Ставропольский край № 6


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    Ladies and Gentlemen!

    We in Stavropol cannot complain of a lack of natural resources. Our fertile soils bequeath us a rich harvest every year, and our restor-ative mineral waters give us national status as a spa re-sort.However, our over-riding advantage is withour doubt our people. Almost three million of them, day by day and step by step moving forward to new horizons, building our economy to new heights as they go.It is on this, the main en-gine of progress, that we are concentrating our attention today. The person, with all his demands and opportuni-ties, is in the very centre of all our plans and projects. In the social sphere and educa-



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    tion, in culture and in sport, and whether it is building kindergardens or modernising medical care, extending infrastructure or developing tourism, organising security systems or providing social support, all our strength is brought to bear on the welfare of people. Helping means giving a man a hook, not a fish. For this reason our work is directed at creating the right conditions for development. New manufacturing in-dustries are opening their doors, new jobs are being created and housing is being built, and there are many projects aimed at uncovering the potential of our young people. We know this for sure: these are not investments which necessarily need to pay themselves back. The well-being of every Stavropolian is in itself the best dividend of all.


    Governor of Stavropol Krai

    Valery Gaevsky























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    EF English First Stavropol

    Discover Stavropol KraiSocio-Economic Periodical 6 January-February 2011

    Published on the initiative of, and with support from, the Government

    and Parliament of Stavropol Krai, hamber of Commerce of SK

    Chief Editor - Y. V.Yagudaev, Minister of Economic Development, Stavropol Krai

    Editorial boardChairman, Editorial Board G. G. Efremov, Vice-Chairmanof the Government of Stavropol Krai

    Members, Editorial BoardM.G. Grigorev - the head of departmenton the state information policy and mass communicationsof Governmental of Stavropol Krai E.V. Bondarenko - Chairman of the Stavropol Krai Parliamentary Committee for Mass Communication, Information Technology and Means of CommunicationA.D. Baturin - Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Stavropol KraiV. N. Mazharov, Minister of Healthcare, Stavropol KraiB. A. Obolonets Chairman of the Stavropol KraiParliamentary Committee on Economic Development, Trade,Investment and PropertyG. F. Afonin Deputy Chairman of the Stavropol KraiParliamentary Committee on Economic Development, Trade,Investment and PropertyV. A. Shapovalov Rector of Stavropol State University,Doctor of Sociology, ProfessorP. V. Akinin Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Stavropol State University; Doctor of Economics, Professor

    Design and layoutSergei Bobylev

    PhotographyJulia Schupak

    TranslationGraham Fraser Teacher,EF English First Stavropol

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    The President's Plenipotentiary Envoy to the NCFO, Alexander Khloponin, escorted by Governor Valeriy Gaevskiy, visited the year-old regional industrial park in Nevinnomyssk at the beginning of February. He visited major local companies OAO Arnest and OAO Nevinnomysskiy Azot, and stayed on at OAO Enel OGK-5, a subsidiary of the Nevinnomyssk GRES power station, for a meeting regarding the further development of technological and industrial parks.

    After only a year in operation the Nevinnomyssk park has six projects worth a combined total of 7.6bn roubles. The high rate of growth is largely thanks to the backing it has re-ceived from the federal Investment Fund. Similar parks have appeared in Georgievsk, Budyonnovsk, Solnechnodolsk and Trunov County since the launch of the pilot project in Nev-innomyssk, and another 5 or 6 similar economic hotspots

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    - - 7,6 , - . - - : - . - - , , . - 5-6 . - . - - , , - . - - -. -

    , -, . - , - -, - - 2013 . - - -. - - -. - - -. - , - - 2020 -. , -, - - . , - - . , - 10 , - , , , . -, - 2009 , - . - , - - .

    Investments Industrialisation

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    in new locations are planned for this year. Anchor investors and definite development plans have already been confirmed.The federal funding is impor-tant for the reason that these projects have the potential to benefit the entire NCFO. Among them is a new auto cluster in Mikhailovsk which should soon be established as an industrial park in partner-ship with the Intrall consor-tium. It hopes to receive the green light to funding and state guarantees from the Investment Fund gives, which would enable it to begin production as early as 2013. Meanwhile, work to establish a pharmaeutical cluster in the Krai is very much under way, and to this end the local govern-ment intends to set up regional industrial and technological parks. A number of companies are available as a launchpad. Pharmatsevtika, a regional in-dustrial and technological park, is now being established, and the authorities hope to speed the process as much as possible by having it included in the federal pharmaceuticals development project for 2020 and beyond.Khloponin discussed individual projects with the Krai leader-ship and took questions from company owners and investors, who confirmed the effectiveness of the industrial park mecha-nism. Anatoliy Somov, General Director of the Lissant venti-lation factory, testified to the existence of high-level support by saying that in its ten years his company had always met bureaucratic hurdles when ex-panding into new areas, but on its arrival in Stavropol in 2009 it had found all the issues sur-rounding his factory's develop-ment already resolved. He put this down to the way that the Krai's leadership had adopted a policy of using parks to super-charge industrial development.

  • 14



    EuroChem, Russia's largest producer of mineral fertilisers, celebrated its 10th anniversary with the laying of the first stone for its Ice Pal-ace sports centre in Nevinnomyssk. Stavropol's political and religious leaders were in attendance at the ceremony.

    Nevinnomysskiy Azot is by rights EuroChem's flagship. Its transformation to a holding in 2001 gave a boost to both the business and the city as a whole. Since then its priorities have remained modernisation, environmental safety, working condi-tions and social provision, with 3bn roubles spent on updating its

    facilities and 500m on the environment. Its work with the local administration has encompassed research, education, health and sport, and it has put 220m roubles towards tackling some of the region's toughest social problems. Since 2004 support has been offered to schools, hospitals have been re-equipped, the city streets have received new buses, and the water filtration system has been replaced. To mark its anniversary EuroChem is now building the Ice Palace in part-nership with the federal sports ministry, United Russia, the Krai government, the city administration. The centre will have a 750-seat, year-round ice rink for both training and competi-tion. There will also be a children's sports school, a gym and a choreography room, as well as a cafeteria, medical centre and skate hire. The opening of the Ice Palace will give residents of the en-tire North Caucasus the opportunity to take up ice sports, and will resurrect the glory of Nevinnomyssk's figure skating school, which trained the Olympic champion Elena Berezh-naya.

    Building the Ice Palace will cost over 200m roubles. The Presiden-tial Plentipotentiary Envoy has seen the plans and made several recommendations regarding work with young people, while Gov-ernor Valeriy Gaevskiy highlighted the benefits to young people's health and leisure. Completion is scheduled for next year.

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    - - . - -. 2001 , - - -, , - -. - - - -, , . - - . -

    , . - , - . 3 . , 500 . . - , , 220 . . 2004 , - . . - . - . - , - - . - - - - , - , - , - , - -. - 750 , - - , . - - . - . , - . - -, . - - -, . 200 . . -

    A P R E S E N T T O T H E P E O P L E

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    - - -, - . - - - , , - - - , - - - - .

    2009 -

    8,8 . .

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    , -

    40 .

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    Stavropol's farmers are set to receive major financial support from the federal government under two agreements signed by the Governor and the federal Minister of Agriculture, Elena Skrynnik, in January.

    The first, the federal Social Development of Villages 2012 programme, will bring 173m roubles to improve rural housing, especially for young families and workers, gas and water provision and the education system. Regional and municipal funding, as well as outside support, will bring the total up to around 470m roubles. The money will help provide 21000m of residential accommodation for farm workers and lay more than 25km of gas lines and 35km of water pipes.Another 2.3bn roubles will come from the federal govern-ment under the terms of the second agreement, which is focused on improving agricultural production in the Krai. With cofinancing from the Krai itself, the total sum should exceed 3bn roubles. The support is aimed at supporting the top sector of the seed industry, sheep rearing, livestock breeding, arable farming and a host of other areas.

    - . .

    2012 . 173 , , , - , - - , - . - , 470 . 21 - , 25 - 35 -. 2,3 - - - . - 3 . - -, , , .

    BillionsFor The Countryside

    , , - , , - .

    In the opinion of Governor Valery Gaevskiy, the inflow of finance should allow Stavropol's countryside to maintain its past achievements while moving forward to new horizons.

    Stavropol Krai has become the first region in Russia to implement the new federal law on medicines, leading the federal Minister of Health to send a letter of thanks with high praise for the work of Victor Mazharov, the regional health minister, and his deputy, Olga Drozdetskaya.

    With half its popula-tion living in rural areas, Stavropol could not afford to put off putting the new measures into practice. From 1 September 2010 it became legal for country medical practices to sell medicines. Victor Mazha-rov says, We compiled a list of 204 areas which lacked a chemist's shop. That done, we looked at the legal technicalities, checked the list of avail-able medical departments and decided what medica-tions would be made avail-able for retail sale. Staff-ing was also addressed, and 200 personnel under-went additional training.

    . - . - - , - - .

    . - , , - -. , , - . 1 2010 . - - - -.- - , - . - 204, - . - - . - , - , - , -. . - - , .

    Chemists Within Walking


    76 - - . 2011-. - , .

    Seventy-six rural medical practices had been licensed to act as retail chemists by the end of 2010, with the remainder scheduled for the first quarter of 2011. The need to travel tens of kilometres for medicines is now falling into history.

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    Knocking Prices Back


    The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (CCRF) has concluded that Stavropol is successfully battling

    with food prices.Since Spring 2010 it has been moni-

    toring a basket of goods such as bread, potato, chicken, sun-flower oil, milk, sugar and eggs in eight Russian cit-

    ies, seven of them regional capitals, and has found that by

    December prices in Stavropol had risen by only 12% against 18-30% in the others. Its working group puts the contrast down to differences in re-gional policy.

    Stavropol has been greatly helped by its Buy Stavropolian! campaign, which has led to weekly food fairs in the Krais capital. Residents have thus gained clean, healthy, competitively-

    priced food, and the profile of local producers has risen. The fairs are held in places where as many people as pos-

    sible will have access.The field to fork idea has been popular, especially since cutting out the middleman results in sav-ings of up to 40%. At 8am the fairs are already thronging with custom-ers, and by 10am some farmers have already sold out.

    - , . - , . , , , -, , . , 2010- 12 . 18, 23, - 24, 26, 28, 29, - 30. , - , - , . - - -!. 2011- - . . . -, - . -, - , . . , . - . - . 40 - . - . , . .

    , , 120 . , , , , , , , , , , , , , - . .

    120 businesses have signed up to the fairs so far, and they promise their variety of products will continue to delight.

  • 22



    Figures from Stavropostat indicate that unemployment in Stav-ropol reduced by 20% in 2010.

    Monthly data was collected from 452 households and analysed using International Labour Organisation meth-odology, and showed an increase of 17,000 7,600 of them in rural areas in the number of economically-active 15-72 year-olds.

    20% - . - 2010 .

    . - 452 17 .

    - (.) , - 15 72 2009- 17 , 1 363 600. - (+7,6 . ) - . - 5,2 . 93,1% , . 39 . 28,4% . 2009 25,3%, 2008- 24,7%. - - 24,5% 2009 25,9% 2010-. - . 2009 117,4 , 2010- - 93,6 . - 23,8 , 20%.

    . 7,5%. - - 6,9% . , - , - - . , - 7,8%, 8,3%, - 12,7%, - 43,1%.

    Unemployment fell by 20% to 93,600, giving an ILO-based level of 6.9% against 7.5% nationwide and placing Stavropol alongside Krasnodar Krai at the head of the Southern and Northern Caucasus Federal Okrug's employment tables. For comparison, joblessness in Rostov Oblast is 7.8%, 8.3% in Astrakhan Oblast, 12.7% in Kabardino-Balkaria and 43.1% in Chechnya.

    Stavropolians Become More


    Active participants in the economy make up 93.1% of Stavropol's 1.3m economically-active residents. Their av-erage age is 39, and the proportion of those with degrees has risen from 24.7% and 25.3% in 2008 and 2009 respec-tively to 28.4%. 25.9% hold trade qualifications, a rise of 1.4%.

    - - 2010. ( % - ).


  • 25



    VICTOR SOLOVYEV, a telecoms company director from Svetlo-grad, is a practical patriot. He is an example of how effective investments in people can be, and it is thanks to him that the townspeople can walk the streets in peace.

    In October 2009 he of-

    fered to fund a video surveil-

    lance system for the town. My work

    is basically introducing internet communications

    and technology, he explains. I realised that I could afford to put

    money towards social issues in my town and county of residence. At that moment the government's Safe Svetlograd programme was running out of money, and his offer was eagerly accepted.Since then 6 cameras have been installed, four at state ex-pense (270,000 roubles), with Solovyev covering the costs of

    the remaining equipment, work and support around 1.5m roubles in total. The town square, the park, mar-

    ket, a school and dangerous sections of road are now under 24-hour surveillance, giving the police the ability to respond in-stantaneously to crime. According to the traffic police, the number of motoring of-fences committed in the area covered by the cameras has dropped a quarter of the previous level, thanks to their improved ability to identify, record and fine miscre-ants.An expansion planned for 2011 will place cameras at a second school and the bus station. Altogether, 53 places will even-tually come under surveillance. Other

    businessmen have agreed to join in, fund-ing cameras at their businesses and effective-

    ly receiving a free police guard service in re-turn, and Shpakovskiy and Ipatovskiy Counties

    are set to follow Svetlograd's lead.

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    - 2009 . - - . - - , - -. - , - , - . , . . , 6 - . , 270 . , , -, . . , , - , , , , - . , -, - , -. , , -, . , - , , 4 . -, . , - -

    . , - 2011 , - . - 53 . -, - - - . - .

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    Alexander Alexandrovich, after 11 years as a Deputy, which is more interesting sport or politics?I'm more at home with sport. In sport verbosity might come in handy to make a point, but it won't earn you respect. You can't pull the wool over anyone's eyes. As for politics... it's still interest-

    ing, in the sense of meeting people and changing things for the better. I never miss a chance to talk to people and convince them that they are capable of achieving something. Sport and politics are similar, but in politics the prizes have different names quality of life, security, order...

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    I'm oting For The Matryoshka!

  • 28



    Investment in sport is an investment in the person as much as in the nation's sporting glory. Which do you think the govern-ment should put first professional or mass sport?First of all, it needs to support children's trainers and mass sport while simultaneously continuing the sporting facility building programme to preserve the top flight. The healthier the next generation is, the easier it will then be to train future sports stars.

    You are a father of two boys and a girl aswell. What do you see as the most important investment parents can make in their children?Probably to teach them gratitude. He who cannot be thankful will never be faithful. Not to himself, his family or the state. I'm trying to raise my children to be gener-ous and thankful, so that they love their kin, care for the young and respect the old three timeless rules. I also don't want them to be afraid of hard work or think that someone will come and sort everything out for them. I hope they will grow up independent, healthy and very energetic.

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    -2014. , -

    . , , -

    , .

    I N C I D E N T A L L Y During his visit Karelin spoke with students at several universities, and a press conference was held at the end of the tour. The most popular questions were on the Olympic

    2014 symbols. Karelin put his weight behind the matryoshka as a symbol of the varied, multilayered and

    many-faceted nature of sport.

  • 31



    The NCFO is to see the sensational construction of elite Armani-Hotel-branded hotels, with a level of design never before seen in Russia, on the lines of the one in Dubai. The clientele of that hotel the royal, financial, political, showbusiness and sports elite of the world bears witness to its scale.

    The chainof hotels,a joint design be-tween Giorgio Ar-mani S.p.A. and

    the POP Group of Moscow, was unveiled at the MIPIM-2011 property exhibition in France. Milan architect Angelo Villa visit-ed the North Caucasus in February to inspect the proposed sites.The precise location of the KMV hotel is being discussed with the leadership of the NCFO, Stavropol Krai and one other region.The Armani Hotels will be limited to 100 rooms, with each apart-ment containing a kitchen, spa, pool, cinema, gym and solarium everything required for the very discerning VIP. This complex will be a design breakthrough for Eastern Europe as a whole, says the head of Armani Hotels Caucasus, Vasiliy Solovyev.Guests will be offered VIP hunting and other active sports along-side spa, health, ecology and ski-ing. Giorgio Armani's interest in the Caucasus stems from its ecological purity and natural riches. Incidentally, the Caucasus theme has already lent itself to his planned national dress-themed collection.

    - - , - Armani Hotel. - . , , - - . Armani Hotel , , - , , - , .

    - , , -, - MIPIM-2011 . - Armani-POP, - Giorgio Armani S.p.A. - (.), - - Armani Hotels Caucasus. - - - , - - , - - . - - . - - - - - , - - . , - Armani Hotels -

    - 100 . - - - , -, , -, - VIP-. - - , - . - -. - -, - . - , , - - Armani Hotels Caucasus - . -, , - Armani Hotel VIP- - . - . - - - . , - - - .


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    The federal government has agreed to cooperate with Stavropol Krai in order to implement a number of promising project. Dur-ing a working visit to Stavropol Krai early in February Sergei Vereshagin, the Deputy Federal Minister of Regional Devel-opment, agreed to the regions proposals regarding the federal cofinancing of a whole range of projects in varied spheres of activity.

    The Krai will now put forward its proposals for approv-al by the Ministry of the Regions, which will evaluate them in concert with the North Caucasus Developmant Corpora-tion. Those projects which pass this hurdle will have finance provided either under the auspices of federal programmes such as The South of Russia, Housing and The Moderni-

    sation and Reform of Multidwelling Accommodation, or else via the NCFO's Socio-Economic Development Programme, which is currently being formulated.Among the plans put forward for inclusion in the NCFO's development programme are three new agricultural/indus-trial parks, which would be located in Novoalexandrovsk and Trunov Counties and the town of Georgievsk and would aim to expand food processing in the Krai. Vereshag-in showed his support for the parks, stating that The Krai has long experience of developing agricultural parks, so I think including them in the State Programme would be en-tirely apporopriate.He gave the green light to the inclusion of Intrall's 10.5bn-rouble light truck plant in the Programme. He also approved the building of a modular solar power station in Kislovodsk. Potential inclusions from the arts and sport are Stavropol's Puppet Theatre, the only regional puppet theatre without a permanent home, and a possible 740m-rouble regional sports centre at the Stavropol Olympic Reserve School.

    Vereshagin emphasised that federal fund-ing would go to the projects of most bene-fit to the region.He also expressed pleasure at the progress made by the Krais govern-ment in the regionss socio-economic de-velopment.

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    - , - -. -. , , -, - -. - - - - - - 10,5 , - - - - - -. , - - - . - . , - - , : . - - - -. 740 - -, , - .

    , - - . - - - -.

    Massive Support For Beneficial Projects

  • 34



    As a pastor and peacemaker, you probably agree that investment in the person is not just material. The next generation needs moral and spiri-tual investment aswell. In your opinion, what has been achieved and what is still to be done?

    Since the 1980s our country has been shrugging off the past, which has meant not only greater rights and freedoms for citi-zens, including the right to freedom of conscience, but also a move away from set morality. It is a paradoxical truth: the moral and spiritual aspects have been accompanied by a relaxation of the former restrictions on vice, which did of course exist, but was frowned upon. The Russian Orthodox Church became the first voice to speak out in defence of traditional values like the family, virtue and charity. Praise God, that voice has been heard, although there has been opposition. I believe that most people, including the young, are in good moral health. The nation stands on the brink, but it is standing, and now we can begin to move onto a safer path.For example, religious culture lessons are being trialled in schools, and chaplains are being appointed in the Forces. The state values our work with drug addicts and is now working in partnership with us in that field. Other areas are also see-ing progress. Saving the nation requires Church and State to work together, and only thus and with God's help will we change things for the better.

    What are your spe-cific views on Stav-ropol?Stavropol is one of 19 regions where religious culture lessons are being trialled in schools, and 70% of the families involved have opted for the Tenets of Orthodox Culture module. I think it is a positive sign that people are

    trying to live by their ancestral values. When it comes to interethnic relations, we need concrete steps rather than platitudes. There are those who would create con-flict where none exists. Extremists are trying to build walls through the North Caucasus to divide and weaken us, the population. The religious element cannot stand aloof, and we have been holding joint Christian-Muslim youth camps for four years now. I won't deny that there was doubt about how the chil-dren would interact, but they do, and it shows how you can keep your identity while finding common ground with members of another culture.

    Should school resume their Soviet-era function of inculating social responsibility, or should that fall to other institutions?Education combines the transfer of knowledge with the training of values, and any place of learning worthy of the name cannot divest itself of that responsibility, especially while the institution of the family is in crisis. So far, there is no alternative to school and the family. Once that foundation has set, then we can start to discuss personal responsibility although any adult should still respect his elders. That goes even more so for children.

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    Ca r i ng f o r p eop l e pays i t s e l f back one hund r ed fo l d

    Feofan, Archbishop of Stavropol and Vladikavkaz, answers our questions

  • 37



    , . ,

    , . 300

    , , .

    140 ,

    3 .

    80 .

    , , , ,


    . -

    3000 , - 5000 ,

    350 .

    40 -





    FTTB/ Ethernet*

    , .

    600 ,

    40 000 . 8000



    20% , -





    Stavropol Krai has come in the top three in the Fund For Children In Difficulty's national A Child's Right To

    A Family competition. The victory will bring the Krai 140m roubles over three years. Cofinance from the Krai

    budget will raise the total to 220m roubles.

    The programme addresses issues such as developmental abnormalities, divorce, homelessness and

    behavioural difficulties among teenagers and trains social workers in deprived areas. It should reduce the

    number of orphans by 3000, provide psychological suport to 5000 and train 350 staff.

    The first 40m roubles will reach the Krai at the end of spring.

    February marked the first anniversary of

    VimpelCom's Beeline Home Internet in Pyatigorsk.

    During the year another three KMV towns

    Kislovodsk, Mineralnye Vody and Zheleznovodsk

    have been connected to the Web via FTTB/

    Ethernet.* Over 40,000 households, home to 8000

    Stavropolians, are now Home Internet subscribers.

    The high speed connection and excellent terms

    are creating 20% monthly growth in users,

    says the firm's Stavropol director, Sergei Afonin.

    VimpelCom's plans for the first half of 2011 include

    increasing the number of subscribers in the KMV

    by 30% and expanding the Home Internet to other

    towns in the Krai


    *Fiber to the building-

    - ,



    / technology uses fibre-optics to provide

    broadband access. Ethernet means a connection without

    special equipment.

  • 38



    Elena Sagal has represented the Krai as a Senator in the Upper Chamber of the Federal Assembly since late 2009. Always active, she had headed a major chemicals firm and was a Deputy in the Krai Parliament. We spoke with her on her views, as a businesswoman and politician, on investment in the person.

    Elena Mikhailovna, you are very familiar with ordinary people's needs and desires. What investments are most relevant to Stavropolians now?The Krai and its citizens have a common interest in the economy, but of course social investments are more important: building healthcare facilities, preschool education and sport. However, the budget is based on tax revenue, and the more successful businesses we have the more opportunities we have. Everyone knows that the state is the major investor in social facilities, and it is the state that people expect to solve social problems. All investment is therefore important, especially in manufacturing and technologically complex industries. We do have the tourist industry, but building a competitive economy requires people qualified in electronics, pharmaceuticals and engineering. We aim to integrate small businesses into the larger manufacturing process. We need intelligent investment and, of course, investment in people.

    You have lived all over Russia. Which region is closes to your heart? Where would you like to continue after your time as a senator?I see Moscow as a place to represent Stavropol; an office, in effect. Stavropol has centre stage in my heart. I have a lot of plans, but it's a bit early to talk about them. My task at the moment is to lobby on behalf of Stavropol.

    You have built a glittering career while raising three children, and there must have been conflicts. How do you decide between work and family?The Germans say, He who wants to makes it so, and my family understand. I made my choice of career knowing that work comes first. I am teaching my children the same to put professional interests before personal ones.Your patience with children is legendary, and your charity Moya Prelest is helping abandoned children. Who should be investing in

    the next generation the state, parents or charities? And when will Russian businessmen become philanthropists?Russia has federal social policy, and as I've said, social investment is a matter for the state. Parents' opportunities are varied, as is industry's enthusiasm. Firms can decide whether or not to help, which leaves the state with the leading role. Philanthropy has always been part of business, and I think its leaders understand its importance. Russia is coming through a period of great trial. We are taught from childhood to care for the weak. That's our national idea, our competitive edge, and an edge we aren't going to lose.

    2009 . . , - . , -, ? - .

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    Our National Idea


    of the Weak


    , ,


  • 41


    - 2010 .

    2009 .

    , - 2010-

    20,3%, 365 866,2 . 19,9%. ,

    122% 2009 . 110%.

    , 7,4% 2,1%.


    , - , -

    112.6 % 2009 , 109,7%, - 106,8%,

    103,1 % 102,5%.

    Strengthening our positionStavropolstat (the statistics office) has released its accumulated socio-economic data for Stavropol Krai for the year 2010. The results

    show a noticable improvement on 2009's figures.

    The total volume of locally-produced goods despatched, work and services provided during Jan-Dec 2010 increased by 20.3% to 365,866.2

    million roubles. The figure within the industrial sector rose by 19.9% over the course of the year, and in manufacturing in particular

    reached 122% of the 2009 figure. The industrial production index rose to 110%. The construction sector returned to form, showing a 7.4%

    improvement in the volume of work completed and a 2.1% increase in residential accommodation released. The inflow of capital investment

    funds grew by 8.6%.

    The improvement in Stavropol Krai's socio-economic situation is also borne out by other data: retail turnover stood at 112.6% of its 2009

    level, the volume of communications services rose to 109.7%, turnover in the catering industry reached 106.8%, and passenger numbers on

    public transport and the volume of agricultural production grew to 103.1% and 102.5% respectively.


  • 42



    Ruslan Usmanovich, what are your ties to Stavropol Krai?I could spend hours talking about my childhood dream of see-ing Lermontov's Krai and the nature that has inspired so many artists, but it's been said before. In simple fact, the United Russia party decided to open an analytical centre to address the prob-lems in Russia's more worrying regions, and I head it. I really like the people here, and I hope that we can work together to heal the wounds in the region. Trust me, United Russia has ways to solve any problem. You have been a Senator for practically a year. A lot of people think that the Council of Federation is for wise elders with experience under their belts. How are you finding it?I have never seen youth as an obstacle to a career in politics, nor ambition as a black mark. Plenty of the Council's members are experienced, ex-governors and so on, but recently younger peo-ple have started to appear. These are the times we live in! Com-petence is what counts now, not grey hair, and what you bring to the Council, and how you're going to make it happen. And it's not easy proving that your project is worthy of support. You need to be an expert in your field, and be able to back up your opinions and persuade your colleagues both allies and opponents. And no-ones giving you quarter for your age.Young people are often citicised for immaturity and a lack of patrio-tism. Do you agree, and what can be done to alter young people's out-look?

    The root of the problem is a lack of ideas. The 1990s destroyed all that was sacred in society.Young people were only remembered, if at all, as cheap votes in the run-up to elections. Banditry, sects and Nazism filled the gap,and only United Russia was paying at-tention. Schools need to encourage leaders, not break them. Be-lieve in young people! As for patriotism, sport is developing. So is religion. We need to ensure young people recognise our centu-ries of heroism and history. That falls to families, schools and the Army. And the media should show exemplary behaviour bof-fins developing cures for AIDS or eternal motors, not soap operas about corrupt cops. I think we're at the start of that road, and our challenge is to stay on it. They say that the nation's future hinges on education, but many people see the new standards imposed as a bullet in the future's head. What do you think?A new standard is vital, because we have been preparing people for an economy that no longer exists. But for all the benefits of in-novation, the PR war has been lost. Most people haven't read the new standard the way it's been written, it's impossible. When it is comprehensible to every teacher, then we can start to discuss it.Your rise has certainly been swift. What advice do you have for anyone seeking to emulate your career?I was lucky in the people I knew. My parents' every word still blooms within me. My teachers, my trainer, who taught me to really try, my lecturers and Rector, all those who believed in me. They represent incalculable capital, invested in me. But that would have come to nought without hard work. I think everyone has a chance.Any aim has a hard road leading up to it. As Alice In Wonderland says, It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that! I reckon that's the least of it!

    - , ?- , , - , - . , , - , -, , - . , , - . , . - - , - , . . , , , . ! , , -. , : , , -, - . , , , . - . , , - . ?- - , - . , , - , , , -. , ! , . - , . , - , , , -. , . -, - , - . , , - ! - , , -, . , . - , -. ? , - ?- , , . , , . 90- . , , , , , -

    . - -. - : -, , .. , - , . - , . , -. , , - . , , , , . - ! , - , , . - : . - - - , . , -, . - , - . , ! - . , , , -, . , , . - , . - - . ?- , , - . , : -, , , ! , - , -, . , - . , - , , , . , . , - , . - -. , ? , ?- . , . , , - . . , - , . , , - . ( , -, ) - , , , . -, . - , - . , - , .

    , -

    , - . -

    : -


    !. , ! -

    . -

    , .

    , :

    - ,

    , -

    . 2002 -

    , - -

    . 2004 -

    - , 2005 -

    , 2008


    ), 2010 .

    Judge the swiftness of his rise for yourself: At university I worked in the

    students' union, becoming Vice Chairman in my fourth year. In 2002 I

    defended my dissertation and entered United Russia's youth movement.

    In 2004 I headed the Department of Sporting Competition at South Urals

    State University, and was elected as a Deputy of the Chelyabinsk Oblast

    Legislative Assembly in 2005. In 2008 I took the helm of the Young

    Guard, and in 2010 was appointed as a Senator from Chelyabinsk Oblast.

    NO ALLOWANCE FOR AGERuslan Gattarov- Russia's youngest senator- answers our questions

    - .

  • 44



    The new year saw a huge event the return of the King of Russian Pop, Philipp Kirkorov, to Stavropol. The concert sold out in seconds. We managed to catch up with him before he went on stage.

    Philipp Berdosovich, you first came here on your jubilee tour three years ago. What impressions did you come away with? Did you manage to get out into the city?Stavropol is a surprising city, and the people are very welcoming. I remember the unbelievable warmth radiating from the audience. Sadly, I only had time to admire the scenery, but when youve come from cold Moscow, that's plenty.

    What do you plan to perform this time?Ive brought a new set called Just Give, which has the old favourites and new numbers from the Other album, which is up for release soon. Ive been waiting for this for a long time.

    - - -. - . - , . - - .

    - , . -, - . -? - , - ?- , -. , - , . -

  • 46


    A lot of your work is so popular it could be called the people's music. Which song is your favourite, and why?All my songs are about love. Choosing would be hard, since I put a piece of my soul into each one. That's the only way they could have become so popular. You can't buy sincerity. The audience feel that, and I'm grateful to them.

    Have you done any concerts in the KMV? Is the resort crowd differ-ent?I think Ive been everywhere. I've got a gig in Essentuki tomorrow, actually. The crowds are really welcoming in every town, but when they're on holiday, of course, they're more relaxed and ready to let loose!

    Have you ever been on holiday there?When I was young. Such a long time ago... I've been on such a tight timetable for so long, I can't really get away to relax. At the same time, it's awesome to know that people are looking forward to you, and I can't let my fans down.

    Where are you going after Stavropol and Essentuki? How intense is the tour?I've got shows in Moscow and the former USSR coming up. I'm planning on celebrating my birthday with a huge concert in Tel Aviv in April. After that, a packed summer tour in the Black Sea resorts.

    , - - , - , , ...

    - ?- , - . - , , - . .

    - , , -. ?- . - , . -, . , .

    - ? -?- , , , , , . -. . , - , , , , - , -, , !

    - . - ?- ... - , - , - , , .

    - - ? - ? - -, . , -. - !!!

  • 48



    Trade employs 20% of Stavropol's working population, but the city's ki-osks are hardly pleasing to the eye.

    A city commission has uncovered the fact that 70% of kiosks occupy their pitches illegally, do not conform to building regulations or are decrepit. Many keep two sets of books, goods are often of dubious quality, especially in food kiosks, and they often lack running water and plumbing. The standard of hygiene is the bane of the consumer watchdog's existence.Vice-Mayor Igor Bestuzhniy is convinced that the future lies in modern companies with a sound techological and logistical foot-ing. The proposed development strategy for 2020 currently before the city council proposes the development of malls on the city's ring roads and the expansion of neighbourhood shops. The un-compromising aim is to ensure that every resident of the city has access to high-quality goods at affordable prices. The Buy Stavropolian! campaign is helping to promote environ-mentally-friendly local products. However, much leaves the Krai without notice- who knew that cheesecake is made locally using ul-tramodern shock-freezing? Now the city is determined to increase local demand for local products.

    A plan to regulate the small-scale retail sector has now been formu-lated, and includes zoning and the removal of illegal kiosks. Trade is part of the infrastructure, but it also affects public health and comfort, so it's far from insignificant, says Bestuzhiy.

    -, -. , - , - , .

    - - - . - - - . - . - , 70% - , , - . , . , - - . - , -. -, , -. -, - . - , . . -

    , . , - . -

    : -

    Igor Bestuzhiy:

    Everyone Wins With The New City Trade


  • 50



    The current system of land rent is to be replaced by permission to trade in compliance with zoning regulations, putting an end to the practice of quietly building a brick shell over a kiosk and then ap-plying for permanent building status- a situation common enough, and not an argument the city always wins.Turning to wholesale trade, an agricultural Krai desperately needs a logistics centre to improve storage times, processing and distri-bution. Building just such an interchange between producers and consumers has been proposed as a public-private partnership, and would need to be both on the outskirts and at a major transport interchange. It would initially handle cleaning and packaging, later expanding to preserving and deeper processing. Bestuzhiy says, We will invest in this for the benefit of consum-ers. It should also be valuable for investors, who we now invite to take part.

    : - - - -. - - 2020 , , - - - - - . - - - , - , - - . , - !. - - - , - . - - - . - . , - , - - - . - . - - . - - -. , , , - -

    , - .- - -, - . - , , . - . - -. - - , - - - - . , , , , . - , - . , - , - - - , , . - - . - - , - . -, , . - , .- - , , - -. - . , , - -, -.

  • 52



    How often we wish each other happiness, luck and good fortune. Of all wishes and other blessings, strong health must rank first, and it is to a large extent dependent on the quality of medical care. The staff at the Community medical service watch over the workers of OOO Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol every day.

    The Community service features medical units, social facilities, health promotion and a programme of preventative and restorative medicine. It includes 19 medical centres, a clinical laboratory and a Torch-type sanatorium with branches in Kislovodsk and Essentuki. Every Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol

    subsidiary has its own mini-polyclinic, and each is trained, structured and equipped to a standard comparable with any self-sufficient medical unit. Their easy accessibility makes it easy for workers to have their annual checks-up and receive medical

    advice or treatment no small thing, given that Community's territory stretches across 10 federal subjects from the Volga to the Kuban and from the Great Caucasus Range to the steppes of Salsk, and workers would otherwise be obliged to travel enormous distances.The company has a complete cycle of medical

    facilities, beginning with the immediate aid offered by medical centre closest to the employee's place of work. All staff are insured by the Sogaz company on Gazprom's behalf, which enables expeditious resolutions at the next stage of the cycle, out-patient and in-patient treatment in the local hospitals and leading

    , , . , , , - . . .

    , - , , - - , - . 19- , , .

    , , . , - - .

    - - -




    , -

    , .



    The health of its staff and their families is one of

    the mainstays of Gazprom's personnel policy. It is a

    component of productivity, and an employee's ability

    to work hinges on how he feels. For that reason

    preserving and strengthening our staff's health has

    always been one of our company's overriding priorities,

    and will remain so.

    Alexei ZavgorodnevGeneral DirectorOOO Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol

    The Vital Factor

  • 54



    national clinics with which Sogaz has standing arrangements. The third stage of the cycle is rehabilitation and convalescence at the sanatorium, which treats over 1500 patients annually at its cardiological department in Kislovodk and gastro-enterological department in Essentuki.Importantly, via the Medical High-Tech and Healthy Family insurance plans employees' families are also eligible for treatment and relaxation. Ex-employees, pensioners and ex-servicemen are always welcome, and last year's 65th anniversary of the Great Victory saw the Healthy Pensioner programme carry out health checks and provide vital medicines for World War 2 veterans and.Of course, new technology and cutting-edge techniques are only part of medical success. The vital factor is the doctors themselves, their kindness, commitment and care. The professionalism of Community's doctors, integrated and proven system and years of experience in industrial medicine enable it to provide effective care for that most magnificent of professions the gasman.

    , - , , - , - . , , - , 10 - - . . - - , , - . - . - - . - , , . - - . , - . , , . - . -, , . , - 65- , - . - - - . - - . - . -, , , , . , - - , - , - .

  • 56



    V. V. Gavrilov, Chairman of the North Caucasus Bank of Sberbank of Russia

    The KMV tourism cluster is today one of the driving forces behind Stavropol's development and a promising arena for the banking sector, led by Sberbank. While the KMV has become a veritable Klondike for banks, every project still requires individual evaluation and tailored terms and conditions.

    Sberbank has now invested 3bn roubles in 10 major tourism projects, and the new Okrug Development Strategy promises to open up new opportunites for investment in tourism. However, every major project needs smaller businesses in support, and Sberbank has created the deposit-free Doverie (Trust) loan for them. The KMV's resorts are its calling card, and its banking component should reflect that international status. The bank began a major renovation of its branches in 2011. 80% of the branches in the KMV 50 in all will be modernised.

    - .. :

    - - - - , - . - - , - - . , - - , - -, - . - , , - -. 2010 - 600 . . . - . 70 . . - . - , , 812 . . . - - SPA- . 10 - - 3 . . - - , -, , - . - , - .

    , 2006 - - -. - 70 . - 2007-2008 .. - . , -, - ., - , - . - . , - , . , , - , - , - . - . , , . , , - . , , , , - , -, , - . - - , , , - .

    , - -. 2011 - - . , - - - . , -, , , . 80% , - 50 - , .

    Financial Provider

    For The Tourist


  • 59


    , - .



    2010 27 ,

    . 387 156

    . , 258 80


    2011 2011

    2 - 61 .

    , 41 142

    , .

    The Government of Stavropol Krai took the decision to invest in the renewal of the Krai's agricultural

    equipment in 2009. In 2010 27m roubles were allocated as grants towards the cost of obtaining new

    equipment. In all, 387 machinery worth a total of 156m roubles was purchased and, worthy of note, 258

    (80m roubles) was of Stavropol manufacture.

    Alexander Martychev, the Krai's First Deputy Minister of Agriculture, has announced that 2011 will see the

    level of support more than double to 61m roubles. The list of eligible equipment has also widened, from 41

    to 142. Grants are now available for machinery to transport the harvest, store vegetables, grain and seeds,

    irrigate and spray, dry grain and more. The list also includes gas conversion equipment for petrol-driven







    - 3-4 .



    120 .

    , 154 . , 88 . .


    220 . .


    The modernisation of Stavropol's agricultural sector

    is gathering pace, with 18 programmes to develop

    livestock and processing under way.

    A 1800-head dairy complex in Ipatovo is nearing

    completion, and will provide 18000 tonnes of

    milk annually using a voluntary robotic milking

    system. It should create over 500 new jobs.

    Several of the projects are due for completion in the

    next 3-4 years.

    The poultry sector is due to receive a boost in 2011.

    New farms and livestock complexes are set to add

    annual capacity of 120,000 tonnes of milk, 154

    tonnes of meat, 88m eggs and 220m tonnes live

    weight of processed meat and poultry.The average

    number of new jobs created will be 2154 per year.


  • 60



    Stavropol's Standardisation, Metrology and Certification Centre (SCM), where Investment In The Person is standard policy, has returned one of the three lowest rates of sickness in Russia as measured by the federal Ministry of Health in its annual competition.

    Aimed at fostering a sense of corporate social responsibility and encouraging best practice, this year's event was held over two rounds, with 296 regional winners going on to the national final in Moscow. SCM found itself up against oil, gas and electricity companies famous for their welfare programmes in the most hotly-contested categories, but still managed to finish in the top three. SCM's Director, Valeriy Zerenkov, received the

    , - -!. , , . - - .

    - - - -

    , - , - . . - . . - 296 60 .,

    F o c u s i n g

    O n T h e

    P e r s o n

    - , 1928 . , -, , -, . - 1000 , . - 300 2 .

  • 62



    prize from Vice-Premier Alexander Zhukov in Government House in Moscow.Gathered here are representatives of Russia's best companies, which are using a foundation of effective social responsibility for their development, Zhukov said, noting that the government saw the competition as a way to reward thought-through corporate social policy and improvements in working conditions. He added that overall spending was less important than the companies' creativity and initiative.SCM lacks neither. Since Zerenkov's accession in 1998, working conditions have become safe and comfortable, employees have gained opportunities to improve their health, and help has been offered to improve their standard of living. Decisions are made jointly by the management and the trade union. Employees receive monetary concessions and benefits, and effort goes into encouraging healthy living, raising birthrates and fostering esprit de corps. There are bonuses for non-smokers with no days lost to sickness, corporate holidays, and grants of 20,000 and 100,000

    roubles respectively for second and third children.SCM also has its own sports facilities plus physiotherapy and yoga and its own polyclinic,and food in the canteen is offered at purely symbolic cost. The centre's workstations are certified by its own laboratory, and it holds certificates which, among other things, guarantee that work areas are checked weekly. Zerenkov is convinced that happy workers are better workers. SCM is generous with its care for employees, but it knows this: investment in the person more than pays for itself.

    , , . , - , , -. . - - - .- -, -, - , .- , - -, , . , , , - . , , . 1998 , , , . , - , - , - . , - . - , . , - . , , , , . , . - 20 , 100 . , , . . - -. - . - . .- . 12 - : -

    , - -, - , - . - - -. - . - , - - , - - - . -. : - , - !

  • 64



    24 . - 2010 , - 24. - 24 .

    - 24 . -


    - , , - . 24 - -. 24 530 - , 7 - .- 24 . 24 - 2010 , -. 24 2010 6,7 . 2010 2009 60% - 4,5 . 24 - - , . 24 2010 . , -, 2010 24 5 , 2009 , 300 . , , 2011 24 .- - .

    24 ?

    - - 24 . , 2010 . - 11% . 24 . - - + . , -

    , -

    - - , - . , . - - iPhone Android.

    Sergei Krasnikov, VTB24's Stavropol Director, sums up the bank's year to date.

    We have now supplied 6.7bn roubles' worth of credit, a 60% increase on 2009. Personal lans are up by 70%, car financing has reached 578m roubles and the volume of mortgages has soared by 500%. New products in that field include mortgages for servicemen, young families with newborn children, and mortgages for garages, and a discounted 11% rate is now more widely avaliable. Our service op-tions are also expanded, and from August we should have mobile banking for iPhone and Android.


    The Year For VTB24

    24 ()

    1623 13.07.2000 .

    . , . 284/1,

    8 (8652)23-15-22, 8-800-100-24-24


  • 66



    RusHydro, the country's largest generating company, has completed construction of its Egorlykskaya HES-2 station, which can produce 55m kW/h per year.

    Vladimir Putin gave the executive order by video link on 9 February. During the event RusHydro's Executive Chairman, Evgeniy Dod, informed the Prime Minister about Stavropol's capabilities, and Viktor Matveev, the Director of Cascade Kuban, the regional subsidiary, opened the station.RusHydro's acquisition of Cascade Kuban in 2005 was the catalyst for the completion of the building work, which had begun in 1994 and was only 12% done. Another 8% had been done by early 2010, but by the time the Okrug's and Krai's leaders

    - -2 - . 55 . /. .

    9 -. - - , - - - - - 2010 . -

    - - , . -2 - - 1994 - -. - - - 2005 , - . - 12%. - . - - , - - 2010 , - - -. - - - - - - -2. - , - . 2010 - - 20%, - - -2, , -. - - - - 72 . . - - . - 2 -

    New Hydroelectric Power Station Completed in Stavropol Krai

  • 68



    raised the question of further delays in April 2010, Dod was able to assure them that the station, Cascade's tenth, would be finished on time. RusHydro financed the 2bn-rouble project itself. It was a priority in many ways, from regional energy development to improving the environment. Passing through the station's

    four turbines and its 17-metre waterfall will slow the river's speed, thus preserving the banks of the River Egorlyk, and reduce the flow of silt into the Novotroitskoe Reservoir, which supplies 5 counties and cools the Stavropol Power Station. Matveev adds that the additional electrical energy will improve the balance and reliability of the Krai's grid, and will facilitate the development of the regional economy.Cascade Kuban has opened a 66-metre bridge capable of bearing 140 tonnes to link Shpakovskiy and Izobilnenskiy Counties once the new power station comes on-line. Unauthorised traffic is prohibited from passing though the site, so the bridge was built as a solution, says Viktor Matveev.The new station is in the village of Levoegorlykskiy, by a 2.5 million-tonne buffer reservoir. Its four turbines have a total capacity of 14.2MW. I am glad that the high tempo required was achieved and 16 years of hard work is done, says Matveev. Among the innovations are a flow regulation system which can cope with 3 times greater pressure, thus reducing the environmental risk. Pipes are protected by a differential system, and the station itself is defended by a runoff canal. All this makes it one of the region's most technologically reliable energy suppliers.

    . - - : - - - - . -2 - - , - , - - . - , - - , 17- , - -2 , . - -, - - . , - - .

    -2 - - -1 2,5 3. - - - , . - 14,2 . , , , - - -2 , - . 16- -, , , -, - . , , - . - -2 - - . - - -, - , -. - - .


    . -



    . Alstom Hydro,

    , ,

    10 .

    , .

    RusHydro is also modernising Cascade's other facilities. It has agreed a ten-year partnership by which

    France's Alstom Hydro will provide integrated solutions for the modernisation and rebuilding of Cascade

    Kuban's power stations.

    -2. 140

    , -

    . -

    , -

    , -

    . - 66 , -

    - 4,5 . -


    . -

    . -

    , - -

    - -


    Cascade Kuban has opened

    a 66-metre bridge capable of

    bearing 140 tonnes to link

    Shpakovskiy and Izobilnenskiy

    Counties once the new

    power station comes on-line.

    Unauthorised traffic is prohibited

    from passing though the site,

    so the bridge was built as a

    solution, says Viktor Matveev.

  • 70



    The St Petersburg firm Lissant became the anchor resident of the Nevinnomyssk industrial park one year ago.

    The construction of its 500m-rouble factory for polyurethane foam sandwich panels is moving ahead, and will bring 250 jobs to Nevinnomyssk when it opens in October. Its intended market is agriculture, the food industry and residential and industrial building. The panels, nothing new in Europe, have a bright future in Russia. They are ideal for building low-cost, single-storey dwellings quickly, and reduce the running costs of the building by almost 90%. The company's prototype home cost 15000 roubles/m to build. Its meets global standards, and similar houses already exist in Moscow and Leningrad Oblasts.Lissant's next project will be a ventilation factory in the same location. It has been pleasantly surprised by the availability of land, the convenience of the utilities and the lack of bureacratic hurdles in Stavropol Krai. Of course, the right conditions help a business start, but growth needs proper management and that is why Lissant's General Director and his family are moving from St Petersburg to Stavropol Krai.

    - . - - - .

    . 500 - . - 250 .- - , - , - . . - , - . - -. , . . , , - - -. - . - , - , - 90 . -, 15000 . - . - - . - . - , -

    . - . - 2009-.- , , , , - . - , -. - . , - -, . -. . - , - . .

    - - - - . - N 98- - , - - 2009 . - - 6 7 -. , - -, -, , , - .

    I N C I D E N T A L L Y The industrial park is Stavropol's first foray into development zones. Since the legislation was passed in December 2009, the park has gained 6 projects worth a total of over 7bn roubles. Experts explaining its success point to progressive laws, a well thought-out concept and tenacious management.






  • 72



    Four Stavropol girls swept the board at the Fashion House International

    forum in Las Vegas. Angelina Antyufeeva, Irina Bessonova, Yulia Pokrepina

    and Elina Lapovskaya represented Stavropol against entrants from

    ten countries during the two-week competition in catwalk modelling,

    photomodelling, presentations and charity evenings.

    Angelina, from Pyatigorsk, took the Grand Prix, and was also named both

    Best Designer for her Night City collection and Miss Charm. Yulia and

    Irina took the Best Supermodel and Best Photomodel prizes, and Elina, the

    youngest contestant, won the Mini-Miss category and an invitation to take

    part in a children's TV show.

    The overall winner, Angelina, will show her fashion collection alongside

    Pierre Cardin at this spring's Moscow Fashion Week

    -, -


    , Fashion House International.

    , , -

    , -

    , 10 . -


    , ,


    , -







    . -



    Fashion House International -


    , -


    - .

  • 75



    Fedor Emelianenko is famous worldwide as the strongest fighter on the planet, the absolute world champion in no-rules fighting, the Last Russian Emperor. In his 11 years in the ring he has won 31 out of 34 bouts. A frequent visitor to the Army Olympic Sports Training Centre (AOSTC) in Kislovodsk, he found time to answer our questions during a recent training session.

    Fedor, how often do you come to the KMV?Less often than I'd like, but a few times a year. I like the climate and the people. I have good friends in Kislovodsk. I wouldn't say no to coming more often, and with my family.

    As a top-level athlete, what's

    your opinion of the training facilities in Kislovodsk?

    The AOSTC is out-standing. The mid-altitude location

    builds physical fitness and stamina. We have everything we need here. And the food is good.

    How important is it to invest in the AOSTC, in your opinion?It is essential to invest in the development of the AOSTC if we want Russian athletes to achieve at the Olympic level.

    Fedor, you started out when you were 10. How did you origi-nally get involved, and when did you realise that you could reach championship level?My first trainer noticed that I was very active and recommend-ed I take up sambo and judo. All boys want to be stronger, and I was no exception. I didn't have any special abilities, but I had tenacity and will. As a child, of course, I mostly lost. As I grew stronger the losses began to be replaced by victories. I dreamt

    , , . - , . . - - 34 , 31-. - - -, - . - - .

    - , - ? - , . , , . -. . . , .

    - - ... - -

    . - -

    - -

    T h e L a s t Emperor Chooses Kislovodsk

  • 76



    of becoming a champion from the start, naturally, but the realisation that it might actually hap-pen came much later, when I was already in the Russian sambo and judo squad.

    Why did you choose no-rules fighting?In sambo and judo I came up against biased judges. The judging

    leaves a lot to be desired in a lot of sports in Rus-

    sia connections count for a lot. The judges in mixed martial arts are more objec-tive.

    Are you training your two daughters for glittering sport-ing careers?Vasilisa is only 3, but my el-der daughter, Masha, is try-ing basketball, piano and pottery. I don't push my chil-dren to win first prize. All I truly hope for is for them to grow up good, positive and responsive people.

    If you weren't an athlete, what other profession would you choose for yourself ?I went into sport straight after the army without giv-ing any thought to any other field. I had qualified as an electrician, but I only work

    , . . - .

    - , , ?- . , , - , - .

    - , . , ?- . , - . - , -. , - , , . - , , , . - . -, , , -, , - .

  • 78



    in that capacity at home, when I need to change a lightbulb or rewire a socket.

    Have you considered going into acting? Have you had any of-fers?Cinema's not for me. Although I have played myself. Alex-ander Kimchuk's The Fifth Execution, in which I played a special forces soldier, is coming out in the spring. I'm not a professional actor, and portraying some other character on screen would be difficult, as would making people consider the meaning of life, of belief, of conscience... rather than just entertaining.

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    The Last Emperor is training a worthy heir. One of his students is Kislovodsk-born Eric

    Oganov, an international Mix Fight champion. In his words, My breakthrough came

    after I met Fedor Emelianenko. I've worked with both his training staff and the man

    himself. I am grateful to Fedor for the strictness and persistence which pushed me

    to the title. Oganov runs a school in Kislovodsk where future Russian fighters are

    trained. He plans to set up teams capable of representing Stavropol Krai at national

    leveland beyond.

  • 80



    Sviaz-Bank was established in 1991, and today it is an all-purpose lending and financial institution maintaining its presence in 51 members of the Russian Federation.

    The Banks regional network comprises its Head Office in Moscow, 51 branches, and 144 backup offices and mini-branches, 114 of them operating from post offices.State Corporation Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank), which is a state-controlled corporation, is Sviaz-Banks majority owner holding 99.4666% of the Banks shares of stock.Sviaz-Bank holds License No.1470 from the Bank of Russia and Certificate No.738 that puts the Bank on the list of member banks of the mandatory deposit insurance system.

    2011 20 -. , - - .

    - 1991 - . , , - . - - - , , - , , . , , , , - , . 2010 - . - - , , - , . , - - . , - - 30- . - , 13 - ( 1 2010 ) -. - . - , , -, , , , - - .


    to success



    - 1470 15.11.2002. - - - - (). -: 8 800 200 23 03(, ). -:. , . 50 , 8/3./ (8652) 73-54-49www.sviaz-bank.ru

    Sviaz-Bank General License No. 1470 of November 15, 2002 from the Bank of Russia.The state corporation, Bank for Development and For-eign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank) is Sviaz-Banks biggest shareholder.Contact Center telephone number: 8 800 200 23 03(24 hours, toll-free for callers from across Russia).Sviaz-Banks Stavropol branch:8/3 Fifty Years of VLKSM Street, Stavropol.Tel./Fax: (8652) 73-54-49www.sviaz-bank.ru

  • 82



    Vehicles from the GAZ stable are ubiquitous in Russian indus-try, and modified variants constitute a profitable business idea in themselves.

    Mobile flower stalls, veterinary clinics we pro-vide equipment for everything, along with quality after-sales service, says Svetlana Izotova of Dvaris, Stavropol's official GAZ dealership. She says that GAZ's priorities are the cus-tomers' own, and the proof is there: in 2010 sales rose by 45%. GAZ offers a full range of financing and leasing op-tions, and is a participant in the government's trade-in pro-gramme. Current Krai microfinance and small-enterprise programmes can cover up to 80% of the cost of purchasing business vehicles, and can even provide a deposit for loans. Dvaris has remained the official GAZ dealer for 20 years, and the sales and service it has evolved mean that customers re-turn time after time.

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    I r r ep l a ceab l e

    I n Bus i n ess

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    . 2010 - -, 45%, . 2010 - , - , - . - , , -, - . . - , - - . , . - - - - - - . - - - . - - . - -, . , - . , 300 . - , , - . - - (80%) - . , - - - , - - 1 . , , - , - , - .

    - , - , . , - . , - . 10 1,5 , 300 . 30 . . , .

    . , 27 . (8652) 55-42-44

    e-mail: [email protected]

    27 South Bypass st.,Stavropol

    Tel: 007 (8652) 55-42-44 e-mail: [email protected]

  • 86



    The first block in an eventual 4500-head dairy farm has opened in Mikhailovsk. The 2bn-rouble complex, currently 60% funded, will be one of Europe's largest.

    Factors In SuccessThe project belongs to OOO Vozrozhdenie, which farms 230,000 hectares of arable land and produces milk, meat and wool.The new complex will see 50m litres of milk being processed in Mikhailovsk annually. The two factors underpinning the devel-opment are high-yield (10-12,000 litres per year) Goldstein cows, imported from the USA, and era-defining DeLaval equipment. The first 3000 cows are already at the farm, with the rest due in the summer. An on-site feed plant will provide for all their needs.

    The complex should be fully operational by the end of 2011.Aslan Karakotov, Vozrozhdenie's president, notes that the com-plex was built from scratch, including roads and utility lines. Its 30 hectares may be joined by another 70 to form a unified agricul-tural park. The firm has decided not to produce biofuel, and will instead produce its own fertiliser.

    Smart TechnologyThe plan is for the farm to complete the cycle, with milk either going to Vozrozhdenie's dairy in Kugulta, currently under reno-vation, or to a possible new plant near Stavropol. Until then it will go to the Stavropol Milk Kombinat. The new technology in use at the megafarm covers everything from feeding and milking to ventilation and automatic gates to isolate potentially-ill cows for inspection. The cows' health and productiv-ity is monitored using electronic chips. Karakatov says, The DeLa-val equipment minimises human involvement. The workforce will be about 100, against 1500 at a comparable Soviet dairy.

    New Technology New ApproachThe farm's staff will be offered housing in a cottage-style vil-lage at a discount, and all have undergone training at the US-style Rozhestvo megafarm. In Krakatov's words, We have paid serious money to have them trained, but all this new equipment would be worthless in untrained hands. Sadly, there is no suitable dairy programme available in Russian higher education. For this reason the megafarm will have its own training centre, and it and its student accommodation

    , 4,5 . . - - , -. - 2 -, 60% - .

    - -, - 230 . , - , -, . - - - 50 -. - - . -, : - - , -. -, -: - - , - . 3 . - 10-12 . - . , . - ,

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    - 50 - 50m litres of high-quality milk will be produced every year

    - - Once fully operational the dairy will be one of Europe's largest

    Smart Dairy Farm Opens In Stavropol

  • 88



    are nearing completion. Its trainees will initially go to the NCFO and YFO, with subsequent generations of graduates working around Russia.

    -: - - , . - - . - , - - 1,5 , - - .

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    - - - A gigantic storage facility will supply mineral fertiliser

    - 100 , - 1,5 . - The workforce will be about 100, against 1500 at a comparable Soviet dairy

  • 90



    North Caucasus State Technical University (NCSTU) is grooming the nation's new intellectual elite. Its students regularly receive national and international recognition.

    2010 was especially fruitful. Artur Barlakov solved the mystery of Bogolyubov's Formula, which calculated substances' quantum properties but failed to include the interaction between atoms. His new formulae wowed the Young Scientists' Olympiad at Moscow's Bauman University, and now he is working on practical applications for them at NCSTU.

    Fifth-year oil and gas student Igor Evragov took first prize at the National Students' Olympiad at Tyumen State Oil and Gas University. NCSTU's team of five finished in the top three out of 28. The Economics Faculty also brought home an enviable haul of awards from the Entrepeneurship and Management Olympiad in St Petersburg. And the academic year isn't over yet!

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    2010 . - - - , . , - .- - , -, - , - . - - . - , -, - - - - . ... - - . - - -, , , -. -, . - ., -

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  • 92



    For nearly 20 years the Institute for Friendship between the Peoples of the Caucasus (IDNK) has been a private university working for the public good. Each year it provides 600 graduates for the modernisation of the Russian economy. Their intellectual and moral rigour stems from IDNK's founding principles of research, education and spirituality.

    The cosy atmosphere in the attractive courtyard is evident as soon as you arrive at IDNK,and you can see why it is a second home for many of its students. The small campus also fosters unusually good inter-faculty interaction, giving IDNK highly-rated research capabilities. The multidisciplinary approach used in training its 22 professional specialisations could be held up as IDNK's academic credo. The lecturers work closely

    together and hold joint events to address pressing issues. IDNK's conferences bring together Russia's leading academics to keep it at the forefront of research and provide students with the very latest information. Of particular value is the opportunity to tackle interdisciplinary issues from differing aspects, and learning from the experience of their peers is invaluable for researchers.The capabilties of the staff are constantly improving. Over its

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    A NewFace For

    A NewRussia

  • 94



    18 years IDNK has formed partnerships with, among others, Nikolai Kolesov, the father of Russian economics, and Alexander Buzgalin, the famous MSU professor. The new generation also has a place, with postgraduates free to continue their studies. Dissertation-level work is published in IDNK's journal, which is accredited by the federal Ministry of Education.Rector Tatyana Ledovich believes that a modernising society requires moral guidance. IDNK is the only university in the South of Russia to have opened its own chapel. Its opening by Archbishop Feofan six years ago was a logical continuation of IDNK's links with the clergy. Interdenominational sermons are held every Thursday, and the constant attention given to the issue maintains a tolerant atmosphere in what is an ethnically diverse university.IBNK's sports hall is full from morning to night, with volleyball, basketball, badminton, football and athletics on offer. Current students include the champions Anna Omarova (shot put), Anna Bulgakova (hammer), Leonid Kivalov (pole vault) and Alexander Tabala (decathlon). Azamatbi Pshatlov, a student in IDNK's business school, recently won a gold at the Youth Olympics in Singapore. Unsurprisingly, IDNK often wins competitions between the Krai's universities. In 2010 its team came third in the Universiade.A healthy body holds a spiritually and intellectually healthy mind, as the citizens of the new Russia should. That mindset will come to IDNK first.

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    I N C I D E N T A L L Y IDNK's Modern Business School opened in 2005, and now offers 10 professional specialisations. General subjects

    are taught by experienced schoolteachers, and professors and doctors

    cover the deeper specialisations. Completion of the course enables the

    student to move directly to the third year of an appropriate full IDNK

    course. If he wishes to change specialisation, he will be eligible to join the

    second year.

    : . , . . , 7.

    ./: (8652) 50-00-90, 28-03-46, 28-25-00

    www.idnk.ru, e-mail: [email protected]

    Institute for Friendship between the Peoples of the CaucasusStavropol, pr. K.Marxa 7

    Tel/Fax: 007 (8652) 50-00-90, 28-03-46, 28-25-00

  • 96



    ION's cheerful colours draw you in from afar, and no matter how grey the day, the atmosphere inside is always warm and friendly. Even grown-ups become children here!

    Despite The OddsION, the South's largest toy company, was set up in 1998,when the shelves were groaning under the weight of Chinese m