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How-to Guide

SAP NetWeaver ‘04 

How To…Create SupportMessages fromBPS WebInterfaces

 Version 1.00 – August 2006

 Applicable Releases:

SAP NetWeaver ’04

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1 Scenario

This document describes how to create support messages with additional BPS Web

Interfaces specific information in the SAP Solution Manager. The SAP Solution Managerhelps companies to implement, operate, monitor, and support their SAP solutions.Especially, the support desk included in SAP Solution Manager helps you manageincidents more efficiently and eases the settlement of support costs. Centralizedhandling of support messages makes the support organization more efficient.

Normally, the SAP GUI is used to create support messages. In case of BW WebInterfaces running in a Web Browser are used more frequently. Therefore this documentdescribes how support messages with context information could be created from WebInterfaces.

2 Introduction

The support desk of the SAP Solution Manager allows companies to manage supportmessages related to their SAP solutions. Web Interfaces require a special handlingbecause they are running in a Web Browser and not in a SAP GUI.

The idea of the integration described in this document is to enable the end user to createeasily support message from within Web Interfaces. These support messages areenriched automatically with additional (technical) information that the end user might notknow (e.g. Name of the web interface, planning functions, browser versions etc.). Thisadditional information could be customer-specific or required by SAP (e.g. Support).

The SAP Solution Manager is a platform for handling support messages. In case of SAPproblems, the support message can be transferred to SAP OSS. The automaticallyadded information helps SAP to accelerate solving the support message. The information added to the support message could be adjusted to specific needs bychanging the methods get_infos_browser, get_infos_system and get_infos_wib.

Defaults for the message component (e.g. BW-PLA) and priority (e.g. medium) aredefined in chapter 4.3 – Step 4.

The document ‘How to … BEx Web Applications into SAP Solution Manager’ describes a

similar solution for BEx Web Application.

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3 Creation of a Support Message

The following screenshots show the scenario of creating and handling support

messages. The first four steps are done by the end user. The last two steps are insidethe Support Desk of the SAP Solution Manager.

1. To create a support messagechoose Go to Solution Manager .

2. Complete the support messagechoose a priority and specify a shorttext and a description.

3. The context information available islocated on the tab strip Context Information .

4. Finalize the support messagecreation by choosing Send (locatedat the bottom of the page).

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5. To facilitate further communicationthe message number is shown.

6. Select the support message insidethe Solution Manager by callingtransaction crm_dno_monitor andspecifying the transaction number (=message number).

7. To access the context informationcreated choose Transaction Data .

Please note that the informationadded could be adjusted tocustomer needs.

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4 The Step By Step Solution

The step by step solution has three parts:

• Maintain the server parameters of the SAP Solution Manager.• Create a new application class for the web interfaces.

• Enable and set up of the new feature for a specific web interface.

4.1 SAP Solution Manager – Server parameters

4.1.1 Create logical system

The Logical System SOLMAN is required for customizing the web server of the SAPSolution Manager in the SAP BW system. If you have implemented the correspondingHow to … BEx Web Applications into SAP Solution Manager already the following stepsin this chapter could be skipped.

1.  Create the Logical System SOLMANby calling transaction code SPRO.Choose SAP Reference IMG. 

2.  Or create Logical System SOLMANin view V_TBDLS using MaintainTable Views (transaction codeSM30). 

3.  Enter V_TBDLS as Table/View and

choose Maintain.

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4.  Choose menu command Edit/Newentries to enter a new entry. Enter“SOLMAN” as logical system and

“SAP Solution Manager” as name.

5.  Save changes.

6.  Choose a Workbench/TransportRequest and press button Continue 

4.1.2 Define logical web server

The Logical Web Server for the Logical System SOLMAN allows storing the web serverof the SAP Solution Manager (web protocol, hostname, domain and port) in thecustomizing table TWPURLSVR.

1.  Enter TWPURLSVR as Table/View

and choose Maintain.

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2.  Choose menu command Edit/Newentries to enter a new entry. Choose“SOLMAN” as logical system.Specify web server (hostname,domain and port) and web protocol

of your SAP Solution Manager.

3.  Save changes.

4.  Choose Workbench/TransportRequest and press button Continue. 

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4.2 Create a new Application Class for the Web Interfaces

1. Create a new ABAP class by calling

transaction SE24.

Enter the class nameZCL_SOL_MAN_EXT_FORM_EMBED and choose Create .

2. Set the name of the superclass toCL_UPWB_BSP_APPL.

The check Final should not be set.

3. Redefine the initialization method byselecting this method and choosing

the button . 

4. Create a local type by choosingGoto   Class-local types   local Class Definitions/Types  

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5. Enter the type definitions shown. types: begin of lss_params,type type string,value type string,end of lss_params.

types: ltt_params type table of lss_params. 

6. Add the attribute PT_VALUES to theclass (tab strip Attributes ).

Attributes properties:Instance AttributePrivateType LTT_PARAMS 

7. Add the following methods to theclass.

The methods get_infos_wib,get_infos_browser andget_infos_system could be adjustedif the project requires less or moredetailed information.

CLEAR_SOLMAN_INFO Instance Method Private

GET_PAGE_FROM_XML Instance Method Private

GET_TABLE_AS_XML Instance Method Private

GET_INFOS_BROWSER Instance Method Private

GET_INFOS_WIB Instance Method Private

ADD_PARAMETER Instance Method Private

GET_INFOS_SYSTEM Instance Method Private

SET_SOLMAN_INFO Instance Method Private

8. Add the source code to the methods.It is attached to this document asseparate text file. The

interface/parameters are describedthere as well.

See text files with source code.

9. Save and activate all elements of theclass.

10. As last step we create atransformation that convert theinformation into a suitable HTMLform.

11. Call transaction SE80 and select aABAP package.

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12. Create a transformation by choosingcreate More … Transformationfrom the context menu of thepackage.

13. Define the transformation:

Name: Z_XML_TO_FORMTransformation Type: XSLT

14. Choose a transport request for thetransformation.

15. Navigate to tab strip SourceCode  and insert the transformation fromthe text file Transformation Z_XML_TO_FORM.txt  

16. Activate the transformation.

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4.3 Setting up the Web Interface

In order to enable the feature of support message creation some steps as describedbelow has to done per Web Interface.

1. Enter the new application classZCL_SOL_MAN_EXT_FORM_EMBED in the property section of the rootnote.

2. Insert a text component at the veryend of the each page structure.

The name of the component has tofollow the naming convention:

SolManContentFields_<page name> In our example the <page name> isDemo1.

3. Set the property HTML to true .

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4. The button to initiate the supportmessage creation is added byinserting a text component with thecontent shown. Insure that theproperty HTML is set to true .

In our example the text component(= button) was added on top of thepage.

<input type=hidden id="sap_call_sol_man"name="sap_call_sol_man" value="">

<script type="text/javascript">function callSolMan(){document.getElementById("sap_call_sol_man").value =


if(!sapUrMapi_Button_checkClick('SubmitButton1',event)){return true;};returnhtmlbSL(this,2,'SubmitButton1:click');


<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="callSolMan();return false;" class="urBtnStd" id="myID" ct="Button"style="white-space:nowrap;">Go to Solution Manager</a>

5. For setting defaults for sap client,priority and message componentinsert a text component with thecontent shown. Insure that the

property HTML is set to true .

In our example the text component(= defaults) was added on top of thepage.

<a style="display:none"><!-- Customizable Parameters --!><!-- uid = User for Solman

Default = actual user (can be overwritten by user)--!>

<uid>Default</uid><!-- sap-client = Working Client of Solman-System !--><sap-client>100</sap-client><!-- pri = Priority (can be overwritten by user)


2 = HIGH1 = VERY HIGHDefault = 3 --!>

<pri>3</pri><!-- cmp = Component (can be overwritten by user)

Default = "BW-PLA-BPS" --><cmp>BW-PLA-BPS</cmp>


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