一、 办学背景 file二、 办学基本情况 国际运输与物流合作办学项目2015 年7...

上海海事大学-世界海事大学 国际运输与物流合作办学硕士项目 2015 年年度办学报告 一、 办学背景 为适应现代航运服务业高端人才培养的国际化趋势和建设国际航运中心的 需要,经国务院学位办批准,上海海事大学与世界海事大学自 2004 年起,合作 举办“国际运输与物流”硕士学位教育项目。 上海海事大学是一所以航运为特色,多学科协调发展的教学研究型大学,在 港航物流人才培养方面特色及优势明显。学校的交通运输规划与管理学科先后被 教育部和上海市批准为国家重点(培育)学科和上海市重点学科;物流管理、航 运管理专业分别被评为国家级特色专业;交通运输、航运管理、物流管理专业多 次被列为上海市本科教育高地和专业综合改革试点建设项目。特别是,经教育部 批准,学校在加纳与中西非地区海事大学合作举办物流管理学士学位项目, 创了上海市地方院校在境外办学的先例。 世界海事大学隶属联合国国际海事组织(IMO),以研究生教育为主,办学 特色明显,学生来自世界近百个国家或地区,是全球海运界一流的海运教育与培 训中心和 IMO 的顶尖学术机构。 上海海事大学与世界海事大学合作举办的“国际运输与物流”硕士项目至今 已举办十二届,招收学生逾 400(含留学生约 40 人)。在十多年的办学过程中, 项目始终坚持“依法办学、特色办学、优质办学”的方针,通过科学定位、强化 投入、精心组织等途径,不断提升办学水平和人才培养质量,形成了面向航运 物流领域需求,培养复合型高端专业人才;汇集全球优质教育资源,体现国际化 办学理念;依托严格的质量管理体系和一流的教学基础条件,不断提升人才培养 质量”等办学特色,使得该项目已成为特色明显、声誉良好的高端航运物流人才 培养项目。在 2013 年教育部中外合作办学项目评估,本项目在办学特色、培养 目标与培养方案、培养质量、社会效益及总体评价等多项指标中获得满分通过。 长期以来,“国际运输与物流”硕士学位教育项目严格按照中外合作办学政 策法规的要求依法办学。项目于 2004 年首获国务院学位办批准,2009 年再获教 育部批准续期举办, 2013 年教育部再次批准将项目招生有效期延长至 2018 12 31 日。

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Page 1: 一、 办学背景 file二、 办学基本情况 国际运输与物流合作办学项目2015 年7 月招收第十一届学生,共27 人,其 ... 完成培养计划比例 年级



2015 年年度办学报告

一、 办学背景


需要,经国务院学位办批准,上海海事大学与世界海事大学自 2004 年起,合作











训中心和 IMO 的顶尖学术机构。


已举办十二届,招收学生逾 400(含留学生约 40 人)。在十多年的办学过程中,






培养项目。在 2013 年教育部中外合作办学项目评估,本项目在办学特色、培养



策法规的要求依法办学。项目于 2004 年首获国务院学位办批准,2009 年再获教

育部批准续期举办,2013 年教育部再次批准将项目招生有效期延长至 2018 年 12

月 31 日。

Page 2: 一、 办学背景 file二、 办学基本情况 国际运输与物流合作办学项目2015 年7 月招收第十一届学生,共27 人,其 ... 完成培养计划比例 年级

二、 办学基本情况

国际运输与物流合作办学项目 2015 年 7 月招收第十一届学生,共 27 人,其

中留学生 3 名,来自希腊、韩国、土耳其三个国家。2015 年全年,在读学生两

届,其中 2015 届(2013 级)26 名学生于 2015 年 8 月顺利毕业。

2.1 学生录取

招生生源相对充足,2015 年 6 月前共计收到 2016 届(2015 级)入学申请

42 份,其中留学生申请人数为 14 人,来自希腊、印度、土耳其、俄罗斯、韩国、

加纳、德国、比利时、伊朗等 9 个国家和地区。国际生源较充足,反应出国际运




年级 申请人数 录取人数 注册人数 录取/注册比例

2015 级 42 39 27 69%


年级 平均年龄 男性 女性 女性比例

2015 级 27 14 13 48%

年级 中国籍 外国籍 外国学生比例 国籍

2015 级 24 3 11% 希腊、韩国、土耳其


往届生(有工作经验) 比例 管理学 工学 法学 具有航运领



9 33% 48 32% 4% 23 85%

2.2 学生培养

2015 年全年,国际运输与物流项目在读学生两届。学生完成培养计划情况


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年级 录取人数 按时完成培养计划人数 比例

2013 级 26 26 100%

2015 级 27 27 100%


年级 授予学位证







人数 毕业率

2013 级 25 0 0 1 96%


年级 优秀毕业生 比例 优秀毕业论文 比例

2013 级 1 4% 3 12%

2.3 学生毕业去向

经与毕业生实习、就业单位沟通,实习、就业单位普遍反映 2015 届毕业生


调能力,能较快地适应工作岗位的要求,实习、工作表现良好。截止 2015 年 10

月统计,2015 届毕业生均已顺利地走上理想的工作岗位,就业率达到 100%。其



2015 届毕业生就业统计

新就业 返回原工作单位 2015 年 8 月就业率 2015 年 10 月就业率

24 1 69% 100%

年级 应获总学分 平均绩点 最高绩点 最低绩点

2013 级 43 2.92 3.76 1.44

2015 级 54(新学分系统) 3.18 3.78 2.89

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2015 届毕业生就业单位性质统计

2015 届毕业生就业单位所属行业

航运 物流 贸易 政府 制造 港口

7 6 6 3 2 1

国企 私营 外企及合资

12 5 8

Page 5: 一、 办学背景 file二、 办学基本情况 国际运输与物流合作办学项目2015 年7 月招收第十一届学生,共27 人,其 ... 完成培养计划比例 年级

2015 届毕业生就业地

2.4 学生工作





项目于 2015 年 4 月,在学生自愿的基础上,组织了首批 2015 届学员一行 7 人赴




上海 北京 山东 安徽 江苏 厦门 法国

15 4 1 1 2 1 1

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三、 教学运行管理






二是管理制度完备。按照世界海事大学教学管理制度和上海海事大学 ISO 教学




















专业基础课程均由国际专家教授授课,占全部教学课时的 70%以上。这些授课师


Theo Notteboom 教授为欧洲知名的港口管理专家;世界海事大学副校长马硕教授


Blum 拥有世界著名的波罗的海交易所、伦敦船舶经纪人协会和特许仲裁员学会






3.1 培养计划修订

2015 年初,项目管理委员会就项目的培养计划进行修订:在专业课设置上,


的欧洲学分体系,从原来的每标准课程 2 学分,更改为每标准课程 4 学分,学生

应修总学分从 43 学分增长至 88 学分;突出强化项目注重学生实践能力培养的特


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三位一体的特色人才培养模式。从 2015 年始,学生专业课程结束后,由项目管




3.2 授课

国际运输与物流硕士项目由双方师资授课。2015 年,在两校的密切配合下,




年级 计划内课程 外方




学分 教学大纲 考核 成绩


2013 级 1(论文) / 9 6 有 是 是

2015 级 13 8 6 28 有 是 是

3.3 考核分析

2013 级

课程 学分 主要考核方式 其他考核方式 平均分 通过率

ITL06PRJ-Integrative Paper 6 论文评阅 论文答辩 71.8 96%

2015 级

课程 学分 单元 主要考核方式 其他考核方式 平均分 补考

ITL01SOB2 – Strategies

and organizational


4 第一单元 考试 / 87 0

ITL01DMT – Decision

making techniques

(Quantitative methods /


6 第一单元 作业 / 74 0

ITL01MKTS – Marketing 4 第一单元 考试 / 84 0

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and service marketing


International economy and


4 第一单元 考试 课堂表现 90 0

ITL01ACT – Accounting 4 第一单元 考试 课堂表现 79 0

ITL02MEC – Maritime

economics 4 第二单元 考试 课堂表现 83 0

ITL02LAW – Legal

framework of maritime


4 第二单元 考试 / 84 2

ITL02FIA – Finance &

investment appraisal 4 第二单元 作业 课堂表现 90 0

ITL02KPI – Shipping key

performance indicators 4 第二单元 作业 课堂表现 89 0

ITL03SMA – Shipping

Market Analysis 4 第三单元 考试 / 82 0

ITL03IDF – Investor's

Decisions on Ship Finance 4 第三单元 考试 / 82 0

ITL03PLO – Port logistics 4 第三单元 考试 作业 81 0

ITL04CLI – Commercial

law and marine insurance 4 第四单元 作业 课堂测验 84 2

3.4 实践教学(实习、参观)

按照项目的培养计划和课程设置,调动各方资源,为 2015 级学生安排了较




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No. 实践内容 时长 地点

1 洋山港参观 4 课时 洋山港参观

2 芦潮港铁路中心站 4 课时 临港

3 上海海通国际汽车码头有限公司 4 课时 外高桥

4 中国外运长航集团有限公司 4 课时 外高桥

5 世界海事大学马尔默总部游学交流 5 周 瑞典

No 讲座题目 主讲人 单位

1 Maritime Studies Program and

Research in NTU Singapore

Prof. LAM Siu Lee

Jasmin 新加坡南洋理工大学


The possible economic spillover

effects (interrelationships) between

commodity derivatives and freight

derivative markets


sanos 雅典商业与经济大学


Water Allocation: Modelling and

Simulation for Minjiang River Basin

of China under Changing Climatic


Prof. YAN Hong 香港理工大学

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四、 质量控制






3.1 评教




对来年教师聘任起重要参考作用。2015 年评教结果汇总如下:

第一单元 (最高分 100)

课程 总分 学习效果 课堂组织 内容更新 互动交流

ITL01ACT - Accounting 71 67 74 75 67

ITL01DMT – Decision making

techniques 86 85 91 89 78

ITL01ECO – International

economy & globalization

82 80 80 83 83

45 41 48 50 39

ITL01MAN -Ship management 89 83 90 88 96

ITL01SOB – Strategies &

organizational behaviour 79 80 80 74 80

第二单元 (最高分 100)

课程 总分 学习效果 课堂组织 内容更新 互动交流

ITL02KPI – Shipping key

performance indicators 79 81 83 79 71

ITL02LAW – Legal framework

of maritime transport 87 86 95 82 84

ITL02FIA – Finance &

investment appraisal 73 65 65 80 83

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ITL02MEC – Maritime

economics 93 87 96 96 92

第三单元 (最高分 100)

课程 总分 学习效果 课堂组织 内容更新 互动交流

ITL03SMA – Shipping Market

Analysis 74 73 79 71 73

ITL03IDF – Investor's

Decisions on Ship Finance 67 56 72 72 70

ITL03PLO – Port logistics 76 71 79 77 77

第四三单元 (最高分 100)

课程 总分 学习效果 课堂组织 内容更新 互动交流

ITL04CLI – Commercial law

and marine insurance 64 62 65 71 60

3.2 第三方外审







意见。第三方外审结论需形成完整报告,提交项目联合管理委员 ,作为项目年


2015 年 6 月,项目聘请加拿大 Dalhousie 大学 Aldo Chircop 教授开展为期

近一周的外审工作,对 2015 年项目的运行情况进行了全面的评价,其主要结论




议。详见附件 2015 年第三方外审员报告。

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五、 财务管理状况



2015 年学费标准为:85000 元人民币。项目资金使用全部纳入学校财务处管


费等,其中:2015 年学费合计收入 2295000 元,支出 1695699.77 元。2015 年项




六、 社会评价



















双方相关学位的学分互认。项目还积极参与 “航运金融高级研修班”、“世界海








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七、 办学特色

















八、 存在问题及努力方向




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附件 2015 年第三方外审员报告


In collaboration with




21 August 2015

Respectfully submitted


Aldo Chircop

Professor of Law and Canada Research Chair in Maritime Law & Policy

Marine & Environmental Law Institute

Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

Shanghai, China

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1. This report constitutes the External Examiner’s annual assessment of the joint

World Maritime University (WMU)-Shanghai Maritime University (SMU) MSc in

International Transport and Logistics (ITL) with regard to the graduating Class of

2015. The External visited SMU on 19-21 August 2015. Twenty-six students were

enrolled in the degree programme and 20 successfully completed all academic

requirements to graduate on 22 August 2015.


Terms of reference

2. The External Examiner’s annual visit to SMU is guided by the following terms of


a) to determine whether students have demonstrated the achievement of the

learning objectives of their programs and reached the required standards;

b) to ensure that assessments are conducted in accordance with WMU’s

Examination and Assessment Rules;

c) to contribute to the form and content of the assessment process to ensure

students are assessed fairly in relation to the course syllabus and regulations;

d) to advise on any proposed changes to the assessment processes that would

directly affect students currently enrolled at the University;

e) to examine random samples of student assessments to ensure that students are

fairly placed in relation to the rest of the cohort;

f) to moderate marks awarded by the internal examiners;

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g) to compare the performance of students with that of their peers in comparable

Master’s degree programmes offered in other universities;

h) to submit a written report to the President and Vice-President (Academic) on

the appropriateness, effectiveness and standard of assessments as specified by

the rules of the University at the end of each visit;

i) to attend selected meetings of WMU committees to ensure that

recommendations for awards are reached in accordance with the Programmes

of Study and Awards Rules and with normal practice in higher education; and

j) to participate, as required, in reviews of decisions about individual students’ awards.

The External was not requested to moderate subject marks (f), attend committee

meetings (i) or participate in reviews for award purposes (j).

3. During the visit to SMU the Class of 2015 had completed the degree’s

requirements and was to graduate on 22 August. The External was invited to attend

the graduation ceremony.

4. The External Examiner’s report concerning the Class of 2014 noted that the

MITL continued to maintain progress and noted some issues. This External followed

up on those issues in this report to identify whether further progress can be reported.

Examination materials

5. The following materials were made available to the External at SMU:

Field Study and Seminars for ITL2015.

Binders for all of the 18 courses for Units 1-5, each containing:

o Timetable with actual dates of delivery of all courses

o Course description page

o Subject delivery and assessment plan (hereafter SDAP)

o Copies of handouts

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o Student list with photos

o Assessment questions

o Student grades

o Student evaluation report

Samples of scripts of examinations and assignments representing the top, average and

lowest marked in the course (two of each for each subject).

Marks for research papers and final GPA distributions for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015.

Soft bound book containing the key documents regarding MITL programme governance,

requirements, structure and rules for the Classes of 2015 and 2016 [hereafter MITL


Prior to his visit to SMU, the External was provided with two research papers whose

marks were in dispute. The External filed his reports on 10 August.

Meetings on campus

6. While visiting SMU the External was assisted by Ms. Fangfang Hu (ITL

Programme Coordinator). She was very helpful in preparing materials and making

administrative arrangements. For examination purposes the External met with

Professor Shuo Ma (WMU Vice-President International) and Professor Xi Shin

(Director, ITL Programme, SMU). The External had separate meetings with students

from the Class of 2015 (five students) and Class of 2016 (six students). The External

also had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, recently appointed by

the International Maritime Organization as President of WMU. Dr. Doumbia-Henry

was visiting SMU for the purposes of the graduation ceremony of the Class of 2015.


7. The MSc in MITL is a multidisciplinary degree with the aim “to disseminate

modern international transport and logistics knowledge and to satisfy the requirement

in the industry for high level specialized professionals by providing a specially

designed post-graduate level programme” (MITL Manual, Programme Description).

8. The degree is structured in six units consisting of 43 credits spread over a period

of about 18 months. The programme was inaugurated on 3 March 2014 with 26

students. Eighteen courses were taught in the first five units (each consisting of

between 6-8 credits delivered through subject modules). The sixth unit (six credits)

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consists of a research workshop and an integrative research paper with a submission

deadline of 4 July 2015. The degree programme requires pre-subject self-preparation

by students. The degree programme is preceded by a 17-week English Programme,

which for the Class of 2015 was convened on15 September 2013-20 January 2014.


9. As noted in previous reports, the External observed that the MITL continues to be

a well-organized and run programme. The degree usually has strong completion rates.

In the Class of 2015 six students were unable to complete all academic requirements

in time for graduation and are expected to complete requirements and graduate at a

later date. Graduates have encouraging prospects for employment. Students are

mostly in the mid-20s and usually have little or no work experience in the maritime


10. The programme is delivered at the Dongming campus of SMU, rather than at the

new campus near the port. The location close to the city centre is beneficial to

students. The programme is delivered by highly qualified and experienced faculty

primarily from SMU and WMU. Additional experienced visiting professors from

highly respected universities were engaged by WMU during the year under review.

11. The degree programme provides students with a high quality education

experience through intellectual development, acquisition of skills and fulfilment of

expectations. The students meeting with the External confirmed this and appeared

happy to recommend the programme to others.

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Subject delivery and assessment plans

12. By and large, the subjects in the five units were delivered as anticipated. There

appeared to be two subject changes. ITLO3MA Shipping Market Analysis replaced

ITL04MDM Market Analysis and Decision-Making in Shipping, and ITL05SFM Ship

and Fleet Management substituted ITL05SFP Management of Ship Finance Projects.

13. All subjects had Subject Delivery and Assessment Plans (SDAPs), generally

following the prescribed template. While the External notes some progress since the

last report, there remain significant differences among SDAPs with regard to

comprehensiveness, detail and precise bibliographic references. In general, subject

descriptions were to the point, learning outcomes clear and course materials identified

across all SDAPs. While several subjects had detailed class delivery plans (e.g.:

ITL03PLO; ITL03ISC; ITL05MAL; ITL03IDF) and included current study and

reference materials (e.g.: ITL01ACT; ITL01MKTS; ITL02MEC; ITL02MAN;


others provided plans at a high level of generality (e.g.: ITL01ECO; ITL01SOB2). A

few SDAPs provided helpful pre-subject reading instructions. An excellent example

was ITL04CLI.

14. The modular system employed by WMU does not leave students much time to

identify current materials on their own, and it is thus natural for students to rely on the

subject instructor for guidance. Some SDAPs prescribed only dated materials (e.g.:

ITL01ECO; ITL01SOB2; ITL01DMT). The most recent publication prescribed in

ITL01ECO was in press in 1995. Most subjects had a mixture of recent and dated

materials. Not all prescribed reading and reference materials contained full

bibliographic information (e.g., publication year or edition missing). A few subjects

had comprehensive reading and reference materials with full bibliographic data (e.g.:

ITL05MAL). One subject had an impressive lengthy list of materials, all of which

were authored (or co-authored) by the instructor (ITL04RSK). Instructors should

expose students to diverse scholarly literature. It is hardly possible to overstate the

importance of using current and diverse materials in all subjects.

Recommendation 1:

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The External reiterates that instructors be urged to ensure that SDAPs contain

sufficient detail, in particular with regard to prospective seminars or lectures,

and prescribe current study and reference materials with full bibliographic


15. Lecture materials tended to be extensive, up to date and by and large covered the

curriculum as described in the SDAP. Power point presentations were generally used

and made available to students. As in the last report, the External noted that some

subjects distributed copyrighted material and this was the case again this year (e.g.:

ITL05MAL). It is unclear whether such materials were distributed under license. The

External also noted use of material in power point presentations (e.g., images) that did

not appear to be fully sourced. It is important for instructors (and WMU and SMU) to

ensure that instructors ensure necessary permissions are secured from copyright

holders and acknowledged.

16. Again as last year, the External noted that some courses were not delivered in the

sequence they are set out in each unit. While acknowledging the value of flexibility,

the External reiterates the importance of pedagogical sequencing for some key

courses in the ITL’s modular system, such as Units 1 and 2 basic courses which

should be delivered earlier rather than later (e.g.: ITL01MKTS delivered in December

and ITL02LAW in November). Although not delivered as late as last year, ITL02LAW,

a basic introduction to law, was delivered after the more advanced commercial law

and marine insurance subject (ITL04CLI).

Course assessment methods

17. Previous Externals, as this External, remarked that examinations as assessment

tools should be minimized at the post-graduate level and that students should be tested

with a variety of tools that permit research, critical reflection and problem-solving.

Although some progress has been made and while most subjects utilize multiple

assessment tools, the MITL continues to place inordinate emphasis on examinations

as the principal assessment tools. Some courses moderately lowered reliance on

examinations for a higher percentage of the subject mark. In the year under review

three courses (compared to last year’s four) relied exclusively on a final examination

(ITL01ECO; ITL01SOB2; ITLO2LAW). ITL04RSK (unchanged), ITL01ACT and

ITL03IDF relied on exams for 90% of the assessment. ITL02MEC was 80%

(reduced from 90%). ITL02MAN (reduced from 100%), ITL03PLO, ITL04BRO and

ITL01MKTS (unchanged) had 70% examinations. There were other courses with a

majority of the assessment based on examinations (e.g.: ITL01DMT/60% -- changed

from a 60% essay base; ITL03ISC/60% -- reduced from 70%; ITL05MAL/65%).

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There are only four MITL subjects (out of the total of18) that do not utilize

examinations (ITL02FIA; ITL03SMA; ITL04CLI; ITL05SFM).

18. By and large the examination questions were appropriately challenging and

produced a natural curve in student performance. Some examinations utilized

hypothetical problems that challenged students to apply their knowledge (e.g.:

ITL01SOB2). One examination (ITL02MAN) probably should not have assigned a

question on a topic (ballast waters management) already assessed through group work

assessed in the same course. There were instances where students were asked to

simply explain, describe or define, with no analysis (e.g.: ITL03ISC; ITL05SFM;

ITL05MAL). Generally, such questions are not appropriate for a professional

post-graduate degree as they do not provide opportunity for analytical reflection and


19. The subjects that employed non-examination assessment tools used various

approaches. ITL02FIN had an assignment on a ship finance hypothetical problem

requiring students to complete an executive summary and attach calculations on an

Excel sheet. This was well received by students meeting with the External. ITL02CLI

also assigned an excellent hypothetical that challenged students. ITL05SFM

employed an assignment based on a series of questions. These questions came across

as eliciting descriptive rather than analytical answers. ITL03SMA assigned a

challenging problem with detailed (and commendable) instructions. While the

assignment accounted for 60% of the total grade, the requirement for students to work

in small groups flags another problem, namely that the bulk of the mark was not based

on individual student performance. While small group work in appropriate contexts

and amount certainly has pedagogical value, heavy reliance on group work for the

bulk of the final grade may not only affect final grade distribution, but also not

accurately and fairly reflect individual student performance.

Recommendation 2:

The External reiterates the recommendation for less reliance on examinations

for the bulk of the final subject grade and to further diversify assessment

methods. When examinations are employed questions should not elicit purely

factual answers but rather engage students in analysis and problem solving.

When group work is utilized, instructors should mark for the bulk of the final

grade on the basis of individual performance.


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20. While marks were provided for all subjects, this year the marks reports to the

External did not include overall percentages of “A”, “B”, “C” and “D” grades

assigned. While this information was not provided, the grade distributions for each

subject could easily be discerned. This year there appeared to be a greater spread of

grades than the past year. Unlike last year, all subjects were marked on the “A-C”

range and several included the “D” range. Four courses had failures (ITL02MEC;


21. In general, the sample scripts indicated an even handed approach in marking,

with the strongest performers answering questions or completing assignments as

directed, correctly and in a clear and organized manner. Low grades tended to reflect

visibly lower knowledge levels, missing the core of the questions, confused

understanding, disorganization and sometimes unanswered questions. Scripts marked

as failures were clear failures.

22. The GPAs of the Class of 2015 revealed lower academic performance than the

Classes of 2013 and 2014. The best student in 2015 had a GPA of 3.77 (“A-“)

(compared to 3.81, also an “A-“, in 2014) and this was the only final GPA in the “A”

range (compared to two in 2014). There were three “B+s” compared to six in 2014. In

further comparison, 2013 had one “A” (an A-) and nine “B+s”. The WMU and SMU

should monitor class academic performance from year to year and explore ways to

enhance recruitment of strong students.

23. The External noted that this year 13 subjects produced averages within a 5-6

point range (67-72), with nine in the 69-71 range. This is welcome because it suggests

a good degree of consistency in marking across a large number of subjects. The

outlier subjects had averages of 79 (ITL04RSK), 77 (ITL03PLO), 75 (ITL01MKTS),

65 (ITL04CLI) and 63 (ITL02LAW).

24. A closer look at the grades provides further insights. There were subjects where

more than a third of the cohort received “As”. Five courses had 9 or more “As”

(ITL01ECO; ITL02MEC; ITL03PLO; ITL04RSK; ITL03MKTS). Two in particular

stick out as excessive outliers and suggest substantial grade inflation (the total class

had 26 students). ITL03PLO (70% closed exam plus 30% individual and group work)

had 11 “As” and ITL04RSK (90% closed exam plus 10% class presentation) had 18

“As”. The former had only one “C” and the latter had four “Bs” and three “Cs”. A

look at the examination of ITL04RSK revealed questions that did not appear to elicit

much if any analysis, which was also the case last year. Although wide divergence of

marking should continue to raise concern, there was improvement on last year’s upper

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grade ranges where six subjects had more than 40% of the cohort in the “A” range.

25. At the lower end of the grade range, ITL04SMA had 17 “Cs”, a significantly

larger number than all other subjects (ITL03PLO was next in rank with 12 “Cs”). One

possible (and likely) explanation for ITL04SMA was that 60% of the grade was based

on small group work. This is an indication of the risks posed by assigning too high a

percentage of the final grade to small group work (unless students are marked

individually within the group).

26. Last year’s report underscored the value of comparability of grade distributions

between subjects to enable grade interpretation across all courses in the same cohort

(especially valuable in the absence of an institutional curve policy) and considering

the diversity of instructors drawn from various educational and marking cultures. This

year’s marks evidence overall progress in this direction and WMU and SMU are

encouraged to continue efforts at urging instructors to comply with the WMU

Examination and Assessment Rules. In particular, instructors should be reminded to

actively use marking descriptors during marking. It was not always clear to the

External that the descriptors were used in all subjects. Every year some subjects (most

especially ITL04CLI) consistently stand out in the use of the descriptors because of

the types of comments made on exam/assignment scripts and/or attachment of the

descriptors sheet to the grades returned to students. This good practice is not as

evident in the majority of subjects. Descriptors are helpful in explaining to students

(and to the External) how marks were arrived at. In one subject (ITL03PLO), it was

not clear how a particular examination script was assigned an “A”, i.e., “excellent”.

The script in question had several negative comments not normally associated with

excellence, such as “not relevant” and “not meeting expectations”. Another script

marked “B+” had remarks that included “you have been beating around the bush”,

“more explanations needed”, “not enough”, and “very plain.” These are comments

that an objective reader would more likely associate with lower grades. In another

subject (ITL01SOB), it was unclear how the answer to an examination question in one

script could be differentiated from that in another script when the two had different

marks. In this case, there were insufficient comments from the examiner to explain

the different marking. Further comment regarding marking descriptors is provided


27. No instances of plagiarism were reported to the External.

Feedback to students

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28. As last year, the majority of examination and assignment scripts contained

feedback. Feedback tended to be variable across subjects, with some assessors

providing very detailed individual feedback (e.g.: ITL02MEC; ITL02MAN;


others offered significantly less (e.g.: ITL01DMT) or no apparent feedback.

ITL04BRO appeared to be literally marked line by line and ITL04CLI used the

marking descriptors sheet to provide individualized feedback. Feedback on student

class presentations was also provided (a very good example is ITL02FIN which

explained the underperformance). Some tended to provide more comments on the

weaker scripts, especially if not all questions were answered (e.g., ITL01ECO). In one

subject (ITL05SFM) the examiner appeared to provide feedback at the class level and

in very general terms. Such feedback may be useful to the MITL administration, but is

unlikely to be helpful to the individual student wishing to improve on performance.

There were also scripts that contained little to no qualitative feedback

29. Marking descriptors are very useful in guiding the assessor in providing feedback

and for students to understand the level of their performance. The External made a

recommendation for more active use of the marking descriptors in the last report.

However, in reading examination and assignment scripts, it continues to be unclear to

the External the extent to which the template, appended in the SDAPs, is actively used

in course assessments. During the meeting with students of the Class of 2015, concern

was expressed that some assessors provided feedback too late for students to be able

to improve performance in the next course.

Recommendation 3:

The External reiterates the recommendation that all assessors should be urged

to provide written and timely feedback to students. Marking descriptors should

be used more actively and visibly by all assessors to better explain their marks

to students.

Integrative research papers

30. As noted at the outset, the MITL requires completion of an integrative research

paper worth six credits. Typically students undertake research and write papers under

assigned faculty supervision on a broad range of topics. Papers are marked by two

assessors and in the event of a disputed grade, a third reader is appointed. Several

papers required a third reader. The system appears to have worked well. The topics

chosen by the Class of 2015 covered a broad range of multidisciplinary topics not

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necessarily limited to the Chinese context. A concern with some papers is that, while

having bibliographies, they did not always have sufficient and appropriate in-text

referencing. Students who are not accustomed to advanced scholarly writing likely

need more guidance on referencing from their supervisors.

31. In general, students appreciated the opportunity to conduct in-depth research.

However, not all students were satisfied with the level of supervision received. Some

students complained the supervisor was not easily available or accessible or provided

feedback at too late a stage in their writing to be able to benefit from it. Although the

External is not advancing a recommendation on this matter at this time, he advises

WMU and SMU to monitor the situation and explore how paper supervision can be

more effective in the future.

Student evaluations and comments to the External

32. In general, subjects in all units were evaluated favourably by students. The

response rates varied but were generally in excess of 70%. The External received

confirmation of student satisfaction with the MITL from the Class of 2015. Highlights

of their education included the teaching style (interactive), quality of the instructors

(experts and experienced), encouragement to think, and learning to be independent.

They hold the programme in very high regard. Students particularly appreciated

subjects that provided a high degree of interaction, used case studies and enabled

them to work on problem-solving.

33. Principal concerns expressed by students in the Class of 2015 included the

inevitable compression produced by the modular system, internet constrains (blocked

search engines and sites), inability to tap into WMU library resources, insufficient or

no feedback from a few subjects (noted above), and insufficient availability of

integrative research paper supervisors or provision of late feedback (noted above). Of

particular concern is constrained access to research resources for Unit 6 purposes.

Students expressed frustration with limited or non-availability of search engines

(outside the university’s control), blocked international sites, limited access to some

SMU library-based materials and no access to the WMU library resources. Apparently

many sites in the maritime professions are not easily, if at all accessible from China.

Similar concerns were expressed by the Class of 2014.

Recommendation 4:

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The WMU and SMU should assess the sufficiency and accessibility of

research resources at SMU to support integrative research papers and to

explore ways to enhance digital access to major research resources in the

maritime field.

34. Class of 2016 students similarly expressed satisfaction with the MITL experience

to date. They indicated a preference for study materials in digital form (they may have

received only printed material so far), better access to the SMU library and access to

the WMU library. They also wish to see a more active programme website that

provided something more than marketing of the programme. The site would benefit

from addition of administrative information for the degree (subjects, examinations,

assignments dates and requirements) and downloadable course and lecture materials.

As the MITL degree continues to be offered, WMU and SMU can expect students

who are increasingly highly digitally literate.


35. The MITL has benefitted from a degree of flexibility enabling it to make

appropriate and timely curricular responses to changing maritime industry needs and

other developments. In 2014-2015 adjustments were made to strengthen the

curriculum with regards to ship finance and to introduce fleet management. The MITL

also offered students the voluntary opportunity of a non-credit exchange with WMU.

Seven students availed themselves of this opportunity in June-July 2014 and some

financial assistance was provided through SMU. These adjustments appeared to work

well and were also appreciated by students.

36. The External was further informed by Professor Shi of prospective introduction

of an internship or placement programme in the MITL starting with the Class of 2016.

This was also a recommendation made by the Class of 2014. As a truly major global

maritime centre with representative offices from most of the leading maritime

operators in the world (shipping companies, brokers, ship financiers, insurers, etc.),

Shanghai is the perfect location for such a programme. The university is in contact

with a dozen or so companies operating in the maritime sector which are interested in

hosting two to three students and providing contact persons who could serve as

mentors. Without modifying the credit load, these are expected to be unpaid

internships and could provide students with valuable insights into the operations of

major companies (e.g., COSCO, Maersk) and possibly enhance prospects for future

employment. The internship could also assist the integrative research paper as long as

research time during the internship is protected. WMU and SMU should carefully

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consider the parameters and rules of an otherwise exciting new development for the



37. The MITL continues to be a nimble, well-run and successful degree programme,

with assessments conducted in accordance with WMU policy. Students demonstrated

achievement of learning objectives and reached the standards set out in the

programme. The following recommendations are advanced to continue to fine-tune

the programme:

Recommendation 1:

The External reiterates that instructors be urged to ensure that SDAPs contain

sufficient detail, in particular with regard to prospective seminars or lectures,

and prescribe current study and reference materials with full bibliographic


Recommendation 2:

The External reiterates the recommendation for less reliance on examinations

for the bulk of the final subject grade and to further diversify assessment

methods. When examinations are employed questions should not elicit purely

factual answers but rather engage students in analysis and problem solving.

When group work is utilized, instructors should mark for the bulk of the final

grade on the basis of individual performance.

Recommendation 3:

The External reiterates the recommendation that all assessors should be urged

to provide written and timely feedback to students. Marking descriptors should

be used more actively and visibly by all assessors to better explain their marks

to students.

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Recommendation 4:

The WMU and SMU should assess the sufficiency and accessibility of

research resources at SMU to support integrative research papers and to

explore ways to enhance digital access to major research resources in the

maritime field.

38. The External extends his thanks to Professor Shuo Ma, Professor Shi Xin,

and Ms. Fangfang Hu for making the arrangements and time necessary to enable the

conduct of the external examination.