verejna sprava v piatich jazykoch final-1

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  • 7/31/2019 Verejna Sprava v Piatich Jazykoch Final-1


  • 7/31/2019 Verejna Sprava v Piatich Jazykoch Final-1


    rad vldy SR, Kancelria splnomocnenca vldy SR pre decentralizciu verejnej sprvy

  • 7/31/2019 Verejna Sprava v Piatich Jazykoch Final-1


    Verejn sprva na Slovensku

    Viktor NianskEDITOR

    rad vldy Slovenskej republiky

    Kancelria splnomocnenca vldy SR pre decentralizciu verejnej sprvy

  • 7/31/2019 Verejna Sprava v Piatich Jazykoch Final-1



    Verejn sprva na Slovensku prela v obdob rokov 1995 2005 mnohmi zsadn-

    mi zmenami. S cieom predstavi jej sasn podobu vychdza tto publikcia. Mo-

    je poakovanie patr predovetkm Jaroslavovi Piltovi, s ktorm som na prprave

    podkladov spolupracoval.

    Viktor Niansk


  • 7/31/2019 Verejna Sprava v Piatich Jazykoch Final-1



    Verejn sprva na Slovensku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Public administration in Slovakia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    ffentliche Verwaltung in der Slowakei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

    LAdministration publique en Slovaquie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

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    40 Verejn sprva8 Verejn sprva

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    41Verejn sprva


    Slovensk republika prela v obdob rokov 1989 2005 via-cermi zsadnmi spoloenskmi a politickmi zmenami.V prvom rade ilo o zmenu politickho charakteru ttu prechod z totality k demokracii a o vrazn posilnenie in-dividulnych prv a slobd jednotlivca. Nasledovali ekono-mick reformy spovajce v odstraovan barir brniacichrozvoju trhovej ekonomiky zaloenej na skromnom vlastnc-tve. alou oblasou zmien bola organizcia ttu, najmnov truktra a fungovanie verejnej sprvy a zabezpeova-nie verejnch sluieb. Kovm nstrojom zmien v organizcii ttu a verejnej

    sprvy sa stala decentralizcia, a to vo vetkch jej rov-niach v politickej decentralizcii, v decentralizci kompe-tenci a v decentralizcii financi. Od roku 1998 postupneprilo k zmene zemnosprvneho lenenia Slovenska a k vy-tvoreniu druhej rovne samosprvy (vyie zemn celky),k presunu viac ako 400 kompetenci obciam a vym zem-nm celkom, k zmene financovania a kontroly samosprv,k posilneniu autonmnosti rozhodovania samosprv voicentrlnej vlde a tie aj k posilneniu kontrolnch mechaniz-mov vo verejnej sprve. Realizciou tchto zmien sa umo-

    nila vyia miera participcie obana na sprve vec verej-nch, naplnenie princpu subsidiarity, posilnenie postaveniaa zodpovednosti zemnej samosprvy pri zabezpeovan ve-rejnch sluieb, ale aj pri rozvoji obc, miest a vych zem-nch celkov. Sme presveden, e decentralizovan tt umon lepie vyu-itie udskho, vrobnho a prrodnho potencilu Slovenskav prospech jeho obyvateov. Decentralizcia a s tm spojenreforma verejnej sprvy je, pre geograficky a etnicky rzno-rod Slovensko, nevyhnutnosou. Je tie nstrojom k tomu,aby jeho obania vnmali tt nielen ako intitciu, ale aj ako

    spoloenstvo obanov, ktor s so ttom osudovo zviazana ktor maj spolon zujem na jeho prosperite. V tlej brorke sa Vm sname pribli to, o sa naSlovensku v oblasti decentralizcie a reformy verejnej spr-vy za poslednch 15 rokov udialo.


    9Verejn sprva

  • 7/31/2019 Verejna Sprava v Piatich Jazykoch Final-1


    10 Verejn sprva

    Slovensk republika,ako samostatn ttny tvar, vznikla 1. 1. 1993. Podastavy je unitrnym ttom s jednokomorovm parlamentom (Nrodn ra-da Slovenskej republiky), v ktorom je 150 poslancov, volench pomernm

    spsobom v rmci jednho volebnho obvodu (v sasnosti sa diskutuje

    v NR SR o monosti zvi poet volebnch obvodov). Kandidova do NR SR

    mu iba nominanti politickch strn.


    Prvopoiatky ttnej sprvy na zem Slovenska siahaj do 9. storoia. Postupne sa

    menila v podmienkach rznych foriem monarchie. Od roku 1918 vystriedali monarchis-tick sprvu ttne orgny a intitcie eskoslovenskej republiky. Tie sa potom staliv nasledujcich obdobiach nstrojmi moci nielen demokratickch, ale aj totalitnchvldnucich garnitr. V 20. storo sme na zem Slovenska zaznamenali 10 sprvnychreforiem, priom v rokoch 1923 1990 to bolo 5 zmien a po roku 1990 3 zmeny. Najstarie samosprvne formy na Slovensku zaali vznika od prvej polovice 13. sto-roia. Niektor sdla, ktor sa stali mestami, sa na zklade krovskch privilgi vyma-ovali zo zvislosti od predstaviteov zemnej ttnej sprvy hradnch pnov (upa-nov). Ich obyvatelia mali prvo zriaova a voli si vlastn vkonn orgny. Tie potom

    1. Bratislavsk VC2. Trnavsk VC3. Nitriansky VC4. Treniansky VC

    5. Banskobystrick VC6. ilinsk VC7. Koick VC8. Preovsk VC

    Slovensk republika

    Obyvatestvo5,378 milinaRozloha49 034 km2

    Hustota osdlenia109,7 obyvateov na km2

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    11Verejn sprva

    preberali do svojich rk cel miestnu sprvu. Od 11. storoia do roku 1918 prebehlo nazem Slovenska 5 hlavnch reforiem, priom celky na regionlnej rovni mali vinou

    samosprvny charakter. Ich poet sa pohyboval medzi 17 21. achtick stolicepostupne nahradili sstavu hradnch panstiev, ktor bola krovskou, ie v podstatettnou zemnou sprvnou organizciou. Po vzniku esko Slovenska (1918) bolazemn samosprva vrazne obmedzen a od roku 1923 bola regionlna samosprvav zsade zlikvidovan. Miestna samosprva bola op obnoven v roku 1990.


    stava del moc na legislatvnu, vkonn a sdnu. stava SR garantovala od poiatkuurit autonmnos miestnej samosprvy (obc) a po jej novelizcii v roku 2001 sa po-silnila aj autonmnos druhej rovne zemnej samosprvy vy zemn celok (kraj).V tvrtej hlave stavy (l. 64 l. 71) s zakotven zkladn princpy oboch rovnzemnej samosprvy: s samostatnmi samosprvnymi a sprvnymi celkami, prvnic-kmi osobami s vlastnm majetkom a finannmi prostriedkami, povinnosti je im mo-n uklada iba zkonom, maj vlastn volen orgny (starosta, zastupitestvo, resp.predseda VC a zastupitestvo), mono na ne prenies aj vkon ttnych loh za pod-mienok danch stavou a zkonmi. Slovensk republika je zemnosprvne rozdelen na 8 krajov a 2891 obc (k 31.12. 2002). Verejn sprva je organizovan na troch rovniach: tt kraj obec.Krajsk samosprva vznikla k 1. januru 2002. Kad rove m svojich volenchpredstaviteov, rozdelen lohy a zodpovednos. Niektor lohy s delen medzi tt-

    nou sprvou a samosprvou. Volen predstavitelia vetkch troch rovn (Nrodn rada, zastupitestvo vyiehozemnho celku, obecn zastupitestvo) ako aj starostovia obc a predsedovia samo-sprvy vyieho zemnho celku s volen na zklade veobecnho, rovnho a pria-meho volebnho prva tajnm hlasovanm na obdobie 4 rokov. stava nevyluuje, abylen NR SR bol v tom istom ase lenom obecnho alebo krajskho zastupitestva.Z hadiska vzahu ttnej sprvy a zemnej samosprvy existuje na Slovensku od roku1990 tzv. oddelen model (ttna sprva zemn samosprva). ttna sprva sa od1. 1. 2004 prejavuje najm na centrlnej rovni. stredn orgny maj vytvoren ni-ie stupne organizovan na rovni kraja. Poet a hranice ttnych administratvnychjednotiek (kraj) s toton s potom a hranicami samosprvnych vych zemnch

    celkov (symetrick usporiadanie). V prpade potreby si ttne krajsk rady zriaujalie rady a pracovisk v rmci krajov. Medzi oboma rovami zemnej samosprvy (obec, vy zemn celok) neexistujevzah nadriadenosti a podriadenosti.

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    12 Verejn sprva


    Do roku 1989 bola miestna verejn sprva vykonvan prostrednctvom nrodnchvborov orgnov socialistickej moci. Po demokratizanch zmench v roku 1989 sauskutonilo viacero zmien zemnosprvneho usporiadania. V septembri 1990 prijala Slovensk nrodn rada zkon . 369/1990 Zb. o obecnomzriaden. Tmto sa obnovila miestna samosprva na rovni obc. Dolo k oddeleniuttnej sprvy a zemnej samosprvy a k zavedeniu tzv. oddelenho modelu verejnejsprvy. Po obnoven miestnej samosprvy sa zvil poet obc. Zatia o v roku 1989existovalo na zem Slovenska 2694 obc, v roku 1991 ich u bolo 2825. V roku 1990prilo k zrueniu krajskej rovne ttnej sprvy a miestna ttna sprva bola na ze-m Slovenska organizovan v 38 okresoch a 121 obvodoch. V roku 1996 prilo k alej reorganizcii miestnej ttnej sprvy. Bolo zruench 121obvodov a optovne sa zaviedla krajsk rove ttnej sprvy. Slovensk republi-ka bola rozdelen na 8 krajov a 79 okresov. Zkonom . 221/1996 Z. z. o zemnoma sprvnom usporiadan Slovenskej republiky bolo zrove rozhodnut o symetrickomusporiadan miestnej ttnej sprvy a druhej rovne miestnej samosprvy na rovnikraja. Pokraoval nrast potu obc. V roku 2000 ich poet dosiahol 2883. Novelouzkona . 369/1990 Zb. o obecnom zriaden v roku 2001 sa vrazne obmedzilo al-ie tiepenie obc.

    Vvoj vekostnej truktry obc

    Vekostn kategria

    Podiel obc vekostnej kategrie v %

    1950 1961 1980 1991 2000do 499 44,6 35,8 35,3 41,2 41,5500 999 30,6 31,5 29,2 27,6 27,01 000 1 999 16,7 20,1 20,8 18,5 18,62 000 4 999 6,2 9,9 10,3 8,4 8,75 000 9 999 1,2 1,7 2,0 1,8 1,810 000 49 999 0,7 0,9 2,0 2,2 2,1nad 50 000 0,06 0,06 0,3 0,4 0,4Poet obc 3 344 3 237 2 725 2 825 2 883Priemern vekos 1 029 1 302 1 833 1 875 1 874

    K 1. januru 2002 vznikla druh rove miestnej samosprvy, v rmci hranc adminis-tratvnych krajov. V slade s stavou sa nazva vy zemn celok.

    truktra vych zemnch celkov

    Vy zemn celokRozlohav km2





    Podiel obcdo 2000

    obyvateovv %

    Bratislavsk 2 053 618 904 301,5 71 75,0

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    13Verejn sprva

    Vy zemn celokRozloha

    v km2







    Podiel obcdo 2000

    obyvateovv %Trnavsk 4 148 548 898 132,3 249 81,5Treniansky 4 501 610 135 135,6 275 83,6Nitriansky 6 343 717 585 113,1 345 82,6ilinsk 6 788 687 771 101,3 313 79,2Banskobystrick 9 455 664 024 70,2 513 91,4Preovsk 8 993 773 121 86,0 663 92,5Koick 6 753 758 494 112,3 438 91,3Slovensk republika 49 034 5 378 932 109,7 2867 87,0

    * mimo miestnych asti v Bratislave a Koiciach a vojenskch obvodov.


    Od roku 1990 do roku 1991 existovala politick va decentralizova verejn sektortak, aby obce a vyie zemn celky realizovali o najviac verejnch sluieb. V roku1992 a diskusie zastavili z dvodu rieenia vzahov v bvalej eskoslovenskej fede-ratvnej republike, ktor vystili do vzniku samostatnej Slovenskej republiky k 1. ja-nuru 1993. Roky 1993 1998 boli venovan zmenm v ttnej sprve. Diskusia o decentralizciisa op obnovila po vobch v roku 1998. Na zklade programovho vyhlsenia vldy

    SR bola vldou prijat koncepcia decentralizcie, v rmci ktorej prilo a prichdzak novmu rozdeleniu kompetenci medzi ttom, obcami a vymi zemnmi celkamipri dodran princpov politickej ekvivalencie, fisklnej ekvivalencie, subsidiarity, nede-lenia kompetenci a kompenzcii externalt. Verejn sprva na Slovensku je organizovan na troch rovniach: obec kraj tt. K 1. janura 2004 prilo k zmene usporiadania miestnej ttnej sprvy. Dvodombol presun viac ako 400 kompetenci zo ttnej sprvy na obce a vyie zemn celkya zmer zvi efektvnos a kvalitu riadenia v ttnej sprve. Boli zruen integrovankrajsk a okresn rady a rozren sie radov pecializovanej ttnej sprvy podria-dench priamo ministerstvm. Model dezintegrovanch radov pecializovanej miest-

    nej ttnej sprvy fungoval na Slovensku u v rokoch 1990 1996. Vlda SR m vkonn moc. V slade s tzv. kompetennm zkonom sa delia jednotlivministerstv a ostatn stredn orgny ttnej sprvy o vkonn prvomoci a zodpo-vednos za vkon ttnej sprvy. Ministerstvo vntra je okrem toho zodpovedn za ko-ordinciu miestnej ttnej sprvy v rmci jednotlivch krajov. Zkladnmi lohami centrlnej vldy s: hospodrska politika, zahranin politi-ka, bezpenostn politika, obrana, civiln ochrana, hasisk zbor, sdnictvo, vzen-stvo, coln prvomoci, menov zleitosti, daov rady (mimo miestnych dan), po-ty, eleznice, dianin systm, cesty I. triedy, rady prce a sluieb zamestnanosti,

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    14 Verejn sprva

    Usporiadanie verejnej sprvy od 1996 2003

    ttna sprva zemn samosprva

    ministerstv, stredn orgny


    Krajsk radypecializovanejttnej sprvy

    Krajsk radyveobecnej

    ttnej sprvy

    Krajsksamosprva 8


    Okresn rady veobecnejttnej sprvy 8

    pracovisk 41 obce 2891

    Usporiadanie verejnej sprvy od 1. 1. 2004

    ttna sprva zemn samosprva

    ministerstv, stredn orgny


    Krajsk rady

    veobecnej a pecializovanejttnej sprvy

    rad obce 2891

    Okresn rady veobecnejttnej sprvy 8

    Krajsk samosprva

  • 7/31/2019 Verejna Sprava v Piatich Jazykoch Final-1


    15Verejn sprva

    vysok kolstvo, vybran zdravotncke, kultrne a kolsk zariadenia, letisk (regio-nlne spolu s obcami a krajmi), plnovanie, ochrana prrody, regionlna politika (de-

    len s obcami a krajmi). Paralelne so zmenami vo verejnej sprve sa men aj sdny systm a polcia. V rmci sa-mosprvy neexistuje vzah nadriadenosti krajskej rovne obciam.


    5.1. OBCE

    5.1.1. truktra

    Okrem miest Bratislava a Koice existuje na Slovensku jednorovov obecnsamosprva. Mest Bratislava a Koice maj dve rovne samosprvy: magistrt-nu (Mesto) a mestsk asti. Rozdelenie loh, prvomoc a zodpovednosti stano-vuje zkon o hlavnom meste SR Bratislava, zkon o meste Koice a tatty obochmiest.

    5.1.2. Kompetencie

    Obce s prvnickmi osobami. Vlastnia majetok, maj svoj rozpoet, personlnua finann nezvislos, mu podnika, vyberaj miestne dane a poplatky. Mu sazastova medzinrodnej, cezhraninej a vntrottnej spoluprce. Samosprva sa vykonva volenmi orgnmi, hlasovanm obyvateov, miestnym refe-rendom a verejnm zhromadenm. Obce vo svojich samosprvnych kompetencichmu vydva veobecne zvzn nariadenia a stanovisk. Obce zabezpeuj samosprvnu psobnos(originlne kompetencie), ale vo vybra-nch oblastiach, kde je to pre tt vhodnejie, ajvkon prenesenej psobnosti tt-nej sprvy. Ide o oblas matrk, stavebnho poriadku a asti kompetenci v kolstve.

    poslanci zastupitestva

    Obania obce

    Obecn rad

    Obecnpolciazloky radu

    Starosta (primtor)

    rada komisie kontrolr

  • 7/31/2019 Verejna Sprava v Piatich Jazykoch Final-1


    16 Verejn sprva

    Tieto lohy vykonvaj v mene ttu, tt je zodpovedn za riadenie a kvalitu sluieba za financovanie tchto loh.

    Medzi originlne kompetencie (samosprvna psobnos) patria: miestne komuni-kcie, hromadn doprava, verejn priestranstv, zele, istota, ochrana prrody a i-votnho prostredia, vodn hospodrstvo, odkanalizovanie, komunlny odpad, zemnplnovanie, miestny rozvoj, bvanie, predkolsk a kolsk zariadenia, socilne zaria-denia, polikliniky, niektor nemocnice, kultra, osvedovanie listn, niektor priestup-ky, miestna polcia, vber miestnych dan a poplatkov, participcia na regionlnychplnoch. Obce mu podnika, sta sa lenmi podnikateskch subjektov. lohy obce vykonvaj rznym spsobom: samostatne, spoluprcou s inmi obcami(spolon obecn rad, medziobecn spoluprca), spoluprcou s podnikatemi, privt-nym sektorom. Obce zaloili vea medziobecnch podnikov (odpadov hospodrstvo,vodn hospodrstvo, drba,). Obce si zakladaj pre vkon loh rozpotov a pr-spevkov organizcie, prpade vkladaj majetok do neziskovch organizci. Mu za-klada obchodn spolonosti. Presun loh na obce sa doteraz uskutonilv dvoch etapch: 1990 1991 a 2002 2004 a bude pokraova aj v budcnosti.

    5.1.3. FinanciePoda stavy SR financuj obce svoje potreby z vlastnch prjmov, ako aj zo ttnychdotci. Zkon pritom stanov, ktor dane a poplatky s pr jmom obce. Obce zostavujrozpoet na kad rok. Od roku 2006 bud zostavova rozpoet na tri roky, priom sabude rozpoet kadm rokom spresova.

    V rokoch 1990 2003 boli obce financovan najm transfermi zo ttneho rozpo-tu (podiel na ttnych daniach, elov dotcie). Proces decentralizcie obsahuje ajzmenu v oblasti financovania obc. Hlavnm zmerom je posilni finann autonmiuobc, zvi stabilitu prjmovej zkladne, zvenie tlaku na efektvnejie vyuvanievlastnch prjmov a prepojenie rozsahu a kvality sluieb poskytovanch zemnmi sa-mosprvami s daovm zaaenm obyvatestva. Od 1.janura 2004 sa zmenil spsob financovania prenesenho vkonu ttnej spr-vy v kolstve. Obce, ako zriaovatelia zkladnch kl, dostvaj finann prostriedkypoda stanovench normatvov na 1 iaka, na druh, typ, vekos koly a poda teplotnchpsiem. Obce na Slovensku zamestnvaj cca 140 tisc osb na pln pracovn vzok.

    Prjmy Pre rok 2004 sa uvaovalo s nasledovnou truktrou prjmov:

    Druh prjmu mil. SK mil. Euro % podiel

    Miestne dane a poplatky 6 400,0 160 9,8

    z toho: da z pozemkov 3 800,0

    miestne poplatky 2 600,0

    Podiel na ttnych daniach 18 639,0 459 28,1

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    17Verejn sprva

    Druh prjmu mil. SK mil. Euro % podiel

    Nedaov prjmy 11 810,0 295 18,1

    Prjmy z finannch transakci 6 650,0 166 10,2Transfer z kapitol R (prenesen vkonttne sprvy)

    21 061,2 527 32,2

    Vsledok hospodrenia 750,0 19 1,6

    Spolu 65 310,2 1 626 100,0

    Z vyie uvedench siel je zrejm, e najdleitejm zkladom rozpotov obcs daov prjmy (miestne dane a poplatky a podiel na ttnych daniach), ktortvoria takmer 38 % prjmov, nasleduj transfery na prenesen vkon psobnostittnej sprvy (32,2 %) a nedaov prjmy. Miestnu da tvor da z nehnutenos-t. Vinu daovch prjmov vak tvoril v roku 2004 podiel obc na dani z prjmufyzickch osb, dani z prjmu prvnickch osb a cestnej dani. Podiel obc na tt-nych daniach sa prerozdeuje do jednotlivch rozpotov poda potu obyvateov (daz prjmu fyzickch osb a cestn da). V prpade podielu na dani z prjmov prvnic-kch osb sa podiel prerozdeuje pomocou dvoch kritri: poet obyvateov a sdloprvnickej osoby. Od 1. janura 2005 prilo k zsadnej zmene financovania obc. (vi kapitola 6.).

    VdavkyPresunom kompetenci na obce sa objem vdavkov obc oproti roku 2000 zdvojnsobila predstavuje 65,3 mld. Sk, o je cca 21% vdavkov ttneho rozpotu a 5% HDP SR.

    Cca 40% vdavkov obc je krytch vlastnmi prjmami a 60% transfermi zo ttneho roz-potu. truktra vdavkov sa po presune kompetenci zsadne zmenila. Najviu polo-ku tvor financovanie kolstva, nasleduje sprva obce, socilne veci, bvanie, ...... V roku 2002 tvorili ben vdavky 64 % celkovch vdavkov a kapitlov vdavky cca30 %.

    5.1.4. KontrolaPoda stavy tt me zasahova do innosti obce len spsobom ustanovenm zko-nom. stava predpoklad, e zemn samosprva kon vo vlastnch kompetencichsamostatne od ttu a pravidl dozoru, resp. dohadu, stanov zkon. V oblastiach pre-nesenej psobnosti ttnej sprvy na obce podlieha, riadi a kontroluje vkon prenese-

    nch loh tt. Kontrola obc je zabezpeovan vntornou kontrolu a vonkajou kon-trolou. Vntorn kontrolu zabezpeuje hlavn kontrolr obce (volen obecnm zastupi-testvom). Jeho psobnos je zameran na plnenie samosprvnych funkci, dodr-iavanie nariaden, smernc, pokynov, rozhodnut, dodriavania zkonnosti, roz-potovho hospodrenia, stavu pohadvok, zvzkov, dodriavania povinnosti prinakladan s majetkom mesta, dodriavania metd verejnho obstarvania, vybavova-nm petci a sanost. Vypracovva stanovisk k nvrhu obecnho rozpotu a k nvr-hu zverenho tu obce. Hlavn kontrolr je zamestnancom obce na 6 rokov. Jeho

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    18 Verejn sprva

    platov nleitosti uruje zastupitestvo (je pripraven zmena, aby plat kontrolrauroval zkon).

    Vonkajiu kontrolu plnia: Najvy kontroln rad v oblasti prenesenho vkonu p-sobnosti ttnej sprvy, rad vldy vo veciach prenesenho vkonu ttnej sprvy,Ministerstvo financi, sprvne sdy, prokuratra vo veciach dodriavania zkonnostiprvnych aktov, audit kontroly sprvnosti a plnosti riadnej a mimoriadnej tovnejuzvierky a kontroly finannej a majetkovej situcie, ombudsman vo veciach dodria-vania udskch prv a slobd. V sasnosti je pripraven nvrh na posilnenie postave-nia Najvyieho kontrolnho radu.

    5.1.5. Volebn systmStarostovia obc, primtori miest s volen z obanov, ktor maj na zem obcetrval pobyt. Kandidti mu by navrhovan politickou stranou, alebo kandidova akonezvisl. Ak kandiduj bez podpory politickej strany, musia predloi zkonom stano-ven poet podpisov obyvateov obce podporujcich ich kandidatru. S volen na z-klade veobecnho, rovnho a priameho volebnho prva, tajnm hlasovanm, v rmcijednho volebnho obvodu, vetkmi oprvnenmi volimi na 4 roky. S volen v jed-nokolovch vobch vinovm spsobom a vazom sa stva kandidt, ktor zskanajviac hlasov. Kad obec m starostu, primtora, priom as z nich pracuje na ias-ton vzok. Starosta je tatutrnym orgnom obce a zodpoved za politick, ale ajvecn rove obce. Poslanci obecnho zastupitestva s volen na tvorron obdobie, v jedno aleboviacmandtovch volebnch obvodoch, ktor uruje zastupitestvo obce. Voby s taj-

    n, vinovm spsobom, na zklade veobecnho, rovnho a priameho volebnhoprva. V sasnosti je na Slovensku zvolench cca 25 000 poslancov obecnch zastu-pitestiev.

    5.1.6. Spoluas obanovNa samosprve sa obania zastuj cestou volench orgnov obce, asou narokovaniach zastupitestva, miestnym referendom, hlasovanm obyvateov obce, ve-rejnm zhromadenm, asou na prieskumoch verejnej mienky, participciou narozvojovch programoch obce, ale aj lenstvom v komisich zriadench obecnm za-stupitestvom a lenstvom v kolskch radch.

    5.1.7. SpoluprcaNapriek snahe o jasn rozdelenie kompetenci medzi ttnou sprvou a samosprvou,ale aj medzi obcami a vymi zemnmi celkami, existuje mnoho foriem spoluprcemedzi predstavitemi verejnej sprvy. Ide najm o oblas plnovania, regionlneho roz-voja, financovania, medziobecnej spoluprce v administratvnych innostiach a v hos-podrskych slubch, medzinrodnej a cezhraninej spoluprci. Viac ako 90% obc na Slovensku je lenom Zdruenia miest a obc Slovenska, ktor-ho zkladnmi lohami s okrem pomoci obciam a obhajovania ich prv voi centrl-nej vlde, aj podpora vzdelvania, podnecovanie spoluprce medzi obcami a medzin-

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    rodn spoluprca. V rmci zdruenia existuje viac ako 50 regionlnych zdruen, ktorvznikli v roku 1990. Zdruenie miest a obc Slovenska je lenom Asocicie zamestn-

    vateskch zvzov, v poisovacch spolonostiach, a pod. Okrem tohto zdruenia existuje aj nia miest Slovenska a viacer profesijn zdrue-nia: Asocicia komunlnych ekonmov Slovenska, Zdruenie hlavnch kontrolrovSlovenska, Asocicia prednostov mestskch radov...............


    5.2.1. truktra

    5.2.2. KompetencieVyie zemn celky s prvnickmi osobami. Vlastnia majetok, maj svoj rozpoet,personlnu a finann nezvislos, mu podnika, vyberaj sprvne poplatky. Musa zastova medzinrodnej, cezhraninej a vntrottnej spoluprce. Samosprva sa vykonva volenmi orgnmi a referendom. Vyie zemn celky muvydva vo vlastnch kompetencich veobecne zvzn nariadenia. Samosprva vych zemnch celkov m samosprvne (originlne) kompetencie,

    ale vykonva aj niektor lohy prenesen zo ttnej sprvy (napr. as kompetenciv kolstve, zdravotnctve, cestnej doprave). Medzi originlne kompetencie vych zemnch samosprvnych celkov patria: cestyII. a III. triedy, zemn plnovanie, regionlny rozvoj, vlastn investin innos, stred-n kolstvo, nemocnice, niektor zariadenia socilnych sluieb (domovy dchodcov,socilne sluby pre deti, krzov stredisk, detsk domovy, ...), kultrne zariadenia (ga-lrie, mze, divadl, niektor kninice,...), participcia na civilnej ochrane, licenciepre lekrne a skromnch lekrov,... Vyie zemn celky zabezpeuj lohy samostatne, spolupracuj so skromnm sek-

    Obania kraja

    Predseda samosprvyvyieho zemnho celku

    Zastupitestvo samosprvyvyieho zemnho celku

    rad samosprvyvyieho zemnho celku

    komisie tvar hlavnho kontrolra

    zloky radu

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    torom. S zriaovatemi rozpotovch, prspevkovch a neziskovch organizci a ob-chodnch spolonost.

    Presun kompetenci zo ttu na vyie zemn celky prebehol v I. etape v rokoch2002 2004 a bude pokraova aj v budcnosti.

    5.2.3. FinanciePoda stavy financuj vyie zemn celky svoje potreby predovetkm z vlastnchprjmov, ako aj zo ttnych dotci. Zkon stanov, ktor dane a poplatky s prjmomvyieho zemnho celku. Vyie zemn celky zostavuj rozpoet na kad rok. Od roku 2006 sa uvauje, e ajvyie zemn celky bud zostavova rozpoet v zkladnom lenen na tri roky. Poas prenosu kompetenci, v rokoch 2002-2003, dostvali vyie zemn celkyelov dotcie (decentralizan dotcia), pomocou ktorch financovali zverensamosprvne lohy. Od 1. janura 2004 sa elov dotcie zmenili na globlnudotciu, t.j. vyie zemn celky rozhoduj cestou schvlench rozpotov o pouittransferu zo ttneho rozpotu. lohy, ktor zabezpeuj v mene ttu, s naalejfinancovan elovou dotciou. Od 1. janura 2004 sa zrove zmenil spsob finan-covania kolstva. Vyie zemn celky, ako zriaovatelia strednch kl, dostvajfinancie na kolstvo na zklade normatvu na 1 iaka, poda druhu a typu koly. Rovnako ako v prpade obc, od 1. janura 2005 sa zsadne zmenil systm financova-nia vych zemnch celkov. (Vi kapitola 6.)


    Pre rok 2004 sa uvauje s nasledovnou truktrou prjmov:mil. SK mil. Euro % podiel

    Podiel na ttnych daniach 8 185 205,0 43,70

    Nedaov prjmy 621 15,5 3,30

    Prjmy z finannch transakci 9 0,2 0,05

    Transfery z kapitol R na prenesen vkonpsobnosti ttnej sprvy

    9 920 248,0 52,95

    Spolu 18 735 468,7 100,00

    Pre rok 2004 boli pre samosprvu vyieho zemnho celku rozhodujcimi prjmami

    transfery zo ttneho rozpotu (podiel na ttnych daniach a dotcia na prenesen v-kon ttnej sprvy). Od 1. janura 2005 sa zrealizovala zmena financovania, v rmci ktorej sa posilni-li vlastn prjmy vych zemnch celkov a zmenil sa spsob prerozdeovania podieluna ttnych daniach (prechod na prerozdeovanie poda vopred znmeho vzorca).

    Vdavkytruktra vdavkov zodpoved rozsahu kompetenci, ktor vyie zemn celky za-bezpeuj. Najviu poloku tvor kolstvo, potom socilne veci, kultra a zdra-

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    votnctvo. Od 1. janura 2004 pribdaj aj drba, oprava a vstavba ciest II. a III.triedy.

    5.2.4. KontrolaObdobne, ako v prpade obc, me tt zasahova do innosti samosprvy vyiehozemnho celku len spsobom stanovenm zkonom. stava predpoklad, e v pr-pade samosprvnych kompetenci kon vy zemn celok nezvisle od ttu a v s-lade so zkonmi (je mon iba kontrola dodriavania zkonnosti). V prpade prenese-nch psobnost ttnej sprvy na vy zemn celok tento vkon riadi a kontrolujettna sprva. Kontrola vych zemnch celkov je zabezpeovan vntornou a von-kajou kontrolou. Vntorn kontrolu zabezpeuje tvar hlavnho kontrolra. Hlavn kontrolr je vole-n zastupitestvom. Jeho psobnos je zameran na plnenie samosprvnych funkci,dodriavanie nariaden, smernc, pokynov, rozhodnut, dodriavanie zkonnosti, roz-potovho hospodrenia, stavu pohadvok, zvzkov, dodriavanie povinnost na-kladania s majetkom, metd verejnho obstarvania, vybavovanie petci a sanost.Vypracovva stanovisk k nvrhu rozpotu a k zverenmu tu. Jeho platov nlei-tosti ustanovuje zastupitestvo. Vonkajiu kontrolu plnia tie ist intitcie, ako v prpade obc (vi kapitola 5.1.4.).

    5.2.5. Volebn systmPredsedovia vych zemnch celkov s volen z obanov majcich trval pobytna zem vyieho zemnho celku. Kandidti mu by navrhovan politickou stra-

    nou alebo koalciou. Za podmienok ustanovench zkonom mu kandidova ajnezvisl kandidti. Predsedovia s volen na zklade veobecnho, rovnho a pria-meho volebnho prva, tajnm hlasovanm, v rmci jednho volebnho obvodu (ze-mie vyieho zemnho celku), vetkmi oprvnenmi volimi, na obdobie 4 ro-kov. Voby s dvojkolov. Ak v prvom kole nezska iadny z kandidtov 50 % + 1 hlasz platnch odovzdanch hlasovacch lstkov, postpia do druhho kola dvaja kandi-dti s najvym potom zskanch hlasov. V druhom kole sa vazom stva kandidts vym potom zskanch hlasov. Na Slovensku je 8 predsedov vych zemnchcelkov. Poslanci zastupitestva s volen vo viacmandtovch volebnch obvodoch, na tvor-ron obdobie. Hranice volebnch obvodov a poet mandtov v nich ur zastupite-

    stvo v slade so zkonom. Voby s tajn, vinovm spsobom, na zklade ve-obecnho, rovnho a priameho volebnho prva. V sasnosti je v 8 zastupitestvchspolu 401 poslancov.

    5.2.6. Spoluas obanovNa samosprve sa obania podieaj prostrednctvom svojich volench zstupcov,asou na verejnch rokovaniach zastupitestva, referendom, asou na priesku-moch verejnej mienky, participciou na programoch rozvoja, lenstvom v komisichzriadench zastupitestvom a lenstvom v kolskch radch.

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    5.2.7. SpoluprcaExistuje viacero foriem spoluprce medzi samosprvou vyieho zemnho cel-

    ku, ttnou sprvou a obcami. Ide najm o oblas regionlneho rozvoja, budovania in-fratruktry, plnovania, financovania. Predsedovia vych zemnch celkov spolupracuj v rmci konferencie predsedova na rovnakom prpade spolupracuj aj hlavn kontrolri vych zemnch celkov.


    Cieom novho systmu financovania zemnch samosprv je posilnenie daovchprjmov obc, stanovenie vlastnch daovch prjmov vych zemnch celkov a za-vedenie novho spsobu finannho vyrovnvania bench prjmov a vdavkov zem-nej samosprvy. Fisklna decentralizcia nadvzuje na daov reformu a na prenoskompetenci zo ttnej sprvy na obce a vyie zemn celky. Jej realizciou zska-la zemn samosprva mimoriadne dleit nstroj rozhodovanie o vlastnch prj-moch vrazne posilujci autonmnos samosprvy. Podstatou zmeny je prechod odposkytovania dotci zo ttneho rozpotu k financovaniu samosprvnej psobnostiprostrednctvom daovch prjmov. Nov systm vrazne posilnil samostatnos, ale ajzodpovednos, zemnej samosprvy v procese rozhodovania o pouit verejnch zdro-jov pri poskytovan sluieb obanom. Nov systm prispieva k stabilizcii prjmov sa-mosprvy na dlhie obdobie a vytvra podmienky pre plnovanie financi na niekokorokov dopredu. Zavdza solidrny, spravodliv, transparentn systm financovania,

    zaloen na konkrtnych meratench kritrich. Fisklna decentralizcia uvouje obciam ruky pri urovan sadzby miestnych dan.Tieto s fakultatvne, o znamen, e obce rozhoduj nielen o sadzbe dane, ale aj o jejzaveden a o osloboden a o avch na dani. Od 1. janura 2005 zkon stanovil osemmiestnych dan: da z nehnutenost, da za psa, da za uvanie verejnho priestran-stva, da za ubytovanie, da za predajn automaty, da za nevhern hracie prstroje,da za vjazd do historickej asti mesta a da za jadrov zariadenie. Bol zachovan ajjeden miestny poplatok za komunlny odpad a drobn stavebn odpady. Vlastn fa-kultatvnu da maj aj vyie zemn celky da z motorovch vozidiel -, ktor nahra-dila doterajiu cestn da. O jej zaveden, o sadzbe dane, o osloboden a o avchrozhoduje zastupitestvo vyieho zemnho celku. Predmetom dane s motorov vo-

    zidl pouvan na podnikanie alebo v svislosti s podnikanm. Nov systm finannho vyrovnvania je zaloen na prerozdeovan dane z prjmufyzickch osb pomocou vzorca obsahujceho kritri zodpovedajce druhu a obje-mu kompetenci, ktor vykonva zemn samosprva. Od 1. janura 2005 je prjmomttneho rozpotu iba 6,2 % dane z prjmov fyzickch osb. 70,3 % vnosu dane je prj-mom obc a 23,5 % vnosu je prjmom vych zemnch celkov. Vzorec, pomocou kto-rho sa celoslovensk podiel obc na vnose dane rozdeuje do jednotlivch obc, sasklad zo tyroch kritri: poet obyvateov s trvalm pobytom na zem obce, poetobyvateov ven koeficientom vekostnej kategrie obce, poet iakov zkladnch

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    umeleckch kl a predkolskch zariaden navtevujcich zariadenia a podiel obyva-teov nad 62 rokov. Vzorec pre vyie zemn celky obsahuje es kritri: celkov po-

    et obyvateov s trvalm pobytom vo VC, poet obyvateov vo veku 15-18 rokov, po-et obyvateov vo veku 62 rokov a viac, dka ciest II. a III. kategrie vo vlastnctve VC,hustota obyvateov a rozloha VC. V rmci vych zemnch celkov je zaveden etedodaton mechanizmus horizontlneho finannho vyrovnvania podielu VC na v-nose dane z prjmu fyzickch osb pomocou indexcie. Prijatm novho systmu sa zruila kapitola shrnnho finannho vzahu zemnejsamosprvy k ttnemu rozpotu. Ani miestne dane a ani podiel obc a VC na daniz prjmu fyzickch osb nie s prjmom ttneho rozpotu. Poda odhadu MF SR malby v roku 2005 objem daovch prjmov zemnej samosprvy 33 854,9 mil. Sk. Pretento rok mal by vnos dane garantovan, t.j. v prpade nedostatonej vnosnosti da-ne by mal tt dofinancova rozdiel do uvedenej sumy. Pvodne sa predpokladalo, ev prvom roku novho systmu bude dopad medzi zavedenm a nezavedenm systmuneutrlny. Vnos dane za prv tri mesiace roku 2005 ukzal, e u prv rok prinieslazmena systmu pozitvny dopad na objem prjmov samosprvy.

    Odhadovan dopad fisklnej decentralizcie (FD):

    V mil. Sk 2005 SK Mil.Eur 2006 Mil.Eur 2007 Mil.Eur

    (1)Shrnn finann vzahbez FD

    33 854 877,5 34 771 901,3 35 673 924,7

    (2)FD v schvlenom

    rozpote 2005

    33 854 877,5 35 663 924,4 38 979 1010,4

    (3)Aktulny odhad 34 506 894,4 37 322 967,4 40 971 1062,0

    Rozdiel (3) (1) + 652 +16,9 + 2 551 + 66,1 + 5 298 +137,3

    Kompetencie, ktor obce a vyie zemn celky bud vykonva v reime prenesen-ho vkonu psobnosti ttnej sprvy, bud naalej financovan dotciami zo ttnehorozpotu, na zklade normatvov, prostrednctvom prslunej rozpotovej kapitoly. Nov legislatva zavdza zostavovanie viacronho trojronho rozpotu. Tmto sp-sobom sa vytvor innejie asov prepojenie rozpotovho obdobia nielen s voleb-nm obdobm zastupitestiev, ale predovetkm s dlhodobmi zvzkami obc a VC.

    Rozpoet prjmov a vdavkov na dva roky, ktor nasleduj po roku, pre ktor sa zosta-vuje rozpoet, nie je zvzn a v alch rozpotovch rokoch sa upravuje. Prvna prava vytvra aj bariry neodvodnenmu zvyovaniu zadlovania zemnchsamosprv. Podmienky pre prijmanie nvratnch zdrojov financovania s sprsnen.Maximlne zadenie samosprvy nesmie presahova rove 60% z bench ronchprjmov, priom obce alebo VC me rone vynaloi na dlhov slubu maximlne25% ronch prjmov benho rozpotu. Oakva sa, e nov systm financovania zemnch samosprv vytvor podmienkypre innejiu mobilizciu zdrojov a zvenie osobnej zodpovednosti volench org-

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    nov samosprvy, bude iniciova vyiu mieru obianskej participcie, zabezpe lep-iu informovanos o pouvan verejnch financi a umon diferencovan prstup k rie-

    eniu pecifickch potrieb a poiadaviek obanov v jednotlivch obciach a reginochSlovenska.

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    25Verejn sprva 25Public


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    38 Verejn sprva26Publicadministration

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    The Slovak Republic underwent a number of major social andpolitical changes in the period between 1989 and 2005. First of

    all, it was a change in the political character of the state the

    transition from totalitarianism to democracy and a substantial

    enhancement of the rights and freedoms of the individual. This

    was followed by economic reforms removing barriers to the

    development of the market economy based on private ownership.

    Changes were also made to the organisation of the state resulting

    above all in the new structure and way of functioning of public

    administration and the provision of public services.

    Decentralisation at all levels political decentralisation, de-

    centralisation of powers and financial decentralisation became the key instrument for changes in the organisation

    of the state and public administration. Since 1998, changes

    have been gradually made in the territorial division of Slovakia

    creating a second level of self-government (higher territorial

    units), transferring more than 400 powers to municipalities and

    higher territorial units, modifying the method of financing and

    control of self-government and strengthening the autonomy

    of decision-making of self-government vis--vis the central

    government, together with the control mechanisms in public

    administration. The implementation of the changes allowed for a

    greater degree of participation by citizens in the administrationof public affairs, application of the principle of subsidiarity

    and strengthening of the status and responsibility of territorial

    self-government for the provision of public services and the

    development of municipalities and higher territorial units.

    We are convinced that a decentralised state will allow for a better

    use of the human, productive and natural potential of Slovakia

    to the benefit of its people. Decentralisation and related public

    administration reform is a must for the geographically and

    ethnically diverse Slovakia. It is also an instrument for ensuring

    that people see the state not only as an institution, but also a

    community of people who are inevitably tied to the state and

    who have a common interest in its prosperity.

    In this little brochure, we are trying to describe what has

    happened in Slovakia in the field of decentralisation and public

    administration reform over the past 15 years.

    Viktor Niansk




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    The Slovak Republic was established as a sovereign state on 01. 01. 1993.Under its Constitution, it is a unitary state with a unicameral parliament

    (the National Council of the Slovak Republic) of 150 members elected using

    the proportional election system in a single electoral district (the possibility

    of increasing the number of electoral districts is being debated in the

    parliament). Only candidates of political parties can run in parliamentary



    The origins ofstate administration in the territory of Slovakia go back to the 9th century.It was gradually developing during the various forms of monarchy. The monarchistadministration was replaced by state authorities and institutions of the CzechoslovakRepublic in 1918. Then it became an instrument of power of democratic as well astotalitarian governments. 10 administrative reforms took place in the territory ofSlovakia in the 20th century, 5 of them between 1923 and 1990 and 3 after 1990. The oldest forms of self-government in Slovakia started to develop in the first half

    of the 13th century. Thanks to royal privileges, some settlements that had turned into

    towns emancipated from dependence on representatives of territorial administration

    Bratislava regionTrnava region

    Nitra regionTrenn region

    Bansk Bystrica regionilina region

    Koice regionPreov region

    Slovak Republic

    Population 5.378 millionArea 49,034 km2

    Population density 109.7 inhabitants per km2

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    castle lords (governors). Their inhabitants had the right to create and elect their

    own executive bodies, which then took over the whole local administration. 5 major

    reforms took place in the territory of Slovakia from the 11th century until 1918 and theadministrative units at the regional level were usually of a self-governing nature. Their

    number varied between 17 and 21. The system of castle counties, which were royal, i.e.,

    in essence, state territorial administrative units, was gradually replaced by aristocratic

    seats. Territorial self-government was radically restricted after the establishment of

    Czechoslovakia (1918) and regional self-government was virtually eliminated in 1923.

    Local self-government was not reinstated until 1990.


    The Constitution divides power between the legislative, executive and judiciarybranches. Since the beginning, the Constitution has guaranteed a certain degreeof autonomy to local self-government (municipalities) and the amendment of 2001strengthened the autonomy of the second level of territorial self-government thehigher territorial units (regions). The basic principles of both levels of territorial self-government are defined under Title Four of the Constitution (Articles 64 71): theyare independent self-governing and administrative units and legal entities which ownproperty and financial resources; duties can be imposed on them only through laws;they have their own elected bodies (mayors, municipal assemblies, heads of higherterritorial unit and regional assemblies); and, the performance of state duties can betransferred to them under conditions set down by the Constitution and laws.

    The Slovak Republic is territorially divided into 8 regions and 2891 municipalities (asof 31. 12. 2002). Public administration is organised at three levels: state region municipality. Regional self-government was created as of 1 January 2002. Every levelhas its elected officials, delegated duties and responsibility. Certain duties are dividedbetween the state administration and self-government.The elected officials at all three levels (the parliament, assemblies of higher territorialunits, municipal assemblies), as well as mayors and heads of higher territorial units areelected for a 4-year term on the basis of a general, equal and direct right to vote in asecret ballot. The Constitution does not exclude Members of Parliament from being atthe same time members of a municipal or regional assembly.As regards the relationship between the state administration and territorial self-

    government, the so-called separate model (state administration territorial self-government) has been in place in Slovakia since 1990. Since 01. 01. 2004 the stateadministration has been operating above all at the central level. Central authoritieshave subordinate organisational levels at the regional level. The number and borders ofthe state administration units (regions) are identical with the number and borders of theself-governing higher territorial units (symmetrical division). If necessary, regional stateadministration offices set up further offices and units within regions. There is no relationship of superiority or subordination between the two levels ofterritorial self-government (municipalities and higher territorial units).

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    Before 1989, local public administration was conducted by means of nationalcommittees which were an instrument of Communist power. After the democratisationprocess in 1989, a number of changes in the territorial division were made. In September 1990, the Slovak National Council adopted Act No. 369/1990 Coll. onMunicipalities. Hence, local self-government was reinstated at the level of municipalities.State administration and territorial self-government were separated and the so-calledseparate model of public administration was introduced. After the reinstatement of localself-government, the number of municipalities increased. From 2694 municipalitiesin 1989, the number of municipalities in Slovakia rose to as many as 2825 in 1991.The regional level of state administration was abolished in 1990 and local stateadministration in Slovakia was divided into 38 districts and 121 sub-districts. Another reorganisation of local state administration took place in 1996. The 121 sub-districts were abolished and the regional level of state administration was reintroduced.The Slovak Republic was divided into 8 regions and 79 districts. Act No. 221/1996Coll. on the Territorial and Administrative Division of the Slovak Republic at the sametime introduced a symmetric division of local state administration and a second levelof local self-government at the level of regions. The number of municipalities continuedto rise and reached 2883 in 2000. The 2001 amendment to Act No. 369/1990 Coll. onMunicipalities significantly restricted further fragmentation of municipalities.

    Development of the size structure of municipalities

    Size categoryNumber of municipalities in the size category in %

    1950 1961 1980 1991 2000

    up to 499 44.6 35.8 35.3 41.2 41.5

    500 999 30.6 31.5 29.2 27.6 27.0

    1 000 1 999 16.7 20.1 20.8 18.5 18.6

    2 000 4 999 6.2 9.9 10.3 8.4 8.7

    5 000 9 999 1.2 1.7 2.0 1.8 1.8

    10 000 49 999 0.7 0.9 2.0 2.2 2.1

    over 50 000 0.06 0.06 0.3 0.4 0.4

    number ofmunicipalities

    3 344 3 237 2 725 2 825 2 883

    average size 1 029 1 302 1 833 1 875 1 874

    A second level of local self-government was created on 1 January 2002 copying theborders of administrative regions. In accordance with the Constitution, these are calledhigher territorial units.

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    Structure of higher territorial units

    Higher territorial unitArea

    in km2Population

    in 1996



    Number of




    of municipa-

    lities with


    below 2000

    in %

    Bratislava 2 053 618 904 301.5 71 75

    Trnava 4 148 548 898 132.3 249 81.5

    Trenn 4 501 610 135 135.6 275 83.6

    Nitra 6 343 717 585 113.1 345 82.6

    ilina 6 788 687 771 101.3 313 79.2

    Bansk Bystrica 9 455 664 024 70.2 513 91.4

    Preov 8 993 773 121 86.0 663 92.5

    Koice 6 753 758 494 112.3 438 91.3

    Slovak Republic 49 034 5 378 932 109.7 2867 87.0

    * excluding town districts of Bratislava and Koice and military districts


    In 1990 and 1991 there was a political will to decentralise the public sector so that asmany public services as possible are provided by municipalities and higher territorialunits. The debate was halted in 1992 due to the need to deal with the relations withinthe former Czechoslovak Federative Republic, which led to the creation of the sovereignSlovak Republic on 1 January 1993. The 1993-1998 period focused on changes in state administration. The discussion ondecentralisation was renewed after the 1998 elections. Based on its Policy Statement,the Government adopted a decentralisation concept which served as a basis for thenew division of powers between the state, municipalities and higher territorial unitsrespecting the principles of political and fiscal equality, subsidiarity, non-division of

    powers and compensation of externalities. Public administration is divided into three levels in Slovakia: municipality region state.

    The organisation of local state administration changed effective from 1 January2004. The reason for this was the transfer of more than 400 powers from the stateadministration to municipalities and higher territorial units and the objective to increasethe efficiency and quality of management in state administration. The integrated regionaland district state administration offices were abolished and the network of offices ofspecialised state administration directly subordinated to ministries was extended. The

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    Local offices of general and specialised

    state administration Offices

    Organisation of public administration from 1996 to 2003

    state administration

    Ministries, central authorities


    Regional offices of

    specialised state


    Regional offices of general

    state administration - 8

    Regional self-

    government - 8


    District offices of general state

    administration - 79

    Units - 41 Municipalities - 2891

    Organisation of public administration effective from 01. 01. 2004

    state administration territorial self-government

    Ministries, central authorities


    Regional offices of general and

    specialised state administration

    Municipalities 2891

    Local District offices of general and

    specialised state administration

    Regional self-government


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    model of disintegrated offices of specialised local state administration was already inplace in Slovakia between 1990 and 1996.

    The Government has executive power. In accordance with the so-called competenceact, executive powers and the responsibility for the performance of state administrationare divided between individual ministries and other central state administrationauthorities. In addition, the Ministry of the Interior is in charge of co-ordinating localstate administration in individual regions. The basic roles of central government are: economic policy, foreign policy, securitypolicy, defence, civil protection, fire brigade, judiciary, prison service, customs, currencyaffairs, tax offices (except for local taxes), posts, railways, motorway system, 1st classroads, labour and employment services offices, universities, selected healthcare,cultural and school establishments, airports (the responsibility for regional airportsis shared with municipalities and regions), planning, nature protection, regional policy(shared with municipalities and regions). In parallel with the changes in public administration, changes in the judicial system andthe police are taking place. There is no relationship of superiority between the regionallevel and municipalities.



    5.1.1. Structure

    Except for the cities of Bratislava and Koice, there is a single-level municipal self-government in Slovakia. The cities of Bratislava and Koice have two levels of self-government: magistrate (the City) and city districts. The division of duties, powers and

    Members of the assembly

    Citizens of the municipality

    Municipal office

    Head of the office


    policeOffice departments


    council commissions auditor

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    responsibility is defined by the Act on the Capital City of Bratislava, Act on the City ofKoice and the statutes of both cities.

    5.1.2. Powers

    Municipalities are legal entities. They own property, have their own budgets andpersonnel and financial independence, can conduct business and collect local taxesand fees. They can engage in international, cross-border and domestic co-operation. Self-government is effected by means of elected bodies, citizens vote, local referendumand public assemblies. Within their self-governing powers, municipalities can issuegenerally binding regulations and positions. Municipalities perform self-government duties (original powers) and, in selected areas,where it is more advantageous for the state, they also perform transferred stateadministration duties. This concerns the area of registry offices, the construction orderand a section of duties in the education sector. They perform these duties on behalf ofthe state; the state is responsible for the management and quality of the services andfunding of these duties. The original powers (self-government duties) include: local roads, public transport,public areas, green areas, cleanness, nature and environment protection, watermanagement, sewer system, municipal waste, territorial planning, local development,housing, pre-school and school establishments, social establishments, policlinics,certain hospitals, culture, certification of documents, certain offences, municipal police,collection of local taxes and fees, participation in regional planning. Municipalities canconduct business and be members of companies.

    Municipalities perform their duties in a variety of ways: independently or in co-ope-ration with other municipalities ( joint municipal offices, intermunicipal co-operation),

    businesses and the private sector. Municipalities have established many municipal

    joint ventures (waste management, water management, maintenance, etc.). For the

    sake of performing their duties, municipalities create budgetary and contributory

    organisations, or transfer property to non-profit organisations. They can establish


    The transfer of duties to municipalities has taken place in two stages, 1990 1991and 2002 2004, and will continue in the future.

    5.1.3. Financing

    Under the Constitution, municipalities finance their needs from their own revenuesand from state subsidies. The law lays down which taxes and fees are revenues

    of municipalities. Municipalities draw up their budgets on an annual basis. From

    2006 onwards, they will draw up three-year budgets, which will be refined every


    In the 1990 2003 period municipalities were mostly financed through transfersfrom the state budget (a share in state taxes and special-purpose subsidies).The decentralisation process includes a change in the financing of municipalities. Thekey objective is to strengthen the financial autonomy of municipalities, increase the

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    stability of their revenue base, intensify the pressure towards more efficient use ofown revenues and create a link between the scope and quality of services provided by

    territorial self-government and the tax burden on the population. The method of financing the transferred state administration duties in the educationsector was changed on 1 January 2004. Being the administrators of primary schools,municipalities receive per-child contributions defined by the kind, type and size of schooland temperature zones. Municipalities in Slovakia employ around 140 thousand full-time employees.


    The following revenue structure is expected for 2004:

    type of revenue SKK million EUR million % share

    Local taxes and fees 6 400.0 160 9.8

    of which: property tax 3 800.0

    local fees 2 600.0

    Share in state taxes 18 639.0 459 28.1

    Non-tax revenues 11 810.0 295 18.1

    Income from financial transactions 6 650.0 166 10.2

    State budget transfers (for transferredstate administration duties)

    21 061.2 527 32.2

    Results of operations 750.0 19 1.6TOTAL 65 310.2 1 626 100.0

    The above figures show that the most important source of revenue of municipal bud-gets are taxes (local taxes and fees and their share in state taxes), which accountfor almost 38% of revenues. These are followed by transfers for transferred stateadministration duties (32.2 %) and non-tax revenues. Local tax revenues are generatedthrough property tax. Nevertheless, the majority of tax revenues in 2004 came from themunicipalities share in personal and corporate income tax and road tax. Municipalitiesshare in state taxes is redistributed to individual budgets according to the size ofpopulation (personal income tax and road tax). As regards corporate income tax,

    municipalities share is redistributed using two criteria: the size of population and theplace of business of the legal entity. Major changes were made in the system of financing municipalities effective from1. january 2005. (See 6.)


    Through the transfer of powers to municipalities, expenditure of municipalities doubledcompared with 2000 reaching SKK 65.3 billion, which is around 21% of state budgetexpenditure and 5% of Slovakias GDP. Approx. 40% of municipalities expenditure

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    is covered from their own revenues and the remaining 60% from state budget trans-fers.

    The structure of expenditure substantially changed after the transfer of powers. Thegreatest expenditure item is education followed by municipality administration, socialaffairs, housing, etc. Current expenditure accounted for 64% and capital expenditure for approx. 30% of totalexpenditure in 2002.

    5.1.4. Control

    Under the Constitution, the state may intervene in the activities of municipalities onlyin a manner specified by law. The Constitution foresees that territorial self-governmentacts within its powers independently of the state, while the rules of oversight or controlwill be laid down by law. The performance of transferred state administration duties bymunicipalities is administered and controlled by the state. Municipalities are controlledby means of internal and external control. Internal control

    is conducted by the chief auditor of the municipality (electedby the municipal assembly).The auditors competence includes the control of self-governing functions, adherenceto ordinances, regulations, instructions and decisions, compliance with laws, budgetmanagement, balance of claims and liabilities, adherence to obligations in the handlingof municipal property, compliance with the methods of public procurement andprocessing of petitions and complaints. He formulates positions on drafts of municipalbudgets and drafts of final financial statements. The chief auditor is an employee of

    the municipality for a 6-year term. His remuneration is determined by the municipalassembly (an amendment has been prepared so that auditors remuneration is definedby law). External control

    is conducted by: the Supreme Audit Office in the field of the transferred stateadministration duties, the Office of the Government in matters of the transferred stateadministration duties, the Ministry of Finance, administrative courts, prosecutorsoffices in matters of legality of legal acts, the audit of the control of accuracy andcompleteness of ordinary and extraordinary financial statements and control of thefinancial and property situation, and the ombudsman in matters of respect for humanrights and freedoms.

    A proposal strengthening the position of the Supreme Audit Office is in the pipeline.

    5.1.5. Electoral system

    The mayors of municipalities are elected from among citizens with permanentresidence in the territory of the municipality. The candidates can be nominated by apolitical party or run as independent candidates. Candidates without support from apolitical party must present a certain number of signatures defined by law from thecitizens of the municipality supporting their candidature. They are elected for a 4-yearterm on the basis of a general, equal and direct right to vote in a secret ballot within

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    one electoral district by all eligible voters. They are elected in one-round elections usingthe majority system and the elected candidate is the one who receives the greatest

    number of votes. Each municipality has a mayor (city mayor), although some of them areemployed on a part-time basis. The mayor is a statutory authority of the municipality incharge of both the political and material standard of the municipality. Members of the municipal assembly are elected for a four-year term, in single- ormulti-mandate electoral districts defined by the municipal assembly. They are electedin a secret ballot using the majority system, on the basis of a general, equal and directright to vote. There are approx. 25,000 elected members of municipal assemblies inSlovakia at present.

    5.1.6. Participation of citizens

    The citizens participate in self-government by means of elected municipal bodies,through participation in meetings of municipal assemblies, local referenda, votes ofthe citizens of municipality, public assemblies, public opinion surveys and municipaldevelopment programmes, as well as through membership of commissions set up bythe municipal assembly and through membership of school boards.

    5.1.7. Co-operation

    Despite the effort to clearly divide powers between the state administration and self-government, as well as between municipalities and higher territorial units, publicadministration officials co-operate between each other in a variety of ways. This mostlyconcerns the area of planning, regional development, financing, intermunicipal co-

    operation in administrative activities, economic services, and international and cross-border co-operation. More than 90% of municipalities in Slovakia are members of the Association of Townsand Villages of Slovakia, whose basic objectives include assistance to municipalities anddefence of their rights vis--vis central government, as well as support for education, andencouragement of co-operation between municipalities and international co-operation.There are more than 50 regional associations within the Association, which wereestablished in 1990. The Association of Towns and Villages of Slovakia is a member ofthe Confederation of Employer Unions and Associations, insurance companies, etc. In addition to this Association, there is also the Union of Towns of Slovakia and severalprofessional associations: Association of Municipal Financial Officers of Slovakia,

    Association of Chief Auditors of Slovakia, Association of Heads of Municipal Offices,etc.

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    5.2.1. Structure

    5.2.2. Powers

    Higher territorial units are legal entities. They own property, have their own budgets

    and personnel and financial independence, can conduct business and collect ad-ministrative fees. They can engage in international, cross-border and domestic co-


    Self-government is effected by means of elected bodies and referendum. Within thelimits of their powers, higher territorial units can issue generally binding regulations. The self-government of higher territorial units has self-government (original) po-

    wers, but also performs certain duties transferred from the state administration

    (e. g. a section of powers in the education sector, healthcare sector and road


    The original powers of higher territorial units include: 2nd and 3rd class roads, territorialplanning, regional development, own investment activities, secondary schools, hospitals,

    certain social service establishments (retirement homes, social services for children,crises centres, childrens homes, etc.), cultural establishments (galleries, museums,theatres, certain libraries, etc.), participation in civil defence, licensing of pharmaciesand private physicians, etc. Higher territorial units carry out their duties independently and co-operate with the pri-vate sector. They are administrators of budgetary, contributory and non-profit organi-sations and businesses. The 1st stage of the transfer of powers from the state to higher territorial units took placein the period between 2002 and 2004 and the transfer will continue in the future.

    Citizens of the region

    Head of the higher

    territorial unit

    Assembly of the

    higher territorial unit

    Office of the higher

    territorial unitcommissions

    Chief Auditors


    office units

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    5.2.3. Financing

    Under the Constitution, higher territorial units finance their needs above all from their

    own revenues and state subsidies. The law lays down which taxes and fees are revenuesof higher territorial units. Higher territorial units draw up their budgets on an annual basis. It is being consideredto also introduce the preparation of basically structured three-year budgets for higherterritorial units from 2006. In 2002 and 2003, during the transfer of the powers, higher territorial units receivedspecial-purpose subsidies (decentralisation subsidy) which they used to finance theself-government duties delegated to them. From 1 January 2004, the special-purposesubsidies were transformed into a global subsidy, i.e. higher territorial units decideon the use of the state budget transfers through approved budgets. The duties thatthey perform on behalf of the state continue to be financed through special-purposesubsidies. The method of financing of the education sector also changed on 1 January2004. Being the administrators of secondary schools, higher territorial units receiveper-student contributions depending on the kind and type of school. Just like in the case of municipalities, the system of financing higher territorial unitssubstantially changed effectivefrom 1 January 2005. (See 6.)


    The following revenue structure is expected for 2004:

    SKK million EUR million % share

    Share in state taxes 8 185 205.0 43.70

    Non-tax revenues 621 15.5 3.30

    Income from financial transactions 9 0.2 0.05

    State budget transfers for the performanceof transferred state administration duties

    9 920 248.0 52.95

    TOTAL 18 735 468.7 100.00

    In 2004, the main source of revenue for the self-government of higher territorial unitswere state budget transfers (share in state taxes and subsidies for the performance of

    transferred state administration duties). The system of financing was modified effective from 1 January 2005, which will increasedown revenue of higher territorial units and changed the method of redistribution of theirshare in state taxes (transition to redistribution according to a formula specified inadvance).


    The structure of expenditure corresponds with the scope of powers exercised by higherterritorial units. The greatest expenditure item is the education sector, followed by

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    social affairs, culture and the healthcare sector. These will be extended to include themaintenance, repair and construction of 2nd and 3rd class roads from 1 January.

    5.2.4. Control

    Just like in the case of municipalities, the state may intervene in the activities of the self-government of higher territorial units only in a manner specified by law. The Constitutionforesees that, with respect to self-government powers, higher territorial units actindependently of the state and in compliance with laws (only control of adherence tolegality is possible). The performance of state administration duties delegated to higherterritorial units is directed and controlled by the state administration. Higher territorialunits are controlled by means of internal and external control.Internal control is conducted by the Chief Auditors Department. The chief auditor is

    elected by the assembly. The auditors competence includes the control of selfgoverning

    functions, adherence to ordinances, regulations, instructions and decisions, compliance

    with laws, budget management, balance of claims and liabilities, adherence to obligations

    related to the handling of property, methods of public procurement and processing of

    petitions and complaints. He formulates positions on draft budgets and final financial

    statements. His remuneration is determined by the assembly.

    External controlis carried out by the same institutions as in the case of municipalities.(See 5.1.4.)

    5.2.5. Electoral system

    The heads of higher territorial units are elected from among citizens with permanent

    residence in the territory of the higher territorial unit. Candidates can be proposed bya political party or a coalition. Independent candidates can also run in the electionsunder conditions defined by law. The heads are elected for a 4-year term on the basisof a general, equal and direct right to vote in a secret ballot, within one electoral district(the territory of the higher territorial unit), by all eligible voters. The elections have tworounds. If no candidate receives 50% of the vote +1 vote in the first round, the twocandidates with the highest number of votes proceed to the second round. The electedcandidate is the one who receives a higher number of votes in the second round. Thereare 8 heads of higher territorial units in Slovakia. The members of the assembly are elected in multi-mandate electoral districts fora four-year term. The borders and the number of mandates of electoral districts are

    determined by the assembly in accordance with law. They are elected in a secret ballotusing the majority system, on the basis of a general, equal and direct right to vote. The8 assemblies have a total of 401 members at present.

    5.2.6. Participation of citizens

    The citizens participate in self-government by means of their elected representatives,through participation in public meetings of the assembly, referenda, public opinionsurveys, development programmes and through membership of commissions set up bythe assembly and through membership of school boards.

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    5.2.7. Co-operation

    There are several forms of co-operation between the self-government of higher territorial

    units, state administration and municipalities. This particularly includes the area ofregional development, infrastructure building, planning and financing.The heads of higher territorial units co-operate within the framework of their Conference.Chief auditors of higher territorial units co-operate on a similar principle.



    The aim of the new system of financing self-government is to increase tax revenuesof municipalities, define own tax revenues of higher territorial units and introduce anew method of financial settlement of current revenue and expenditure of territorialself-government. Fiscal decentralisation is a follow-up to tax reform and the transferof powers from the state administration to municipalities and higher territorial units.Decentralisation gave an extremely important instrument to the hands of territorial self-government the possibility to decide on its own revenues, which significantly strengthensthe autonomy of self-government. The essence of the change is the transition from theprovision of state budget subsidies to the financing of self-government duties throughtax revenues. The new system has substantially strengthened both the independenceand responsibility of territorial self-government in the process of decision-making on theuse of public funds when providing services to people. The new system contributes tothe stabilisation of self-government revenues over a longer period of time and creates

    conditions for financial planning for several years ahead. It introduces a solidary, fairand transparent system of financing based on specific measurable criteria. The fiscal decentralisation gives municipalities the freedom to determine local taxrates. The taxes are facultative - which means that municipalities not only decide abouttax rates, but also about the introduction of and exemptions from taxes. Effective from1 January 2005, eight types of local taxes were defined by law: property tax, dog tax,public area use tax, accommodation tax, slot machine tax, gaming machine tax, tax onentry of historical centres of towns and nuclear facility tax. One type of local fee wasretained the fee for municipal and minor construction waste. Higher territorial unitsalso have their own facultative tax motor vehicle tax, which has replaced road tax.The introduction, rates and exemptions from the tax are subject to a decision of the

    assembly of the higher territorial unit. Motor vehicles subject to tax are those used for,or in connection with, business. The new system of financial settlement is based on the redistribution of personalincome tax using a formula containing criteria corresponding with the type and scopeof powers performed by territorial self-government. Only 6.2% of personal income taxis state budget revenue effective from 1 January 2005. 70.3% of the tax revenuesare revenues of municipalities and 23.5% are revenues of higher territorial units. Theformula used for the redistribution of municipalities share in national tax revenuesto individual municipalities consists of four criteria: the population with permanent

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    residence in the territory of the municipality, population weighed by a size categorycoefficient, number of pupils at primary art schools and pre-school establishments and

    the proportion of population over 62. The formula for higher territorial units consistsof six criteria: total population with permanent residence in the higher territorial unit,population between 15 and 18 years of age, population aged 62 and above, the lengthof 2nd and 3rd class roads owned by the higher territorial unit, population density andthe area of the higher territorial unit. There is also an additional mechanism for thehorizontal financial settlement of regions share in personal income tax revenues usingindexation.The adoption of the new system abolished the summary budget chapter on the financialrelationship between territorial self-government and the state budget. Neither localtaxes nor the share of municipalities and higher territorial units in personal income taxrevenues are state budget revenues. According to estimates of the Ministry of Finance,tax revenues of territorial self-government should amount to SKK 33 854.9 million in2005. The amount of tax revenues is guaranteed for this year, i.e. the state shouldcover the difference in the event of insufficient amount of tax revenues. It was originallyexpected that the impact of the introduction of the new system will be neutral in thefirst year, but the amount of taxes raised in the first three months of 2005 showed thatthe changes in the system will have a positive impact on the amount of revenues of theself-government already in the first year.

    Estimated impact of fiscal decentralisation (FD):

    in millions of SKK 2005 EUR mil. 2006 EUR mil. 2007 EUR mil.

    (1) Summary financialrelationship excluding FD

    33 854 877.5 34 771 901.3 35 673 924.7

    (2) FD in the approved2005 budget

    33 854 877.5 35 663 924.4 38 979 1010.4

    (3) Current estimate 34 506 894.4 37 322 967.4 40 971 1062.0

    Difference between (3)and (1)

    + 652 +16.9 + 2 551 + 66.1 + 5 298 +137.3

    In accordance with the Constitution, the transferred state administration duties that willbe performed by municipalities and higher territorial units will continue to be financedfrom state budget subsidies through the relevant state budget chapter on the basis ofstandardised rates. New legislation introduced the use of multi-annual, three-year budgets. This will not onlycreate a more effective alignment of the budgetary period with the terms of office ofassemblies, but especially with the long-term commitments of municipalities and higherterritorial units. The revenue and expenditure budget for the two years following the firstbudgetary year is not binding and will be refined in the subsequent budgetary years.

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    The legislation also creates barriers to an unjustified increases in the debt of territorialself-government. The conditions for the receipt of repayable financial resources have

    been made stricter. The debt of self-government must not exceed 60% of annual currentrevenues, while both municipalities and higher territorial units can use a maximum of25% of annual revenues of the current budget for debt servicing. It is expected that the new system of financing of territorial self-government willcreate conditions for a more effective mobilisation of resources and greater personalresponsibility of elected self-government authorities, initiate a higher degree of civicparticipation, provide for better information on the use of public funds and allow fora differentiated approach to responding to the specific needs and requirements ofpeople in individual municipalities and regions of Slovakia.

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    34 Verejn sprva46ffentliche


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    35Verejn sprva


    In den Jahren 1989 2005 hat die Slowakische Republik meh-rere grundlegenden gesellschaftlichen und politische Vern-

    derungen erlebt. Es ging in der ersten Reihe um die Vernde-

    rung des politischen Charakters des Staates der bergang

    von der Totalitt zur Demokratie und um eine deutliche Ver-

    strkung der individuellen Rechte und Freiheiten des Einzelnen.

    Es folgten wirtschaftliche Reformen, die in der Beseitigung von

    den Barrieren lagen, welche die Entwicklung der auf dem Priva-

    teigentum gegrndeten Marktwirtschaft hinderten. Ein weiterer

    Bereich von nderungen war die Staatsorganisation, vor allem

    eine neue Struktur und das Funktionieren der ffentlichen

    Verwaltung und die Gewhrleistung der ffentlichen Dienstlei-stungen.

    Zum Schlsselinstrument im Rahmen der Vernderungen in

    der Organisation des Staates und der ffentlichen Verwaltung

    wurde die Dezentralisierung, und das auf allen ihren Ebenen

    in der politischen Dezentralisierung, in der Dezentralisierung

    der Kompetenzen und der Finanzen. Ab dem Jahr 1998 kam es

    allmhlich zur nderung der Gebietsverwaltungsgliederung der

    Slowakei und zur Bildung einer zweiten Selbstverwaltungsebene

    (hhere Gebietskrperschaften), zur Verlagerung von mehr als

    400 Kompetenzen an die Gemeinden und Gebietskrperschaften,zur Finanzierungs- und Kontrollnderung der Selbstverwaltung,

    zur Strkung der Entscheidungsselbstndigkeit der Selbst-

    verwaltung gegenber der zentralen Regierung und auch zur

    Strkung der Kontrollmechanismen in der Selbstverwaltung.

    Durch das Zustandekommen dieser Vernderungen wurde eine

    grere Teilnahme der Brger an der Verwaltung der ffentli-

    chen Angelegenheiten, die Erfllung des Subsidiarittsprinzips,

    die Strkung der Stellung und der Verantwortung der territo-

    rialen Selbstverwaltung bei der Gewhrleistung von ffentlichen

    Dienstleistungen, aber auch bei der Gemeinde-, Stadt- und

    Gebietskrperschaftsentwicklung ermglicht. Wir sind berzeugt, dass ein dezentralisierter Staat eine bes-

    sere Ausnutzung des menschlichen, natrlichen und des

    Produktpotentials der Slowakei zum Vorteil ihrer Einwohner er-

    mglichen wird. Die Dezentralisierung und die damit verbun-

    dene Reform der ffentlichen Verwaltung sind fr die geogra-

    phisch und ethnisch verschiedenartige Slowakei unentbehrlich.

    Sie ist ebenso ein Instrument, dank welchem ihre Brger den

    Staat nicht nur als eine Institution wahrnehmen, sondern als



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    36 Verejn sprva

    eine Gemeinschaft von Brgern, die mit dem Staat durch ih-re Schicksle verbunden sind und die gemeinsam seine

    Prosperitt anstreben.

    In der kleinen Broschre versuchen wir Ihnen das nher zu brin-

    gen, was in der Slowakei im Bereich der Dezentralisierung und

    der Reform der ffentlichen Verwaltung whrend der letzten 15

    Jahre geschehen ist.

    Viktor Niansk





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    Die Slowakische Republik als unabhngiges Staatsgebilde ist am 1. 1.

    1993 entstanden. Laut der Verfassung ist sie ein unitarischer Staat mit ei-

    nem Einkammerparlament (Nationalrat der Slowakischen Republik) mit 150

    Abgeordneten, die mittels Verhltniswahl im Rahmen eines Wahlbezirks

    gewhlt werden (gegenwrtig wird im NR SR ber die Mglichkeit der

    Erhhung der Wahlbezirksanzahl diskutiert). Fr den NR SR knnen sich

    nur Kandidaten der politischen Parteien bewerben.


    Die Uranfnge der Staatsverwaltung auf dem Gebiet der Slowakei reichen in das 9.Jahrhundert zurck. Sie nderte sich allmhlich unter den Bedingungen verschiedener

    Monarchieformen. Ab dem Jahr 1918 haben staatliche Organe und Institutionen der

    Tschechoslowakischen Republik die monarchistische Verwaltung ersetzt. Diese wur-

    den in den folgenden Regierungsperioden zu Instrumenten von nicht nur demokrati-

    schen, sondern auch totalitren Regierungsgarnituren. Im 20. Jahrhundert wurden auf

    dem Gebiet der Slowakei 10 Verwaltungsreformen verzeichnet, in den Jahren 1923

    1990 waren es fnf und nach 1990 drei Vernderungen.

    1. HGK-Bratislava2. HGK-Trnava

    3. HGK-Nitra4. HGK-Trenn

    5. HGK-Bansk Bystrica6. HGK-ilina

    7. HGK-Koice8. HGK-Preov

    Slovakische Republik

    Bevlkerung5,378 MillionenFlche 49 034 km2

    Bevlkerungsdichte 109,7 Einwohner pro km2

    (HGK = hhere Gebietskrperschaft)

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    Die ltesten Selbstverwaltungsformen in der Slowakei entstanden in der erstenHlfte des 13. Jahrhunderts. Einige Siedlungen, die zu Stdten wurden, befreiten

    sich aufgrund kniglicher Privilegien aus der Abhngigkeit von den Vertretern derStaatsverwaltung der Burgspner (Gaugrafen). Ihre Bewohner hatten das Recht eige-ne Vollzugsorgane zu errichten und zu whlen. Diese bernahmen dann die ganze loka-le Verwaltung. Ab dem 11. Jahrhundert bis 1918 kam es auf dem Gebiet der Slowakeizu 5 Hauptreformen, wobei die Einheiten auf der regionalen Ebene meistens einen Selbstverwaltungscharakter aufwiesen. Ihre Anzahl schwankte zwischen 17 und 21. DieAdeligensthle ersetzten allmhlich das System der Burgspner, die eine kniglicheund deshalb im Grunde eine staatliche Gebietsverwaltungsorganisation waren. Nachder Entstehung der Tschecho Slowakei (1918) war die territoriale Selbstverwaltungdeutlich beschrnkt und ab 1923 wurde die regionale Selbstverwaltung im Grundezerstrt. Die rtliche Selbstverwaltung wurde im Jahre 1990 wiederhergestellt.


    DieVerfassung teilt die Gewalt auf die Legislative, Exekutive und Justiz auf. DieVerfassung der SR garantierte seit Anfang an eine bestimmte Selbstndigkeit derterritorialen Selbstverwaltung (der Gemeinden), und nach ihrer Novellierung imJahre 2001 wurde auch die Selbstndigkeit der zweiten Ebene der territorialenSelbstverwaltung gestrkt, nmlich die hhere Gebietskrperschaft (der Bezirk). Imvierten Verfassungskapitel (Art. 64 Art. 71) sind die Hauptprinzipien beider Ebenen derterritorialen Selbstverwaltung verankert: sie sind selbstndige Selbstverwaltungs- und

    Verwaltungseinheiten, juristische Personen mit eigenem Vermgen und Finanzmitteln,Pflichten knnen ihnen nur per Gesetz auferlegt werden, sie haben eigene gewhlteOrgane (Brgermeister, Vertretung, bzw. Vorsitzender der hheren Gebietskrperschaftund die Vertretung). Unter den durch die Verfassung und die Gesetze gegebenenBedingungen kann auch der Vollzug der Staatsaufgaben auf sie bertragen werden. Die Slowakische Republik ist aus der Sicht der territorialen Verwaltung auf8 Bezirkeund 2891 Gemeinden (Stand 31.12.2002) unterteilt. Die ffentliche Verwaltung ist aufdrei Ebenen organisiert: Staat Bezirk Gemeinde. Die Selbstverwaltung der Bezirkeist zum 1. Januar 2002 entstanden. Jede Ebene hat ihre gewhlten Reprsentanten,zugeteilten Aufgaben und Verantwortung. Einige Aufgaben werden zwischen dieStaatsverwaltung und die Selbstverwaltung geteilt.

    Die gewhlten Vertreter aller drei Ebenen (Nationalrat, Vertretung der hheren Gebiets-krperschaft, Gemeindevertretung), sowie die Brgermeister der Gemeinden und dieVorsitzenden der Selbstverwaltung der hheren Gebietskrperschaften werden aufGrund des allgemeinen, gleichen und direkten Wahlrechts durch geheime Abstimmungfr die Periode von 4 Jahren gewhlt. Die Verfassung schliet nicht aus, dass einMitglied des NR SR gleichzeitig ein Mitglied einer Gemeinde- oder Bezirksvertretungsein kann. Aus der Sicht der Beziehung der Staatsverwaltung und der territorialen Selbstverwaltunggibt es in der Slowakei seit 1990 ein sog. separates Modell (Staatsverwaltung ter-

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    ritoriale Selbstverwaltung). Die Staatsverwaltung ist seit 1.1.2004 vor allem auf derzentralen Ebene sichtbar. Die Zentralorgane haben niedrigere Stufen errichtet, die

    auf der Bezirksebene organisiert sind. Die Anzahl und die Grenzen der staatlichenVerwaltungseinheiten (Bezirk) sind mit der Anzahl und den Grenzen der selbstverwal-tenden hheren Gebietskrperschaften identisch (symmetrische Anordnung). Falls n-tig, schaffen die staatlichen Bezirksmter weitere mter und Abteilungen im Rahmender Bezirke. Zwischen den beiden Ebenen der territorialen Selbstverwaltung (Gemeinde, hhereGebietskrperschaft) existiert kein ber- oder Unterordnungsverhltnis.


    Bis zum Jahre 1989 wurde die lokale ffentliche Verwaltung mittels der National-ausschsse Organe der sozialistischen Macht ausgebt. Nach den Demokratisierungsvernderungen im Jahre 1989 wurde die territoriale Verwaltungsordnung mehr-mals gendert. Im September 1990 hat der slowakische Nationalrat das Gesetz Nr. 369/1990 Slg.ber die Gemeindeordnung verabschiedet. Dadurch wurde die lokale Selbstverwaltungauf der Gemeindeebene wiederhergestellt. Es kam zur Trennung der Staatsverwaltungund der territorialen Selbstverwaltung und zur Einfhrung des sog. separaten Modellsder ffentlichen Verwaltung. Nach der Wiederherstellung der lokalen Selbstverwaltungwurde die Gemeindeanzahl erhht. Whrend es im Jahr 1989 auf dem Gebiet derSlowakei 2694 Gemeinden gab, gab es 1991 bereits 2825 Gemeinden. Im Jahr 1990

    kam es zur Abschaffung der Bezirksebene der staatlichen Verwaltung, und die loka-le Staatsverwaltung wurde auf dem Gebiet der Slowakei in 38 Landkreise und 121Kreise organisiert. Im Jahre 1996 kam es zu weiteren Reorganisation der lokalen Staatsverwaltung.Die 121 Kreise wurden abgeschafft, und die Bezirksebene der Staatsverwaltungwurde wieder eingefhrt. Die Slowakische Republik wurde auf 8 Bezirke und 79Landkreise aufgeteilt. Durch das Gesetz Nr. 221/1996 Slg. ber die territoriale- undVerwaltungsordnung der Slowakischen Republik wurde gleichzeitig ber eine symme-trische Anordnung der lokalen Staatsverwaltung und der zweiten Ebene der lokalenSelbstverwaltung auf der Bezirksebene entschieden. Die Gemeindeanzahl wuchs wei-ter und erreichte im Jahr 2000 die Anzahl von 2883 Gemeinden. Durch die Novelle des

    Gesetzes Nr. 369/1990 Slg. ber die Gemeindeordnung im Jahr 2001 wurde die wei-tere Gemeindespaltung deutlich beschrnkt.

    Entwicklung der Gemeindegrenstruktur

    GrenkategorieAnteil der Gemeinden der Grenkategorie in %

    1950 1961 1980 1991 2000

    bis 499 44,6 35,8 35,3 41,2 41,5

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    Grenkategorie Anteil der Gemeinden der Grenkategorie in %

    500 999 30,6 31,5 29,2 27,6 27,0

    1 000 1 999 16,7 20,1 20,8 18,5 18,6