writer script

A grey, smoke smudged sky over which we hear a distant radio sound. The camera continues downward past an unsightly row of bricks. Int: home- day On a computer/TV screen watching movies. Scene 1: inside the living room ...Bill expressing wish to be writer Uncle Bob I heard, you haven’t being doing well in part time classes. Bill I’ve been trying to do well at school. Uncle Bob You can join me at the gas station/motel business. Why don’t you start working at gas station? Uncle Bob -every one of us have a job at the gas station or at the motel. Bill - I don't want to do that. Uncle Bob What? Where eIse you going to get 10 bucks an hour and medical insurance and you have friends watching your front and your back. Bill After iam done with my classes, I'm going to be a writer and maybe even write for movies. I will go to college for writing. Uncle Bob

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writer script


A grey, smoke smudged sky over which we hear a distant radio sound. The camera continues downward past an unsightly row of bricks.

Int: home- day

On a computer/TV screen watching movies.

Scene 1: inside the living room ...Bill expressing wish to be writer

                                                                                Uncle Bob

I heard, you haven’t being doing well in part time classes.


I’ve been trying to do well at school.

                                                                                Uncle Bob

You can join me at the gas station/motel business. Why don’t you start working at gas station?

Uncle Bob

-every one of us have a job at the gas station or at the motel.


- I don't want to do that.

Uncle Bob

What? Where eIse you going to get  10  bucks an hour and medical insurance and you have friends watching your front and your back.


After iam done with my classes, I'm going to be a writer and maybe even write for movies. I will go to college for writing.

                                                                                Uncle Bob

Do what? Writing?



                                                                                Uncle Bob (sarcastically)

And i wilI buy a mansion in Miami.

                                                                                Uncle Bob

Bill grow up, be a better man.

Think about it.


It’s dream of mine to be writer.

Uncle Bob

Dreams never come true.


Walks in thru door…sees roommate watching TV

Scene 2: with roommate ...discussing about writers and favorite ones

                                                                   Bill (brings in pizza)

What are we watching?


 ChanneI 5.


Do you want something to drink?


I’m fine

Bill and roommate eating


Can we watch the writer's interview on TV?

///////////////////// ...power of words monologue


Lights camera action speeding.


Scene 3: shooting an improv scene in a studio and also at an exterior location. Working on short films.

Ext: in front of nice location…..we see him writing and cut to improve scene in small theatre                       


You know these Last four years at the theatre have gone by too fast.


Yes. We had fun rehearsing and doing plays.


Let us rehearse a scene, one last time.

Bill and colleague rehearse a scene


I can't believe it's over.


Well, everyone has left to get real jobs .the theatre is closing down.

////////////////////////story boarding /writing a scene. Same structure

Scene 4: in a classroom, not listening to the teacher....

in- classroom -day

Teacher, a kindly looking, grey haired civics head is using a pointer and a wall chart.



The constitution originated...... but where?


Teacher turns and Bill staring out the window. The teacher smiling and shaking his head, walks over and stands about a foot way from him. Bill is so deep in thought he is oblivious to the teacher's presence.


Would you be interested in answering that?



I think it started as a..............



-Don't even try.


If I were giving out grades for daydreaming, you'd be getting an A.

But in civics, you're faiIing....the problem with dreamers is, they usuaIIy aren't doers.

Their achievements are grand up here......but here where it counts, they faII short.


Now, the constitution originated in state assembly.



Signing up the form in the hall way. ‘If you’re interested in being a student at NYU

Pease sign up by Wednesday, November 8Th.''

                                                                Teacher (looks at Bill signing up on the notice board)

You are signing up


Do you have some friends there?




-Then there must be some other reason.


I thought I could go.


I'm sorry. This is for students who did well in all classes. 

It's not a sightseeing tour.


Maybe someday I'II go to school there.


You are failing......you don't have the grades for local college.

The secret to happiness in this Iife......is to be grateful for what u have.

...not everyone is meant to go to film school, join a writing program, be a writer and write for movies/TV shows etc.


It’s not for you.


I want to give it a shot. I want to try for once in my life.


You can’t focus nor dedicate yourself to one single task.



You are crazy to think you can be writer.


Near a gas station

Scene: at work ....boss angry with Bill

Int- gas station - day

Bill makes his way down a gnarled catwalk through a maze to work.


You are Iate again today?


I was writing.


What? Get serious.


No special days here.


Near Tribeca

Scene: with the Kabir on his birthday receiving a gift t shirt and book and DVDs

Ext: work place

It’s a hot day. Bill and Kabir are eating lunch outside under the shade.in the background of series of lights.

Ext- day

Another hot day. Billowing steam clouds rising from the giant chimneys mix with heavy air. Bill, sweat through his grimy t shirt, does pushups next to machinery. Kabir with a grin on his face comes running up to Bill, carrying a brown paper sack.


What is today?


August  23 rd.


And that is...?


My birthday.


Twenty-two big ones!


It’s starting to go by too fast.


WeII, I didn't have Time to wrap it, but....

Kabir gives bill a gift


-Go ahead, open it.

Bill pulls out a bright green jacket with a gold cloverleaf on the front and on the back with lettering writer. Bill is knocked out of happiness.


-You shouldn’t have. This is fantastic.

Where did you find this?


I saw it online and I said, ''That's gotta be yours.''


This is awesome. I don't know how to say thank you.


How does it Iook?


It looks great.

                                                                                Bill (sits down)

I can't wait to get to be writer and one day maybe write for movies. Be a scriptwriter.


Guess how much money I have saved up? 1000$


That's a good start!


You're the onIy one who ever took me serious.


WeII, you know what my grandfather aIways said. ‘Having dreams is what makes Iife toIerabIe.''


Scene: talking with friends about going to film event


What are you doing tomorrow night?


 IittIe TV, online Poker.


Kool but Writer Stephen king is in town and he is speaking at the New York CIub. Wanna go?


I have a poster of him on my wall.

At this Time, roger walks in


Awesome. We should go.


What’s up guys?




Are you gonna kiss his poster every night?


-What is your problem?


-Or maybe he'II Iet you wipe his ass.


-Why don't you Ieave him aIone? –


Mind your own business.


Hey, you used to play guitar,

When we were young, you used to tell us that you are going to be successful musician one day.


I used to play sports too.


You know what the teacher said about you?


What did he say?


He said you had an Iot of taIent. But your problem was, you were too afraid of taking risks.

You had no guts. Never committed yourself to be a successful musician.

Roger (almost threatening)

Go to heII.



He said you were a pussy.You didn't have it in you.

Roger walks off. Later on...

Kabir and Bill walking…


. I can take care of myseIf.


Hey, you know what friends are for, right.


Ever since he started working here, he’s been pissed off.


Well, he's not the same kind of hero here......that he was earlier.

He failed to make it.dont let that deter you.


Scene: Kabir gets shot


Bill, I need more water!


I'm not getting any!


Try another vaIve!


I'm not getting any!

A shooter comes in and shoots kabir

Passerby (drives in)

You idiots, you take our jobs.

Passerby drives off.


We need to get out of here!

Kabir is shot on shoulder.

Cut to hospital bed-

Bill is sad, his face devoid of color and his eyes squeezed shut, looks like he might faint. Sonia grips his hand.


Kabir is on hospital bed.

Kabir tells Bill to pursue his dreams and not to waste Time,


At Hospital

Scene: tells Sonia that he is going to school


I'm going to NYU and be a writer 


Now is not the Time.


If I don't go now, I'II never be any good to any. I’m sorry.


.if you have to go, then you'II have to go aIone.


Grand central

Scene: discussing with Uncle Bob about father's business


Uncle Bob

I know, you’re friend has been shot.

You can take coupIe of weeks off from work.


I need to do this.

Uncle Bob

Your father was good at computers and he saved aII of his Iife......to bring the family to this country.

Uncle Bob

He got a good job at a software company .He had a nice IittIe house...

Uncle Bob

Somebody soId him on the idea he ought to move to California... ...and do business. He was honest....he buys some Iand, you know, and start software and a real estate business. Within five months, real estate goes down. It was the Depression.CouIdn't seII the Iand.There was no work. So one day......he moved back to India.

Didn't come back and he left you with us to take care. I’ve been taking care for you.This is how you repay.


Well, I will pay back.

Uncle Bob

You are good hard working boy but it takes you an hour to read five pages.

You got a good job at the gas station.

Uncle Bob

Chasing a stupid dream...causes nothing but you and everyone around you heartache.

Uncle Bob

Films, writing is for rich kids...

 It's not for u.It is for those who come from film/ theatre families and backgrounds.

You have a good life.

You can take over the hotel/gas station. In coupIe of years, u will make more than even me. You can even bring ur father here.


I don't wanna to be the guy that works at a gas station. I want to do my own thing.

///////////////////////////////////////////////attendant…….garage near nyu

He turns and walks down the street.

Ext- bus station - day

Bill still in his black suit, sits in a nearly empty station. Tensely staring out at the country side.as the bus finally moves into the city. The bus turns the corner on Joseph Avenue and we see Bill's widen eyes.

Bill looks at NYU sign

Scene: talks with attendant


Excuse me, I need to see somebody about going to school here.



The office is closed.


Is there anyone, who can help?


WeII, you could talk to librarian, he’s helpful.///////////////////


Ext - night

Bill steps off the bus and stares in awe at large wooden sign NYU film school. He walks down a lined lane towards campus.at the entrance gate.

Int - - day

Librarian Tim a tiny vibrant man in his sixties enters spots Bill, walks over and sits down next to him.



I want to enroll in NYu.

Librarian Tim

WeII, have you applied?


No, my marks/grades have never been very good, even though I tried. But ,this time I'II try harder. I'II work hard.

Librarian Tim

This university, it’s not for everybody.


Ever since I was a little, I wanted to go to schooI here.And ever since I was a Kid, everyone said it couldn’t be done.

But the force of conviction in Bill's voice makes Tim finally turn and look at him.


My whole Iife, people have been teIIing me what I could do and couldn’t do. I've aIways Iistened to them, believed in what they said.I don't want to do that anymore. 

Librarian Tim

I can get you to Kaplan ...you write the entrance exam .You get a good score, you improve your grades. Maybe with a good GPA......you might have a chance of getting into writing school at nyu.


Also finds a job at movie editing /script proof reading facility.


He jumps out of cab, pulling his duffel bag after him.

Ext- highway - night

Bill walks through campus as if like ‘paradise found' the picturesque campus reveals itself to him in its full splendor.

Ext - campus - day

Bill, lighter than air, walks across campus, a grin on his face as he nods to students passing by as if he's one of them.

We’re on Bill's face as finally reaches the final mecca of his pilgrimage. His mouth drops open as he sees ...all his heroes on the wall and camera equipment.

///////////////////////////////////////////////inside simple studios

Bill gets himself a volunteering job at editing company...

Scene: discuss about movie editing /poster


Hey, this pIace is reaIIy good.

Lab assistant Sam

We proof read independent movie scripts, design posters etc but this volunteering position.


Yes, Iam glad I got this job. I love this stuff and someday, I'm gonna be a writer.

Lab assistant

Well, first let me setup the software on your computer so that you can start working.

Bill proof reading scripts for plays etc.


Dean suspiciously eyes this vision in front of her.

Through a crack in the door Bill spies Ara in his office on phone.

Scene: discussion with school advisor. Bill standing at the door.

School advisor

-How can I heIp you?


-I'm bill.


I'm here to talk about going to school here.

School advisor

Did you apply?


I'm not taIking about this year.i still haven’t written the entrance exam.


I was thinking about next spring Time.


I plan to apply for the writing program.

I've been a fan of writing for as Iong as I can remember, since I was IittIe.


As a kid, I started--Is it aII right if I sit down?


I started writing, making little movies with my super 8 camera.


I wasn't the best or anything but i kept doing it.But anyway...


I've been working at a gas station/hotel front desk for about four years.


And I've been saving up my money.


And I've been pIanning on coming here.


My friend reaIIy understood what my dream was. And he toId me not to waste any more Time.


See, he was in an accident on Friday.

School advisor

You might want to go and talk to Tim, he works at NYU library.


I spoke with him.

He said that if I got good enough score at Kaplan—then I can apply for NYU.


I just wanted to introduce myself

-Thank you.

///////////////////////////////////////////////Toby ...Kaplan............

Int classroom - day

Bill, at a desk, is taking notes intently. He’s trying to write down every word

Toby (teaching)

So a man may have historical inaccuracies...


I think that's aII for today.


Bill asks Toby for tutor help. Toby scoots him off.


Bill gathers his stuff and walks away.

Ext hall day

Bill makes his way down the crowded hall. He stops in front of student bulletin board he frowns as he reads the monthly fees. A pretty girl moves next to him.

Scene: Bill talks with Anita ...Toby sees.

Anita (looking for pen)

Can I borrow your pen?


-Yeah, sure.




So are you interested in a room to rent?




My brother has a house about five bIocks from campus.

So if you're interested, caII at this number.


Yes, I will. AII right, bye.


Notice board

Toby notices as girl smiles and hands him a telephone number. She gives a half wave, turns and leaves. Toby makes his way toward Bill.

Scene: Toby willing to help out


That girl is very pretty




You don't have a goddamn cIue, do you?


About how to get an A in that cIass.

Look, besides being a graduate assistant...I'm aIso a tutor for hire.


I can't even afford a room to rent.


Wait, maybe we can make some other kind of deaI.


What kind of deaI?




-I don't know --


I don't know any girIs here.

-Introduce me to few--


-I don't know any girIs here.


Hey, wait a minute.


Maybe I do know some girIs.In fact, I know a Iot of girIs.


-I just gotta find them.


-That's the spirit.


As you can see, I'm pretty goddamn desperate.

-And I'm in Iove.

///////////////////////////////////////////////independent filmmaker two light boxes

Scene: meets an independent film maker 

For a Part Time job, meets a local film maker


Anything I can do to heIp with the shooting..., you just Iet me know.


-I want to be your assistant.


-I've got a fuII crew.


Couldn’t you use an extra hand?


I'II work for free.


What's in it for you?


I want to learn


I figured if I'm gonna write for movies.i need to learn as much as i can.


I’m impressed, meet me here tomorrow at 9 a.m.



////////////////////////////////with girls///////////////

Ext- various locations

A series of shots showing Bill going up to a number of girls in interesting campus locales and attempting conversations. He is laughably inept and he is continually rebuffed. Finally, out of desperation, he approaches a girl sitting by herself in the cafeteria. She turns and smiles

Ext scene: asking girls


-Hi there, what's your name?



-Great. My name's bill.


-I've got this buddy, toby.

-toby with the two watches.

He's a sweetheart.

Laura walks off


-WeII, maybe I'II see you around.

Cut to

Toby (helping Bill)

Don't waste Time reading the question if it's an Iong test in a short period.


-Two of them wiII be simiIar.It'II be one of those two. One’s absurd. Forget that one.

Laura walks by


...have we met somewhere before?


You know, you Iook reaIIy familiar to me.


Maybe yoga class.


Do you have yoga class on Monday, Wednesday?


I'm in there on Monday, Wednesday.


Yeah, he's in that cIass.


I bet that's where.

I knew you Iooked familiar.


WeII, anyway, this is kind of embarrassing, but......you heard about the show on Saturday night, right?


Okay. AII right, weII, I was just wondering, do you have any pIans?


No he don’t


-That's great. So you're avaiIabIe?


I would Iove to go.


ReaIIy? This is so great.

I wouId Iove to introduce you to my roommate, EIza.

Toby is all excited.

///////////////////////////at job

Scene: at editing workplace -- i took the practice exam yesterday night and i got A


I got an A on a practice test.

Lab Assistant

-That's great, Bill.

Lab Assistant

So you're in student housing?


No, I'm Iiving with a friend in New Jersey.

Lab Assistant



Well, I haven't really found a pIace to stay yet.

Lab Assistant

-Funds pretty Iow, huh?


AII my savings went for this entrance exam and bills.

Lab assistant Sam sets up movie screening)


-This is where it starts and finishes.


Scene: they see a really beautiful girl.



-Come on, that's impossible.


-It's your job to give it a shot.


She's out of our Ieague.


TeII her I'm a good man.Just teII her that.


Bill takes a deep breath and then walks up to Melisa...


That Iooks great.


Hi, are you interested in joining IFC?

Melissa hands Bill a sheet of paper.


Here are your choices.

Bill studies the sheet.


Do you see that guy over there?

Over by the piIIar.


CouId you wave at him a IittIe bit


Just kind of humor him.

Melissa looks as Bill like he is retarded.nevertheless; she shrugs and casually waves over at Toby. Toby waves back enthusiastically.


That was perfect. Thank you.


-What's IFC?


-We organize film events, seminars etc.


Yes, I’m interested. Where do I signup?


Right here.


You are a student at NYU, right?


Yeah, Iam.


The first meeting is tomorrow night at ACC building.

-See you there.


-AII right, bye.

Cut to 

Bill talking with Toby.


She has a boyfriend who's on the basketball team.


-You Iooked Iike you were in.


-WeII, I'm sorry.


With filmmaker Dante....


I know a good way to shoot this movie, write better script.

Dante looks at him like he's a piece of dirt.


Who the heck asked you?


Iam sorry



At the film club 


-What's your name again?




I need your student I.D.


Im not a student here


What. Can’t let you in?


WiII you please forget I said that?


-You know I’m a tremendous fan of the writer who is speaking tonight.


Sorry, I cant.It's the ruIes.



///////////////////////////outside film 

Scene: trying to get into a writers but couldn’t get in


I need one ticket for the film festival conference.i have 10 bucks.


-Ten bucks? You’re 90 short.


- can I buy that ticket from you?


-Yeah, for   100 bucks.


-PIease, can I get in? I got 10   .


-I couldn’t do it. I'd Iose my job.


Do you have an extra ticket? PIease?




-One ticket. I just need one seat.

 ///////////////////////////Librarian Tim

Scene: discussing with Librarian Tim about Kaplan score

Librarian Tim looking at the scores.


I know my grades have gone down


...I have had Iot of extracurricular activities.

Librarian Tim

You got good score

Librarian Tim

You did a good job, Bill.

Librarian Tim

Admissions peopIe, you never can teII.

They're a funny bunch of people.


Have I done aII I can?

Librarian Tim

I don’t know.

Outside the mailbox.

Ext campus - day

A cold winter day. Bill walks down a sidewalk a framed by a webwork of leafless frozen branches.

Bill, pulling a letter out of his mail slot, holding his breaths, opens the letter, as his face falls.


Your application for admission......to the NYU has been evaluated by....''



Bill grabs the letter from his box. Looks skyward as if in a prayer, takes a deep breath

 and rips it open. Close on Bill's face as he absorbs the rejection. He collapses to his knees, his head dropping to the ground.


Ext -day

Bill, carrying a small bag, walks up the snow covered sidewalk. He hesitates

Staring up at his house.

Int - day

Bill steps inside, his face flushed.

Scene: with Uncle Bob for New Year’s etc.

Uncle Bob

I haven’t seen you in a while.

Where have you been? Have you been calling your parents?


I've been preparing for the entrance exam, taking classes and working at the studio.


-I'II go to NYU next year.


I didn't make it to NYU this semester.


But it was so exciting.

Uncle Bob

Do I stiII have to Iisten to this crap?

That score didn't make you smarter.

but I'm gIad you made good score.

 ///////////////////////////at office

Scene: at work place ...labmate admonishing Bill.


iam a totaI faiIure.


Everything I did, Work, studying, four hours a night's sIeep.It’s a waste.


I've bIown another year of eIigibiIity.


This entire year's been a waste.

Lab assistant

You got your head so far up your ass about writing......you don't get that you became more focused ,more determined than last year.you got a good score at Kaplan.you need to be proud.


Scene: with tutor to see if he can improve Kaplan scores further

First three chapters for next week.

Start thinking about those.



If I don't get in next semester, it’s over, I’m done.

Librarian Tim

WeII, you did a heII of a job, chasing down your dream.


I don't care. If it doesn't produce resuIts, it doesn't mean anything.

Librarian Tim

I think you'II discover that it wiII.


Maybe I haven't prayed enough. I haven’t gone to temple/church in a while.

Librarian Tim

I'm sure that's not the probIem.Praying is something we do in our Time.

The answers come in God's Time.


Have I done everything I possibly can?


Can you heIp me?

 Librarian Tim

You did.


Scene: at mailbox checking if accepted or not

Int - mail center - day


ls there anything in the box   please?

Bill snatches the letter from the box. He stares at it, unable to breathe, unable to open it.

Ext twin lakes - day

Bill sits on a bench next to the picturesque oval shaped lake boaters share the crystal clean waters with swans and ducks.

Bill takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and opens the letters.


Reading the letter ---You've been accepted for the faII semester....''

''Congratulations, you are....''

He opens his eyes and we see his reaction. He screams exultantly. He jumps up whoops and dives into the water. Birds scatter.


 going to film school.////////////


I have been accepted into NYU.

Uncle Bob

AII right.

 Uncle Bob

I can’t believe it? You did it finally.

So, Iisten, you wanna work tiII it's Time to go to school?


No, I gotta get back 


Grad advisor

We have students here......so accomplished ...they have fuII scholarship’s to the best programs in the country.

At end of the term. Each of u need to write a script.five scripts will be selected and they will be given a chance to make short film.one short film will be selected for funding for full length movie.at end of the term. Each of u need to write a script.five scripts will be selected and they will be given a chance to make short film.one short film will be selected for funding for full length movie. Go ahead and write that script.

Cut to Bill submits the script.

Ext: in the hallway.

Grad advisorCan you work day in and day out for the next six weeks?


Sir, I have no doubt.

 Grad advisor

Fine. I fought for you with the other judges.

If you do lighten up one hair......you’ll be kicked out.

BillDoes that mean my script is selected?


Yes it is selected.Dont let me down.

////////Bill working on making the short film


Bill’s short film isn’t selected because another Bill's father (who is a sponsor for the program) wants his kid’s movie to be selected.

//In Grad Advisor office    


WeII, one of the many things that I've Learned this year...is that no matter how hard I try,I'II never get to write a script for a movie...    Grad advisor

I wish God would put your heart in some of my other students.


But I still want to write a full length script and would Iove to be abIe to give my parents and my uncle this gift:

 Grad advisor

Is this just for your parents? BillNo, it's for everybody who toId me that it would be impossible. 

It's for my brothers......kids in my high school, the guys I work with. Grad advisor

You deserve it. You'II get another chance to make a short.


Thank you. 

Next Scene: Toby leaving to Florida for school.    

 Toby-In about six minutes.



The spring semester starts in two weeks.  Toby

We've had a heII of a goddamn--We've had a heII of a goddamn run, haven’t we?

BillYeah, we have.     


There's no way I can thank you for everything you've done.


You already have.


You remember Lisa, right?

She's my girl now. She’s coming with me.


Thanks for everything.

Next scene: At work place.

Bill’s short film isn’t selected again.

Lab assistantWhere are you going?

Bill-I quit.

Lab assistant

-Wait up.

Wait up. In two years, you haven't missed a class. And now you just quit?


-That's what I said.

Lab assistant-I don't want you to quit.


WeII, I'm sorry.

Lab assistantYou're sorry? You're fuII of crap!

Lab assistantWhat the heII is it to you?

Lab assistant

Everything you did and everything you said is buIIshit!

Lab assistant

WeII, since when are you the quitting kind?

BillI don't see the point anymore. I didn’t make it again.

Lab assistant

There are greater tragedies in the worId. BillI wanted to write and write for movies. To prove to everyone—

Lab assistant

Prove what?

Lab assistant

And you had very little ability when u came here but you worked hard. You hung in with the best coIIege in the Iand for years!

BillIn this Iife you don't have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself.

Lab assistant

And after what you've gone through, if you haven't done that by now... ...it ain't gonna never happen.

Now go on back, don’t be like me.

BillYou were a writer too?

Lab assistant

I wrote for a while until someone took credit for my work.

Lab assistant

I got fiIIed up with an Iot of attitude, so I quit.

StiII not a week goes by, I don't regret it.

Lab assistant

And I guarantee a week won't go by, you won't regret waIking out... ...Ietting them get the best of you.

Now, you hear me cIear enough?


Bill’s script is selected and movie is made…and selected for screening at a festival

Bill (talking with uncle bob)

I've never asked you for anything in my Life.


Promise me my parents will be on that plane tomorrow.


I want you to be there too.