video sketching - u-crac 2012

SKETCHING MED VIDEO Hvorfor sketching? Video sketching som metode Quick start med Premiere Pro Peter Vistisen

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Video Sketching lecture given by P


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SKETCHINGMED VIDEOHvorfor sketching?

Video sketching som metode

Quick start med Premiere Pro

Peter Vistisen

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Fra viden mod indsigtNu skal der ideer på bordet

...hvordan når vi fra data om hvad der er, til ideer om hvad der kunne være?

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Design som oversættelseBetydning af design som begreb for betydning

“A designer begins to act as a translator. Both visualizing ideas as they are developed and refined and also translating vague descriptions, gestures, or references to new ideas, into more actionable concrete representations that can be explored further (...) “

Jon Kolko (2011)

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Design som oversættelseBetydning af design som begreb for betydning

“ (...) The medium that a designer manipulates is human behavior and experience, and the material is the digital fabric: bits, bytes, pixel and processors.

Jon Kolko (2011)

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Den svære balance

“Design is compromise.”

Fra Buxton’s “Sketching User Experiences” (2007)

formerfunktionerstilarterproblemerløsningerinteressenterfaglige rationaler


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Udfordringen qua BuxtonDet svære ved at arbejde reflekteret med designsyntese

Getting the right design......and getting the design right

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Udfordringen qua BuxtonDet svære ved at arbejde reflekteret med designsyntese

Getting the right design......and getting the design right

løser vi det rigtige problem?

løser vi problemet hensigtsmæssigt?

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VideoskitseringVisualisering via videoen som designmateriale

“Interaction design is design of the acts that define intended use of things.”

Hallnäs, L. and Redström, J. 2006 kan afprøve og evaluere denne brug via video

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VideoskitseringVisualisering via videoen som designmateriale

Quick n’ Dirty

Visualiserer konceptet over tid

Undgår ‘death by bullet points’

Får sagt mere - på kortere tid!

som her ;)

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Figure 52: The Sketch to Prototype Continuum

The difference between the two is as much a contrast of purpose, or intent,

as it is a contrast in form. The arrows emphasize that this is a continuum,

not an either/or proposition.

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Figure 51: The Dynamics of the Design Funnel

The design funnel begins with ideation, and ends with usability testing. The

former is largely dominated by sketching, which enables ideas to be explored

quickly and cheaply. More refined (and expensive) prototypes provide the ba-

sis for the testing at the later stages of design. Where testing is a key concern,

the most dominant artifacts are more refined (and expensive) prototypes.

The transition from one to the other is represented by the transition from

orange to yellow in the figure. As we progress, our overall investment in the

process grows. This is indicated by the rising arrow and the y-axis label on

the left. The y-axis label on the right side of the figure emphasizes that as

our investment increases, so should the weight of the criteria that we use

to evaluate our design decisions. In other words, you don’t manage ideation

the same way, or with the same rigor, as usability. Finally, the circular arrows

are a reminder that we include users throughout the iterative process, not

just during usability testing.

Bill Buxton (2007)

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“The only way to engineer the future tomorrow is to have lived in it yesterday.”

Bill Buxton (2007)

...videoskitser er manifestationer af visioner

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Cases - visionsskitserEt værktøj fra ‘den virkelige’ verden

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Cases - visionsskitserEt værktøj fra ‘den virkelige’ verden

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...så hvordan gør vi det?

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Wizard of Oz’ing

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“Up to the point where Toto tipped over the screen and revealed the Wizard to be a fraud, all of Dorothy’s reactions were valid psychologically, anthropologically, and sociologically. To her the Wizard was real, and therefore so were all her experiences.”

Bill Buxton (2007)

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Figure 81: The Wizard’s Listening Typewriter

A perfectly functional listening typewriter is implemented simply by

having a fast typist, hidden behind the screen, who would enter the

text captured from the microphone.

The wizard of airline tickets

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“The only way to engineer the future tomorrow is to have lived in it yesterday (...)

It is !delity of the experience, not the !delity of the prototype, sketch, or technology that is important from the perspective of ideation and early design.”

Bill Buxton (2007)

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Det er meget lettere, meget billigere og ikke mindst meget hurtigere at !nde en lille gammel mand, en mikrofon og nogle højtalere, end det er at !nde en rigtig troldmand.

Og sådan er det også med de "este interaktive systemer - fake it till you make it!

Peter Vistisen

Get real scarface!


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Prototyping life-cycleDen iterative process

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Prototyping life-cycleDen iterative process

Jo flere omgange jo bedre

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Hvilke værktøjer?

I need a tool..!!!!

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SkitseringssoftwareThe best tool is the one you know

Windows  Live  Movie  MakerSimpel  grænseflade,  simple  effekter  (gra5s)

iMovieSimpel  grænseflade,  simple  effekter  (gra5s)

Adobe  Premiere  elementsSimpel  grænseflade  ,  lag,  video  overlays  &  green-­‐screen  (lav  pris)

Adobe  Premiere  Pro  &  Adobe  A7er  EffectsAvanceret  professionelt  værktøj  (svinedyr)

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En jack of all trades til videoskitsering Skitsering i Premiere

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SkitseringsprincipperFra stop motion til green screen effekter

Multi layer video

Animation / stopmotion

Green Screen

...og god gammeldags skuespil!

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Stop Motion videoKlassisk animation

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Video LayersVi sætter videoer og animationer sammen

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Green screen videoVi fjerner det grønne og indsætter det fede

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Søg hjælp!...nettet er fyldt med how-to’s, do this’ & walkthroughs


Adobes E-læring E-learning ($)

Green Screens i iMovie

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Lyd i jeres videoerEt par kilder til (næsten) gratis lyd og musik free_music_loops.shtml

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HUSK!Det handler ikke om flot grafik

Få testet mange rå, fremfor få HQ

Kombiner teknikker til nye udtryk

Gem jeres rå-skitser til procesvideo

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Understandingthe users a cat person

Brugeren er sjældent bare én person, men

et netværk af interessenter, med forskellige

indgangsvinkler og dermed forskellige

interaktioner med produktet/servicen.

Cooper (2003) kalder det ‘Elastic Users’

Pause andnext upDemo

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Visionen for denne uge

...arbejd i rå skitser der kan smides ud

...lav mindst tre forskellige skitser

...påbegynd arbejdet med web-sitet andre ord hvad vi håber i gør