xamarin ibeacon mini-hack using estimote ibeacons

conversation, a little more iBeacons Estimote iBeacons mini-hack Jim Bennett @JimBobBennett http://JimBobBennett.io

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Xamarin iBeacon Mini-hack using Estimote iBeacons

A little less conversation, a little

more iBeaconsEstimote iBeacons mini-hack

Jim Bennett@JimBobBennetthttp://JimBobBennett.io

Page 2: Xamarin iBeacon Mini-hack using Estimote iBeacons

What are we going to do tonight?

• A quick overview of iBeacons

• The cool things you can do with them

• Hands on with the Estimote Xamarin component

• Lets play! Team up and build a treasure hunt app, and win some beacons

Page 3: Xamarin iBeacon Mini-hack using Estimote iBeacons

What are iBeacons?• Bluetooth LE devices

• Broadcast a fixed format message defined by Apple on a periodic basis

• Message has an Id, version (major, minor), measured power

• Multiple iBeacons can have the same Id, versions can be use to distinguish different iBeacons

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How do they interact with your app?• Apple defines an API to interact

with iBeacons as part of CoreLocation

• Apps can register to monitor a region - all beacons with a given Id

• Monitoring notifies when an iBeacon moves in or out of range

• Monitoring can happen in the background and will launch your app

• Once your app is in the foreground, you can range the iBeacons to get their proximity/distance as it changes

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What does this mean for your app?

• Indoor location awareness

• Context awareness

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What apps can you build to take advantage of

this?• Museum guide - app knows which exhibit you are standing next to and plays the correct audio

• Theatre location - app can pinpoint your location and direct you to your seat

• Shopping - notifications of special offers when you are next to the items on offer

• Respond to indoor location - turn your lights off when you put your phone down on your bedside table, notify friends when you are home safe

Page 7: Xamarin iBeacon Mini-hack using Estimote iBeacons

Problems!• Security - anyone can read your beacon by

scanning for Bluetooth devices and spoof your id

• Power - some iBeacons run off the mains so need socket, battery powered ones will die and need replacing

• Accuracy - not very, for example in a busy location people can decrease signal strength

• No simulator support - need an actual device for debugging

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Estimote iBeacons• Estimote have extended the

capabilities of their iBeacons

• Distance measurements, flip to power off

• Indoor location SDK

• Android support

• Xamarin component

• Nearables

• Strong developer community support

• Other iBeacon providers are available

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Best of all!Free beacons!

2 dev kits to be given away, everyone gets 10% off their first Estimote order and Stickers for everyone

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CodeExamples at:



Page 11: Xamarin iBeacon Mini-hack using Estimote iBeacons

Step 1 - add the component

• Install the Estimote SDK for iOS component

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Step 2 - add the permissions

• Need either NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription or NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription set

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Step 3 - Setup the BeaconManager and


• Create a BeaconManager - this wraps CLLocationManager

• Listen for changes to the authorisation status

• Request permission

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Step 4 - Start ranging beacons

• To range you need to specify a region

• Each region is based on a UUID and optionally a major and minor version

• Each region must have a name and you can use this in the event handler to correctly handle the ranging of beacons from multiple regions

• By default all brand new Estimote iBeacons have a UUID ofB9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D

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Step 5 - Handle the ranged beacons

• The Ranged event provides a list of beacons

• Contains just the one that was ranged, or all of them depending on the setup

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Gotcha’s• Distance of -1

• Means not enough signal or advertising packets - ramp up the broadcast rate

• Checking for equality

• Beacons are equal if the UUID/version matches. Beacons in the event args are new instances.

• Not working - check authorization!

• Make sure your code requests authorization and handles the denied case.

Page 17: Xamarin iBeacon Mini-hack using Estimote iBeacons

Lets find some treasure!Your challenge:

Form small teams - ideally 3 to a team

There will be 3 beacons hidden in another room

Write an app to find the beacons and record the letters written on each

Each team will enter the room one at a time - the fastest team to locate them all wins some booty - an Estimote iBeacons dev kit with 3

iBeacons - worth $100

Afterwards each team will show off their results. The team with the best app wins

another Estimote dev kit

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Useful links• http://estimote.com

• https://gist.github.com/jimbobbennett/07fb701789abce7bdc8b

• https://github.com/jimbobbennett/iBeaconsMiniHack

• https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/LocationAwarenessPG/RegionMonitoring/RegionMonitoring.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009497-CH9-SW1

• http://motzcod.es/post/105283789517/ios-ibeacon-background-region-monitoring

• http://motzcod.es/post/97662738237/scanning-for-ibeacons-in-ios-8

• https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/community/blogosphere/2015/02/04/the-realities-of-installing-ibeacon-to-scale/