嘉兴市教育研究院 海宁市教研室 上海外国语大学附属浙江宏达学校 ...

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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新目标英语 Go for it 七年级 ( 上 ) 第四单元微型试卷. 嘉兴市教育研究院 海宁市教研室 上海外国语大学附属浙江宏达学校 俞小静. 一、 出卷的目的. 实现新课程理念下试卷旧貌换新颜. 需要有效检测学生的学习过程. 需要实现课堂英语教学在课外的拓展和延伸. 需要锻炼和展示学生的自主学习能力. 二、 出卷的理论依据. 任务型语言学习. 三、 试卷的特色和优势. 跳出传统试卷的模式,突出学生主体. 采用任务型语言教学设计模式. 设计内容的真实有效性. 题型的多样性. 层层递进的任务链设计. 合作、研究和创新学习的切实体现. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


嘉兴市教育研究院 海宁市教研室

上海外国语大学附属浙江宏达学校 俞小静

一、 出卷的目的





二、 出卷的理论依据•任务型语言学习


•采用任务型语言教学设计模式 •设计内容的真实有效性





•Write down the words according to the clues

e.g. This is a bag and you put your books and stationeries in it. (backpack)

Down1. You have a rest or sleep on it.

2. It has four legs and you always have meals at it.

3. It’s a small table with a mirror and you can make up yourself in front of it.

Word puzzle


4. It’s a small box and you can pull out of or put it in the desk or table.

5. You can sit on this soft chair comfortably.


1. It’s a shelf and you can put your books on it.

2. It has four legs and you always put it in your room or in the study.

3. You can read and learn a lot from it.

4. It is always put on your head.

5. You draw something on the paper and it is very nice.









Add one more

Please write the sentences as long as possible.

e.g. This is my backpack.

These are my backpack and table.

These are my backpack, table and ……


Please find out who writes the longest in your class.

________’s sentence is the longest. It goes like this:


Make sentences Add more words you know. Then choose one word from the column each time and make a sentence. You should make five sentences at least.

Nouns Prepositions Nouns

backpack, book, bookcase, plant, bag, hat, picture, TV, telephone, ……

in, on, at, under, beside, near, between……

table, dresser, bed, chair, sofa, drawer, desk, ……

Share your sentences with your good friends and add five more.

Blanking filling Look at the pictures and select the words from the word bank to complete the passage.

There is a bed, a desk, a chair, a ___________, a sofa, a TV



set, a desk and a computer in the room.

The dresser is beside the bed, the _____

____ is on the dresser.

Word Bankdresser

near telephone desk

books on

Some pencils and a notebook are in the drawer.

The TV set is in front of the bed. The sofa is _______

_ the TV set, some ___________ are on the sofa.

The __________ is near the window. The computer is

_________ the desk. The chair is under the desk.

Drawing and writingDraw briefly about your room

Take the passage above as an example and write a new one about yours.

Find the differences Please circle the differences between your room and Tom’s, then write like the example

Tom’s Room

e.g. In my room, the desk is near the bed. But in Tom’s room, the desk is under the window.

A room for lending

Looking for: A room

I need a room like this:

The bed is in the room. The desk is near the window. The Computer is on the desk and near the bed. Some pictures are on the wall…….

Please call at 695-5379

Dear dad, Could you buy some things for my room? I need __________________


for my room. I also need _________


Thanks, _____

Ask someone to help you buy new things to decorate your room.

To decorate your room and write a lending poster to introduce your new decorated room.

I have a room like this:




Please call at _________

Cooperating and exploring studies

Surf on the Internet and search for the sentences with different prepositions. Work alone and then share in pairs, groups and class.

e.g. In like a lion, out like a lamb—— 不了了之,虎头蛇尾 Look up the dictionary in pairs and find out the different meanings of the prepositions in different sentences.

e.g. The key is on the door.

The key is in the door.

五 、 评价










Questions Self-assessment

Do you like this kind of test paper?

Yes No

Can you finish the test paper easily?

Yes No

Which part you like to do best?

Part _____

Do you cooperate and share with your friends?

Yes No