青衣公園 - 數碼學習團 tsing yi park - digital tour (2014 march)

國際互聯網安全日 2014 – 數碼學習團 (15/3/2014) Safer Internet Day 2014 – Digital Learning Tour (15/3/2014) 1. (Apps ) “Camera” 2 ( ) 2. (Apps ) 1 “123D Catch” 3. ( ) ? a. [ ] b. 1. (Apps ) 4 “MaxStory”

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國際互聯網安全日2014 – 數碼學習團 (15/3/2014) Safer Internet Day 2014 – Digital Learning Tour (15/3/2014) 「有機上網」的數碼遊蹤活動採用了由香港中文大學開發的應用程式Eagle Eye進行,並由來自佛教茂峰法師紀念中學,仁濟醫院趙曾學韞小學,保良局志豪小學,及香港潮商學校的學生義工及IT大使,帶領參加者用iPad作戶外電子學習活動,以擴增實境(Augmented Reality)、3D掃描及其他有趣的科技,體會新的學習方式。 WebOrganic organized an outdoor e-Learning activity using an iPad apps called “Eagle Eye”, which is a “Digital Tour” platform developed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Secondary school and primary school students acted as volunteers and helped as the tour guides in such activity. The student volunteers were from Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College, Yan Chai Hospital Chiu Tsang Hok Wan Primary School, Hong Kong PLK Horizon East Primary School, and Chiu Sheung School. In the digital tour, participants completed tasks using the hottest technologies like augmented reality and 3D scanning, and experienced a new way to learn.


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國際互聯網安全日 2014 – 數碼學習團 (15/3/2014)

Safer Internet Day 2014 – Digital Learning Tour (15/3/2014) 兒童遊樂場

1. (Apps 活動) 在兒童遊樂場,請找出最長的滑梯,並在該滑梯前利用“Camera”拍攝 2張不同表情的照片。(例如開心、愉悅、傷心、害怕或困惑)

2. (Apps 活動) 請選擇 1位組員,利用“123D Catch”對他作立體掃描。

3. (選擇題) 兒童遊樂場是我們玩樂的地方,我們會注意安全。當有人問我個人資訊例如我的名字,地址和電話號碼之前,我會先問我信任的成年人之意見。這是否正確?

a. 是 [正確]

b. 否



1. (Apps 活動) 請選擇 4位組員,在露天劇場利用“MaxStory”創建一本有聲音的故事書,內容為「互聯網安全約章」。組員可自由加入不同角色到四個不同的故事場景中,模擬在現實劇場中宣讀約章。

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2. (Apps 活動) 在露天劇場的台上,利用“Camera”拍攝 2張不同表情的照片。(例如高興、歡喜、無奈、尷尬、愉悅、欣賞)

3. (選擇題) 在戲劇中,我們需要根據角色,及談話的對象,說合適的話。在互聯網上,說過的話是不能完全刪除的,所以在網上,我們要小心選擇說的話和談話的對象。我們會一直保持__(1)__的禮儀,不會__(2)__地對人和說一些__(3)__的話。

a. 刻薄,粗魯,良好

b. 粗魯,良好,刻薄

c. 良好,粗魯,刻薄 [正確]


1. (Apps 活動) 請選擇 4位組員,在人工湖利用“Action Movie Fx”創建一條被攻擊的片段。組員可自由加入不同的特別效果。影片請輸出到 Camera Roll。

2. (Apps 活動) 在露天劇場的台上,利用“Camera”拍攝 2張不同表情的照片。(例如憂愁、痛苦、酸澀、麻木、平靜、激動)

3. (短答題) 如果有任何讓我覺得傷心、害怕或困惑的事,我都會告訴我信任的成年人。網上欺凌是網絡暴力的一種,每人加添的一滴水,可以匯聚成湖。在外國,欺凌事件更引致不少悲劇。2013 年 10 月在加拿大,十五歲少女 Amanda Todd因遭受網絡欺凌自殺身亡,更留下遺言短片控訴,事件成為全年最轟動的新聞。請根據 http://goo.gl/4PTeBz ,寫出本地網上欺凌的其中一個事例。

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1. (Apps 活動) (選擇題) 請選擇 2位組員,在湖邊利用“Easy Measure”量度人造瀑布的高度。

a. 4.8m [正確]

b. 3.8m

c. 2.8m

2. (短答題) 如何可以令“Easy Measure”量度得更準確。

3. (Apps 活動) 在人造瀑布前,利用“Camera”拍攝 1張最美的團體照片,並把這次旅程的所有相片分開電郵至指定電郵地址。電郵標題為 SID2014 GroupX。X 為組號碼。


1. (Apps 活動) 請選擇 1位組員,負責利用“Popplet”創建一個有關健康的腦圖。組員可自由加入最多 10個形容詞及相片。請作屏幕截圖(Screen Capture)。

2. (選擇題) 以下哪一個健康建議是與互聯網無關?

a. 使用電腦及平板設備要注意良好坐姿

b. 使用電腦時要保持房間明亮,適當地眨動眼晴,使用 2小時電腦後讓眼晴休息 5分鐘

c. 學習做保護眼睛的保健操

d. 要注意均衡飲食 [正確]

3. (短答題) 你最喜歡這次旅程的哪一個活動?

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a. 令學業成績倒退,將來就業出路受阻及生活質素倒退

b. 令自己與家人不和,失去家人的信任和支持

c. 社交生活失常,失去與人正常交往的能力

d. 身心健康受損,失去做事魄力,自我形象底落

Children's Playground

1. (Apps activities) At Children's playground , find the longest slide, and in front of the slide, use "Camera"

apps to take two photos with different facial expressions. ( E.g. happy, joyful , sad, scared, confused, etc )

2. (Apps activities) Please select a groupmate, and use "123D Catch" apps to perform a 3D scanning on


3 ( multiple-choice) Children's playground is where we play, and we will pay attention to safety. When I was

asked about my personal information such as my name, address, and telephone number, I would first ask

the opinion of a trusted adult . Is this correct ?

a. Yes [ right ]

b. No

Remark: The Internet is where we learn and have fun , but we must be careful when using the Internet ,

and pay attention to Internet safety. When I am asked to share my personal information such as name,

address, and telephone number, I will ask the opinion of a trusted adult.

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1. (Apps activities) In the amphitheater, please select 4 groupmates to use "MaxStory" apps to create an

audio book . The title of the book is "Safer Internet Pledge". Groupmates are free to choose different

characters in four different scenes to create the story. Read aloud the Safer Internet Pledge in the audio

book, just like playing dram in real amphitheater.

2. (Apps activities) On the stage of the amphitheater, use "Camera" apps to take two photos with different

facial expressions ( E.g. excited, joyful, helpless, embarrassed , delighted , admired, etc.)

3 (multiple-choice ) In a drama, a character says the appropriate words according to his role and the person

he is talking to. On the Internet, all conversations are recorded and could hardly be removed completely.

On the Internet, we must be careful about our conversation and care about the person we are talking to.

We will use __ ( 1 ) __ netiquette , not be __ ( 2 ) __ or __ ( 3 ) __ online .

a. mean, rude, good

b. rude, mean, good

c. good, rude, mean [ correct ]

Artificial Lake

1. (Apps activities ) (Apps activities) In front of the artificial lake, please choose 4 groupmates to use

"Action Movie Fx" apps to create a video. The video is about the 4 groupmates being attacked. Groupmates

are free to choose different special effects to enrich the video.

Please output the video to Camera Roll.

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2. (Apps activities ) In front of the artificial lake, use "Camera" apps to take two photos with different facial

expressions. ( E.g. sorrowed, pained, soured, numbed , calmed , excited )

3 (Short answer ) I will tell my trusted adult if there is anything makes me feel sad , scared or confused.

Cyber bullying is a form of violence on the Internet. A lot of little negative responses from many Internet

users will become an intolerable attack to a victim. There are a lot of tragedies caused by cyber bullying

overseas. In October 2013 in Canada , a 15-year-old girl, Amanda Todd, committed suicide due to cyber

bullying. She left her last words in a video complaining being cyber bullied. This event became the hottest

news of the year. According http://goo.gl/4PTeBz, write the name of a local cyber bullying case.

Artificial waterfall

1. (Apps activities ) ( multiple choice ) Please select 2 groupmates to use "Easy Measure " to measure the

height of the artificial waterfall.

a. 4.8m [ correct ]

b. 3.8m

c. 2.8m

2. ( short answer ) How to enhance the accuracy of "Easy Measure"?

3. (Apps activities ) In front of an artificial waterfall , use "Camera" apps to take a beautiful group photo.

Using a special email address, send all the pictures of this journey to such address in separate emails. Email

subject is “SID2014 GroupX”, where X is the group number.

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Pebble massage path

1. (Apps activities ) Please select 1 groupmate to be the secretary. He is responsible to use "Popplet" to

create a mind-map relating to health. Groupmates are free to create a maximum of 10 adjectives and

photos. Please make a screen capture.

2 ( multiple choice ) Which of the following health advice is NOT relating to the use of Internet?

a. Pay attention to good posture when using computer

b. Keep the room bright. Blink eyes properly. Take a 5-minute rest for every 2-hour use of computer

c. Do eye-protecting exercises

d. Pay attention to healthy diet [ correct ]

3 ( short answer ) Which is your favorite activity of this journey?

Remark: The Internet is where we learn and have fun, but we must be careful and responsible when we are

using the Internet. Internet addiction is really dangerous! It is likely to affect one’s wellbeing and bring the

following adverse consequences:

a. Academic setback, which will hinder future employment opportunities and quality of life

b. Family discord, which will lead to the loss of trust and support from family

c. Social life disorders, which will interfere the ability to socialize and interact with people

d. Physical and mental health deterioration, which will lead to lack of drive and low self-esteem