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イベント名:書籍出版記念 仮想化技術最新動向セミナー 講師:日本仮想化技術 宮原 日時:2013/4/23 アジェンダ: • vSphere 5.1の新機能 • vSphere Web Clientの紹介 • vSphere Single Sign Onの紹介 • 仮想マシンのバックアップ – vSphere Data Protection – 市販ソフトとの比較 • 強化されたvMotion • 分散仮想スイッチ • 仮想ネットワークの今後


  • 1.vSphere 5.1 VirtualTech.jp

2. vSphere 5.1 vSphere Web Client vSphere Single Sign On vSphere Data Protection vMotion 2 3. vSphere 5.1 vCenter Single Sign On Data Protection Web ClientWebvCenter vMotion vMotion 932CPU1TB 3 4. vSphere Web Client 5. vSphere Web Client WebvCenter Adobe Flash Player Windows Web Client 5 6. Web Client Web Client vSphere 5.1Web Client/ Single Sign On Data Protection vMotion 9 Update ManagerWeb Client 6 7. vSphere Single Sign On 8. vSphere Single Sign On(SSO) vCenter Server vSphere 5.1SSO vCenter SSOOpenLDAP 8 9. Single Sign On KB:2035820 ^*$;")&| vCenterActive Directory/OpenLDAP SSO 367 SSOSSO Web Client 9 10. Web Client Windows ESXi vCenter Single Sign On (admin@System-Domain) SSO ActiveDirectory/OpenLDAP vCenterroot SSO 5.0 10 11. 12. vSphere Data Protection VMware Data Recovery vCenter VM1VDP VDP VM1 Backup VM2 Backup VM3 Backup VM2VM3 VDP 12 13. Data Protection 2 Web Client 13 14. VM1 VM2 VM3 A C B D A D C E C F E G VDP AC B DEF G 14 15. Data Protection Data ProtectionvCenter IPDNS Data Protection 15 16. Single Sign On VMwareKB2040078 rootLinux # sntp P no r ntp.nict.jp date yast2 16 17. 17 18. 18 19. 19 20. Data Protection 11 0.5T/1.0T/2.0T3 CIFS Data Protection 20 21. Windows Server 2008 R2 OSWindows Server 2008 R2 disk.enableUUID E10055:failed to attach disk 21 22. disk.enableUUID 1. 2. 3. 4. - 5. disk.enableUUIDfalse 22 23. disk.enableUUID 23 24. VM 24 25. VM Web VM NTFS ext2 ext3 25 26. VMware Acronis vmProtect 8 Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5 Virtual Edition Symantec Backup Exec VMware & Hyper-V Agent ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup ARCserve D2D 26 27. Data Protection Acronis vmProtect 8 Acronis Backup & Recovery Symantec Backup Exec Windows CIFS ESXi VM VM 27 28. vMotion 29. Motion Motion vMotionvMotion ESXi1 VM ESXi VM vmdk vmdk 12 ESXi2ESXi1 ESXi VM vmdk vmdk 12 ESXi2 ESXi VM VM 29 30. vMotion vMotion vSphere5.1 vMotion vMotion vMotion vSphere5.1Standard Edition vMotion 30 31. vMotion vMotionESXi1 VM ESXi2ESXi1ESXi2 VM vMotionWeb Client vSphere Client vmdk vmdk 31 32. vSphere Replication 33. vSphere Replication VM 415 33 34. vSphere Replication vCenter ESXi 1 ESXi 2 VRVA Center VRVA ESXi Sync VMVM VRVA = vSphere Replication Virtual Appliance 34 35. Replication vSphere Replication Web Client 35 36. 37. ESXi ESXi VMVM NIC ESXi VMVM NIC ESXi VMVM NIC ESXi VMVM NIC 37 38. vSwitchVLAN VLAN NetFlow 38 39. vCenter 3 VMkernel VMNIC 3 39 40. vmnic0vmnic1 VMkernelvCenter Server VM ESXi 1. vmnic1 40 41. vmnic0vmnic1 VMkernelvCenter Server VM ESXi 2. (vmnic0) 41 42. vmnic0vmnic1 VMkernel ESXi 3. vCenter Server VM vCenter Server VM 42 43. vmnic0vmnic1 VMkernel ESXi 4. VMkernel vCenter Server VM 43 44. vmnic0vmnic1 VMkernel ESXi 5. NIC(vmnic1) vCenter Server VM 44 45. vmnic0 VMkernel ESXi 6. NIC(vmnic1) vCenter Server VM 45 46. 47. VLAN ID4094 VLANL2 VMware NSX 47 48. VMware NSX Nicira NVPVMware vCloud Networking and Security L2L3 VXLANOpenFlow ESXi(Xen/KVM/Hyper-V) 2013 48 49. VXLAN L3L2 1677 VXLANL3 VMVXLAN CiscoVMwareIETF 49 50. VLAN VM1 VM2VM1 VM2 VLAN 50 51. VXLAN VM1 VXLAN VM2VM1 VXLAN VM2 VXLAN L2 51 52. VMware vSphere 5.1 vMotionvMotion vSphere SSO 52