vocabulary year 3

1 ay /ei/ 2 ou /aʊ/ 3 ie /ai/ 4 ea 5 oy /ɔi/ 6 ir 7 ue 8 aw 9 wh /w/ 10 ph /f/ 11 ew 12 oe /əʊ/ 13 au 14 a-e /ei/ 15 i-e /ai/ 16 e-e /i:/ 17 o-e /əu/ 18 u-e /u:/ 列1 Graphemes列列 Phonetic Symbols 列列列列 /i/ / /u/ / /ju/ /

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Page 1: Vocabulary Year 3

1 ay /ei/ pay, lay2 ou /aʊ/ out,pout3 ie /ai/ tie,pie4 ea eat,meat5 oy /ɔi/ toy,boy6 ir girl,bird7 ue sue,clue8 aw law,paw9 wh /w/ why,what

10 ph /f/ phew,phone11 ew few,dew12 oe /əʊ/ toe,doe13 au aura,audio14 a-e /ei/ ape,pale15 i-e /ai/ bite,line16 e-e /i:/ gene17 o-e /əu/ robe,code18 u-e /u:/ flute,fule

列1 Graphemes字母 Phonetic Symbols 音标符号 As in 就像





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Unit 1 My loved ones 我最亲爱的人

1 we're we are2 she's she is3 great big hug 大拥抱4 kiss 吻5 special 特别6 both of them 他们俩7 take care of 照顾8 bay 海湾9 may 可能

10 pay 还钱11 say 说12 lay 躺13 play 玩14 bray 驴子叫15 crayon 蜡笔16 clay 粘土17 today 今天18 rich 有钱19 village 乡村20 most beautiful 最美丽21 alone 独自22 missing 遗失,想念23 pass by 经过24 old hut 旧茅屋25 sweet voices 甜声音26 look through the window. 穿过窗口看27 poor 穷28 laughing 大笑29 invited 邀请30 never 不曾31 quiet32 empty 空33 house 屋子34 dwelling place 住所35 security 保安36 offering 供给37 family 家庭



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38 magazines 杂志39 newspaper 报纸40 common nouns 普通名词41 truly amazing 真的令人惊异42 be careful 小心43 take care of 照顾44 obey 遵守45 kind 好心46 helpful 爱帮忙人47 respectful 有礼貌(懂得尊重他人)48 polite 有礼貌49 coloured paper 颜色纸50 fold 折51 photograph 照片52 patient 病人,耐心53 confident 信心54 obedient 乖巧55 share 分享56 celebrate 庆祝57 attire 服装58 guess 猜59 fashion show 服装表演60 special guest 特别嘉宾61 take part in=participate in 参与62 held, organised 举办63 squirrel 松鼠64 chased 追赶65 was frightened 很害怕66 broom 扫把67 oven 烤炉

Every day, they play with clay at the bay.每一天,他们在海湾玩粘土。

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Unit 2 Our Playground

1 see-saw 翘翘板2 slide 滑梯3 swings 秋千4 roundabout 交通圈5 monkey bars 猴子竿6 bad condition 坏情况7 put out 生产,出版,消灭火8 flyer 传单9 neighbour 邻居

10 keep 保持,收,保留11 out 外12 loud 大声13 pout 撅嘴,发脾气14 couch 大沙发15 mouth 嘴巴16 round 圆圈17 shout18 cloud 云19 proud 骄傲20 ground 地21 merry-go-round=carousel 旋转木马22 fairground23 place24 date 日期25 activities26 paint 油漆27 ramp 斜坡28 equipment 器具29 more information30 contact 联络31 hold, held32 start33 until noon 直到中午34 rest 休息35 prepare 准备36 just move here37 dialogue38 goes to and fro 向前又向后39 let's chant 让我们念一念40 finish 完成

喊=scream, yell


event 项目,活动

more detail=更多详情

organise 举行begin, began开始



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Round and round went the merry-go-round in the fairground。

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Unit 3

1 tales 寓言,故事2 lion 狮子3 porcupine 刺猬4 faithful 5 eagle 老鹰6 crow 乌鸦7 swan 天鹅8 title 题目9 character 角色

10 good voice 好声音11 magpie 喜鹊12 admire 仰慕13 patiently 有耐心地14 still could not 还是不能15 finally16 talents 才华17 own way 自己的方法18 own 拥有19 lied 说骗话20 quietly took 安静的拿21 delicious22 necktie 领带23 lied 说骗话24 dice 25 die26 died 死,27 cried 哭28 skies 天29 spies 间谍30 fried rice 炒饭31 fried chicken 炸鸡32 fried 煎,抄33 quietly 安静的34 redfeathers 红羽毛35 sack 麻袋36 wolf 狼37 jungle forest,woods38 dove 鸽子39 happened 发生40 flew ahead 飞走

会教的寓言Tales that teach




(多)色子dadu 死,dadu(单)phoneme


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41 lay on 躺下42 path 道路43 pretend 假装44 broken wing 坏的翅膀45 catch 抓46 stingy 孤寒47 selfish 自私48 generous 慷慨49 proud 骄傲50 humble 谦虚51 You are such an ugly creature 你是一只很丑陋的动物52 pretty=beautiful 美丽53 shouldn't =should not 不因该54 said rudely 粗鲁的说55 flood 水灾56 clay pot 粘土陶瓷57 wash away 冲走58 metal pot 金属锅59 reply,replied 回答,回复60 swim on my own 我自己游61 river bank 河岸62 loyal servant 忠心佣人63 hunting 打猎64 fawn 小鹿65 always 时常66 pet 宠物67 cart 手推车68 travelling 旅,搬,移动69 doe 母鹿70 follow 跟随71 tired 累72 china 中国,陶瓷73 could not 不能74 tipped 翻转75 splash over 溅到76 either…or 两个选一77 chased away 追赶78 barn 谷仓79 full 满,抱80 hay 干草81 I 我82 you 你

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83 we 我们84 they 他们85 he 他86 she 她87 it 它 88 tortoise 乌龟89 once upon a time 很久很久以前90 rule 管理91 like a king 好像皇帝92 like 好像,喜欢93 swamp 沼泽94 tried 尝试95 often 时常96 bite 咬97 in vain 徒劳无功,无效98 hid 躲99 shell 贝壳

100 felt 感觉101 pain 痛102 as…as …一样103 strong 强104 anything 任何东西105 tired 很累106 is grateful to 感恩于107 eyrie 老鹰巢108 shield 盾,保护罩109 grief 悲伤110 diet 正常饮食111 nest 鸟窝112 blood 血113 shock 惊吓114 cobra 眼睛蛇115 greedy 贪心116 honest 诚实117 brave 勇敢

Pied Piper quietly took the tie and pie to the spies.

Pied Piper安静的拿领带和派给那个间谍。

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Unit 4 A farm experience 一个农场的经验

1 pen 羊围栏2 chicken coop 鸡寮3 shed 马棚4 pond 池塘5 village6 weekend 周末,六日7 is not feeling well8 visit 探望9 useful 有用

10 meat 肉11 tasty meal 美味食物12 pea 豌豆13 neat 整齐14 meal 餐15 leap 跳跃16 easy 容易17 leaf 叶子18 cheap 便宜19 clean 清洁20 lean and mean 瘦,平均21 excited 兴奋22 feeds 喂食23 bleat 羊叫声24 grain 杂粮25 row 排26 favourite 喜爱的27 comb 梳子28 red comb 红鸡冠29 its head 它的头30 feathers 羽毛31 crows loudly (公鸡)大声的喔喔啼32 follow me 跟随我33 everywhere 到处34 bull 公牛



phoneme/i: /

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35 this 这(少)36 that 那(少)37 these 这(多)38 those 那(多) 39 calf 小牛40 drake 公鸭41 duckling 小鸭42 nanny 母羊43 male 公44 female 母45 billy 公羊46 different name 不同名字47 rooster 公鸡48 hen 母鸡49 sheep 绵羊50 bufffaloes 水牛51 life 生命52 sill 窗台,门栏53 seal 密封,海豹54 hip 臂部55 heap 堆(草)56 peal 钟洪亮的声音57 pill 药丸58 meat 肉59 mitt 露指手套60 seat 座位61 sit 坐62 pick 选63 peak 山顶64 leak 漏65 lick 舔66 leap 跳跃67 lip 嘴唇68 meal 餐69 mill 粉碎,磨70 fit 合身

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71 feat 手艺,合身的

The tiger eats meat to stay lean and mean.


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Unit 5 Uniquely You

1 unique 独特2 way 方法,做法3 TRUE/false4 say 说5 things 东西6 talk 讲话7 play 玩8 look 看,看起来9 special 特别

10 always 常常11 else 另外,否则,其他12 would rather be 想成为13 disable 无能力,残障14 able 有能力,能够15 physically challenged 肢体上有挑战的人16 phisical 肢体17 challenge 挑战18 means 意思19 Braille 盲读系统20 treat 对待,医疗,请吃21 joy 快乐22 enjoy 享受(做乐)23 toy 玩具24 soy 豆25 loyal26 royal 皇家27 royal police 皇家警察28 oyster 蚌29 voyage 航行30 destroy 毁坏31 to be, being 成为32 just 33 born 生于34 blind 瞎眼35 deaf 耳聋36 sign 记号,标记 37 sign language 手语38 degree 学士,角度39 pass away40 taught= teach 教41 visit 探望


忠心 faithful

only 只是



silent "e"

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42 soldier43 search engine 收索引擎44 met with 遇见45 move around 走来走去46 start 开始47 local 本地的48 newspaper 报纸49 become 成为50 famous51 sing 唱歌52 dance 跳舞53 wash 洗54 play 玩55 cycle 骑脚车56 so proud 那么骄傲57 know 知道,明白58 skip 跳绳59 laugh 大笑60 everything 每一件事61 my best 我最好的62 sure 肯定63 football 足球64 foot 脚65 mouth 嘴66 artist 画家67 paintbrush 画笔68 toe 脚趾69 hold70 between 中间71 expect 期望72 charity 慈善73 pity 可怜74 earn a living 谋生75 calendar 日历76 notebook 笔记书77 greeting card 贺年卡78 puzzles 拼图79 creative 有创意80 capable 能干81 polio 小儿麻痹症82 talented 有才华83 intelligent 聪明84 hurdles 跳栏

army 兵

well-known 出名


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85 should 应该86 shouldn't 不应该87 can 可以88 cannot=can't 不可以89 wheelchair 轮椅90 occupation job 工作

Roy and Troy are two cowboys from the royal town of Viceroy.

Roy 和Troy是两位来自Viceroy 的皇城的牛仔。

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Unit 6 Safety First 安全第一

1 stranger 陌生人2 run across 跑(越过)3 wait 等4 traffic warden 交通看守人5 zebra crossing 斑马线6 always remember 一直记得7 dirt 泥土,肮脏8 skirt 裙子9 twirl 旋转,转动

10 firm 坚固11 swirl 旋转,漩涡 12 circus 马戏团13 circle 圆圈14 give a speech15 practise 16 rules 规则17 follow 跟从18 line up19 push 推20 stairs 梯子21 may 可能22 fall 跌倒23 hurt yourself 弄伤你自己24 in front of 前面25

26 single file 一排27 crawls 爬28 do not disturb 不要打扰29 be silent 安静30 no entry 不可进入31 keep off 远离32 board 上(车)33 pavement 人行道34 overhead bridge 天桥35 arrive 到达36 clown 小丑37 greet 问候,欢迎38 stir

39 过马路之前40 after that, 过后

给演讲(Memberi ucapan)练习=training

排队queue up

better to be safe than sorry 安全好过事后道歉

搅 milobefore crossing the road

phoneme/ɜ: /

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The circus clown swirl and twirl in circles.


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Unit 7 Giants and Gnomes

1 gentle 温和 46 villager 村民2 wicked 邪恶 47 stay 暂住3 selfish 自私 48 valley 山谷4 mighty 大力士 49 wandered 漫游,徘徊5 helpful 喜欢帮助他人 50 stepped on 踩上6 friendly 友善 51 made fun of 取笑7 elf,elves 小精灵 52 lonely 孤独8 giant 巨人 53 not long after 不久后9 gnome 小矮人,侏儒 54 flood 水灾

10 gigantic 巨大 55 sow 播种11 woodsman 伐木者 56 see, saw 看12 woods 57 see-saw 跷跷板13 book cover 封面 58 what was happening 发生什么事14 beanstalk 豆茎 59 offer 供给15 valiant 60 were ashamed 害羞16 cover 盖 61 treat 医治,对待,请吃17 tailor 裁缝师 62 ask for forgiveness 寻求原谅18 go away 走开 63 short 短19 enough 足够 64 ugly 丑20 share a meal 分享一餐 65 small 小21 clue 线索,提示 66 out of the blue 出乎意料 22 rue 感到后悔 67 show up 出现23 sue 控告 68 afraid 害怕24 tissue 纸巾 69 castle 皇宫25 flue 烟道 70 stomped on 跺脚26 glue 浆糊 71 harm 伤害27 claw (动物的)爪;(蟹等的)钳 72 no longer 不再28 doe 雌鹿 73 wishes granted 愿望被赐29 due to 由于 74 sewing machine 缝衣机30 crawl 爬 75 appear 出现31 grassy lawns 草地 76 thought hard 想的很幸苦32 pew 座位 77 surprise 惊奇33 paw 爪子 78 greedy 贪心34 law 法律 79 healthy 健康35 jaw 下巴 80 chase away 赶走36 thaw 解冻,融化 81 sling shot 投掷37 straw 吸水草,稻草 82 fill 填,充满38 shawl 围巾,披肩 83 with dengan39 dawn 破晓,(天)刚亮,黎明40 brawn 强壮的肌肉41 brown 可可色42 long ago 很久很久以前

这是真的,他对那个蓝色的浆糊的地点没有线索。43 once upon a time 很久很久以前44 beard 胡须

jungle=forest 森林


It is true that he has no clue where the blue glue is.

phoneme/u: /

phoneme/ɔ: /

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45 lived alone 单独住 Shawn saw a tortoise with long claws crawling on the lawn.

Shawn 看见一个长爪的乌龟在草原上爬。

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Unit 8 Move Your Body

1 indoor activities 室内活动 45 where2 outdoor activities 室外活动 46 squash 强网球3 must eat 一定要吃 47 stop by 停在旁4 balanced diet 平衡的餐 48 waterfall 瀑布5 fit and healthy 合身,健康 49 hire 租6 both of you 你们俩 50 boat 船7 aerobics 有氧运动 51 later 迟些8 what 什么 52 favourite game 喜欢的游戏9 where 哪里 53 think 想

10 when 几时 54 is interesting 很有趣11 who 谁 55 have been 一直12 how 怎么样,怎样 56 path 路径13 why 为什么 57 park 花园,泊车14 whip 鞭打,抽打 58 不同种类15 whale 鲸鱼16 which 哪一个17 while

18 wheat 小麦19 whistle 口哨20 place21 registration fee 报名费22 further details 更多详情23 tennis 网球 where is the white wale which whistles?24 table tennis 乒乓球25 martial arts 武术 那个吹口哨的白鲸在哪里?26 hold,held 27 able 能够28 attend 出席29 take part in participate in30 skipping 跳绳31 jungle-trekking 丛林徒步旅行32 during holiday 假期期间33 gymnasium 健身房,体育馆34 raise your hand 升起你的手35 clap 拍掌36 point 指37 stretch 伸展38 waist 腰39 twist 转

哪里,di mana

different types of

在。。。期间,在当时,sementara itu


orgainse 举办

Where there is a will, there is a way

Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan



silent "e"

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40 touch 摸41 let's chant 让我们念一念42 weak 弱43 wear,wore 穿44 win, won 赢

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Unit 9 Go Green ! 让我们一起来环保!

1 let's 39 decorate 布置2 learn 学习 40 frame 框架3 separate 分类 41 back 后4 recycle 循环 42 punch a hole 打一个洞5 bin 桶 43 top 上面6 reduce 减少 44 tie a ribbon 绑个蝴蝶结7 reuse 重用 45 scissors 剪刀8 large 大 46 arrive 到达9 land 地 47 volunteer 志愿者

10 creatures 48 replanted 重种树11 protect 保护 49 soon 很快的12 earth 地球 50 began 开始13 photo 相片 51 environment 环境14 dolphin 海豚 52 soil 泥土15 graph 图表 53 seed 种子16 morph 变种,变形 54 item 项目17 nephew 侄儿 55 sprinkle 洒18 alphabet 字母 56 shoot 新芽19 phrase 词汇 57 bloom 开花20 orphan 孤儿21 trophy 奖杯22 choose 选择23 chose 选择24 collected 收集25 recycling plant 循环工厂26 factory 工厂27 drink, drank 喝28 throw, threw 丢29 plans 计划30 promote 促进,推销31 message 短讯32 massage 按摩33 pollution 污染34 do not litter 不要丢垃圾35 or 还是,或者?36 join word 连字37 choice 选择38 metal 金属

let us 让我们


Phil's nephew won a trophy for his photo of the dolphin.



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Unit 10 Water Creatures 海洋生物

1 dophin 海豚 45 fins2 whale 鲸鱼 46 hop 跳跃3 shark 鲨鱼 47 direction 方向4 swordfish 剑雨 48 mammal 哺乳动物5 octopus 章鱼 49 spot6 viperfish 蝰蛇鱼 50 flipper7 sea horse 海马 51 plankton 潜水生物8 eel 鳗鱼 52 tiny fishes 小鱼9 stingray 黃貂魚 53 appearance 外表

10 porcupine fish 刺猬鱼 54 habitat 栖息地11 documentary 纪录片 55 pouch 育儿袋12 swell up 肿大 56 riddle 谜语13 attack 攻击 57 guess 猜14 spines 刺 58 curly tail 卷的尾巴15 poisonous 有毒的 59 snout (猪)动物的长鼻子16 dawn 黎明 60 bill 账单,鸟喙17 oyster 蚌 61 flat 平18 pearl 珍珠 62 crab 螃蟹19 lovely view 美丽的景色 63 clam 蛤20 indeed it was 真的,它是 64 good eyesight 好视力21 few 一些 65 intelligent 聪明22 dew 水珠,露水 66 manage to 成功23 blow,blew 吹 67 knight 骑士24 酿造,泡 68 sail 航行25 whew 口哨声 69 mackeral 鲭鱼26 pew 座位,教堂长椅 70 tuna 金枪鱼27 newt 71 squid

28 pewter 鉛錫合金 72 spot 现场,认出,斑点29 stew 炖 73 binocular 望远镜30 hew 74 although 虽然31 chew 咀嚼 75 scale 鱼鳞32 mildew 霉 76 crescent 弯月33 fish fact 事实,真相 77 moray eel 海鳗34 stick 粘 78 tropical water 热带水35 change colour 换颜色 79 hides 躲36 silver 银色 80 curve 弯曲37 long stomach 长肚子 81 pairs 双38 store food 储藏食物 82 phew 呸39 live up to 50 years 83 crew 工作人员40 mudskipper 跳跳鱼(泥) 84 screw 螺丝钉41 out of water 远离水42 most of the time 大多数时间

The newt chewed the stew with the mildew.43 muddy places 烂泥

鱼鳍[yú qí]







phoneme/ju: /

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44 roots 根The newt chewed the stew with the mildew.


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Unit 11

1 fire engine 救火车2 fireman/firefighter 救火员3 ambulance 救护车4 fire hydrant 消防柱5 policeman 警察6 paramedics 医护人员7 an old widow 老寡妇8 stranger 陌生人9 burglar 窃贼

10 smuggler 偷渡者11 robbers 抢匪12 beat me up 打我13 took care of 照顾14 have been very kind 一直很善良15 ask for anything in return 要求任何东西作为回报16 notice 注意,布告,通知17 nothing left 没任何东西留下18 brave hero 勇敢的英雄19 goes,went 去20 fights 打战,争取21 war/battle 战争22 foes=enermy,enermies 敌人23 woe 悲伤24 returns 回25 hoe 锄头26 aloe 芦荟27 doe 母鹿28 toe 脚趾29 oboe 双簧管(一种笛子)30 fire station 消防局31 wear=put on 穿32 put out fires 灭火33 flood victim 水灾难民34 gives talks 给演讲35 I am proud of him 我为他骄傲36 As for me 对我来说37 occupation, job 职业38 what is your feeling 你感觉什么?39 how do you feels? 你感觉怎样40 remember 记得41 nun 女姑,修女

Everyday Heroes 每天英雄


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42 the poor and the sick 穷人和病人43 is on fire 起火了。44 trapped 受困45 door frame 门架46 climb up 爬47 ladder 梯子48 position 地方49 pre 之前50 preposition 介词51 place/venue 地点52 locate 置于53 look at 看54 picture 图画55 soldier/army 兵56 heal/treat 医治57 treats 请吃,对待,医疗58 your own way 你的方法59 lend a hand 伸出援手60 when they are in need 当他们需要时61 你们每一个62 help/assist/aid 帮63 my life 我的生命64 what happened? 发生什么事65 injured people 受伤的人66 are taken 被拿67 floe 大浮冰68 flue 烟道69 obi 日本人带的宽腰带70 tar 柏油路71 palm 手掌72 buffaloes 水牛73 poem 诗歌74 hose 水管75 cross the road 过马路76 accident site 车祸地点77 lost their home 失去他们的家78 temporary shelters 暂时的庇护所79 donate 捐80 utensils 家庭用具81 teacher-in-charge 负责老师82 campaign kempen


each of you

Tales of heroes and foes are read by many。

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Unit 12 Amazing Creatures

1 amazing 令人吃惊的2 creature=animal 动物3 dinosaur 恐龙4 chamelon 变色龙5 butterfly 蝴蝶6 komodo dragon 巨蜥蜴7 porcupine 刺猬8 spider web=cobweb 蜘蛛网9 pangolin 穿山甲

10 ostrich 鸵鸟11 other 其他12 another 另一个13 ants and termites 蚂蚁和白蚂蚁14 changes colour 换颜色15 match its moods 配合它的颜色16 sharp quill 尖刺,羽毛17 on its body 在它的身体上18 buy,bought 买1920 author 作者21 illustrator 画者22 aura 光环,气氛23 haul 拖拉24 maul 伤害,打伤,木槌25 sauce 酱26 audio 听觉,音响27 haunt 鬼上身28 cautious 小心的,谨慎的29 astronaut 宇航员,太空人30 a pair of legs 一双脚3132 flat head 平头33 scaly skin 有鳞的皮肤34 uses 用35 huge and powerful tail 大和有力的腿36 attack 攻击37 enermy=foe 敌人38 insect 昆虫39 wing 翅膀40 antennae 触角,天线41 fang 毒牙

flora and fauna 植物和动物

the biggest lizard 最大的壁虎

phoneme/ɔ: /

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42 produce silk 生产蚕丝43 spin web 编织网44 answer the questions 回答问题45 name 命名46 text 文字47 same meaning 同义词48 dictionary 字典49 burrows in the ground 地洞50 hidden 躲51 claws 爪52 habitat 栖息地53 appearance 外表54 male 公55 female 母56 black feather 黑羽毛57 tip 小费,提示58 white tips 翼尖59 grey 灰60 adjective 形容词61 describe 形容62 what a wonderful sight! 多么美好的景象63 here I come 我来了!6465 waving my trunk 挥我的象鼻66 flapping my ear 拍打耳朵67 little peering eye68 stomping 重跺脚69 great big mouth 大嘴巴70 fierce look 凶样子71 terrifying 可怕的72 funny 好笑73 movement 动作74 recite 念诵75 area 地方,范围76 favour 偏袒,喜爱77 potion 药78 seize 抓,夺取79 hunt 猎80 aware 意识到,察觉到81 daub 涂抹82 drab 单调的颜色83 mail,letter 信

swaying along 沿着摇摆


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84 fact 事实85 pattern 图案86 fold wings 折翅膀87 quills 刺,羽毛88 on their back 在它们的背后89 keep cool 保持冷90 communicate 沟通91 sticky tongue 粘性的舌头92 yellow stripes 黄斑线93 on both sides 在双边94 black pupils 黑瞳孔95 pupils 学校,瞳孔96 lower and upper legs 后与前腿97 scarlet macaw 深红色的鹦鹉98 macaw

The cautious author went to see the astronaut.



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Unit 13 Shapes All Around

1 shape 形状2 all around 在周围3 coin 钱币4 pocket 口袋5 round 圆圈6 square 正方形7 a slice of 一片8 cheese 乳酪9 table napkin 桌围巾

10 rectangular 长方形11 note 笔记,注意12 RM 5 note 纸币13 a loaf of bread 一大块面包

14 三角形

15 oval 椭圆形16 avocado17 rugby ball 橄榄球18 look closely 看近点19 wedding aniversary 结婚周年庆20 tongue twister 绕口令21 lemonade 柠檬汽水22 homemade 家制造的23 ape in the cave 猿在山洞24 pale nightingale 苍白的夜莺25 in the cage 在笼里26 is in a daze27 whale 鲸鱼28 trace 跟踪29 crane 鹤,吊车30 face the music 面对后果31 eat , ate 吃32 stage 台上33 blade 刀片34 alien 外星人35 walking home alone 独自回家36 bright light 亮灯37 began 开始

triangular(形容)=triangle (名)



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38 walk backwards 向后走39 oval spaceship 椭圆的太空船40 black figure 黑轮廓41 walked out of the spaceship 走出太空船42 hid behind 躲在后面43 peeked at 偷看,窥视44 conical 圆锥形45 long strings 长线46 put out 伸出,灭火47 so scared 多么害怕48 attack 攻击49 monsters 妖怪50 roof 屋顶51 is made of wood 被木材制作52 concrete 砖头53 sometimes 有时候54 round stool 圆凳子55 in the middle 在中间56 had a dream 有一个梦57 a pair of earring 一对耳环58 sandcastle 沙城堡59 pebble 水晶石60 come on 快点,开始,加油61 it's time to go 是时间走了62 pleat (衣服上的)褶63 plate 盘64 time 时间65 tame 温驯66 quiet 安静67 quite 差不多68 quake 振动69 cook 煮70 cake 蛋糕71 slope 斜坡72 slate 石板73 date 日期74 deed 行为75 truce 休战76 fuse 保险丝77 brake 刹车

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78 break,broke 打破,破产79 age 岁80 urge 催促81 crate 箱82 create 创造

The crane on the crate near the gate is tame.


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Unit 14 Enchanting Stories 使人喜悦的故事

1 Magical World 魔术世界2 Fairy Tales 仙女寓言3 brave princes 勇敢王子4 lovely princess 美丽公主5 rescue=save 救6 wicked witch 邪恶巫婆7 goblins 妖精8 live happily ever after 过后过着快乐的生活9 flying horses 飞马

10 dragons 龙11 breathe fire 呼吸喷出火12 spell 咒语13 power 能力14 magic potions 魔术药15 no end 没有结果16 really 真的17 famous=well-known=popular 出名18 generous 慷慨19 elf,elves 好精灵20 侏儒,小矮人21 giant 巨人22 cobbler 鞋匠23 watchmaker 手表匠2425 cheap coal 便宜的炭26 变成,转成27 sack 麻袋28 I'll=I will 我将会29 dragged 拖30 heavy 重31 even 甚至,即使32 scene 场面33 line 线34 bite 咬35 hide 躲36 rice 饭37 gene 基因38 theme 主题39 serene 沉静的


don't be rude 不要没礼貌

changed into, turn into

i-e phoneme/ai/

e-e phoneme/i:/

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40 complete 完成41 eve 前夕,前夜42 trunk 象鼻,行李箱43 fell in love with 爱上44 was locked 被锁45 away in a tower 远离塔46 publisher 出版社47 stepsister 继姐48 reward 奖赏49 differently 不同50 title 题目51 author 作者52 illustrator 画者53 character 角色54 evil wizard 邪恶的巫公55 kidnapped 拐带儿童56 fight, fought 争取,打战57 heard a voice 听到一个声音58 pull out the cork 拉出木塞59 genie 精灵60 heal illness 医病61 use it wisely 明智的用62 poisoned apple 毒苹果63 escape 逃离64 trick 欺骗,欺诈65 wand 魔术棒66 was frightened 很害怕67 precious stone 珍贵的石头68 traveller 路途者69 was caught in a trap 被抓进机关里70 hare 野兔71 slipped into 滑进72 speak,spoke 讲话73 were amazed 很惊讶74 decide,decided 决定75 grateful 感恩76 hopped away 跳走了77 opposite meaning 反义词78 the most suitable 最适合79 went for a walk 去走走

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80 greedy 贪心81 was filled 被填满82 stile 墙83 stale 旧的,走味的84 race 比赛85 rice 饭86 wane 衰弱87 wise 明智88 pine 松树89 pane 窗格90 tame 驯良91 time 时间92 shone93 shine94 revise 温习95 revoke 撤销96 lane 小路97 line 线98 head 头99 hide 躲

100 pile 一堆101 pale 苍白102 dilute 冲淡103 delete 消除104 theme105 thyme 百里香(香草)106 mare 母马107 mere108 compile 汇编,编集109 complete 完成110 fate 宿命111 fete 盛宴112 suede 小山羊皮113 serene 宁静的

The serene athletes completed the theme.

发亮(past tense)发亮(present)



The wise wife took the bike and went for a ride to the seaside.



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Unit 15 我的国家 My Country

1 country 国家,乡下2 located,situated 位置3 place, venue 地方,地点4 national park 国家公园5 independence square 独立广场6 mount 山峰7 cave 山洞8 highland 高原9 paddy museum 稻米博物馆

10 east 东11 west 西12 south 南13 north 北14 visit 探望15 read aloud 大声读16 role-play 角色扮演17 went up 去上18 slope 斜坡19 close 靠近,关20 smell 嗅,味道21 sweet scent 甜香味22 tickled my nose 瘙痒我的鼻子23 robe 法衣24 code 密码25 note 笔记26 hole 洞27 chose 选择28 those 那些29 broke 打破,揭破,破产30 a fun-filled holiday 一个充满娱乐的假期31 drive,drove 驾(车)32 ride, rode 骑(摩托)33 whole journey 整个旅程34 snorkelling 潜水35 island 岛36 near the cove 靠近小海湾37 stay there for two days. 暂住那边两天38 buy,bought 买39 souvenirs 纪念品40 feel, felt 感觉41 flying a kite 飞风筝42 swimming in the sea 游泳在海里


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43 building a sand castle 建造沙城堡44 having a picnic 野餐45 paragraph 段落(短文)46 stanza 段落(诗歌)47 flute 笛子48 United States 团结的州49 United States of America 美国50 wonderful land 美丽的土地51 peaceful and harmonious 和平及和谐52 capital city 首都53 pole 杆,两极端54 pale 苍白55 role 角色56 rule 管理57 sole 单独58 sale 拍卖59 cane 藤条60 cone 圆锥体61 hole 洞62 hall 礼堂63 male64 mole 黑痣65 hose 水管66 host67 note 笔记,便条68 not 不69 rude 粗辱70 rode71 cave 山洞72 cove 小海湾73 canopy walk 树荫下步行74 suspension bridge 吊桥75 it was exciting 这是兴奋76 a trip 一个旅途77 rapid shooting78 scream 喊79 was scared 很怕80 at first 起初81 crystal clear water 水晶般清澈的水82 delicious,tasty 美味,好吃83 fantastic holiday 极好玩的假期84 costs RM 2085 buy,bought 买



ride(骑)past tense



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Detective Sole read the note and broke the code.


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Unit 16 Stage It!

1 stage 舞台2 performance 表演(名词)3 perform 表演(动词)4 excuse me 对不起5 I beg your pardon 我请求你的原谅(因为听不到)6 entrance 入口7 go straight on 直走8 pass by 经过9 drop by

10 directions 方向11 use 用12 instrument 仪器13 of course 当然14 flute 笛子15 tune 曲调16 huge 巨大17 fume 烟雾,愤怒18 rule 管理19 cube 正方体20 duke21 cute 可爱22 invitation card 邀请卡23 cordially invite 真诚的邀请24 programme 程序,节目,计划25 welcome speech 欢迎致词26 headmistress 女校长27 opening speech 开幕致词28 chairman29 Parent Teacher Association 家教协会30 breakfast 早餐31 lunch 午餐32 dinner 晚餐33 supper 宵夜34 is served35 choral speaking 朗诵合唱团36 flute recital 笛子独奏会37 percussion band performance打击乐器团表演38 proceed 前进,收入


公爵(Dato,Tan Sri)




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39 all proceeds go to 所有收入将去。。。40 hold, held41 year-end class party 年尾班级宴会42 design 设计43 a statement 一个声明(句子)44 a fun year 一个愉快的年45 indeed 真的46 any clue 任何提示47 jazz chants 爵士旋律48 mule49 mile 英里50 dine 进餐51 dune 沙丘52 mole 黑痣53 cute 可爱54 cited from 引用自55 tone 声调56 tune 曲调57 rule 管理58 role 角色59 rode60 rude 粗鲁61 mite 小虫62 mute 无声63 first event 第一项目64 choir 合唱团65 act out 表演出66 traditional 传统67 random 随机68 instrument 仪器69 declare70 it provides information 它提供讯息

Duke of Dune likes to play a tune on the flute.沙丘(地方名)的公爵喜欢用笛子玩一个曲调。





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1 was born 被生于 36 discover 发现,发掘2 Germany 德国 37 interest 兴趣3 greatest 最好 38 widely recognised 广泛的被认识4 composer 创作者 39 for enquiries 欲知详情5 musician 音乐家 40 event6 history 历史 41 held,organised 举办7 primary 初,第一 42 carry 拿8 knowledge 知识 43 dance 跳舞9 early life 早期生活 44 skate 滑板

10 出名 45 kick 踢

11 pianist 钢琴家 46 wipe 抹12 composition 作文 47 comb 梳头13 when he was 1114 travelled 旅,搬15 learned 学习16 began to lose17 his hearing 他的听觉18 in his 20s19 became worse 变成越来越坏20 blind 眼瞎21 mute 哑巴22 never gave up 不曾放弃23 draw 画24 completely deaf 完全耳聋,失聪25 eventually26 however 但是27 continued 接下去,继续28 create 创作29 still 一直都是,还是30 appreciate 珍惜31 autism 自闭症32 awareness 醒觉33 problems 问题34 communicate 沟通35 suddently 突然间


famous,popular, well-known



