赵家骐先生摄影作品 photography works of mr. zhao jiaqi


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赵家骐先生摄影作品 Photography works of Mr. Zhao Jiaqi

Page 3: 赵家骐先生摄影作品 Photography works of Mr. Zhao Jiaqi






Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation (BJIPCF) is a public foundation set up on February 2013 with the approval of the Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau. With the tenet of carrying on traditional culture and developing modern civilization, BJIPCF has established a cooperative international platform for social, economic and cultural exchanges through years of civil diplomacy. Mr. Li Ruohong, founder and legal representative of BJIPCF, is an internationally well respected peace ambassador and civil diplomat. He advocated the "Peace + 1 " international public welfare model to promote cooperation between China and international organizations and government of different countries in various areas, which has achieved positive results in political mutual trust, think-tank building, friendly interaction, "bringing in and going out" etc., and has effectively helped the developing countries and vulnerable groups and supported Beijing's public welfare and charity undertakings. As the strategic partner of UNESCO, BJIPCF works together with UNESCO particularly in the areas of "Peace + Education", "Peace + Science for Sustainable Development", "Peace + Sports", "Peace + Cultural Heritage", "Peace + Arts and Music" as well as "Peace + Cities and Creativity", thereby promoting the peace culture cognition in different social levels and member countries of UNESCO. Together with its partners, BJIPCF advocates peaceful dialogues and brings benefits to the world by organizing series of activities such as World Peace Day, the Silk Road and Model UNESCO.BJIPCF, acting as an “international volunteer”, sticks to the principle of “contributing to China and serving the world” and promotes foreign exchanges and collaborations in various areas, such as culture, education, art, sports, health, economy, finance and so on. It has thus established a platform for cooperation between government and non-governmental organizations as well as a cooperation system of “academic think tank – thematic culture – industry alliance – international charities”. Besides, BJIPCF has recently created a financial investment cooperation model of “PPP+P” (i.e. Public-Private Partnership + Peace) in accordance with the economic cooperation model of “PPP” initiated by the Chinese government. In the “Peace Garden Community” – an international stateroom, built by BJIPCF in Beijing, there stand stone inscriptions on peace by leaders from international organizations and ambassadors to China from 178 countries. It is an attractive sight for visits by heads of states and government delegations during their stay in China. It is also the “Ambassadors’ House” for foreign diplomats working in China, being regarded as a “mini UN” by international community.

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Young African leaders signed on the Foundation flag to support international public welfare cause


World peace can not be achieved without cultural prosperity









我们的合作伙伴Our Cooperative Partners

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来自国际社会的支持Support from international communities

中国世界和平基金会China World Peace


世界拳击组织World Boxing Organization

超越足球组织Football Is More



China-Morocco(Ibn Battuta)Friendship Association


China-Tunisia Entrepreneurs



China-Senegal Friendship Association


University of Alberta International Relations Research


巴基斯坦投资署Board of Investment

of Pakistan Government


Cultural Friendly Exchange



Korea-China Economic Cultural

Exchange Association


Guinea-China Friendship Association


China-Cote d'lvoire Friendship



Victoria University Peace and

Education Center


China-Chile Friendship Association


Mexico-China Friendship Association

中国民间组织国际交流促进会China NGO Network for International Exchanges


Lee Kuan Yew School of Public




中国国际友好联络会China Association for International Friendly Contact

中国国际友人研究会China Society for

People's Friendship Studies

博鳌亚洲论坛Boao Forum for


阿拉伯国家联盟League of Arab


非洲联盟African Union

Uniited NationsEducational, Scientific andCultural Organization

欧洲联盟European Union

和平与体育Peace and Sport



China-Mali People's Friendship Council


China-Congo(k) People's Friendship



China-Maldives Friendship Association









巴尔干和平论坛Balkan Club of


中非论坛The China - Africa


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联合国秘书长潘基文给北京国际和平文化基金会贺信,感谢对世界和平的贡献和对联合国的支持!Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, wrote a thank-you letter to BJIPCF for its commitment for world peace and support for the UN.


博科娃的致辞 2015年9月21日和平伙伴关系--为了所有人的尊严2015年,我们庆祝世界和平日的同时,也庆祝联合国教科文组织成立70周年。70年来,我们所传递的信息都是一致的。和平必须在人权和尊严的基础上,


在所有社会都经历着变革,文化受到冲击的动荡时期,这一声音尤为重要。这是世界转折性的一年,各国将制定新的全球可持续发展计划。该计划必须是和平计划,通过全球社会各级所建立的伙伴关系达成。今天, 我相信所有人都负有共同的责任,在各自的生活中促成和平,构建更好的未来。

和平不仅是国家内部或国家之间没有武力冲突。在亚穆苏克罗召开的联合国教科文组织1989年心中的和平国际大会上已明确,要促进和平文化,并号召增进社区、社会团体及个人之间的互相理解。现今比任何时候都需要人权和尊严成为我们的起点,对话成为我们最有力的工具。联合国教科文组织正引导着联合国大会上宣布的文化和睦国际十年(2013-2022), 促进文化多样性并架起新的对话桥梁。同样的精神也指导着联合国教科文组织新的行动框架,为年轻人赋予和平的权利,用知识、技能和价值观武装年轻人,让他们生活在和平、有建设性、有生产力的的环境中,成为



Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, 21 September 2015The International Day of Peace reflects the innermost aspiration of all peoples to live together, free and equal in dignity and rights. The theme of 2014 is the “right of peoples to peace”, selected to mark the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace by the United Nations.The right to peace is of the utmost importance in view of the violence that is tearing the world apart. To build peace, we must understand the new realities of war today, and the way in which both human lives and identities are under attack in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere, in violence that aims to strike at the cultural and religious values of peoples. To build peace, we must open our eyes also to the reality of the hidden crisis facing education in conflicts, with schools being targeted and education becoming a means of indoctrination and to sow the seeds of hatred.“[S]ince wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.”This statement, penned by the founding Member States of UNESCO 70 years ago amid the ruins of the Second World War, holds true to this day. Aware of the ravages wrought by modern warfare, we must be as bold as they were and invest more in levers to build lasting peace, namely, respect for human rights, human dignity and democratic values. To counter discourses of hatred that seek to set cultures against each other, we must guarantee universal access to quality education to enable one to withstand calls to violence. To counter the destruction of cultural diversity and the persecution of minorities, we must protect heritage as a force for mutual understanding. To counter ignorance and censorship, we must guarantee freedom of expression and protect journalists. We must relentlessly combat racism, discrimination, extremism and the manipulation of cultural and religious identities. The International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures (2013-2022), led by UNESCO, is an opportunity for all of us to join efforts to build a genuine “culture of peace”, mindful of the Yamoussoukro Declaration on Peace in the Minds of Men, adopted 25 years ago. Today, I call on all Member States of UNESCO to rally round in order to silence weapons and end all violence.


李若弘先生与联合国教科文总干事长伊琳娜 . 博科娃女士Li Ruohong signs contract with UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova

李若弘先生与联合国秘书长潘基文先生Li Ruohong with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at UN Headquarter in New York

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基金会领导携国际义工团队以和平的名义报效祖国服务世界Contributors and volunteers serve the country and the world in the name of peace

名誉副理事长 Honorary Deputy Director General吴世民先生 Mr. Wu Shimin北京市政协文史和学习委员会主任Committee for Learning and Cultural and Historical Data of Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

监事长 Chief Supervisor 郭松先生 Mr. Guo Song 前北京市投资促进局党委书记Former Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau

理事 Director王敏荣女士 Ms. Wang Minrong北京市西城区人大主任Chairman of the People’s Congress of Xicheng District, Beijing

理事 Director卢晓明先生 Mr. Lu Xiaoming前北京市科学技术研究院党委书记Former Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Association for Science and Technology

理事 Director韩 陆女士 Ms. Han Lu中国女医师协会副会长Executive Vice President of China Women Physicians Association

理事 Director叶晓阳先生 Mr. Ye Xiaoyang前总政外事局局长Former Director General of Foreign Affairs Bureau of General Political Department of PLA

名誉理事长 Honorary Director General赵家骐先生 Mr. Zhao Jiaqi前北京市人民对外友好协会会长Ex-Chairman of Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

理事长兼秘书长 President and Secretary-General李若弘先生 Mr. Li Ruohong中国世界和平基金会主席Chairman of China World Peace Foundation

副理事长 Deputy Director General赵建平先生 Mr. Zhao Jianping国家开发银行金融专家Financial Specialist of China Development Bank

副理事长 Deputy Director General周纪昌先生 Mr. Zhao Jianping原中国交通建设集团事长,享有政府津贴。Financial Specialist of China Development Bank

理事 Director李洪海先生 Mr. Li Honghai 北京市人民政府外事办公室主任Former Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau

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顾问 Consultant徐沛东 Mr. Xu Peidong中国文联副主席、中国音乐家协会党组书记Vice President of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Secretary of Party Committee of China Musician Association

顾问 Consultant袁熙坤 Mr. Yuan Xikun全国政协委员、著名画家、雕塑家 Member of the Standing Committee of China People’s Political Consultative Conference, Reputated painter and sculptor

顾问 Consultant

刘大为 Mr. Liu Dawei中国文联副主席、中国美术协会主席Vice President of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Chairman of China Art Association

顾问 Consultant边发吉 Mr. Bian Faji中国文联副主席、中国杂技家协会主席 Vice President, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles;President, China Acrobats Association

顾问 Consultant王明明 Mr. Wang Mingming国务院参事室副主任、北京画院院长 Deputy Director, Counselors’ Office of the State Council;President, Beijing Fine Art Academy

顾问 Consultant

艾迪 . 黄 Dr. Edy Wong加拿大阿尔伯塔大学商学院副院长Associate Dean Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta

顾问 Consultant

李荣海 Mr. Li Ronghai 中国友联画院常务副院长Executive Vice President of China Painting Academy for Friendly Contact

顾问 Consultant



Morroco Ambassador to

China H.E. Mr. Jaafar Hakim

顾问 Consultant格林纳达驻华大使 卡尔•胡德 Grenada Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. KARL HOOD

顾问 Consultant马拉维驻华大使 厄尼斯特.马卡瓦 Malawi Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. Ernest Mungosauka Makawa

顾问 Consultant马里驻华大使 兰斯纳•波利亚•科内 Mali Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. LANSINA BOLIA KONE

顾问 Consultant冰岛驻华大使 司迪方 Iceland Ambassador to China H.E.Mr.STEFAN SKJALDRSON

顾问 Consultant蒙古驻华大使 策登扎布•苏赫巴特尔 Mongolia Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. Tsedenjav Sukhbaatar

顾问 Consultant塞内加尔驻华大使 阿卜杜拉耶•法勒 Senegal Ambassador to China H.E.Mr.Abdoulaye Fall

顾问 Consultant突尼斯驻华大使 塔雷克•阿姆里 Tunisia Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. Tarek Amri

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顾问 Consultant马尔代夫驻华大使 马马迪•迪亚雷 Guinea Ambassador to China H.E. Dr. Mamadi Diare

顾问 Consultant阿盟驻华大使 加尼姆•塔哈•艾哈迈德•阿勒•希卜里 The Arab League Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. GHANIM TAHA AHMED AL•SHIBLI

顾问 Consultant多米尼加驻华办事处代表吴玫瑰 Representative, Office of Commercial Development of Dominica in ChinaMrs. Wu meigui

顾问 Consultant海地驻华办事处代表纳塔丽·美农斯·吉赛尔 Representative, Office of Commercial Development of Haiti in China Mrs. Nathalie Gissel Manos

顾问 Consultant哥伦比亚驻华大使卡尔门萨·哈拉米略 Colombia Ambassador to China H.E. Mrs. Carmenza Jaramillo

北京国际和平文化基金会工作团队为国际社会公益事业无私奉献,努力工作。Members of Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation devote themselves into public welfare cause

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Li Ruohong Appeals at UN Headquarters: World Transformation Needs World Citizens


Cultural diplomacy indicates the openness of a country. Cultural tolerance is the demand of social progress and economic development. It results in harmonious balance between people and people as well as people and nature.



上发言Li Ruohong

speaks at the celebration of the 20th

Anniversary of the Slave Route


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每年9月21日,我们与联合国教科文组织共同举办"和苑和平节"Chinese NGO holds "Peace Garden Peace Festival" with UNESCO

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驻华大使和夫人们为各自和平寄语揭幕Ambassadors and their wives respectively inaugurate Peace Stones of their own countries

中乌建交45周年乌干达政府代表团参观和苑Uganda Govenmental Delegation visiting Peace Garden to celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic realations between China and Uganda 与联合国教科文组织在和苑博物馆开展中非阿人文交流

UNESCO Holds Commemoration at Peace Garden Museum

阿拉伯联盟秘书长穆萨与阿盟各国外交部长、驻华大使在”和苑“Mr. Moussa, the Secretary General of Arab League, as well as Foreign Ministers and Ambassadors from Arabian countries to China visiting Peace Garden

基金会举办中法金融研讨会CWPF holds a sino-French Financial Research Forum

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李若弘主席在巴尔干地区和平论坛演讲 Mr. Li Ruohong giving a speech at the Peace Forum in Balkan


李若弘先生在地中海论坛(MEDays)呼吁“和平与安全需要NGO"Mr. Li Ruohong appeals that "Peace and Safety needs NGO" at the Mediterranean Forum (MEDays)

促进中俄友好《罗高寿与中国》和苑座谈会Symposium on Rogachev and China was held at Peace Garden Museum

基金会举办赴美投资合作论坛CWPF holds Investment & Cooperation with the USA Forum

在中国 - 巴基斯坦经贸合作论坛发言Speaking at the Sino-Pakistani Economic

Partnership Forum

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“和苑”举办的中、日、韩曼陀林慈善招待会Mandolin Charity Reception jointly organized by China, Japan and South Korea was held in Peace Garden


Culture could effectively break the ice when political and economic disputes cannot be easily solved by governmental diplomacy. As the bond connecting people from China and other countries, cultural exchanges help to carry on and develop forward traditional culture as well as modern civilization.

举办中国-摩洛哥《伊本.白图泰:七世纪后的启示》美术作品展Morocco art exhibition《Ibn Battuta: Inspriations After Seven Centuries》


“和苑”举办中外艺术家与各国外交官迎春书画笔会 Peace Garden Painting Skill Exchange Activity was held

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“和苑”举办朝鲜人民民主共和国首次国际大型画展 The first Art Exhibition of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea held in Peace Garden


DPRK Art Exhibition was held at Peace Garden

与非盟合作举办“和苑”摄影绘画展In cooperation with the AU, a photography art exhibition held at Peace Garden

“和苑”举办海地画展"A Glance of Haiti "Painting Exihibion at Peace Garden

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Sports can be taken as a practical tool in peaceful development. It helps people to cheer up, unite together and overcome difficulties, and encourages disadvantaged groups in unstable areas to rebuild their homes.

第一届外交官和平跑在“和苑”举行,参加比赛的60位驻华大使们支持北京奥运的和平寄语已收藏在北京档案馆和和苑博物馆The first Peace and Friendship Diplomats Running was held in Peace Garden. Peace inscriptions from more

than 60 paticipated ambassadors have been collected in Beijing Archives and Peace Garden Museum

作为品牌项目,我们自1999年至 2013年连续十四年主办的高尔夫国际邀请赛各国驻华大使和跨国公司总裁踊跃参加

Ambassadors from different countries to China and presidents of multinational corporations actively participate in International Golf Tournament which is a branded project consecutivly held for 14 years


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北京国际和平文化基金会与和平大使、世界体育明星们Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation with Peace Ambassadors and World Champions

劳拉Laura Flessel 法国击剑世界冠军 French Fencing World Champion

郭川 Guo Chuan帆船世界纪录保持者Sailing World Record Keeper

弗努斯特·尼永加博Venuste Niyongabo 布隆迪中长跑世界冠军Burundi Middle/Long distance race World Champion

Sidiki Sidibe法国前NBA球员 French Former NBA Player

Samir Zaaimani摩洛哥滑雪世界冠军Morocco Skiing World Champion

泰格拉. 劳洛普Tegla Loroupe 肯尼亚长跑世界冠军Kenya Long distance race World Champion

张君龙Zhang Junlong亚洲重量级拳王Asian Heavyweight Boxing Champion

老虎伍兹 Tiger•Woods 高尔夫超级明星 Golf Super Star

杰克.布鲁尔Jack brewer 美国橄榄球明星American football star

杰克•威廉姆•尼克劳斯 Jack William Nicklaus 高尔夫传奇人物 The legend of Golf

伊戈尔•卡西利亚斯•费尔南德斯Iker CasillasFernandez 2010世界杯冠军 2010 World Cup Champion

克里斯蒂安•卡伦布Christian Karembeu 法国著名足球明星 French Famous Football Star

杨扬 Yang Yang短道速滑项目世界冠军 Short-Track Speeding Skating World Champion

李妮娜 Li Nina 自由式滑雪世界冠军 Freestyle Skiing World Champion

维杰•辛格Vijay Singh 斐济著名高尔夫选手 Fiji Famous Golfer

尼克•费度Nick Faldo 英国著名高尔夫选手 British Famous Golfer

基普凯特 Wilson Kipketer丹麦著名中长跑选手三届世锦赛冠军、男子800米世界纪录保持者Denmark famous middle-distance race athlete Kipketer who was the three world champion as well as male 800 meters world record holder

提姆•克拉克 Tim Clark 南非著名高尔夫选手 South Africa Famous Golfer

恩尼•埃尔斯Ernie Els 南非著名高尔夫选手 South Africa Famous Golfer

费奥娜•尼可拉斯Fiona Nicolles 马术世界冠军 Equestrian World Champion

斯蒂芬•马布里 Stephon Marbury 著名NBA/CBA篮球明星Famous NBA/CBA Star

马里昂•巴伯 Marion Barber 著名NFL橄榄球明星Famous NFL Star

西德尼•赖斯Sidney Rice橄榄球外接手American NFL Star

让. 马克国际马术大师International polo master

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我们与宋庆龄基金会、美国杰克•布鲁尔基金会、“一个世界足球项目”组织合作将美国足球捐赠中国贫困地区。CWPF Cooperated with Song Ching Ling Foundation, Jack Brewer Foundation of United States and "One World Fotball Project" Organization donate the American football to the poor areas in China

与马尔代夫驻华大使馆、中国乒乓球协会联合主办了第一届外交官乒乓球赛The First Diplomats’Table Tennis Tournament jointly held by China World Peace Foundation ,Maldivian Embassy and Chinese Table Tennis Association

北京国际和平文化基金会与中国世界和平基金会一同支持2011年亚洲杯足球预选赛,中国、黎巴嫩、约旦、叙利亚四国国家队在中国参加了比赛Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation and China World Peace Foundation supported 2011 Asian Cup Qualifier in which China,Lebanon,Jordan and Syria had matches in China

组织残障青少年参加国际足球比赛Organize disabled yong football players to participate in the internationl football competition

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Children from more than 30 countries have received our popular science books.



Education reflects the level of national strength and economic development. It is related to civil improvement and social responsibilities. The application of educational resources will also effect international cultural awareness and business attraction.

“和苑”向各国儿童介绍中国传统文化“京剧”Introduce traditional Chinese culture "Peking Opera" to children from different countries in Peace Garden

Postgraduates from different countries in University of Alberta hold education forum in Peace Garden for nine years


组织突尼斯政府代表团到国家行政学院访问座谈Inviting Tunisian government delegation to visit National School of Administration


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“和苑”联谊会-暨08年奥林匹克教育同心结交流Peace Garden sodality - 2008 Olympic Education knot exchange

与中央党校在“和苑”举办联谊会Together with Central Party School having get-together at Peace Garden

哥伦比亚大学学子看中国 —— “和苑”行 Students from Columbia University visited Peace Garden - a glance of China

率北京青少年代表团访问日本Leading a delegation of Beijing teenagers visiting Japan

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Prosperity of art industry highly embodies peace and harmony of the society. People from different countries and different races can be linked together through higher spiritual pursuit.


日本驻华大使携代表团与中国京剧艺术家在“和苑”进行文化交流Japanese Ambassador leads a delegation to Peace Garden for cultural exchanges with Beijing Opera artists

“和苑”举办阿拉伯国家音乐会A Concert of Arab states held in Peace Garden

尼泊尔国家“和苑”音乐会,国歌作曲家亲临现场演唱The composer of national anthem of Nepal singing on the concert of Nepal held in Peace Garden



Canadian governmental and

academic delegation enjoy Japanese Kodo

performance together with Ambassadors

from different countries

用中外陶瓷艺术促进世界文明对话BIPCF promotes cultural communication by organizing ceramic exchanges between China and countries from abroad

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组织各国驻华大使、联合国教科文组织代表一行进行“中国鄱阳湖之旅”Poyang lake tour of ambassadors and UNESCO representatives

组织二十国驻华大使及其夫人们参加“内蒙草原行”活动Twenty Ambassadors and their wives attended Grassland Tour in Inner Mongolia

Tourism is not only to enjoy "good food, drinks, and beautiful scenery", but also to exhibit the new look of the city, to prospect the economy, to improve the people's life, to excavate the cultural resource and to expand the international influence.

斯洛文尼亚旅游推介会在“和苑”博物馆举办Slovenia Tourism Seminar was held at Peace Garden Museum

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吴世民先生向乒乓球世界冠军邓亚萍颁奖Mr. Wu Shimin presents an award to the Table tennis world champion Deng Yaping

事业的开展,有力地帮助了贫困国家、受灾地区和弱势群体。 The development of charity programs strongly assists the underprivileged countries, disaster-affected areas and disadvantaged groups.


Li Ruohong and Beijing Association of Internatinal Friendly Contact donate cars to Inner Mongolian Federation of Peace and Friendship

李若弘先生、郭松先生代表各国驻华大使和跨国企业为尼泊尔共和国聋哑学校捐赠Li Ruohong and Guo Song donate to Deaf School in Nepal on behalf of Ambassadors and multi-national enterprises


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Ambassadors of different countries to China actively taking part in donation


Ambassador of Maldives accept our donations on behalf of his country

马尔代夫驻华大使代表该国接受我们的捐赠 向台湾同胞创建的孤儿院捐赠我们编作的儿童科普读物Donate Children's popular science books to the Orphanages set up by Taiwan compatriots

与突尼斯使馆共同捐赠四川地震物资Accompaning Tunisian Ambassador to China donating goods and materials to earthquake disaster areas in Sichuan Province

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国际红十字会代表、十八国红十字会长与各国外交官相聚“和苑”,支持我们的公益事业Red Cross delegations and diplomats from 18 countries gather together in Peace Garden


Health is priceless. The life caring awareness will be consistently strengthened along with the development of social economy and culture no matter people are poor or rich.


俄罗斯电视台采访我们援助国际社会受灾、民生健康的事迹Russia TV interviewed us on the achievements we made in assisting domestic and international groups

赴四川地震灾区参加北京红十字会捐赠项目竣工庆典Attending the completion ceremony of Beijing Red Cross donated projects in the earthquake disaster area in Sichuan

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青年梦基金 — 我的世界 你的梦想Youth Dream Fund’s slogan is "My world, your dream"

建立“青年梦基金”国际公益专项基金,将坚持“中国梦,青年梦,民富国强促和平”的宗旨,恪守“自强不息、公平正义”的价值理念。“青年梦基金”汇聚国内外各界英杰,探索和平教育模式,发展“和平队”, 积极构建世界各国杰出社会青年开展交流合作的公共平台。联合国教科文组织助理总干事汉斯·道维勒先生为“青年梦基金”题词,内容如下:“青年就是现在和未来 —— 他们的使命是尊重和保护世界遗产,建立持久的和平。”Positioned as an international public welfare fund, the Youth Dream Fund adheres to the principle of "China dream, youth dream, progressiveness for peace". It holds the value of "self-improvement, fairness and justice".Youth Dream Fund gathers elites from all walks of life both at home and abroad to explore peace education mode and develop "peace corps", to build up a platform of public exchange and cooperation for the youth all around the world. Mr. Hans D’Oville, Assistant Director-Generalof UNESCO has given his inscription to the Youth Dream Fund on the spot:“Youth is the present and the future – itstask is to honor and preserve world heritage and to build lasting peace.”


Chairman Li Ruohong signed a cooperative memorandum with Shi Yongxin, Abbot of Shaolin Temple in Peace Garden Museum witnessed by Mr. Hans D'Oville, the Assistant Director-General of UNESCO.


The Silk Road Industry Alliance was jointly launched by Chairman Li Ruohong and Business Forum of China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation at Beijing National Conference Center

组织各国青少年一起进行模拟联合国活动Organize young students for "Model UN" event

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Beijing Peace Garden Museum is the located in the third legation quarter and the CBD community. It was once the temporary palace of Queen Mother Xiao of ancient Liao State. At this landscape style museum, you will know from the peace inscription stone along the lake that how the Ambassadors and representatives of international organizations to China using their diplomatic talents and culture deposits to call for peace, and you can also gain some flag knowledge from the history and civilization of different countries. It has been listed as the world record in the Great Guinness World. When you stand before the international stands for friendship planted by Africa youth leaders, the reverie of African culture and the development space of China-African cooperation might come to your mind. Here you can see gifts and souvenirs presented by dignitaries and celebrities from different countries, the piano which full of signatures and messages of the representatives from Government delegations, artists, champions of the world and international organizations, through which you might hear the peace music, and also works and exhibits donated by world famous athletes and peace ambassadors. Here, each collection has a story and contains the good will to the peace cause from the people of the world. You can understand the "Peace + 1" mode of sustainable development from the collision sparks of international public welfare, culture and arts, you can have the apperception of harmony and balance from person to person and between man and nature, the brand effect of infinite imagination will leave enough space for your ideas and cooperation.Beijing Peace Garden Museum is a platform of international exchanges and dialogue of civilizations; is the scenic spots of visiting heads of state and government delegations; is a venue for diplomats, multinational companies and international media to have activities; is also the education base of patriotism and internationalism used by institute of high education both at home and abroad; and it is cradle of “Peace Festival” co-organized by China World Peace Foundation, Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation and UNESCO. It has been honored as "Mini United Nations" by the international community.


来自一些国家政要、思想家、艺术家和国际组织领导人赠送的展品Exhibits given by governmental leaders, thinkers, artists and leading members of international organizations.

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吴世民先生书画作品Calligraphy and paintings created by Mr. Wu Shimin

曹雪芹故居(油画)Cao Xueqin's residence (oil painting)

哈佛校园 (水墨画 ) Harvard University (Chinese ink painting)

秋歌(油画)Autumn (oil painting)

Page 29: 赵家骐先生摄影作品 Photography works of Mr. Zhao Jiaqi