ulangan harian 1 kelas xii ipa 2012-2013 without answer

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  • 8/11/2019 Ulangan Harian 1 Kelas Xii Ipa 2012-2013 Without Answer





    Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

    Sat. Pendidikan : SMA

    Kelas / Program : XII / IPA


    1. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan

    2. Periksa dan bacala soal dengan !eli!i sebelum Anda bekerja

    ". Kerjakanla soal anda pada lembar jawaban

    #. $unakan wak!u dengan e%ek!i% dan e&sien

    '. Periksala pekerjaan anda sebelum diserakan kepada Pengawas

    Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat !

    1. ni : It"# rain.

    $ather : . . . . .ni : %e#& 'ertainly will.

    a. %("d better wear y(r 'at

    b. %("d better get wet .'. )et"# g *r walk.

    d. +hy dn"t y( g nw ,e. Hw ab(t a 'ld drink ,

    -. Randy : +hat were y( ding la#t night , I had 'alled y( any tie#.

    n : I" #rry& I . . . . /ery tight la#t night.

    a. Sleep

    b. +a# #lept'. +a# #leeping

    d. Sleeping

    e. Ha# been #leeping0. ina : I dn"t #ee y(r brther. +here i# he ,

    )ina : He i# at Hngkng.

    ina : Really, Hw lng ha# he been there ,)ina : . . . . .

    a. %e#terday .

    b. Sin'e tw nth ag.'. )a#t year .

    d. Ne2t year.

    e. By the end * thi# year.

    3. Sil/y : 4y& are y( alright ,4y : N& I" nt. I"/e gt a heada'he.

    Sil/y : . . . . . .

    4y : %( are right. )et"# g.

    a. Hw pr y( are.b. )et"# g t the dr(g #tre.

    '. %( #h(ld take a edi'ine. )et"# g t the #i'kbay.d. It"# k

    e. )et e take y( t a h#pital.

    e2t 1 $r N. 567

  • 8/11/2019 Ulangan Harian 1 Kelas Xii Ipa 2012-2013 Without Answer


    w *riend# were tra/elling n the #ae rad tgether when they 'ae *a'e t *a'e with a

    bear. 8ne& in great *ear& and with(t a th(ght * hi# 'panin& 'libed int a tree and hid. he

    ther& #eeing that #ingle6handed he wa# n at'h *r the bear& threw hi#el* n the gr(nd and

    *eigned death& *r he had heard that a bear will nt t('h a dead bdy.

    he bear appra'hed hi& #ni**ing at hi# n#e and ear#& b(t the an& with great '(rage&held hi# breath and kept #till& and at leaning the bear& #(pp#ing hi t be dead& walked #lwly


    +hen the bear wa# well (t * #ight the *ir#t tra/eller 'ae dwn *r hi# tree and a#ked

    what it wa# that the bear had #aid t hi. 9$r& #aid he& 9I b#er/ed that he p(t hi# (th /ery

    'l#e t y(r ear. He replied the ther 9 it wa# nt great #e'ret 9+hy. He nly ad/i#ed e nt

    t keep 'pany with th#e wh when they get int di**i'(lty& lea/e their *riend# in the l(r'h.

    5. he te2t ainly tell# ab(t;..

    a. the tra/eler# and the bear

    b. the bear prayed n the an

    '. hw the tra/eler# a/ided the bear

    d. tw *riend# betrayed ea'h ther

    e. the bear"# ad/i'e

    . All * the#e #tateent# are R?4 e2'ept ;.

    a. the tw en were *riend#

    b. the *ir#t en wa# nt lyal t hi# *riend

    '. the #e'nd an wa# an en'(rage an

    d. a real *riend will ne/er lea/e hi# *riend# e/en in di**i'(lt tie

    e. the bear ad/i#ed the #e'nd an t g anywhere with hi# *riend

    7. He nly ad/i#ed e ;;.& lea/e their *riend# in the l(r'h @paragraph 0 line 5

    he (nderlined wrd ean#;;..

    a. in 'n*(#e

    b. at ea#e

    '. in tr(ble

    d. in trapped

    e. in (n'n#'i(#

  • 8/11/2019 Ulangan Harian 1 Kelas Xii Ipa 2012-2013 Without Answer


    e2t - $r N. 1613

    H4 )I8N AN H4 M8?S4

    Mr. )in wa# lying a#leep when he wa# #(ddenly awaked by a (#e r(nning /er hi# *a'e.

    he little (#e wa# being 'ha#ed by a wild 'at. 9Hw dare y(! he rared& and rai#ed hi# paw

    t kill the (#e. 9Plea#e& Sir& begged Mi## M(#e& 9let e g& and ne day I ay d

    #ething *r y( in ret(rn. 9%( help e! Ha...ha... & la(ghed Mr. )in& b(t he let her g.

    8ne day& Mr. )in wa# 'a(ght in a net #pread by h(nter#. 9I 'an"t get (t! he rared angrily.

    9B(t I 'an help y(& #aid a tiny /i'e. hen Mi## M(#e nibbled and gnawed her rpe# (ntil the

    lin wa# *ree. 9here& #he #aid pr(dly& 9i* y( had nt let e g& I w(ld nt ha/e *(nd a way

    t help y(. 9%e#& y( #h(ld thank her& Mr. )in. She ha# #a/ed y(r li*e" #aid a nkey wh

    wa# #itting n a bran'h * a tree.

    1. +h wa# 'a(ght in a net,

    a. a 'at

    b. a lin

    '. a (#e

    d. a h(nter

    e. a nkey

    11. A''rding t the te2t& whi'h * the *llwing i# R?4,

    a. Mr. )in wa# nt lying a#leep

    b. he M(#e 'annt help Mr. )in

    '. Mi## M(#e wa# awaked by Mr. )in

    d. Mi## M(#e wa# 'a(ght in a net #pread by h(nter#

    e. Mr. )in wa# awaked be'a(#e a (#e r(nning /er hi# *a'e

    1-. +hy did the (#e r(n /er the )in"# *a'e,

    a. #he wa# 'ha#ed by a wild 'at

    b. #he wa# nt a*raid * the lin

    '. #he wanted t wake (p the lin

    d. #he hped the lin w(ld help her

    e. #he e2pe'ted the lin w(ld kill the 'at

    10. he ain idea * paragraph tw i# ....a. a nkey helped Mr )in

    b. Mr )in 'a(ght Mi## M(#e

    '. Mi## M(#e helped relea#e Mr. )in

    d. Mr. )in wa# trapped by the h(nter#

    e. he h(nter# were 'a(ght in a net

    *. ina :I "ll 'e t y( at eight tnight.

    13. Ina : It i# nt ne'e##ary& I CCCCC at that tie.

    a. a ging t g (t

    b. will g (t

    '. a ging (t

    d. will be ging t g (t

    e. ha/e been ging (t

  • 8/11/2019 Ulangan Harian 1 Kelas Xii Ipa 2012-2013 Without Answer


    15. he rganiDatin wa# *red in 177= a*ter #e/eral y(ng pr**e#inal# and #t(dent#

    rganiDed a jabree *r #treet 'hildren. he (nderlined wrd 'an be repla'ed by;;..

    a. wa# *(nd d. dire'ted

    b. wa# #et (p e. were #et (p

    '. in/ented

    e2t. 0 $r N. 1

  • 8/11/2019 Ulangan Harian 1 Kelas Xii Ipa 2012-2013 Without Answer


    -. +hat i# the p(rp#e * te2t 1,

    A. a(#e r t entertain the reader#

    B. e2plain #eF(en'e * e/ent#

    E. de#'ribe the pr widw

    . e2pre## #rrw

    4. tell pa#t e/ent#

    -1. A*ter #he (tered the#e wrd# @the la#t paragraph.

    he (nderline wrd ean# . . .

    A. ld

    B. Said

    E. 42plain

    . Hear#

    4. Eried

    --. My 'hildren and I are #(**ering the greate#t h(nger. %( are y bel/ed #i#ter and y( are

    ri'h.Plea#e& gi/eme

    a (th*(ll * bread.+hat de# the (nderlined wrd re*er t ;..

    A. he aid

    B. he ri'h #i#ter

    E. he pr 'hildren

    . he h(#band * the ri'h #i#ter

    4. he 'hildren * the pr widw

    -0. Ba'ky : what# wrng with y(& i'k ,

    i'ky : I #prained y ankle when I . . . . *tball.a. Play

    b. +a# playing

    '. I# playing

    d. +a# playede. Playing.

    -3. I'ha : Gd rning&. . . . ,

    Hiran : I want t b(y a #'hl bag. I# it a/ailable here ,I'ha : %e#& here they are. %( 'an 'h#e ne y( like be#t.

    a. Here are y(

    b. Ean I help y('. +hat i# it *r

    d. Hw d y( *eel

    e. Ean y( d e a *a/r-5. Ary : )et"# h(rry t the #F(are t hear peple aking #pee'he#.

    R(dy : It"# t late. By the tie y( get there they . . . . their #pee'he#.

    a. +ill *ini#h

    b. $ini#h'. Ha/e *ini#hed

    d. Are *ini#hing

    e. +ill ha/e *ini#hed-

  • 8/11/2019 Ulangan Harian 1 Kelas Xii Ipa 2012-2013 Without Answer


    he (nderline wrd i# #iilar t . . . .

    a. i**erent

    b. Iprtant'. Siilar

    d. Separated

    e. 4F(al->. All in#e'ti'ide# #h(ld be 'n#idered pi#n(# and #h(ld be #tred well& *ar *r 'hildren.

    he (nderlined wrd ean# . . . .

    a. )'atedb. Eanned

    '. ?#ed

    d. ept

    e. P(t-7. hailand& whi'h wa# already wn three gld edal# at the Athen# 8lypi'#& will bid t h#t

    the gae# in -1

  • 8/11/2019 Ulangan Harian 1 Kelas Xii Ipa 2012-2013 Without Answer


    9%( #ay there wa# a #( * ne th(#and and *i*ty r(pee# in y(r p(r#e. Said the j(dge&

    9thi# p(r#e 'ntain# nly ne th(#and r(pee#. S the p(r#e 'an"t be y(r#& 9he ga/e the p(r#e t

    the *arer.

    01. +hi'h ne * the *llwing #enten'e i# nt tr(e;;;.

    A. he i#er ga/e the *arer a reward * a *i*ty r(pee#

    B. he i#er a''(#ed the *arer had taken the ney *r hi# p(r#e

    E. he i#er l#t hi# p(r#e when he tk (t hi# handker'hie*

    . he j(dge ga/e the *arer the i#er"# p(r#e

    4. he i#er tried t *ind the p(r#e by walking alng the #treet ba'k

    0-. 9;;..he had a th(#and r(pee# in hi# purse.

    +hat the (nderlined wrd ean# ,

    A. P'ket

    B. +allet

    E. B2 ney

    . rawer

    4. Ba#ket

    00. Hw did the i#er *ind hi# p(r#e,

    A. He wa# helped by #ene t ake an ann(n'eent

    B. He a#ked e/eryne wh are pa## the #treet

    E. He **ered a reward t e/eryne wh are *ind hi# p(r#e

    . He a#ked help t e/eryne t lk *r hi# p(r#e

    4. He ade an ad/erti#eent n the new#paper and agaDine

    03. +hat i# the an ding,

    A. He i# lking at the pi't(re * the tw wen

    B. He i# #itting in the garden hlding a 'aera

  • 8/11/2019 Ulangan Harian 1 Kelas Xii Ipa 2012-2013 Without Answer


    E. He i# pinting at the tw wen

    . He i# taking a phtgraph * the wan

    4. He i# talking t the wen

    05. Arrange the#e #enten'e# t ake a gd paragraph.

    1. %( knw that y( #h(ld ret(rn the bk iediately.

    -. %(r de'i#in will re*le't y(r per#nality.

    0. At #'hl& y( need t talk t y(r tea'her ab(t y(r late#t bad #'re.3. %(r tea'her #ee# /ery eager t knw hw y( are ging t re#pne.

    5. +hile y( are talking with y(r tea'her& y(r *riend appear# and want# y( t gi/e ba'k

    her bk.

    a. 56163606-

    b. 16-636065'. -65606163

    d. 36560616-e. 065616365

    0. +ati : )t# * wen are in'apable * wrking in Malay#ia thi# year.+arni : +hy,

    +ati : Be'a(#e they are (n#killed wrker#.

    $r the (nderlined e2pre##in we 'an 'n'l(de that lt# * wen ... in Malay#ia.

    A. are nt wrking

    B. will nt wrk

    E. 'annt wrk

    . (#t nt wrk

    4. are nt ging t wrk

    07. Albert : %( tld e that y( had an a''ident. +here i# y(r tr'y'le nw,Bertha : hat# right. It ... t the garage t be repaired&

    A. ha# br(ght

    B. i# bringing

    E. w(ld be br(ght

    . i# being br(ght

    4. will be bringing

  • 8/11/2019 Ulangan Harian 1 Kelas Xii Ipa 2012-2013 Without Answer


    3. #(nai# wa#h a#hre *ten with di#a#tr(# e**e't #('h a# #e/ere *lding& l## * li/e# d(e

    t drwning and daage t prperty. he #ynny * the (nderlined wrd i# ...

    A. de#tr('ti/eB. #(#pi'i(#

    E. #(**i'ient

    . harle##

    4. (ltiate