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Analisis Stilistika Pola-Pola Bahasa pada Narasi-Narasi Berita yang terdapat pada

Media Cetak dan Elektronik







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Analisis Stilistika Pola-Pola Bahasa pada Narasi-Narasi Berita yang terdapat pada

Media Cetak dan Elektronik


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Magister in English Language Studies

Written and submitted by







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Written and Submitted by:


Register Number: P0600210029

Has been defended in front of the Thesis Examination Committee

on 20th August 2013 and has fulfilled the requirements

Approved by:

Head of Member of

the Supervisory Committee, the Supervisory Committee,

Prof. H. Burhanuddin Arafah, M. Hum., Ph.D. Dr. H. Mustafa Makka, M.S.

Head of English Language Director of Postgraduate

Study Program, Program of Hasanuddin University,

Prof. Dr. Abdul Hakim Yassi, Dipl. TESL, MA Prof. Dr. Ir. Mursalim

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Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini

Nama : Widiastuti

Nomor Mahasiswa : P0600210029

Program Studi : Bahasa Inggris

Menyatakan dengan sebenarnya bahwa tesis yang saya tulis ini benar-benar

merupakan hasil karya saya sendiri, bukan merupakan pengambil alihan tulisan atau

pemikiran orang lain. Apabila dikemudian hari terbukti atau dapat dibuktikan bahwa

sebagian atau keseluruhan tesis ini hasil karya orang lain, saya bersedia menerima

sanksi atas perbuatan tersebut.

Makassar, 20 Agustus 2013

Yang menyatakan


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Truly dedicated to:

My Beloved Husband, Zaenal ArifinZaenal ArifinZaenal ArifinZaenal Arifin

My Parents, Muchsin HarunaMuchsin HarunaMuchsin HarunaMuchsin Haruna and Nurjannah Nurjannah Nurjannah Nurjannah


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WIDIASTUTI. A Stylistics Analysis of Language Patterns of News Narration In the Printed and Electronic Media (Under the supervision of Burhanuddin Arafah and Mustafa Makka)

This research aims to (1) find out language patterns used by printed and electronic media, and (2) to present the way of the editors in composing the news narration based on the selected patterns.

The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected through (1) recording, (2) observation, (3) documentation, and (4). notes taking. The sources of data were printed media : “Tribun Timur”, and “Fajar” whereas electronic on the Media: “Metro TV” and “TV One” started from July 2012 to May 2013. The Population in this research was several of newspaper in Makassar and national news television program whereas the samples were a number of news narrations which obtained from “Tribun Timur” and “Fajar” as printed media and “Metro TV” and “TV One” as electronic media chosen by purposive sampling.

The result of this research indicates that Language patterns used by the printed and electronic media, using figurative language (metaphor, personification, hyperbole, repetition and metonymy), lexical choice or selection of diction (foreign term / word usage), denotative and connotative meaning, idiom (idiomatic phrases and idiomatic sentence), proverb, acronym and pejoration. Then, editors put the distinctive language patterns in composing the news narration. The data show that the selected language patterns which are used by the editors are mainly figurative language especially metaphorical expression

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WIDIASTUTI. Analisis Stilistika Pola-Pola Bahasa pada Narasi-Narasi Berita yang terdapat pada Media Cetak dan Elektronik. (Dibimbing oleh Burhanuddin Arafah dan Mustafa Makka)

Penelitian bertujuan untuk (1).mengetahui pola-pola bahasa yang digunakan oleh media cetak dan elektronik, dan (2) cara editor dalam menyusun narasi-narasi berita berdasarkan pada pola-pola yang dipilih.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan, yaitu (1) teknik rekam, (2) teknik pengamatan, (3) teknik dokumentasi, dan (4). teknik catat. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah media cetak meliputi: Tribun Timur dan Fajar sedangkan media elektronik yang meliputi Metro TV dan TV one yang dimulai dari bulan juli 2012 sampai mei 2013; Adapun populasi pemilihan ini ialah beberapa surat kabar di Makassar dan program berita televisi nasional, sedangkan sampelnya adalah sejumlah narasi-narasi berita yang diperoleh dari Metro TV dan TV One sebagai media elektronik dan Tribun Timur dan Fajar sebagai media cetak yang dipilih berdasarkan sample purposif.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pola-pola bahasa yang digunakan oleh media cetak dan elektronik adalah bahasa kiasan (metafora, personifikasi, hiperbola, repetisi dan metonimia), pilihan leksikal atau diksi (penggunaan istilah atau kata asing), penggunaan makna denotatif dan makna konotatif, idiom yang berbentuk frase atau kalimat, peribahasa, akronim dan peyorasi. Kemudian editor menggunakan pola-pola bahasa yang khusus dalam menyusun berita. Data menunjukkan bahwa pola-pola bahasa khusus yang digunakan oleh editor adalah bahasa kiasan khususnya ekspresi metafora.

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Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin. First of all, the writer would like to express gratitude

to ALLAH SWT Who has given healthy and blessing, so the writer has the opportunity to

complete her thesis. She also does not forget to send great respect to the Prophet

Muhammad SAW, who has guided the human being from the worst to the peace.

Unlimited thanks are dedicated to her beloved parents, Drs. Muchsin Haruna,

MM and Nurjannah Dahlan, her beloved brother Tesar Dwi Cahyo and her aunty

Nurming for their encouragement, pray, deep love, and support. Special thank also the

writer offers to the writer’s beloved husband “Zaenal Arifin” for all his love, praying,

patience, suggestion, and understanding during completing her research.

In completing this thesis, the writer has found many problems. However, those

problems could be solved with support and help by people surrounding her.

Hereby, the writer would like to express her thanks to:

1. Prof. Drs H. Burhanuddin Arafah, M. Hum., Ph.D. the first consultant and

Dr. H. Mustafa Makka, M.S. as the second consultant for their guidance,

critiques, and correction for the improvement of the writer’s thesis.

2. Prof. Dr. M. L. Manda, M. A., M.Phil., Prof. Dr. H. Hamzah A. Machmoed,.

M.A. and Dr. Hj. Sukmawati, M.Hum as the writer’s board of examiners for

their critics, corrections, and suggestions during the seminar on research

proposal and finding.

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3. Dr. H.Sudarmin Harun, M. Hum for his suggestions and corrections to the


4. To all lecturers at ELS for sharing their knowledge and motivation. All staffs

on Hasanuddin University for all the best things they have done.

5. Thanks to the writer’s “Best friends” My X’Lers Team (Dewi, Ibby, Ratna,

and Yoga) for their togetherness, support, advice, and always

there whenever the writer needs them.

6. Thanks to Hikmah, K’ Wawa, Nuni, Nita, K’ Erny, Nur Faizal for their

helping and good advice for the writer.

7. For the writer’s friends “ELS 2010” at the language program whose ideas and

discussion have been a wealthy inspiration to this thesis.

Makassar, 09 July 2013


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TITLE .................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL FORM .............................................................................................. ii ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iii ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................ v TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... vii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................. x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION

A. Background ..................................................................................... 1 B. Identification of the Problem .............................................................. 6 C. Scope of the Problems .................................................................... 6 D. Research Questions ......................................................................... 6 E. The Objectives of Writing ................................................................ 7 F. Significance of the Research ............................................................ 7 G. Sequence of Presentation ................................................................ 8

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Previous Studies .............................................................................. 9 B. Theoretical Background .................................................................... 11

1. Stylistics ..................................................................................... 11 2. Style ........................................................................................... 14 3. Features of Style .......................................................................... 15 a. Style in a newspaper Headline ................................................ 15 b. Style as Motivated Choice ....................................................... 15 c. Style in Context ........................................................................ 16 d. Style and Effect ........................................................................ 17 4. Language Pattern ........................................................................ 17 5. Figurative Language .................................................................. 18

a. Metaphor .............................................................................. 20 (1) Nominative Metaphors ................................................. 20 (2) Predicate Metaphor ....................................................... 21 (3) Sentence Metaphor ...................................................... 21 b. Personification ...................................................................... 22 c. Hyperbole ............................................................................. 22 d. Repetition ............................................................................. 23 e. Metonymy ............................................................................ 24 f. Ellipsis .................................................................................. 25 g Euphemism .......................................................................... 25 6. Meaning Change ......................................................................... 26 a. Meaning Extension ............................................................... 26 b Narrowing of the Meaning………………………………….. 26 c. Amelioration .......................................................................... 27

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d. Pejoration ............................................................................. 27 7. Diction ...................................................................................... 28 8. The Meaning of the Word .......................................................... 31 a. Denotative Meaning ............................................................ 31 b. Connotative Meaning .......................................................... 33 9 Idiom .......................................................................................... 34 10 The Media .................................................................................. 36

a. Kinds of Media ...................................................................... 37 (1). Newspaper ..................................................................... 37 (2) Television ...................................................................... 37

Conceptual Framework ................................................................... 38

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Design ................................................................................. 39 B. Research Time ..................................................................................... 39 C. Source of the data ................................................................................ 39 D. Population and Sample ....................................................................... 40 E. Method of Data Collection .................................................................... 41

1. Recording technique ................................................................... 41 2. Observation technique ............................................................... 41 3. Documentation technique .......................................................... 41 4. Notes taking ................................................................................ 42

F. Method for Analyzing Data .................................................................. 42

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A Findings ................................................................................................ 43 1. Data Analysis of Printed Media ..................................................... 48 a. Tribun Timur Newspaper ........................................................ 48 b. Fajar Newspaper .................................................................... 69 2. Data Analysis of Electronic Media ................................................ 82 a. Metro Tv .................................................................................. 82 b. Tv One ..................................................................................... 99 B Discussions ......................................................................................... 116

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ............................................................................................ 126 B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 127 BIBLIOGRAPHY

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Table 1 Data Classification of Printed Media …………………………………………46

Table 2 Data Classification of Electronic Media ……….……………………………..47

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Tt =Tentang

DPW = Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat

PKB = Partai Keadilan Bangsa

PILWAKOT = Pemilihan Walikota

PDIP = Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan

POLRI = Polisi Republik Indonesia

DSB = Dan Sebagainya

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A. Background

In daily life, media is one of the tools that is used to convey the information to

people. Media is a tool to connect between writer and the reader, both in written and

pictorial form or a combination of both. It is a tool of communication for public (Ratna,

2009 : 318). As a tool of communication, media delivers message and news to the

public. In drawing up the news, the editors sometimes choose a specific vocabulary to

provide specific information, and make readers interested in reading the news. The use

of diction, vocabulary, rhyme, and structure by the writers in composing the news

narrations are considered as style in language.

The term style is commonly used in everyday conversation and writing. It is

regularly used to refer to the shape or design of something. ‘The elegant style of a

house and when talking about the way in which something is done or presented “his

style of leadership or to describe someone’s manner of writing is “a vigorous style of


In language, style refers to a distinctive manner of expression through whatever

medium this expression is given. Yet, in line with the other description of style

mentioned above, it needs to be considered what makes an expression distinctive –

having a quality that makes it different and easily noticed. – Why it has been devised

and what effect it has.

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In composing a news narration, both in the printed and electronic media

proficiency is required. Mastery of language can not be separated from the mastery of

words because the vocabulary is one aspect of language acquisition. The editor must

be able to understand and use the vocabulary that will be used, a person who has a

vast vocabulary, will have a high capability in choosing a word to the letter which most

harmonious to represent the intention or idea to be conveyed.Tarigan (1986:2) suggests

that the quality of a person speaking is highly dependent on the quality and quantity of

his/her vocabulary. Increasingly rich vocabulary possessed the greater the likelihood

that a person skilled in. so that, the editor who has a good vocabulary can create a

message that appeals to the readers and listeners. From his/her vocabulary, the editor

should be able to select or prefers the appropriate words. The choice of word is having

the same meaning to the term diction. The precise word choice is talking about the

ability of a word to pose the right ideas at the imagination of the reader or listener, like

what is thought or felt by the author.

From the above description, it can be concluded that the diction has a very

important role both language role in the oral and written language to master one's

diction, the more skilled a person also convey his/her ideas through language.

The news narrations compiled by the editors in the the printed and electronic

media should be interesting. So that, languages are created on the news narration

become increasingly effective and not boring for the readers and listeners of that news.

Furthermore, in composing the news narration, the editors use the certain

packaging of the message in accordance with the intent of the message. Junus

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(1989:990) says that the language style of dealing with manipulation attempts, the

possibility of choice, and style as a variation. Style is reflected through the choice of

words used. Through the choice of words that can be delivered in a variety of

impression that the imagination of the reader or listener of the news.

In line with the above statement, it means that vocabulary is very closely related

to the act of speaking. Usually in the act of speaking the words used is clear and plain.

But there is also a writer who likes to use words with implied meanings and wished. The

author means using specific packaging in conveying his/her thoughts. It is also one of

the styles disclosures. In this case the use of the language involved in the choice of

what will be delivered and how to deliver it. If someone is always using the language

option in certain ways, means a personal style that shows his trademark because

everyone has personal characteristics in both speaking of how to choose the type of

sentences, vocabulary and style used. Language style used by the author in compiling

the news in printed and electronic media allow for the use of imaginative language or

figurative language in wrapping of the editor’s idea.

In language and literature field, Stylistics means the ways of using the distinctive

languages so that it can give certain effects. Therefore, all processes associated with

the analysis of language pattern which has a distinctive expression. That analysis is

used to reveal aspect of language in the text such as: diction, sentence, or the use of

figurative language, the form of discourse, rhetoric and other facilities. So that, Stylistics

is the authors’ way to express their intention by using language as facility.

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The study of style or stylistics can be defined as the analysis of distinctive expression in language and the description of its purpose and effect (Verdonk, 2002: 3-4).

In arranging the news, it is important to know that how such analysis and

description should be implemented and how is the relationship among them? The

analysis description of purpose and effect are established remains debatable since

concept of style crucially involves choice. Different choices will produce different style

and effects. The effects depend on the reader assuming that. These verbal features are

matter of choice on the part of the writer.

There is one example of the text which contains the distinctive expression in one

article in the internet:

Setelah Angelina Sondakh alias Angie ditahan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), siapa lagi elite politik yang akan menyusulnya. KPK harus mampu membersihkan “tikus-tikus” berdasi yang selama ini menggerogoti uang rakyat, terutama “tikus-tikus” yang bersarang di gedung parlemen Senayan, Jakarta, bermarkas di kantor-kantor partai politik, kantor pemerintahan dan lembaga-lembaga negara. After Angelina Sondakh or Angie is detained by The General Election Commision, who else is going to catch up with the political elite. The General Election Commision should be able to clean up "the rats" tie that had been eating away the money of the people, especially the "rats' nest in parliament Senayan, Jakarta, is headquartered in the offices of political parties, government offices and state institutions. (Kompas, Saturday 28th April 2012).

The words “rats” in the above sentence have two meanings. They are denotative

and connotative meanings. Denotative meaning is a true or lexical meaning. It refers to

the literal meaning of a word. On the other hand, connotative meaning refers to the

associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related

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to that word. The connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative

meanings. The denotative meaning of the “rats” is a smelly and disgusting animal. But

in the connotation meaning the word “rats“ is synonymous with the corruptors. So that,

the word “rats” has been negatively stigmatized.

To this end, the writer would like to focus on the language patterns through

the news narration that have distinctive language expression through the language

analysis of the selected expression presented appropriately in accordance with the

language norms that certainty cover patterns, grammar, structure, vocabulary and other

elements of the English Language.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, the writer can identify the problems as follows:

1. There are some forms of language patterns used in news narration in the printed

and electronic media.

2. The way of editors in composing the news narration based on the selected


C. Scope of the Problems

In this research, it is necessary to make clear the scope of the problems, in

order this thesis focus. The writer focuses on the pattern and the distinctive expression

of language by using a stylistics analysis.

D. Research Questions

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Based on the background of the above problems, the formulation of research

questions can be written as follows:

1. What are the forms of language pattern used by the printed and electronic media?

2. How do the editors compose the news narration based on the selected language


E. The Objective of Writing

In achieving the objectives of this research, the writer would like to search and

examine the problems systematically as follows:

1. To find out the form of language patterns used by the printed and electronic media.

2. To present the way of the editors in composing the news narration based on the

selected language patterns.

F. Significance of the Research

Significance of the research consists of two parts, as follows:

The significances of this research in theoretical point of view are:

1. Give contributions in a general Linguistics development especially in language

patterns that contained in the news narration.

2. Give information to other researchers who want to conduct the future research with

the relevant topic.

The significances of this research in practical point of view are:

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1. Useful for some researchers and the news readers. For the researcher who wants

to do further research, this thesis can be a reference for him/her and for the news

reader. This thesis can help him/her to understand and to know the figurative

languages of the newspaper’s author from the meaning which is presented in the

language pattern of the newspaper.

2. Useful for the other editors in improving their vocabulary and the style in composing

the news narration in the media.

G. Sequence of Presentation

In order to get a good presentation, this writing is ordered systematically to

some chapters. Chapter one contains introduction which consists of the background,

identification of the problem, scope of the problems, research questions, the objectives

of writing, significance of the research and sequence of presentation. Chapter two

includes review of literature which explains the theories which have relation to the topic

of this writing. Chapter three includes the research methodology. In this chapter the

writer explains the method used in collecting and analyzing data.

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To support this present study, the writer presents a number of previous studies

and related literatures. This chapter also presents the conceptual framework of the study

which attempts to connect the important parts in this study

A. Previous Studies

Some researchers have done studies on the Stylistics. Some of the research

findings are presented in the following section. Haeba (2003), from Hasanuddin University

investigated Stylistic Analysis to the language of Gusdur’s anecdotes. The title of his

research is Stylistic Analysis to the language of Gusdur’s Anecdotes. He used the

descriptive qualitative interpretative method and the result of his study showed that there

were three kinds of humor style manipulated by Gusdur in his anecdotes; namely pun,

irony, cynicism, sarcasm, satire and wit.

Furthermore, the study about stylistics conducted by Haryeni (2004) who states

that to understand the meaning of a poem depends on a number of cases. One of them is

being able to understand the way a poet uses his language which may possibly mark his

individual style. Studying stylistics elements in a poem can lead to a better understanding

of and appreciation for its meaning. It is also expected that through this study the

individual style of the poet would be brought out. She used qualitative descriptive study.

The aim of her study is to reveal the language use of the poet Toto Sudarto Bachtiar and

his stylistic feature in the selected poem. This is a qualitative – descriptive study. His

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study indicated that the poet tends to use words that to some extent relate to nature or

maritime context.

Min li (2009) also applies a Stylistics analysis in writing his article ‘The Stylistic

Analysis of the Magazine Advertisement -----Atkins Chocolate Chip Granola Bar (2009)’.

Min li gives an overall analysis of the advertisement of “Atkins Chocolate Chip Granola

Bar” from the aspects of linguistic description (graphological style markers, lexical style

markers, syntactic style markers, grammatical style markers, and semantic style markers),

textual analysis (the layout and the paragraph development, cohesive devices) and

contextual analysis (medium of communication and role-relationship) by the application of

modern linguistic theory and stylistic analysis pattern in order to find out the general

stylistic characteristics of commercial advertisements.

The next researcher on Stylistics Analysis is Johar (2000). In the article “Stylistics

Analysis of Amin Rais and Gusdur’s Political Statements” He says that the political

statement by Amin Rais and Gusdur are interesting to study scientifically. In his research

the analysis is used based on the meaning of stylistic that is the use of language to

express idea, especially the use of language style. He used descriptive qualitative method.

The result of the study indicated that the collective characteristics are (1) The use of style

as a choice of probability which is marked by the use of antithesis and repetition, and (2)

the use of style as a variation which is marked by the use which is marked by the use of

satire and polysindeton. The purpose of his research is to describe the choice of words,

meaning and style used by Amin Rais and Gusdur.

Another study involving Stylistics analysis is the study conducted by Dorcas

(2011). In his study, he analyzes the campaign speeches of President Goodluck Ebele

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Jonathan by using the elements of Stylistic under Phonology, Morphology, Graphology,

Lexico-syntactic and Cohesion

In contrast to previous studies which use the Stylistics analysis of the political

figures speech and language in poetry, this study had focused on the language patterns in

the media that have distinctive expression include diction, figurative language, meaning of

the sentence, structure and their effect on the reader when they read the news.

B. Theoretical Background

1. Stylistics

According to Sudjiman (1993 : 13) Stylistics is the science of style. Style is the

center of stylistics’ attention. That is the ways in which a speaker or writer expresses

his/her point by using the language. Sudjiman (1993:3) also added that stylistics is how

to use the language in a particular context by a particular person for a particular


Furthermore, Lyons (1978:614) states that stylistics can be used in a variety of

terms. It can be used to refer to the kind of systematic variations in the text covered by

the term - the formal term, colocial, (the market), and pedantic.

In other words Stylistics is the science of style. Shipley in (Ratna, 2009:8)

defines stylistics as the study about language (style), whereas ”style” is derived from

the word’s root of “Stillus” from the Latin word. As for the term, stylistics is a science

that examines the use of language and style of language in any text containing any

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distinctive language expression by examining the elements of language as a medium of

the text.

Verdonk (2002 :3-4) defines Stylistics

As the analysis of distinctive expression in language and the description of its purpose and effect.

So that, if we talk about Stylistics in the news narration, It is not only just read

that news narration, but also consider with the effect that will be happened in the reader.

Abrams and Noth in Ratna ( 2009 : 22 ) say that theoretically, the research can

be divided into two kinds, they are traditional and modern stylistics research. Traditional

stylistics researches are still influenced by the dichotomy of content and form, what and

how to describe an object. The contents include information, message and meaning,

while the shape is style of language itself. Modern stylistics research analyzes formal

characteristics of languages.

Murry in Ratna (2009:160) says that Stylistics is the quality of language that

communicates between thoughts and feelings so that both elements can be implicit or

explicit meaning. In brief, stylistics analysis involves linguistic quality, esthetic, and the

emotional response of the reader.

Regarding the scope of the study stylistics, proposed by Junus (1984:8)

includes language, words, meanings and structure of sentence. Field study of stylistic is

style, the way in which a writer or speaker expresses his/her point by using language as

a tool.

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Elements of language used and style become the focus of attention in stylistics.

Actually, the use of force and the force of science broadly covers all aspects of human

life, how everything is done, declared and disclosed.

From some views on Stylistics, it can be concluded that Stylistics is the study or

science that investigates the use and style of language that is part of the discipline of

applied linguistics as the study of linguistics is closely associated with language


2. Style

Style is characteristic, the standard language, and the style is a way of

expression. However, in general, the style is considered as a specific term, merely

discussed and thus utilized in a particular field, especially in language.

Enkvist in Junus (1989:4) points out that there are three views about Style: (1)

Style is from of authors’ standpoint, (2) Style is seen as a characteristic of the text,

which can be seen by studying the text and (3) The meaning of style is connected with

the audience’s impression.

Sudjiman (1993:13-17) states that language style includes diction, structure of

sentence, figurative language, and rhyme pattern which are the author used in his/her


Ratna (2009: 302-303) differentiates style into three kinds as follows:

a. Style as a particular form of language usage

b. Style as having the power of artistic styles.

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c. Style as a way to use and has a distinctive artistic power that once came from the


Style according to Kridalaksana (1993:63) as follows: (1). Utilization of property

by a person in a language to speak and write. (2). Use of a particular variety to obtain

certain effects, (3) Overall characteristics of a group of authors of literary language

3. Features of Style

Accoding to Verdonk (2002 : 4) “There are some features of style. They are: (a)

Style in a newpaper headline. (b) Style as motivated choice, (c) Style in context and (d)

Style and effects.

a. Style in a Newspaper Headline

Headline writers use a wide range of devices to create a very specific style,

which is sometimes called ”headlines”. Their one-liners must put in a nutshell the main

point of the news story they relate to and at the same ti me capture the reader’s

attention. Therefore, an essential feature of headlines is their typographical form. They

are usually in a larger and bolder typeface than that of the articles they introduce. As a

result of the size of the print and the restricted space available in the layout of the page,

elipsis (which means that some words have been missed out) is very often a feature of

the language headlines. The result is a succinct, pungent style, which has a direct and

powerful effect on the reader. Usually, the ommission can be recovered or guessed

from context.

b. Style as Motivated Choice

Style is indeed a distinctive way of using language for some purpose and some

effect. It has also demostrated that in order to achieve his or her purpose effect. In

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fact, all the devices which have been used to create an attention seeking and effective

result of the choice of certain forms and structures over others that could have been

chosen but which were not. For instance, the words, the grammar, the sound effects,

and another text are all a matter of choice among other possibilities. So in making a

stylistical analysis the writer doesn’t really focus on every language form and structure

in a text. The writer also focuses on a distinct patterning or parallelism in a text’s

typography, sounds, word-choice, grammar, or sentence structure. Other potential style

markers are repetitions of some linguistic element, deviations from the rules of language

in general or from the style you expect in a particular text type or context.

From all explanations above it can be concluded that the concept of style

crucially involves choice: it rests on the fundamental assumption that different choice

will produce different style and thereby different effect.

c. Style in Context

At this point, it should be distinguished between two types of context: linguistic

and non-linguistic context. Linguistic context refers to the surrounding features of

language inside a text, like the typography, sound, words, phrases, and sentences

which are relevant to the interpretation of other such linguistic elements. The non-

linguistic context is a much more complex notion since it may include any number of

text-external features influencing the language and style of a text.

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d. Style and Effect

When language is used, it creates effects on its readers. Important effects

created by language included engaging its readers, moving them emotionally,

surprising, attracting or entertaining them, creating authority and trust, and so on

4. Language Pattern

According to the KBBI (1997: 778) the definition of pattern is the permanent

shape or structure. So that, language pattern is the permanent shape or structure of the

language. The writing or speech/utterance will be more effective, if it has a good

stucture of the sentences and also has the attracted style. Language patterns are the

conventional way in making sentence and clause. In line with the title of this research,

the meaning of language patterns are all of the expressions of languages that contain in

many news narrations in the printed and the electronic media. In that media, the

language pattern is used to compose the news naration media by the editors.

Sometimes the form of language pattern is normal (it has subject, predicate, object and

complement) and also it can use the certain form. The certain form of the language

patterns such as the using of figurative language, the lexical choice or selection of

diction (foreign term / word usage), denotative and connotative meaning, idiom

(idiomatic phrases and sentence), proverb, acronym and etc. The intention of the

language pattern usage is in order to make a beautifully writing. So that, it can make the

readers like and interest in reading the news

5. Figurative language

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Dale cited by Tarigan (1985:112) said that figurative language is the beautiful

language that is used to elevate and enhance certain effects with a way to introduce

and compare the objects and other things that are more common. Figurative language

is the use of words that go beyond their ordinary meaning. It requires you to use your

imagination to figure out the author's meaning. It is may involve analog to similar

concepts or the other context, and may involve exaggerations.

Many experts had given their opinions and definitions about the figurative

languages. All of those help the readers to get more understanding about the figurative


Perrine (1969:65) assumes that:

Figurative language is any way of saying something other than the ordinary way, and some rhetoricians have classified as many as 250 separate figures. For our purpose, however a figure is more narrowly definable as a way of saying one thing and meaning another, and we need be concerned with no more than a dozen. –FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE- Language using figures of speech – is language that cannot be taken literally.

The information which is given from the explanation above can be concluded

that figurative language is a language that is used to compare one thing with another to

influence the reader. Style of language used by the author in general has a figurative

meaning. Language style which has figurative meaning, firstly formed by comparison of

something or equation by comparing something to something else and try to find a

characteristic that shows similarity only between the two languages style which have

figurative meaning aims to obtain certain effects to arouse the reader’s or listener’s

attention. In short, the use of a particular style will be able to change and cause the

value of a particular flavor.

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Keraf divides the types of figurative language, namely in terms of language and

non-language. To see the figurative language extensively, then the distribution of non-

language based issues still needed, even to give the ability and skills, it will be

necessary. Division in terms of non-language based on: author, period, medium,

subject, place, audience and purpose. Then, the division based on terms of the

language which can be distinguished based on the starting point of the language

elements are:

a. Style languages based on word choice

b. Style language based on tones contained in the discourse

c. Style based on the structure of the sentence.

d. Style languages based on direct or absence of meaning.

There are some of figurative languages based on direct and indirect meaning.

Such as: Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole, Litotes, Repetition, Metonymy,

Euphemism, Dysphemism, etc.

Thus, in this part, the writer refers to the opinion from Keraf (1988:129), which

limits the division of figurative language only based on the direct and indirect meaning.

a. Metaphor.

Reaske (1966:36) says that metaphor is a figurative language which compared

a thing to another directly. A metaphor is a statement that one thing is something else or

its a comparison made between things which are essentially not alike. It is similar to a

simile, but does not use like or as.

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Wahab (1990:142) has written some kinds of metaphor based on the view of

syntax. According to him, metaphor is divided into three groups. They are Nominative

metaphors, 2. Predicate metaphor and Sentence metaphor.

(1) Nominative metaphors

Nominative metaphor is the marker of metaphor which is only found in the noun

sentence. Because the position of the noun in the sentence differently. So that,

nominative metaphor can also divided into two kinds, namely subjective nominative

metaphor and objective nominative metaphor, or commonly known as the nominative

metaphor and complementary metaphor.

1. Subjective nominative metaphor is figurative symbol which is found in the subject

of the sentence, while the other parts are still expressed with words that have a

direct meaning.

2. Objective nominative metaphor is figurative symbol is found in the object of the



Longsoran tanah menutupi badan jalan

(Landslide covered the main part of street).

(2) Predicate metaphor.

In predicate metaphor, metaphorical expressions are placed in predicate

sentences, while other parts are expressed literally.

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Penggunaan BBM telah menggerus biaya operasional kapal sekitar 40-


(The usage of oil has waisted the ship operational cost approximately 40-


(3) Sentence Metaphor

Sentence metaphor is a metaphor in the form of sentences. That means that all

parts of the sentence expressed metaphorically and would have no real meaning.


Raja singa telah pergi keperaduannya.

(Lion king has gone to his stall).

b. Personification

According to Keraf (1988:140), personification is a kind of figurative language

depicting inanimate objects or items that do not animate as if it has a humanitarian

nature. Personification is figurative language which shows an analogy to draw a thing as

if human characteristic, or these thing, animal, and abstract term is made as human.

Personification is a figurative language that draws an animal an object or an

ideas having human characteristic (Kinayati, 2006:19). When something that is not

human is given human-like qualities, this is known as personification


Beberapa ranting pohon patah ditebas angin

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(Some branch of tree broke cut by wind).

c. Hyperbole

According to Perrine (1969:110) hyperbole or overstatement is simply

exaggeration in the service of truth. Exaggerating, often in a humorous way, to make a

particular point is known as hyperbole. Reaske (1966:34) says that hyperbola is a figure

of speech, which employs exaggeration. Hyperbola differs from exaggeration in that it is

extreme or excessive. It can produce a very dramatic effect. He also states that the idea

of seeing a thousand errors is of course an exaggeration or hyperbolic expression of the


Hyperbole is an expression of exaggeration such as a bombastic.

Consequently, Hyperbole is kind of figure of speech which is used by the poet to

exaggerate something. Exaggeration of the description of what we see and feel followed

by emotion, so the users of language do not satisfy that they express only what we can

say, but it is added by other words to show their expression more attractive. In fact, we

can prove the truth because the truth sometime is an opposite expression. Sometimes

hyperbole is called overstatement.

For example:

Rapat Paripurna DPR pada selasa 5 juni 2007, diwarnai hujan interupsi

terkait ketidakhadiran presiden dalam memberikan klarifikasi.

(The legislative main meeting on Tuesday 5 June 2007, colored by lots of

interruption deal with the absence of president in giving clarification).

d. Repetition

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Repetition is a figurative language, which used by the writer to repeat several

words in his/her sentence. It can be whole repetition or half repetition. Repetition

consists of some expression like repetition of sounds, words.


Sekali merdeka tetap merdeka

(Always in freedom).

e. Metonymy

According to Perrine (1969:65) metonymy is the reference of something using

words that have become its charactheristic, brand or attribute.


Menurut Kroda, dibanding tahun lalu, pada 2012 ini penjualan Daihatsu mengalami peningkatan di wilayah Indonesia timur. Dari sejumlah daerah di Indonesia timur, permintaan Daihatsu yang mengalami peningkatan signifikan adalah dari wilayah Kalimantan (Tribun Timur Makassar, Thursday 21st June 2012).

The news narration above contains one of the figurative languages. Namely:

metonymy. Metonymy is the figurative language that use characteristic of the body, title

or position a person as a substitute for proper name. The word “Daihatsu” in that article

means “car”. “Daihatsu” is one the type of car.

f. Ellipsis

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According to Keraf (1988:132), ellipsis is a style which manifested removes one

element of a sentence that can easily be filled or interpreted by the reader, so the

grammatical structure meets the prevailing pattern

g. Euphemism

According to Keraf (1988:132), euphemism is a reference in the form of

expressions that do not offend others or subtle expressions to replace references that

might be perceived insult, offend or suggest unpleasant something.


Juanda, bocah yang tertangkap membawa ganja di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan

(LP) Binjai, bakal ditahan Polres Binjai.

(Lembaga pemasyarakatan” is more politeness than “penjara” (prison)).

Figurative language is used to create a special effect or feeling. It is

characterized by figures of speech language that compares, exaggerates, or means

something other than what it first appears to mean. Every writer wants his/her writing

gets a good response from the reader or listener. So that the goal can be achieved,

then the writer must be very clever in choosing the words interesting and beautiful. So

that, their writing will feel alive and doesn’t boring.

6. Meaning Change

From time to time, the meaning of words can change, so will pose the new

difficulties for users who are too conservative. Therefore, to keep always the right

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choice of words, each speaker should always pay attention to the meaning of the

changes that occur (Keraf, 2009 : 95).

a. Meaning extension

Meaning extension is a process that changes the meaning of a word that had

experienced it contains a special meaning, but then expanded to cover a class of more

general significance. (Keraf, 2009 : 97)


Formerly, the word “Bapak” and “Saudara” is only used in a biological

relationship, now all the people who are older or of higher social status is called a father

“bapak” and others with relatives “saudara”.

b. Narrowing of the meaning

Narrowing of the meaning is a process that experienced a long word where the

meaning is broader in scope than a new meaning. ( Keraf, 2009 : 97)


The word “sarjana” formerly is used to mention all the smart people. Now used

for a title of university.

c. Amelioration

Elevation or amelioration of meaning is the meaning of the change process that

resulted in higher perceived meaning of a new, more respectful, or better value than the

old or original meaning. (Suwandi, 2008)

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The word “istri” feels more has better value than “bini”.

(The word “tunakarya” is more polite than “pengangguran”).

d. Pejoration

Pejoration is a process that changes the meaning or significance resulting new

meaning now perceived lower, less good, less fun, or worth less refined than the

original meaning (old meaning) (Suwandi, 2008).


The sentence “Presiden Soeharto dilengserkan oleh mahasiswa”, this sentence

had pejoration. The word “dilengserkan” in line with the meaning of the word reign

forcibly terminated. The meaning of “dilengserkan” considered impolite.

7. Diction

Diction derived from the Latin word, meaning to say “dictum”. Diction means of

selecting and words arranging in speech or writing. (Scott, 1980:107).

Diction is the selection of words to express ideas and feelings (Achmadi,

1988:126). Good diction is the choice of words effectively and appropriately in

accordance with the meaning and subject matter, audience, and events.

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So that, based on the explanation about diction above, it can say that diction is

not only used to indicate which ones need to be used to express ideas, but also

includes matters of style, expressions and so on. Thus, the choice of words can not be

seen as a stand alone but must be viewed in the context.

The function of diction is to acquire power in order to increase the beauty of

expressivity. Then a word would be more obvious, if the word choice is appropriate and

suitable. Precise word choice intended to avoid different interpretations between the

writer or the speaker to the reader or listener, while the suitability of the intended order

not to spoil the atmosphere. In addition it serves to soften the words and sentences in

order to feel more beautiful.

The choice of words is very important to turn the sentence. For the selection of

diction is required mastery of the vocabulary. Tarigan (1986:2) argues that the quality of

a person's skill depends on quality and quantity of its vocabulary. Increasingly rich

vocabulary they have the greater the chances for a skilled person is speaking.

In connection with the above opinion, Parera (1990:66) argues that the choice of

words is closely linked to syntactic rules, the rules of the meaning of language, the

language of social rules, norms fabricated reef. In essence, the choice of words

intended to create effective communication, both verbal and written. So it is clear that

one of the efforts to achieve optimal communication, one needs to master the choice of

words or diction in accordance with the rules.

Dealing with a sense of diction, Keraf (1984:25) argues that there are three items

on the diction.

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a. Diction includes understanding which words are used to convey an idea, how to form

a grouping word or phrase that right, and which styles are best used in a situation.

b. Diction is the ability to accurately distinguish nuances of meaning from the idea to be

conveyed and the ability to find a shape that suits your situation and a sense of

value owned by the community of listeners.

c. Word choice and suitable only made possible by a large number of vocabulary or

vocabulary word. The definition of vocabulary words or the vocabulary of a language

that is owned by the whole word of a language.

In this case the diction is not just which words are used to express the idea of

communication, but more than that, which includes questions that follows:

1. The words in the grouping or style that involves specific ways tangible expression.

2. Style that is related to individual expressions or certain characteristics, and

3. Expressions.

From the various opinions raised abov it can be affirmed that the diction has two

meanings concerning two main problems, namely: (a) Use the right words on the rules

of language and (b) The use of words according to the rules of its use in the community.

William Kenney tries to explain about the diction, in his book how to analyze

fiction, “Diction is meant simply the author’s choice of words. The author’s way of using

language and arranging words into such larger units as sentences” (Kenney. 1966: 60)

Gorrys Keraf also try to explain about diction that,

Diksi adalah pemilihan kata yang dipergunakan bukan hanya untuk menyatakan kata-kata mana yang dipakai untuk mengungkapkan suatu idea atau gagasan tetapi meliputi persoalan fraselogy, gaya bahasa dan ungkapan (Keraf. 1990: 20).

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Sense of the word refers to the use of certain words are deliberately chosen

and used by the author. If viewed from the ability of language users, there are several

things that affect the choice of words, such as: Just select a word to express the idea or

the 'mandated', the ability to precisely distinguish the nuances of meaning in

accordance with the idea to be conveyed and the ability to find form appropriate to the

situation and the sense of its readers. Master a vocabulary in the communities the

language, and able to mobilize and leverage their wealth into a web of clear and

effective sentences.

The function of Diction is the choice of words or to add beauty to gain power

expressivity. Then a word will be clearer, if the choice of the word is appropriate.

Precision of word choice is not intended to create a different interpretation of the writer

or speaker to the reader or listener, while the suitability of the word intended not to

damage the atmosphere. In addition it serves to soften the words and sentences in

order to feel more beautiful.

8. The Meaning of the Word

a. Denotative Meaning

Denotation is the dictionary meanings or literal meanings of word. Laurence

Perrine from America gives a definition about denotative meaning is:

Denotation is the basic part of this meaning; that is, the dictionary meaning or mening of the word. The general meaning, non emotional meaning that a word has. It is the general significant a word gives up as it names predentifies its referent object or concept. The word in Home, for instance, by denotation means only a place where one lives (Perrine, 1983: 38).

William Kenney explain that denotation and connotaion as follows:

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A word’s denotation is simply its dictionary meaning, its connotation are the suggestions and associations aroused by it. A number of different words may have essentially the same denotation, while differing significantly in their connotation. (Kenney. 1966: 59).

Meanwhile, Chaer Abdul in Rahmatullah also tries to explain about denotation

meaning and connotation meaning, he says that;

Makna denotatif adalah makna konseptual yang diberi penjelasan sebagai makna yang sesuai dengan hasil observasi menurut penglihatan, penciuman, pendengaran, perasaan atau pengalaman lainnya. Jadi makna denotative ini menyangkut informasi factual objektif. Denotative meaning includes matters designated by the symbols or words (the

so-called referential meaning) that we usually find in the dictionary. Denotative meaning

is straightforward, namely that there is special meaning in a mark, and in essence can

be called a picture of a marker

Kennedy (1991 : 560) also states that: Every world has at least one denotation; a meaning as defined in a dictionary, but the English language has many a common word, with so many denotation; a meaning as defined in a dictionary, but the English language has many a common word, with so many denotation that a reader may need to think twice to see what it means in a specific context.

For example: the word “cat” has denotative meaning “a carnivorous animal,

domesticated as a rat catcher or pet”. In other word, the word cat (kucing) can be

defined as the depiction of four-legged animals, furry, and a mustache.

Concerning of denotative and connotative meaning Blomfield in Armady (1998:

17) gives a term, normal or central meaning which refers to denotative meaning and

marginal or metaphoric meaning to connotative meaning. Meanwhile Berlo (1963: 191),

states about denotative meaning that: denotative meaning consists of a relationship

between a word sign and an object. In fact, denotative meaning is as sign object

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relationship. Another definition of denotative meaning also stated by Palmer (1983 : 17).

He says that…. The former (denotation) is used to indicate the class of person, thing,


b. Connotative Meaning

Beyond its denotations, a word may also have connotations. The connotations

are what it suggests beyond what it expresses. It overtones of meaning Perrine (1969 :


Connotation refers to the definition a person has for a word, based on experience with ideas, the word represent. Connotative meanings are often based on a person feeling about the personal images the word convey to her or him. Connotation refers to the feelings and attitudes we have built up about a word (Palmer, 1983 : 19). Connotative meaning is subjective in the sense that there is a shift from a

general meaning (denotative) because there has been the addition of flavors and a

certain value, its form of symbols A symbol can be called if the word has connotations of

meaning, that if the word has positive or negative of the value of the good feeling.

Connotation is the sign level that explains the relationship between signifier and

signified within which to operate meaning that no implicit, indirect, and uncertain (open

to the possibilities)

Connotative meaning is the emotions that a word creates. For example the

sentence “kucing garong” is not associated to the animals but rather, to the nature of a

man who often "play around" with women. The existence of connotative phrase is a

wider aspect of the denotative aspect, which emerged when the denotative words are

no longer able to explain something more emotional.

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Based on the previous discussion about denotative and connotative, it is clear

for us that denotative meaning is mostly used in scientific writing, where defined

meaning as sign-object relationship. It is used to indicate the class of person, thing, etc

and also it’s meaning as defined in a dictionary. Meanwhile connotative meaning is

used in all literary works, which gives effect to the reader. It is often based on a person

feeling about the personal images the world convey to her or him

9. Idiom

Idiom is one style of the many styles that use human language to communicate

with each other, using this idiom deliberately done primarily to express something

indirectly to the listener, by stating something outside the context of the actual word

more easily digested and understood by the listener without misperceptions between

speakers and listeners.

Idiom derived from the Greek, “idios” which means special, independent,

personal. According to Keraf (2005:109), “idiom” is a structural pattern which is deviate

from the rules of the common language, usually shaped phrases, while meaning can not

be explained logically or grammatically, by focusing on the meaning of the words that

make it up.

In line with the above opinion, Chaer (2009: 74) suggests that idiom is language

units (can be a word, phrase, or sentence) whose the meaning can not be predicted

from the lexical meaning of its elements and grammatical meaning of these units.

Alwasilah (1993:165) says that “idiom” is a group of words that have a special

meaning different from the meaning of each word in that group. Kridalaksana (2008:90)

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states that the idiom is a construction of the elements that each vote, each member has

a meaning that is simply because with the others, the construction of meaning is not the

same as the meaning of the combined meanings of its members.

Example: kambing hitam” in the sentence “dalam peristiwa kebakaran itu hansip

menjadi kambing hitam padahal mereka tidak tahu apa-apa”. in here, the meaning of

phrase “kambing hitam” as a whole is not equal to “kambing” or “hitam”.

Based on the opinions of experts can be seen that the idiom has characteristics:

1. It is a unit of language (can be a word, phrase, or sentence).

2. It has a special meaning, its elements can not be replaced or eliminated, and deviate

from lexical or its grammatical meaning.

10. The Media

In KBBI (1997), Media is the plural of the word medium. In communication science,

media can be interpreted as a channel, connecting means, and tools of communication.

Media sentence actually comes from the Latin, literally has the meaning intermediaries or


In journalism field, media categorized into the following three types:

a. Printed media, consisting of daily newspapers, weekly, tabloid, magazine, newsletter

or journal.

b. Electronic media, consisting of radio and television.

c. Media On-Line, Internet media, such as Website, Blog.

In general, "media" refers to various means of communication. For example,

television, radio, and the newspaper are different types of media.

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a. Kinds of Media

(1). Newspaper

Newspaper is sheets of paper with the news. It is divided into columns,

published daily or periodically (KBBI, 1997:525). A newspaper is a publication

containing news, information and advertising; it is usually printed on low-cost paper

called newsprint. It may be general or special interest, most often published daily or

weekly. Newspapers reach people in countries worldwide, keeping readers in their

respective nations abreast of local, national and international stories that editors and

writers find of interest. Prior to newspaper publishing, transmission of information

primarily takes place verbally, through word-of-mouth messaging.

(2). Television

Television is a medium of communication which provides a variety of the latest

information, and distribute the information to the public. Baksin (2006:16) says that

television is the result of high-tech products that delivers the message content in the

form of audiovisual motion. Audiovisual motion message content has a very high

strength to affect mental, mindset, and individual acts.

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This research was conducted in order to know the language patterns in the

media that have distinctive patterns or expression included diction, language style,

figurative language, idiom, direct and indirect meaning of the sentence structure and

their effect for the reader when they read and heard the news.

A. Research Design

This research was descriptive research using qualitative method to describe

language pattern which has a distinctive expression contained on the printed and the

electronic media.

B. Research Time

The research started from July 2012 until May 2013 in the some of the printed and

electronic media.

C. Source of the Data

The data used in this research came from the oral and written data. For the

purposes of this research, the news narrations of oral data were obtained through the

national television - “Metro Tv” and “Tv One”. The written data were obtained through

printed media such as “Tribun Timur” and “Fajar”.

D. Population and Sample

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Population is the total number of units of analysis characteristics will be suspected

(Singarimbun, 1987:152). Population is an overall phenomenon that becomes the

foundation of a research.

Based on the above explanation, the population in this research was several of

newspapers in Makassar and national news television program.

Considering the amount of the population and expecting the research can run

smoothl. So that, the overall news narration in the printed and electronic media is only

taken in accordance with the purpose of data. In selecting sample, the writer used

purposive sampling method because the writer selected the news narration which has

distinctive language patterns and felt that the sample compiled from the three samples are


The sample of the research was obtained from the printed and electronic media. In

the printed media, the writer took two samples of newspapers published by local

(Makassar) namely “Tribun Timur” and “Fajar”. From each newspaper the writer took three

rubrics, the rubrics for “Tribun Timur” are Politik, Super ball, and Tribun Metro whereas

rubrics for “Fajar” are Politika, Sportif and Metropolis”. All of the rubrics which were from

the printed media, then the writer chose five news narrations which have distinctive

language patterns. So that, the overall samples is 60 news narrations.

As well as the printed media, the writer chose two kinds TV station. They are

“Metro TV” and “Tv One”. In each TV station, the writer took three the same rubrics.

Namely: Politic, Sport and Social and each rubric the writer took five news narrations.

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E. Method of Data Collection

The data collected in accordance with the purpose of this research is to describe

and analyze a wide range of language pattern of the news narration in the media

therefore, taking all the data and information used techniques of data collection as follows:

1. Recording Technique.

Recording technique used a tape recorder or mobile phone as a tool. This

technique is used to obtain data of news narration through the recording on television


2. Observation Techniques

Observation technique is a way of collecting data by conducting direct observation

of an object in a given period and held a systematic recording of certain things observed.

Before doing the research, the writer observed the media which become the data of the


3. Documentation Techniques

Documentation means some news articles in the media especially in the

newspaper. The technique is used to capture data written and the various sources that

had been predetermined.

4. Notes Taking

This method was used to identify and classify the news narration in the printed

and electronic media. Noting the new narration hosted by news anchor on television.

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F. Method for Analyzing Data

In analyzing the collected data the writer used descriptive method, especially

descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive method was used to analyze the data by

describing the facts and the phenomenon as the way they were. The descriptive

qualitative method will carry out by using narration in presenting and analyzing the data

that have been collected. The descriptive qualitative method was used in this research

with the following work-procedures.

Data collection and recording of documents, then the data selected for the

purpose of this study so that data collected from documents and records can be

complementary. From the results of these studies, it can be analyzed in accordance with

the following steps:

a. Locating the fragments of data in each of the documents accordingly.

b. Data that have been located were classified according to the distinctive language

patterns consisting of lexical choice of style, diction, figurative language, and their


c. The transcribed data were analyzed by using stylistics analysis to identify their

language patterns.

d. Summing up the results of data analysis

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A. Findings

Media is one of the means for us to get the information and also can add our

knowledge. Therefore, in the language the media use of both structured and should be

realized, in order to convey what we can understand fully. Therefore, the using of

language in the media has an important role. Any news journalism is meaningless

without the support or publicity through the media, so the media is a place to publish


Media can be defined as any form of media or means of communication to

distribute or publish the news to the public. Form of media or journalism means known

consists of the print media, electronic media and on-line media. In the world of

journalism, media categorized into the following three types:

a) Printed Media, consisting of daily newspapers, weekly newspapers, tabloids,

magazines, bulletins or journals.

b) Electronic Media, consisting of radio or television.

c) Media On-Line, Internet Media, such as Website, Blog.

Of several media types described above, the author will discuss patterns of

language used in many examples of media that we often encounter, some of

which are newspaper as one of the printed media and television as the electronic

news media.

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This chapter presents findings and discussion of this research. The data are

explained by descriptive qualitatively. The qualitative data describes the news

narrations in the printed and the electronic media in Makassar.

Data were collected for three main variables whose style is based on lexical

choice (diction), a style based on sentence structure, and style of language based on

direct and indirect of meaning.

In connection with this, the news narrations that exist in the printed and electronic

media in this paper examined using stylistics approach (linguistic) style. Intent of style in

here is the mark chosen to resemble the mind. The general idea how to package using

stylistics approach aims to achieve beauty. However, in this study only as a sideline

purposes. The main purpose is to convey thoughts.

According to Junus (1989:103) there are various strategies that are used to

package mind, they are :

1. Style as packaging

2. Style as manipulation

3. Styles as possible options

4. Style as a variation

Figure 1 Data Classification of the media based on the source.

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According to the table, the writer took two samples of media,

and electronic media. Printed media consisted of

Timur and Fajar newspaper, both of them, the writer took three kinds of topic. The

topics of Tribun Timur are Tribun Politik, Tribun Super Ball

of Fajar are Politika, Sportif and Metropolis.

consisted of Metro TV and TV One

topics. They are Politic, Sport and Social. The taken of the sample based on the

credibility and the reputation from the media itself, including the popularity and

specification of those media.


Tribun Timur

Politik, Superball and Trubun


Politika Sportif and Metropolis

According to the table, the writer took two samples of media, they are printed

and electronic media. Printed media consisted of Tribun Timur and Fajar.

newspaper, both of them, the writer took three kinds of topic. The

Tribun Politik, Tribun Super Ball and Tribun Metro

Politika, Sportif and Metropolis. On the other hand, Electronic media

TV One. In each TV program, the writer took three same of

topics. They are Politic, Sport and Social. The taken of the sample based on the

credibility and the reputation from the media itself, including the popularity and



Politika Sportif and Metropolis


Metro TV

Politic, Sport, and Social

Politic, Sport, and Social

they are printed

Fajar. In Tribun

newspaper, both of them, the writer took three kinds of topic. The

Metro and topics

On the other hand, Electronic media

program, the writer took three same of

topics. They are Politic, Sport and Social. The taken of the sample based on the

credibility and the reputation from the media itself, including the popularity and


Tv One

Politic, Sport, and Social

Page 54: WIDIASTUTI - Unhas

The media sometimes uses the language pack using certain languages so that

readers are more interested in reading and language style used by the author in

compiling the story characterizes the author.

In addition, the writer divided each media becomes some categories. The

categories are the best topic and always exists, the categories also becomes their own

signature that distinguish from others. The categories are sport, politic and social

aspect. From those categories, the writer took five examples in each source the data

because all of the data are enough to represent as the source.

Table 1. Data Classification of Printed Media


Politik Superball Tribun


Politika Sportif Metropolis

Frequency 5 5 5 5 5 5 30



16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 100%

The table above shows that the data of printed media “Tribun Timur” where the

source of the data is about politics as much as 5 or 16.6%, consisting of (Nyanyi,

boomerang, syahwat, (langkah catur, boneka), (DPW, PKB, uang ketuk pintu). For

“Superball” there are five data or 16,6% which consisting of (kacamata, (pilar, diparkir),

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mogok, (gol kilat, jatuh mental), (raksasa, eksplosif), and for “Tribun Metro” there are

five data, they are (oknum, bom ecek-ecek, turun tangan, batereinya, (panas,


At the same media “Fajar” where the source data about “Politika” which

consisted of statements such as (statement, menyejukkan), (bertarung, pilwakot, no

fear), kucing-kucingan, saling-sikut, (gamang, mengusung)) there are five data or

16,6%, “Sportif” (tidak terbendung, menyapu bersih), naik podium, Kasta),

menggantungkan, and berlabuh, last from “Metropolis” dana tak bertuan, (Xenia, Mio),

otak, dana segar, adu jotos)

Table 2. Data Classification of Electronic Media


Politic Football Social Politic Football Social

Frequency 5 5 5 5 5 5 30



16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 100%

The above table shows the frequency and percentage distribution of data on

electronic media. In which the writer chose two television programs of electronic media,

namely: Metro TV and TV One. From the Electronic media, the writer took 3 rubrics

which have the same frequency. Each frequency is five kinds (16,6%). The rubrics are:

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politic, sport and social. From Metro TV. In Politic they are: (menggelembungkan,

bulan-bulanan, (diusung, disambut hangat), membekukan, (ujung tanduk, musuh dalam

selimut), Sport : (melumat, tampil apik, menumbangkan), umpan matang, turun minum,

(bertandem, bawah payung, mengaspal), membukukan and subur. Then in the last

rubric is social rubric. The data are: (tulang punggung, lahan tidur, pemeriksaan

marathon, diselimuti, pelabuhan tikus)

In other electronic data “Tv One”. The data from politics are (politik uang, PDIP,

menjaring, tumpang tindih, prakter kotor kepolisian, and nilai merah, Sport: ((kandang

sendiri, mencukur, gol hiburan), memetik angka, (bertandang, poin penuh,

menenggelamkan), (laga tandang, membungkam), (menjamu, bersarang), dan Social:

(mati suri, ditanggapi dingin, keganjilan, bajing loncat, (oknum, gerah), and tanpa

pandang bulu)

1. Data analysis of Printed Media

a. Tribun Timur Newspaper

(1). Politik (Politic)

One example of the news narration comes from Tribun Timur newspaper (April 6,

2013. Page: 1). its news narration used words of figurative language such as the


(a). Saksi kasus sprindik “Nyanyi…(1) di twitter.

The witness’s case of “sprindik” tweets…(1). in twitter.


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The word tweets “nyanyi” is a predicate metaphor. The denotative meaning of

tweets “nyanyi” is:

Mengeluarkan suara bernada, berlagu. (KBBI, 1997: 696)

(The result of singing or being sung).

. The word tweets “nyanyi” in the sentence above comes from news narration. It

means that the word “nyanyi” doesn’t have the same meaning in an ordinary sentence.

Any media in their news narration uses a standard language denotatively or


Based on the above, the author argues that the word tweets “nyanyi” is choosen

to express a distinctive expression in relation to the witness’s case. The sentence

“Sprindik Nyanyi” is a kind of personification language style. It is because above news

narration shows that the thing “sprindik” can make an act like a human

The studies of language in narrative style news on printed and electronic media

are intended as an attempt to express the uniqueness of the using language as the

author's personal characteristics.

(b). Alhamdulillah kalau ada yang memuji. Tapi sebenarnya pujian itu adalah boomerang…(2). Saat ini saya hanya akan fokus di KPU Sulsel,” kata Faisal Amir “komisioner baru kpu sulsel (Senin 27 mei 2013. Hal : 09).

Thank God, praise is obtainable. But actually the compliment is boomerang…(2) Currently I will only focus on the General Elections Commision South Sulawesi, said Faisal Amir “The New General Elections Commissioner of South Sulawesi (Monday, 27th May 2013. Page: 9).

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The word “Boomerang” has two meanings, namely:

(a) Senjata lempar berbentuk lengkung dari kayu yang dipergunakan oleh penduduk

asli Australia, yang dapat kembali pada pelemparnya jika tidak mengenai


(b) Perkataan (perbuatan, ulah, peraturan dsb) yang dapat merugikan atau

mencelakakan diri sendiri.

(a) Arch-shaped throwing weapon of wood used by Australian aborigins, who can

return to the thrower if not on target.

(b) Words (action, act regulations, and so on) that can harm or harm themselves.

(KBBI, 1997: 154)

Based on the above meanings, semantic characteristics of the “Boomerang” can

be expressed as follows:

a. Nouns.

b. A weapon.

c. Usually made of eucaliptus.

d. Can be turned to the user.

The word “boomerang” is a complementary metaphor. In this case the mass

media uses the word “Boomerang” as imagery in this article sentence. The original

meaning is a tool used in a way that can be thrown as a weapon to strike back the users

of such weapons. In KBBI, the word “Boomerang” already has two meanings, the first

meaning of an object used as a weapon and the second means an utterance that can

harm for the speakers. It makes the word "boomerang" as the word is commonly used

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in the mass media since the word has its own apart from the original meaning.

"Boomerang" which came as a weapon used by Australian Aboriginal people

undergoing expansion has the same meaning because of the properties owned by the

weapon that when thrown always come back to the thrower. Thus many people who

often use this word to facilitate the delivery of the purpose (to be delivered). This means

that in a discourse that currently using the word "boomerang" is definitely meaningful

utterance or act of someone who can strike back at him. So that, from that meaningful

utterance can make a distinctive expreesion of the person. In the news narrative above

the word "Boomerang" is used by "Amir Faisal" he wanted to convey that it may not be

a compliment "Boomerang" for himself. It becomes something that makes him harder

work and make him self better instead of vice versa.

(c). Sudah hilang “syahwat….(3)” PILWALI. Sekarang fokus pemilu. Mudah-mudahan ini yang terbaik,” kata Andry di salah satu warkop di kawasan Boulevard (Senin, 27 Mei 2013. hal: 09).

Having lost his passion..(3) in Makassar Major’s Election “pilwali”, he is only focusing on the election right now. Hopefully this is the best, "said Andry in one “warkop” in Boulevard (Monday, 27th May 2013. Page: 09).

(The word “syahwat” is translated into passion)


The word passion “syahwat” is an Objective Nominative Metaphor. The real

meaning of passion “syahwat” is:

Nafsu atau keinginan bersetubuh; keberahian (KBBI, 1997 : 983).

(Desire, inclinantion or a strong impulse).

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In This news narration, the writer uses passion “syahwat” to inform the reader

that "Andry" no longer has a strong passion to nominate himself in the mayoral election

but rather focus on the election. Here he uses the word passion “syahwat” to indicate

that once he has a very strong desire (in him) to become a mayor. This sentence uses

metaphorical expression where the writer uses passion “syahwat” to replace word

“wish”. This is done by the author in order that the resulting paper more attractive

because it uses a different diction election

(d). Hari ini langkah catur… (4) SBY telah selesai, Anas sudah jadi tersangka dan ibas sebagai Sekjen otomatis menggantikan Anas walaupun sesungguhnya Ibas hanya boneka…(5) di bawah control ayah kandungnya sendiri yang menjabat ketua majelis tinggi partai (Minggu, 24 Februari 2013. Hal: 2). Today SBY’s chess move…(4) has been completed, Anas has become suspect and Ibas automatically replaced Anas as General Secretary although in fact Ibas is only a puppet…(5) under control of his father who is the chairman of the party senate (Sunday, 24th February 2013. Page: 02).


In the news narration above, there are two kinds of distinctive language. They

are chess moving “langkah catur” and puppet “boneka”.

“Langkah catur” is an idiomatic phrase which is containing metaphorical

expression. Metaphorical expression is an expression which describes a person or

object in a literary way by referring to something that is considered to have similar

characteristics to the person or object you are trying to describe. It’s marked with the

word chess moving “Langkah Catur” through of as a step in the deadly world of politic

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used by SBY. So SBY stopped his step in the political words as Anas has been accused

of corruption.

Metaphorical expression is an expression which describes a person or object in a

literary way by referring to something that is considered to have similar characteristics

to the person or object you are trying to describe. It’s marked with the word chess

moving “Langkah Catur” through of as a step in the deadly world of politic used by SBY.

So SBY stopped his step in the political words as Anas has been accused of corruption.

On the other hand, the word puppet “Boneka” is an objective nominative

metaphor. The lexical meaning of puppet “boneka” is :

a) Tiruan anak untuk permainan; anak-anakan.

b) Orang (negara dsb) yg hanya menjadi mainan orang (negara dsb)


a) Children’s imitation to play.

b) People (country, etc) are just a toy person (state etc) other (KBBI,

1997 : 142 ).

If it relates the connotatition meaning of “boneka” with the news narration above,

it means that SBY considers “Ibas” just a political puppet. So that, all of the Ibas’s act in

the political word is according the willing and control from his father (SBY).

(e). Ketua “DPW…(6) PKB…(7) Sulsel, Abu Djaropi, mengatakan, terkait dukungan ini belum ada pembicaraan nilai “uang ketuk pintu…(8)” yang akan dikenakan kepada pasngan IA. PKB mematok tariff Rp. 300 juta kepada kandidat kepala daerah kabupaten/kota (Kamis, 1Maret 2012. Hal: 03).

Board area Chairman of national revival party of South Sulawesi, Abu Djaropi states in relation to support, there is no talk for money

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of "door knock"…(8) to be charged to the “IA” pair. National Revival Party has fixed tariff of Rp.300 million to the candidates of regents (Thursday, 1st March 2012. Page: 03).

Analysis :

Frase “uang ketuk pintu” is an idiomatic phrase. “uang ketuk pintu” is likened to

the party registration money. In other word we can also say that “uang ketuk pintu” is

the money to ask a potential partner’s willingness to support the candidate. The money

is given when a person first intended to stand in the local election. The money can also

be interpreted as a sign of money.

DPW is an acronym from “Dewan Pimpinan wilayah”

PKB is an acronym from “Partai Kebangkitan Nasional”

(2). Superball (a). Pertandingan babak pertama antara tuan rumah Persibo Bojonegoro

melawan PSM Makassar di Stadion Letjen H Sodriman, Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur, Minggu (3/3) berakhir dengan "kaca mata…(9)" alias 0-0 (Minggu, 3 Maret 2013).

The first half match between Persibo Bojonegoro against PSM Makassar in Letjen H Sodriman Stadium, Bojonegoro, East Java, on Sunday (3/3) ends “goalless draw”…(9) 0-0 (Sunday, 3rd March 2013).


The word “kacamata” is complementary metaphor. The denotative meaning of

“kacamata” is:

(a) Lensa tipis untuk mata guna menormalkan dan mempertajam

penglihatan (ada yg berangka dan ada yg tidak).

(b) Sepasang kaca yg berangka, berfungsi sebagai pelindung lensa mata.

(c) Pandangan seseorang terhadap suatu hal yg ditinjau dari sudut (segi)

tertentu; sudut pandang (KBBI, 1997 : 427).

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(a) Thin lens of the eye in order to normalize and sharpen eyesight (some

framed and some are not).

(b) A pair of framed glass serves as a protective lens of the eye.

(c) One's perspective on a thing in terms of certain; viewpoint.

Generally, the use of the word glasses “kacamata” is often met as noun, but in

this case it uses as adverb. This news narration above explains that using glasses

“kacamata” here does not use as it should be. Glasses “Kacamata” that common

people know is the thing someone always wears in the eyes. Refers to the shape of

the glasses “kacamata”, it is so easily known it must be look like a circle. That is why

the using glasses “kacamata” means here as the symbolic meaning. Glasses

“Kacamata” is used to illustrate a shape of circle that is same shape with the zero


In the other word, glasses “kacamata” represents the meaning of draw

score, which is the point of zero and zero. The people’s mindset when hearing

the diction of the glasses “kacamata” in the football sport strongly refers to the

condition when both teams can not produce the goal. It describes that the use of

the denotation meaning to the sport news gives the other influence toward the

standard pattern in writing sport news and adds new treasures.

(b). Dua pilar…(10) PSM, M Rahmat dan Satrio Syam, masih diparkir…(11) sebulan (Senin, 29 April 2013. Hal:40).

Two pillars…(10) of PSM, M Rahmat and Satrio Syam were not allowed…(11) to take part the football competition for a month (Monday, 29th April 2013. Page: 40).

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The sentence above using two words which have distinctive patterns especially

in distinctive diction. The words are: pillars “pilar” and parked “diparkir”.

The first word pillars “pilar” is a Subjective Nominative Metaphor. The denotative

meaning of pillars “pilar” is:

Tiang penguat (dari batu, beton, dsb) (KBBI, 1997 : 768).

(Pole reinforcement of concrete and so on: basic).

The meaning of the word is a pillar “pilar” in the leading players. Two Pillars of

PSM, PSM means two leading players. Pilar (pilar) as its function is as sturdy poles that

support the building, so the building is impossible without pillars that can stand firm.

Whereas the second bolding word parked “diparkir” is a Predicate Metaphor. It

means stop or put a motor vehicle for a few moment in places that have been provided.

Relate to the news narration above, In the second bolding word in Indonesia

language parked “diparkir” means two football players from PSM won’t join in the

football competition. This sentence has distinctive language in diction where it is using

connotative word parked “diparkir” in denotative meaning means to stay in one place.

Do not stir and do not do any activities. That word is suitable for the things. Particularly

for vehicles. Such as: car, motorcycle or bus.

(c). Para pemain PSM mogok…(12) berlatih sejak kepulangan mereka dari tur Aceh menghadapi Persiraja Banda Aceh dan PSLS Lhokseumawe (Senin 29 April 2013).

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All PSM players strike to train…(12) strike since their return from tour of Aceh faced Persiraja Banda Aceh and PSLS Lhokseumawe (Monday 29th April 2013).


The word “mogok” is a predicate metaphor. The true meaning is:

Tidak dapat berjalan (bekerja) sebagaimana biasanya, tidak dapat

berjalan (bekerja) sebagaimana biasanya (kendaraan) (KBBI, 1997:662)

(An act which is intentionally do not want to do an activity, in this case is

not like practicing, can’t work as usual. The word “mogok” is identic just for


The word “mogok” is used on objects (thing), such as vehicles. Such as: car,

motorcycle, bus, etc. The original meaning of “mogok” means silent placed strike can’t

walk or move. But the meaning contained in the data above, the word “mogok” is

assumed that the players do not intend to perform any activity in the PSM’s exercise. In

this news narration, it shows that the word “mogok” uses a connotative meaning. The

word “mogok” can replace with other word such as being lazy. However, the media

prefer to uses the word that makes the reader being surprise with choosing the diction

(d). Itu gol kilat…(13) yang sangat mengejutkan. Gol itu mengispirasi kami, dan pada sisi lain membuat lawan langsung jatuh mentalnya…(14) (Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012. Page 31).

It was a very shocking goal…(13) .The goal encouraged us on the other hand the opponent was instantly mental fall…(14) (Wednesday, 15th August 2012. Page: 31).

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The phrase shocking goal “Gol kilat” is a metaphorical expression. Shocking goal

“gol kilat” in here is identified as a goal very fast like lightning so that is included as a

metaphorical expression. Where we know that lightning is a very quickly object. Even

the speed of lightning can be up to a matter of seconds. If we associate goals with

lightning here interpret as goals made by a football player that goal very quickly. So that

opposing players can not see the movement of the ball until the ball into the goal. So

because of the rapidity of the goal, the goal is to inspire other players that can score the

same or maybe even better goal faster. On the other hand, the opposing player makes

them pessimistic goal to win the match.

Phrase “jatuh mental” is an idiomatic phase as metaphorical expression.

(e) Berita seputar transfer “Gareth Bale” kian menarik untuk disimak. Pasalnya, tiga tim Premier League dan raksasa…(15) Liga Perancis siap merusak rencana Real Madrid mendapatkan gelandang eksplosif…(16) Tottenham Hotspur tersebut, dengan menawarkan harga yang jauh lebih fantastis (Kamis, 30 Mei 2013.hal: 33).

The News about “Gareth Bale” transfer gets more interesting to be heard. Because three- Premier League teams and the giant club…(15) of Ligue one is ready to ruin the Real Madrid’s plan to get the explosive midfielder…(16) of Tottenham Hotspur by offering more fantastic prices (Thursday, 30thMay 2013. Page:33).


The first bolding word “raksasa” is subjective nominative metaphor. The

denonative meaning of “raksasa” is:

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Makhluk yg menyerupai manusia, konon berbadan tinggi besar (KBBI,

1997 : 812).

(Human-bodied creatures are very big and tall).

The using of the word giant “raksasa” in here refers to denotative meaning. If

we see from the language style the word “raksasa liga perancis” is a hyperbole

expression. It means that the biggest Club in France league. Giant “raksasa” in this

case actually does not have one meaning only. There are two possibilities meaning at

least, the first one is the biggest club, and the second one is the riches club. The fact,

in the European league shows that the sport of football becomes and industry. It can

give a big profit not only to the club but also for the players. So that, the media usually

associates two word “biggest” and “richest” in a word that illustrated a huge capacity

which is “giant” word can reflect that meaning.

The second bolding word is explosive “mudah meledak”. It is a predicate

metaphor. The lexical meaning of explosive “mudah meledak” is:

a) Mudah meledak (tentang karbit, fosfor, gas, bensin, dsb).

b) Dapat (mudah) meletus (tentang perang dsb).

c) Cepat marah (tentang watak) (KBBI, 1997:254).

a) Easy to explode (about carbide, phosphorus, gas, gasoline)

b) Can erupt (about war).

c) Quick- tempered (about temperament, etc).

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The word explosive “mudah meledak”, according to the dictionary the explosive

means blew out. Base on the content, the word explosive here expressed the

aggressive character existing in that player. Aggressive here is a characteristic of a

person that is always tries to show the best effort and quality in every performance.

(3). Tribun Metro

(a). Oknum…(17) anggota itu memasuki rumah orang dan mengajak pergi perempuan itu tanpa sepengetahuan suaminya “Kata kepala bidang humas” (Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013).

The individual member…(17) entered the house and took away the woman without her husband notice "Said the Head of Public Relations (Saturday, 23rd February 2013).


The denotative meaning or lexical meaning of “oknum” is:

a) Orang seorang; perseorangan.

b) Orang dengan arti yang kurang baik (KBBI, 1997:700).

a) An individual person.

b) People with a poor sense.

“Oknum” is a person in a certain capacity with the negative connotation.

The news narration above describes “oknum” here means a person who has

worked in a institution and has good position, capacity, authority, and power. The

meaning of the word “oknum” in the dictionary is an individual person.The

negative perception appears because the word “oknum” is always used for a

person who makes mistakes in one institution, organization or group. So that,

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with the using of this word “oknum”, the mistakes of the person from one

institution who has done wrong act, it can be avoided from that institution where

he comes from.

The word “oknum” in above news narration belongs to the dysphemism language

style. The word “oknum” in the above news narration gets the meaning changes. The

meaning changing means a shift of meaning from antiquity to the present. Decline in

significance or better known as pejoration. pejoration is the process of changing the

meaning of a new word that has meaning lower/poor/ less refined/less fun than the

meaning of the value beforehand.

The word “Oknum” which the former meaning is the doer “pelaku” but now

its meaning changed to perpetrators Crimes Unit” (Pelaku kejahatan). So the news

narration above would like to emphasize that one of the members of the institution is a

person who acts as criminal.

(b) Firdaus sepakat, Menurutnya, terror bom yang akhir-akhir ini ditebar di Makassar masih tergolong bom ecek-ecek…(18) (Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013. Hal: 8). Firdaus agreed that according to him, bombs terror that has recently spread in Makassar was mock…(18) bomb (Saturday, 16th February 2013. Page: 8).


The words “Ecek-ecek” in KBBI (1997 : 249) means:

a) Tidak sungguh-sungguh.

b) Pura- pura.

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a) Not really

b) Pretend.

The word “ecek-ecek” itself means a mock fake, imitation, cheap amateurish. It is

usually used to describe something that is not qualified. So if paired with the word

bomb to mock bombs “bom ecek-ecek” So the meaning of the above news narrative is a

bomb for terror is only stocked in Makassar. Mock bombs are used to scare the

residents of Makassar that may be made by the terrorists with a specific purpose.

(c) Kasus hilangnya perabot Rujab Ketua DPRD Kota Makassar, Jl. Hertasning nomor 18 Makassar, akhirnya membuat Inspektorat Kota Makassar Turun Tangan…(19) (Selasa, 21 Februari 2012. Hal: 9).

Case of the furniture loss in Chairman of the Makassar Parliament home office on Hertasning No.18 Makassar, finally made office of Makassar intervene"….(19) (Tuesday, 21st February 2012. Page: 9).


Phrase “Turun tangan” is a kind of idiomatic phrase. Idiom is called the

combination of the words that makes up a new meaning that is not related to the

forming essentially. According to the dictionary, the true meaning of “turun tangan” is:

a) Turut mencampuri (suatu urusan dsb).

b) Bertindak untuk membereskan sesuatu.

c) Menolong (orang miskin dsb)

a) Contributed to interfere (a business etc.).

b) Act to settle something.

c) Help (the poor, etc.).

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Phrase “Turun Tangan” formed by two kinds of words. They are “turun” and

“tangan”. Idiom “Turun Tangan” can not be recognized directly from the context of the

sentence. If we do not see the situation in the previous sentence, there will be a sense

that the Inspectorate of Makassar was doing an act that is lower hand “menurunkan

tangan”. Yet its meaning is not referring to the action, but the idiomatic meaning. This

phrase has a lexical meaning and idiomatic meaning. The meaning is depending on the

context of the sentence. The idiomatic meaning of “turun tangan” means that to help

(the poor, etc), acts to clear whole hog, contribute interfering (business t etc)

So the purpose of the newes narration above is Inspectorate of Makassar city

helped to solve the disappearance of furniture Rujab chairman of the parliament of

Makassar. The using of idioms in the news narration above in order to the readers more

interested in reading the news

(d). Perjalanan karir anak-anak muda sekarang masih sangat panjang. Waktu yang kelak menguji apakah prestasi mereka tetap oke. Pada era penuh persaingan saat ini, siapapun anak muda itu, mereka selalu mengisi batereinya…(20) agar tak ketinggalan (Selasa, 21 Februari 2012. Halaman: 6). The journey of adolescent’s career is still very long. Time would test whether their achievements are still okay. In the era in which full of competition, any young men, they always fill their battery…(20) so as not outdated (Tuesday, 21st February 2012. Page: 6).


The word “baterai” is an objective nominative metaphor. The lexical meaning of

“baterai” is:

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Alat untuk menghimpun dan membangkitkan aliran listrik (KBBI,


(A tool to collect and generate electricity).

In the news narration above, the meaning of “baterai” in above statement is not

like with the true meaning. But it has the connotation meaning because it is related to

our young generation. “Baterai” likened to a young self. So that, our young generation

must increase knowledge and skills so that they continue in the future they can compete

and not lose with young people from other countries because they have good

preparation from now to increase knowledge and skills so that they continue in the

future they can compete and not lose with young people from other countries because

they have a good preparation from now.

(e). Situasi di Teluk Persia semakin panas…(21) setelah Iran hari Selasa (18/9/2012) menggelar…(22) kapal selam yang dibeli dari Rusia pada awal 1990-an (Selasa, 18 September 2012. Hal: 9). The situation in the Persian Bay gets heat up…(21) after Iran on Tuesday (18/09/2012) held…(22) submarine which was purchased from Russia in the early 1990s (Tuesday, 18th September 2012. Page: 9).


According to the KBBI (1997 : 720). The word “panas” means:

a) Hangat sekali, lawan dingin.

b) Kemarau (tentang musim).

c) Demam (suhu badannya lebih tinggi daripada biasa)

d) Terasa seperti terbakar atau terasa dekat dengan api, bersuhu relatif


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e) Gerah.

f) Sangat iri; sakit hati.

g) Berbahaya.

h) berpengaruh buruk (tentang uang yang mudah memperolehnya, tetapi

mudah juga menghabiskannya, uang pinjaman dng bunga besar, dsb)

a) Once warm, cool opponent.

b) Dry (season).

c) Fever (body temperature higher than normal).

d) Feels like a burn or feel close to the fire; relatively high temperature.

e) Sultry.

f) Very jealous; heartache.

g) Dangerous.

h) Adverse effect (on money that easy to obtain, but also easy to spend,

money loans with huge interest.

The word heat up “panas” is used on objects or anything that can be perceived

such as stoves, water, weather and more. But in the sense that the data contained in

the word heat up “panas” has a meaning that is messy, complicated, and has a high

level of emotion and addressed to the situation in the “Persian Gulf” an increasingly

chaotic after Iran sends submarines purchased from Russia. Go to the situation that

literally has suddenly become hot, or cold. So the word heat up “panas” is often used by

many people today and in the mass media is also used to assuming the current

chaotic picture of the situation, precarious or dangerous. In the news narration

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above, the word heat up “panas” included in the figure of speech hyperbole. Where the

news narration above using the word hotter “semakin panas” so that the meaning of that

sentence is very exaggerated.

For the second word “menggelar” is a predicate metaphor. It means:

a) Menghamparkan. (tikar dsb)

b) Mengatur terhampar.

c) Memperagakan; mempertontonkan; memperkenalkan (kepada umum)

(KBBI, 1997 : 301 ).

a) Spread (mats etc.).

b) Set unfold.

c) Demonstrating; exhibit; introduced (to the public)

b. Fajar Newspaper

(1). Politika (Politic) (a). Ada statement…(23) ketua KPK Abraham Samad yang cukup

menyejukkan…(24) bagi pembaca Koran dan public sulsel soal fenomena korupsi yang terjadi di daerah ini (Rabu, 20 Maret 2013. Hal: 8).

There is a statement…(23) from the chairman of Anti-Corruption Commission Abraham Samad which is quite soothing…(24) for newspaper readers and South Sulawesi public. It’s about the phenomenon of corruption in this area (Wednesday, 20th March 2013. Page: 8).


For the first bolding word “statement” is the example of foreign word usage. The

use of foreign languages in the above news narration serves to show the intellectual

impression of the author.

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In the second bolding word “menyejukkan” is a kind of figurative language.

Namely: predicate metaphor. The denotative meaning (true meaning) of “menyejukkan”


a) Menjadikan sejuk; menyamankan; menyegarkan.

b) Mempersenang (hati); menghiburkan (KBBI, 1997 :891).

a) Making cool, comforting; refreshing.

b) Pleasing; entertaining

The word soothing “menyejukkan” means that give free and calm feeling. So that,

if we relate with the news narration, the using soothing here is able to give a good

feeling and positive effect to the newspaper readers. Phenomenon in here, could be

mean as a incident that could be happen in a social reality and nature and always exist

our environment. As we know that corruption is a criminal action that mostly happens in

our country in all fields of our life. It also becomes a popular issue and always be a

headline topic in the current news. Relate to the phenomenon of corruption in our

country is like a commonly activity that we can see in our daily life. It happens not only in

social life but also often present in the public institution that involved the “oknum” who


(b). Kemarin, Irman mulai menunjukkan keseriusannya bertarung…(25) di Pilwalkot…(26) Beberapa baliho bergambar sketsa wajahnya dengan tulisan "NO FEAR…(27)" tersebar di beberapa titik dalam kota (Kamis, 30 Mei 2013).

Yesterday, Irman began to show her seriousness to fight…(25) in mayor election (Pilwalkot)….(26). Some billboard pictorial sketch of his face with the words "NO FEAR"….(27) spread over several points in the city. (Thursday, 30th May 2013).


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The news narration above there are three words which have distinctive

pattern. All of them have different patterns. They are “bertarung”, “Pilwakot”

and “No Fear”.

For the first bolding word “bertarung” is a predicate metaphor. The lexical

meaning of “bertarung” is :

Berkelahi, bentrok, berdebat, bertanding (KBBI, 1997 : 1013).

(Fighting, collide, argue, competeting).

The word fight “bertarung” in the mayoral election in the above sentence implies

that “Irman” participates in the mayoral election. The author uses fight “bertarung” in the

above sentence to emphasize the seriousness of Irman to become mayor of Makassar.

He will be out ideas, energy, and demonstrating his ability to Makassar society to realize

a world city that developed in the days that will come. It is marked by the installation of a

billboard with a picture of his face, accompanied by the words "NO FEAR" spread

across several cities of Makassar. The second bold word “Pilwakot” is an acronym of

“pemilihan walikota” (mayoral election) and the third bold word “No Fear” is a kind of

foreign term usage.

(c). Entah sampai kapan kucing-kucingan…(28) antara Zaki & KPK berakhir (Jumat. 24 Mei 2013. Hal: 10).

Don’t know how long “hide and seek”…(28) between Zaki and KPK ends (Friday, 24th May 2013. Page: 10).


According to the KBBI (1997:535) the word “Kucing-kucingan” means:

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a) kucing-kucing (benda).

b) Berlaku (bersifat) seperti kucing (satu pihak mengejar, pihak lain

bersembunyi, apabila si pengejar sedang lengah, yg dikejar muncul dan

berkeliaran untuk kemudian bersembunyi kembali) (verb).

c) Main sembunyi-sembunyian (tentang permainan anak-anak).(verb).

d) Mainan (boneka) yang menyerupai kucing; bukan kucing sebenarnya; kucing

tiruan (benda).

a) Cats (noun).

b) Apply (be) like a cat (one hand catch, others hiding, when the pursuers were

off guard, which appeared in the chase and roam to then hide again). (Verb).

c) Playing hide and seek. (Verb).

d) Play (dolls) that resembles the cats, not the actual cat; cat’s imitation. (Noun).

Basically, the repetition of the word is meant to give another meaning to the

word. In the news narration above, the cat “kucing” if it repeated it means that to be a lot

of cats. But, in addition to question of meaning, we also recognize the existence of the

types of words are different. if the word “kucing” is repeated to the “kucing-kucingan”

meaning is not many cats but can weigh down a cat toy, or the name of a children's


“Kucing-kucingan” is a repetition figure speech where the news narration above

repeating the word “kucing” become “kucing-kucing” but repetition in here news

narration doesn’t work as an affirmation of a thing or something. So that, “kucing-

kucingan” is a metaphorical expression. It is a metaphorical expression because the

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word that compare two kinds of thing which have the same meaning. They are “kucing-

kucingan” and one of the children games which we call that “hide and seek”

The word “kucing-kucingan” means that there are those who pursues and others

hide, so it is difficult to reconcile. In this case the zaki and the KPK had never met.

Through the word “kucing-kucingan”, it can be concluded that this sentence uses the

methaporical expression. The meaning of “kucing-kucingan” here is playing hide and

seek between Zaki and KPK.

(d) Apalagi di Makassar, Golkar adalah partai pemenang jangan malah kader sibuk saling-sikut”…(29) sebutnya (Kamis 23 Mei 2013. Hal: 8).

Especially in Makassar, Golkar is the winning party while cadres do not even busy to fight…(29) each other "he said (Thursday, 23rd

May 2013. Page: 8).


The word “saling-sikut” is an idiomatic phrase. In this news narration, “saling-

sikut” means that the unsupported behavior or an attitude that making down each other.

The statement content of the “Golkar” party which is the winner of the election in

Makassar region undergo the chaos situation and have an internal problem among the

members. They do not compact in their organization where the members have opposite

opinion each other.

(e) Partai keadilan sejahtera (PKS) masih gamang…(30) Niat untuk mengusung…(31) kader sebagai bakal calon walikota tampaknya bakal berubah lagi (Kamis 23 Mei 2013. Hal: 8).

Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) is still giddy…(30). The intention to carry…(31) cadres becomes mayor candidate seem to be changing again (Thursday, 23rd May 2013. Page: 8).


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There are two bolding words in the news narration above. The first bolding word

is “gamang” (adj). According to KBBI, the word “gamang” means:

Merasa takut (ngeri serta khawatir) ketika melihat ke bawah dsb (KBBI,

1997 : 287 ).

(Nervous, afraid, feel dizzy from heights).

The word “gamang” is a complementary metaphor.

While “mengusung” in (KBBI, 1997 : 1114) means:

a) Mengangkut (membawa) sesuatu dengan cara menempatkannya di atas


b) Membawa (mengangkat) sesuatu dilakukan oleh beberapa (banyak)

orang (dengan alat atau tidak).

a) Lifting (bring) something by placing it over the shoulder.

b) Carry (lift) something done by some (many) people (with a tool or not).

In the news narration above, the word mengusung is not means like in the

dictionary but it uses a connotative meaning. if we see from the news narration’s

context above, the word “mengusung” means support “mendukung”. For the second

bold word “gamang”. According to the context, “gamang” means that is still undecided.

It has not found the decision really convincing.

(2). Sportif (Sport)

(a). Pembalap asal Jerman, Nico Rosberg tidak terbendung…(32) pada sesi kualifikasi GP Monako, Sabtu, 25 Mei. Setelah menyapu bersih…(33) sesi latihan bebas, Rosberg kembali tercepat dalam

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sesi kualifikasi dengan catatan satu menit 13,876 detik (Minggu, 26 Mei 2013).

German rider Nico Rosberg was unstoppable…(32) at Monaco Grand Prix qualifying session on Saturday May 25. After getting all of the score…(33) in the free practice sessions, Rosberg was the fastest in the qualifying session again with a record of one minute 13.876 seconds (Sunday, 26th May 2013).


The meaning of the word “terbendung” is a predicate metaphor. The lexical

meaning of “terbendung” is :

Tidak dapat terbendung, tidak tertahan (KBBI, 1997 : 116).

(Can not be unstoppable, not restrained).

In this narration, there is the using of denotation meaning to complete the

paragraph. The using of “tidak terbendung” is used to make a dramatical effect to the

statement in order to pay attention the reader and underlines the main idea of the

statement. In this case, the word “tidak terbendung” here means there is nothing can

block the rider’s way. This sentence is definetally intended to give a hyperbole effect.

The rider is described as a best rider who there is no one can beat him. The diction of

“tidak terbendung” delivers the massege that in the GP Monaco qualification session;

the rider won the first position and becomes the number one successfully.

The second is “menyapu bersih”, is used to emphasize the winning of the reader.

It is an idiomatic sentence. This paragraph has to denotative dictions, the first one to

make a dramatical sense in the sentence and the second one is to emphasize the

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meaning. The word “menyapu bersih” means the rider is absolute winner and he doesn’t

provide the opportunity for other riders to compete him.

(b) Kegagalan Jorge Lorenzo naik podium…(34) dalam balapan di Moto GP Prancis dinilai bukan karena faktor ban seperti yang dikeluhkannya (Kamis 20 Mei 2013. Hal: 30).

Failure of Jorge Lorenzo” to get podium…(34) in Moto GP France assessed was not because of the tire as he complained (Thursday, 20th May 2013. Page: 30).


Phrase “naik podium” is an idiomatic sentence. The news narration above uses

“naik podium” to express the denotation meaning. Podium is a place for athelete

especially racing sport where is reserved only for the winner. So that, the chance to

come up the podium is such a prestiscious pride for all riders and becomes a sweet

dream for them.

(c). Jalan menuju kasta…(35) tertinggi Eropa tampak kian sulit ketika Milan harus kehilangan Massimo Ambrosini yang menerima dua kartu kuning dalam waktu 6 menit saja (Selasa, 21 Mei 2013. Hal: 6).

The way to the highest caste…(35) of Europe looked increasingly difficult when Milan lost Massimo Ambrosini who received two yellow cards within 6 minutes (Tuesday, 21st May 2013. Page: 6).


The word “kasta” is an objective nominative metaphor. According to the KBBI

(1997 : 450), casta “kasta” (noun) means that:

Golongan (tingkat atau derajat) manusia dalam masyarakat beragama


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(Classes, degrees, or levels of the Hindu society).

However, in this case the content of caste is unlike the real meaning. Caste here

is used to describe a structural model in a football system that regulated by FIFA as

international statute. In particular, in European league has been determined a pattern

that regulates the class system in league. The highest class becomes a competition by

all clubs where the highest achivement can be chased.

(d) Banyak pihak yang menyayangkan keputusan Beckham untuk menggantungkan…(36) sepatunya (Selasa, 5 April 2013).

Many people regretted of Beckham’s decision to retire….(36) (Tuesday, 5th April 2013).


The word “menggantungkan” is a predicate metaphor. The lexical meaning of

“menggantung” is:

Mengaitkan pada sesuatu yang tinggi sehingga tidak menjejak tanah (dasar,

lantai, dsb) (KBBI, 1997:292).

(Hooked on something high so it is not planted on the ground (foundation, floor,


The news narration above using a figurative language. The word “menggantung”

has two meanings. They are denotative and connotative meaning. The denotative or

the real meaning of “menggantung” is hanging shoes or boots but in this context, we

use the connotative meaning. The connotative meaning of “menggantung” means stop

playing football. Beckham retires for all the football competition.

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(e). Penyerang Brazil, Neymar akhirnya memastikan diri berlabuh…(37) ke Spanyol bersama dengan Barcelona (Senin, 27 Mei 2013).

Brazilian striker, Neymar finally anchored…(37) to Spain with Barcelona (Monday, 27th May 2013).


The word anchored “berlabuh” is a predicate metaphor. The real meaning of

“berlabuh” is:

Berhenti; menurunkan sauh (tentang kapal, perahu) (KBBI, 1997:550)

(Stopped, dropped anchor ships or boats).

(3). Metropolis

(a). MAKASSAR, FAJAR –PT Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja (Jamsostek) Kantor Wilayah Makassar terus melakukan sosialisasi atas dana “tak bertuan…(38)” yang belum diambil pemiliknya (Selasa, 8 Mei 2012. Hal: 14).

Makassar, Fajar - PT Workers' Social Security (Social Security) Makassar Regional Office continued to disseminate the unclaimed fund…(38) which has not been taken by the owner (Tuesday, 8th May 2012. Page: 14).


The word “dana tak bertuan” is an idiomatic phrase. The meaning of “dana tak

bertuan” is the fund is not known who the owner is. The money is unknown where it

came from.

(b). Menurut saksi mata, seusai ditabrak “Xenia…(39) bus masih melaju dan akhirnya menabrak ”Mio…(40) (Jumat, 09 November 2012. Hal: 18).

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According to witnesses, after being hit Xenia…(39), the bus was speeding and ended up crashing Mio…(40) (Friday, 09th Nopember 2012. Page: 18).


The words “Xenia” and “Mio” in here as a brand name of vehicle. “Xenia” for the

car whereas the word “Mio” for motorcycle. The news narration above is a metonymy.

(c) Jajaran satuan narkoba polrestabes Makassar berhasil mengintai keberadaan Bandar & otak…(41) peredaran narkoba (Jumat, 24 Mei 2013. Hal: 19).

Makassar Police drugs unit succeed to peer over the existence of brain drugs distribution (41) (Friday, 24th May 2013. Page: 19).


The word brain “otak” is an objective nominative metaphor. The denotative

meaning of brain “otak” is:

a. Benda putih yang lunak terdapat di dalam rongga tengkorak yang

menjadi pusat saraf.

b. Biang keladi; tokoh; gembong (KBBI, 1997:709).

a. Soft white objects contained within the skull cavity that becomes the

nerve center.

b. Culprit; figures; kingpin.

Through the explanation above, the real meaning of brain should be not

representated the using of the word “otak” in that sentence. “Otak” here, means the

main actor of this criminal action. “Otak” is the essencial, crucial and vital organ in our

body. “Otak” can be associated with other meaning like in this sentence. Referring to the

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function of brain, brain has the important function. It organizes and commands the whole

work of our body member, without its function the other body can not work as will.

Likewise the using of “otak” here the function is the same. The analogy that is used not

has opposite meaning with the real meaning. Brain holds the control of all the parts, and

related to the content of the narration, it means that brain here as the person (main

actor) who hold the control and he also automatically has an authority and responsibility

to handle and organize the drugs crime.

(d). Indonesia Lions Clubs berhasil mendapatkan dana segar…(42) Rp. 5,2 Miliar untuk menjalankan programnya di Makassar (Kamis, 23 Mei 2013. Hal: 10). Lions Clubs Indonesia managed to get fresh funding…(42) Rp. 5.2 Billion to run the program in Makassar”. (Thursday, 23rd May 2013. Page: 10).


“Dana segar” is an idiomatical phrase. The meaning of that it’s not a fresh

funding. The real meaning is 1). Injection of money that is obtained through the

exchanges that are on the rise. 2) Injections of funds to improve and strengthen the

financial structure of the capital.

(e). Warga sempat terlibat adu jotos…(43) & saling lempar batu dengan petugas gabungan satpol PP, TNI & polisi yang dibekali tameng dan pentungan (Kamis, 23 Mei 2013. Hal: 10). Residents had engaged in fist fights…(43) and throwing stones with combined Satpol PP officers, military & police equipped with shields and batons (Thursday, 23rd May 2013. Page: 10).


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The phrase “adu jotos” is an idiomatic phrase which means that fighting. Fighting

in here means that the person fight using boxing.

2. Data Analysis of Electronic Media

a. Metro Tv

(1). Politic

(a) Ketua Fraksi Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) Marwan Jaffar tersinggung dengan tudingan Dipo Alam. Menteri Sekretaris Kabinet itu menyebutkan ada ketua fraksi di DPR bermain “menggelembungkan…(44) APBN (Selasa, 13 November 2012).

Chairman of the National Revival Party (PKB) Marwan Jaffar was offended by accusations Dipo Alam. The Secretary Cabinet Minister said there was floor leader in the House played bubbled…(44) national budget (Tuesday, 13rd November 2013).


The lexical meaning of “menggelembungkan” is:

Menjadi besar karena berisi udara dan sebagainya (KBBI, 1997:302)

(Bigger because the air contains etc).

The word “menggelembungkan” in here is a kind of personification. It is because

the news narration said that inflated the budget “menggelembungkan” APBN”.

(b). Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Dahlan Iskan menjadi bulan-bulanan…(45) Panitia Kerja Hulu Listrik Komisi VII DPR saat membahas dugaan inefesiensi Perusahaan Listrik Negara yang pernah dipimpin Dahlan. Namun Dahlan tetap tenang dan santai menjawab pertanyaan anggota Dewan (Selasa, 13 November 2012).

State-Owned Enterprises Minister “Dahlan Iskan” became a butt….(45) of the Working Committee Hulu Electricity of parliament

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Commission VII while discussing alleged inefficiency when discussing the state electricity company once headed by Dahlan. However, Dahlan remains calm and relaxed answering questions of the Board members (Tuesday, 13rd November 2012).


According to the (KBBI, 1997 : 153). The word “Bulan-bulanan” means:

a) (Gambar) benda buatan menyerupai bulan.

b) Orang yang (mudah) dijadikan korban sehingga seperti alat permainan;


a) Picture made objects that resemble the moon.

b) People who are easily victimized so like a plaything (target).

The word “bulan-bulanan” is formed from looping the word “bulan” so that, the

word is going repetition of the word moon “bulan”. But the meaning of the word is

different from the word that makes it up. The word “bulan-bulanan” is a repetition

expression but not serve as an affirmation as a function of repetition.

The meaning of “bulan-bulanan” in the news narration above is connotation

word. Because it has a connotative meaning of the word “bulan-bulanan” is included in

a proverb that means an object of derision, ridicule, or mockery of the people. Or it

could mean a lot of people targeted anger.

So if we associate the word "bulan-bulanan" with the news narrative above the

point is: that the Minister of “BUMN” Dahlan Iskan becomes the target of scorn or

ridicule committee.

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(c). Calon Gubernur Sumatra Utara yang diusung…(46) Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan, Effendi Simbolon, disambut hangat…(47) ribuan pendukungnya saat tiba di terminal kedatangan Bandara Polonia Medan, Sumut, Rabu (14/11) (Rabu, 14 November 2012 ).

Candidates for Governor of North Sumatra who was carried…(46) by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, Effendi Simbolon, was warmly greeted…(47) by thousands of supporters on arrival at Polonia Airport arrivals terminal in Medan, North Sumatra, on Wednesday (14/11) (Wednesday, 14th November 2012).


The word “usung” means that:

a) Mengangkut (membawa) sesuatu dengan cara menempatkannya

di atas bahu.

b) Membawa (mengangkat) sesuatu dilakukan oleh beberapa

(banyak) orang (dengan alat atau tidak) (KBBI, 1997 : 1114).

a) Carry something by placing on the shoulders.

b) Lifting something is done by some people with a tool or not.

The word “diusung” is one kinds of metaphorical expression. Namely: predicate

metaphor. The second bolding word “warmly greeted” is an idiom. The shape of this

idiom is a sentence. The meaning of “warmly greeted” is his arrival spliced with


(d). Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) akan membekukan…(48) aset Inspektur Jenderal Polisi Djoko Susilo. Djoko adalah tersangka kasus dugaan korupsi pengadaan simulator SIM di Korps Lalu Lintas (Korlantas) Polri tahun anggaran 2011 (Selasa, 04 Desember 2012).

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Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will freeze…(48) the assets of the General Inspector of Police Djoko Susilo. Djoko was suspect in the case of alleged corruption in the procurement of SIM simulator Traffic Corps (Korlantas) Police in the 2011 budget (Tuesday, 04th December 2012).


According to the (KBBI, 1997 : 107 ), The word “membekukan” (v) means that :

Menjadikan beku, tidak mengoperasikan (senjata, kendaraan, dsb).

(Be frozen, does not operate, no activities again (weapon, vehicle, etc)).

The word “membekukan” is a predicate metaphor.

(e). Dewan Pertimbangan (Wantim) Partai Golkar memberi surat peringatan untuk Aburizal Bakrie agar meningkatkan elektabilitasnya. Sikap Wantim dinilai menunjukan pencapresan Ical sudah di ujung tanduk…(49) "Makanya Ical harus waspadai musuh dalam selimut…(50)" ujar Bintang (Rabu, 19 Desember 2012). The Advisory Council of Golkar Party gives a memorandum to Aburizal Bakrie to improve his electability. Advisory Council’s Attitude is judged to show the presidential nomination of “Ical” is in a very dangerous situation…(49), “Then Ical must wary to the snake in the grass…(50)”. Said Bintang (Wednesday, 19th December 2012).


In the first bolding word “ujung tanduk” is an idiomatic phrase which the meaning

has a metaphorical expression. The author's intent to use shaped packaging idiom

above is to draw the attention of the public and that the ideas in narrative news

delivered more easily understood.

“Ujung tanduk” is a metaphorical expression. The meaning of “ujung tanduk” is a

situation where we cannot do anything else. We can only surrender to the state. Only

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choice we remain in the end we maintain a balance because if we cannot survive then

we will fall. So that, the phrase “ujung tanduk" means a state which is very dangerous


Phrase “di ujung tanduk” in above states that something to be in a critical

situation or emergency situation. Therefore, to state the situation is expressed by the

phrase “di ujung tanduk” to make it more subtle.

If the phrase “ujung tanduk” associated with news narration above, that phrase

described the situation in the face of his nomination as a presidential candidate. The

situation today shows that electability "Aburizal Bakri" had declined so he was in an

unsafe condition because it is considered not to have sound support.

The second bolding word is “Musuh dalam selimut” is a proverb. The meaning of

a proverb “musuh dalam selimut” is opponent which is difficult to know because they

cannot be distinguished by their own comrades or someone close to us who want to do

harm to us. In connection with the news narration above, it says that Aburizal Bakri

should be aware of “musuh dalam selimut”. The meaning of “musuh dalam selimut” in

here news narration means that Aburizal Bakri must be careful of the people around

him. It is because not everyone around him that has good intentions. There may even

be people who pretend to be good. Who pretend to be friends but he or she is most

dangerous enemy.

(2). Sport (metro TV)

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(a). FC Internazionale semakin mendekati Juventus di puncak klasemen Serie A. Pasalnya, Inter mampu melumat…(51) penghuni posisi dua klasemen sementara, Napoli. Bertanding di Giuseppe Meazza, Ahad (9/12), Inter tampil apik…(52) dengan menumbangkan…(53) Napoli 2-1 (Senin, 10 Desember 2012).

FC Internazionale was getting closer Juventus to the top of Serie A. Because Inter was able to crush…(51) the occupants second place standings, Napoli. Played at the Giuseppe Meazza, Sunday (9/12), Inter performed well…(52) to defeat…(53) Napoli 2-1 (Monday, 10th December 2012).


There are three words in the news narration above which have distinctive

pattern. They are “melumat”, “tampil apik” and “menumbangkan”. The first word

“melumat” is a predicate metaphor. The real meaning of “melumat” is:

Menghancurkan secara perlahan-lahan (KBBI, 1997:606).

(Slowly destroying).

By the word above, textually “melumat” is identic with the activity uses the help of

mouth, tounge and teeth. So far, the using the word “melumat” is usually used to

describe the activity when people eat. However, this narration proves that the using of

word “melumat” can use for different meaning. Here, it is clearly enough that the using

of “melumat” is not used to the actual allotment. The word “melumat” in this narration

means that the team of Inter Milan can lose the Napoli. The media sometimes uses the

subtitle word that has the same meaning to change the common word. The purpose is

sometime to make a variation word and make it interesting with dramatical effect then

finally hopes the reader is not bored with the clise words.

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The second bolding word is “tampil apik” is an idiomatic phrase. The last word

is “menumbangkan” (verb). In the KBBI (1997 : 1080), the word “menumbangkan”

means that:

a) Merobohkan (pohon yang besar).

b) Menjatuhkan (meruntuhkan) kekuasaan, negara, dsb.

a) Knocking down the big trees.

b) Dropped (overthrow) of power, the State, etc.

The word “menumbangkan” is a predicate metaphor. By the explanation above,

it can be concluded that the using of “menumbangkan” here has a similar meaning with

the actual one. The purpose of using the word is to describe the effort of the team in

struggling the game. In the other word, “menumbangkan” means to try to lose the rival.

The “Menumbangkan” is also the word that merely uses to give the strong meaning that

illustrates a bitter game seen by both team.

(b). Di menit 18, Ashley Cole melepaskan umpan matang…(54) yang diselesaikan dengan baik oleh Mata. 0-1 untuk Chelsea bertahan hingga turun minum…(55)(Kamis 13 Desember 2012).

In the 18th minute, Ashley Cole passes the good shot…(54) which then finished well by Mata. 0-1 to Chelsea last until halftime…(55) (Thursday, 13rd December 2012).


According to the KBBI ( 1997 : 637 ), the word ripe “matang” (adj) is:

a) Masak dan dapat dimakan sudah sampai waktunya untuk dipetik,

dimakan, dsb (tentang buah-buahan).

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b) Sudah empuk (kering dsb) dan sudah sampai waktunya untuk diambil,

diangkat, dsb (tentang makanan).

c) Sudah dipikirkan (dipertimbangkan) baik-baik; sudah diputuskan (disetujui

bersama); sudah sempurna atau sudah pada tingkatan yang terbaik


d) Mulai dewasa (tentang perkembangan manusia secara fisik dan


e) Sudah selesai dikerjakan.

a) Ripe and can be eaten, it was the time to be picked (about fruits and so


b) Already tender and the water is reduced, its time tobe taken or removed

(about cooking)

c) It was considered really, already thinking, already considered perfect;

began to mature (about the period of the development of human


d) It has completed educated, prepared and so are finished

“Matang” in the news narration above, is not suitable with the actual meaning.

The word “matang” is usually allowed only for the fruit and food. But in this case, the

using of “matang” shows that this word also can be applied in the other a news narration

especially sport topic. “Matang” here has a positive meaning which is good, preety, and

unique or something like that. So, if the word “matang” is combined with “umpan”

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becomes “umpan matang” means a good technique of football player to create goal.

“umpan matang” is an idiomatic phrase.

Last word “Turun minum” is an idiomatic phrase. The real meaning of “turun

minum” is having a rest.

(c). Sementara Doni Tata Pradita juga resmi terdaftar di daftar pebalap yang dirilis FIM. Doni akan mengenakan nomor tujuh bertandem…(56) dengan Rattahpark Willairot di bawah payung…(57) Federal Oil Gresini Moto2. Doni Tata bukan orang asing dalam balapan Moto GP. Sebab, ia pernah mengaspal…(58) di kelas 250 cc pada 2008 lalu (Selasa, 04 Desember 2012).

Doni Tata Pradita was also officially registered in rider list released by the FIM. Doni will wear number seven partnered..(56) with Rattahpark Willairot under Federal Oil Gresini Moto2…(57). Doni Tata is not newcomer in the race of “MotoGP”. Because, he has ever raced…(58) in 250 cc Class in 2008 ago (Tuesday, 04th December 2012).


The words “bertandem”, “di bawah payung” and “mengaspal” is words which

have distinctive

The first word “bertandem” is a predicate metaphor. The lexical meaning of

“bertandem” is very different with the lexical word in the dictionary.

According to the (KBBI, 1997:1003), the word “tandem” (noun) is:

Sepeda yang dinaiki dua orang atau lebih dengan duduk berurut ke

belakang dan semuanya turut mengayuh.

(Bicycle ridden by two people or more sequential sit back and every

people is co-pedaling).

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So that, from that word. It can conclude that the word “bertandem” means step

together or they are partnered. Phrase “di bawah payung” is an idiomatical phrase

under the umbrella “di bawah payung” has a denotation meaning. In the real meaning, it

simply easy means the condition when someone be under the umbrella. However, the

using of that phrase may not meant simply like the actual meaning and why must

associate with umbrella. As the usual, in the motor race sport it is a tradition when the

rider will begin, there are some umbrella girls who are near from the rider side by side.

Because the thing of umbrella is familiar with the motor race sport, so that umbrella is

able to be one iconic thing that is usually used in the news narration. In this case, the

word of under the umbrella means that the rider belongs to the other motorcycle club.

Under the umbrella means a rider has signed a contract and commitment with a

supporting brand or club. So that riders must work for the brand. They will ride their

brand motor each other then they will be earned by their brand.

The third word “mengaspal” is a predicate metaphor. The word “mengaspal” has

different meaning from the original meaning. According to the KBBI (1997 :62 ). The

word “mengaspal” means:

Melapisi jalan dengan aspal.

(Covering the street with asphalt).

The original meaning describes an activity which is covering the street with

asphalt. But, in this case it means start the game or play in. it informs the reader that

Doni Tata ever race in the class of 250cc. This sentence shows to the readers that the

riders start to play in that class game. But the media uses the diction that can represent

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and near with race sport environment because the motor race sport take a play in the

circuit which is has an asphalt street. So that, the word “mengaspal” has became a part

of that sport. The meaning asphalt in this news narration is the track of the race


(d). Pasangan Riky Widianto-Richi Dili Puspita juga membukukan…(59) kemenangan atas pasangan Thailand Patiphat Chalardchaleam-Savitree Amitrapai 21-15, 21-16 (Rabu, 14 November 2012).

The pair Riky Widianto-Richi Dili Puspita also got…(59) a victory over Thailand pair Patiphat Chalardchaleam-Savitree Amitrapai 21-15, 21-16 (Wednesday, 14th November 2012).


The word “membukukan” is a predicate metaphor. The lexical meaning of

“membukukan” is:

a) Mencatat dalam buku.

b) Menerbitkan sebagai buku; menjadikan buku.

c) Memperoleh, merebut, dsb (KBBI, 1997 : 152 ).

a) Recorded in the books.

b) Published as a book, making book.

c) Acquire, seize, etc.

Based on the news narration above, the word “membukukan” means the players

has made a record or score. Not like in the office environment, the word “membukukan”

has an own meaning. ”Membukukan” in the office means work or do some job with the

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mathematics and accountancy work or something like doing some journal, registration

and reports. However, in the sport, it means the athelete has created the result or the

final record of the scores.

(e). Osvaldo sendiri memang pemain yang cukup subur…(60) (Minggu, 2 Juni 2013).

Osvaldo himself is a scored enough player…(60) (Sunday, 2ndJune 2013).


The word “subur” is a complementary metaphor. The lexical meaning of “subur”


a) Dapat tumbuh dengan baik dan terlihat segar (tentang tumbuhan).

b) Baik dan sehat (tentang badan).

c) Gemuk (tentang tanah, yaitu banyak mengandung zat yg baik untuk


d) Hidup dengang baik (berkembang biak, bertambah maju, besar, kuat,

dsb) (KBBI, 1997:967).

a) Can grow quickly and looks fresh (about plants).

b) Well and healthy, and healthy fat (about the body).

c) Loose and fat (on the ground).

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d) Happy life, easy to make a living, to live with well, progressing, getting

bigger and stronger. Fertile: growing well, great irritability, and healthy;

well developed.

Players who can scored the goal in every match. So in the above sentence we

can know that Osvaldo is a pretty talented player in the winning goal for his team.The

word “subur” here has different meaning with the original meaning, the real meaning of

“subur” is usually used to the flowers, trees, soil, or something like that. But, this word

has a positive connotation. “Subur” is used to describe the condition where something in

a very good and unideal situation. In this case, the word “subur” is used to describe a

very good stuation, productive.

(3). Social

(a). Permohonan dikabulkan majelis hakim setelah kuasa hukum terdakwa mengatakan keduanya adalah tulang punggung…(61) keluarga (Selasa, 27 November 2012).

The request is granted by judges after defendant's attorney said that they are the support…(61) of the family (Tuesday, 27th November 2012).


Phrase “tulang punggung” is an idiomatical phrase. The phrase “tulang

punggung” means that:

Tulang belakang (KBBI, 1997:1079).

(Back bone).

The word “tulang punggung” in here does not mean that there are bones in the

human body that supports the human back but here has meaning people who support

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their family economy, who every day work to support their families. The backbone is a

metaphorical ekspression. Phrase “tulang punggung” is an expression in the form of a

phrase that means the main power. The backbone is assumed as a proponent of the

bone. The bones that make our body can stand up straight. So, if the phrase “tulang

punggung” associates with the news narration above, people are the backbone of a

very important person in the family and without them, their families will bear a life of


(b). Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal (KPDT) berjanji akan menuntaskan masalah sertifikasi status tanah dan pemanfaatan lahan tidur…(62) di 183 kabupaten/kota daerah tertinggal (Minggu, 18 November 2012).

Ministry of Rural Development (KPDT) promised to solve the problem of the certification of land status and utilization of unproductive land…(62) in 183 districts / cities disadvantaged areas (Sunday, 18th November 2012).


Phrase “lahan tidur” is an idiomatic phrase. It means the land is not utilized

properly. The land which does not produce any crops.

(c). Kepolisian Penang, Malaysia, berjanji mengusut tuntas kasus pemerkosaan SM, tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) asal Jawa Tengah, yang diduga dilakukan tiga anggotanya. ML, SR, dan RAD kini menjalani pemeriksaan marathon…(63) (Selasa, 13 November 2012). Police Penang, Malaysia, promised to thoroughly investigate the rape cases of SM, Indonesian workers (TKI) from Central Java, who allegedly committed by three members. ML, SR, and RAD are now going a marathon investigation…(63) (Tuesday, 13rd

November 2012).


The phrase “pemeriksaan marathon” is an idiomatical phrase. According to the

KBBI (1997 : 630 ), phrase “pemeriksaan maraton” means that :

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a) Perlombaan lari jarak jauh.

b) Terus-menerus (tanpa berhenti).

a) The competition of distance running.

b) Continuously (without stopping)

Phrase “pemeriksaan maraton” is a metaphorical expression.

(d). Hingga pukul 06.00 wib kawasan mojokerto, jalur antar-kota tersebut masih diselimuti…(64) kabut putih (Kamis, 29 November 2012).

Until 06.00 pm mojokerto regional, inter-city lines are still shrouded…(64) in white mist (Thursday, 29th November 2012).


According to the KBBI (1997 : 899), the word “diselimuti” means:

Covered or given blanket.

(Menyelubungi atau memberi selimut; menyelubungi).

The word “diselimuti” is a predicate metaphor. The sentence “ Jalur antar kota

tersebut masih diselimuti kabut putih” contain a figurative language namely


(e). Polda Bali terus menyisir sejumlah pelabuhan tikus…(65) di pulau itu guna mengamankan penyelenggaraan KTT APEC tahun ini (Minggu, 5 Februari 2012).

Bali Police continue to comb an unauthorized port…(65) on the island in order to secure this year's APEC summit (Sunday, 5th February, 2012).

Analysis :

“Pelabuhan tikus” is an idiomatic phrase. Phrase “pelabuhan tikus” is not mean

that the port for the mouse. But the meaning of “pelabuhan tikus” is port that is

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unlicensed illegal for loading and unloading of goods especially imported goods.

“pelabuhan tikus” numerous in Batam which is used by rogue importers to enter goods

illegally to avoid taxes.


(1). Politic

(a). Pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta putaran kedua semakin dekat. Pusat Kajian Politik Universitas Indonesia menemukan bahwa masih adanya politik uang…(66) dalam pemilukada (Minggu, 9 September 2012).

The Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Election second round is getting closer. Political Studies Center, University of Indonesia found that there is still money politics…(66) in the election of regional head (Sunday, 09th September 2013).


“Politik uang” is an idiomatic phrase. Phrase “politik uang” means bribery. It is a

form of bribe or promise of a good person so that people do not exercise their right to

vote and that he was exercising his right in a certain way at the time of the general

election. Purchases can be made using cash or goods. Political money is a form of

campaign violations. Political money is generally done sympathizers, volunteers or even

a political party officials the day before the general election. Practice of money politics is

done by giving the form of money, food such as rice, oil and sugar to the public in order

to attract public sympathy in order for them to vote for the party in question.

(b). Partai Amanat Nasional dan PDIP…(67) menggelar psikotes calon anggota legislatif, Rabu (20/3). Psikotes dirancang untuk menjaring…(68) kader yang berkualitas dan sesuai visi misi partai ( Rabu, 20 Maret 2013).

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National Mandate Party and PDIP…(67) hold psychological test for legislative candidates, Wednesday (20/3). Psychological test designed to attract…(68) qualified cadres according to the vision and mission of the party (Wednesday, 20th March 2013).


The word “menjaring” is a predicate noun. The lexical meaning of “menjaring” is:

Menangkap ikan dengan menggunakan jaring (KBBI, 1997:403).

(Catch fish with net).

The word “menjaring” in the news narration above doesn’t mean like a meaning

of the dictionary (denotative meaning) but it has connotative meaning. It means “obtain”.

So the news narration means that the word “menjaring” is to obtain the qualified cadres

by Pychological test not by net.

(c). Mabes Polri…(69) membantah ada tumpang tindih…(70) dalam penyelidikan kasus korupsi pengadaan alat Simulator SIM, yang menyeret..(71) nama seorang Jenderal Bintang Dua. KPK dan Polri sepakat berbagi tugas untuk mengusut kasus ini (Rabu, 1 Agustus 2012).

National Police…(69) denied there was any overlap…(70) in the investigation of cases of corruption procurement of SIM simulator, which dragged…(71) the name of a two-stars General. KPK and the police agreed to share the duty to investigate this case (Wednesday, 01st August 2012).


Phrase “tumpang tindih” is an idiomatic phrase. It means the circumstances

indicate that the same work is done by some people or groups resulting in dobel

multiple jobs.

The word “menyeret” is a predicate metaphor. The lexical meaning of “menyeret”

is :

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Memaksa ikut (turut); menarik dengan paksa; membawa (orang) dengan

paksa di depan banyak orang. KBBI (1997:925).

(Insisted on coming, pull forcefully sentence; she or he dragged her in

front of many people).

(d). Polemik penyidikan kasus korupsi pengadaan simulator kendaraan di Korlantas Polri disikapi oleh beberapa ahli hukum di Indonesia. Menurut Jimly Asshiddiqie, Undang-Undang KPK pasal 50 disusun untuk menegaskan kewenangan KPK. Sedangkan Yenti Ganarsih berpendapat bahwa sikap polisi terkait kasus ini semakin mencerminkan praktek kotor… (72) kepolisian (Minggu, 5 Agustus 2012).

Investigation Polemic of corruption cases in the procurement of vehicle simulators Police Traffic Coordinator addressed by several legal experts in Indonesia. According to Jimly Asshiddiqie, the Law Commission article 50 was drafted to assert the authority of the Commission. While Yenti Ganarsih found the police attitude on the case reflects filthy practice of police (72) (Sunday, 5th August 2012).


Phrase “praktek kotor” is an idiomatical phrase.

(e). Sejumlah Menteri Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu Jilid II mendapat nilai merah, Selasa (13/11). Nilai merah…(73) ini didasarkan pada hasil kinerjanya yang tidak mencapai sasaran (Selasa, 13 November 2012).

A number of Indonesian Cabinet united Minister Volume II gets bad grade, Tuesday (13/11). Bad grade…(73) is based on the performance result that does not reach the target (Tuesday, 13rd November 2012).


Phrase “nilai merah” is idiomatic phrase. The original meaning of “nilai merah” is

a bad score. If it relates to the news narration above, “nilai merah” means the poor

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performance of the ministers where a decline in performance so that the performance

does not achieve the desired goals.

(2). Sport

(a). Bertanding di kandang…(74) sendiri, Munchen berhasil mencukur…(75) Stuttgart dengan skor telak 6-1. Enam gol Munchen dicetak masing-masing oleh Thomas Muller (32, 49), Toni Kroos (34), Luis Gustavo (44), Mario Mandzukic (47) dan Bastian Schweinsteiger (51). Sedangkan gol hiburan…(76) Stuttgart dicetak oleh Martin Harnik (25') (Senin, 3 September 2012).

Playing in their home…(74), Munich defeated…(75) Stuttgart with a landslide score 6-1. Muenchen scored six goals each by Thomas Muller (32, 49), Toni Kroos (34), Luis Gustavo (44), Mario Mandzukic (47) and Bastian Schweinsteiger (51). While Stuttgart consolation goal…(76) scored by Martin Harnik (25) (Monday, 3rd

September 2013).


The word “kandang” is a complementary metaphor. The true meaning of

“kandang” is:

a. Bangunan tempat tinggal binatang.

b. Tempat untuk menyimpan barang-barang.

c. Desa atau kota, contohnya kelompok yang akan bermain di rumahnya

sendiri (KBBI,1997 : 439).

a. A building which is used as an example of an animal shelter.

b. Place to store things.

c. Village or country, examples of teams that will be playing at home .

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According to the narration above, the word “kandang sendiri” (stable) has the

real meaning as a life place of animal or pet that made for keeping them save.

However, in this case, the word “kandang” does not use as the commonly using. This is

the example of denotation meaning, the football club actually has a place to assemble.

The place is usually called as home base. The media always uses kandang as the

pronoun of football club’s home base. The phrase “kandang sendiri” in the reality often

used by animal not for human. Otherwise, the life place for human has so many

vocabularies depend on their function each other.

The second bolding word is “mencukur” is a predicate metaphor. The lexical

meaning of “mencukur” is:

a. Memotong (membersihkan) rambut dsb dengan pisau cukur.

b. Mengalahkan benar-benar lawannya (tanpa perlawanan yang seimbang),

terutama dalam permainan sepak bola. (KBBI,1997 : 198 ).

a. Hair cutting or cleaning, etc with a razor; cutting hair or something

resembling hair.

b. Actually beat his opponent without resistance balanced especially in the

game of football

Basically, the word cutting always met in the barber shop or usually used to

describe the activity like home tasks such as cutting the grass or cut the tree. In this

case, cutting itself has other meaning than the real one. Here, cutting is used to explain

the condition when a football club can make an amazing record and score to their rival.

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Not all of games can use this word, only certain and specific condition could have this

word to illustrate how intersenting the games. The word cutting only uses to describe a

big won with very different interval of scores and also to view out the power of the


The last word is consolation goal “gol hiburan". Phrase “gol hiburan” is an

idiomatic phrase. In daily life, the word entairtaiment used to confirm the portrait of

happiest feeling, refresh and enjoyfullness. This case shows that “gol hiburan” is the

goal that can make the happiest sense to the supporter after their club is lose. The

using the word hiburan, at least gives positive effect like feeling the therapy aromatic

smell that is able to make everyone fell enjoy.

(b). Usai dipermalukan Sampdoria di laga pembuka Liga Seri A Italia, AC Milan akhirnya memetik angka…(77) sempurna di kandang Bologna. Gianpaolo Pazzini yang diboyong…(78) dari Inter Milan menandai debutnya bersama Il Rossoneri dengan hat-trick(79) (Minggu, 2 September 2012).

After defeat of Sampdoria in the opening match of Italian Serie A, AC Milan finally got the perfect…(77) victory against Bologna. Giampaolo Pazzini who was transferred…(78) from Inter Milan marked his debut for II Rossoneri with hat-trick…(79) (Sunday, 2nd

September 2012).


The word “memetik” is a predicate metaphor. The lexical meaning of “memetik”


a) Mengambil dengan mematahkan tangkainya (bunga, buah, dsb).

b) Mengambil.

c) Mengutip (sebagian) dari karangan dsb.

d) Mengisap (rokok, cerutu) (KBBI, 1997 : 764 ).

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a) Took a while to break the stems (about flower vine, etc.).

b) Take

c) Citing in part a sentence.

d) Smoking a cigarette

In this narration above uses the word “memetik” which is it sometimes heard and

identic with the fruit or flower. It can be analyzed that the word “memetik” here has

same meaning, which is the result. Pick “memetik” the flowers, the fruits, same with if it

is used in this sentence. “memetik” here means that take an advantage from the effort

during the game. The point is that to get the result from the effort.

The second word “diboyong” also the predicate metaphor. According to the in

KBBI ( 1997 : 145 ) means :

Membawa pindah ke tempat lain (membawa barang-barang).

(Take to move to another place (to carry stuff)).

The word “diboyong” here has meaning is that Gianpaolo is come by Inter Milan.

This word is usually occurred to the thing or stuff, but in this case it occurred to human.

Something that brought out is not the stuff but the people. Why the people? Because in

the football business, people is transferred is normal, the palyer is sold and bought, the

players is also sometimes lended. That is the business in modern football industry

nowdays. The players is earn and respected by the fee and money that they can get

from that business, in the same time, the club also get many benefits and profits from

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that business. So that, the word “diboyong” is enough to illustrate how develop the

football industry in our society right now.

Last but not least, the word hat-trick is used as the code switching. It is a foreign

term usage. In this case, the code switching is meant for efficiate the narration because

in the real meaning, hat trick itself has a long meaning. It is the condition when the

football player can make three goals in one game.

(c). Bertandang…(80) ke Giuseppe Meazza, kandang Inter Milan, As Roma berhasil memetik poin penuh…(81) Roma berhasil menenggelamkan…(82) Inter dengan skor telak 3-1” (Senin, 3 September 2012).

Played…(80) in the Giuseppe Meazza, Inter Milan’s home, AS Roma succeeded brought three points…(81). Roma defeated…(82) Inter with a big score 3-1) (Monday, 3rd September 2012).


The word “bertandang” is a predicate metaphor. The lexical meaning of

“bertandang” is:

Bertamu ke suatu tempat (KBBI, 1997:1003)

(Visiting in somewhere place).

In this sentence, “bertandang” means when a football club come to the other

club’s home base. In the other word, they act as guess of this game. Next, phrase “poin

penuh” is an idiom. In the rule of the football game, if one club wins they will get three

points, but if both of them get draw, they just get one point each other. So that, “poin

penuh” here represents the three points, they do not devide point, they get full of the

three points.

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The last, the word “menenggelamkan” is a predicate metaphor.

“menenggelamkan” means that :

a. Masuk terbenam ke dalam air.

b. Karam (tentang perahu, kapal).

c. Terbenam (tentang matahari).

d. Jatuh ke dalam kesengsaraan (kesusahan dsb) KBBI (1997 :1038).

a. Makes the sink, immerse in water, put into the water.

b. Shipwrecked (about boa, ship)

c. Go down (about sun)

d. Flopping into misery.

The word “menenggelamkan” is usually used to describe the condition when a

person or things fall under the water. It must be occured under the water, not on the air

or in other places. But in this case, the using of the word has different function. The

media chooses the word with the purpose to emphasize that the club of Roma

successfully embarrassed the reival Inter Milan. So that, the using of this word does not

connect to the real meaning and does not have a relevancy between them, the real

meaning must use only under water accident but in this narration the content is very

different with the real meaning.

(d). Melakoni laga tandang…(83) Paris Saint Germain berhasil membungkam…(84) Lille di depan pendukungnya dengan skor tipis 2-1 (Senin, 3 September 2012).

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Play the away match…(83), Paris Saint Germain managed to silence…(84) Lille in front of supporters with a thin score 2-1 (Monday, 3rd September 2012).


The word “membungkam” is a predicate metaphor. The lexical meaning of

“membungkam” is :

a. Menutup mulut supaya diam.

b. Membuat tidak berbunyi (bersuara, berbicara). (KBBI, 1997:156)

a. Shut the mouth to shut.

b. Making no sound (have a voice, making it talk).

(e). Bertanding di Stadion Santiago Brenabeu, Real Madrid tampil beringas saat menjamu…(85) Granada. Alhasil, tiga gol bersarang…(86) di gawang Granada berkat sepakkan Cristiano Ronaldo dan Gonzalo Higuain (Senin, 3 September 2012).

Compete at the Santiago Brenabeu Stadium, Real Madrid superbly performed against…(85) Granada. As a result, three goals scored…(86) in Granada’s goal by Cristiano Ronaldo and Gonzalo Higuain (Monday, 3rd September 2012).


The word “menjamu” is a predicate metaphor. According to the KBBI ( 1997 : 399

) means that:

Menerima kedatangan dan menghidangkan makanan kepada


(Received a visit and serve food to guests).

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The narration above proves that the using of denotation meaning has made an

interesting sense to read the news. Although, the word treat “menjamu” is usually used

for the special moment happens, like treat friends when a birthday, etc. Here, the word

treat “menjamu” has other meaning. Real Madrid as the host here faces the rival

Grenada in Madrid’s home base. The word treats “menjamu” can change the position of

the word faces in that news narration. Meanwhile, in the fact itself the word treat has the

meaning when people entertain the other people with food, beverage, and other

facilitates. But, because the Madrid acts as the host and the Grenada act as guess, so

that the word treat can be used here as the similar meaning with the content which is

Madrid faces Grenada. So that, the word “menjamu” means as the host “Real Madrid”

offers to compete with the opponent “Granada”.

The second word “bersarang” is a predicate metaphor. The denotative meaning

of “bersarang” according to the KBBI ( 1997 : 880) means that :

a. Membuat sarang.

b. Bertempat (berkediaman, bersembunyi, dsb).

c. Mengenai (tentang pukulan dsb.

d. Masuk (tentang tikaman, peluru, dsb). Masuk ke dalam gawang (gol).

a. Build nests.

b. House (resides, hiding, etc).

c. Regarding (about a blow etc).

d. Entrance (about stab, bullet, etc). Into the goal).

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The common meaning of nest is the bird job to build their home. It always birds

that have nest for their own home. But, in this case nest is not a noun but a verb. And

the using also does not mean like it used to. In the fact that, a nest is intentionally made

by the mother as the place to keep its eggs and the place to grow up the bird children

but that place is made just for temporarlly time, not for everlasting home like human’s

house. Like the function of the nest itself as a place to keep the things, it can be

concluded that the using of nest here has a similiarity which is nest here means to kick

the ball to the goal gate.

(3). Social

(a). Mantan Presiden dan Menristek BJ Habibie mengungkapkan bahwa dirinya akan membangkitkan…(87) lagi industri pesawat di Indonesia. Namun kali ini Habibie bekerjasama dengan pihak swasta karena menganggap PT Dirgantara Indonesia sudah mati suri(88) (Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012).

Former President and Minister of Technology BJ Habibie said that he would revive…(87) the aircraft industry in Indonesia. But in this time “Habibie” collaborate with the private sector because of considering PT Air Indonesia has been dead faint…(88) (Saturday, 11th August 2012).


The word “membangkitkan” is a predicate metaphor. The lexical meaning of

“membangkitkan” means:

Membangunkan, mengangkat (KBBI, 1997:88).

(Awaked, lifting).

The word “membangkitkan” in this news narration is a kind of personification. It is

because the word becomes “membangkitkan industry pesawat”.

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Phrase “mati suri” is an idiomatic metaphor and it is a kind of metaphorical


(b). Ratusan buruh di Bandung, Jawa Barat, Selasa (31/7) berunjukrasa menuntut Tunjangan Hari Raya (THR) sesuai undang-undang ketenagakerjaan. Namun unjuk rasa PT Wintay KH Grup dan CV Vhileo itu ditanggapi dingin…(89) oleh pihak manajemen (Selasa, 31 Juli 2012).

Hundreds of labors in Bandung, West Java, on Tuesday (31/7) protested demanding allowance (THR) according to labor laws. Unfortunately, the protest of PT Wintay KH Group and CV Vhileo was coldly responsed…(89) by the management (Tuesday, 31st July 2012).


Phrase “coldly responsed” is an indiomatic sentence. It is a kind of metaphorical


(c). Sebuah SPBU di Kota Tangerang, Banten berbuat curang dengan menukar bahan bakar Pertamax dengan Premium, Jumat (27/7). Kecurangan itu diketahui setelah seorang konsumen merasakan keganjilan…(90) pada mesin mobilnya usai mengisi BBM jenis Pertamax di SPBU tersebut (Jumat, 27 Juli 2012)

A gas station in Tangerang, Banten cheated by swapping fuel Pertamax with Premium, Friday (27/7). Cheating was caught when a consumer feels oddity…(90) in his car after filling pertamax there (Friday, 27th July 2012).

Analysis: The word “keganjilan” is a complementary metaphor. According to the KBBI

(1997:291). The word “keganjilan” means that:

Keajaiban, keanehan, ketidaklaziman, ketidakwajaran.

(Wonders; oddity; irregularity; irregularities).

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(d). Modus yang digunakan para bajing loncat…(91) dalam memperdaya korbannya yakni dengan berpura-pura menyamar sebagai petugas jalan tol (Jumat, 22 Februari 2013 ).

Mode used in the footpads….(91) when they deceive the victim by pretending to be disguised as highway officers (Friday, 22nd February 2013).


The bolding word above news narration consists of two words. They are “Bajing”

and “Loncat. According to the KBBI ( 1997 : 80 ), the word “bajing” (noun) is “sejenis

binatang yang bernama tupai” a kind of animal namely: squirell and the second word is

“loncat” (verb) means that :”lompat dengan menggunakan dua atau empat kaki secara

bersama-sama (seperti kodok, kelinci)” jumps by using two or four legs together (such

as frogs, rabbits).

“Bajing loncat” in the above news narrative is an idiom. So that, the meaning of

the two word is not connected each other. “Bajing Loncat” does not mean squirrel

jumped but it means to be thief who stole the cargo of the vehicle (such as truck, bus)

which is running.

(e). Adik kandung Bupati Lampung dilaporkan ke polisi dalam kasus dugaan korupsi pengadaan mobil dinas dan penganiayaan. Korban penganiayaan mengadukan kasus tersebut ke polisi dan menuntut agar polisi segera memproses tanpa pandang bulu…(92) (Rabu, 10 April 2013 ).

Lampung Regent’s younger’s brother was reported to the police in cases of alleged corruption in the procurement of official cars and persecution. Victims denounced the case to the police and demanded that the police immediately process indiscriminately…(92) (Wednesday, 10th April 2013).

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“Tanpa pandang bulu” is a kind of idiom. The meaning of “tanpa pandang bulu”

does not discriminate against people in doing an act.

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Table 3. Characteristics of Language in the Printed and Electronic Media.

No Characteristic Data

1. Figurative language

a. Metaphor:

1) Nominative Metaphor

Subjective Nominative


Pilar(10), raksasa(16)

Objective Nominative


Syahwat(3), boneka(5), baterei(20), kasta(35) ,


2) Predicate Metaphor.

Nyanyi(1), diparkir(11), mogok(12), eksplosif(16),

menggelar(22), menyejukkan(24), bertarung(25),

mengusung(31), menggantungkan(36),

berlabuh(37), menggelembungkan(45),

diusung(46), membekukan(48), melumat(51),

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menumbangkan(53), bertandem(56),

mengaspal(58), membukukan(59), diselimuti(64),

menjaring(68), menyeret(71), mencukur(75),

diboyong(78), bertandang(80),

meneggelamkan(82), membungkam(84),

menjamu(85), bersarang(86),


3) Complementary


Boomerang(2), kacamata(9), gamang(30),

subur(60), kandang(74), keganjilan(90).

b. Personification Menggelembungkan APBN (44), memetik


c. Hyperbole Semakin panas(21), tidak terbendung(32)

d. Repetition Kucing-kucingan(28), bulan-bulanan(45)

e. Metonymy Xenia(39), mio(40).

2. Lexical choice (diction):

Foreign Term/Word Usage

Statement(23), No fear(27), hat-trick(79)

3. Idiom

a. Idiomatic Phrase

Langkah catur(4), uang ketuk pintu (8), gol

kilat(13), jatuh mental(14), bom ecek-ecek(18),

turun tangan(19), saling sikut(29), dana tak

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Having analyzed the data, the writer found that there are some of language

patterns based on the distinctive language which exist in the printed and electronic

media. The examples of language patterns such as: the using of Figurative Language

(Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole, and Repetition), Lexical Choice (Diction),

Metonymy, Idiom, Proverb, Acronym, and Pejoration.

bertuan(38), dana segar(42), adu jotos(43), ujung

tanduk(49), tampil apik(52), umpan matang(54),

turun minum(55), bawah payung(57), tulang

punggung(61), lahan tidur(62), pemeriksaan

marathon(63), pelabuhan tikus(65), politik

uang(66), tumpang tindih(70), praktek kotor(72),

nilai merah(73), gol hiburan(76), poin penuh(81),

laga tandang(83), mati suri(88), bajing loncat(91).

b. Idiomatic Sentence Menyapu bersih (33), naik podium(34), disambut

hangat(47), ditanggapi dingin(89), tanpa pandang


c. Proverb Musuh dalam selimut(50).

d. Acronym DPW(6), PKB(7), PILWAKOT(26), PDIP(67),


e. Pejoration Oknum(17)

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1. Figurative language

a. Metaphor

Metaphorical expression according to Quintilian in Wahab (1990:142) is linguistic

expression to say something to live for another creature, living for the dead, the dead to

the living, or the dead to the dead. Wahab (1990:142) has written some kind of

metaphor is based on the view of syntax. He divided metaphor into three kinds. They

are Nominative Metaphor, Predictive Nominative Metaphor and Sentence Metaphor.

1) Nominative metaphor

Nominative Metaphor is the marker of metaphor which is only found in the noun

sentence. Because the position of the noun in the sentence differently. So that,

nominative metaphor can also divided into two kinds, namely subjective nominative

metaphor and objective nominative metaphor, or commonly known as the nominative

metaphor and complementary metaphor.

(a). Subjective Nominative Metaphor

Subjective Nominative Metaphor is figurative symbol which is found in the subject

of the sentence, while the other parts are still expressed with words that have a direct

meaning. The example of subjective nominative metaphor:

“Pilar(10), and raksasa(16)”

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The explanation of data “Dua pilar… PSM, M Rahmat dan Satrio Syam, masih

diparkir sebulan. “pilar” in here as the figurative language. The real meaning is pole

reinforcement of concrete and so on: basic, the essence of substance from which a

large amount develops (KBBI, 1997 : 768). Pole reinforcement of concrete and so on:

basic, the essence of substance from which a large amount develops (KBBI, 1997 :

768). It relates with the strategy in football competition. The player who becomes “pilar”

is a player who has a good ability in the team and has a great share in the victory of his


(b). Objective Nominative Metaphor

The example: is syahwat(3), boneka(5), Baterei(20), kasta(35), and otak(41)

2) Predicate Metaphor.

In the predicate metaphor, metaphorical expression is located in predicate of the

sentences, while other parts are expressed literally. The data contain the predicate

metaphor is nyanyi(1), diparkir(11), mogok(12), eksplosif(16), menggelar(22),

menyejukkan(24), bertarung(25), mengusung(31), menggantungkan(36), berlabuh(37),

menggelembungkan(45), diusung(46), membekukan(48), melumat(51),

menumbangkan(53), bertandem(56), mengaspal(58), membukukan(59), diselimuti(64),

menjarin(68), menyeret(71), mencukur(75), diboyong(78), bertandang (80),

meneggelamkan(82), membungkam(84), menjamu(85), bersarang(86), and


“Irman mulai menunjukkan keseriusannya bertarung…in PILWAKOT”

The figurative language of the word “bertarung” the real meaning is fighting .

(KBBI, 1997 : 1013 ). The word “bertarung” in the mayoral election in the above

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sentence implies that “Irman” participates in the mayoral election. In the other

word, Irman is competing in Mayoral Election

3) Complementary Metaphor

The data which is contain the Complementary metaphor is “boomerang(2),

kacamata(9), gamang(30), subur(60), kandang(74), and keganjilan(90)

b. Personification

Menggelembungkan APBN(44), memetik angka(77)

Menteri Sekretaris Kabinet itu menyebutkan ada ketua fraksi di

DPR bermain “menggelembungkan APBN…

c. Hyperbole

Semakin panas(21), tidak terbendung(32).

Situasi di Teluk Persia semakin panas…

d. Repetition

Kucing-kucingan(28), bulan-bulanan(45).

Entah sampai kapan kucing-kucingan…(28) antara Zaki & KPK berakhir”.

2. Lexical Choice (Diction)

The foreign words/term usage that poured in news narration of electronic and

printed media can cause various impressions, such as intellectual impression, adding

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prestige, smoothing etc. The term of foreign language is one form of packaging varied

thoughts. Actually, in passing along the news narration impressed with the use of

foreign terms that smoothes the words in question. However, after observing the context

of sentences which is expressed, the meaning of the sentence or phrase can be seen,

even by implication already disclosed. Therefore, based on consideration of the

background speakers of foreign terms are used only to show intellectual impression.

Means including a variety of styles as there are some data collected, preceded by the

term in Indonesian, and vice versa, foreign terms are used with the meanings so

impressed foreign terms that appear as variations

The data contain the foreign term/word usage is “statement(23), no Fear(27),

and hat-trick(79)”.

The use of foreign term/word in news narration is contained in the electronic and

printed media as a confirmation of the author's mind packaging. Talking about beauty,

the data listed above, the level of beauty does not stand out, but create the intellectual

impression with foreign terms used

3. Idiom

Idiom is the word or group of words that means something special to express the

figurative sense. Idiom which is found by writer in news narrations are of two kinds,

namely (a). Idiomatic phrases (b) Idiomatic Clause.

Statement in the form of idiom is not addressed directly but likened the situation

or events around humans. In other words, the meaning of the idiom is contained in a

figurative language. When associated with the definition of style as expressed by Junus

relate with style and packaging, the packaging is said to have the meaning contained in

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the expression of figurative meaning. Means the author uses beautiful language support

so that the actual meaning of a cryptic

The data contain of idiomatic phrase is : langkah catur(4), uang ketuk pintu (8),

gol kilat(13), jatuh mental(14), bom ecek-ecek(18), turun tangan(19), saling sikut(29),

dana tak bertuan(38), dana segar(42), adu jotos(43), ujung tanduk(49), tampil apik(52),

umpan matang(54), turun minum(55), bawah payung(57), tulang punggung(61), lahan

tidur(62), pemeriksaan marathon(63), pelabuhan tikus(65), politik uang(66), tumpang

tindih(70), praktek kotor(72), nilai merah(73), gol hiburan(76), poin penuh(81), laga

tandang(83), mati suri(88), and bajing loncat(91).

Pencapresan Ical sudah di ujung tanduk…

Based on the examples presented in the above sentence (6) there is a clause in

the form of idiom “di ujung tanduk ". This phrase is a metaphor. The true meaning is not

likely to occur. In this case the definition is in line with the definition of the style which is

proposed by Junus, namely: the style and packaging. It means that the news narration

presented in the media is packed with beautiful language, so it does not seem obvious

to the true meaning.

Next, some of the data contain the idiomatic sentence is menyapu bersih(33),

naik podium(34), disambut hangat(47), ditanggapi dingin(89), tanpa pandang bulu and


4. Proverb

Proverb is a group of words that keeps its structure and usually has a special

meaning or metaphor (Jatmikoningtyas, 2009:102). So with the explanation, Proverb is

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a group of words or phrases that remain purposeful arrangement which allegorized.

Proverb can also be interpreted using the figurative language. The autors use proverb in

the news narration in order to abbreviate the sentence. Thus, the intent and purpose of

the sentence directly fixed on the core.


Makanya Ical harus waspadai musuh dalam selimut…

News narrations presented in the form of proverbs in the form of phrases and

clauses in above sentence is beautiful packaging. The figurative language that used

seems beautiful heard, thus attracting the attention of the public. So the author does not

intend to disguise his/her ideas but he/she does not compare directly with other things

with beautiful language as packaging. The goal is to attract attention and allow people

to understand the notion of news to be conveyed by the author.

5. Acronym

DPW(6), PKB(7), PILWAKOT(26), PDIP(67), POLRI(69)

DPW is an acronym from Dewan Pimpinan wilayah

6. Pejoration

Oknum… anggota itu memasuki rumah orang

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From the finding that shown in previous chapter, the writer may conclude that:

Language patterns which are used by the printed and electronic media using a

style of language (metaphor, personification, hyperbole, repetition and metonymy), the

lexical choice or selection of diction (foreign term / word usage), denotative and

connotative meaning, idiom (idiomatic phrases and sentence), proverb, acronym and

pejoration, having important meanings and role in news narration.

The editors put the distinctive language patterns in composing the news

narration. The data shows that the selected language pattern which is used by the

editors is figurative language especially metaphorical expression. The way of the

editors to pack their mind using figurative language words is vary widely. It can be seen

in the using of metaphorical expression and idiom.

The use of metaphorical language style is intended that the reader or the

audience is interested in news and easily to understand the meaning to be conveyed by

the authors. Metaphorical expression that is a bit rough language will be sounding good

or polite.

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In this research, the writer examined the patterns of language used a stylistics

analysis method. It is still limited to the language patterns in terms of style, the choice of

diction, sentence meaning, and idiom used in the printed and electronic media.

The writer hopes that there will be a futher reasearch that examines widely of

language patterns contained in the printed and electronic media and more varied based

on the level of semantic, phonological and other linguistic sciences. So that, the reader

can better know in depth the differences owned by news narration that exist in the

printed and electronic media that are reviewed at the level of linguistic sciences.

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