web services (wsdl)

Web services (WSDL)

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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Web services (WSDL). SentSMSWorld การให้บริการของ Service - Send unlimited free SMS to following countries URL : -http://www.webservicex.net/sendsmsworld.asmx. Input : -Email Address ถ้ารหัสประเทศเป็น 091 ให้ใส่ 91 ถ้าเบอร์โทรศัพท์เป็น 098XXXXX ให้ใส่ 98XXXX ข้อความ. Output : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Web services (WSDL)

Web services (WSDL)

Page 2: Web services (WSDL)


การให้�บร�การของ Service- Send unlimited free SMS to following


URL :-http://www.webservicex.net/


Page 3: Web services (WSDL)


Input :-Email Address-ถ้�ารหั�สประเทศเป น 091 ใหั�ใส� 91-ถ้�าเบอร�โทรศ�พท�เป น 098XXXXX ใหั�ใส� 98XXXX-ข้�อความ

Page 4: Web services (WSDL)

Output :

หัากเราส�งข้�อความส�าเร�จ จะม ข้�อความ Message has been sent successfully ข้!"นมา เป นร#ปแบบข้อง xml

Page 5: Web services (WSDL)

WDSL  <? - 10 8xml version=" . " encoding="utf " ?> - <wsdl:definitions :=" http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/ " xmlns:soa

="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/ " xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema " xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/ " xmlns:tns="http://www.webserviceX.NET " xmlns:tm="http://microsoft.com/

wsdl/mime/textMatching/ " xmlns:mime="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/mime/ " ="http://www.webserviceX.NET " xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">

- <wsdl:types>

- <s:schema ="qualified " targetNamespace="http://www.webserviceX.NET">

- <s:element name="sendSMS">

- <s:complexType>

- <s:sequence>

  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="FromEmailAddress" type="s:string " />

<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CountryCode" type="s:string " />

  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="MobileNumber" type="s:string "/>

  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Message" type="s:string " />  

Page 6: Web services (WSDL)




- <s:element name="sendSMSResponse">

- <s:complexType>

- <s:sequence>

<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sendSMSResult" type="s:string " />




<s:element name="string" nillable="true" type="s:string " /> </s:schema>


- <wsdl:message name="sendSMSSoapIn">

<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:sendSMS " /> </wsdl:message>

- <wsdl:message name="sendSMSSoapOut">

<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:sendSMSResponse " /> </wsdl:message>

- <wsdl:message name="sendSMSHttpGetIn">

<wsdl:part name="FromEmailAddress" type="s:string " />

Page 7: Web services (WSDL)

<wsdl:part name="CountryCode" type="s:string " /> <wsdl:part name="MobileNumber" type="s:string " /> <wsdl:part name="Message" type="s:string " /> </wsdl:message>- <wsdl:message name="sendSMSHttpGetOut">  <wsdl:part name="Body" element="tns:string " />   </wsdl:message>- <wsdl:message name="sendSMSHttpPostIn">  <wsdl:part name="FromEmailAddress" type="s:string " />   <wsdl:part name="CountryCode" type="s:string " />   <wsdl:part name="MobileNumber" type="s:string " /> <wsdl:part name="Message" type="s:string " />   </wsdl:message>- <wsdl:message name="sendSMSHttpPostOut">  <wsdl:part name="Body" element="tns:string " />   </wsdl:message>- <wsdl:portType name="SendSMSWorldSoap">- <wsdl:operation name="sendSMS">  <documentation xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">Send

unlimited free SMS to following countries.<br><b>Note:</b>If your country code 091,Please enter as 91 and if your mobile number 098XXXXX,Please enter as 98XXXX <br><table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 border=0 border-collapse : collapse bordercolor=#111111><tr> <td width=50% ><font size=2 ><b>This SMS covers following countries and&nbsp; networks.</b></td> </tr> <tr><td > <b>Austria -</b><font face=Arial size=-1> Mobilkom<b><br> Bulgaria - </b>Mobiltel <b><br>Croatia -</b> Cronet <b><br>Germany -</b> E-Plus,Mannesman D2 <b><br>Israel - </b>Pelephone <b><br>Lithuania -</b>

Page 8: Web services (WSDL)

Omnitel <b><br>Maldives - </b>Dhiraagu <b><br>Norway - </b>NetCom,TeleNor <b><br> Switzerland - </b>Bluewin <b><br>USA - </b>Ameritech Cellular services ,Cellular One, Cingular <b><br>Brazil - </b>ATL express,Telemig Cellular <b><br>Canada -</b> Bell Mobility, Clearnet, Rogers AT&amp;T Wireless ,Telus <b><br>France - </b>Itineris <b><br>India - </b>Essar Cell Phone,RPG Cellular <b><br>Japan - </b>NTT Docomo <b> <br>Malaysia - </b>Celcom <b><br>New Zealand - </b>Messagetrack <b><br>Spain -</b> MoviStar <b><br>Ukraine - </b>Golden Telecom, UMC <b><br>USA - </b>Comcast Cellular Communications,Voicestream Wireless Corp . </td></tr> </table></documentation >

  < wsdl:outputmessage="tns:sendSMSSoapOut " />  </wsdl:operation>  </wsdl:portType>- <wsdl:portType name="SendSMSWorldHttpGet">- <wsdl:operation name="sendSMS">  <documentation xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"> Send unlimit

ed free SMS to following countries.<br><b>Note:</b>If your country code 091,Please enter as 91 and if your mobile number 098XXXXX,Ple

98 0 5ase enter as XXXX <br><table cellSpacing= cellPadding= border - =0 border collapse: collapse bordercolor=#111111><tr> <td width=5 0% ><font size=2 ><b>This SMS covers following countries and&nbsp

- sss; .< /> < /> < /> < > < > < > < /> < =- - -e= 1> Mobilkom<b><br> Bulgaria </b>Mobiltel <b><br>Croatia </ - - b> Cronet <b><br>Germany </b> E Plus,Mannesman D2 <b><br>Isr

- - - - - - - - ael </b>Pelephone<b><br>Lithuania</b>Omnitel<b><br>Maldives </b>Dhiraagu<b><br>Norway </b>NetCom,TeleNor<b><br>Switzerland</b>Bluewin<b><br>USA</b>AmeritechCellularservices,CellularOne,Cingular<b><br>Brazil </b>ATLexpress,TelemigCellular<b><br>Canada</b> - - - - sssssss -,, &;, <><> </> <><> </> ,<><> </> <> <> </> <><>

Page 9: Web services (WSDL)

- - </b>Messagetrack <b><br>Spain </b> MoviStar <b><br>Ukraine </b>Gold - en Telecom, UMC <b><br>USA </b>Comcast Cellular Communications,Voic

estream Wireless Corp. </td></tr> </table></documentation> <wsdl:input message="tns:sendSMSHttpGetIn " /> <wsdl:output message="tns:sendSMSHttpGetOut " />   </wsdl:operation>  </wsdl:portType>- <wsdl:portType name="SendSMSWorldHttpPost">- <wsdl:operation name="sendSMS">  <documentation xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">Send unlimited

free SMS to following countries.<br><b>Note:</b>If your country code 091,Please enter as 91 and if your mobile number 098XXXXX,Please enter as 98XXXX <br><table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 border=0 border-collapse : collapse bordercolor=#111111><tr> <td width=50% ><font size=2 ><b>This SMS covers following countries and&nbsp; networks.</b></td> </tr> <tr><td > <b>Austria -</b><font face=Arial size=-1> Mobilkom<b><br> Bulgaria - </b>Mobiltel <b><br>Croatia -</b> Cronet <b><br>Germany -</b> E-Plus,Mannesman D2 <b><br>Israel - </b>Pelephone <b><br>Lithuania -</b> Omnitel <b><br>Maldives - </b>Dhiraagu <b><br>Norway - </b>NetCom,TeleNor <b><br> Switzerland - </b>Bluewin <b><br>USA - </b>Ameritech Cellular services ,Cellular One, Cingular <b><br>Brazil - </b>ATL express,Telemig Cellular <b><br>Canada -</b> Bell Mobility, Clearnet, Rogers AT&amp;T Wireless ,Telus <b><br>France - </b>Itineris <b><br>India - </b>Essar Cell Phone,RPG Cellular <b><br>Japan - </b>NTT Docomo <b> <br>Malaysia - </b>Celcom <b><br>New Zealand - </b>Messagetrack <b><br>Spain -</b> MoviStar <b><br>Ukraine - </b>Golden Telecom, UMC <b><br>USA - </b>Comcast Cellular Communications,Voicestream Wireless Corp . </td></tr> </table></documentation >

  < wsdl:input message="tns:sendSMSHttpPostIn " /> < wsdl:output message="tns:sendSMSHttpPostOut " /> </wsdl:operation>  </wsdl:portType>-

Page 10: Web services (WSDL)

<wsdl:binding name="SendSMSWorldSoap" type="tns:SendSMSWorldSoap">  < soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http " style="doc

ument " />- <wsdl:operation name="sendSMS"> < soap:operation soapAction="http://www.webserviceX.NET/sendSMS " style="d

ocument " />- <wsdl:input> < soap:body use="literal " />  </wsdl:input>- <wsdl:output> < soap:body use="literal " />  </wsdl:output>  </wsdl:operation>  </wsdl:binding>- <wsdl:binding name="SendSMSWorldHttpGet"

type="tns:SendSMSWorldHttpGet">  < http:binding verb="GET " />- <wsdl:operation name="sendSMS">  < http:operation location="/sendSMS " />- <wsdl:input>  < http:urlEncoded />  </wsdl:input>- <wsdl:output>  < mime:mimeXml part="Body " />  </wsdl:output>  </wsdl:operation>  </wsdl:binding>

Page 11: Web services (WSDL)

- <wsdl:binding name="SendSMSWorldHttpPost" type="tns:SendSMSWorldHttpPost">

  < http:binding verb="POST " />- <wsdl:operation name="sendSMS">  < http:operation location="/sendSMS " />- <wsdl:input>  < mime:content type=" - - -application/x www form urlencoded " />  </wsdl:input>- <wsdl:output>  < mime:mimeXml part="Body " />  </wsdl:output>  </wsdl:operation>  </wsdl:binding>- <wsdl:service name="SendSMSWorld">- <wsdl:port name="SendSMSWorldSoap" binding="tns:SendSMSWorldSoap">  < soap:address location="http://www.webservicex.net/sendsmsworld.asmx " />  </wsdl:port>- <wsdl:port name="SendSMSWorldHttpGet"

binding="tns:SendSMSWorldHttpGet">  < http:address location="http://www.webservicex.net/sendsmsworld.asmx " />  </wsdl:port>- <wsdl:port name="SendSMSWorldHttpPost"

binding="tns:SendSMSWorldHttpPost">  < http:address location="http://www.webservicex.net/sendsmsworld.asmx " />  </wsdl:port> </wsdl:service>  </wsdl:definitions>

Page 12: Web services (WSDL)


การให้�บร�การของ Service- ตรวจสอบว�าอ เมลล�ท )ป*อนเข้�าไปม อยู่#�จร-งหัร.อไม�

URL :-http://www.webservicex.net/


Page 13: Web services (WSDL)


-Email Address

Page 14: Web services (WSDL)


จะส�งค�ากล�บเป นค�าว�า True หัร.อ False

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