voce tem orgulho do seu codigo

Samuel Crescêncio e Victor Hugo Germano Você tem orgulho do seu código? http://www.flickr.com/photos/caravinagre/1364614919/

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Post on 19-Dec-2014




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O quanto você está satisfeito com o código que produz? Mais ainda: o quanto você está satisfeito como profissional? Na busca pela melhoria de nossas aplicações, caímos num grande desafio: melhorar a nós mesmos!Numa conversa franca e descontraída, Samuel e Victor tentarão apresentar idéias sobre como você pode melhorar seu próprio trabalho e sentir orgulho do que faz.


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Samuel Crescêncio e Victor Hugo Germano

Você tem orgulho do seu código?


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Samuel Crescêncio

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Victor Hugo Germano

/ victorhg

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/* I realize that this program is a messy compilation of inefficient coding, and perhaps even stands as something blasphemous in your eyes. Coming midterms forced me to write the program as is because this format required the least amount of thinking as well as the least amount of time. Therefore, I only ask one thing of you: Be gentle. */


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Public static int getTestcell() { int i, neighbor, male, female, empty, value, num; male = 0; female = 0; empty = 0; value = 0; num = 0; if (spotvalue[n] == 0) { neighbor = n; if (n == 0) { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else {

if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor + 21] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 21] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 21] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (male >= 1 && male <=2) { if (male == female) { num = rand.nextInt(2); value = num + 1; return value; } else { value = 0; return value; } } else { value = 0; return value; } } if (n == 19) { if (spotvalue[neighbor - 1] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor - 1] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor - 1] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor + 19] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 19] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 19] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (male >= 1 && male <=2) { if (male == female) { num = rand.nextInt(2); value = num + 1; return value; } else { value = 0; return value; } } else { value = 0; return value; } } if (n == 380) { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor - 19] == 0) empty = empty + 1;

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if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor + 21] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 21] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 21] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (male >= 1 && male <=2) { if (male == female) { num = rand.nextInt(2); value = num + 1; return value; } else { value = 0; return value; } } else { value = 0; return value; } } if (n == 19) { if (spotvalue[neighbor - 1] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor - 1] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor - 1] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor + 19] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 19] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 19] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (male >= 1 && male <=2) { if (male == female) { num = rand.nextInt(2); value = num + 1; return value; } else { value = 0; return value; } } else { value = 0; return value; } } if (n == 380) { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor - 19] == 0) empty = empty + 1;

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} } else { value = 0; return value; } } if (n == 19) { if (spotvalue[neighbor - 1] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor - 1] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor - 1] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 20] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor + 19] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 19] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 19] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (male >= 1 && male <=2) { if (male == female) { num = rand.nextInt(2); value = num + 1; return value; } else { value = 0; return value; } } else { value = 0; return value; } } if (n == 380) { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor - 19] == 0) empty = empty + 1;

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female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor + 19] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 19] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 19] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (male >= 1 && male <=2) { if (male == female) { num = rand.nextInt(2); value = num + 1; return value; } else { value = 0; return value; } } else { value = 0; return value; } } if (n == 380) { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor - 19] == 0) empty = empty + 1;

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{ value = 0; return value; } } if (n == 380) { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor + 1] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 0) empty = empty + 1; else { if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 1) male = male + 1; if (spotvalue[neighbor - 20] == 2) female = female + 1; } if (spotvalue[neighbor - 19] == 0) empty = empty + 1;

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Qual o nosso papel?

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Qualidade? Pra quem?

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E nós?

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Até quando?

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Até quando?

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Mas não é fácil!

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Por que seria diferente?

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Seu código fede?

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“Nos dias de hoje, entregar uma linha de código sem que ela seja

testada é Irresponsabilidade Profissional”

Robert Uncle Bob

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Fábrica de Elásticos

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Debugging sucks! Testing Rules!

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SQLUnit CppUnit

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SQLUnit CppUnit

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SQLUnit CppUnit

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SQLUnit CppUnit

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SQLUnit CppUnit


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Quão Sexy é o seu código?

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Quão Sexy é o seu código?

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O código

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// create some properties and get the default SessionProperties props = new Properties();props.put("mail.smtp.host", _smtpHost);Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); // create a messageAddress replyToList[] = { new InternetAddress(replyTo) };Message newMessage = new MimeMessage(session);if (_fromName != null) newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from, _fromName + " on behalf of " + replyTo));else newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); newMessage.setReplyTo(replyToList); newMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, _toList); newMessage.setSubject(subject); newMessage.setSentDate(sentDate); // send newMessageTransport transport = session.getTransport(SMTP_MAIL);transport.connect(_smtpHost, _user, _password);transport.sendMessage(newMessage, _toList);

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Session session = this.loadDefaultConfiguration(); 

Message email = this.createEmailMessage( fromName, replyTo, subject, message );

 this.sendMessage(session, email);


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class Email { public Email() { ... } public void setFrom(String from) { ... } public void setTo(String to) { ... } public void send() { // YOUR HOT CODE HERE }}


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Email email = new Email ( );email.setFrom( “[email protected]”);email.setTo (“[email protected]”);email.setSubject (“Teste email”);email.setMessage (“Mensagem”);email.send();


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new EmailMessage( ) .from("[email protected]") .to("[email protected]") .withSubject("Fluent Mail Example") .withBody("What a nice code!") .send();


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Quão Sexy é o seu código?

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O que este código faz?

java.util.Calendar c =


c.set(2005, java.util.Calendar.NOVEMBER, 20);

long time = c.getTime();


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long time = october(20, 2008);


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What is a Clean Code?

“Quando você olha para o código, percebe que ele faz exatamente o que você esperava”

Howard Cunningham


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Como medir Clean Code??

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Como medir Clean Code??

cleanCode = WTF / sec

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// create some properties and get the default SessionProperties props = new Properties();props.put("mail.smtp.host", _smtpHost);Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); // create a messageAddress replyToList[] = { new InternetAddress(replyTo) };Message newMessage = new MimeMessage(session);if (_fromName != null) newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from, _fromName + " on behalf of " + replyTo));else newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); newMessage.setReplyTo(replyToList); newMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, _toList); newMessage.setSubject(subject); newMessage.setSentDate(sentDate); // send newMessageTransport transport = session.getTransport(SMTP_MAIL);transport.connect(_smtpHost, _user, _password);transport.sendMessage(newMessage, _toList);

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// create some properties and get the default SessionProperties props = new Properties();props.put("mail.smtp.host", _smtpHost);Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); // create a messageAddress replyToList[] = { new InternetAddress(replyTo) };Message newMessage = new MimeMessage(session);if (_fromName != null) newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from, _fromName + " on behalf of " + replyTo));else newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); newMessage.setReplyTo(replyToList); newMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, _toList); newMessage.setSubject(subject); newMessage.setSentDate(sentDate); // send newMessageTransport transport = session.getTransport(SMTP_MAIL);transport.connect(_smtpHost, _user, _password);transport.sendMessage(newMessage, _toList);


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// create some properties and get the default SessionProperties props = new Properties();props.put("mail.smtp.host", _smtpHost);Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); // create a messageAddress replyToList[] = { new InternetAddress(replyTo) };Message newMessage = new MimeMessage(session);if (_fromName != null) newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from, _fromName + " on behalf of " + replyTo));else newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); newMessage.setReplyTo(replyToList); newMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, _toList); newMessage.setSubject(subject); newMessage.setSentDate(sentDate); // send newMessageTransport transport = session.getTransport(SMTP_MAIL);transport.connect(_smtpHost, _user, _password);transport.sendMessage(newMessage, _toList);



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// create some properties and get the default SessionProperties props = new Properties();props.put("mail.smtp.host", _smtpHost);Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); // create a messageAddress replyToList[] = { new InternetAddress(replyTo) };Message newMessage = new MimeMessage(session);if (_fromName != null) newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from, _fromName + " on behalf of " + replyTo));else newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); newMessage.setReplyTo(replyToList); newMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, _toList); newMessage.setSubject(subject); newMessage.setSentDate(sentDate); // send newMessageTransport transport = session.getTransport(SMTP_MAIL);transport.connect(_smtpHost, _user, _password);transport.sendMessage(newMessage, _toList);




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new EmailMessage( ) .from("[email protected]") .to("[email protected]") .withSubject("Fluent Mail Example") .withBody("What a nice code!") .send();


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Test all the Fucking time!

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Ant / Gant / PythonAutomatização!

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Ant / Gant / Python

Maven / Javagems


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Ant / Gant / Python

Maven / Javagems

JUnit / Selenium


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Ant / Gant / Python

Maven / Javagems

Cuise Control

JUnit / Selenium


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Ant / Gant / Python

Maven / Javagems

Cuise Control


JUnit / Selenium


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Call Hierarchy

Dot Representation



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pair programming


Código Coletivo

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Estude! Atualize-se!

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Integração Contínua

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Integração Contínua

Injeção de Dependência

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Integração Contínua

Injeção de Dependência


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Integração Contínua

Injeção de Dependência


Design Patterns

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Integração Contínua

Injeção de Dependência


Design Patterns

Design by Contract

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Integração Contínua

Injeção de Dependência


Design Patterns

Design by Contract

Orientação a Ojetos

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Integração Contínua

Injeção de Dependência


Design Patterns

Design by Contract

Orientação a OjetosTDD

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Integração Contínua

Injeção de Dependência


Design Patterns

Design by Contract

Orientação a OjetosTDD

Uma linguagem nova por ano

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Scrum MasterTrabalhe em Equipe!!!

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