从信息化基础设施角度展望 下一代地理信息系统

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从信息化基础设施角度展望 下一代地理信息系统. 2008.10. 王少文. It was six men of Indostan To learning much inclined, Who went to see the elephant (Though all of them were blind), That each by observation Might satisfy his mind. What is Cyberinfrastructure?. It’s Grid!. It’s Network!. It’s middleware . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • 2008.10

  • What is Cyberinfrastructure?It was six men of IndostanTo learning much inclined,Who went to see the elephant(Though all of them were blind),That each by observationMight satisfy his mindIts Network!Its Grid!Its HPC!And more!:ApplicationsDataE-communityInstrumentsVirtual OrganizationEtc.Its SharingIts StorageIts middleware After Charlie Catlett

  • Cyberinfrastructure EvolutionSupercomputer CentersPACITerascale1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 | | | | | |CyberinfrastructureNSF NetworkingAfter Deborah L. Crawford

  • Integration Holism"The whole is more than the sum of its parts.By Aristotle in the Metaphysics Borromean rings, after Daniel E. Atkins Image source: http://www.phy.ornl.gov/theory/dean/RIATG/web_pages/structure_one_pager.html

  • Motivation Whats Beyond/Next?Google Earth: http://earth.google.com/ ESRI ArcGIS: http://www.esri.com/ Microsoft Virtual Earth: http://maps.live.com/

  • ChallengesProblemsUser interface not intuitiveBased on window, icon, menu, pointing device Single userDesktop-basedHard to collaborateLow performanceHow much data can we analyze?

  • PurposeIllustrate how GISolve a cyberinfrastructure-based GIS is developed to help advance research and education of GIScience and cyberinfrastructureDemonstrate science impact of GISolve and the use of GISolve as an education toolBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • BackgroundGeographic information quantityEver increasingApplication drivenGPS, location based services, remote sensingComputationally intensive geographic information analysisHeuristics and optimizationSimulationSpatial statistical methodsCyberinfrastructure (CI)High-performance computingVirtual organizationGrid computing, middlewareData, visualization, and knowledgeEducation and workforce developmentBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • Review CI-based geographic analysisWang et al. 2008, Wang and Armstrong 2008, Wang and Zhu, 2008, Wang and Armstrong 2003Domain-specific CI activitiesGEON (Geosciences Network)LEAD (Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery)NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network)WATERS (WATer and Environmental Research Systems) NetworkInternet/Web-based GISTsou 2004, Wang et al. 2005, Yang et al. 2005Ontology-driven GISFonseca et al. 2002BackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • CI ComplexityCyberinfrastructureIs evolvingHas many sophisticated componentsHas NOT been developed to directly focus on the requirements of domain-specific problem solvingBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • Managing CI ComplexityScience and engineering gatewayRooted in CIProblem solving environmentsRooted in domain science and engineeringBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • GISolve Integrating CI Capabilities and GISWang and Zhu (2008)

  • GISolve Middleware

  • Computational Intensity = Wattage?!For CI-based geographic problem solving, computational intensity metrics are critically important!BackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • Spatial Computational DomainWang, S., and Armstrong, M. P. 2008. A Theoretical Approach to the Use of Cyberinfrastructure in Geographical Analysis. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/1365881080191850BackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • Information Broker and Resource DiscoverySelf-Organized Grouping method for Grid resource discoveryPadmanabhan, A., Wang, S., Ghosh, S., and Briggs, R. 2005. A Self-Organized Grouping (SOG) Method for Efficient Grid Resource Discovery. In: Proceedings of the Grid 2005 Workshop, Seattle, WA, November 13-14, 2005, IEEE Press, pp. 312-317 Modular Information Provider to support interoperable information brokeringWang, S., Shook, E., Padmanabhan, A., Briggs, R., Pearlman, L. 2006. Developing a Modular Information Provider to Support Interoperable Grid Information Services. In: Proceedings of Grid and Cooperative Computing - GCC 2006: The Fifth International Conference, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 448-453 BackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • Domain Decomposition and Task SchedulingSmall CapacityLarge CapacityMedium CapacityBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • GISolve WorkflowBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • TeraGrid GIScience Gateway Based on GISolve (www.gisolve.org)BackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • TeraGridImage source: www.teragrid.org

  • Open Science GridImage source: www.opensciencegrid.org

  • GISolve ServicesSecurityDecomposition and task schedulingGeographic data accessInformation broker and resource discoveryWorkflowBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • Service-oriented approachBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • Spatio-Temporal Data Handling and VisualizationBioenergy data portalBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • Bayesian Geostatistical Modeling Markov chain Monte CarloCommunication topology managementHelp split processors into groupsThe processors of each group belong to the same computerEach group runs a single chainCross-cluster communication cost is minimal

    Node 1Node 3Node 2Node 4Node 5Node 7Node 6Node 8Node 9Node 11Node 10Node 12Chain 1Chain 2Chain 3Supercomputer BSupercomputer ABackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • Analyses Supported by the GatewayBayesian geostatistical modelingYan, J., Cowles, M. K., Wang, S., and Armstrong, M. P. (2007) Parallelizing MCMC for Bayesian spatiotemporal geostatistical models. Statistics and Computing, 17 (4): 323-335 Detection of local spatial clusteringWang, S., Cowles, M. K., and Armstrong, M. P. (2008)Grid computing of spatial statistics: using the TeraGrid for Gi*(d) analysis.Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, forthcomingSpatial interpolationWang, S., and Armstrong, M. P. (2003) A quadtree approach to domain decomposition for spatial interpolation in Grid computing environments. Parallel Computing, 29 (10): 1481-1504Under developmentABM (Agent-Based Modeling)Spatial Genetic AlgorithmsBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • Integrated CI-based Workbench for Geospatial ScientistsBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • Education and OutreachIn classrooms The University of Iowa, 2006, 2007Foundations of Geographic Information Systems (undergraduate)Principles of Geographic Information Systems (undergraduate and graduate)Bayesian Statistics (undergraduate and graduate)Computing in Statistics (undergraduate and graduate)The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007, 2008 Advanced Geographic Information Systems (undergraduate and graduate)Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (undergraduate)TeraGrid07 student competitionHigh-school studentsSupercomputing 2007 education programHigh-school and college teachersBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • ConclusionsGISolve principlesIntegratedCollaborativeDistributedHigh-performanceService-orientedGISolve is effective to teach CIGIScienceCI-based GISBackgroundDesignDemoImplementationEducationConclusionsPurpose

  • CIGI CyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information Laboratory / Virtual-Organization High-Performance, Distributed and Collaborative GISGeospatial Analysis and ModelingBase CyberinfrastructureApplicationsEnergy, Environment, Public HealthGISolveComputational IntensityOpen Science Grid, TeraGridMultidisciplinary Interactions

  • Disciplines Involved in the CIGI VOBiologyComputer ScienceGeographyGIScienceEnvironmental engineeringHistoryHydrologyStatistics

  • Global Malaria Risk

  • From James D. Myers

  • Ongoing R&DInteroperability of GISolve servicesSpatiotemporal computational domainAdaptive domain decomposition servicesVisualization servicesEvaluation of GISolve performanceExtension of the types of geographic information analysisProvenance management

  • AcknowledgmentsCyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information Laboratory (CIGI)National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)Faculty FellowshipDepartment of EnergyOpen Science GridNational Science FoundationITR: iVDGL (International Virtual Data Grid Laboratory)OCI-0503697 Open Science GridTeraGrid SES060004NTeraGrid SES070004NColleaguesDr. Marc P. Armstrong (Geography, UIowa) Dr. David A. Bennett (Geography, UIowa)Mr. Tim Cockerill (NCSA, UIUC) Dr. Mary Kathryn Cowles (Statistics, UIowa) Mr. Yan Liu (CIGI/NCSA, UIUC) Mr. Doru Marcusiu (NCSA, UIUC)Dr. James D. Myers (NCSA, UIUC) Dr. Anand Padmanabhan (CIGI/NCSA, UIUC) Ms. Ruth Pordes (Open Science Grid) Dr. Brian J. Smith (Biostatistics, UIowa) Mr. Eric Shook (Geography, UIUC) Dr. Wenwu Tang (CIGI/NCSA, UIUC)Mr. John W. Towns (NCSA, UIUC) Dr. Edward Walker (TACC, UT-Austin) Ms. Nancy Wilkins-Diehr (SDSC/TeraGrid) Dr. Jun Yan (Statistics, UConn) Dr. Xin-Guang Zhu (Biology, UIUC)

  • !Comments and/or questions?