where did you go on vacation ? unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 when i was at the age...

Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10

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Page 1: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

Where did you go on vacation ?

Unit 10

Page 2: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

用英语写日记可提高英语水平用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was When I was at the age ofat the age of thirteen, I began to thirteen, I began to keep keep diarydiary in English. At first it seemed difficult to me , bu in English. At first it seemed difficult to me , but now it has begun to be easy. I know it’s not possiblt now it has begun to be easy. I know it’s not possible to learn English well e to learn English well withoutwithout more practice. I like re more practice. I like reading, listening, and speaking. After school I often gading, listening, and speaking. After school I often go to the school library to read English stories. o to the school library to read English stories.

I have little time to watch TV. After I I have little time to watch TV. After I finishfinish writ writing ing my diary, I always try to my diary, I always try to correctcorrect ( ( 改正改正 )mistake()mistake( 错误错误 )s )s with the help ofwith the help of a dictionary. I think that keeping diar a dictionary. I think that keeping diary is one of y is one of the best waysthe best ways to improve our English stu to improve our English study.dy.

EnglishEnglish diarydiary //// 日记日记

Page 3: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

Monday, July15th

Great weather! It was sunny and hot all day. We went to a beautiful beach. We had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon. We went shopping. The shops were too crowed, so I didn’t really enjoy it.

Page 4: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

Tuesday, July 16th

Today it rained, so we went to a museum.It was kind of boring. I found a small boy crying in the corner.He was lost and I helped him find his father. That made me feel very happy. I didn’t have any money for a taxi, so I walked back to the hotel. I was really tired.


Page 5: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

Wednesday, July 17th Today the weather was cool,so we decided to play tennis. We played all morning. It was reallyfun. We had Sichuan food for dinner. It was delicious!

Page 6: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

Notes:Notes:1.1. all day all day 整天整天 整夜 整夜 all nightall night  日日夜夜 日日夜夜 all day all day andand all night all night

= the whole day= the whole day

2.2. have fun have fun doingdoing sth sth 做某事情很快乐做某事情很快乐e.g.1)e.g.1) 我周末去购物很快活.我周末去购物很快活.

I I had great fun goinghad great fun going shopping over the weekend. shopping over the weekend.

2)2) 听音乐,你觉得快乐吗?听音乐,你觉得快乐吗?Did you Did you have fun listeninghave fun listening to music? to music?

3.3. too too 太…太… (( 以致不…以致不… ))e.g.1) e.g.1) 重庆的夏天太炎热了.重庆的夏天太炎热了.

It is It is tootoo hot in summer in Chongqing. hot in summer in Chongqing.2)Beyond 2)Beyond 的音乐会门票太贵了,我们买不起.的音乐会门票太贵了,我们买不起.

The tickets of Beyond’s concert were The tickets of Beyond’s concert were tootoo

expensive,expensive, soso we couldn’t buy it. we couldn’t buy it.

too+adj…to+do…too+adj…to+do… 太太 .... 而不而不能能 ....

Page 7: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

Notes:Notes:1.1. find sb. do find sb. doinging sth sth   发现某人正在做某发现某人正在做某事事 see see //watchwatch//hearhear sb. do sb. doinging sth. sth.e.g.1)e.g.1) 一下课,我就看见学生快速走出了课室.一下课,我就看见学生快速走出了课室.

After class,After class, I I sawsaw the students the students goinggoing out from the out from the classroom classroom as quickly as they couldas quickly as they could..

2)2) 她发现车上有人吸烟.她发现车上有人吸烟.She She found found someone someone smokingsmoking on the bus. on the bus.

2.2. be lost be lost 丢失的,失踪的丢失的,失踪的e.g. e.g. 我的钱包丢了.我的钱包丢了.My purse was lost.My purse was lost.

3.3. help sb. help sb. withwith sth. sth.   在某方面帮助某人在某方面帮助某人e.g.1)e.g.1) 你能帮助我学习功课吗?你能帮助我学习功课吗?

Could you help me Could you help me withwith my lessons? my lessons?

Page 8: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

help sb. help sb. ((toto)) do sth. do sth.   帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事e.g. Joey e.g. Joey 帮助我帮助我收收作业本.作业本.

Joey Joey helphelps me (to) s me (to) collect collect the exercise books.the exercise books.

4.4. make sb. make sb. dodo … … 使某人做…使某人做…e.g.1)e.g.1) 繁忙使我感到充实.繁忙使我感到充实.

BusyBusynessness makesmakes me me feelfeel enrich enrichmentment..

2)2) 老板迫使工人每日工作十二小时.老板迫使工人每日工作十二小时.Bosses Bosses mademade workers workers work work twelve hours a twelve hours a day.day.

=let =let / / have sb. have sb. dodo……

Page 9: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult


e.g.e.g. 我决定到山东去度暑假.我决定到山东去度暑假.

decide to do sth.decide to do sth. 决定做某决定做某事事

I decided I decided to goto go to Shandong to Shandong forfor summer holiday. summer holiday.

decide decide notnot to do sth to do sth 决定不做某事决定不做某事e.g.e.g. 我决定再也不去那里度假了.我决定再也不去那里度假了.

I decided I decided not to gonot to go there for a holiday again. there for a holiday again.

Page 10: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

1.When did Bob go to the beach?

2.What did Bob do on the afternoon of July 15th?

3. How was the beach

4. Where did Bob go on July 16th?

5. They ate delicious food, didn’t they?

On Monday, July 15th.

He went shopping.

It was beautiful.

He went to the museum.

Yes, they did.6.Did they decided to play tennis?

Yes, they did.

Page 11: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

Read Bob’s travel diary,then write

• the weather (great)• the beach (beautiful)• playing in the water (f

un)• helping the little boy f

ind his father (happy)• playing tennis (really

fun)• eating Sichuan food


• shops were too crowded (didn’t really enjoy them)

• Museum (kind of boring)• no money for taxi/walking

back to hotel (tired)

•Good things •Bad things

Page 12: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

Fill in the blanks.Tuesday, July 16th

Today it . So we to a museum.

It kind of boring. I a small boy crying

in the , he was lost and I him find

his father. That me feel very happy. I ha-

ve money for a taxi, so I back to

the hotel. I was really Tired.rain, help,walk,do,some,make,be,find,corner,go


wentwas foun

dcorner helpedmad

e didn’tany walked

didanymade found went

Page 13: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

Thursday, August 1st

Today I went to the Palace Museum.It was cool.Then I went to the Great Wall.

It was beautiful and magnificent!

In the afternoon,

I went to Tian’anmen Square. It was great.! In the evening,

I went to BeijingHutongIt was quiet and clean.

I was very tired, but happy.

A diary

Page 14: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

Write about your vacations :

For example :

Last summer I ____to the beach . My vacation ____pretty good . I ____there by bus and my bus trip _____relaxing . The beach ___very beautiful . It ___sunny, cool and humid .the people ____friendly and the food ____delicious .

I ________my vacation very much and I hope to go there again .


was wentwas

was waswere



Page 15: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult


Name: age: sex: date:






Think about how to ask questions about the topics in the questionnaire.Write your questions on another piece of paper. Then fill in the questionnairewith information about your last vacation.

Page 16: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult


Name: Mary age: 12 sex: female date: May 1

Place Summer Palace Beijing Stadium

Activities go boating go roll-skating

Food fast food noodles

Weather sunny cool

souvenirs sun glasses a cap

Here is an example:

Page 17: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

Homework: Write about your vacations

Page 18: Where did you go on vacation ? Unit 10 用英语写日记可提高英语水平 When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep diary in English. At first it seemed difficult

7. 7. 你决定去哪里度假?你决定去哪里度假?Where do you __Where do you __ __ ___ _____ _______ your ___ _____ _______ your holidays?holidays?

8. 8. 他们发现有人正在湖边钓鱼他们发现有人正在湖边钓鱼 ..They _____ someone ________ on the lake .They _____ someone ________ on the lake .9. 9. 爸爸说:“淘明,我没有钱给你了。”爸爸说:“淘明,我没有钱给你了。”Father said,“ Tao Ming, I haveFather said,“ Tao Ming, I have ____ ______ ____ ____ ______ ____ yoyou now.”u now.”10. 10. 你的故事使我想起了童年。你的故事使我想起了童年。Your story made _____ _____ ____ my childhood. Your story made _____ _____ ____ my childhood. 11. 11. 公共汽车上太拥挤了.公共汽车上太拥挤了.The bus were _____ _________.The bus were _____ _________.12. 12. 我帮迷路的小孩找到了他的父亲.我帮迷路的小孩找到了他的父亲.I ______ the _____ child ______ his father.I ______ the _____ child ______ his father.13. 13. 当时我没有钱付出租车费.当时我没有钱付出租车费.I ______ _____ any money _____ a taxi at that moment.I ______ _____ any money _____ a taxi at that moment.   


foundfound fishfishinging

nono moneymoney forfor

meme thinkthink ofof

tootoo crowdedcrowded

helphelpeded lostlost findfind

toto spendspend

didn’tdidn’t havehave forfor