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; b u lle tin I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- . m m S l c n > l (aUUm»t 1 In «»■■ Ti«H»n P fca______________ r jm ]^’^Miiuat~atT. ■::... _ . . ...... - ■ ___________ j A Regional Ne ,‘ 'N d T 'S f .......... - ...... ' '" ~ Seek Posts i tote Primary ^Hmgs in E luly 8 CTO—A field of 60 condidatca, bolloved to be the lai ry election, was completed today with tlio paYaihg of a dm lorge E. Vaughn, candidate for the GOP nomination for nent will be asked on validity of petitions filed today, aid he would ask the state supreme court for a declaratory rtised dca'dliho f o r ...........i T. F. Gandi f f f r r Beat Filing] reprenie to Sixty-two Candidates lor office filed < acy with the county iderk Friday aft. Nin<^f them are ruiming for major off] ufy QBtttiMea Mek elcHion aa precinct commltteeme 'lh'c*^10*0 IcKlalni^o' chool Boai'd commiti iifSS Appeals Ic^had ndvcrtlsed In L and Case itndsr toal todsy was education of cliu A Democmi fS.V hv vMt« “ hool district No. m nifd two Irwin sti e and HIM by yeal«r- . r«rt T«l Rupremo court Friday In tulU delcctlve. I p fimvllft laid brought to condemn property for a ring for ihB HllnR U high Khool .Ito and to deter- Republic. Ujy_ of Ihe JlUr« to BuhL-J« « ^ acquiring the slie, Is ninnlm .f ^ n , nf .h, Dlitrlct Judge Kale* E. to*e de- Dr. J. , . ^ “ non.sult In the board's coroncr. : ling loaay nere nom- condemn « acrcs of land RepubUcn a _ i« ^ i^ , »ouia BO n»ned.teUary Hot KhlchJheJjojual *aa lllcd [I «ld'he'd"«k°Uio *“*• n S 2 .? ',tX "^-noK T .'S S " ! ,;.» .““ii,. .^■11 linn 1 At «llfB of a,deelanitor7 Judgment by p e race f f l ^ ^ u r s to file •'‘“'K® *" friendly «ult J?'??, ® wiiiiBm. brought by ThomM HoTenden tf .!? .'IL M S «-l“ t »■■ »"•« a=ltml«. !ft “ 5" ■> r> Ju^gei!i*we»??urWa n E d ^ hurtled down followed, Incuinben e comaor. wavlns a 1. The board murt «lect • alte. . S . ,.«« »««.. si IMRpliilH^ <. ....... tlon features from thO f c o n e d Jo_ j-~, the school dlitrlct authorlilng the ' ‘“ "U; « V I A 111* f change of locatloD of the place of w r _____ Y V ^ U U l L teaching the high achool elassM. K _ ll/ g *1 ,1. (,„• r A *• A two-thlrda majcrtty In favor YT. ^^■ qcq. na^L E BmvJ of * «f**W murt'be obtained. ~ ■^^3™ r » s n.s'pr‘k»r£»;ii.;'s Sei SiSS"J!,“u a “'g. :_;Tf C. Jamwi. Bliaw and James reprejMt- susptndri as inw ed. Ml43. Hof.; Hovendtti »ttcmty ^ » 6tmnliflQncr; Cl&r- was Robert BaUelsen. fonner iitrcctor of prtmarr « Bean Dealers E'Is Discuss Need the Alping club, TT* C s. PUbUcaa ' For Supports ^ ^ club-wera arretted BUN VALLEY, July >-ruture Rottest ^^V'h(a-«rrsi;ncd-thi!}r prlee-aupport-far-bMit-i^uoUon o ndldita b'lt a month ago nndanultlmatAbaUneebtweensup- guUty pjcu tnd *nd dcjnand will depend upon the Rep RTowera'acctptance of acreage aUot- I>C7Uty G ^ B ‘II stirt Monday be- raeats. delegates to th# Weitetn Or ^^■ou<l<e John Wright B'*" Dealers asaoclatlon were toM here today. nomln«Ut said he didn't Three men from the V. 8. depart- p®* ^^® t_ tsie.ii.4ii-Rboui-“ -meat ol. agriculturt addrt«ud-tb« Jf*"* jjij j,c Knew convention and both expreesed-eoa- PfJ*- *" ta .hOBM Z e<ra ov=, Iho ot . 1110 crop equal to those of the paat two , yeara, Keeded . ^^■0p6 066KS "Wmingncsa to brin* productloa (Cnth ^^■Cnnn^ T 1. In Una wllh requlremecta probably ^ — ^^■OClldlCJOD will mean continued price support." (/TVXffs, v » r. *®*** EnterwlUe, depiily dlrec- U Tice eh»!r *0'' '<>< branch ot the ^■^O ffaU c .IM, i.,n USDA. He *lded, -A crop equal to ______ tha last two yearv may mean an to* D«li« real estato " * * « ^ 10,000,0» - 1) « of cBiiriiriars Burplua." HI^H nomination ^ UcOarry, also of the ^StlA ^ R s-wnaietemiand Kr»ln,brwch. pointed out that taw ^ ne other statement. Mrs Production must be limited msOnly ■ - i " 'f « i t n e u ^ t a to dom»UctM*n».. v r ,-: 0‘tKted a Slash Neeeaaary ^B 'cllo) nn/*V-r "Th6 nation probably nUl haw o°sbtan» ' A sord o( cauUous opUmlsn m « that ; r etpressed by Judsoa Thompson of K >n mat ca- tisDA offlca of forelga rtla* S H i S S S fl to her (imrn tuid other export ^gnuDS.-' - 4, today. Thomp„n »l,o recommecded * production b« tap«r«d down to pr»* • ' '"'or levels, horerer, and aald'punU ^■ urprises en^mi^takenly tn tncmslng tht mr*" If tn« freatMt-d^ ^ V c tn o C hipf «ima wm be for b«an> o t^ «blU i^ H Jiuy 8 - ,^ C E r i Wlctle, . - - . - . ^Bonlgtu h« ' »ETH0DI8t« TBAPFID . ^■^PlcUlv bv NEW-YORK,. July B (r» -8t> ^^^'lEn'iTibn n^tn Methodist mtsslcaarle*-Wt» '*«'• been heard fn>si alnce th» ocm- 1‘kely wn.i?*!!*' Ittntfoa- of .BouU Sacea . B |H B JI? :? ”' "■ s S * S .F K 'i«ii -s s »u«esMr. ofllcUl uii today. __________ - »V>P a bi tonal Newgpaper S«rTtog ll_ . ----- ■■■■■--^Twrnr iLtS;TDAHOr I lYi iBreak by 3 Felons ry as Jsjrone T V 8 {/P)—'^^^iiardened' I I# A ll V B I mates of itarquette state 1 ^ on were foiled late today daring atiempt to break a the largest in Idaho history with Gov.G. Williams as if a deadline for filing MndfJ- lage. j ' ' on for governor, indicated a The youni governor escaped nv harmed In the near riot that l/rator, judgment. SS.W .SS"""'” * ■•*■” *— -------- ---- - Bmbtffttoirwissnrtnro . convlcls wais' shot 'and jcrl ndidates - In the hsck and a prison 1 ■»-V ■■ 1 1 suffered a broken arm. igDeadhne :• filed declanitloM of auidld. J .K " l£“ S;id-b. day afternoon and Saturday. Ralph steams, bo, Detroit, wa ajor offices while t i e other 58 ‘ m s break from iltteemen. Twcnty-seyen can- ' S S e ' ' today-a didates have filed for county were ideotilM as John }iau offices, not including precinct 6^ Jackson. «id ''Craiy Jack" I committcemen. w^re°SS?li;g long term Two of "the candidates who armed robbcrj. "nicy wero plac filed werfl endoraed by th# Twin aollliry conllnement. Palis County Belter Government a«- I Dwertbes 'ilolenee aoclatlon Thursday night. They Warden Emory Jacques said wer«~CarI'Trwin','TOputnc»n.“ tDr llams srrlred afthe prtsDn fo state senator, and Tom Alworth. spectlon ihottly before 5 p. m Democrat for stAte representative, enlered the dining hall Just a Irwin seeks rejection. convicts were.starting the ev d.SK hS’toio'S Sa.s™rSkoE.'t”a i' ring for’the sheriff r«e. WUey. a S S “dJng‘' ‘*^'by » Republican, will vie with Jack Lewli, . ‘ .'k.^,,, BuhL-Jasse-E.. Carlton,-Incumbent, Is ninnlng In the Democratlo ticket. ______ _ , , Dr. J. Woodson Creed, county coroncr, filed to run again oa the RepubUcan Ucket. Dr. Qedrge HaUey , ^^-. -JViak.U-P*lmer-aiid-Ras»dl.J. Potter, both RepubUcaas, enUred * S “ l?. S Nancarrow seeks to represent th# third district Ki No other RepubUcao haa filed for this office although T. V. NaU Is _______________ running on tha Democratlo ticket. _ 3Z Potter opposes O eorn A. ChUds, K unm 'l' l-l<>oi*fi Incumbent, and Keayon R. Qreen I t U U C l t- I X C O l S for tie post In th# *eeoad district , . George P. Bllci, Cuaeford: Jay Tnj,^l«« A vm Merrin and O. W. Ooh«r;.Rgu^- _^ JL IHSrCErrSTTS n tV T Tk afternoon. 3-Way Races S p t'fo r V ntp l-vX -. T datory—to maintain control ov( In MiiSao® £E ~ E E $;E S s = = primary election Au*. B In Ulnldoka -p„o^4 . »«i>o„o=.i,„a.r„iw.i.ii- 5C.?»?jr.iEE®u,i“ H.U, BUotoai. B .,»l ;‘„S“ C LSfrSuS ant. Joined J. 0. Hadley tn th e ^ - u j t I w ^ d support an o w pubUcaa n c « for assessor. Only ugn to maintain oeac# In th# i » # Democrat seeks Ui»offlee,-War- i%Te-«onB-botl?-th«# thtoff ren HolUnjer, Paul farmer.______ hb also reporttd oa hU fig Hottest race h u developed amon* procure t» 0.«» in federal fun etndldataa for.aherUf, UsreaAmo.. |)«ht baleaM0a^hla-N<»oM:lii crau and two RepubUeaas. Seeking curing federal funds for Idahc th# Republican nomlnatlem are remlndera to Governor Robins o Deputy Sheriff Ployd Stewart and eondlUon of Idaho roadi. ant Ployd Or«e«. plained his decision to run as Democrat* wantlnc the sheriff dldate for vice president oo nomlnaUon are UVon Ployd. who Wallace ticket, lives east of Rupert; Wendell Uc* SU,0»,DM AU Inerease Lean, Paul, and John.Hlmlu, Ru- Taylor atid federal aid to 1 l>ert. ThU Is McLean's first can- h^"lhcriasU~rrDnr-n4.000.0i dldacy but Lloyd was the Democratic 139,000.000 during hs term as aomlneo la tha last election and ator. H# told his listeners -1 Riming ran for sheriff four years is entitled to the money" It ca. icoi from the federal govemmeAt. There arp no~othci; races on the He also fluted the proposed (C«immd »» Pm« t. Cilma «> ' <C«»ll««H m r«t» I, Spectacular Fire Lea BUekeaea nsaiM of BaU iBpieamt Minpaiqr VdMIan g«(t^ nr* ThaMday-allM ar« ahawa te .tfaU pjetwe. token t at«p a boUdtac K m * tb* lUeet At rltlit Ii.UM &ar«ww« itm aa DAHO^SUNIJAT7,IORNING^JUtY9,^050 ------- : ------------- American )iled Remains tS^RMTji a break.out i»mj M hop- lOKiro. Simday July 9 W j-A n Amcrlma - Chonan last night, is still i.iolnted behind cdr rloTthat was General M acA rthur’a communique issued a on the part of relieve the battalion were iinfiuccessful. How ce. 8 a.m.^July 8 _(5 EST). •••. inrowroftK# sreanwliile an’Amencan'fanSnridlnfantry ond jtrioiuly _________ •• - - Union Ends Rail,1 Court’s Ordei l-be escaptm, •trail, was In- CHICAGO, July 8 (flV-The government ael eak from_th# and-got a .atrlkc.endlng court order, toni t ■today’s plot then ordered hia men back to work at once. - A few trains began moving tonight and no tyjack Hyatt, jg expected"''Within ---------- ;------ ^— ong terms J it 48 hourH. tfj-| HT^ wtnipiacwiin A Berie.s of rapid-fire dovel- ^ l_-UWIl oienee opments led to the strike can- ques sold WU- cellation. T l _ X prijDn for In-- —Thry •wm;:--------- --------------------- ---------- • 'I f I7 to 5 p. m. and The turoy nclted the railroad at -1- V / V UI Just as th# 6 p. ni. lEST) on ordera from g the evening Preildent Tnimtn. HAILEY, Jl -'^fr Pr««et.t oldaonofMr, dali ' 1’'® "trike. leadCTS conUnued de- drowned about . .. by a gloss ““ 'e «f Mr. Truman's rc«iueat and north of here. L S l'_ « .- -Tto_childi« jmor Buffalo, N, Y., on request of the ---------------------- imsout swlns- Justlc# department. Issued a tem- w-i# Thon81 .™ p™ s: riremei r by the arms strikers to resume their Jobs on the 5 the kltchim" Hock Island-— - - lr » — »T“ — Chief Kl^tchen ArUjur J. OIot^ , unlw president V |o i I ' fl icJTKrw -Stayed In Chlca«o.-told-tii*-strikar»-to-«- -»-•»}— sum# work. He made hla announce- y-v /* Tfc :aacarrow,.wa. i ^ - S h o r i j y . . befot e . as of anoUier ~ Ordered to Work BDHL. July B—: Glover told a reporter: ed a vlgU tonlgbt -------- "We hare no cholc# now. I have ruins of a »300,0 r _ toW the men to go bade to writ at nighu At least Hb taJd they would help move time threatened i Bock laland trains as_ soon as they block. f \V O W . <=*”: . ■■ Firemen .'■were H H gU ll |||H ||||||M fltt twice .today, as m hsKrtu^' I. e. Sen. 01«n In Buffalo July tt, M "w# Intend stani^OT th# t» *ppear in court- . ' wind ta UnSd watching, n # » a r w d w th» >nay-**iMd.<lia-fB>d a t 4 pr Mr — dpM eb^ t," hfl declored He said the strlkera would remain "J® ^ le s^ 'K S S I S Seyen Towns Hit --By^eaFPanic-in^' V S 2K ‘Red .G a s .A t t a c k ’ Realdents ln ° ra £ix year.tonn - u o u N flU -J u ly 8'{yPKA foul pOrted oddWt* o; riilfln* smell choked seven towns early to- bUckened. materi , w..hir»ift.i '*»y- sending aome resldenU Into lawns, walki and Ui« ^11 t tin hysterica and raising fean of a o le n Buckendo; W Urie crowd *“ bombing. aervice atatlon, 1 get funds But th# culprit apparently wm tona«ed.tlresths rUuJ^ and only a passing truck. S i ”™ . an organlia- The noxious odor crept through #lnth#worll Moline. East MoUne, 8Uvls-»nd “■i “V? oe# things."----- Roek-lsUnd.-IU-T and-they-sprtid a hli fight to aero## th# boi'der Into Musestln#, rj® e*to acralfuntl4j 9 Bettendorf, aad-pavcnport, Is.------- Noord^ln pro- ••-Ko ^nJurtey-were'TBported-ksJdB y » « » ry Jor Idaho; hU ttom up«t stomae^. ■o^i ^ntTM* ®*®* residents called poUce la nnoka and ir a ^ ^ hysterics. On# man insisted to silvu S S^?STd ddent on the . •Warren Btarkej over and gassing us. » en of Banoa'* Inerease An official ot the lowa-IUirwls aome water dam; aid to Idaho Elertrle company sold the the baaenwnt, bu -« 4,000.000 to Oder proba^ r ^ t e d froB a leak thing waa aU rljh term as sen- ^ ^ tank of pantalarm being hauled iniuranca adju iteners ‘Idaho thi^ugh the we* on a tmck headed todeiy to check Int ley" It can get »*«• He said the truck waa seen jaj, estimates In mmeat P*»l^ tiroush Molln# shortly be- ^ ?o u p rg ^ stale fo«^dnlght..whea the excltement - — Hi!--------------------------------------------------------- i, n Leaves Burned-Out Buildings [ • g ^ l a a . Itfl era b* Mfn-a.pcvttas ., t»fc.n fmm ~ frfred damaM la-Ui« Maaa-faBftii-h-r. Hrttmi nf irtOWaBdM- (Waff ' . -Vr • r: . CAI Irrigated Idaho Conntlea ___________ I Infantry U s Isolated Be iine^Rescue crlcaainfantry-.battalloD, cut-off during-the fightlny-i nd cdmmuniat linea ln Korea. sued about 1 p.m. Tokyo daylight time (midnight EST) , However the communique said no verifiable informatio antry. column' waa irio'vlng up to the Chonan'front to'mee ^ por Q Walkout After s der, Army’s Seizure int aeized the strikebound Rock lsland railroad to- <jf't KT-tonight. The head-of-theabiking-ATL iwitchmon urn ice. md normal resumption of operations'on the 8,000« Montji-Old Hailey t ot Drowns In Ganal g EY, July 8 —Kenneth William Llnderman, 21-month- co 5f Mr, and Mrs. Alonzo (Lonny) Linderman, Hdley, about 11:80 a.m. today in a canal about nine mUes ' here. o,!peiid.lhB.daj_with. _ -------------------^--------------- A f r i e n d , M r a , G eo rg e l U t h k e . p< TT’ The child was missed within a men JVeep few minutes. Mrs. Linderman tr _____ ^ hnH «imn >iBT- «>il1rf btiH t>^rp n jn il:atJKuin8_ • Tk 1-1 -n* ^ that time, she eaid. ^ Buhl Firm luly B-Plremen maintain- ^ 1 tonight over tbe blackened Rathke circled the hoose twice be- nd I (300 000 blaae Thursday ton starting toward the canal. Mrs. t«t t leait five men were Rathke In » truck. fro; 1 the Tlamea whleh for a Met by Bancber (jt, stened an entire botlneaa Urm. Ratbke. net J. S, Walsh, um owner ot the Bed Top ranch, who tw , .-were alerted %t • leaat ea He foimd Vbe. tat §S wi liaMd heaea aa aaiiluc eoiM be M iC .. . . .... . d a«aia about . VI a-l;^ Iba xtAvMat vteUn »u<±oni -.i (ind tonight caoaed m- Sept. .87, lMB.,at Bidlay. .Be vto tax Itching, preceded In deatb br a ttetar m pa lSrdaj^'*onoa» -b«Bur ™«Wa^~==™v=='======== m ID debris left by the flames. Svvtron Named ehi ten- treaUd by a local Beddes hla parenta he la survived aoi were Norris Shaub.lacera- by a brother, Lenoth, J; hla pa- ere Jt Meldan, amok# aad temal gtandparenta, Ur. and Mrs. dlv i;-Charlea.Tidwell.CaBU». A.-W. IiDdtnDaB..BaUer: mitamal - ined wrist: Dick Campbell, grandmother, Mn. uudred Pleree, I. and Charles OUver, over- DeSoto, Wla., and maternal ^ d - jy ne-ar thB ttae-fotahW iT -JunB ral .aenricea-TllLlM.lMM^at. , f five towns besides B iS X'^aK-Tae*<ar-al- a»-Beneroe " le only place ttavlng debrla. Community church. Lany lAkt. in surrounding areas re- atudent minuter, will offldate. In- Ihlta wamfika'MJdltBnia tennent-wUl-betnade-trtfae-BBlle^ . material were found on vue cemeletv under dlrecUoa of tba ka and atreeU. MoOoWrick ftmeral hone. • j lekendort owner of 01en-» . Werce and an atmt, Mra. A. ^ atlon. saJd he haa mor* J. Broadhed, alao DeSato, wUl ar. no ires th«n reported at first rive by plane Sunday. . m Is operating, but without > ' Bf Car Is Found ^ Reports Theft £ was damaged. Twin Falls police reoorered a ear ^ Starkey, one of the own- >toten from Pocatello Saturday ^ arion'a dgar stare, aald tore the theft vaa reported. A ahort er damage was noted In time Uter they anested'two young- >ent, but otherwise every- stefa who admitted taking the auto. ^ an right. Richard Moreno, U, and Jim ^ M adjusters atilved hera ^ iS-s-ss-A-'s; a - • Jensen, Burley. 111* crash occurred »|®“ * * * a t'9:is ajn. at tha latetaecUon of Fourth avenue north and Third . “ n g s - Is :,.V;___________ : ____ Though damage to t^ie ear wa* JW minor, one fender waa bent down I ffflggSBaa^B Matnat the wheel which prevented (g&SHBHI iT from turning. The two youths “ f* iumped from the car and ran tram the acme, Jenaen called poUoe to CTpoit Jha atrange tumataraata.-.. A radio check with Fbcatano fan> tallooffleera radioed they )iad check. ed with ths car owner who also did not know bis'auto bad been stolen S!l, CANProiCTES^tJ e«1! tla« M «. at 'aial e a ^ ; aidatee fer Uw Aa«; I ^Aaair aU»>' ....... I b year naaa-Newi today. Ibe 4iM . »y. - , ■ ...... --- Unit teliind le Fails htlny that-preceded -the-fall-of ------ t EST) Bald the first efforts to >rmation was available later than. to meet a-Korean red oolumn r»-. *“ ported pushing Bouth after capturbiff Chonan. According ... to-latast rcporta the tvo had . not motandthBT® wewLnalnr ., dicaUosB that Amcrlcaa arm- - P or has com6 to grips witb tbe O- q{ tjje tfolated bettalipn. ^t waa not on Identified_________ __________- . . BeiontoUata n . Prevlotialy, part ot an American battanon was parUiny trapped, at Osan by the rtda bat moat of Ita Names Chief I WASHnfOTOH, Jotr. B ( « - II PreeideBt-^inaBB-todar'saittad- — I'A Ges. Douglas MacArthur to tba unproeedented poet of aupreete th- conmander tor Cnlted Katloaa ,y foRea lighting-tba-eenmnnlftr 1^* Id Korea. The general waa dl* rected to Or tba btna a&d vlilta O.K. flat. Ith. Th . ...Im, ^ _ ke. pertt. trom Buropa tbtl.ftiM te - . may be tntereeted la t z ^ to " * end tha Korean elaali-a'.' « 0 - ^0 traitly, nay tit aaBemttBS ta res ralaa-lalaa hopea In the —a*.---------- icr » ----- ----------'■................................ penamal-nwufeatsmarMiH:-^ *.. can Unea Uter. ib l^ -tb n a nora rttutned today, tb t aomsamlcaa ^ The commBnlMe' rtpeittf ^ redswerefUUapplmprawiraVtth ■*ra. two or threa divW w drirtBgeocth (fSu^^SSSw fiSSSli thtt 00)^ umn bat^paaHd tlirouilt Cawiapj ■rtto Two Aaerlcra MtaUoBttmtbt this «t» eaa unit* eoatoattaittd and ttDM . ■ ■m, ebung]nareaa. .cbtmcjala 80nisaa - ived aortheaat of Taejco.- IW teda tra‘ ■ •-, pa- credited with havtng two or three An. divliloiia tn this area, too, bot tba - »al - <c«^ t a «>.reee 1. Oit«gi ^ Man flatcliM s! A utS^ Time“= £ "^“For Accident-^ . ' Ruasen 0. 'J ohm - »T '«ra • A. itreet, waa farced to cbaae hia aat»- ' ar- ntobne Riday prior to a ireak ao^ ddent at Main avenue noctb aad Blghtb atreet at n:U a-a. JotuuoQ tetd poUoe be tBne« .. rW ott Main am ny onto Migitb , itieet sortU and~ttaB litt'traBt'doiir~~ p_ eaw .ym. ^ -- - Cf. moving auto.and caoibt it Inat In - 1 1 tune to torn tbe •teartnt'aliad tba . araig war, caminc tba ear to 1 0 9 . ^ the curb and crash Into a M tdinc ' ^ The Teblole made a aenkSrtia . ^ after loalng its driver befon endi-' tag ittto the Twin PUls Baetrta . . . ^ aide of a alow mciving tncfc 40 th t ^ other alda ot tha street.. qCOein :5 aalitltwaaanJraeU Johnaenidldat ^ fall under the track. Dtooaga 'to ^ both tbe car and talbtlngiw 'S slight. . Irt in other aoddenta, aotoe drl*eB- -^.> by Slegle M. Whittington, tl.-Tata Pans, aod Arthur U. PUnnee.-I7;’._ ' _ Twin PMla. eenided a t U:W ^ B. J r Riday one mile aouth c<PtvePDiBts ^ east on the old airport read. 0btf>- ? Ufa ottteare repetfgd three ai«o«... ^ were travellag Wbltttngtos - ? attempted to paaa t«o q v in IroBt 4' •“ of h to i Plori^ m rn eil^ a-,- a n- dJlieeaf.----—I------------------------ |r A car making a V-tum at Maine P:. awBtie Bcirth..am1 Jmh-streeU-TO^....;. r inTtdved In a coUlaion a t 8»6 p. r a.^ ^ Saturday.-nMeanmaklng tbe tarn:. ; r waa driven by Arthur &. BaOajr. 10, v= “ Hansen. -Another attto,-<W w-i(r-D= !i5 »tbp6 - v o w ».JSgSgK ^^ M. Doylev ir . aafced-pettT-qtn5 g : f > *8 . .-V . ir > wJ - RDHWT.-A<I^^CBaiggh^^ !^ * M: :B?!jglSg5 lB B ^gaiBiai tan w iliie?«»SiS3 S3 ^BHH ifc*I---

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Page 1: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

; b u l l e t i n — I 1

I Karlrt »>«* to- .— m mS l c n > l (aUUm»t 1

In «»■■ Ti«H»n P f ca______________ r jm] ^ ’^ M i iu a t~ a t T . ■ : : . . . “ _ . .

...... - ■ ___________ j A R egional Ne

,‘ 'N d T 'S f.......... - ...... ' ' " ~

Seek Posts i tote Primary ^Hmgs in Eluly 8 CTO—A field of 60 condidatca, bolloved to be the lai ry election, was completed today with tlio paYaihg of a dm lorge E. Vaughn, candidate for the GOP nomination for nent will be asked on validity of petitions filed today, aid he would ask the state supreme court for a declaratoryrtised dca'dliho for...........i

T. F. Gandi f f f r r Beat Filing]reprenie to Sixty-two Candidates lo r office filed <

acy w ith the county iderk Friday aft. N in<^f them are ruiming for m ajor off]

ufy QBtttiMea Mek elcHion aa precinct commltteeme

'lh'c* 10*0 IcKlalni o' c h o o l B o a i ' d commiti

i i f S S Appeals Ic^had ndvcrtlsed In L a n d C a s eitndsr toal todsy was education of c liu A Democmi

fS.V hv vMt« “ hool district No. m nifd two Irwin sti e and HIM by yeal«r-. r « r t T « l Rupremo court Friday In tulU delcctlve.I p fimvllft laid brought to condemn property for a ring for

ihB HllnR U high Khool .Ito and to deter- Republic.Ujy_ of Ihe JlUr« to BuhL-J«

« ^ acquiring the slie, Is ninnlm .f n , nf .h , Dlitrlct Judge Kale* E. to*e de- Dr. J.

, . ^ “ non.sult In the board's coroncr. :ling loaay nere nom- condemn « acrcs of land RepubUcna _ i« ^ i ^ , »ouia BO n»ned.teU ary Hot KhlchJheJjojual *aa lllcd[I «ld'he'd"«k°Uio *“*• ■n S 2 . ? ' , t X " ^ - n o K T . ' S S " ! , ; . » . ““ii,.. ■11 linn 1 At «llfB of a,deelanitor7 Judgment by p e racef f l ^ ^ u r s to file •'‘“'K® *" friendly «ult J? '? ? , ®

wiiiiBm. brought by ThomM HoTenden tf .!?.'IL M S « - l “ t »■■ » " •« 1» a= ltm l« . ! ft “ 5 "

■>r> J u ^ g e i!i* w e » ? ? u rW an E d ^ hurtled down followed, Incuinbene comaor. wavlns a 1. The board murt « lect • alte. .

S .,.«« »««.. s iIMRpliilH

<. ....... tlon features from thO

f c o n e d J o _j-~, the school dlitrlct authorlilng the ' ‘“ "U;

«V I A 111* f change of locatloD of the place of w r_____ Y V ^ U U l L teaching the high achool elassM. K _ l l /

g *1,1. (,„• r A *• A two-thlrda majcrtty In favor YT.^ ^ ■ qcq. n a^L E BmvJ of * «f**W murt'be obtained. ~

■^^3™ r» s n.s'pr‘k»r£»;ii.;'s SeiS i S S " J ! , “ u a “'g. :_;T f

C. Jamwi. Bliaw and James reprejMt-susptndri as inw ed. Ml43. Hof.; Hovendtti »ttcmty

^ » 6tmnliflQncr; Cl&r- was Robert BaUelsen.fonner iitrcctor of prtmarr «

B e a n D e a l e r s E ' I s

D i s c u s s N e e dthe Alping club, TT* C s. PUbUcaa' For Supports ^

club-wera arretted BUN VALLEY, July > -ru ture Rottest ^^V 'h(a-«rrsi;ncd-thi!}r prlee-aupport-far-bM it-i^uoU on o ndldita

b'lt a month ago nndanultlmatAbaUneebtweensup- guUty pjcu tn d *nd dcjnand will depend upon the Rep

RTowera'acctptance of acreage aUot- I>C7Uty G ^ B ‘II stirt Monday be- raeats. delegates to th# Weitetn O r ^^■ou<l<e John Wright B '*" Dealers asaoclatlon were toM

here today. nomln«Utsaid he didn't Three men from the V. 8 . depart- p®*

^ ^ ® t_ ts i e . i i .4ii-Rboui-“ -meat ol. agriculturt addrt«ud-tb« Jf*"*jj i j j,c Knew convention and both expreesed-eoa- PfJ*- *"

ta .hOBM Z e<ra ov=, Iho ot . 1110crop equal to those of the paat two ,yeara, Keeded .

^ ^ ■ 0 p 6 0 6 6 K S "Wmingncsa to brin* productloa (Cnth ^ ^ ■ C n n n ^ T 1. In Una wllh requlremecta probably ^ — — ^^■O C lldlC JO D will mean continued price support."

(/TVXffs, v » r . *®*** EnterwlUe, depiily dlrec- U Tice eh»!r *0'' '<>< branch ot the

^ ■ ^ O f f a U c .IM, i.,n USDA. He *lded, -A crop equal to ______tha last two yearv may mean an to*

D«li« real estato " * * « ^ 10,000,0» - 1) «of cBiiriiriars Burplua." H I ^ H

nomination ^ UcOarry, also of the ^StlA ^ R s-w naie tem iand Kr»ln,brwch. pointed out that ta w ^ ne other

statement. Mrs Production must be limited msOnly ■ - i " ' f « i t n e u ^ t a to dom»UctM*n».. v r , - :

0‘tKted a Slash Neeeaaary^ B 'c l l o ) nn/*V-r "Th6 nation probably nUl haw

o°sbtan» ' A sord o( cauUous opUmlsn m« that ; r etpressed by Judsoa Thompson of K >n mat ca- tisDA offlca of forelga rtla*

S H i S S S f lto her (imrn tuid other export ^ g n u D S .- '

- 4, today. Thomp„n » l ,o recommecded * production b« tap«r«d down to pr»*

• ' '"'or levels, horerer, and aald'punU^ ■ u r p r i s e s en^mi^takenly t n tncmslng th t

mr*" If tn« freatMt-d^^ V c t n o C h i p f « im a wm be for b«an> o t ^ «blU i ^ H

Jiuy 8 - , ^ C E r i W lctle, . - - . - .

^ B o n l g t u h« ' »E T H 0D I8t« TBAPFID .^ ■ ^ P l c U l v bv NEW-YORK,. July B ( r » - 8t>^ ^ ^ 'lE n 'iT ib n n ^ tn Methodist mtsslcaarle*-Wt» '*«'•

been heard fn>si alnce th» ocm- 1‘kely wn.i?*!!*' Ittntfoa- of .BouU Sacea . B | H

B ’J I? :? ”' "■ s S * S .F K 'i « i i - s s»u«esMr. ofllcUl u i i t o d a y .__________ - »V>P a bi

tonal N ew gpap e r S«rT to g l l _ .

- - - - - ■ ■■■■--^Twrnr iLtS;TDAHOr

I l Y i iBreak by 3 Felonsry as Jsjrone

T V 8 {/P)—'^^^iiardened'I I # A l l V B I m a tes of ita rq u e tte s ta te 1

^ on w ere foiled la te today da rin g a tiem p t to break

a th e la rg e s t in Id ah o h is to ry w ith G ov.G . W illiam s asif a deadline f o r f i lin g M n d fJ- la g e . j ' ' on fo r g o verno r, in d ic a ted a The youni governor escapednv harmed In the near riot that

l /ra to r , judgment. S S . W . S S " " " ' ”* ■•*■” *— • -------- ---- - B m b tff t to irw is s n r tn ro

. convlcls wais' shot 'and jcrl

ndidates - In the hsck and a prison 1 ■»-V ■ ■ 1 1 • suffered a broken arm.

igDeadhne:• filed declanitloM o f auidld. “ J . K " l£“ S ; a fte rn o o n a n d S a tu rd a y . Ralph steams, bo, Detroit, waa jo r o ffices w h ile t i e o th e r 58 ‘ m s break fromiltteem en. T w cn ty -se y en can - ' S S e ™ ' ' today-ad id a tes h av e f ile d f o r c o u n ty were ideotilM as John }iauo ffices, n o t in c lu d in g p re c in c t 6^ Jackson. «id ''Craiy Jack" Icom m ittcem en . w^re°SS?li;g long term

Tw o o f "the c an d id a te s w ho armed robbcrj. "nicy wero placfiled werfl endoraed by th# Twin aollliry conllnement.Palis County Belter Government a«- I Dwertbes 'iloleneeaoclatlon Thursday night. They Warden Emory Jacques saidwer«~CarI'Trwin','TOputnc»n.“ tDr llams srrlred a fth e prtsDn fostate senator, and Tom Alworth. spectlon ihottly before 5 p. mDemocrat for stAte representative, enlered the dining hall Just aIrwin seeks rejection. convicts were.starting the ev

d . S K hS’ t o io 'S S a .s ™ rS k o E .'t”a i 'ring for’the sheriff r« e . WUey. a S S “dJng‘' ‘*^'by »Republican, will vie with Jack Lewli, . ‘ .'k. ^ , , ,BuhL-Jasse-E.. Carlton,-Incumbent,Is ninnlng In the Democratlo ticket. ______ _ , ,

Dr. J. Woodson Creed, county coroncr, filed to run again oa the RepubUcan Ucket. Dr. Qedrge HaUey ,^ f l l e d J o r . t h #^-. ™

-JV iak .U -P*lm er-a iid -R as»dl.J.Potter, both RepubUcaas, enUred *

S “ l?. S Nancarrow seeks to represent th# third district K iNo other RepubUcao haa filed for “this office although T. V. NaU Is _______________running on tha Democratlo ticket. _ 3 ZPotter opposes O eorn A. ChUds, K u n m ' l ' l- l< > o i* fi Incumbent, and Keayon R. Qreen I t U U C l t- I X C O l S for t ie post In th# *eeoad district , .

George P. Bllci, Cuaeford: Jay T n j , ^ l « « A v m Merrin and O. W. O o h « r; .R g u ^ - _^ JL

IHSrCErrSTTSn t V T T k afternoon.3-Way Races

S p t ' f o r V n t pl - v X -. T datory—to maintain control ov(

I n MiiSao®£ E ~ E E $ ; E S s= =primary election Au*. B In Ulnldoka - p „ o ^ 4 .

» « i > o „ o = . i ,„ a . r „ i w . i . i i - 5C . ? » ? j r . i E E ® u , i “ H .U , BUotoai. B . ,» l ; ‘„ S “ C L S f r S u S

ant. Joined J . 0 . Hadley tn t h e ^ - u j t I w ^ d support an o wpubUcaa n c « for assessor. Only ugn to maintain oeac# In th# i» # Democrat seeks Ui»offlee,-War- i%Te-«onB-botl?-th«# thtoffren HolUnjer, Paul farm er.______ hb also reporttd oa hU fig

Hottest race h u developed amon* procure t » 0.«» in federal fun etndldataa for.aherUf, UsreaAmo.. |)«ht baleaM0a^hla-N<»oM:liicrau and two RepubUeaas. Seeking curing federal funds for Idahcth# Republican nomlnatlem are remlndera to Governor Robins oDeputy Sheriff Ployd Stewart and eondlUon of Idaho roadi. antPloyd Or«e«. plained his decision to run as

Democrat* wantlnc the sheriff dldate for vice president oonomlnaUon are UVon Ployd. who Wallace ticket,lives east of Rupert; Wendell Uc* SU,0»,DM AU InereaseLean, Paul, and John.H lm lu, Ru- Taylor atid federal aid to 1l>ert. ThU Is McLean's first can- h^"lhcriasU~rrDnr-n4.000.0idldacy but Lloyd was the Democratic 139,000.000 during hs term asaomlneo la tha last election and ator. H# told his listeners -1Riming ran for sheriff four years is entitled to the money" It ca.icoi from the federal govemmeAt.

There arp no~othci; races on the He also fluted the proposed(C«immd »» Pm« t. Cilma «> ' <C«»ll««H m r«t» I,

Spectacular Fire Lea

BUekeaea n s a iM of BaU iB p ieam t Minpaiqr VdMIan g«(t^ nr* ThaMday-allM ar« ahawa te . tfaU pjetwe. token t

at«p a boUdtac K m * tb* lU eet At rltlit Ii.UM &ar«ww« i t m aa

D A H O ^ S U N IJA T 7 ,IO R N IN G ^ JU tY 9 ,^ 0 5 0 ------- :-------------

American )iled RemainstS ^ R M T jia b re a k .o u ti»mj M hop- lO K ir o . S im d a y J u ly 9 W j - A n A m c rlm a

- Chonan la s t n ig h t , is s ti ll i.iolnted beh ind cdr rloTthat was G enera l M a c A r th u r ’a com m unique issued a on the part of re lieve th e b a t ta l io n w ere iinfiuccessful. H ow ce. 8 a .m .^ Ju ly 8 _(5 p .in . E S T ) . •••.inrow roftK # sreanw liile a n ’A m e n c a n 'f a n S n r id ln fa n tr yond jtrioiuly _________ • • • - - •

Union Ends Rail,1 Court’s Ordei

l-be escaptm,•trail, was In- CH ICA G O, J u ly 8 ( f lV -T h e g o v e rn m e n t ael eak from_th# a n d -g o t a .a tr lk c .e n d ln g c o u r t o rd e r , toni t ■ today’s plot then o rdered h ia m e n back to w ork a t once.

- A few t r a i n s b e g a n m ov ing to n ig h t and notyjack Hyatt, jg expected" ''W ithin ---------- ;------ —ong terms J i t 48 hourH. t f j - | H T ^wtnipiacwiin A Berie.s o f r a p id - f ir e dovel- ^ l_-UWIl oienee opm en ts led t o th e s t r ik e can-ques sold WU- cella tion . T l _ XprijDn for In-- —Thry •wm;:--------- --------------------- ---------- • ' I f I 7to 5 p. m. and The turoy nclted the railroad at -1- V / VUI Just as th# 6 p. ni. lEST) on ordera from g the evening Preildent T nim tn . H A IL E Y , J l

- '^ f r P r« « e t.t o ld a o n o f M r ,dali ' 1’ '® "trike. leadCTS conUnued de- d row ned about. . . by a gloss “ “ 'e «f Mr. Truman's rc«iueat and n o r th of he re . L S l ' _ « . - - T t o _ c h i l d i «jm or Buffalo, N, Y., on request of the ----------------------imsout swlns- Justlc# department. Issued a tem- w-i#Thon 81.™ p™ s: riremeir by the arms strikers to resume their Jobs on the 5 the kltchim" Hock Island-— - - l r » — »T“ —Chief Kl^tchen ArUjur J. OIot^ , u n lw president V | o i I ' f l icJTKrw -Stayed In Chlca«o.-told-tii*-strikar»-to-«- -»-•»}—

sum# work. He made hla announce- y-v /* Tfc :aacarrow,.wa. i ^ - S h o r i j y . . befot e .

as of anoUier ~ Ordered to Work BDHL. July B—:Glover told a reporter: ed a vlgU tonlgbt

-------- "We hare no cholc# now. I have ruins of a »300,0r _ toW the men to go bade to w ri t a t nighu At least

Hb taJd they would help move time threatened i Bock laland trains as_ soon as they block.f \ V O W . <=*”: ■ . ■■ Firemen .'■wereH H g U l l | | | H | | | | | | M f l t t twice .today, as m

hsKrtu^'I. e . Sen. 01«n In Buffalo July t t , M "w# Intend stani^O T th# t» *ppear in c o u rt- . ' wind ta

UnSd watching, n # » a r w d w th» >nay-**iMd.<lia-fB>d a t 4 pr Mr —d p M e b ^

t," hfl declored He said the strlkera would remain "J® ^

l e s ^ ' K S S I S ’

Seyen Towns Hit --By^eaFPanic-in '

V S 2 K ‘Red . G a s . A t t a c k ’ Realdents ln ° r a£ix year.tonn - u o u N f l U - J u l y 8'{yPKA foul pOrted oddWt* o;

riilfln* smell choked seven towns early to- bUckened. materi, w ..hir»ift.i '*»y- sending aome resldenU Into lawns, walki andUi« ^11 t t in hysterica and raising fean of a o len Buckendo;W Urie crowd *“ bombing. aervice atatlon, 1

get funds But th# culprit apparently wm tona«ed.tlresthsr U u J ^ and only a passing truck. S i ”™. an organlia- The noxious odor crept through ™# ln th # w o r ll Moline. East MoUne, 8Uvls-»nd “■ i “ V ? ‘oe# things."----- Roek-lsUnd.-IU-T and-they-sprtida hli fight to aero## th# boi'der Into Musestln#, rj® e * toacralfuntl4j 9 Bettendorf, aad -pavcnpor t , I s.-------Noord^ln pro- ••-Ko ^nJurtey-were'TBported-ksJdB y » « » r yJor Idaho; hU ttom up « t stom ae^.■o^i ^ntTM * ®*®* residents called poUce la nnoka and i r a ^

^ hysterics. On# m an insisted to silvu S S ^ ? S T dddent on the . •Warren Btarkejover and gassing us. » e n of Banoa'*Inerease An official o t the lowa-IUirwls aome water dam;aid to Idaho Elertrle company sold the the baaenwnt, bu

- « 4,000.000 to Oder p ro b a ^ r ^ t e d froB a leak thing waa aU rljhterm as sen- ^ ^ tank of pantalarm being hauled iniuranca adju

iteners ‘Idaho thi^ugh the w e* on a tmck headed todeiy to check Intley" It can get »*«• He said th e truck waa seen ja j, estimates Inm m eat P * » l^ tiroush Molln# shortly be- ^ ?o up r g ^ stale fo«^d n lg h t..w h e a the excltement- — Hi!--------------------------------------------------------- i , n

Leaves Burned-Out Buildings

[ • g ^ l a a . Itfl e ra b* M fn-a .pcv ttas., t»fc.n fmm ~ frfred dam aM la-U i« Maaa-faBftii-h-r. H rttm i nfirtOWaBdM- (Waff ' . -Vr • r:


I rr ig a ted Ida h o C o n n tle a ___________

I Infantry U s Isolated Be iine^Rescuec rlc a a in fa n t ry - .b a t ta l lo D , c u t-o f f d u r in g - th e f ig h tln y - i nd cdm m un ia t linea l n K orea .sued a b o u t 1 p .m . T o k y o d a y lig h t tim e (m id n ig h t EST ) , H ow ever th e c o m m u n iq u e sa id no ve rifiab le in fo rm atio

an try . co lum n ' w aa ir io 'v ln g up to th e C h o n a n 'f ro n t to 'm ee por

Q Walkout After s der, Army’s Seizurein t ae ized th e s tr ik e b o u n d Rock ls la n d ra ilro a d to - <jf't K T-tonight. T h e h e a d - o f- th e a b ik in g -A T L iw itc h m o n urn ice.m d n o rm al re su m p tio n o f o p e ra tio n s 'o n th e 8,000«

Montji-Old Hailey t ot Drowns In Ganal gE Y , Ju ly 8— K e n n e th W illia m L lnde rm an , 21-m o n th - co 5f M r, a n d M rs. A lonzo (L o n n y ) L inde rm an , H d le y ,

a b o u t 11:80 a .m . to d a y in a cana l ab o u t n ine m U es „' h e re . o, tii ld iif ld .gQ ne_w ith JiIa-m o the .f!pe iid .lhB .daj_w ith . _------------------- --------------- A f r ie n d , M ra , G eorge lU th k e . p<

TT’ T h e ch ild w a s m issed w ith in a “m e n J V e e p f e w m in u te s . M rs. L in d e rm a n tr

_____ ^ hnH «imn >iBT- «>il1rf btiH t> rpn jn

il:atJKuin8_ „• T k 1 - 1 - n * ^ th a t time, she eaid. ^Buhl Firmluly B-Plremen maintain- ^ 1tonight over tbe blackened Rathke circled the hoose twice be- ndI (300 000 blaae Thursday t o n starting toward the canal. Mrs. t«tt leait five men were Rathke In » truck. fro;1 the Tlamea whleh for a Met by Bancber (jt,stened an entire botlneaa Urm. R atbke . n e t J. S, Walsh, um

owner o t the Bed Top ranch, who tw, .-were alerted %t • leaat e a He foimd Vbe. tat§S

w iliaMd heaea aa a a i i lu c eoiM be M iC .. . . .... .d a«aia about . VI a - l ; ^ I b a xtAvM at vteUn » u < ± o n i - . i(ind tonight caoaed m - Sept. .87, lMB.,at Bidlay. .Be v to taxItching, preceded In deatb br a ttetar m p alS rd a j^ '* o n o a » -b«Bur ™ « W a^ ~ = = ™ v = = '= = = = = = = = mID debris left by the flames. S vv tron Named ehiten- treaUd by a local Beddes hla parenta he la survived aoiwere Norris Shaub.lacera- by a brother, Lenoth, J ; hla pa- ereJ t Meldan, amok# aad tem al gtandparenta, Ur. and Mrs. dlvi;-Charlea.Tidwell.CaBU». A.-W. IiDdtnDaB..BaUer: m itam al -ined wrist: Dick Campbell, grandmother, M n. uudred Pleree,I. and Charles OUver, over- DeSoto, Wla., and maternal ^ d - j y

ne-ar thB ttae-fo tahW iT - Ju n B ra l .aenricea-TllLlM.lMM^at. ,f five towns besides B i S X '^ aK -T ae*<ar-a l- a» -B eneroe "le only place ttavlng debrla. Community church. Lany lA surrounding areas re- atudent minuter, will offldate. In-

Ih lta w am fika'M JdltBnia ten nent-wUl-betnade-trtfae-BBlle^ —. material were found on vue cemeletv under dlrecUoa of tbaka and atreeU. MoOoWrick ftmeral hone. • jlekendort owner of 01en-» . Werce and an atmt, Mra. A. ^atlon. saJd he haa mor* J . Broadhed, alao DeSato, wUl a r . n oires th«n reported a t f i r s t rive by plane Sunday. . mIs operating, but without > ' B f

Car Is Found ^

Reports Theft £was damaged. Twin Falls police reoorered a ear ^

Starkey, one of the own- >toten from Pocatello Saturday ^arion'a dga r stare, aald tore the theft vaa reported. A ahorter damage was noted In time Uter they anested'two young->ent, but otherwise every- stefa who admitted taking the auto. ^an right. Richard Moreno, U, and Jim ^M adjusters atilved hera ^

iS -s-ss-A -'s; a- • Jensen, Burley. 111* crash occurred »|®“

* * * a t '9:is ajn. a t tha latetaecUon ofFourth avenue north and Third . “

n g s - I s:,.V ;___________ :____ Though damage to t ie ear wa* JW

minor, one fender waa bent down

Iff f l g g S B a a ^ B M atnat the wheel which prevented ( g & S H B H I iT from turning. The two youths “ f*

iumped from the car and ran tram th e acme, Jenaen called poUoe to CTpoit Jha atrange tum ata raa ta .- ..

A radio check with Fbcatano fan>

tallooffleera radioed they )iad check. ed with ths car owner who also did no t know bis'auto bad been stolen S ! l ,

tbe word. Approilinatelr tw anoun aft«»- the aiyUlent,.-a vemao. too excited to KlT« her name, called to tq x irt aha had aeen the two twya." ^

soeeaat, 'HieeroverUUe w asito tev

the a ^ e S p '*i s - . ^ Pana, aeccMlng to pattte

' ' The atolen ta r . boned left o tta m m eaat asd-«r«ataed —

.'waa on Third, a ^ l Saaat. ofttcers aald. No damaga U ^ t e d to the Jendin auto. .

ta ry o f Agrf«ultur«Brannanaaidto- * m m P P P P I I day the nation U ty t ^ y y aryd to ’

a h o » « i S i ^ ' D ^ t t a a T l M ? t a f w . 2 *Tnw* :>» .n*. .MM Ipr .1*?

- . T-T7. T " - 7 -{B raanan aald la »tt1at<rTlg». ^

CANProiCTES^tJe«1! tla« M « . a t 'aial e a ^ ;aidatee fer Uw Aa«; I ^ A a air aU»>' .......I b year naaa-N ew i today. Ib e 4iM .

»y. - , ■ . . . . . . - - -

Unit teliind le Failsh tln y th a t- p re c e d e d - t h e - f a l l - o f ------

t E ST ) Bald th e f i r s t e f f o r t s to >rm ation w a s av ailab le la te r th a n .

to m e e t a -K o rea n r e d oolum n r » - .*“ p o r ted p u sh in g B outh a f t e r

c ap tu rb if f C honan . A cco rd ing . . . to - la ta s t rcp o r ta t h e t v o h a d .

n o t m o tand thB T ® w ew L n a ln r ., d icaU osB th a t A m c rlc a a a rm - -

P o r h a s com 6 to g r ip s w itb tb e

O- q{ tjje tfolated bettalipn. ^ t waa noton Identified_________ __________- . .

B e io n to U a ta n . Prevlotialy, part ot an American

battanon was parUiny trapped, a t Osan by the rtda bat moat of Ita

Names ChiefI WASHnfOTOH, Jotr. B ( « -

I I PreeideBt-^inaBB-todar'saittad- — I'A Ges. Douglas MacArthur to tba

unproeedented poet of aupreete th - conmander tor Cnlted Katloaa ,y foRea lighting-tba-eenm nnlftr 1^* Id Korea. The general waa dl*

rected to Or tba btna a&d vlilta O.K. flat.

Ith . T h . ...Im , ^ _ke. pertt. trom Buropa tb tl .ftiM te - . may be tntereeted la t z ^ to " * end tha Korean e laali-a'.' « 0 - ^ 0 traitly, n a y tit aaB em ttB S tare s ralaa-lalaa hopea In the —a*.----------i c r »----- ----------'■ .................... ............ —penamal-nwufeatsmarMiH:- *.. can Unea Uter. i b l ^ - t b n a nora ” rttutned today, t b t aomsamlcaa

^ The commBnlMe' r tp e i ttf ^ redsw erefU U applm praw iraV tth

■*ra. two or threa divW w drirtBgeocth

( fS u ^ ^ S S S w fiS S S li th tt 00)^umn bat^paaHd tlirouilt Cawiapj

■rtto Two A aerlcra M taU oB ttm tbt this

« t» eaa unit* e o a to a t ta i t td and ttDM . ■■m,

ebung]nareaa. .cb tm cjala 80nisaa - ived aortheaat of Taejco.- IW teda tr a ‘ ■•-, pa- credited with havtng two or three An. divliloiia tn this area, too, bot tb a - » a l - <c«^ t a «>.reee 1. Oit«gi

^ Man flatcliM s! A u tS ^ Time“= £ "“For Accident-^

. ' Ruasen 0 . ' J o h m - »T '« r a • A. itreet, waa farced to cbaae hia aat»- ' a r- ntobne R iday prior to a ireak ao^

ddent a t Main avenue noctb aad Blghtb atreet a t n :U a -a .

JotuuoQ tetd poUoe be tB ne« .. r W o tt Main a m n y onto Migitb , itieet sortU and~ttaB litt'traB t'do iir~ ~

p _ e a w . y m . ^

-- -Cf. moving auto.and cao ib t i t Inat In - 1 1 tune to to rn tbe •teartn t'aliad tb a .

a ra ig war, caminc tba ear to 1 0 9 . ^ the curb and crash Into a M td in c ' ^ The Teblole made a aenkSrtia . ^ after loalng its driver befon e n d i- '

tag ittto the Twin PUls Baetrta . . .

^ aide of a alow mciving tncfc 40 th t ^ other alda ot tha street.. qCOein : 5 aa litltw aaanJraeU Johnaenidldat ^ fall under the track. Dtooaga 'to ^ both tbe car and ta lb t ln g iw 'S slight. .I rt in other aoddenta, aotoe drl*eB- - .>

by Slegle M. Whittington, tl.-T ata Pans, aod Arthur U . PUnnee.-I7; ’. _ '

_ Twin PMla. eenided a t U:W ^ B .J r Riday one mile aouth c<PtvePDiBts ^ east on the old airport read. 0btf>- ? Ufa ottteare repetfgd three ai«o«...^ were travellag Wbltttngtos -? attempted to paaa t«o q v in IroBt 4 ' •“ of h t o i P l o r i ^ m r n e i l ^ a-,- an - dJlieeaf.----—I------------------------| r A car making a V-tum a t Maine P:. awBtie Bcirth..am1 Jmh-streeU-TO^....;. r inTtdved In a coUlaion a t 8»6 p. r a . ^ ^ Saturday.-nMeanmaklng tbe ta rn : .; r waa driven by Arthur &. BaOajr. 10, v= “ Hansen. -Another a ttto ,-< W w -i(r-D =

!i5 »tbp6 - v o w

» . J S g S g K ^ ^M. Doylev i r . aafced-pettT-qtn5 g : f >

*8 . . - V .

i r >w J - R D H W T .- A < I ^ ^ C B a ig g h ^ ^

! ^ *M : :B ? ! jg lS g 5 l B B ^ g a i B i a i

ta n w i l i i e ? « » S i S 3 S3 ^ B H Hifc* I---

Page 2: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

■ PA O BTW O ■ ,

r Idaho Filing- llr - tp n d 8 ;-Re8ults — ---------7 j A re in Doubt l l _____

* rtit* oniM wao h id pvbllely in - ill v '. acm eta hi* cicdidicy »nd tilled l l N to nil. Heston h id umounced lor ' , I L . ^ '

■ th* lUpubllcan nomlniUon for tlie 11 >vL • tx -jttr D .8. senii« lenn. II X

Hare'i a compleM lUt ot *Ut« Mid □ \concrtttloniU cindldiu* (or the in .Aug. 8 primary elecUon btlloL-•• SENATE, « -« A B TERM NoW flVC da]/S_WtthOUt

Bepabllciiu tratftc d e a tn in our M agi 0. A. Roblos. St. M iriej; John

Swbora. Hi«ermtn; Herrnaa Wei- *'““ »*'•k«r, Piyett«. ' " ' ■ ”

Divorces A re - As ked by Twc

H»nt? 0 . Dwor»hak. Burley; Abe ^ ____ .

DemocriU IXirorca cosipUlnt4 ch irtlnc crT. U. Bl«tlire, PocaUUo; OUude md iDhumin (reitsient wrre (I

J. Biirt«n»hiw, Rabunt: Edwin M. in ..iiilrlct court Frtdiy by (H#ldeB.IdihoFalU;nobertL.Quci- ,ooiea.m»rneW,TwlnriU«;lAVer«Bwope, Lyau B. Crom leeki » dlro

-BoUe. - ' _ Jrom BUnJer S. O f«n and ciut.CONORE88. rm S T BTSTRtCT ol in adopted child. Ronald L«e

■ »M *1«> ^ . .M e wood, luued reslntntag ber hiub ind St ' n Brtfihim Qeneiee: MlHni eommimlty property untU

“ K S K . ' S S S ' S '

■ : o . jrSothne. Twto FdUj; m m ef tafra m a e h ln ^ l lr a to c k . CTop*Budge. Bolw: Andrew H. Johnion, the field, a I9« auio and one-iBlitifoot: Edward Wooiley. Malad leentli lntere»t In 1.000 acre* of liCity ■ " “ f MtJSlon, Tr*. The w£fe e

Democrats mnWi tho Tilue of the propertv- James Hawley. Jr.. Boise; W. H. more thaa ITO.OOC.

(Pele) Jensen, Pocatello; Wayne Bfti alio seeKs llSO per mc«LoTslesi. Burley: Nellie Cline Siten- nipport for herself and the cllOD. Pocatello; W. C. Thornton, pendlni the court actloa. COoodlng. - Crocni were married Juno 30. li

GOVERNOR In DenTBT. Oolo. Baybom and RRepnblleant born are the wlfe'a attorney.

— - - - Reilly AUcln«oni Sols«; 6«tb Har> - Utrl«-R«ndall tiled..ault.agaJper, Shoshone: Len Jordan, Orange- Olarenee Randall, both UurUti vllle; J. D. Price. Ualad City: Oeon« eh* ask* custody of three chlldi S. Vaughn, Payette. Otrr 1, Robert «. and Kitabetl-

- Waltw 0ay, Twin l>U.:,Bdson ot .ccoimuj Deal, N a m p * .^ ^ ^ ^ , j ^

RcDabUeana--------- m t H M ?-T to lM ^3 .-r.-« o i. - The -«oupl«- waa- married May

- - -D. DafOals ^ tUUhu m ;.O ecm t-----

S',S^r„«S'K-i:S 2 Races on GOl % T TD B K E ^ oibreRAL Ticket in Goodin

matoH Sli^,ninow ^unty’s PrimBE. Bnylle. C a Jd w e ^ • q o o d d jo . July 5-Two races

VM..V T —. ^ . ^ ^ 1. . Ttloped today for the Ooodlns ct

p. A. Buahfleld. Boise. ,_________ STATE TREA8PRER

“ •■ ''"S s.Ruth O Moon Boise Shulff R. B. CecU filed tor nom

BUPT. »CBL10 D48TBCCTI0KBepahUeao can ticket. Ha will be oppom

Alton B .'Jonei, Idaho I'alls. R- Wap) Oate*.Demserat* ‘ Other Bepublltana flUnj ar« E

-------—-t n HaIm.; n <1. Hiilllv.n. P.p. wim»m Pvle. Treasurer C------- Boise! N e iU t Robinson, Lewiston, erlne D. Stone. AsBessorWesTrt

STATX MINE INSPECTOa . sQn..Wendell: Countr Commissi BepnbUcan J. B. B«ifrow. third district,

Oeorse McDowell. \Varren. th»e justices cf the peace. Ou________________Jltm ecrat----------------- CoUi. aootUnB:.R-D.-Jl8eato

Arthur Campbell, Bellevue. ’ Wendell, and Ellis B. Allen. I ll 8DPBEME CODRT JUSTICE miin.

Non-Partisan . Democrats seeking nomlnatlor(Two to be Electod) Ererelt Daubner tor state leni

Walter H. Anderson, Pocatello: omt 710yd for sheriff: Bert Bo Frank L. Benson. BoUe: Alfred 0. mtumbeat clerk-auditor-recoi

I Cordon. Pocatello; Alvin Denman. Charles C. Shaw, present prosi Idaho Palls: C. J. Taylor. Idaho utomey. and B. F. Parker

~ ~ ‘S i i r p r i i a ’ ~ R n t r y . ~ r M a g i c Y a l l e r i

Noted for Camas Counly’s Filings

FADinELD, July 8-Several blank wnducted at 2;30 p. m. Tuesdi ipoti and no races for party nomlna- the twin Falls m ortuan wltti Uan were not«d as th e deadline doi- r^t, r , o . Muhly officlatlrut. E »d her* today for candidates flUnf will be made In the Twin for tha Au*. a prlmaxr election. cemetery.

Edward Reagan, Democratic can- -------dldat« for itaU senator, was a late ...BUHI^Puneral services for

( . fuiprls* entry aa hi* peUtlons wer* Emma Kruse will he held a t 3I fUed la(« today. Tuesday a t the AlbertMn mem

I' ■ PlUag oa the Republican ticket ehipel. Th* Rff». PVed B. Hall.wen Ererelt Trader for «Ute rep- Prt«byt«rlan church pastor, wll

II reMnUUve; SUte Ben. John H. tlelate. Burial will be made Ir• Bahr; HherUf John L. Hitieb: Pro- Buhl city cemelen-.

bat* (Judifl R. 0 . Naser; Tr*a*urer •——B. W. atrublB; Prosecutln* Attorney DEIiEVUE-PuneraJ seni-lcc

I ChaHM0 . 8 .Sco»gln,M anoleaha» WlUlam y a d o ra an

! ■ “ o‘5fL“ r ' ' u , r ^ i s s .u ,. ^,--------M f6Ul*-R«p,-a-MM-HMMD. e e - M evue.,e5^ r ) . ----------' OAJtLEV-Pimeral sen'leea ‘ risrence Craner will be held

. V'- pjn, Wednesday a t-the Oakley ........ ' ■ ~ 'i ubetnacle. Burial will be mac

T h e H o s p i t a r “ r j j u s ” : ! " ; ; ... ................... . i . I J /uneral'home In Burley until ^

-— TUltlng-Ju> t]u Twin FaUs ,<.,,4. . it ^ni he ti r - ~ T O t > l io ^ t a l a « 'f t ? f e ^ MThT r S ^

1 to I p m _____. A T O i rm ) BU ee-Funeral service* f o r :

li J^ F ra n c e s f tU o Id t. Mr*. John- »n-ftchannen will be held a t3 , W ’ VltgU Raybom, Mr^ Monday a t the Thompson 'ct la f ? * M e W lU ^ Md Mra..p»ul E\- *njj Bishop D. H. gold, HageiEll- -* r*V*‘ U » church. offlclaUne. DurUI

I I - AOEQUIA-Puneral service, I . Ferry wlU beI V. - S ‘SiS.S,'? '£i*■' S S ' S u 'S S T p ™ s S 3 :^ and 0. E. Bhowalter, Parsoni. ismlly homo south of here.I _ lisnt. _ . {jojlly- tequeiU Uiat no flowe i'. W T ~ ““ i ------Intennent will J>t ma

•■■Weather “ - - ■•BtJlft--yuneral services for

1 ,. . eiOBay'-Uday wllh afltr- Annie Nlhart wJJl be held a t».... uiwi, M d e v e ^ shower* , aod Monday at the 'B u h l Met

i[^,------ e J fl iT « * te rd ay * « lw S ! mcXtli”g?’fun*^^^;:i;. . • » » I>J». n . B*r«net«r M .a made In the Buhl'Cemetery,

- - - - - -


» ^ | P r i r a a r y V o t e .

______- ^ P a p e r t r F i l e d L-r -r n 1 itE.-*na MnIn Late Rush ss,.“s£",

wrBsjfeSien and M a x lJ ^ ? " ^ ^ '- 'V ■ lelsen was appololed Twin Falls cJty « r u a

attorney Friday. Aceordinj to R . « “ e h r a e 01 J . Bchwendlman. chalnnan of th e Htwlan. Buhl, board of commUHoneri. ho agrred tun«to withdraw from the race for pro*- M^a. U u

. ecutlnf attorney but no withdraw*! , *^ • had been fUad by Saturday; w n -m o u t a endoned by the Bot-

ter OoTerameot assoclallon for j r JMOfflc p fj^ u U n g attorney, had not fUed. MUn avenue m

Mrs. Roie J. Wilson. R«pubUc*n--------------- 1 incumbent. Is nmnlni for traa*ur«r reaUJence.. and O. A. BuUe*. Republican c lo rt, ^ - J

>»r p s , T. Hamilton, preesnt probate S n i5ng '’peiT“

& S u “^ u rr n o ^ iJ : .T n '’^ r -

^ I V e S Thompson. Republlcaaincumbent, and Uel P. m h a rt .D « il- Arrive.

1*1 ^ X i “ * Mr*- -John Kt were usaor................................ hwbaod haa tay by two o . E. Rudy, Incumbent, and Je w twiq p ^ i j o i

O. Eastman, both Republican*, a re „s a divorce running lor Justice ot the peaco In children

Duhlr-Ray Potter,-nepubllean^ln. maid L«e. 7. eumbent. la rinntnr In Kimberly: avenue north.

J . O. Fumphrey, Democrat Ineum- m order be I” Dlrtha ' 'isband from 8 . A. oUlett, Itenoctat, haa llled for ^ daughter vrty untU the CaaUeford. . , ____ ih# Twin Pall*ty'<linsl8t r “ Roiia-I; Lon.-nepubllamrl»-rnn' n r r - i i i a “ Hr* jlalntrprop- nlng.tor-*urv»yor, ^Jcn. Son* wtvest of Twin Clyde ,p, Boatmsn, D e m ^ ^ Is ot,omas J , Twin y*lls. running for CuUetord eonstablo. lajgck. crop*-in. ' • - U PesU Opaa------ ------- Mr. «Dd Mr*.•nd one-six- After all peUtlons had been check- berly. and M icre* of land ed IB poaltlOM u precinct commit- Oiterhoudt. Bt e w£fe esti- teeman In bolli pirUts were le ft to eluded « tt p ro p e r t/a t b , filled. Seven of the vacanclea are Raybom, Twir

In Twin Falls. _ ---------per mcmrn Persons leeklnj these pojItloiM cm Q T »

d the child the Republican Ucket In Twin FnUi 0 O l U i cUoa. The by preclncls were; No candidate, ‘ ‘me 30. 1930. No. I jM .lte tU McCoy, No. S; Sibyl ■ m and R ay . ueymer. No. S: Jay M. MerrlU. No. X X C l C

. *'■ M n . Leo B. KIrkmon, No. 5: no _ suJl-agalnit candldste. Ho. 8; Oeorge P.-Bcholer, - - - - T > ^ vI MurtAugh. No. 7; C. H. DetweUer, No. 8; Rus- I j O y

'WWren. e . poit^r d . Charles P a r- _ . ,X,Elitabeth 3. ro tt. No. 9; Mary Z Ostrander. No.ght 10: WUllam L. Ohancay, No. 11: no loi

Ttslralnlng candidates. No. 13 and 13; lyan U Jmt t ^ h u " : O am ard ,N al« : Lewis E -n a ik . NO.

r S; “* H S10 per month O . W. Creed and John E. Lclaer, . . • herself and No. 2: Dan J. Cawnagh and A ahtr “’'5“

io m e j’Ateos B. Wilson. No, 3; Mae Oardoskl. No.^ ” 4: Charles II. Sharp, No. 9; K erm lt ,‘‘L

r s . t ' i r s s w ' s . ' ; :iw** and Edwin Btiky;No.-10;-A:*M;

u U r Peter*. No. II; Pred Wilson and J?, 7 Vincent A. Smaisl. No. 13; no can-

) n d i n Q r dldaU. no. is; Chrls O. Fearhaller.. f U U U lg „ndldal«. No. 15 andrimarv h im ..V o rac S de- Seek D,bl PoaU youthfu'oodlna eoun- Running for precinct committee- ing th e 1B«9 C i« 8 nn iesi men In Buhl on the Republican the Bnmsrd

ticket are J« sO . E a* tm ^ No. 1! eir lo th e r e *

r r sMr*. H. W. Leveke. No. 6 CrandaU 6ei

ssam eCeket. ^ candldaMiJn No. S and 4: Oal j ^; for nomlna- l . Thompson. No: 8 and Wendell 5“ “?the Republl- o . Gannon, No. «. H?®» opposed by It the Woodl.

® ' - r s s p .

’* S g e S u S i^ llam F. Lung Dean Wlen^Hager-

i 'u te^ M a to r C. D . ^ o ^ t n d William Deahl M usgw eaf’p S S i u S tam .lm lot pt.dn.1 No. I . n l T H ™ .h o

Cuba Ann Proctor tdr precinct No. a 0 . D. Orovo. on the RepubUcan Ucket In Klmber- aosa. H . W. E

J ly. M. W. Craig Is running for No. 1 man. Mr*. Ha• 1 and W. B. Sivase for No. 2 on 8. H. ProcU

P“ .".-----------me-DMWwatlc-Ucket---------------------Proehlloh-am-----:----------- Parley Humon and Mrs- M*rUn Hansen, andi1!p T ----- UlU*r. a t# candidal** .fo r. the%Re- r .A ir l e i . WV-*5J - ; pubU »n .POit In^PastltfgrdirghUc -_Lelaer_had- Hb E. D. Logan is runniftg on UiT by Qeorge O.

Democralls Ucket. Mrs. L. O. H--------------- John Savaie Is tho Democrmtlc Kermlt

ineral-servlces candidate In Murtaugh.-No ono has m iher. all T< :uelUg WlU be fiirf for the RepuWlcan post. Sdja. Tuesday a t wiUard McMaster la Republican ^ u n e s on I ;ap? with the cantUdale In Han«n and VUlIam j. Browning, Hating. Burial d . wiseman Is the Democrat. Arch Oolnar t1 Twin F»Us HeUlster Twin Fall*:

Beryl Kunkel and Peter N. Lant- J. Riggs. P. F irtAA. trn- Wr«_ “f* preclnct com- Oarlsh. all B

5 „ ^ nUtteeman poit oo the Republican ler. CastUfoi S i; *‘<S« In HolU*«r and J. H. Caldwell Walker, Kim^ i 2 n Buh 1* representing the Democrats. Signatures. . i n V ^ n o f - Republlf*n T. P. Hawkins and W. Bmlth. Lt w S ’e to the Democrat A. K. Reed tiled for AfHeck. Hugl mace m m e ,

C. M. Lintlng and Andrew H ar- Twin FalUi jMTi-lce* for rell. both RtpuhUcaas, have filed PUer.aderman will for Rogerson. No Democrat filed. BUleaday a t the Price Hallowsy It lhe Republican Person* *1,church with running In Ttiomets. No Democrat William E.m inuter o f - filed. Oeorgo Ben be made In The following Republican* ar* Denton and

running In their precincts a n d so berly; Lyan----------V- D em o a« 4 - ittn 'in « r jo e JoltMon,-flchwewllinatsen'lce* fdr Lucerne; Arthur Kaster. Clover and fuller and

be held a t 4 Olenn Whitoey, Rock Creek. Buhl: B. P.• Oakley LDO - 0«b Comle Is the Republican run* aod Robert 111 be made In nlng »(- Deep Creek and Thomas Names on'

The body HeJUaanek Is the Democrat Wendell Oacle McCuUoch SIgB FetlUaa* . gent. Buhl: :■y until Wed- Perwsn* who signed Irwln‘8 petl- mlt AUlson, '

W. Arrtngtan, all Twin F»U*; John Ice* for E ar- M.BMker, Bnhl; D.-R.-Toong,-Klm-le ld a ta pjn.. berly and Earl 8. LaHue, ru e r . D D 4npson eiha'pel Signer* for Alwortb ar* N . V. . t K I Id, Hagerman Sharp. M. R. AUlson and K ^ l I DurUl WlU AlUsoa, aU Pller; John P. Krai,

JJaahtcek and .WendtU .Soma UiOff-.cen»?i«Vx C. OBnhoii,-»llBuhlrW. B.-S«vii*.- rsf«r.44ia

--------- Ktmberlyr-W.-«.'-Bunee, - W.- N. ,*rho t eI services for ..........■ ■ 1 . . i = tb ^ t .T I

WlU be held “ «>

— C H A M P IO N - D O G F O O D .......... S 5 Sunday « t the o , , .

America’s tasUest, most n u . w lthla I1 be ^ d J ta eeonomlcallj OOKTA<

flae.dc« t o ^ - - .........

wlces for Mary - W A R A N T E E D I SV u h l \ l e th ( £ £ { money bfcck

■ A SK G R O C E R


T w in Falls News in B rief ^. j M c U t J g . n a « . —

S s s - -

EteiSta^WUson wa* a gutil --------

:d funeral services for ber K a r ^ P M ^ e l p ^ JuMrs. Lout»e_Bklnner. . ,*'*S2ir5, MlUer, IM ‘rtylor UvOfneo “ » • n lE. Jone*,-Twln Falls archl- Dorthy McCain.

as moved hU office from H3 'ivenue north to 718 Shoshone Enlkt* In Navy • .east nis new office adjoins Robert Kim Todd, 1». *on of Mr.

^ *ndMr». KlmTodd.-Euhl, b « « - on_____ lljted u a rtcrult In the «

0 ta Open navy for four years, soeordlng W ^ Twin Falla canning kitchen TMC R. A. Rose, local aavy recruit- "

r s r “- s ; s . - 5 s ' ; i " ; , . r = . s . “ s s „ t s «he kitchen wUl be open on for hi* recruit training*U41 daya, Thursday# and --------

Spcelnr Uated-------- Leonard J. ArilngUn, p ro fe^ r

•A rrive . - .................. — thJohn K. Angerbauer, whose eu^^ iral wUege, wlU a t toe ^

Id ha* been manager ot the LDS third ward sacnment n w - p,Palls Olaas and Paint com- Ing at 8 q ,ror the past two months, and and hU wife ^ tochildren arrived today from turned from Raleigh. N. 0 , where ^- They wUl live a t 418 Fourth he hi* 6 « n1 north. U'e Unlveralty of.N orth C u ^ a

_____ for his doctor's degree. While In• ....................................Twln-Fall*. he la itejtng »llh-hl* ^

lughler waa bom Satiflilay at parents, Mr. and, Mra N. W. Ar. ^win Palls county ho*pltal to rlngton. , se

MM. Anhuf T ittO Tall;------------------- - ---------- -5*

-^m a* Jennlng* and Mr .“3 2 GOP Races S>aul EUedke, bB Twin Falls; _ _

w ’AreonTap-m ■ t\loudt, Buhl. Friday births In- . -T at

Jerome Ballot s“ I 7 ^ JEROME, July 8—Two races de-

Sui-glanes SS.5” ? a":!,'._ 1 1 - ■ 8 as filing* closed Saturday.

[ere Solved; j K poSTS; .isriss ^1 « T T 1 1 Republican nomination for probate j ,Boy,17^Held As„S%r?“.^To; =

se burelarle# la Twla PaUs the Republican nominatloa for cor- •were solved late Friday when oner by LeRoy Frider.In Florence, Ore.. arrested Republican Utcumbents seeklag I

luthful driver of a car stolen nomlnaUon for retlectlon to their '> Of the breaklns. offices are Mabel Beveridge, clerk;y Wallers. 17, admitted to of- Richard Seeley, piwecutlng attor-in Oregon he broke into-thr** n#y:-JamM «..Bum »..#hetill;-J-B . _iga here and stole the-car from Seeley, third district commlsslon-1 car lot. Oregon officer* no- er; C. P. Bmlth, sssessor: CharlMlocal police. The youth, who Klelnau, JusUce of the peace, .andno dellnlle address, Is being Wiley end Coroslock.

"„°rs™‘‘.'„'-or£‘s w „ ”s >.3 a,E.”sr.;.'SoX‘.' ^

h i. fin/l »ro Carroll S. Wllcomb. sur- J. 1 i louui 1. S i S f " vo w ; m y n o Hilo, irooow.r; K .lth J

«f v.ri,.i» fif Johanjen. sccond district commls- J*st hl:5?%cc"rdlng t^ anb J . T. (Tom) Robert*, Jj 1 youthful prisoner admits ti i -le 1B«9 Oldsmoblle sedan from Democrats who filed for

r g a j

h nvenue south. He netted s

: SS'piSfbSS'hS Four Republicans, •------- 16 Democrats on 5

'■ “ '*■ •“ Ballot in_ Elmore \n r p W r r C a h 'd ia i le — ----------^aEENNaTERHY7'July>^I»ln6=' t

“ •" ToTm" 'Cnatleford; Raymond Hallleld, '• 'n t the available political offices iM..JcM_0.^iuhiian snd J,.H., » lot more .than I^pubUcans want 1*. Jr., Buhl: Willard McMaster, ib m . 0;n : WooW L. Reed and WilUam t

15 Dunocrals h*id filed petttlons c o .T -,.; . . . to run m the primaries neit month

o ™ S " o U n o S , “ "B . W. iu u ih to ,, W. P. r a .p . on I J . W m ^ U c ol Ih. M n . H u ry H. FUh.r « «

t Proctor Kimberly Joseph “ “nty assessor post, EUUa H { tath lAttUOP.thejounty-treasurer post. I

0 1 , .n a * . A. AmoU ™ i E . , . S S ’l . S t . S iSb » ' "irte r to t l i K lm b trli___ - “ i* s ta tf lje n atc ri Job. Eniest w.„ r >,i,< h u .iimM tatimor*, probate Ju^jp: Arthur -

. 5 . . . x t Leonard W. Anderwa, sute repre- ,

S h ^ r a l ' i " o t ^ t ^ e p e a J ^ J o - ^ ^ \incumbent, and Elmer Oitenhelmer.

I o . i l ■ . ^ county commissioner from lhe thirdggs. P. P. Ahlqulst and Howart djjtrictrand Daniel BlackweU, coun-

I ‘y «mmlisloner from lhe eecoad CftStUford. and Bradford H, jUjtiicL

i^a’t i ^ f '^ C r t e d are Oraydonimlth. Leonard Jacob. Dean H. „ !ck. Hugh Phillips. Mrs. Theo- " " i * " ' ““I*! ' '‘®Rjgdon and Harft-ood Stowe. aU commissioner irom the second dli- I FalU and Ivan Andef»n, ■ ' =

Blm for Wller 1^'r«>n* . S i i g T orW lley are h C O R R E C T I O Nam E. Egbert, MurUugh; £ is pleasant, and painlessge Bennett. Hansen; Louis E] Backaches may b# assocUied«n and Henry Champin, Kim- lu . rlth rheumatism, artiulti*.

Lyan Stewart and R. J. S ; lumbago, stomach and kids*?rew U m atti-T w la--f^ :--W ** g:-dlsordera-£f-.-yiw-h*rt t*l*<rr and Frank H. Matthew*, n - everything els# try adiusv.: B. P . Johnson. CasUeford, H meats. ReU*f l* olteii ob-Bobert Blastock, FUer. ®i talned after first treatmeBt.

deU O annon and Oeorge Bar- ral DR. ALMA DENTON , Buhl: Robert Beckwith, Ssr- ^1 CQIROrRACTOa AUlson, T . M. Robertson, John S i U« fifaln North Fboei m a

PROFITS ON FRYERS GOODpATn. Uma ago we aslced produfcers.teat had avuiable buUdlnn S».44iflpmint-to-Taia«-fi7«ni(oi' usrSepw x thes.who do have good f* s« l t l# * ^ not and we wani ui say agaLfl.-. th a t T R O F T re OM PRYEM ARB OOOD" . . . JTor the time and inveetment inyolved return* are good and we woBd«r why you d# no t tak* advaot*g* of eur proram .

Wa-hav#-tJi#-hroll*r.-type.ehIc)u..ncelltnl braUer Jeed. flaane*a a n d tuperrlalon to help you do a good Job. Why not take advantage o l th* program and *tart • thousand or more birds now. and w ithin te n week* growing time you will realise a nice proUt. OONTACT OT NOW* 1

SW IFT& TO M PA N YPH O N E l a s — ™

"1 3 - W a y R a c e s r ~ ~ S ^ n » . .

- 1 ■ S e t f o r V o t e

g - D F M i B i d o k a S S S l i

r ^ “n S ''iW 0 ^ f f

S i w d Ad“ ph Knocp. both Paul. Wilson

Of tho tWlng 0;^,

'^o^'er’*D2n JL IS ^ aspirants for ^ f b e ' e i iald yet about c*" ^ T s ^ y n ' t ^ ' W ^ leader, rcservtsisT^---------------- ^f « J ^ S e seoaior: Kenneth Roch- - i - f .

S- s3u«rSST™...g R upert Heffl“ I# ^ J ^ . J u S m e r ; Willard Hayward, ^ - ia Taylor Av<^ SS ?y . and Alan Goodman, tor ^‘T t Lat* m n n ..................C V A 5 5 U p J

Late filings among Republicans^ reductions y>_0ld^^U UAr- c o K lo n e r . Wall has He lauded the-'old fo ltawh

served two terms as Judge and one empire" and now all the; — ^>^-H aT per-has.eerved-one--^l^E ^-,

two-year term and one four-year

‘*^her Republican candidates In- Aeeompanled by Fam. - rfude-WoiUi.E. Eltcm„tor auditor; . .He.was.Kcompanled by I Bndley T Morehouse, for third Mr*. Taylor anfl- a

district eommlisloner; Tom BeU, for band. The band- i* reoreientaUv*: Charles CoUln. for. UonsJTaylor.hla'rtfe and ^

sUt* senilor. and Anna Orace, for jMig a trio, and W* other *■treisurer. All except Collin are jm g one song.Incumbents. “ commentlnfc on a recer

[?„■ Democrats filing Friday and 3at- ment of D. Wortli Clark 1 urday for precinct commitUemen <cAlene, Taylor said he la

I' Jk r’HlmesI WtrNo. 2; WMMngton lobbylst ^

gj Cassia Voters_ iieve "many Idahoans have

^ To Ponder on X r i ? p S '3 GOP Races

s r o i tY ,W « -H .= u a .v d o p « l s . . . r t w m ..n

= s ^ r . T Z T s r r . ” glop soIo di“ ‘i Sheriff PostsIn g jcprtieaUU'vepo5t.iield,by V^Uace , ,i- ti- B. Averill. Albion, who seeks thc l { | a i n p V O t C ’

nomination for reelecUon. .William I > l a l l l C T U L l.-,i,h H. Foster and Norman H. Nielson HAILEV. July a—Two

seek nomlnsUon as .prosecuting at- „ ^aces have developed- « ■ r s . r o ? . r A S o K ; ' b . . , . . . o« » ,

for Incumbent Democrats filing tor Aug. 8. close of filings h uJn, nomination were Jeannette Y. revealed,

w Chamberlain..treasurta;-Doa CJarK. W anen. L, Beck, Bellt, n ^ w » n i j8«gdis- on the Republican iljiet were Mar- n;an nomination for aU

garct_A._W.«l5el,'. AMCin. lar state .<sentollv«,-Tliey-arc«nator.andA5Bhelrilrchlld.Oak- Krtinum, and r Tp^CIsy, for sccond district county com- carey

3 , ------------- o ih 'tr lupnb llcn . liuni’ Inoombont D ra ira t t lllnj lor duioct.Oo Bl.

m a— 5 ! u s ’» ? £ i u r K

ire “ is; a S ’ SimiiTtSS '2 S L rS 'S ^ ‘'.'5S; f

„ r.cord*r.cletk;,-Herman B c d k e . Other De^mocrats filing •" “ f prosecuUng attorney; Cecil Hnycock. oUiy L. P“'7 'w r« lwant sheriff; n nVify p,.,.. trensurerj, J. J. Mc^We.

ond dbtrlct comml.ulonfr. and Vic- bcrit proaecutlng allorheJ to- tor Redmond, Albion, third district Wlkon. present assessorlions commissioner. McCoy, incumbent aud:onth ------------------------ ■Jol'n M. Wright, presea

T . Haystack Burnedf X hiystack on mlssloners. The eomnils*:

O. L. Juiteson, Carey, dlj .??Jn one-half-mliea-west ef here-burned -w a y n e-a s rk .- Chinnett

Friday night. _ ,^ 4 HasseU Blanken..P irem sn louibt tEa blaa lor'twQ ley. dfcUlef-lhrte.' .. .

IV -A- hour* aiUr being ealled-at 10 pm.- •M-. No estimate was given on the Jos* * ' ' "

(cut. and no other damige was reported. W WITH=ner: ------------------ :------------- FLOWERS

»n<5 tricl, a tour-year Job. Perce Hall, gay It With Oui*Pre- gno Republican, has filed for tho m . • n 11 1 1bent, prosecuting attorney's posl and TLwln r a l l s H t

Stanton Parts Is seeking election Phone 545S ira “ »ur%-eyor. . j . . . . . ................



10. years ago SUMNER SAND & GRAYEIrt*< -........COMPANY -iTrtroduced- R&a1)Y;>IIXED ■‘SS! CONCRETE TO TW IN FALLS,nt. s

Ourreaaon in coming to Twin Falls-was-tli • the gravel pits we own and operate furnish

!!?■- highest quali)7 gravel’used-in concrete ml-'iii MAGIG V A L lE rr::; ',.> rr^> .

During the Tiaat.To years we have porfccteiour mixing formula nnd equipment to the

, . ■ point that-you are assured of the same hig

|W'- '. rffgurdlegR of the nmoimt you require:,-. •




260 Mfticwen Ave. Phi

1 .

‘Sr'SiSS rJRescue-

' 3 “ 5 S S ”'£ ,S ,! » f i5tw oblcyclM ^. to the touSrt eJtfc searing ahert- nUij, ‘r r« « P “ “ “ 2 MacArthwJ«5■„“S‘.o‘;"?,2 s j r . s ^ ’Sfor construction „" “ “ A S S ; m n lJ T O I o lS ,*iJph MorehouMig leash ep ^ n ts North K o r w ^ S InK on bKk of flrefromihi •erheard; Any- about caUlag up

•---------- m m aWort* lU


u p p o r t M 'f i S,o Z ) 7 " excellenl.'•

tolks who carved Amerlcaa an n o rS i r an they get for the Chonss tecia >1

* Thla wu » rrmeby Family »{i«r ArnnteanS£nled by hi* two chonan tod It tM i

sad ' a cowboy Ohonan wu io'tM liyed several aelec- not until the fa and son, Arod, sued, wu It ijwif,,I o'lher son. P . 41Uon'ioth»rts«li(ii

American btUaUai h a recent lUM- off.CUrk In Cocur T^IjTM thtaaim

I he Is "very *ur- taneous acltoa br n a£ro“n t S' the U. B. battalion. ^ t who Is out here A Ioa« Nsrtli &tin uTthe effect he's deep Into soutluntB r atate of Idaho eight bomt# oa Tu , man,- 'n»ylorr- man.ssld. Jltt oi ifca g the Democratic "aeju Is as ks;otd iiatloa. commualcatloB te ii^ , eoutheul of mjca, '.Record I t wu the n w « |I t he d ldot be- ported In sctias b fe ns have forgottsa and one half dsji obbylst whiI8 m ---------- . ------------- -

SS.,"SS PublishetJ !o"ii • I.11J B At MonJffl, evening. The publio h biM -------- ------- address by B inrtli

n , D e m o - W f i S - J S !J— -. — 1 r*mlBded-8*lert»—r> o s t s G e t

' o t e - R a c e

leveloped. lor the ^ ^ a t the mary elecUon on be regarding !*hb» lllngs here today — -

:kW th# Bepub- e S S u l t w S S ^ ^ H for state repre- Martin.

d R; P. Ocn’aniasiT

ms llUng in pre- - — .............. flraUc Blaine coun- ■irrar, Hailey, for ■Briggs. Carey, for M,d Frank 0«Uk*y, - • let...thre* county

s filing were Dor- 'for reelectlon as “icPadden. Incum- \ V“illo fncy r^ O T d-------^ -------------Tassessor: Oeorge ^ -rn t audltor-clerk;, present probaU ,1. OrU J. Hleks,

three eounty oem- (eomcilssloners ar* *arey, dlstrlcl on*;Oannett— d is tr ic t------------------------- -BlankeMhlft' Hal- /

r WITH . . / , 1 2 0VERS /n th our*lU Floral • w T W r

i \ SO

^ N► FOR 1r o R K ! N tW -O i SAVEL C H A N tdtX E D " - - " " - r - -s IISIIWw a s - t h a t - .........A®,irn is h th e ' . * » W'e t e m lx , - : -

ir fcc ted i \to th e - A | |

m e h igh


I r JiPANY m j r n ^

Phona 480

Page 3: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

•, JOT.T S. 19W _________________________ .

Idaho Delegate K ni


Afembe. na.-j»oon

- «m-*<yO,

w ee d .The ac

day niglv

State :

safely m way. Lar ic lt prc( artUlclnl

I t wn.7 be formi_ Thf □ronsc Ooodlng. Ooodlng partlclpa tlon.' Annoui annual < July IB. FalLn. G

a.ilccd't^ vicc. covi and a q u

on Frida


P r ld a " n . Mra. Ea3

Mra. Elm

W l l l l

H e rWlllinn

1I PV ), ^

nf thp irSurvive

, Mary Hi I gu-oldam 1 chcvenni 1 wen Mrs ' BtJ-McCo • Dick Oot

Wright Turner

. DwBlne' : • ton. both ■ Mrs, Ella L i lr s . Mar ; Boehm. I


E 'S' •1 _AnotT?Jr

. .“’'ieampany. tum .of 2!

The pU imd Bob Jrom his F*nner»:

He seel and coil •Sweeley i

thi p2Accordl

W atts nn eome rlgl lerlor to


Herb P in CaUf.. n t BpendlCE 8Hv* hoB


ALL Ihr- rl-: o m nC T to

[asl dlBda coQ oerttt roprem o

s - in a k e r i b « a . « c

'to H T f ta l

lUSICx '- : - -T w l

_______________ __________ 'n [ES-NEWS,

K niiD G range Bu s Agency A g a in s tE a rlv H untrSeason

are m the field that early, raembera^“ ee d . V

The action «as taken a t tha Frl- I day nlgtit meeting In the community

Siate Patrolman M. J. Bayi.' Jr.. ■ wa.-- r.iH'iiker. explaining highway ' 'safety mrtlioda. Scouta Jack Hollo- . . way, Larry Holloway ano Oary DM- ' "Z se tt presented a demonstration of . r - . - W K n . . V . ortUlclnl ruplratlon. ;

Committee to B« CboKO ] | | | lI t wn.? announced committees win s V

be formed In the near future toselect candidates for state offices, # ! ■ / '-

Orange convention this winter a t 6 ^Ooodlng. Qmngcs in/Twin Falls, ■ 8B H E . '{ f l V . ... \ Ooodlng and Jerom e counties will . li. P. 8PENXE participate In the candidate selee- annonnced the

Announcement was tnid»-or the S ^ t iS ir ^ l le Mld^L annual Orange plcnlo on Sunday. ” *July IB. at Harmon park In Twin 5 ^ ^ !FalLi. Grange members and others n i T , ,of the community are Invited and L T h . ^ V , \asked to bring their own tabic ser- ivicc. covered dlan. card UWes, chairs ‘

Next Meetlar »«ar fo(ora-<6ta(f photo-en.Next meeting of the KnuU Orange ' “*)

on Friday. July 31. will feature a —----------------------------------apeftieer fium;the~rdaB0~inc6~CH)M tT ? ^ , i i""n^rcfs u,. Masore^hedul.Si“LSS!. "S'2'A S£; S Annual Parley

___ Mountain ResWilliam ArHuettig ;l“;Claimed by Death ysr.;“4*ar"Sl^XT « 1 i» n m '°c*l lodge seaeUrliH e r f ^ a t , A ffP o t n 7 TtJEjday. WcWenWlllimn Arthur RtletUg, «7, died S^SS>«d“s iS .r d ^ '‘"

f i £ ; i ? £ s a s - r . ^ „ s s '“f‘,s".gsKb" T t “ " <1 O'neo WlU be confenof the Immanuel Lutheren church, n - —. k- . k- —.- ...«

Survivor. Include his widow, Mr.. 5Lf;,'V;Mary Huettlg, Twin Palls; 'seven P' "step-daughterSr-Mrs. Bay Lunch. I f ™ ‘ *Cheyenne, Wyo.: Mrt.-Pnul -DST- seetloo of the dcgnwen: Mrs. Willard Spencer and Mra. ^ m n d lodjEtJ-McCollochniirTwln-FUls;-MT»: f l^ra o f‘h« state while the B«Dick Oonialps, Ooodlng; Mrs. J. M. Bhoshone wlU have iWright, Wendell, and Mra. Hiram “ i® »«ond secUon.Turner, Almo; two step-wma, — ■",----------

E."Sn“S ; S,'aS;”.,K,', 4 _ Bids - T a k e n - O i

£ i - H o s p i t a l - L a u n

ss. . ' ”o 2 " t , 's ,. 'r ‘U

3:30 p, m. Tuesday a t the Twin Pallsmortuary with the Hev, R. o, Muhly Ueaniehile, the bids wl Dffldlatlng, Burial will be made In turned over to the hosplui the T«’In Falls cemetery. for study alter which its r

-------------------------- mtndaUon will be made t

Another Suit Is While ■ the anib'uht of uii F iiat)ver Crop r

Pred C, Parmer filed suit In dls- »n,000.trlct court Friday against O, W. ' -------------------------^ 1 ^ . ^ b D a n ie ls ,^ ^ r lR .^ atts T aaa-N E W S WAKT

Mmpany. Murtaugh, aiklng the re- turn of 2S.17S pounds of r>-e..

The plaintiff claims O. W. Daniels uid Bob Daniels harvested the Irom his land and stored It with the Parmera Seed and Supply company.

He seeks possession ot the rye or

ind costs of the sultl Everett U ^ . .Jweeley represenls Farmer. ..... - ------------ _____________r j a

A almllnr suit was fUed agalost * e plaintiffs by Leona M, Uenell ii-ho' seekii lhe returu br 'I8,J75 " " "Munda of rye or MC1.3S. ^ S b B I^ B K

According to the complaints, iVatts and the <eed company claim x3me right to the rye which Ij In- erlor to the plaintiff's righU.

END HBOBBONE VIBIT H p r A ^ C f I t O W v lSHOSHONE, July B-Mr. and Ur», r i e r e 5 F H e T T y l

S!5..'iSc;"&‘S ‘a f2 S ■ IncaflexWatc.peatSlng a few daj^ a t the A. D.m v home..-— ^ t h ^ t T m f f i w j i M d i r o c»------- - -- airplim e a t Jaycee I

on Ju ly 4th.■ ■ I Although wind varlallon cirr

/ about 20 feel beyond the rlghifence, where It w u found by

X RadUe. buslneia manager o V \ Oowboya, It was undamaged, iB -- « I till] running and keeping pr W r n r S e a S F . I time. This Is deflnlU proof of

i «r’s self-protecUng balance a ' • — / — - t iy .n u absorbing coU cushions


WYLER U tbe only wat wllh a written guarani against shock. Priced In

a r* n — I37J0 up, in a wide eelectlf of men's and Udiea’ stylesI ■ 2 ^ Including «elf-wlndln« aulI fl malic wjilchea,. ..

I---- " ...... ...... - V - — Tiriftner 0 /tfte xeatcvpry1 e d a t Jay-C ee F ie ld U

- _ I SW fy PotoeU. 260 Second

lLL piano I^ j J a y i M i t u t .. I , y jn n C T t'-o f-a '^ a t-^ -^ — —§---— M . -m o e rt iU |« K l ia - \^ % ^ W t ' n p n m e ■ehlcw

; , “ W E L R Y .I i e ^ t o i tm l r Y - .■ ■ '

Mm Ptono ^ I

JfSICCO.~ T r t . j[ .n .- -. 5 ^ ..... .........w a n B cowmpenoa

J SBlnliiHikeftAciihUlnactii>1, ^ tt» n ttr-0<l shuck*. nte».

. . ----- -- _. . . 4MM|tftob*Uac«.mKbsnl


[CTcy H. P. Sppnce , ' Tii

f j n ^ : Agency HerePurchn.'f' of the Oore Motor com'-

^ ■ p U B r r : i)iiiiriDriTiv'^.Ti£iii^’K uK r''^ ''ini:’

BpeifceT'salcs'mnimgcr o f m i o ^ nO. Jciikln.? gnrage for the pa-U three ;t

i f iB n A 1 Spence, a native of Twin Falls Jcounty, has been os.vx:lnted with automutlvp enterprbes fitico 1920

SO ltW when he bc;;an working for tho { '^ B r . ' “vSti, Brou'iilnR Aiitu.compnny. He spent W r - ' 9 seven ycnn in Boi:o wllh )he Jesse r -■.--3 M. Cha^e concern and returned here

.-,x^ to operate the local Chase cstabll:;h-- . r : mcnl until three years tifto.

Takes aver Mondayj[ iiDcnce’s operation of h h new c&n-

' ^ ccm, Jo be knou-n as the Spcnco l | |S ^ B |n [ ^ H' IB ' Motor company, will begin tomor-

fr' -■ ••#'•'• row. sald_he will continue to f t ■ Uie tfic flrTrTa presfht iwo iMntlons

. \ . . . and plnn-i no change In personnel B K .■vfp policies. ’' ' ' Tlie firm's showroom and garnreDeed the par- ts located at 305 Shoshone street9 Motor com- souUi and Its used car lot Is a t 602 B H S H M M I» said he wlU ^ n ln avenue south.f the firm ttn- Pending f;r some time, the Irans-ee Motor com- action va^ completed Friday. He.. Gore, former signed his contract with the DeSotoi parfha»ed a corporatlnii Thursday. A ticket for tg e n cy ln p ro r tli '------ Mfives loTallfolrtlla..................... soHri>Jt In rl»land plans lo C. A, Onrc -■Jiid liu t night he hnd Auilrsliao Kar :I family la tbe bouRht a DcSoto-Piymouth agency of Ihli year. IS photo-enrraT- In North Hollywood, Calif , and htvs *

been operating it slneo Jupe IS, He __------------------- and hl.i fnmlly will move to Norlh• - ,— ......— HoHyT'ooa-TTithin-the near-ftitnre.' —i * " l r S i r “t P n I l I p Oore hart nperated the Twin FallLi v

DeSoto-Plymnulh agency since Jan. O Xi r l a v o f bought the bust- ^ P f .i r i e ^ 4 1 . , nr.^ tticu known n a .th e Ealsch -. ....% Motor company. Before coming to . (a tII Ivesort ™nF.».hch.db.mtolho.t«o. ,nB or miuwr dtlicna In thdrluntaln a t Bun ^ — Rlbiiny to vote wse^?,:jr^s*’n o Labor Agreement -S'Si'iS; Signed for Union

Signing of B labor agrepmcnt 6nt- Older voters ni: I held under the urday between the Con.slmction and tend the banquc alley, lodge. .A .General U boicrs'.Joeal unIon-8ia .Spcaktts. wUlJn on tho ski Twin FalL^ nnd the Southern Idaho major political ]I a. m. and tho Contractors’ o-wocintlon was nil- give their reasonse conferred a t nounced by Leonard n . Jocob, at- tlcular party, exand entertain- tomey for the contmctors and chair- platform nnd dl.'p, tn, and the man of the contractors’ assoclntlon of party nfflllat

_ labor committee. lhe Rcpubllcrm-j' the degree WlU '~He sald-theuftl6n contnsrt win be Tliaj-nc and fo;und lodge of- effective from July 10, 1050. to April parly Lawrence ;He the Bethanr -JrlBSl-.-Wago-soalei. In-thB-oontraeJ —Mrs.-Thomas-llU have charge are »lJ7‘a an hour until Oct, 1 nnd Information onI. - • ! .« an hour from Oetobcr to tmd the use of ab---------------------April 1. Enrl Dahlstrom• n n n r i Bandvlk, agent of the Dlffcndarfer wiUiC l l - U U ----- local,-signed-for the-tinlonr-JBeoh -rrndlnyfotTlHTlr J signed for the contraetors' assocla- gram, Mrs. L. :baundry- hop.------------ . . ■.• ■■ e i» a ir g d r e s i - .imlih lauridry lew Twin Falls opened Friday

loncra, but no , a

c c . A nderson 's ■bids will behospiUl board l i t

’ made’ tr°the TW IN FALLSit of uia bl(li ..................was estimated


e d i n m a a .P a rk

(loD cdrrled It J K t mthe right field

found by Jack ^ M ' Asaager the

eeplns AI proof of Wyl- laUnca assem- cushions

play inDOWonly watch T h e Lo'Pely NEW

Kuarante« , '

E j m i i i is ',c Z E - • • • A m e r l c . ’ . m o .t b e

A I . . „ . = rougcmiieEflFisoptN srdCKP

i W ^ Y a rf *ottd ttoMau iH d wHb s df tlgn and% W C 'C ^ .fencwendhcmdtsimyou'OtfMJt^niraur

/ § i«wi, Th* fln* crofhtnontMp and sl*(HnIiit ' rorflnlih »«tanflwhtah stanitodfertabh

RY Y«h1I VI* w •varyHiIng from I


■ ^ ^ n K a .-.B^

----" •• --- -----—;---------•'——•'■mnmm

Tickets Sold for First Voter

■ ’i n^t for the Leagoe of_Women _\oirn>‘ Jint T9»rr»‘ W>n«urtjrM »oM

lb rlilit ate M ri L, Z. noienilaul, Mr*. Andersen and Mr*. Grayil a Kar briilr, rams lo lhe’ Vnilril SUtrs In 1917 anil was nstonJlsK ear. Ifitaff rl;D lo.fn|nivIij|) ^»' ' * * *., * * , * ' • * -----

st Voter—Banquet Is— set by League of Women _jet to Intcrr.'.t young vot- Mr*. II. W. Stephan wlU serve as Bomers to the tirea and toastmaster and will explain the lheumllzed United S t a t e s purpose of the League-ef-Women will1 their rlRhi and respon- Voters. benvote will be held a t 7;30 Ttckeu for the banquet may be Ing

neiday at tluj Turf club, obtained from , members of the aniuct 1.1 Rpan.'inrcd and ar* league. Twin Falls Chamber of Com- optthe Twin Fnlb Lcogue of merco olfice or at'the door. N

oters. Mombers of the league have been wlUIters nl.'o are urged to at- contacting both men's and women's lusbanquet. service clubs to sell tlckels to ,the pldi- will— represent., both event. They also have been vorUng .Mrlitical patties, They will throughout the business dlstrirt. I t notreasons for Joining a par- waa reported several local firms a n Arty. explain their party’s sponsoring the attendance of young sonond dl.scuss other phases voters employed by them, cannfflllntlon. Speaking for Members of the league plan to Bul

Jllcrm-parti^sl" be' June make the banquet an armual evanl. J}«\nd for tho Democratic Tho last such banquet was held in ant»rence D, Quinn.' IMS. . notlomas-Hovenden-will g iv e ----- -- --------- halm on voter registrotlon IN TRAINING Al»50 of abdentiie ballots. ' BURLEY, July 8—E. L. Oonnan, aehhistrom wUl aing and Jane route 1, a third year student a t Uie Fter WlU give o humorous University ot Idaho, Is taking a faw- LeijnninnM flalnniciT l pro- week naval training course a t the 'E "

naval.amphl^ly«[.baM.,LllO,,Orefk. ^

^ ~ S ^ K S s a K t ta a : x s ! SH ^ > 5 ^ » S £ S 5 ! S S ? ;£ . ' ^ V

^ K _

W « P B tS T I M S » r

S S T ilM ibeautiful stainless jpatteni

0 n a n d ta U h . .nyaurcU nlng - - M fA n g m i / : r n g M b Ve rta b ltw o r* . 'if r a m p lc n lt i . . : .■ - 4

» eOMfANY ^

... P A O B ^ tr a iE H - :

itw J ^ q i i e l

rai w U Saturday (a Mra. L A. Andcr- I. Graydon Smith. Mn."Ai>a*n<m;‘M>” tonJIsrd u u t Amerleao dllK S Is M*y

Grange-HalLWiU—- Be Cleaned up at

- Confab-ThnKdajLas BUBS. July S -A deacup Joti’an

the lhe BUss Orangs hall and groundi len wHl-be-h«M-fie« mrawtay, »™ »-

ben were adrlsed a t tbelr la«t neet- be Ing. Mrs. U. K. Sian* mad* tba

the announcement and uked for oo- im- operation.

Next regul&r meetlnc of the |ro t9 een will be held July 30. A poUuek, :n's lunch will b« given and a motion the picture on safety will be ihown, ing Xfn TH« lei-ttiw - »»>.

I t nounc«d. are AUrtd DanleU and Je irr ittomp^ jng son reported on tbe recent 4-H

camp a t Easley hot fprUin. Vane* .to Butler was named leader ot tba 4-H

uu . Qeat-'Sm-M dob. Ura. B U u also in announced the' orgaptoatlco would

not aerre lunches a t the Jifld>W«r — haU-aquare'daneea-lBrthfr-ftilifffc-

Also discussed was tha propoied lan, school reoTsanlatUon plan. - tiie Presenting prograai numben wer* 90- Leanle Cutilght. Relen-Butler. Ura. tSe g X ~ S C a ^ ~ i5 J T P » r n iUI BlilU. Sfk. Befreshm ttU w er«im w lby.M nt

Emtn* Ayret aad i l n . Vt»xl UDler^

j B ^ s ■ ■ m m m ip a ■ ^

■ r iJ ■

■ i " I

■ b M I « 2 ~ d « ^ P 1

H b a tter ■

- jj


c«k □ Qmm

V„u ...

Page 4: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

s s ^

~ ^ w A s ^ m-• ' 5 ' • ............— ■ tlon," demand

' f c J i r L . . " “* ~ ' ~ ~ ^ t i .m ' iBct thnt Soul' *T tt* jm t _____ __________ ________________ iio.oo ill the UnIM(> „ K*«U-PATABtB IH iDVAKCB I h '" - «“ »>«

W tt^ U>k* lU Ell. CnM . N»»U4» ^

-^-SiaTs.Vig.1 ... '~!:!'!^ m ! ^ -


B l rr*»tliM C.ljr » « T»«««................................................................ ................ - ........— pre6ia*nV-Tru;

T H E SOUTH H A S HIM P E G G E D• Id a h o 's B enator.T aylor cu ts fl. D igger Ilgu ro niiwrat*. «em:• In po litics—adveraely. th a t la—th a n a lo t o l Miaouri demi . p eople in th la neck of th c w oods rea lize .

R ig h t now. for Instance , s o u th e r n poH tt- ”. ' c la n i , a lroady-ftt odds w ith P re s id e n t T ru m o n l if t —T. e.

o v e r h is advocacy of leg isla tion w h ic h th e y non of whethi- oppose b itte rly , a rc even m oro p u t o u t ove r ‘J

^ th e c h lc f c x ec iitlv e 's 'w illin g n ess 'to w elcom e cromcnt, uni«S e n a to r T aylor back In to th c p a r ty , w hile homes, mors'

----- J ie -o s trac lzc s .su c h -m c n -as-Q o v craD rs T h u r - . .'^ .xl-tiTaniam o n d of S outh C aro lina a n d W rig h t of MLs-alM lppl. „w ch bf*n I

B e n ato r T aylor, w hom so u th e rn p o lit ic ian s “whi(« m tn 'id escribe os a ‘‘ban jo -s frum m rn 'g feT ugW T rom " '« 'jn n n « T O a th e H en ry W allace camp.", is be in g given

— W h ite H ouse-suppo rt-ln -the-Idaho p r im a ry . on ih tir w nnT h is rccalls a li t t le In c id en t d u r in g th o a.i a] Bmitr

P r e s id e n t’s r e c e n t t r ip th ro u g h th c w est. »omciim« roi O sca r C h ap m an , secre tary o f t h e In te r io ra n d ' T ru m a n ’s advance m an f o r th e tr ip , l o t—T he iin v ite d T aylor to ride th ro u g h h is ho m e b«iitr oif ths t a t e w ith th e P re sid e n t. T h a t w as to bo a “'’d " our pr s l« n o f W hite H ouse ble.«lng.

- • - B n t - th e /ta v lta tlo n w as la te r c an celed , a n d tosses. They'eo n ly because of adverse r e a c tio n a m o n g th e The ehnn«<D em ocrats . T ay lor w as glveo a fr ien d ly brought r g re e tin g by th e P re s id e n t w h en h e hoppeda b o a rd th e t r a in , b u t h e w as n o t p e rm i tte d „ jum ed soeia

• 'to -c an ip aJg n - th ro u g h th e s ta te w ith M r. T ru - - • -----------m a n . W EAK-mi

-------• o n th e n ie r s - p o ln t - o u t - t h a t —O o v em o rs-T h u rm o n d a n d W righ t d id n o t leave th e same way!D em ocratic p a r t^ a t a n y tim e, O n th e b asis Dr. syngnuo f th e i r opposition to th e a d m in is t ra t io n 's *>* ■

— po llc le r.- th e y -w e re ab le to c a p tu r e t h e p a r ty -m a c h in e ry In lo u r s ta te s , T hey a cc o m p lish e d H t u out <th e i r a lm s by au th o rized po lltlco*IegaI p ro - He h u s sea cesses. •

T ay lo r, on th e o th e r h a n d , r a n o n w h a t w as „ [ro iS y . wh v ir tu a lly concedcd to be a p ro -M oscow p la t* iiouse chat vi fo rm , w h ich condem ned th e a d m in is t ra ­t io n ’s fo re ign p ro g ra m from I r a n to K o re a . ,

/ I n view of h l» pe rfo rm ance. I t ’s h a r d fo rth e so u th e rn e rs to u n d e rs ta n d w h y T ay lo r Riued suthorish o u ld be w elcom ed back a s a p ro d lg a l son ,, eover.iHath; ■while m e n like G overnors T h u rm o n d a n dW rig h t , Ja m es F . B yrnes, Jcsso H . Jo n e s a n d JSjif-bj jymjJa m e s A. F a r ley a re r e a d o u t t h e p a r ty by ^ny beiT fu 'm a n a n d W s hen ch m e n . the money wi

• T h e re ’a a n o th e r lit t le In c id e n t t h a t sou redth e people of th e so u th a g a in s t T ay lo r— th a t ---- !m , iv to reou

------p u W ie ltr< k u n th 4 » -p u l!e d -in H M a b o m a -w h en - — —----------^• h e e lec ted to use th e co lored peo p le 's e n - lic e n s e s -

tr a n c o to a publlo bu ild ing . In v io la tio n ofa cc e p te d tr a d i tio n . in2<much «

P ro b a b ly m oro for e ffcc t th a n a n y th in g for miiiury p- e lse ; h e 'f ih o se - to c a r ry th ls-T >artlcu lar f ig h t would be.»ad■ ■■ to . th e ..suprem e c o u rt...B iif - l t w o n h l m n o ' - ‘7 -aam irfttJ0 tt^ - .th fiV 50 illf l“ ''llje" 'w H li!t.lL h0w s. b V ^

t h a t to be a f a c t because h e m a d e a tr ip But'Miiciaii- - do w n th r o u g h . th a t c o u n try .e a r ly th la sp r in g Ing indujiry _ _ im d s p e n t a good po rtio n of h is tim e apolog iz-

In g fb r Id a h o ’s cho ice oTa“ se n a lo r . ....................goveniment '-------------------------- ------------ planU for m

/ ' a r e a s o n a b l e r e q u e s t ■ tM ±H ie T w in F a lls S a fe ty council, f ro m a ll In -

d ic a tlo n s . Is o u t to do a rea l Job In th la com - SJL n o t" i^m u n lty .. ' morwwe. -n

I t s la te s t ac tion com es In t h e fo rm o f a vheuier u .v■'— iB so ln tlon e n c o u ra g in g -P o llc e - Ju d g e - J.~ O.- p u n w . -

.P u m p h re y to im pose h e av ie r f in e s a n d Jal!-s e a te n c e a fo r .serious t r a ffic v io la tio n s, a n d _ V T R

' ~ d r u n k e n driv ing . ' ' . . - v j. j_,W e believe th e S a fe ty council ts' fu lly Justl* _ ,

f le d In suggesting m ore d ra s t ic a c tio n In occurring inth is c onnec tion . view that An

T o o u r w ay of th in k in g , th e Judge h a s n o t ‘ 4! “*“ °" " a t ta c h e d enough im portance to t h e se rio u s-n e ss o f th is grow ing h a za rd w h ic h Is ta k in g North Koremm o re a n d m ore lives on o u r h ig h w a y s . of th# invasic

A t least, h is lenience on to o m a r ^ occa - slons, w ould Ind ica te 'a te n d en c y to u n d e r-e s tim a te ono of th is c o u n try 's g re a te s t p ro b - viuiout ob ierlem s. bejnj wrnien • O ne o f th e w ays to cope w ith t r a f f ic lawv io la to rs—speeders, s to p -s ig n r u n n e r s a n d iJ 1 ^ o m 'd ru n k e n d rivers In p a rticu la r— Is to c ra ck of our occupdo w n o n them w ith fines a n d Ja il se n te n c e s retoped a joyit h a t r ea lly h u r t . .u thoritiw ^n, O nce th e y t t e l th e Jo lt o f a s t i f f p e n a lty “’'S w dw tS'*!

. In c lu d in g a Ja il te rm a n d ex p erlcn c c th e in - mov«d w uihvconven ience o f h a v in g th e ir d r iv e r s ' l ic e n s e s . »ha- pt'

__ revoked , ^ y ' l l be m ore in c lin ed to ..Jh ln k tS * -v ilta ^ -£fw lcT B efo re re p e a tin g su c h ■ periorm ances. ' ” *^3% tS w m

T h ese tw o -b it se n ten c es w h ich a l l too o f ten ments. with na re Im posed In o u r local po lice c o u r t h a v e everythin l i t t le e ffcc t on th e average t r a f f ic law vlo-

• la to r w ho Is n a tu ra lly in c o n s id e ra te , se lf ish , , no on.■ th tck -sK lnned ,4 n d ‘th o u g h tle ss ,.. • • Kaveitfrom-; -•’ ■‘ '.. '.W e 'H ^ A U jo r y ie -.a a je ty - .^ o u n .o it in - - i« „ vswai^ jwpuij •, la te s t-m o v e • tf t '^ r ln g .a w iu t K feater. re sp e c t '

l o r t r a f f ic law s a n d hum an^llves. - ^ u ^ i l b S i------- ------------------------- policy. I»Ued,j

t h a t "R E D H E R R IN G ” Korea-®• - N ow com ^s th e ln d lc tm c n t« f J )a v ld O re e h - t « k which li

'« i a « r a n a rm y te ch n ic a l se rg e a n t , w ho Is OregoiUa' a tetm lc secT rta W -

a go-betw een fo rf iu s s la n a g in ts - - ®'■ ^ a ssem b lin g iu^ti?i°‘’“m?n<

*^4® *®^Wng a t th e L os A lam os, culture" ha» j[ N . M., a tom lb cen te r. _ • The Amerle

“ i s r c w i s , F u c h ., a o ld ,! w ith in o u r own Ho»«%-er. uie

m il ita ry ran k s charged w ith a id in g R uss ian bMt> doing itsp ies. ------ founded by <

! — - Now th a t we a re v irtua lly a t w a r w ith - th e -B«i^oi*wort, C om m unists a n d have wltnc.ssed th is oUqvc setivitirs apr

p a ra d e of conspirac y w ith in o u r ow n borders, ciucago sun• , Js i t unreasonab le to ask P re s id e n t ’T rum an ____ _

if h e s ti l l th in k s a ll th is a la rm d v e rR u ss Ia 's i i S ^ h . t; . A ubverslye a c lly m es w a s a " re d h e r r in g ? ; - 1 t.ik inr .h.m.

............................................ T IM E


y H IRLIGIGz S h o t" _ ln u t« e 00 Billonil^^aSaJoiwMt}^ U n W 1■T al.-«xil ,, ■ ~ •

' demandi T. B. of Dlnjhamton. N. Y , “tor the ouTithnt Soulh Korean dTlUan* add ioldlCTi. deiplt« . .he United 5t»tc* la .uppo**d to have done for ,I . either welcomed the inyadlB* .cemmlea from............. ^ . . . . th e north or daierted to them? t t “ Jou ”i ® S ^ ; | l o o k s aa 1/ -daraocracy' didn’t Uk« or a d ja c e n t^ IW R in tha t country? U th lf an omen?" « seemi the

■ I, Anawer: Tliat li ■ dlt/Jeult and P*1 library hsr~rr~7Trenit)'arrA UipOue*tlonrn)r-Fn-lH m -- !*»“ that-hav«

4. eat answer may dlrilluaion tnUUOtu the lUcka b««W ? ot good people, who have been led out-of.<laie .or

V r to beUeve that >11 we have to do U book» not in »i, ' . '< / 3 |y , ’ raise the BUrt and S tn p u on a Juitlfy keeping

: flajpole or two. make a few apeechea And you <ooabout the blasln<i of democracy and have those l>oo

, -S W ^^ lln m ied U M ly command the unwiver- in or near T«^ f l g i n g loyalty *nd Iriendahlp of native reason for the i

U t Twtk» addm aet of ahould be giveident-Trumac aBd-SeertiAty.Dein Aeheim would not ha«-e access us believe tha t the American flag U » aort of •godmother'a maglo wand that can traniform oUT C

rate, seml.barbaioua and opptMsed rafflloni Into d* , , a*nt; jurl democrats almoet OTemlght. There sre seia t la the .bunk, and It Is about time we. being u i i this b nt allze Itl around elippln

* * * backs EvenFT -T . 0 . also raise* the more far-raacblng. ijues-. .houlder are. Ilk of whether the millions of people we are trying to aunbum, you >cratlM, In Chino, Japan, Arta, fran. Ira<j. Turkey why can’t-wi etjicwherB. want or apprednte our OllOTJ 9i BOv- back-ilappds? icnt, unle^n It means to them more food, belter ^,^,5 Uirough B. :a, mors' dcccnt llvlnB condnions. freedom irom

tyranla and tax cbllectora, and. tn general. •:ul(-dlnner-pnn life wmeh w» eniay: - -“ k it t e n s fie United SiatM U now experiencing the troubles g„ .h bf*n nrJtain when ahe tried to shoulder the ^te nian-s burden.” and nolher cat tixatn“lntv[iiallonRl policeman. Devplte #11 ahe tried nrefer#bly 3 for her colonies and dominions, they gave her, P " , lorse-lauRh when they saw a chance to walk out . ,,,itir Benrmctor. : --------------- ---- ------- -- . -y, ,A3 Bmlth and P. H. LaOuardla used to say. "We “• .limes forget that you can’t eat the American

iT—The fact Is that Koreans In our lone are no ■r off than they were before we took themr our protection and tupervUIon. They still ga _ , _ ,try to bed every night. ’They lUlI live In filthy. Potshots.■ly huts. ’Ihey sUll suffer from petty, political We have four■3.They exlJt under Incredibly indecent conditions, ‘way, m e iwce change from Japanese to AmerKsan mister# males come inBrought no improvement In their lo t Wone atlll. . We live one) same considerations apply In almoet every other soulh and one iot the orient and the near east, where we have east ot Jerome

med social, economic #nd military rMponsIbllltles. lhe road. Or :_____ . . . one-foxirlh mlltEAK—These were the reaaons why Ohln# fell ao bird farm n«ir y to the communlsta. and why Korea, Indo-Chlna,n-e3li.”Burm-a-"and-possihly airAslk a»y-go-lh» - - _

'. Syn'gman Rhee, our puppet ptMiaent In Korea, , EYEShot be so corrupt and selfish u Chlang Kal- n i PoLio:

.’a croad..But be U.old Mld.WtSlC, H eJiaaJiv ^ la will jou help style In Washington for many yean. lem? I have at

I Is out ot su p .an d symMtby.Wlth hla people. £ u n u mid es' .as # secret police as ruthless as etalln’i because spangfed . eeds It to keep him jn power. our Cowboy ti­the May elections, his party was defeated dis- ^ rRnore htj

jusly. which- should have tipped off the WhlU -” f,o^-^-iV„8 , se that we hnd worn out ouj welcome In Korea. gitiitcs.^iop?

fERGY—J. R. T of Tryon. N. O., asks an extreme- “nportant question which haa not yet been glver> consideration by thc atomic energy eommissloti or d Buthonues. as far as I have been able to dla-

rt^«*ad^^at atomic energy can be of Immtnsee to Industry, and that information about 11 will P*8* nign-b« lynljable for poMlble commeitlal uaers. Are lOusteps being token to relmbune the treasury formoney which we have spent on this prolect? « '« • SO’” .rtuld It be advlsaile to provide now that anyTie derived from niomlo energy licemts be applied PUPS r my to reductloa of Uie national debt?" .

CENSES—Answer: Aa I say. this was a brand-, five fanale..ln i problem when I posed It to the appropriate of-' mother Is a pur. Is. But here Is their curbstone opinion; er but the fatasmuch aa the A-bomb waa developed originally doubt. They ar nlliury purposes.J t l 3.doul3tfinat.thatJnUlal.coJt. TJie ..phono ni d be saddled on future Industrial users of thU lO-RU.; of energy. 'Thre.wtU be .the beneflclarle-i ot th b •Ime discovery, as lo fliiny laduitrles .h^ve .been ..FAMOUS1 by similar Inventiona In th* past------ -- - « . . . And heit-()fflclaU I Ulked to are giving thought to charg* ttomach tnabl Industry for part of the costajncurred In con- itamadj.” ng atomic energy to' peacetime use. They could QE.SlO-by asking high prices for licenses, since the fniment would have to keep control of central ...: --------------Is for military reasons. Thus we may get . back s of the »3UUons of pubUe money spent in this

"would be advbabla to use these receipts to pay Jthe publlo debt. But the present admlnbtratlon J

not seem to worry about that $3:8.000,000,000 Wigage. Therefore. I cannot hazard a guess as to Uier It . would allocate atoioie income for that


le more we contemplate what hss occurred and b □ irrlng in Korea, lhe more we are inclined to the ■ that American foreign policy has exposed ua to Carml^ael Luatlon which b humiliating beyond words. □ World Is W«lere is no use glossing over Uie fact—discussed In w i J«>r. •column on Tuesdttr-lhat lhe advance « the Ungton .......

h Koreans b characterlMd leu by the sU’englh n Candy Baby 1# Invasion than by the weakness of the defense. Bharkey and even' eenalble dispatch that comes out of the p. v ~ q adds to the evidence. Apparently Seoul wa* not w — '

nded a t *31 Airfields serving it were occupied „ out observable protest At the hour when this Is ,LI t written, dbpatches ftated that American fliers u n iim #een lhe Invading troops JO miles and more aouth □ Q o o d n lg l le capital, nrjd advancing without opposlllon. T*en», Ttenib becoming quite evident that during the period kins ............ur occupaUon of South Korea, we neither de- n New Wlldwc led a loyal populace nor provided the constituted Lightly — B orltles~mberabIe ts they ar«—'vKh anything ade- ^ n , e In the way of defense. . °Idently. as the North Korean unUarmed troops ^ . _Id louthward, they are joined by eommunbt guer- □1 *ha . previously had eatablished themselves on • t.*®" wnitne m u #nd In the woods, and werj K>lt«red among □ My nUpfno rlil«c«9.-Bueh cuerTlUas-have-ft-ireK-advantager - - W n — Em

they axe dr#wn from the most desperate ele- JS. with nothing to lose In the event ot revolution everything to gain. In Korea, where utter misery D.DeUeatefl tt widespread, there b no problem of recruitment. • Need — »

hat b needed b the posslblUty ot a handful of Vaughn — (No one, obviously. Js nyiklog a count, but we H * 'It from ‘eompetent wlinesses on the spot, th a t‘of Poeo teeo li

i-s pnpulatloa of l,900J)»,-«yprwilm»U3)^-*-«WM------ lem -B artoaheineI«ai.r&eTdac ia e a u i AC. |i. b w « _ * - h

«»y»,-wherever exhauslloo oterccmea-Uiemi)----- Brabma BulIt all bolb’down. Noc only has American foreign rfsU ed^durtng jeartof »einl-occup»Uen, to p ro . OBOUconcern and-loyalty among th t pccple of South . .a; tt has failed to guard against # surprise at- Order reeor^ t which b almost childish In Its elements.-Port- Cheek UOregonian BaU thi*...___ • ■ ,

BBOTHEBHOob AKD B^PE - ' ' ***{lobal organltaUoa whose purpose b "to promote . -.:e. friendship, understanding and cooperaUon ig people vfto’lng as to religion. r»ce. nation or ^ ..■re" ha» just been rounded at ft meeUng In Parb. \ 9 ^ \VN « Amerleao organlzatlOD U b u t known for broth- \^ o ~ VW od week, which It iponsora annually, and which had particularly frulUul observances a t Chicago. ■e\-er. the organlutlon w o ^ all year round.1 t has ■t doing its'valuable wbitAlnce l»S, when it w u ided by Chief Justice Chtrlt# Ihans Hughei. ,

.•itirs spread rapidly Into many another land.— T ragtj Sun-Tlme.1.' '■ ’

curei Show'thftt mor# vximen Uian men grew to^'W ry a ^ u t •' Serf 1# Oi

T I M E S - N E W S ,■ T W m 'F A I X S , I D . , ^ 0 '

^ ■ “ |"W ASHINGTON-{

^O T M A J ^ Q U I S• ^ ^■wASHlKaTUir'—-«a;iB v r» i-icM 3

4 H T ^ pointed up br-BouUtKoTM and th#

' '............... iL itU o make a lm m ti^ n . th e r c . .p«i- - win M ether soota-Jpreu.ln-JU la »aiOB OUTSIDEBB ONLY Uiat can be de- >>0’'e- found out how to acquire S i j i’. m o . ^ r ^ K - e r e - a - r i r t T ^ H B ^ l - Wd acks because they are woroj gjmt«rlly, of-date .or dupllcaU copies ol aQQuanlcaUy Thinot in sufficient demand to ^ S ^ " t ^ ’'res2.t ^keeping extrajfoples. t h e e o m m u n b t hoyou iood consUtuUnls can mvaalon. Two ba- u n , i i a04t to '

hose iwoks it you dont Uve ^ reasons fo-t 1near T«-ln Falls. There’* a faUuie coma to nJnd t t ««*• - , for the quallfieailon; The 11- iwwn ». ■■f ri~fM* f

j-B«ttTes uio « ! « » booU personnel who ooua tnorelnlo be given lo people who do gouth Korea foUowlng ta# A m e rl^

i#-e access to a good library, military occupation. ’There just .• • * simply weren't enougl toericans ^

OUT OF BEA80N ' with . knowledge of tie language,3ent; - the political backgtOffld and tho ^•e are seasons for everything n*ture of the problem »his b no seuon for going second, and In a wiy more I slapping people on their ous. u th# basic Amercan a tU t^e w*

Even light paU on the toward Aalan peoples energlng froili ^er are.likely to brlag.reprbal. colonlallsm.iuil feudallm. We want=uro, you know. - to help them achieve thdr^MPlr-^* ^

can’t-we imvc a.season on tioni for natlonhocxf. wh ch b lUl Mlappds? It coul>l_run,.ftom weU.anfi good. But lie ‘roubleJahrough Bcpiembor. that we assume they csn achieve W- ,• ^

Got Slapped, dependence and ,seU • government »pe. * * • ■ .. Qxcnjlght,._____ _______________

riENS FOK KIDS DEP'T. . . • tnemr- • We have been a*umlng they elU• two male kittens and a cm,id arrive In a year «r two a t the am r cat Umt I must find homes kind of p a rU a m e n ^ _ ^ o c ra c y aoc

r M t'ls not n'*chUd”a ^ p « '^ r ^ lo d of IM years or nor^ And we witve tauKht her to fight with dfceived_purse^lyf3 th it mis eo^^ Jce ahe wn-i anall. She is a be done In the chaoi anil confn- tcj

lonK-hftlrcd, bob-talled cal tlon left behind In tie Pacific a t Mreal pet with g^rownups. '^ o ^ n g ^ b” by1!nw'a heavy sea Ko

' The new govemmests of southeast

^ T O V t^ m « ?^ a ^d * U ’o " f" th S * f to lT a 'n d ^c ^ e r a u o r w d ^ o n how to use them. In olher

ona ? S l e ^ ^ m e mile »ords, not merely a*sbtance but

“ r S r o i ^ C

irm nmr Jerome ^ n t the XJnlted States haa under- dai------------- m : - ^ e r « n « r i*ken-ln-«»ih*.*t.A*ia,Th* .*

. . ” . try to hold the line against t h e _ ^ - W«VVF5 n v T n r a n munbt-led rebeb la Indo-Chlna. tat,,„?YES on THIRD President Truman in hb dramatic , I

S S m ^ i S i i f 2 3 £ sipangled .Banner waa played, 0^^. »»»‘w t conimuniem inowboy third baseman failed " “*■ . fat

ies If I am wrong. P determined hosUll- Vu. . . ^ ” ®“ ty. The French, who held Indo- chi

,itn .n iiM F T iv noA B n China as a colonial possession before £

wrepency, so far a.i wo kno». withholding W;. . . . many of the sjmbols cf power ond Rl'

UPS FOR KIDS DEFT. ! ^ v ' ^ % ' ! « S ' o r L h c T r ^could be called the Jackpot, jnjenjh h^ye had all they could Crj

-ao-to-Tiep-Dnrm nn-powtnrntnstr er;■ b a purebred German polnt-

the father’s Identity b in / >They are 4 weeKs old today. ^

ihono number..ia_Kimb£rl>'. ----------------

, 'a s iis iS ss .aH t /K C n i>ch tnable because be has noIth " —


I l a t t e rI^HATTER

: riano RoU Biaea; 6iay 8'CU-FT M ode)

J , . . ? . ' . . ■ o n l yrid Is WslllDg for the Sun- p e pJ Joog. J « i - Duke El- ^ A C -:to n ....... .............................TJe W E E Kidy Baby: Pccallar Rag— .irkey and Hb Dixieland _.7t>e e h e r down paym«nl• Very Own: Violins from ~ there — Vaughn Monroe._.7Sel>alraDmi B ayadere-K en /ffln ________ __________ J»e 1 |o d n lg h * Irene:'T ies# , IAna. Taena — Gordon Jen- iM J!l \1 .......................................... 7»e Wfc, K 'Mr Wildwood new er: Walk ,htly — Buddy S,tarcher ....7#e ' j g at He Wonderfn): I Planted O m ^Iflse — Buddy Btareher _ 7 k m mI Dot Boogie: T tiflla’ Lore li f t V M 41 Whitney ................... ......He V Rmipfno Row: W ann ,^ ln l.............................. ^I*— Km#»t-3Mbb— . J * j ------------- — ^ S k KT^------------------- ^

45 R P Mileated te Too! Toa’re Alleed — ak stln e and Sarah V . ^ig h n ........... ........ .............. -7»e /; Knew Ton Were Cornin’;0 teeo la. the Coei — El-

record! th# ewy n y . . . by

i.7oar.oaBM»ad#4dre*s>,Ud .. pay fncn ts o n .th isb aa u tifu :

' NJ-8-MC

m m■st t# OrptaesD Ttaeatr# ...................

[ ' S - C H I L D ^

I r : :w r cI jnTi^U.coMiunlsl atundedI ™ve been headlining eiercbts of aetfral »ehoob 1

■ S a S c k m a rk e t traffic In gold. ha* been in gover

■ S??W -Si^h a ^ e r o u s dally bribe jjrs . L. P. Edwards ^ the buS *111 not be bombed. [mother. Do toy W ward

ce.r t- the^m m iunent ^ „ „ n o n a t the homo of hi


S Council A pprovi- - R o-ofingC ontrf

t- S S . S ’.SA 'S! , s S . 'c “t e MwSded Indefinitely. Quite apart city buildings at a meeUni

la ^ 2 ? i ^ . u . n u n aanoimclng the garage ind_DUlnP house at

m wrnM smK j s r - s ; - V , - : s

Korea’s unre.\dlncss rests, we M \8 drilled to more than 800 fe th seen plainly that a mlMlon in and of j„„ntlnued some months nife luelf Is oC little avail. the sand seeping In

(Cwnirtt. ----- --------------------u t — CELEBRATE ANNFVERB/

N ativ e o f O ak ley W w n ^ o * » 1U celebrata the

D ies a t H is H om eOAKLEY, July ^-Funeral ser- children and their famlUe*.

vices for Clarence Craner, M. long- i . Ume sheep wan and rancher In the T ^ ' - ' '

i ? Oakley community, who died Satur-•r day morning *t h b home followlnr —to a iW illnesa, will be held a t i pjn,^ W ed n W -a t-a ie -O sk lB y - tO S ---------------

**BlihDpWlIford Sager* will offlc- '>d late. Burial will be mado In the J ..•io.- r tnVW fymetery. The bodyJUKj*. .,11. viewed at lhe Mcculloch funeral In home In Burley..until. Wednesday

noon when It wlU be taken to the family home at Oakley.

.,n Mr. Craner wss bom at Oakley on {jie June JI, 1««. He married Amelia ^ m S i Mrt. Tracey on Jan. 4. IMS, a t Ogden. IUl- Utah. He was a member of the LDS J ■ •

\r t Survivor* Include three daughters.w . Mrs. Rosemary Palmer. OaUey; m w m - w -

Mr.v BlU Panons, Kelso, Wash, qUR VANS OPlkve and Mra. James Haggerty, Portland. ^ A Wla- Ore.; three sisters, Mrs. Dertha Lee. I D A H O ■ C A I i .

S Srf."mr.™S NEVADA - O."S w a s h in g t o Itoas Craner. Baker, Nev.: . ^ t h Jnsured Van.ild Craner, Murtaugh. and Melvin Oran- } ___________ISf erT -Jertmie.— ;---- ----------------------- Ht!A!.aWtt!'Wi,WAmiatg

Per MedI Makes th1C cents a meal will make the ' You get a Rt AL 1 iutiXul,.gleBm{n£ newr,:C«neral '.t ;.-- Rafrigeralor.-T ie J r-HoraeJ’reezar Combination. " • •'"-Ibsiof frozenfooilB I


lenis 7 Guests, Joa, itertain Noted at Jir . t n d .K n . JmIihaveietiim ed h si» i..a Sew ,(j#y» C t ia ^ T ^

IBeUy, Salem. Ku*h. Ann iiuA jSl

. accompanied Dorothy W o^u^teOregor, have spent sevenl dm 2aaadena, CaUf. Ur*. Ed Muir »!?,*’*lallfomla Mr*. Mr.^and Ma o l i?,e graduation ii« Brouih aim r? 5(choob in the gan. D i a h . ^ „ ^

• home alter tio-forJhaJastla govem«ent „ r . a n d ® ? 'ntly spent two returned

ae of his par- ^ — ._ _ _ P a u l People[iroves J r i p s a n d Bs n t r d c t s Either R i u e / ^ ^

meeUng held

lupert 'conlrac- Elmer Hamiii®.», ilMct for the Mr*. Elmer H ois^ ,' juse at tsoa.ea oted on for »i>n>-^*' Roofintf-conr^ TEsrEospia U roof the fire


fflilcli has been -------------

tho” p'ipM.’ 'i?ib S e r v in g inIde which wns E\’eretl A. ichi.»..1 800 feet wn* munlcatlons ledfw-lonths ago be- route 3. T r laP ilit ,ijping In. Yokomika, Jipui, « a--------- sent here KlinisbicrVERBABY pled Japan ou nu • and Mr*. Tom wm etsUonM %\ i m

jrato their SSth enlisted in ihi un Sunday, have was gnduiiMftajg

several el thslr dlo school al tl* c-iamlUe*.________ ho. Moscow.

- - — ft



GTON-ed V ans — Ttoin Falls Phm M


\ W 4

the Payn*«:*AL H onn F re« i6r . ' . . tW.*

fo jili In prim e Miiaitllin w U U

ItY $ 3 5 ^

7 E B |

Page 5: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

T . J t J L Y g . l W O ____________ _____

jry Qub’s- _ 1 ^[V"0ffic6rB

julr B—Shermin Ben- B S ' ' ' ; : :. . B H B H | | ^ P ^ P

irioE nresldent. tirlen; iv*< TCtf‘1 BCUTltluand m - '■■■ - K ■ B B I H H P , ftrel to tne new prMi- )» :W .. -, B,;jd p u t prealdtni’s Upcl ;i„...'. ^ ^ B K | S i S |Itcenicd to Judd: r^V T . . . '. M^ T U installtd u vice- ; H ■ i j j j j K ^ E ' S .luj Price S ean eontlnuM • . I M | B S | ^ K | H a H I

U >«cRU r7-treuunr- - . H^ f t^ d fo rd p jrw rsn o d -- .^......0 Uaberl7 and Ch&rlu ' M K k ^ M B ^ P * together with ths presl- - j #

=SKS4iin» >1—S T H S ewU U ulV i Noted - : ------u . ElnsM w u Ttleomed .-:.- ' B •, member. July blrthdayi1 and Eznll Oeck. Judd and -. J B B »unrbeU were honored wltbUie c:ub. g F f . B

it Bellwood announced Uu iu a c ,\ WW -I'l , - » p ^ tn i e n t8 -for ths ■'.■ .eir snd explaln»d to th« hs - '1 ' unetloni of each. The fal- louniuea chalnnen were ,c:.-...

>iiih Mrrlce: J-W . Scod-tUonU tervlce: lilaberlj, ‘ , ^J gerrlce. CampMIl; inter- -ieirlce:-M M -H:ib^n,_aii .

O eck . clauincAiions;Uchter. feUowahlp; -..;U3nienefi_Birrer._mem-_«c Slavln. prosT&m illc Information; C n tnu

{lotaiT InfonntUon and

oiber Cbalnbcdi.n buyer-seller relaumu nnt-at-anml-A rt-TSTar, r ttliUons; Oliver Hsnzel.rtliUoni; Roy Cunning* ■ . '^ BI-urbsn acquaintance; A.

itudent loan fund; Jar ; . ; J .H•,tnfClc safety; BltlPrlut.

Bor Bcouts; H an r Ool- miuona] contacts; Neal tii7 foundaUan feUov- Art BeymeT. United Nt-

tha club were John ts Wortlx n a , and Dr.UUler, Le«. Ua u . Myrl*liintm ra ils , Or«.. w u a B l f i ^ ^lUrian.

1 ^ J a u n t e _

ted ~ a t . Carey ^ ^ B B H B I i l lS £ i “ M n“ H « £ ' «■»; ™ l .m » !« » W , ™ » F

n T f a K i h M ’m j T ' S S . I T ! " ' . -< «m T iw enti'.of ltra; Dll- - - -»vWtots win 10 to Port- • * * * ».

1 Mrs. Tracy Dllworth, 5-Star Americat t lUylng a t the Joe Dll- ^ . , , ,

: : r r r : : Displayed byn . V. D. Crocker, Belie, --------------------------------------------------------dMn-Cllnk Johnson and * IS-itar American fluff, datlns tha t r liclea^havt boen vbltlng back before New MtiJco, Arliona the vl r Draper home. Mr. and *'<‘1 OUahoma bccome ttale^. was w u gl , Famworth, Boise, are diJpliytdTucsdiy'byWUllani Klein- banke: lor* at lhe Draper home. >»P T«ln P a lfc as l t .h u b«en Betn Tteta Paco have return- f’ffT Memorial day, Ths doy and kopfs T with their parents. Mr, Inofptndenco day since ihe Klein- Iowa r inlcy Pace, alter a three- kopli gol Uia flag in 1698. to a rr *lUi Mr. ana Mrs. Don "1 can'l rccnU mlsilnit a display brliigli ----------------------------- iiLUat flag- on- any. ef.iktfc.Uutfi. Ihcm ^

■ Davis h u gone to Mon- days each year since I . got it," sovcn : few WMti. He has re- KldnlopJ says, " It’s been displayed liave 1 bis daughter. Mrs. Don on fUgpolej. between trees, on the the ole ere for Mversl months, of Uie house and even on a and wl!i5.Jamfj'.WUda-haTe eloihfsllnc."____ - .............. ....-the_fl4: Wilde’s parent!. Mr. KlflnlApf th inks people, should lanuel WlWe. They Tt«- illspl‘7 the flag on Uie three holl- ¥>1«. UmritanBpart di)» sliich especially r re- n J RKay,- Cofe»lIls.‘'trtahT 'apeci 16 Uie'noB.''"WTTre«l'l6-pul t Sparks reeenUy. They them up lllte -we did In the old days M l; I etich other since they to ttiow how m uch wc 4IIII think of ier during the war. Old Olory," ho explains. HAD----------------- Klelniopf Is proud of the hlatory put in

V o n n ^ / t M n fl** whioh now has several in BlaV a C a U O n S f hola btiseen th e stars til thx blue Albei

•f> / 1 lltld. He will conUnue to display a petit1 8 - I v c D O r t C d “>* '’** wouldn’t trade It flee of fw ‘h« mwt elaborate jilk 48-slar •WIllI

H V n»i' P“'h* Biim^hSIJri?' 'Tb' 'tof? of the fjij began July bid fotlinr In V r-‘ *■ '®*' Klelnkopl decldcd W He wa!^ I, ..V, *• “ 1 sltoia Uia Independence day eele- elccUoi

”^^B.-The•Kleln- -IJoyc * « ^ Monmouth, III, PrecUlc

ra i l *,"?i.f^ ^ *t-Ui8 Ume-but.JEddivUlfi-iaa-thii rM.lectl childhood homo o t^ w H « and the - -

S n » vcL KHlakopfs bad been nrnrrled there 1^ 0 0 ,Yi*^' m *MJ snd lived there Uirte years -1^661

»nd M rt Wnfleld »fto their nuLiringe. T, _ Un. melnkopf made the trip to«V . P®®'*’ *"'* EddyvlUe wverol days before July 4

** wllh the agreement thst her hus- *hoine. band and his brother mike the trip ‘

d on “>• r'JUrth to arrive In time for ^am p .u? nesta of v r ,. Mary tht .bU annual celebralloa. So. early tm n B 1“ ih* nernlng o f July t Kleinkopf ,

o , H. Gibbs, BaJt and hli btoUier loaded Uielr bicycle* ? * " • / h u \ ^ " ‘ ilsya r*- on Uie BurUJigton road train to^ t?"n ts , Mr. and t&Ut Uie trip. ----------------“ »• •» '

their »Uy While Uie tra in slopped In Burl- ejt*; » « drove to Boise and ington Uiey bought a copy of the Their 1 J’t , Buillnilon “Hftwkeye* newspaper “ *l« ' Nichola* Parktr. Mont- and rrsd Uie momentous new* that Tbe su* > .V & 'ihrte-week Admiral ecbley'a fleet had destroy- mSSSm ' tntlr grandparenU. ed Uie, Spanish f lee fat Uja batUe J, C, OibU. ol atBilajo, T hey kept a copy of ~ — ---------- the paper - rMumtd their trip,

for Fish,(V 1 7 : .v l j J K iN Uielf bleyclM Uie Ust 17' V l O l a t l O n R n u ^ « ] ' kfrived at Eddyvltle a t

lily l iu a r ju n :J* L iim a js r_ U io j» ic .- .__^ Hmlt'of trmi^a^iS Upon Uielr arrival they discoTtred a to b^ ! L ° ' I wo Udftgs, th a t the new. of the

5 » ”'’ KMwhen hV^,. dlitanee to the celebraUon. • ^

_____ annkopf walked up to tho baM -r Hand, put la hl» claim for tbe flag

Ot Deen ^ “Sawk-, . ' ~ y eye" loUie m aster of ceteaonieB. .p Q ^ O U r n e y s “>« thunaenw i appUwe

? - , f “ K T O « ia M o v i n g _ & ^ D e l i T e w ; l

S5»j'svs''- P H 0 N r i2 7 r"

K to S d .TWIN » A t« ,U r - V A R n - ' n u N i m * ---------

Mri, Olair ^ y K ^ S K U O t c p .

................. ......... 1- ................. ’1 :m b s-n ew

s Stick to 52-¥ear-Oit Flag

I ■ /f

l z . t r ; ^ B . ' - iM — V B r - ' i ^ B ^ ^ ^ K l

[!§■ - »

r, Twtn Falli. pose wllh the 45-«tar flag they have' diiplayed ot

h of J n ^ MlebraUon. They they’ll dlspUy the fUg tmtll H U w(

* * * * , ■ ----- ----------------------------

rican FlagI by T.F. Man . S * ; - ! ?-------------------------------------------------- ' neUi. left Thursday for Le5 tha t greeted the announcement of lanada, for a two-week 1 the victory at Santiago, Kleinkopf »Ith hi? hroUier, DelUi 1 s w u given the new .«-star.fla«by» and fainUjvThe.Mamochi- banker no had known for years. tend * the Calearv roundm1 Between 1688 and m s Uie Klein- tie lr Slay.1 kopfs have lived in Monmouth, in • Mrs L fc'Trowbridge ha- Iqwri.nnd in Mluourt. T hey moved panled her doughter, Mrs

to a ranch near ’Twln ja l l s In IBJfl. oreer, and fomUy, Bolae.t bringing their seven. chUdrtn with *ouln Mont. to visit Mr t lhcm^mLm0Yi3lIlll0.Uit.cUy.ahDUt- b r id f i-» -d a u ih ^ r ,^ n “

; a.;ri'„S3“n,. L:; 2 rS “L“: r?.’ _ , , springs this Wfck to a tten

: B .la in fiJ Ien ,.lile i P rim a ry Petitions

HAILEY. July ft-Three men hove II; ,^0«' Mr:. put in thelr-bldii for pubUe offlces S®*™' TcrreU Poster 1 ; m Blaine county. _ Timbers. •, Albert Ii. Farrar. Hailey, h u Hied “ f- .•^s. Bob I’ a petition u candidate for Uie of- achmldt have left for BoIj

flee of sheriff, ibey will visit friends prior• William L. Briggs. Carey, a Justice “ Vale, Ore.. for a visit '

of peace, is putting in his. second »unt. Mrs. Margaret De■ bid for the office of probate Judge. They are en route to th(

He waa defeated in the l u t primary a t SeatUo following a visitelecUon for the same post. broUjer-Ui-law and sister.. .JUoyd.I.84niUi.4falI«y, Incumbent Mr«.-W.-C..8mlth.-durlng-precinct commltteemoa is teeklng veste le c t io n ag»ln,JhU.J{ar,_____ __:______ --------------------------

-------------- — ---------- , . .---E E ID E N SE B O U V li

D eep Creek Guests Mrs. Leon Brown, Mr, aLeave fo r Homes

DEEP CREEK. July 6 -M r. and snw ^S T a fewMra, Howard Klfer and daughter the Brown cabin a t Etihave retumed to Uielr home In a_r,MaNampa after a visit a t Uie home J L -Z __________________of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell. f , -------------- _

Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bucken- PRSD T. KOLOUOH. Udorf, Bacramento. Calif., have r«- PhJ5- PJ^.C£ turned boms following a vbit atlb* horn* of Mr*. Buokendorfa par- *m,ric»,.8o»rt efents. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rouse, AaunncM «f«oin( gt t«aponrTbelr sons, Tim and Terry. wUl re- •« i» rwru. A»k H(7nmain with their grandparenta for Pbsai mtitb e summer. ------

$275 .35 BUYS___ O ne 50,000 Groin. Ryte-M gid

Water SoftenerA N D -

: O n e 4ft:fialloftRjrt«-Mald Eloch

WatjBr Heater(10 YEAR G U ^ A I ^ E ) ‘

Offer, D riers A n Asking: 'Ditfl PHc« For Soft< Alone. ._ - ■_ ___

' - - T ^ l i M & V ^ q t h i n g D o w n — 3 : Y e a r » : i^ ^ ^

ip 'T O tlh D E A i^ ’o i ^ t w l r o w L ^ w K O T ”ro^



^ Musician Spums Big P Band Career for E

By IDA OABtWH- ------- ~ , ,,BtrPERT. JulJ S-Burgess Cran- -r:---- -r - - ^

dall. Jr., talented young musician who ha^ nIftVKi wllh several of tho B a r - im e 's n r - ^ « “ Ta»if«- ^d ihee '

issisis=giss?r''i'^s a n Ra career U> complete his education.

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Burgoss Crandall. Rupert, he plans to en- roll at Southern Idaho College ot EducaUon. Albion, UiU faU wlUi R M f W a jW the Intention of entering the fieldof education- ________ _ -JBHlSaBHBE—CfM>dxlt^T«!)inUy-.waa-narrUd to- Lavcrn willcs.'chienco. They ~win ■ 9 | | B n S make Uielr home in Rupert as toon ^ ■ ^ ■ 0 ' as housing accommodations can be

Bom and reared In Chicago.PfariHftll ^l« miii /* trnlnlwg,a t the age of 9 when he playedwIUi a school orchestra. At 13 hswaa Invited to play with the North-western symphony orchestra In Chi- n ^ H | Kcogo, which he did during thesummer of !9<l. •

At 15 he waa pUyIng wllh the____ Tefldy-phJlUpa^orche.itxa-and'two — BUHOEfig-

f y e a r s liter h# Joined Uie Benny ________, • Strong band where he conUnued

" ^ B B to play untU-he signed-up with souUi wlUi tlil Henry Buue dance band In IS48. log to Idaho.

-----------. ' , ; B ' •’He-hsd-cqmpletgd-a-toig.-Dt the -playmg all


V R O E B u c i r M i D c a 7 \ A

i>U yri on

m it U worn ent.

Reports 1 lYavelsluly aad

Ken> for LeUibridge.

Uamochs-wlU-at* roundup during

irldge h u aecom> iter, Mrs. Harold

to Mis- visU M ^ Trow.


) Home Improve- t ■ lo -E aje ly -h o t ------

le women’s voca- _ I’ 'r

IM fm ^resldent^'. secreLury-treu. I 1Upe. Mrs. Arthur | ^ ^ \ t \ ^1 Foster and Mrs. ' B h ^ J ^ B B ^ ^ B

Bob Hammer-for Boise where 1 r

nds prior to going ^ [HA I a visit with her ,l|

-EIS-IS-________■ ____ coUM a h j^ g e _ Is_______B O U V iaiT . negligible. ^ any ,July 8-M r.-and w“ i»«t "SJespersoB I, Mr, and Mrs. infonnaUon. ^

family and Mr. * ' ■ -* •leriiave retumed

C J u m b o sV ze B la i^ ^ o t 1 0 0 % W <^ . j J^ShnjriiWastihYourwlll ' V ifr^9 in i

Aaid 10.88 72>!»ksi.w*laM.~0 «sreRt«fd 3-yrt. agalmt ftiikk. 100% ■«<

------- - ----- Woven Jneqwrt BMer— "•---------lr^•J[•^»b^TOx»h. a » . « . . . 8 i 9 f t .

i o ^ P a y - :

BD T M O T " ..........................■■■'■

I g N n i H P . ana clarinet. Aocordint to hU aunt. S x i u u i i . ^ Crandall. &e-bep«* \o T7 , l , , ___ parliclpale Uj Uie musical Ufe of

t r 1 L Q 11 C 3 0 0 1 1 UiB comimmlty and « p « u to giv# -_ . . ------ lessons-while atlentllng school, both j-' * ' . * .....«■ * i'. ' ■ a t-S IC E :an d prtrate-lo sttn iijla „

Bed ivith the Rupirl band ob ^

ritip^' milt Ttfiyis" U j upfiipli'iu ^

all the naUonal networks^ ^ ng this Ume the young musl- tx hnd a great many thriuing ex- h

aices.August, 19tf, the Ueniy Busm lu

i pUtyed for.lhe Harvest Uoon val ,_at_ Madison Square Qar- R

where ~lhe band played for d< famocs-Rltg-broUiers; wlUi-Vlc -*t lonA as singer. atunique experience, quite dlffer- from Kentucky Derby. Mardl fr

s. and elevens hold in ClUcago, N ro he plsyed eight months with UBenny-atrong orchestrai-KM a t —y Hawk, Va., where It w u cus- u y for everyone, to dance bare- ed, ishlle Crandall's eyes light up a t ^ very menUon oi music, ha de­es he is tired of traveling and

.aE ns-«H A »I.A tli-) « . - -- f - ---------IBUII n „ , . . l . , ) „ ORJOOM

HOLLUflTit, July 8 —O ew X. alth tills band prior to com- Nygord K u retumed to Baker, Ore Idaho. following a visit wIUi his moUier,ng-ftll.ttind-imtruinentJ. a6 Mra.-M.-omUva~Nyg6rf.'hg«.




' 3 POUh

H v b l o1.15EXTISAVINGS

- A real valuel Wann .- -BBtlattniHntvTTin'a

aunabltie yellow or sa< ' ed for B-yn. agaiiist'B

antee. Buy several to<

_______^ ^ J ^ 'tb a -C T g _ F

| ^ B ^ ^ B ^ 7B | B | R j ^ ^ ^ - w « and p w k M tb n t


m i j kP r » - M .W ^ b U i -

W e o l B l a n k o t 1 0 0 % , W O O

ikHmMy.HwM'M wh-'r-----------

P A C S X E ts lS

- P r i | « r m i

» S ( G i v e h a t G r a n g e . ^

4 Ob day msetuw o f . tb* k 1b* T S b ^

iina? 5 3 2 !it5 S » u £ iS S .S fjS --;a m ^ ?S&WM iHwil' i^»i-wi«wpVwaf rorks!. annual.Pomona Ormngv plctflo wh nusl- tM hald Aug. B a t the V*gex- Home paA A H O ranc«nar* tnvU td ' -F

to attend and hrin*TBa? ««m pkois v Busm luncta.Uoon A vot* of tbask i va* ftv* th* ttov, Qar- B .L B arae* ,w boJaA aIM two ■!»>.— I for dowslaUieOiwicebalLXaUABdw. T-VJc Wll. mu lg n r f 'tU* OiM im jaw M ed—**

a t lb* m eeting .'...................... ....iffer- Mr. and Mrs. S a il BUU Mrv*d l* . .:'. dardi fresbmenU. Sweral Ttstton ftncB ttw Icago, MoQotalo Hom^ Oranga attstd id wlUi the meeting.

■M a t ---------- -------------- --------------cus- HOTID

bare. WLEB. July *-Mrfc BU * WUU lams and ton, Obarlai, h a n Bwrtd

up a t to BolM.

' BERNARD L.' - '- — -KREILKAMPrM;Dr4t8.-------

rrutto* Ub IM t*i r x . -

•S"«: [---"r.gr3CTr-= ,,, :


Y -A W A r

i l a r 5.901 H a m o n y ^ b tt^ ^

OUND, A tl^ W O O t .

a n k e tI Wann }-peund blaokat wUb 4^ r a m '

iv.or sage grMn. lOOlfr aS wool. . . pr^ae*- i . :Lgaiut'moUi damage by B « H f a m o a r » r> ' ivend today , . .-eojoy axtra (avlBSst

!~ ex tra t"p fw -T > aB hJtiy ftttH « IFf

hrunk blanket :

s . « L : 8 8 « i i :

» lo a % t f wKJ fn .a c i i3 5 y « |; . -. Ouarant*«d for ft>yn. aginat iiMttLdtm* .-i •d tb n Um U* pUtUo


1 ^ 1p |i^ ^ 3

A i 4 > a

xcrruo WM<i*S - [tiUr -to

'**' '.. : .,- -1


Page 6: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

-----FAOE-aiX-............ -

Public ForTw in l aUsTVIan U r g es R etu ra

^ t o r TlmM -Nen- chUdren. and for *U the restefWhU hM hiPDen’ed lo ihe grind fun-lovln* kld i.h tre In the v»l

W . M » nation'* people. Brown m and v ita . BomethinB wWcn. In liUift »nd crnlca] »t>d «orld wetry year. wlU fo further to mtklnf tt

•M 10 l u v f forfeited »H t*» t the u n d m ^ d Independence dty .— ?Ourth lued to aieui? appreclUe their heritage u elUi____ T=mder.»l»ut .9.^- Ibete thliiB o r tr our w en t holldey 7=“ nm oiy 10 a DOOKI .

-w hen Uu order of th# day wm a “Hm w e r" '? I ehould m ^ t h and dUaater rilfier than life u n i And 1 want to aee tha d a ^ S UbR-ty and thaoUuI remlnU- when foUci »peak of “OU aiory” i

' ecneei of patrloU and forefather*, -T h* S ian « d Stripe#' andMilt .nn, .nfi hrothCTi jicrlflet* for 3u« the HmI ,a*-Ui»t we might all be free men! Whfle not wUhtHJTto «tar{ a t

How much of our herllaae and troreray. I feel tho force of wy cu S u o n T u s t we ii^rnci T m c S - vlctlona— nd I thank you for .ani llvlns? W hat a p«r coroparl- opportunity to get It off of•on la»t July * would make U held chest.up to the old-faiihlonrt one* of 13 K - ™ n ^ A l « >0 r c r . . ! o I _

— m B n l SW» * toyhcre ln-Twln .......... * - n «Fall*. I looked fom«rd to the Fourth _ _ _ ^ .

S h e R ap s Soci-srery other t» y knew, laved every ■»• ^

* - Plan, Opme“r„SSS-S«,-

------ »hat_JlUh nK. •Wnnjl.nLiii> th«. S r . t l o n ^ l t - ‘woul*--be-{)Bane«lgreaied pole, band eoncerta. glor- p^™)! acdloti, «oul-«llrrlnK apeccliu. hot do*» „ propoaed, everyone »antflemonnde n job or income would be forced^ tag i that make a real Fourth of nay, wjjelher he.w

I , financially able to do *0, and rega

- i5 L 'f= ^ e t 'd u e eoonomlau have e.Um.rlSrSle "f f!?e<SSd!erUU Tmsure the toll of dead and woundedIrom highway accldenli and water ttoastcrp to Magic Valley reaitlenw

— (who hid to (to Bome»here elie for son in the.Unlled Btatcs. Part tt»tr f,m tnd relaxation) far over thU would be used to pay apprt

• S S d o ^ a lU h e d ^ l ^ l r ^ e k e S mately IW0.000 clerk*, bookkeep h i « admlnlitratora and tux coUecl

I feel dorry for my four young on federal payrolli .which would • * * * * * * *

-B urley F ather S a y s P in b al k S h o u ld B e C la ssed as Gamin

----- EdltorrTlmes-Nisir.:--------------------e X IU -b y - y o u n g .t^ o f .a n y ^T then contacted the prosecuting

.. .. ^ a l l h t r my wUa.ntj I belleyejn ,<,rney-who-oh«k«l-th*-*UU-li “iptrtog th# rod" when it aeema ,,naeeaarr to ti»« ll.-*Bul, w hen jo u - m o r to ora'y~anv game of cha

on the offendlsur younnter to no nreniiuma. coins or slug* In reluiavail the whole buiintu becomes of .kUI.tor amuiemsordid and aomewhal Ucltenlng. „ot bt^n a* a ga

Our n>year-ol<t boy tells papers of chance aa It docs not pay oulind aeveral times h u returned home eclns, cluga etc. But. how aboutshort on account of “a hole in hi* free play* given whenever a <pocket" or w ith thi ncuse tha t gcare haa been made? Doe;somebody n u a t have ihortchanjed th a t -conatltute sn elementhim, A little detective work brought chance?

- oo» the fac ts,,H e wuplayUift o Dln-r Anybody viewing the tenee bad machine in a local parlor where pre&itons on these youngtten' fi tbs management countenances or a t „ e»eh marble la propelled on laaat overlooks the "pliy" given eo- cannot help but vl.iloif th called tames of skill by youngsters, *ame kid* grown toiler, stand o( all ages. In front of another machine will

The strap was resorted lo without lever In their hands thpt pmi------IValt, •Tb~en ' I 'ca11ed~anKg~t«nie6- th rifeyim apm srm icir-w ny-w i

statloa. to aes U- anything could be greedily devouring Ihelr coins, done, but waa Informed th a t so far What'a wrong wllh our leglslato IS they knew, there wa* no law pro- S. V. HIOLT

____WblUng the playing of games o f (Burley)

—PauL B oariSete^ CanningChange in Rupert Hazelton to Opt•• f i w i m m i n i r P J a h h h a z e l t o n . juiy a—nawiu

V ylO B B c n n in g center wll! open next TlPAUL. July 8—The village board day for the sfa.^on. Oren Beta

mad* special anan im en ts last n^antBer. announced today.DKht with official* of U»« Rupert AoMtatmenU to use the e«rmunicipal r rtm B ta i pool and b* made with Mr*. Or2 ^ ? Sellers a t the klKhen Monday. 1tem for youth rwltnmlng lesson* j j there are a larger number

cannen, Selman said, the kltclRed Cfoes awlnimlng ICMons for wnj be open only from 8 a.m. to nt

lilnldoka county rurU young*ters ^11 appointments this yesr m_ s t t « - » t . l 0 . ^ i n - - i t o d v - l a - R t i . be '^adS m the day prior to act

pert for a tw o -w k period. The Th^re »1I1 t* an Ini.....WcSt*Tlh a K«^?ir*.Xlna"or?.k,«*«1 Which continue* here thrmigh dT a? to » as wa* done Us? ynext week. „tabiiihed

In other buaineu the board heard year by the Frontier Orange. 1ft report from rred Rogers. Rupert however, it is under the su[electrician on plans for 3J new street , i„ e n gf the state vocational edu

fiJi , . . L 5. I Olxon, Hillsdale and Ruj.iell Uitlon ot slate highway* J5 nnd J7, _____at which there la heavy pedestriantraffla at night. Comfortably t S t o

BEAD TIMES-WEWB WANT AD8. n t a ^ I FM M I; ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ TODAY

A'NEW t y p e f il m^ • • ^ * * SOaPENSK AND ROUAf

A uto T healerSun,*Mon. ■ Tues.

-MASOH'TORIj « n l i t « l » « ,H « l n i m r t i r e ......... v - - . - - -

^ ' t t M r n i ' i l f,r tnetfvHDMiginM i f l C X r aliL., __AdmtitajbaXmlhtJinDSTaa___ . .. m -9! < htfcnenlOWlIMIllirty tnttMtuMliMiUBiic i . a S n

I , s h o r t s ' ."m ra I ,

t i m :

•J " A ssociO r u m Awar

urn R u p e r t l t e s i d e n t Ares

" P r a i s e s “ D o c t o rn the vall^. Editor.Tlme*-Ne«*: hU winningmetWn* res! Coneratulatlons on your L*ht for Breeders awsrifhlcK Inone what we wouM t«rm "back to .the sUln-Frltslanmaking them food oJd-fa*hlon»d way," govern* day and ment OF, FOR and BY the people. The plaquete aa clUsena Keep It up. We feel there I* no bet- je rry Plowmshan a whole ter way to get people to set. aad act man. durlnp a ;KI~----------- it~ th e eoaitn r ^lectlan.^— -------------ina-C M am g^ihould say I Thank* for printing Dr. DaDey'a ..........liitjS e T y a g i ln I«»«r (w d edltortU eommeaM In jjaberiy* a<daioTT” and your July 3 issue, Ths writer knem honor siven bes" snd not Dr- Dailey; he is s splendid chaxac- nobteln dairy

ter, <iulet. unaMumlng. but a man ygn j j ^et'• ta rtv e o n - '*ho has the CCTaage of his eonvlc* ii^iifbieedlhg'a of my con- tlon*. nation and toyou for thU Again, may we oommend you in hretders.

off of my your *tand a*ala*t the "Ums,- TVA * breeder mand their Uk. ffcations In all

nTEHEAD __ - PATJL A. FRXKCB, • to win the awa. Falls) ■ (Rupert) „ „ t * In prodi

« ....................... * ' * - -* • — * .......... ...... mant, h«rd bedevelopment ot

S o c ia lized M ed ic in e_ , Under the a

pilies C osts A re H ig h^ needed. In Hew Zealand, the costIn.^urance 1* of-government-controlled medicine ------- *“ledlcine pro. went «M ,000,000 in debt during nine -T h . '-ir^c^wurlly admin- months of 10«. pounii of bi-flnaneed-by —tTnden ompulsutr-h ea lth -Insur-- ’polindrormnklyroll dcdiic- ance... a RGvemment agency pro- ings over a nciveryone wllh paicd to set the rule*, direct doctor jj^ d (icorerl Rl.:be forced to ^nd patient participation, determine {yp*. The curher he were t.hw Rprrifra. anrf rlrtmtnatff every clt* on a 17 nnlnia, and r e g ^ - iicn'a medical affairs. I t Is proposed tom on the far•ded medical to foUow the BrlUsh aystcm. set- The Holsteinncludemem. ting - up— "local— ndmlnlslratlon am -todav H•ellglons and boards," and the patient's medical of Mm,,

Dert Van E\er-their war locjj gojslp ovftr family medical ranged by Ccrecords ha* been bitterly protested pj.[pjt q , C,

•e estimated jn England. dairyman, acch Insi^nce xhe national health insurance on Its tour00.000,000 to bill (8157A) doe* not propose to ______I taxes, or as cover hospitalisation In a menUl. i .>r every per- nervous disease, or tuberculosis _ A C e Q U iaitcsrPart ef iiospltal. Title VTT.'secUon-103 ofpay approxi- ihe bill. sUtes no patient could see I ' n p o f ibookkeejxrs. » specialist without f ln t havlni hisIX cflUector* y u n csrtllled as necessary by the ^ich would be p^ne, jeniral pracUUontr who v t t Mahlen Onjse,

A treating him. or on appeal, by anadministrative medical officer. »r- ‘

k o l l a Tiy* VIJ' lectlon 7M. sUUs tho «*•

im ing.s n y - s s e 5 tu n d s ^ ^ e toujid to U ^ ^ ^a ls .jsecu^g at- S i?rtc t’ o‘r^«‘ll‘mln»t« all beaefiU • « h«e from I

whoi# ppoviiion-lt-eonsidered Jm- J l"Illegal for » ___________________ Oweiu.Oiia.flI.1^ Benefit* are net guarantsed and »• *» conv^eteirmay-reeeiva- cerlalt^-»rvlce5-sT«-proml*ed “when appendectomyl funds are available," "insofar u Rupert g e n ^r amuiement pg^^ble," and "when facilities , Mr, and Mrs.ed a* a game ,. Mich., spent t«w M t h e & . n * * d m«Uclne were adopt- tlon vliltlng NWCT a c « ! «> m thi* country, chance* are Morehouse BaS.? tha t eventuaUy there would b* few- Mr*. Morehomsicm fnT ^f er doctora because the medical pro- Mr. a n d ^ a . Ielement or regimented govern-e tenee e*- ment-OOJiUBLwouW be an untieslr-

vlillo^ those adequate medical traatthent to their to spend a few er. .tandlng paUents because w hm as the y e r - —chine wllh a age doctor now has about SO patients on pthpt pmpcis a day. under spclallied medicine he r - v n ^ n i r -trm .H J-have-ujh-to-fW *-tlm .a-t^• coins many, as in England, where the wl''** went onr average doctor Is able to allow each Idaho- PalU ten

HIOIXY patient only three minutes for dlag- Burley) nosi* and treatment. Brttlih doe-

I. - to rs-aie *wa«ped-«Ilh government--------------- -red tape and have to consult dally

l l P r f l t a flOO-parnSobk of rules and regu-

^ A n r i n *>^eh to lT«at their patients,3 U U c H In major countrle* which have had ', soclallied medicine—France. Eng-

Jand. Germany and Ruasla-the re-^ *ull ha* been inferior medical care

irei, Betman, decline of medical education and research, in-

I the center raaloa ef the paUeat's personal prl-Mr«, Orace vacy, oon*tantly mounting tax bur- j» « n »

tonday. Dn- dens, political control of medicalr number of cystema, and extension of control*ths kitchen over other professions. leading to

a.m. to noon. io « of individual Ub«rtla*, A* Len- ---------s yesr must )n daclsrtd, "SocUllted medicine is a•ior to actual u jv tey itons to thff areh of th* so- -V an Initial -l*i1|‘t H ltT" ____________________________________: ________________ -TB* •son canning, ALICE RAKOKETTad of asking - - (Syracuse. N. Y.)

me last year, jbllihed last MEETING CALLED[range. This riLER, July 8—J . L. Bam tv Han- f lBer the super- sen, pre*ldcnt of the Old Bottlers aa- •• K ffClonal educa- sociatlon, has called a meeting of H u

center will officer* of the group for S pjn. Sun- /■/,•) t S tGreenwood, day a t the county fairgrounds to lay

tus.'iell Ume. plnns for Uie annual plcnlo Aug, fl.

I g^ Q 0 e o


g j ^ ^ » f W » l U « f T W ! T I W M I ( n

pu;rLAw horsesi li|p |p!

■ • PLUS • 1CLS AND m s TEXAS PLAYb Ayb ' __________I CARTOON • LATBNEWS

T I M E S - N E W S . T W I N F A L L S , . I D A y O .

isociation’s Twin Falls Radi iward_ Given injy -k^ Ai ea Faime? ““ S s

fflnning of t h o Progressive oim fr»»ii D« Vort Orrt. 9>je s. CTji;lers award made by the Hoi- }'S* a e ^ J u S T o •Prltslan AssoelaUon of Amer- {;S

1 plaque was presented by fj-l! liePlowman, aasocIaUon field ‘!!» ^ • iM •jUthkiiifj I

durlne a noon i-ujp a t the Har- i -.n iun»r t«ll .f Hiu .Jo • ^ n iUi

berly's award U the highest lu , tum «o u i« i f * pi*■ given brrtders of registered •MaHi «iui u> Oiiia iK O oUbqoieln dalnf cattle by Uio ossoda- Hflo «a« HuU ■»» c«u«o^It has been given only 171 Hoi- J |« ^ jSbreeding iitam nhT nfntnn the i :« •wiiur wibc»«m :oJ *u i B«orna and to only six other Idaho tus

irerier must meet strict quail- J lS hSSifti. Soi Tr»«ons in all phases ot dairy work i >m AmA.ia. x». JUi«. j j a *>\™n the award. Including require- ! |t! .B3EC?*^IS3iu- t!m kSSI In production, type Improve- i;io iiui« BcUi iiM BrMUui K<, herd healUi and.progress In Will Jjt.K irla {l!?jpment ot animals bom on the }?;}! t* 3 o ^ ^ ^ s S i u i

wloo S i 7 . 'f OlU Mli-Mnr M T»*t»d Four Years MONpat

ler the at.wfaUon's herd im- c»j, ^ i,o« cua* ot »•

S ”i T , 7 f £ ' s ; ? ' S j Z : l » t e - ™ s ~ .consecutive years, completing ? ,« £*” «* PJ?oJ«n ti:» ’H m th»a It tMl_B«pt, JO, IBtfl, w ith thCM IlII Jk.rtB^A*re«»k» 1 *|*i

I jlx-cow .herd averaged 8U J 'm 'B tM iS raob s ’oo SMtlut* «ois of butterfat and 13.578 »im J, Jllll, On.o -lit* • h l i o n ^ ii8“ ormnk-in-twlcf=dBiirmint- — i t i s 'is J i)vcr a period of 301 days. The lo.js b.sihh ia< s»km 1i« T.Billr Tl.nscorerl R1.5 In ctassUlcaUon for io;>o *Joi>n B. K.r...dr j ! » ‘Omtul D.i

The currrnt award Is based i|{J-17-ftnlnial-Jnrd..-tacludlng-J3 S f w - tu ^ u ^ ^

( Holstein tour began a t 8;3B TT

ot Mnbftly, Cod^nstcn ntid S h o s h o n e G u e s t s , ' I ^d “ by County Agent W. O. T r H V e l R C D O r t e d tur

.J S' ______________ Roy. Utah. *pent several days this

. , 7 .« week wlUi his siller, to*. Ed WaU- ^i g u i a V a M i o n |

S ^ T ; ^ ‘‘S;ir*un*S^1!n§ ««■ IM d « n ,H :j .R u sh ,J .c k - ^ J

snd Mrs. Dan Bohon, Bur- New York City thi. week, having M;-C»11f.T-snd-M n-«nd-M nr deeldod-i%rt-to-t*ln-lhe-*urop*rt -

ra& KcS'L:".; 0 . M r.Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Wlnton. Mrs. WorUi Fletcher, aecom^nledI Ti«m)>i .T>n«iTi «nrt fhiiriren Jil^ n c le and couslii. ^ n to rd .and _ire from Ban Francisco to visit NalEan Dundy lo iReFTiomeTT »r*nt*..-Mr—a n d * M r» .^ .-J - -Ch6Wtl»li.,.W.Mh-._to_apend_most _a. Ona of the children. Richard, of the siimmer therf. .onvaleseing from an emergency Mr. and Mrs. Cfi.rles Pendleton ’ideclomy performed a t the nnd Douglw leJt for a trip Uirough:t general hoiplUl. Yellowttone natlonil park thisand Mrs. Charles Bailey. Nllas, wfeH-, spent two days of the ir vaca- Mrs. liiex Canls, Brighton, Colo.,i-liltlng Mr. and Mrs. Bradley accompi.nled Mr. ana Mrs. W, H.louse Bailey Is a brother of Jackson home. The Jacksons hadMorehouitt, They also visited been vlslUng there the past monUi.nd Mra. Merlin LooeU and son SM,=.c„,«,a»„dto. Visit at Deep CreekiiTMr, and Mr*, Albert Nlchol- •. DEEP..CREEK. July ft-M r. and,lmo drove to I^va Hot Springs Wr»- Charles Lansberry. San Fran-indafew days. flsco. wc« Recent guest* a t the

_________________ home of Mr, and Mrs. clarencoON EXCURSION Brown,

m r . July 8—Members ot the Mr, and Mrs. Tom Spllter. Comp-cMera ouonim nnd tlirlr ton. Calif., arc i PtGdlEZ- saveral. .

went on an excursion to the days at the home of I>lr>. Spiker’aPalls temple recently. brother. Pred Splker;-

~ ~ When you ' bu out“". “ “eum# in" and enjoy Boulhun Idaho'* - finest Steak DUinen. We fea-

■ ture choice cuts from grain fed i J i A i M i M A beet. We have your favorite

mixed drink, too, —


^W i H C W msici


N T B R T A IN M E N T — C O O L E D B Y M A G IC I . V A I ^ y B R E E Z E S . _

[ONDAY . r u i i i i j i y f f i- PLUS


- SPECIAL!! LatcsT News! ' P


ladio Schedule sJ;:;-Ready:tO:3

i ‘ y ; M - V r r S r eIe7Jd b y y o u « > d th eo tl«*u»B.CMrtk ■?! Ji'Jrt u» 8»Dd «r* ia jour commumty. ai

!m «*■»“ Uiers to help you and H«• » •" I .m r a will. c ^ m O j n p

' s s t t S M s r , “ “ f i y ' w S s T O M

■ 1“ r ti‘. .ifet cocunltUunw. H i i t t t i ™ ‘

; Do » paid Only <61 019 ttmn

AUm deck ;J» •n,„i„ National AverageMen pointed out. In admii

lU ui K f« > PMA program* for Uie 16iB-i^JJf'KMiiboT _______ - - y e a r , community eomml

a, ^tV ed *n aversge or «■ •;<s « 2 i a i f o r which they receive ft1.1* Broitui n . « average of M40 per day.

J ofp^r ! ‘J5 5 "‘ i-aS.“ u l PMA community comml„ _ _______l '£ nuiau. W- cf Minidoka county M

------ ,:jJ T.i»tTTlm. ....... T Bennett,' Mfmmfl-"B.--Oen1,7 u „ n « . i . , - . r »ii‘ ' V , ' S ? Alfred W. Packham, Acequll ^ V ’.? :^7A r Maricle. Fred M. B ^ e r ar

n.h<.t.ep«m r « in i t« ra A” lar »nd H u w O. ^ ton U»l» Iliu «n. UT.saa i« ra p^u, „ a Donald Avery, A' ------ ^s-i* ru m -ic ^ ^ i---------- SmiUrand-Elmer-Sr-Haltu

Attends Funeral Fam ily Will iJ BUHU July ft-M, D. Skinner re-:Q turned Thursday nliht to Uje n a y ,w< testing station. Inyrttm . Calif., fol-f r - lowing funeral services Thursday ^ ^ i r « t i g r g g S : aft*moon held for hi* wife. ip* . V ^ loulse Bklnner. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph

Skinner and chUd. and Alice Skin* r» Jier. son and daughter ot M. D,^ Bklnner. retu rn^ to" Richmond,"

.a ^



^ ■ .StandardSym ptiD nyO rcfiflsira.. ...........

CiUmbtrn . . .Ip. *1 Ccupailxi . I I H p H a U a a U i^ B U

r'B ' »«<«(. (I.I«H«n.) . . Watltn \ M * l j j■ Cfnorl Rhvmba . . . . KvWk

• Marls, M«H............OiOM AiT.»rkai» Ponw . . i4B.»W _L !M lP in i‘ W * l

, iuDday9;31ipJ(T[L ,


He fought every V w o ; a m att co n j

f igh t . . . . t o g e t j h e r kisBes o u t

j ^ j ^ a A R Y u u i

p P i a i Mi C A E b N lStarts TODAY Foi

:I § S M

- - - W K I I A ^

iency Emerson T kers

: t o - A i d | E S l-•Do you in o * Ur».- Charl(« uni{twnen.and . R * y t tuai.

iteemon w s r .the other farm- WlUlam* and a -L Sailty. and they Lake City, ajj •?*•,u and the other Durfee aad i s ^ '?vaUon problem*. Mra. J o s e o s ? ;^

problem*, and friend*. Mr*. * <jenU .M d m ar. u r s . Sslln*

K-dile Sa* ?Vhen Uiey flont homej. ' t 3uy may be able _>£r, and Un. <w

Iltteemen do not ^ a*t"u,'e^*’ ^ '

lelp their nelfh- n f . .“ 7“ ^— ■—•

..CSr MimdokaWi li^lccted It

eomml»<emen , nuPEtiT. Julve of AH day*, Hansen, countr:elve ft national public imtnieuStlay. county, ha* beta ibl

committeemen of the state couoti»ty are William The *uptrlni«dSB.--Oentry-and M oscow in -coaJ^, Acequia; Ernie Northwest ne?ionn& jcker and Floyd ftrence. held a itu u r ' Martin, Joe business raMUat V? y-O.TJolllnier. elected for th T w £ ivery, Arther D. Beryl Cleaj. > n * | Sr-HalQWr-y*- <l*ntraiH]-D0TUatnBB

_____________ secreUry-trmufg,

ts the Whole m Enjoy

' -nttridrnt ftr • w l U n o d o m 'i i w ^

^ ^ ^ g | a g b . T o r a o B * t lop i d

n S B H S .ta M k ittn m a[■JerMivlqb)Hmlic%,i^t4t- j K L M I 9 ^ |

'ROMAfksTiathfine ' c i y >» rhfm

CTIB ihiH w Iw B• VMUM a

’‘/rca n w K w o tJW — ;

I M cA ftetW n


|Tr-^r a

mygetC K ti

'uinum ifiS iiH

m u > m

For 3 BIG 3

Page 7: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

------------------------------- -- ----------- ---

■ P ^ o n a Honors n ■ g e T ak es : ^ Q P | | ' J KrM<@nbexa ^ -------- j

Jul7 8 -E U ht mem* M f t ' ' I~' ’* - I

^ E f C ^ c r d r tn i r s H T ~1!^ ho iliene . Thundty «ts- H

^ ■ m u n M n - a n Mr. sod 1orlmale;, Rlch{I«!(] :,■ i g K t . ^ ‘‘v ; f

^ K ueU Thomu. DleMcli iMr. and Mn. Twn -1- B

^ E ] Mrs. E m u t Kim- > ^ R , 5 ^ E M i r o r t n g g: HiiBaiiwie.— ■ ■ i | | f t ' i i '' j l ~ |^■ cpo rti O Inn - ~fl

^ B « sa n a 'o ra n ie . « u In [Imeeting. Routine bull- I

^ K o rU^Hcnr.'JtcpoT^s-'ns-ftTtn'^ E d Jca te Orangei.^ K y , master, reported for

CcnWr; Harr? Prtor,■ M rte d tor nichtleld: DANIEL It. JUSTUS^ K d . master, reported tor . . . «ho waa radaaied earn

Edi^arda reported tot Uade from Hanrard nnlren ltr » IA u g u itIn e Jojraion re- rtcenllr, haa atctpitd > 'poidtlon H a l lo - . ■■ iHth tha nailohaf torM aer»lc«^ B o fn in Given ‘ for the •unuser. In Iba (all heH e lecturtr’a hour, t^e « iu enUr GUnford nolTerdtr for^B urcr. Mrs. P. E. W ent- furtlier atadf:--------- ------ ------------^ f c i c d the program. Jo- 'ft * * * -^ F a n d Roberta Bsneroft -•►

trip to theM-H short M^KaKoer. Eight Juveniles I

Orange preiented two - I

'vivlan Moore, Carol ---''T^^W I^Er-MeWUllBr-Uo-COl*- . | ^ ------ ' ' fiBM ft ttM^ K e and Naillne Kim- ; M 3 | ^^ H y d ie nnd Norman 0371 ii

^■.tiblaau-V Bs pieun tcd —J j^ f c b e n ot Wood lUfer |^ H ^U e Orange. Jonna, ... f ljjB H I^H-Sonnle Damer. -T he | ^ — 4 | S | ~ ^ ^ H a i Magic Orange anng ' JH ^B jj^ K rtsen icd the tntileau.^ K u were a t Uia A^■evcnlnK by Ihe mem-

River qenter Grange.

H n Gathers iD urfee Clan

July B—For the l in tyears the entire Dur- ^

^ K a together rccentl)' a t n H B O g B K i ^ ^ ^ B S B KMinidoka dam. Ap- ^ ■ B E M H X ^ -|

^ ■ iO per.- ona attended ■ M B D ^ Q tl9 D n i^ B 7 0 n S f i» I. ' LLOYD WALKER J

^■ O urfee . mother of the . . . when he retnma to ichoel^fcthlI<lr«n.4Uof-s.-Iiam. -ln-U>e-fall-wllI-a(iidy law a t th e - -----

and who icere pres- Marrard Uw eelioo]. lie waa trad - p^^K nlon. Dated from Hanrard tinlTenllr *^ ■ l e pretent at the re- u« t month with cum laude hon- P^ ■ U r . end Urn. Lyman era. He ezjm ti te remain In n^ ■ n g n r -> T r. - a nd-RtrT r -nu ttjnH tirB U T iiR B irnm T ram ^ —“ ^ ^ B e e and (amllf. Hey- . mer. (Staff eoiratlnc*)^ ^ H 'M r t . Enwrt'Durtee ' ----- i ................. Z ' " V ------- -----^ K l S o ; - M r . and-M rs7 ............ _

f c i t K - s ; * Hailey Men Home I ■ “S„“J.«rS;,£: From Graduation ;;^ H . Alva Wllllnma nnd h a i le Y . July fl-Uoyd Walker. -■

Arool Reed and g^n oJ Mr. and Mra. Lloyd WalVer,Balt Laie a ty . and Don,,(j k . Juatuj, aon of lira.Eugene Qlfibons and Doruthy Povey, have returned to

Hallev followijis their sraduatlon ^ ---------- - , cum lauda from Harvard ualver-■Damaged-

M i a T l i i n ^ retum to iiarvard In Bep-^ H l d U m i S l I d p K ^bcr to bejlng a course In Har-

B — Tro sedana vnrd law school^ ^ S n ^ b u m '^ t 'l l '^ col- .W olkcri slater, Margaret, flew to^ H r d l n g c m e 'to ^ 's t! ’ “^ ^ w c p u ) bncriii noyd i^u ls to join their brother. Oeorge

Schmtdt. who ia atudylng dentistry.« n r » ‘o , r »ome ^

^KteKtov™y: ‘? h e * T ™ *1?gflftltfJp .tA e jm nrn l ,fflrf« atrr-. . .

^ ^ K t of iht PhlUlM car • '^ ^ September wlU enroll ^ ^ K i d aim hit the rear’ Stanford university for further

^ _________ ‘ MrL Justus arrived thla weekp t from Cleveland where ahe apeat 'af U n B r a l week with her parent*.

» S = ‘S “ Funeral Held for ■ ’ Joseph M. Doman^ ^■ F .im v n rih and Mra. DBOLO, July $—Punsral servlcta^ H B lsc k ro o t; Mr. and for Joeeph M. Doman. who died^ M n v o r i h anij Mr. »nij lU l BUnflfcimt WniMBirw*Tm*U^ ^ ■ i i h , BoL'c Ur. and Thursday «C U u Qwlo recresUon^ ^ ■ t itw a r tn and family ball mtfl~BtlhoprO. Lsro7 S tn n n —^ H Ir« .-P cn :y Farnworth. In chKja. .

.Mr<. Emery Cim- Thoes who took part in the ter-^^H couvrr, Wash. vices were Julia Darrlngton, Lucille

-Btri F«m«’orUi. Darrtnftoo. Darrel Darrlnftoo, Bertana Mrs. Oajton WheaUey.. purdeU Curtis, Mr. and

rork,..Utah: Mr. Mrs. Garth Brown. Elmer PenrodFarnTortli. Orem, and Mrs. Bulo Pickett.

J. A. Pamcorth Honorary pallbearers were Clark «Mumitui u tnh : Darrlngton, Fred Darrlngton. Walter .1

^ ^ K r n a l Coaiej, xjr. and Brown, Otto Peterson. Hyrum Lewis > \Mrs. and Harry Darrlngton.

J- W. Pallbearera were Charlee Oumer-^llnpa. aon. Cline Fruton. Lloyd Tunk. Ley- ~ e m

^ ^ V '^ * o r t h and aon, land Pnaton, Jack Stevens and Bulo MUr. inrt Mra. PKkett. (B ,

laiho Pnli«; Mr. - Flowera were called by Kellie' <iB^ H ^ rs m i 'o r l l i . Frank- Kidd. Alice Lewis, Eau Fisher, Jo- a

Ud Ur:i. Hugh aepblna Anderson. Teresa Park£. ^Idaho; Mr. nnd Loulae Moneon, Uamie Darrlngton

^ ^ ^ F ^ 'o r ih . Mt. Pleai- and OUve Paterson.u u d e Famvorth, Surlal waa made in the Pleasant

^ H i . v florenea View cemetery with Harry Darrlng-ton-dedicaUng tho^^gravc. ________ _. . .

B " - ..R E V O L U T 10| l » ' H ^ r t l ^ ^ '

W ^ ^ '~ p ^ S s - . -

^ B eL-Wilk iso n . s t h o ^ tU M M U 00 .' ■ ' 'Twin fan*, Mahe

“ ■ TijjES-NEWg

5 i 5 5 i i i i i i 5 5 i | i 5 e 5

All Wool Jacquard Blanket . . . See IiPENNEY’S C & C ^ ^ | - k / PRICE IS REALLY | | Ml

-ROCKBpTTOM!---------- ________j ____| - • * / - 3

.The wannth ct an all wool blanket bnl with a sew aad dUferc look.-Uut'a ear florsl-jaequardi The-ienUe-roM-dMlgD- woveo c in r (broBgh lo the back. Tliat ncans either side ts t right side . . . and yonr blanket glTes twice the wear! Fi winter weUht . . . 4« peands. And see the wenderfol oolo

Btar, roee. .green, eedar, and Gennlnm red.

Imagine I t I.I


w .Tern get aeft. sew wool . . . thrt« fuQ petieds •( HI Bun rear baoda orer the aurface, notlee tbe aoft. brushed nap. Here’s a blanket tbal> mada te give yaa cuddly, sleep-Inrltlag w arntbl And look, obolee ef aerea decoraler colors! S ye«r moth damage guran-

_le*l .71 X J i a l e ,___

Thrifi p'rLd ^ 90% RATON PEATO PAIKS 10% WOOL

4.98 6.90--.S«nUa.inRirtti at tMa r^a* Tmi'D Uk* K Um . b s s **. i«ey.k>»‘ prti*:^-' Big b a h f -rw -aw UwTToaiarfiilrMg

btoeka' ot color,’ combined ef coloiv FlHfty. thlek-taxwith iDBwy Fhlte- .Hand- tared . . .a n d estr* teng tee■ome; 7t X M. Big ralue for I t mearart* i r wide and N

■ ffeV N -lm T w i n F ^ s

T O W S , t w i n y A m . n r A H O

^ F l O O K ! B



JQ lad different♦ - d « l g n - l* - ‘ - --------------- .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T side Is the X ___________



EL ^ A l i k W f X_ :_____. . . 6 e x t r a i n c h e s f c

. . . 8 w o n d e r f u l c o l o

A n d A l l Y O U P A Y I S A I

I e f HI*«“« Shop aronnd town, check one I

another for weight, size, coloi -. - nap. Y oull say th irb lank jrt fa

;— W annthrwear, gopdlookft-jali get-low $9.90! Buy on Layraw


ION ........................


) : ^v; —

thlek.taz- *■ - ^ | | ^ ^ . ------~i i^T T 1 ~atengteet'd e a n i W * _ -

" T T

BIGGERrTHAN-EVER:e ! n o w y o u c a n h avi N AND W INE^TOOF— - . --------- -


iJFor tuek-Ih l ^jM

A a u D o i T - i o w ^

one blanlcet against %color, thicknen of ■ —let ha« ererytfcihji- ^li-iill thfa i ta bad;-------7 x 9VijTaway! Be smart! .

H~ ~ S-o-l-i-d Con

Electric Blai


Too*;r« fataH r a re about « all (hiB sIc^ptfUKV e<nnfort Is jrovp So «ai^, §0 aafc to w « . no s

- - ' .diooae th a in u in th TDirwaBt, se tr - ■ akc tric blankr t dow .tha. t y t l 1

f e"-— -■- f tay o n , » o o i imd co tton -io wood S e a iit

| H | | M | A M I R I C A [ i

-------------- -- -r-T-T- - r - • -

mder= ^

w a i w i ■' :■—

lomfort! “ Hanket

1 9 Iibont «l«etHe b la n k t^ K oir : 4 t3 ro v 9 ...;^ a B 4 fo r]a ir t lf tU L

no guaaawbtk > t all! • Jo« t Bt. s * t t t f 'd t o i r ; T i i d ’r « f e ^

rw o n d n K d bedroom :«okinu"

4 - ^ ^ ^ j - H

II «9olv

Page 8: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

.. .....

" Preparations'Here.

; ?^ <0antiiineLoV- ^ . '- I f tm m r ', .nnl.^.tlBn» tflf.:; - • • .-tta p i r t^ ie k ununucd Uio lum-

-"■'*,"*Tiiir itamg:»ua-Brintiiittwi-'.iua t ' -"'''-Tkiw i of tn.tto.. ’ ' Bawarar, Uu .csndJUon is cxn*••■ ■-.'-iiaaWMl nwwwtl ilnf» ;hw malof

'. - 'T a r t ot ta an c r comimetlon vork .,, If ^4nned nrir to >Told cold

. V rnthir In Uie Uttr lUgea o t Uia . ’ProjecU.

___________ pubb»h __________

r 'feo o tt tiy ft t e w •PPKcftUon filed- ' ’ Iqr U W. Jenklni t« build a publlo

‘ ’jn r tc e kt KO S«ond kTcnue wsat .^ buUdlnc WlU b« or m u o n ir i v

- ceaitructlon tad M W 108 Xe<t.Oaier irolSUbniTnRT VrUiy

...........and- 6*tuTilt7 Include p ita s fo r ttlfiOO fraoie crnctimlly dweUlni.Alex etcTuu, the applicant, pUmi te build Uie houM t t les M odlwa .‘t t . .( tree t I ..

rtiB B«ai>iVlim...>R«g,edeiini-ptnnli'tppUcAUou

vero (Ued by J. a. Johnston and- -

JOhmtoQ inUadi lo sdd • root ;«ad wtlU to t buildlns u> cntk*& prlTttfl gnrese it lU M ain avc

— n u r ir u t . Cost ll MtioiUad at-«30a . lotuiliilon * new cornice on

« r«aldence t t tit FUmore s tr« t -------- U'pUunoi bym ncrrH o'esU m atu

FttllUou Fltnntd '

— - -T h u re ^ . _ ^ T h ^ , w d y j o r <

whol«*Je bulldloi mtt«r!ml deaJen,' “ “— r - ^ ^ \ W » 1 A ^ i X z E n t r i e s - A r - r r

btUIding at JM Ot« elreet. EtU- ^ _ .« , , ,

■ ■ Model Airi« u l h ^ M d ‘i "w b“ *S ,Entries for U « Mah® «ode

foot prlTtle »tn« , Ertlmated oct 2}“ “ '^ «£S ’ field1 » T„n.. .■nt. fft * » “ <1 w WTivlng dally

eo<t U «W. nounces, 1^18 contest U sponwiIdtho Plymouth sutomobll#

1 A V 0 1 ? C 6 9 ‘^Bush ttid entries received i--------<— -=:■— '----------- J- ---------------- t nvir* tlmtTBore thsn-^S wod'

^ M O M f a r l Q / - k - n Uiiulmsts vUl compete la thei r r a n t e u O o n Amona Oi# eonteat*nti it Jim

to ’Sklrict M urt^fgiy on gro uadi P i o n e e r - E e s i d e

-Glalmed by Defrow JotephJi. WUson-JjotU. BiiW. JEROME, Ju ly #—A plocetr

ftwaided «0 tcrei tnd p a rt o f one- slwut 80. died this mominft ■ *l*t«enUj teellM d Uod ndrth irtrt veUrant h“ P*«l ^of Bulil, perwntl property a n d eome veteran of th e BpenlsJi-Am firming efluipmint tnd Uvestoek. » « . t . . ^

■ Tha huibtnd recelyed 130 acrei of Before w m m j here « year land, two work hones. U »ctor tnd l“ t« Mr- pleltup truck. He wit orcJered to .'.n^pay a 1300 mortgn# due on hU the viUage blacksmith unt £x-wUfi1 orooertT reUrement 10 yeara ago.

- TOe couple *u:intrried XJ«e. 10, J ^ i e p16«. ia .Bko ecmtT. Nev. J . W, *>7 one daughter, ^ tr^ , F Taylor represented t£e plaintiff.

I Custody r t t minor ch ild * u ” , J L , awarded to Mwjorle LucUIe Fro- The body will be neeived

aehauer. ^ relaUves._________________

: £ L ~ " S “ R a l p h

-----2S* SS.'SS’ffiiSrSin': -eiaimed-by-Deboth Twin PiUi. A property, settle- ..R alph D onaran. 6l,,,tlled :

, ■. ment ■ w u .anproral by th e court Twin FalU county hospltti and the pltlnlifr* m tfdaT^tJrte, S;30 a m EatunJay.Betty CUwMli, wu ordered te- He wa» bom June 31. 18 stored. They were tstrrled Sept. » , Kansas. Ke Li survived by a m i . ttJeroon. The wile's attomeTs Mrs. Maude Swift. Blrthold.

' were Raybom tad Raybom .. He also may be survived' brother.

r i t t U 9 R f i n a A / 1 The body rests a t the Whit.L 'l U l U ) £i) D r U l S C U cuarypendlns funeral arxange

I n F a l l F r o m C a r < ^ v e t i R e l e a s ep * n O T !U ) .jo ,» - t» r r r Jolui- b ,t #.# \am MTiH Scvcn p trsons arrested oy

m i t «J ---------bnilte.-.B<l-wu auined- fremJU.

Cf K om

. . tpwoblle driven by his m other,' ' Mamie Furry Esi

hippened about 1*9 miles wejt ot j Barney Lynch.S&” 1 ?« t ^ ^ ^ u i s B. Oloiwas ejtinitted »t 10 to Ifl mUei per Given, were arrested

n e y o ,^ i« i P l ^ t l y l « l hU §fokh®« rt“ t " e « t .* a” w lU ^ e “ r to leave .T w m F^lU _m dow. He wti.nuhed lo a doctor in » ♦ ♦ > » * ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦0 b ? ^ ' ^ b r o k i ’ “ discovered no 4 f , . j i j c D O N Ail _______ I cHmopRAcnou CNItr \18ITOB8 1 PHYSICIAN^ TTNITV.-July e-Mrs, R eed 8hi» ♦ „ _

.and chlldrMi. Ua. Hev.. a re vUlt- 1 Now ^ t e d .....^Ik Jn * at tiie haoie of her m other. Un, S '>»'*■ Newberrr* • Pnone .

Samuel Btnner. __ ________ ; ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « « > ♦ » <

Y < ^

-------- ■ A d d ^ N e V “ &ifj ” To Your‘Roof P«





. ' - ' " " 7 - -■ ■■ " - T M

ions Made for Model Plane JM


he Idaho tU te ^ d 'a l r p U k e m i a i ie 1»-Tilia-----a iE tT E a r l9 and IS are complete and model maken ara le t- . ao4 JT. C. At! ady lor eempeUlieii. In tbe pbote above, left t« ba entered I___* _ _ ......................______________* _ _ _ — _ . . . . — ^

briving for State’s Airplane G)ntestHereiho model air- champion senior elsi* modeler. Alto Md OrUtlths.

held a t Me- entered Is Verne aem ents who won «lin Held July the state championship In tbe IMS ng dally from open olaas conteit a t Sotie.te, Ray Bush. CoropetlUon classes established for . ___ironautlcscoa. theasM conttttan.O ieJunlO f.cU ss . .. ■ ■ g event, an- for model builders lets than 16 years M AU sponsored by of age, ths senior class for those IS ■ ■tomoblle deal- through JO yeart of a«e and the

open eltss for those a i years, and received to far older.n-15 model en- - Tlie-ienlof «ont4it»nt-who-comes------------------e la the event, out on top tai tha meet will receive ts is Jim Kelly, a paid trip to the fourth Intem a-»(endiog-2dtho Uonal-modtl. plana.conlest. a t S e - ------------ ------------------------ trolt Uter In.lhe.suower, There he-«■» M Will compete agsinst boo other I l f n v model builder* for 127 trophies and . l l t l l j ) 17.000 ia U. 8, savings bonds.A a i f ^ A n i ’ ' "nia winner ot the Junior doss wille s i o e n t - reeejre a iaooeonoiarshlpto b o h e ld ............ ......, , *“ trust for him unUi he enter* a►y. D e a t n «lleBe-or tmlvertlty of his choice. .... _ iplopeerMsgic 1" addlUon; more than M trophies -Mft^kk-Sohtit. atnl .TTiHlflltJTlll ba aytnlM Llpr-Iht. _ .r S s in the H events of U>e conteat. All p r l^ s ---------------Boise. Ue wss a and trophies have been donated by inlsh-Amerlcaa Idaho PljmouUi detlert.

No entry fees are required for the ye « years ego, meet. Entry blanks and full Infor- /resided In the mation may be obtained from any '

erome, he was Plymouth dealer. jnllh until, his ----------- :-------------- - J[ago, QUILTING PLANNE3> . i fa r t .I t survived .CABEY, Ju ly .t-T h e Carey Vard f C

^tr3. Frances Relief eoclety U holding an outlnc ' »>n. Clifford a.- >rue»da’y r ‘Jiily II, at the home of 1', ” • ^ ^ Counselor Mra. noy Payne.received by Uie ---------------------------------------------- Offjneral.otrange- ^.sotM^ff‘OegC<-jco-&ggOapey- 3 =

* Become ^ ^a v a n Tq IdEN TA L NURSE %

Tk J.U S votdHon eS tr 'is J«“ • '/iy“ D e a t h ^ - - -■ -> ra /> ii/w rr,^ » r— ---------- --

the Zabout ^

le 31. 18SS, In Y, '{, Bhkived by a sister, 0 ^ V ' {g ncBlrthold. Colo. '4 < had

survived by a f* thin

the White mor. ^.1 aTTangementa. 4 , ^

i l e a s e d | J S H H L . !; ^

rp-3S7Tnursaay -J»-cnm>fl«img-young u o m s a . ^ - v -----------Bhonhon* street X ii in ie«rch oi t , ticter. TTie '/

................,■ *d .m »Inaf»ei«spm oIth l8h iy-rt - — ' «Mrry. Earl T»y- Jjreipeatd profe»»ion md hold* / - .........^ley, auy Wilson / , hijih plite-In the lotitl.and.jJ, . .. ^

buiineji liie of her community. *>.a r ^ s ? i a ? f so il » - . < mooUu J

1IW% hiniv nf 2 IIIukhhJ Ciiil»n»iil.d OO rtquw g

” J ' nu.m-Ot nuf J; ^fi »ir« II y«g ietlftt o

C ^ ^ A L D I i T h e - D c n t a l N u r s e s * |

MW 1 J Traioing School f J Jated « revnM » » . A —u. Fbone US3 | ^ tiiM.,M..S.sft.«lKo > ^ ^ |

- aoti^ . As<

I 5 _ B L I S T E R I N ( S T O O !

L«e - i———- - l i y P a l n t f n g : N O W ! ‘


"—.“ ■' ”■ ^iSE/rv~......... ...................... — Bia

V .. ‘: ; ^ g

L A S S & P A I N T C O . S I

)M THE FOSTOFPICB ' - ~ ~ ~ .____


-miig.in5wal e M e e t H e r e ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ j

M T ■ I ' 'I [ii I l l

i j Q M S W K r J l x y > - J i J ^

7 I I I

U M B t e a:BE s

BtTBtT Bush. Boutoat dlreefarfr-Bob HU»«r, i ntrant U thn ftont g ^ i Jt. C. Athworth. pgbllclty director, look over two pUno which wlU j „ tU t ti by John MlPef. Twin Falls. (Staff photo-engr«ini) i

------ Q ~r~6t<MK>TBK--------- ------------ rretT-AT-KDifBBBl/r-------- -yUDfNS PEBRY, July 8-M r. KIMD131LY, July 8-M r. Md d

HTS, Alvin-HuU- and-fnmlly, John We0iio r - a a d y f iu ^ . . .New ,, NuTi Calif., on their return Plymouth, were gueS.? of fto. nnd tU trip to Canada, ttopped over Mrs. Clcll Mcfio 'cH, Kimberly, imd «? a t Uie home of Mr. and Mra Mrs. Wagner's parent!, Mr. and Mra, 1O rU f ^ ._____________________J. W. McDonnla. Twin Fells, «

How big arc the <.................................I . B o e k li i 1* 10,U nkm O i:O om i*iir w « > y

the 5 wffitcTD statos and wo did an annual bus ■ ab o u t equivalent to th s total anntial bnslnes

markets will do today. Yet it represented apprdone In the 6 western r t a t e ^ ________________

...... ■" ■ ‘Fl^'res'are based on cnide oil rstelpU.

2* Today, thero are 100 tim es as many cars inourm arketing area and we do sn annual busine«of ,?200 million. Yet, in spit« o f this (rrowth, ourahara of tlie ol) businea in th e G western statesIs now 12M%. I f wc were tho only company tliishad happened to. we’d think there was !»me- ' ^thing wrong with us. '

. 9* B0f «v«ry o ld / established o!t, compasy la . th a U .S . baa gone through a similar experience.The reosoQ for this is th a t tho oil ind t» lry-liko ■11 Amcrieaa indostiy—Is inteiisely ^<mp4tilive.A l Ute btudncea has g row n, new companies hav» . s.

• •Q ter^ thefleldaodconipefiftonhaagroivnalso.As a r c n l t , tber« a re f a r m ore eompanlos in the todiutry competiog fo r the busitKee today Uian

......................... ... , ,

<!• In v!*w « f o il H tU , I t seems rather strange th a t we'va heard to m uch ta lk recently about

------B iaK » a.O f c tra r s e rM W d tia ! companies are Ttiey hava to b« bigger to serve a

' __b lg g ^ eonntry. B n t th e vast minority a r ^ ' t as.- big ia proportion to tb e to ta l busi^nea as ther.

w ere’40 years ago. I n fa c t, they a re getting •tMdlly •'■nailer': • « tb* tirafc —

- -I,

6 |R u p C T t¥ o i^■ Recreation toI n B eIS ' to

II1 - _ ,ji|ty fnr anrone Interested.

^ r r r ; . ? . s 7 S f m B | | | | | H

1 ! ™ s s " s s s ‘ "s>i’.s

m Mid. Ooines are played a t 7 p.m.a More Uams will bo o r s t n l ^ i f a! ■ ButflcleDt number is iolerwtea, Daft- .-.■'^*gnymP^

H Fr-andten-CTPlUntd.-------- - ----------

I Queen D eparts■ BHOSHONE.- Jnly U-M rt. Wwid«

O L M?a” t r . t .n . .d u »y M n . Ig

s,“ "dS“^ “ S °s 5 ss

Mrs. r a ^ T u weU as 1" the parado .and ,» the 8s» ^ .New w ti prosnted “ “ r Cole th . N.Uoaal Conxre« of

nnd Uie rwleo. Her sister. Wlima Loio ,(n,aya plane i« J»: . and also rode In the r(rfeo In the c o n t^ from Qium. Mr^ IL Mrs. lor queen for 1851. but received j^ p (o that bl

second place._______________________ ____________________

e oil compimies?'a r 20 year8oH.-'n»«re w ere W,000 ear* h»— -------------------------------nal buain«B of $12 million. This waa jufitjnslnesB that any 6 b ig SToeery super- - -d approximately 23% of ^ e oil business

n S i t

5.H tIa«iaaca)isefor.concem,maytM w eah<9nld 6 * To <i1^ e a look a t oar Federal ^ e r n t n e ^ . I ts " b u l- l i r a ’s tnees" Is 62 times as b ig todav a t it w u tn 1010, mant’ip !I ts payroll la J9 J to « - to r g c r .J to d h ti.cnrtjng_____ day^th e A m j e r J ^ p y p l e - t n j i r t ^ t »nd Indirect. m n r i t .iax fflrR w S a iB idiJaL : - -, • m nA m o

---------' day a r t• - deodstU

: v i v i o w ^ o i c ' x b io v e A f t X F O l ^ M ]

. IH C O R PO IA T IB I N .C A t lP 0 t N I « , - 0 4r t t s n r iM , B p o n n rtd bv Un p to p U o f CTnton 0 « <

fo u n d tn o n u tugg tnU ona o r erifietsm* v « P m id trU . U nion Oa C om tvnv. ITnio* <W BtiOdinc,

. . . . . . . . . . I | | | | M

Fites to T o ^ ir ^ J

a S a n I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' I I Wi x r e n of P a r e n U a n d T e a ^ h e n . t b el e t a J s p a n t o h e l p J t p a a n e m p i t i i ^ l, M r s . I l a y e a t o l d l i e r d i o g l i t e r , S i n .> that bland. (Staff enrsv lso

8 ? I


u To g fv * y o u o ti w « a of• r a 'i ie o m p a r iio n : A t th< ; P ^ ^ant’a preaent ra te of a x p e n d l tm ^• r da y ^ it-ta k e* hi a n i P V i o a t ^ n rv i* Ju u t$ .ih M a V tiio a O l L d ^ aoA arotit9 - M r ih S } i iu M T t ,A f* ^ a v BTtrBloatH njtoqkbeW wi t « « ^ ends aU dorln s 1949.

B O M P A lir t" -

i |« ,-O C T O a iK - l7 , 1 « * t . - ^

ou {.mponv. <• Jrflwlrf Wg

uOdinff, U t A nfftltt 17, M V o r ^

Page 9: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

- -------- , -

ly P arley R epojtsforD u^ Ho iducted by Intan E x p e rts Cf u n nprt*raUUTMulUbI» LU« Auunujcs (cx county4fc» uniMrt f i u i a Xfom. -itj. m

iTwln r»Ui th ii wMk. '. . " " ^ J a S B BorneiloDi w en held T hu itd t; .- . V £ j H | i r < ; fount;itunl»y »t the P»rk hotel ' . J i P W S M ' " “• IhUhlighted by • biOQuet • •, , ,.mlBt »t tn« Amerlom Le- ■ '- '- a^ which R. I. Nowell. ■•. j ' ' . •-'•^.•-.^ ” !’* '* president in ehai«« of ,• - • •-• v j P''B 8njBBB-'dep««w?n»-o» ------- :. ■ ------— — 3 ^ • 'Intlooi spoke. ■....... . t | | Sjutsti &t th# b*nqu«t were countyVtUey banker* »nd brok- f F T A . , 33 of tMorale In the f« m loan p » bondliiI t o ^ ' i «pe«h WM foU ii>. . ' .

toptovtas the e*KuHoa the^^tg

E S c l iu c ^ .* f ^ * l« < l - ' C R A ^ W T ‘ • Prl“„%( M many Oi possible. . . . . who w u rradoited m »n rently ;lAMfrvnUTO basis Ke a t- enu jo rroDS We U. a. naral acad- of « p^2?,^ortble «ndlUon of «»y afAnnapolli la the 19M cla«. It ha/«n“iiinff" (tatlns that thB Ho b the eon of Mr.- Bna Mn. favrmnP - M d .rending spree" E. U C r^blet, Goodlni. and re- thatpuh. people a false »ewo ot pert* fer dalr aboard the U8B mattlym. people a is »ew nend tr«n a l San FtaneUco. t» « s n

are aetuall? dotnj Is (Staff enirarlnf), Issue,ij-our- future. •-W«-.,ftre ................... ......... ...

Services Slated r s ” S H S E S -For Mrs.- Kruse E.1V* BDHL. July B -Pimeml »rrvlrfii «unty

inoncy as tbs ToTMrirfcrnma Kr^jse. 74. will b« u ipena money u toe ^ hss b«' HunL SDoknae loan »u- berWon memorial chapel with the ■f norU i«st S t r i c t ,- K«v. Pred H. Hall offlclatln*. Bur- i t H iSId-BroiiC ist-m a-lnrniKlB-in-thB-Bnhl-city

‘. rL ,s s “'7.vsa t the home of a daughter, Mrs. Sari Ju r,(j .

i the second year the an- l*U8hHn. eoulhem of Buhl. She ui* „ t•rence has been held In 1“ '! ■ resident of thli area claim tf” "'*- since. 1911 Her huibnnd wm n the el;_____________ farmer until 1M6. Ue suecumbrt votm. .

I- In 101T. hearingI h S i r O 'P I r a native of Rusum, Germany, Mn.

J Kruse came to the tmited flutes aa T n o , ,J U A t* a O v A P ^ youDg girl She was bom Not. l l l o l l 1 I l C l C ' - ' t C I — n r i m ana w u mamed w Peter f i -

es of Policies £"S.“nlmlirepresenutlon of an She wai a member of Uie Luther- I policy Is charged lo a a a church, the Buhl Oratige and ‘ irtaetlooiUed by Walter .WMJi.eluuttr.jaenjIwr.or tha.Olear. tfsinst the Commercial Lakes Road ehib and the Old Tlmtr* iBiurance company, Salt blub. * “ *u-T*o-»l»Uar-julU-hav# —B m dei.h tr.daughtg .here ._ tto . itlnit th# company. Kruse is sunlred by two other lias sgenta of tho cam- daughteri, Mrs. Catherine Outtaf- Rllthle and Leo Allen, son. RockforaMll, and Mrs. Emma ,

. "scUTe participation. Celeya, CaiUefort; two was. Maneand -tniTflTTlctTTltrt flf -anrt Jugryfn KniBe. hnth Buhl: nine P^megDT," reprejented to th# grandchildren: three great-grand-W *m -n o t le U ln rln - ehUdr.a and-a brother, ChrUUaa it a BTlngi policy or Ahrandsen, InOermanjr, - “ 3 " 'ih a sideline Insurance -------------------------- . ’

4JtffliMifirs=Go=To Summer Camp £ «

S , S ' t e ' ■“ f . Hv ‘" " S ua one-hall per cent ta - lender*. Attended the 4-H club sum- ,19 ptim unu along with „t EoaJey Hot Springs. ' ' f tsuit,. He U represenwa .. 1 1 ^ 0 a»andln«-were Wr«.,nob- D C IH

naJsfOB. . a rt AHlhl* *od-Mre. Robert WWW, ^------------------- .- - leadergrnettior M a r r ofln jT O iar.-:— JSPT n o l x i m f i n n ^ ^ ' l “"<1 Jeanene Jasper, BarbaraInstruction i k I WiUltr AnUUs. MOficmarle andr»l J Larry White, Karen Theener. Ann countySeS-Hlanned *M tow «14rm aJean.p lo lt---------- » ^ iig^

julj 9 - ned CrOM ^ ^ '"8 Fingers club met re-us iMiructlon for stu- ceaUy at-th# home of Ann Melton ^> Paul,-Hry])ura, Ace- »“ > P'“ “ were made for a swim- uril s r tu will begin l“ «y O" Prltlay. July U. at mU.«nUrn;cjmlllJuly P-.di._ at nanbu;j>_T Jit,nc« inter«t«lerLson, pool manager. meeUng wilTbe held on July. 20. ters.-A i

£™.‘"ss:G range at Hansen “ieftves tho ichoolhouse ans forT*icnic STSicslitrailon cards are HANSEN, July 6—Hansen Orange beth Fee We Miller drug store. wlU hold tt* annual picnic July 33In charge of arrange- a t 1:30 p.m. la H annon park. R p H ld

i,L, I..V. . ‘w the eren t were dis-looi a cussed at a recsnt meeUng of the - O l«re rMif^ittfn organUaUoa. During the meeUng roEN,

“«ve. 1 ? t » '« » > « « «l«hlng were pre- b:^ ,„d

B ^ h e ^ ind M « SrlUsh wn« of oeeupetlon. Wood rt-ler siil-be-ln charae • "niOM.wlwJoolopajt-ln-th.-pro. tains.--:I b« from 11 a m tn following the meeting wore weeks,------- “ ».•»• w J, jt. Hall. LestM Naylor. Dorothy Mr», }

' ' Seott, Helen Holllfltia, Eva Dttnles. daiigbtci1 , t a 1 PJlor.'L. J. Weaver, Mn, L. J, funlly 1D 3 L r i f l P n Bames and Mra, Dorothy Diets, t« s Uw - a t i j U t J l l Hugh Sanderson left Thu

IS t n r F n i r W l Mr-»«1 Mn. Jack Cluda* were tlonal p.. . L . hosU a t Ul# Lou BuKh6m* nil ' ATTBin) PUNBBAL

'■"n o.T lhe prepara- KING HILL, July a—Rev. R. I. 1 Ing of peai for freej- »*“J *4” , Bames, Mra, Maxle Bu- _ , <-H club, It a recent >*” 7. Mr*. A. T. Quejooy. Mra. Nel- D r . ( ued plarj (or Judging Sudduth and Mrs. 'H . C. Jones ,« held here Aug. IB, attended Ui# Iun#ral of Mrs. Mln- '•“ >. Verna IloUton, "ie Boward In Mountain Horn# oa I ' l^nge, Lola TTiursday. With Mrs, Howard when „B Billy Kay Jonea she died wer# Mrs. Prank Jones and' P“‘ on demonstra- Mra. Bill Stokes, granddaughUrs. ______sir this fall. — ■ — ■ _«tog of th* club WlU

Clean Clothino te T r a n s f e r s

■-For-¥eiir-.-Va<K,TTI. r L» ^ look, y o u r b eat In

n"‘'DtJv"' c lo th es while on vacation . Y ou’il«'i« iiT.iM u, bipj'liV c leaned by ub h a v e th a t fre eh , new 1

J - can be sure ol a p resa th a t will lust, :^ ’ C lothM -innow ^orourftraouJt.,,—

v r w i W B i u r a a r p i B T - i

■-“ r t e s s B S I ^ - P H K S S W U

a H O U R C L E A l l I M O lding Pictures ( e t a Bmall additional ch

"« = “« r S r O V lL LlKE OUS BETTI

th « tn^Durch «I . -

For Too. m S t

7UDi0„I PALLS a » - - p ----- ------T-—M.--V ' •

.................— ------............................. TIMES-NEWI

H o s p i t a l V o t e 4 ' - H C l u b P l a n s

I n E l m o r e I s

■ C l a i m e d V o i d S ' S S “£ I f F “

I.»0.pIUl-4fltif»hfneSrar»wiyT V CTaS--mnrBHT. t r UaJiotM Bome time ago residents of Uie Myrcn Johnion. At lhl> week'

county voted on an tU.OOO bond Johnson demonitra'Issue for a hoapltaL "nia vote, as W pul in a ripper. Irene ' canvsised by the county eommis- President, wm la charge ol tl sloners, was 82S In favor of tho n tu meettng. bond tjjue and 30e agalnit. This Hefreihaienls were enjojtt gav# proponents of th# hospital Ui« cloie of ths meeUng.netCMSrv m « ln r itv .__________— .

Claims H .V o tn Illegal ILLNESS REPORTEI

; s s ; ss r S l— I S H

- Its cleric In dlstrlrt conrt thalienglng f“ “ — .the lesalitx.oJ the elecUon. He Ij

: being represented by James. Shaw and jsmts. Gooding attorneys.

Property In Elmoro county cur- B m 'rently ll being assessed on a basis S A _or 40 per (^ent of actual value and J L '

L It has been estimated by Uiose ■ W BfavTjrlng for lhe county • W ■ 'that publlo utlllUea will pay approxi­mately a per cent of the additionaltaxes necessary to pay off the bond .

,, *,Do<lor» In .C onn ty ..____ . . . . .• • Elmore county has only two oocla.-j, one In Olenna P trry and the other Hi Mountain Home and there sr« n number of residents In

; the county'who do not Iblnk Uie. . " ' m m1. enoughjpopulauon t o ________ B5 suiJIKn a noapltal. some sehument H l j l H V. has been expressed, too. that 185,000 ■ ■

Is not enough to build a hospital. ■ ■Members ot the county commls-

slcn urg R.m' t t l ___________ .__________' Blackwell and John O’DanJeL James, OTJell Is th# clerk,‘ Frank James of James, Bhaw and‘ James at aoodlng said grounds for- the contest m# based on Henley's ' claim that 35 persons who voted In 1 .the. elecUon were not Qualified 1 voters. No dale has been set for the

hearing in district court, he added,

' I n s u r a n c e M e n ’s . _

G r o u p B e a r s o f •F l IE < . C o u n t y H o s p i t a l I U C *

J . 0. McOU\Tajr, luperlnteadent ______________________I of the Twin Palls county hoepiUl,

was guest speaker e t the reg^&rmonthly meeUng of the^SouUiem ____________

, Idaho UfeTrnderwrllers association . Saturday a t the Rogersbn hotel.

McOllvray dueiused the prob- , lems of the county hospital and ex- i Pained how adequate hospit^ I n - ____________

, would relieve thg financial .burdea . . H H H H01 the hospital.

The association pledged lU coop- eratlon In helping the public to se- '

- lect- good-hosgUal-lngurenee-ttlgn;. _ •-— -

alon, which w u called to order a t , .noon by A. Grant Russell, presldenL -

GueiU Included C, Gal# Baker.Boise; J. Golden Jensen and Frank - ' 'Briggs. boUi Pocatello.

d e m o c r a t i c R a l l y -

" S e t ^ r ' W e n d e i rWENDKLL, July 8 — GoodlnK

county Young Democrats will holda banquet and r ally ta the W ende ll____________Civic S S in v ld a r , July JU. Mrs. ^Toyce Johnston, president, an-. - - Gounced-today. —- —

Candidates throughout Uie state are Invited to attend as well astntereeted party workers-and-mem* - ---------------bers.-A progrnm hna been scheduled • . . . --------and Ul# speaker for the evening will be announced nt a later dale.

Committee workers ai;e Mrs,j6hniloiC“Mra.' Marguritc' Merritt. --------------Mra, Phillip Bailey and Mrs. EUta- beUi Feckner.

R e s i d e n t s o f E d e n H I HO n V a c a t i o n T r i p s

EDEN, July B—Mrs, Gordon New- Ti T Tbrr and daughter. Marilyn, left Frl- V t* Q 1day for Uie Presbyterian confcrcnce XTXA O . X -/ camp on the north fork of thsWood river In the Sawtooth moun- , .tains.—T hey-*U !-be-gone-th ree - - - i n e W e S t i n |

Maud Little is vUlUng. Jier ......... L 0 3 A n g f i l f iS ,t h e - 3 a t e a t W

Les Marlin and George Ohma*5 5 . . ™™“' ”■• Y o u w i l l f i n d

^ WAKT M » . “ ? d e m o n s t- e n t e r t a i n i n g .

D r . C . R . G A R D N E R


IH Mala Ave.,N, • PhoB# IB ! AMERI

hing T U E S D A Y

Vacation ^beat In com fo rta b le sp o r tY ou’ll fin d t h a t c lo thea ^ T > ^ i t y / y

h , new nppearance a n d you " .111 la s t, B r in ? y o u r v a ca tio n .

S j P B E I S S I N O

>,hii’rCT..uiieo.ur..'.< :._ ...-......... .

riNG SERVICE rtional charge)


"Phoiw 785 - 1 ■■

-NEW S/TTOT-FALLS-IDAHCr----------^ -----

Plans--- G uests Entertained Legion ]Meeting J g Permi

r..»-—A..«pecl»l Qrey.-who Uu been a guaat of Ur. OAnSY.Julyijn . next Ttmr»- and Mrs. E. n. Bloom, has left for lean Legion post a meeting of U Denver. p ap en pennittiwlng Susies 4-H • Jean Mogewen. a itudent Bl lum- atruot a « bycf Florence and mer aehool at th» NorUiweat Natt- Uie norUieaai 1« . r tn e coUege. Nampa, has returned rw n d e .;r..ti9me-dfifflan!^ tn mrhr^i ^ . 1. _A-bwk4«tand-1 meet .with th i home. ha lnc«t*d In 1ih a lo m i’o t i c i : ..........■• -------------------- ------ ------ ^ j i ? . t,

Z S i S ' S i store Purchased -S.'r. Irene TMaka, SHOSHONE, July »•-Mr. and Mn, r , ! ^ °i* large ol the buil- L, A. Denlion reeeoUy purchased .fiuctun! «nd

the Shoshone Variety store from Mr, re enlojed a t Uie *nd i l r ^ John OlUgaa and began

managing It thU week. The Deni-- »ons_ar»^l,c.Lt«ia»IlW Wia_llH

SPOUTED g y -"* ™ " « » » “«»• <» I . S S S ^' 8 -m en d s haie ' _______________ _______ will give the <I former resident A beef calf benefits from about tn return for tl Kyle Wright. U two pounds of cottonseed m«»j a In* each year :

MounUin Home, day._______________ ebraUoa and 1


O M f M A K- At the Newly J.



- -. ............ •


: : : i : ' : .

. Lee Hancock' e s t i n g h o u s e - H o m e - E c o n o m i a t —f r o m ---------------i g f i l f i S ^ w U L s h o w a n d . d e m o n s t r a t e . . ^ : . e a t W e s t i n g h o u s e M a j o r A p p l i a n c e s , .

II f i n d h e r “ k n o w h o w ” i n t h e s e c o o k - T i o n s t r a t i o n s c o n s t i n a c t i v e a s w e l l a s i n i n g .


aA Y -JU LY 11-A T 2:00 P.M.


izes for Everyone *, Etaertainment *., • Movies ........ • ,

"You Can 6 e Sure j

j yN A ^^N U B EAST “F o r r o w WaOnghM

o n R e c w v e s Guests of Em erson ^irm it to B uildIT. July 9—The Carer Amer* B. B. Harrla htTO returned to thali . Ion post h u obtstaad ftaal home In Provo, Utah. H ttr fpeadlRf 1’ pennittlng theoi to cen- several days here. They were fueste s « by W foot bulging oa at Uje H. V. Moncur, the Charles b<

heaat comer of the rodeo Moncur and the 1. H. PeU noa •

? ^ ‘s r ' 5 T ; r «

t“ ^11 b“ ^ ;^ t‘’’undM ^*# Visit in Springdale p’■ ^ *!• SPnrNODALE. July » -PrancU *“I for dancing. The Hoor U m d Allan Mayi. Logan, Utah, areto be ready for use for the (pending their vacation here with

00 dance July U their grandpareau, Mr. and Mn.nd 'w aj-purchattff'lfoaJtln ' Tbm 'Oaljhl.------- ••:lurch. Church auUiorlUea Mr, aod Mn. Bdwarf Kerbs ar- b.> the deed to the Legion rlvid this week trom Baltimore to Ji1 for the u^e of Uto buUd- vuit Mr*. Kerbs' moUier. Mrs. KaUi- rt 1 year for the July 3 i cel- em Kerbs, and other relative* here p<

and Ul# fall rodeo. and in Burley. _________________^

1C C O . — B r i n g

estinghouseCERS' P A iy Air-Conditioned


11-STARtS a t :^Mrs. Hancock will . . ,

• -show you how to cook a m eal while y< ------ Jrom-home!------------- -----------------------

• ahow .youhQ w tofry"chickenandfrei a re frig e ra to r f it the same tim e.

• ’ sli(5w you'how to 'e n jo ;^ ^(commonly known as blue M onday)

y o u MAY BE THE FORTUNATE PER801 ................. Ot; T H E SE OUTSTA N D iyG -e iP T


“Westinghouse R i ^ = ^ I t i C T R I G ± R A 1

____ r z ] ^ _______ «


• THIRD PRIZE,.,V & ln iiliu m AtlfBSIiTIC ELBtTTBICTt


'e I f I t’s Westinghouse'*

bE C llllC Hig lm ut'A ttU im »aU in...P )um tlU ‘

■ rm■ ■


‘ Youtha Rrited '2S Assaulttheli H 9 PXRT..Jnly.&>l«inSllniMbr- vun t n . Uld VM len lih t and

enoa • oturge of ajMull aad beUiity,-.T baennpU lata lk tedU in ttM to .

' The chartea against t h a dlimlssed upon reaehlog a Mm<

J e rjomls* - eetUeront between (hi

S“ Queen Chosen" o A W tT T J u Iy T ^ C a c M B a ^ ^

i ar- been chceen to relfnu^ueeaeM he re to July a« oelebratton In Carey by tht UUi- rodeo commltUe. Miss Baird cud. hero peted with Mary Albrethson aad

Judy TeUer for the honor.

ngs You


t l P M-• -»■...... ..........;----------------------------------

lile you are away '

d freeze, ice creaffi ln---;

eM w ashday.” ” "day)


I t •



' =

CO. ■TW 1NFA1J» ^

Page 10: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

^ ^ Q E - T B N - : ■ ,

£ -B lu e Bird Group Newlywed ^ ::^ jllG q 'C a rn p in g H H H i j l H I

T o Learn C rafts- ^ . . - B h » -B lrd (!tl(w m fv tU ie trttr tt- Introduction to outdoor ertfU Wcd>

■ eUSppUiuiM lor the ypuoRer slru.■ ■ '.T h e - lin t t u held In town two . • - ^- -.WV^U-BT). ‘ ' " 1T ha prosrun (or the. d>y vUl . . . . .U

laclud# hlkln*. miUJoor cooklnB, ■ B a . . y ' ;.. . • I• ^ h * a Je n J t ond musle. ■ ■ & ■ /- > y .......................1

■ Bufbarft Jolinion. Jtnny Hoopa. ., . lto U Coper, Jlclcn Anderson and ............................ ., .1

rtrr-rMttrl«HPtisHi>ti9-*lil-i>«-U>*-««n- 1 ' -WlHi ----------•eJors in d Mrs. C. J. Sllger will l>« I . . L?..A

” th e camp rur.'f. Mr*. vanesjB John* -------. , “ --. ■OB. Camp Flro wcutlve. will ae- _ , - , j j a

compan]' tho Kroup and dlrtcl se*tlTlUtS. I M B b *- V ^ l

a lrU plBiuilnft lo Atusnd lhe camp Y " ' ' -" MtSuatbereBl«lcri:a-inrMinninr-CninF ■ ■ H i y » ■ 'P lw office or tliey wUl not be nllowed B i n ' A .il ......... ..: . «to board tha bin. Each girl U W ■ « f v I , .• , , .■bring a «ack: lunch snd a lln cup. Tha H B . 7 , | ] 1‘ nbu* will lenve llic city pork nt 8:30 . . .\]

»n. nnd will return i t B:35i>. m. ■ •-»to the park. Qlfl' u e wXcrl lo wenr B w - * • J ’ • i I

. ___aooa hlKlng. *h«v w d camp •. - ____________• -- ■ clothln*. Mre. Johnson stTessed tliat — ~ . > > . '•Jl precauUcru are btlna obsen'ed ^ G . '! fo r the itttety of the RlrLi. m r< • »

Two Camp F1r« groups were hoa- H , ,. tf- . •Usfies nl tens lu t wrclt. The Oecan- H •i a t a . srcup hrlil a fircmaker tea, ^ .;• ■ i _ ...wlUv Mr.i. iohn-on as tfie'BllCat of “J { , ; .

. honor. MoUitra were gueat-i nt the ■ . ' JMethodist church. Each itucst r«- ■ ^eelvcd'a corsase made by tho Blrls. ■ ..--.v .-f i -Mc«, Johnso^spoVebrltfl? on C e ^ .j.

jUdn?^ 6ol(w. a »loHn iolo. vocaTinualc and readlnjta were presented. 8^,-3^-:..:.. •'Jr ,Tea, w#» served by Mr*. Johnsonfrom a flowfr-dtcorated tea^ t^hle- V„

Sari U ke' axsljlcd the., group >n {S.yrA.’.r___prepMinK'the lea. > t g h —: . • ■ '

Uember* oS the Odnklcl sroup pruented a tea In theirinothen and jporuom, the AmigoS tar elub. The garden of Mrs. MRS. TOM W lN BlO rEf M. E. Shotwell w u the jem ng the (Kelker photo—tta f f en irar tho parly. An Impromptu proffToni •WM prcjenlfd with dnnces. rending*. — ---------------—- ;BongaandwcordlonmUs^^^ G r O U p M e e t l P Q

' ^ H e l d b y W o r m

r s ; O f L o c a l C h u

s r p ' S . T s s “ ; ; s' - - - f f i . T f V . ; E T " r i > . y r i = - "T | C h ° J S '° S n d T d ? r c S . ' l ^ h - omup. NO. I, w ith Mrs.

f 1 “tS^h -----^ c ia ro -n r r- tr t# n » le -a t- lh * -p « lt. wuMiUd tha-devo tlcaa li- jI U n . A. D. Miller, guardian, *c- lesson waa given.on mluI - • - roniDIUllrt ‘he BlrH- " ‘8^1 a work In Uw B e lg ia n ^ g o , -n 6 lurDrlse party wm held at the Oofla tory of tho ileam er “Oregon, t' home honoring the birthday an- travels the Congo River, ww.) ------ a iversw U a-ftt-illldriid-Jtoiisdaia juan Kidnkept- pU yad-«

! J ------ and-Balnt-G ood. Ml'a.-Oood and „n jlon-uolo w id -S ho ron -:).. Mrs. Rotendaul planned and pr«- gjyj ^ readlns, Mrs, Richardl \ pared the party, aam » were playM vaa In charse of refreshmentII and retreshmcnla tw ed . ne»t meeting will bo held |!t * * * home of Mrs. Alfred Peters.

^ R ites in W eddingil,l --.Are Not M odern y«™‘\ ^ ”we«^dSl i — - fnr jm m iN iA N B J£ vnLSON Clyde Benton gave the doT(Mh. Miller and Mrs. Oeorge

.:l| Group No. 3 met a t thei'll Today's bride walks to the altar of^M™-4i i ____ iimm an atale-of-wUIMurt »»-thi. £rtd.Hudgon,_ch!ilrrt'nn. cor

I ' i s s h s a s u s ^ s s.([l! 2 f f g 7 a r ^ 5 ? ? . o f^ h e a t. T?ie

aymbolUm of happlneu and Insured DnvL^

f H r & T K S W f i i ! 7 | f S " " 5 SI'iii w r|S t i ? r u « in n - - y ;« M a n i . o™ t o „ T ko, 4, >-i.h M n|.l a garlMld for the brides heoa was „ 7 chnme m et a t th S|l Jtnown, as lhe "coronet of the good . nolnh Boear. A co II girl," The nijaty veil devotional and lesson on Ij« th a t garland li tho aymbol of th t ch rls t waa given by Mrs. M ir«B-s submlulon to her l«“ band. „ p j,! ,,, ^nd Mr!n The coveting of the brldo imtU g^» ‘refrrahmentjW *fter the marriage rile wos, and ^ Wilson wasffl aUU Is, a strictly foUowed cujiot j, m ^s , O. E.

;S '. In many lands, especially the far conducted the session. The :j1li oast. From this tradition comes Obana, a teacher

the supersilUon llial Ul-luck will jjirga re t Long school la 'I ' beraS the bilde If her groom sees -lyen by Mrs. Addle

___ her on h jr wedding bejore KN ore Bmertck aanj■ the eeremony. »n<j Mrs. Dba Allen eondi

• - Blnce whlto h u been-aaered to on fishermen of th(------- w.«Tfy-y»ople^both-clvlltoed-and- -Mrs. N.-B.-Neiby-M»lRt«d the

r —T- batbarlc. 11 haa become lha.bride's m serrltsg refreshoienta. eolnr throughout most ot tho world.

antlent Oreeis aad Romans i . t. » wai tho symbol of JOT tn d purity. g f j ^ Q f

thus tha approptlsle c io r for mar- riase gannenls, '

The words of the old couplet. The Wayside club will i ,(,[ "Soinetblng old and something new. j;3o p jj,, Tuejday o t the 1lUt aomethlng borrowed and aomethlng Mrs. Floyd Jones'.II bhie." are reUcs of the ancient . « «n‘ Israelite marrlafs ritual in which sHOSHONI — TheU BJX\ th* bride was demanded W wear g pjj,_ Monday at th| . blue ribljoni upon her ahoulden u ^aU. The mceUni? will feat

!*... r f'%"-e a io a brld» fax. io her friendablU “ ‘ ’ ^ 5

i;= - M th ’wdUie’l S ^ b l e ^ ’U nofe Kevaa. 132B Eighth avenue

SI ssusxs “rs- JC/-'*.; ™ s r ,| ) | .tho bridal atlendaot^, as weU as the Wret Baptist church ^ 1 ji ,11 abower of ribbon* ftowla* from bitf > PJP.? '" ' brtde-a own bouquet or prayw book, W. A. Pirley. 1311 Tenthtf f c ----- p« ^ ia« s-U it|-* « W -< u ito ra .- • - e»*t-— .....I t l The tmslng of the bridal boufluet * * *J;))! l i another remnant of tha past. HAUaEN-The UiUwah

During the Hth centuir In Prance Rmsen will meet TuesdayI , ; securing the bride’s garter guaran- home of Mrs. Clarence Hi > - t««d a future marrlgse. Even though noreneo Schultz will show : t ' tbe bride left one garter dangling of her trip to Europe. •

'■ copvealently about' her ankle, an _ * * * t ^ r - ' ;w e> ^n_ lli^ l« It«* r< «D .*U U l^^ « i u * l pjibio awfifiS

sUli«U »r-»,serBfeSat. ^n(^.w(-.tbs:rf»lh-^T«n^le■•tl :S _ il— Inic..'. <I- PJd . JWadMU

> 3 ^ ''» J l'« ';" t« n tu ty lh e 6 a r le r H»„non park. All fo m S rm

t t s s».ttOCklntisnal.lhBmost.eft4lly-re. .

B A" '>n<l"-‘he -U r« book r.t i t ^ r . , ,thc "Dig Fisherman" will b

Whteler «t tha 'ho tue of S W™' W. Hyde, 1169 V

I I j l Slowed he^e«mpie ^ a n «I I I . custom began ’ -n.e O ric ’ p a S lltndrlc

, . slonjiry circle of the F lr« C?p.'. I oli^s Are Given Si"-

FILER, July 8- A program on u s Dm alreel. Members a^ c r ;3 ------A ra^-and-Insel was prKcntefl-at loVrlhg fa liliiS ilc c for tlui P - ^ - U ieThm sriiyneeilniroftheW ecs. luncheon. ” ‘ J “ *>

Mrs. Cliarlei McCleary \was In y * « .% - > 1 - of 11'* P«stjua aad\ijr*. It. BHOSHONE-The LDS r

E. Hammcrflulit rtad an artlcl# on clety u ill hold a work and■;!-. the-"Miracle of Urael" from the niccllns a t a p jn , TuMdn'7ii'*5ir. Christian Herald. . .lOOF hall. Mrs. Arthur Hr''llTf’T -----devotlonsls- wrre- glven-by. dent, will be-la charge of t

Mrs, R, V. dllck. Mrs. Lee Emils ne;s mcrttn« and Mr-s. W. :. . w t a Uu fil&im. . . &baw wiU be In d iw i» ol t

---------- - t i k

red W edding Vows .M j H T raded by Pair ■ ■ ■

In Locdl Church‘nuTi4n.PaU«MeUKKlUtoh4re,b

was the seens June 31 of tha wed* ding.of P taty .June Dawe-rtanghtff. of f l i O O T , _ pfntoDTTWffJWDK a ^ : o i t a B.- g i g y ta g n p fmt.- r aiir;-

'r ^ H l l l l «nd Tom Wlnblgler, ion of U r. aad ' V ^ H Mrs. T. U Wlnblglen'Welser.

The ceremony was performed t>y ' . | ^ H the Rev. Albert B. Parrett before a

" ' background of while peonies andsnapdragons and candelabra.

- i r W— wor e an amboased faille gown and & ■ ■ ■ h K i. ....... prench Illusion veil, ahlrred aaoss H B H p :

the top and held with flon'ers. '.Her ann bouquet was fashioned

of while carnations centered wllh a

.. corsage on her trtkvetog dress. As A pUanln. tokens of sentiment. tfTe wore a blue by new otlh

garter,' her grandmother's pin and spoodlnr •*'n handkerchief borrowed from her trrasurrr. (mother, tnccllnf, M

Mrs. Richard Bweet wo« matron ------------ —______cf honor. Sho wore a pink dotted ,

(Wlsa gown and carried a colonial K i j I l M bouquet of pink c&mallons.\ W Don E. Wlnblgler, WeUer. was . , -

■ ' l l • bc.ll man. Melvin Kawnsoe, Welser, .11 . ond Retcc Shaffer. Coldwell. were :

_____ 4— 1.1.; uahera-: ------ -----------____________ ____ , J 9:. I X : John Vlnlng. Caldwell, was the ^ d S K

soloist and played al the reception held in the church pailors follow-

;.: 1 .■ Ing the ceremony; Mrs. Denton wa*' 'Ac I'' charge of tha guest book and ) M n.-T .-T .-O re«iha1gh 'and-U rsr

w A . - 'jU Louis Denton were reception a t- — ■‘=?Bi slstoata.

'' ’ 4 Mrs. Robert Sutnlller. Mrs. J ickv I S '- f-jgH ■Wnlts^&iP-.>U llam RqU, Mtg. O .

;VJ4|] R. Drown, I ^ l n e Petree and Betty < '.,'v4V ^'cott served.v n B '~ "JC T Por the wedding trip to McCall. ----

the bride wore a navy blue faille • 7^ S ^ ^ ^ m rn rn m dress with Jacket and while and

navy accessories. They will make JIiIO tE R their home In Los Angeles,- Calif.■f engraving) Mrs. Wlnblgler was graduated

from the College of Idaho, Caldwell,------------------- where tho majored in education.

------ •wmsigler is Mso a Braduaio of the.1 1 1 1 ^ 0 College of lJaho._2«e majored In __

Vomeh ‘C hurch 5r,X ”Sa“ ^ r r S r L ' 'cll or the n r* t 3=011 ^ *>? (Album pid OTOUO meet- Denton. Mrs. LouU. D enton .-M rs.------------*-loo^ w lth new R a l P * ' “ "J C -1i? h g^oup TiZ B. Dnwe, Compton, CaUf. E d W O r

l Reports Given o t B aptist W om en's

“ Missionary^MeeT S “0 ’?v^r WM 5 a d »«U ng Thursday of the Norma Mrs, Ralph iver. waa read. pf the BapUst cmj u y a d - ^ . a c . women-i-Taia!oHan-«ocUly. ^ saiur

-M n-H elen Orlmm reported on th e tride'a pare.

H 'srojecta for the j . b , Wakem presented the openingd|K »,.M Mr., ^ a i„ U .„ .U » tr . .E d .mthe devoHonol. m _ -w * Farley ,- Mrs, Opal Shaffer was appointed her father,

ai-ilalant secretary. - linen aflen; a t the home Rcfreshmenta were «rved by the matching 1 :Tirelkeld. Mrs. i,ojiess. assisted by Mrs. Oonnan and while i

S4ra. Qroce Paul TEACIIEB-rETED..... Patriciale John-^on and cAREY. July &-Mrs, Prank Ivle organdy nt :, was dlscusscd honored a t a parly during prl- of honor. .

a. Mrs- -MBert presented a 8» t to her and arraagea the organ lowlti wcte has- the parly. _________________ A receplith Mrs. John

ar. A combined I

'ss;.:sj;s T U C P I r l C I f Ion was hoslejj!. O. E. Hn-^klns ' _ _Ion. The life of 1 ■ _teacher In the . ■ - ' 1hool la Tokyo, X tI. Addle Moore.Ick aanj a solo ■ _en conducted a ......................., of the Bible-,lst«d th*-hoaU*» ........... ------------- -------------- - ---------

id a rlb will meet at o t the home of

* nTheU Rho wUlday at the lOOP I / < I "H Iwill feature in- j_ _fleers. /

* - / / a r /club wUl hold a / / ^ ^ l / /■“ -a t 7 p ja . Mon- / _____ I ____ /of Mra- Isora - I \ 7 ------T

avenuo east, I | l J

111 class of the . ' • ^:h will meet at • __ _ _ _ _ _

100% SANITitS i s LOOK FOR ' .

a s k FOR I

^TOTOjTarind chlldrro are

■ ■ - ..........................■n book review of . . < , •V will be uiven , . W e, m a k ? doubly-sivfc, ,-Ti^V tlell-- V ......

r»76tM d .............=“ '=■>ne is Invited. ! tioJl. W c do n o t Ul

* , to b e ha n d led and

.1 1 pm . Monday T op P u rc -P a k conttrs. Frank Slack. o th e r c o n ta in e rs a

- -• # •»e LDS Relief so- - a. — - ■-,'nrk and bunlncua

: r t S 'r l S i . “ r S ! Processcd bv thelarge of the tiu«1- , J ___Mr-s. \\’. Ij. Open- | '.W l» ot tlje worlt.

,Tn n ; B - N i : w s , . T w m M x i j , i d a h o

New-O ff leers o f G arden Club

K t w■r,', ' s r i i . r - . - s ~X , . I to -o n d aald. (Stiff photo.enr>T lng)___________ __

Filer Bride" ‘ Class Reunion o fG rads Is Held a t t D inner in Rupert '

RUPER'T. Jufy' 8"—'Tbllty-eCTilT .members of the 193D graduaung -cb '] of RupcrC hlnh Khoui iiici, iJune ao nt the home'of Mi. and <Mri, Ruy D. Arm.'troaij. fa^un/members, for. th&.cliv*?'___ ____

Allcr a potluck dinner, school- V mates anawrred roll call with i.»e.>

namu. homp town and number of children. Information w-as ^

u n were rend from Edith Chanslor................ Dumas, Piillninn, Wash.: Phyub

Youni! Van Slyke, Wilder; NornanSinclair, San Jose, Calif, and Ruby

^ Dcnny Grlffcth. Anchorafte,»A]aska." Oiie-its from out-of-.Mate were Mr-

nnd M n. Henry CWer. Denver, Co’o- Mrs Luclllc Hon-en Noble. Walla Walla, Wash.; Mrs,.OUvc Haney Ooff. Olondnlc, Cillf.: Elsie Rlchert and Mrs. Bfrlha Hanly,

----------------------------------------- Salt lAKfi City, and-M r.-and Mrs,lUlph McCloy. Beaver. UUh.

m , . EmVABO DB01V.V . r S , . ” 'S ; r o V L “ r"‘Album pholt^WII tnn«Tlii«> johnEon Bncm. Dalie; Mrs.____* _ * _ * * _ M ulnrle. Tweed-_ElflrlriEr,. Cnrrj.;, J o Glrn NumnB. New Piymouth; Dr.

dward ^ o w n ^ . “• S S 5 X ,? S " .S ; ; 3onna D avis^re Married in Filer |»nd*'M'rs'. ^ ^ t Cntmull. Mor'hall

atlHL. Julv e-Donna Lee DdVls. pjitr,. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ooff, u gB groT Tif. ina Mrs. Oleim- Kr. and Mrs. Cal?rn 71&WZ,- Mrr ana ' ivls. Buhl, became the bride of jif , ug jt Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Don ward Dala Drosm. ton of Mr. and BjUmtyne, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cy Hayden. . 1, Ralph Dro»-n, Filer. In a can- j-dllh Qlbcon Hewitt and Mr.

ornnfinv ncrformed n t 6 |,nfi vrr^ Mnrvm nevnnlds.___ _ .m Saturdoy at the home of tne - 4. *IdeVparehU.------------------------------------ OKFICEIIS NAMEDrhe Rev J. D WllJord. pastor of CAREV, July a — Mrs. Melvin s F i l e r Mfthodlst Episcopal Baird haa been named treasurer of urd.. read ll.e mmlaje vows be- Carey Women's Prwe.jslve re the fireplace «Wch waa dcco- sml Mrs. Leonard Ho,inrd U the aa-ted with iMse biikelR of pink sHtant sccrctary._______________ _id white gladioli snd Ilonked by — 'ndelabras holding while Uper*. followed the ceremony. Mrs- A. A. The hrltie. given In ma'nlag© by Iftvla was In charKe-Dr-thc gi:e.-;t ■r rathcr,”wcrf -a two-plere-nqua took nnd- Mrs. Ward Mackie-al­ien afternoon dress trimmed wllh elstcd In the Rin room. Rcccptlon Btching lace. She carried fl pink oMlstants were Mrs- w . F. JUiKe, id while colonial bouciuct ot tmby Nampa: Mildred Jones, and Mrs. S?J. fraihertd camallons nnd J ack Thomaion.cphBtiotls. 'I'he couple leJt o im wrddlnrtrip PaUlcla Tartel. wtaring .a .p ln k to Yellowstone park following the gandy nftemoon dr«a, was maid reception. For traveling the brine

honor. Thtron Drawn served as chose a coral Rabardlne suit wllh ■51 man. Mrs. KelUi DavLi prc-':em. white ncccatorles. rvocarscifcuoiarntcainniinlecl Dt -D nttl-U ic-tjrlde-and brldepxro- le organ by Un. E..A,.Beem. . ate swdciits a l lhe“ Pi!er high A rKtDllon at the bride's hom#_KhooL_______

R E S A R E A SPure-Pak Cartons



IIT A R Y "Wlip.n Tt Pi

Y ownq's d a i r y

O n ly & s iloubly 'surc tlm t o u r f in e , f ich m ilk roat-h .^sj-ou iif iH rfe c l !b '- l> astc« rize{ » iih« -:^p ack iig^o 'n te ine r-is formed, a t e r ih r w . iil ieu a n d hcat-scu led ull In0 n o t u se preform ed fio n ta in ers w h ic h sU m d a round in storn led and re-hHrnlied. T h e P u re -P ak c o n ta in e r is m ade and1 imm edifttely-hcforo bc inR fille d ,w ith yourT O ilk. Look for ■ak container. Tlie G a b le Top p r e v e n ts s ta ck in g s o i lp c ! I liners on tho pourinR o p e n in g o f y o u r c o n ta in e r . P ure-P ak iro u g h - th e top an (l-no t-th rou fih --tho -po iir in} r-opcn in s.--Y D lak th e seal covering t h e p ro tec ted p o u r in g lip. ____

the YORK “FLASH” Pasleuriz

-.; I ' _ • ~~

M arriage Ri' Held in Chi

^ ’ ' J H l o'e double ring cercmony.

W m ^ ' ■ s e “ . s

i - e !iri-rtSraS1 - 3 "vcrna Orlmm. Dol«. was? W • Btiendonl lo tha bride, w

; r s ' » r W 7

_ _ _ -----------------------^

f ......Plans N uptials ~. ........................... . ^ t nllar were UghUd

crtj^o o o d ln g .•- .. Mrs. Patterson, mothe

Vl;, y . .. ' fiitegroom', wore pink priVthnavy and whl«> accosi

'’V Tcf a ^ 'f t corwge o( red' ®' U ri a gardealA.

. f -r -1 ■ ^ o U a a la g . Ihg. 'wcddlngtlon for the couple waa h

h-111, '? g i y Elks lounge where Mrs. Irrnan .........t ^ H K and Ritli Worlty. both BoRuby ' ' - we<ldlng cake and punch

Joan Morse, J}ols«, e Mr of the

Tlic bride chose nithIng. She wore a .oorug

O ju denlu.[„rdy moon nt'Sun Valley, the IMrs! . be a t ,^rtl<

E " b f r s r . ‘ s ; s - ; : ^= j t e Tt'at ^ d a l e has been ML . ply assoclallw In Bo^«- d o u : (Staff eniravlng)._____________ I_ | k-Bur= ------- — ------ --- —Glub H as ^

Girl Honored The 12-20 dub met at

1 "Sc";...., ™ .pe»ej;i»-yiee 'glljtt g « .- SnaTr’ ”" ' ”

•lelvln nare a demonstration to be givenrcr of ni u,o aurusi mcetlnK for Mrs. \ / : c i f Q r h o / H« Nada Pllcser hoxe dcmonstrallon V I S I T j C _ n c ( Jhe aa- ’ t Iic bc^l demonslra- OOODINO. July 8-M

ticii will be shown nt the nchleve- Dunham, worthy matron------- ment day proKram Aug-15 a l Olenns polltan chapter No. 38,A A FciTi- Eastern Star, has annogiie.-;t PTRncn Timbers h^d ehars*-of Mr?.'Nrrl IrnvJtt.-'MofC

Qifii-Wtre. prcjentcrt cramljuatrQn..wm mok*cptloii to MI'S Dlswell. Refrcilimenu wore visit lo the Ooodlng chspRjilke, tervcd. A .ipeclal session wUl be 1

.71 -W eddlnaShower\g the CAREY, July 6 -A wedding show- M ^

er was I'Hd-for Mrs:-MeMn Smith- j f |I wllh Friday nftcnioon nt lhe home of

Mrs Unrton. Mrs. LaVar ^rgroom- Ju s t« o n -w^stant . . l i o s t c i s . --------------high OawM Wtri! pUycd-and l.incheou .

served to the Kue.sls.

k S O N l l M* „ Adding hundredi of :I G on Sale Now, Hurryl

^ B M I c ^I B J Of better cotten*. n

ctc. Inclodlng oar a DRESSES. FOBMEI

It Pours I t ’s Purp”

MILKi d e A M i l l d r e s

n>a4 vUM ri,i« u' trais At Mr b>l(«r >1

I —1 » . ^ . , . » , — 4>MM« . . , S*ImM I* . ................ _ kiifiln It ikU nMlil

HTfecl condition........... . ,. •laH'-trljaiiTlar.'.'Tiiw', a i j j Sull in one opera- •1 sto rag e o r have ' M!e a n d .a te ri liz e il _ - v>ok fo r th e Gai)Ic

”54“ S o ‘;' I 'S.--Ydu af6- t l l e '" r ■ -------------- F R O M 'X

irization Method I m JUhI] .„.:rfto:S(

■erson ,

ny 8 — Dontb?' Mr. and Un.Qg. became ths ,lium Patterson,1..C. a PitUr^

gufia.lB.Ja.Uie.-BO"ifienn-isd dsay performed rcmony. .

iri marriage by • gowned In rose .- ) length, with

d - ^ l ^ a - t e u - .las centered ^ thno satin stream- .

3l!£. was the only | |e . ' \ J L A y B | ^ J bride, wearing a B w

ardenia and Ued •• **■— - ;reameni. M iia. GEOttUE >at ie. scr •td as best (JTohnson photo-ttjo!3lrols. Ooodlng. a --------------------- _ _ _Ide. and Richard _

Receptioriiwhied b, i«. por Pal,, y,S”w = , r In UtahSMary Jean Rob*. .^DECLO. juj,

Moatgomerj, aU, ud , mother of the len. Decio, »trt ualtrt pink printed Alik a t Salt UXe city ^

ll« accoswrles and Mr. and Un. E m u c rosebuds and a and Mrs. Hm AcdB»8 ilhw-ot-Uu-bilda aULS-cddlanhe^w-,Id white aeeesior- Thursday triniBg u y s of red rosebud* rtaUonal hsn.

The hide wm.a pU

r S i f d S S rS S M ffI Mrs, Irene Crane U>e »eddltu minh u l

‘ mnel„..«.^e . l.o.WK <U.l SEorle.. for travel- ^: r s i t s ; rs SrEs-is '> r . i 'z 't s1 DolM- Patlerson gjni. the Medical Bup- “ d1 Boise. response.* * The ilfi Uble «H||'

las M eet- S i’aSwSSS.1 met at the hews the brldegrooto. HsM ie Maddoc Friday, charge ot the r y bat iswered ^ ih wtrnt

^ i? J ^ S * a m p S ^ »ene Alim, prlie and Un. VI- 'SJS"''ecct«d the white 5 v.-cicjilaicd_irlth. a Mrs. Mary Luclch'» " « ....... American'FilliiTkn** . * Worf and Ur. B<l6l;heduledIly 8-M n. WllUam rrancLi OUlett*.t>A»’ matron of Cosmo- and Mrs. Earl WEan*

No. se. Order of Mr*. Ivan Barr. iBft as announced that Mrs. Dave Smilh. Bqe tt.-Mo'COT, worthy Don-JawbM-U lUmok* her.official and.M i> L*5Pn,Bp« ing chsplfr Oct. 31. Falls. wUl be held for the Tho newlyweds «n

,___________ DCClO. ________;

t i n u i n i s

iredi of new Heaa—Heduelng fnrth« ■ « » .Hurryl

ussse;s |W E L jUIGE Q E b U P '* * itten*. rayooi, m pe t, Jen«y». u oor entire itoek of COTTON SUN ^ FOBMEB VALUES H> |U J8 . Jj*

)i S ionm er Ont T h ^ an d SUIT„S6i-N.w tA D IE S’ l

.0 1 9 ‘9 S S I J lR EN TIR E 2 £ r b " S S ‘ f S [ O F LADIES’ wanted rtyjw

4 T S - ^^ and 1 * ^ ® One Groi»'


> R E D 8 0 F 0 T H E 1 ^

Page 11: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

■ a t s V o w s’ Burley Girl Wed To Buhl. M an at- L u theran Church

.BtTEL, July S—AC nuptltl roval ree lM a t 8 p j iu July »t St. j»hn'( I.utherKn church In Duhl. lU rbuA . CiLTKm. d iugbur 9l »nd Ure. 'B u il CanMni. Burley. be> n in e Uie liiiae uf Pm l Ai c'KIf.-grrn'— I

^ ■ ■ M h H B S w ntitr-*od-M t» ..B oy.A rth«r.-Btihlr - B m B I T H « 'U n |irnn« Mrnhohy VIS reed B ^ B i b r th e B«v. Edwin WUb«i.

BukeU of peonies, canterbur/'9’t' I belU and roses decorsUd the church.

H H > • iV H >-< wks-^dreucd In a Kown^ ■ F . '. ' v {uhloned wllh a net yoke and double

. ruUled berthA collar &nd a fuU* ~ ^ lUzt. A U&rs of red rosebuds held

^ B ^ : r 3 E ‘* 3 r ~ i r ? ii'er'T inB m ip 'tinii v'«n.'^Wch'"wij W 1sc« trimmed. She wore aqua mitts

carried a bouquet ot red roses tied with whlto satin ribbon. —

:; Natalie Tanner, ntece of the bride. served as maid ot honor. She wore a-plnlt chiffon, gawn.and.t»CTlal.t bouquet of while gUdloll. Harvey

^ K * ’ ' A - ^ n i Archer, brother of the bridefrootn,' O L (rf'1 was best man. ] ■ ■ ■

/ ' I 'A rtcepllon was h;ld a t the>j Archer home followlnj tha cere* ^ B j ^ l J mony. Alter a short wedding trip

:■•.■*,'■■ 1 they wlU b« a t home on South^ ■ ■ y — I Broadway in-Buhl,.................................

• • • . - J Mrs. Archer attended Burley ------------schoolfl and Archer was itroduated _

S ' ■ from the Buhl high ecliool In 194S. H- - . f f l He Is now employed with his father. .

f l f Out-of-town ffuesl? JneludH Mr. '^ and M rs-Daill C aran , Burley; Mrs. ■’ ' ^

/ Nathan Tanner and chltdren/Oftk- - jM* i • » ley. and Mr. and Mr*. Martin Juer-

B6nt«n and children, Clover. ' ,St I. ‘. M I----------------------------------------------- 1

“ W e T t h e A V o w n | r H

^ 4 : ; r i By B u n i s n u r r r '“-n*tart«(l-«Jut-«s««eBfUi6i*-Why

c # , d o you suppose he ever married • <te r?" marriages.

Jlnl was exceptionally InlcllUent.■ B W ^ amuilns. self-assured. Louise, the :

girl he fell In love wlU> and married seemed ordinary to Jlm’a friends. HV.She wasn’t very pi«tty. She certalnlv W a ^ vasn-t as bright as Jim. And while ' . V she could laugh easily a t another’s i. A cleTemesj, she had no sparkling wit r .—fv X ofherown.

10 years a«o, .Today PM- ^ ^ ^ ■ 9 pie havs quit wondering why Jim

married LouUe.In her quiet, unobtrusive way she

haa shown them. She has made ^ B H i Jim’s frienda her friends-not by -o i

^ ■ U D ARCHER dazzling tiiem, or outdoing them, er ,■ f e c r a r l n t ) Impresitag them -tout by being a '^ ------- ----------------- good friend. »

----- ----------------------- It-Is KiUls*-who always-seems-to ? • i r v^ ■ P l n n n p r i have time to do U>I small, halptul r O ■ r i a n n e u _ lU U eUHngsatexaeUytherlghtmo-

M o o t P f^ P a n s e n /V > e e r such a way th a t U seems »he is d ^ g ____ L l l^ K i T T I p i l i i r ’for ths n'*biT5yKiT own pleasureTnot as a . nUBLTH ^ n 's picnic and an- do-iooder » t all. Shirley I^ K u c«i<~£i« I t U-Loub«.Wha«e home Is always the ssgsR^■tL_Erl£Ldlhln_-£lulx guests. She doesn't entertain Tommie £^ ■ r io n ^ t 'f tlr e T -K tn ^ In » mannsr im ant to,ln>pt***^gh» of-Mr.-au.

______ - Just offers her guesU the best she pert^ B s DUailc Wii i t held comforUble. gives ^^le hrid

HiSen w kT with “ ' • t I t >* wonderful or nS -w■ * r ™ “ V ?raV gV S have them around, and U>en lets ‘ t"

the club picnic ‘ 9 '" »hlne. M H Kir^ ^ K so a im rm o n p a rk . , ®>’e does the same for Jim. She „^ K d Irlends ol the club Ukea good care of him, doesn’t ^ ^ ^ E iv lie d to the latUr. Mmpele with him, and seems con-

S 'S .^ ■ le d -U ie -W h ita -e ls . -,.®o people no longfr wonder why ^ ^ ■ d Ecolt was co-hM- ■'™ married Louise. If a, woman has

enough character, ei^ugn true Und- become ac<» * heu, and enough apprecUUon for have all U

p. . oUw people ahe doesn't have to ply becaus^ ^ ■ o y , H a r r y <iUia». o iren a UtUe time «h» ^ i i Wrrrt

B i S i l X:are of Your C“ ' ' ••v'---.i^’ ANGELO‘PATR

■ L M M in _^ ^ B ' f P r n • wer*..weh children, who rtmple.

' are happy vhlle reading or talking "Before1 - about an Idea, a process, an achieve- the soU Is

of perlormlnf tha task topUed by uuadM ethe words. How wet L

There U a loTabls man who'talks rows thlnl'about farming with eloquence, with be crowdeapoetic feeling and diction, but whose each otheiettempti a t the job end with the thla is thin

i B v e U y /- purchase ot the tools. Rts collection Howclose’ of tool* U beautiful. Ihey hang In is weU-spa

shining rowsr rest under neat tar- tU you ge t'\ - paullns, but there-the fanning ends, see w h s t):

( ? W j ib His llbrari' condst<.of books on a ll oall leamlxphaees-of agriculture-and-hs-reads tiiB~en}v~

' them wlUi loving InUrejt. He is a kiuvledga.' fountain of InformaUon about this m the

^ cadeavor and the real farm- adsnce teaQ V m eooiult him frequenUy aad find iss, our ahn \ V « his advice very valuable. As a farm- leeluras, t

I I ‘ " would starve to death. stead of g:■ Pew of us can afford the luxury of working oo■ theoreUcal labor. We have to put our real things

S o ■ hands to the job and push It, pull It. room that* ' h ■ shape i t Into being. Tbe store we uie dren to n s

I * i’ « our hand! on It the bett«r job ve do stniot the i■ U>d the greater our knowledge of it. thelr hand " -I I* remarkable how different ft and mone:

- t living acUre job Is from the one In viUi the wJ the book, or on the lecture platform, pagei for t

^ ^ ^ ^ B Q n |b ^ X |u H i* theny .ramalns a l o u ^ In Uu air Is a ihiaars or the leamer and sound doks their haodjnot produce * crop nor manufacture « illg« («« * machine, l l i a t takes the words,

- v i ^ l the thought they engender, tha back nirfiiw'j,that carries Uie weight of work, Uie »'< ^hands. Inspired by the theory stored «. .uu t it ii

jJ.'tlf! In the m ind.'nuoga begin to happen cbuia a «»)then and many a well-drilled worker

_ is com ply ef I T .r tii . w.’■

■ j i B

I... '-E RIFIK-Se

m S m

_____________ ______________TIMES-NEWS,

___ Celebrote Golden Wedding

UB. AKD MBS. FBANK RITCmE......... -fDodley pbete-^etaff cBiTiTlng).....................

---------------------------------------------- * * * *

, Bride-Elect- ^ Open hJouse Hel

• FI LER. July i—M n.U adf|': son and Un, Prank B«a were

I— t— tetBee-at-*n-open-hous«-he)d’B ' ^ l ‘9 hmortng

Snelaon's ffam U , Mr. and> - Bltchla. oa Uialr goldn

M ii r dlne.*nnlim*z}t.-<--------- -----The' couple was married al

bride’s home sear Q Paso, H! ■ • ■ *■ They esne to 1

In 19H and have farmed soat ' of Pller for 30 years. They c

■*V ~ to their present home In n ierjretra ago. -

\ ' ‘ The recepllon ttxsn was deco.' ' V "'■‘ v i s B S H B * ‘th boskets of peonies, lilies

'■ roses. Refreshments were *i* lace-eovered table, e«n

.wlUt.a baik«t-of rosas-asd a Uered white cake trimmed with

^ low roses snd topped wlUi aand bridegroom,

M n. Uadge Soelsoa and TOMMIE 0UB-E9TES H arb p i n . prastdedat the ref

(Staff eairaTlflf) Uble. U n . Frank Boee « « « « in charge of the gift table and

_____________ aeorge cuiLpfJhe-gyMl-boct

FairW SIding Is. Orville Davis and children.

Planned by Pair ?*“ nUBLEY. July 8—Mr. and Mrs. Madge Hockett and daughter Shirley Esles, Burley, announce and Mrs. O- J. UoVey, Mr. and *e asgsRimant of Uielr daughter, r, a . Young, Mr. and Mrs.-Oi rommie Sue, to Jack Murray, son Curl, Mr, and Mr*. Qlendon B >f-Mr,-aud Mrs.—Vem-Murray, Ou-- Rtchard“i n in n i r . '“Cld“Hra” l sen ., Kline. WUUam Hllne, Mr*. I

The bride-elect Is a 1050 graduate Ritchie and eon, Mrs. A. O. 1 )f Burley high school and is em- >ef *nd th# Her. and Mrt. C Jloyed at the general olfices ot Uie Clark, all Twin Falls: Mrs. J. H. King company. Burley. Parks, jr.. and Mrs, &ther N

Murray was graduated from Ru- lert high school In 11X8 and U .

The wedding U planned for faU,dren, Ilagerman; Mr. and Mn

«ome accepted for herself and will p. Chapman. Kimberly; Mra. lave all the friends she needs, slm- wisecan’er and son, C*«tle: ily because (he knows how to ba a Mn. Prelda Bdwards, Sail riend. Clly>-Mr*r^«»t-Lanen-ciid-da

I ter, Hollister; Mr. and Mrs. Hi - - - Mfycr, •nilamook. Ore., andir Children srsvS“““ “’‘

----:- - -- -— ---------Mra.-Delia-Atmstrww.TWsr;D P A T R I ' -"■■ ....... ttte only guest T M m rtr to *tt

___________ ed the wedding ceremony Ja.

h* thing th a t seuBded 'so *uy, eo r I • V \ T * I, Sylvia Olson s"Before planting tbe ued be sure ^ • , , ,

he soil Is weli firmed and Is damp C n L JP ^ t ' O T H n rot wet," aald Uie taitnictof. That V 3 U e i> l O l F l O rounded easy. How firm Is firm? SMER80N. July » -A Bjlaeitow wet is damp, "Sow the seed In eous shower was held Wedntows thinly enough so they will not aftemoan in honor of Bylvl* Ce crowded yet thick enough to help *t the home of Mrs. VlT]ach other to break ground." How Schrock, a slater.ilalsUiln?AndhowUileklsthlek? honored ^ e» t r e e e ^row close is crowding aod how wide »l»« after a ea rc h ^ for UieiI weU-spaced? Y ^ o n ’t know on- * »«»*ure hunt. phyll I* irflu e1 you get your hands o” a“ d »»“se wh»t h*ppens.-Thal-ls what we v ”all J**ml»e by exprriene* and i t u ,“ l l *

M rt John Msrtln. P»uJ. a, « ir * ^ p work by using texU. Rcatesses were Mrs. Joale B.ttturas, blMkboard exercUes in- Mrs. Anna Schodde, Mr*. Oeneit«»d of glvtag the children actual schodde, Mra. Clara Hansen,orusg oondltloni, actual toots, the jrioitnce Hansen and Daisy La!al things to work with. Any Klenee W W « '»m that doe* not alloir the chll- • . • • . .ren to m*ke Uie experiment*, eon- PiGniC He diniet Uie machines, do Uie Job with J , „ Mlf hand*, 1* sheer wtste ef Ume Qd moo*y. Any lesson th*t ends lUi Uie words, -rake Uie next tenigM for tomorrow.- hanging In Uie U “ i*Ir I* a aham. Let-Uie ehlldten pnt

!s »‘ r , s 4 s s , ' x r ' "w/«l»* * . CS...CU.I.U. .f .kiMW BBIDOB M ZrnNO

> ‘Vout It I. iJ iA ^11. -Vur«!».‘’ ^ entertained her contract bridgeWednesday afternoon. Mr*. Nor


S e w i n g L e s s o n s ^

Third Stj’iM of this Couri«H ew - iB UfM U ng V ov ies — F L A N TO A TTEN D

ONS DAY SURE — Same Show E tc h D iy

EWS, TWIN FALLS, IPAHCt-------------------------

nAnderson-W alker Mart Rites C onducted I H B B IE A r tD S -Church ■ i S

SHOSHONE, July S-VloletAc|der- eon, daughter ot Ur. and U n . LouU Andtrson and Uartln R. Walker, eoB ot Ur. and Mrs, Robert WtlKer,

Itfra HnHYf) I"U .a t Uie_LDS_church. The cere- Biooy wee peTforrned beferw ^ tad t^ ground of red roses, white pcooles and tyringa by F. L. Uanwll!, Rich- field, president of the Blaine LDS stake. The bride was given in mar- ‘- ^ i ( B n i n n V rlage by her father. . . ' V .iV X a ®

Por her wedding the bride wore a * ~ white frosted organdy dress over - ■ -• ‘• 'tfki'- '11white satin; tnado-floor length.-Her — -----bouquet wa* Ulles and swe^l peas - - 'Vcarried on a white Bible. She wore a neclclace which wa* a gift from the bridegroom. For something old,Ihe wore a veil belonging to Mrs, • ' M lJets Lectrtua. The B ib lejhc car^ % ■ v.*.,rlea~*'in>orrowed“ from AuHrey . 3 ' , . . J r V f f t U onroeandahaearrledtbiuehand. kerchief, a gift trom her mother. -y 'v .S .--*iw O ia

Her maid of honor was Esther Anderson. OoodlDg, who carried a i bouquet ot white camatbns. She

sheer blue formal. f

son. sister of the bride, who carried <* a bouquet of pink carnations and ;. ________ ____

I I I I wore * pink aaUn formal, and Shar- ' -e M e lC J ®n Merritt, cousin of the bride, who '

canied a bouquet of pink eama- / e r s o r y Uoni*ndwDrflajBHowt»ffet»foT-

f f P i l a r MUtcn Walker, Kuna, brothir otJ l n i e r the bridegroom, w** best man, ^ .I. U adfi Snil* ' Jessie LsOrange sang "I Love You 1«e were hos* Truly" and "Because,'’ accompaniedise-held-Btnha by-Mr<.-OUudfr-<Jh«**.—who-aleo ------------wnoring Ur*. pl*y*4 the wedding tnareh.lir. and U n . Bobert Rea, Kuna was usher. . • . -'Irg o ld n w ed ' There wera oa wedding gueet* and- !■ -__ 3» !t i______ ■, ,

s i “ '5 i U ^ ^ n * ? s s r w c S r 7 ^ T n..m . th.S a charge ot the gue«-book. Beeep- --.-----: - — --------;

? tlon assistant* were Jeanne Sum*.P*trtcla Uabey, Kuna, and i " - ,

Mn. BurreU Uvlnpton. 8ho*hona. - - In Flier Uiree p,un, eoup„ u , t fg^ ,ding trip to Balt Lake City and' ' ’i-''. '

waa d eco ra^ Boise, For her traveling ensemble ;• - .• '■*' ' ••lies, lilies ahd the bride wore a red gabardine suit , - :. were served with whll* acces*orle*. Upon their '• ■-. ,“ .'table, centered return Uiey will be a t home in the . . ;• a n d a f w - MeUahan-apartment*.------ --------- ---imedwithyel- Th* bride attended Shoshone u : -''.r/: wlUi a bride *ehools. The bridegroom t* a grad- ' . ,-,-•i.-Sf.-ii;

uat« of Kuna high school and Is . >on and M n tniployed by the Union Pacific rail- (at tha rafraah. M*d on water service w o rt - ■ ‘ Vf>ank Boee was arrangement* and dee. jr *u S l e ^ l S i * “ • ^ **»• ' l * « iJMLlxxi.____ S^ e r for Uae wedding and recep.

to-“ *and^'M^ Out-df-lowD guc*U included Ur.u d Walker. Milton and m g m m K mLTl« Walker, Jeanne Bums, Patricia W S 9 IB B S K K M

‘ Mabey, Ur. and Mr*. John R. Bower. m iih btt.t. ft

iS S * iS - iHllendon Berry, n„u»- Ur \ ir , f 'lr tln . “Corte*, Colo.; U r. and Ur». Henry

■ . l**non. Orofllle, Calif.; Ur. andMrs. WlUiam Osborne and Evonaa ,L

° - f ; Merritt. Midvale, tJtah: U r. and L l U b U r C

p th e r NorrU uJ^a^d U n “ o ! ^ j ^ i ^ i [ M t o . newilris-'’4“ H ^

; ' s r s ; « ■, W ul..i Mr. f f i l t l ' j J S I i r f S S I f e i l S ™ P P «)lin wid dm - BUlmrt Md B». ‘

„ " i . S S V C - B S t e * “ • t S i ' S f f i i S '. CsAleford; « « « Peggy Teifer, repo*

n -Jd -d a l* ;!1 Mr*. H ardd Mr*. Nad* Pflerre, and Mr 7**” . the Thoma* 8. Patter- stratlon *cent.!»on and chll- gathered for a family tlon to tho leader

^ ^ reunion and picnic on Ui* blrU id^ *rW1ie« nIeeUwM -K ler-»a* *^ 'lW H nr_oI-U a_lionanl-C arl.. tij*-jjoin*-of UU*

^ » ^ , l t t J » w « h e l d * l t h * H l ,h i r t u 5 S ^ * « m «Moy Ja. 1800. tlon* every oUier ^

in IsHonor - -

& M u e end

iw-and'-whea --------- --------and. Mamben ' ........

F. Hann andIn PaU*. and ^ B W ^ M H ^ 3 B M a ^ l r i W U yyiB 3

Joele Barry,[r*. aenevleve Hansen. Urs.Daisy LaRue. ^ | | B »

’ # -U r . and ^le were hosU M / W ^ m

l i r iallf., and Mr, ^ • ^ S S S Z r ^ - - /* wera gueeafP fQ Km |I y«ur lllxabath Arden • tien lla lBoy Belehert et bridge olub ***a - . ' ’•** ‘''"P’i' Cf*fltns om“ ■--------MahrWTKiVetfTgeWfffmHTVI^TfiSrsryeeF'i

a . i Intens* <fayllgh> moket finicky complexion eleonll

_ I brIIIloM* of Iona « d floWlei* ikid texfi

I Importanli Arid hefe’i Hia'fllMbeth Aj'deii'wff

IS— ----------1 ------------ OIAIW wW. Af<eM •» Oewaki &M1M J

. . - r . - - «IWw»-Ar*W»i.UH*iv1«toM# — --

i tW M * fl I r nbOTN wM Oniai* » h CwtM. IM M IMa Ory*lvaCr*sw,ti

ri« I . •“'-r*r iE N D g f.|. «heCrM>l<erfr.e*cr*0f>f*r l^ > 7 g . ^ft*»-reilur*«V ye«p*U*tatM »«y

Idaho Dept. St(of TWIN FALLS

: _ . f c eD tlo n l.S e t I '''' ' ' For Valley Pair ^

Ur. and Mn. WUUam Clevelttid, {pnn(r_plonter residents of the _ _ Twin Ft iu tract, will iK.honorcd'tin Uieii ijuMeit wrdillng~*nniveniK^ *Csmc glth.* Kncti 's imtaS7"ni-mrpitv*!rmniflg room of the Hogerson hotel. Their sU , Y children will be present for th* reception and family reunion.

Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, now real- dents of Dietrich, 'will be honored th a n July 14 a t Dietrich. ■

- AU .friends of . the i*mlly are in-'7it4d'ta~»iMn{rih»"T»cepnon“»B'd‘---r

- D inner Served sH' ^ DBCLO, July a -^ tr . and Mr*, emoo

• ytftiiiFjr -^rfc#TMBaUg Oline—Prtoton entertatned-~~it"a h ig tr birthday dinner Wednesday night Henr

^ gK T «i.''','M B m i5aB in nomir of their son, Frtd. ih * Hasu socisUy, guest

Continues Their I

= 1 ^

- ■ l i i ‘3 Approyois, ‘Exchahges. ■

FinalDuring- This Event.

D1ZX.BATCHRELL____ _______ 1 —feraur TwOa Prewiett, M W F ^ »

rrUga le SaUhwell waa ■ m H

SrSSi.T ^ 1 — 3-LARGE-R^ . , Bundred* of drtste* have >lready beeaU rq a n iz e d but there are »UH plenty remaining, n

July 8-OrganttaUon of ^ P**H« the most dUcrimlna 4-H elub ha* been com- Prtc* groups and wo v*ure every valn«

1 the name "SUtfhlng than wa*'ottered on the opening day ofoeeo by the glrU, Mra. * ^Ird and Urs. Monroe ^ a / - O N E R A (hirfee U th* new preil-ly Bmith. vice preaident; .lenon. *ecr«t«ry, and A O ^r, reporter. The meeting * 7 9 V At Oie bane of Lawant o '

I Pfleger, home demon. __ _ , ^at. ^Ue. gave lastrue- ■ V s l u e s tO 1t leader*.neeUng win be held a t _ . '! —1- " '■f UU* amlUir-Th*-jIrt*J —.........ttr*ty*«rsewtngln*tras-| ONE RACK

..Values to 29.7B Vi

O ur Few R em alnlor - j-----



RSIncea toTCIw---------^

Y i , PRICE! S .

RumdgeSome I te m Slightly SoU

9 9 / ® " ®Value* to 1

................................. H o w a re #k irt« . jh o r ta , alips,B h irts m d Itom a to o au m ero u t

fltns ond Loilon* sJIgh tly so iled o r d u u f f e d b u t t “ _____ . ,jr} if»L K t.tW tetW riti< !._________>fye«rwflen |T5 -

....... SWIM Sf

O at T t w Got , . A ]

■ - 3 . 9 i : , r „ : 7 . 9 8 , ;


------------ ^ ------ - A L i s i r a M E R — --------------

~ . ' SUITS . ™- ar.

3 3 * s % ~ o w 4I Store l i A ^ / s r / a

• r w i e ^ Y / ^ Y i F /

— ............. — ? A a B - B L E V 9 I t

Friendly Dozeri H as Carcf Meet

1» E P CBKEi^ jQ]y t - T h i ' Prlendly Docen club m*t Thunday

'■ s&i,'*”.* —Hlgh''*ore16r heart* wa* won taIt MT»70CTe'TI*il*rriowT6‘Hr*:‘J a e t '7 CsmpSll-aiurUiVttUa-W-Mrfc-Jo*: J- K ncc» .-:r.i.—“ au»*U ’T Ca Mr*. U a tt T*tn«*,- . Lake City, la., and Mrs. Albert <H-* bardi.I The next meeting will b* held al a Ut* home ol M n. U*rle Brtrwn wlUi

Mrs. Dee Btrawser as hostes*.I- _ * * * ___________

D essert LunchKIUBERLT, July » -U r ( . Anna

WUson entertained *t dessert lunch­eon for her bridge olub Monday aft-

s. emeon. M n. WllUrd U c U a ^ w o na urnm-prtaw kwiI-M im. J . yi»iiVIt Henry, aeoond high. Mr*. W. J. I* Hssttr, LO* Ahgtlei, c*llf„ wa* a _ guest.________________• .

iP A . II ir? i siT®>

leir Big Annual


M K H ^' w w W W w % ^ ^

Ve'are continuing our big annuU *al* *UU longer to {urthtf ndUM. eur (tocki to .make room for 91a

B*ck-to-«chool ana early faP tnerchiadl**. We've r«gri>up»d much of our remaining Item* to offar you even greater Taluea atid to awiirt ereryUilng wlU (*Q quleUy. B jq o ' h sv in t already attasded, h u n r la '. . . U you have. eem« tn again («r mere and belter *»t1bi« , -

s s i s ^lE-RACKSdy beea *oId te (hi* p e a t dree* n l* Inlng. T b tn are *tUl plenty of i Im scrlmlnaUng la ererr one of ttw four sry value: wlU be a* great or (r«at«r g day of thU event.

!R A C K -------

3 to 14.95 -


VaJaM to 29.7S ta d wp


Big TBhiea In *Urt«, blouec, — UngBtle,-latltBirTsMr’iiia-«S4»

_ g £ £ ^ S £ _ ^ “ ‘

l e Racky SoUed or Damatcd

s n d l f ' 9 5to 17.55sUps. denln Uoubm, T>

meroufl to list Some m id but the iftvlngi on tUi

Sportswear- ^


HOSBK . f f f l i ' j & S S s * 5 E : :

. . .o n ih o r t * D d ' •n tte peptUMjnm^Mic .



Page 12: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

V : ; _ ^ d B tW E L V E

LARRY WARDS& M panka Sjeks

ISis 18th Homer; Nears ’49 Record

■■ ■ A f t e rdw ellerB , th e Tw in Fnlls CowboJ-s ca>nc back In a b ig • S a tu r d a y n l« h t to sock tho Idaho Fnllfl Rusncts 7-1. In h la w in . h u r lc r L arry Wnrd held Id a h o Pallfl h itlM s f o r--------- ----------------------------------- in n in g s .

------- '- y ^ - - 1— v v " ~ Z -------^ r - T h '5 ^ t5 r y ~ p n t ! r t r r G - CVicirds C ai)turc boya - r i s h t ba ck w h ere , i * w ere before th c ficrica be

R u b b e r Game■_ ___ , ■ ^ , l*»gve eUndlng«, howcv«r, has

[--In-Pilot-Senes-' . , POCATELLO, July 8

' ' S H £ S S r r l------- ta PlSnccrTaRue W ^ Cowboy*.*pA Ihe Cardlnota w.

The carrtj untied » 2-3 dcndlock In ti crucial one. If Ihc C ard inalLhe fourth nilclcd Ihrcc more In UiU belated pla t t r fr»mcii imd kept me Pilot* un- tlie end oJ the «erio» co^d Ilnider control lo tnntdi tlw jame. top three leami ck>«« tosethe

opened the Hrlns with one In 8 »turdi^« ^ e ,_ R j m «In th*i~TlrRl, • PiJtiitellu tXiuncCQ-tip* <r-Qoorg«'-®i*HMi»*#«v#-up-**w*

. with two in tha second on a double ta the first two Inntags and th« b r Larry Barton, a single by Don boy* cOMlri Jrom there on. Bauiman wid a triple by Dick Rand,. R a«ets taUled their only n m 1:

by »lammln(t out a roiuid-trlpper. Larry Nenns singled to— - The top caved tg-durtnj the boi- staehlo-before the Bids wm

tom of the fourth. Al DaMllcl. Larry down.Barton. Dnn Duusman and Billy The Cowbcys pushed twoJack nice nlnitlcd consecutively ond, ncroM In th6 flmt framewith two out, Ernie Schucrmon hit Frank Luccliul" alngled, snurnnother slnnle. Tho.'o live bltuvs to third on two /itrolfitil ballcounted for four nins. Stantcli and scored on Tom

■Borte, stUl batting, sent Charll* Kelvey'a Blnsje.LaMar up ta ' the sixth and he The third Innlna «aw threepromptly creamed the ball for fnur runs, Jim Oroli. Dob Nnrd

-------- fc»3«,--In-tht-seT fnth,-the-P llot9 uiccnr.M-wcre nllotted-bnsefound another nin and duplicated In baiu. and John Palmer chw.ed the eighth. The Cards kept ahead i„ with a double, ot the mob b;- adding two In the R^y Poslpanka.jrent nil tht •erenth and one In the eighth. oround In' the fUth with nc „ P0CAT1CLL0 I, 110188 • aboard and the tlnal run ent SuV.iiM *1 « ° ;khn.rai. u 4 1 n the seventh when poslpankn fsmkh 1 0 Joseph Nally walited, and

_______!J_ 5 { I i: w I-rt - i l J i -Wh»(<>ter_JlnBled ,lo_ scoreV.lJI^nrct I ! «l l.rcnn 11. i I » 0 panko.she«iv*n lb 4 0 i.uim.i. jv 4 1 1 ; poslpania, In hitting hl.s

‘ Lf” * ' ' ' i ; I t 4 1 homcrun. need.i only three5l5.flb I I oi ,» » 4 00 1 roundtrlppera to equal BU! Rc

, Cmnrtr n__ 1 fl i lli.t.l.n B 0 0 0 0 t04ff Ir-nimi. rrffird ot 21 . -----tI u j-rnrnlT o,.,. T . r a / ^ ' - I r V ; f J li" " .T i" .;

“lin S llS iS t l |E n H i i i i , i1 bi?>-Vu'r 1

E R °< :^ ''rV In or

r v jiuh!, V^iu': Ui'SiS.; uSJn'ui” ’a-I-A O-lliunlir •nd h-Si««M..^Whr.I r,r*tm»r.

I ' Harvard and Kent ;_^_Win-Crew,-Races—^ At-Britisli Regatta

H B N tE 7-O N -raA M E 8, Bng., idaho fAM.9 i«, Twiv fai.1----------JuJy-S-fS^-R nrrartf—snd—KtftV -Twhr-F.lU'.v k - .iK iW T.Il.-.i.

— icKoorRerp(Sl-(J«nude-Gre»l StiUln iT i i! ot a bundle of fancy hardware by wrKrivo ih i i < <{iink.. ib i { wtanlng ths senior and Junior crew I'niipnk. Sb n oiM.,rurri t ; T i t i eg in -Sftt»rdayfl-Royal-Htnley - j 'r t- ; ;' r«*U»T- Ilrob rf I 1 I 0 LM<hm.n rf *] Two oUier championJlilpa went lo ' * J } "> I

' Denmark *nd one lo Belgium. Itar- X j l l .n i i » eIng BrlUln only Ove tillea In th* n.MK:»ff«r»« o o o10-event river carnival. . 5 « ?,

Harvard maintained-it.i si>oile« suio j> o o o oiteeord of never having been beaten --------1 . -In the three time* It haa croised the i , ?’AUanUe tor the century-oiil re- n - iu n tor J«i.n in 7ih.

’ gatta, • n ICrimson crews carried horns the r*it. .. -------------oco ^

pan d challenge.cup previously In b_ n . h , Hfkfirf».''p»iMnV.. i IBM and 193S.

nONEKB L^AfiljE ^

II | F . = E = I | i li’*

!i Softball ^ u a d "J - Takes Two GamI ijV^tSLiVi *' Browning Auio-Orientn

Biit U kt cu, («I.I M .i./t<or*jyUi Softball letm won a doubler*.«) . t Of..t IK « « i .n .s « a L. Friday.-defeating Sterltag J<

_____ B-< «»d Ooodln* 16-3.* AMKaiCAN LiACUl III Uie tin t game Shater w:

w t, P.1 CB winning plUher whUe Ray8!lrv:.i.-..... ..... — il ll 'Jli -;i' P ttls and Bhafer led ihe h

J Z Z Z r r * * M •?! with two apiece. Welli w t a 1

i; .il ,w.l^lud*h>iiu"ZiZ-"Zrf3« 41 !u lifj ilvlne up nine hits and colli81. U u U ------ -------H -41 ,»i J4 two to r three a ; the plait tc

i NATIONAL LKACuq SUrllng hitlers.w 1,^ P,1 CD In the «fojnd same, the w,

, - -ri.iw.l»kl» ------.*v«nB«d ihelr only lowot-th«-------- ------ li J i - H , I- aon In a ilugfe.ii. Fourteen

. I « JU were coU«:t«l ott.IngfrsQj one:■=----- ■—-iC---------------------- | i, Including »U homeruna,. 't c«V".n.'tt r _ ‘' '~ v . : j { 'Jt5 is;; each by Wellif BUss nuueJ aOi

piiubut»h-------------- tt 14 ,i»i 11 ' Semba. FTeU wai tho wlnntnj:■ - NATinvAi » ctier allowing Jour hltj, one a Ii t , , nm-M- H.. . llh o:I I ...........1WCW0W-1 I 1 base. He struck out 10 Ooodlnl

p r a H ’WillHurt

'ffil • V mlUUry draft affect banIw ■ tlJ . ; . amiwcan LBAOUe... Kobodr knt.w\ for »nr< hiIf! __ a a !ia I~dii™. u, maW, :‘'I 'i *“■’ a"'!!! 4I>|1 were the «ub]ect'of aiscus.i: Ws^inelvk ______ICSgUB dUgOUlS.

| | j 100^ot™ ^-uo'-^i^^^'’^ j o f*n ■ player.,BooLare w lih ln^ ji(|H Chlt.|,.- .;..... w -T 11 , Ihrough-JJ »|* limit. Mojt o:.•Lff.1. Si. L.jaij----------- ioi oio citu-j i o howevcT.-ort World war IIf’f I .nil 5T.i^‘ *"*• **'®pt frcnn thc draft iI i mJJ! ^ ®'""" The mlnw,. of course, arc

^and «B.,i fercnt ptoblcm.'Mosi of UieiP i • &. S i r ”.......■■■■!?? 15 n lo-'l’rough-:

fc-rnW, Ato. .»d Any «teiislyi.UiB.o£-th a u i a Ifltts a.to3fBtvJhO«»g«



|*H' : _

Phils Take Looni j u e - c c l l a r - ---------------------------------------------------------------

As Pirates Oust 'lens f o r s ix

Dy The Auoclaled Pretf S t h e C o w - :-TB»K-^>l^-^*aholao»t-an<l J im K on s tn u ty ■ I , . - - t h f v Ph ilndD lphia’n nm nzinR w hiz k id a . tcnmc I^rloa hPffnn g‘vc th e Philfl n ■1-1 v ic to ry o v e r th c Broi p league by a u n d isp u ted possesion of f i r s t p la ce in tlbig chanse t a ------------- ------- -------------------------- p e n n a n t raever, has been y > * o I T • N icholso

O l g - 2 n d i l l ! l l l l g w in n iiifr tb

P u ts S alt L ake ™lo between the ^ 1 V 7 * /~ t , 1 Nicholson hi

In W in Golumiv -^-s,*'lelated power. d il l iNOS. July a (-Ti-Salt Lake »uld tlnd the c ity ulllhered Bllllnga lO-D alter) together. Saturday and unce mcn-e gained ot .left tor a pin Russet a tari- loMt ttmporary posiesgion of seventh tnntng.

•-up-tlwa-Tuns- -piate in Pteneer-leapie-cotnpetlHenr — Rflbert s ^ l landthoCow - itla seven inrhere on. The booU*d t h e s e s iX ^ t ^ nly n m In the ajmough Uiey nearly lost the

4ea<l-*wlc*-ta-wb««iu»nt. lim in g * ^ ^r t ta score That Mcondtrame staged off with p,uher. ride was out a *'n8lo by Bob-Van.Eaion and a sUro

ltd two ninsi “ orinK. Din SUwarl tlicu stagled puisburgh „frame when “ O"® While, and Uanstll Travis tne St Loul:

led, sftunlercd 'InRlcd. Hal DanleLwn got aboard xiie Cnnl.-iRhl ballu. by ih ro ^h a flclder’fl choice rti«m o.-- p i j „ th<on Tom Me- 'n ^ av ls down at second. Eyre had a

singled to rlRhl to score Stewart, ninth, a wiw three more and Wally Yonamtae singled to5b Nnrd nnd “ ore Danlelion. plnch-hltterted-bnse.-'-on Dick Trent, apparently offccUid by slase for-Plir chw.ed them slngle-ltls, singled to centcr and Herman V.

pitcher Dan AnUpls wns relieved, hits and ledIt alt thc way Don Jo n u replaced him and Eyre n S-1 triunwith no one wai forced In on a' walk to Mike Cuba, It wi

, run cnme in naxe.i, Jones tried to bear down the He<h In•oslpanka nnd loo much, and Walt Yonamlne made the Cubs thtd, and Jack it home on n wild pitch. .«vciith victc. score Posl- s a l t i.akk lo. jiit.t.iNCS » - Switch hit

. n , . . . miiini,. - -.v-i.-«-i oarilirce"orilng hl.s IBlh i''"**-'!* ' J ; 1 0 rUrp^ ii s 1 » o hlui, Includii/ three moro j i.„ , jt, « i o o Moor, tf : o s i Bob Chipma.1 Bill Renna's v.r. Km.n If a I J 0 l;«ci. Jb 4 i j i York ' OlnntL-ai... - ,^ r t-T f b • » « wrt^'w-»b-4 a.L*. crowd.11(1 FAM.S I Tr.vl. i ' l l M..n c S 3 J 0 Chlpnmll '0 1. « . « 1 : « 1 .. 4 I s a for hLi tlftli tim ,rl» .< 1 3 1 iiT rr" , - « 0 0 1 Am^S. n 0 0 0 9 lindftshlltOU ■o> 3ii J * j j J'"!” I' : 0 0 0 -<1110 Dctn

M'J'f*'’ - ? J 0 ' ^'SVlT'^ T o T l Oromc•hn..n rf s.o 0 11 ____ _ ■ . dlan.% flhellcVl" ’ J 'rli ;? Toi.1. 40ie:7STot.i. (n ijsT i: 111 n llve-ru

2 105 nins to win 1 0 0 0 £"k”'c » , 061 Ml 0’0_10 Tlie Inilln

-Vul. 1 0 0 0 l,l|li„E. , ........._...001 ora 310- s on Miccc.«5lv.sTTTno w h i ~ ' ' " ' I ) ' iV"! ''r*" ' ' ' ' 'liion In 91b.* llriwn«.*'MrJra''V'r«fl« ” . and "by J’oc

y Uo Sofl. j tS ^ w^!*'^ar V , ' * ^ t . ' n . O r i j n i e k


W.,J 10, T.“ *y;Iif.r a T-I " , Xniil'ii « lo 1-. trouiw d onf “j" : V[" *;i\ i ^'r.‘;'.'’l / i iLi^',/if^~n 'i''’

-;':lo.'‘ 'u - u " : "• ror tigiin; in«• . Wl'—J.,nr«. nM Kinrunjn. LOU Drl'51VIN FAi.I.ii s T-Z;!0, A->.i:a,___________ 5enfttor/__cig

________ . _ tho I'hllnilcl

••; i j L oiiise J i ro u g n ' KTS'tJEfiri i rW in s -3 -T it le s -«r lb 4 • 0 — Vem-Stephe

- ' ‘ ' A t W im bletonWIMBLEDON. July 8 (,r,-Loul«e umjnK’'wlttl

Drougli, Uie blnnd froui Beverly,u • j » u n » CaUf., scored a tcnnl.s grand nnschl.tTTT ia 7th. Slam Saturday when she retained ___IS. two or her nli-England titles and ™"oSo IM o’i - i another before an admlrlriK I T P I T i a.Tool s ii z i.- t* throng of 20,000 on Wimbledon’s an. ■»■*»'*»•«»»lMnV.. ‘ v’™"' center court. W | . A c f IJirti :, ?: , M to ' Brough bQsan by dcfcaung 1 '* *s'i»«He‘ w'olrf' ^^“rgarct Osborne diiPonl ot J j |

call women's singles final. 0-1, 3-0. Andy Treii-'N*""-- 8-1.-S h e had bcnten her Delaware light heaTyi Sli... i i ii-r.^' r*'‘n> ‘f>e »nolj a year njo, too.--j.his title in• After a two and one-hnlf hour «'’'>* '■

l>fPak durliift which the Australlnn A*p In' «.i.*bn,in J veierans John Bromwich and Adrian '

Qulst took tiie men's doubles. They1 Wk. i «. I h— downed Doris Hort of JacksonvHle, The chan iW h s, Wt-.i «. Fla., and Klilrley Fry of Akron, O., first fall In

In 'another .-ill-U. a match, 0-<. onds with'** *** '■ S-7. e-1. downed-thc

, , _ J Then following a 30-mlnule rest, time with aU a U Mtaa Brough nnd Erick Etiirgess of In 11 mlnut<

Soulh Africa' defentM Mrs,’ Pat Trtmalne,i j d i n e s 0 ' LaJfiTa;- Calif., and Oeoff the Jcwel-Sli

i-Orientnl cate mixell'dSllb"', tinal ‘’®’ ®”‘ ^"le 'to u t"-erUn't‘’'jewel?J Calitomlan ilm., rqunled h e r three inalcl

Pocatello Cards^- - AddJi£w_JEitchet_ E 3 s

^ !n J ° w 'le a d POCA-nXLO, Ju ljt 8 (« -M ore uie bout i power waa added to the Pocatello Sgaaland w.

c thc winners Cardinal plichine, stafLvhcn BmI-. .and an Irop « of thB SM - nou, OU-announeed ,___ :::___ 1

s £ “s’;r,"ifS;"ssESi' g.w !

S 'iE S SI nJfl- tt^om e- sames BRalnst ntac loijea.' Ho Nuad will?' with one on 'O " "outstanding ruokle of the Hockalt**

_____ ,• ycara old. He ttands aix feet one ‘he Jeroiincb;ARd ««i«iu u o tauiiA'.'Doo^''

n U r i ' - ■no!*J-..Kho lialU frnn HarrUbuig. __Ul.i-ls-enpe^ed here Monday. - r • .

: n e s - z — ---------------J (flV-How will t . . . ,ffeci baseball? W e TO N o t "SticklnE: O ur 4Wday'a pap'eri ^ cckB .O ut" w hen we Bay \

S C rU " ' SPECIALISTSnulo^:i»*iiie . . . ” —A T -R BPA !R1N G

'iihin-jiiB_-iB. „ , . ................. Most of them, BriifBs & S t ra t to n M otorsI war I l velet- . . . . ______________

Kyle M. Waite Co. ^ihrough-2i |Mi- ««i.UiB.o£-thc^lraft - H - , . - - -Plione M -r-:'JhO«»gt. . ■. I MI ----- .•---------------------- --- m Tm' U FM ■ ■


NW^ TO 7-1 ^f l r n f f /M ' *

M \ u— — — i— » bl--------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------B

O O P L e a d _ > . r j i

ist Cards ^ ^ ^d Fresf

. 't e a m e d up S a tu rd ay to ;hc B rook ly if D odgers and:e in th e N atio n a l lenguc ':nnnt race. O 'Jicholson de livered a gam e - jmiiifr t!iroe-n in p inch-hon i. • • ------------- divith two ou t in th e n itith '« \ V \ ' onit. II marked the second time . 1 ^ \ \ \ \ • ^

season that tha JS-ydar-old W ^ ^ - n ' W V A ''(lolson has beaten the Dodger! •W |g eM \ \ \ l ;i - tt piacli.-homcr, tonaianty, J3-yrnr-old rlshtlinnd ~ '■f acc, checked tlic Dodgers on ■ . :t- ->>V ., ^hit alter ,^lhrte^ Robin Roberlt g ■ . \ - 3 ''tor a pilich-hltier In the elghlh Jiig. p»y>>pci hrilllgntlT during ?»■ _seven inning tenure. He allow- B IW fl ^only three hlt^ but one of the tva was a homer by lend oil liat- B jlH B H U i.a tjif lB H T lllv Cox in thc first inntng. mrPhnii[ts. 4-TKt:rn! lufteltlrr

pitcher, smashed a plnch-hit nd slam .homer Into the Pirate

l r H S 7 ““ ‘“ ""he ■ Cnnl.«. knocked out of flr.M QIantV

;rhU'r6-';rd‘g^4Tl‘u:e r:'k>?o ".y“n‘ubt. /Ih, A walk to WnUy WtMlnke * • * * *. Klnitlea by Pete CRStlglone and K a a a g rS ^ T rT ' T»i;h-hllter Ihiik Scheni set thc & . T y r g .T, ■■■ir M M M a M;e for-PhUllp*'.}ackpot.homer. ...crmnn Wehmeler scatU^cd nine . » 0 9 | K S « S 5 ^ 3: and led tha Cincinnati Reds toi-1 triumph thc Chicago -la, It was the seventh win forRed. In nine engagements with <Cubs this year, and Wehmeler’s I

;nth victcn'. 'witch hitter Sam Jethroe banged■tlirce“o riii0“B0St0n-BniTCs*-10 |

Including ninth homer, a.' / ‘I Chipman turned back the New•k Olnnta 4-2 before a 21385 :ffd. ^ __1____________* ■ ' r ■

1 ft shutout goluE until tlicclghUi. .. . . •— :lie Detroit Tlgern, handcuffed X '. |d '~ --~ —“ — — - — V

.It tnntrg^ by. righthander ..........\ -VB Gromok ol thc Cleveland In- '

/ Orijniek was SOll'K lor he hjid_ ,lo-hltter until Oeorge Kell dou- ~ .T T T ^ T Z .----------------------- ^ ..1 with two out ta tho -.tlxlh ' •-taU. I'AVL IIA im V -----------rlie American league lenders . . . . calfhrr for the Harlemanced on Gromck In a re.-iound- Globetrntlfrr, who wUl oppose Itie

i-cvenlh Hint Cuban C.l:inl>. iStafl fngravlnt)

mtor'__cigivn_wlUi three iijLa 's|-Globetrotters - I-Will -Appear atled In threo year.'; in the majors " * T * i

ihrBolC Jd'sl urnc b BurIey_Monday-N-ew“ yoTt“ Y n -n E e cr-r2 'w ith -------- ---- - — -Ti-Stephens supplying the margin buHLEY, July 8-Tl.e Harlem.■iclori- with a two-run homer, hla oiobetrottcr.^ will prfesent their ba. e-I of the season. ball cltcua Monday a t thc Burley lephens unlonded in the sixth ,,aii psrk. As oiij>oneiil.s the Globe- ing wllh Ted Willlnnis nbo.ird tro‘lt-ii will h ive thc Brooklyn- ^nil-star- Kamo pitcher Vic ciiban Uiiint.., an eastern .seaboard

_________________ team trnvellns In the Intcrmoun-

remaine Holds'restling Title a = n a ; | J f S | l t S LSaturday.Bout_ b ,”i,4f!urSKd-“ ijidy Tremaine, world champion teams ore ol major league rnUber. it heaTywtight wrestler, retained in addltton to the resiilar con- title in 28 minutes and 45 sec- test which -*ill be prcentcd ol

Is with two successive falls In a B:15 p. in., Uic circus will presenl It wllh Al Bia.^, former west coast Ed Hammnn, ba.' cbaU comcdlan and implon, Saturday night at tJie clown. Hammnn Li n comedian in in FaUs Wrcailing arena, Uie style of Al Altrock.■he champion accomplished his

Fms Make Plans>;r: t "a aS”Voui.! r" ^ For -52 OlympicsII minutes. 15 seconds, NEW YORK, July 8 M’.-Finland rrtmalne, weighing-178. retainert la-a6kli!«-«iii!iitiir •oihl.t''} ot Uie ! luwel-sludficd champlbnslilp bell whole world to toinpctc m 1B52 inwon In April ut Q, Te». Hehlnkl. and d,'.-.pll<; war clouds Ir,

e bout waa a two-falls-out-of- mftklng umbltlnu.i plan.'- to slasece inalcli wlUl a 00-nilnute time ‘I’O blgKC:.! of nil Olympic games.,lt "Wo have Ii-knl lhe Intcrnalluhsln prelUnlnary bouts, Maurice La- OI>-'"I>je comimttee for ttie right tojipellfl deJeated Tarian Zlmba '■7 ' “ ‘."1“ " ' ‘" I' rjui'trlesd Oeorm Strickland dou-ned Ame- "Ittlput discrimination and the com-aaland. 'E a ch made one fall, ^ >»>'citUng the time limit of « mta- Pff'c pal snid Uik Von.f lichanelie took Zimb* with J'^enckell. president ot the FinnishiBepw-to-lt-mfannes ol rao-mtirv Qll'mpic fJiminiiif fl 1 bout and Strickland downed . ^aaland with an abdominal stretch ^d a n im p .c rc a .. _ 4 j g g j g S ^ ^ l g l ^ ^

v i r l s ’ S o f t b a l l T e a m r v m « « P i H e e t s I d a h o F a l l s ’ D R I V ,■Tha T»fn-FalU girts'-softball. ” w - - ' *<luad w iir»ee t the Idaho Falli C A E B I V - - A "locksltes a t-a pin. today a t th* ' 4 9 # ^ r E k I - larmon paik dlamood.Friday night (he team defeated h M l

ae Jerome aquad 13-t with l * r A A D m l c A «»Uj|ota»ntPund,etjfir«tor«»_

^ - IS G J iB D E S C H F ,C K ra G ^ ---------------------------------• master' ryi,tM )ER



- ' REQUIRES QNt410 ^Jain s<\vc. s . ..............

\ A "V oiir Sa/efy U

J S f e S^____ r r -i.i - r - - " ' I j

w c T o v e r T d a

I: High Schjwl. BOISE, ^ ^ ^ r u j ^ w e e k the VanlTau and wltli'30 ^

— r .s r x s . r ? r 5 S A - .-.-S iK Z issnmM.1 n ” "?* ™ ' „ „ 01, „ u w i« . »"M ■' 1»' “ » I

, S c o t t S e t B a c k ,

^ A L 9 l t e u S T L 7 e w f t T ^----- : ----------------------i-:-------» - f j Uie Tim. Idaho had Troa

' S e l e c t r i c s 5 - ^ 5 / „ ' ;GREAT PALLS, July B UP>-The ,,oIdup Friday as he waa

ciSJier league's second dlvblnn- „ear tho door of the ba___ dwelling' 0*dtui_P.ed?, slapped sre- ^ 5 ]„nE gunman fled w

ond-olaco Great Falls 5-2 Saturday. , j qoq.. f f i S a . ^ h e d a 2-lSeleclrlcJ.tead . v *

In the Ilfth innlng by tu m l^ ln two jh e loea didn't slop Ore___,_ j (h,n iiLit simmered until ___________ ——the nlnih when they made It Unal

- with, two wore, . . . __________________'■ 4 Iferschfl Hl-''le Ro I

^ d e p e n <

^ “ te“‘Imd^Ron‘‘H’arrtwn*8 single ta b e C E U S e ^

H B r e a k s - K e c o r d — l - g u a E a i^ - GREAT FALLS. July B tfP>-

Ogden righiflelder Herb Barlowpushed his hitttae streak to 33

S a l l " 'o i - k m a n aball neer ieaguc record by tour games, a n d m a t e r i a l s

„ .h«^garne red .T h lts lnU lose g O in tO

S S ^ - ' r U T ^ S f Si’ a ' a t l o n g w e a r i n g— Lake City Bee. Brovla h it safe-m m :y In-2S consecuUv«.games be- . - ................... yS8 S tween Aug. 8 and Sept. S of tha t * / - \H ____________ I t yH the -first inning. Great Falla Ued / G V l f t C t

It up m their halt of the tl« e 'wllh « a slntlo by John Angelone, whomoved to second on n balk, to third _ . _ _ _

— on Bill SWkor'a.&lngle.and whipped -----■ I home on a passed ball, ■ ■ J I I

Ogden’s fifth tanlng score came from a slnsle by Ed BaUey, a walk to ^ ^

• - ■ ,4 HWe. a {Ingle by Harlow and Lou i

’ / otcnl Falls picked up another run « / . " In the third on a walk and Al Koer-

y/''- ner'a triple.Ogden'.s surplua runa In the ninth

■ T ~ tpr'orig'from sli'ijlea by Harlow and Harrison, a walk, error and

9 E ^

-ti'iijfr < •

riem snoTTu Tnuii 1: < 27 le

IL-.m.ti u _'m o o o m - -


----- - ---------arlem , , , _

S ’ P u t t i n g H e l p s

' £ i S t a n B i e l a t W A R N I

“ S S W i n P u b l i n x ? o r ? i h r “ rf;■ 'iJS LOUISVILLE. K r, l» l, .im ol S ' '’’'*' d r i« v a slilsiy . t>uie w r rccatfjj,- delivery truck, won the 2Jth annual

._bo>h chson- f:^r Plonshlp Saturday, using a can’t- .......................... con. mis*, putter W bury Jolui Dorrp of ed al Chicago, 7 -and S,rcseiii Tlio squat, rcd-faced n.vear-old K.nanfl New Yorker won his motch by a an in conceded putt on Itie 31st green.

' I t was a (Itting ending to a spec­tacular pulling exhibition by Bielat.

Q who had a dozen one-putt greew for 3 lhe day, m0.1t of them from 20 feet

s I He had a 3t-hole niedsl count of Iinland one under par for Seneca club's dif- • ^of (lie flcult OJBT-yards ot trte.Uned-hllls. - - ~M2 in He uied'lJO strokes over a distance ,ud» ir, lhat carries par of 121, 7 , eft - n

Slase Dobro, 39-year-old nlghi rhlft de- j . o u a *nrs. parlmental supervisor for a Chicago cTrvciilluhsl manutnclurer, lost the edge oft hla o i ^ E / ght to same wheii Bielat ttnricd sinkingjnlrles pulla Irom tnr out on lhe third . , _ . .

-------------------— 1 4 . 9 5it Von Only IS members of the original 'Innlsh Cleveland Browns team ol 1048 were -------- [.^uu -wlUi last- year'B-elubr- ------- - I i . . 1 .

- O P E N . - .

G O O D W e Have a_Coit

^ B R A K E S ^

ke Inspection...... -------------------- -----------------------


3 QNtT iirinKUTES ’ ; -------- - ^ a - r:» I

M H _ 'M / the Sii: : A i o u 4 i i a 5 ^

'S U N D A T ,j5 i

•AHO PAIlo-Oregon Toil! ool Stars Honti to 33, - tute on U i a t a ^wogood of Idaho Muj"®?. ntiw n S *

WilUa Bohman baseball to jpconlerence game, • , ,Oie bal! and tired' fiv*” » ■ •1.1. t o i w5 5 s r t i r t t r i . - i i - ”« ™ a » r w i s -

his tree throw w Jth lntcncbou«kwithout touching a t Murray. K. ^■t was tlud. noh- nanked ^ball and arched prep aces to i>?

10.1a. II rustled w am a i-Ithout-touchtar W. ToMen ^ ,»d won as ta.34- CO«ur-<i’A!tw^Tjla a cashier a t l^wbtoa trti uHe mLwd the Rupert. he waa standing • T»tten. WUcot n,ithe bank when eaalaff wiu pu,fled with more ta -the firji ^

----------------------- schooVan-etaTSS’ • 3 In Kampa. tjflaslop Oregon froih acnior next je u «

indable f l |Ht i s r w e " f l l l l y ^ ^ —

»intee—J | lmanship


n a


the t r e i f l gives f e H

HSHa ^a f r s c ^ l

- n e v ^ i H

C om e

y o u h o v M H s D d ~ i D d i t i ! ^

m o re on t in i ^ H PflrrnaC iB. M

tNING I-while y o u r CAsinss a r e still t * H le co rd s a r e exposed to wear. check-up .now — w e'!] adv laa 7 < * IH 3r rec ap p in g . __


RUCK T n d50 X 20 In s3IZE Priced C r« ™

9 5 1 6 . 9 5 l l

R N A T .T . d a y S U S B aJ

•—C om plete __ ^t t k - 'o t - C 'T " j i 8 w

: a p S ;

’d Low! '"“I

t f

he Sign ot the Flying Sm M

Page 13: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

jm ,T 8 ,1950 .

iE N ’S lID A H O l ayTournament i

I Participi^nts ■nal women’s Id a h o st^te s ^ l f to u rn a m e n t w ill open n Falls m u n ic ip a l golf c o u rs e W ednesday , w ith ap-

enter, e v en ts w h ic h w ill e x te n d over a five-day. ling Sunday.

!le‘.Vto 7eto: Fish Outlook H S - G o o - d ' a s N e w m « S “S Roads Opened ■Utlon, of Thlcn Jaoe By Vnlled r r e n.psUi, 1> pr«tU«ot. — - n&hln« condlUons throuihout th*

D u d pricUcs roimdi aUte conUnue to Improve Uib week- tcdMondft; and Tuai* <nd wllh ttis opeiilns of hlUierto

opdilai oC the toum a- dosed roidj providing r new t?e»<rjne «ill t« Available for th e anglers to ait& (11 cntrsntj >8 sooa - Here Is the departmeot't by-nsid (Mir entrv-^eu . &rea_ri:YlcW-0X..IUhln8.cnnditlani:Eirl Schnelter, profes- . N orth Idaho — Trout pr09p«t4 t courts. D urlns the have Improved In the Moyle river csrilclptnu will be north of Bonners Ferry. Deep creek 4 c Blue Lakes soil between Sandpoint an<l Sonoera U b K ^ H„,,r, ______ reported fair tor tm all trout. The St.

-----------------------75g " r lv c r~ ~em'Mnr~Kr|h~~bijrTiaa' B B 9 IItotindi cleared and good catches have been

nunds nlU he sho t on reported by state conservation o!> ^ S S i ^ H Uld pairings will be fleers. Tlis St. Maries river Is low,Bijsr-nlght-foUowlDj tlJihlnB-folr.-Q«H>d ba»»-«itehe»harrilUylng scores. There been th e order from Chatcollet lake'I for «11 entrants. and Hauser lake the past t«'o weck.i. . . . Twluppfr for all entrants Good hluebnck fiJhInK u reported at >inil«i wn,t 8:30 p » . WPdrcsrtajr Prlcst nnd Pend Oreille lakes. Sen VallejiXes country club. The Thc forest service Is working to . ment Ustus meeting, originally open the Lolo Motor^'ay In thc up- of tot l<irt

Wedntsday probably per area. Con- (Bsn VallemurKlsy because of a eervntlon officers reported ehccklng im)the supper, according 210 fishermen 'with 8M rainbow ---------------j_ trout from Soldier ^^cadowa watersBcand Matche* ?d^hc^noBd, are Plavl^msltlis* a m jurt betoff cpenfd In many rtjlons ---

Mcoodround matches above MeCaU. Trails Into most high C * „ |^ lakea have deep snow banks and O i l l H J

eonttil, sponsored by „ m e lakes have Ice nnd anow on the ^ Oin, Piafeiilonal a t the Eurface. Flshlnc has been good in T „ O ,nine, ulll bs conducted Lake Pork and OoltJ Fork creeks l U I > l

»n. Vlth some large trout taken, Sev- _1 astches have been eral good sized trout* have been « iwole:Siturdiy. A b*r>quet taken from^^ayelte river below the Budte Pattj

pinir«TlI b8 new at USe- Cascade rwervolr waltrs }i»ve pl«j»r wh til Saturday evening, tapered off after nn early «aron , . . .milches will be play- boom. Salmon river *1111 very high ,•III the prcjcntaUon of and aolmon fishing reported txwr. Blu I9M tfo: Sunday afternoon. Small aide Btrcams are furnishing tennlj tour

— ' .L ^ - i ---------->-bert-«9hlnlHrHhla areoi----------------- |npisn /lOKnt Dcndwood reaervolr has furnished Homlan del■U!e champion. Jo in many good catch«s alnca, ths open- j^ank Sedelot b« pre<ient to de- ing Ju ly 1, Bouth Fork of the , . .11. « ,n t it.te champion- Pni:cUc.rly{i:_LV<'.'Jl-je'T_hlEh....A th^C ’

aW nK lc^al- few tro u t are being t^ken wltii bslt vobMi' 110(5, »h*n Helen Pri- m th e large holes. U,,. 'iptured the award for Boise Elver High / r " ' wcutiv! j-eir. Central Idaho—Boise rtver flow ^ .h( I'soclstlon. in ad- very high. Flahlng has been reported ‘I. Punts; arc Ruth fair near Twin Sprtnss with wet Pald(n Uke. vice pre.^l- files. Small streams In the desert p^tiy h-j ic«, Txn mil!!, sec- anrs of Owyheo-county and es.itr; and Helen Prl- of Mountain Hppe are low and .

Welch, Lewis- . j^ogjfjjotoptnto TrtnitylaSie.Fall- - ' ■ creck good fishing. The south fork „ . “ . " 'P, ■■ of th # Boise Is high with salmon P»<‘y bec>

n iV I C fUBS and worms the main lure. Big out a rankli.j U 1 \ 1 9 \VQ(jd y,v,r repotted high but only He’s llvc l Ir» - tllghtly roUy. Salmon egga are brlnt- since Uic w

l C | ) l n y reservoir Is Improving ateadlly/wind rank him "f> , * and storms have hampered fish- U, S. boys'

!■ I ■" ermcn. Salmon Falls Teierrolr west If. S. ;unloiI V J a l U O . of Twin Falls Is reported fair to lJi2.

, ■ gT>ojr-tvitii- troiiinj—ouintjfr-Bm&ii --------. . i J ,1?. streams In U.e Minidoka forest are " ^

g ^ f i ^ l n . for pan-slte

t 7. ,v. Lost river. North fork good eastern nlsEcmi-finIt 0. lhe Pioneer Main Dig Lost high on theimi itiTi.v« tKMp J'shlng. MQckay reser^’olr me ^ngles.hi ( rT. rV holtUng about the same. Lhnlls can CInclnnaU.

D^a’ Mk. r ilv be taken by trolling most of a day. B:o»ti ande BjHoi Antelope crcek very good for aoiallfr tralla. 8-4, I

“. m S ”ty Po'-steUo Mtm E astern idaho-H enrj-s Uke ard Qulst won I ton, finl'hed the ball resen-olr continue to -They down(

lead flihlng results.on upper waten Eric Sturgwwte was a tie th« of th e Snake river. Boulh fork of ___l^ uohold-the .tto Ialc...Teton rlver.Ia.lm-.hold," Htd Halllwelk Proving steadlly-fly fishing will J V I l t r i nIMI-w'nl-in-caae'of up:oti lh» Trton-tn-tt-week-err

■I'll 5t^ tfd June 13 Blaekfoot river has eiperlenced 1 0 J F 3 4d Ir.niti! of a game heavy fishing pressure this season. .|v «Cltv. Burlon pro- Springfield reservoir and Sublett J5 g tQ |* £

that Tammy reservoir have furnished good re- ____I3ctj ran into suits. Snake river below American OREEMW

' Sch'jtrman. Falls dam U good for large trout, 8 WV-Chai:>1' Mlndj but few ore being taken. Dear river Italy said th

llsra Kinimncn and and Cub river reported fair to to fight !U' "Ji'd "no intcrler- jw d. Varying water levels cauied IhemlddlewW thtlr minds later, poor results In many sections. Blreh Wthln a »Uw Kinnuerien'.'i r e c creek la good and the upper end of Mdays."'‘“I'tll upheld Bar- the Lemhi river Is Improving. The Nntlt

• ---------— ^ ^ told Mltrl y<

head Commission'’WiD uMoKeMfflitier be taken n . y-, t» » 1 • h*r« to dal

Set Game Bird s S - i r Seasons Monday

_____ BOISE. July t VP)-The J i l h a u ,, ^T ~ 7 ------- fish and gam# cotnmlaslon.wULiBM* training cairlit Lnrpsi ■ “ aet himUn* aeason. for ^T ., upland gam# birds. • u* m,I l l a n - n l A public hearing, will be held la «h ,I H e e a l - - - - - - - tb e w m n l« io h ^ « n ^ MOTaiTift-'N. July B 0P>-T h. f™ "’” W hearreeoU tndaU onsea

" ■'''** tlin wl«‘ t l > u r 'v a r i o ^ S . ” ^ 2i ” ^ 5) ^ Aft

g S a i S AU-Star& W d p g ;a .7 , '.K S ; In Coast L ea^eV ± S ^

s K5SS'i52,‘' . S « ' 1- 7=nl h»i cn-,, , ramento. July J7. - ’ lOU re . .n>i8raton R « t* r« of the two aquadj. «■ a L I— ‘Wg wildfowt f« t,d by cfUcUl icor«Fr* In th# eight i f * o T '- « j ” : PCL_ciUM. .,W«r« announced Wi n s i o l d league president Clarerie* nw taid .

a I S "ss,™ o » „ i» J5~i'«oMhs Salt .uvke Oakland, Bacramento. Portland and • JL

^.Hrssnj.-tor the aealUe. . Haney will manage tha SHEi U K. .. * Brou-ni south aU-star*. eotalng from first „ Addison



Shotton \ For Natio

July 8 (/7<)-.The n league oll-slar game retur Chicago's Comlakeypfttk Tue: mB.Mui .flr-ina-iifsL-im-sng~^ n years

since tJie big h u b«ei the road has beeu a fiesta

j \ American league fsn^. - but much to cheer about for the tlonal league followers. The Jt .leaguera-hAVs^wcia 12 games i tries. Including last year’s 11-1 ter>league .declaloD at Brool The American leagueii won a decision a t Chicago's Wrlgley

»No same wks played In National league's Isst win cam

Casey Stengel, manager of New York Yankees, and Burt S ton, P“°j. Inherited

by leading their (cams Into world serlea last fall. The ait. te rt will g ite Shotton a chnnc

«,v. t;: Charles Tolds B S S I He MustFigh y v „ , Beshore•^1 1 -ITT* BUFFALO. N. Y , July 8 ■

I n v n n v w i n s I>:»plte taut to the contrary.• ' “ J " y j . J J 4 : ^ ® . .«0fld hCiVJ-weUht c hw p loa25 -,«■ r n « 1 Charles will fight Frtddle Bea5indes Title ^

• S . . 1 T, m- Pinto, mat«hmaker for the 1.n British Meet S:: “S S

a , , . o n - r A C & . ' V J b f t ' i i judte Patty, one-time Intern a tio n a l________ Talked, toJUnt*—:—l«j»y who' ta js he’s a changed Pinto said he talked to Jake M iin. »on the coveted men’s sin- Charles’ manager, over the I-' »S0 tin . in 111. .l i .E l i l .n d „ „ innlj toumnmenl Friday. You go ahead and make plana •nirtMl, gr fk tttd hsndtome Cal- ■W 5iniBTim-drtliilt»rd»t«-^e omian defeated young, ihy. blond or Wednesday, rank Sedgrtian of Mcltwume. Aiis . . P'n*o “ 'i5 Abe Oreene of the : ftlln. 6-1. 8-10. 0-2, 6-3, In the also wolc Charle.i telling the he nal ■ __ ________w^ght clmmplon he wlU-hav

,SKLS : = s■“ “ s -XT..,

Patty Looks Good vioua dalc.s with Beshore becau^Patty beat Sedgman on tcrvlce, » heart muscle.. He as fir-superior on passing shot.^ declared ready for' action a ..T, tho ildchnes an^ more laa a m atch.for htai.«t-the-wii-

w " '-Patty becomes n champion with- lquIs or Lee Bavolfl.It a ranking In hl& home counto'. Charles Is back In Cincinnati rc s llvc l Iri Paris most of the time to resume training. Pinto said ^ice tile war nnd the U. 6. Lawn told him thc champion will nnis-aMoctattoir-ha.vdKlliiPil lu ' U'Uik Muiinuj' 1111(1 liccdi four’urnk him "lor lack of dnt.i.'' He was weeks to gel ready.

S. boys' chojnplon in 1930 hnd -------------- '. 3. Junlor cham pton 'ln 'lO irT in tr ..............

Lou CoDbles Match f l l H Tlio now singles champion—hepUcf.i thc absent Ted fichroe<ler ^ / T J 5 |A ___(lldn'i have enough steam left for • j l / j r f a5 Ecml-flJiftla duubli'jTnalcirwIiich 1 V y >JH H lC S>:nt on the court three hours after i g l:-'— ' ' '^ n K i G l ie singles. WltJi Tony Trabcrt of I " ■ ■ •P P O *nclnnaU, he .bowed (o Cocff < ^ f r ^ i j d'o»Ti and-Billy Ddwell, of Aus- < ^ | n l 9 Ula. 6-4, 8-4, 8-3.TTie old Australian Divls cupim of Jack Btomwich and Adrian ' ' list won the other doubles berth. ley downad Jaroslav Drobny and1c SturgeM, 6.<, a-8, «-3, «-4. ^

litri^o l Eag^~~ - '0 Face Robinson- ' ■ ~ lefore December P t i iOltEEKWOOD LAKE, N. Y.. July WV-Challcnger Tlberio Ultrl of Uy said this week he would be glad fight Ray Robinson If he wins

e middleweight championship "but thin a tlx month period and not days." .rhe NatioDtl Boxing aisocUtion.d Mllri yesterday thst If he win* - ---------^e crown from Champion JakeMotU neA Wednesday be will 'I t to defend Jt within » daya a lu t Robinson. Robinson U the irld welterweight king and middle- liht champion ot Penniylvanla.-I wiU be glad to fight Roblnwn ■ the UUe,-* aald Ultrl a t hU Jning camp, "but *ew din | to theIm of aU boxing aatocUtlons I - ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ;» ■ TO ilx month* to defend, it. So j g W g f W ^ i;r.ihould.j..deInul .la M .d ij t l . . ..... , _____ / m J M B f i S a‘At the m onirat tli rm Interested It winning the championship from Motta. If 1 win. my coolracl c«Ua M L. \m• 1 rttom bon tw lih -la U ett^ ia -t.............days, AfUr that, if ail goe» well.»Ju be happy to d«aod it against ^MmonUthem«W?.eanj>»^ a d fc"

rAa c u f f n 6 'K a 3 W o r “r ' ‘" 'nnr.¥-T:iigff-f i r ry ju iv t (U.T!)— __ • ' " 'fttUl! ofTIiB-'aUh hijff gJTOl --------------There’* nwfilng myi7 expect » record earoltaent * conv«r**tlon J* over 1tha um iul.a»ehlsg cUnlc wMch L . . ,_ ;w U l pBrfarav wlth/B 1 be !!*« on tha OUverslty of h ighw w . today, tome

-------------------— . r : : r i --------------y o u C T m ttth B jc ia jjW r e . . . ..................^ -------- - ■ -


IrtS " c w ^ t . . . H ydra -M atlcD riw nreMuh'TTTtattery In'working N othin#rd«r . . . r»dUU)r XUledl You’re Yoo really.ooaht illset for'ewetree aumnler driv* « very cloqueot w«y« with-th«*e extra MTvlcca we 9er you, when you drive la (or

“ ■ : - c 6 n r a w : --------------'SHELL SERVICE Avenue L a s t .

I AddlMR—On road lo hofplUl



1 Will Try to Bag Vici itimals irrAll-Star Till

The major get even for some of the crilklim »as assured of W,i pi will return to he took after last year's world for the first three Lt xvrk Tuesday, series. An uproar amoniOTtar e i i i i i r -. Tnc iiiiiiinVa srinmuinQ Biui-'fuuicw wnen W nu

BEfrs-3,107;!J(l fan»-ln a SO-dsy “ mpW W repIaceS.

T , s s r “ r" .sss"srna .-bu t not Stengel and Shotton. Thc mansgeri not Include a centerfor the Na- selected the remainder of thtlr Shotton surprised

J. The Junior battle llneura. including- pllchcrs, furnished additionalgamts in Ifl to complcic a 25-plaj«r w u ad ,.. sranditand managet

ear’a 11-7 in- Here's a list of the 16 statUng " w name a singleat Brooklyn, elected v.orrlor» who must play ali won a 2-1 minimum of Uiree innings unless VWrlgley Held injury or illness prevents, aceow. ,

ing to the rules ol the game:I In 1945. The *,iT,nicA« national /rom h " E

came n I'j - n” ij 'on,‘'n ^ | j Roberts and Jim K(uger ol the M'niliuio‘’*N"‘y k'u'jt^iD 'Id Burt Shot- «r. wiiii.m,; 'Bcu-r.iot, K*»»»hWr 6>. L.' ir '

HHi "r" \in* Into the Through last Thursday nlshVs Tommy Byroe of I The all-star ganic, tho American lU.eup held a ’n i o„V“ ? ^ t r o l a chance to compasiic batting edge of J34 to itft-hand pitching ct

, I J eight. The'horneruns v/ere fairly nLchland'AHlMiey O l r l Americans leading W to New York- Art Hou

D8, but in runs batted In, the Ns- 3 t - Ikib Feller ani0 ^ 1 tlonal league trailed far behind 4» the indlinj. and lU« g h t “ ____I «. Chandler ruled, however, that the — ,l l 0 1 * f t fan.s'will could not he flouted In the V | / / v t¥ |A - r i~ c

V/ aa ttc r of a starUng lineup, so Siuer " U I I I C 5 H S

C r o s b y W iU P l a y P a i i ’i n g s »kc, 01,.,11. C h a r i t y M a t c h a t For Ju ly a X ’SS Sun V a l l e y C o u r s e ^ .

ably Aug. 15 l» Kolnit to help raise money for the j, |f have beIn., . ^ Idjho Elks- crippled children’s home acMtlltr.-Pr.QXftji

cr'''th“ “ w “: ^ m a t i h wm 1

Ight you first, 1“ '

dat<r-rue«*y- ^VESTaShiyopem rnlttoumaaeaV..k . «.T.. * "r 1 to B will go tQB'artL the ™ “

n.^the h e Z - hom“ ® “ »cet the witinets'of ^ iii o,!^v?^ft Although Invited to play in .the August legs li lln hr ho O P'"' Crosby toId .Welkcr previous datmnlna .Ihe . cMn

° ,w° commltmenis made his entry impoj. «nnef was VI Sm else in the---------------------------------------------------------------------tluj jj, -------------------------- first flight pairin

r b . S K Asks R einstatem ent „ r £ S “ .S 'PHlLADELPlflA. July 8 W - Wanda SutcUff am

action asftln Fllchock has applied for re- Iren# Fox and-PoUy riooiora %x Institcracnt lo thc national footbsli Schnelter and Do

_w league from hb Indefinite suspen- Ann Dean Coulai ueen-rnmored « o n 4 a .iM 7 for failing to report OlbUs; RheU Blacka against Joe *” unsuccessful attempt tb brlbJ aeHair; • EJlxabeth

him to throw or control the point Connie Evarton.iclnnntl ready spread of a playoff game. Pairings In the siito said MlnU Fllchock and Merle Hnpcs, back- Joyco Sldwell andou will start field stars for Uie New York Plants Betty Rosa and VI IS four 'ur fivB* ■thTeo'TnimtgtjrTvcrntuspmdPd'by tjjOuiji aiul AUdt'

NFL Commissioner Bcrl B elt Wecdman drew ■ b:

S a ___________ . <J Amrrten*» toKOiUPrleed S tran r ' g l r e t 80M cxfrsMMefkMat* «a

' P e r f e c t P e r f o r m m

^ ini'm yrterioM about au tom o tU power.I J» over and doa i, wHaf yoo want to know liX ow ;e»rc*fI, w ith n “ .“A - - y *lay, tom oftcw kad next year. M i)b w « u iIV ‘* -« ;d £ ltb « » td r.,d .M lso « i M d 'b a ^ w « l« - . . - ■ M A h a Jd sa J l / pow er you w ao^ »i6#« you w ant il-pow lr fOT “:.op, r6 i ^ i e f ’ rtspffjflivre lo traffic,-'for effortltt* <»»«—- " ^

r*nowoed-Poeflac Silver Streak eaginc* to work with : D r i « and you have the perfect perfornjance combitittioa.Id be easier (o~3nv«,'ootb'!rig could b e o io re fiuil .. '. . . . y oonht 10 drive a new PonUte yonnelf—It» perfotmaoceii— — - ioVway o f »a^B>. * l i . r j*» c .* '/* « f - Pwrfll«/


ELATED WEDN] In jared 6oi

In Pioneer1 “- I X ------------------- -p ac o -a m o n g -b fttte rs -in tb a -P io n e e r-

J I T e n d in g J u ly 4, de sp ite in ju r ie s w hichsin c e S u nday n ig h t. H is b a t t in g avci

hrcc L -!nta«\t‘ic u t "* a cc o rd in g to f ig u re s released --------amons ba-ebaii fans hy th e H ow e N ew s b u rea u , series

n a n u jQ -H iis n s ir i t r l e r i n n r - B tn t tB t l c to i r r r - r — :

^ sn if lf /o rD ^ o o 'S K 0^ S d lh‘la l th/M lI leaden <Ud them roundtrlppert. 11 doubles and Palls *V en?,f^; rt.r th « « triple.s In 2H times at bat. He

:r^rtsrt the " ;n s and scored 50 n ira and balled in 84. ^dlUonal fodder for the record of 81 hit4 Is also the top “latjageti when h« faU- tou!. -___ n■ single member of the Tn-o bailers, Scheffel of Oigden OgdeniS St. Louis Cardinals' cind Kaudson of Idaho Falls, posted jCowbof to hU 1S50 squad ot nverages higher than 400. but both numbe

have appeared In only 30 games and ing POlion's firing squad: ' cannot be counted among the official have co« and Don Newcombe, leaders, txiples’t w 5?!?'" - - Lou Vltow. also; out ««>*'■*'Jim Konsunty, Phlla- „ , th injuries, are the only Cowboy* Bayry Jansen. New '^ k ; to bat above JOO. Their absence haa place

feston :- Ewell teen noticeable during the last few toUl 1jrnelnntll. and Bob . '-------------- ;--------------- swatlC'n. Pa* anrt Rpnfti^'aril iMglie

SonSSi,™'... Ohio State Coach . iS S S J i l^ Sava Team Will S . & S . . S S Use Siiigle-Wini;'Vrt Houllcman of Dc- __________ ” . LakeHer and Dob Lemon, of COLUMBUS, O.*, July B(JP>—Coach diiiihq and nay scorborough Wss Pesler-who piloted Ohio State

to a Rose Bowl lootball champion------------------------------- ship wllh a »lngie-wlng offense and

• a prayer—doesn't plan on giving

i n S G o l f “ ’ 'W ?l"defm iS l^S 'an unbalanced ^ line team next year." said Wes.

_____ C? — a. " It works, the boys like it and we've r iT ir .I S S s e t been working on it all spring. ^ ^

0 — .........................“We'd beToalisn-to-nre lt u p r ”1 T _ . T hat wa* I'^Ier’s an*wer to je-

|1 I V J j C S f p o ru th# Buckeye* would turn to Jimy O the Faurot-T offense for the 19M contin

ir the July leg in tho 'campaign. by adchamplonshlo golfing The way Fcsler plans it now, the Len li

I Twin W municipal Buuci-WIU stick y> their _*lngte-lave been set by Earl offense, utlag the fielderr o f n s s lo n n i a t the regular -T" variaUons they, found week

? - T i l i ^ . we-Uaddtheoffen»«.thatwm brlag recordparticular ability." replad

;^ r-V h ;r-n — iss— m- —Rut,, anrrn chiuigM nrot>ito_yllI .Cosbo• V -V. -*T- - be nmde-gor-miJUicB. Ftsler ta ld ia t ? a J

nets ofUTe^ay.Tune j,ia staff are toying with the for Uilegs in September to j^ca of shifting Vic Jaaowici to seven..B. £Mmplonshlp. May quarterback. He played defewive WardVI Smith and Selma fullback last season. Fledie: tho title for June. _

. palrinji are: j ~ _

“.S'KL'-SS; ■ Cowboy KUff and Ann Harper: „

S - K S . ' ; ”’S’S "!;! S ^S-S,SS=-S S’!S-S-iS‘y, f t . fii.h t . r , Lucehcsl, cf M 208 63 48 MI the second flight are „ 18 68 11 11 21

in d ” VI ^ n e r : » \ \ ]° “ ” «T^lltsrWhltCT-Msrthaew a bye. _ ' ' " __ ___ _ ' ■

S t raight E igh t ______________________^

d .Car wU h CM B g d r w lU a tle Drive*

a n e e C o m b i n a t w

y o u i i e i l i i f i : ^

P o m r .JTOnCOMPAriY

..... ^ ^PAGE TO IR TB B ir - I

NESDAY>owboy i H itting == jr Loop: b a sen ta n , c o n tin u e d to s e t th« loneer- loag ua-durinff-th& -w eelc— I w h ich h o v e k e p t h im benched ng a v e ra g e now s ta n d s f i t .870, .'

MrtM d u r ^ t? ° a ^ -l 5^ T O e ^ ' w ^ i m 2rwTO3 6 » - - - and the f ln t two i*m«« ot tlie Idaho FaUs ttriw .

Baska M I B HMttav In team batting, the Twtn FatU

outfit ranka third behind O g d n 'and orcat-FaUa. vU h k .JW mark.__Ogden beast* a .393 aTarace. TIm. jCowboyx . ranked second .tn total ... number of bamamns « tth M. trail* ing pocatallo'a U . THe Oowtoy* alio have chalked up M doublM and U txiples but holh theM ricures a n contldera^ily bebJad Jaagu* U*iK*.

Ray Foalpanka &~tT«d' f<H>'T«coa<~~ place w ith . Hand of Poe*UBo f « loUl homenm* with both haytac swatted 18 -apiece, barely traUHir •

The Cowboyi canUDtMd to bsM ' down Kcond *pot in team fialdtot : wlUi a J e a , aTcrace. Flra* plaw

M a figure. FoUowtng beMad 't t a leadera were, la order. B ouT Salt Lake City. Pocatello. Idaho FaB*,Bllllnga and Ogdan. ------

Shortstop Emie B e h u r a a n ' o( ~ Pocatello beeame-Ua Uacue'k lead- ' ing producer of runa durlnc the v t tk by coming up with a to ta l of A despite only k> hlU a n d .a batttac averaf* o t only J 31. OuUlalder i l Bawttd. a l» of Pocatello, n ta tnad • * his lead tn double* by addlss fourfor-a- to tal-ot.33.---- ----------------------

O ^ rie a Lead* i s Bleak Jim O'Brtsn. BoUe outfleldtf, abo

continued to paoe tb s baae a t t a i n by adding two for a total e f 9p. Len U m ount. Ofdaa f l tit ba*wnta, and PhU Btahle, Idaho FU * oQt< ' fielder, each h it a triple diolnff tb* week to remain tied at B for tha lead • ln“ tliat-depiifliaraE T

Jack Scott, G reat PaDa horltr, took over ax the circuit'* leadtni hurier durlsg tbe week with « reccrd of 10 win* axid only one loaa replacing Ivan AbroauwltB at (be .QQS6oji_H itb-*_ieB«4 ,e t..liL *a4 - . tyo. Fram loB nnn-ian iad .ucaag " for Iha Cowboy* with a record-ot* and two loeaea. LaiTT Ward poiUd a S-» reeord. D id . Fiedler, S-3. cnd'E rtc Gard i-<.

r H i t ^ g /H TB 9B, SB RR SR r a j tS I P e i ' fit 181 11' 3 11 1 ■ fl M 4m " s i n u o a a o a t as .Ifl 18 3 0 0 D . .a 4...JUL J« U 4 U .O .lf l > 1 —'33 M 4 1 " 0 » I 48 M 7 0 1 S 8. U A i :11 21 1 0 S 1 4 . U OM,13 IB 1 I 1 C » e



" --------------. - t i S f f

K l £ s

Page 14: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

.^ Q B FOTJBTEES V ._____________ .


= f f ifive t



. --------------------' »«ni

Trom nov on yoa ne«d only one bUoket . . . the T Ih Beclrlo Btaoket. Appro»lm»Uly B poimili of downydeii

' Bfl («% rsyoa, 88% wool, asri cotuin) y«l ll enveloi* you li f in ly even w inoth. Vou choo«e your own wirmtu trom «M t«mper»tu«s- Perfectly w uhihlo — luU 73' x M ' »l*s —

I I NEW LOW PRICE ......... ............: . „ 2 ^^ ___ __,___ __________

t - - " J f e / i r

I D o u b le B e d B L A N K Ej : A fine, durable double blnnkpt for ju st a little

1 57o wool, lO.rp rayon ond 85';c cotton. All ' | - 1. rayon satin binding. Sire 70 x 8 0 --------------- '

1'; ::-------------^ ^ -----------1 m 7 o D o w n -F i l l e d

------- ---------- C O M F O R T E R S -’" '.'V I . .'a b ian k e f event mone'yTaavIne'value! i

S colors — All lOO^e down filled. i , I I Size 72 X 8 4 ._____---------------------------- i - '

|ij ■_ |m "Pinto" Indian Design

i j . I ' .... .......B L A N K E T S!’'l ' » A practicartlflnket th a t Is suitable for many - i v - -S I good looking Indian designs in a variety ot-

’ |E color combinntions. Size 64.x 76. _______ >

H ! r a C A n DOWN . , . HOLDS ANY I ' f - ' B ' — ------- D U ^-B L A N K E T t i l F A L L !.....

jj f e -

- ____ 1


. in the I B

.P K5 0 % W o o l

D o u b le B e d B la n k e ts’ An etxra fine. B0% wool .blanket th a t will

give worlds .of w arm th and wear. An assort­m ent of colors in large block patterns to Choose from.

S E E 72 X 84 .......................... ........- 8 . 9 5

S ^ l u i r JS I

• E v e ry B lan k e t o p r i c e to b r in g you F a l ls ’ b ig g e s t selec

SS f e a tu r in g su c h fam-------S ubU m ^-------------------------------------“ ---------------------

' .........................................

K T o-. • P E N D L E T O N <• WInt»rlto«» -. _ ‘

r tC E T S -"a little money 1 M

. . " ' , . . . 3 . 9 8

M « e r ^ . o ^ a

. . . . . i b . ^ 5

— W M 4 k lM W B


f c ™ 2 tO C O ^ S o l id C o lo r _ 2 . 6 9 S h e r t B l a n k e t s

Size 70 X 90. Solid colors An Of brown, green <> A ( \ ^

ANY and blue...........- 6 . ^ ^ILL!--------- — } - - . ................^

------------------------ “t

1 0 0 % A L L W O O L

A lT rO " :R Q B E S ff3 J

. SIZE 50 x -7 ^ ..r . .. , . 4 . 9 8 -

l l l l ^ O lher All Wool ‘ “ I f . AUTO. B0BE3__ , L

i l i o D e iJ -----------------^ ^ ------------------------------------

k W i * / ,

t im e s -n e w s , t w i n f a l l s . IDAHO

D. Store’sJ%

:e t e

)ld Any Blanket 'ito offered in this Event was pu y^IlE A L SAVINGS.. . ehaos selection of Nationally Advertis I famous bi-ands as3 N • W O O L - O ’ T H E - W E S T •

J A M " • . T E E L P e R E S T • C

*'taguna’* iingle bed size

i } Q B L A N K E T S p

‘ k \ \ n n e . emooUJ qunUty, 8% wool blaaketi. Bolld-------c5rQrirT»unirTrnMrM?It“ ttr-»-i>Uofiter'b*fr— ----- ;

Seteral colors to Chooj# from 498

'Z'-'y ~ ' Genuine '

_ ^ P m r e y B L A N K E T S B

Genuine Purrey — a lewler In lu price n a s t.••12% wool. 88% reyon, long nap Huffy hlanketa . ,

S'. • - th s f i lT B extra sen’lre. 8lie-72-*-90. Q Q K — —Assorted colors . . . Individually boxed' 0 * » /U ^

f s Wool-o'-the-Wesl

S i n g l e B L A N K E T S »«'

- - Bite 60 X M , . . Ideal for twin bcdj. bunka or■•'■’• coU. 5-ye&r moth proof guarantee. Q Q jr Wll

BoUd colors or plolds. _____________V%VO

m B m n m n“Hampehlr^’ ^

D o u b le B e d B la n k e ts ^3 An outalandlni blanket value. Brijljl, colorful block , plalda. cloMly woven to slve extra wear and c Q O j ) warmth. FuU 73 x 8* inch « ta----------------------D . a O

— “Greenwag" 257o Wool ^

“ DoubledediBlankets^ \. A.£crvleablS and warm double bied blanket at a budget -

price. Firmly woven of wool and Miected cottons- O fy n | « » - B rtlh t block plaid l»W«n*.-Soni 73 i ^

' " c A « D O W lh -r . HOLDS ANY D U ^ BLANKET T IL FALL!

■ . . ||^ ,.,..O pcn A ccpunt___ |[

ipartmcT W m F A L I ^

Isn 't R ight, Bring I t BacJ^

iff July hciy-rn^WmSEK!n r H fI 100 % W ool U tility f f lI o r Camp Blankets . HI----- . - a m -------------« l a .M -----||Ha . -DAnKMAnOON COLOir

I Tho y » r 'round blanket, with dozens of I p n ic tto l UMI. F lrm lr wovon of new and » | | jI '- p r o c e u e d wool.’-A-™ !"' leader-— c o m p a t e l . . . ^ ^

3WNJ : 1 --------- ^ D o u b le B (

: til Fall 7.90p u rc h a s e d a t a

a o s e fro m T jv io ; 4r t is e d B la n k e ts ^ *

r « T E X T R O N

►-CANNON----------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ^Heavy-weight-double 1

' • fligns. Use our Lay-Av- • -------------- ^.- - - e«h-b lanke t_and be

blanket aiippHcs nex t f

‘'Ridgei£ay”.fine coti

White^HEP la id Sizes 8

S T T K K T Sclcct your w inter supplj....... - ..................... ^now rT lltckr^lnn-w cavB -'

B L A N K E T S .................

1 .58 ___"DtUmod"____W h ite C olic

--------Siz€i-70x80----- -■------- - -----S iz e 8 0 x 9 9 . .

.Lar^e b l^ k plaid. In . . - S iz e S O x l O S T sorted co lors. . . ideal forsummer cabins as well as • Soft, white sheet biowinter use. Use our Lay- cd ends. Durable ine;Away plan. . ____ __

— 5 o <


ent Stc

y-A li'ay

T■Parannranf’ - ^



louhleblankets-in-colorful Im bS* Lay-Away plan. Pay only (Ocia« nd be sure , o f having yoo,?ftfl nex t fall w hen you need thsiittfV.

le cotton _ _ _ __

SHEETizes 81x99 and 72x108 ' f

• supply of these fine warm sluttl^reavB-thst-wilhrtand-cotmtkttrJ

5llwSfieif:Bl^9 9 ....... 1 ............. . - . . a

ee t blonketa fo r year ’round u » S ble inexpensive blankets. . '■

ir t DOWN . . . HOLDS ANY.......^^B L A N K E T rriL-FALLJ —


3 - D i m e n s i p i i

BLANKET!A brand new Wea in ] i

' . . . S-dimenBlonal j s « to keep you covered no

■«^<»S!Ss, how you toss or tug. * fits-your-bod ai^-l

■’P » rs ;? ? |a tuck-ln flap a n f* X f i g c o m e r s make puUi^ *

'^ s i f l n i o B t impossible, I t « g

| | ^ ^ H | o r body restriction.

^ ^ ■ 7 2 t -9 0 ^-—

SB m ■iruiltoMS -

Page 15: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

•• .

JU L Y 9. 1 9 S 0 ______________________

18 F e iry P rizewinniol Board rs Roomsr E R A V r - J u ] ; ^ - ^iiniTU tne 'onij’ IeiBaln- '^ Uie aienna Ttrrt [r'tccordlns to s re*

a t the r y i l ^ tie _01enM ‘X’

^ ~ » ~ g r a d u f t t « 'o f P .l!4 |M |i?« i P B B M>10 College of EdUW '4!tciUenC a t Paul- WI position of commer- ■ -Ifa a B i y - M f W #m the high school. l ' #

ss wUl Interview thVee r i t S M W

a y ^ te-: i a | | r o^i/adent Wfts Instruct- - . - . ^ ^ H M B I B,nl ftftBB Bnlo'pf war ' I w P K f C T B S ^ ’'------ ™rty July H fit P*rr*gut *--1 « P H « i e a i g fc. : ’ " • :U17 Items De<^ded for ■"Mi

•an schools. C T w M ljB M a M ? iM k g ib 'j^ ^ ^ x . i i>»- g,■greed to have ft coa- k b M B |9 k i'SfB; H. Bmlth, Boise, tx - '^ T ia r n l^ f l l r i i l ^ 'T n T T T M T T *r T d ltjhe ^ k a OS SMd

rd Vacancies of on the.

1 b)' resignations ol T Poe. and Ed Clem-the board, were post- U” . . , . ^liter meeting os board ' - ----------------- ---------------------- i— ------- ----j.^Andcrsqa was not Thi, U Ihe prliewlnnlng Host lo tb< pstrlo .., H-.I .uK .th.r *h. G®*'*" CstmuH 1* 'hotrn portraying the Slttue

!. ,Zi of 1-D8 clinrch. The pande, ^ C p e ^ o f f " ^ 'o r ' '1 t t i^ o o l. Puixliw -' A ft * * ^ — — .

= ~ r W inners, Ai-e ^- R l K - r r a i a ” in5K - - ~ i ~ ------------------------- T ~ i ---------------- ] t l,t nims a n d Louis A l l l i n i l f l P P n 1T1mwi of lhe board. . f ^ J U l U U U L C . U 1 1 1 _ albion

Residents R u p e r t E ven t s S^ V i i p s i f l n n a Ru p e r t , ju iy s - w in n e m ofI V d t a l i u i l s street sporu evenla held followingly 8-M r. »nd Mrs. the Independence day parade arefflure n rd 'daughtcrs listed tn order Selow-ftj-announcid ^ rr!'„to their home In Id s - by Ray Robbins, chairman, Harold a„d V;^.«Ttiltlng Mr. Kid Mrs. BrOTO. Paul, and Nell Frandsen. m in J ilvs m - M r e h m - 1 , - . -------------i i „ . - i . - , . - - - - - j w i ”

:» < .! P n l t .n a Mr. . . " r i ' , S S \ ' j J i V . K 'm . S ; ;

£ SI lhe Wood river area. w .,r . Ilci. Kenr.ih (irnt^r inj n,n. TLtiHnu

In Idaho Fall.i. Prior L,nn O.mtri 7. I .n j' ». A,i,n. K).Jcr,%He visllcd h e r par^ "1iobwili'‘’E".'r"(i "’• s o n ^ i l^ Webb haa returned■jll.? where aha has CirU- r.l.r r.« i. lo .nd ovtr. JoAt>i> ? °‘I at tho Idaho Pftlln R‘’kn» »«<l D»l>» G»r:«ch, JttVl. Em. ceplCQ a II. \- .- . ‘ ''o'” NI»1»oh: t md tind,‘ , Btnjctor B....... I-.TMIIIU m ntfTMoit_Laurrl Judy . nnrt King .n,l v«r» il.rlon. , ’ ° ~ ~ ami Mrs. Art Barton I C I M Kk a vticntlon trip to g .t.d ic. D,iof™ n.U ni. u.n«- lio'.m f V I I r r teenllj’. Tho Judy* •«“< i«»r i-™ Kmrtitii ■ ■.ir Vullty. Coscadc j " . " ? iiTT’'i'w .,d ^'nd'^V!’/ ‘iT * M f l V e rclurnlns to Carey. ..v.r, D.rb.r’t ii«t. d»Ioi« d.'lq** tin a w . Emeu Frost. Cole- 'hW -Hh H*ur Lou K.nd.ll, D n ! r ted the Wlldo faml- «Vh^Jll‘c!,«".”ll” ',n'’”nd* flo ilol,'n.»" ^ J

------------- .l!~ C>^nn^H*•k?•M MVlnrnf'"*"*o f F U e r ’s , f - 3 3

t s a r e N o t e d S S *

■ s s s s s s ’s' SSs?sM Sis l!lg p i


CORMICK No. 1?5-SPV O i ^ ^Propelled CombineH w w F E A T U R E S F O R I 9 S 0 gnliitgidi

■JeCormIck 12.fo6t self.ptopcired lam bine■^r* been know n u u « (*piioasU y "clean“ ’■ snd “caiy handler.- Now w ith Added \ j i M s g ^ Swmentj, thi* yew ’s m odel g tvei you stS l HI IJgBwt effid£Mcy aod o p e n d n g M dsfoctloa.-----------Jcipttl iAiprovcm ena sind features: (1) low ,“ a k . . . you o n check on its coo tena from " N ^ X ^•^ ■ ^ ^ J-o n la a in g e k T a to fC M S la jw u to ^ ^ -----f>e w ith o u t leopping tbe mschitw; (3) U ' ' “w ia g V -belf d r i m repUce fnany o f the • VofidblMp.K d a I a - d i ' l v e j r T f l " ^ M M p S a * ^ l i i i l J i r ~ r ^ ^ pefm -ts qu{ck_w iii:iimplB q to a fo .i p c e d ■ > '" « « » ftom 1258 t : p ; 5 r t o 1 B 8 T p j i £ r » r 'r K guidewhMUiulwtneriiigeuier■*"«*> oe ridged g tooad , ................. ' J / j l O T«* w « I l )T5ii m ore .b o u t t b i i l * t « i a 8dej ’ “ 'rmjckK!f.propetleHfrm>t<W^^•Wf in any Jrina o f a | b p ~ ^ —- ’

V....... " ' |/S±X J

]-, M«VEY’S i- - 1613rd AVE. W. TWIN' FALLS

__________ .____________ TIMES-NEWS..

winning F loat a t R u p ert

nm m | | | B

lb« patrlotio diTlsloo ef Itaa Bopert IsdependeBae day parade. > the Status iJf^berty. The float n f BrtparKl aa an entry from je parade wsi part sf a l^ e » of edebfatlon erenls. (Arteraft phot

Frek to Canyon Great Scott!Maae”by 2,DOO OitUIb . B ovU m had a houi

s ,More than <00 cam » « b checked ‘ "J

uterlng the area July 4 with an ” ''• RoUiwellivcragc or lour persona to the car, Scott Boise^nd Mr. and Mrs. (md more thin 100 cars were check- PocateJlo.<I In July 3, __ . Of course, Ura. BowMea 1About 30 camps wert Y llled'^ ith * « “ . to o l........ ............. -

aoipers who stayed over night. — _ ^ _Brackenbiiry said there were no VISIT FBOM EAST

Ires or accldcnts and all vacation- rAIRPIELD, July 8—RecentT.I teemed to be enjoying their July IWn a t the D. O. Reylolds h. holiday. vere Mr. and Mrs. Claire JfiG

------------- ------------ ani son, Carl. Swnrthmore,' accepts POSITION- TI'' visitors are friends of

JEROME, July -8—Pred'SehuR* EeylDldi’-daughtcr .who rctkJiionofMr.andUr*.Herm*n8chnlti. Penntylvanla. They are on afho has been attending the "Onl- vacation trip through■crtlty of Idaho, Moscow. Has ac- states and Canada.cptcd a posiuon as a physics In- tructor at the School of Mines. .

( l a y K e e i ^ o u

SnT heR un. N ew ,

S s i i S f e ' K S S M r g ;


fe# . J l'gmhtadcwlrlipmmlsadw. . -- --

P e i i ^ r m a n c e l

7-.-jr.lwH <»if«*-..- ................... ■ *«».»•. eaa• oteeleraHep I* pwrldad I

m m ( W - J « l Synch

5 - l n c r .......................

LLS P H O N E m ^ ? 1 8 _ M a in ,__..........................'Aventie W ert ’

EW S. TW IN f a l l s . IDAHO


— ------------------------------------1‘ChrMlan '/.

By m a rk 0. CBONXNBEBOER m .n . IhlngS Whlcl'(Faslor. Flril Chrlstlao Chsrch) tha dignity of life.

- " Aa Your-Mtnlster-aew-It*-haa have-obMr+rt-ftTtpiireatureal'thia&evspaper for attend a.worship t

several montharin^i my toUeagues the end of a pew.navrexpreued theijW res on many strangers to whom<mp/*' maitiTi Of oonuliu tu ht iho^vn art thu®." eww<5 D«l.»n..ojSer.

- 'n -J iT i-T ftirk -drbeen timely a n d ^ ^ " ^ place a hymn bookhave given lo o u r ^ B ^ ^ > ■ ■ or_^otheV pernon nrTMdtra Inuch l n - ^ B ^ S ~ i l B ^ V ly anilte invite limsplratlon as w e U * r ^ ^ j 7j M i„ that part of thea s fo o d f o r / * ^ a j [ 9 ] M One cannot ImaglrUifiught. Hla ckue frlcnda l|

In this article portunlty to be Rnd e a ) . ^ H r . . ^ H » uint.QiJricmUlni

W ith a tU tu d e a ^ ^ H f ^ ^ ^ H whom they wanted Iwhich seem to nbundnnt way oftd be bailo in many, many ways I Christian r e l a . ^ » F ^ ^ " ehow a quality of griUomWps. Wo WlU might be termed Cagree that there la such a thing as i need not remind <ChrlsLan grace, and It 1< btcause ol .'Ha .that-.dealreththla that 1 desire to (ocua our at- must show hlnuetf’ tenUon upon certain ohBtrvntlons while making thiof conducl which needs to be cor- i feel that It woul(

place to’ urge ourOur Master said lo his disciples, prompt In keeping i

pfou are the light of tho world , . . dlsUnct mark of clel.your-.llght-»o ahln# Ufote-men emplifltd by -thethat they may aee your good works prompt In keeping hand give glory to your Father who Doea It not also foUiU in heaven." (R. 8 ,- V.) A ClWst. son who la careless Ijlan .must accept his peraonai re- la also careless In 'tsponslbinty for reflecUng the light general behavior? and grace of ChrlsUanlty If his light Perhaps, we have

±i— l»-to»ft)ns wtfft enough brtlliancy In-thla brief artfcfeJarade. Mra. ^ Certainly, a gen- ture which will en:ry from the Christian concern mual be what is meant by thttaf» photo— *0 'V . l“h Altttudea." Of

_ A funeral service U sacred to those l.iter obseires these

Ing those last few momenta with which he consclent:'A f t* '®"<l "*“ • How often Is the bring, the Individual'U il>* beauty and solemnity of this serylce eplritual level.(r.-anct-M n. marTrd hy_peopln whn arrlyn lata. -^ irU U an —Mlatla

a houseful I doubt If there It’ ever’ a service maintained only asIndependence conducted In bur community which and respotjslbiutles

does not have a number of peoisle ind Mrs. Ed- coming In from two to five minutes m O T D in i. Calif.; Mr. 5ste, aomctlmea Just before the U lo lK lU ltt. Salt Lake benediction. I t la a serious breech W A N TTwin Falls; when we do not accept our reaponil- , , „ ^ , i

n Scott. <Sg- bUlty and endeavor In every way 7A-. Rothwell D. possible to show consideration for ndMra. Oor- our frlendsjn their Joaa. - . , '

This olxservailon Is also carried aluminum awnlna Oui. p roducts-a i

imporUht to those who are being comitfUUon' Onlv------ united In marrtage are tha attitudes 5LTS:ntEAST orindlvlduals present. Consider the-Recent vis- breech made when attention la dl- dlstnbutora ieylolda home reeled to those who arrive late. S n° 7 ,:i^re J a g l^ Again, this same thing is trua Inrthmore. Pa, relation to regular church services, ,:nds of Uie Devout worahlppers assemble for a furtheria rcikJcs.ln aplrUuaUy refroahlng-eaperlenee-to- -’»hU8-Mnltoilca_Ate on a alx- gtther. Late arrlvers certainly ds- HUSfPHRET PR(through the tract from the spirit of worship. 719 p zimmi-ri».nada. ChrliUan courteay ahould Include |

w, All-Time Record


aIT y A s i c

ince Leaders § Payload LeadersMJi.p.TielftMMrVoMrK c M p « » il* -« M td a lf ,« lh M a ta r t^

w rlW ^ b y OyrreteS ' Ail)eir<>t«l Im Vis fot e o a t p t e i e '^

!S:5SS^±33S:- . r i r . S i a s . r ' ~*

G ^ ^ E N ^

NISTER . SEES IT ISlan A ttifu d e s" -------------- '■------------------------ 1 ' ‘Thes which ctmtrlbut*. to TH» culture whkh Christianity has t of me. No doubt you brought to light ) a s been, a great

a i s s s 6, T . r a ' . a , - . « « 7 « - d S : S S I pew. Lflte comers or InHun'ce- Tliough thla la not n tho p whom courtesy should "rm on and Is Intended to be merely Ubund

i.CJScf-to be seated.JJ... i......... ......... ............................irk 'd riffftloU ifl’W W ----------------------------------->n book Into the hands " ..........srson and wItllB friend- ________ . .

him to participate the worship service.

Imagine our Lord or Ignoring any op-

be gnidaus ahowiPTifiiini‘< tn thi. people. _

to win to a more ay life. There are - ways In which we can

ty of grsclousnesa which rmed Christian culture. emlnd our readers that, ■alreth to. have friend* ................ ■ ------ ......................................ilnueir’ to bo mendly." ■ I I I /cing these observaUons. «B U fit would not be out of . . J j j K Bse our readers to be ' . ^ ^ m . Hftplng appolntmente. A . t . - m’k of character Is ex- W O B * t n e I *

eplng Ills appolntmetita. ^ j l iP>Uo follow th a t the per- l l l | | M |.relesa In being punctual 2f | l ^ 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 ess In-other matters of C O l

fo have «vered enough ^ J _______

tby th? th*e iM .V ^irt! V ’ -s." Of course the mln- \ l < . " ' I H Is these thtn«s because ^ ^tffaet tn< riivicM la ----------------------------------------------

insclentloualy atrlvea to f o f h # 4- dividual to the highest

S ‘» 5;st;2 ? -A ^ t0 S 0 im — ■ ^ CONSOLE m

T R IB U T O R S ' , .1 V A N T E D1,. opportu^ll, « e < U m , J , u , l , p l ^ J . rfabricate a new pat- d ogs* M ar bmlnum combination • •

^ r . X ^ S S ; " ^ S m a l l D oW rPfon^f m Srw ^^ ' ' VeUvers This Piauo heeded.lutora aell th ru their — _ _ _ - 'organitatlon and/or A I ll% E B

v L A U u t . BS l i S L S L ____ _ J ^ U S i q « n d F t I R

S'*-w”S .S: ' - -

rdl Users Now Bi


Wahave dtlivtrtd 49,001 Ch«\

- a n ovarag* ef }53f> a day-1 mofithl* That'i on o|M;iAt, alHndu

. thof no othtr (rwdc ovtn opprooehM. Thot ^ — pMtibf*''buir-trsn" for you. It ttjlt yeo thttf Owv

aro flrrt In tN*r prtftrene* bteovt* th«/r* dm It fclk you that Chtvrelel tnida or* ih« proved all Mndt ef modi for oil Undt of loedt. If toh

---ClSivrorerfiv® w1in ieFuI“yi»«r eeo8t'^mef*'‘nm fo tt p«r mil*, (n and o*> all tha m»nty.«a--

i1 c l> n D L ilT e ir TRU4

i _ _ J ^ P o ^ p u jc i r i f y . l e a d e r s , W p r l e t

....... - Afaerfeo-s Megw id ti r i TW sU eqow W M «m

r«di>nte>H ypeld»(««il«itta t<a«S . : : |m ^

. S S S S S b ' - S


' - P A G E n p n a w v - ^ ^

an-oiM m U an.-]«tu a ln « th tia te n u ltrn tli .* n w a « in ;’'.-. "1'In the Ugbt. aa He U In Uia UfU. ' - i we hate ttllowrtUp.wltaflia.Mtfttw.-’- . -,! . . . " CI John 1:T R .8.V .) .

Tho prwjUce of ChrisU aa:,*^^-- -*■■. and etm odef iboold b iU f to a n ------

the ^ t y ’-’or a a«ep-an« Uddtat .f*«k«r-^ —

MomjTtr.'tf-we-walfc-tn-tm . tho promlM'Is tha t wo s b s U ^ " - - ^ r Hbundant Ufe. ■

W t i^aUwinoTMUtufor tv*iy musloit ,

m n faym ent .......zno In Your Honie

BROWNF t l R N l T I I R E ---------------------------

= = = = — ~


v a tt y


' CKtvretat D ^ t n “■1 Chavrotft tmdbday—In a tlnsl*- '' '

(. Thot** tha bart3f Owvreltf f m c b ............'ra ftm In vahw. V :*mvad laedan m ,

If tah* yew rttaf 'e f t e n • ’ "

mty^svlng foctti

S I ' f f i M M i . i i b . S i v H i u s s a

Page 16: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

• ‘ f A Q B S D m C B N

_ A ^ ! C y A L L E Y- i - B r Tim«-New» CermpondtoU aod SU fi W filfc -

Psonl« of M»Blc V»llty have weithertd anoUier Fourth of Julyl J y e our wort fcr »• tHo>° ot Uie y o ^ tn genatUon

the old M*xweU, Mp down of eourw, »nd, II ths funlly wm Utbo and--------p u ru proapcrou«.-Ui«e were more ------------------- ------

eipenilve modeb of cars with exif* Bobby ho* nimed hb puppy IMaU O u t folded up Inlo the bacu ,J■g aure that when lheof tho front «nu- . jrowj up. she’ll b < ^ famous ru

To ride In one ot- Uiosb foldln* jo j by U,„t name.•Mt4 required the skill,Of any pres- recently, Bobby's o'

- — ~ « r t- ia 7 -broneo-bust«,-«nd II- th» M nrO wai“Wt»m,-askedr'"Bolm nd caught the lolded lop and teal's a mighty fine puppy you

----- blUowrt It out like s **U. the eld there—U It * tnorougntred?"Maxwell llierally took oil, back- uobby. 9, thought a bit bovard j like an P-801 uuwerlng.."! don’tknov. I kno<

Places to go7 Well In those d»)-j. mother thoroughbred bithere WM a cool, cozy park a t the think lt« father w»j a farmer."loot ol OAKLEY dam- Alter lunch • • •the tamlly could climb lo the top nf Martha Jane Slicrblae. 7the earlhflll dam and goM nl tha OANNEnT recently, has »t1w au r' la r down below. prose and poetry and durtng a bl

Some enwrprlslng people would d. party. Mr». Carl Deekrr iput up refreshment elands at the this lltle autobiography writtenpark, where drink.', lea crcam and Mri. Shorblne:

------- flfecrcickcra'wtrc fold, Oikley d m ~i wu* bom Msrtha Spray, 1park Is no more. coveried wogon at the home of

Then Uierc v,as'MILNER dam father's brother. Ell Spray, onpark where lawn, planttd In tiers. Stinking W ater In Montnna.

' dropped gently toward the river and happy girlhood dayi were spencanyon. Here, young blades threw Vlntlnla City. Mont.

___cautioa-to-ihj; .u lnd-and-clune.ta - — In OelobcTr JiS l.. I -came‘the steep cliff.? ai they threw llghtcJ BELLEVUE and there In Majflrecracker.i high In ihe air, to ia02 I married to George 81

' hear the loud bangtesauod as It hit bine at th e home ol my sliterfrom one canyon B-all to another, on her husband, Mr. and aira. Tt

rina-natrtam.____________ „ Turn»r^Tl\9M_9:ff«.t?alli_'-flLThere's a little bit of grass left oo's for me.

' a t Milner, thal’e all. "My flret trip to Idaho Is oiAnd for those who preferred the ahaU never forget- I cams 1

-metropolitan type of celebration Concord stagccoacli and rode onth fte wa»-eielt«m ent-to-t)«-had bool.wlUi-tha-driver— T rato-elther In BURLEY or RUTERT, de- automobile trips, many of tpending upon the year. The two since, have never had the thrl;towns took turns In celebrating the thnt first trip,rourlh. "I am the mother of IS chlldre.

The square In Rupert was lined whom four have pss.ied lo the cwith Btands, with a camlynl ploying beyond, «omo by accident nnd !nearby. At Burley there weYestantf^ by natiirnl causes. My whole r

:__^ «nii riileii BverTwhgt. .Per- iied-llf# iusa.bten_Micnt-on.i'haps for added enjoyment aiid-««--river,"

• cltcment there would be auto poloi Her article closes by tclllnit racing ews and baseball gamea. has a lovely home with her

Real rodeos were held a t roundup Georgr. and her son-in-law— -tim eout InBAFTBIVER valley.not daufihter.-fllr., and Mr*. Lo

on tho Fyjurth. Senthem. She attends churclMany a Magic Valley mother will HAILEY,

recall leading home a string of Ured • • *and sUcky hut happy children Irom Down Burley way the Jayceeathe old fuhloned celebrations. « busy looklns for a likely lass to '

• • • the crown o t Mlu Burley InThli nation's continuing fl«ht for i

Independence heUhtened the obser. g'rlJ. a e e ^ '-■ Tatlon of-Independence day thU ‘‘"v.. year. And there we those who are T a k e ^ n n a Matey, daughte

worried about Americans who per- and Mr*. D. C. C ^ n . Shehacs think of hard-won liberty on chosen the ouutandlng beaut;July A and think of this natlon'< In- &«1«- where she's taking m

ttVall-tho I'cal g f th r there's Barbara Nerfon.: - • ' * . . • was graduated from the Burley

■ M oiDA® Chaw a . otn«- a.,,M n. AdolDh Machacek answered the <*'ht a t Southern Idaho Collesphono and heard a familiar voice. Mucatlon. A ^IO S , "-fere thethat fif a former claasmate In Ne- ehoj# her aa their entry in tnebraska. Mrs. Hugh Davis. Sacra- Mah® Barbara belonemento. Calif., whom she hnd not the D. E. Nortoni.s«Rl for 30 years. The Davises were * • *vlsltln* relaaves In BUIIL. en route Friends of Jack Flynn. BUHLto Yellowstone national park. Thil 1st. are congratuIiUng him or

- - evening when they stopped a t the latest Buccesa. Jack Just IlniihMachadek home, the 30 years melted commlwlon for a motor comparaway as old Jlmej were t«m lnls«d.. Delrolt-<>nd not a®? d i

............ . o tlllu6 traU oR iaj* .r« lln th» lA JKROME boy, Bobby Clark, ton Ver Post,

of Mr. and Mn, Dean Clark, was a Jack has had little formal tipretty thrilled youngster when he Ing but has a world o( naturalgot his new eolUe puppy and »o were ent. His first big commission

...........all the rest o fihe kids In the nslgh- th* mural In. the dinlsg-rooi:T :-----l» rhooa= in«4Jr!n iirg W hcnrther ehore-lodRC—An-avld-atuden

spend moetol Ume Uiesft days, weatera history, Jsck uses Iti

B M Q o o t

D E F I A N C E i T I R E S I

M' « I6 . 0 0 > 1 6 O T


S A L E E N D S *

J U L Y 2 9


-------r -------- A H -T H B S m C H a U A U n-fE A T U R B — ^ j

• F u lif G D ttin te ed ♦ Center " S t f c ty Zone'*_____ .uTicid - * 7 FuU .Ti«daiil» .

S l ^ Tresd Design • Duttrm-Bullc ShouldersJ - . • Wider r i a t T rta4 1 ' » 'Ttyi^ c - r i a c i f l e ' C ^ ^ v - -

F R I R 1 6 8 - P A M TRA V E L O G p r O R p r e d b y j S f o p I n - G e t Y o u r» T o d a y ~ M L o t h io s \ '

405 wiiAIN A \

; ' V i ........

TIMhlstorle Ineldonta as the bcsU for his .a rt work. - 1

Visiting thU *parkilng penODiUtj • Iis "Just what th e doctor orderedl" V W

2 V / I t was on July », I#». tha t Myron ^ i■ Y Kyei n n t K tlved tri Hailey. Exacuy _ ,■ ■ .......- 60 years later, last Monday to be - ^ |t ------------- exact; KyM-MTtTBd-aeain.-thU time ........- j VO5^ Julvi And Anahflm.--Calll, to v is i t -h i l ............ | \

u t 1911 D-«r .h«nie»* and iMtheFshop

tome. t o th . « ■™ - .1 I --------- mer-vacatlona-ho-spendB-W lth-hii -7-r.“ ::nri;.s;1 puppy Las. daughter each year. I•hen lhe pup • • . • Knothole Osnimous as an- When Maglo Valley residents «re vere anip. , sweltering in the hot sun on t h ^ , _lobby-a aunt, simmering summer daya. its refresh-kedr-"Bobby. li« -to hear-TotBiay T b e m p ^ , Bur- director.-------3py you hivo ley. tell about the dllllculty he en- „ Mbred?" counten Ih- gelling to his cabin In <n,a HoUhotI bit before the Howell canyon luromer home g.o Friday wiLw. I know Its area. for the wlrniehbred but I -The approach to the cabin area Is ^ j,omcfarmer." still made on foot because huge ,

snow drifts block lhe roadways. mbV■crblne. 70 a l Most ol us wouM enjoy surmountmihas WTllten such n dlfllculty any day. y ,. jogin. pnirlng a birth- Another pleasant thought for ,Decker rrad melting Magic Valley folks are th#y written by crisp nlghis up HoweU canyon. Just Panthers i5-i

a few miles from Albion. Perched pitchers wereSpray, In a on the top of Mount Harrluon are a

home of my number of beautiful summer homes triple fw uie ipray, on tho belonging to Cassia and Minidokatontnna. My county resldenU. Doubles byrero spent In Take the log cabin of the Emert Ronnie Oliver

SlepbenMn's, Burley, for InsUnee. mound chores X -came to From -tholr-U rge picture-window, tory for the 6

: In May of where they enjoy their meals la twrjacks. LoilGeorge Bher- coolness, they, have a. v,-onderful Alger,ly aliter and panoramic, view of the Minidoka

Mrs. Frank project spread out beneath them.;gllv the CSV ^ I t^ no^ wonder ~ H W 1aho Is one I people escape the heat by going up a v V I

came In a through Albion Into the cool forest w w ■ a rode on lhe of ti l l pine and Hr trees, babbling—Train..and .UawcU.creclc.-ttnd.the.JtseLof-I^ke ___ny of them Cleveland nested a t tho very top ot the thflU of Mount Harrison. And all this, right

a t our very doorstep, tool IS children, of ------------- ;-------------

i r s s s : Richfield Visits,-’ m — ifavel-Reported---------y tclllnit she RICHFIELD. July 8 — Mr. and ,lth her ton. Mrs. William Coates and family, i-ln-law and Nampa, have returned home foUow-Mf». Lonnie Ine. a-Vlilt w ith relatives here. ................ ^Is church In Mr. and Mrs. James E. Vahlberg, ^

Sweet, recently visited Mrs. Vahl- berg's sister. Mra. Thto Brush, and W B U

e Jaycees are f»mUy here. Following a trip y IBSS to wear through Yellowstone naHoaal park, lurley In ttis they again -wlU visit in lUchfleld. contest. Bur- Mr »nd Mra- 0. M. Prldmore

lolng all right have left for AugusU, M ont, lo visit .l a l ls . . . their son. Donald, who la in tha fo r- • —, daughter of estry service there. ■ j 1:»on. She vras i,tr. snd Mra, Tom Robison, Balt ,ig beauty at cuy. Utah, have been visiting ■ 1aklng nurses Robison’s mother, Mrs. Arthur ■ (

, “-------Z ' Peterson; 'I Norton, who Mr. and Mrs. Oenild Parks ande Burley high daughters. Hamilton. Mont.. are.fiowr, Yo•hero the lads

ra belonBi to Guests Are Feted . In Filer Homes^ ’h l i ^ n hli July 8 -M ^ 'u t flnlihed n & n « t Winkle, Portland, Ore.. areir company in a t the Leonard Winkle and . ,18 8K0 ll series the J. O. Winkle homes. . , „ ..d in thaDen- ' Mr. and Mrs, Warren T ejan and

famUy. J>ortIand, Ore.. aro guesU ^formal train- of Mr. T egan's mother. Mrs. Ella , /f natural tal- Tegan, and other relatives. M ^ iTimlsaloa was Mr. and Mrs. Chcjler Ernest and ’ t ilag-room of famlli'. Colorado BDrlng!.,Q9lo,. were,d-8tudenlr-of -r«cent-#ue»l»-at—th»-Jam*«—R o l b ---------------uses Itmous home._______________________ __

^ I S S D O W N r mk - , . . --------- ----------------------------------------— -A dvB iice

6 months to poy’ , W llh St.

d b y R A N D - M e N A l l Y A N D C O . h l n q T o J v y - N o ^ O b l l B a t i p n '


Light wen

E HEADQUARTERS «..... .... i.............


hilU of play In th*-boys' and _ _-m rtS o S -S - Uie-’r .In -F illl ^hole Gang Thursday and Fri- ctialkcd up a M-4 win. Lcalng « were announced Saturday by pitcter Richard DavU gava upM p . . u , « u , B - a i , S o«

...... ...................... ............. inS Dob BliowaIt*f-and-MM so d a ^ ^MtuorLeapie _ co* Wakem *ad B«k«t«ad also col- 0° '

a HoUhoU shut out the Huikltj jj^ttd two-b*|gei». Winning hurier »n tlday wllh Dale Welch pltchlcg ^ 8oden. _he winners. Clarence Shearer jjon,« were colltcllog hits . d a homerun and triples were |„ the Bonny Smith-Outlaw* game ■ V Dale CrlJt (3) and Oeane ,,u , uie OutUw'ouUlt finally win- j trg . Mslberg also doubled ai njoj JM 8. Hurlers were B ^ l ^ ' loy Barrett, Jerry Barrett wsi kciuj Uartlndale, Out-losing pitcher. i»*t. Sm ith hit thrw bomeriM. Ie Junior PoUce topped the Bobby DohM ilraled h to w l^ Wo hers 35-1. Winning and lojlnj md Bryant tanoo, (ers were Irvin Rile and Dutch urent Henderson each got oa*. Roo- nLBob U n ih l t a double.anda »j(j. B o h a ti^ -• for lhe Panther* but the itim p,t* U ndholm ind T » i Bnx*ewonly able to bring in one run, ,ijo doubled. • __■ubles by Jim Fltapatrlc and -me BuUdogs' hurier J e t j r 1 ^ - ile Oliver helped WemerT>'ler'J tyn, tw ped '^ ^ '^ ^ th a * ^


E a m cresdYour Greatest Opportuni

Savings! EASY TE]

— IFARMCRESTfiflOWER IA v a i l a b l e w i th Elthor P l a n « o r S o r r a te d

C u t t in g K n lv e i . . .D ra w n o n 2 C o i t o r Wheels °. m


------ O COMES WITH 7- f 6 o T-BIA O E

SIda DroH li Cut lo o Mlnlrnum . : :SfTonfl, E lattflw lly-W olded F rom e I____

An MmI {■om-mate for your tractor. Mokes short work o f m ow ing..'.«aiily evil from 2 5 b 3 5 acres In one day.[ M g rx d by englneert who know w hat a f prmer needs.

1128 " TRACTOR PLOWW w ice d -d w tg ^ -'-H J-S p e w i^ - lw tto m # retkiee- I r e f t up to 20 ^ , pa teriaH y reduc^-tnic to!' fu e l iSfMnHnpirori! - BeamB,-e<ij«8tabk-tOTl-a'' o M 4 “ — v id th s . 'Q iiitik-Hclion-power lift. 'H e a t trea te d • ' - 3eamB. ax les a n d rockcr Bhaft«.----------- - - - -

Vllh SlMl W h tth • Wi(i, Hnbber ■Ireuliirly S256.50 8 l i 4 0 . ' 5 0 - R 'O Tktly S32 !AVE"«146.65............ SAVE *151.15

' ' 8“ JT E E L D O U B L E lo iS C> ^ A S O . ' - Regular m u o YOU-Sj V4 5 “ = - ...... .................................... .. ^

Jght weight.- light draft at-rim drill wllh Immense strength IffllHBmd positive lorce lecd. UniformMCdlng a t u rate chosen by Bf i j f f ilhe operator. Feed Is to rear ot hub; grain boxes are extra Warge and rust reebUng; power Wt Is equipped with two tilutchri. A super-tpialltT-drliH--------- . . — -----

■Brown douWj^ - trtplefl-twice w d Bhlrley s iW Win' over dsnUK* and trtpJed--— —- *McT«y w ton lM 'tod ■ .............. -

” .... J

■ J BtoIts

^ I g e t ^ n r FARM LOANS

nl UTAH—IB A H O -o - I «ii iii.i I 1— ^ ~ I BklUed. Efficient, Care

: : J . E . W H I T E c o nror new low

S ' i n Male east | ■nd , - ............ I -sr-


OFFarm Mac

inity io Motorize Your 1 'ERMS MAY BE ARRl

O p erates en tirely from t r a c to r • fse n t, pe rm ittin g m ore w o rk ^w ith less effo rL

— R e g t a a r l y 4 3 1 S > S O - ^

Y o u S a v e $ 1 0 3 . 0 0 ^ S r

$ ^ 2 / 5 0 WRMtlI • L 1 0 H

- - • M A X I

I--------------- ^ ^ ------ — ----- - | • F U L L '

O ur prices have been cut be- - low cost-in-flrder-to close-otit— — Thj»_flreal_n«W-

th is equipment. Check these widely-varying ' values! They are thc best k«ii. w i 't h a t h .™ ever been i lfe re d I"” " 'on top quality farm m a- correct line of ichinery. }he width of eut

Don’t delay. . . See this equip- * ^ f .m ent now a t the Glen McCoy plowing com itcfarm . . . \<> mile south of 2-3 and 3-4 fun South Park. Or inquire a t ourstore. LIMITED QUANTITY WITH STEEL '. . . H R ST COME FIRST REGULABLE ISERVED. , S151.05 .


EASY TERMS= = = = = j j _ --------- -----------^

^ - ' ' " ‘t h i s " is■ GUARANI


. CLOSE etbber Tires C i i A l Iy S329.00, ' t L ^ m m O f • - o M A L L15115 « 1 7 7 - » 5 C o n v e n i e n I


'........... 5 j | j

ii I t w u T fiiin v T iV fl p A DiviBio


______ StTKpAT.■h and ArllM There

feet a b o n ^ k S l ^ lcredited with a to a .

Biiable Beei. — r hurlln*, ahe -|Ba teammate f 3led twice. For i arlene Northrop Z Bhlrler prough f

« WANT A M .

AHO—CALIF.—N E V A D ju f lDt, Careful U eren, PaeUai,

Low Cost.

R p i |

T W I N ^ t J

i l l

L c h i n er Farm at I LRANGED!

MCRIST14”A |l O H T D R A f T

U l l Y A D A P T * !

alj«w_ elm; ll d.ilgiwJ l« < QO'lng eondlHonfc Tll« draW-^' jth horizontally ond vertically t»|Ine o f d raft. A hitdi-odiiiitlr>Q l»

1 of eut ond ti uteful fo r itrolgHn M h o i a lread y eitabllihed IS*

coni ita lk i, high w eed i and W *

3-4 furrow /ypei wfth W m o**^

rEEL WHEELS,LBLY ?381.0051.05____________ ^


I S “ A L t r B R A R C

^ N T E E D E Q U I P

t ^ A V r : O P : : T g


e y r s A L E .

^ L L d o w n P A g

l i e n f T e f r t i i s <>H t w

s s t e r n ^

t u p p l y J l>IVIB10N or


Page 17: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

n .y fl, isB o _____________________ •

Group ^ o m a n Fishing ] few List- mmitteesjuiV 8—Tba rtn t » -w v :a :iU i; 'e n b .Lovc.«Mbi8&iuM- Ultinent of conmlt-log 7car. The tnw t- •■m ’; ' ' j?|

Claam«t'.Ji»rUn:_w. E uu : Bet«ry ___

in 'n io inu ; sllend* V'ItfDud; public ln< : -Baer; prognm. W. . -.-'Xidne. CUude Wll- •W. L. Openshaw; ~ \. :

Cotri^ cluslfl- ___iidSoS:; u i^eant-

BiBdoU. -cgoiDiittcsle rv lc c . Leonard <■'■ In.E.L Shaw; rural*

itleljr, Ad-I scrrtce, Leonard ma! relations. A. W. sitrobcrR D. crippled childrenHarold Shlmmln; B

Adkins, aad.I- Dsugtiartr— and

, of -Velierion rccognlzvd.

the meetings torvere the

[Uon CIreawas glren la

the high attendance th. It included three

y Barnard.■ Dutcb

ng. Tba group Tot> ,me-Ulcben tqitlp-


O U m G V S ' ” " • R or F rlu llt. Twin FaUi. 1> shown aborc . , T * J 1 fir. She h a i b « n making the flits, first a t a e»jsits Listed Magle V a .^ r_ .^ rtln j g««l.

r -^ M r . and’ M ii . ■ : '- " * * * * - ----- ---*-

a S £ " i Talent for Tying] ,“ ‘2hZ To “Hobby'Bus:

A Ulcnl for tying fishing flics has goods slore;• Durdlclc. made n amiill side business for Mrs. plcriJ ant boand Fred Wynn, noy Frliello, T ain Pall*, but sho coolin the t(..returned lo thelr consldcr.i her o rt a mere hobby, winter.

Biter visiting Mr. Mrs, rrlzclle lennicd to Ue the When rfie^on. _ ?lcver_fl.ihlng_liirc.5 In ID^S.wWle a three rinzriiOuy Stanton fcha young girl living tn Caldwell. While furxounds Iret, have returned *hc was still In high school sho went feathers, dctllowtonD national to work for Glen Davis there. Now Rame-cock

. , „ he Is one of tho largest fishing fly hacJcle feati _ ^ !? fnaMufnclUrcisJnJhe.nAllon.-----neefcs-of-roliTBsIl n k * City. When he started. Evans was Jiirt rooster chlcl

with her parents, tnsking files for hltn'Clf and a few pescock pl\rMcVey. frlcndi. Bui tho business grew and from SpainAlbert Kane and Mrs. Frliclle-s part In Uie business Norway,(., wtre guests ot g f j^ -n, ny t[,n8 ghe »’is To tie a rtty Fulkerson. married In 1D36 she was superMsor most popula; '. . ^‘“ u . Industry and had puU b hookUlp to Rochester, abom 35 people tying files under her machine, alied rtlitlvcs a t ^upervUion, chine, nnd tt

and Irlcnds a t she moved to Burley In 1038 with lo the hookher huibana nnd had to leave her jinsql'round

Chadbum and job lu Cr^ldivell. For Ihtee years she times and tmye rciuriicil to continued, to uyikc.Mmple flics for placed to exivisiting ..u, and B\’nns’-salcsmfcn-.'nicn,'In 1930, fhe tJieJlj. Tfto

-*-•■ decided to m ire from the'Faslney, to the hook---------- - Her retirement was iihort-llved be- dry-fly manpEGRRE cause In 1043 a Durlcy fisherman erj-wings ofJuly 8 — Alvin found out she was a flrst-mte artist hurl is wrapualed from Uie at tying flies. He got toRcther with form the bo<lornla, Btikcley, other local fishermen and the pres* come* a whli- «W detres In s u r o ^ s on;-Mrs.-PH8MIe-haa to gel -the-bwHiend17. Harmon, son out her materials and has been frmgc for thParte; Hirmon. working slncc. The headIn the nawl air Sho' haa n small comer of Uie three wrapsa m r II, He 13 bftseinent In her Tr Iu Falls home thread a t ttin«f jo«n Jfnwnr -rigKed'up wluv Jiff equipment and me tnrcao jand Mrs. Sorcn malerlals. In ,th a t comcr .*e spends a small but Ihu a 1-jtsr-old hours a t a time turning out hUh- of cement tc•------------------- gr.rf. fll>. V.IL^y -rTT 'ril t*lt f|-l'->TtTl



K AN CUfTi^ a t ^.replacinff.-Rll 6th-,er,typas of bean

K E N Front-Elnd Be^n 'Cutter divideB and cuts the R-QJiniaffed by the tractor wheels !> , . THE ONI * G ON THJS PRINCIPLE. .■ a r e not short of m a t ^ a l r b n t VOU are; short Jil

■ o u r p r c l e r n o w - y i t i K Y g i i r f . o c j j ^ e o h

l ^ i i i i L H-------- M a a ^ a c i t i r e r s o t . -

^i^etirhe f-^rpductd

___________ ■ TIMES-NEWS. ’]

ing Fly Maker Shows Skill

I {>

iwn abort as she puU the finishing locchci on a h l |h grade flshlr t aa a career and then a> ■ hobby, since IWJ. She now suppUes fUi

•~\r*' ~* . ___ __________ag Fishing Flies Leads Business” for T. F.Womai5ds slorej. She flnd.i her work only at the head which It forms, •asant because the basement Is The movcment.'i of Mr.s. FrlzeV )1 in the Bunimer and warm In the hands at her work show how th t Iter. able lo complete a fly In a very tiVhcn she starts to work on two or mlnute.i. Also, having learned ( -cc dazta flics.ia-tlU-aaotder..ahe aecrtts.oLmaas production, aho c Tounds herself with local duck her materlali for several fUes a ithers, deer tails from tho cast, lays them oul, saving excess mo me-cock feathers from China, mcnt to obtain Indlvlduol pa ruckie feathers taken from the the fly. ________________:fc3-of-musft>'lies "OfAnitrlCOn '"A s previously mentioned 1 )ster chickens, pheasant feathers, doesn’t consider her hobby a bu icock plumes from England, put nes.'!. The most gnxtlfylns rxpeim Spain and flah hooks from -------------------------------------------rway, /ro tie a renegade fly. one of the . * ; -ist popular for use In Idaho, shets D hook In iW ^se on her tyingchine, a eutdowii sewing ma-ne. and ties a waxed, black thread / ■the hook. She then wraps gold ( I . .sql ’round ihe hook three or four ’ Iles and ties It so a gold Up Ls I A l ’t lced to extend behind thCbody Of I i | l l t |:J lj. Ttto brawn-haOclet ara lied - - I l / | l | i l - the hook from the butt end In a I l l m i l l’-fly manner, forming the feath- *' wings of the fly. Next a peacock :1 is wrapped around the hook to m the body of the lure and then ne* a white hackle, also tied from-bnHTend;^for7n^a-Trhlt« head --------------------------------------igc for the fly."he head Is finished off wllh cc wraps around a loop In Uie cad a t ttie end of thc~hook andtnrcao pulled through, forming —........... ................................ ..

mall but tight Insect head, A dabcement touches up the head. On .** ;■ .


k ^ r


F E R ^ —f bean cutters.

5 o w e f ' ^ - ^ut£ the beans before 'E ONLY CUTTER

hort^of time - -........... —

— - -•' - ■-tnrte«dc5"SSV D.'eu* ■ w eU tsnrtleslm oU oa. y

____ .v u th .o u f ^ t n th e n e n- J H ! C s '-*■ r ^ 'w i d ih C ir g ln j : cUfaO

Twin Falls

- - 4 . - . - ' . - . - ■ ........ .............


1 Treasurer Gives G old, Co gM Collection Report O uto iit

OOODINO, July 8 — Ooodlng W U l . p i . I I . H H H ^ H County TnAsurer Catherine Btone

rtporU approximately n per cent of n 1 1 t * P n i 1m g ^ L . U « currcnt HUM hax«.*«en collected - . . • M . lH - C U l l

B h H I OlBiS and second-half collections to pr^ucUon Increased»171,55B.OO. These wlUi plus addlUon.1 “"d copper two pei-*moun«e<»-to-»407a90i»i-------------------Cotorado—«o!(t—j./.prU nautot.taxea.on .Ihe .}9jo_rpil, .greased. 21 .per centuilI. Mcii . ullCLtedztn* the ;ammV 'AxtEonH_5'Wi_ct’ni lof (7,147.3s up to June 1. . kou producUon «-ai

_______■■ ___chaaged &nd Califoi; HEEKR NOMINATION ■ declined 2 per cent,

i / ^ B B snoSH O Sr, JuIy S— SterVng cent. Idaho n per ci- J King has filed hU declaration for ington 7 per cent.

r w B B 1 candidacy for the Republican nom- In copjxr, Ariio, , . ' i ‘. inatlon as committeeman of the gained 8 and 6 per c.v.£'w,:_— -lUcltllcld-prednct-la-tbe-AugJ-pri. Jy.-ov«r-AprU-produI t - ‘ •'I mary election. dropped 31 per cent,^ ' ----------------------------------------------- New Mexico 4 per ctk « r . • ences of her career, ah» feels, were ^^old producUon bjJ!W .. In teaching a deaf girl a t CaJdwell • BouUi Dakota 44,0n iff " ^ S Uie art so she could make a living DUh 4UOO; Callforl l a . i y ^ A and In helping to rehablllUte a par- vada 18,470; CoIora<'a^ M b u S veteran of World war II by «>na 8,600; Idaho •

teaching him to tie files. 7,000 each; Montanaf i S ^ ^ B B Itlrs. Prizelle U a flsherwoman as IJW); Hew Mexico

well ns a maker of file*. 6he Inslsu ’Alaska 8,684; statei ^ ^ H B she hasn't done much fishing be- UlsslulppI 198.

cause of the demands of her young Copper output by 1■ n M | B daughter. This year her . daughter, Arl<ona._34,SOO, th B W P jH B now almost 10 yean old, enjoyi futi^' 2}.s20rN e v Uexica

ing as much as her mother, so Mrs. 3.770; Nevada 3,i}iFrlzelle plans to Jump streams. 430; Colorado 301; 1scratch herself on underbrush and fomla 40.

■ £ £ B B pick her way over bearer dams to use come of the fishing flies she h u oCeopardi-are as ai

B k 3 | ^ H made. as on the ground,

W d i v e S s h v w ^ ^ ^ READY MIX C( ■ H I » d o « o u r ' • ^ W CAN BE CO


— / / WHEN YOU N

ide rishlng ahead a day or twoppUes file* / .

■ 'JoVlargo'br small.'i^ —______ _ . tba wnfTl»' same top quality ms

_ YES, you DEPEND on Colonial fo r the........... acrvrce.'the'beat'in 'ihaC erials........

> n i c l l l If your order Is fo r eight, we won’t be lat< It forms. If you want to pour a t ten, We'll be there tl

“nd money, too,I a very few hns'ing Colonial pour for you.

_________________Php;ic_4I5...,...T<HlnyL.. . .II fUes and

lal parta of Colonial Concretebb"'J b;!lf ~ For Dependable D'eliiieru ServlcIns experl-

iipacked with value and

A l ( g n u , Uld n , t o i t n t i i r f l i a r o i a i r -uth><tl»»»*Uy BAOtadmr..-:.......•.,.- W PtrtawMi.arfiiOa aagH(Murtn'jRlaeaiJliu t h u /. . 1 lth«y b m s i o t a l i r f S'bTani

ireusbloD horlaontalM . ecopved to 4 In the ottwr tisxAloa. And Increased e m ) . Add HoUhklM Dilv* di the new PlynouUi addi sOU ‘ nuh* thnw«h the r o u r . ^ag iUhOItT. - to tbe «xl«. tw cnhloDKI lUi

Jlow-mera Ihmi ever—Its wr rtat Ufa

- - ■ - ■ ................ - - . f e -

C o p p e r 3 B l a i n e O f f i c i a l s a m

C the Dlolne county courthouse ahow sloam .•eau aavs oeorge P.McCoy.-Democrat, is -------' ‘- ' ” 7 '=’ e«Knif-HU4CUi» as-auditor and "

TON,»Juir5;wir-Tti9. - r = rlines ffpori. thut gnifi J^Sgllon_M'»afleMar ;-0 . It. S urtr ----- f*ocreased'four per cent ™*'«tlon m Railey jusUce of-the \two per cent m May. P*"'*- Oelskey, HepubU. ]__ . ,, , ■ can, elecUon as commissioner from '« oJrt-p to d u « ta ^ lts- ■iS5-UiIfd'a5lricr~-------------- ~ ~L c r o T k ^ O ^ - i S i ™>--aPPolnled:-liy-.tlv*-Uon cwnmlsjionem- m May. IS « g jI t^am ^la n r ^ L u L i? ><*« H;.r cent™Nev5Sf“ ‘i ^ T S J s s ^ '^ h ; 5? a " l ‘i r ‘r=*‘'w t; E17 ixr cent, ond Wash- elected in November, IMQ, and Hurt B H

»,(, .< TTI .. *’“• JusUce of Uie peace the ■ ■, Arliona and Utah p „ t yjarj. ■ ■

was an unsucces.iful candidate for icuonbystale-ilnMay. ju te mine Inspector several years Glfl Ota 44,000 fine ounces; ago. nelUng a large voto where he wCalifornia J5.460; Ne- was well known.Colorado 13.813; Arl*

Idaho snd Washington

G U A R A N T E E ,o„r198. polio m edical care w ith o u t th e I

Two Y e a r ’ Pol0 ., I . . to C.«- W H I C H P A Y S U P

' to 18 years of age <and any children rtac tho two year policy term) wui bo Insured

___ .. . .polio mcUlcBljjlUa.____________ •

l i x CONCRETE * ^^ .';^ .^ K T o ^ "m ^ 'h ^ ’'n^n *BE COSTLY' ‘ "y hospIUl. mlwellaneous i,e

supplies, drugs, medicines, (n,.ESS IT IS physiotherapy, Kenny treat- n ,~ v . . .

• large pour—order _ _ _ charges for use of Iron aUor two aod ws will lu n j or similar oppamtua • soitime. However, any luid mechanical equipment.15511. itu bfl'tlveT “i “ pATrDOCTOR'DiLLiurteous servlc«—the - . . . medical care e x p e a u s ^ - — —illty msUrlals. of physicians, osteopaths,, , *nd physloUieraplsU. seifor th e _ ^ 8t in __ _ - ____ ______

. , . TODB IIO.O«* PREMIUM AntemaUcalb e la t^ Family for liro yean.•here then . Indlvlduau, No age limit for Adtf , too. montha old are eligible.

----------- — F i r e m a n ' s F u n d - I n d

i t e Co. STUART H.TAY1S e rv ic e p h o n e as ■ ~ ™ m rm M N K -B m

ililliPiblit l i e = c i i i i i f o i t - s f - c a r s t h a t c o s t - l iu i i i l r e i j s =

- = f f l d J i t t i i n i j o j t l i e r J o w - | i i i i ) ^ - c a r ^

- -|Hrt tl •VM’-Hm bm*|lt w d compant FMI-t&afmo«r IT lm . ftu td tn t equlpnest on Plymouth. Aod sample the Mti body nounU m i. . . the terel ride 'of ajneUreiilMd svinga b

■ otra-rtraDf. flexlbU AmoU i te e l . . . o o n f o t ^ M eonte

nd ready to prove it!

I f t i y x i u ^ t b e " ^ ..... K m f t ' i M l l w■aagm»B»B.,ar«He.. •> ■.vr.-'rJWaKlW.fMlirmMi^.Map^1 W nuBff f ljraa w i-a - ------------oUurtwoMMUttrlow-prleea Extre eot] n t n i a ^ W addaDitv* deUren the <k b I «r rear m tp toa i ta n Instead of direct f ln w c n for n q u ln e u aU ef-lo*d Aaiti aod atop*. ■ A W «in 'n tb te r teM

B h i i r t s ^ i o s n u a f i J | l i B i l l

PAOE S E V E H U B j r ^ J

8KBK8 RULBCnOX ' 6HO«aONS. July • ' • '“ -arm - '

ThomM. -BepubUcaa.- dtaJna»n-a«- the Uocotn coimty (wmmlMfcayhM ' ' " mod * P«Won seeUnf r t d M S S - '^ U>, the board ot coimt; eetniBia. < s lo n e ^ _______ ■ • • ■

\ I f V ijk ' ' ’"t

BENTON'SGIflss & Radiator Shop

. s n Main B. H m m IM-W

S your fam ily the finest . the th re a t o f ' serious fl*

Polio P o l i^ ^U P TO $5,000

urled children from three months ren reaching three months during Insured for aa much as UfiOO tn

• PATS mm&E EXFENBU ) - . . . charges for ««rrtcea ef Ueensed or g radu te num a(not meffibera ot toot (anw '■ily). -J

• PA M TBANHPOBTATIO^^ ^. . . plane or rail expense (drpolio vleUm trom place stricken to a hospital or sanltarlian. ....................

-»-TA TB-*M BtrC JW C r----- -------------T___ BEBVICK _______ ______

. . . expense tor antmUzMe aenrlee to or from bospltal.

omaUcally Ictnnte T e v Batlr*

; for Adults. Children o m thrae'

MndemnityCo.--------- rAYLOR, INC.


Ireds cMallaB-fliBB . ■ approateJ-- - ----

k . ■ ‘

pIBowy jude 'e f Super-OushJon ' " " tha aoftneaa ot Bra rubber

pringa mKle e<M wateaboA^nofataMw.-- . «

______ _ J .

MtptoadiBttdnaKca. ' VvfXa

M ib smmlli

Page 18: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

'I '------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------

'■ 'n R B B B H B H m i l H H ' | i i | i i | i i T r | i ^ ^ B i liriiTiTl—,r Ir b Il c lT m V ^ t i Ala A

- :.-*e>»0#» SI. B«0r4 ef * |c |o U |M B )U M ltlR y H U i.1.0.""™ tistiBipgdh®

• ' f t ____ - BBlmten af YMtifdty-t Pun

H~ i * " i 8 ' i v ^ 'r x i f i; ■ n v m it la ’ \. i \;i l ><>•• L r r \'L r KL I \i- - _________ 1 - ____________ I E E “ -

--------- t f i i n — i i t f S f f i.. . ■ ^ e f - p r j r - a - - — f

- i!S * '‘"

t -------------------------------------------------------------- l i

B O A R D I N G H O U S E - M A J O R H O O P L

‘ eSAD.MftRTHAfiHe WW/ YOU eCf^tlBOWHO WDRfi PUPlU OPP MR. 30SKIM VJA4 AS NEAT A& PR0P66S0R/1W A BOOKKEePeRERASl*i& A M 'E R K O ftfy^ KOADBUXK h UW-HAK/J I HAVE 0 « 6 MOR6 < W * U P / Kk3 MOR& PUPIL COMir06. A MR. WILL M<;6R0AI0^-WAILG, &CREECH .i*vAKi UMPIRE e e e K iK is TO * 3^ ^ a n d m o a m s/.

........ W ^ IMPROVe'HfS M e L O D l0 0 5 -n ^ ^ (-A V JD -T H A T 5 A!-^- I A S A



/ / M r 1 m eakj ^^A.VBe \ . HH H n S ^ ^ f / / i ^ ^ ^WOUNEMADEhiOOGHX B

^ ^ VJWLB 2 ‘g.B^ ■ ^


: » ; » ? r ■

u i p | ^ ^

"A b Io n s a s y o u 'ro p u t t i n g m « to bed w ith o u t supper m a k e Bomething; I w o u ld n ’t e a t an y w a y I"

____ THE GUMPS _______ ____ .

^ N T 'e u C u l ^ l i ^ C P ^ ^ v b u R 1 IF HE G F p THi(?rv<ac ^ c e s 6^ ^ 8^ M S s y » T E M I . CONCOCT ST6 « S IN

^ D O N A L D D U C K


O U T O U B W A Y .. B y

H n * ■ •■ IWUXiT 1 0 0 CAMT -tfl.LK TO TM' \ y* 1 'TOLDP ^ " Y » fllll^Mg'MAN WITHOUT A »«aO- . ) f CMtP^T IWHlflTl - MEMT/ I CAIO WITH A \ ( SOPT El1 1 ® , b g S » K £ X i S g ; ' i -

rnhrfaiSH- • 2K-iaSo- ----- AKv-m4gp...-3— — ^‘ / « ^ — ^^^E J .L ~ <iry

i»)T^»p^i» i f at(«rt<i( in Y ^ O y \ /^ j .

1ipoitt ef cr»_ B p t o 8> B _

& S S f f ^

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S I D E G L A N C E S B y G

E - c ^ ' n z T T

H r R S j i ' mTiS i* A ^ r ____ _ ^

—O O P L E y y

i PuPiLS.i Is o R / iw e \ 1 w f l W rBLOCK IS ,V j 7 ‘ W M L . /v U H n3M 0R& ^«:r e e c h e s a v \ utOAhJS/— i« 4 . : 7 T \ •%. MH A T5A S . ' " 1 i 7 K ^ * * X r, A S A . U ' l '

sm ^

S "M ay b e D o ro th y does n e ed a convcrt com pct« w ith a lo t o f g ir ls w hose silly p th e m p o p u la ri ty !"

^ E H E R C A B N IV A I . B y P IC

; ; i \ ; - R E © T >

y"N ow ta k e I t e a s y . . . chew you r, food

« a t th e cruBtB . . . r

S#°U £v.

• .

_____________________ i , - : , ■


B y W I L L I A M S ) ^ ^ ^ a « i i m k k e 8oo s \___ _________ V oujcooKBurwHeM ».


fitSFTEMaXSHANQHE \ > p ^ - J

C C. f WOT Ik BAD <SWHBie-J£0 BU«3' y j T(i*T uo KEpgiciu eutg cor i ^ P k V * L m I'VBW.'Ou \X » I

V l ® | « 5 r f £ l \ r ^ ------- ^C U Y S 1 I0 0 t | | «T Ui V *'“>“<! W vJM & DR ^aVrooRiuEty ^

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' 1 .i. tj M70RC) ^ , H - —

^ ^

\ - ® young squirt is a j' V- / — n I nan^n^ around I he's

I I c ®

.« .u > M T .o r . . . I E o | f M 1 E n w

convertib le— she h a s to Y , . .. „., , . ,—■ Billy p a re n ts t r y to b u y , , , . _,

By D I C K T U R ’N E R U ^__ 6 ^

> e s t a . u b ^ n t : f u

M i '

I l K p• D iu® o\i3! NI I g

i' A ! ■ K F

, n . ^ M ' i C T

X * ' y V t V S S CAUJNSCAJRO.SUCWfT*X * / W V \ P 7H SI5eU J5ft«T V .' J

ur, f o o d . . . e a t s l o w l y . . .

s T ^ ^ Ii^ v '?

■wo J HE'S A • V FtR ST -CL A SS>' A SUCKEB.* • • .....

" lJP*WJ|[yG !S^sSg^i SS> < ? - I : ? i g £ ^ B £ 7 i S ? ?

........y .............................................. - - - -JHb |1IR f ' iKjiSMCAfcv irL'yil* S 5 I 'P A DI»TUR6 IN'/SAUC

^ I m p P ....

T W A M D I S N E Y ] . R .

> . , '

s j s g rp u p ^ e i O M T V ^ l l ^

fc IM w BV ^ A W B S ruesion^MKUci----

roeWATEtuuo ..TH£ HECP ^ I______^ w ^ — - * *

rS? «"OAvivfn ' ....

■ ■ ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 f j u e t th e . s a r r ie . fm m a k in g a - ^ I- - ru l e t h a t y o u a r e n o t- tc M n a ) f j ^

O' TWMB^Vf MOW. YukB Tw ai'ii \ 1 (^... K JJS 5*??!z )■—V T T ? ^ YVOaKT/ AWLVBS / I /" '^ 'V ——VI---

S | ^ § S

KOCCHVSWrTW? HEV, 4 r A C<VA£l / ' tI rVHATlS wirw 0INK AWP ' MB55A5B f l TCP PR

WR T ® H S B f 0 ^ ■ ’ oiJ*? P»ZE KITE ? . '? seorei; so f r t in (V .' FLIGHTS PILING UP ^ reuw (T ro W. J^

’' ^

r ftuT.How i||u3o;.r-A7??-you MEANk CAN MX) M rLVIH* \ THAT FU'VlhJQ I THAT CB£ATUR

f e % " c 5 S j^FL'yiMS ■ HtQC.'T COULD A *Z ^ u c c H ^ — n S J * a c u p FW?

'I i ( » s r f h is to r ic a l n o te . . . I l > t lR U N 6S ? i

- .A .-. .. :. • . ■ - • .

IMK-N05EDI f , /• ' ' ,« * 'S / m * jT AUD HE'9 < n i OET »MOTHATSAFE. f AiBuouteoi;: T ^ IT q ^ H WUWB OH , VlOkOOM THE eE ttjS ^ H TMIHa-TOHWll -------^ , .w .- ' . uucw Tgigj^B

' v w ^ t T E f v o u w w ^V l i 6 ? I W O « O tW ?liV ,tH M l!M

*MVk^«V<£>l '^HV<-WO«V U W U t n B THhT I LOT O? "THlNCiS T H f f ^ l < o t A « ? l (SQOV)Vi-UPS K tlvnS II^ I

S i i '

' 1 ® f i n 1 ^


oce.jAXON h o tm u m w v .o n

- ^ T v O

j.SW LtNES...^ X V / _ ^ g g |

S uTS-^Sl j ^ ^

Page 19: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

m e t S a t ^ i— 5‘L o s i n g ^ C L O S E 01

a m o u s R i n g s W O M E N ' S A

i i ^ z - S A tN iIof*s“ u ^ ^ no*

~ ----------- G R E E N —“ r v - j z = :z .W H I T E - - .—

r* ''* '" • b l a c k' ---------- B R O W N " ' ''£«„tena!neouton»cti*>a« j j g j j

irihis’T«ri“*“ *^*’*‘"S r?i' “ —B ro k en -s ize s—“KarrDv

s » B S ; r p . .

s i K . ' i . ' n . o ' s s T ^ ; ^ ^ ^ ' '

i i i f i i m j Mn t „ . . . . . . . S u H F ' ”“ j r s f w s ■ .

U rm tlth t . I uked Are of ^ t o r r a n U U n U -i girl WW>. «U Onlreralty of 0 « .S6it»-t«-«h*r«-th«-*bow. -------. . . ------F-> A1 prtfgTTgd Jom of ile»p

S ! i s s “. f S T — : ^ R o u p o p - ^

i s e ”.r.u ss?‘» ' CORSETS- .-: Foundations__.

j*»U«fc*od.Tery-ii»nwJla8. ~ ~ --.—----n:----- ~ --------.—s s j s r s s GIRDLESI Jis Dime of the ' rlnji, thl» _ _ _ _ _ _wib» n»now iihn-do» ot th» D iB cd iitinuetf num ber* ,. 0. Iteb. "If* ;™ . ITJC oil »ize« rep rtssn ted —; S , i . ”l" ., . . t t to iw i ; - . - b u t broken In e,ch.num -^P3ld be detected axttndlns b e r . S a v e todByl sochilde of the pUnet-

I in 't '^ r ' f . 0 4 •BW o*nff» wUI »u«ly want M ToIt a» »taiatt*rlnaUu.aituni----------------------------------------------ftfrlaidj durlns the next (ew I Hc»t pwMns will exelslm,5 « l . " S 'i . , « « m » . . ' W a terp ro o f F abrit

e .i;isj» £ S -----SHEETINGl i th.; K’.ucope with one e;e 4 9 1 l l a l a l l l ^ ^ i .. .F a d e p r p o f . a n o w w h M

uith(»pp*r«ntsirt!.Apow*r 100% waterproof. 36" TJ »u euuy ihow ui»t mipii. reg u lar >% $Situm ipp(»n« wide ts un- irq. „ j mM Lun»- M»ny wlU l>e the ............- .......— ^ 'iilgni ot tiuprbe.

do F o lk s L i s t i n f a n t ’s

loum 'eys, G u e s t s DRECSE^Wi, July »-M r. Uld Mra.

j S D « / ; S tee . 6 m o... .n d 1 y.MwM3iih,»nd aien VMbtrg. Need laundering. Mk CiUI., were reetnt vbltora ' Values to 1 .98..............^I lCTn> th^lr pTfnl« Vfyuio.v.vosbere. ■ ii»»"inla Urt Uoo«riS Hill, Ogden.

_ -C H IL D R E N 'e

. . BtOOSE:^^__iLJKtlving_ n ifd tc a l ,_____Sizcs-6 . to -12, -whit*,~wii:C®T?ikox tnd diviihtCT — Regular 1.98-antJtthe* soitii, 6tn Prjincisco' 2.08. Need laundering ....wun, Mrv WUwi' p.rertt* _______ ___________’ R. WblUktr.» Greener of Wuhlniton It

' S N O W -W H IT E -T IJ- ^ of TeiM U TljlUng

p r i ^ i , , „ c u r i

' t ie f o r d F o l k n ' permanent• 1 ^r* »j rw • qu isettc . Sizes 45 x 81.

a 8 t - V is i t s ; T r i p s " R e g a u r 4.98:^ R D . July »-Mr; n i '' - _

ind funlly. Otden. . . . ■”

I h!« Bouier. Mrj.'^'^w? W o m e h ’s W o sh a b l“• *=d funlly, Mr, »nd Mr».

|: : : r : r le isu r e s»ith'Mr‘ *,^M ^ Broken Jota, famous “I

“ther.tewtivei. Sizes 5 to 8 I, ^"broftM W hites and colora -------

ftin k ew «rw ilL ..................“ I Mtry AlfUCk.

f r ee silv

p o t t t ^ - c o u l

- - ' ■ '" t T T o T i / r I f '

' - . - F H E 8S i- • ^ p r c ! T c u 7 ^ .u t^ _ _ .:_. f^xrtitoaduilcilKtout s E l H X ] M l f ^ * w H

! : = 3 6 0 8 8 8 ^ 8 8


silv e r in-open fltock bo :' o r a completa set.

: T IM E S -N E '

w o m e n ’s


H X k A t S ^ ^ ^— ^ A L U E S -6 ;9 5 - im d -6 .9 5 —: -------- ------- Foot-R i

X 8 8• % # W Good size «cUV this famous na


"Narrow and’mcdlara w id th s '—" " — • ' — - !r or plastic soles.

■— V a n

s '

L r., \ B\G QUwiw

• 9 5 \ q R E S j\ g r o u p s 5"«'»

vhltefabric, I fa r rigW ‘

l , s V - t o\ y o u b T

,T , g \ C H O I C B - ..........

’CEC 1

R E N 'S -------------V-ertl-- - •■ - a t f

3SES-------uto ,-w ith-E yelet - - \ - - .p f l ( y i C E -1 . 9 8 - a n d « » o - ......_________________________________ -■ring....®/*’ \ _^--------- \rE-T IB BA ^K ---------1 -----------W V Q

Zurtains \ ®lanent finish Mar- \ Here’s or long

'» ' • 3 . 2 ’]

ashable Canvas I sty'*® _

- ...... » - 1 1 ; ^

, F irst Time In Year» \


U P O N s ' ; ^

■ ■ SANIcx2itflnicrH.*^ltii e*ch”^ ^ •— - ......purehm, you yUl rtetlM 3{xes

'ow tU lct, .« C < S | ' which «nUUM m to pw- « ® ............B K ^ B chu« 1 pleM of fine ill*a n f f l L S r w o .t^-rldlealn»tT---------Mide Ifl H m we.B f f la r i ^ l s r W e e - . - t e m e m s ^ w - - --,<«»• u ja •■

- —9.4T-"' ' •Un-*Uv»rw«t.------ - . .. ._ -


_ NO MAILING - NO SAVING SAN CUPONS. We will have t h s floe ..■Mk so you may purchiso 1 piece ^it, preof (Ole*. lUfUlt

3.U to 2M qutUty.


SN’S W H I T E B IG G R O U P O F 54”

Shirts Edgings ''• w eight. R e g u la r ^ ^•llty, soiled. Sm all _

5 7 ^ 5 < ^ a r d----------- ;------------- ------- * ---------- 1.69 t o l

l> o f Woltie n ’s __Lajnp__ tr im s ,;_edging,—

) O t - R e s t - - - = ^ :i:jlP<i55r^r;mB;=ijyolct5Fnsi=:;

Shoes u c s to 4 9 c y a rd . , Some ntsize selection In mous name shoe.

c l e i i s 0 ^ m

t o « f *— -------------------i G R E ^ ’’ ’

- n - v - D E P A K T - f ^ o D D ' ^ t O t S . ^ S C

: ^ A ' V c o ’? 0 * ^ S .- ^ L E S o n d V ' J ' - V / o m


/ K ^ B s l a t l \ \

« i» 11® ^® ----------

s i a I - E , S ^ f ew 4 » i / j P B IC B

. ------------- --------- W O M E N ’S I

Wed^ie oxford* — oh. *o comforUbl*. i platforms, cool linen uppen. » « « • .»

W O M E N ’S . . 80le tn m . B«g. 3.98, Mtrow and-medli;

kNDALS I R U W M i- '- ...... cxU4-«m1 from-*aoveiLtlia.------

• • . a a • etore — Women'l wewtbjM — —^ • 9 9 - Children’* — InlMit*' we*r — j

..........- ....... ln f» n u ’ gUt lt*m* — domeiUc* J ^ , — The oddt tre you wont flad •

H»1U. wedfle beel*. _n»r- thinj*'you .c*n-ui«-------•ni?ftim-*wth«.-!«*ul»r r.-

' _you_*» . ___

l E m T O E - H E E U N _

kNPALS Wilm «» to 8 w ltb «tt«r- - - f l J H / H j» .lU fiU tr « * a *«quiUty.___ * • • •


P r i n t Table c l o s e o u t


J J E A f c t f c ;8 oz. sanforized, regular 1.

l"-and 54"-sqtiaTe-8liesr- ------------- --------- - - — - r - —

jme need laundering. - ------• • - —

iS H flgi9IW l6S^^==”

^ Stock up fo


/omen's Summer \ only

,. . . 5m> I . Bpun rayon," 'J C«M .........\ , of dozens of i

\ yd. to 1.49, (

i/fttoVa®^ \. . — 'sSum«'®' \

» J f t ___ J _____^GEQSKO=C O A *^ \ Uee’ S ^ : ’

I every I GROUP 2-g^vel , i few all nylo

. I .- BlighUysoilGood S . . I ^

V a “ / » ^I BIG

— -1 -\__ Pico u r c h o x o s t^ 0 U b I ; 1 _ \ cr.wi.

5 . ^

\ ■


N'S BIEGE LINEN ' f i lB L S * - ^

OVEi. _ _ _____ .„P i0 .check,.alapk BWe.,..U I " A : f i B overfllla-ln g ^ u v ^ .W m E - wom en's sizes — s a n ^

• " - forizsd denims, many .m - MOST ITEMS ;., have contrast plp|p« '

t / ' • ' t r im . Narrow b lV/ s ty le , crosa s tre p bu»-

^ -. - I M S I " - -...... ,

OR LESS ....■ ■;:'


_______A _____..........

F A O E N I K E n ^ f l



S : ^ . . i B T S z =1ular 1.49,, sl*e« 2 to 6 only. ^

■ ^ ^ = = a ____ 1

> o < > r s O P ^ * ^ ]

J . 3 O 0 ^ I

p for Fall Sewing


Wttone,'crisp cottong, w aA able _ __ lyon, rayon suitings. Choice 18 of fine fabri(». Values 49c^ .- .49. Come early.


S O W N STP l —Valuea t o 8,49. Rftion k n lti .....fflde v a r ie ty of styles. Tailored or rim s. t .82 to 4 4 ___________- * *

UP 2— B eautifu l rayon crepes, w ith lace trim s, flower printB. A '

ill nylon tfowns are included. Bome • tly soiled. 9 . M 34 to 48 _________ —


P l a y L - t L O T H K ^Crawler*, rompera, coverall*, J e ta i,— sh lrta , alacka. Sizes 1 to 8 and 2 tofi.-Values 98c to LS9--------A J V e —Como e a rly ! .......

g ir IT s k i g a d c l o t h

P A J A M A S -T ailored 2 piece T»jsouif --i-----p in k o r blue ,sIms « j X ^ t 10-14 .E e n .2 .9se iL a ? '

-H U C K G U E S T _ j i' OR g l a s s

i \ TOWELS I 2 7 «I ' ' W hite-w ith eolorwl bciw , ,

.1 _. :,d er,-o r;p la ld rcoloa-OJtrTr: J tone. Regolar 49c and

69c qi^allty. Soma $!• ' p a r t linan. ^

— ------------------- • ' I ' .


E R A L L S :

i t f P ?l e t ' l l--------------------------^

. , " , ■ ......................


Page 20: · ; b u l l e t i n — I 1 I Karlrt »>«* to- — m m Slcn>l (aUUm»t 1 In «» Ti«H»n

iMarkets and Financc, — ^ ■ MARKE TS AT A GLANC f V ----- “ -MErTDIir.-JsIr » l»)-aiock

'S Jf ti n«i"m'r/;»roV*'«^^^ CIIICAliO, JuIr ‘ "*

' ^ S ’i I r '- r “r £ ” :i,"~£»••>«» Mlll-I* “ ■’ “ i. J T J.h«l .1 llm-m .r.^ il -.■ ••« JJ«II

f *ioo4 VBa’’ho'i''"* ll-lb J’h Jillii' iiun4i‘hl.l>«‘*ji> •" >”~ fH * , ».U.. ».n.K » .« »l“ - CHICAW. i T « <«7.’lh '‘'! « .n .A « p .T ,W - .u f r t ,A > - c . , - A . . V m .Vu ..;,t u r,u ,T ■■'•''';,|.* 'l; ,’; ; i ' ' '^ „ ,“ "r ‘' o .ti V»: i li ..^ jmi« «*'.v«:

' j “** *;*p.“‘’.i.fL'“, - ' jLoo- riricACo*'*!iu'r'«''Mi—

: I** !!S2‘ jJVr' I 'm l''* i.

s a S S S S 2 ; | i S S K ; : ; : S ^ | 5 g

J. 1” ' u j ' i I

II i i !V J ;; . r ^ ; ' ' KUiiJR'

..., |i tBffjlnm n ................~ ..I . l i r 3 'A l ” tl-'V. ut..h.T,i»l, »l

i" £ ' : »■<>'>■

Butter and Eg

d g Journeys, Guei Reported at (

, , ,., OLENNB FERRY. July rr “ m- and c‘‘"nl

t'''s.V£ Q ew geC Noyt^l^re.hD

a t* Ml Mr 0

I S H ”n..‘s "---'"wYtJr Mrs- Leo F. Oarrlly Uitl

" ~ r " Mritv . pnrtnU. .Mr- »nd

iSSiw tl 'f r i tVllllwn Bhruro.


*> •»*•’*• KflTWS h u mnnounced toeOS Ih# Bellevue sewlM^cent

i», « .« . she will opemte. The « .ituihter ^11 handmade pUsUc »nd '. iM T ; UeiM for 8lfl» «u:d MU d .1 :».i>i »nd BlteralloM- Mrs. 81P

r*weS*ntattvtrof the Pt«e- hoW.-e»lnH W»chlHB wm

^ f l U it'°t-a’ lbV tick* M.IM1.M;™ r. KS «i? .hortJrfi

r s 2 s S " k S : . j !? v^ ‘.':.

S I S l ; r . s ' S

ffllB Markets

s 5 ^ i s l s r « w ^■ “ ■ :n : ' ' - r - n t s a . ^

-----M.M.tJ) ijS?

^ ’i'iiS S'” AA ■’—Krtlia li - - r ----------- -


------- ^Burley’s H o g GMdingnee Pric- Zoom 9;".GLANCE =O ver U m aiia s - o o o d im g ,

c « -a « k ..•■ p ^ l e V - TuTy- '8'--Tnrenn--Tip- ^ .o w ^ m lJri nurkct ftticr Ihc Fourth of July hoi- [,,5 q jodini; In Li.f rh»n.gtgrlttd «alw nt mo_Dur^ .tilct..'io-331A.

' . • ley uvealocli Comm'Mlon company These ,iue lor a t:tBtML— <nnih><}»v r ’BorritrTriy . m)nB'*'j gni:a Ti,ffiT:nvngr3TOr !»• cnttlt were olltrcd and brounht sal- ^ n rat gmde 1?■':______ _ J I,factory priitj-.M anaicr Frcd. J. _RcccnUy..i''

jllll s;ild he «pcct* ft Rood run of J ^ to r high s< » cnttle from rirfw on- - rtc, Unlvrr»lt>i n At yc.iterdny'< m Ic hoiw « e n t up lormerly of Ot* ,2 (0 J3 ix r liundrcdwetalil lo iop Shoshone, Idfl-Cr.iM ra.McM ,i,( om.ihR mirkct. YeMerdsy's lop iltnl; lor tne “'’• J - ' ,L L - w M - m u _ w i a £ i i _ s m - S 2 . i Q - ii.uilcto._Ru: Z ‘il. WslKr thnii Oranhn. EUccii «cte Collej;e ot EdiSi' jS ; S i . . •S„clv Mcady bccauje ol warmer Ash, Ihlrd *i on.Mn „ j th c r nnrt lJt:nu-ic top lamln al- borne, faurlh

Banning, aen. ..M jjoMr M.U groBll.pnckme of feed steers, 121. pm n^ Patters htr iuir II i is - odd Bood grass hclfcni, up to $25. sitvsn,, S H.hy. hulk gniM cow«. »10 to Sia.50j odd f'■ 'f 't. j S; ht»d. up lo 123.25; canntm nnd cut- ,,|g[, tchool;'; hiiMf. J»ir ter>, »!1 to 110: few hcftvy tm oo^ ijene noy.. 14 In JO <.T.u Holstein cows, up to *18.20; bulla, u a id , „„(j.c Jut, iu.;o. „ j J22-75. Junior high i

i l H ....................One lond of fleshy- firau-lcd - Elrmenl»r>n —wli..t N'>. I whllefnced alters welshing 1‘5 elude Eurcii

, N» J pounds, good (lunllly, sold privately LnicnS Carg■" ' SH20-50. • Florence Fra

I. » Hon. Hheep Ella Wrighu nosn. 190 W-335 pounds. S3* to HumphiesJ.

12510 on ono pnclcMc; rough nnrt Edholm, mhog,, l l ' to *3; sniooth »*ht ^ c y O .u ,.

“ uinb^''brTO*ht I 2t; best leed- « ' i '" u - cin.. J23 ,Q tJl-50- fa t ewes, »1 to 8; and Orace

| : l i ; ! i | ; g S S if 5 . . . £ i? io . i . 8 - « * . >™

I;!’.'- Carey’s Visitors, S a l m o n

ifrils i -^Travels Reported --------C A R E y rJu ir« = M f ~'>T'<r-rirr -5f

Jotm Wooldrlgc nnd two .ions and ,,^0* to nUfi. Mary Dalr/mple. all Uis Crucc.', communism

•;5/ H. M„ vlslltil n t the Dave Diirfeo galmou Trj !t«V . '> home re:enlly cn route to Yellow- r,.|-p,niy. •"V rl'* Slone p a r t ................ - ................ ,, - —Tiio.oignin«i; in>. D arrel and Verti Parke, Focalello, „p„jj n,p

,_ ;ji!i-.u il> I.r> vLdtlng Wofl nnd Clnrl.'-.a Parke pnrm I 'urr; i .u s o ther rclnUvea In Carey. Lnnlli9 1! Ji7'-.i; Donna Condte nnd Dolly Klnusnn, jijicd „t uu

Bou*, vUltcd.ihe.Dclmax Olsen tim - ,.’ ;}1J; lly la st week-end. Miss Conrtlr-la n , , , . ", J.uw MiV.« M„. OUen. WAN

iMf it:o Mr. and Mrs.'-Don Dllworlh nn* -iJ ‘5 Umlly. accompanied by Mrs. Dll-

II I! it i i ' worth’s partnls, Mr. and Mrs. Eric > -----11.57 i: «i Johnson, took a recent trip over , ,j.„ —

—. aalena sumnilt. (A mmir... yi I * la AD, CA*

:--------MIVCLASSES-BEGIN-------- —p.i«u CAREY,. July 8- 8 ummer clas»c.t W ,n I.._

!«; «.) lor youoB men and women of Uie ____MIA will begin Tuesday. One leswn i> —

—I per month will be su|iplcmenlea — ^

i d E g g s dancing, liltes and picnics. ___-------------------- ' L E G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S dcadi.i

r» ^ rf% n -D .la ---------SOTICE TO CRrn.TOBB '----:--- tiie rHOBATt -COUUT-Ol'.-THR- fl,u »l: A 85 ^ 0I« COUNTY OK TWIN FALl^. hTATL « { '".»1 «»i. A OF AJlTHUft MENSER. DE- j , "°b,

[' AM-ii'.iVii*'!' tii» >>!*'• A;;;

loyea and dauBh- ihn b.ii.e it.« p;*r« ni«l •e.. recently vUlt- •'y"7_f^,',,* j! '5” lotoflLi, Mr. t n l MWi------- VI~u111X ■ ot is« n’W l - F OMaurice Johavrn p,,^ , 0, le, 1"l.rM rl’and Mrs. notice of uissolijtion ^ -nnd Mr, and Mrs. {h. bu )n~-‘ .tre? . ................'*mrw»r.i ------PH

Goodiwne of-Mr*. Oar- M.n . .I'L-U^yy- -----r. and Mr*. D.n ^

“ I D

__ _ _ »1,viNQ fiuop ■ l;i‘"i'-r,",«” ' IIly 8—Mrs, John ruUi.h Juir ------- »unccd U>a openini wltig cenur, wlilcli :. The «hop will • -’ istle and cloth i fnd Mil do aewlng r ------— . , i " - ^ VMrs. 81e\’ers U « ^ \\__ 1 ____

dim# wmpany, \ \ «-” - x \

S V s i S

l i f f c ■

■ "I CAN D<mm . SAME I

:j::z :'-Y O U^ ■ c o Io r_« 'ill-b rinK -4m t .y o u r .honi u . , . l i id e ’ita w c n k c r ones . . . iniik --- V. RUitcd to its site.___ - u ._ ._ - . ' . . . .

„ „ complete prograECC9E E E - E p - V ' i F R E E .E S T IM A T E S — BU ----------—

- ^ 'H o m e L u i

and Coal Cc3 3 ,‘ y r M i , ' " ' “ ' I BHONE 251 .

' " V : : ' i ....::

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , ID A H O ___________

) d i n g S c h o o l

. n t r a c t s I n k e d ; ^ E S $ B i


! c n ^ % i « £ l4 “ hera S 1>ECL\L NOTICES _r high s c h ^ nre LeWU Dur- , i. . . im Mil'. E5Jnlverslly of Ulal. student and ___:rly of Ooodlng, nnd Bay Baras, ^,,,.i.-riAN biiB* «i«o"l. Silione Idaho Btnte coUege »tu- v.mii*n uiiod. for' tne Mxlh grade. Edwnrd ...,..■. , ......._• to , Rupert, SmiUiem Idaho to • contact Akotvom g,re ofEdu^iib'nrxTOionrxaunM- --Ihlrd grade, and Lillian 0»- .< i ..-■ •> tn „

e. faurlh grade. . ------------------------------- — —niracta have been signed by In-

; i i r s ; « r % u r f s “ling, aene-ie Beck. A. V. Carter, IN V A L ID llU M b _ik Patterson, Dean 6 )sion. Merc- ni9 MUi<r A><nu«Sls.v3n, Donald eiroh, Bemlce m°

sli nnd FrancM Weber for ^ e ,'ba„ o state^ arsociaTION OF |, school; Ida Fralim. principal, ' “YJcENSF.n Nunsisu HOUE e noy. Mildred Dr>'nn. Jon oPERATvns ■h and-Olcnn Wlllbms for the ___________________ _______or high school. m I - ' 1c ” ni'R ^e ’ O l^ iis , principal; j irELLO FIUEinM I•n« Cargill, mu-ilc supervisor; _w .'r. in A t.ioi- I•ence Frahm. Agnes Severe, Lu- I STANDLEE'8i wrlghl, first grade; Caro] HAND STOREnphxe/j. Alice.Hartley Gladys _ ,=N1Jlolm, second; Helen Komher, J ^ im AVrNUC touTlf ' ',• ihJri); Ow.-n Morse,y Welch, fourth; Alice Cahill. w. c.ll For ApI D.lL.rcn Parker, Belli' Butler, fifth I ^______ _____ —_^. Orace Dnvcnporl, ,Bev«rely.l -------- - ■ "

-- -------------- r SPRA Y NOWilmon Tract F arm I i;,,.,... .........ButeaU-HQlda M eet ___" _

?nT,T.TBTER. Ju lv '8-D on Bailey ARN O LD McKEANttS PreidoiiTFohim ' sp6K6-5ir jaoS-W-----IBS-Poir-StTeer

ow to necognlze Socialism ond __ _____________ ____ _______ 1iimunlsm" a t a meeting of the \ ■ -----—imou Traci Farm Bureau h e r e _____________________________^‘ I’ B ani^tion movcU tojecom - P E S T CONTROL ,” d “ r . ^ k for .11 community ' rA r.iiPS

r S S S ^ S i F T i S S n V S S - ----------- B P H iirT ™ --------------

“ ' ’ * '" • . M C O N PliO DU C E CO.

W A N T A D R A T E S '(Bt'«l e» C»Vp.t-wof41 -

5;;; r r z z z r z i M r « :« 2 - K IR BY VACUUM

. |_ « r « r \ S » u k 5 p t ^ C L H A N E R COMPANY

N O W A -O E W

-TI------------l.QCATION-^1 1 \ - i \ I AVENUE EAST

Ues« rcK,|-.r^u M. >«*■•“ ’» TWIN FALLS

“ ; i A n u 3 r c ~ ^ - -SunJM^cV'p B. turrJM

b o E c B A W F o n n “ “ ■ ’'. r - " '" DiBlributor

errort *V)oU Ix rtperltd tmnndlil*-*'■, *{* I


C A SH- F O R - D E A D ^ -


A N I M A L S ■-— p h o n e - c o l l e c t - ............

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^ T R A V E b -R E S O R T .>=nRNlSHKl> »» '*CLA^niiu'.KB


k l 'l ........ - - ”r W ! ..................................................B IL L & JA N E REEVES

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urogram fo r you. ' , , 1?.1

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,„EmOR . KXTEalOR TAINTING 1-^.^.?"-:- '_ «, r AnJ-h'r^Vn'i*.'^ V.Do- W RITE B O X 1&-— T IM E S-N E W S

H E L P 1* UHIT U0PE1M ■’ei.uti

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rIJIlM. UMt»i™ »Pt. AJUIU.,jY H E L P W A N TED — M A Lb '

— — — — ‘s « ' " t

"Zl'j. « o jo “ ‘T A uJi’u S r r .^ r i^ .T r 'o j r r .^ T T i i ■ f u r n i s h e d ^

»lTU.d»T Al", MATUIM—=-il .fn..ini johlM.'~W, TIlHNI51IK0 '••ein fw r. pu4lptUl. b*tlr ro.rl, T.ln F.llJ. 1u n f u r n i s h e d

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■IMNG D .on .^s ...



EUl'l' FIELD LABOREnS W A N T E D T O l lE' - FO R - - .... iivvVTimlsiiKii

P E A PITCH IN G Kr.n ..r P.U. ■■h.,n. n»lIH S. t. WASIlTNCTON F.m >

r r s r o I i;.j '':r.,.im 'iMONEY TO

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•------------------------------------------- W. 0 . ROB‘ ' ■ I lAerwa Inm ai

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n z s e i ™_ C H yR C H M A | MOTORS, | 'L . » . .

s n ; " r ™i| f% o r y ;t _ - j ^ elT n d . _ Z Z ! . “

— UNION MOTORS ” ‘'MTO MUSIC Your Ford Dealer ■ ‘" ’ G '?.:

-----------------1 ' ' " S E• • • . . . . . .

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^.i„ . ..j.., . .. . BILL IRELAND'S

p»:ut d<iu. u n i o n MOTORS uusabh--------------------“ “ M.I. . t Tilrd N. P h « .im


rr l n g


ASHWORTH’S - - - ^ .- -^-USED^CAR -.

s ^ s s a i i i ^

""iimgiZI■“ S K . “s r i S ; — ,„ , .

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WILLS MOTOR CO. ______ p _

uc*LAN=w,-eptoxviKtoGS- /. U ____

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SELECT USED CABfi : ^ ^ ^ ^- :

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,r f " 1948 STUDEBAKER ’ ' i

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