„Човекът junzi в древната китайска философия”

Culture of “JUN ZI ”

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Culture of“JUN ZI ”

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The concept of JUNZI in the Chinese culture, has already existed for a long time. The word –JUNZI had already been mentioned before Confucius’ literature , such as 《 YIJING 》《 SHANGSHU 》《 SHIJING 》 . For example: “ 君子勤道,不作无益害之事儿。” (" 尚书 ") .And that “ 窈窕淑女,君子好逑。”(《诗经》) and so on.

And this ancient concept became more and more common and popular through the elaboration of Confucius and his disciples. At the same time it is given some richer connotation.

JUNZI appears

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OriginationJUNZI's first intention is the "son of the king", which has been widely circulated in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Its mainly connotation is a specific name for the aristocracy or rulers, but rarely involved with the moral content. As "SHANGSHU" Volume 13 said:“ 君子勤道,不作无益害有益。” JUNZI of vassal states are generally well educated, so their standards of culture, taste and cultivation are pretty high. Thus later generations regard people that are high in moral character as JUNZI.

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2011 年 11 月 2 日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐 15 。美国、中国、加拿大等 5 国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。

The first meaning of a JUNZi is the authorities that are above Dafu a senior official in feudal China.There is no obvious personality traits in that time.Later, Confucius used the logical connection between “son of authorities”and “morality”to proceed with the transformation from “JUNZI is having morality”to “having morality is JUNZI”. Thus obtaining a broad space for discussing the JUNZI‘s thought. After Confucius gives full play in the "Analects of Confucius", JUNZI was given a profound and rich connotation.

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2011 年 11 月 2 日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐 15 。美国、中国、加拿大等 5 国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。

Throughout the text,it can be summed up in one sentence. That is to combine Wen with Zhi. The so-called "Wen" is the external behavior, the so-called "Mei" is the inner moral cultivation.

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2011 年 11 月 2 日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐 15 。美国、中国、加拿大等 5 国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。

“Zhi" - its specific requirements are: First, one must adhere to morality and honesty;Second, one must consider Yi , and regard ill-gotten wealth as nothing.Third, one must be willing to surfer from poverty just to keep his willing and be happy to free yourself from worries.Forth, keep a broad mind and a strong will.JUNZI must exert himself constantly but not be having a narrow and weak mind.

The good personality of UNZI

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2011 年 11 月 2 日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐 15 。美国、中国、加拿大等 5 国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。

"Wen"- to act polite and have a humble attitude. Confucius set himself as a example. He did what is so called “Mild but severe , majestic but not reckless , Solemn and serene”. This is an outstanding representative of “Wen” .

The good personality of UNZI

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《论语》• The Analects of Confucius JUNZI in our culture, is a very commonly used title. In our general concept, the JUNZI is a person with perfect personality. They are polite and has good behavior, follow humanity to do things . So it is called as “JUNZI ” who has cultivation and justice. On the contrary, it is known as villain.

The formation of the character of JUNZI mainly come from the Analects of Confucius.

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2011 年 11 月 2 日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐 15 。美国、中国、加拿大等 5 国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。

Confucius from a number of angles to discuss the meaning of JUNZI. He taught people to start from their own, cultivate themselves.He said:“ 君子道者三,我无能焉:仁者不忧,知者不惑,勇者不惧。” it means that there are three aspects of the JUNZI‘s way, I can not do that the people who has ritual and moral(morality ) don’t worry, The wise man is not confused , The brave man is not afraid. ”

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礼 (lǐ) 和德 (Dé)

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礼 (lǐ)• “lǐ” is to cultivate the individual's

moral personality. It can maintain individual life, social order. The state also exists by those reason .

• This “lǐ” is polite , is ritual ,is etiquette . Behavior in front of people without losing decency, yet dignified deportment, speech is a gift yet cautious .

• To be “JUNZI” first of all, people‘s “vision, listening, speaking and behavior" must meet the ceremony.

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礼 (lǐ)

• 有子曰:“礼之用,和为贵。先王之道,斯为美,小大由之。有所不行,知和而和,不以礼节之,亦不行也。”• Confucius said, In the usages of ritual it is harmony

that is prized, the way of former kings from this got its beauty. Both small matters and great depend upon it .If things go amiss, he who knows the harmony will be able to attune them .But if harmony itself is not modulated by ntual things will still go amiss.

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礼 (lǐ)• “lǐ” of the application firstly force on harmony.

• The ancient king governed the country, and wise men handed down the truth, all of those are most valuable, beacuse they all followed the “lǐ”. Whether is great event or petty things , If only rigidly in accordance with a harmonious and compromised approach to do, sometimes it doesn’t work even useless. Because it is for harmony to harmony and it doesn’t follow lǐ to control, It is not feasible .

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德 (Dé)• “lǐ ” is the carrier of “Dé

” , and according to lǐ, dé can be implement and reflected.

• “Dé” is Moral/Morality and is the result of behavioral practice , in other words, is human’s character andaccomplishment.

• There is no great man without great character.

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德 (Dé)

• Never too old to learn. Knowledge is infinite and learning never stop. If you want improve your moral quality . First you should have a good and new mentality.

• “ 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者”《论语·雍也》。” For those who learn and learn how to learn, it is better for people who love to study; those who love to learn, not as good as learning for fun. IT means that learning knowledge or ability , the best way is to see as fun. It can help study and accept fast.

• 子曰 :“ 君子怀德,小人怀土 ; 君子怀刑,小人怀惠。” • Confucius said :“junzi miss

the moral, villain miss the local; junzi think of the rule of law, villain think of benefit /wealth.

• The JUNZI and the XIAOREN, they are all different types of personality form.

• This is one of the points between JUNZI and the XIAOREN.

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仁 (Rén) Rén is humanity. It is the core idea

and value of Confucius thought. Confucius believes that

"benevolence" is the essence of a gentleman.

• Can be reflected in people themselves . It Is the starting point of people's behavior :

1. Moral quality 2.Political ideals ( Harmonious

interpersonal relationships, stable society )

JUNZI should have this personality,

will Rende promoted to the world, lead by example.

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仁 (Rén)• 子曰:“唯仁者能好人,能恶人。” Confucious said,’’Only the humanity can love

others and hate others.’’

释义: some people has Rén, they can face up to their own real thoughts and feelings and don’t blot out their conscience to like People who are disgusted. For them, Like is like, disgust is disgust.

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仁 (Rén)

• 子曰:“君子去仁,恶乎成名?君子无终食之间违仁,造次于是,颠沛必于是。” JUNZI left Rén and Dé( humanity and

moral/morality). How can it be seen as JUNZI? There is no time for JUNZI to deviate from Rén and Dé. In the most urgent moment must also be in accordance with Rén and Dé . That is, even though they are displaced, must also be in accordance with Rén and Dé .

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义 (yì)1. Self-fulfillness of JUN ZI • 修身齐家治国平天下。 To cultivate the moral self, regulate the family, maintain the state rightly and make

all peaceful.

2. valuing Yi and peace can decrease the conflict about benefit / wealth between people

• 子曰:“君子喻于义,小人喻于利。”• Confucius said,’JUN ZI seek Yi,while the man of disgrace only cares about Li.

• 译文:孔子说:“君子懂得的是义,小人懂得的是利。”

Yi means reasonable,appropriate and obligation.From Confucius’ prospective,Yi have become a very significant moral domain.Li means profit,function.Confucius attach great importance to differentiate Yi from Li,thinking that moral principle is far more significant than profit,which have a great influence on later generations.

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义 (yì)• 2. 子曰:“君子之于天下也,无适也,无莫也,义之与比。”(《里仁》) Confucius said, JUN ZI deal

all kinds of things in the world not with some standard rules that tells a JUN ZI how to do and how not to do, but should do with justice and reasonable as his standard.

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智 (Zhì)• Zhì to Confucius is wisdom,

smart, knowledge of Ren and understanding of ritual

• means gets more practical.

• 孔子曰:“未知,焉得仁。” In Confucius’ opinion,it’s only possible that you reached Zhì first before you get to attain the knowledge of Ren,from which we can see how seriously Confucius take Zhì

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智 (Zhì)

1. 智者首先表现在了解自己,有自知之明。子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎”• The Master said,To learn and at due times to repeat

wh at one has learnt is that not after all a pleasure? That friend should come to one from afar,is this not after all delightfull? To remain unsoured even though one’s merits are unrecognized by others,is that not after all what is expected of a gentleman?

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智 (Zhi)

2. 知人,善于识别人的人。2.know people, for example

know someone who got great skills for recognizing people. 子曰:不患人之不己知,患不知人也

Don’t worry that people don’t get you.Be worried about that you don’t get people.

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智 (Zhì)Zhì is wisdom/intelligence. It an important principle to deal with relationship

• 已所不欲,勿施于人。 Do not do to others what you don’t want others to do to you.

It means that please learn to transpositional thinking, to treat your own behavior as a reference to treat others. People should have a broad mind, don’t be narrow-minded when dealing with people or things, but be generous and forgivable to others.Don’t push something you don’t want to others for such behavior not only will destroy the relationship, but also things will be put in a awkward situation and get out of control. The intercourse between people should really adhere to this principle, which shows respect for others and equality to the embodiment of others.

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勇 (yǒng)• 勇敢 (valient) ,大无畏( dauntless )、大公无私 (selfless) 仁者,必有勇。 释义:要做到仁的境界就一定要有勇气,匹夫之勇无须仁。 You need

bravery to achieve Ren,but you don't need Ren to get you foolhardy

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勇 (yǒng)

• 子路曰:“君子尚勇乎?”子曰:“君子义以为上,君子有勇而无义为乱,小人有勇而无义为盗。”• 子路问道:“君子崇尚勇敢吗?”孔子说:“君子以为义是最高尚德。君子有勇而无义,就会犯上作乱;小人有勇而无义,就会做强盗。”• Zilu asked:”Is JUN ZI worship Yong?”• Confucius said:"JUN ZI take Yi as the highest moral

character. A JUNZI who has Yong but no Yi will be committed to chaos;a villain who has Yong but no Yi becomes a robber."

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• 要想做一名君子,仁智勇都得具备,三者是相互关联的。• To become a JUNZI,you need all of Ren,Zhì and Yong

three.These three are all connected to each other.• 道德品行高尚的君子,孔子认为在生活中是可以实现的,每个人都要为之努力,以身作则,树立正确的人生观、价值观。• In Confucius' opinion,it is achievable in real life to

be a JUN ZI who is great in both moral character and behavior only if everyone one try hard for it and form a proper valve of life and set ourselves as an example.

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How to do ?

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2011 年 11 月 2 日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐 15 。美国、中国、加拿大等 5 国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。

10 月份,奢侈品品牌 Gucci 被指在华用工双重标准,并爆发“虐工门”,让这个一向在中国口碑不错的奢侈品企业,一夜之间成了千夫所指的“血汗工厂”。

1. The first point is Dé. This moral, refers to the moral quality of personal cultivation. JUNZI first has self-esteem , self-reliance confidence, and have the backbone to stand proudly in the world. To be a good child the family, take filial piety obedience as great moral character. JUNZI is a good citizen who take honesty and integrity for virtue in society.

The times need a JUNZI, trying to be aJUNZI

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2011 年 11 月 2 日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐 15 。美国、中国、加拿大等 5 国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。

10 月份,奢侈品品牌 Gucci 被指在华用工双重标准,并爆发“虐工门”,让这个一向在中国口碑不错的奢侈品企业,一夜之间成了千夫所指的“血汗工厂”。

2. The second point is lǐ. lǐ is polite, etiquette. lǐ means that please don‘t lose your manners before people, behavior without losing elegance, speech without losing discreet. Establish your inner character,which your lǐ show outside. lǐ is to sit like a bell and stand like a pine, full of tenderness, solemn and modesty; lǐ is to meet people with smile and cordial greetings from your heart; lǐ is focused and eyes strabismus when talking talk with people; lǐ is to retreat to the corner when narrowly meet with people, etc. Anyway,in one word, the essence of lǐ is respect, in the family, school, social interaction,respect yourself and believe others.Also to show your respect appropriately is polite and courtesy. That’s Li.

The times need a JUNZI, trying to be aJUNZI

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2011 年 11 月 2 日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐 15 。美国、中国、加拿大等 5 国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。

10 月份,奢侈品品牌 Gucci 被指在华用工双重标准,并爆发“虐工门”,让这个一向在中国口碑不错的奢侈品企业,一夜之间成了千夫所指的“血汗工厂”。

3. Zhì. The third point is ambition We are living in a time of knowledge and economy. We have to complete the great rejuvenation of the nation‘s great cause. We have to be a student that have every quality Jun Zi have. We must bear our motherland in mind and have a great ambition into the world. Try everything we can to reach the top of science and contribute all of our wisdom and strength to the cause of nation’s building in this very era of knowledge and economy. Prove to the world that we are the one of the greatest nation with your active practice.Prove that people have the ability to create their own happy life, and more able to protect our happy life!

The times need a JUNZI, trying to be aJUNZI

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2011 年 11 月 2 日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐 15 。美国、中国、加拿大等 5 国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。

10 月份,奢侈品品牌 Gucci 被指在华用工双重标准,并爆发“虐工门”,让这个一向在中国口碑不错的奢侈品企业,一夜之间成了千夫所指的“血汗工厂”。

4. Fourth point is Dao. Dao is both the truth/reason and the method. Dao is in line with the laws of nature and also with the affairs of human. 。 “君子喻于义,小人喻于利。” “君子谋道不谋食。” “君子忧道不忧贫。”君子所追求的是道理是正义。” Jun Zi in the pursuit of Dao is justice. The gentleman is avaricious, takes it to be correct! ” “ 君子爱财,取之有道” Jun Zi select the right way to achieve his goal.“ 博学于文,约之以礼” Jun Zi in the pursuit of Dao is learn to be profound.

The times need a JUNZI, trying to be aJUNZI

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2011 年 11 月 2 日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐 15 。美国、中国、加拿大等 5 国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。

10 月份,奢侈品品牌 Gucci 被指在华用工双重标准,并爆发“虐工门”,让这个一向在中国口碑不错的奢侈品企业,一夜之间成了千夫所指的“血汗工厂”。

5. Fifth point is Lì. Lì should include strength,ability,such as strong in body,determined in mind,intelligence, happiness but not just simply strong.Because we school students in the future are the successor of the cause of nation’s building ,who is certainly to be taking up the responsibility and one day will "move". To use their talent to build and serve the motherland but firstly should become"possessing stuff". Stuff is ability and capability. One of the main tasks for us school students at this stage is the "possession of the stuff" is to cultivate a variety of abilities, talent

The times need a JUNZI, trying to be aJUNZI

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