Панорама творчих уроків Шарова Н

Шарова Неля Василівна вчитель вищої категорії Сокальської спеціалізованої школи I- III ст.№3

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Шарова Неля Василівна вчитель вищої категорії Сокальської

спеціалізованої школи I-III ст.№3

Page 2: Панорама творчих уроків Шарова Н

Використання автентичного матеріалу на уроках англійської


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АУДІЮВАННЯ1.Використання відеофільмів

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAi3VTSdTxU – Michael Jackson – Earth Song - Youtube

Form 7Subject of the lesson: Environmental Protection

Objectives: to extend students’ knowledge

about ecological problems; to improve listening

comprehension skills; to stimulate students’ thinking.

Listen to the song and complete the sentences. Then watch the movie and discuss it.

What about sunrise? What about ..?

What about all the things That you . we were to gain?

What about killing fields? Is there a ?

What about all the things That you said was .. and mine?

Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we've shared ? Did you .. stop to notice This Earth, this weeping shore?

What have we done to the ? Look what we've done.

What about all the That you pledge your . son?

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Before you watch

Label the pictures with these words (syrup, maple, Eskimo, huskies)

Form 8 Subject of the lesson: English-speaking countries.

Canada. (Longman New Opportunities. Around the World by

Grant Kempton)

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While you watch

1. Watch the video again and write the numbers to complete the facts. - … people live in Canada. -… largest city in the world. -… oceans border Canada. -… square kilometres in Canada. - Most people live less than … miles away from the US.

2. Watch the video again and write the answers to the questions. - Where do some Native Canadians live? ……………………………………………………….. - What is the weather like there? ……………………………………………………………….. - What other language is spoken in Canada? …………………………………………………… - Who are Avril Lavigne and Nelly Furtado? …………………………………………..................

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After you watchComplete this table with information about your country. Add two more headings of your own to the first column.



Area (square km)

Largest city



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2. Використання звукозаписуForm 7Subject of the lesson: Art( Longman In Touch 3 by Michael Dean) Listen to the sounds, and write what musical instrument

you hear. (flute, electric guitar, drums, keyboard, violin, trumpet) Listen again and write the number next to the

instrument you hear.

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Читання Form 11Subject of the lesson: Sport.( Longman First Certificate EXPERT by Jan Bell, Roger Gower)

Read the text below and think of a word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Manchester United, one of the world's greatest football clubs, was founded over 100 years (0) ago. The club was originally called Newton Heath, named after the area (1)_________ it started in 1878. Unfortunately, the club had very (2) _____________success at first and in 1902, nine years (3) __________it had moved to its present site, the owners decided (4) ___________change its name. Someone suggested Manchester Central, but the fans were not keen (5) ____________this name, saying that it sounded more like a railway station (6)______________ a football club. A better suggestion – Manchester United – was proposed and readily accepted. Six years later the club won the national championship…………………………..

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Read about Mei Li Wang. Then help her complete the letter.

Mei Li Wang is 12. She’s from Beijing, the capital of China. It’s very, very big – 12 million people live in Beijing. There’s a big river and there are a lot of fantastic places in the city. Mei Li likes the pandas at the zoo.Mei Li studies English at school. Her favourite lesson is Art, and she loves History. She studies Chinese, too, of course. Chinese people write in characters. Mei Li’s name in Chinese means “beautiful flower”. There are about 600 thousand Chinese characters but it’s impossible to know all of the characters. Mei Li can write about 1,000 characters and she’s learning more every day.

Form 6Subject of the lesson: School Life.(Longman In Touch 2 by Liz Kilbey)

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Ex. Dear Vicki and Ken,

My name is Mei Li Wang . I am _______________ years old. I live in _______________. It has a lot of ______________ places. At school I like _______________ and _______________.I speak ______________ and __________________.

Your friend,Mei Li

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Говоріння(Longman In Touch 3 by Michael Dean)

Form 7Subject of the lesson: Leisure Time1.Form groups. Talk about the types of television programmes and films you have seen and say what you think of them.

Have you ever watched a soap


Yes, I have. I’ve watched … It’s quite

boring but my mum likes it.

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2. Make notes about the best party you have ever been to. Then ask and answer with a classmate.

Whose party?






What happened?

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Form groups. Ask and answer. What job could you do when you finish school or university? Complete the chart.

Form 7Subject of the lesson: School life

What job would you like

to do?

I’m not sure. I may become a plumber because I’m very


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Name Job Reason

Pat plumber very practical

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Form 1(Longman Fly High 1 by Danae Kozanoglou)

Subject of the lesson: About Myself

1. Listen and say.

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Form 1Subject of the lesson: School

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Form 1Subject of the lesson: Toys

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ПисьмоForm 1

(Longman Fly High 1 by Danae Kozanoglou)

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1. Write three introductions to personal letters. Include sentences about each of the topics.

1.the weather/a pet _____________________________________________________________________________________2.school or university/an old friend______________________________________________________________________________________3. a neighbour/a party_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. holiday/swimming____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Form 11Subject of the lesson: About Myself(Longman New Opportunities upper-intermediate by Michael Harris)

How are you? The

weather here is

terrible-it’s been

raining for weeks.

How is the cat? Still in

trouble with your neighbours?

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2. Finishing lettersWrite three excuses to finish personal letters.

1. Well, I must go now because ____________________

______________________________________________ 2. Well, ________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Well, I must finish now because someone is at

the door.

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Сучасні підручники дають можливість використовувати новітні технології на уроках англійської мови.

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Автентичні матеріали дають учням можливість побачити мову в її реальній ролі засобу спілкування в відповідній культурі. Якщо їх вживати на максимально можливому рівні, вони дають учням прямий доступ до культури і допомагають самим автентично вживати мовний матеріал, свідомо спілкуватись в реальній ситуації, радше ніж демонструвати знання граматичного явища або лексичної одиниці. Учні, працюючи з автентичними матеріалами, підвищують свій інтерес до мови і мають безперечну мотивацію для її вивчення, яка базується на тому, що учні знають про позитивний ефект, який це має для них.

Усі використані мною на уроках завдання взяті з автентичних джерел.


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Учні, працюючи з автентичними матеріалами, підвищують свій інтерес до мови і мають безперечну мотивацію для її вивчення, яка базується на тому, що учні знають про позитивний ефект, який це має для них.

Усі використані мною на уроках завдання взяті з автентичних джерел.