受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.this river is more beautiful than...

受動態 (まとめ) 1 次の動詞の過去形・過去分詞形を( )に書きなさい。 1.do-( )-( ) 2.catch-( )-( ) 3.show-( )-( ) 4.lose-( )-( ) 5.bring-( )-( ) 6.find-( )-( ) 2 次の英文について、能動態は受動態に、受動態は能動態の文に書き換えなさい。 1.The students cleaned this classroom. 2.The king is loved by everyone. 3.Did her mother wash the dishes ? 4.This letter is written by my cousin. 5.When was the church built ? 6.Taro broke the window yesterday. 7.Are you taught by Ms. Kate? 8.Bill's brother will make a model plane. (a model plane:模型飛行機) 3 次の英文の( )内より正しい語を○で囲み〔 〕に和訳しなさい。 1.This poem is written ( by・ in ・with ) easy English. (poem:詩)

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Page 1: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

受動態 (まとめ)

1 次の動詞の過去形・過去分詞形を( )に書きなさい。

1.do-(     )-(        ) 2.catch-(         )-(         )

3.show-(          )-(         ) 4.lose-(        )-(        )

5.bring-(      )-(        ) 6.find-(        )-(        )

2 次の英文について、能動態は受動態に、受動態は能動態の文に書き換えなさい。

1.The students cleaned this classroom.

2.The king is loved by everyone.

3.Did her mother wash the dishes ?

4.This letter is written by my cousin.

5.When was the church built ?

6.Taro broke the window yesterday.

7.Are you taught by Ms. Kate?

8.Bill's brother will make a model plane. (a model plane:模型飛行機)

3 次の英文の( )内より正しい語を○で囲み〔 〕に和訳しなさい。

1.This poem is written ( by・ in ・with ) easy English. (poem:詩)

〔 〕

Page 2: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

2.( Did ・ Was ・ Will ) Jim take those pictures the other day ? (the other day :先日)


〔 〕

3.The girl was ( swim ・ swimming ・ swum ) very fast like a fish.

〔 〕

4.Kyoto is visited ( by ・ in ・ to ) many foreign people every year.

〔 〕

5.The glass is filled ( of ・ with ・ in ) milk.

〔 〕

6.A lot of beautiful stars were ( see ・ seen ・ seeing ) there.

〔 〕

7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world.

〔 〕

4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。  

1.My uncle gave me a nice present. <me を主語にした受動態の文に>

2.My uncle gave me a nice present. <a present を主語にした受動態の文に>

3.Everybody laughed at him. 

4.Who wrote this letter ? 

5.Sachiko's mother can make Chinese dishes. <Chinese dishes:中国料理>

6.What do they call this flower in English ? 

Page 3: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

5 次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう、( )に適語を入れなさい。

1. Tom couldn't run fast in his boyhood. <in one's boyhood:少年の頃>

=Tom (         )(        )(    ) run fast in his boyhood.

2. Tennis is interesting to her.

=She is (           )(    ) tennis.

3. Will Ben have a party next Saturday ?

=(    ) Ben (         )(    ) have a party next Saturday ?

4. When were the pictures taken by Kenji ?

=When (      ) Kenji (        ) the pictures ?

5. We know the name of the writer.

=The name of the writer (    )(         )(    ) us.

6. Ms. Green teaches us English at our school.

=Ms. Green (    )(    ) English (          ) of our school.

6 (  )内の語を並べ替えて、意味の通る英文を完成し、〔 〕に和訳しなさい。  

1.( he / you / as / as / not / tall / is )

〔 〕

2.( eight / the / is / usually / store / at / closed )

〔 〕

3.( is / from / butter / made / milk )

〔 〕

4.( when / you / learn / Japanese / did / begin / to / ? )

〔 〕

Page 4: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

5.( I / to / know / that / was / surprised / very )

〔 〕

7 次の英文を和訳しなさい。 

1.One day Taro told his friend Ken about the old woman.

〔 〕

2.At the beginning of February, we had a lot of snow again.

〔 〕

3.I did a homestay in the UK when I was in the eighth grade. (the UK:イギリス)

〔 〕

4.My summer vacation will be over in a month.

〔 〕

5.There are more than one hundred kinds of animals in the zoo.

〔 〕

8 次の日本文を英作しなさい。






Page 5: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

現 在 完 了 形 の ま と め ①

1 次の単語・熟語を(  )に書きなさい。

1.大切な(           )  2.必要な(           )   3.ギター(         )

4.十分な(          )  5.~<材料>でできている(    )(        )(   )~

6.~<原料>でできている(    )(       )(       )~   7.とうとう(    )(        )

2 次の各単語でアクセントのある部分が異なる単語を(  )に書きなさい。

1.yes-ter-day / beau-ti-ful / vi-o-lin / cal-en-dar    (          )

2.ho-tel / po-lice / a-long / yel-low             (          )

3.vil-lage / eve-ning / my-self / cof-fee          (          )

4.Eng-land / Can -a-da / Aus-tral-ia / Ger-ma-ny (          )

5.an-y-thing / Sep-tem-ber / com-put-er / to-mor-row (          )

3 次の日本文にあうよう、(  )に適語を入れなさい。


 We (       )(         )(       ) lunch.


 They (      )(     )(        ) at Kobe (     ).


 My sister (     )(       ) sick in bed (       ) last Thursday.


 How many times (      ) you (       )(    ) England ?


 Bill (      )(        )(   ) New York.

4 < >内の指示通り、英文を書き換えなさい。

1.Tom made a speech. <just を入れて現在完了形に>

2.I wasn't happy. <since then をつけて現在完了形に>

Page 6: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

3.Did the train start ? <yet をつけて現在完了形に>

4.She wrote to Betty in English. <今までに~したことがありますか、という疑問文に>

5.He made a large doghouse . <受動態に>

6.I didn't visit the village near the sea. <never を入れ、現在完了形に>

7.Mary's father has already left home.<否定文に>

5 次の問答文に対し、意味が通るよう(  )に適語をいれなさい。

1.Have you done your homework yet ?

→Yes,(   )(       ).

2.Where have you been ?

→(  )(       )(       )(   ) the bank.

3.When did they come to Japan ?

→(      )(       ) to Japan two days ago.

4.What is under the table ?

→(        )(   ) a small cat.

5.(      )(       ) has your brother traveled by plane ?

→He has traveled three times.

6 次の英文に対し、< >内の指示通り答えなさい。

1.When do the roses come out ? <6月に咲きます。>

2.How often has Betty been to Europe ? <2度あります。>

Page 7: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

3.Have you ever climbed Mt. Aso ? <いいえ、ありません。>

4.How long have you been in Tokyo ? <1週間います。>

5.How many students are there in your class ?  <40人います。>

6.Do they speak English in France ? <いいえ、話していません。>

7.Whose is the bag on the table ? <わたしの母のです。>

7 次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう、(  )に適語を入れなさい。

1. She became sick four days ago and she is still sick.

=She (      )(       ) sick (     ) four days.

2. Takashi went to Africa ,and he isn't here now.

=Takashi (       )(       )(   ) Africa.

3. It is three years since he died.

=Three years (       )(        ) since he died.

4. It is three twenty.

=It is twenty minutes (       ) three.

5. How old is this church ?

=What is the (     ) of this church ?

8 (  )内の語を並べ替えて、意味の通る英文を完成し、〔 〕に和訳しなさい。


〔  〕

Page 8: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。


〔  〕


〔  〕


〔  〕


〔  〕

9 次の日本文を英作しなさい。 (2、3番は意訳してある。直訳に戻して英作を考える)   1.わたしはこんな美しい景色を(sight)を今までに見たことがありません。





Page 9: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

現 在 完 了 形 の ま と め ②

1 次の単語・熟語を( )に書きなさい。

1.例(          ) 2.紹介する(           ) 3. 注意深く(            )

4.feel の過去形(      ) 5.~で一杯である(    )(      )(    )~

6.~と異なる(   )(           )(       )~ 7.最初は (    )(       )

2 次の英文にあてはまる前置詞を( )に入れなさい。

1.Has Mr. Green lived in Yokohama (    ) 1985 ?

2.His grandfather has been dead (     ) five years.

3.He went there (    ) himself.

4.It takes thirty minutes (      ) here to the station.

5.What's wrong (      ) you ?

3 次の日本文にあうよう、( )に適語を入れなさい。


 I haven't seen my aunt (      )(     )(        )(        ).


 (      ) Alice's father (        ) home yet ?


 Can I (       )(    ) Jiro ?


 Please (      )(         )(     ) your family.


 I have (        ) seen (       ) a beautiful scene.

4 次の英文の( )内より正しい語を○で囲み〔 〕に和訳しなさい。

1.I have been sick in bed (from・since・for) two days.

〔  〕

Page 10: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

2.My uncle has just (come・came・coming) back from France.

〔  〕

3.I (met・meet・have met) a beautiful lady on my way home yesterday.

〔  〕

4.(Was・Were・Have・Has) this letter written by your daughter ?

〔  〕

5.His son has gone (in・to・for) Hokkaido.

〔  〕

6.When (have you gone・have you been・did you go) to Kyoto ?

〔  〕

7.I'm looking forward to (see・seeing・seen) you.

〔  〕

5 次の英文に対し、< >内の指示通り答えなさい。

1.It stopped raining. <just を入れ、現在完了形に>

2.We have already eaten breakfast. <否定文に>

3.I don't hear from her. <3年間、便りがありません、の意にして>

4.Who has lost his way ? <トムです、で答えよ。>

             <lose one's way :道に迷う> 

5.I have seen the strange picture (twice). <( )を問う疑問文に>

Page 11: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

6.She put the purse in her bag. <疑問文に>

6 次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう、( )に適語を入れなさい。

1. It is eight years since he died.

=Eight years (   )(     ) since he died.

2. His son was ill last week. He is ill now. <ill=sick>

=His son (   )(    ) ill (    ) last week.

3. He went to the library and has just come back now.

=He (   )(    )(  ) the library.

4. I didn't have any money at that tome.

=I (   )(  ) money at that time.

5. Our country has a lot of mountains.

=(      )(   ) a lot of moutains (  ) our country.

7 ( )内の語を並べ替えて、意味の通る英文を完成し、〔 〕に和訳しなさい。


〔  〕


〔  〕


〔  〕


〔  〕

Page 12: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。


〔  〕

8 次の日本文を英作しなさい。






Page 13: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

中 3 不 定 詞 ①

1 次の単語・熟語を( )に書きなさい。

1.地球(         ) 2.新聞(             ) 3.黄色(          )

4.心配するな。(       )(         ).

5.はい、どうぞ。(        )(      )(      ). 6.ところで(     )(      )(       )

7.初めて(       )(       )(         )(        )

2 次の英文にあてはまる前置詞を( )に入れなさい。

1.We can't live (           ) water.

2.The Seine runs (         ) Paris. <The Seine:セーヌ川>

3.Go (         ) the street, and you'll find the building on your right.

4.What's wrong (        ) you ?

5.I was absent from school because (    ) illness.<illness:病気>

3 次の日本文にあうよう、( )に適語を入れなさい。


 My father (        ) me (    ) come at once.


 We (          ) Mary (    )(        ) the piano.


 (    ) is easy (     ) him (    ) swim in the river.


 It (         ) twenty minutes (    ) go there by bus.


 My mother (         ) her daughter (    )(        ) the dishes.

Page 14: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。


 They (        )(            )(    ) hear the news.


 I (        )(        )(    ) the station (    ) see my friend off.


 (       ) is the weather (        ) in Hokkaido ?

4 次の英文の( )内より正しい語句を〇で囲み、〔 〕に和訳しなさい。

1. I asked Nancy (help・helping・to help) me.

〔  〕

2.How long does it (take・cost) to get to the station on foot ?

〔  〕

3.I'm looking forward to (see・seeing・seen) you again.

〔  〕

4.It isn't necessary for (he・his・him) to study today.

〔  〕

5.Who told you (study・studying・to study) harder ?

〔  〕

6. It is very kind (for・of・by) you to come to see me.

〔  〕

5 次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れなさい。  また、〔  〕に和訳しなさい。         1.He said to me, “Speak a little more slowly.”

〔  〕

 He (        ) me (    )(         ) a little more slowly.

〔  〕

Page 15: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

2.I said to him, “Please open the window.”

〔  〕

 I (         ) him (    )(        )the window.

〔  〕

3.He said to us, “Don't swim in this river.”

〔  〕

 He (        ) us (      )(    ) swim in this river.

〔  〕

6 次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れなさい。

1. Writing a letter in English is not easy.

=(    ) is not easy (    )(         ) a letter in English.

2. The question is too difficult for him to answer.

=The question is (    ) difficult (        )(   )(        ) answer it.

3. You can't read the book in three hours.

=It is (          )(      ) you to read the book in three hours.

4. She was kind enough to show me the way to the park.

=It was (        )(    )(      ) to show me the way to the park.

5. You don't have to hurry to school.

=It isn't (           )(      ) you to hurry to school.

7 次の日本文にあうよう( )内の語を並べ替えて英文を完成しなさい。





Page 16: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。









8 次の日本文を英作しなさい。






Page 17: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

中 3 不 定 詞 ②

1 次の単語・熟語を( )に書きなさい。

1.心配する(         ) 2.電話(            ) 3.1000(            )

4.~に出席する(    )(          )(    )~ 5.~を欠席する(     )(       )(     )

6.秋fall=(           ) 7.~を自慢する(誇りに思う) (    )(         )(    )~

2 次の英文にあてはまる前置詞を( )に入れなさい。

1.They left Fukuoka (     ) Tokyo last night.

2.Ms.White is going to come back (    ) a few minutes.

3.My father and I will go fishing (        ) the summer holidays.

4.What do you think (        ) American people ?

5.I'm looking forward (    ) seeing you again.

3 次の日本文にあうよう、( )に適語を入れなさい。


 Alice was (    ) tired (        ) she went to bed early.


 The coffee is (     ) hot (     ) me (    ) drink.


 Let's (    )(         ) together next Saturday.


 It (     )(         ) so heavily that (    )(         ) go out.


 She was (        )(        )(    ) show me the way to the station.

Page 18: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

4 次の英文の( )内より正しい語を○で囲み〔 〕に和訳しなさい。

1.He is (so・too) old to work.

〔  〕

2.Bob is so tired that (I・you・he) can't stand up.

〔  〕

3.The old woman walked too (slowly・fast) to catch the train.

〔  〕

4.There (was・were) little water in the pond. <pond:池>

〔  〕

5.I have (a few・a little) friends in Paris.

〔  〕

6.Please take care of (you・yourself).

〔  〕

7.May's house is far from (my・me・mine). <far:遠い>

〔  〕

5 次の英文に対し、< >内の指示通り答えなさい。

1.This question is too difficult for him to answer. <so ~that 構文で>

2.The lake is so deep that we can't swim. <too ~to 構文で>

3.She is so kind that she is loved by everyone. <過去形に>

4.Mr.Brown showed me it.  <この英文は間違ってる、正しい英文に直しなさい> 

Page 19: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。

5.Must I do my homework now ? <No で答えなさい>

6.Betty is too sick to eat anything. <和訳しなさい>

〔  〕

6 次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう、( )に適語を入れなさい。

1.My father was so angry that he couldn't speak.

=My father (     )(    ) angry (    ) speak.

2.This suit too small for my son to wear.

=This suit is (    ) small (       ) my son (        ) wear (    ).

3.The rabbit ran so fast that he couldn't catch it.

=The rabbit ran (     ) fast (     )(     ) to catch.

4.The story is interesting to me.

=I (     )(          )(    ) the story.

5.He is a member of the volleyball club.

=He (         )(    ) the volleyball club.

7 ( )内の語を並べ替えて、意味の通る英文を完成し、〔 〕に和訳しなさい。

1.(the/hot/for/have/me/soup/too/is/to) <soup:スープ>

〔  〕


〔  〕


〔  〕

Page 20: 受動態 (まとめ)zatta1.com/quiz/english/english3_review.pdf7.This river is more beautiful than any other ( river ・ rivers ) in the world. 〔 〕 4 次の英文を受動態に変えなさい。


〔  〕


〔  〕

8 次の日本文を英作しなさい。




