vaga luna bellini

Vaga luna, che inargenti (Anonymous) Page 1 of 2 Vaga luna, che inargenti Text by an anonymous poet Set by Vincenzo Bellini  (1801-1835), from Tre Ariette,  #3 Vaga luna, che inargenti Lovely moon, that makes-silvery (Lovely moon, that covers with silver) Queste rive e questi fiori these shores and these flowers (the shores and flowers) Ed inspiri agli elementi and breathes into-the elements (and inspire everything ) Il linguaggio dell'amor; the language of-love; (to speak of love;) Testimonio or sei tu sola testament now are you alone (you are the sole witness) Del mio fervido desir, of my fervent desire, Ed a lei che m'innamora and to her who I-love (and can to her who I love) Conta i palpiti e i sospir. can-count the throbs and the sighs. (tell of my pain and sighs.) Dille pur che lontananza Tell-her clearly that distance (Tell her that being so far away)

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Vaga Luna Bellini


  • Vaga luna, che inargenti (Anonymous) Page 1 of 2

    Vaga luna, che inargenti

    Text by an anonymous poetSet by Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835), from Tre Ariette, #3

    Vaga luna, che inargenti

    Lovely moon, that makes-silvery(Lovely moon, that covers with silver)

    Queste rive e questi fiori

    these shores and these flowers(the shores and flowers)

    Ed inspiri agli elementi

    and breathes into-the elements(and inspire everything )

    Il linguaggio dell'amor;

    the language of-love;(to speak of love;)

    Testimonio or sei tu sola

    testament now are you alone(you are the sole witness)

    Del mio fervido desir,

    of my fervent desire,

    Ed a lei che m'innamora

    and to her who I-love(and can to her who I love)

    Conta i palpiti e i sospir.

    can-count the throbs and the sighs.(tell of my pain and sighs.)

    Dille pur che lontananza

    Tell-her clearly that distance(Tell her that being so far away)

  • Vaga luna, che inargenti (Anonymous) Page 2 of 2

    Il mio duol non pu lenir,

    [the] my grief not can soothe,(will not ease my grief,)

    Che se nutro una speranza,

    that if I-nurture a hope,(and that if I nourish any hope,)

    Ella sol nell' avvenir.

    it is only in-the future.(it can only be in the future.)

    Dille pur che giorno e sera

    Tell-her clearly that day and night(Tell her that day and night)

    Conto l'ore del dolor,

    I-count the-hours of sorrow/pain,(I count the sorrowful hours,)

    Che una speme lusinghiera

    that one hope enticing(that the one enticing hope)

    Mi conforta nell' amor.

    me comforts in-(my) love.(of her love comforts me.)

    (Literal translation and IPA transcription 2008 by Bard SuverkropIPA Source, LLC)