课件大赛作品 初中英语第三册 第五十一课 盘锦市辽河油田实验中学初中部...

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课件大赛作品 初中英语第三册 第五十一课 盘锦市辽河油田实验中学初中部 王静姝 二00七年五月二十日. UNIT 13 The world's population. Lesson 51. 辽河油田实验中学 王静姝. Revision ( 复习) : Say sth. about the population 人口问题是世界上最大的问题之 一。 2.人口增长非常快。 3.600年后,地球上将只有立足之地 了。 4.中国人口众多。 5.如果每个家庭只生一个孩子,问 题就会变得好多了。. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation






二 00 七年五月二十日


Revision( 复习 ):

Say sth. about the population1.人口问题是世界上最大的问题之 一。 2. 人口增长非常快。3.600 年后,地球上将只有立足之地 了。 4. 中国人口众多。5. 如果每个家庭只生一个孩子,问 题就会变得好多了。

1. The increasing population is one of the greatest problems of the world.

2. Population is growing very fast.3. In 600 years, there will be

standing room only on the earth.4. China’s population is very big.5. If each family only has one

baby, the result will be better.

Teaching Aims( 学习目标)1. Learn the Future in the Past Tense .

2.Learn the new words and the phrases

检查预习:(一) New words:1. 宁愿;更喜欢

2. 用过的;半旧的

3. 恳求;乞讨

4. 值得…的 ; 有…的价值

5. 二手的 ; 用过的

prefer used



-preferring ; preferred

1. 越来越… 2. 同意… ( 的观点 )

3. 劳斯莱斯牌轿车 4. 请原谅对不起

5. 一辆二手车

a used/ second car

more and more

agree with …

the Rolls Royce

beg one’s pardon

(二) Phrases:

6. 喜欢 A 而不喜欢 B / 与 B 相比更喜欢 A

7. 宁可;是…而不是…

8. 宁愿……而不愿

9. 值 …be worth +n/pron/(doing) …

prefer (doing) A to (doing) B.rather than

prefer to do sth…rather than do sth

agree with … 同意… ( 的观点 )agree to… 同意 ( 计划) 1. 我不同意你们两人(的观点)。

2. 他已经同意我们的假期计划。I don't agree with you two .

He has agreed to our plan for the holiday .

prefer to do sth…rather than do sth 宁愿…而不愿1. 他们宁愿买一辆新车也不愿修理旧的。

They prefer to buy a new car rather than repair the old one.2. 他宁愿走去那儿,也不愿坐小汽车

He prefers to walk there rather than go by car .

3. 刘胡兰宁死不屈 (give up).Liou Hulan preferred to die rather than give up .

4. 昨天他们宁愿去爬山,也不愿去游泳 。They preferred to climb the hill rather than go swimming yesterday.

prefer ( doing)A to ( doing)B. 喜欢 A 而不喜欢 B

1. 比起看电视我更喜欢看书

2. 我喜欢苹果而不喜欢香蕉 .

I prefer reading to watching TV.I prefer apples to bananas.

That’s worth more than two million yuan in china.

The book is well worth reading.

be (well) worth +n/pron/doing … (很)值…在中国那值两百多万元。


Main sentences:1.Do you know what the most expensive car in the world is?2. How much does a car cost in China ? 3.It can cost as little as 50,000 yuan and as much as 300 yuan.4.In America you can buy a used car for as little as 300 dollars.

1.What will happen to cars when more and more people buy them in China ?2.How much does a car cost in China ? What about in America ?3.What’s the most expensive car in the world ?How much does it cost?

听力训练 : 看录像回答下列问题: .

1.What will happen to cars when more and more people buy them in China ?

Cars will become cheaper and cheaper .

听力训练 : 看录像回答下列问题: .

It can cost as little as 50,000 yuan and as much as 300,000 yuan .

2.How much does a car cost inChina ?

How much does a car cost in America ?

3.What’s the most expensive car in the world ?How much does itcost?

It can cost as little as 300dollars and as much as 70,000 dollars .

It costs 353,590 dollars .It’s the Rolls Royce .

Read the dialogue and act

it out.


Fill in the blanks in the dialogue A:Do you know why cars will become_______ when more people buy them ?

B:I’m afraid I’ve________ .

A:As more and_______people have cars, there will be fewer people________to buy cars, then cars will become cheaper.

B:I don’t agree__________.


no idea



with you

When the cars become old, people _____to buy a new one _______than repair it .A:How much does a car _____ in China ?B:It can cost as____ as 50,000 yuan and as______as 300,000 yuan.A:_____________ in America ?




What about

A:Oh! In America you can buy a used car___ as little as 300 dollars. But a new car can be very expensive. It can be as ________ as 70,000 dollars .A:Yeah !___the way, what’s the most expensive car in the world ?

B:It’s the Rolls Royce. It is _______over two million yuan in China.





自学指导:过去将来时( The Future-in-the-Past Tense)Students book,Page 228 ( 1min.)

1. 过去将来时的构成。

2. 过去将来时的用法 .  

1. 过去将来时由 __________ 构成。

would 常简缩为’ d, I would= you would= would not=

助动词 would+ 动词原形Was (were) going to+ 动词原形

I’d you’dwouldn’t

2. 过去将来时表示从 ______ 某一时间看来 _________ 的动作或存在的状态。过去将来时常用在 _________ 中。



Rewrite the sentences using the Future - in - the - Past Tense1.I don't know if they will make friends with me.

I didn't know if they would make friends with me.

2.Peter asks Betty when she will decide to stop drinking.

3. Mary says that she will take good care of that baby.

Peter ________Betty when she ______decide to stop drinking.

Mary said that she wouldtake good care of that baby.


4. Lily hopes that you will catch up with the class.

5. We can't find out if the policeman will find him.

Lily hoped that you would catch up with the class.

We could't find out if the policeman would find him.


Part 2, make as many

sentences as you can

走进中考:专题训练 (补全句子)1. 如今人们的生活变得越来越好 。People’s lives are getting better and better now .

2. 我们的校园变得越来越美丽 。Our school is becoming________________.more and more beautiful3. 这辆二手车至少值 20,000 元 。The secondhand car________________20,000 yuan .costs as little as

4. 露西宁愿呆在家里,也不愿出去玩 。Lucy___________stay at home___________go out to play.

prefers torather than

5. 昨天我仅以 300 元的价格买了这部二手的手机。I bought_____________________________________yesterday.for as little as 300 yuan

the used mobile phone

6. 这本书很值得一读 。This book_____________________ .is well worth reading

走进中考:专题训练 (同意句转换)1.He prefers to read a good book rather than watch a bad programme.He prefers_________a good book to_________a bad programme .He likes reading a good book_____ ____ watching a bad programme.


better than

2.She paid 50 yuan for theused bike . She ____ 50 yuan ___the used bike .The used bike___ ___50 yuan .3.I’m sorry,please say it again . == I____ your_______ ?


spent on

beg pardon

Discussion( 讨论 ):

1.Do you agree that cars will become cheaper? Why or why not?

2.If you buy a car,will you buy a new one or a second one? Why?

Homework :

1) Finish Exx 2&3 in the wb in Lesson 51.

2) Prepare part 2 in Lesson 52
