yu gi oh spirit caller

PASSWORDS Card Passwords Enter the card passwords into the password machine to be able to purchase the card. Yo u can only get cards you already hae! or hae a pac" list with the card in it. Password E##ect $%&&'()* Y+,-a n" Dragon /''()() (,Starred 0adybug o# Doom $/11&1&) 1 Colored 2ish $(&(**%' A Cat o# 3ll Omen *)%*$*' A Deal With Dar" Ruler  ('&(*'' A 2eather o# the Phoeni4 )&1*'*/ A 2eint Plan $&%'1&&1 A 5ero Emerges **$'%%&1 A 0egendary Ocean %&/%&/*$ A 6an With Wd7at *%1$*&( A Rial Appears8 $%')'// A Wingbeat o# 9iant Dragon &/*$)(*$ A,-eam: -rap Disposal ;nit '1&/*$ Abare ;shioni $11((*11 Absolute End ('11&)* Absorbing <id 2rom the S"y &/&($ Abyss Soldier  '*&1%% Abyssal Designator  $&/$/)& Acid Rain (&/%)(% Acid -rap 5ole (1/1$/(' Acrobat 6on"ey )$/$%*)$ Adhesion -rap 5ole

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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Page 1: Yu Gi Oh Spirit Caller

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• Card Passwords

Enter the card passwords into the password machine to be able to purchase

the card. You can only get cards you already hae! or hae a pac" list with

the card in it.

Password E##ect

$%&&'()* Y+,-an" Dragon

/''()() (,Starred 0adybug o# Doom

$/11&1&) 1 Colored 2ish

$(&(**%' A Cat o# 3ll Omen

*)%*$*' A Deal With Dar" Ruler  

('&(*'' A 2eather o# the Phoeni4

)&1*'*/ A 2eint Plan

$&%'1&&1 A 5ero Emerges

**$'%%&1 A 0egendary Ocean

%&/%&/*$ A 6an With Wd7at

*%1$*&( A Rial Appears8

$%')'// A Wingbeat o# 9iant Dragon

&/*$)(*$ A,-eam: -rap Disposal ;nit

'1&/*$ Abare ;shioni

$11((*11 Absolute End

('11&)* Absorbing <id 2rom the S"y

&/&($ Abyss Soldier  

'*&1%% Abyssal Designator  $&/$/)& Acid Rain

(&/%)(% Acid -rap 5ole

(1/1$/(' Acrobat 6on"ey

)$/$%*)$ Adhesion -rap 5ole

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Password E##ect

%/$/') Adhesie E4plosie

$%/(%&) A#ter the Struggle

&)&/%$%/ Agido

&*/)*%1 Air"night Parshath

($*$))& Aitsu

*)&%**(( Al"ana <night =o"er  

''1%'/% Alpha the 6agnet Warrior  

$&*1*'%) Altar #or -ribute

'&)'$*/ Ama>on Archer  

)1'1)&& Ama>oness Archers

)1'1)&& Ama>oness Archers

1/%1()1 Ama>oness ?lowpiper  

$')%(1/1 Ama>oness Chain 6aster  

(1(**1* Ama>oness Paladin

'(**($) Ama>oness Swords Woman

&*'1'1$/ Ama>oness -iger  

'%&1(/%/ Amoeba

)1/1&// Amphibian ?east

)(/($%%& Amphibious ?ugroth 6<,/

**/*/))* Ampli#ier  

$/'$1%)1 An Owl o# 0uc"  

'/$$&$*) Ancient El#  

/&%%11$ Ancient 9ear  

&*%*'/(* Ancient 9ear ?east

**(%%/ Ancient 9ear Cannon

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Password E##ect

'$**&/** Ancient 9ear Castle

)1$'$(' Ancient 9ear Drill

/&*(1/& Ancient 9ear 9olem

%)*'(((% Ancient 9ear Soldier  

%('&$'11 Ancient 0amp

%('&$'11 Ancient 0amp

(/$/*)1& Ancient 0i>ard Warrior  

&1*'$1/) Ancient -elescope

&%*&/() Andro Sphin4

*$$*(&(* Ante

&/$%*'$$ Anteatereatingant

)%*)(&(/ Anti,Aircra#t 2lower  

%/&&$('$ Anti,Spell

*'&%)&/% Apprentice 6agician

*'&%)&/% Apprentice 6agician

(%/'$/( Appropriate

%)/'$%1 A@ua 6adoor  

(*'&)*$/ A@ua Spirit

%%**&($* Arcane Archer o# the 2orest

%*$1*)* Arch#iend o# 9il#er  

&/1%$ Archlord +erato

%/&%/(& Armaill

'*/1(1'& Armed Changer  

**'*'1/ Armed Dragon 0 /

()/()1$ Armed Dragon 0 %

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Password E##ect

1/1'/11 Armed Dragon 0 1

%'()(%'/ Armed Dragon 0&*

*'*1)$*1 Armed Bin7a

((/*'%* Armed Samurai , ?en <ei

*1&*(& Armor A4e

1')('&'% Armor ?rea"  

/))&* Armored 9lass

&%(*% Armored 0i>ard

&1%/%% Armored Star#ish

$*$11)* Armored +ombie

)'$')%%% Array o# Reealing 0ight

($/)(/1( Arsenal ?ug

%%/(*') Arsenal Robber  

%('*') Arsenal Summoner  

)$)//&* Assault on 95

/1*%/1& Astral ?arrier  

*$&/(/() Asura Priest

$/)*'( Aswan Apparition

1/(*))( Atomic 2ire#ly

)/)'(/ Attac" and Receie

'&''1& Attac" Re#lector ;nit

/1'1*'(* Aussa the Earth Charmer  

1&(%/%%1 Autonomous Action ;nit

''$('* Aatar o# the Pot

('&(()$ A4e Dragonute

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Password E##ect

(*)&'$% A4e o# Despair  

(/*%/)% A4e Raider  

&&'*&)1 ?. S"ull Dragon

&%/&1)(* ?.E.S. Coered Core

$$1'*1' ?.E.S. Crystal Core

(('%()$ ?.E.S. -etran

&'%1 ?aby Dragon

(1(%/(// ?ac" to S@uare One

$1*%%1/ ?ac"#ire

/)$*&'( ?ac"up Soldier  

(*)//$'1 ?ad Reaction to Simochi

*1&)%*% ?ait Doll

**$($&() ?allista o# Rampart Smashing

)&%$*$% ?anisher o# the 0ight

(&'$%'(& ?ar" o# Dar" Ruler  

&(*()* ?arrel Dragon

&*')/1'' ?arrier Statue o# the torrent

()&(%$%) ?arrier Statue os the heaens

'*'&%1' ?asic 3nsect

)&&&// ?attery Charger  

)/&($**& ?atteryman AA

&'1//')& ?atteryman C

(*'(''1 ?attle 2ootballer  

*%*%/&*/ ?attle O4

&$()(1' ?attle Steer  

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Password E##ect

%%%%*'$& ?attle Warrior  

'(()/$** ?attle,Scarred

(*&//%&& ?a>oo -he Soul,Eater  

()**''*) ?east 2angs

/%&('*% ?east Soul Swap

''($)/( ?east"ing o# the Swamps

&)''%)( ?eauti#ul 5eadhuntress

/$(%$& ?eaer Warrior  

&)$%%(($ ?ec"oning 0ight

('%$$(' ?eel>e 2rog

$*/1(%$* ?egone! <nae

$$'')/1) ?ehemoth the <ing o# All Animals

//1/&*1* ?eiige! anguard o# Dar" World

%)*%)( ?erser" Dragon

/'&)'% ?erser" 9orilla

/'$%))1' ?eta the 6agnet Warrior  

$%)%%%*$ ?ic"uribo4

)&&$1/(' ?ig ?ang Shot

'%(1$)$& ?ig ?urn

'%(1$)$& ?ig ?urn

&(&(*'' ?ig Core

&)1)/1 ?ig Eye

%/)*)1( ?ig 3nsect

($&$'%&$ ?ig <oala

)%$(*/( ?ig Shield 9ardna

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Password E##ect

%&%)$'&) ?ig Wae Small Wae

%'/**& ?ig,-us"ed 6ammoth

%)')$' ?io,6age

(%%(1)(' ?ird#ace

(&($))' ?lac" 3llusion Ritual

%%1)&1'$ ?lac" 0uster Ritual

1$''(/' ?lac" 0uster Soldier , Enoy o# the ?eginning

)%&)'1'( ?lac" Pendant

/)1*(/% ?lac" -yranno

1%)(/%$ ?lac"land 2ire Dragon

/'%*1&)$ ?lade <night

%$)(// ?lade Rabbit

'1*$/%(' ?lade S"ater  

$(1*1&( ?lade#ly

'*(&%%% ?last 5eld ?y a -ribute

$&*%&&() ?last 6agician

'$/''' ?last with Chain

$&())/$) ?lasting the Ruins

*%()()'% ?la>ing 3npachi

/*)%/&&/ ?lessings o# the Bile

/$*&%&&) ?lind Destruction

$%*($$ ?loc" Attac"  

$/''%/() ?lue Eyes ;ltimate Dragon

$*1&**& ?lue 6edicine

')/&&/' ?lue,Eyes White Dragon

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Password E##ect

*'*)*/* ?lue,Eyes White Dragon

')/&&/' ?lue,Eyes White Dragon SD<,**& ersion

*$$*(&(* ?oo" o# 0i#e

&(*1'/ ?oo" o# 6oon

'&%'%1& ?oo" o# Secret Arts

1)%/$*11 ?ottomless Shi#ting Sand

%$*'*(( ?owganian

&)%*1$ ?racchio,raidus

1'&*'1 ?rain Control

$*&*&$$/ ?reath o# 0ight

$1(' ?right Castle

$($'(&* ?urning 0and

&'/11% ?urning Spear  

*&)/1%( ?urst ?reath

$1&'&(/) ?urst Return

&1)%%'*( ?urst Stream o# Destruction

1&'//& ?uster ?lader  

*()&$*% Call o# the 6ummy

&&/($* Cannon soldier  

1$'$(1/ Card Destruction

%1'%//* Card o# Sa#e Return

***)$&$& Castle o# Dar" 3llusions

(($*'/'$ Castle Walls

'%1$1''& Catapult -urtle

/)()%%) Cease#ire

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Password E##ect

'*&*&*%* Celtic 9uardian

*&$('% Chain Destruction

%&(('1(/ Chain Detonation

1'/$/%'* Chain Energy

$%*%**/ Chain 5ealing

*(*/&'$ Change o# 5eart

)(%''%)' Chimeratech Oerdragon

&/*$& Chorus o# Sanctuary

$&('( Chosen One

$$(1' Clay Charge

*)')11* Cli## the -rap Remoer  

'$))1$&( Clown +ombie

(*$(*%'% Cocoon o# Eolution

)*)$$*/ Cold Wae

*1%)%%(1 Collected Power  

&*/1%&$ Command "night

'/'1%% Crass Clown

)1('(&%1 Crawling Dragon

/$'1&1 Crawling Dragon F$

())')%'/ Crimson Sunbird

%11$%1* Crush Card irus

))1($$%* Curse o# Anubis

$$1'%(/ Curse o# Dragon

&$(1*((1 Curse o# 2iend

*$'$)&1) Curse o# Royal

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Password E##ect

'(/11$(1 Curse o# the 6as"ed ?east

1**'%&%( Cyber Dragon

*/&)%% Cyber 5arpie 0ady

)/$$(%)( Cyber Shield

(1))%(/ Cyber,-ech Alligator  

(*(&/%& Cyberdar" Dragon

11)$%'( Cyberdar" Edge

(&$/*'/' Cyberdar" 5orn

*/*&')($ Cyberdar" <eel

*%('($* Cyclon 0aser  

&)))1/ D 5ero , Dasher  

(*%'&/'* D 5ero , Dreadmaster  

1**1('*( D. D. Assailant

/1*(/&* D.D. Warrior  

$/1($1 Damage Condenser  

'*'$%&)/ Dancing 2airy

1$%$**1/ Dar" Artist

/$/(() Dar" Chimera

*&*(%$ Dar" Co##in

1*$/&'&* Dar" Core

*()&(&&) Dar" Energy

'*'*1'$ Dar" =eroid

''1'/($ Dar" 6agic Curtain

(*)*'** Dar" 6agician

(*1/1&&$ Dar" 6agician o# Chaos

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Password E##ect

''$)&(*/ Dar" Rabbit

'$/11/*/ Dar" Sage

(*'//'$( Dar" Scorpion ?urglars

$*%/& Dar" Scorpion Combination

'/%'''%& Dar" Spirit o# the Silent

(%'%$*) Dar",Piercing 0ight

*%/(& Dar"#ire Soldier F&

*&)1$* Dar"ness Approaches

'%$)&)% De,2usion

&'&%'(&/ De,Spell

)'&$$1)/ Deal o# Phantom

/'1&''11 Delta Attac"er  

'/1(1)( Desert Sunlight

'($&$(/ Destiny ?oard

*%)&)(&$ Destruction Punch

($%1)/' Dian <eto the Cure 6aster  

$$'%'*1' Dimensionhole

1(1*&/& DBA Surgery

1)'$$*$' Don +aloog

)1()(*1 Dora o# 2ate

%**(%$'' Dragon Capture =ar  

*&(/%%& Dragon -reasure

)))1$%)' Dragon +ombie

%%''&)/1 DragonGs 9un#ire

%(&1*%* DragonGs Rage

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Password E##ect

/$(/1&*$ Dragonic Attac"  

&/$&%$/* Dream Clown

**(1/()' Driing Snow

&$('/($ Dunames Dar" Witch

%&$$$* Dungeon Worm

/&(1)1%% Dust ?arrier  

%'$*/%$ Earth Chant

($%1($1 Eatgaboon

'1/($'($ Ectoplasmer  

)''%(/'' E"ibyo Dra"mord

/1$*%%* Electro,Whip

'*$&'$)/ Elegant Egotist

/*/&(''( Element Dragon

$&((%1) Elemental 5ero Aian

1''1'))) Elemental 5ero ?ubbleman

(/$1/$' Elemental 5ero ?urstinatri4

(/$1/$' Elemental 5ero Clayman

/%*'$)$ Elemental 5ero 2lame Wingman

(11/1*1 Elemental 5ero Rampart ?laster  

$%/))(( Elemental 5ero Shining 2lare Wingman

$*1$&'$ Elemental 5ero Spar"man

(**(('& Elemental 5ero Stratos

)&$*('1& Elemental 5ero -hunder 9iant

/''1$11 El#Gs 0ight

$)('$* Embodiment o# Apophis

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Password E##ect

(/%*$)' Emes the 3n#inity

')/%%') Enchanted =aelin

/*%/&%$% Enchanting 2itting Room

'*(%*)$ Enemy Controller  

'(1&)%&% Eradicating Aerosol

%))*)'$ Eternal Draught

'%*%&/(( Eternal Rest

)/1('&*$ E4arion ;nierse

$)1$%&% E4ile o# the Wic"ed

1(&/&1* E4iled 2orce

///')'( E4odia the 2orbidden One

$&%''( 2airy ?o4

'1)1'&$ 2airy 6eteor Crush

&1)%/11' 2airyGs 5and 6irror  

&'/'(&%/ 2eather Shot

1&*)*'&% 2eather Wind

(&/'$'& 2eral 3mp

11(%)1& 2iend <ra"en

&%'&'*( 2inal Destiny

1/&/(*& 2inal 2lame

))1*&) 2issure

)*)$)1) 2lame Cerebrus

($%'')11 2lame Champion

/(()*%& 2lame 6anipulator  

(*%*$*/* 2lame Swordsman

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Password E##ect

'$%$%) 2ollow Wind

&(/'&1/ 2oolish ?urial

1('$/'1 2orced Re@uisition

1(/*'' 2orest

$(*'()%/ 2usion 9ate

$)'*$%)* 2usion Sage

%)%'(%$* 9aia Power  

))'&/' 9aia the Dragon Champion

*)/)*/ 9aia the 2ierce <night

/1/&/1) 9amble

&('11*1( 9aroo>is

$%//%1$ 9ate 9uardian

*%&1' 9a>elle the <ing o# 6ystical ?easts

/*&'**' 9ear 9olem the 6oing 2ortress

)'&(**' 9emini El#  

$())/* 9erm 3n#ection

(&1)$)/( 9iant 2lea

&/*/'( 9iant Soldier o# Stone

&/*/'( 9iant Solider o# Stone

($1*/$( 9iant -runade

/)/%(**1 9il#ord the 0ightning

*(&(')' 9oblin 2an

(%/&&)( 9oblin -hie#  

&&)$% 9oblinGs Secret Remedy

)1'%'&* 9oddess o# Whim

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Password E##ect

%/('/$*( 9oddess with the -hird Eye

&%/)1*/* 9o"ibore

$1(*)*' 9olden homunculus

%$)((%1 9orgonGs Eye

1'%1&((' 9race#ul Charity

1(&/1%*' 9race#ul Dice

*$'*)$%* 9rappler  

$%($$)1 9raedigger 9houl

$%$)$)'1 9rae"eeperGs Assailant

&)1)$'$1 9rae"eeperGs Serant

)/)'%%/& 9rae"eeperGs Spear Soldier  

//1/1))( 9raerobberGs Retribution

%1($11$ 9raity bind

&(&(&(( 9reat 6oth

&/($'** 9reat White

(&&1$'%% 9reen 9adget

%/$'(&$ 9ri##ore

'*%*$''' 9round Collapse

/(/1*(1/ 9ryphonGs 2eather Duster  

(*)%'%)$ 9uardian Sphin4

1/*1'/)% 9ust

%%/$&'1* 9ust 2an

/&&$$*'* 9ya"utenno 6egami

1')(& 5allowed 0i#e ?arrier  

1)&$&&/ 5arpie 0ady

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Password E##ect

'&'/$/%* 5arpie 0ady &

$1'$1/%' 5arpie 0ady $

%((&%*)/ 5arpie 0ady /

&$$*)$&$ 5arpie 0ady Sisters

&&((%*) 5arpieGs #eather duster  

%$*(*$&) 5arpieGs Pet Dragon

/%1)$$/ 5eart o# the ;nderdog

&')&/%%) 5eay Storm

%(('/$&/ 5elios , the primordal sun

*1'%$ 5elios duo megistus

&1$)*%1 5elios tris megiste

1)*%$&& 5elpoemer  

%$%($$ 5ercules ?eetle

$$*$*'*1 5ero Signal

&&)1&1& 5ero Spirit

()&/*/() 5inotama

1)&()'$ 5itotsu,6e 9iant

)'))'(*% 5orn 3mp

/%%$&*1 5orn o# 0ight

)(*(1&() 5orn o# the ;nicorn

1%/**'( 5orus the ?lac" 2lame Dragon 0. (

&&$$(&*/ 5orus the ?lac" 2lame Dragon 0. )

($$'* 5orus the ?lac" 2lame Dragon 0.

&%*/1$ 5ouse o# Adhesie -ape

/*/%/%%& 5uman,Wae -actics

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Password E##ect

$$%1*& 5ydrogeddon

$%()'*% 3llusionist 2aceless 6age

)&1(*)1/ 3mperial Order  

1($/))% 3n#erno

%$)(%* 3n#erno 2ire ?last

&$$(1$*) 3n#erno Rec"less Summon

'(&)/)11 3n#inite Cards

%(&*'$// 3n#inite Dismissal

1'%1%)$* 3n7ection 2airy 0ily

*/('$%/ 3nsect Armor with 0aser Cannon

$/)&%(*' 3nsect ?arrier  

')')%/)( 3nsect 3mitation

&)$$1%%) 3nspection

/)$)&$1) 3nterdimensional 6atter transporter 

'/1(&// 3nigoration

*(*($$) 3sland -urtle

$&11*$)* =am ?reeding 6achine

$&%%)$ =am De#ender  

/')/* =ar o# 9reed

&(%&(') =elly#ish

11%%%&/ =in>o F1

&%(*&)// =irai 9umo

/*&&/)$ =udge 6an

%%$%)*&) =udgment o# Anubis

%%$%)*&) =udgment o# Anubis

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Password E##ect

$(*)('$ =ust Desserts

1))/(&(' <airyu,Shin

&$$'&%& <anan the Swordmistress

)$/(*) <a>e7in

'1'''& <iller Beedle

1'%/*1/ <inetic Soldier  

)'(%%/( <ing o# Yamima"ai

)*%&'($$ <ishido Spirit

*&&()$* <o7i"ocy

)11$(/1' <oumori Dragon

1)%&$)%$ <ro"odilus

/1/'*%' <unai with Chain

'1%'*1(1 0a =inn the 6ystical 9enie o# the 0amp

))%$))1$ 0abyrinth o# Bightmare

''%%&($% 0abyrinth -an"  

)1$('* 0abyrinth Wall

'*&(11%% 0ady Assailant o# 2lames

11%)/(/ 0arae 6oth

11**1'$* 0aser Cannon Armor  

'*//*(%/ 0ast Day o# Witch

%)*$*& 0ast Will

1/$$/11 0auncher Spider  

$*/'(*(* 0aa ?attleguard

**&*$/* 0aa golem

*1'*$/(' 0e#t Arm o# the 2orbidden One

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Password E##ect

((%&'%/) 0e#t 0eg o# the 2orbidden One

)&%(&&& 0egendary Sword

*/&/)($) 0eel 0imit , Area ?

)$)1$%& 0ight o# 3nterention

%%$$)$& 0ightning ?lade

$/&1&)&* 0imiter Remoal

&111*(1 0uminous Spar"  

&1)%*/ 0uster Dragon F$

$%1)'1/$ 6achine Conersion 2actory

()1**&$( 6achine <ing

/*$(&/&( 6acro Cosmos

/1()1* 6age Power  

)$$1'*%% 6agic Cylinder  

%'/((*11 6agic Drain

11(&(1$$ 6agic =ammer  

%/&&'$)1 6agic -horn

')**1&/ 6agic,Arm Shield

&$&*($* 6agical 5ats

/&%)**& 6agician o# 2aith

'/*&/)1) 6aha ailo

*'*1((1 6a7or Riot

''%'1)&% 6aleolent Bu>>ler  

(*/1('$/ 6ammoth 9raeyard

%()%$$%* 6an,Eater ?ug

(($1$'' 6asa"i the 0egendary Swordsman

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Password E##ect

$(/$*& 6as" o# ?rutality

$'//1/( 6as" o# Dar"ness

$*1)%'%$ 6as" o# Dispel

$'%('/)( 6as" o# Restrict

%)'(/1/ 6as" o# the Accursed

%1$%*' 6as" o# Wea"ness

&*&'&$) 6as"ed Sorcerer  

$$*()(%' 6egamorph

()($'*( 6esmeric Control

(()%)('& 6essenger o# Peace

1%)()%$* 6etal Detector  

)//'$) 6etal 9uardian

)%(**% 6etalmorph

%*1*%*1& 6etal>oa

'*))*1)$ 6eteor ?lac" Dragon

)($1&))1 6eteor Dragon

//1)1/$% 6eteor o# Destruction

)($1($'$ 6eteorain

/1%*1%) 6ichi>ure

/$*&$(& 6illennium Shield

*1('/$/ 6ilus Radiant

/1%$*/&) 6ind Control

*&'&*1 6inor 9oblin O##icial

((*'%1)$ 6irror 2orce

/1)(1& 6onster Reborn

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Password E##ect

'/&*(// 6onster Recoery

1((*/ 6onster reincarnation

'1)&$/' 6onster -amer  

%*1(%1$ 6ooyan Curry

//%*1&' 6orphing =ar  

%*'&/)*& 6ountain

1*/*1)%) 6ucus Yol"  

())%1//1 6u"a 6u"a

$$('/&& 6ultiplaction o# Ants

$$('/&& 6ultiplication o# Ants

(*1*/$$$ 6ultiply

&(&&)* 6ushroom 6an

)&'&$(/ 6ustering o# the Dar" Scorpions

%(*'&$& 6ysterious Puppeteer  

)%&)1*% 6ystic 5orseman

&&)&1) 6ystic Plasma +one

('$%&&& 6ystic Probe

&%*$%(( 6ystical El#  

/))*1'1 6ystical 6oon

*%/&)/' 6ystical Space -yphoon

)/%&)()* 6ystical Wind -yphoon

&(/&%%1/ Begate Attac"  

&1'%%1)) Beo,Spacian A@ua Dolphin

%11%'1 BightmareGs Steelcage

&'$/*(*1 O##erings to the Doomed

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Password E##ect

1'//%$*' O7ama ?lac"  

&$($)%$ O7ama 9reen

'*&(*'* O7ama <ing

($'(&&** O7ama Yellow

))'$1''( Oni -an" -,/(

&'%$/1'' Oo"a>i

)/&$*'*( Orca 6ega,2ortress o# Dar"ness

/'%/1/)$ Ordeal o# a -raeler  

1')'(& Order to Charge

/'*&'/$% Order to Smash

1(&'&'($ Pain#ul choice

($*/%*(( Panther Warrior  

%*&%$%(' Paraly>ing Potion

)$1)$' Parrot Dragon

$((//'$* Pendulum 6achine

/)*/'&)/ Penguin <night

'/'$*1(% Penguin Soldier  

(%1'/1' Per#ectly ;ltimate 9reat 6oth

%&'$1($ Petit 6oth

'*))'''& Pineapple ?last

$(*'()%/ Polymeri>ation

1*$'&$ Premature ?urial

**%('(& Preent Rat

%&/1&*&1 Princess o# -surugi

(/1&&$%% Prohibition

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Password E##ect

$'&%%$&$ Pump"ing the <ing o# 9hosts

1)1%()&' Pyramid Energy

11*(()1& Pyramid -urtle

'('*%/(/ Rabid 5orseman

&$%*(11 Raige"i

*(&1(1( Raige"i ?rea"  

%)$)*&&* Raimei

))1&'/$( Rain o# 6ercy

%&$)11 Raise ?ody 5eat

*1)$%)&( Raregold Armor  

//*))&/' Reaper o# the Cards

)%%1*%') Red Archery 9irl

)((%(&% Red 9adget

/&'')') Red 6edicine

/)$)$*$( Red,Eyes ?. Chic"  

1()11($$ Red,Eyes ?lac" Dragon

)(//%*( Red,Eyes ?lac" 6etal Dragon

/$*1() Rein#orcement o# the Army

&1&(/1 Rein#orcements

%&($1% Remoe -rap

*'%&$)* Respect Play

''%&')& Restructer Reolution

$1&1($) Return #rom the Di##erent Dimension

11)$$/') Reerse -rap

1*'*/)/( Right Arm o# the 2orbidden One

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Password E##ect

*&$('$& Right 0eg o# the 2orbidden One

/%%%))) Ring o# Destruction

$*(/)*/( Ring o# 6agnetism

1*/((/%& Riryo"u 2ield

$1'1/) RobbinG 9oblin

)()'&1 Roc" Ogre 9rotto F&

'&'/')* Rogue Doll

'//$)$* Rope o# 0i#e

'//$)$* Rope o# 0i#e

%&(%$*'& Royal Decree

$)/1&%* Rude <aiser  

1**()&1$ Rush Rec"lessly

&%/*/$') Ryu,<ishin

$()&&'/( Ryu,<ishin Powered

/*'&(%)( Sacred Crane

)))*$11 Saggi the Dar" Clown

/$$)'*& Salamandra

$%'%%&)( Sanga o# the -hunder  

$)$*$&)% Sangan

&&1)*&1( Sasu"e Samurai F$

%*(**$/& Satellite Cannon

*$1'$$)% Serant o# Catabolism

*/&'(1* Seen -ools o# the ?andit

/*111&& Shadow 9houl

%)$&%' Shadow o# Eyes

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Password E##ect

%)/*1(' Share the Pain

%$*'1)1' Shield H Sword

%'%)*)$% Shi#t

1/))%&() Silent 6agician 0 (

1$((/%) Silent 6agician 0

*&%%1('' Siler ?ow and Arrow

'*/%1*'* Siler 2ang

*&/&&1& Sinister serpent

1/1%$&/& S"illed Dar" 6agician

**&$)$& S"ull Dice

'&/'1&$ S"ull 3nitation

*)1//*%' S"ull 0air  

*%$)%1%* S"ull 6ariner  

&*$*$'( S"ull Red ?ird

)/*/%(/* S"yscraper  

1)/)('% Slate Warrior  

**%')*%& Sna"e 2ang

)/&/%) Sogen

(&($**$1 Solemn =udgment

/%/()') Solemn Wishes

%1)&1&1 Sonic ?ird

('$&/** Sorcerer o# the Doomed

(1%$'$( Soul o# the Pure

*%1%%** Soul Release

'$'$(/&1 Soul Resurrection

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Password E##ect

'1/)$1) Spar" ?laster  

1)&*/)1% Spar"s

/&%%/1&) Spear Dragon

($%'$($ Special 5urricane

/$1%&/ Spell Shield -ype,

&*1&* Spellbinding Circle

('/$/(* Spiral Spear Stri"e

/&'/%$ Spirit 6essage I3I

/*&1*'& Spirit 6essage I0I

)1$1%/$ Spirit 6essage IBI

'(11$$/$ Spirit 6essage A

'$/'()%/ SpiritGs 3nitation

&%))(%( Spiritualism

'(($%&)' Spring o# Rebirth

&/%/() Stamping Destruction

)%&*(' Statue o# the Wic"ed

&/%''( Steel Scorpion

*$/1**& Steel Shell

/$$%((1 Stim,Pac"  

)/&*$*&1 Stop De#ense

'(/(11 Sui7in

1*1&*%$ Summoned S"ull

%%$*%& Super Conductor -yranno

$111*/(& Super Re7uenation

(*(%/1)% Swamp ?attleguard

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Password E##ect

&/*)'*)) Sword Arm o# Dragon

/1&$*%&$ Sword o# Dar" Destruction

'('%/&( Sword o# the Deep,Seated

*%/1$)%) Sword o# the Soul,Eater  

1$/*$(*/ Swords o# Reealing 0ight

%***%)// Swordstal"er  

&'%/$ System Down

(/)(&(1/ -ailor o# the 2ic"le

(&&($)&% -he Cheer#ul Co##in

/*)*)%(1 -he Dar" Door  

'$(*'( -he DragonGs ?ead

)(**&&% -he EmperorGs 5oliday

($$'% -he 2orce#ul Sentry

(&/)*** -he 9rae o# the En"indling

&$*)' -he 3ne4perienced Spy

))'$)$$( -he 0aw o# the Bormal

$%&*''%* -he 0ittle Swordsman o# Aile

('*)((&/ -he 6as"ed ?east

&)(/*&1 -he Reliable 9uardian

(/(/(*/ -he Shallow 9rae

$'('&*/& -he Sna"e 5air  

*)$%1'& -he Wic"ed Worm ?east

(&()$*/ -housand Dragon

*%1*/)$ -housand Energy

)/%&'&' -housand,Eyes Restrict

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Password E##ect

'&1&%' -hunder o# Ruler  

(*'*1*'* -iger A4e

*'1)') -ime 6achine

1&)$%$$$ -ime Wi>ard

$**/%' -oll

%'//*(& -oon Alligator  

($/)(1& -oon 9emini El#  

'''11$ -oon table o# contents

*&/*$& -ori"e

%/%$%1 -orrential -ribute

/%))&1 -ragedy

)()'1$/& -rap Dustshoot

*($*)')( -rap 5ole

()()&$(1 -rap 6aster  

()'&1'( -remendous 2ire

*$'*/*/) -ribute Doll

1'1%')& -ribute to the Doomed

*/&('1)( -utan 6as"  

1'(11$ -win,5eaded 2ire Dragon

$*/%1& -winheaded ?east

'(&&''1( -wo,5eaded <ing Re4

/1/*) -wo,Pronged Attac"  

1$($1* -yhone

$&$/1(& -ype +ero 6agic Crusher  

'(%))*& -yrant Dragon

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Password E##ect

*)*(*'& ;ltimate O##ering

&%'(*( ;ltimate -yranno

$$1*$*%% ;mi

$''')$' ;miiru"a

1*/)1' ;pstart 9oblin

*&1()&' ;raby

*)**1$&/ ;ria! lord o# searing #lames

$$*%)1&* ampire genesis

$)('%*1 ampire 0ady

%//'/1 ampire lord

'%$$*%) enge#ul ?og Spirit

%*$%'()* ersago the Destroyer  

/'11()% ile 9erm

&%*%$()$ iolet Crystal

&('*)) orse Raider  

&$)*1*%/ Wabo"u

)/&)$/&* Wall Shadow

1%'%/$)$ Warrior Dai 9repher  

'*1/''$ Warrior Elimination

$/($()*/ Wasteland

%*))$$ Water Dragon

/''$1/% Wae 6otion Cannon

'&'')%( Whiptail Crow

&%&%*/)% White 6agical 5at

111%('(( Widespread Ruin

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Password E##ect

11')'** Winged Dragon! 9uardian o# the 2orest F&

%1&&)*// Winged <uriboh

'%%/(% Winged <uriboh 0 &*

1*&*/)/ Witch o# the ?lac" 2orest

('(&1%*' Wol#  

&$$%/&&1 World Suppression

)$)%&'%1 J,5ead Cannon

*$&&&1*1 JY,Dragon cannon

'&''&&' JY+,Dragon Cannon

''1$(1)& J+,-an" Cannon

)%)$$)'$ Y,Dragon 5ead

%'&'1&)' Yami

&//(&$* Yellow 9adget

*(%($)%& Yellow 0uster Shield

)(%***** +,6etal -an"  

/**'*(%$ +an"i

)'&$/&/ +era the 6ant

$(/&&/1$ +oa

/&//'$)* +ombie Warrior  

Contributed By: Rya7inor ! =oseSonic$! bobby&'*! Dar"star

Ripclaw! ChaetKlegend! crrool! DeadK<uriboh! thedougger !Stealth11Kbasic!

 pheoni4/1! and Shadow..



• Pac" 9litch

-his glitch will put any amount o# pac"s as &%* DP. 5ereGs how to do it:

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&. 9o into whateer set! and chec"mar" & pac".

$. Select the set you want to buy all! or some o#! and press 0 to select all

 pac"s! then de,select at least one pac".

/. E4it out o# that set! and highlight another set Do BO- go into the other

set Bow press R.

(. A#ter doing all / aboe! Press J.

3# done correctly! the pac"s you wanted! plus the one you chec"mar"ed

earlier! are only worth &%* DP altogether. -his can be done with any pac".

 Bote: -he set must not be empty in order #or this to wor".

Contributed By: Dragena*&.


• Pac" 9litch F$

When you hae bought all the pac"s aailable using the #irst pac" glitch! youshould be le#t with one set with one pac" le#t and one set with a bunch o#

 pac"s le#t. Well you can use this glitch to buy those two sets #or only /**


&. 5ighlight the set with one pac" and push 0.

$. 5ighlight the other set and push 0.

/. Open that same set and deselect one o# the pac"s.

(. 5ighlight the set with one pac" and press R.

%. 5ighlight the other set and push 0.

). 5ighlight the set with one pac" once more and push 0.

3# you did it correctly you should be able to purchase all the pac"s #or /**


Contributed By: JeroK6aeric" .



• 5ow to get Di##erent Spirits

-here are &) spirits you can get in the game. they are #ound mainly in the

northen part o# the island. to get them you need to #ind them! li"e any otherduelist! and beat them in a duel. it is random i# they will 7oin you or not! so it

might ta"e a #ew attempts to get them. 5ere is a list o# when they are


;nloc"able 5ow to ;nloc"  

Acrobat 6on"ey De#eat <agemaru

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;nloc"able 5ow to ;nloc"  

Adhesie E4plosie Starter at well

?abycerasaurus A#ter #inalists are decided in tournament

?atteryman C 2inish game

?atteryman D 2inish game

?eel>e 2rog A#ter #inalists are decided in tournament

?last Asmodian A#ter #inalists are decided in tournament

Dragon Capture =ar 2inish game

Ebon 6agician Curran A#ter Abandomed dorm eents

5ane,5ane De#eat ?astion #or the second time

=erry ?eans 6an Starter at well

Oscillo 5ero F$ Starter at well

S"elengel De#eat <agemaru

Soitsu A#ter Abandomed dorm eents

Star ?oy De#eat ?astion #or the second time

White 6agician Pi"eru 2inish game

Contributed By: Da>Dragon.


• ;nloc" Duel Dis"s

-o unloc" the duel dis"s you hae to beat certen people a certen amount o#

times. -he amount o# times you hae to beat the people is di##rent depending

on your spirt.

;nloc"able 5ow to ;nloc"  Alchemy Dis" De#eat Pro#. ?anner until he gies it to you.

Ama>onness Dis" De#eat -ania until she gies it to you.

Cheap Duel Dis" 9et #rom lin"ing with Bightmare -roubadour 

9orgeous Dis" De#eat Admiral until he gies it to you.

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;nloc"able 5ow to ;nloc"  

<aibaman Dis" Dea#eat <aibaman until he gies it to you.

Pharaoh Dis" De#eat Abidos until he gies it to you.

ampire Dis" De#eat Camula until she gies it to you.

Contributed By: thedougger .


• ;nloc" ;ni#orms

-o unloc" the uni#orms you hae to beat certen people a certen amount o#

times. -he amount o# times you hae to beat the people is di##rent depending

on your spirt.

;nloc"able 5ow to ;nloc"  

Academy =ersey De#eat 2onda untill she gies it to you.

?lac" ;ni#orm De#eat Cha>> untill he gies it to you.

?lue ;ni#orm De#eat Dar" +ane until he gies it to you.

Duel Coat De#eat Crowler untill he gies it to you.

5awaiian Shirt De#eat Atticus untill he gies it to you.

<aibaman Coat De#eat <aibaman until he gies it to you.

 Borth Academy ;ni#orm De#eat Cha>> untill he gies it to you.

Stu##y Collared Shirt 9et #rom lin"ing With Bightmare -roubadour 

Suit Duel Chumley until he gies it to you.

-itan Coat De#eat -itan untill he gies it to you.

Yellow ;ni#orm De#eat Pro#essor sartyr untill he gies it to you.

Contributed By: 3n#erno0eo! thedougger ! RedDragonWyrm!

and 6agister6i"e.



• Play Credits And Play 6atchenup 6ini,9ame

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Once you are done with the last eent o# the story mode! go to the Password

6achien and type in ((/$/&*( no duelest Points are needed. Bow you can

rerun the credit se@uence and play the matchemup mini,game wheneer you

wish as long as Dorthy or Sadie is at the card counter.

Contributed By: steriaca.



• ;nloc" -itle! Duel Dis"! and Clothes 2rom Bightmare -roubadour8

You must go into Wireless Connection on both Spirit Caller and Bightmare

-roubadour. -hen in Bightmare -roubadour ma"e a room and enter the

room with Spirit Caller. 3t should sae the game. -hen e4it the wireless

connection on both games. When you get bac" to your Dorm Room in Spirit

Caller go into your closet and you should hae ac@uired: Stu##y CollaredShirt! Cheap Duel Dis".

Contributed By: ademon).
