vin ya anjali 019270 mbp

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  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    A BOOK OFGeneral English Series(For All Competetive Examinations)Develop Your

    M.A.,Head of the Department : English

    , TENALI-522 201.

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp





    Edition :March, 1995.All rights reserved by :JanapriyaPublications-Tenall.Price :Rs.8-00*Coyer Design :V.S. PRAKASH,Vijayawada-3.Printed at ;Pavan Printers, Tenali-1Cover Printers :Sridevi Printers,Vijayawada- 1.

    For Copies .Janapriya Publications,Agnikula Kshatriyula vari Street-II,

    t, TENALI-522 201.

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    Contents1) SYNONYMS (Sj&'c3|55nc) 5 to 162) ANTONYMS (JSjfiflyg SSoe) 16 to 303) HOMONYMS (Sj33F^tfs> S5aea) 30 to 51FOR WORDe$ogr WIT" 3&^I*sBe>&&3 5T>8l, "VOC-ABULARY (eso$'r ^5


    Cj HOMONYMSSYNONYMS : *! $&>&*- . &>"t SSo?iS Soft3 , O- Synonyms,

    09ANTONYMS: SfgS'^ea^M^*- u"3 SScr-SS Soft,



  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    Md, cS, M. A.goAS grd? c$

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    $]. && v M.A.SYNOMYMSAbandonAbateAbbreviateAbhorAbolishAbstainAbundantAccomplishAccurateAccuseAcknowledgeA&versity^AgitationAmendAnger



    desert, forsakedecrease, lessenabridge, shorten

    detest, hatecancel, wipe out

    keep out, abandonample, plentiful

    s fulfil, performcorrect, exact

    indict, impeachannounce, inform

    calamity, misfortundo excitement, . disturbance

    reform, rectifywrath, rage

    publish, advertiserespond, replycalm, mitigate

    climb, riseconsent, agreetry, endeavour

    dislike, disinclination

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp




    -c-quiet, peacefn

    able, skilleitrap, arres

    reason, origiistop, enot&$F\oi&


    risky Perilousdetermine, settle

    reduce, lessworsening, deterioration

    rejection, refusescorn, disdainhard, laborious

    industrious, hard-workingmisfortune, adversity

    ' ""speech, lecture

    ailment, sicknessgloomy, fearful

    separate, differentiatedivision, separation

    earnest, keenpeculiar, odd

    able, competentraise, lift up

    liferate, releasepressure, stress

    stimulate, supporttresspass, intrude

    bear, toleratefoe, opponent

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    && SSSSS" Md. QEnergyEnormousEntertainEradicateErrorEsteeinEternalEvidenceExaggerateExtravagant




    force, vigourlarge, hug

    amuse, cheereliminate, destroymistake, blunderrespect, honour

    perpetual, endlessproof, testimony

    overstate, magnifywasteful, lavish

    celebrated,renownedterror, dreadweak, infirmfierce, savage

    contest, encounterhard, stable, fixed,

    silly, stupidprohibit, debar

    candid, openthrifty, economical

    supply, give

    common, uniy.ecs&JLliberal, benevolent

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp











    mild,kind,tendersnatch it, catch it

    avid, avariciouswatch, protect

    custom, practiceagreement, accord

    speedy, quickproud, arrogant

    ugly, cruelobstruct, preventupright, rightouSmodesty, meeK

    Ifezy, indolent1 *' reproduce, copy

    weaken, damagaimpertinent, insolentencourage, instigate

    enlarge, augmentbankrupt, defaulter

    attack/ raidexcite, provoke

    Suspicious envious

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    10 Md.JeerJudgmentJust






    sneer, mockdecision, decree

    fair, impartial

    razor, sharpcharitable, benevolent

    -JL-work, toil

    brief, conciseinternaljhidden

    negligent, carelessindolent, idle

    tolerant, gentlemagnanimous, generousfreedom, independencedishonesty, falsehood

    faithful, true>Mfolly, insane

    splendid, stately( &yoQDo>)3Sy, exaggerate, glorify

    illness, diseasehateful, evil

    wonder, miracle

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    it Md.MatrimonialMelodiousMischievousMiseryModestMonotonousMonstrousMourn




    marital, conjugalharmonious, musicalharmful, injurious

    suffering, tribulationbashful, humble

    boring, dull

    enormous, giganticgrief, lament

    -JV-simple, artless

    '&!$, &&& filthy, dirtyneedful, essentiallofty, illustriousmodel, standard

    learner, beginner

    respectful, submissivefilthy, indecent

    hidden, unknownclear, evident

    strange, peculiarexclude, eliminateoccess, occasion

    Pacify appease, soothe

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    forgive, excuse"admit, allow

    godly,religiousstrict, exact

    forecast, foretell'laviSK, extravagant'

    plan, schemeprohibit, bandiscreet, wise

    agitate, shake*strange, eccentric*investigate, search*

    calm, , silentleave, depart


    n^tfrftfei,1 t6Ilv

    recollect, recallesteem, regard

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    8] 13 Md. , M.A.ORevengeReverenceRigeRudeRule

    vengeance, retributrespect, veneration

    strict, stiff

    impolite, discourteousreign, manage


    secure, suremeager, scant

    mystery, hiddenfeeling, meaning

    stern, strict. bashful, coyable, capable

    discredit, defamationdull, inactive

    crafty, cuninglittle, tinyeven, flat

    single, lonelywide, broad

    expand, scatterdirect, righ

    . overcome, suppressgrant, aid

    glum, morose

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp







    needless, unnecessaryexceed, excel

    compassion, pity

    implied, understoodskilful, diplomaticeducate, instruct

    wearisome, tiresomesoft, delicateslender, lean

    economy, frugalityshy, diffident

    custom, convention,passing, transitory

    clear, lucidvictorious, successful

    attempt, strive-IT-tfgttfffe

    every where, omnipresent:final, last

    endure, suffersecret , hidden .

    unequalled, incomparableadvantage, benefitcommon, ordinary

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp




    - empty, void'ecess ' holiday

    So *&& hesitate, waverwandering, vagabonduncertain, indefinitefruitless, conceited

    courage, braveovercome, conquerdi^inct, devetty

    2$ .many, severemalicious, poisonousopQ, perpendiouja*


    transgress, profaneblameless! honourable

    greedy, covetous

    rove, roamdecline,

    decreasegrowth, increase

    feeble, infirmsound, health

    cheerful, attractive

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    855 SSo 16 Md.WithstandWizardWorkable

    YawnYearly .YearnYellYesteiYetYieldYoung



    oppose, resist

    conjurer, magicianpracticable

    gape, oscitateevery year, annual

    wish, desirescream, cryelapse, pastfurther, stillgive, submit

    youthful, juvenile

    mimic, buffoonardor, enthusiasm

    cipher, nothingnessrelish, taste

    girdle, belt, zonal



  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    JS}SS 17 Md.AbscondAbsent (7^&&6a3&)AbstractAccept (Acknowledge^oA^S&o)AcquitAdverseAdversityAnalysisAnnounceAntipathy (S5)AppreciateArgumentArtificialAscendAssembleAssentAssetAttract ()Awake


    x arrivex presentx concretex refusex denyx convictx favourablex prosperityx synthesisx withholdx sympathyx depreciatex agreementx naturalX descendx dispersex dissentx liabilityx repelX asleepingnx goodx civilised

    [So]) x fertilex ugly

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    18 Md.BenevolentBig (JBittcrBlackBlessBluntBoldBondageBright aBroadBusyBuy

    Capacity (fJ)Chaste (CheatingCheerful (S^S?^)ClearCleverCloseCold [ComicCompare

    x malevolentx smallX sweetX whiteX curseX sharpx timidX freedomx dullx narrowX idleX ;SeJl 9.

    x incapacity (wlf ft)x unchastex honestxx obscureX .foolishxx hotx tragicx contrastx incompatible :(.'S

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    1 Md. S&gF&fCommence ((jbptfog'fix)) x cad (o$x>A6o))common

    (^S^asSbcS)x uncommon

    Compulsory(atf^o#3o&)x optionalConceal (OT&>) x revealConcord (s>oAsDtfo&>) x discordCondense(oJLJ33eat$>) x expandConfirm (^c$oaofc)x censoriousConquest (S33d>&a) x defeatCkfnect (^ODS)) x disconnectConsequence ($&o&>) x damageConsistent (&Sg;>o$) x inconsistent (.Contented (c^o^Jj) x discontendedControl (^] X genuineCbvert [ga&o^a] x overtCredible [^5%dJft^] x incredibleCredit [as^] X debit I>

    Danger (LS5Sipaf&D) x safetyDeath (&&4) XDecent .--(cS

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    20 Mci.DecreaseDifficultDeficientDefiniteDelayDemand (so$3S*&)Departure (3&)DevastateDiligentDiminishDiscipleDiscloseDiscourager's tfgDissolveDistinctDivine (3DryDurable

    . Bbb."[JLBodi$]EfficientBli|ible

    x increaseX Easyx sufficientX indefinitex hastex rejectx autocracyx arrival Sx

    x repairx idlex enhance (x undisciplex conceal (rx encouragex solidifyxx humanX wetx perishable

    x flow- x idfficient[x ineligible

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    4]EncourageEnemyEntranceEsteemExcludeExoticExplicitExterior [>External a

    Fact [53J$$$SSx>]Failure

    .Fair [iFallibleFalseFantastic^Fit [&ftS)'Folloy [ForeignForgiveFortuneForwardFreedomFriendFriendly

    X friendx exitx contemptX includex native [X implicit[^X interiorx internal

    X fictionx successX foul [wx infallibleX true [&X real aax unfitx wisdomX native [x convictX misfortuneX backwardX Slaveryx foe -X hostile

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    Md.Frightened (#oS53fi)Futility [S&SS3tfcS]

    GeneralGenuine [3j$]GenusGloomyGreatGuilty

    HardHeavyHelpHighHoly [SHope


    X bOld ;.x utility-G-

    x ^particular [X false [Sfifc]x uagenusx bright [!x smallx innocent-H-x'softX lightX 'hinderx lowx profanex despair

    x dishonourx [unhost [dS^x arrogance

    Ill [llegible

    X differentx well [X legible

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    23 Md.

    ImpatientImmoralImmortalImport (S&&S)Impure ( J>)IncoherentIndependentIndiscretionIndustrious (Saa)'Inferior (|PC$SPOCO)Injustice (^ssdS5oSx))'Insult (wS_5ScpcSoSaa)Intricate (2)&2rInvest (*o^fta)

    JudiciousJust (S&obiS)



    x patientx moralx mortal (-55*0$x exportx purex coherentx dependentxX indolent, lazyx superiorx justiceX honourx simplex divert

    x irrationalx' unjustJTx dullx ignorancex unknown (BfidffiS)

    x unlawfulx borrow

    I :-.

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    24 Md.Liquid (Ltf&SeSx)LongLoseLove (LoyalLnckyLunacy

    Major.(dfcjMaladyManageMarriage (Ssr'SS&3)Material (^Sg)Mature (SSOSS^Jf)Memory(SMeritMildMiser (&&5-S)ModestMonogamy (isMonotony (a,


    ! 5|S)

    Natural (Lr?Near (ff en)Necessary

    x solidX short (8PjB)x gain


    x hatex disloyalx unluckyx sanity (&>&&$>,-Jf-x minorx remedyx mismanagex celibacy Qcx spiritual (x immaturex obivionx demeritx sternx liberalx immodest

    x variety,diversity(O^S3dJ&eo)

    x artificialx farx unnecessary

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    25 Md.Normal (S333ic$)NeutralNew

    x abnormalxX old

    ObedientOminousOmissionOptimisticOral (S*Order (&&>*OrdinaryOrigin (^tfotf&a)Outlet (^cSfi&)& r38)OutwardOw




    x disobedientx auspiciousx commissionx pessimisticx writtenx disorderX extraordinayX endx inletx inward


    x wholexx impatientx temporaryx imperfectx prohibit (x uneven (Sx displeasurex impolite

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    s.sS' 26 Md. 8$f>&'Politeness (&u*g

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    2? Md.

    SaneSatisfactionSavage (s5SSecret (fo>c33c$)SeparateSignificantSilenceSingularSocialSoonSorrow (SbsspSo)Sour (S&^a)Stable (MSDc$)Straight (oSoSg)6s)SurplusSuspectSwift

    Release (cS#

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp



    TakeTalker (sFoSo&)Tangible '($Tease (n^oSs)

    TemporaryTidy (SJ-o^S)TightnessThin (Se45)ToU (^StooeSo)Tolerance (KjoSSS5S)Tranquiility (^SSTriumph (Ssc2acS)TrivialTrustTry

    UniforinUnion (SecxoS).UniqueUpright


    x givex taciturn* intangible)x please So

    x permanentx untidyx losenessx thickx restx intolerancex noisy (os&x defeat (sS5scS5o&>)x greatx distrust (x leave off


    d&) x irregularx disunionx commonx dishonestx ruralx misusex; uselessx unusual

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp



    ValidVanityVarietyVast (VeracityVerdict




    x uselessx unusualV-x invalidx modestyx uniformityx smallx falsehoodx misjudgement

    X virtueX defeatx gentlex reality (ss*j5X denyx refined

    x sleepx stayx strengthenX povertyX lightnessX gOOdX narrowX loseX foolishness

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    sssS 30 Md.'& .;..-.....wit Cls|) x dullnessWithdraw (3&S& &tfe) x advance (SSod5bSoWithheld (eSi&S) x offer

    Yearn (6>1iJLo&0 x\ *** yYield (S*o>) x denyYouthful (d&>35&&) x old

    Zeal (^s^S&o) x apathy\Zenith (Ij^K^) X root (Zest (&o>d>)) x distasteZigzag (SSoStf ao^S) x straightHOMONYMS

    a) Absolute Sgp^dHe has obsolute^ailh in God.b) Obsolete (S^SS^ oP&g^S

    The old weapons are obsolete now.a) Accede a-S^cS)

    The father has to accede to all the demandt ofhis soil.

    b) Exceed ^d-g)S5*^We should not exceed our limits

    a) Accept !bOc)All got good marks except Rama*

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    SSS5 31 Md.4. a) Access

    Every student has access to the principal,b) Excess 0$goiorr

    Don*c eat sweets in excess'5. a) Adapt SSOSeaxfc

    This novel is cdapted for children,b) Adopt tfjWf'6wr$She has adopted a poor boy6. a) Addition sptftfofcon

    It is a useful addition to the college.b) Edition ptf>^5caoo>!$ jrtotfc&a

    This is a new e2 f2m for sale,7. a) Advice gotfi

    I gave him good flrfvice.b) Advise oJoS5*cxaS5^

    I advised him to work hard,8. a) Affect LSSJ^SSa ^$The new climate affected his health.

    b) Effect Laar&toGovernment has effected~m&ny new policies.9. a) Air (wind) rpThe air 'I* cool.

    b) Heir 5Ptf&&The rich mad has many ftefrs.

    c) Hair Sb^&oSd):

    He got his hair cut.10. a) Allowed "

    Nobody will allow fool to work*

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    Sf .JMS5 32 Md.b) Aloud' AThe child cried

    11. a) Allusion S5To explain his point the teacher gives manyallusions.

    b) Illusion |Some people live in their illusionary world.

    12. a) Alter ^I^SaSAn olter is a table in a church.b) Alter SSr^We cannot alter all rules.

    12. A. a) AscendIt is not easy to oscend a hill.

    b) Assent &S;ytfThe president gave assent to tiie new bill*

    , a) Bare *J, SSfHe came bare feet.b) Bear #80^5We cannotfoflr insults.

    c) Bear oie^^e^otoThere are no bears in the forest.

    14. a) Beach sSThey are playing on the beach.

    b) Beech &S ^S5 *&The tree is a beech*

    15. a) Beside L^MHe sat beside me.

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    85 SSS5 33 Md.CJb) Besides sp'He has a sister besides ten brothers.

    16. a) Birth $toI know your date of birth.

    b) Berth SSI reserved a Aerffc in Timmala Express.

    17. a) Blue fcStfoftThe sky is blue.

    b) Blew-!>tfcfcThe wind Mew strongly.

    18. a) Boar & SoaA boar is a wild animal.b) Bore aS)ftotf)He is a big bore.(A Bore > SScSco' COHe 6orcd a hole in the wall.

    19. a) Brake $K&s>& v&His car has no brakes.b) Break Srtefi*d/ 3Who break the new mirror ?

    20. a) Bridal ^oS&p SSb' o . . .It is a bridal dress,

    b) Bridle 9S>&$>

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    s$5'jfi*5 ' 34 Md.g . , ____ ___b) CanvassHe is canvasser for the pictiue.

    22. a) Cast asSdbBirds cast off feathersb) Caste Sbe&a ;He is working for a casteless society.

    23. a) Casual $&$&>His casual remarks hurt her feelings.

    b) Casual cjfiotf^SgbS'He works as a casual labourer.24. a) CeaseHe ceased playing cricket,

    b) Seize &jeoc$ *Sto*c$b C:The enemy seized the fort.

    25, a) Cede oS^SSeoSfc, 2uS^fto& - - :They ceded theit land to the enemy,

    b) Seed JftfttoPlants grow from 0ofa.

    J6. CeU SojKfloThe prisoner was kept in a cell.b) Seff iriSa^He is selling his books.

    27. a) Cite ^

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    ssf sss 35 Md.28. a) Compliment

    It is a pleasing compliment.b) Complement jp_63dS

    This verb has no complement.29. a) Cord-

    It is a very small cord.b) Chord - artf$&& ftrt. ,.A cftorJ is the string of a musical instrument.

    30. a) Corporal- *f&tfGandhi was against corporal punishment.

    b) Corporeal Sjy&tfSbtf, a^B-ff'SbtfAir and food are the corporeal needs of the body.

    * a) Council-^The council passed a resolution.

    b) Counsel tfeSS*He took counsel of his friends.32, a) Currant- a JfS

    This cake has currant in it.b) Current-"He is carried away by the current.c) Current- SSjJ

    They are familiar with the current events.

    33. a) Dairy & -A^J"

    T!h dairy suppliesjis milk.

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    36b) Diary asJ^Jtfj

    1 do not use a Jz34, a) Dear ^\

    Our country is very dear to us.

    The deer are beautiful to look at.35. a) Descent Qfato

    The descent of a hill is very easy.b) Dissent Sgatiff*

    I express my strong dissent in this matter.36. a) Differ-. CSJj&arp &o

    Talents differ from person to person..b) Defer- ssat3^d&

    Things should not be rfe/ererf wheii they arcurgent

    37. a) He drank ':he milk in one draught.b) Drought 3$u$*SS&oA .... . .

    Crops failed due to drought.38. a) Dual. tf0

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    5 sssS 37 Md.

    41.a) Economic - oWe failed in our economic policies.b) Economical - P

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    ss &&S 3g Md._ IP47. a) Foul - Soo^S

    There is a fool smell in the lane.b) Fowl - *&gS SJLHe had a fowl for dinner.-G-

    48. a) Gaol - $_&The prisoner was sent to gaol.b) Goal - tf&|3Sx>

    They know their goal in life.49. a) Gentle - &u*tftfeHe is known for his gentleness.

    b) Genteel - Srtfj&).His manners are perfectly genteel.50. a) God-like - SSS$x)So

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    39 Md.b) Haul -

    They used elephants to haul the logs.53. a) Hang - L3eptfSd&>He hangs the painting on the wall.

    b) Hang - *ad&>They hanged the prisoner.

    54. a) Head - S$spg$58He is the head of the department.b) head - #oHe wears a cap on his head,

    55, a) Heal - tfd&&D dfeThe pill heals all wounds.

    b) Heel- 3Sy &&The shoe hurts my heel.56, a) Hear - 26

    They hear a strange noice.b) Here - gg&jS

    They cannot come here.57. a) Heard -

    They heard my speech.b) Herd - S3^e>o

    Gopal has a cow -herd.58. a) Heart - S^tfdfc&aHe died of heart attack.

    b) Hurt - rr>c&S5

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    &S ass5 40 Md.59. a) Hole -'

    There is a hole in the box.b) Whole - ifrdrp

    I heard the whole story.60. a) Horn - PS 4The cow has ,two horns.

    b) Horn - *o&)S>3*tfHe blew the horn.

    61. a) Idle -We should not be idle,b) Idol - &[tfScScoWe worship many idols.

    62. a) Illicit -He is arrested for illicit^ rade.b) Elicit - u&3

    The p lice elicited the truth from the thief.

    They live in Madras.b} Inn - oSi&cSoa

    There is no ian in this town.64. a} Interest - 3$>|i&5> SAo&odsbHe has great interest in Telugu.

    b) Interest - SSSTueyjcharge nojinteres^

    65. a) Issue - o$o>This is the first Issue of the magizine.

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    41 Md.b) Issue -

    The rich man has no issues.c) Issue - SpEPoy&a, cS&SgWhat is the issue of the case ?

    66. a) Jealous stfThey are jealous of his success.b) Zealous ote#etfe'

    . S3Ram Mohan^Roy is a zealous social worker.67. a) Jest SSS^&D

    Birbal was famous for his jests.b) Just ^-stcS^clHe has just left the college.

    68. a) Judicious - "SSatfeHe is very judicious in his plans.b) Judicial - cS*gc&tfo&otfobc$

    The man was remanded to judicial custody.'


    '_JET ,.69. a) Kind tfd&tfoHe is a kind master.b) Kinds atf&aea, tfgx>e

    There are many kinds of poets.70. a) Kneel SpgBeo* o

    They kneel in prayer.b) Nil! S>P&

    The profit is nill injthe bargain.

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    42 Md.71. a) KnightHe is a very bravegknight.

    b) Night tP^SIt is a moon- lit night.

    72. a) Knot &&&It is a hard knot to untie,

    b) Not SeaShe is not in towr,

    c) Knot -cSo&^gRama himself got into a knot.m^T"* '

    73. a) Lack 6g^He lacks in knowledge*b)Lakh cJLHe wastes lakhs of rupees to] celebrate the

    marriage.74. a) Later S&SP&You must not come later than 10 A.M.

    b) LatterBo

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    77. a) Lie. tfoSbThe

    c) Lie SS. 'He lies on tle*3 *#':/*?- r-j '

    78. a) J4ght

    He hopes to become a marshal.* b) Martial d&># $$ootf|bc$He mastered all martial arts.

    He shows a martial spirit .82, a) Mask S$otoThe dacoit was in a mask.

    b) Musk cSDrto#o$t$D^ *g$We have musk-deer in our zoo

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    4483. a) Meat &o;S&oRama does not eat meat.

    b) Meet -8teo&*&I have to meet my friends.

    84. a) Message *So3rs$x>We have no message from him.b) Massage SSoQosfcIt is a massage centre.

    85. a) Might *JMight is right.

    b) Mite *an% Xo$&You are free to contribute your mite to the floodrelief-fund.86. a) Morning -He takes a walk in the morning.

    b) Mourning dI saw many people mourning when MahatmaGandhi died.

    '. a) Nave ^9j$3The nave of this church is very fine,bj Knave 3jsSrse4&A knave is not dependable.QO TWf^t^flA ;n9^

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    7] sS &&$ 45 Md.89, a) Oar

    They know how to use oars.b) Ore

    Iron ore is useful for some industries.90. a) OffiHe got aa official appointment.He went to Madras on official work

    b) OfficiousTney hate him because he is officious

    91. a) Owe'

    Rama owed me thousand rupees.b)Woe eThe life of Sita is full of woes.

    92. a) PaleThe saree is pate in colour,

    I drew a pa of watet from the well.

    a) PattoBtHe is poor patient.b) Patient $*&>$?B patient witli him.

    FeaceIndia loves

    b) FiccThe -wood Is cut into pieces.

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    Md.95. a) PedalA pedal has come off the bicycle.

    b) Peddles soi3oL&

    Gandhi was respected for his piety.b) Pity

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    Md.102. a) Principal

    . He is the fH-teclpai of tbe college.b) PrincipleHe is |L . j "

    103.a) Queer fcot'Sf/' '.,He is queer in bis beiayiourb) Cure SdSSSThis disease is beyond care.

    104. a iiiet--

    sfcawL^M :"^ ' - 'He read

    b) Reed BeThere are many re.eds OQ the bank of the107. a*) Refuse ^^^.Qo-cSa v,They refused to help us.

    b*) Refuge a|ycS5oS6Chin i gave refuge to our enemy.108. a) Right tt|n$.

    v It is a right answer.

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    &S SS5 48 Md,Qb") Riot sped,^ f>

    There was a riot in the street.109. a) Rite 36, ^s-S&aThe marriage rites were performed.

    b) Right &A L^fy-I have pain in my right leg.

    c) Write - \ss*d&They do not write 1 tters.

    110. a) Rote So&apafco/ C5He got all the essay by rote.b) Wrote (5P&8

    They wrote letters of complaint.111. a) Route &>tf&>x A

    This is a new routeb) Rout LAoftA v atftffl*toatf/ oThe small army was rooted by the enemy.


    11 2. a) Site geai&aThis is an ideal site.

    b) Sight 3$.Milton lost his eye- sight.

    11 3. a) Soar **>*&f CLThe prices are soaring high.b) Sour goo^bMy success is an eye sour to otheri.c) Sore (S

    I have sore knee,

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    fig S5S5 49 Md.114.a) Sole 35ry &SS 5T>5A troupe arrived from Russia.'

    119. a) Umpire SxjfgoSjiHe is an impartial umpire.b) Empire *p\r>&&&

    The British developed their empire slowly.-

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    50 Md. *&&&'120. a)

    They elected Magnanimously.b) Ananimous-artptf. Q

    ~He tried for true post but in vain.b) Vein-tfJfa-r&aHe has royal blood in his veins.

    123. a) Vocation-^_SVocational training must be included in oursyllabus. w

    b) Vacation-TbecS^OoS^We have no vacation so far.

    124. a) We have to wait for the results.b) Weight-a8b&The wrestler is twice cf my weight.

    I like warm milk.b) Worm-^Bb3 ;Some worms are helpful to min.

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    ssf sat 5i M

    The weather is pleasant.b) Whether-^S^S-siS^S,

    The teacher asked me whether I was a student.128. a) Week-srtf&DSunday is a holiday in a week.

    b) Weak-aDotpcSs&nHe is too weak to walk.

    a) Yarn-zytf&D,The price of the yarn has gone up.b) Yearn-*&*&He yearned for relief from the Government;

    130. a) Yolk -L&I^S) 3^ TJ$ yThe yolk is very tasty.b) Yoke irSiS^&d'Gandhi got freedom to the country from the

    foriegn yoke.

    131. a) Zealous ^/ . - - e ..He zealously helped the poor.b) Jealous &tfgHe is jealous by nature,

  • 7/29/2019 Vin Ya Anjali 019270 Mbp


    A. tffrS&raa, M.B.B.S.,LA.S.E.C.T.,F.C.L^O -

    (Carbohydrates), SSpOcSS^&eo (Proteins),(Fats), ^aas-oSSESPeo (Minerals & Salts), S*oi(Vitamins), K^d&SB ^ ^sreo (Enzymes)

    - So^b, .._ *.- aSS*.... 1150s

    _:Rsi 30-00

    K.V.N.D. iSSi'S, D.H.M.S. (M.H.S) rr5....