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Облыстық білім басқармасының Мектепке дейінгі, жалпы орта, техникалық және кәсіптік білім беру ұйымдарының облыстық оқу-әдістемелік кабинеті Шет тілі пәнінен қосымша сабақтарға арналған (үйірме, факультатив т.б.) оқу-әдістемелік құрал

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Облыстық білім басқармасының

Мектепке дейінгі, жалпы орта, техникалық және кәсіптік білім беру ұйымдарының облыстық оқу-әдістемелік кабинеті

Шет тілі пәнінен қосымша сабақтарға арналған (үйірме, факультатив т.б.)

оқу-әдістемелік құрал

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1. Алғысөз………………………………………………………………………32. "Мәтінмен жұмыс кезінде әр түрлі әді-тәсілдерді пайдалану"…………4-53. Lesson 1: William Shakespeare …………………………………………6-74. Lesson 2: Daniel Defoe ………………………………………………….7-85. Lesson 3: Charles Dickens ………………………………………………8-96. Lesson 4: William Somerset Maugham ………………………………..10-117. Lesson 5: Rudyard Kipling ……………………………………………….118. Lesson 6: Charlotte Bronte ……………………………………………12-139. Lesson 7: Jerome K. Jerome………………………………………….13-1410. Lesson 8: Oscar Wild………………….………………………………14-1511. Lesson 9: John Galsworthy ……………………………………………16-1712. Lesson 10: Mark Twain …………………………………………….......17-1813. Lesson 11: Ernest Hemingway ………………………………….….......18-2014. Lesson 12: Jack London …………………………………………..........20-2115. Lesson 13: Benjamin Franklin………………………………………......21-2216. Lesson 14: Edgar Allan Poe………………………………………….....22-2317. Қорытынды……………………………………………………………......2418. Пайдаланған әдебиеттер…………………………………………………25


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Алғы сөз

Оқу процесінде жаңа технология мен озық тәжірибелерді қолданып оқыту білім

беру жүйелерінің алдындағы міндеттердің бірі. Қазіргі қоғам сұранысына сай

білімді, шығармашылықпен жұмыс жасайтын, өзін-өзі дамытып жетілдіре алатын

жеке тұлға тәрбиелеуге назар аударылуда.

Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Н.Ә. Назарбаев өзінің Жолдауында

шығармашылық тұрғыдан бәсекелестікке сай, үш тілді жетік меңгерген, жан-жақты

дамыған жеке тұлғаны оқытып-тәрбиелеу керектігіне аса назар бөлген. Осыған орай

өзімнің ізденіс тақырыбым аясында жас жеткіншектерге өз ана тілінің әсері арқылы

өз елінің мәдениетін , тарихын дәріптей отырып өзге елдің тілі мен мәдениетін

құрметтеуге, оны оқып-үйренуге дәріс беруді мақсат еттім.

Бұл сабақтың мақсаты:

– жеке тұлғаның танымдық қабілеттілігін дамыту;

– оның ойлау, тыңдау, елестету, зейін, есте сақтау қабілеттілігін дамыту,


– тілге қызығушылығын арттыру;

– белсенді сөздік қорын молайту, ауызша және жазбаша тілін дамыту;

– бірі-бірімен тілдік қарым-қатынас орнатуға ықпал ету;

– өзін-өзі тексеру, өзіне деген сенімін арттыру.

8-сыныпқа арналған оқу кітабының бағдарламасына сай жасалған «Ағылшын

және американ жазушыларының өмірі» деген тақырыпқа арналған мәтінді

тыңдау және оның тапсырмаларын ауызша және жазбаша орындауға (оқулықсыз)

негізделген комплексті сабақ жоспарын «Тілдердің үш тұғырлылығы» мәдени

жобасын ұстанып жұмыстанып жүрген мұғалімдер үшін көмекші құрал ретінде



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"Мәтінмен жұмыс кезінде әр түрлі әдіс тәсілдерді пайдалану"

Қазіргі мектептеріндегі ағылшын тілін жүргізу мүғалімдерден көп дайындықты талап етеді. Мүғалімнің еңбегінің табысты болуыңың қайнар көзі оқушының ана тілі мен шет тілінің арасындағы әр қилы ұқсастарын, айырмашылықтарын есепке ала отырып, соларға негіздей оқытқанда ғана сабақ табысты да тиімді болады. Оқу тәрбие жүмысының негізі- сабақ. Сапалы сабақ оқу тәрбиесінің нәтижелі болуына тікелей әсер етеді. Сабақ үстінде оқушының жүйелі жұмыс істеуіне мүмкіндік туғызу, сабақтың тақырыбына сай нақтылы міндет қоя білу- ол әр қайсы мүғалімнің шеберлігіне байланысты. Өйткені оқушыларды терең әрі жинақты біліммен қаруландыру, олардың шығармашылық қабілетін, қызығушылық талғамын дамыту, өз бетінше білімін толықтандыруға дағдыландыру сияқты күрделі жұмыстар сабақ барысында қалыптасады. Бұл әрбір мүғалімді ойландырып, жаңаша жұмыс істеуге, жаңа ізденістерге жетелейді. Әрбір мүғалімнің негізгі алға қойған міндеті- шәкірттерінің ой-өрісін кеңейтуге, биік адамгершілік қасиеттерін қалыптастыру. Тілді оқытып, үйретудің сапасын арттыру әр түрлі жағдайларға байланысты. Ағылшын тілі пәнінің түпкі мақсаты- оқушыларға шет тілін меңгерту, ойлау қабілеті мен сауаттылығын арттыру, өзге тілде сөйлеп, жаза білетін дәрежеге жеткізу, ағылшын халқының әдет- ғүрпын, тарихын танып талаптандыру, тілін құрметтеуге тәрбиелеу, сонымен қатар Отанды, табиғатты, айналадағы құбылысты, тыныс - тіршілігімен жан - жақты терең таныстыру. Сабақ өткізу, оқыту барысында өткізілетін ең күрделі жұмыс түрлерінің бірі - сабақта мәтінмен жүмысты үтымды үйымдастыру. Мәтінмен жүмыс дегеніміз - сабақта өтілетін әр түрлі жүмыстардың жиынтығынан қүралады.

Олар: 1. дыбыстармен жұмыс 2. сөздіктермен жұмыс 3. сөздік қорларын жетілдіру 4. тіл дамыту 5. деңгейлік тапсырмалармен жұмыс 6. ауызша сөйлей білуге дағдыландыру

Осы аталған іс - әрекеттерді жүзеге асыруда оқушылар өзара тілдік қарым-қатынасқа түседі. Тілдік қарым қатынасқа түсу деген сөз - біз оқытудың коммуникативтік технологиясын да іске асырдық деген сөз. Коммуникативтік оқыту технологиясын жүзеге асыру негізін Сент-Экзепюридің сөзімен айтқым келеді: «Жер бетіндегі ең үлкен байлық – бұл қарым-қатынас байлығы». Шынымен де бізге бұл қатынас жеткіліксіз. Өйткені біз балалармен тек қана 45 минут


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кездесеміз, сұхбаттасамыз. Сол себепті коммуникативтік оқыту технологиясының элементтері ретінде мәтінмен жұмыс түрін ерекше атап өтуімізге болады. Сонымен қатар мәтінді оқытудың мынадай түрлерін сабақ үстінде қолдану мұғалімнің жеке зерттеушілік жұмыстары үшін өте пайдалы:1. Дауыстап оқыту арқылы - оқушының сөйлеу элементерін меңгергендерін

байқауға болады, тағы да бір тиімділігі – оқушылар бірінің қатесін бірі естіп және түзетіп отырады.

2. Іштей оқу – бұл жұмыстың мақсаты оқушылардың шапшаң оқу дәрежесін анықтау. Мысалы: оқушыларға іштей шапшаң оқу үшін бір мәтін беріліп, қай жерге дейін оқу керектігін белгіленеді. Әркім белгілеген жерге келгенде кітаптарын жауып, бітіргенін байқатады. Осылайша оқушылардың оқу шапшандықтарының мөлшерін мұғалім өзі белгілеп отырады.

Қорыта келе, оқушының құзырлылығы коммуникативтік оқыту технологиясы арқылы дамиды. Оның ішінде мәтінмен жұмыс арқылы танымдылық қабілеттері, танымдық процестері дамып, сөздік қоры молаяды, оқытуда жағымды әрекет қалыптасады. Ұстаздың басты мақсаты – шәкіртінің өзінен де білімі терең, дәрежесінің биік болуы. Сол кезде ғана қоғамда алға жылжу үрдісі жүреді.

Lesson 1

Theme: text “William Shakespeare”Aim: - to present the students the text and be able to understand it. - develop pupils’ speaking and writing skills and enlarge their vocabulary; - to give some information about author’s biography; - to learn English literature authors.I. Org. momentII. Warm-up:- Do you like reading?- What is your favourite author?- What kind of books do you like to read?- What do you think why books are important for you?III. Listen to the text on the tape:


Stratford-on-Avon is not a large English town, but the whole world knows it, because it is the birthplace of William Shakespeare, one of the greatest writers in the world. When Shakespeare was a young man, there were no theatres in England. Groups of actors traveled from town to town and played in different places, usually outdoors. Sometimes actors came to


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Stratford. Young William went to see all their shows and liked them very much. He wanted to become an actor. Sometimes he wrote little plays himself and staged them with his friends. Life in Stratford-on-Avon was hard, and when Shakespeare was twenty-one years old, he went to London. In London he joined a group of actors. At first he only helped the actors. By and by he began to play himself. Later he began to write play for the theatre. Soon he became the greatest writer of plays in his time. It was a very long time ago, but everybody remembers Shakespeare’s name. His plays are translated into many languages, and many theatres in the world show them. Shakespeare’s famous books are: “King Lear”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”, “Romeo and Juliet” and etc.

Tasks:I. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words: William Shakespeare [ wiljәm ‘∫eikspiә ] –Вильям ШекспирStratford-on-Avon [‘strætfα:αd αn ‘eivәn ] Эйвондағы Стратфорд King Lear [ kiŋ liә] – Лир патшаJoin a group of actors – актерлар тобына қосылуII. Answer the questions:- When and where was W. Shakespeare born?- What his famous books do you like?- What influenced him to become an actor?- Where did he join a group of actors?- Then what did he begin to write for the theatre?- Were his plays published into many languages?

III. Complete the sentences:The birthplace of William Shakespeare is … . He was … world. … traveled from town to town and played the shows. He went to London and joined to … . Later he began to write … for the theatre. He became … of plays. IV. Give the summary to the text.

Lesson 2

Theme: Text “ Daniel Defoe”Aim: - to surround one’s attention to listening to the text ; - to develop the pupils’ speaking and writing skills using the tasks on the theme; - to teach pupils to know other countries literature and to respect it.

I. Org. moment II. Warm-up- Do you like to watch films on TV or at the cinema?- What films do you like to watch?- Did you see the film “Robinson Crusoe”?- What about is this film ? There is a book about this film.


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Daniel Defoe

- Do you know the author of this novel?III. Listen to the text:

DANIEL DEFOE(1660-1731)

Daniel Defoe , the greatest English writer of the 17th century, was born in London, in the family of wealthy parents. Daniel got a good education. He had good knowledge of history, mathematics, geography, knew several languages: French, Italian, Spanish, Latin and ancient Greek. His father wanted him to become a priest . But young Defoe did not like this profession . he refused to be a priest, and for many years he was a merchant. He visited many countries : France, Spain, Italy, among others. Then he became a journalist. Defoe wrote numerous pamphlets, novels, historical works. One of his famous novels – “Robinson Crusoe” – appeared in 1719. the novel is about the adventures of a real man, a Scotch, Alexander Selkirk by name who lived on a desert island for 4 years. The story of Selkirk was well known at that time.

Tasks:I. Make the diagram:

Journalist in 1660, in London a good education

a merchant France, Spain … knowledge of history ...

II. Complete the sentences: Daniel Defoe was born in … . He got a … . He didn’t want to be … . One of his most famous novels is … .III. Do the test:1. Defoe was born … a) in London b) in Stratford c) in Manchester.2. “Robinson Crusoe” is adventures of … a) English man b) Canadian man c) Scotish man3. D. Defoe knew several languages and one of them is …a) Latin b) Russian c) GermanIV. Give the summary of the text


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Lesson 3

Theme: text “Charles Dickens”Aim: - to learn new words using the tasks by the text; - to learn the pupils’ to attend to the pronunciation of the words; - develop the pupils’ speaking , reading and writing skills through doing different tasks on the text.

I. Org. momentII. Warm-up Learn the proverbs: “Art is long, life is short” “It is never late to learn”III. Listen to the text “Charles Dickens” on the tape.


Charles Dickens (1812-1870) is one of the greatest English writers of the 19th century. He was born in a poor family. When he was a boy of ten, his father was put into a debtors’ prison. Charles could not go to school because he had to help the family. He began to work at a factory. Later he continued his studies, but at the age of fifteen he went to work again. He liked reading and read very much. When he was twenty one, he began to write himself: first short stories, then novels. Soon he became a well-known writer. Dickens saw the evils of the bourgeois society of his time and attacked them in his works. He wrote about the workhouses of England and the tragedy of poor children who had to live in them (“Oliver Twist”), he wrote about the poor state of education for children of ordinary people (“Nicholas Nickleby”) , about money (“Dombey and Son”), about young children who had to work (“David Copperfield”) , about the debtors’ prisons (“Little Dorrit”). Charles Dickens works are translated into many languages. In our country people of all ages read Dickens with great pleasure and interest.

Tasks:I. Translate the following words: a deptors’ prison - [deptәz prizn]workhouse - [wә:khaus] – II. Answer the questions:- When and where was he born?- Where was his father put?- Where did he work?- What did he write?- Whom did he attack in his works?- What about did he write in his books?

III. Complete the meanings of the words: the greatest …, a poor …, a deptors’ …, a well-known …, education for children of … , young children who … , read with great … .


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IV. Give the summary of the text.

Lesson 4

Theme: text “William Somerset Maugham”Aim: - to develop pupils’ speaking and writing skills; - to learn pronunciation of the words : - to bring up pupils to know the culture and literature of other countries.

I. Org. momentII. Warm-up- Do you like to read poems?- Whose poems do you like?- Can you translate any poems into Kazakh or English?

III. Listen to the text on the tape.


William Somerset Maugham is one of the best known English writers of the present day. He was born in Paris in English family. Maugham was one of the most successful dramatists and short-story writers as well as a novelist. He achieved a great popularity with the reading public in England, and especially in the USA. Maugham wrote a wonderful tale for children “Princes September”. He story shows us what freedom means for every living creature. A little bird could sing beautiful songs while it was free. But when the bird was put into a golden cage, it was not able to sing anymore.

Tasks:I. Answer the questions:- Who is Somerset Maugham?- When was he born?- Was he a writer?- Was he popular in England?- What is his tale called?- What about is the tale “Princess September” ?

II. Write the words:[‘dræmәtist] - [p pju’l riti] – [‘kri:t ∫ә] - [ ‘ t i:v] –[‘fri:dәm] - [b :d] – [keidּל ] –

III. Complete the sentences:9

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1. Somerset Maugham was one of the… . 2. He was popular in … and … .3. He wrote a wonderful tale for … . 4. He tale was a little … which could sing beautiful … while it was … . 5. … it was didn’t sing. IV. Give the summary to the text.

Lesson 5Theme: Text : “Rudyard Kipling”Aim: - to develop pupils’ speaking and writing skills: - to learn new words using the tasks by the text: - to bring up pupils to read more and to extensive their knowledge.

I. Org. moment.II. Warm-up.- Do you like to read or to listen to tales?- What Kazakh tales do you know?- What shows the characters or events of any tales?- Do you know any English tales?

III. Listen to the text on the tape.


Rudyard Kipling was a well-known English writer. He was born in India and lived many years there. He knew the life of the people in India and the nature of the country. Many people know his book about Mowgli, a little Indian boy who lived in the Jungle with the wolves. Kipling had two children-a boy and girl, and when they were little, he told them tales which he made up himself. Later he published these tales, and the children in many countries like them very much. Rudyard Kipling wrote many poems and tales.Tasks:I. Make sentences from the text:well-known, India, Mowgli, nature of the country, children, tales.II. Complete the sentences:Rudyard Kipling was … . He was born and lived in … . He knew the life of the people …. One of his book is about Mowgli, … . III. Translate: 1) Радиард Киплинг ағылшынның атақты жазушысы.2) Ол Үндістанда дүниеге келгеню3) Кішкентай үнді баласы Маугли туралы жазылған кітабын көп адам сүйіп оқиды.4) Киплинг өз балаларына ойынан шығарып ертегілер айтып берді. 5) Ол көптеген тақпақтар мен ертегілер жазды.IV. Write the words:[‘maugli] - [laif] – [neit ә] - [d gl] –


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[wit ] - [pәuim] -V. Give the summary of the text.

Lesson 6

Theme: Text: “Charlotte Bronte”Aim: - to focus pupils’ attention on listening to the text; - to develop pupils’ speaking and writing skills doing different tasks on the text; - to know about English writer’s biography and to be able to express their opinion on the theme.

I. Org. moment II. Warm-up Make more word combinations with the words “school” and “write” as you can:School – schoolbag, …Write – writer, …III. Listen to the text “Charlotte Bronte” on the tape.


Charlotte Bronte was a famous English writer. She was born in a poor family. There was six children in it – five girls and one boy. Their mother died when Charlotte was a very small girl. The girls were sent to a school for poor children. The children lived at that school in cold dark rooms and were always hungry. Charlotte’s two sisters died in that school. Later Charlotte Bronte described the school in her novel “Jane Eyre”. When Charlotte Bronte left school she became a teacher at a school for girls and lived with two sisters and brother. The Bronte sisters wrote poems and novels. Their first book of poems was published in 1846. “Jane Eyre” is Charlotte Bronte’s second novel. It was published in1848 and made the writer famous.

Tasks: I. Write the words:[ a:lәt br nti ] - [‘d ein ‘eә] –[puә] - [ ‘h gri] – [ ‘p bli ] - [dis’kraib]- II. Correct the sentences:1. Charlotte Bronte was born in a rich family.2. There were five children in it: two girls and three boys.3. They were sent to a private school. 4. She wrote about her country in her novel “Jane Eyre”.5. She became a writer.


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6. Her first book was published in 1886.III. Answer the questions:- When was she born?- How many children were in the family?- Are they sent to a school for poor children or for rich children?- Was their life good at that school?- When did she become after the school?- When was their first book published?- What about did they write in “Jane Eyre”?

IV. Ch. Bronte was … . Ch. Bronte wrote … . Ch. Bronte lived and studied … . Ch. Bronte became … .V. Give the summary of the text.

Lesson 7

Theme: text “Jerome K. Jerome”Aim: - to develop the pupils’ communicative skills and abilities through doing communicative activities; - to teach them to know about foreign literature and to respect the culture of other country.

I. Org . moment II. Warm-upIII. Listen to the text on the tape.

JEROME K. JEROME (1850-1927) Jerome K. Jerome is a well-known British writer. He was born in 1850. Early on Jerome wanted to become a Member of Parliament, but that was not to be. He attended the Philological School, later known as the Marylebone Grammar School. He had a number of occupations then including journalism and school teaching, and a number of disappointments with the rejections of many short stories and satires he wrote. He won a world-wide fame for his humorous stories and especially for his humorous novel “Three men in a boat” (1889). This novel has been translated into many languages, including Russian. Readers in different countries appreciate his books for lots of wit and belief in the goodness of human nature expressed in them. His experience as an actor led to his novel “On the Stage—and Off “ and his play “Barbara”. In true Jerome style he dedicated his collection of essays “The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow”. He died in 1927.

Tasks: 12

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I. True or False:1. Jerome K. Jerome is a well-known American writer.2. He had a number of occupations then including journalism and engineering. 3. He wrote many short stories and satires.4. He won a world-wide fame for his humorous novel “Barbara”. 5. He died in 1827.

II. Answer the questions:1. When was J.K. Jerome born ?2. Was he a Member of Parliament?3. Did he write plays or stories?4. What is his famous novel?5. What other books do you know of Jerome?

III. Make the diagram:

IY. Give the summary to the text.

Lesson 8

Theme: text “Oscar Wilde”Aim: - to develop the pupils’ speaking and writing skills; - to learn them to know about foreign literature figures. - to encourage pupils’ interests about the literature of English speaking countries.

I. Org . moment II. Warm-up.III. Listen to the text on the tape.

Oscar Wilde(1864-1900)

Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin, Ireland, in the family of a doctor. His mother wrote poetry and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College, in Dublin and then at Magdalene College, in Oxford. Oscar Wilde wrote novels,


J.K. Jerome

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stories and plays. He also wrote some very beautiful tales. He won the Newdegate prize for poetry. After leaving college his first volume of poetry, "Patience", was published in 1881, followed by a play, "The Duchess of Padua", two years later. He is the author of 4 plays: “Lady Windermere’s Fan”, “A woman of no importance”, “ An ideal husband”, and “The importance of being Earnest”. He wrote the stories for children, such as "The Happy Prince" and "The Selfish Giant", "The Picture of Dorian Gray", “The rose and the nightingale”. He is also the author of novel “The picture of Dorian Gray”. Oscar Wilde did not raise any social problems in his works. His characters are all people of the upper circles. He is the famous English writer of the 19th century. His books are read and his place are staged in many countries and in many languages.

Tasks:I. Answer the questions:

1. When and where was O. Wilde born?2. Where was he educated?3. What prize did he win?4. What was his first poetry?5. What stories for children do you know?6. What was the idea of his works?

II. Complete the sentences: 1. His mother wrote …. and she taught him to love …. .2. He also wrote some very beautiful … .3. He is also the … of novel “The picture of Dorian Gray”.4. His characters are all people of the … . 5. His books are … and his place are … in many countries and in many languages.

III. Make your own sentences with following words:Author, educated, novel, literature, century.

IY. Give the summery to the text.


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Lesson 9

Theme: text “John Galsworthy”Aim: - to enrich the pupils’ vocabulary notes doing the tasks through the text; - to practice active vocabulary in speech and to develop pupils’ communication skills. - to bring up to fix pupil’s memory, to love English literary treasure.

I. Org . moment II. Warm-upIII. Listen to the text on the tape.

John Galsworthy (1867-1993)

John Galsworthy was born an upper-middle-class Englishman . He had kind, generous, very rich parents. He was given the best education available to anyone; and he was an intelligent, handsome, healthy youth without much drive or ambition. He decided to become a writer. He had written a considerable number of novels, short stories, and plays. Galsworthy's first collection of short-stories, “From the Four Winds”, was published in 1897. This was followed by the novel, “The Island Pharisees”. He had been initiated into the pantheon of the world's great authors by the award of the Nobel Prize for Literature. He considered “The Island Pharisees” (1904) his first important work. As a novelist Galsworthy is chiefly known for his novel, “The Forsyte Saga”. The first novel of this vast work appeared in 1906. “The Man of Property” was a harsh criticism of the upper middle classes, Galsworthy's own background. Galsworthy was a dramatist of considerable technical skill. In the eyes of the world John Galsworthy was the English writer. Tasks:

I. Translate the words:ambition- , handsome- , initiate- , appear- , award- , upper- , considerable- .

II. Answer the questions:1. When was John Galsworthy born?2. Was he educated, wasn’t he?3. What did he become?4. When were his first stories published?5. What was his popular novel?

III. Complete the sentences:1. John Galsworthy was born an … Englishman .2. He was an intelligent, handsome, … without much drive or ambition. 3. He had written a … number of novels, short stories, and plays. 4. He had been initiated into … of the world's great authors.


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5. In the eyes of the world John Galsworthy was the English writer. 6. Galsworthy was a dramatist of considerable … .

IY. Give the summary to the text.

Lesson 10

Theme: text “Mark Twain”Aim: - to surround one’s attention to listening to the text ; - to develop the pupils’ speaking and writing skills using the tasks on the theme; - to teach pupils to know other countries literature and to respect it.

I. Org. momentII. Warm-upLearn proverbs: “ Make hay while the sun shines” “First think, then speak”

IV. Listen to the text on the tape.

MARK TWAIN(1835-1910)

Mark Twain is a famous American writer. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. The pen-name Mark Twain is connected with his work as a ship pilot on the Mississippi River when he was a young man. In his young years Mark Twain tried the professions of a printer and newspaper reporter. He gained popularity as a humorist writer in 1865. Since then he wrote a lot of humorous short stories and several novels. His works gave their readers a cause for hearty laughter. His two most famous books are “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. These novels are known all over the world, and they continue to be read with pleasure by the children of every race and nation in habiting the earth.

Tasks: I. Make the sentences with these words:1835-1910, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, pen-name, as a humourist writer, humorous short stories and several novels, famous books.

II. Make the diagram:


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Mark Twain

an American writer

a humorous writer a printer and a newspaper reporter

III. Answer the questions: - Who is Mark Twain?- What is his real name?- When was he born?- What was he by profession?- What kind of books did he write?- What are his famous books?

IV. Write the words:[kә’nektid] - [pailәt] – [printә] - [hju:mәrәs] –[in’hәbiti ] - [әd’vәnt ә:z] – [rekәgnaizd] - [la:ftә]

V. Give the summary to the text.

Lesson 11

Theme: text “Ernest Hemingway”Aim: - to learn the biography of the author; - to know the patriotic works of the author and to bring - up pupils to love and defend their country; - to develop pupils’ speaking and writing skills.

I. Org. moment II. Warm-up Learn proverbs: 1. “Two heads are better than one” 2. “There is no smoke without smoke”III. Listen to the text on the tape. ERNEST HEMINGWAY (1899-1961)


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Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was one of the greatest American writers of his age. He was born in Oak Park, Illinois, in the family of a doctor. His father was fond of hunting and fishing and in his school-days Ernest became an excellent sportsman. He played football, was a member of the swim team and learned to box. At school he was a successful pupil. He wrote poetry and prose to the school literary magazine and edited the school newspaper. He lived in Kansas City and worked as a newspaper reporter. In 1918 during the First World War he was given the job of driving American Red Cross ambulances on the Italian front. Hemingway was awarded a silver medal by the Italian Government. His war experiences influenced the life and all the works of the writer. He returned to the US and began to work as a foreign correspondent of a newspaper. He became a novelist. He visited Spain, Switzerland, Germany and other countries. He published many novels, stories and poems. His famous works are “For whom the bell tells”, “The old man and the sea”.

Tasks: I. Translate: Oak Park, Illinois, poetry and prose, literary magazine, edit, a newspaper reporter, the First World War, a foreign correspondent, a novelist, American Red Cross ambulance

a family of a doctor hunting and fishing an excellent sportsman

edited the school American Red Cross influenced the life newspaper ambulances on the and all the works Italian front

II. Answer the questions:- What can you say about Hemingway’s childhood?- What was his Father fond of?- What can you say about his school life ?- Where was he given as a driver?- What influenced his life and work?- What was he in the US?- Where did he visit?- What his famous books do you know?

III. Give the summary of the text.


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Lesson 12

Theme: text “Jack London”Aim: - to develop pupils’ speaking and writing skills: - to learn new words using the tasks by the text: - to bring up pupils to read more and to extensive their knowledge.

I. Org. moment II. Warm-upSay about your favourite writers, books, poems, cinemas, singers, and etc.III. Listen to the text on the tape.

JACK LONDON(1876-1918)

Jack London, the famous American writer, was born in San Francisco. The family was poor and Jack began to work when he was nine years old. He carried newspapers to people’s houses. After that he went to school. After school he did so again. On Saturdays and Sundays he worked at a hotel. The boy liked to read books in his free time. He left school at the age of thirteen. He worked as a sailor. He left the university because he has no money to pay it. He worked at a factory. In the evening he wrote poems and stories. In 1898 his some stories were published and people liked them very much. In 1902 he visited the capital of England and wrote a novel about the poor people of London. His famous works are: “Martin Eden”, “The iron heel’, “Call of the Wild”, “Brown wolf” and etc.Tasks:I. Complete the sentences:1. Jack London was born … . 2. He began to work … . 3. After school he … . 4. In free time he … . 5. In the evening … . 6. In England he wrote about … .7. His famous books are … .II. Answer the questions:- Where was Jack London born?- Why did he begin to work? What did he do?- Where did he work on weekends?- Whom did he work after school?- Why did he leave the university?- What about did he write in London?- What his famous books do you like?

III. Make sentences with the following words:Poor, carry newspaper, free time, a sailor, at a factory, famous books.IV. Talk to your partner by the plans:1. Author’s childhood2. Life at school and at the university.3. His free time4. In England


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5. His works.V. Give the summery to the text.

Lesson 13

Theme: text “Benjamin Franklin”Aim: - to develop the pupils’ an oral speech pronunciation. - to focus pupils’ attention on listening to the text; - to develop pupils’ speaking and writing skills doing different tasks on the text; - to know about English writer’s biography and to be able to express their opinion on the theme.

I. Org . moment II. Warm-upIII. Listen to the text on the tape.


Benjamin Franklin was a leading author, satirist politician, scientist, statesman and diplomat. He was as a political writer and activist, he supposed the idea of an American Revolution. He was born in 1706 in Boston. He attended Boston Latin school, but didn’t graduate it. His schooling ended when he was 10. Then he worked for his father for a time. He was interested in science and technology, and gained international renown for his famous experiments. When Ben was 15 his brother taught him the printing trade. At the age 17 he went to Philadelphia and worked in several printer shops around town. Franklin, always proud of his working class roots, became a successful newspaper editor and printer in Philadelphia, the leading city in the colonies. He was a major figure in the development of positive Franco-American relations. Toward the end of his life, he became one of the most prominent abolitionists. His famous books are: “Poor Richard’s Almanack”, “Poor Richer’s Proverbs”, “Father Abraham‘s Sermon”, “The way to wealth” and etc. Tasks:I. Translate the words:Leading- , attend- , graduate- , gain- , trade- , proud of- , major- , abolition- .II. Complete the sentences:

1. Benjamin Franklin was … .2. He was born in … .3. His … ended when he was 10.4. He was interested in … .5. His brother taught him … .


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III. Make the sentences with following words:Activist, science, printer shops, newspaper editor, relationIY. Give the summary to the text.

Lesson 14

Theme: text “Edgar Allan Poe”Aim: - to develop the pupils’ writing skills through doing the tasks on the theme; - to enrich the pupils’ vocabulary notes using the different tasks through the text;

- to practice active vocabulary in speech and to develop pupils’ communication skills.I. Org . moment II. Warm-upIII. Listen to the text on the tape.

EDGAR ALLAN POE (1809-1849)

Edgar Allan Poe was an American poet, short storywriter, editor and literary critic. He was born in January 19, 1809 in Boston. His parents died when he was young. Poe was taken into the home of John Allan, a successful Scottish merchant in Virginia, though they gave him the name “Edgar Allan Poe”. When Poe was 6, he went to school in England for 5 years. He learned Latin and French, as well as math and history. He later returned to school in America and continued his studies. Edgar Allan went to the University of Virginia in 1826. He was the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career. He published some of his best-known stories and poems including "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," and "The Raven”, “The Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque”, and the very famous “House of Usher”. His works influenced literature in the US and around the world. Poe and his works appear throughout popular culture in literature, music, films and television. A number of his homes are dedicated museums today.

Tasks:I. Read and repeat. Translate them:

editor- , merchant-, earn-, influence- , murder- , usher-, dedicate- .Task II. Answer the questions:

1. Who was E. A. Poe?2. When was he born?3. Whose home was he taken to?4. What his famous books do you know?5. Where do his works appear?


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Task III. Fill in the blankets with necessary words on the text:1. Edgar Allan Poe was … .2. Poe was taken into a successful Scottish … in Virginia .3. He returned to school in America and … his studies.4. He was to try to earn a living through writing alone.5. His works … literature in the US and … the world.6. A number of his homes are … museums today.

Task IY. Give the summary to the text.


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Ағылшын тілін оқытуда ең басты міндеттерінің бірі- оқушыны ауызекі тілге үйрету екендігі белгілі. Ол үшін олардың сөздік қорын байыту қажет. Бұл жерде жаңа сөзді жатқа сұрай беру әдісі – әбден жауыр болған әдіс.әрі ол тез жалықтырады. Осындай жағдайда озық-әдістердің бірі – мәтінді тыңдау арқылы оқушыны ауызекі сөйлеуге үйрету. Мектептегі оқыту бағдарламасына негізделіп ұсынылған қосымша сабақтардың тапсырмалары да оқушының жас ерекшелігіне сәйкестендіріліп, оқытудың талаптарына сай оқушыны жалықтырмайтындай, керісінше оларды жігерлендіретіндей жеңіл, оқып тұжырымдауға қысқа болған дұрыс. Мәтінмен жұмыс кезеңінде мәтін ішінен қажет мәліметті айыра білуге машықтандыру жаттығуларын әр түрлі тәсілмен орындауға болады, ал осы арқылы біз тілді дамытып оқытудың 4 құрылымын жүзеге асыра аламыз: оқу, жазу, тыңдау және сөйлеу. Мәтінмен жұмыс істеу кезеңінде оқушыларды жүмыс істеу қабілеттеріне және білім деңгейлеріне қарай топтарға бөліп, әр топқа лайықты тапсырма берген маңызды. Оқушыларды шапшаң оқуға дағдыландыру әрине өте жақсы. Дегенмен, олардың шапшаң оқуы толық түсініп оқыды деген сөз емес. Оқушының мәтінді түсіну қабілетін әр түрлі әдіс - тәсілдер қолдана отырып анықтауға болады. Бұл жерде айтатыным, күнделікті сабақ сайын мәтіннің бір сөзін қалдырмай аударып, тек осындай аударма жұмысымен шектеліп қалмау керек. Ол балаларды зеріктіріп, ынтасын кемітіп, ойлану қабілетін тежейді. Мәтінмен жұмыс кезеңі мынандай әдістерді қолдануға ұйымдастырылды: мәтінді тыңдау, бірнеше бөлімге бөліп оқыту, оқығанның мазмұнын айту, мәтін бойынша сұраққа жауап беру, жоспар жасату, аудару , диаграмма құру, сөйлемді толықтыру және қорытынды жасату. Мәтін мағынасын толық түсіну дегеніміз- мәтіннің мазмұнын түсіну үшін оның ішіндегі жеке сөздерді түсінуі керек. Бұл жеке сөздер түсінікті болса, тұтас мәтін де түсінікті болады деген ой туады. Осындай жүмыс түрлерін өткізу оқушының белсенділігін оның ойлау, есте сақтау, елестету, қабылдау қабілеттерін, жадысы мен зейінін дамытып, қызығушылығын арттырады. Сабақ формаларының өзгеріп отыруы, әсіресе топтық формалар оқушылар арасында қарым-қатынастың нығаюына ықпалын тигізеді.   Мәтінмен жұмыс  жүргізу кезінде оқушының тапсырманы өзінің орындау мүмкіндігіне қарай таңдап алуына, оның өз күшін, шама-шарқын бағалай білуіне, өзін қауіпсіз сезінуіне, қиындыққа дайын болуға және оны жеңуге тырысуына жетелейді, олардың ой- өрісінің дамуына, терең білім алуларына мүмкіндік туады.


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Қолданылған әдебиеттер:

1. “Famous writers biographies” Internet resources

2. Кузнецов Т.Д. Козлов П.Г Алматы, Мектеп 2004

3. Старков А.П., Диксон Р.Р., Рыбаков М.Д. 1995 ENGLISH Учебник для 8 класса

средней школы

4. Садыкова А.А, «Ағылшын тілін тыңдау арқылы үйрету» Шет тілін оқыту

әдістемесі, №6, 2010ж

5. Рысбаева Г.Қ. «Шетел тілін білу – жас ұрпақтың бәсекеге қабілеттілігінің

кепілі» Мектептегі шет тілі, №3 2012ж