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  • 8/14/2019 Xtensive presentation (En)


    12 Nagornaya St., 303620028 Ekaterinburg, Russia

    Phone & fax: +7 343 263 71 74E-mail: [email protected], http://www.x-tensive.com

    20032009 Xtensive LLC

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  • 8/14/2019 Xtensive presentation (En)



    Xtensive is software development company focused on development forMicrosoft .NET platform. We develop components and products for .NETdevelopers as well as custom software solutions for small and mediumsized enterprises.

    From the very outset in 2003 our company was demonstrating stablegrowth weve passed the way from the group of 3 enthusiasts tomedium sized company one of the most well-known in Ekaterinburg.

    Today our team consists of more than 20 professional developers.

    Growing success of DataObjects.Net, as wellas high professional skills of our developers

    lead to establishment of custom software

    solutions development department at our

    company. Service-based part of our business

    is growing in parallel with product

    development during last years.

    Companys evolution begins from the idea tocreate the product with revolutionary features

    based on .NET Framework and to lead it out to

    worldwide market. Now its visible it was

    successful. Foregoing product has been

    named DataObjects.Net and now it is adopted

    in more than 50 countries worldwide.

  • 8/14/2019 Xtensive presentation (En)



    Combines comprehensive business logic layer (BLL) developmentframework, object-relational mapper (ORM) and a set of storageimplementations enabling the same BLL code work everywhere dramatically reducing the resources needed to develop generally anyapplication dealing with persistent data.

    Web application development platform allowing to build rich internetapplications (RIA) using DataObjects.Net faster by providing a setof commonly used components (AJAX UI controls, JS DOM, search,navigation, etc.) and patterns (MVP, DI\IoC, etc.). For now we use it onlyinternally.

    Web (ASP.NET) application allowing to browse the content of .Chm and.HxS help files via internet. Powers up help.x-tensive.com.

  • 8/14/2019 Xtensive presentation (En)


    Products Overview

    DataObjects.Net is our key product. It was initiallydesigned to considerably reduce the efforts needed

    to develop a database application by handling all

    persistence related tasks transparently for developer.

    Now this framework allows to almost forget that the

    underlying database exists it handles even database

    schema updates.

    DataObjects.Net seems to be quite related to OR\M

    solutions at first glance, but its directivity in hiding

    the underlying relational storage, support for writing

    secure business code within persistent entities andservices and wide set of commonly used extensions,

    such as full text indexing and search, makes it

    possible to relate DataObjects.Net to object-oriented

    databases as well it really makes you feel there is

    nothing behind your .Net entity classes at all.

    Moreover, its forth version brings this approach

    to much higher level in addition to support

    of several existing RDBMS platforms it contains first

    implementation of our own storage: full-featured

    integrated in-memory database (IMDB). File system

    storage implementation (a regular RDBMS!) is

    upcoming in several months.

    LiveObjects.Net acts as integration and commonservice layer for web applications providing a set of

    unified components and services for them, such as

    default AJAX-enabled management interface and

    a set of common actions (e.g. copy \ paste).

    Management interface design is quite familiar to almost

    any Windows user they used to have some

    experience working with built-in Windows Explorer and

    Management Console.

    Among essential features LiveObjects.Net provides are

    advanced user access control management(authentication, users, roles, permissions, per-object

    access control lists) and ubiquitous advanced search

    features (search by attributes \ full text phrase, Search

    Folders, etc.).

    LiveObjects.Net is used only internally now. Some of its

    deployments include a set of document and asset

    management applications we developed for USTU.

    Help Serverhelps to publish .Chm \ HxSdocumentation on the web with just few clicks it is

    exposed on web site in the very same fashion as at

    Microsoft MSDN library, so user can search and

    navigate through it with ease. Help Server user

    interface is quite similar to built-in Windows Help

    Viewer (or MSDN Library Viewer), which is familiar to

    almost any Windows user.

  • 8/14/2019 Xtensive presentation (En)


    Partner Software SolutionsBuilt with our significant involvement

    MESware MEScontrol.net is extremely configurable ManufacturingExecution System (MES) that adheres to the principles of leanmanufacturing in order to manage the production workflow on the plantfloor. It completely automates manufacturing processes by solving suchtasks as production planning, scheduling, execution, efficiencyoptimization and much more.

    Izenda Reportslets ordinary business users create and customizereports without needing the help from technical experts.

  • 8/14/2019 Xtensive presentation (En)


    MEScontrol.net Overview

    What is MES?MES is Manufacturing Execution

    System. Manufacturing company can use

    it to measure and control its production

    activities. Benefits of MES solutions are

    increased traceability, productivity, and


    MEScontrol.net serves as MES and is

    being developed by MESware nv

    a Belgian company specialized in MES.

    We took a significant part in development

    of this project: MEScontrol uses our

    DataObject.Net as ORM technology;

    moreover, a part of MEScontrol is

    designed and implemented by our team.

    Weve implemented a significant part of

    its business and data tiers, and partially

    its user interface.

    Our partnership on this project is

    continuing during last 3 years. Thefeedback from both sides is very positive.

    MEScontol is

    implemented on several plantsnow.

    MEScontrol.net features: Complete formalization (definition) of manufacturing

    process. All you need to know produce any manufactured

    product: ingredients, packing materials, processes, equipment

    settings, etc. is known by MEScontrol;

    Real-time management feedback management gets

    a clear view of the results and Key Performance Indicators

    (KPIs) thanks to auto-generated graphs and reports;

    Production process planning MEScontrol have built-in

    scheduler, so loading of manufacture equipment can be planedin automatic and manual mode;

    Automatic planning of orders received from external systems

    (from companys ERP system for example);

    Equipment control any equipment that could be controlled

    by PC or PPC can be easily connected to MEScontrol. Most

    frequently used equipment (label printers, RFID scanners) are

    provided with built-in support.

    Track and trace MEScontrol gathers actual production data

    and allows to browse it with ease. Actually produced amounts

    of products, equipment operation parameters, failures and

    employees controlling it it knows everything.

    Operator control panels display the operations scheduled

    in work centers and allow to control their execution right on the

    site. The operator may get the information on all the orders in

    queue, e.g. bill of materials, equipment settings, work

    instructions and procedures, as well as any production related


  • 8/14/2019 Xtensive presentation (En)



    We have more than 300 clients in 40 countries all over the world. Youcan find some testimonials on DataObjects.Net here

    There are some well-known companies among our clients inparticular, Parature, Inc., NetIQ, Quantum Art

    Our local customers (based in Ekaterinburg) includeUrals State Technical University and Data-Center

    Our abroad clients have been visiting our trainings in Ekaterinburg.And vice versa, our developers have frequent business trips to Europeand USA.

    Even some of our straight competitors use our products! For example,TechTalk GmbH has been published Genome-e with the aid of our HelpServer.

  • 8/14/2019 Xtensive presentation (En)


    Our Team

    Today there are more than 20 developers in our team. Practically all of themgraduated from mathematical department ofUrals State University itprovides the most rated computer science and mathematical education inthe whole Urals.

    Good background in computer science is, in fact, one of the strongestrequirements for all our employees. Almost all of them are Bachelors ofScience at least.

    High level of technical English knowledge is also a must have skill for anyof us most of our clients are located outside of Russia; all the teammembers directly interacting with them have fluent spoken English.

    Most of us have practical experience in wide range of technologies it isdefinitely much wider than a set of .NET and RDBMS-related ones.

    As you see, were very technically oriented there are almost no non-

    technical people there; our management team consists of IT professionals aswell. We think its a benefit, especially for agile development.

    Were proud that during last 3 years only two developers have left our teamby their own will.

    We have a good web and UI designer in our team you can see someexamples of his works here.

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    Our Benefits

    We use agile software development process: requirements specification isbased on user stories, unit testing is used to test everything, build serversprovide continuous integration and immediate post-commit test runs,frictionless deployment and documentation (wiki, XML comments) processes.

    This approach significantly increases development speed and final reliabilityof the solution.

    We not just perfectly know RDBMS: we wrote relatively well-knowncommercial object-relational mapping tool, that means we were dealing withall the RDBMS-related issues faced by our users. So were experts in thisarea.

    Obviously, we can use DataObjects.Net better than anyone actually just thisfact can ensure a really quick startup.

    We are capable of producing full documentation for a complex API even forvery large projects. Check out:

    DataObjects.Net v3.9 API documentation (~10000 members aredocumented)

    An example from preliminary DataObjects.Net v4.0 API documentation(>13000 members for now).

    We provide excellent technical support there are more than 8000 messagesin our software support forum.

  • 8/14/2019 Xtensive presentation (En)


    Thank you!

    20032009 Xtensive LLC, [email protected]

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