vodskov kirkes historie dansk

Universty College Nordjylland Bygningskonstruktør BK2 Date: 1.juli 2011 Survey of Vodskov church Group 7 Rasmus Bielefeldt Larsen Mads Harbo Lauritzen Peter Ingstrup Pedersen Kasper Tomra Pedersen Kent Poulsen Alexandra Silvestru Dragos Bogdan Todoran Charlotte Ulrich Schultz

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Page 1: Vodskov Kirkes Historie DANSK

Universty College Nordjylland Bygningskonstruktør BK2

Date: 1.juli 2011

Survey of

Vodskov church

Group 7

Rasmus Bielefeldt LarsenMads Harbo Lauritzen

Peter Ingstrup PedersenKasper Tomra Pedersen

Kent PoulsenAlexandra Silvestru

Dragos Bogdan Todoran Charlotte Ulrich Schultz

Page 2: Vodskov Kirkes Historie DANSK

ContentsActivity list...........................................................................................................3

Vodskov church history.......................................................................................4

Church buildings in Vodskov............................................................................4

Arkitekt P.V. Jensen Klint..................................................................................4

Vodskov parish history.....................................................................................5


The seven boulders.............................................................................................5

Kristoforus and the green tree............................................................................6

The bell................................................................................................................6

The font...............................................................................................................7




Romanic style.................................................................................................10

Gotic style......................................................................................................11

Building cracks..................................................................................................13


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Activity list

Time ScheduleSurvey of the church inside and outsidePicturesStability assessment Assessment of cracksReport in DanishReport in EnglishMaterialsDrawing list

Drawings: Site plan Ground Plan Longitudinal section Cross section Truss plan North facade West facade East facade South facade Detail drawings

Resizing the drawingsWriting the reportDVD example for the churchHanding in

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Vodskov church history1

The placement of Vodskov church is on a beautiful hill. In the elder days people used to call the place "Tidselbakken". The church has as background Hammer Bakker.. You can see it from far away, especially when you are facing north. The current Vodskov municipality was in 1985 separated from Hammer municipality, after being a part of Hammer municipality for a century. Until Vodskov church was given in for use in 1909, Hammer church was the main church in Hammer municipality.

Church buildings in VodskovAt the end of the century people in Vodskov thorught about having their own church.. The reason for thinking about this, is that they had to travel a big distance, mainly hills, especially in the winter, but also because the population in Vodskov increased and they began to see a little satellite city around Vodskov train station. Among the leaders who desired a church in Vodskov, they were P.C. Jensen who was a vicar and a teacher called Sigurd Ersted. Nothing actually took place before the regions lawyer named Anders Olesen, showed up and offered to pay for the building of the church, and by thus becoming the founder of the church. He hired architect P.V Jensen Klint, to design the church and in charge of the building site. The foundation stone of the church was laid in 1906 and the first ceremony took place on the 6th of June 1909.

Architect P.V. Jensen Klint2

P.V. Jensen-Klint, Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint, 1853-1930, Danish architect and painter. In 1877 he became a Civil Engineer and after he was trained at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen finishing in 1885. In 1897 after the construction of the Gymnastics house on Vodroffsvej in Copenhagen he joined the Architects Association and started his

1 http://www.vodskovkirke.dk/2 http://www.denstoredanske.dk/Kunst_og_kultur/Arkitektur/Danmark/Peder_Vilhelm_Jensen-Klint

Picture 1 - Grundtvigskirken

Picture 1. Vodskov church seen from a far. ( South )

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bussines as a architect. In between 1892-1916 he earned his money by being a mathematics and drawing teacher.His architectural masterpiece is Grundtvigskirken, projected in 1913 and build in between 1921-1940. Along with the sketches of Bethleem Church in Copenhagen (1930), they express a mathematical manifesto, it supports a religious character.

Vodskov muncipality historyUntil 1985 Vodksov was a part of Hammer municipality. The transition to become an independent municipality occurred because of the large influx of people around 1960, that had given Vodksov such a size that a change was needed badly regarding the status of the area. Vodksov was separated as a municipality and the remaining’s of the old Hammer municipality kept the old name.

Cemetery The original cemetery was given into use in 1908, surrounded by a wall with grouted boulders underneath the brickwork. As the city grew larger, several extensions were badly needed. The first expansion outside the original wall was made in 1955.In 1976 the wall was expanded on the west part of the church. The west part of the yard is used for anonymous burials. The chapel was built in 1978, and finally in 1988 the walls facing Kirkevej between the parking place and Tidselbakken were built. See Annex 1 – Overview of the church and site plan.

The seven bouldersOn the west side of the tower, facing the cemetery`s base point, are located seven boulders casted into the wall as a tribute to the seven people from Vodskov, which stand for Vodskov Church genesis.

Picture 3 De seven boulders.

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Kristoforus and the Green tree.

The arch over the altar was painted by Rud Petersen Kristoforus and it represents the Infant Jesus. As a helper Rud Petersen had Larsen Stevns, which became known among the people afterwards. With amazement we notice also the grouped spruce and pine trees at the bottom of the painting, Where we would expect palm trees and cypresses. The lawyer A.Olesen demanded planting of the Dead nature in Hammer Bakker and they say that he demanded that the trees from the hills should be on the painting. They placed the painting as discrete as possible.

The Tower BellsUp in the tower you will find the church bells. There are three bells, cast by Ohlsson from Lubeck. They are tuned and decorated differently and hanged on a single gallows. The bell that is called the Storm Bell, hangs in the middle. Each bell is provided with a written tape, that you can read from bell to bell. Text : Til hvile og helge fred I den treeninge guds navn kalde vore trende tunger.

Billed 2 Maleri over alter

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FontThe church floor is shaped like a Latin cross. Where the cross arms intersect, there is the baptismal font located. The position reminds of Jesus`s death on the cross, that`s why it is in this particular shape. The font is made out of granit and it has the words of the priest during the Great Commission. The font`s bottom is made out of brass and it`s decorated with three fish in the bottom of it. Pisces is one of Christianism`s oldest symbols. See detail below.

Picture 5 The Font

Picture 6 The three fish in the Font

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MaterialsThe church fundament is built out of brick, and all walls are whitewashed. In some places the architect decided to include stone columns, for example between the windows, as shown in picture 7.They used granite stone for the base and around the entrance. The west façade has the seven boulders, as mentioned before. The represent the seven people of Vodskov, which accounted for Vodskov church`s genesis as shown in picture number 3. They used brick stone and zinc for the roof, see picture 8.The exterior walls are 700 mm, but we could not see whether there are voids. When the church was build, the walls were not insulated, but later they insulated the arches. This was done in connection with the establishment of district heating.

Billed 3 Stensøjler i vinduer

Billed 8 Zink og teglsten og granitsokkel

Billed 9 Granitsten ved indgang

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FoundationWe have been informed by the digger Finn Graahede that during the connection with the establishment of district heating, the foundations were made out of large boulders/rocks, at a depth of 1,20 m.The medieval foundations are usually made out of stone packed foundation ditches, see ilustration.

In some cases we can see that the foundation bottom was deflected before they put the concrete in. For the foundation in Roman times, they used hand-sized boulders and/or field stones, while in the Gothic times they used for digging the foundation field stones as bricks. The foundation is made of rough boulders of different sizes, but it can also occur that cracked stones can appear in the pack. The space in between the stones are usually filled with the excavated dirt from the ditch. In bigger churches the foundation can be layed layer by layer filled with mortar.About Vodskov church we cannot say exactly how the foundations were made, but this is our best guess at how they were built.

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StylesThe church contains a mixture of styles. First and foremost are the Romanic and the Gothic style represented.

Romanic styleThe most common examples of Romanic style in Denmark, are village churches. You can find today, somewhere around 1650. Most of them are in basilica form, while the others are round.

The Romanic style has spread in Denmark at the end of the 11th century. The oldest stone churches and the first Romanic frescos, are probably somewhere from 1080`s, and afterwards the Romanic style quickly became the dominant style in architecture and art. That does not mean that the traditional Nordic style disappeared completely right after. There were still made some decorations in the old style, and in the period until 1150 it was a mixture of Romanic style and the North style.

The Romanic style in Vodskov church, seen through the church`s floor plan – see drawing (99).1.02Vodskov church has a long ship and a very beautiful arch, and especially a rounded arch to the east.The Romanic style is also called the round bow style, which is common in Romanic churches, which have round arches windows in the very thick outer walls. It has a arch, which separates the nave from the choir, and this is also the case in Vodskov church.

Grundplan af romansk kirke i basilikaform.A = skibet B = Koret C = Apsis

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Gothic styleGothic was a style period in Europe from 1150 to 1550. The term “Gothic” was used as a derogatory term in the period of Renaissance in Italy , and Gothic was also called “barbaric” style. Not until 1820`s was it used in its current significance. The Gothic style is characterized by sharpness, pointiness, and angular. The style is vertical. The columns, arches and vaults contribute to force the eye`s upward. The Gothic style is originally from France in the middle of 1100 century, and came in Denmark around 1250. The Gothic period lasted until about 1400 out in Europe and around 1530 in Denmark. The best preserved Gothic style can be seen in church buildings. Many of the great cathedrals are build in the Gothic, and many Romanic village churches were rebuild into Gothic. The most striking Gothic churches in Denmark are Roskilde Cathedral and Aarhus Cathedral.

Rundbuede vinduerApsis og de to korarme

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The Gothic style appears in Vodskov church, at the high cross vaults. The Gothic style is also visible outside. It can be seen at the stepped gables of the tower and south transept, which have large Gothic influences. See picture 12

Only the north transept stands out in its own style. The gable is here with a bow in renaissance style. The north transept differs from other churches because the architect and the builder a time during the construction period, had a disagreement regarding transept appearance. Lawyer A. Olesen wanted round arches, whereas architect Jensen Klint wanted stepped gables. For a period of time it struck sparks between the two personalities and it ended by both of them bowing to each other and each of them got a wing. See picture 11.

Billed 11 Nord facade

Billed 4 Syd facade

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Bilag 1 Oversigt over udvidelser af Vodskov kirkegårdBilag 2 Skitse til opmålingBilag 3 Skitse til opmålingBilag 4 Skitse til opmålingBilag 5 Skitse til opmålingBilag 6 Skitse til opmålingBilag 7 Skitse til opmålingBilag 8 Skitse til opmålingBilag 9 Skitse til opmålingBilag 10 Skitse til opmålingBilag 11 Skitse til opmålingBilag 12 Skitse til opmålingBilag 13 Skitse til opmålingBilag 14 Skitse til opmålingBilag 15 Foto til opmålingBilag 16 Foto til opmåling Bilag 17 Foto til opmåling Bilag 18 Plantegning - teknisk forvaltning

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Kirkens MurværkTrykkonstruktionerArkitekturhistorie


Vodskov Kirke - vores kirke i 100 år



