volume jci indexfinancial.sinarmassekuritas.co.id/info/research/tahun...1 today’s market: ihsg...

1 Today’s Market: IHSG diperkirakan bergerak menguat. Bursa AS ditutup menguat pada perdagangan Rabu (19/02). Harga batuba- ra stabil di level USD 68,20 per Mt. Crude oil naik ke level USD 53,59 per barrel. Rupiah stabil terhadap Dollar AS di level Rp 13.698. 10Yr Government Bonds Yield stabil di level 6,52%. Dari dalam negeri, Bank Indonesia (BI) dijadwalkan mengumumkan hasil Rapat Dewan Gubernur Februari pa- da hari ini. Konsensus memperkirakan BI akan menurunk- an suku bunga sebesar 25 bps. Sehubungan dengan emiten, Bank Danamon Indonesia (BDMN) mencatatkan laba bersih sepanjang 2019 sebesar IDR 4,07 triliun (+4,4% YoY). Sehubungan dengan emiten, AKR Corporindo (AKRA) menargetkan pertumbuhan volume distribusi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) sebesar 10%—15% hingga 2,41 juta kiloli- ter. Sehubungan dengan emiten, Bank Mandiri (BMRI), me- nyepakati pembagian dividen kepada pemegang saham tercatat sebesar Rp16,49 triliun, sekitar Rp 353 per sa- ham, atau sebanyak 60% dari laba bersih 2019. Secara teknikal indeks hari Kamis (20/02), IHSG diprediksi bergerak di kisaran 5851-5939. Source: Bloomberg, Sinarmas Investment Research See pg. 6-8 for Technical Corner www.sinarmassekuritas.co.id See important disclaimer at the end of this report Thursday, February 20, 2020 IDX Statistics Closing JCI 5,928.79 Transaction Value Regular M arket (IDR tn) 4.358 Transaction Volume Regular M arket (mn shares) 3,432 Foreign Net Buy (Sell) (IDR bn) 106 Foreign Net Buy (Sell) (0.00) Total M arket Capitalization (IDR tn) 6,882.58 LQ45 964.39 0.85 (1.87) EIDO 24.39 0.66 (1.73) IDX 21.38 0.45 (1.77) DOW JONES 29,348.03 0.40 25.81 S&P 500 3,386.15 0.47 35.08 NASDAQ 9,817.18 0.87 47.95 FTSE 7,457.02 1.02 10.83 NIKKEI 23,400.70 0.89 16.92 HANG SENG 27,655.81 0.46 7.00 STRAITS TIMES 3,213.71 0.53 4.72 KLSE 1,534.16 (0.19) (9.25) USD/IDR 13,698.00 0.00 (1.25) EUR/IDR 14,806.01 0.13 (5.02) JPY/IDR 123.24 (1.08) (3.62) SGD/IDR 9,820.13 (0.19) (4.97) AUD/IDR 9,141.93 (0.22) (6.25) GBP/IDR 17,702.71 (0.57) (2.92) Crude Oil (USD/barrel) 53.59 7:56:35 AM (12.28) Coal (USD/mn tons) 68.20 2/19/2020 0.74 Natural Gas (USD/mmBtu) 1.97 7:57:05 AM (10.10) Gold (USD/ounce) 1,607.91 8:07:06 AM 6.00 Nickel (USD/mn tons) 12,920.00 8:07:05 AM (7.84) Tins (USD/mn tons) 16,650.00 8:06:43 AM (3.06) CPO (MYR/mn tons) 2,645.00 2/19/2020 (13.02) Rubber (JPY/kg) 162.40 7:59:13 A M (8.40) Wheat (USD/bushel) 565.25 2/19/2020 1.16 Corn (USD/bushel) 380.50 2/19/2020 (1.87) Price Last Transaction YTD Chg (%) Commodities Other Indices Closing 1-Day Chg (%) YTD Chg (%) Currency Spot Rate Rate (IDR) 1-Day Chg (%) YTD Chg (%) IHSG naik sebanyak 41.9 poin (0.71%) ke level 5928.79. Sementara LQ45 naik sebanyak 8.1 poin (0.85%) ke level 964.39. Foreign net buy sebesar Rp 105.54 miliar. 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Millions Volume JCI Index

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  • 1

    Today’s Market:

    IHSG diperkirakan bergerak menguat. Bursa AS ditutup

    menguat pada perdagangan Rabu (19/02). Harga batuba-

    ra stabil di level USD 68,20 per Mt. Crude oil naik ke level

    USD 53,59 per barrel. Rupiah stabil terhadap Dollar AS di

    level Rp 13.698. 10Yr Government Bonds Yield stabil di

    level 6,52%.

    Dari dalam negeri, Bank Indonesia (BI) dijadwalkan

    mengumumkan hasil Rapat Dewan Gubernur Februari pa-

    da hari ini. Konsensus memperkirakan BI akan menurunk-

    an suku bunga sebesar 25 bps.

    Sehubungan dengan emiten, Bank Danamon Indonesia

    (BDMN) mencatatkan laba bersih sepanjang 2019 sebesar

    IDR 4,07 triliun (+4,4% YoY).

    Sehubungan dengan emiten, AKR Corporindo (AKRA)

    menargetkan pertumbuhan volume distribusi bahan bakar

    minyak (BBM) sebesar 10%—15% hingga 2,41 juta kiloli-ter.

    Sehubungan dengan emiten, Bank Mandiri (BMRI), me-

    nyepakati pembagian dividen kepada pemegang saham

    tercatat sebesar Rp16,49 triliun, sekitar Rp 353 per sa-

    ham, atau sebanyak 60% dari laba bersih 2019.

    Secara teknikal indeks hari Kamis (20/02), IHSG diprediksi

    bergerak di kisaran 5851-5939.

    Source: Bloomberg, Sinarmas Investment Research See pg. 6-8 for Technical Corner

    www.sinarmassekuritas.co.id See important disclaimer at the end of this report

    Thursday, February 20, 2020

    ID X Stat ist ics C lo sing

    JCI 5,928.79

    Transaction Value Regular M arket (IDR tn) 4.358

    Transaction Volume Regular M arket (mn shares) 3,432

    Foreign Net Buy (Sell) (IDR bn) 106

    Foreign Net Buy (Sell) (0.00)

    Total M arket Capitalization (IDR tn) 6,882.58

    LQ45 964.39 0.85 (1.87)

    EIDO 24.39 0.66 (1.73)

    IDX 21.38 0.45 (1.77)

    DOW JONES 29,348.03 0.40 25.81

    S&P 500 3,386.15 0.47 35.08

    NASDAQ 9,817.18 0.87 47.95

    FTSE 7,457.02 1.02 10.83

    NIKKEI 23,400.70 0.89 16.92

    HANG SENG 27,655.81 0.46 7.00

    STRAITS TIM ES 3,213.71 0.53 4.72

    KLSE 1,534.16 (0.19) (9.25)

    USD/IDR 13,698.00 0.00 (1.25)

    EUR/IDR 14,806.01 0.13 (5.02)

    JPY/IDR 123.24 (1.08) (3.62)

    SGD/IDR 9,820.13 (0.19) (4.97)

    AUD/IDR 9,141.93 (0.22) (6.25)

    GBP/IDR 17,702.71 (0.57) (2.92)

    Crude Oil (USD/barrel) 53.59 7:56:35 AM (12.28)

    Coal (USD/mn tons) 68.20 2/19/2020 0.74

    Natural Gas (USD/mmBtu) 1.97 7:57:05 AM (10.10)

    Gold (USD/ounce) 1,607.91 8:07:06 AM 6.00

    Nickel (USD/mn tons) 12,920.00 8:07:05 AM (7.84)

    Tins (USD/mn tons) 16,650.00 8:06:43 AM (3.06)

    CPO (M YR/mn tons) 2,645.00 2/19/2020 (13.02)

    Rubber (JPY/kg) 162.40 7:59:13 AM (8.40)

    Wheat (USD/bushel) 565.25 2/19/2020 1.16

    Corn (USD/bushel) 380.50 2/19/2020 (1.87)

    P riceLast

    T ransact io n

    YT D

    C hg (%)C o mmo dit ies

    Other Indices C lo sing 1-D ay C hg (%)YT D

    C hg (%)

    C urrency Spo t R ate R ate ( ID R ) 1-D ay C hg (%)YT D

    C hg (%)

    IHSG naik sebanyak 41.9 poin (0.71%) ke level 5928.79.

    Sementara LQ45 naik sebanyak 8.1 poin (0.85%) ke level

    964.39. Foreign net buy sebesar Rp 105.54 miliar.



















    Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20



    Volume JCI Index

  • 2

    Daily Corporate and Industry News

    Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati mengatakan, realisasi defisit APBN per akhir Januari 2020 tercatat Rp 36,1 triliun atau 0,21% terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB). Source: Investor Daily Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan sektor minyak dan gas bumi tetap diminati in-vestor dengan total investasi diperkirakan akan mencapai US$ 117 miliar hingga 2024. Source: Investor Daily Komisi XI Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) RI menyetujui rencana Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) untuk mem-berlakukan tarif cukai terhadap produk plastik sebagai bagian dari upaya ekstensifikasi objek kena cukai. Source: Investor Daily Adi Sarana Armada (ASSA) meluncurkan aplikasi versi terbaru untuk salah satu produk dari ASSA Mobility yaitu Share Car. Source: IQPlus Bank Mandiri (BMRI), menyepakati pembagian dividen kepada pemegang saham tercatat sebesar Rp16,49 triliun, atau sebanyak 60% dari laba bersih 2019. Source: IQPlus Bank Danamon Indonesia (BDMN) membukukan laba bersih setelah pajak sebesar Rp4,07 triliun pada 2019 atau tumbuh 4 persen dari tahun sebelumnya yaitu Rp3,9 triliun. Source: IQPlus Bank CIMB Niaga (BNGA) mencetak laba bersih konsolidasi (diaudit) sebesar Rp 3,9 triliun pada 2019, naik 12,4% yoy, dan menghasilkan earnings per share (EPS) Rp 146,2. Source: Investor Daily J Resources Asia (PSAB) menargetkan dapat mengoperasikan tambang emas Blok Doup pada semester kedua 2021 dengan nilai investasi yang dibutuhkan sekitar USD 125-150 juta. Source: Kontan Semen Indonesia (SMGR) akan menambah mitra distribusi ritel dari sekitar 20.000 menjadi sekitar 80.000. Source: Bisnis Indonesia Adi Sarana Armada (ASSA) bersiap menggelontorkan belanja modal atau capital expenditure (capex) senilai Rp1,2 triliun untuk menambah armada baru pada 2020. Source: Bisnis Indonesia AKR Corporindo (AKRA) menargetkan pertumbuhan volume distribusi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) sebesar 10%—15% menjadi 2,31 juta hingga 2,41 juta kiloliter. Source: Bisnis Indonesia Adira Dinamika Multifinance (ADMF) meraih kenaikan laba tahun berjalan sebesar 16,16% hingga periode 31 Desem-ber 2019 menjadi Rp2,11 triliun dibandingkan laba Rp1,81 triliun di periode sama tahun sebelumnya. Source: IQPlus

    www.sinarmassekuritas.co.id See important disclaimer at the end of this report

  • 3

    World Equity Indices

    Source: Bloomberg, Sinarmas Investment Research

    www.sinarmassekuritas.co.id See important disclaimer at the end of this report


    N O T IC KER

    1 INDU Index 29,568.57 24,680.57 809.59 2.84 20.85 18.57 4.26 4.20 8,517.87 8,517.87

    2 SPX Index 3,393.52 2,722.27 155.37 4.81 22.38 19.47 3.76 3.49 29,043.58 29,043.58

    3 CCM P Index 9,838.37 7,292.21 844.58 9.41 37.60 26.58 5.16 3.92 15,060.43 15,060.43

    4 SPTSX Index 17,933.21 15,891.94 861.93 5.05 18.05 16.07 1.94 1.75 2,743.43 2,069.73

    5 M EXBOL Index 45,955.41 38,265.51 1,360.48 3.12 17.54 14.74 2.16 1.90 5,567.62 299.59

    6 SX5E Index 3,865.43 3,236.74 120.03 3.20 21.22 14.99 1.81 1.71 3,393.35 3,662.11

    7 UKX Index 7,727.49 7,004.43 (85.42) (1.13) 20.09 13.55 1.81 1.71 1,992.56 2,573.99

    8 CAC Index 6,111.41 5,152.30 133.18 2.23 23.49 15.24 1.76 1.66 1,877.29 2,025.97

    9 DAX Index 13,795.24 11,266.48 539.99 4.08 25.93 14.92 1.69 1.60 1,275.26 1,376.26

    10 IBEX Index 10,100.20 8,409.20 534.40 5.60 16.87 13.21 1.41 1.33 633.79 683.98

    11 FTSEM IB Index 25,483.05 19,535.50 1,971.18 8.39 16.82 12.66 1.27 1.22 569.75 614.87

    12 AEX Index 632.12 528.68 24.62 4.07 21.30 17.35 2.05 1.98 843.13 909.90

    13 SM I Index 11,264.33 9,228.86 646.07 6.09 24.02 17.64 2.86 2.67 1,347.36 1,369.13

    14 AS51 Index 7,184.00 6,077.50 497.32 7.44 21.06 19.17 2.30 2.22 2,148.88 1,433.31

    15 AS30 Index 7,275.40 6,158.60 470.80 6.92 21.59 19.01 2.23 2.20 2,332.22 1,555.59

    16 SHSZ300 Index 4,223.51 3,417.98 (45.27) (1.11) 14.39 11.78 1.85 1.60 32,463.89 4,638.83

    17 SHASHR Index 3,444.44 2,814.01 (77.99) (2.44) 14.27 10.87 1.45 1.25 34,205.08 4,887.63

    18 SZASHR Index 1,957.37 1,496.91 129.49 7.18 38.75 18.16 2.71 2.65 25,521.11 3,646.76

    19 HSI Index 30,280.12 24,899.93 (533.94) (1.89) 11.35 10.62 1.23 1.12 18,229.49 2,345.50

    20 HSCEI Index 11,881.68 9,731.89 (259.49) (2.32) 8.75 8.32 1.17 1.03 13,375.75 1,721.00

    21 SENSEX Index 42,273.87 35,469.49 69.26 0.17 25.28 22.27 3.23 3.13 76,944.93 1,075.15

    22 NIFTY Index 12,430.50 10,637.15 (42.55) (0.35) 23.72 21.42 2.95 2.85 90,396.92 1,263.12

    23 JCI Index 6,636.33 5,767.40 (370.75) (5.89) 18.42 14.11 1.95 1.98 6,882,576.82 501.94

    24 LQ45 Index 1,059.65 888.02 (50.08) (4.94) 16.06 14.15 2.31 2.13 4,456,247.67 324.99

    25 KSE100 Index 43,468.22 28,670.98 (160.56) (0.39) 9.38 6.73 1.25 1.08 6,481.17 42.03

    26 NKY Index 24,115.95 20,110.76 115.69 0.49 20.97 18.53 1.77 1.73 381,141.53 3,425.68

    27 NEY Index 356.77 298.20 (2.20) (0.63) 14.48 13.89 1.13 1.11 448,481.46 4,030.93

    28 TPX Index 1,747.20 1,462.41 (30.43) (1.77) 15.76 14.59 1.19 1.20 635,715.47 5,713.78

    29 FBM KLCI Index 1,732.27 1,517.61 (54.60) (3.44) 17.63 15.35 1.54 1.43 988.94 237.47

    30 NZSE Index 2,010.67 1,598.72 85.89 4.46 27.37 28.03 2.41 2.44 164.79 104.99

    31 PCOM P Index 8,419.59 7,129.19 (418.32) (5.35) 16.16 14.65 1.88 1.67 9,198.30 181.86

    32 FSSTI Index 3,415.18 3,040.16 (9.12) (0.28) 12.04 13.00 1.09 1.07 565.70 405.58

    33 KOSPI Index 2,277.23 1,891.81 15.61 0.71 19.70 12.24 0.86 0.90 1,430,103.11 1,199.70

    34 TWSE Index 12,197.64 10,180.04 (238.30) (1.99) 18.64 15.81 1.75 1.83 35,520.75 1,179.03

    35 SET Index 1,748.15 1,495.94 (74.30) (4.70) 17.47 15.48 1.60 1.58 15,924.43 510.22

    36 SET50 Index 1,164.72 1,005.59 (57.12) (5.35) 17.35 16.16 1.89 1.70 11,141.75 356.98

    37 VNINDEX Index 1,028.97 891.85 (32.23) (3.35) 14.46 13.10 2.15 2.15 3,179,428.93 136.83

    A sia/ P acif ic

    A merica

    52-WEEK C H A N GE YT D P ER (x) P B V (x) M A R KET C A P (B n)

    Euro pe

    H IGH LOW P OIN T %T railing


    T railing


    D o main

    C urrencyUSD

  • 4


    Source: Bloomberg, Sinarmas Investment Research

    www.sinarmassekuritas.co.id See important disclaimer at the end of this report

    LQ45 Index

    HIGH LOW POINT %Trailing




    1 ADRO IJ 1,330 1,715 1,010 (225) (14.47) 6.09 6.94 0.81 0.80 42,541,329

    2 AKRA IJ 3,120 5,875 3,080 (830) (21.01) 17.33 15.12 1.53 1.43 12,525,848

    3 ANTM IJ 715 1,175 660 (125) (14.88) 21.36 18.31 0.86 0.85 17,181,997

    4 ASII IJ 5,975 8,025 5,925 (950) (13.72) 11.81 11.33 1.69 1.65 241,889,230

    5 BBCA IJ 34,000 35,300 25,700 575 1.72 29.65 29.18 4.99 4.84 838,270,340

    6 BBNI IJ 7,275 10,250 6,650 (575) (7.32) 8.81 7.79 1.11 1.07 135,668,976

    7 BBRI IJ 4,530 4,760 3,660 130 2.95 16.12 14.14 2.69 2.51 558,756,519

    8 BBTN IJ 1,780 2,750 1,745 (340) (16.04) 13.76 17.78 0.78 0.78 18,850,200

    9 BMRI IJ 7,800 8,175 6,275 125 1.63 13.25 11.88 1.78 1.78 364,000,000

    10 BRPT IJ 1,255 1,525 504 (255) (16.89) 635.34 45.87 6.85 1.43 111,715,712

    11 BSDE IJ 1,115 1,580 1,095 (140) (11.16) 7.05 8.91 0.74 0.73 21,460,066

    12 BTPS IJ 4,660 5,125 1,975 410 9.65 35.85 27.36 8.98 6.85 35,899,242

    13 CPIN IJ 6,375 8,000 4,190 (125) (1.92) 28.73 30.35 5.22 4.91 104,537,250

    14 CTRA IJ 905 1,335 855 (135) (12.98) 16.60 18.13 1.14 1.11 16,797,075

    15 ERAA IJ 1,785 2,270 965 (10) (0.56) 16.02 19.19 1.21 1.12 5,694,150

    16 EXCL IJ 2,860 3,730 1,995 (290) (9.21) - 27.43 1.60 1.54 30,567,567

    17 GGRM IJ 55,200 100,975 49,175 2,200 4.15 11.45 10.73 2.24 2.14 106,209,658

    18 HMSP IJ 1,990 4,030 1,900 (110) (5.24) 16.51 16.15 7.25 6.44 231,472,973

    19 ICBP IJ 10,750 12,550 8,950 (400) (3.59) 25.17 24.91 5.23 5.12 125,365,511

    20 INCO IJ 3,280 4,320 2,410 (360) (9.89) 413.40 47.95 1.26 1.22 32,591,191

    21 INDF IJ 7,000 8,300 5,850 (925) (11.67) 12.60 13.13 1.69 1.69 61,462,986

    22 INDY IJ 855 2,230 825 (340) (28.45) - 6.94 0.36 - 4,454,714

    23 INKP IJ 6,325 12,650 5,325 (1,375) (17.86) 8.16 - 0.64 - 34,603,967

    24 INTP IJ 16,300 22,875 16,000 (2,725) (14.32) 35.21 36.32 2.68 2.57 60,004,077

    25 ITMG IJ 10,075 24,475 9,800 (1,400) (12.20) 4.94 6.19 0.88 0.93 11,383,994

    26 JPFA IJ 1,445 2,970 1,280 (90) (5.86) 10.96 10.88 1.69 1.58 16,944,901

    27 JSMR IJ 4,850 6,450 4,500 (325) (6.28) 18.20 17.11 1.94 1.86 35,200,675

    28 KLBF IJ 1,410 1,690 1,260 (210) (12.96) 25.74 25.30 4.31 4.12 66,093,922

    29 LPPF IJ 3,230 6,775 2,940 (980) (23.28) 11.62 6.22 5.06 4.10 9,059,773

    30 MEDC IJ 700 1,040 620 (165) (19.08) - 5.12 0.74 0.28 12,544,318

    31 MNCN IJ 1,520 1,780 725 (110) (6.75) 8.53 10.08 1.70 1.81 21,699,677

    32 PGAS IJ 1,495 2,720 1,445 (675) (31.11) 12.27 10.93 1.02 0.97 36,241,055

    33 PTBA IJ 2,280 4,280 2,110 (380) (14.29) 5.80 6.23 1.48 1.46 26,267,103

    34 PTPP IJ 1,415 2,550 1,340 (170) (10.73) 7.50 7.12 0.68 0.64 8,772,855

    35 PWON IJ 535 815 510 (35) (6.14) 8.85 9.78 1.79 1.70 25,765,387

    36 SCMA IJ 1,395 1,870 1,080 (15) (1.06) 16.70 15.74 3.94 4.03 20,610,668

    37 SMGR IJ 11,400 14,450 10,075 (600) (5.00) 29.59 33.07 2.17 2.12 67,619,328

    38 SRIL IJ 214 372 208 (46) (17.69) 3.66 3.13 0.55 - 4,376,766

    39 TKIM IJ 7,975 13,475 5,575 (2,300) (22.38) 12.07 - 1.32 - 24,827,958

    40 TLKM IJ 3,820 4,500 3,431 (150) (3.78) 18.68 18.21 3.80 3.54 378,417,667

    41 TPIA IJ 9,025 10,600 4,680 (1,350) (13.01) 300.98 109.95 6.64 6.60 160,947,520

    42 UNTR IJ 17,700 28,900 17,600 (3,825) (17.77) 6.18 6.05 1.18 1.09 66,023,392

    43 UNVR IJ 7,600 10,105 7,575 (800) (9.52) 39.23 37.16 54.89 45.28 289,940,000

    44 WIKA IJ 1,965 2,500 1,635 (25) (1.26) 7.92 8.66 1.11 1.10 17,625,954

    45 WSKT IJ 1,140 2,230 1,115 (345) (23.23) 11.16 6.11 0.85 0.75 15,474,304


    (Mn)LQ45 Index

    CHANGE YTD PER (x) PBV (x)



  • 5

    Macro data

    Source: Bloomberg, Sinarmas Investment Research

    D escript io n 1-D ay (%) 5-D ays (%) 1-M o nth (%) YT D (%)

    Property (0.07) 1.81 (4.64) (9.00)

    Basic Industry 1.10 2.33 (7.73) (9.55)

    Trade 0.27 0.37 (6.12) (8.44)

    Finance 0.79 (0.01) (1.51) (0.65)

    M iscellaneous Industry 1.93 3.35 (10.22) (10.16)

    Consumer 0.73 0.08 (7.71) (6.36)

    Infrastructure 0.46 (2.68) (6.46) (10.47)

    Agriculture 0.30 (2.07) (8.24) (14.74)

    M ining 0.49 0.62 (5.56) (7.55)

    Jan-20 D ec-19

    0.38 3.61

    2.68 2.72

    0.39 0.34

    131.70 129.18

    F OR EX Spo t R ate 1-D ay (%) 1-M o nth (%) YT D (%)

    USD/IDR 13,695.00 - (0.41) 1.25

    USD/CNY 7.00 (0.03) (1.88) (0.50)

    USD/EUR 0.92 (0.08) 2.61 3.69

    USD/JPY 111.14 0.21 (0.86) (2.28)

    USD/SGD 1.39 (0.02) (3.46) (3.51)

    USD/AUD 1.50 0.02 2.94 5.09

    USD/GBP 0.77 (0.04) 0.64 2.55

    ( in %)







    Inflation M oM (in %)

    Foreign Reserves (in USD bn)

    Secto rs

    Eco no mic Indicato rs

    Inflation YTD (in %)

    Eco no mic P arameters

    Inflation YoY (in %)

    Indonesia 5-Year Government Bonds Yield

    Indonesia 10-Year Government Bonds Yield

    Indonesia 15-Year Government Bonds Yield

    Lending and D epo sit R ates

    JIBOR (in IDR)

    LIBOR (in GBP)

    SIBOR ( in USD)

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  • Technical Corner

    www.sinarmassekuritas.co.id See important disclaimer at the end of this report


    Last price : 5.928

    Support : 5.877, 5.851

    Resistance : 5.939, 5.966

    JCI pada hari ini kami perkirakan akan bergerak MENGUAT dengan range 5.851 - 5.939. JCI break Resistance

    5.877 berpeluang mencoba Resistance 5.896 dan 5.939. Namun, jika JCI gagal bertahan diatas 5.877 akan

    kembali menguji Support 5.851 dan 5.811. Indikator Stoc osc dan MACD masih membentuk pola Reversal.

    Jakarta Composite Index (JCI)

    Summary of portfolio:

    Stock Recommendation Comment

    ASII HOLD ASII break Resistance 6.250, berpeluang melanjutkan penguatan denganmencoba Resistance 6.300 dan 6.400

    SMRA HOLD Entry point 915 (19/2) sudah tercapai, SMRA gagal bertahan pada Support915, berpeluang menguji Support 895 dan 875.

    BMRI HOLD BMRI breakout Resistance 7.900, berpeluang melanjutkan penguatan denganmencoba Resistance 7.975 dan 8.050. Namun, jika BMRI gagal bertahan diatas

    7.900, berpeluang menguji Support 7.825 dan 7.750.

    ADRO HOLD ADRO breakdown Support 1.320, berpeluang melanjutkan pelemahan denganmenguji Support 1.290 dan 1.265.


    Last price : 6.250Target price : 6.300 (4.1%)Stop loss : 5.925 (-2.1%)

    ASII break Resistance 6.250, berpeluang melanjutkan penguatan dengan mencoba Resistance 6.300 dan 6.400Namun, jika gagal bertahan diatas Resistance 6.250, akan kembali menguji Support 6.175 dan 6.100. ASII dilihat dariIndikator MACD mengindikasikan pola Reversal dan Stoc osc mengindikasikan pola Uptrend.


    Last price : 905Target price : 985 (7.7%)Stop loss : 875 (-4.4%)

    Entry point 915 (19/2) sudah tercapai, SMRA gagal bertahan pada Support 915, berpeluang menguji Support 895 dan875. Namun, jika SMRA bertahan diatas Support 915, berpeluang mencoba Resistance 945 dan 960. SMRA dilihat dariIndikator MACD dan Stoc osc mengindikasikan pola Uptrend.

    Support : 6.175, 6.100Resistance : 6.300, 6.400

    Support : 895, 875Resistance : 945, 960

    Summarecon AgungTbk (SMRA)

    Astra International Tbk ( ASII )

    www.sinarmassekuritas.co.id See important disclaimer at the end of this report

  • Bank Mandiri (Persero)Tbk ( BMRI)

    Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO)

    www.sinarmassekuritas.co.id See important disclaimer at the end of this report


    Last price : 7.950Target price : 8.125 (4.2%)Stop loss : 7.600 (-2.6%)

    BMRI breakout Resistance 7.900, berpeluang melanjutkan penguatan dengan mencoba Resistance 7.975 dan 8.050.Namun, jika BMRI gagal bertahan diatas 7.900, berpeluang menguji Support 7.825 dan 7.750. BMRI dilihat dariIndikator MACD mengindikasikan pola Uptrend dan Stoc osc mengindikasikan pola Overbought.


    Last price : 1.305Target price : 1.385 (4.9%)Stop loss : 1.265 (-4.2%)

    ADRO breakdown Support 1.320, berpeluang melanjutkan pelemahan dengan menguji Support 1.290 dan 1.265.Namun, jika ADRO bertahan diatas 1.320, akan mencoba Resistance 1.360 dan 1.385. Indikator MACD mengindikasi-kan pola Uptrend dan Stoc osc mengindikasikan pola Overbought.

    Support : 7.825, 7.750Resistance : 7.975, 8.050

    Support : 1.290, 1.265Resistance : 1.320, 1.345

  • PT Sinarmas Sekuritas

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    This material is issued by PT Sinarmas Sekuritas, a member of Indonesia Stock Exchanges, represent the opinion of PT Sinarmas Sekuritas, derived its judg-

    ment from sources deemed reliable, however, PT Sinarmas Sekuritas and its affiliated cannot guarantee its accuracy and completeness. PT Sinarmas Seku-

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