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  • 8/13/2019 Yu Fundraising


    Youth United: Fund Raising

    Developing a fund-raising plan


    Successfully raising large amounts of money requires a focused, strategic effort involvingcareful planning and coordination. It also requires the building and nurturing of ongoing donor

    relationships. Successful fund raising is relational and personal in nature. The more your fund-

    raising efforts focus on building personal relationships, the more successful you will be. Thisresource will guide yourYouth United steering committee through a !-step process of

    developing a strategic and sustainable fund-raising plan that is based on this idea.

    Step 1: Create a fund-raising sub-committee

    Form a fund-raisingsub-committee of the Youth Unitedsteering committee. The sub-committee shouldbe composed of five to 10 people who have the time and commitment to make your fund-raising effortssuccessful. hoose a chair person! or two co-chairpersons! to coordinate the committee"s efforts.

    #ook for committee members with a variety of skills$ writing letters and proposals! designingpresentations! organi%ing activities! and asking for donations. &lso look for several adult communitymembers such as parents! faculty! staff or affiliate volunteers to act as advisers. 'eek adults who can bringa range of e(perience and perspectives to your pro)ect! and who have connections that might help youachieve your goals. *f you are partnering with other community organi%ations! encourage them to providea representative who is neither a staff nor board member and who will have time to devote to yourpro)ect.

    The fund-raising sub-committee is responsible for coordinating the fund-raising efforts of all participatinggroups. +y doing so! the sub-committee will be able to ensure that prospects are not approached morethan once by different groups. They will also be able to keep things organi%ed! share responsibilities andpool their network of potential donors. The fund-raising sub-committee may also opt to pursue )oint fund-raising opportunities to reduce the fund-raising responsibilities of the participating groups.

    Step : !stablish fund-raising goals

    Find out from your local ,abitat affiliate the sponsorship cost for the Youth Unitedhouse. nce youknow how many different groups will be involved in Youth United, you will have to figure out how mucheach group will have to raise to meet the total sponsorship cost.

    The Youth Unitedsteering committee must decide how the sponsorship cost of the Youth Unitedhouse will be divided. You might simply divide the total sponsorship cost evenly among allparticipating groups. You might also plan to raise some money )ointly and divide the remainderof the sponsorship cost among all groups.

    ,ave each participating group commit to raising a certain amount of money and sign a letter of

    intent to avoid confusion and conflict during the fund-raising process. 'ee /'ample letter ofintent.


  • 8/13/2019 Yu Fundraising


    *deally! each group will be responsible for raising an e2ual amount of money. ,owever! if a

    group is unable! it is important to be fle(ible and allow them to participate as best they can.

    *f the amount to be raised per group is too high! consider securing more partners! sponsors! grants

    or a large donation that will allow you to lower the cost per group.

    Use a chart like Table & to list collaborative fund-raising goals that will assist the entire group! if

    applicable! along with each participating group"s fund-raising commitment. &ssign deadlines asneeded.

    "able #: Fund-raising goals and deadlines

    $articipating group $urpose %oal &'( Deadline

    Fund-raising sub-committee

    ollaborative fund-raisingefforts

    340!000 5an. 1

    6avis 6rive ,igh 'choolfootball team

    37!000 portion of sponsorship 37!000 Feb. 17

    'pringfield ollegeampus hapter

    37!000 portion of sponsorship 37!000 Feb. 17

    First +aptist hurchyouth group 37!000 portion of sponsorship 37!000 Feb. 17

    +roughton ,igh 'chool 37!000 portion of sponsorship 37!000 Feb. 17

    8-, lub 37!000 portion of sponsorship 37!000 Feb. 17

    9ational ,onor 'ociety 37!000 portion of sponsorship 37!000 Feb. 17

    Temple +eth r youthgroup

    37!000 portion of sponsorship 37!000 Feb. 17

    6aniels :iddle 'chool 37!000 portion of sponsorship 37!000 Feb. 17

    Forest ,ills ;lementary'chool


    You can use a chart like Table + to keep track of each group"s progress toward their fund-raising goals.:ake ad)ustments as needed if groups are falling short of their goals. #ist each group and its fund-raisinggoals over the duration of your pro)ect. Table + uses a 2uarterly system! but you can change it to suit yourtimeframe. +e sure to share this information with your local ,abitat for ,umanity affiliate.

    Coordination and collaboration


    "able ): Cumulative fund-raising efforts

    %roup1st*uarter nd*uarter +rd*uarter ,th*uarter

    %oal #ctual %oal #ctual %oal #ctual %oal #ctual

    'pringfield ollege 31!470 3?00+roughton ,' 31!470 31!000

    First +aptist 31!470 31!=00

    "otal goal 3=!@70

    "otal actual 3=!400

  • 8/13/2019 Yu Fundraising


    Tip:Fund-raisingstrategies includethings like grants,

    letter-writingcampaigns, directrequests fordonations, specialevents, contests, etc.Refer to the Fund-raising strategiesresource for more

    A The fund raising sub-committee should follow the steps outlined to create an overall fund-raisingplan. ;ach individual group can also use this process to create their individual fund-raising plans.

    A Be2uire that each group submit its proposed fund-raising plan to the fund-raising sub-committee!and review each plan to ensure that multiple groups are not planning to approach the sameprospects.

    A *f multiple groups want to fund raise from the same donor or group! have the groups worktogether on a single fund-raising strategy and split the proceeds. The committee should meetregularly to keep everyone updated on fund-raising activities and progress.

    Step +: !amine fund-raising histor.

    +y e(amining the past fund-raising performance of your group! you can help make your future effortsmore successful. Use the criteria below to evaluate the five most successfulfund-raising strategies that your group has utili%ed in the past. *f your grouphas not raised funds before! ask the members to share information aboutfund-raisers they have been involved with. Fill in a chart like Table with

    this information.

    For each fund-raising strategy! consider the following$

    ,ow much money did the fund-raiser bring inC

    ,ow much did it cost youC

    ;stimate the total amount raised gross! e(penses incurred and net


    %ross - !penses / 0et $rofit

    "ppro#imatelyhow many people were needed to plan and coordinate the fund-raiserC

    "ppro#imatelyhow many people-hours were invested during planning and coordinationC Deople-hours are the total number of hours spent by everyone involved. For e(ample! 10 people workingan average of five hours each on the pro)ect e2uals 70 people-hours. *f you"re not sure! indicatewhether the fund-raiser re2uired a high! moderate or low investment of time.

    In addition to raising money, the primary purpose of any fund-raising activity is to develop and

    cultivate relationships with long-term supporters who will continue to donate in the future. 6idthe fund-raiser cultivate future supporters by educating participants about ,abitat for ,umanity"smissionC Use value indicators of high! moderate or low.

    6ecide whether the fund-raisers are worth repeating. onsider the following$

    o *f your net profit was lower than desired! could you find ways to increase your profit in the

    future by increasing your gross income andEor reducing your e(pensesC


  • 8/13/2019 Yu Fundraising


    You can also use this process to evaluate the same fund-raiser if held more than once$

    Step ,: Identif. and prioritie funding

    &fter setting goals! the ne(t step in raising funds is to identify potential funding sources! or prospects.Drospects can be individual donors! groups of people such as faculty or parents! or organi%ations such aschurches! foundations! businesses or civic clubs. The fund-raising sub-committee should lead your fullYouth Unitedsteering committee through the process for identifying prospects. 'ince successful fund

    raising is primarily personal and relational in nature! start 2ith people and groups 2ith 2hom .ourmembers alread. have relationships3

  • 8/13/2019 Yu Fundraising


    #ist churches! civic organi%ations #ion"s lub! Botary! Hiwanis! etc. and other community

    groups to which you belong.

    #ist local businesses and corporations to which you are connected! either by ownership!

    employment or fre2uent patronage.

    #ist activities that you are involved with$ sports teams! clubs and organi%ations! etc.

    #ist family or community grant-making foundations that you have connections to. #ist faculty! administration and staff members on campus with whom you have relationships.

    #ist family members! family friends! neighbors and relatives who would be interested in your

    pro)ect. onsider whether someone close to you might be able to connect you with the types ofgroups mentioned above.

    #ist anyone else you know who might be interested in supporting your organi%ation and helping

    you reach your goals.

    3 For each prospect8 indicate the follo2ing:

  • 8/13/2019 Yu Fundraising


    $otential source

    6hat .ou need from the potential source

    %iven before7





    "o7 For7

    Botary lub 31!700 31!000E4yrs ago

    + #owe"s Dlumbingsupplies

    #umberElast yr

    Jeta 'igmaFraternity

  • 8/13/2019 Yu Fundraising


    Tip:ncrease your efficiency byemploying the same strategy for

    multiple prospects whereverpossible. For e!ample, host abenefit dinner for both parentsand faculty members. "lso, try toincorporate multiple incomestrategies into the same fund-raiser. For e!ample, sell ticketsfor your benefit dinner, include asilent auction during dinner andsell advertising space in yourevent#s program.

    Step ;: Select fund-raising strategies

    Your fund-raising sub-committee now has lists of top-priority

    monetary prospects and in-kind prospects. *n the future! plan to havemembers approach in-kind prospects as needed by phone! letter or inperson. Dut them aside for the time being! though! and focus on yourmonetary prospects for the remainder of this process. For monetaryprospects! there are a number of different fund-raising strategies youcan use! and it"s important to use the most effective approach for eachprospect. Bemember that the more personal and relational the

    approach! the more likely you will be to succeed. For e(ample! handwritten letters to family members will

    typically be more effective than a general solicitation sent out in a newsletter. Befer to the /Fund-raisingstrategiesresource for ideas.

    Using a chart like Table ! list your top-priority monetary prospects along with the general fund-raisingstrategy that you plan to use for each prospect. 6evelop more specific ideas for each strategy as shown inthe e(amples! and set a preliminary date for each fund-raiser. #ist the e(pected net income profit aftere(penses that you hope to receive from the fund-raiser. Then move on to 'tep >I you will complete therest of Table later.


    "able !: $rospect list for full group: ave the.







    "o7 For7


    'arah #. 310!000 9o

    Darents! friends!relatives


    37!000 9E&

    't. :ark"s hurch +ob F. 34!700 34!000 last yr

    +ob Felder"s dad +ob F. 34!000;mployer"s match

    program:atch of 34!000


    Bon"s dad Bon T. Botary lub 37!000 9o

    "able F: $rospect list for full group: In-ind donations

    %roup name:Youth United steering committee

    %roup member&no2s(


    &contact is connectedto(


    &prospect might donate(


    5eremy ane 5ohn ane father #ocal newspaper Free advertising space

    ,eather #ee 5ean 'mith neighbor United &irlines &irline tickets

    +ob Felder 5im Felder uncle Kinyl siding company 'iding for house

    &nna +auer &ndy 5ones friend Boofing company Boofing work for house

    Frank ,ardy +ob hester manager +est +uy Dlasma TK for raffle

  • 8/13/2019 Yu Fundraising


    Step ?: Create organiational support s.stems

    +efore you implement your goals and strategies! you need to determine the organi%ational supportsystems your group will need to be successful. onsider the following$

    6oes your fund-raising sub-committee have enough membersC

    ,ave you written a case statement that you can present to donors and also use to educate yourmembersC & case statement should include information about$

    o The need you are addressing the need for affordable! decent housing.

    o Your goals for addressing the need involving community youth in the effort to raise

    funds for and build a house with a partner family.o

  • 8/13/2019 Yu Fundraising


    o Beturn on investment if the donor makes an investment in ,abitat through Youth

    United! what positive outcomes will result for the partner family! youth andcommunityC.

    o Bationale for support why should the donor giveC.

    6o you have a system set up for collecting funds and turning them over to your affiliateC Your

    affiliate will set up a special account for you.

    6o your members need training to better e2uip them to carry out your fund-raising planC For

    e(ample! you might train people who are nervous about asking for money. This can be as simpleas pairing them with someone with e(perience.

    6o you have a system for keeping track of donors! donations and follow-up over timeC You can

    use a spreadsheet such as the one shown in Table ,! but it would be best to create a database tokeep track of your information. onsult with your local affiliate to find out how they keep trackof donorsI they might have a system you can borrow! or they might keep track of donors for you.

    Step A: Determine and assign tass

    Dlan each fund-raising strategy in detail! scheduling the tasks re2uired to complete each one. *f you willbe spending money to implement a fund-raising strategy! carefully calculate your budget in advance. Usecharts like tables * and 5 below to help you.

    Remember 2hen planning ever. fund-raising strateg.:

    &lways seek to inspire donors by educating them about ,abitat for ,umanity and about the

    challenging goals your group is trying to accomplish. Your ultimate goal should be to nurture anddevelop relationships with donors and win their long-term support. You want them to continue todonate to your group in the future! in increasing amounts.

    +e certain to capture donor contact information so that you can thank them afterward and also

    keep them informed about your group"s activities and accomplishments. This will increase thelikelihood that they will donate again in the future. & donor that gives a small donation at firstmay give more later if you maintain the relationship.

    *nform your local affiliate of your fund raising beforeplanning and implementation! not

    afterward. +e certain that they know who your prospects are before you approach them.

    #ction planning for fund-raisers


    "able >: Donor tracing


    Donation 1 Donation

    Date #mt3or




    0otes Date #mt3or item





    +ob 5ones1= :ain 't.'pringfield!: 78=41=80 701-G4>=

    4E1E0= 3400 4E=E08 &t benefitdinner. &ddedto mail list.

    1E>E08 3800 1E@E08 ame to housededication.

  • 8/13/2019 Yu Fundraising


    Use Table * to plan the details of each fund-raiser.

    *ndicate the fund-raiser! person in charge! goal and date range.

    #ist the ma)or tasks necessary to implement this fund-raiser in the first column.

    Complete the rest of "able %

    For each fund-raiser listed in Table ! you are now better able to list the e(pected number of people andpeople-hours needed to effectively plan and coordinate the fund-raiser.

  • 8/13/2019 Yu Fundraising


    Using Table 5$

    #ist your estimated e(penses and estimated income in the appropriate columns. Your total

    estimated income minus your total estimated e(penses should e2ual the e(pected net income thatyou listed in Table . *f not! you will need to make some ad)ustments. &s e(penses are incurredand income received! record those numbers in the /actual columns. Your total income minus

    your total e(penses must e2ual your net goal for the fund-raiser. *f you are falling short of yourgoal! you will have to find ways to reduce your e(penses or increase your income.

    Step B: Implement plan

    Dut your plans into action and start raising money. Bemember the following$

    Heep records of all communications! activities! donors and documents.

    :ake sure your entire group is aware of your goals and fund-raising activitiesI educate yourmembers so that they can communicate clearly with donors. &ll members should be able toaccurately answer 2uestions both about your pro)ect and ,abitat for ,umanity.

    The leader is responsible for making sure that all tasks are being accomplished on schedule.

    Follow up regularly with those responsible for tasks! without micro-managing.

    Heep your affiliate informed about your progress.

    Step : Follo2 up and communicate 2ith donors

    *t is important to show your appreciation to all those who supported your efforts.

    Thank your donors within @4 hoursL 6onors who are thanked promptly are more likely to

    continue their support.

    Heep donors in the loop. 6ocument your group"s progress and successes! send a newsletter! let

    them know how their money was used! invite them to house dedications and events.

    onsider creative ways to thank generous donors in addition to a thank-you note for e(ample!

    have a pla2ue made! send a T-shirt! etc..

    Step 1: !valuate and eep going


    "able E: !penses and income

    %roup name:Youth United steering committee Fund-raiser:+enefit dinner

    !penses Income



    !stimated #ctual !stimated #ctual

    amera film!

    developing 317 310 Dledge donations 38!000 3=!700

    Food 3=00 3470 Baffle 31!000 3700

    'tring 2uartet 3?7 3?7 'ilent auction 3700 31!700

    Drint program 370 3@0

    *nvitations 340 380

    6ecorations 340 3=7

    "otal epense 3700 3700 "otal income 37!700 37!700

  • 8/13/2019 Yu Fundraising


    &fter each fund-raiser! use the process outlined in 'tep 4 to evaluate the fund-raiser and decide if itshould be repeated in the future. +e sure to clearly document your thoughts for future use! notingsuccesses and areas for improvement.

    updated 11E0>
