updl - nys historic...

updl VoL. XXVIII, New Series No. 27. OTEGO O tsego Coj;‘N. Y., WEDNESDAY, W hole N o . 1436 R iiral T icqss. ? . S. PULLER, . Editor and Proprietori PUBLISHED EVBBT WEDKESDAT KORNING IN THE TIMES BLOCK, RIVER STREET, OTEGO, OTSEGO CO., N. Y. - DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND FAMILY READING AND TO THE NTEREST OF AGRICULTURE AND FARM ■ The Only Agricultural Paper ini the Second as*' sembly District of Otsego' Connty. > . T s IS im: s :; ' InAdvnnee. Not in Advanr^e One Tear, ................ .......... Si SO Six Months, .................... 05 ...............................75 Three Months, ........ ,S5, ...................40 paper stopped until all back claims nnless at the option of the publishe up; lust, in all cases, accompany communications to insure their iuse'rtion.not necessarily for pub- l ication, but as a guarantee agains uiposition. The failure o f the notification ofit^ . tinuance will be considei .ered a renewal > criptiou. M R R i i N 1$ SCORED PITCHFORK PINS THE BIG STICK. Tillman Tells Eelr Power to the Senate. DEFEK HIS UND DUUH8 S. “Shee!il Tell Pebllc Where .He Bet Vast Sioes." Wasliinjitoii, Jnn. 12.—In commenting on tlie recent decision of the supreme court thfit B. H. Hai;i:iman could not be compelled to answer questions pro* pounded during the Alton investiga- tion, the annual report of the inter- state commerce commission to con- gress saysjn part:^ In the opinion of this, commission, when Air. Harriman assumes controL of the Un- ion ^Pacific railroad he ceases to be a pri- vat^, individual to that extent .and can no longer .claini. protection.,; Ha.,niighU ------ Lays Secret Service Activity In Re- vealing His Let^rs on Intended Pur- chases In Oregon of Acreage Origi- nally Granted by the Government to Personal Animus of the President Because of Frequent Attacks Against His Policies on the Floor of Con- Waahington, Jan. 12.—A situation ex- ists here, w'ith members of the senate and house arrayed against the pi'^si- dent, which probably is without par- allel in the history of the nation. There is just cause for fear as to the 9Utcome of. the things that are going forward in these closing weeks of the Roosevelt administration. \ Senator Tillman has demanded an investigation by the senate into his acts in relation to the alleged Oregon land purchaser. ] Senator Foraker, he w^hose public career ends on March 4, will next dis- cuss the president’s action in the fa- mous Brownsville case, he having giv- en up liis date, to Senator Tillman. The accused South Carolina senator said:, “Given Cause For Revenge/’ “In my public work here I have not hesitated to criticise and comment;on the official actions and, uttera;nces o| in the senate of b jjng a swindler and asked the postoffice department to is- sue, a fraud order! iagainst him. Dorr declared in his . circular, ‘ ‘So sure' is Senator Tillman of jjour success that he has subscribed and, paid' the necessary fees for a quarter ||section for himself and ten other quarter sections for ten , of his nearest relatives.’ It was this RfilStlV! outrageous falsehood mainly iiiflUi I caused'me tOj denounce Dorr as a swindler as well as to declare in ithe senate that he hadi no warrant for tthe assertion. | Says He Ended Swindle. “Let us suppose'/for a moment that I was guilty of a, falsehood in declaring that I had not unclertaken to purchase any land. What ,^id that have to do with Dorr’s transparent and open use of the mails to induce men to send him ihoney to purchase land? Dorr’s declaration that I .had paid the fees is an absolute falsehood, and the post- office inspectors, while they searched tlie records for entries at Coquille and noted that Ree(iei|i|& Watkins had filed ‘several hundred applications,’ no- where mentioned! I that any had been filed in my name or for me. Therefore the falsehood is proved on Dorr, and yet the president! declarecL-‘the assauf which Senator Tillman made upon Mr Dorr w^as, according to the report bi the inspector, a wanton assault madt to cover up Senator Tillmau’s own transactions.’ N6i| such statement was made by the inspector. . “What Law Did "MbUTH OF HELLT MENACES ITALY. PASTOR SLAYER'S TRAIL FOLLOWED Fres!) Eaniiqyake Shocks Open ! Giant Fissure. \ ' 1 i' ' ' l Break?” ! “Noav about the lying. My letter ol Feb. 35, of whicli the president seciir- etd a photographic copy, antedates by four days my statement in the senate that I had not bought any land or un- dertaken to buy|j| any, aiid ■ the presi- dent considers, this positive proof ol falsehood. I mdjnot say I had not con- sidered the purchase •‘jof land. I did not s^y ,I ’had' CQiitemplated the purchiise of la hdi because I had done eriy be' tSiilirea .to state whethe?^5iSp con-, venge.' . I 'nS^HB^,various^. .sold to the Union Pacific, which he con-, tvolled, stocks belonging to himself and, -if BO, that he should further be required, to state what profit he had individually made out of this transaction. If this gen- tleman is allowed to accumulate from the manipulation of these public agencies vast sums of money which must finally come, from the bodv of the people, we think he is so far a trustee of the people that he cannot object to stating the manner in which •these accumulations. have been CEMENT MEN TO URGE UNBURNABLE HOUSES. Eitlson will S M H m to Molii a W o t Homo. Chicago, Jan. 12.—Two hundred and fifty manufacturers, representing ciip- ital of ^250,000,000, will exhibit at the second annual cement show' here •on Feb. 18-24. - A dominant notefrom the cement 4?xperts will be a warning to reduce losses by fire, and the keynote of the iipeeches will' be “cheaper and better homes.” [ ^ Thomas A. Edison, inventor of the eastings by wiiich it i.s possible to pour and cast a complete residence-in one day,‘has promised to Tend the castings -for demonstrations and will tell how to use them. TO FAN PEOPLE OFF TRACK. I'lew York Board ^a,y Replace Fend ers With’Air Blast; New York,'Jan. 12.—The public serv-' .ice commission is consideHiig the plan of. John Enright of Canton, O., of blowing pedestrians off the tracks of surface raihvays by compressed air. Mr. Enright is confident tliat his.^.de- i ..vice will prove a vast improvement ypon the various fenderfe nhw in use. ' Succeeds in Raising a Zebra. Washington, Jan. 12.—Dr. ^Alonzo Melvin of , tlie bureau of animal in- •dustry has succeeded in raising a ze- bra, a feat regarded as imp.qissible for yeaca. ...... , raigned'lilm in Tie senate nical invasion of the rights of for usurpation of. authority not .given him by the constitution, for. disOb^'i dience of tbe law and the neglect of duty and particularly in the base of. Mrs. Morris for brutal and cruel con- duct toivard a helpless woman. T was , _ . not aware that these darts of miue'haiT • hoods, quivered in the executive hide and stung him. so, but the eagernesss aiid intensity with w'hich he has presented his case against me, his making a precedent' when none has existed be- fore, his taking of papers from the committee to w'hich he has forw'arded them and giving them to the press before that committee had considered them indicates that Theodore Roose- ^ velt enjoys to the limit the feeling of getting even with Ben Tillman and lays on the ‘big stick’ wdth the keen- est relish, doubtless believing that the ‘pitchfork’ has gone out .of business. “An exaiuiiiation, of the president’s letter to Mr. Hale, which might just as well have been a special message of the type w'itli which we are so famil- iar. wull sliow^ that the president’s, charges boiled down amount to'tw'o in number. “First.—He promotes me to member- ship. ill the Ananias club and charges' in effect that I have deliberately lied to the senate. - “Has Had Factsi Since July.” “Second.—He charges that I have ex- erted my official influence and w^brk as a senator for my personal benefit alone to secure the passage of a resclution and to press the department of justice to bring suit against the corporation W ’hich holds so much of the public do- main in (lie west and will not sell It. to settlers und’eiy the' terms of their grants from tb^government. “He has beBjScIn the possession ol all the facts",in this case since July la.st, and men will be curious to knojy^.^ w'by,'.if his zeal was honest, tie did not. ma'ke\ them-known then. It fol- lows that he found no grounds for In- dicting me in the courts, yhich, no doubt, w^ould have rejoiced him' over-r much, and all this tuss, fiiry and fus- tian about the seriousiTesa of the case and the gravity of the offense with which he charge^ me can be attrib: ''Uted to personal malice alone.” Sffl'V ’S r HOUSES l ; d L l i P S E , l ) U ; Y » S Rev. OarmiGtiaei Said to Hiding In Giiicago. TRAILED BY HIS SUIT CASE Tempfest and Blinding Rain Destro> Shelters of Messina Survivors—Mar Rescued Alive. After Being Fastened In Ruins For Fourteen Days With- out | Food While Watching Wife'and Children Perish—American Vessel Bayern to Take Refugees to Safety. Church Where Gideon Browning Waf Slain and Body Cremated Will ]B4 Torn Dowm by Congregation—Barrel Shipped by Minister’s Wife Found and Contains Only . Rags—Testimony Shows That Carmichael May Hav* Been Insane. ) rhti Will Qonvince ■^■.^^-^rocesses; by ^which J f f i m o buy;Tai)d—I w'as _^.„__Jp:cCuratmy and not-ifalsely. r ‘%ui£;4tiat law did I break? What wrong'di^ I do or contemplate? ‘“I -.havti .not Attempted to deceive a,nyb^y.,' I have not told any false- f have not-broken any Ipv. l' .have not-been guilty, of any immoral conduct. I had! tbe right to purclrase conduct. I the-tod if 'I coti was nid, but my.judgment tp!d.|ine -it was! unsafe as an iuvest- ■men^':-.. : • _ | ' ■ ‘.‘'IJeliina.n who announces to .con- Roo.scvelt, as- su®Bl:itti||; rigtit ^ permit the steel EOivti^orbl its greatest rival con- trarJtoriaw: would doubtless not liosi- tate^dy^eln^ h friend Harriman in,tit\i£liirg^;(X)0 acres of the public dom^iiy bqijause Ben Tillman ha.s con- templlaied laying 1,440 acres. “IUmW#ltisio^ Mr. . S-mosi ^ , President, 1 court; J§e,' most ..searching investigation. I d^iird. most emphatically 1 have never tti conceal my effort to MeSsina, Jan. 12.—Shock follow’s shoclj with such frequency here that il is. impossible for the most stout heart-' ed to! really hold theii' self possession. , A terrible tempest accompanied bj heavy earthquake shocks has caused a numtier of fresh collapses of buildings in the ruined city and spread new ter- ror among tbe survivors. nJst of the people in Messina W ’ere camped under tents and huts, anc nearly all of these shelters w-ere de- stroirnd by the wind and the blinding rain. . More than sixty feet of the landing quays in the harbor were swept away carrying off a!/large quantity of provi sionis stpred! there and several horses. Near Giarte|an immense fissuj/e open- ed. It was j650 feet long, 3 feet Avid€ and! 65 feet'deep and has been styled by..the Pywple “the, mouth of heLi” ' Ambassador Grisconi, Avho arrived'at received a. 'W ’iheless i b ^ e s / a c - e t h d C > t ; t i < : ' ship ei'ii had stoOpecy^y Beg- giojon its Way to Catania and, = Syra^ cuse to discharge considerable siipplies for |the interior towns of Calabria. The Bayern expects to bring -l,00t refugees back to Leghorn or Genoa. 11 necessjary the relief ship will be imme- diately recargoed and sent back, as Ambassador Griscom stiU has $T5,0pC in Red Cross and other funds for dis- position. A man named Beusaja, who had spe[nt fourteen days without food lock- ed |in the rnius of his home, was taken out unconscious and resuscitated. He had been caught in a kind of strait- jaciket formed by tbe debris, and, un- able to inoVe, was compelled to watc.1] the lingering death of tiis wife and .four children. . A married couple were removed from pa^ural tomb, not only living, but conscious. Their imprisonment lasted thirteen days. Chicago, Jan. 10.—The police of this city have obtained no trace of the Rev. John H. Carmichael, the missing min- ister of Adair, Mich., and the supposed murderer of Gideon Browning of that place, although they watched all out* going arid incoming trains. Little has occurred to, change the theory that the two quarreled^ during a private meet* iiig in the church over a job the min* ister had promised the towii carpenter, The police received word that the suspected minister was in the Union depot waiting, to board an outgoing train, but when officers reached there no trace could be found of the man. Captain O’Brien of detective head* quarters believes that Carmichael iS in biding in. the south side of the city. Barrel Is Found; Only Rags. Detroit, Jan. 10.—The barrel shipped! by the Carmicliaels from Adair, Mich.., to Ohio was'dii^cbvered in transit .iii the railroad yay^s here, r to .contain ; -buy land; I ispbke to the attorney gen- eral aijout it; B explained to the agent ,pf tbel^pccret service the whole tratts- actipiiKvhen I jgave him the Dorr cir- cula^Jpd the |letter which had' been ' “ tfCpncerning it. Th(> question wiilj at last control, and it ''e shown that I have any rea- inceal |anythiiig. I invite com^ I'pf my private life and my piib- Ik as a .man and a senator with . .__^.^re Itoosevelt or any other miim . an iyiel absolutely sure of the ground b^vtijjvhicti 1 kand.” DonH Get a Divorce A we?tei;n ;jur]ge granted a'divorce on accomitof ill-temper and .bal breath. '''Dr. King.s .Nejy, Life Pjjl.^. would have prevented it. Constipation,. .pausing had breath and. Liver Trouble'..— ------^ ----- , - v., ^the iU-temper, dispel coid.sIbanlsli head-j ings through Reeder & .Watk|ii^ aciies, conquer chiMs. 25c at C. B. I Marshfield, Ore,, Mr. Tillm an.sal^ Woodruff's. . “It .wtiT be noted that I |ccnsi OUSTING TRUSTS. Harvester Company and Lumber Combine. Jan. 12.—The After Itlaged City, ' Mo., .3 a'ses against the International [fpi* company, - the Arkansas p e r ' company and others, said to Kntior the jprice and output of lum- have .been set for hearing by the sul^uiiie eourtl for Feb. 2 and 3. -;!^estimony tia^ yet been complet- ,edVin:ltie harvester case and has not ■ye;;^l^en btiguti in the lumber cases. lilSANITY DUE TO BAD TEETH >of which photographs , y * . copy,-but he ..was not in ,anywls< ^ sponsible for Mr. Lee’s Ideas. Takinj^;: up the president’s statement conce^^* ing Dorr a^and agent making h is;^ are. caused itfe^ D r.' Henry Upson has helped ^#/Xpatients-.at ‘the, Newburg In- ls:said/l^ dental op- ti* had Q^AKE RAZES HOUSES i ON CANARY ISLANDS Meilco Also Reports Its Wliolt West GoasI as TrambllaR. pan .Sebastian, Spain, Jan. 10.—^Tele- grams,, received here fromvthe Canary islands report severe eartlr shocks, es- p^ially at Las Palmas, where several of tti^' oldest houses in town w’ere damaged. No casualties have been re- ported. Mexico Shaken by- Earthquake. City of Mexico, Jan. 10.—News has reached here that the entire western coast of Mexico was shaken by an ekrthquake. Ttie shock was most se- i^erely felt at Acapulco, In the state ol Guerrero, and Oaxaca, in the same s|tate. The damage was trivial, and no fatalities have been reported. - President Helps Orphans Hundreds-of orphans, h^ve hp#»n helped, by ;he pre.sident of 'PIih I'ulns. trial aiicl prphan’fi ar. On who writes: h ve u-e' E > aIv > c Bltrers in this Tn.srirntion h»r nin« vear-s It'iias proved a most ev«*ebent ineJii'ine •for S’bmacii. Liv er and 'Kidnev tr nhlfs. We regard it as one of the be.-it family medicines on earth' ” It invigorates the yit: I'orgaii.s, purifies llie Mood, wid-t iH- ‘ee.Stion'/ creates, appetire. , To sfreng- .t'fien and .build up diin,v*al,e, weak otfti dren or run 'down people it' lins, no prepared , by the m4?sing pastor,'' the Rev. J. H. Carmicjiael, at once to ad- vertise, a novel h^ has completed and to provide material for another, was strengthened when further, evidence fas obtained tliat both Carmichael a'nd his alleged victim, Gideon Brown- ing. are alive. Carmichael, and Brooming •were seen together in a train bound for the west by Miss. Clara Wagner and her sister Annie, who lived for sevenil 3’'ear3 near Rattle lUm and who were ac- qiiaiiited with both men. It is thou.glit tliat the pastor wished to tiw his-wits against the police of- ficials of the land, confident that any novel written by him after eluding them would have an enormous sale. Checks Suit Case to Chicago. Port Huron, Mich., Jan. 10.—It wa^ learned that the man supposed to be Rev. Carmichael and , who took an early^ train Wednesday for .Chicago checked a suit case to Chicago but re- claimed it before the train started. People Avho think it would be im- possible for the murderer to have cre- mated his victim’s body as completely as the-remains indicated incline to^he, opinion that the murderer took parts of the body away with him in the minister’s missing suit case. The feeling expressed by a number of the neighborhood farmers leads to the Ijelief that the Rattle Run church will be burned or torn down as soon a.s. the aufliorltles haye concluded their investigations of the murder mystery. ’ Children and farmers’ wives ihave unitedly expressed * a determination never again to worship in the building, which, after being used' as a sanctu- ary for twenty years, was profaned by* a terrific death struggle and murder. Mrs. Carmichael was brought here again for further examination by Prosecutor Brown. One fact of im- portance was developed. 3tlrs. Car- michael. tojd the prosecutor that her husband had for some time suffered from an affection in his head, which caused pus to form and discharge from his ears. This trouble in his head is taken by some investigators to support the'belief that Rev. CarmichaeV^ust have been insane if he was guilty of the slaughter of Browning. Br»ye Fire L0''d.ies Off#»n vppgivp 9Pve,»'A hnrnc niitflng out n»*ps-i/hpn na<» T^i.'fHpn’a A'l nipa Salve an d f«*vsret tbv“T>. It poon, drives out nv?n, For .Rijrna. Snalds Wounds^ and Bmiepa its ’ pnrth’a greatest Ernptlon«L, Yipfllfr. Qnipkly pnrpp Skin ...... ............ . Oid Sores, Boila. IJjpprP. Felons; bpsfi

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updlVoL. XXVIII, New Series No. 27. OTEGO O t s e g o Coj;‘N. Y., WEDNESDAY, W h o l e N o . 1436

R i i r a l T i c q s s .? . S. PULLER, . Editor and ProprietoriP U B L IS H E D E V B B T W E D K E S D A T K O R N IN G I N T H E





The Only Agricultural Paper ini the Second as*' sembly District of Otsego' Connty. >

. T s IS im: s :; 'InAdvnnee. Not in Advanr e

One T ear,................ .......... S i SOS ix M onths,....................05 ...............................75Three M onths,........ ,S 5 , ...................40

paper stopped until all back claims nnless at the option of the publishe


lust, in all cases, accompany communications to insure their iuse'rtion.not necessarily for pub- l ication, but as a guarantee agains uiposition.

The failure of the notification ofit^ . tinuance will be considei.ered a renewal > criptiou.

M R R i i N 1$ SCORED


Tillman Tells E e l r Power to the Senate.


“Shee!il Tell Pebllc Where .He Bet Vast Sioes."

Wasliinjitoii, Jnn. 12.—In commenting on tlie recent decision of the supreme court thfit B. H. Hai;i:iman could not be compelled to answer questions pro* pounded during the Alton investiga­tion, the annual report of the inter­state commerce commission to con­gress saysjn part:^

In the opinion of this, commission, when Air. Harriman assumes controL of the Un­ion ^Pacific railroad he ceases to be a pri- vat^, individual to that extent .and can no longer .claini. protection.,; H a.,niighU------

Lays Secret Service Activity In Re­vealing His L e t^ rs on Intended P u r­chases In Oregon of Acreage Origi­nally G ranted by the Government to Personal Anim us of the President Because of Frequent A ttacks Against His Policies on the Floor of Con-

Waahington, Jan. 12.—A situation ex­ists here, w'ith members of the senate and house arrayed against the pi' si- dent, which probably is without par­allel in the history of the nation. There is just cause for fear as to the 9Utcome of. the things that are going forward in these closing weeks of the Roosevelt administration. \

Senator Tillman has demanded an investigation by the senate into his acts in relation to the alleged Oregon land purchaser. ]

Senator Foraker, he w^hose public career ends on March 4, will next dis­cuss the president’s action in the fa­mous Brownsville case, he having giv­en up liis date, to Senator Tillman. The accused South Carolina senator said:,

“Given Cause For R evenge/’“In my public work here I have not

hesitated to criticise and comment;on the official actions and, uttera;nces o|

in the senate of b jjng a swindler and asked the postoffice department to is­sue, a fraud order! iagainst him. Dorr declared in his . circular, ‘ ‘So sure' is Senator Tillman of jjour success that he has subscribed and, paid' the necessary fees for a quarter ||section for himself and ten other quarter sections for ten

, of his nearest relatives.’ It was this RfilStlV! outrageous falsehood mainlyiiiflUi I caused'me tOj denounce Dorr as a

swindler as well as to declare in ithe senate that he hadi no warrant for tthe assertion. |

Says He Ended Swindle.“Let us suppose'/for a moment that I

was guilty of a, falsehood in declaring that I had not unclertaken to purchase any land. What , id that have to do with Dorr’s transparent and open use of the mails to induce men to send him ihoney to purchase land? Dorr’s declaration that I .had paid the fees is an absolute falsehood, and the post- office inspectors, while they searched tlie records for entries at Coquille and noted that Ree(iei|i|& Watkins had filed ‘several hundred applications,’ no­where mentioned! I that any had been filed in my name or for me. Therefore the falsehood is proved on Dorr, and yet the president! declarecL-‘the assauf which Senator Tillman made upon Mr Dorr w as, according to the report bi the inspector, a wanton assault madt to cover up Senator Tillmau’s own transactions.’ N6i| such statement was made by the inspector. .

“W hat Law Did



Fres!) Eaniiqyake Shocks Open ! Giant Fissure. \

' 1 i' ' '

l B reak?”! “Noav about the lying. My letter ol

Feb. 35, of whicli the president seciir- etd a photographic copy, antedates by four days my statement in the senate that I had not bought any land or un­dertaken to buy|j| any, aiid ■ the presi­dent considers, this positive proof ol falsehood. I mdjnot say I had not con­sidered the purchase •‘j of land. I did not s^y ,I ’had' CQiitemplated the purchiise of la hdi because I had done

eriy be' tSiilirea .to state w hethe?^5iSpcon-, venge.' . I 'nS^HB^,various ..sold to the Union Pacific, which he con-,

tvolled, stocks belonging to him self and, - i f BO, that he should further be required, to state w hat profit he had individually made out of this transaction. If this gen­tleman is allowed to accumulate from the manipulation of these public agencies vast sum s of money which must finally come, from the bodv of the people, we think he is so far a trustee of the people that he cannot object to stating the manner in which • these accum ulations. have been


Eitlson will S M H m to Molii a W o t Homo.

Chicago, Jan. 12.—Two hundred and fifty manufacturers, representing ciip- ital of ^250,000,000, will exhibit atthe second annual cement show' here •on Feb. 18-24. - ‘

A dominant note from the cement4?xperts will be a warning to reduce losses by fire, and the keynote of the iipeeches will' be “cheaper and better homes.” [ ^

Thomas A. Edison, inventor of the eastings by wiiich it i.s possible to pour and cast a complete residence-in one day,‘has promised to Tend the castings -for demonstrations and will tell how to use them.

TO FAN PEOPLE OFF TRACK.I'lew York Board ^a ,y Replace Fend

ers W ith’ Air Blast;New York,'Jan. 12.—The public serv-'

.ice commission is consideHiig the plan of. John Enright of Canton, O., of blowing pedestrians off the tracks of surface raihvays by compressed air.

Mr. Enright is confident tliat his. .de- i ..vice will prove a vast improvement ypon the various fenderfe nhw in use.

' Succeeds in Raising a Zebra.Washington, Jan. 12.—Dr. ^Alonzo

Melvin of , tlie bureau of animal in- •dustry has succeeded in raising a ze­bra, a feat regarded as imp.qissible for yeaca.

. . . . . . ,raigned'lilm in T ie senate nical invasion of the rights of for usurpation of. authority not .given him by the constitution, for. disOb 'i dience of tbe law and the neglect of duty and particularly in the base of.Mrs. Morris for brutal and cruel con­duct toivard a helpless woman. T was , _ . not aware that these darts of miue'haiT • hoods, quivered in the executive hide and stung him. so, but the eagernesss aiid intensity with w'hich he has presented his case against me, his making a precedent' when none has existed be­fore, his taking of papers from the committee to w'hich he has forw'arded them and giving them to the press before that committee had considered them indicates that Theodore Roose- velt enjoys to the limit the feeling of getting even with Ben Tillman and lays on the ‘big stick’ wdth the keen­est relish, doubtless believing that the ‘pitchfork’ has gone out .of business.

“An exaiuiiiation, of the president’s letter to Mr. Hale, which might just as well have been a special message of the type w'itli which we are so famil­iar. wull sliow that the president’s, charges boiled down amount to'tw'o in number.

“First.—He promotes me to member­ship. ill the Ananias club and charges' in effect that I have deliberately lied to the senate.- “ Has Had Factsi Since July.”

“Second.—He charges that I have ex­erted my official influence and w brk as a senator for my personal benefit alone to secure the passage of a resclution and to press the department of justice to bring suit against the corporation W’hich holds so much of the public do­main in (lie west and will not sell It. to settlers und’eiy the' terms of their grants from tb^government.

“He has beBjScIn the possession ol all the facts",in this case since July la.st, and men will be curious to knojy . w'by,'.if his zeal was honest, tie did not. ma'ke\ them-known then. It fol­lows that he found no grounds for In­dicting me in the courts, yhich, no doubt, w ould have rejoiced him' over-r much, and all this tuss, fiiry and fus­tian about the seriousiTesa of the case and the gravity of the offense with which he charge^ me can be attrib:

''Uted to personal malice alone.”

S f f l ' V ’S r

HOUSES l ;d L l iP S E ,l ) U ;Y » S

Rev. OarmiGtiaei Said to Hiding In Giiicago.

TRAILED BY HIS SUIT CASETempfest and Blinding Rain Destro>

S h e lte rs of M essina Survivors—Mar Rescued Alive. A fter Being Fastened In Ruins For Fourteen Days W ith ­out | Food W hile W atching W ife 'and Children Perish—American Vessel Bayern to Take Refugees to Safety.

Church W here Gideon Browning W af Slain and Body Cremated Will ]B4 Torn Dowm by Congregation—Barrel Shipped by M inister’s Wife Found and Contains Only . Rags—Testimony Shows T ha t Carmichael May Hav* Been Insane. )

rhti Will Qonvince

■^■.^ - rocesses; by which J f f i m o buy;Tai)d—I w'as

_^.„__Jp:cCuratmy and not-ifalsely. r ‘%ui£;4tiat law did I break? What wrong'di^ I do or contemplate?

‘“I -.havti .not Attempted to deceive a,nyb^y.,' I have not told any false-

f have not-broken any Ipv. l'.have not-been guilty, of any immoral conduct. I had! tbe right to purclraseconduct. I th e-tod if 'I coti

wasnid, but my.judgment

tp!d.|ine -it was! unsafe as an iuvest-■men^':-.. : • _ |' ■‘.‘'IJeliina.n who announces to .con-

Roo.scvelt, as- su®Bl:itti||; rigtit permit the steel

EOivti^orbl its greatest rival con- trarJtoriaw: would doubtless not liosi- tate^dy^eln^ h friend Harrimanin,tit\i£liirg^;(X)0 acres of the public dom^iiy bqijause Ben Tillman ha.s con-templlaied laying 1,440 acres.

“IUm W #ltisio^ Mr. . S -m o si

, President, 1court; J§e,' most ..searching investigation. I d^iird. most emphatically 1 have never tti conceal my effort to

MeSsina, Jan. 12.—Shock follow’s shoclj with such frequency here that il is. impossible for the most stout heart-' ed to! really hold theii' self possession. ,

A terrible tempest accompanied bj heavy earthquake shocks has caused a numtier of fresh collapses of buildings in the ruined city and spread new ter­ror among tbe survivors.

n J st of the people in Messina W’ere camped under tents and huts, anc nearly all of these shelters w-ere de- stroirnd by the wind and the blinding rain. .

More than sixty feet of the landing quays in the harbor were swept away carrying off a!/large quantity of provi sionis stpred! there and several horses.

Near Giarte|an immense fissuj/e open­ed. It was j650 feet long, 3 feet Avid€ and! 65 feet'deep and has been styled by..the Pywple “the, mouth of heLi”' Ambassador Grisconi, Avho arrived'at

received a.'W’iheless i b ^ e s / a c - e t h d C > t ; t i < :' ship ei'ii had stoOpecy^y Beg- giojon its Way to Catania and, = Syra^ cuse to discharge considerable siipplies for |the interior towns of Calabria.

The Bayern expects to bring -l,00t refugees back to Leghorn or Genoa. 11 necessjary the relief ship will be imme­diately recargoed and sent back, as Ambassador Griscom stiU has $T5,0pC in Red Cross and other funds for dis­position.

A man named Beusaja, who had spe[nt fourteen days without food lock­ed |in the rnius of his home, was taken out unconscious and resuscitated. He had been caught in a kind of strait- jaciket formed by tbe debris, and, un­able to inoVe, was compelled to watc.1] the lingering death of tiis wife and .four children. .

A married couple were removed from pa^ural tomb, not only living, but

conscious. Their imprisonment lasted thirteen days.

Chicago, Jan. 10.—The police of this city have obtained no trace of the Rev. John H. Carmichael, the missing min- ister of Adair, Mich., and the supposed murderer of Gideon Browning of that place, although they watched all out* going arid incoming trains. Little has occurred to, change the theory that the two quarreled^ during a private meet* iiig in the church over a job the min* ister had promised the towii carpenter,

The police received word that the suspected minister was in the Union depot waiting, to board an outgoing train, but when officers reached there no trace could be found of the man.

Captain O’Brien of detective head* quarters believes that Carmichael iS in biding in. the south side of the city.

Barrel Is Found; Only Rags.Detroit, Jan. 10.—The barrel shipped!

by the Carmicliaels from Adair, Mich.., to Ohio was'dii^cbvered in transit .iii the railroad yay^s here, r ’ to .contain ;

-buy land; I ispbke to the attorney gen­eral aijout it; B explained to the agent ,pf tbel^pccret service the whole tratts- actipiiKvhen I jgave him the Dorr cir- cula^Jpd the | letter which had' been

' “ tfCpncerning it. Th(> question wiilj at last control, and it

''e shown that I have any rea- inceal |anythiiig. I invite com

I'pf my private life and my piib- Ik as a .man and a senator with .

.__^.^re Itoosevelt or any other miim . a n iy ie l absolutely sure of the ground b^vtijjvhicti 1 kand.”

DonH G et a DivorceA we?tei;n ;jur]ge granted a'divorce on

accomitof ill-temper and .bal breath.'''D r. King.s .Nejy, Life Pjjl. . would have

prevented it. Constipation,..pausing had breath and. Liver Trouble'..— ------^ ----- , - v.,^the iU-temper, dispel coid.sIbanlsli head-j ings through Reeder & .Watk|ii^ aciies, conquer chiMs. 25c at C. B. I Marshfield, Ore,, Mr. Tillm an.sal^ Woodruff's. . “It .wtiT be noted that I |ccnsi

OUSTING TRUSTS.H arvester Company and Lum ber Combine.

Jan. 12.—The

A fter Itlaged

City, ' Mo.,.3a'ses against the International

[fpi* company, - the Arkansas p e r ' company and others, said

to K ntior the jprice and output of lum- have .been set for hearing by the

sul^uiiie eourtl for Feb. 2 and 3. -;!^estimony tia yet been complet-

,edVin:ltie harvester case and has not ■ye;; l en btiguti in the lumber cases.


>of which photographs , y * .

copy,-but he ..was not in ,anywls< ^ sponsible for Mr. Lee’s Ideas. Takinj ;: up the president’s statement conce^^* ing Dorr a^and agent making h i s ; ^

are. causeditfe^ D r.' Henry Upson has helped ^#/Xpatients-.at ‘the, Newburg In-

ls:sa id /l^ dental op-

t i*



Meilco Also Reports Its WlioltW est GoasI a s TrambllaR.

pan .Sebastian, Spain, Jan. 10.— Tele­grams,, received here fromvthe Canary islands report severe eartlr shocks, es- p^ially at Las Palmas, where several of tti ' oldest houses in town w’ere damaged. No casualties have been re­ported.

Mexico Shaken by- E arthquake.City of Mexico, Jan. 10.—News has

reached here that the entire western coast of Mexico was shaken by an ekrthquake. Ttie shock was most se- i^erely felt at Acapulco, In the state ol Guerrero, and Oaxaca, in the same s|tate. The damage was trivial, and no fatalities have been reported.

- P residen t H elps O rphansH undreds-of orphans, h^ve hp#»n

helped, by ;he pre.sident of 'PIih I'ulns. trial aiicl p rphan’fi ar. Onwho writes: h ve u -e ' E >a Iv>cBltrers in this Tn.srirntion h»r nin« vear-s It'iias proved a most ev«*ebent ineJii'ine •for S’bmacii. Liv er and 'Kidnev tr nhlfs. We regard it as one of the be.-it family medicines on earth' ” It invigorates the yit: I'orgaii.s, purifies llie Mood, wid-t iH- ‘ee.Stion'/ creates, appetire. , To sfreng- .t'fien and .build up diin,v*al,e, weak otfti dren or run 'down people it' lins, no

prepared , by the m4?sing pastor,'' theRev. J. H. Carmicjiael, at once to ad­vertise, a novel h^ has completed andto provide material for another, was strengthened when further, evidencefas obtained tliat both Carmichael

a'nd his alleged victim, Gideon Brown­ing. are alive.

Carmichael, and Brooming •were seen together in a train bound for the west by Miss. Clara Wagner and her sister Annie, who lived for sevenil 3’'ear3 near Rattle lUm and who were ac- qiiaiiited with both men.

It is thou.glit tliat the pastor wished to tiw his-wits against the police of­ficials of the land, confident that any novel written by him after eluding them would have an enormous sale.

Checks Suit Case to Chicago.Port Huron, Mich., Jan. 10.—It wa^

learned that the man supposed to be Rev. Carmichael and , who took an early train Wednesday for .Chicago checked a suit case to Chicago but re­claimed it before the train started.

People Avho think it would be im­possible for the murderer to have cre­mated his victim’s body as completely as the-remains indicated incline to^he, opinion that the murderer took parts of the body away with him in the minister’s missing suit case.

The feeling expressed by a number of the neighborhood farmers leads to the Ijelief that the Rattle Run church will be burned or torn down as soon a.s. the aufliorltles haye concluded their investigations of the murder mystery.’ Children and farmers’ wives ihave unitedly expressed * a determination never again to worship in the building, which, after being used' as a sanctu­ary for twenty years, was profaned by* a terrific death struggle and murder.

Mrs. Carmichael was brought here again for further examination by Prosecutor Brown. One fact of im­portance was developed. 3tlrs. Car­michael. tojd the prosecutor that her husband had for some time suffered from an affection in his head, which caused pus to form and discharge from his ears. This trouble in his head is taken by some investigators to support the'belief that Rev. CarmichaeV^ust have been insane if he was guilty of the slaughter of Browning.

Br»ye Fire L0''d.ies Off#»n vppgivp 9Pve,»'A hnrnc niitflng ou t n»*ps-i/hpn na<» T^i.'fHpn’a A'l n ipa S alve and f«*vsret tbv“T>. I t poon, drives o u t nv?n, For .Rijrna. Snalds Wounds^

and Bmiepa its ’ pnrth’a greatest Ernptlon«L,Yipfllfr. Q n ipk ly pnrpp S k in ...... ............ .

Oid Sores, Boila. IJjpprP. Felons; bpsfi