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Waffen für alle - strahlenfolter.oyla.deVerein gegen den Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V.Home Strahlenfolter und Morde Über uns Verein Vorstand Vereinssatzung Urheberrecht Aufruf Flyer Vereinsfilm Psychophysische Waffen Elektroimpulswaffen Gesetze Vortrag Teil 1 Vortrag Teil 2 Wissenschaftler 1 Wissenschaftler 2 Weitere Wissenschaftler Wissenschaftl. Berichte 1open in browser PRO versionWeapons for everybodyNon-lethal weapons, also called less-lethal weapons, less-than-lethal weapons, non-deadly weapons, compliance weapon


Verein gegen den Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V.Home Strahlenfolter und Morde ber uns Verein Vorstand Vereinssatzung Urheberrecht Aufruf Flyer Vereinsfilm Psychophysische Waffen Elektroimpulswaffen Gesetze Vortrag Teil 1 Vortrag Teil 2 Wissenschaftler 1 Wissenschaftler 2 Weitere Wissenschaftler Wissenschaftl. Berichte 1open in browser PRO version

Weapons for everybody

Non-lethal weapons, also called less-lethal weapons, less-than-lethal weapons, non-deadly weapons, compliance weapons, or pain-inducing weapons are weapons intended to be less likely to kill a living target than are conventional weapons.

Small microwave cannons The company Information Unlimited offers apdfcrowd.com

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Wissenschaftl. Berichte 1 Wissenschaftl. Berichte 2 Russ. Wissenschaftler Wissenschaftler Baranovs Literatur Nachweise Medizinische Beweise Aktuelles ffentlichkeitsarbeit Veranstaltungen Petitionen Proteste Medien TV-Sender Pressemitteilung Appeal Foltermethoden Programmierung Legale Einstze Folter Folter 2 Folter 3 Bevlkerungsmanipulation Sklaverei Gehirnwsche Staatsterror GPS-Chips Hypnose Stalking Psychiatrisierungopen in browser PRO version

very wide assortment of electromagnetic weapons and construction manuals, plus various other utensils. On the companys website there are things like an EMP generator or the Electromagnetic Blaster Gun. With these weapons one can comfortably fire at and torment his neighbors or other people from the armchair in the living room.

http://www.raven1.net/microwavecannon2.htm Pulled out: The Active Denial System, or 'Pain Ray'has been withdrawn from Afghanistan by the US military. The Active Denial System" of the US military: Pain generated by Rumsfelds Ray Gun. Microwave weapons have been hot tested on persons.

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Wandalismus Beschwerden Deutsche Betroffene Deutsche Betroffene 1 Deutsche Betroffene 2 Deutsche Betroffene 3 Deutsche Betroffene 4 Deutsche Betroffene 5 Deutsche Betroffene 6 Deutsche Betroffene 7 Deutsche Betroffene 8 Deutsche Betroffene 9 Deutsche Betroffene 10 Deutsche Betroffene 11 Deutsche Betroffene 12 Deutsche Betroffene 13 Internationale Betroffene Ermordete Opfer 1 Ermordete Opfer 2 Schriftverkehr Reaktion der Politiker Briefe Brief an B. Trower Landtagfraktion Zusammenarbeit IAACEA Organisationen Siriusnetworkopen in browser PRO version

Rumsfeld's Ray Gun A non-lethal -- but potentially harmful -- crowd control weapon that heats human skin is bound for Iraq, and possibly to a police department near you. August 19, 2005 | A tough-talking Texan named Edward Hammond has to be a key element of any accurate study of the spooky history of what the military calls the "Active Denial System." The head of The Sunshine Project, a Texas-based group opposing biological weapons, Hammond shows his disdain for military excesses through swear words and federal disclosure suits that seek to lift a window on military science projects. Two times now, he says, Marine Corp staff handling his Freedom of Information Act claims have mailed him the wrong envelope, mistakenly sending him materials meant for another military office, envelopes that contained classified information. Active Denial Technology (ADT) provides an effective nonlethal active-response mechanism to disperse, disturb, distract, and establish the intent of intruders. Prototype Active Denia ADT emits a 95 GHz non-ionizing electromagnetic beam of energy that penetrates approximately 1/64 of an inch into human skin tissue, where nerve receptors are concentrated. Within seconds, the beam will heat the exposed skin tissue to a level where intolerable pain is experienced and natural defense mechanisms take over. This intense heating sensation stops only if the individual moves out of the beams path or the beam is turned off. The sensation caused by the system hasAre you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API


Schutz/Hilfe Messgutachten Untersttzung Barrie Trower tells

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been described by test subjects as feeling like touching a hot frying pan or the intense radiant heat from a fire. Burn injury is prevented by limiting the beams intensity and duration. DoD-sponsored millimeter-wave human effectiveness testing, initiated in 2001, has demonstrated ADT as both effective and safe without any long-term effects. It is expected that the DoD-funded human effectiveness testing of the small-beam ADS by the AFRL HEDR during the next six to eight months will validate its effectiveness and safety as a nonlethal weapon system.

Crowd control "Non-lethal weapons are important for the escalation of force, especially in the environments our forces are operating in," said Marine Col Kirk Hymes, director of the development programme. The weapon could potentially be used for dispersing hostile crowds in conflict zones such as Iraq or Afghanistan.It would mean that troops could take effective steps to move people along without resorting to measures such as rubber bullets - bridging the gap between "shouting and shooting", Col Hymes said.A similar "non-lethal" weapon, Silent Guardian, is being developed by US company Raytheon.Military officials said the weapon was one of the key technologies of the future.

Nachrichten Andrej Sarkin/ Mord Christian Welp Video von B.Trower Justizkorruption Polizei berichtet Mindcontrol/Implantate KZ-Verhltnisse/Marburg Haarp-Projekt Folter und Morden in Lateinamerika Abenteuer Forschung Totale berwachung Stasi-Opfer


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Stasi-Opfer Broeinbruch Verfassunsschutz/NPD Mikrowellenwaffe Waffen fr alle Internet-Recherchen


360-degree operation for maximum effect Antenna, linked to transmitter unit, can be mounted on vehicle Automatic target tracking Antenna sealed against dust and can withstand bullet fire Invisible beam of millimetre-wave energy can travel over 500m. Heat energy up to 54C (130F) penetrates less than 0.5mm of skin. Manufacturers say this avoids injury, although long-term effects are not known.

Pain - machine "Sheriff", 95- gigahertz - heat emitter has up to 500 meters of reach

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Microwave - test arrangement: "It feels as if the skin burns." Remote microwave weapons though are considered to be "a humane" weapon, it is capable to cause more harm than an acoustic gun. Photo: Randy Montoya/Sandia Corporati

High-Power-Microwave-Systems (HPM) are highly energetic microwave systems, they can be used for personal and object protection. US laser can blind soldiers.open in browser PRO versionAre you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API


Silent Guardian Protection Systemsaves lives, stops aggressors, protects assets and is proven safe.

Modern face of warfare: The Silent Guardian Raytheon

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Silent Guardian. Bild: Raytheon

Flash-ball Flashball ist eine nicht-tdliche Handfeuerwaffe der staatlichen, franzsischen Sicherheitskrfte. Es werden Hartgummigeschosse verwendet. Diese knnen zum Verlust des Augenlichtes fhren. Es soll aber schon einen Toten durch den Einsatz der Waffe gegeben haben. THE US-System 'Silent Sentry'

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To think, that passive radar is radar, that detects foreign radar beams is old. It is new, that by this technology, people, cars and planes can be supervised, without the revelation of the supervisors.

Instead of the usual diaphragm that normal speakers use to make sound, the long range acoustic device uses a set of piezoelectric transducers which are capable of converting electrical energy into sound. These piezoelectric transducers are permanently polarized, so any distortion of the shape of such transducers creates an electrical impulse and vice-versa.

The Technology behind the LRADBy using a power source to supply this electrical impulse, piezoelectric transducers can rapidlyopen in browser PRO versionAre you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API


change their shape, therefore, creating sound waves in the process. The transducers are also arranged so that they are in phase with each other so that the resulting sounds they emit can combine to make the projected sounds louder.The sound that the LRAD produces can be directed so there's less-than-normal dispersion. This results in a 20-dB drop in the volume of sound 15 degrees outside the beam. This directional sound propagation stems from the fact that the LRAD employs outer and inner transducers in creating sound waves that are not completely in phase with each other. This enables other sound waves to cancel out those that are in the outermost portion of the beam. The resulting wave front of the sound is also flatter than usual, preventing the sound from being dispersed as it propagates. Moreover, as the LRAD-produced sound waves interact with the air, they create additional frequencies within the wave and thus amplify the sound and pitch.

Advantages and Disadvantages of LRAD The primary advantage in military and law enforcement circles is that the LRAD is a less than lethal solution that has the potential to prevent antagonists from continuing their unwanted activities, without endangering the friendly personnel.

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A U.S. military LRAD in front of U.S. military laser distracter. Source: DoD Non-Lethal Weapons Program 2008 Annual Report. The major disadvantages of the LRAD system are: The loud sounds the LRAD emits may cause permanent hearing damage to those within its range. The LRAD sound wave can be cancelled altogether through the use of common earplugs. The better the earplugs are at blocking sound waves, the less effective the LRAD is. Sounds emitted from the LRAD can be reflected back to the source by using a flat solid object.

The project is known as MEDUSA a contrived acronym for Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio. And it should not be confused with the Long Range Acoustic Device and similar gadgets which simply project sound. This one uses the so-called microwave auditory effect: a beam of microwaves is turned into sound by the interaction with your head. Nobody else can hear it unless they are in the beam as well.

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LRAD- Long Range Acoustic Device The Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) is a distance hailing device and nonlethal crowd control weapon developed by LRAD Corporation to send messages, warnings, and harmful, pain inducing tones over longer distances than normal loudspeakers.

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LRAD- Long Range Acoustic Devicelooks not too aggressive, but for modern business continuers like Captain Flint and Henry Morgan it made an influencing impression: it is possible to take them barehanded. Photo: Photographer's Mate 3rd Class Tucker M. Yates/US NAVY

Against protesters The LRAD device was on hand at protests of the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City but not used; it was extensively used against opposition protesters in Tbilisi, Georgia, in November 2007.

The magazine Foreign Policy has revealed that LRADs have been sold to theopen in browser PRO versionAre you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API


government of the People's Republic of China. Elektrotorsion Generator of Akimov

According to the Commission, in late 1980's, a group of charlatans posing as serious physicists organized a large-scale "torsion fields" fraud and spent millions of roubles from the state budget; and now the swindlers are attempting to repeat the fraud in other countries. The main figure in the Soviet fraud was aAnatoly Akimov, who claimed to have discovered a so-called torsion field and claimed to have invented what he called "torsion technologies".

Under the pretense of developing his "torsion technologies", Akimov's "Center for Nontraditional Technologies" contrived to spend about 500 million roubles of state money until, in 1991, this fraudulent activity became known to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and a scandal broke out. The USSR Academy of Sciences conducted an in-depth investigation; it was established that millions of roubles had been spent for "torsion fields research" without any scientific examination. Akimov's Center was closed, Akimov was fired. But very soon A.E. Akimov organized a small private enterprise with a sonorous name "The International Institute for Theoretical and Applied Physics" and this "Institute"open in browser PRO versionAre you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API


published quite a number of pseudoscientific papers about nonexistent "torsion technologies" largely based on a so-called "Theory of the Physical Vacuum" created by a Gennady Shipov. In 1993, G.I. Shipov published a book "Theory of Physical Vacuum" wherein he described "Akimov's torsion generators and torsion technologies" (with pictures).Download the full English text of Dr. Rubakov's review (requires a subscription to PhysicsUspekhi). Physics-Uspekhi, # 3, 2000. V.A. Rubakov: review on the book by G.I.Shipov "Theory of Physical Vacuum". torsionfraud.narod.ru/ - 34k

The psychothron Generator

The psychothron generator is the general name appearing in mass-media, publications, for a different kind of devices influencing the mentality, hypnotizing with the help of technical methods, and even "reading thoughts". They can change mental and physical indicators of the person. By "definition" it generates a certain "psychothron radiation that irradiates victims for psycho terror purposes. The term "psychothron" was used by journalists, though this term is not absolutely correct, because during irradiation and the subsequent special processing not onlyopen in browser PRO versionAre you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API


absolutely correct, because during irradiation and the subsequent special processing not only psychic behavior of the person, but also the whole organism gets suppressed.

Torsion irradiation

The HAARP projectThe HAARP device is a grandiose complex, that consists of hundreds of aerials. It was ostensiblymade for auroral ionosphere researches and was built on the military range ofopen in browser PRO versionAre you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API


the US in Alaska. The general-major of the Federal Agency of protection of the Russian Federation Boris Ratnikov also considers the HARRP-device as one of the dangerous kinds of psychothron weapons.

HAARP antenna arrayThe HAARP project directs a 3.6 MW signal, in the 2.810 MHz region of the HF [high-frequency] band, into the ionosphere. The signal may be pulsed or continuous. Then, effects of the transmission and any recovery period can be examined using associated instrumentation, including VHF and UHF radars, HF receivers, and optical cameras. According to the HAARP team, this will advance the study of basic natural processes that occur in the ionosphere under the natural but much stronger influence of solar interaction, and how the natural ionosphere affects radio signals.

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