vise ii portfolio (ayala)

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  • 8/9/2019 VISE II Portfolio (Ayala)


    1 . Introduction:

    The following portfolio consists on the compilation of many documents, reflections andevidences regarding to the second educational practice; VISE II. The VISE II can bedefined, in simple words, as the stage in which we, prospective teachers, relate practice andtheory in order to get an approximate idea of what will be our future mission. That is, toapply what we already know, such as psychology, sociology and curriculum in a specificeducational context, and to take advantage of the experience gained in the school in whichwe take part as assistants.

    In order to gain the experience mentioned above, there are two main stages that develop ourimprovement as future teachers; the observation stage, which consists on the observationand analysis of the context in which students learn, and the team teaching stage, whichconsists on the participation of the VISE student inside the classroom and the collaborationwith the Guide Teacher. In the following pages, we will take a deeper and global look ofthe fundaments of this VISE II and the reflections of the experience of this practice.

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    2 . Index:

    I. Introduction.p. 1II. Index..p. 2III. Course Programp. 3

    IV. School Information...p. 9V. Reports and reflections...........................................................................................p. 10VI. Assignments..........................................................................................................p. 13VII. Reference Material, Web pages and links consulted..p. 21

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    3. Course Program:PROGRAMA DE CURSO


    Descubriendo la relacin entre la Teora y la Prctica


    Nombre de la asignatura: VISE II

    Profesor: Prof. Isabel Vsquez Vicencio / Rodrigo Gonzlez Salinas.

    Carrera: Pedagoga en Ingls

    Pre- requisitos: VISE I


    Curso de modalidad de taller el cual est centrado en la bsqueda de

    respuestas sobre actitudes y comportamientos en las interacciones humanas;

    en su necesidad de teorizar. Esta prctica, junto con la prctica I (Vise I)

    deben ayudar al alumno, de manera efectiva, a desarrollar el eje slido y

    frreo entre la Universidad, los establecimientos educacionales y la comunidad.

    Luego de las primeras observaciones en el establecimiento educacional, se

    pretende que a travs de este taller los estudiantes logren encontrar

    explicaciones tericas y prcticas acerca de lo que observan.

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    Se solicitar a los alumnos que practiquen un comportamiento libre de

    prejuicios y estereotipos, que se planteen valricamente con relacin a las

    interacciones interpersonales, que reflexionen sobre su cultura personal y se

    abran a su enriquecimiento.

    Este es el segundo paso del acercamiento gradual y creciente, que deber

    hacer todo alumno de pedagoga, a la realidad de los establecimientos

    educacionales, a su entorno y aula mediante la realizacin de trabajos

    prcticos en el desarrollo del currculum.

    Esta asignatura precede a las metodologas y es la base sobre la cual cada

    alumno construir su propia teora de la enseanza.


    Ayudar a que los estudiantes en prctica crean en s mismos y en sus

    potencialidades para ser exitosos y as poder tomar decisiones, socializar,

    llevarse bien con los dems, trabajar en equipo, negociar honesta y

    hbilmente, asumir liderazgo y compromiso con los conocimientos logrados.


    1. Desarrollar la capacidad de reconocer errores, de reconocerse comomodelos para los alumnos y de afianzar la vocacin de profesor.

    2. Reconocer y fundamentar tericamente que la afectividad es uno de losprincipales factores en el logro de los aprendizajes.

    3. Apreciar el conocimiento como fuente del desarrollo personal yprofesional.

    4. Fundamentar tericamente una cultura de aprendizaje y un ambiente

    educativo respetuoso y libre de peligros y amenazas.

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    Unidad temtica N1Los errores como fuentes del conocimiento: desarrollo personal y profesional.


    1. Los errores como fuente de conocimiento.2. El conocimiento como fuente de desarrollo personal y profesional.3. Vocacin de profesor dentro de una sociedad globalizada.


    Al nivel de Talleres Vises y Escuela

    Relatos de experiencias vividas en la VISE I y las que se vivirn en laVISE II, asociarlas con errores vividos u observados..

    Anlisis conceptual, bibliogrfico y de comparacin. Anlisis de situaciones relacionadas con la teora y la prctica. Utilizacin de matrices para identificar errores, proponer soluciones y

    estrategias de lo observado en la escuela. Lecturas individuales y/o grupales.

    Unidad Temtica N 2Las relaciones afectivas positivas: Condiciones necesarias para un ambiente deaprendizaje


    1. Relaciones afectivas positivas.2. Ambiente de Aprendizaje.


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    Al nivel de talleres:

    Orientaciones para trabajar objetivos transversales. Elaboracin de una propuesta para la realizacin de actividades en el aula sobre la

    base de los OFT presentes en el programa de curso correspondiente al nivel. Registro, presentacin y discusin de eventos pedaggicos relevantes en la escuela.

    (portafolio). nfasis en las relaciones interpersonales. Anlisis de variables o factores que inciden en el ambiente de aprendizaje.

    Al nivel de Escuela:

    Seleccin de un OFT y desarrollo de un programa que se pueda ejecutar en laACLES (actividades curriculares de libre eleccin), de acuerdo a lo planificado enel establecimiento.

    Elaboracin de estrategias para mantener, y mejorar las relaciones afectivas y el

    ambiente de aprendizaje. Observacin, recoleccin de informacin y participacin en las actividades al

    interior de la escuela.

    Unidad Temtica N3Competencias que debe desarrollar el Profesor (a)


    1. Capacidad de asumir la formacin tica de los alumnos de los establecimientos

    educacionales.2. Capacidad de creer en la persona y en su potencial desarrollo.3. Capacidad de apreciar el conocimiento como motor de desarrollo personal.4. Capacidad de comportarse de manera solidaria con los dems, ( alumnos,

    compaeros de trabajo, y diversos actores del ambiente educacional)


    Al nivel de talleres

    Discusin socializada Trabajo en grupo cooperativo Demostraciones Simulaciones Anlisis de contenidos

    Al nivel de Escuela

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    Observacin participante Entrevistas Elaboracin de cuestionario.


    El curso ser entregado de manera terica-prctica, a travs de la modalidad de Taller. Engeneral se trabajar de la siguiente forma:

    Anlisis crtico y comprensivo de las experiencias vividas y observadas. Registro de eventos pedaggicos de acuerdo a cada una de las Unidades temticas

    del Programa de Curso. (Portafolio) Confeccin de un Portafolio pedaggico destinado a la recopilacin, presentacin,

    y anlisis de las experiencias pedaggicas durante el perodo de prctica. Lecturas obligatorias y discusin socializada.


    La evaluacin comprende las siguientes modalidades:

    Informes individuales y /o grupales * Talleres (20%) Lecturas obligatorias * Control de lectura (20%) Eventos pedaggicos: presentacin, anlisis y reflexin * (30%) Pauta de evaluacin profesor titular del establecimiento educacional asignado.


    Nota: Todo lo sealado con asterisco (*) debe estar incluido en un Portafolio individual(modalidad blog) que ser requerido por el profesor de la asignatura cada vez que seanecesario.


    90% mnimo a las sesiones en el Establecimiento educacional (porcentaje menorimplica reprobacin del curso)

    90% a las sesiones de Taller con el profesor de la asignatura. En caso de enfermedad o algn inconveniente para asistir, se requiere de un

    certificado mdico y en el caso de los establecimientos educacionales, avisar a labrevedad posible.

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    Puntualidad:Se encarece la puntualidad tanto a las sesiones de Taller como a las del EstablecimientoEducacional. En el caso de los talleres en la Universidad se permite un retraso de 5minutos. En los Establecimientos Educacionales, deben presentarse 10 minutos antes de la

    hora pactada.


    La bibliografa general se encuentra en el Manual para los talleres de Vinculacin con elMedio Educativo, Prcticas Tempranas I, II, III, y la bibliografa especfica de laasignatura, ser entregada al comienzo de cada unidad temtica.

    AIVV/ RAGSMarzo 2010.

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    4. School information:

    Name of the school: Liceo Pedro Montt de Valparaso.Address: Avenida Alemania #5196, Cerro Alegre, Valparaso.Courses assigned: Octavo bsico, Segundo medio, Tercero medio.

    Guide Teacher: Mara Isabel Reyes Herrera.UTP coordinator: Michell Mura.

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    5. Reports and reflections:

    A. Observation Stage:

    a) Pedagogical Event N1

    The pedagogical event that took place in this stage was a conversation with some studentsfrom the eighth grade class. The conversation came up because of the way the GuideTeacher taught them. The students were learning some vocabulary concerning to myths andlegends. One of the kids called me and asked me if I could translate the name of thecreatures, heroes and types of stories they were learning, for which I said the following:

    (The conversation below was in Spanish)

    Mmm, no, no puedo traducir los nombres. Lo que s puedo hacer es ayudarte a adivinarqu significan estas palabras, Ok?

    Pero prooofe, qu le cuesta decirme!

    Es que mira De qu te sirve que yo te lo diga, cuando eres t el que tiene queaprender? Si yo te lo digo, t solamente lo vas a escribir en el cuaderno, pero quizs a losdas se te va a olvidar. En cambio, si te hago adivinar el significado de estas palabras, se teva a hacer ms fcil recordar a qu se refiere esto y a qu se refiere lo otro.

    Pero es que profe, la profesora no lo hace as. Ella nos dice qu significan las palabras

    After that, I observed in many sessions that these students are used to be given the answerinstead of thinking what the answer could be. Then, they asked Miss Mara Isabel to givethem the answer, for which she had no problem to do it, and this happened too with the restof the students.

    b) Reflection N1 (any topic related to this stage)

    From the pedagogical event exposed above, I noticed that these students are not used toconstruct their learning or to give significance to what they are learning. They always askfor the meaning of the words without creating an approximate image of it. I think that thisis not bad to do (not always), but I also think that, as a teacher, that method shouldnt beused too much because the student doesnt think about what could be the answer. I relatethis idea to the concept of significant learning, which consists, in simple words, on thesignificance that the student should give to his/her learning. That is, to use his/her previousidea of something so it can be related to the new concept that is going to be learned. I alsorelate this idea with constructivism, which consists on the way the learner will constructhis/her learning (in this case, the construction of the image of, for example, a goblin). Thesetwo ideas rely on the concept ofauthentic assessment,which give emphasis on the methodof the construction and relation of concepts that will be learned in order to develop anefficient learning. I do believe that these methods should be put into practice in order to

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    create a more significant learning, in order to make our students think, reflect, analyze,construct their learning instead of passively receive the answer.

    B) Team Teaching Stage:

    a) Pedagogical Event N2There was a specific and interesting event that took place in my practice. It was, too, aconversation. A student from a second grade class (high school) had always showed calmand a little shy in front of me. When the Guide Teacher introduced an activity, I never sawhim doing or asking about how to do it. Another day, the same situation happened, and Idecided to talk to him, because I thought it was important for him to do the activities thatthe Guide Teacher wanted the class to do, and also, their assignments were going to beevaluated, so it was convenient for him to do it anyway. I approached at him and said hi,and I asked him:

    (The following conversation was in Spanish)

    Tienes alguna duda con la actividad?S, muchasBueno, entonces, djame ayudarte Qu es lo que no entiendes?TodoPero tiene que haber algo que entiendas. Alguna palabra en particular. Hmm, veamosQu significa esto? (La palabra era open).No sMmm te pondr un ejemplo: Qu es lo primero que haces al llegar a tu casa?Abrir la puertaCorrecto! Entonces Qu significa esta palabra?Puerta?Mmm no. Mira, open, en este caso, es un verbo. Es la accin de abrir algo.Aaah ya

    In the following sessions, I considered that it was necessary to encourage this student tolearn, and to learn effectively. So I started to work with him every time I had classes withhim. I also noticed that it was very difficult for him to learn the language. He really didntknow the meaning of most of the words. In this process, he started to understand, little bylittle, the meaning of certain and basic words. I once told the Guide Teacher that I liked towork with this student in particular because even though his level of English was poor, henever refused to learn, for which Miss Maria Isabel replied Oh, that student Yes, hes agood one. I was talking with a colleague and he said that he studied all his elementary in adifferent institute, you know For students with special needs concerning to learning.Then, I understood everything. It (probably) wasnt that the English he learned in hiselementary studies was poor; the real case was that he had difficulties at the moment oflearning the contents.

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    b) Reflection N 2 (Interactions in the classroom).

    From the event exposed above, I analyzed many things concerning to individual learning.This student needed a particular way of learning, an individual one. In the sessions Iparticipated, he never took notes about the contents and never asked the Guide Teacherhow to do them, maybe because he felt ashamed of making a mistake. Then, I approachedto him and I worked many times with him in order to make the learning process an efficientand successful one. Now, in this reflection situation, I think I reinforced completely theconcept ofindividual learning related to the authentic assessment, that refers, in simplewords, to the way a class should be seen (not as a whole entity, but as a differenced one),the way the teacher must focus in the individual and different needs of his/her students (theway his/her students learn, the individual difficulties they had at the moment of learning,the time that takes to them to learn, and also the environment in which they are inserted). Iemphasize this idea because I do believe that it is important to study and to put into practicein any educational context in order to make the learning process a gratifying situation, and,as a result, to make the interaction between teachers and students a closer one (but not toomuch; effective affection) than usual. I also do believe that if theres an individualized wayof teaching, the relationship between these two actors will become better.

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    6. Assignments:

    Assignment 1

    Go back to the times you were taking Vise I workshop, and try to remember any

    pedagogical event (artifact) observed at the school you were assigned. Then:Narrate what actually happened at that time and describe that particular event. Referto people, place, and background. Avoid interpretations, suppositions, presumptionsor assumptions. Explain briefly why that particular event called your attention. Youhave one full page (letter format) for narration. Be as clear, brief and precise as youcan.

    I remember that when I was in VISE I workshop, there was a particular situation that calledmy attention. There was a girl from another section that came to see her classmates justwhen it was the time to leave the classroom for the break hour. We were having a littleconversation with the teacher and preparing our bags to go. Then, Miss Patricia told somegirls to leave the classroom, but this girl didnt want to. The teacher told her three times toleave the place because she had to lock the doors, and the girl continued disobeying. At thefourth time, Miss Patricia looked at me very upset, and started to shout at the girl, and toldher that if she didnt leave the classroom she would call her parents and hold her indetention. Everybody felt very uncomfortable, even me. Then the girl decided to leave theclassroom quietly, she didnt look anything but the floor. Miss Patricia then said SorryMax, but thats the only way an unruly child can understand your requests. Then shelocked the doors and we left the school.

    This event called my attention because of the way Miss Patricia acted and the resource sheused to normalize the situation.

    Maximiliano Ayala.

    Observation Stage:

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    Task 1: The School and Learning Environment

    Name of student: Maximiliano Ayala Pozo.

    Name of School: Liceo Pedro Montt.

    Number of students: 400 (approximately).

    Date: 10/05/10 Class: English.

    Briefly describe the following aspects:

    1. The school:

    Describe the general background of the school including the physical

    location, organisation, student population, philosophy andeducational and behavioural policies.

    Liceo Pedro Montt is located in Avenida Alemania, Cerro Alegre. It is an oldlittle institute painted in white. When you come into the school, you can seeimmediately people doing the cleaning and some academics walking aroundthere. Theres a lady at the door that always welcomes us with a smile, and tellus to come in freely. She knows we are prospective teachers in practice. Then,when we get to the yard, we can see many students playing football, havingtheir lunch or just having a chat. There are approximately 400 students in thisestablishment. Their policies are to respect each other, and something thatcalled my attention is that there is a whiteboard with specific and impressive

    rules, like the following: not to steal (this is a school in which is very usualthe activity of stealing) and not to swear (another very common), to wear theuniform in the days they have to use it. But the students seem not to respectthese rules (among others). Theres no noticeable respect between each otherand they dont stop swearing or (sometimes) fighting.
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    2. The classroom

    Describe the atmosphere of the room and the levels of engagement inthe room. Make notes on seating, sight lines, space, air, light,whiteboard, equipment, etc.

    The atmosphere of the room in general is kind of messy. Although there are nomore than fifteen students per course, twelve of them are just doing nothing,and three of them pay attention. There are enough seats for everyone, theclassroom is big, theres fresh air, lights, a whiteboard, but not muchequipment like the typical closet in which teachers keep papers and homeworks and there arent even curtains. In fact, the students have pasted shied ofpapers in order to protect themselves from the sun. They have a kind of wallmade of paper in which they, as a course, organise themselves. I writeorganise because they are not really interested in having a goodorganisation. The rooms are filthy, there are flies flying over the classroom, andthey have a carton box as a trash bin. A situation that called my attention isthat when I was with the third grade guys, there was a big space in the

    classroom, which instead of looking like that, it looked like a dance floor.

    3. The activities & resources

    a) Make notes on the kind of activities used, the nature of studentinvolvement, balance of student doing things and teacher doingthings.

    Our guide teacher played a game with the eighth grade students, the so wellknown colgado. The objective was to spell the possible word that could havefit in the gaps in order to put in practice the alphabet. They seemed veryinterested, because it was a game, and most of the students participated in it.

    The teacher always tries to relate the contents with games, so they can havefun and learn at the same time. In fact, she showed us many materials plannedby her.

    b) Describe the resources used and the materials available within theschool. How are the resources used in the classroom?

    The resources used in the classroom are a whiteboard, an eraser, and just that.In the sessions in which I participated, I never noticed any innovative resourcelike a projector or something similar to that, just the traditional ones. Theres acomputers classroom in the school, but it seems like not many students canuse it. I never saw a student using one, when it could be a great resource forthem.

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    Task 2: Students learning

    In this second observation task, you should focus on the things that help tocreate conditions for effective learning and on the aspects that play a part inpreventing learning.

    The learnersHow motivated are the learners? Why? To what extent are they taking part intheir own learning? To what extent are they expecting the teacher to do thework for them?

    Well, generally speaking, the students dont seem very motivated about thesubject, and I think it is because thats the way these students behave. Most of

    them dont have any motivation on doing things, there are few students thatare planning to give the PSU or that at least want to continue doing somethingwith their lives. Most of them do not expect anything from the teacher, eventhough the teacher wants them to learn. They dont really care about learningand most of them expect the teacher to do everything. A situation that calledmy attention was that there was a student that told me: Ill pay you onethousand pesos if you do this homework for me, and I answered No, I wont, Ican help you to do a part, but I would never do that for you. Then, the boysaid to me Whoa! Youre so selfish in an informal way.

    Behaviour during classroom activitiesDescribe the ways students are encouraged to participate in activities. Are

    there any particular strategies for managing issues and motivating students?Are there any students with special needs?

    The ways students are encouraged to participate in activities is almost any. As Isaid before, a little number of students are interested in learning, participatingand doing well at school. The teacher tried to use strategies to motivatestudents in order to do the activities she proposed to them, but with no bigsuccess. And there are a lot of students with special needs. They are kids andteenagers looking for attention, for guidance, a person in whom they can trusttheir problems, a helping hand, and in terms of knowledge, they need morereinforcement in the English subject.

    3. Discuss the learning styles and levels of English in the classroom.

    The learning styles and levels of English are very poor. I noticed that manyeighth grade students are studying the alphabet. I know that at that age theyshould be learning Past Simple, or at least a simple tense. But they dont, theyare learning how to pronounce each letter of the alphabet, a very late contentfor their level.

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    Team Teaching Stage:

    TEAM TEACHING STAGEName of student: Maximiliano Ayala Pozo.

    Name of School: Liceo Pedro Montt.

    Date: 01/06/10

    Task N1: Collaboration activities

    For the following questions describe as accurately as you can how youhave collaborated in school assigned:

    Briefly describe the activities in which you have participated as theGuide Teachers assistant.

    Describe the classroom atmosphere and students interaction with youand among themselves during classroom work.

    Ive participated in many activities with the Guide Teacher. Some of these arethe following: checking formative homeworks (she knows that I am not allowedto evaluate tests), trying to remain the order in the classroom, helping studentswith their doubts and questions, brainstorming ideas related to the innovationof the course, giving examples in the classroom related to the topic we arelecturing, carrying the English books to the library, and we are actually workingon the elaboration of worksheets and classroom activities. She also looks foradvice at the moment of doing complicated activities such as a listening, for
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    which I give her my opinion. About the classroom atmosphere and thestudents interaction with me, I could say that a little number of them isinterested in my knowledge and guidance. Most of them are not interested inthe subject, so I try to motivate them by saying that English is a perfect way tosucceed in life, that English opens doors and that there are many jobs thatinclude the language, but they say I dont care, I dont understand and I will

    never do. I will study something without English. On the other hand, there arestudents that even though dont understand the language, try to put an efforton it and I give them my support at the moment of learning.

    Task N2: Reflection

    How do you like your job as assistant so far? Support your answer inten lines.

    Well, this is not my first time as an assistant. I became an English Phoneticsand Phonology assistant when I was in my second year of university, and Ialways liked being one. As a result, I got a lot of experience from my lastassistantship. In this particular case, I really like helping the Guide Teacher toowith anything she asks for. From carrying the English books to elaboratingworksheets. Its a job that I enjoy the most, because in this way I dont feel likea piece of furniture standing passively in the classroom. I offered my servicesto the Guide Teacher from the beginning, and from that day we have beenworking as a team. In the case of the students needs, I also love to help themwith whatever they want. When they dont understand the tasks, they ask formy help, and I use my personal way of explaining difficult topics. I giveexamples in which they can imagine themselves. This method has resulted

    with them, and this situation makes me feel great because they could finallyunderstand the tasks.

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    OFT Activity:

    Vise II : The Objetivos Fundamentales Transversales (OFT) in theEnglish classroomAssignment

    I chose the following OFT for my assignment:

    Los OFT del mbito Formacin tica, relativos al respeto y valoracin demodos de ser, pensar y valorar de otras culturas, y el cuestionamiento deestereotipos, discriminaciones y mitos que se construyen respecto de lasmismas.

    To apply this OFT, I decided to make an activity in which all the pupils couldgive their opinions about many stereotypes.

    In the class, I would write on the whiteboard the words man and woman,and I would ask them to write some adjectives. For example, below the mancategory, many of them might write the typical responses like strong,powerful, short-haired, active, and below the woman category, adjectives

    like lovely, long-haired, cries easily, sensitive. Then, I would ask thefollowing:

    -Do you agree with the lists you have created? Would you like to make anychange to them?-Are there terms that do not belong under the categories theyre under?-Is it fair to say that all men are ________ and all women are _________?

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    Secondly, I would introduce the stereotype theme by asking them if theyknow the meaning of this word. Many of them will give some approximateddefinitions, and in order to have a good one, I would ask them to look for it intheir dictionaries.

    Then, again on the whiteboard, I would write the following phrases:

    -All old people are forgetful.-Men are better at math than women are.-Girls are not as athletic as boys.

    And I would ask them if these phrases are true or not, and why. After sharingtheir opinions and reactions, I would lead them to the conclusion that thesestatements are too general to be true and encourage them to recognize that itis unfair to make such sweeping statements. Then, I would help them toconnect these phrases with the stereotype term.

    Thirdly, I would paste some shied of paper on the board with common

    stereotypes, and I would ask them, one by one, to tell me and the class if thephrase written on the paper is true or false and why, and if it is completelyfalse, Id ask them to tear the paper, so we can symbolize that the stereotypehas disappeared.

    And as a conclusion, and in order to finish the activity, I would ask them thefollowing questions:

    -What did you learn today?-Were there times during the class when they felt angry or sad? Why?

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    7. Reference Material and Web pages and links consulted:



    Evaluacin de los Aprendizajes, by Mabel Condemarn and Alejandra Medina,

    Chapter 1: Evaluacin Autntica de los Aprendizajes, from pages 15 to 32.

    Los Objetivos Transversales (OFT) en el currculum chileno.

    Las relaciones afectivas en la educacin, la gran diferencia, by Azucena

    Bravo Zequeira (extract).