: 23-30) quoting the

words of the Lord, saying, "This cup is the new testament in my blood; this do ye, as oft as ye

drink it, in remembrance of me." And the Apostle admonishes, saying, "For as often as ye eat

this Bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till he come" (v. 25, 26). He also

stresses the point that he who draws near the cup "unworthily" will be guilty of profaning the

body and blood of the Lord (v. 27), and orders a thorough examination before receiving Holy

Communion because otherwise the Holy Communion will be "damnation to himself, not

discerning the Lord's body" (v. 29). It leaves not the slightest doubt that the Apostle Paul

stated in his writings that the strongest belief of the primitive Church was that of the awesome

change of the Species, which initiated new members into the sacred Mysterion of the Christian

religion, that is, the Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

See Rev. George Mastrantonis full article at:

Page 9: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Thanksgiving Potluck Fundraising Dinner – Обід День Подяки Sunday/ Неділя / October 14-го жовтня Following

Extra Ordinary Sobor 2018 and Celebration of the 100th

anniversary of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

was a resounding success in spite the of record hot

temperatures. We were pleased to host over 165 delegates

and guests from across Canada. Our honored hierarchy,

Metropolitan Yurij, Bishop Ilarion and Bishop

Andrew were joined in celebration by the representatives

of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople - Bartholomew: Metropolitan Sotirios

of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto and Archbishop Job - Permanent

Ecumenical Patriarchate's representative to the World Council of Churches, Geneva,

Switzerland (originally from Montreal); and Archbishop Daniel of the Ukrainian

Orthodox Church of the USA. We were also pleased to have the Very Reverend Fr.

Michael Solomko (and family) Consistory Chair of the UAOC in the Diaspora, Eparchy

of Australia and New Zealand in attendance (an alumnus of our St. Andrew's College).

During the Friday Sobor opening the unveiling of the Jubilee Icon, St. Andrew the First

Called, written by Vera Senchuk and Dobr. Zenovia Maximiuk took place. This icon will

reside in our Holy Trinity Cathedral after it makes appearances across Canada at other

centenary celebrations over the course of the next year. The Sobor also saw the release of the

long awaited new edition of the prayer book BIPA-FAITH, a totally revamped updated

website: and the introduction of social media channels for the UOCC:

Facebook - @UOCCanada, Twitter- @UOCCanada, YouTube - Ukrainian Orthodox

Church of Canada.

Our church community was able to worship, learn, celebrate during the event packed

weekend. New bonds and friendships were kindled and renewed during the planned Sobor

events and the spontaneous activities that occurred during the celebrations. The Gala

performance on Saturday night will be remembered for its remarkable Ukrainian talent from

across Canada and kept us mesmerized the entire evening. During Sobor events many people

in attendance were presented with a Centenary Award of St. Andrew for their service to the

growth of our Church. Nominations for the awards has been extended to December 31, 2018

so get your nominations in - forms in Church or online at .

Our event was well funded by the Central and Western Eparchies, Parishes, numerous

donations from our CYC organizations, individuals and businesses. Once all the expenses are

concluded we fully expect to be in a surplus position.

My many thanks to all the committee members for their positive contributions for making

this a successful event. I have accepted numerous accolades on your behalf for a job well

done. Plans are already underway to hold a concluding celebration of our 100th anniversary

in conjunction with the CYC biennial convention in Toronto, August 2019.

Larry Balion Co-Chair Extra Ordinary Sobor Committee

Page 10: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Thanksgiving Potluck Fundraising Dinner – Обід День Подяки Sunday/ Неділя / October 14-го жовтня Following

Prayers To The Healer of Cancer, Mother of God

Introduction by Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes: Many individuals

have requested prayers for themselves and their family members, or

their relatives, or dear friends who have cancer.

During these times of this illness, nothing is so important then to

offer prayer, and to join with others in assurance of these prayers,

which truly gives the individual strength, and above all hope, and at

the same time comfort to those who know the individual who is ill

with cancer, or any illness.

I would like to share with you two prayers that are offered to the

Mother of God the Theotokos, and in particular to the holy icon of

the Mother of God called: "Pantanassa." The Queen of All.

These two prayers are taken from a new Orthodox prayer book called: Akathist to the Mother of

God "Healer of Cancer." Printed by the St.Paisius Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Safford,

Arizona, and published this Akathist in the year 2002.

Prayer does help, as it truly gives the family and the individual strength and hope. By offering

these prayers too we begin to realize that God Himself does work miracles of healing, and make us

new; but also, that we may bear this newness, which can only but give us spiritual renewal of God

and deal with this suffering with peace, as God Himself wills for us. For with prayer, and with a

deep humbled faith and with hope in our Lord God we find great healing.

When if an operation happens for the cancer patient, we must offer prayers to our Lord God and

the Mother of God, as well as all the saints, to protect the hands of those who do the operation,

since the physician of our souls works hand in hand with the physician of our bodies, as well as the

Mother of God and the saints. Everyone comes from Paradise and attends the operation. These

prayers should be in our hearts too for those who are about to have such an operation, as since our

prayers give the patient and individual great strength and peace.

The support and prayers of the family, relatives, and friends, as well as one’s local parish priest

helps a great deal, as well as the members of one’s parish community all joining together as one

family in prayer.

Finally, we must know that since faith at this time is important we should consider spiritually to be

both fearless that since both faith and fearlessness can surely help in the process of overcoming

this ailment of cancer, since attitude of the individual is very important. Our Lord God is with us

all the time, and even during our most difficult times of any illness, and the Mother of God too is

near who offers great intercessions, as well as the prayers of the saints.

It always comes down to our love and prayers for the individual who might be suffering or having

a hard time with the illness of cancer, but our love and our support gives great strength, hope and

as well as comfort.

Mother of God which is called:

"Pantanassa." The Queen of All”

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Prayers To The Healer of Cancer, Mother of God (Con’t)

St. Nektarios of Aegina is also known to offer humble prayer for those who have

cancer, and many miracles have taken place on his behalf. Let us as well pray to St.

Nektarios since so many miracles have happened on behalf of this beloved saint of

our Orthodox Church. Miracles happen!

Then again after this ailment offers cure, we too should never forget to offer humbled thanks to our

Lord God, and to the Mother of God, as well as to the saints. From recovery, we should as well as

do something good for someone else, either by helping the poor and needy, but also offer further

support to others who need this encouragement and understanding of the plight one faced earlier

that hope always is at our door, and that with faith in God we can find peace with ourselves.

May our Gracious Lord God watch over those who are ill with cancer or with any illness,

and may the All-Gracious Mother of God, the Pantanassa, hear your supplicatory prayers too, as

well as His saints. Compiled by Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes Boise, Idaho, USA March 2005

First Prayer to the Mother of God

O All-Gracious, most wondrous Mother of God, Pantanassa, Queen of All! I am not worthy that

Thou shouldst enter under my roof! But as Thou art the lovingly compassionate Mother of the

merciful God, say the word that my soul may be healed, and my weakened body strengthened. For

Thou hast unconquerable might, and all Thy speech hath power, O Queen of All! Do Thou gain the

victory for me, do Thou supplicate for me - that I may glorify Thy most glorious name, always,

now and ever, and unto endless ages. Amen.

Second Prayer to the Mother of God

O Most-Pure Mother of God, O Queen of All! Hearken unto our much-afflicted sighing before Thy

miraculous Icon, brought to Russia from the land of Athos. Look upon Thy children, suffering

from unhealed ailments, who fall down before Thy holy image with faith! As a bird covers its

nestlings with its wings, so do Thou now, who art ever present, cover us with Thy greatly healing

omophorion. In that place where Hope be.

There where bitter sorrows overcome us, there will Patience and Rest be revealed. Where the

torment of despair dwells in the soul, there will shine the ineffable Light of Divinity! Console the

fainthearted, strengthen the weak, bestow softening and enlightenment upon embittered hearts.

Heal Thine ailing people, O All-Merciful Queen! Bless the minds and hands of our physicians, that

they might serve as instruments of the All-powerful Physician, Christ our Saviour. We pray before

Thine Icon, that Thou mightiest truly live with us, O Sovereign Lady! Stretch out Thy hands, filled

with healing and cures, O Joy of the sorrowful, Consolation in afflictions, that having speedily

received miraculous help, wee may glorify the Life-creating and Undivided Trinity, the Father and

the Son and the Holy Spirit, unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Source: Akathist to the Mother of God "Healer of Cancer", St. Paisius Serbian Orthodox Monastery, Safford,

Arizona. 2002. Pp. 30-32.

The Akathist can be viewed at the following website:

Page 12: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · Thanksgiving Potluck Fundraising Dinner – Обід День Подяки Sunday/ Неділя / October 14-го жовтня Following

October Anniversaries : Nestor & Vesper Kowalsky (01),

Myhaylo & Tetyana Tetera (06), Bob & Melvina Dzialo (08),

Metodiy & Yulia Georgier (09), Peter & Elsie Powalinsky (10),

Gordon & Adele Trischuk (10), Oleksander & Tetiana Smyrnov (12),

Ernie & Arlene Uhryn (14), Dmytro & Iryna Hab (17), Serhiy & Guilnar Kalyton (18),

Rod & Peggy Antonichuk (27), Vladyslav & Natalia Pavlovsky (27),

Bertin & Elena Zohoun (29), Sergey & Anna Paturov (31)

October Birthdays Mike Huculiak (01), Nicholas Kindrachuk (02),

Alexei Semyboroda (02), Carol Shinkewski (02), Dr. Oksana Yatsina (02),

Maryna Petruk (04), Svitlana Pryma (04), Ihor Garmasar (05),

Danylo Iatsuik (06), Dennis Kosynsky (06), Joe Bohle (09),

Volodymyr Pshenyshny (09), Nazar Fayfruk (10), Vi Huculiak (10), Dayna Stasiuk (10),

Victor Turyk (10), Tammy Allen (11), Aliesia Karpets (11), Mariya Marchak (12),

Liudmyla Nestorov (12), Tom Potts (12), Vitaliy Chayka (13), Ruslan Shlyama (13),

Olena Pavlovska (14), Elsie Marshall (15), Iryna Hab (16), Michael Manzuik, Jr. (16),

Denis Yuschyshyn (16), Valya Drozdovska (17), Yefat Ghebremedhin (17),

Anna Malko (17), Ihor Prystupa (17), Dennis Hab (19), Ruslana Harmanovskyi (19),

Yanna Parchovnik (19), Holly Stasiuk (19), Lily Herman (21), Nicholas Manziuk (22),

Merab Pasikashvili (22), Michelle Skoretz (22), Camille Yuzik (23), Bob Dzialo (24),

Barbara Derbowka (25), David Prokopchuk (25), Del Juravinski (25), Olena Synychych (26),

Volodymyr Yatsina (27), Caleb Allen (28), Iaroslava Federov (28), Katarina Smyrnov (28),

Tasia Makarchuk (29), Nastya Shlyama (29), Veronica Babiy (30), Stan Klopoushak (30),

Ernie Wasylciw (31)

На Многая і Благая Літа! May God Grant you Many Years!

Any announcements pertaining to our Parish Community are welcomed.


Cathedral Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274

Cathedral Council President – Rod Antonichuk – 306- 881-0008

Sunday Church School – Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595

Cathedral Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-227-1993

TYC/USRA President – Maurice Werezak – 306 230-8957

UWAC President—Carol Cisecki – 306-343-9987

CYMK President – Matthew Hrycuik – 306 –955-5468

Bulletin Editor – Nadine Potts – 306-249-1519

Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-227-1993