مؤشرات اعتمادية الانظمة الكهربائية وخدمة المشتركين ...

إدارة ﻣﺠﻠﺲ ﻳﺘﻘﺪم ﻣﻮﻗﻊ و اﻟﻨﻘﻞ ﺷﺒﻜﺎت و اﻟﻜﻬﺮﺑﺎﺋﻴﺔ اﻟﻘﻮى ﻧﻈﻢ ﻣﻨﺘﺪﻳﺎت ﺁﺳﻤﻰ ﺑﺘﻘﺪﻳﻢ اﻟﻌﺮﻓﺎن و اﻟﺸﻜﺮ ﻳﺎت ﻟﻠﺪآﺘﻮرة/ ﻳﻮﺳﻒ آﺎﻣﻴﻠﻴﺎ ﺣﻔﻈﻬﺎ اﷲ ﻋﻠﻰ إ اﻟﻜﺘﺎب هﺬا هﺪاﺋﻬﺎ اﻟﻤﻨﺘﺪﻳﺎت ﻷﻋﻀﺎء اﻟﻌﺮب ﻟﻠﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻴﻦ و اﷲ ﻧﺪﻋﻮ و أ و اﻟﻌﺎﻓﻴﺔ و اﻟﺼﺤﺔ ﻋﻠﻴﻬﺎ ﻳﺪﻳﻢ ن أ ﻣﻴﺰان ﻓﻰ اﻟﻌﻤﻞ هﺬا ﻳﺠﻌﻞ ن ﺑﻨﻮن و ﻣﺎل ﻳﻨﻔﻊ ﻳﻮم ﺣﺴﻨﺎﺗﻬﺎ ا ﻣﺠﻠﺲ ﻋﻦ دارة م/ ﺳﻌﺪ ﺳﻴﺪhttp://www.sayedsaad.com/montada

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. / / http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  2. 2. http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  3. 3. Electric Power Reliability Indices and Customer Services http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  4. 4. http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  5. 5. ~ ~i ~.;3 ( ~ ..1, ~.)) ~~~, ~ ~ Jli : Jl1iyy ~ ~t ~t JW' 4.sL JlAJ 6A JP. ~, ~~ " JW O"~ Uj'.J ~~ rJa.!' ~ ~~ JW'J ~b ~'.J "LL'iL A( ...t.', 4ioiU ~ JW(J ,J-..}; ~ J .J http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  6. 6. http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  7. 7. ~ JA~ rJi:llJ Lo~ w:s~ ~ ~.jJ .J j~ ~ ~ .J ~J-WA .)~ ~~ u-S ~ J~ ~ ~J.:j 4.....p.~ ~j3 .J '414JI ~J:llA31 .J ~.J+.l.~ ~-J3~ Ji...-.l31 ~~ .J t-~..>-f-SJI [Wi} u~ t-~l ~l [~'i ~W34 .J ~~I ut.s.:--JJI ~W.jS.4 ~J...-:!j ~1 ~JH 1..4.4 , ~JJ-.:lil ~~ .J ~.;il u~ .J ~JJlGl e~}.J ~.J 4t-:jfoSJ ~ p e 11 L:J~'i1 : ~~~ 4!J....l4 ~ !.4~1 ~WI 141s;. 6J~ u~ ~~ ~ .J 4J~ .J rJO 1~1 ~ ~~1~.Jt.= ~~ ~J~ .J 4:-.U)' .J 4ltJI J~ JUI ~l _ .F J t: l:~ ': ,t-: ~ $' - Ii; ~ 1 ~, c.. - ~' [, ~ l.. _.,~.t" ~ ;;:- l.. ~.. ~,. I ~ [ f.. 1 t t)~ ~ ,t' t [, ,,1, f;. ~ ,r ~'l '" c ' - 0' Co 'I: 1>-' fl' t1:"" h"'~ Co f;:... C::' r....., , :1- Co 't' t 'I:.. ~I:"" .~ (A ~ l.. f~~: ~ - ... t> .[" f -, ~.. ~~ !f,: t: :f' !. ~' :.. ,,~~' t: t' e,:.. :J; 1 1. .1:"" C f;, .b-' - 1~ c- J. ~. 'ff ," '~., 1. ~ r .c-. ' ~ ~ F - ,. ~ ~~, ~ u~L..,; ~)'.ti.t..):J u~l.4h~' ,~lt ~J~~ ~ ...L ~ f .... ~. ~ "'~ nt._A4J:. .JlII~.L 0 vw-a ~uoJ ~ 4JW ~~.jb 0 ~~O u-oUJ' ~43' J~'i' JtJJ ~~, )~ J ~~, cJp.J.4 {J;.J ~'i' -VIII- ~4..>fS.l ~~ 4.;jLU:.} ul.>J;.j.4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  8. 15. 188 183 167 177 ]62 167 195 198 201 ~~ cJ!:.I c.>ojJ 6.jlA ~L:i3t ~4J' ~, :.bJ, .,.,_": J~~' ~wt ..J ~..J ~ta.U ~~, 4.;J~' ~~t ~~l ~l1i.U ~Lt1' .J ~J~'i J:W :1 J,l4 ~ ~~ ~ Lli,l tli.ll t,J~~t.t_'::2tl~. .. J J.. ~ .. ~ UWoQ ,,.:Jf-SJ J!j4 J~ ()4 t.r'~'i ...... .. ...... :3J,iG ................... :4Jll,o ....... ... :5JU.,.a p, f.S JW~4J 205 4.:J~~' OJ.' fit), i 1 ~ltJ, J~' 205 ~J~ ~'p}A ~ ~j~ wbJii' ~ . 207 ~J~' ~ ~4l A..s~ 4.b.i. 211 j1.J.l1l ~ .J u,~, 212 ~14ji.J'J, ,jW 213 (1) ~~ ~.)J 0 217 (2) ~b. ~.)J 0 -IX ~4.)f-S.ll ~)t! 4.:J~l uljJ;,j.. http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  9. 16. 220 223 237 237 243 243 246 248 248 255 255 259 259 262 264 267 273 ~ ~l:m '"r'41' 4.JJ~~' e.:.tu .... ~ ~ 1995t'~ IEEE c.~ ~ .._1~':~t u_t . (.':.:'.t tJJ~';l1' ~:.. u----' ~'~~ ~ ~ ~~ LIPA ~ ~W L ... PJ ~~t.lw:ill ~ ~Ull t.i.:L ~J~'i ~.;.J..j..4 ~ ~) ~43 ~JlAlc~' ~.. ~ .. ~, ~ ~ u~~ ~,jl4.J c:.P ~~Lb.i..t~ ~ t'JJii ~t:.Lbi.J~' ~ . .. ~L ...
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  11. 18. http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  12. 19. Introduction ~L .A('tl ..itl ~l .taJ~Lt ~W ~, , .1tl li,H ,.:y1,S 4:LU ~, ..~ ...tl _-i.. .~ I.J..:J""'" . . . . .) ..Jilti.J-2 .:r--' ur ~ U~~ ~ ~1,jj JW ~"lSJ. ~J431 (.$1,;',., i.;PJ1 (jU~t ~ . ':11 t A-:ljA( A ~lS.J.....JJI ~ t.e -~.-:: ..:.-:t ~ .~-U ..ote:t, ..it, ~~ I.r-J """""t"'.,;-,J. .. J ~ ~ ... J ...~ (.$~ (empirical ~~I a ).~I ~I ~~ J...i!i . ,~ )sl ~I ~f ~ ~~~ (I~Jiaj) t..'~J 'o.w:. .)!al ~ ~1.S.4 ~,J approaches) LJ~'i' ~L .t:.~ ~L... ~J .. iJ ~ ..)~I ~ ~I USJ,J ~l:~ ~ .wi ~',J ~~I o~ ~ 'iJ I .... ~t '.i3 '...h.:i !;.lJ ~l;)1 (models) [jW31 rl~} 4"W1 ~, ~~I ('t;t ~} ~.; ~J~tu ~,J:';I ~lw.'..)JJI ~....)U Dt .)Slj J.....a.JJ i~ ~~I C~ J.&4 OJi;1 ~ J'+:!} '&'),J~ ~I J.w, l..$ . u~,J!..g.l~.!1 J+4 u.i ~J,;;.siil i..>d+~1 NJii' ~I o~ u..~f ~~I JJl Dt ~ u~'i ~p ~ ~ ~~',J i~~~ u~1 ~t ~i ('tAlll ,JI Jlf+U ~, ,)A&31 ~ Jb:. ~,~} ~~ ) If)J'~i ~ ~I ~ 4.:.)~~I ~ ~IJ?-'i [~OJt.c. JJi u..)~ J....iJJ '~;st ~~ [jW~} ( Jl=,tl ~ Js.: ~ ;.1.iWI ~ ~jlit .ii (JtsJ 1960's u.i ~~ [jWJI ON~; ~ 4.:,~~ Jfl3 [jl....A.U LLolSJl UJb..431 u--i ,,I r~}.J 1947 rtc. ~'.1: u.i ~ ~ .1960's ~'.Jt ~ JLbc.~1 ~ ~t;W:. ~~ ~'il ~I rl~'i Ji'l C,jii'il ~ ~ ~1i11 ~I y~ ~ ~I .. ~~I t .latl At.-:: .. I .~ti ~i tJj~1(,J ~.. .. ~ ..)~ ~.J (,$.",- . . . . -,-~4.)fSJ1 u.:~l ~J~ll.':Jl~.J.4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  13. 20. ~ ~t-: ... ":11, t......uLt ...
  14. 21. .~ ,..A tuLt .4(tl ..~tt ~.ti.Ji .....4(': 0 ~ ~'A .A... tt.:.':'.-:q~".i ...,r;;;r;- l.T'" .. .~' t.S.,-' .. J ~ .. J r:=--,J ~' ..J ..r OJ..R-J ~.J~h'J ~u. JP~J i,.~ U:fS~ uJl ~a..)f-S31 i.;Ji31 J ~,~ J tLal.S.l.J t~ i ~J iJia.4 ~~ ~J:J ~'4.Jt1S 1S,Ji! ~t &...i.wa~ t t ~u.. ~ .i tJiJf 'I ~ .....e... tJi.,-'i, .,JbJ) ,....- t ~'Jl.4~: J 0 .. ..r (S'. ~ 0. v- ' y.Jll1 ~. AJiJl;"D ~~l.wwJ' o~ : ~ ~ ~ ~IJ ~UiJ ~~~ At -J'JJ ~,Jb ~ ~ ~ t..uJ ;J~'i I.:J~ ()4jD ~ "'J ~~l ~, ~, ,U...t.a.n a(.tt ~ , t1-_" :.... L.~.. ':tt ~ r.a...~tt .) . .) .J V'"I U",-, ~-JAJ ~I ~ ()A.) ~ (j4J'" J ~ .t.Ji.U UJS..cJ' e'+~lJ .)~lJ 'J~'i Jt c~'i'J '~~'i' ,,'~'J' 8- Expected interruption duration: The expected, or average, duration of a single load interruption event. : W,JlGJ eLbL"'i o,;a .(SJb ~ eUW}~J ,~j&.JI J ,Wji.Jt ojiin c.sA 9- Interruption: The loss of electric power supply to one or more loads. -,,- 4s4~1 ~~I ~J~! ~'yJ.';" http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  15. 30. : eLbL'i .ys .j ~ ~ ~4~ 4.:~ .)~ e~ .JA 10- Interruption: The loss of service to one or more customers. Note: It is the result of one or more component outages, depending on system configuration. : E.U=:L~ ,~ .J c.J~ u....eji UA ~j ~: ~ .)5 .J c!1jW&A i:.P 4..oJ.iJ e~ .JA . u:u.n r.e.~.-: te-_ J~ r ~ ~ . 11- Interruption frequency: The expected (average) number of power interruptions to a load per unit time, usually expressed as interruptions per year. :eUJL"; .)~ ~ ~ OJ"'=-.J '().oj o~.J JS.! ~ {.F ~~ eLbL~ (~jl..J) ~,Jl4J1 .,.All ~ .~ ~ ~&.LbL'I4 12- Outage: The state of a component or system when it is not available to properly perform its intended function. : ~~ ll.J ~ taJU "..lla "t Lo~ lAUl..(." ~ ..&. ~ .. ,.,... oJ r .J (.)."..-.' ..r -,y- 4s4.)fs.1 ~~l ~J~! ~~.J.4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  16. 31. 13-0utages Non availability of electric power to the customer uliijil' ~~ ~1.JJf.s.l' b..)J1!14.p.t:i! {".M:- t.s' 14... Outage: The state of a component when it is not available to perform its intended function due to some event directly associated with that component. Notes: 1- An outage mayor may not cause an interruption of service to customers, depending on system configuration. 2- This definition derives from transmission and distribution applications and does not apply to generation outages. : UiJlt' o~ ..)--4 ..>J.4-0 ~~ A,J;;; ~UA3 ~ ~Jb cU:! 'i lA~ ~ ~ .,. oP~ ~ 4.A~ et..b.iJ} ~ LSJ~ 'i Jt ($J~ () ~ -, : ~~ 4....d..i ':l &-:tt .~ ~tt ~lL.J=:U c...iJ ...-:tl,~ ~ - y tAln ~ te. 'J~' &!UjJ ~...)""",'J~' ... .....,.,.., r .. r .. e.r- J .J.:SyJl .:..lii~ fA~ 15-0utageCosts: Economic costs resulting from interruptions of power supply. They include, besides direct costs, the indirect costs of actions taken to avoid anticipated outages. -H'- ~l:~1 ~~l ~J~! ~'~.J.4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  17. 32. 16- Scheduled outage: An outage that results when a component is deliberately taken out of service at a selected time, usually for purposes of construction, maintenance, or repair. : ~~, UijU' a-Jj W~J ' J~ DAJ ~ ~ (p .t.A3 D-- ,,~ ~.(F ~un &.li,Jlt .,. .C~'i' ,Jt .t3~ Jt ~~Uw1' ~~ Oj1&. 17-Forced Outage Removal of a unit from service due to component failure, improper operation or human error. Forced outages require immediate removal of the unit. 18- Scheduled outage duration: The period from the initiation of a scheduled outage until construction, preventive maintenance, or repair work is completed and the affected component is made available to perform its intended function. :e--~' ~jU' o}li ~~~'i' J ~~ Jt C~' J.4t- ~~} ~J ~~ ..Ajll .ll.o t~ o..)JJ t/- .~ 4.;JU ;b...n "JS..t.U ctlo "~..J -t - 4-.Yu .A(' ~~ LJ~..::.t a....~ . . . ..)i'JJ~ http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  18. 33. 19- Switching time: The period from the time a switching operation is required due to a component failure until that switching operation is completed. Switching operations include such operations as: throwover to an alternate circuit, opening or closing a seetionalizing switch or circuit breaker, reclosing a circuit breaker following a trip out due to a temporary fault. : J.t~, DAJ t . ,; LIA:" Ltln...... ~ .t.:..2:'.o:tt.A.... o:t utL tI ~tI taJ.a. .. jJ v--'~ eoT'~.J U."..-.' ~ ... ~I va~ .~, (JAjd' ... UA O.)J J .)~ ~t.i #- J' z::ii ,~~ ij3J : c)A JS ~ ~ J.s~ ~ .~ ~- t tt....ti ~t.....~tI JltJ LMJlltL..it.._" OJ&. , ...t..~AtI UW '.:r-" U--' .. fJ""""M"'" .) .. C""" u:---.J-1 -~' C 20- Loss of service: The loss of electrical power, a complete loss of voltage, to one or more customers or meters. This does not include any of the power quality issues (sags, swells, impulses, or harmonics). ~ .u.~J.lt.3 i.P J' .)St J ~ c:P ,~ J.;ts e.~ ,4.:JL:~ o.)JiJI e.~ ~ u~J uL....i.tJ:i.l'iJ uJJ.':y~' ~) ~~ OJ"RJ J,Jol: '4: ~ t.S~ 'l1..i.l.,A .(u~~J 21- Duration interruption: The period (measured in seconds, or minutes, or hours, or days) from the initiation of an interruption to a customer or other facility until service has been .restored to that customer or facility. An interruption may require step-restoration tracking to provide reliable index calculation. It may be desirable to record the duration of each interruption. -'0 - ~L:..>f.s.n ~~ .4.:J~! ~~.J.4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  19. 34. :e1.1ii..t~) i~ ~ e.L..,kL~ ~ ~,~ (rti:l .j bJ~U J J.at!JJ J ~,~ ~tLoJ) OJJJJ ~ u ~ . .bL..JJJ J ~~ ~ ~~ &J~l ~J .,p. Jal.Jjj i:P' J ~~ !..:I~ u.JS..t..." .~J~~' ~,;.. ":J~ t.itAJiT OJ~~' ~J04~.) et..bL~ E~ .eUaL)' JS ip ~ 22- Forced interruption: An interruption caused by a forced outage 23.. Interruption device: A device capable of being reclosed whose purpose is to interrupt faults and restore service or disconnect loads. These devices can be manual, automatic or motor-operated. Example may include transmission breakers, feeder breakers, line reclosures and motor .. operated switches. : t UdJ~' oJIA ~~ eb " , tI L .... ~' ~L, t A t , "': tt -:tt .I.. - ..-:tt OJl,c. b i JLJl L. t oJLo.. ~.J LJ~ ... ....- ~""""" u-'J ~.:J""d' e.r-..) ,... aJ~ JW.~ J e;Uj ~t u.o . ~~ ~ UA ~ Ji t:l ,J ~J:! l.t} ~,~ b~ u"s:; u1~ ~t.s~ ~ ~t.i.oJ ' J:W1 ~ Sj~} e;:.uLloJ ~ylt.cJ) ~'jiJ ' Ji,ln ~.,,! 24- Interruptiondevice event: The operation associated with the interruption device for cases 'where a reclosing device operates but does not lockout and where a switch is opened only temporarily -" - ~l:J+S.11 ~'.ll ~J~} ~y1jA http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  20. 35. :tlb.L~t i..t..A ~~ ~~ ~ {.)SJ,J ~ sJu:'} i~ J.W lA~ ~'7Jl:JJ E.lbL~' ;~ ~ ~ JA e .b1i U!.).a Cl'lLJl ~ lta~.J U~! 25- Major event: A catastrophic event that exceeds design limits of the electric power system and that is characterized by the following ( as defined by the utility) : a) Extensive damage to the electric power system b) More than a specified percentage of customers simultaneously out ofservice. c) Service restoration times longer than specified. Some examples are extreme weather, such as a one in five year event, or earthquakes. : ~'~J:Jt ~~ Do- (J.jS.JJ ~s~ is.JiJ' ,All ~ J.J.1:l.. I,$~ I,$ln ~ ~~ .JA : (JiyJt ~'-'J u~ L..s) ~~I tyL. .A(tl AU At:.~t .:UW1 JL-I' I.A;"it' -I.. ..,}ff-' is.:JA'l' r--' U ,;""- .,J J-:::e-. O. OJ~ U.o J:St DP~ u-o ~ c:.ti.,Jo1 ~ uA,~J.iJt ~ ~ -f.:J JJ:l..AJ1 u-o J:!5t 4.AJU &JLu.w,l CJ.oj DJ1J -~ .,Jt ~,~ ~ JS i..".. ~~ iSln ~W &..0 &J:.1JiJ ~ ~';lb: tillj 4.t..; U..o JJij31 26- Momentary interruption: Single operation of an interruption device that results in a voltage zero. For example, .two breaker or recloser operations equals two momentary interruptions. -v- tuL .A('I ~)tl t.J~1 ~I .. ~ ...~,JA http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  21. 36. :~, e~'i' ~ : ~ ~ t.$,J~ ~ 4l~ ~ F..J e.t.JdJ11i~ i~',J i,;-eJ ~ ~ ~ el.WJl2 J$. LS.J~ ~~ OJ1J:.1 ~Ui.e .,; J~ ~li 27- Momentary event interruption: An interruption of duration limited to the period required to restore service by an interrupting device. Note: such switching operations must be completed in a specified time not to exceed 5 min. This definition includes all reelosing operations that occur within 5 min of the first interruption. For example, if a recloser or breaker operates two, three or four times, and then holds, the event shall be considered one momentary interruption event. : ~ O~ ~ et.1iL~' .e.lb'i.;'i' 6JL4 J.'...):a,;p ~~ 6..)JJ1 t.~ iJta::w.'i iJ,JJ::...4 i,JaJ el1U.a"'i' .,. u.....JLlD ,~ ~ .U;iJ 5 LSJI1j 'I J~ UA~ Jz;,~.j JS J.a~ t't..:i! ~ : a.,.pJ.. : ~ e1..bL"'i' ~,J.} UA J3l!J5 Jj.i. ~~ ~J ~jlS iJ~} J;..J&:i~! ,~ "'til; rJ' t.::.t'JA ~) J; ~ J; ~.)A ~jm iJ~! Ct=a.. J; ~ ~} ti! .~'J ~ tUW! ~.b.S ~Ja.1I ~ jJ~ -'I, - ~4JfoSJI ~~I ~J~} ~,~.:;. http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  22. 37. 29- Sustained interruption: Any interruption not classified as a momentary event. Any interruption longer than 5 min. : ~elW,j} J3lij 5 DA ~ ~ tUWl tS' .JA.j .~ ~~ ~ ~ e.tbiJ} f.5i 30- Scheduled interruption: A loss of electric power that results when a component is deliberately taken out of service at selected time, usually for the purposes of construction, preventative maintenance , or repair . Notes: 1- This derives from transmission and distribution applications and does not apply to generation interruptions. 2- The key test to determine if an interruption should be classified as a forced or scheduled interruption is as follows. If it is possible to defer the interruption when such deferment is desirable, the interruption is a scheduled interruption: otherwise, the interruption is a forced interruption. Deferring may be desirable, for example, to prevent overload of facilities or interruption ofservice to customers :~~, eUd.t'i' D-tJ ~ ~ (.F t.~ Uoo UJSA ~ CP ~1JJ.J 434~ 0J.1U e~.JA : ~~ c~l .J; 4t!.J L~ J; ~'~l.Jaj) ~'~l u4~ oj~ ~j u,J1J..j JUi.... J.IJ .0:1 ~1J::,UiL~ ~ ':l JLJ ~ .0:1 .~ ':tt ~t.L.s.b:i.t ~ .0:1'~ ~ -1..~, f .. J~'.J~' ... ..~, r .. J; ~..' e1..b111-S ~ eLbi...'i' u~ l.o ,jl J:~ J=lJ3 J~':l ~t, ~-2 jJ~ ''-:J.,t:..)A J::..U JS U~J elW.,,'i' ~t:; ~ "'" ulS ,j} ~)~1 u.P:! u; ~ tSJ~! ~ elW.,,~' ull a.tj lo L.;i fA..' eUiL'J' u.P:! ~~ teo ~ ! o~ .1 a .. JOJL te. ~,~ ,u~t...b.n"" t.r""..J u- ~",,-. . ...;-.)A ~ U:S~ ~ 4...J.iJ -'CI - 434~' ~'J' ~JtAc.! t:'.Il~';" http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  23. 38. 31-Scheduled Outage: Removal of a unit from service to perform work on specific component that is scheduled in advance and has a predetermined duration 32- Total number of customers served: The total number of customers served on the last day of the report period. If a different customer total is used, it must be clearly defined within the report : ~~4 6:S~ ~ JJ.tJ ~ J~ f~f '.il ..>t~ o..AJJ J:it'~.Pol u.i to~ DP~ ~ JJaj Y. .>t~ ~ C~~ J:!~ ~, ~ U:?~ 33- Mean time between failure (MTBF): A mean of evaluating equipment failures related to operating time :J1'W ~~~ ~ DAJ1~,JM t.:. .~.~tt ~ i31 ~..JjiJi ~~ ~ oJ.1'i31 ~1J=..J o.iA ~ ~f .l2,J1=Jl o~ JitLJ ~ (J~ ~ ~) JS-Ju..J 4.;i3t.d h, n ().4 f~ (Jl1J ;Sf Ji ~.Jji (Jji". u-ll ~l.JJfoSJI ~~ 4.),1.d h,n ()4 ~la.J,1 ~~~ ~f ~ .~~ ~I .~~ : ~ d;"'J1J c..iJU2J~) ~.;i!1 ~.J.,:ul ~~ (Voltage Transformation) ~'J;~-1 (J~ y.... ~ (.Jd ;Bit ,4.).11 ~~ o.;Ji.11 ~'i~ r~ OJ1&. ~I~Y ~.JJlII ~ (Jji....w,A ~l (High Voltage level) ~I .1f+U ~...lJ:l11 J.jf+ ul;~ ~i ().4 (primary distribution voltage level) : ~1~1 3.3 KV & 6.6 KV & 11 KV & 22 KV & 33 KV http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  24. 52. (Switching and protection) ~ti,J3'.J J.a~'-2 ~~ ~ji (Switchgear) &'1.i.. ~~ Vo ~J iJ~ e,JJ; ~,Jd ~ i~l ~ ~ rs:. ~"&"t.i..J ~~" ~~.,J .~.;iJ i.;J.....iJ ~..J.J:i ~ ~ t.,;; 'uA,u '';~J ~ u~~J ~li,J3J Jp.J,lUJ ~J~..;lU -p-'JJ ~i+J ~.)~ ~jm ~~t ~~ ~ ~J ,~~ tF~ : ~j ~t u-- (Switches) ~1.i...3 -t (.;fA ,,~, ~ .)~) ~Jf-SJ .)~ ~ Jt ~~ oJt ~ C~ ~...J .~JfS jSJJ Jt ojU~ Uot "..Ra Jt ojUJ CF (normal load current .dJ(J~ ~..H Jl YJJ: ~ (circuit breakers) CBs.)t;:l3 ~1~~ ~ ~~Jf5 o.;J1J ~ Jl.:p Jt 4;0213 ~ uJ~ i~~ ~ 4Jw ~lw=..~ ~ ~ cs:"]J (relay) ~ J~ ~t:i .>.: J~ u'i."....".... ~ u--o ~jJ 4...;o2t....aJ ~ ~ J; ~ Oo2~.J J; ~ ~'J~ JV J (4-1) ~ u--i l.-GS(current transformers) (4-2) ~ ~ W (potential transformers) (Reclosers) ~..,:u Oo2&.} iJf+; -~ OJw,} ~ 0J.1LJ lfJ 4Jt ~ JJ"';J '~J ~ Jt.;:U ~.;i ~ i~t ~ ')~,J bS~t 0.)4 ~jil JUt.:!J 'cs~t O.J-4 r:=w ~ 'e:.biJ' ~ ~ ~jil1 -1"t- 44J6-S.1 ~'J ~J~l ~~.)4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  25. 53. i.,;..-J1J ~ ()4 ~j.J) ,(lockout) .u~! '+! ~~ ~ OJ.1=l..A ~'j4 JAl o.)J~ .(~.Jl1' OJ~} jlf+ ~ ~~ J~ Sectionalizer ~l..biJ'-J Jj-3 ~1 ~ ~ti.J j~ ~ .J .~1&.~ ~! 1=~1 t3~ r~ ~" .JA .jt .)~ ~ti ~ f~ ..us.t s .;+UI ~ ~ ;.;~I .dJ DJS.: ~ .J .~W, E.U:111 .~ Ll! A< t. .... ,,":t oJ1,s:, ., .. "'".. dt..:r- ~..,.. ~ ..)~ (Fuses) u~---A Ij! i..>31UI ~ ~I ~ '~4~1 o~I.1l1 4.:~ 4ti.J ~'Ji .JA ~I .~.;~I 4.;.3 ~! ~ ..mS .);1 ~ J-4 JoiIJW.;l.+iJ1 OJt.D ~.t;~ Cu.J1 .J ~ 4.:tijJl t..':J'~ ~) ~i ~ OJL.c.! ~ o..).u.J1 W ~ ~ .J ..)'+UI ~ ~ ;.;.1LJI t:J~ oC;J..JjjJ1 D~ L:~I (expulsion fuses) J,;-..k1 bJI~~! ~~'i~ol:li ~.jUi ~.J~ ~'..)6 ItOQn J (current limiting fuses) .)~I ~~ ~~ .~~! ~..)Ji 4J DJS.:i (electronic fuses) fJ"h ''I~.....P' ~J~ ~1 ~'ib ~ ..)~! ~t.JA .)~I J:~ ~ wA! .::.,, L..U ~ bll~1 '.4~I" .-:....{oJJI' UL w L:i ~ ~ i ~WI ~t.lWL..) .. .. .)~. ""--. J ..) ..r- ..).. J J . c::;- ~.;.JI ~I I ~ J 'UAjll J .;t+U1 CJ ~I ~~ SJJ3U.4 u~ ~.J~' ~ t, I'~ t~t W LUJI .1J~ ~~ -;tl wt.'L.J:.Jj . j 4..A ~~ 1,,~....,.--~ J.).... ~ (J*' ... ~tr .~ .~l!.,JI ~,~ ul~IJ ~.;:ul OJ&.! o~iJ ..)1+iJ1 ~~ DA JS ~ ~ ~Li.,3 ~'J.....L4 f'~lJ bl')'~ ~I ~I ~~ ~ ~lLJI f"~! ~ e:.tlJ......t..4 f'~ &~I ~.;iJ1 u'i~1 e:.t~ ~J ,~I ~I ~1.::- ~ ~ ~J~~ ~.;iJ1 ~~~I t:J~ ~ ~ .J~' w~ ~ ~li~1 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  26. 54. ~ ~~ ~ ~~ .(4-1) ~ ~ W ,.;lj:J ~~ i~ f'~-: ~j..9 o:A ~ .(4w2) ~ ~ lAS ~l;.'ii..Jt ~ u-3.".:Y ~ 4.:U.j31~,~ f'~ ~ ~! .;~, '$. ~ ~~ ~J ~ i",ts:, .;t;:il ~~J ~li.JI ~ ,J,S.Jr~' .(normally open) ~ ~J .$A ~~W lfWJ wt ~ ~,J N.O~)l: L;~ OJJJ...-4 ~ ~4~ ~ CJi ~ 0.;.31.13 ~ ,(4-1) JS.Ji ~ .ki. ~ Jt (~~ ~~ J; ~ ~J~ 4t;;;) J~I ~,J3 ~ ~:!.14jf5J (breaker and a "~J")~ ~t1i' (4-1) ~ ~W, ~ .~~ Jil1 .~~ ~ .;Ljj ~',Ji ~ w'i half) (Voltage regulation) ~ ~f : ~?J;i (voltage drop) ~!2~ ~~ &J~ .cs~' J~ ~ (.)4 ~ ol+il u!J ~~ .)~ ()4 I .;t.;a .)JjA .J~ &~J JSJ ' z 'cs~, (impedance) 4!Jt.L4 .J~ &~,J JSJ ~.,! &~..H IZ ($J~ ,1,..HfJ ,~ Att u~..J 'cs~' J,b ~ ~."...n ~'i' J~ ~~ ~ ,~j ~J ~~ .).k:. ~, ui ~ o~j (4-3) JS.J, ~J:!.Jf+13 ($~ Ji~ '" ~ o(pu) ~ o~J 1.02 CSJ~ 4fag; ;oS, ~'i, ~ ~J ~..>iS ~ .0.97 pu ~, w.JS:! J=.i.J ~t+l ~J _. 1:.~; A ~t 'j -" ot, ~~ t ~ .,A ': ,'l,.. .t;(-, A ... " i .t1 .... tt, '",t . ~ ~ -wI ~ J . t.5 ~ ---:-e-"""'"", ~ ,-,to , '.1' '1 'u........ o..~ : ~ ~ ~ ;J~ J.1..w,J~.,gj. ~, .>Ji:J At,:i;( csli..aJ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~, J::aiJ uj u~~ - Load tap-changing transformers . (4-3) ~ ~ lAS (voltage regulators) ~'u~ - ~.;11 u~ ul;~ ~ Ji u~, ~ ~,; wi ~ ~, J ~'.;-J uj Jt ~CiJ' csJ.Jll' b.I~ - (Fixed or switched shunt capacitors) http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  27. 55. .. wt..t,i JL,o:.i~~..) .. c:- ~J~'i' ~ ~ ~ (4-1) JS,.JA (N.O=normally open) JI..... ...................Qalll. -fV- ~4~ ~~, ~J~! ~::.I.~~,)4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  28. 56. (PU) ~ c 0 ..., I-J ..., 0 0 b b b 0 CO Q t-.) ~ t- .. I-L ........ - f ~ t t' ~. ~ : G. 'L ~ t t (i) t.~ /, 0' ~ 'fi:. ~' r R-..,) t't ~1. - r- ~; t ~. -.&;;:.. ~ ,~' 0' - ~. & ~ [ r l~ E t.H t1;. -fA- ~w .A(11 ,~~.iJI 4.JJ~1 u ~'I!.A.. ....)'ff'*' .....,)'dl..,.- http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada
  29. 57. (Metering) (,j'lylU-4 ~ : ~ ~IJ (JJ!~,n i~t ~ el~f ~ ~fii t:J~ ~i lS~ J~~. (;~'J 4.s.~ ~) ~j o.)J.3 fit ~ ~ ~Jt Jt ~iJ ~ bjl b,. oll 4Jlj..t.iU ~L~ ~ .>::P J~ ~ ~i..: (digital) ~.)I ~j ~ ~L~ ~ ~, ~~ ~i ~.JJ (Primary distribution) ~~ttl ~.JjU : ~~ oW , ~ Jttl e.:.t~.. ~ ~L~' 31.!i.lj JLIi,,-:t, ~ ....Actl tt.ii.:i.tl"'" .,. ...r-J .....Jfr'*" .. :~J~~' ~'~,j.4 fJiii.J ~~ ul~t &4 ~L:Jf5J1 ~ U:S~, ~~ OJ.,fH ~WI ~'J~l ~L~ O)J'i1~~-1 JS,S Jb..lUJ ~'.bu 'T'~ 'J""U~' c.S~1 WJ ..,J'JJJIJ ~..;131 ~~I J:~-2 ~J 'T'~~I w..o ~ o..;lJ} JSJ uP~1 ~~ iJ~ ~Wl ~J~l ~L~ O)J'i1J;J~-3 ~~I ~ uA 4!0A(tl~ ...t:.~-: "I A ... ~w..b.:i.4 .~-5 9'"~ t;rJA r:--"'..)~ ~ ~ c.S~ JS.t D:!S~ ~J.i. OJ~ ~WI ~J~I bJ.j~ o)J~1 J:J.}j-6 ~'jJJl ~..)'J kt ~~t i~~1 o~~IJ 4.J~' ~l~l Jt ~l~~' ~~!-7 (b:J.j~J w~) - to. - ~1:~1 ~'JI ~J~} ..:.tl~).4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 68. ~.J~ (~ ..lIJJ) ~ OA.J JsJ ~J~?U ~, ~ ~ J~ ..9 ~.J 4..a~I,J ~ t.....,..H vi ~~ ~'~'.:t:... ,.WJ} ~~lw&t ~-10 ..;t..,I:J J~ Jt t:JU:.tJ:,.L~, J~ ) ~~~'i' ~~~] (F- 4.;J~~' ~'~,j.4 ..)!JU .j' ~, ~,.~ u;' 'john DP~ (.i# (e~)" iJii JjJ= J et.1iiJ"1' .j (individual) 41 " ~ ~ AUt (5-1) JS..J. t.J4 ~..J c.::.,~J.lfJl J' ,,;:,a'J'J~' ()--4 J~ ~ cJ~ ~ JS ~.;..J' ~ 4.;3~ ~~.;.Jl ~J ~ JsJJ o..;lJ] JsJ 4.:J~'i'~~}.o ":d~ ~ ~ (}AJ r~ http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 69. rUilJ1 (System) SAIF/=O.847 CAIDI=2.03 V.,JAJI~I (Central Region) SA/FJ=O.847 CA/DI=2.00 c)iJI~1 (Area One) SA/FI=O.773 CAIDI=2./2 I C A b)~l ,,4......1l4 (District A) '"" SA/FI=0.378 CAIDI=2.08 ~ljS.)A~ Crew Center North ~#ljS.)A~ Crew Center South B bJt~} ,, t....~ I- (District B) SAIFI=O.652 CAIDI=2.69 I 4i11l1~1 (Area Two) SAIFI=1.23 CAll)[=1.6.i I C bJIJ! ,,1t....,.1lA, (District C) SAIFI=2.59 CAIDI=2.24 D b.)I.I) ",I .t....~ (District D) SA/F/=1.08 CAIDI=1.54 E b.)IJ!", .t...~ (District E) SAIFI=3.05 CAJDl=1.64 4.;J~'i' ~'~.J.4 y~ ~.)..: NIMO ~l:~ ~ ~ ~ (5-1) ~ ;J.~l JS ~'Jf rJ..~J SAIFI =System average interruption frequency index =rJQ.;.1j t..kAi~1 JtpLro r.to CAIDI=Customer average interruption duration index = :..rW t 1.b.4;~1 0.r! l1..,.,.p ~.to "W'Vt'W.tdworld.corn" - 0 - http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 70. ~JLUc.~ ~~j.4 ~~ ~ J r~ ~I ~I ~ ~~ JS ~i Jtl.J1 I~ uA L-a~ . ~ ftAlll lA..)~} J JSS ~AI Ji ~I ~~.jA ":J~ ~ ~.4J ~~ cWt::. iJ.:: ~I u.i ~J:!. ~i ~ (Load Point) ~I ~.J-4 ~ J~ Ji (feeder) (.$~ LA} ~ ~JA w~ wi ~. 4.;j~~1 ..:.al~~ ~ ~~ ~ wi ~ ., OJJ:t..A ~~ ~ Ji U:S~I J JoA Gas turbine generator IEEE 493-1997 - of- http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 72. t..L..fil ~,j.4J' .J ~'~~I c.dWjlll ~,J~ J~ ~ A, ~ "J .J ~ J-.by ~ ~I Permanent forced outage rate of the component .. ~l.l~I Lli:i,U t.o~ e.b~ JAI flt 0.1 i.S.;~'i U-..ijl3 J~ I~ ..... .. J-bWI u~I JI~} J ~ ~ ~ J ~~~, ~WJ131 ~JJ:). J~ ~ iv' ~ J u~I J-.by 'J ~ ~I Transient forced outage rate of component '..ui ~1.:Jt5.31 ~li:iJI ~J.i. el::-~! "JS.4.1l..,HWI L$)~'il Wl~I JJa..o J'~! J ~J' ~ ~~I ()4j.1I Y. r Average outage time DJS..JI c...iijl3 D4J J:w,~ - ot - ~L:.Je.s.n ~)tl ~J~l ~y..t)A http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 73. ~ J.;J~'11 ~I~.;..a (System Reliability Indices) I I i~1 ~~I.bA.I"11 ~I~~ (Sustained interruption indices) II UiSjW'w.l1 ~'"'H ~ .w:&i ~I~';" - (Customer based indices) ~ 0SAIFJ ~ G)SAIDI [+. CD CAIDI ~ 0CTAID ~ 0 CAIFI ~ 0 ASAI t o CEMln G) ASUI G)AENS I II ~'il ~Lj~ ~ ~ ~l~':"'-"r! (Load based indices) ~ASIFI. 4--@ASIDI ~I ~~JaLa'l1~I~.J.--t ! (momentary interruption indices) I f+-G MAIFJ .0MAIFJE ~0CEMSMln -~ ..~ 7j 1-I ..... Q ,..:I' Q ~ I ) :J' L1a.i.U .taJ~"l'~' :.. ~ (5-2) ~fl .. ..)t4M.jA .. http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 74. fUUU ~J~~' t::.a'~,j..o t..L~ (5-3) JJ~ D:fS~' ~l.l~ ~ i~1 - o~1 ~lJ:.~~' ~,~.;... -t A-,.,ji-t t:.tLaH ~ J~ ~.J.4!l ,~ ~ ~ ~~ JSJ o~ b1tc:.I.W..J~l ..A)S:J JJ..J;. e~ ~ ""''4 u.J*-'...J liTt- tiJb4 ~l J.L!t ~! t.~ ~ e"w..Jl U:fS~ U:!S~ ~ e.L..l::aiJ'ii o~ ~ ,r-J.,;.JI I~ ~ J~ ~,J t::.Itc:.u ,Jf J.t1.!JJ4 ~.,;WWI c.P t.~1 e.~! ()4J.lw,jM (,P uLa1:H ~ &.:IIJ-lie~ 4--J 4.J~ uJU.J ~jlJ..cJ1 ~I J.1....aJ1 u-3! up~1 (p ut&.W.a'i1 D:!S~ l.:'~ v-J-JI .lw,.Jlt ~ ~.;..J ,~ ~ .~ e~! JSJ ~~ Lilli OJ~1 uL.l:.lbiJl ul..>-'li e~ ~ -4.a~ UJI-I..J e~1 U;SjW&.J J$. e~ ~ ~~ LAjI~ Il...A w-i t ~ l:.ld ~jLWl D:!S~ c:w..lI.;#- v-J3 ~jM~! ~~,;.JI ~ .JoI"p1 oJ,JJ ~ ~4Jf5 LA ~ CTAIDI ~jA,J CAIDI ~".. D:H c.1Ji31 eU:W! Jfil.J1 ~~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ U..)LJ..J ..wi oAI,J 0.)4 ~ LAjl J.1....llJ u-3! U;S~I d.~.hi.j! t::.IIJ&! ~~ ~ eLbL1 ~pl ~.;:w:...n ~ J.1-&-~! OJ~I .J!:. All.bJl c.m ~I ~ .U:S~ SAIFI System Average Interruption Frequency Index ",JAm ult:.W.a"i1 .;I.;S:d ~J14 ~..;.. SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration Index rUUlleUd.t"i1 ifi~..,lo ~.;.. CAIDI Customer Average Interruption Duration Index ~ji.JwJJ e~"'il ojli.lw,..,lo ~".. CTAIDI Customer Total Average Interruption Duration Index ~~ e~"il ulJii J:w,..,lo ~I ~,;.. AENS Average Energy Not Supplied oJJ,JAJ1 ..>#- Ut.bJ1 Ja-jl.e ~,;.. - 0" - http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 75. rtAm ~J~'i' ~1.;.J,j.4 ~..,;a.j (5-3) JJ~ ~l:d U=S,;.JwJI ~L1.:H ~ i~' - i~I ~~~'il ~1..,>J.';"- l .1 ~I , .e, e LW.,,":ll t .(-: J:w, .." ..,.'I I~ .....,..- (",. .J..r- ~ /J'; ...)4Jl.."..... ~ .~~ ~~t..b1.t)' ~.JU..0.31 (HS~I u~ oJ.-al,J OJ' ~~ JS ~ ~t..H i.J.Jj ~ e.L.....b1J)'I ul.J---6 J$. ~ ~I e~ ~ 4.a~. p,JAn I~ u~...J ..H.J:UI ",.aSi uJ} t....n ~ e~1 ~~I "'$ ~ eUai.s)' ~.JLlc.31 U:S~ ~I JIJ..ot 'A.&" -:'1 i .-:1'1 ~ .. ,.'1 I~ 'f: , ~~~ ..r- J'w"l..,-. ~ ~ ,Jt ~ ~ ~~I .ti.bl4 ~~ 4.:--i "-a~ ~.J.&3 I~ U~,J ..Hji:J1 iJ,JJ ~} UP~ toJiJI ~Ji:jJ ~U411 ~l$.UI UP~ t..1iJ1 ~.1ij ~l$.Lw, J$ ~~LW.,,":l1 (joG n J$ oW) ~,jAlt ,~ ~ ~.;-iJt ~-J. J~ ~~ i~ .tlJSL...J... Up ~ ~I iJ.l~,J i$.L... t't.tU.-ut ~):a ~ ~jlLA ~ ($~I,J ~ "-ai.: .,>J.,jAlt I~ U~...J .utl=.wrjWl ut....c-l.WJ)' ~jU.caJt D:!S~I "'$ ~I ~I JJ.....tJ1 ~l ij-A n V- .;st i~ U:S~ ~.jl ~.Jlo .;J..).o (.)4 iJ:..jJ1 C): ~U ~ .~J.iJ1 CAIFI Customer Average Interruption Frequency Index U:S~ etbL":lt )~ J:w,jlo ~,j4 ASAI Average Service AvaiJability Index t..~ ~t:il ~~ yJ,,jA CEMIn Customers Experiencing Multiple Interruptions D:S~I )~ J.1t.4~,jA .;.;S:w etbL)' ~.JLlcJ1 Asm Average Service Unavailability Index LJ.iJ1 ~Ljl jC..b..".," to, o' r .JJA ..,)AJJ.JA - flV - ;-::Jl:~l ~),I ~J~! ~'.;J..J.4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 76. ftAU3 ~J~~' uP.).ta t-L~ (5-4) J~~ ~'J uuH ~ c~ - i~ t::.lts:,UiL)1 bt~,jA - ":-' ~J~~i '":J~ ~,jAn ,~ r~ ~ tb~ ~~, btU~ ~ LA~ " ~U4 ~ .o (.j '~f J ~L...J1..Y~~..., ~. ,....te~ .. ~ ...(.-: .~.n~ J CJ,.,J u::-..;-- l-A ~iI l-AlA ,,.t ~ ~.;:..;JI ..P..r- ~ l-A u,JUJ .SAIFI ~}4 ~.J.43 ; J......i3 e ~ 4d~ ..... t.) ~.. .. J*M-r- b.)J1U ~1 u-31 ~~ (KVA) ..~~(KVA)~ WSJJ SAIDI ~~ ~}.4J ~ ~ u~..J ~~, b1LJ~ f"~ht ~ ~~ O...& ~ 4d;" .....t ~ 4. ....r-. . y-u..r- 0.1-13 tt A .... ' ' (KVA) i JiJ..) I.r~. u-. ..) ~~I(KVA)~ ASIFI Average System Interruption Frequency Index ASIDI Average System Interruption Duration Index ~jl4 rLWJ e.bL~ &~ ~,j.4 "'.,R. ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ l iJ;f~.n ~ D~ II~~ rJ:U II ~ ~l .. LJ~~I"'''. 'At~II~W~.t:.LIl ''.1 ..... ,". "I A.tt"'_ i.1J:u .. t,;",l p.JA '"e"".... or- ~ is u--~.Ja4 ~ '" .. .~~, ~LH ~ 'J~l - 0/ - ~'u iJ' w~, J$. ~~ ~~, ~,,JAt t:J~'i' ~'~j.4 ~'JJ~ (5-8)JJ~ ~Ju.....n o..a,,,D (~) t:a..UAn ~La1;.:1' At = ~Si Si=Number ofsubstations ( or transformers) supplying the ith group of Ss (int/y) customers interrupted = i W ~ ~~ ~ e~ ~~ ~~ (~~.,,:wJ1 .Ji) ~.;iJ ~~I JJC. rS-*t- (min/int) r = I I .J Ss= total number of substations ( or transformere) at a date specified byrSj (hi int) the organization =~.)411~..M JJa..JI C!-a...;UJI JS. (~~~ )) ~,;iJi ~lb:wJI JJC.~! r8- *t- (min/y) ti= duration of interruption for the customers in the itb groupU = I I Ss .Ji == i ;.w Ve .a~ e~"'il &j'ai=Ar (h1y) ~~ ..~ ~ I 1-"'1i ~ ,...J'a- I ~''0 ,J- .J' http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 82. ~tam ~~~'i ~'~j. ~"iJl:A..A (5-9) JJ~ ~~, ~u~ ~ o~ - ;~ ~~~1' ~'~)A- ~..l.a..J i~jl (~) ~llJ uu~ SAIFI = :ENi Ni=number of interrupted customers for each NT interruption event during reporting period t.aJ.iJ ~ e~ 6#-~' J~ e~ (int/y.eust) = e~! ~ JS1 L.~ ~ e~ U;S~ JJ&:, => U=S~ l)SJ J.-.l jI...;a:J o.)JJ ~ SAIDI = LriNi (minly.cust) :ENi = total number of customer interruptionsNT DJS~ ~&.~} ~'..rJ e.JaG+A .J' =L.~' ~ e~' ~~ ..$0 e~== (h/y.cust) ~~ {)SJ J.-J CAIDI = LI1Ni = SAIDI N,.== total number of customer served for the ~Ni SAIFI area being indexed U:fSjW...J u&.l.bi.l} u.;i e.~ = 'JJ.2l.4 ~ ~ ~~ ~ (lJiAU U:S~ ~ J.al == :tAJ.iJ ~ e~ U;S~ J$. e~ [h/lnt) ri=restoration time for each interruption event = eUW) ~ JS1 OJa:i.w.~ ()Iaj ,,; "~ ~ I 1"..... -; ,oJ' I .s j ,J' ,~, http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 83. flUill1 ~J~"il ~l~.j.4 ~'iJl.a..4 (5-9) J",~ ~l:i ,0 .. ( '~'~'6' ~U.u ....- o~ - 0 . ~~'l ~~Uii.a~ ~ :.. -ir...J':"A~ ... t..r'" ~ .~.JrA .4JJla...Jl o~"sl (~) ~LWl ~u1;.:3 CTAIDI =:LriNi CN- total number of customers who have experienced a CN (minly) sustained interruption during period U:tS~1 ~k.~~t,;li e~ .Ji "'" ~,;alJ1 up~ ~I J~I (h1y) = .,>J.;i:U o.).JJ ~ ~ e.U::&i.&~ ~~, W:!S~I ~I JJI.1 ~t pl.bi.bUCAIFI =I;Ni CN I t.a~, ~ e~' UJS~I J$. e~ (intly)i :: t~'.l ~~, up.;w..Jl ~, J~' ~ .~ ..~ 7j 1" 84. f'lalU ~J~'i' ~'jJ.~ ~'lJa.r. (5-9) JJ~ ~U ~~ ~La~ ~ i~' - i~ ~t..l.bla'l' ~'~j..-i ~Ja..,qJ' ASAI _ NT(No,ofh/Y)-~IiNi NT(No,ofh/y) U:fSjW;..Jl t.AJI (':!Ji:U t,.u.J ~l&.U Q ~~ ~Ja.11 (':!J.i:i ~&.lwa JJ&:, CEMI = CNk>n n NT wll;lW.a1 ~~I ().!SjWW J~ ~! i.)p 4.i1J:aJ1 AENS= U=SJW'..JI JJ&:, o~.j1' p.n (intly) p.u Kwh/cust.y (~) ~u..n ~La'=+" CNK>n= total number of customers who have experienced more than n sustained interruptions during the reporting period = ,;si o~ c.::..&..l,.L'i ~,JLl.J' U:S~, .1$0 ~! J:!.J:UI o.),JJ ~ 0..)4 n ~ ..; "' ~ I j".... ~ ~.J~ I j ~J' ,~ http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 85. ~uam ~J~~ u,JJajd ~~jl.La (5-10) JJ~ JLa~ ~u~ ~ o~ - i~ ~~~'1 ~~~-y ~ja...J ;~J.l (~) ~UA.1 ~ut::l / ASIFI = }:Lj Lj=connected KVA load interrupted for each LT interruption level ~~ (KVA) oJ~' e~ (int/y.cust) =eUW! JS '-P ~U11 ~~ (KVA) 0J.w .;J1A = LrTotal connected KVA load served =~ ~ ~ (KVA)& ~ ~ .. J . ~ ~I ~ O.)~,~! fj=restoration time for each interruption event ASIDI = I:fjLj (min/y.cust) =eJ;iQ.i~ JSJ ~~I o~'i ~ u.-aj3 LT oj.i31 eUW! i;Ai .J i=an interruption event = (h/y.cust) =e~!~~ ~~, ~l iJ~1 ~l .~ .. ";j I ]" ;: .r I ..?: j ) ,~, http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 86. tt~la...J MAIFI = 1:ID i N i NT ~J;>l ~~, ~ e~' UPJW'wJ' JJS. e~ U!S~ JJS.u34l MAIFIE =:EIDENi NT ~~, t.F ~I tl..W..a1' ~'..)4 JJS.u-14l 1.:>:SJW...Jl JJS.J4' CEMSMI = CNTk>n n NT 0.)4 n 6.11 .):lSi wG.Uai.i',/ ~.;alJ u:sJW..JJ JJj;.~~ = ~~JJj;.~1 o~,J1 (int/y) (intly) (intly) f"UllU ~.1~'1 u.;.Ja}.t u'j.1lAA (5-11) JJ~ ~ u"'=-~1 u.;.J.}4-~ i (~) t:..l.Q. uu~ .; "' ~ I J. :: ,.J' I -.~ j ~..J' ,~, http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 87. 4JJla..cJ ~~ LAN SAIFI I:N (int.ly.cust) I; UN SAIDI I:N (hr/y.cust) N(8760) - I;Ar ASAI N(8760) .. N=number of customers ~~IJ~ Reliability Performance Indices ~J~'i' ~Ut.i ~'~.j.4 .J ~ ;it ~ .J ~~I ~L...J~ t'~~ ~JW:.'i1 4.:3La.A b.t'P.J.o "':J~ ~ (5-3)~~~~ PH =Period hours = ~I oJJJ ut.e:.Lw, AH =8ystem available hours = f'W3 ~U} ut.e:.t- 8H =System operating service hours =f'u=JJ1 ~ ut.e:.t- RSH=Reserve standby hours =i.,p.J.J1 ~~)'I utc.LwJI SOH=Scheduled outage hours = ~~ UijUl ut.e:.t.w. FOH=Forced outage hours "'" (,$I)~)'I Ui.jl11 utc.k l)W ~~ 4:.I'JJL..:it.A .J ~JL4lc:.)' ~ ~1~.J.4 ~,.yW (5-13) J.J~ C~.J:! .J .. I ~ ' t .1...11~""""" - "' - ~~~I ~~I ~J~J ul~,j.4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 88. Period Hours (PH) ~ i JjJ ~.c.Lw, ... System Available Hours (All) flUll1 ~Ul ~ts=.1..M System Down For Maintenance tt~U'i~ ....'" I ()AJ ,"' ,..... -, Scheduled Forced Outage Hours Outage Hours (SOH) (FOH) "' ,. ..... System Operating Service Hours(SH) ~ l:.t.c..w, pu=.l1 Reserve Standby Hours (RSH) ~~'it l:.t.c.LwJ i~.41 t.Jijj3 ~s;.~ t...4~ U'i~ Us;..w, cS..;~'i' - v. - http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 89. ~~~'1' ~ ~,.;Jt.J.4 ( 5-13) JJ~ tiJl&..J1 ~ ~~ POD=RH-RSH-SOH (~1s;.u ii~..H) ~~ u.-J1' y.~ (POD)~i~ Period of demand AF = (Pij - SOH - FOH) * 100 (...... JJ~P':4l..1 ~i) i~J1l i~ y.4i-- (AF,%) ~3'I' J..1s;. PH ~~ ~~ u.- ~ jA~ "ll ,J J,.aJ~ (~ ~ i~..H) ~~ ~,J Availability Factor FOR = (SHF'?:OH) *100 ~ J..l"..n ~ Uijm u.-,j y.. ,.Jlr. y.~ (FOR,%) ",J.)a.Q,/' Uijm 13... lfJ~ Forced outage rate SOF'= SOH *100 ~1s;.1.-.J ~~ 4.-~ ~~ u.-,j ~ (SOF,%) ~.)10'1 Ui.,,:al J..a1s;. PH ~i..),JJ Scheduled outage factor SF= SH * 100 o.JJ-' ~1s;.-1 ~~ t'Ui.AJ ~ ~1s;..w ~ (SF,/.)~~ PH ~ Service Factor MTBFO=SH ~'):a.-.Q'il ~W.,,:ut U:H ~~I u.-J1' y.~ (MTBFO) ~l.)a.Q,/i ~1s;.Uai.a'i1 U:H u.-;rl.sa....~ NF 4..~~..J:!i;. Mean time between forced outages MDT = ~OH + FOR ~~i ~ iA,J1! UijAS ~'11 ijii1 ~ (MDT) l-ii.,t:W y..,j ...".... NF+NP ~~ Mean down time NF=Number of forced outages =ta...)I~1' ~W.,,:i3' J~ Nfl'.;.:Number of plant outages =~I~W~J$. .3, "J, ~ I 1..... ;: .J' I j ~.J' ~~. http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 90. 1 Jli. (t) JJ~ ~ ~.,.J .J 1994 rte. ~ ~t&.~"i CJu~ ~ 1 r!J ~~ :f'~ /)..)4lc~ 1 ~~ ~t, 4.;J..o:lc:.'i' uyJi,jA ~} SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI CATAlDI, CAlFI, ASAI, ASIFI CEMEIs ,MAlFI ,MAIFIE,CEMSMIs N . e..b:L'i e~ t~'i oft. tt~';JJ13' 6:!S~ JJS:. un (min) (KVA) ~J ~J.iJ'~~' ~ 8.17 800 200 7/3 u.!b.S 0.5 1600 400 15/4 ~ 71.3 1800 600 5/5 ~ 30.3 75 25 12/6 ~ - 400 2000 6/7 ~ 267.2 500 90 20/8 ~ 120 2100 700 31/8 ~ 10 3000 1500 3/9 ~ 40 200 100 27110 V"( i.~.:~1 ~~ ~J~} ~'~)4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 91. NT .... U!S~ J#- ~! = 2000 cost. CN - ~e.1.b1.a)' ~~ ~~~ J.a31 =1800 cost. L -~~~(KVA)o JiJ n,.....'T '" .,J IJ"'''''''''''':''. =4000 KVA ID, == ~ iJf.l.' ~ ~'j4 J$. IDE - ~~l.1::t.i.a)" ~'.)oA JJS:. CNk>n =0.)4 n ()4 .;s' o~ .:lc,tW.,,)' ~JU.4.U DJS~1 J~ ~1=350 CNTk>n - o~ ~~Ua:iJ! JJlU ~.;a:wl UJS~ ~l JJaJl=750 eUW!n UA..):'Sf ~ oJ n =s C.B=Jt;:i31 ~ti - Vf- ~~~I ~)tl 2..:J~l ~'~)A Reel. =J:.w:2jlll OJ:.} j~ http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 92. :~, ([) JJ~ ~ J i~' ~l,c;.~ E Lr& LL& LNr& :EN ~~ ~ ii~~ i~' ~s;.UiL1 t:Juht ( [) JJ~ N L r J~ o.;JiJ Nr iJli U:S~Lr (~J) eU:iL1' ~..JU11 te.~ ~~ (KVA) (~J) ~J5J 6536 800 1634 8.17 200 7/3 128340 1800 42780 71.3 600 5/5 2272.5 75 757.5 30.3 25 12/6 133600 500 24048 267.7 90 20/8 252000 2100 84000 120 700 31/8 30000 3000 15000 10 1500 3/9 8000 200 4000 40 100 27110 1:Lr=560748.5 I:L=8475 :ENr=172219.5 :EN=3215 ~'il inti y intI y 'minI y minI int . minI y.eust . W:!S~ ~L~ ~ ;~, -i~l ~~~"'i ~~.J.- : 'iJ' SAIFI = L N =3215 = 1.6075 inti y.cust . NT 2000 SAIDI =L Nr =172219 .S = 86.11 NT 2000 CAIDI = SAIDI = 86.11 = 53.567 SAIFI 1.6075 CTAIDI = L Nr = 172219.5 = 95.677 CN 1800 CAIFI = L N =3215 = 1.786 CN 1800 NT(No.of b Iy) - L Nr ASAI = -------==--- N T(No.of b I y) = 2000 .. 8760 - (172219.5/60) = 0.999836 2000 .. 8760 CEMI 5 =CN k>n = 350 = 0.175 NT 2000 - Vi - ~LJ .~(t ~~ ~j~ u .. ...J'tt"*" ,,~...J4M..JA http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 93. int/y.cust ASIFI = I:L LT 8475 = 4000 = 2.119 :ELr ASIDI=-- LT = 560748.5 = 140.187 4000 h/y.cust, ~, u1J:,~)" c.:a'~,j.o :titCi e~! 4Jb JS,t ~ ~'jA J~ J~' iJf+' ("':1) JJ~ ~~ :ui~,..>.! ~J~ J U:!S~ ~ ue- 4.;~ ~ (C.B) .)tJ, ~li ~l ~ ., 2000 ~ 4..;~ ~ (Recloser) ~~, OJLc.! j~ ~! ~ ~~750 wi ~ (y) JJ~ ()4 IDi=~ o~i ~ u'J04 J$. ID[=~&...JiL)" ~1..)04 JJ:, w-i reel. ~llli u-i l1AIFI =LIDjN =8*2000+12*750 =12 5 NT 2000 . l1AIFIE = LIDEN = 5*2000+6*750 =7 25 NT 2000 . CEliSMIS = ;;:0 = 0.375 int/y int/y int/y - Vo- http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 94. C.B=circuit breaker-..)~, ~t:i R =recloser =~jll' bJt&.l jlf+ S =sectionalizer =~~ F =fault =(~) ~ MAIFIE&MAIFI&SAIFI ~1~,j..J' ~l :~, Ni=~ t1,1,.iJ"'i ~~, UP~' J~=250 =~ el1ai.l)' ~~, UP~' J~=750 Nr=2000 IDi=2 IDE=l SAIFI= Nj = 250 =0125 int./y.cust NT 2000 . l1AIFI= IDjNj 2 *750 0.75 intJy NT 2000 MAIFIE =IDENj =1*750 =0.375 int./y NT 2000 -v, - ~L .~ . J~ NS=2= ~~I~'~~ LN 3 . I0' =__1 =-=1.5 Inic.y J. N 2 s r ::::: I:Niti =1.7 =0.57 h zint, :LNj 3 U = LNjti =1.7 ::::: 0.85 h/y-_. 2 s -f (10) ~ (11) ~ (12) wA lillj ~ J ,J ~, ~, ~i ~.J~ ~ 6P~' ~ c.:.a~.J.4 : ~.) ~~, ~ ~~, ~ u'~.)4 ~~ J ~,~ (~)& (u.a) ~J~' ~J:! .(FI,F2,F3,F4) ~~, ~ J ~ ~ ~i ~J~ - AA- 4l:~1 ~)rl ~J~! ~1~).4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 107. F4,F3,F2,Fl ~~, (.F ~U3' t ~~, JJ.S, ~~ U:S~, ~ ~J~'i' ~~j.A ~~ (W&1)J-.9J+ F4 F3 F2 Fl J~ ~'''''' Niti ti Niti t, Niti ti Niti ti ~~I ~~;l (in b) (in h) (in h) (in h) Ni (6-iS~') --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.4 0.4 1 81 --- -..-- --- --- --- --- 12 0.4 30 82 --- --- --- --- 22.5 0.9 10 0.4 25 83 --- --- --- --- 0.9 0.9 0.4 0.4 1 S4 --- --- --- --- 18.0 0.9 8 0.4 20 SS --- --- 10 1.0 9.0 0.9 4 0.4 10 86 --- --- 25 2.5 30 3.0 4 0.4 10 87 15 1.0 --- --- 30 2.0 6 0.4 15 88 2S 2.5 --- --- 20 2.0 4 0.4 10 S9 25 2.5 --- --- 40 4.0 4 0.4 10 S10 I:Nj =35 I:Ni = 20 I:Nj = 101 I:Ni = 132 132 I I:Niti = 65 LNjtj =35 LNitl = 170.4 :I:Niti = 52.8 .~ ..~ 1 1-I 1,.,.. ,-q- < - I -~ j ~J' ,:)' http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada 108. (~) JJ~ 1:Niti 1:Nj ~, 52.8 132 Fl 170.4 101 F2 35 20 F3 65 35 F4 323.2 288 e.~' Di~~~J Ns =132 }:Nj = 288 LNitj =323e 2 ~, ~, ~'i '~.JU 6:!lU' ~~, ~ ~j~'i' c.:t'~}4 "':I~ J :~ ~ J:w,~' ~, J '1 LNj _ 288 =2.18 A = N s -132 2:Ni tj _ 323.2 =1.12 r = L:Nj - 288 :LNiti _ 323.2 = 2.45 U = N s - 132 - ~, - int.ly h/Int. h/y -+ (13) -+ (14) -+ (15) ~I~I ~ nb..l)'1 ~J~} ul~j..4 http://www.sayedsaad.com/montada