year 18 issue 30 of 40€¦ · 18/09/2020  · alert level 2, our students are ... 1-5 matthew 21:...

Year 18 Issue 30 of 40 18 September 2020 Public Office Hours 8.15am - 3.30pm Monday - Friday Small School, Big Heart...GARIN COLLEGE From our Principal, John Maguire Kia ora tatou ngā whānau, Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, this week Ngā Amorangi, Keri Snodgrass and Tyler Stevens have led the College in celebrang Māori Language Week. Kia Kaha te Reo Māoriset the theme for the week, with a range of interacve and fun acvies organised to encourage the speaking of Te Reo throughout the College. We look forward to our connued learning and use of Te Reo in our daily speech within the College. Ko tōu reo, Ko tōku reo, Te tuakiri tangata, Tīhei uriuri Tīhei nakonako Your voice, my voice. It is an expression of identy, Behold the message and the messenger. This week we celebrated our annual Sports Awards Evening. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 Alert Level 2 we were unable to have our parents and outside coaches and managers present. Despite this significant change to the awards evening, I have been absolutely impressed by the resilience and posive energy our students have demonstrated throughout the sporng season and making this a most wonderful celebraon. We enjoyed the presence of those who were able to watch the online live stream of the awards and the company of students, staff coaches and managers who were present to celebrate student success in sport. An outstanding feature of the evening was the naming of students who have been selected in representave sport at a local, regional and naonal level, this is a true reflecon of each student's dedicaon and commitment to their sport. I thank all our coaches, managers, parents, teachers and staff who have supported our students throughout the year and parcularly our Sport Coordinator Mrs Marne McCabe for her leadership in acvely promong and providing sport opportunies for our students. Sophia Kersten and Bede Dodd-Edgar have been absolutely dedicated and resilient sport leaders throughout the year. I commended them for their outstanding organisaon and presentaon of our awards evening. Our Year 12 students head out on their Ascent Journey Programme at Whenua i outdoors next week. Despite the programme being modified with no overnight stay due to Covid-19 Alert Level 2, our students are movated and looking forward to celebrang this me together. The focus of their journey is on servant leadership and fellowship. We take inspiraon from Jesus as the model of compassion and as our visionary leader. I look forward to the opportunity to meet with the Y12 students along with our 2020 school leaders as we focus on leadership growth and preparaon. We hope these days together allows each student to consider their me in the College and give them the opportunity to consider their role next year as Year 13 students and leaders within the College. Im sure within the days together there will be much me for reflecon and leadership development as they head toward their final year. I look forward to announcing the result of the student elecon for the Student Representave for the Board of Trustees at our school online live assembly on Tuesday next week. Have a peaceful weekend. Ngā manaakitanga, God bless John Maguire Take a Moment: The best preparaon for tomorrow is doing your best today. H. JACKSON BROWN, JR. Garin Calendar: Mon 21st - Wed 23rd Sept - Y12 Journey Programme Fri 25th Sept - Last day of Term 3 Mon 12th Oct - Term 4 Commences

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Page 1: Year 18 Issue 30 of 40€¦ · 18/09/2020  · Alert Level 2, our students are ... 1-5 Matthew 21: 28-32 Every day of our lives we have to make choices. Sometimes we make the wrong

Year 18 Issue 30 of 40 18 September


Public Office Hours

8.15am - 3.30pm Monday - Friday





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From our Principal, John Maguire Kia ora tatou ngā whānau,

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, this week Ngā Amorangi, Keri Snodgrass and Tyler Stevens have led the College in celebrating Māori Language Week. “Kia Kaha te Reo Māori” set the theme for the week, with a range of interactive and fun activities organised to encourage the speaking of Te Reo throughout the College. We look forward to our continued learning and use of Te Reo in our daily speech within the College.

Ko tōu reo, Ko tōku reo, Te tuakiri tangata, Tīhei uriuri Tīhei nakonako Your voice, my voice. It is an expression of identity,

Behold the message and the messenger.

This week we celebrated our annual Sports Awards Evening. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 Alert Level 2 we were unable to have our parents and outside coaches and managers present. Despite this significant change to the awards evening, I have been absolutely impressed by the resilience and positive energy our students have demonstrated throughout the sporting season and making this a most wonderful celebration. We enjoyed the presence of those who were able to watch the online live stream of the awards and the company of student’s, staff coaches and managers who were present to celebrate student success in sport. An outstanding feature of the evening was the naming of students who have

been selected in representative sport at a local, regional and national level, this is a true reflection of each student's dedication and commitment to their sport. I thank all our coaches, managers, parents, teachers and staff who have supported our students throughout the year and particularly our Sport Coordinator Mrs Martine McCabe for her leadership in actively promoting and providing sport opportunities for our students. Sophia Kersten and Bede Dodd-Edgar have been absolutely dedicated and resilient sport leaders throughout the year. I commended them for their outstanding organisation and presentation of our awards evening.

Our Year 12 students head out on their Ascent Journey Programme at Whenua iti outdoors next week. Despite the programme being modified with no overnight stay due to Covid-19 Alert Level 2, our students are motivated and looking forward to celebrating this time together. The focus of their journey is on servant leadership and fellowship. We take inspiration from Jesus as the model of compassion and as our visionary leader. I look forward to the opportunity to meet with the Y12 students along with our 2020 school leaders as we focus on leadership growth and preparation. We hope these days together allows each student to consider their time in the College and give them the opportunity to consider their role next year as Year 13 students and leaders within the College. I’m sure within the days together there will be much time for reflection and leadership development as they head toward their final year.

I look forward to announcing the result of the student election for the Student Representative for the Board of Trustees at our school online live assembly on Tuesday next week.

Have a peaceful weekend.

Ngā manaakitanga, God bless John Maguire

Take a Moment:

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. H. JACKSON BROWN, JR.

G a r i n C a l e n d a r :

Mon 21st - Wed 23rd Sept - Y12 Journey Programme

Fri 25th Sept - Last day of Term 3

Mon 12th Oct - Term 4 Commences

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Garin College Derived Grade Exam Timetable 2020

Garin College practice exams are on Monday 12th October - Friday 16th October in Week One of Term Four. Please click on this link to view the timetable:

Te Aho Reports Sent Next Week Friday 25th September

Garin College offers a fortnightly feedback based on our students classroom focus, communication and learning. Te Aho operates on a numbered system from 1 - 4. These numbers relate to: 1 - Well below 2 - Below 3 - Acceptable 4 - Above Expected Te Aho is a personalised reporting and feedback system that focuses on the individual student and how they are progressing in their attitude to learning. The four focuses areas of Te Aho are:

1. Personal Attitude to Learning 2. Control & Ownership of their Learning 3. Participation in Learning 4. Punctuality to class

Teaching & Learning @ Garin College

Page 3: Year 18 Issue 30 of 40€¦ · 18/09/2020  · Alert Level 2, our students are ... 1-5 Matthew 21: 28-32 Every day of our lives we have to make choices. Sometimes we make the wrong

Teaching & Learning @ Garin College

Garin College Staff - Lifelong Learners Mrs Sarah Rankin our Year 9 Dean and Across School Teacher has recently completed a University of Canterbury Masters in Educational Leadership paper “Teachers as Leaders”. Sarah has received an “A” grade. We as a staff are very proud of Sarah and her continuation of learning for the benefit of our Garin Staff and Learners.

Attendance & Learning

As you will be aware COVID -19 has provided some challenges for us all in 2020. Some learners are struggling with motivation and regular attendance at school. As a result we are working hard to maintain our support of students and contact parents with any concerns over attendance and lateness issues. Please be aware that Ministry of Education guidelines mean that any unexplained absence is recorded as truancy the week after the absence occurs. We are following up any attendance that is not explained and request that you reply to explain this as soon as possible. The Ministry of Education recommendation is that students should have a minimum attendance level of 90%. Research shows that any attendance below this makes it more difficult to achieve at the level expected. Over the next two weeks our senior learners are completing a number of assessments. This will be a more challenging time, as many learners are tired or struggling. It is important learners are in every class in order to have every opportunity with the support of their teachers to gain results

Ready to Learn @ Garin College

This term we are working in partnership with Garin learners to focus on being ready to learn. We are looking at how your son/ daughter can be active participants in their learning. Not simply sitting there being passive and a bystander - school is something done to them. Ready to learn is about shifting the ownership of learning from teachers to Garin learners, enabling students to have the understanding, ability, and opportunity to be part of the learning design and to take action to intervene in the learning process, to affect outcomes and become powerful lifelong learners. The attributes & behaviors we are setting in our classes are:

Be on time to class

Bring a charged device and charger

Bring a writing utensil and paper

One device at a time

Ask first before using phones

Engage in your learning

Wear the correct uniform

Page 4: Year 18 Issue 30 of 40€¦ · 18/09/2020  · Alert Level 2, our students are ... 1-5 Matthew 21: 28-32 Every day of our lives we have to make choices. Sometimes we make the wrong

Garin’s Exam Timetable

Page 5: Year 18 Issue 30 of 40€¦ · 18/09/2020  · Alert Level 2, our students are ... 1-5 Matthew 21: 28-32 Every day of our lives we have to make choices. Sometimes we make the wrong

“Faith Facts" Week 9 - Term 3

St. Vincent de Paul’s - Can Drive

Keep those cans of food coming in… you have until the end of the term!

What a great way to meet the practical

needs of those in our community.

‘Parable of the two sons” This Sunday is the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Ezekiel 18:25-28 Psalm 25 Philippians 2:1-5 Matthew 21: 28-32 Every day of our lives we have to make choices. Sometimes we make the wrong choice and do something we shouldn’t. Remember that whenever we have had a change of heart, Jesus is always ready to give us another chance to put things right.

Te Karakia O Te Atua (The Lord’s Prayer)

E tō mātou Matua i te rangi (Our Parent in the spirit world) Kia tapu tou Ingoa (Sacred is your Name)

Kia tae mai tou rangatira-tanga. (Bring us Your Chiefly rule); Kia meatia tau e pai ai (May it happen in the way that is to You, good)

ki runga i te whenua, (may it happen on earth) kia rite ano ki to te rangi. (In the same way as in spirit world).

i ki a mātou aianei (Give us now) he taro mā mātou mo tēnei ra. (The food we need this day).

Murua o mātou hara (Strip us of our sins); Me mātou hoki e muru nei (Give us back what we have lost);

i o te hunga e hara ana ki a mātou. (So that we, the slaves of sin, may be with you again).

Aua hoki mātou e kawea kia whaka-waia; (Do not lead us into temptation); Engari whaka-orangia mātou, i te kino: (May we be whole, away from things evil);

Nou hoki te rangatira-tanga, (Through your chiefly position, is) te kaha, (the power) me te kororia, (and the glory). Ake, ake, ake. (Forever and ever)

Āmine. (Amen)

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Kia ora Garin Whānau I hope that your second to last week of term has gone well. This week we have a new Counsellor starting, and she will be with us until week 6 next term. Her name is Julia Grigg, and she is introducing herself below. We are very excited to have her onboard!Ngā Mihi Mahana, Kate Sheldon Garin College Guidance Counsellor Phone: (03) 5439488 ext 236 Kia ora. My name is Julia. I am a qualified counsellor and member of NZAC. I graduated in 2018 and have been apart of the amazing team at Garin twice since then. I enjoy being able to help you, the students, navigate your way through life, whatever it is you need support with. For you, I offer a safe and confidential space, a good listening ear, a professional and friendly attitude and many methods that can be tailored to suit you and your needs. I understand that life can be tough, often stressful and confusing. I know the pressures of what it's like just being a young person. If you would like to have a chat, I am here at Garin on Wednesday and Thursday from 8.40 to 3.10. Please, feel free to pop in and see me. You can email Kate or see the office to organise an appointment. I look forward to seeing you.

Message from The Attendance Dues Team

Thank you to all our regular payers and to those that have made full payment on your account.

To avoid receiving overdue reminders please ensure your regular payments are continuous. Please also consider increasing the amount of each payments if the balance is not yet tracking to full repayment by the end of the year.

Please check that your invoice looks how you expect it to i.e. are all your children included, are your payments showing correctly? We value your feedback.

Please visit our website to read our FAQ’s or to make payment using your Visa card

If you are experiencing financial hardship or to discuss your account, please contact us: Phone: 0800 462 725 Email: [email protected] Text: 021 08907902


Automatic Payments: Set this up yourself through your internet banking or directly at your bank

Banking Details: Account name: Archdiocese of Wellington Attendance Dues Collection Fund

Westpac Account number: 03 0518 0000400 00

Reference: Your account number only

Visa or Mastercard Pay online at or contact our office

Cash At any Westpac branch or in person at our office

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School Trophies

All prize giving trophies to please be

returned to the school office.

We are preparing for Prize Giving 2020 and need

trophies returned as soon as possible. Many thanks

Theatre Sports

This event is going ahead under level 2.

Theatre sports competition 2020 at Waimea College in the M block

Junior: Tuesday 22nd September

7pm start, $10 incl booking fee. Pre-booked tickets only.

To buy your tickets phone/text Nikkie 0273468892

Nelson Tasman Schools/Colleges (Garin College,

Waimea College, Nayland College, Takaka and Motueka) compete for the regional finals Theatre Sports cup.

Clever, Creative, entertaining never seen before theatre sports games/scenes.

Come support your school.

Art, Design and Photography workshop

Next Saturday 19th September we are running an Art, Design

and Photography workshop for all senior students wishing

to complete folio work.

The workshop will run from 10am to 2pm. Bring your lunch with you as you will not be allowed offsite during this time.

Hope to see a lot of you there.

Lindsey Furlong-Taylor, Art Teacher

Club Garin Photos Please get your orders in by

Monday 21st September at 3pm

OPEN FOR ENROLMENTS Enrolments are open for Term four Waimea College Adult and Community Education courses which run through the months of Oct to Dec 2020. Up to forty courses are on offer to adults through a programme which includes Cooking, Computing & Technology, Languages, Art & Creativity, Health & Wellbeing, Home & Garden, Singing & Music, held at Waimea College. Full details can also be found on the website where you can also enrol. Enrolments can also be made by emailing [email protected] with your contact details and the course you would like to enrol in or by phone on 544-6099, ext 870.

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Table Tennis School Holiday Program September/October 2020 Tuesday 29th, Thursday 1st, Tuesday 6th and Thursday 8th, 09:30 – 12:00 at Saxton Table Tennis Stadium. Cost is only $5 per session or $15 for all four sessions. Bats and balls provided. Bring something to eat and drink for a short break at half time. For further information, phone Paul 022 394 08290829.

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Do your little bit to care for creation

A series of evening/afternoon sessions to inform and inspire people in the Nelson area to consider small and simple ways to respond to the challenges of climate change. This initiative will be based on Laudato Siʹ, include guest speakers, time for discussion, reflection and practical action. There’s no better time than this Global upheaval to build on the positives to come out of Covid and make a change to better care for our common home. These sessions will run in St Francis of Assisi Stoke on September 21-24. This event is free and open to all. More information available from the Parish Office 539-1251or email Shelley Hills at [email protected]