
_XmB9cmcm9. ^__ OASl>Tf>-.S l*.-TI,e V.-a-Adnnral. EDKN Ml Sll -Wav Fliriire*. BUIOMADO- Hia-HgyM Ttaangl OaateBtflfl. i.aRMA THEATRE I ll s-"iad. HOTT- MAlMK'-N >er\lll. III|-.ATKP.-8:30-A Trlp tn t'lilnato**'.. lllAl.S-K-\'a'idcvllle. alA.NHAi ia.n hia. ti -rmworaa, MAD1S0N BaUARK UABDI»-»-Ofle_a. Palmi'I'.'n TiiCAiTJ-si-, Tta Mainag WI.--I HKI.IUTON- 1'aina rirewurks. |_J_I AVKN'l'K HOTEL I "IKT 7 jBI Wt _Jubf_ to wVbtifrtiscBtciUs. i ¦.,..,. (,.i Paaa. Col. amflMfl-Mla . li (i ie""'" I M".-ii..'-*-n ¦ £aBouneeua.»-a .....12 n Uo*t aod t'ouad « .{ Maiu-aa NoUce. II l >i.rr:._ - .v Ueatha. 1 I guSneaa Chann-a. !. 1-2 MI*.--!4*neoa» ... 1- ¦-. Bivari and '.. i Sew | » i H'_M ... ll "-;¦¦".> sUainer». .- fl * OlMdend Xotlcea I'olltle. Nobeea .. 7 fl Darn-ati, _-lluat|..i._ Publie NoUM.|J» ¦ W»r.ted Mai .10 __.ur_lo.ia . io fl K-.ll .' r|BM,'1al 10 Sl si"' .:> Xollcea. ' < M.-etliiKa 10 M .__.b<.at« ^ lor -al" 2-1 **'." I'cMirta ...11 4- Horaea a Carrlagea. 1. .*> ',''¦'.::'*..,'f ', Hr>t.-la |0 '. Ih" im'.¦' '' Ini«t.ui-__.ii '.'..'..TT. M l-.'l Wor* Waoted... ... » .-.¦ Laa Sy-lioola. H 1 Dneittess XolK.s_ ROU. TOP Pl .<-*..- Ami Ofll I*. PDKSITl PF.. Great ot Stylo and PlMfl. T. <i. Mtew, Na. in rultraaf, H. y._. SBIKVMK TBtUdb TO MAIL Rl BRUIURRRB. 1 yenr .'¦ aaaa :i aaaa. l tu-. ropy. Oa.lT, 7 daya a week.. 00 W 00 *-'¦>' IIW Sift wl b'ul Suuday.. 800 4.0 '-'0 N J « weeki. Trlbu-.e. 11*0 . **.** l-_.t-._-W_._h Tribune. ^'<K> .»-, Tr:i.une Monthiy . -00 ._. ****** UA K MMIIKllr. -. ,r BoeB \nml.<*r* of the IH. ly and H.inday gflpera, mon Ibaa a WMh old. an BBBJfl pnta fSiajl_H_.aH t.v Trlt»i_e. ****** "" Oolly »".* MUBday a per f,.r mall auDocrlbora m New-Tota Uty. and tm Ottiiy. mi-Weekly and Weafcly to for..K.i countrlaa, ln vnicn ca»ca ..ti i^-tjc" -iii ti. iai-1 b) auba. ribera. Renilt hy l'o«t_) Older, EajrOM Older, t. '..-<-_:. Praft or f.awra-ered Lette-. .__. ,.,,.. Caah or l' Note, lf aent ln an MtflgiaMTCd letter, will t-i at owner'a rlaU. _.. ., M»:n uptonn akHm, 18*8 !.ro_,!»av Maln oMeB Ol Tha Tribune. 1..4 Nasa»^.at.. Now-Terk. AddnM all rorr**aiion _,n.-« aln p V "I h. Trlb'rie." wew.Tora._ FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELET THURSDAY, JULY _**. 1992. TWELVE PAGES. TIIE NEWS TIIIS MOBXIEO.*. were _wi<l 10 be adranelng ou Tangier. = Tbe eruption ol Mr. Kmu BgaiB l>e.-uine violent. l_.*tters from Oetebea Eai tl.ut faii.ino IhreateDed tlu* Ifllaod el Oreat Baagulr, NceatJy devaatated by a roleanle raup- t...,-. .-.... Four ...ii-pii.--i.ra, ebarge.1 with B-n* sp.ra-.v Bfalaat the llve* of Prinee Frederick al balgaria aad bM Prime Minlaler, were exe.-ut.-l. .r. ihe thlrteenth round in 'ii<' Martaia' Clieae To.iiiiainciit at Dieadea waa played. Cungirni Ibith bouaea in aeaaion. == Senate: The New-York Bridge l.ill WBfl taken np, but weiit over without n.-ti«>*i: the Anti-'lptiou bill wm Mw-Mnd; Watfloa li. S*t**V ',A;'-^ apRolalad Mla- iu'er ta I'er-ia. == Hour-*: Tiie Woiid'8 l'air approprintum of $_.00l).00fl flrag pamed. bat ou motion to r^eonsi.ler tilibiifrterina wn* lieg-im. Poielln Ttmilr Molllek, tl.e alle_:e.l Beeo_a- P;i(*e ..f the An;.r l.i-t, Berknan, wa. fbreibly takea fr..*n Long Braneh tafow hM ln.v.ver*- eould serve a irrll of hataaa eorptu Argnmenta wen* mii'l.* sl Roehesler tafore Jadee Rrnnaej of tlio Supicme Court on tlu* conatitntlonality ol the l.eapportioiiii.ent a<t. = Mr. Fri.l- eontin- an ta improve. -¦_-. Tlu* theiiiioinet.r ntill tt*g* i-tere.l iu the nineti.-s ov.-r a larj;e part of tbe l nito'l Statea.. -** Vlblenee was ofr.-rel the non- iinioii rar .iriveis |B M'-rideti. Cotui. , ity aml Siil.url-aii.-A war.l in the NeW-York Ifiaspital war, inloete.l with BBallpoX. = = ('«»"- tlnuation of the Intcmc heat eanatd many pma- If^tlonfl. The Inman ateamahlp Clty «'f ParM a aew tranaatlantk reeord. == t huuneev M D.-p.*\v BBikd i'.r Europe; l.e talked eheerfullv aboal the political attuutlon, Tlie notarloua l>r. MrGonegal n*ai agatn BireBted for Butlpiaciiee. : The New-York baaehall team ilereatdl thfl Loutovtlle "ine. aml < 1-" <.- Mnd. Stoekfl mon* aetlve at adraneing prices. BaggacM wns dtotribotetl more wi.lelv bad thfl imi'i-triul gtoeka w-re a ICM prominent l.-aiurc. 'lhe Wentlier.-Foreenat tol to.lav: Cpiiftallv fair. poaaiMy arlth a ghoart. fllighi th.-rmal rhances: 8 eooler, perbapa. Temp-ra.ture ye-t.*r.lay: Ili_.'lii"-st. ¦''¦'. degwea; Itwr-at, 78; 9*rtt* a?o. 8- 1-8. _m__^m__mm^mm Perttmt *p*r*Q tmt »/ ioirfl tor llie summer ran l.avc the Jhiil'i tutti Bmttdaf Trihxne maited to them thr 11.00 per month. or $'-'.*><> /w ****** month-. Trareller* t* Kurope «ia rertirt tkt Trlbnne ihtiiiKj ihcir ob*e*Ct for %\X~> I»r month, foninii p**ia§* )>a>tl, or BA.tbftn Ihrre month* The Atldrmt </ tkt p9p*W WW be chongnl nn ofUit ns dtsirtd. om- DcMBoemtio' friendfl who havo {Mne al.otit the taafe ol peapportifldtiiiB tha -tatt* with such charactcristic lightheftrtedneag and ln- bridtjr '-iil. >'*' t*''*>* ¦"-' '-''i'''*''1 .'. tbointimb- tion whi.h Jodse Riunaej (jave out yeaterdaj to tho dfed that hc iraa indmed t<< eonatriM the Consiiintii.ii ..f the Stata itrictlj and ra¬ in.uallv ln i-i-s|ic.-i of the |)i'..visi..ns KovenUng oiiiiinciiition and ii'iiiMioi'lionimnt. What a pitv that th<* organic law ol the Stata ahould pcuva an obstade I theif cheerlul oiH-iaiion*: 1'iidcr tha rii<-.iiii-t:ii«-'s. tha behavior of th<* II..u-o ol Rep« scntativo-* yea- t rd\v wilh reference to ti"' aiipropriit-on for the World Colunil.ian Ezpoaition trill i-aiiso littlc sui).ris.-, bowever nuch dfaguat a:i.l iudijiiiatioii it mav call forth itinonj. all piiblle-apWted aud patriotic citiaana. A jvilicv of ohstriution _Mfl been t*ntoro<l ii|K>n with i viow of embarraaains tke majoritv of HM Koprfsontativcs. if n«.t of delettinf the will of tke people as eutpreaaed in thoir acUon. Yet tke inonc.v will be appropriated, an.i liol- niati. Ou.liwaitc an.i th. ir taBOdatea will havo t.i fkee thr- indi^nation of a Nation wkoae hmiot thev were ettier to buIJj before tke worid for tho'sako <>f l-alnv political rerettfe. Kotkillf hl intrin-icallv Mt al.siinl lhan the pra.-ti." in Bome <>f oar jiuli.-ia! eourt*! whii-h |,orniits one jm!;*.* to ntillif.v the a.-timis of a i-olleaf,'uo ol tke **hiii<* (>.*ii.h. Lin-al annals dixrlose manv in-fanoi*** ifl which this practJce was HBWtfd lo for Ike «_ke of promotinc wickod onds, hut thoro havo been f«W 089*8 in which its viciousnoss has b.'»*u so plainl.v brought to publie n..tic<* as it is now in tto> roarrest of the notorious I.r. ____.._¦____. In two instancos the t***tt89*8 <>f suburban judu*** hm frcod him from tho clutches of nictropolitan justice. II it shall app. ai from th<* l.ieliminaiv oxamination that he is gniltjf of tho ciime gbMgld a^ainst him BOW, it is much to bc boped lhat be vvill be ,»ut wh»-if dog- raiinot bit** him nor ci.untv fndflea renck him \%ith oi-dors ot rcl'-ase. Tho piison doors should not open to him apain till the law has ha.i its .lu.. .. _. .. Tho ebttfB- have beea rtuv ajiain on the ?tor.y of the circumstaneos tonnec'od with Priiioe Hi.amarck's resipnatlon, and foi- awhile tke wags mav say that he lost his head becatisa be opposed his ma«tcr> acceptanee of an in- vitation to dinntr. Uerinan Dolitica aeems a fruitfiil fleld for tho joiirnalistio bRBgination. Perhapa truth wonld out if press oBflaorabip were abolishod. Mattei-s havo imt iinproveal mueh in tlio Fatherland sin*** thc tiiiu* when Jlcino wrotc that if an oalitair ivoro l<» prffll '. " Ikirn: T*. tho wifo of H«rf-.* dRRgh- ter, beautiful as Freedom." the (loveininent Cetisor would iii'odueo his penail an*l itrike out tho word " Fieodoin."' Still. it is diverting t.i observe how mueh silliness is permittod to reach tlie publlc eye so it have I'liiue Biamarrk for its siilijeet. _ A ctirious eoininontaiy on tho nature <>f tha effortd wliich aro mailo to seeure eontract.s for conatructing large public vrorfcg \t auggeated by tho circuuislanco ihat there was a difTerem .. of moro than 82,040,000 between the higheet and loweat bids for bnilding fho uev Croton River Dam, when the Chief Eugineer had eatimated the eoal al **,BT4,820. CJrcnm- staiioes coinpelle.l the .\.i.ueduet Commiaaionera to set aaide th- bids as unsalisf;,*rtoiy a:i*l t«> d.tlare tho aeeming proapect "f aaving over 81.000,000 on tho Chief Engineer'i eatimate a barreii idealit.v. Yet thoir action appeara fo hnve been dii'tated bj prndence and fair- draling. It is eertalnly in ntarked rontraal with tlio action <>f a similai body in Ciiiciiinati. which not loiiK'ago r*'je*tod all bids for lighling the city with gafl becauae the rompany whieb bad tho oontract, finding Itaelf oflderbid, made ;i v*'ibal **fTa'i' to lowei its piice below lhal of a siiccessfui ronpetitor. THE TARIFF JM> TIIE COST OF LtFIXO. Senator Aldrioh's Bpeech <>n the taiilf wili bo iised, and well deaervea lo be naed, as an aisenal of facta by the defendcra ».f .Protection. Tho airay oi proofa diivos opponeBta of Pro- teclion lo small bnt snappUh carpiiiR about detail*, as Senator Y.-t expreneed his j,.v at the adinissiou that peRrl buttons had lncreaaed iii cost. Men who are not large enongh t<> sur- render a poinl when tln. v an- beaten hav*- t*. keep up a pitiful show of reaiatance, thimgh they know it is of no use. just as siama- Cofl- foderates threateiied that after the greal annies of robellion wero desti'a.ved. gnerilla waifare would last for yeara in tho iroode aud awampa of tho South. Hut the people of ihat BCCtion hud t*ao ninah sense U> vvasto their lives in a poinflfss and aimless strugjflc. Kupportcri nf Froe-Ttade thcories may abandon the pretence that tho IfoKinley bill has raiaed pricea ui increaaed the a-ost of living. Senator Aldricb reaaona that the deellne <>f :t.4 per eent in prioos. aml tho riae of .7."* per oent in wagea, make a ehange of l.lS per coni in tho pnrchaeing power of WRgea, which. at ij-ooo a faihily. would mean about 82G fan each of 13,000.000 familiea, or 8S25.OOO.OO0 year- |y, It is fait to say lhal the 12,000,000 f-iin- ilies ar" nol al! BUppOTted by fho manufartnring aml mechanical labor which is reported I bave advane*"! thwe-qnarteri of 1 i»*'i rent. >, aily half lhe population is tnpported l.y a^'ii- culture. The wagea *.f fann labor, acrording to the elaborale reporl laaued in April bj ibe Department of Agriculturo, has adranoed 1.5 per eent dlirfag tha- last tWO yeara and 2 per oent during the last four yeara. 'lhe arerage advanee in iragl s would theiefoie saa-in t<(j be greater lhan th*' commlttee estiniatfs. On the yfhar band. th'* wa^es of n-'.n Iy half th.' lalaaai of th** c*.untry. being employed in agricultnre, do not aveia_:c ^lioo ayear: but even if colored labor at tii** South be exclnded, Ibe averRRc wonld be leaa than 8300 a jrear. The farmera who own their own farm**. or work land "ii simi's, donbtleu averagc moro, bnl even tbe.i dia aot hav.' an BVCrage of 8000 a faniV'- t" expand iu the purchaae *»f thinga not raiacd on the farm. Th*' eatimate *.f lhe Renator can only bo regarded aa an iiliutlralioo .*i th*' gen- eral rosult of tho greal changea aacertaincd. Senator Aldricb'n ipeech doea boi appear '«< bare broughl ont fully one importanl fact, lhal ih" pricea of other thaa fann producta, aepa ,;il''lv <aa|isida'|,'<l bal." d'allll'.l gTOBllj «lut- ing ile- la-t three yeara, tbough Ibia ma.i be rleariy inferred from th'- atatementa gi\*en. Thua it is shaiwn that the advaie." in urbideaale pricea uf fann producta fiom -lune. 1880, t,i .September. 1801, was inoie, than 1" ]«'i rent, aad yet lhe wUfl c*-t <*f all artidea actually declined. NccsMirily the deellne in all other lhan fann producta must have been large. When tha* detniled report <>f the ooRHnittee has been publiahed it may bo poaaible t.* aeparate the iuitis, aud thus t.i determina ra<*aaurabl.i bou gl*t*al the doelin*-" has been ln the cost of rhin^s which tho fannoi has to pwvhaae. Mianwhlle it is obriona that the advanee in farm .producta, while it has broughl a greal gain to the farmer. has not involvaj a rorre- Hponding loaa t" the ocmaumera of artidea man- iifa<tui«'il from those producta. 'l'hu- ih< farm¬ er reeoived f«>r wheal at New-Yorh 80 t<» .**<) :t-4 oenta in June, 1880, and patenl flour was s.ll ing bere at 8S "'. i»<'i barrol. Fast Beptember lhe pfice of wheat had rison to -Sl 07 I-l. bllt the aame flour aold at 86 .'' *banel, a ii-" of only 23 centa a barrel, againai L'Tc.'iits a buahel for wheat. Now the wheat ^.-IN at .**."_ 7-*s rents, or "> eonts higher thun in 1880, while thc same flour sells at -.'4 7."., a dollar lower than in June. lm'.v Th<* prieea of manufactured proineta genenlly are about th*' loweat e\*'i- known. and thoso ineasui*" the o.xpciidituies of rhe faimois, as well as a great BRTl of the M- penditurea of other produccra. The retail prices of articles made fiom fann producta have not advane*-'! at an.v time in proportiofl t<> the advaace <<f prieea <>f such producta, and mean- while tho cost of other manufa* tured articles has been matoiially diminiahed to conaumera. FIQBTIXQ THE WBOLR REPVRUCAX PARTJ, \ nooi\ many of Mr. Cleveland- organa are buaily endeavoring those davs to prodnce tbe impieaaioa 'hat the Republieana i.f New-Tork are a prey t<» factioiialism. and fo the political Bupineoeaa which factioiialism angendera. lt i** a ailly salia'iiie, of which th*' *aiiipaiirn as it a*l- VanOOa Wili efTe.tlially allsposa-. '1'haasa- whai n\xf it coiintanance aro confront*<l b.l the facl that their own party is divi*l"d into " Snappera" and " Anti-Siiappers."' an«l that sua h kading Democrata as Uoveroor Plower, Lieutenant- Covinoi' Sheehan aml Bdward Murphy, jr.. iho chairman <>f the DeRiocratic Oommittee, are am ree nd as bolding that (Irovei Cleveland can- not carry New-Vaaik. Il is ¦_ aaammaaii devicc of thievea to divert attention from themaelvea by oyiRg "Stop thief."* Do tiuse Demoeratie organa bope, by Ta_tht§ th*' fals*- cry **f !.*.- juiblican factioiialism. t.a withdiaw public at¬ tention from the deplorable ooadition in whi* h thoir own j*aily now flnda itself'.' It is intetestini; to note that "Tho New- Yoik WorId'; is not talciiiK stoak in the atoriea of a di\ide*I**aii party in Na-vv-Voil.. In its iiasuo of yeaterday it aaya; " ln tho eolitost for Now-Ya»il; ihis \t-.n tl,.- DORMN raa y wili hav*- the whole Republican party t*» Rght. Jt is jtist as well to undeistand that fact BOW. . . The Demoeracy of New-Yoik noat light the caiopaiKii with a claiu undeistanilinjj that it is t<* i.o a strugcle against the whole Kepublican party." Right yon are, neiuhbor: and allow ha to add that becanae your party in New-York Rives battle ajtainst "tho whole'* Republican party of New-York it ia fatod lo lote Now-York. For it was demonstrated four jeatt aao that Cleveland, the exnonent of Kreo Trhde, is no ntateh in th<* Empire State f..r liatiisoii. tkeexponent <»f protectlon for Ameri¬ can indnstry. Tfcc RepuMicanfl <>f this fore- tnost coinnion.vealth will rote Bfl I wnit on the t.uilT i-WOfl in 18*2, just as tli.v <lid in 1888. Thoae ..h<» l""'1* tot diviaiona in their ranki will be woefully miataken. RepuMicanfl jjen- crally hav.- a habii of doing tbelr beal when there i- in.i-t need ihat tke? sEbidd do ao.jnat as mu Democratic frienda have ¦ way of mak¬ lng sliipwreck of golden opportunitiea. Tho Republican* of New-York ue alive to tho im- portance of tbe eonteata whi.h are to be de- cided in November. Conaequently, as "The World" ii..t'-. tbom wbo glre tken battle must be ptepared to fbce -*tke wkole Repub¬ lican party''.wbieh means eveiy man of us ni every one of Sew-Tork'a Bixty conntlea. In order that our part? ikonld poll its ent iro vote it is onlv nec-eaaaiy tkal tke prelimliiary work shoul.l l>e thoronghl.1 perfomted. Tha stat.* Commlttee tke oounty eommlttee« md related organiaationa §re now bnaily engaged iu tbe perfonnanca of tbelr grave dntica, ind between tken they ean. aml we bHleve th".\ will. mak" a tkoroOfh canva-ss in ev<*i-.v Behool diatricl Let ihi- be done. lei ***** **-*t9 ln- rolred ln tke Norember election be eleariy aml forcibly preaonted, ind Ibe reaull rannol be Ilist.-iy will repeal Itielf. For tke aecond time New-York "ill a'^*' her rote for l.t'iijaiiiin llarii-i.ii. TBE ILLEUAL APFOBTlOSBEST. In this lamie is printcd in full Ihe apeecb de- llv.t-.-.l ycaterdaj by Mr. Sutherland bel. Judge Rumaey, at Rocheater, attacking the Legialatire Reapportionmenl Ad on the ground of iis iiiiioiistituti..nalit.v. Bvery man who has a rote in State onghl i" read Mr. Sutherland'g apeecb. Th.* Republican party was IoiiII.n .l.alt w.ih bj the la-t Lcgialaturc and bj tii" Democratic boflaea who decreed ita a.-ts. and thal part of tke wrong wblch bad lo dn wlth the lediatrihutlon of «eata in the Legia lature is here preaented with a dearneaa, com plctcneaa and force thal comblnc to mak.- ivhal geema to ns an unanawerabk argument. Tbe reapportionmenl of the Leglalature was. of all the i.l.j.'.t- h.-l.l in view h.i Ihc -nat.* Ihicvea, Iho one moat deaired. Thej n*anted th. ir plun der. th.-it bridge billa, their railroad l.ill-. theii ,1, -lai.le liul.- chartei amendmenta with de- teatabie liul" "teala eoncealed behind tbem ih<-\ wanted tbelr cooatitntlonal convention, thoir liiinor-dealera' <-i-.' lau md their <''.;i gr. genymander. Ilut all theae taken tog. ther were <.i flmall importance in Iheii eyea oom|_red with tha acheme mj lo rediatricl Ihia -lai- as t<. giro them permancnl eontrol <>f the Legialatnre. Tbla wa- the prime object <-f all tlu- \i!I;.iii.-- thut Ied l:»-t Januar* t<. th.- ..; ganixation uf a fraudulenl Democratic Legia lature. There was no want of ayalem in th'- atcps taken i" at-ctunpliah Ihia prime purpoae. 'I bc hon* - were warcel* open f«»r biwinem before :i l.ill empowering Ihe Set-retarj ..f -iat.- i.. lake an enumeration wa- iutroduced. All dia cietion "ii- placed unreaervedl.* in th.* band* ,,f thi- ofDcei lb- waa empowered in his own wa\ t,, appoint the enumerator*. and aecording t., hi- on ii riew to compen-tato Ihem. An armv of B.000 Democratic political workcra waa ralled inatanllj int« action. an.i wl.the anowa were -nll coTcrini. hall the State fhe enumi ra tion wa- hken. I' waa et .* - lu re fraud, anj in th i part of the -; H the fra il« w. re limplj giganti. II.. evidi nre ihat haa been diaputed. the effect "l which cannol be qneationed, Tiik TriBI XB baa prured thal .-.t lc.-t _.'."..» «'.'". ll.llli"- were f:.l-l.« «-... Ti T -1 tfl the two ...iiiiti'-- >.f N.-v. Vorh and Kinga. In iu i.niallv .|i-h..n<-t mannei Ihe entimeratinn wa- cumputrd. Ai ording to tba t'onatitiition, repreaentatlon aaa t>. be la-.1 npon the cili- /...i popiilation, bul "\ phyaical nlteratinna of lhe i'lum.' la'.ir-' I-..1I- rnmmittwl iii Ihe ..fli. .. f -.. t' ,.f -tai.. Iii'-- and iiii'l'-i ihc* diret-ti.iii ,,f hia biirean ofliciaU. al ha-' _.*:» aliena nrere fraudiilentl* < ..rnt.-.I hm li/ena. li wa* on a report ol an enumeration thint wmngfull.. taken and wrongfnlly counled thai tt." 1 lature proceeded to rediatrl. I the -tat. Tkexe iiauefl "f facl were not presented t.. Judge Rumaey. Ih- attention waa ralled oofci to i--u.'snf law. It n*a« claimed by Mr. Suther¬ land that upon fuur diatinct Rronnda, each of irhlch haa I.n beretofon delincated in Thb Tmi'i nr, lhe reapportionmenl contravened the fondamentai law <-f lhe -iat-. Mr. Suther lami s argument i- exkauatire. lt it*** Inlai each iflane wlth greal car.* and fnlnea«, and it learea tke courta no .-tb.-r option, if th'-.*- up- hold 1h<* art. than t<> lhe wbole the- .,i\ ..f a Conatitution. No principle >.f law i- better aettled than that a written Conatitution bv .l.-iuli defining bow ¦. thing -hall be .I.-n'- forbida th<- doing «>f ir in nnv other way. It la rc_uired by Ike Conatitution of N'-w V.ul. lhat an enumeration <>f the populatlon shall he taken in th'* year 1853 and al the en.l <>f ererj ten yean thereafteri thal a redlatribulion ..f neat* in tl.e Legialature shall be ordered l.v the Legia lature al ita Umt Beaaion after tke retnrn «»f every enumeration, and tkat the redistribution shall be baaed aa to tke Houae »11**¦ ri tke ritixen populatlon, aml as to the S. nat.- iiim.ii tke 'iti- /<n popnlatlon, excluidve <>f pernoni of .-.ilor not t.iM.I: ind thai tke Senate districta shall ron tiiin as nearly as may be an equal number of inhabitanta, and that membera <>f Aaaiuihl.i shall be apportioned to th'* eountien as nearly ns may be arcording to the number of their reapective Inhabitnntn. ln tbe acl now before the nourta no one of theae provi«lon> haa been tvpeeted. Tke enumeration wai taken, not in IH85, bm in lKii'.'. The Re__pportlonmenl \<t was paaaed, not at the lirst sessiun of the Legialatnre after the return <>f the enumeration, bul al ¦ apecial sessiun of tke saine Leghdature whi.h took tke i" iisiis Nu accoiinting wkaterci u-ta made >.f peraona <>f coloi noi taxed, and th.- diatribu tion of -<at-. l.oth in the Senate and in tke'. was made in Hagranl diaregard <>f the injiinciiuii ta baae it, as nearly as maj i»<*. on an equal number <>f inhnl.ii.iiit.. It will be fonnd l.v readlng Mr. SutherlandV addreaa tkal the Republican objectiona t" tke Reapportionment bill are m.t captioua, iiarmw m tei It is siui|i|v aaked tkal i 'I""' regard slmii |M. bad tu tke will <>f th.* people as expreaaed iu tkeir l.riuiai.v law. BBBABIBO TIIE 0CBAS BBCOBB. The Inman iteamahip Cltj <<f Paria, which. with the ('itv of New Voik, is BOOU to be ad mitted to American regifltry, will be i naatual- ized citi/en t.< be proud >.f. |for iplendid inn aoroai ihe Atlantie iu .r> days, 1:, i.*. :iU,\ -. minutea n«»t onlv ikattera all prerioua recorda, bul augura ber rcatoration tu th,. peerleaa emi- nence ake enjoyed before ihe aocidenl <>f 1890. N'earlv a year has paaaed sim-.. the record waa la>t broken by Ike Whlte Star linera dajeatic and Teutonic, -.> it hi ti a few daya <>f eaeh other, and until yeaterday the Teutonic'a aupremacy at all poinfta i-eeme.l lik.*l\ (,i pglaain una-s- saiii.l h* ezlitini .oin|).-tiiors. Captaln IVat- kinss victory. however. piuves that his ^ood ship has not exkauated her reaourcea, and lhat the lowering of the record alnce her th-st notable expkdl iu i<*t>!< has by no neana ruled her olT the tield. The inesent triiiDiiih ia in sonio rcstv'cta even ,,..-,. lemRrkable than the Teutonic'a astonish- Ing aehiovemont in aano VOJRfle of tho best days mn. tho best fwo-days' run. fho best Ihieo-dnys' run. and tho highest average hour- lv sjmt.1." The Teutonic still holda the two-day record of 1.827 inileaa, but her best day's run .f :,it milea the (itv of Paril has on this trip Uyu-,, rxcelled, by raaa of 519 and 528 miles- the longeal diatancea travelled from noon to 11000 by BRy ship Ihat ovor sailod the soas. The Teutonics thrco-day run of 1,582 iniles is aN,) Burpeaeed by 11 milea, aml her train- lil^,. s.i.h',1 of 20.840 milea is outmatohed by a record of _«».4>_. Th.- City of Paria, it is true. has not beaten the Teutonic in aetual paaaage time ns badly as the Teutonic boat the City of Paria. The record is lowered only 88 min- ut,.s: but thia impli's a rednction of :: boura and 20 mlnutea bekm the Inuian liner'a own initial accompliahmept, and is theicfore r*la- tivelt Biore notahle. Tho weather. of eourae, was fair. A f*-w boura of fog alone Interrupted a uiiifsiriii ro^istiT of imootb acaa :m«l fRtor- log breczea. Captain Watldna, however, la n.,t*sl for .jniak foui-weatber pa«aageai aud his recird-breaking ancceaaea are due t<» lueh aad aeiid.'iif ln BO greater ratio than those of any ,,f his competitora. While th,' Citj of Paria agaln leada with Ihe nratbound record, the eaatern pennan! ia still beld by tbe Teutonic, irbicfa wrcated it from hei laat October. Uke the Teutonic. botvever, ,1,,. tity «.t Paria onee beld both recorda i-imnltaneoualy, having ln December, 1888, re¬ duced the eaatward n.inu' time to ."> daya, ._"_. boura and 50 minutea. The Toutonlc'a beat ,";"strai.l time is only 1 houi and 17 minutea siioii r. ih" dlfference being thus conaiderablj l,.ss than tlm .between the two greRt weatern t,i|,s «*f the City of I'ans not'd alioye. Coii- niderlng that this wonderftil ocean racer baa already broken half a doaen recorda, it i** not Uio IBUCh t" ''.\|..''t that Bhe mav als.a rompcl tho Tentonic to freah apurta t.i retain tho east- boiuid aseendaiu.v. And what a ronteal it wili I,,.' it m mi'' that over forty yeara bave elapaed si...-," Ihe Africa rroaaed the Atlantic in iu 1-2 daya, and tbc iiv. -.bay paaaage is still a dream. Hul wiih st.atnships already demol- ¦,AinHi in one daj a diatance greater than that between New-York an.l Cleveland, its realixa- tiai.i muat .soon I.*' atlaiii*"!. "Kin <>i: EERRIPOR.RRRf" Tha. City Improvemenl .Soclety ha- been ap- plving IU tmergiea for aeveral months to the difflridt hm n -l.l" taah of-refurming th'- N*«w- Yorti rab -vst.-iii. *,f which the most objection- able f-atui" i> Ihe Xew-Yorfc rab drlver. This is :ni aged aud loiigh abuae, and manv philan- thropistshavetried in vam toaboliah it. Tbere may be ritiwna wh... iveary of lamenting an.l protenting. haveabandoned all h<>i.f improve- mont.awl onl} aale lo bo allowed to dle in peaee iviiboul fuithei contribiitlona oftime and labor an-l language Io the <au*o. lt aometimea aeema as h anrient wronga aere I. ueariaome than fmiil-s ait.iiijais t.i mi" tbem. lt maj be sael lint w have ihe rxorbitaul rab und the ,,,,,....,.., ,i:i\.., alwaya with in. an.l that tbey ¦re n longei rapable "f arouatng protltable ,m dignation. Hut this is the wrong apirit. Th-' poinl i^ thal adifforenl aort of caba and drivera would !". a good thing to have with u- always and that iu boneal endeavora t.. arhieve thia boon energj -au nevei I.xpendod altogether III V IIII. Wr -.ii'iH-w that nol.o.Iv. living or ''.aal bai hnd ti." hardihood to -...> iha' "ll! ***** ivitcni i< aell oontrived or irell conducted. I!-, uii.A au....I.I" vMtora whom the metropolla i..,- ;,,.,. ,-n'a i:.iiii'"l vv.i." ih.- Christian lu ;, v..r -I- legal *. Thej one Bnd all p-rccivod with pleaaiire thal th.". irere welcomeil with ;|:|.| m return thej rwwurdi -1 this ,.,,.,i,,it'. wili ...m|iliin*'iii- "f the in- st ,..n , ,- ,|,... rlptlon. Thej praiaed onr poi i-e, ,lir »treei-i, oui mannera, out botela, our park* ,m si.iniil.v onr Work Kxrhange. :in*l preitj ,....,u pverj rmtom and inalltntion wlth whieh ,i.v came in .tart. Bul flot evea an es iravagant idea "f cwurtcaj rould induce them Fn ,,,. ab vv. i! of oui rab* and rarriagea. There ih*.. drow the Iine, Bml) and uiiRnimoualy. Thin.v thouaand Intoreating and InMllgeni fuung men and maidena became convinced bj expericnoe aud credible te«timony Ihat N"w Vork deplorablj .behind the age in Ihla re ,,,,i ;,,,,! :,r" bow engaged la diaaeminating that molancholj truth throughoul tho country. Their verdlct is the rerdirt of all who inbahif ,,, visit the ni*'Uo|i..liv Thia queation i' di»- tinguiahed in ¦ remarkable manner from all ;,tl.-is b.v th*- fact tbat there is onlj "ne «id*' ,,, it, i;\,'n ihe baughtj and exacerbating an tbora "f ..ur nu- i* oomplain bittorlj uf thelr hard lot. Thelr avonnenl la thal thev are the ..,,i.t vi.iiins of ih.ii own induatry, that Ihej cnjoA no pearo of mind and are all tteadilj proreeding toward paupera'gravea on thelr own rehidea, The phasui" ..f .l'l.-ite has fr.',|uentl> m ijui.-l aocial philoaophora to awime rorthoaake ufargument thal th" ahape of Manhattan laland ;|M,| tho circumatRRcea and babita *.f lif<* whi* h hsve proceeded from thal fundamental eaprio of nature make it Impnaaiblc tbal we ahould ever poaaeaa a Katiafaetoiy cab ayatem. lt maj !.. ;.|in;tt..l w*- think, ihat theconditiona bere forbid a* lowa tariff aa maj be profltabli mam tain.-l in manv other riiiee. Bul we refuae to l..|Hve thai the largeal poaaible pro«t la de rived under the preaeRt ayatem of extravaganl lawfid ehargea aud nnUwful extortion. The tarifl eard under ihe cuahion and the bandit on tiu* box accoinplish. between Ihem. unhappj, ,,.g,ilts for both palrons aml proprietora. It may be .oiu.'.ied, perhapa, without mueh riah of i-efutatioii that 88 cents fa.r ih** ftrat mlle for ,... or two peraona in a one home vehicle la not extremely high, ln rleu ofall the circiimatoncea iffcrting the caae. Uut tho double rate for a two-horac vehicle, and the additional Aargea for a longer diatance are exceaaivo in both caaea, othei .iti.s have tln- ad\ aiitai,.' of ratea which U1. must belleve to be proportionatelj louer, aI.| they have. inoi<*aiv*r. at their coininand at siiiall prioea oertain eomfortable claaaea of vehides which ar*' Btrangdy irRRtiHg la New* V'.llv Hut far more Irritating and oppteaaive tnan tbe l"K:ii 18*8* which New-Yoekera are eom¬ pelled t" paj i- th*' general and oonacienceleaa ,.\t ntioii of the drivera. L*et n<. amdd Jehn n-hoae soul abhors an overcharge compteifl that I,,. |b uiijustiv conileinned. T<> all such nre ,,iTi r the aaaurance <>f *.ur profound reapect, regretting tbat the* are not aa overwhaatmiRg majority <>f thoae arho hold the relm for bire in this Imperlal aity. It is upon the baeka of their unvvoithy OoDcRgUei thal we lay lhe lash, and it is 0B them that tha- City Iinprov*'inent godetj is apecifically invoking th." terrora <>f ih," |aW. Tbey daily \iolale lhe oiiliaiaiucs in unrit and in fact, They bide thelr taiilT earda, they are prone to oonccal their aumbera, they regard the paaaeBger a* thaii prey, they face him down with steadfast falaebooda if ihey can and take Kave of him with objurxatioiis if they fuil t*i cheat Iii in. If may be said that their patfORI have tho reihedy iti thoir own banda, and so they would havo if all wero familiar with their riRhts. or in every instaiu" had the time t. ohtain It ia bocause under present ivcndition* individuals ate «ure t^> be wronjscd .women, invalids. _tranger», belated passen- gers hurrjiiij; to their tiains.thut those who know what is due them and can easily niakc an example of whoever denies it, are urKed to stisfain the soeiety in its work of reform. TIIE PIRE OS THR CRUIMEB CBAMIMRTOB. Kires in eatten eargeei ftem ipoBtaneooB t*m- bmation hnve beeome t"<» eommon. BR» lt * RM a.rten that (ire starts in a eoal cariP, aml when II daea, aa in the earn of the I'nited Statea rniUr ObarWtoa, iu Paget Souad. a few daya ago. «. altaatiofl ia most dlffeult ta eentroL Fortmiately IR* (ire la tho eoal bankera ol the Cbaiketan araa promptly dlaeovered, an.l yrt l'«'f<>^¦, B0"M ' extingatahed manv of the offlcera' ateatrooiBe aan thelr Bttiaga were dettroyed, the bertb-deek aad ateeragii qaarten wm* badly dameged. and other loaaea wm* Inflieted II wns ealy ¦ f,,w ***** that llre Ktarte-l |n I fl«nl pi'e nf eaal :,f *¦"' Brooklrn Navy Yard fram epentaneoua eembuetioB, and it t.M.k two or three da|l "*«> BRttofUl* it Oth-r tnt in heapo anal e*»nl leinkers hav* heen raeaed i*y Bpootaneaoa eemboetlen. Imt tbe ma«it threat."nini_ <>n." was tl.iat »n tlie Aiii**ri."in deamehlp Waahlqgton, when. on h.r whv from Uverpool to New-York. in 1854, her r*m. eanght lire in mldeetaa nn.l the en,{iue**r*s for*** kept the lire suiiiliieal so that, tbe aeveral luin-li**'! paeaengera knew BothlBB of it nntll the meel reaehed Hall- t.\, when h<-r bankera arere Baeded with areter and the llit* was extlngalehed. Spootaneone eoBibttatlon no doubt <lue, pri- inarilv. to tlie BhfiOrptiofl by eoal of lhe oxygen of the air. All *.f eoal, aft.-r being eal <«r broken, is*iriti t*. Bbaott oxygen, the amoaat rary- lnc in voiimie aeeordiag to the qaality *>f the eoal The aii-orptiaiu nf Ihe oxygea raiws the tempera* ture of tha eoal, Bad thla angmeata tlia- rate at whieh tha- oxygea is taken la Altbongh the ab- soi'iiiion .af ia\y_a"ti doea naat niLa-i* the tenaporature .af tln- eoal faiitlirii'iitly high t.» eaaaa eombaatloB, the oxygen itaelf beeomeji ehetnloally aettve, anl ln bituminoui eoal, arhleh was probably the ki'id .rn tha* Charleaton, it rombinea arlth the eeutalned bydrogen and earboa, thus further Inercaaiag the toiupeiatur*'. When aueh aetlon tak.-s ph*'" iu tiit" I'lTltl** **f il beap ot 60*1, B Mllliell'flt a|liailtity aal air mav Ik* BUpplied to eauae .simiitaneoiis ii.m- buatlofl. Ii is alao rli.iin-'l that pyrita*s in th** .1 |>lav tan ImportaBl part in promottag eom- buafion. The ehemleal ohang* arhleh tbe pjrrltea undeigo, eapecially if there is a large pereenteg- ,.r thal Bubatanee preaent, Ib aome instunees lilaa-r- ates aulphur; aad as the .emperatore neeeaaary t<* ignite aulphur is only 4-.' degraea F-hreaheitt vvliil*" iii tbe eaaa af eanael eoal. arhleh lanites at tba l.ivvt'-t temperature among tbe s.'veral kmals. ailis dtgreea Fuliieiilielt are ra*-|.iir*"<l. it wili l>e seen tiiat. in eonaequeoe_e»ol tbe ehemleal obange in- dicoted, the BOtnal temperature <>f Ignltiaa ia really li.wei.-al '.'.l.-.r.'.-s in entinel eoal. Pv- iita-s ai-aa |ir.iii,"fe Bpontaneoua romhuBtlon thrangfa the teodeney ol th" eoal to Bplit np in sinal! pleee*, eaiiaed i.v expaaaloo from oxldatioB, thus rxpaatea 11,-si, surfacea with a conaequent lncreaaed ahaorp- tion i.i oxygea. Coal cargo lircs ar** more fr*-.|oeiit ni the tr..pias iu the higher latltiules. but the Lntroductlon ol high ateam pieswure*. with tbe eonaequant laeiea* of bunker temperature, in ronneetlon wlth trlple expaoaioe rngines, bas had ;!.. aame effect ui>ori the bunker ooali of Meain- abipa thal tbe natural beal <.f the tropiea baa bad npon imi rargoea. ll haa been sai.l that the «o- aalia-.l v.'iifilatioii Whleh baaa time to time heeo tntrodueed Ib ships ia one «>f the moal piollSe etOAra aal' spolltlineoiis a'a.ll|l>ilstiiall. If B thOfOIlgh Inveatlgatton is made, Ba there pra.bablv wili be in tlie raae of the CharleatoB. the eao«e a,f the tire ln her hankers wili m. doubt in* demonatrated, aad :, remedv may be found t.a la*ss.-u Bueh daagen in thc f'lture. ^^^^^___m__m_mmm_mmm The commeree deotroyer Colambia; the aorel warahlp that was Ronebed at PhUadelphla bb Tiwaalay. a** the Bflh temel of the lTnlted Rtatea S f,. hrsr name. «ad Ihree *.f fh.**e mei iv ith diaaatronfl IRtea. I'.'it lhe prejMt Colambia lo ,i more auhBtantlal veaael than wns any of the ,rs. n..i ibe w..s laanobed ander euch pleaeanl aml Biiapieioua .i-liti.-ns that good luck mav al- -,i , h I.-- a"\p*'.te l to follow her. I aaluuilaia the first nu* ¦> rorty-foar-gBB vaaarl of i.:-"s toaa, buill al lhe WiwhlBgton N.«'-.v k'ard. She araa oae <>f tho v,-weln bnnwd on Aagaal U, IB14, after the Hritish had eaptared W.vhlagtea an.l irt lire t*. The M",'.iiial Columbia wns alua. a forty- f.a-.r .".ii wiaad "f IJ26 lOOB .lisp!.i«.'uia'iit. Her Icm.1 waa lald In l«», bul ahe waa bo< laaBebed until 18.10. She wna one of tbe rcaoela lylng al ii,,. Sorfolk N.ivv V-.r I when the «vll War bi-gan, ,j.| just laefoie the '...if.'.l.'Mt"*" .' .pttiie I that dfa- ,.,. i., .pril 21, IMI, waa BUrd wlth eombua- t,i,lo,,,"! with ml aad turpentine and ael llra to by the I'nloa Xbtj alDeer Ib eamiaaad le .r,.v.-nt Im falliag lata the baada "f lhe rnemy The thinl C'lnnil ia WBB BB ImpTOTiaed ir..ria'l.'i>l that did Bervlee ofl tl.e North Carollna S.mmls. .,.! wi.s wreeked afl th.* North CaroHfla .bR -,,i is,;::. The fourth Columbia wns a viv.«^l por- rtuwrd i'v th" Uovernmenl in !..! She araa de tiii.-i for <ii*v in the Nerth Atlaatle Sqaadroa until tl.e elom of the Rar, an-l a vear lafer Saal'l Ht BUCUOR._ l, ifl underat.I lhal Mr Cleveland, Ib hia Irtter ol .^eeptaaoe, wlll make tie greataet effort .f |,|fl life lolng t.a h'.U' ob Ihe lariff. Ib»w e,.dlngly mortlMng il would '«. to the dele- pta wi,,. compoaed tbe (Idcag.uTentlon if. la bb aaxiety lo a.mpliah BaR cl^ hedge, bo nhoiihl tun.hi- «>IT the platlonal _ m ° RilltBfNate is eornmaal) icgarded m lhe rtta- p.-niive ..-nir." of the world. A|.|mr.*ntlv "'Vhe Rocbeater DbIou" would faln bare tliat iiiverto.l diatlnotion h.«rtowed upon K ..'h.-i. r For tt krep.< .-_»liini-: the MoKlnley hill . ptekpocket tariff mo*. bery." v eorrrapoadenl et "The Boaton TreneerlpV Mpoo whom the pletnm of Warren Haatlaga la "t!T ireat counell eliamber tl Calcutta" .md the Intend, "Mene arqua ln ar-luis' inva- ,n.7i.a- ,i pro- r.a.iii'l 'impwaaioii, Ihaaka to Ifaeaulaya ramotia ,-*, .v. vv;as MiiuL.rly hapreaied i.y Mr. Clevelaad'a .,,,,. ,'r.ii.r." rn the Madiaon gqaam Oardea laal W**k It wi" "aU he hla IRull if *<. i Inur.-r o| s,-..,t..r llill 'l"<- »"f m.i'at.* Rw alert a..| rnterprUlag eobblrr of tradittoB atul deeorate hia .i,,i wlth Ihe legead, " Ueafa, arataea'a aad chil- drea'a boibb ka arduia." - ? -. Sa-nat'T AMriah'a Ibeta aad Igarea make a t**r- rihly ilestructive hreadalda tor the ."rav-Irado Demoeracy. _ m lf ih*. MiKinl'-y bill U-Ati latrodaeed new ladaa* in.'s, ateadled, aod in maaj laataaueee raiaed, wnttB aml in all eaaea bwrered prieea, what groaad .>f ,-,,niphiint. agalnal it CBB tbere ho t If it has helped the prodaeer and fhe waiie-eHriM-r, and at (he same time has ledueed fhe OOBl "f liviiii; f'.r Hia- 1'iiiihiitiK-r. why ish.iul.l any AiiKTi.'ati va.te BgaiMt it '¦' lt may nol bave beea o gaad law im Bngland, but then it waa aet pa.sse.i m ta \,-t of rarliament. lt is au Anieri.'i" htw BBd haa operated advaatogeooaly f"r tha general Ir- temBta of the eauatiy. PERBOXAU .lolm T. Ithli, Itaimlilliiiii aOBrtBOB IRI Onv.Ttior ti MM-fBB, Is ii Vermotit.-r hv blrtli. unal ls llfty '»». yoars of Bgt. Ile BM always Ik-.-ii B praclkal furiri.'r. unal la a mnti of spl.'ii.ll*l |>l.v*.l«iu.'. He has Ik-cii -in-.iU.i- nt tiu- HlehifBfl ii'.u*' "' RepreaaataUvea tor iu,, tenns. anal wn« a member -f c-iik-r^s ton ran un, oovoraor Uae* maAt btm ltniironai Onaada- .loiuT. au offito llo holil fa.ur yaiir-. a iiiiiii'ii.ui.. iu hor toar »f tbaRaaRR, wMafe h**am ir, iha (jie'iiiuis. ha. now reaebed NeaBBMa. Ilinil.-t .sia.vvv Is nnl v.-t .-ntirclv foriftven i. ni.- s.,.,11, tur h-r **i mi*' Taa*** ObbIb." Beoaralag taa ia. vlsllair lll iA. Louls. liil«rviowo«l by " Ibe (.lolae- Ugfl_ofiat.* Kxrr.-lila.iit Ilav.s, who Just now haRfaaa to be in piaiileMrn. vhora ba bbUhb a visit .-very mubbmr ls n bellever ln tbe nmlliw nblrt, evon at a clty hot*'l, If tho weaither rooulivs lt. Thd wlf- "f Mr. PriBk, Bl ItOmiBtlBd. ls of Ma-'ia BfeBaBRa Moa-k. BORMHM "Tho lkaMon Jtjurniil." H.-r father wai A*ia P. OMMB, who b**tvvayn U8B nnd l«na WBfl a*ng-*e«t tn the wholenale slaoe buslnesai In Illtsburi. nitkklug Ma purchflsea*' ln Boston, wfiere he and hls brother, llmvey Oitlds, were arrll taioim. They araia partaera ot Hr. Mi Aibrr.. of Boaton, who iittended to the piirrhn-lrtfj of the flrm*. atocl lu Ihis rlty. and was u wldely known und hlghly ro- spe.tcd l'lisinc.s rnan. Mr. QeOBBJB hfctraa, the new gapraaM Court Ju-tlee, |g a glant ln Klutiir.', of dlgnlfl.d yet adnble inanners, purtl. ulaily .'iiiu-t, niiH to younger membera of the bar, and possHsw^ tx ih,.. ******** mikI a ready mrit. L'ntU wlihln a Um ****** he showed tvMflBflflg ot a llterary bent, and .ren jet rta'ls lhe (.reek and La'lu (IjiskI.-m fnr entertalntiieiit. Addlnon Is hls favorite Kngllsh aataar. 111* wlfe ls -md lo be a 'votnun ol hm* .*utiiliiiii.'iits. and the r-*ldence ot Ui*' famlly ofl sto.-kton av.-., All.'gheny Clty, ls lhe BflBBfl of man| MCtal gathfrings. Mayor Ke.ui.-dy, of thnt clty, li her brolher. Frnu Hwiaafl Yogl. 88__a one of lhe great dromatli -opiani.s nf (iermany, wife of thi- dlstlngulshed tenor, H.ltulrh Yogl. wlll ivtli. In OfltflkM from actlve worh at ihe Munlcti Royal Opera, where both iha and her hu-band BBVfl \irru th.- l.'adliiR .alngers for the Lut iwemynix ye.M*. I'raii 8*8*9 ****** has for aeveral years bflflB ><-ilou.-ly; but, with her husbnnd, she has bflflB OBfl flt tlie PBBItflflt exponents ot th* true ..'rt.nei_.iii tn.dllloii M BBUBttfl artlng, both ol them havlng had tlm beii.-flt of lhe BMfltflrl guldi.aca .iiirlng hls l-old"!..-.. i.t Murtl.h. ***** Vogl wu* .__. piMlally dlstlugutsh.'d for h.r |snld.-. nnd shI rreated iin- part <>f at thfl tlr-t peiforman.-e of - lAt iValKuert*," lu lr-IO. at Munlih. r*he wlll rennln an .. K_l_reitmlt_.Ued." or l.< noiarv member of the Royal <>p.'i.i Campaai*. Elchard ..iranss, Ikfl vonng (ierman composer and (ondii.tor. ls conval..f-ceiit at Hclthenhall. lu t'pper Uavaria, aaar llaliaaif Ih h ¦* *"~*i P*8*iJ* ¦** open -i-iiiitraiii," of whi.h the flrst a.t ls sald to ba fllllall.-d. Tke aataaa d.-ath by iraaralag ot Robert \v. sha- thlrd MB ,,f Dr. R. Vi. Shufeldt. of Tnkoma Park, U. ___, tali.s uway B proniMng young -rlentlat. mr HBM months he l.a.t bflflB fl.Bflfltli wlth the ornlth> l.irUal dlvl.lon of the Natnral lllatorv Muaeum of Marietta Colleg.*. Matlella. ohlo, n- taxldermtat aad oolleetor H>- lost hls llf. whlte on a l.lrd liunt up il... ohlo'Rlver. Tho COAflfl wlll hls prlvata ISumSm lnflta niu-.-um a- - The r-hufeldt rolle*tnm<* whi.h wfll fnrntat. the aadflaa for » titttng monument THE TALE OF WE DAT "I .ligK'-t,"' 889*1 » rorr**-i»».nd"nt, "the follow*. ing new KnglWh words: Typine. a type-wrttlag nocklM (U.o accent falW upon the last lylUbl*, tvpeeeii). " Typer, a male opera bjr on the typine. rjf-fla. * ******* Bpajaaar on tl.e typine. ¦..*., lypa, ta write aa the typine. "T\po-< rlpt, tiyaWllttua or ty.K_-W--._en man- u-.ript. .. lt may aid tka mernory Ifl -«*BM tuat tno ***** **<>¦**. Ifl form.-d by 988*8 the llrst at.d toel sytlablei of the expres-lon type-wrlilng marhine, and that tt MIM tha BBBM a- the romplete expresston. Also that tho -Mt one, typosrrlpt. ls forraed by Biking tha flrst MM and the la-t ta. syllables of the expreaMrm LifU BIIHflB fllBBBBBltBt und changlng. for the -alie ot ..'uphoiiv, the u of th>- -..i-oiid yllable int. an o. .. Ther.' Is 8 v... au.-y In the Kngllsh vorjibulary whieh these words UL The type-writing Industry lii__ sprung up wlthln a sh.n-t Ume, no words have rome inlo general u->- to meet the r_o_ulre- ¦MBtfl of the new __lBB_Bflfl A genetul move. eat waaM oalflUy <-i.-.biiaii taaaa." v Matter ..f *m*t,*^W***\ >«»'. l",n 01ir .*!lt'ba'»* Bfhool cl*aa I" the b.-ia*vol.'iit. woman. ¦¦*.., - aald iiw bbbUI boy, -i w«nt. i am a CatkoUc, an.t b.-IU-ve ln the masses ratber tlian lha i-ii.--.-.-.'¦-¦ 'Iadlaaapalla loaraal -The AirJUtaetaml Kerord'' hua aatoai "i^n »» -,.,-.,iid var wtth ****** 949** ** ln<'re__.liig proap'-rltj. li I, a .jii.-iiteilv t.i.ig.i/liic han.laoii.elv prtnted end pmfttaely lawtialfli. Ta* tlr-t number ef the ser-nd v.ii.un.' reveali -vid.-BBfla al ¦apertiB' uaekmni aai high P'>\*-r. BBCh BB undertaliltig _kat_T8B a larg» ¦lea.-ur. flt BBflflBBS. A l.ini.E D1M <" RA'iF.D. I kBOW, -ir, lt di. l.K/h that dowiirlgTa bad Wh-n a f.'llow 11k.- rn<- aln't gol Bfl Krit, Hut I raa help lt I nat* tfl hmt llentv u' -and au' gtl up an' glt. um i'n teiiin' vou. Hr, grewi alnaar tir*»i Apoiimlln' an' driviii' nt things whal w.m't go, I d" f-.r lt -eein- a*- lt thing- all ron-jilred N.'ver t" let me hav- .r-half » ahow. There was mo-t t«>o niiu.y 'f «s ehlldren at horoo, An' muh all ol **t WBl ********** f'»l-s. too; An' -nl- alt.'. -"*. you hno-a*. »..,__¦. I'ip !., iii.- -. i- .ti li wlii'ti thete'a aoinethlii u. do To iv-|. ;' ..^ lamtilj ln bBiter ;.'.' bread. "Twaa alwaya bb UU, but l h- p«l h.te .he rww, An' Buor dnddv-how often he'a -«td JIo ****** hfl mlght P'u me a gho-t ol * .how. Mr wora i.i---if aat al lt Bm 8*8 me. We dug out hls grave ln the hlll>lde rlay *. Hc V..-1- uht -I.-n ii- died, a.i* waak, t>..t we Mi--«_ is l.ainis iimt wai f., away. Thing- -e.-ni.*d la P<> arroBg after that wlth t**. Remeniber. lv-* aglu* J.m. gaa.__Baa_ An \,-r whea h.d ******* BP :uid ment to «4__, HM let" me -tlil wtth a p.'rer flB0W, Tliingi miglit liave BflBB dltftvnt to wTiat they ll, Ilut 1 thoiight one Uin- VA ttAWn » W*}*., lu-t om bm. t" fceer tor, roa -.ti"'-'". bnt ul Wi.ui.iti't. ih* -._.!. baaa it -<> for tiw wori. gba ***** tot a llvtn aho **"¦ nn' aet ihe: \..ur handa l- f"" enough aow, wlth the h«e. Oulle full enoBgh BWW _MBl lakln' n' me. Wbo, ju-t lila* vmiail., haln't never a show. A..' -le hnnga !,y It. -Ir. 93* 9 ***** t* a nv.t When, wiiii.r, i .1 wanr »<if u.v haafla bu b> bit, \u I'ii, flourad bb' ..i.i.t. art' l"-iu- i<> b.»n rhe burl o* mv rtoea .>' gli Bp bb* t*_%. IT tn iv be I'm iookefl. then wlll T*airvldo 'lur'them a- lf 1-f heit- hiingry below. kn* aomehow l've kuwM lu baavca taat id iu tome way bo glren _obm lort ot * ahow. i -H'hl.ago News Kerord. T!w tnrA " taofflflB" la Pwaaylaaala mennfc thi .-hi.-r .'\".-iitlv.- ..m.-.-r of ¦ lv.ia.n_rh. And t rjonugh 1- au iBCOrpflfBtfli miini.-li"ility, 1-s- populoiu Cian a ,!'\ BBd MN iv.jmU.ui- Uian B hnmb... one Bf U.e rn.-t rwriMM KflBM M U.e world tajMBi ln 1'ii.laii.l. where lt OCritM I" manv pln-es. lt llj natural baroraetflr. and aetaally lawMBh. PfOhflMij .lumg.-s tu th- weafh-r. It ia ralled semaUulr. aa« turua blark ahorUjr baajoee bb appmai-hlug raln. WMl ln nu- flraatlMT lt h* m.Ki|e.l wlth spot_* ol wBwa i*..r a i"ue fitne iht*. earloai Baaaflaaraaa **" a mratery. t"'t »!' nn«iv-l«> «>f the *-tma »how« tt t-> be Ui -11 rnlvd wm. .lav nnd ..iilalnlng a pflttlofl '* ror* -nn and attre. Thi- h_ct belng haown, the .-\|>l .nuil .n wns ,.n-v. The «alt. abaorhlna IM iivl-t.ue. turned when the .-ondltlona mert fH-.ornl.le tot raln. wiulo th- drvn-ss ,4 the nim.-* ph**re brought out llie vjlt fisuii the lut»-rl *r M IM -lon.- Ii. Whlte sja ia ,,ti the siirf-.».e.-(St. Lonls ..lob» l>-nu.i n.t. \ t.egr>> H\1ng near Obflkffl. *rx., owtis n dog whlrh Bt*m_fl all the religl ui* ni.'"ltii__s y-i ttie neiphtxrh^-d, up aud titeis t>. follow In th- .-Jnzlng. and »oe8 ui> to tlie aliar wlth lha of tlie moorne***-. Ifl ba prayed for. Leajal Ttmttt l>.-t.res» tr.*n<*, b*t me Inr mv >*"». iH-fnr.' you. nnd vou shall Judge whether I nm t** en-or In aiatlng mv i-lt.lm br ...irs. Vou BBflM *_.**** i.n ,. art lag yon a toog tlm.-. and by a fnir trlni v*a -av vou h.vo found tm d.-fending thnt whleh la ng. t, tAhvnol then ...nsi'tii |n mv pruy-r for your hn"d ana h-i»it. U.urest Irene, I MM, Do nof 998 ni>- ***** me have v.,ur uiisw-r. Da nof demur. lr-ii- I .-.rn Bfl-M, Legal, you are t,*.> brler. ou my ,1...-|*|on ls. If yott glve «..«'.iHty for the t**t* t* ev-rv -ult I mnv ord-r or rontra't. 1hen I mnr crra. f.-aa But he. Biade a motion tor hls hut. nnd the *t* gamonta w.r.- .ll-ml-sed then and tkMB. -tB**** * '< .iirt.-r. THRIB *T*V***UBtl ANI) iKOIOTVf-i I'r,.in Tke News K.-eord. lt ls a taatlaunlal tn tka ''-t'-epiion.-il genlna ol \i-thiii- grhopenhfluer thnt he perfeetH hli piill.""*- phjr >'f pesalmlsin before the lYopl.-'a partv pl.itfor« WU Iri e .Istiii.v. ¦ *> . DNK ('IIANIK ******** rOB IIARVARD. IVotn The IU. taa Adverl-er. The irninlng f»r the Mtf Yale-llarvnrd tWAAHB iriine of th- COMtng nutumn I- t> begln early twa .',ar Al-endv the llnrvnid BHfll ar- pnetWBg Blfl nu ..» s|»,»l tn KeW-HaMpahlM, whlle the Yale BMB *m b**gin irMnlng Ifl Augu-t. llarvard nppenr* t" W_\ murh fi-om h.r r.veiit defnls and *P*J3S i'n: the ritmaOfl team |a alfwaiy Iti t-wlnlng J'wr.?*Z ihe bellef that fhe llnrvnid rfflfBfl wUI be aiBBBJ Ihall usual. ln alm.-si every form of »thie**'*«*» trnliiliig la th- ni.Kt In.portant fn.">>r ln BBflBBB- C.MPF.NSVTIONS 11 »R TIIE PEACI1 CR^P- rrr-m Tlu* BaMlBaorfl AaKrteaa. The blaiBBim nnd 9* whorMeberrr are right I**** In all ihelr beaiilv. the toninto on lhe *""'. J»r hnZ rrah n.-ver faii.s t.. erawl aboal laaOm***mB*J997m* I .rn. rounllng lu the potuto crMf. n«_2JR^| the ihere wiu prflhaaly be ,ftm'tl1'"»l_l <.it lu Marvlnnd thls l.esides terrnpln and canvw Im.-k Aaak._ TAKE OOOD f'ARE OF TIIF. nARlEr.. From The IUltlinoi*e Amerienn. ^^^ Meu and women. if they BM ftMjS-SSfiluTB enough tO stand Ih- s|,-;,ln (of hls kflt»m*»«-g ninln siilTerl.ig wlll l.e nmong the bablea to **¦*£ weather of thls kind .......ns g.ave t*9**A*Am m* wflian weeks ol laat month the Intont "SJj^jJS v.,r *.l,:li. und lt ls |MMi that this week s raflge. wlll glve another large imd MUflMBM toiai. VES. |F TMEY YOTEP IT \VH.I.IN('l'Y* Fis.m The St. loul* Otaba DlBMIiat. ,t wlll be a great thlng fo" I****gg gfS 1,-y for the aegroea ,.f t.e Boath t^*.* \\ -,._iJd .,f votlng. no matter whom Ihey o'le mr. * ^ bfl iK-tter lhat they voted tlte atralght Kourfton x, Ihmi not le vote at all. TKN'MON OFFICE APM1NISTRAT10N. Fmm The liidlmiapoll*' Jourual. . BM Baan re.ult ot Uie Raum ^***S*_***,i It hM 1.-1 lo tka rev.H-atlon *J*J£**]J_a_ * (on-re..n,en. through Ihelr a_8__^_!_g_a tl obtaln Informatloa to aeU to pcnalon »«»» ******* elt1*iiajT.i*:

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OASl>Tf>-.S l*.-TI,e V.-a-Adnnral.EDKN Ml Sll -Wav Fliriire*.BUIOMADO- Hia-HgyM Ttaangl OaateBtflfl.i.aRMA THEATRE I ll s-"iad.

HOTT- MAlMK'-N >er\lll. III|-.ATKP.-8:30-A Trlptn t'lilnato**'.. lllAl.S-K-\'a'idcvllle.alA.NHAi ia.n hia. ti -rmworaa,MAD1S0N BaUARK UABDI»-»-Ofle_a.Palmi'I'.'n TiiCAiTJ-si-, Tta MainagWI.--I HKI.IUTON- 1'aina rirewurks.


_Jubf_ to wVbtifrtiscBtciUs.i ¦.,..,. (,.i Paaa. Col.

amflMfl-Mla . li (i ie""'" I M".-ii..'-*-n ¦£aBouneeua.»-a .....12 n Uo*t aod t'ouad « .{Maiu-aa NoUce. II l >i.rr:._ - .v Ueatha. 1 IguSneaa Chann-a. !. 1-2 MI*.--!4*neoa» ... 1- ¦-.

Bivari and '.. i Sew | » i H'_M ... ll "-;¦¦".> sUainer». .- fl *

OlMdend Xotlcea I'olltle. Nobeea .. 7 fl

Darn-ati, _-lluat|..i._ Publie NoUM.|J» ¦

W»r.ted Mai .10__.ur_lo.ia . io fl K-.ll .'

r|BM,'1al 10 Sl si"' .:> Xollcea. ' < M.-etliiKa 10 M .__.b<.at«^

lor -al" !» 2-1 **'." I'cMirta ...11 4-

Horaea a Carrlagea. 1. .*> ',''¦'.::'*..,'f',Hr>t.-la |0 '. Ih" im'.¦' ''

Ini«t.ui-__.ii '.'..'..TT. M l-.'l Wor* Waoted... ... » .-.¦Laa Sy-lioola. H 1

Dneittess XolK.s_ROU. TOP Pl .<-*..- Ami Ofll I*. PDKSITl PF..Great ot Stylo and PlMfl.T. <i. Mtew,Na. in rultraaf, H. y._.

SBIKVMK TBtUdb TO MAIL Rl BRUIURRRB.1 yenr .'¦ aaaa :i aaaa. l tu-. ropy.

Oa.lT, 7 daya a week.. 00 W 00 *-'¦>' IIWSift wl b'ul Suuday.. 800 4.0 '-'0 N J «

weeki. Trlbu-.e. 11*0 . **.**l-_.t-._-W_._h Tribune. ^'<K> .»-,Tr:i.une Monthiy . -00 ._. ******

UA K MMIIKllr. -. ,r BoeB \nml.<*r* of the IH. lyand H.inday gflpera, mon Ibaa a WMh old. an BBBJfl pnta

fSiajl_H_.aH t.v Trlt»i_e. ****** "" Oolly »".* MUBday

aper f,.r mall auDocrlbora m New-Tota Uty. and tm Ottiiy.mi-Weekly and Weafcly to for..K.i countrlaa, ln vnicn

ca»ca ..ti i^-tjc" -iii ti. iai-1 b) auba. ribera.Renilt hy l'o«t_) Older, EajrOM Older, t. '..-<-_:. Praft or

f.awra-ered Lette-. .__. ,.,,..Caah or l' Note, lf aent ln an MtflgiaMTCd letter,

will t-i at owner'a rlaU. _.. .,M»:n uptonn akHm, 18*8 !.ro_,!»av Maln oMeB Ol

Tha Tribune. 1..4 Nasa»^.at.. Now-Terk. AddnM allrorr**aiion _,n.-« aln p V "I h. Trlb'rie." wew.Tora._


THURSDAY, JULY _**. 1992.

TWELVE PAGES.TIIE NEWS TIIIS MOBXIEO.*. were _wi<l 10 be adranelngou Tangier. = Tbe eruption ol Mr. Kmu

BgaiB l>e.-uine violent. l_.*tters from OetebeaEai tl.ut faii.ino IhreateDed tlu* Ifllaod el OreatBaagulr, NceatJy devaatated by a roleanle raup-t...,-. .-.... Four ...ii-pii.--i.ra, ebarge.1 with B-n*

sp.ra-.v Bfalaat the llve* of Prinee Frederick al

balgaria aad bM Prime Minlaler, were exe.-ut.-l..r. ihe thlrteenth round in 'ii<' Martaia' ClieaeTo.iiiiainciit at Dieadea waa played.

Cungirni Ibith bouaea in aeaaion. == Senate:The New-York Bridge l.ill WBfl taken np, but weiit

over without n.-ti«>*i: the Anti-'lptiou bill wm

Mw-Mnd; Watfloa li. S*t**V ',A;'-^ apRolalad Mla-iu'er ta I'er-ia. == Hour-*: Tiie Woiid'8 l'air

approprintum of $_.00l).00fl flrag pamed. bat ou i»

motion to r^eonsi.ler tilibiifrterina wn* lieg-im.Poielln Ttmilr Molllek, tl.e alle_:e.l Beeo_a-

P;i(*e ..f the An;.r l.i-t, Berknan, wa. fbreiblytakea fr..*n Long Braneh tafow hM ln.v.ver*- eould

serve a irrll of hataaa eorptu Argnmentawen* mii'l.* sl Roehesler tafore Jadee Rrnnaejof tlio Supicme Court on tlu* conatitntlonality olthe l.eapportioiiii.ent a<t.= Mr. Fri.l- eontin-an ta improve. -¦_-. Tlu* theiiiioinet.r ntill tt*g*i-tere.l iu the nineti.-s ov.-r a larj;e part of tbe

l nito'l Statea.. -** Vlblenee was ofr.-rel the non-

iinioii rar .iriveis |B M'-rideti. Cotui.

, ity aml Siil.url-aii.-A war.l in the NeW-YorkIfiaspital war, inloete.l with BBallpoX. = = ('«»"-

tlnuation of the Intcmc heat eanatd many pma-If^tlonfl. The Inman ateamahlp Clty «'f

ParM a aew tranaatlantk reeord. ==t huuneev M D.-p.*\v BBikd i'.r Europe; l.e talkedeheerfullv aboal the political attuutlon, Tlie

notarloua l>r. MrGonegal n*ai agatn BireBted for

Butlpiaciiee. : The New-York baaehall team

ilereatdl thfl Loutovtlle "ine. aml < 1-" <.-

Mnd. Stoekfl mon* aetlve at adraneingprices. BaggacM wns dtotribotetl more wi.lelv

bad thfl imi'i-triul gtoeka w-re a ICM prominentl.-aiurc.

'lhe Wentlier.-Foreenat tol to.lav: Cpiiftallvfair. poaaiMy arlth a ghoart. fllighi th.-rmalrhances: 8 eooler, perbapa. Temp-ra.tureye-t.*r.lay: Ili_.'lii"-st. ¦''¦'. degwea; Itwr-at, 78; 9*rtt*

a?o. 8- 1-8._m__^m__mm^mm

Perttmt *p*r*Q tmt »/ ioirfl tor llie summer ran

l.avc the Jhiil'i tutti Bmttdaf Trihxne maited to

them thr 11.00 per month. or $'-'.*><> /w ******month-. Trareller* t* Kurope «ia rertirt tktTrlbnne ihtiiiKj ihcir ob*e*Ct for %\X~> I»rmonth, foninii p**ia§* )>a>tl, or BA.tbftn Ihrre

month* The Atldrmt </ tkt p9p*W WW be

chongnl nn ofUit ns dtsirtd.

om- DcMBoemtio' friendfl who havo {Mneal.otit the taafe ol peapportifldtiiiB tha -tatt* withsuch charactcristic lightheftrtedneag and ln-

bridtjr '-iil. >'*' t*''*>* ¦"-' '-''i'''*''1 .'. tbointimb-tion whi.h Jodse Riunaej (jave out yeaterdajto tho dfed that hc iraa indmed t<< eonatriMthe Consiiintii.ii ..f the Stata itrictlj and ra¬

in.uallv ln i-i-s|ic.-i of the |)i'..visi..ns KovenUngoiiiiinciiition and ii'iiiMioi'lionimnt. What a

pitv that th<* organic law ol the Stata ahouldpcuva an obstade I theif cheerlul oiH-iaiion*:

1'iidcr tha rii<-.iiii-t:ii«-'s. tha behavior ofth<* II..u-o ol Rep« scntativo-* yea-t rd\v wilh reference to ti"' aiipropriit-onfor the World Colunil.ian Ezpoaition trilli-aiiso littlc sui).ris.-, bowever nuch dfaguata:i.l iudijiiiatioii it mav call forth itinonj.

all piiblle-apWted aud patriotic citiaana. A

jvilicv of ohstriution _Mfl been t*ntoro<l ii|K>nwith i viow of embarraaains tke majoritv ofHM Koprfsontativcs. if n«.t of delettinf thewill of tke people as eutpreaaed in thoir acUon.Yet tke inonc.v will be appropriated, an.i liol-niati. Ou.liwaitc an.i th. ir taBOdatea will havot.i fkee thr- indi^nation of a Nation wkoae hmiotthev were ettier to buIJj before tke worid fortho'sako <>f l-alnv political rerettfe.

Kotkillf hl intrin-icallv Mt al.siinl lhanthe pra.-ti." in Bome <>f oar jiuli.-ia! eourt*! whii-h

|,orniits one jm!;*.* to ntillif.v the a.-timis of a

i-olleaf,'uo ol tke **hiii<* (>.*ii.h. Lin-al annalsdixrlose manv in-fanoi*** ifl which this practJcewas HBWtfd lo for Ike «_ke of promotincwickod onds, hut thoro havo been f«W 089*8in which its viciousnoss has b.'»*u so plainl.vbrought to publie n..tic<* as it is now in tto>roarrest of the notorious I.r. ____.._¦____. Intwo instancos the t***tt89*8 <>f suburban judu***hm frcod him from tho clutches of nictropolitanjustice. II it shall app. ai from th<* l.ieliminaivoxamination that he is gniltjf of tho ciime

gbMgld a^ainst him BOW, it is much to bcboped lhat be vvill be ,»ut wh»-if dog- raiinotbit** him nor ci.untv fndflea renck him \%ithoi-dors ot rcl'-ase. Tho piison doors should not

open to him apain till the law has ha.i its .lu.... _. ..

Tho ebttfB- have beea rtuv ajiain on the

?tor.y of the circumstaneos tonnec'od with

Priiioe Hi.amarck's resipnatlon, and foi- awhiletke wags mav say that he lost his head becatisabe opposed his ma«tcr> acceptanee of an in-vitation to dinntr. Uerinan Dolitica aeems a

fruitfiil fleld for tho joiirnalistio bRBgination.Perhapa truth wonld out if press oBflaorabipwere abolishod. Mattei-s havo imt iinprovealmueh in tlio Fatherland sin*** thc tiiiu* whenJlcino wrotc that if an oalitair ivoro l<» prffll '.

" Ikirn: T*. tho wifo of H«rf-.* dRRgh-ter, beautiful as Freedom." the (loveininentCetisor would iii'odueo his penail an*l itrike out

tho word " Fieodoin."' Still. it is diverting t.i

observe how mueh silliness is permittod to

reach tlie publlc eye so it have I'liiue Biamarrkfor its siilijeet.


A ctirious eoininontaiy on tho nature <>f thaeffortd wliich aro mailo to seeure eontract.s for

conatructing large public vrorfcg \t auggeatedby tho circuuislanco ihat there was a difTerem ..

of moro than 82,040,000 between the higheetand loweat bids for bnilding fho uev CrotonRiver Dam, when the Chief Eugineer hadeatimated the eoal al **,BT4,820. CJrcnm-staiioes coinpelle.l the .\.i.ueduet Commiaaionerato set aaide th- bids as unsalisf;,*rtoiy a:i*l t«>

d.tlare tho aeeming proapect "f aaving over

81.000,000 on tho Chief Engineer'i eatimatea barreii idealit.v. Yet thoir action appearafo hnve been dii'tated bj prndence and fair-draling. It is eertalnly in ntarked rontraalwith tlio action <>f a similai body in Ciiiciiinati.which not loiiK'ago r*'je*tod all bids for lighlingthe city with gafl becauae the rompany whiebbad tho oontract, finding Itaelf oflderbid, made;i v*'ibal **fTa'i' to lowei its piice below lhal of

a siiccessfui ronpetitor.

THE TARIFF JM> TIIE COST OF LtFIXO.Senator Aldrioh's Bpeech <>n the taiilf wili

bo iised, and well deaervea lo be naed, as an

aisenal of facta by the defendcra ».f .Protection.Tho airay oi proofa diivos opponeBta of Pro-teclion lo small bnt snappUh carpiiiR about

detail*, as Senator Y.-t expreneed his j,.v at

the adinissiou that peRrl buttons had lncreaaediii cost. Men who are not large enongh t<> sur-

render a poinl when tln. v an- beaten hav*- t*.

keep up a pitiful show of reaiatance, thimghthey know it is of no use. just as siama- Cofl-foderates threateiied that after the greal anniesof robellion wero desti'a.ved. gnerilla waifarewould last for yeara in tho iroode aud awampaof tho South. Hut the people of ihat BCCtionhud t*ao ninah sense U> vvasto their lives in a

poinflfss and aimless strugjflc. Kupportcri nfFroe-Ttade thcories may abandon thepretence that tho IfoKinley bill has raiaed priceaui increaaed the a-ost of living.

Senator Aldricb reaaona that the deellne <>f

:t.4 per eent in prioos. aml tho riae of .7."* peroent in wagea, make a ehange of l.lS per coni

in tho pnrchaeing power of WRgea, which. at

ij-ooo a faihily. would mean about 82G fan eachof 13,000.000 familiea, or 8S25.OOO.OO0 year-|y, It is fait to say lhal the 12,000,000 f-iin-

ilies ar" nol al! BUppOTted by fho manufartnringaml mechanical labor which is reported I baveadvane*"! thwe-qnarteri of 1 i»*'i rent.>, aily half lhe population is tnpported l.y a^'ii-culture. The wagea *.f fann labor, acrordingto the elaborale reporl laaued in April bj ibeDepartment of Agriculturo, has adranoed 1.5per eent dlirfag tha- last tWO yeara and 2 peroent during the last four yeara. 'lhe arerageadvanee in iragl s would theiefoie saa-in t<(j begreater lhan th*' commlttee estiniatfs. On theyfhar band. th'* wa^es of n-'.n Iy half th.' lalaaaiof th** c*.untry. being employed in agricultnre,do not aveia_:c ^lioo ayear: but even if coloredlabor at tii** South be exclnded, Ibe averRRcwonld be leaa than 8300 a jrear. The farmerawho own their own farm**. or work land "ii

simi's, donbtleu averagc moro, bnl even tbe.idia aot hav.' an BVCrage of 8000 a faniV'- t"

expand iu the purchaae *»f thinga not raiacd on

the farm. Th*' eatimate *.f lhe Renator can

only bo regarded aa an iiliutlralioo .*i th*' gen-eral rosult of tho greal changea aacertaincd.

Senator Aldricb'n ipeech doea boi appear '«<

bare broughl ont fully one importanl fact, lhalih" pricea of other thaa fann producta, aepa,;il''lv <aa|isida'|,'<l bal." d'allll'.l gTOBllj «lut-

ing ile- la-t three yeara, tbough Ibia ma.i berleariy inferred from th'- atatementa gi\*en.Thua it is shaiwn that the advaie." in urbideaalepricea uf fann producta fiom -lune. 1880, t,i

.September. 1801, was inoie, than 1" ]«'i rent,aad yet lhe wUfl c*-t <*f all artidea actuallydeclined. NccsMirily the deellne in all otherlhan fann producta must have been large. Whentha* detniled report <>f the ooRHnittee has beenpubliahed it may bo poaaible t.* aeparate theiuitis, aud thus t.i determina ra<*aaurabl.i bougl*t*al the doelin*-" has been ln the cost of rhin^swhich tho fannoi has to pwvhaae.Mianwhlle it is obriona that the advanee in

farm .producta, while it has broughl a grealgain to the farmer. has not involvaj a rorre-

Hponding loaa t" the ocmaumera of artidea man-

iifa<tui«'il from those producta. 'l'hu- ih< farm¬er reeoived f«>r wheal at New-Yorh 80 t<» .**<) :t-4

oenta in June, 1880, and patenl flour was s.ll

ing bere at 8S "'. i»<'i barrol. Fast Beptemberlhe pfice of wheat had rison to -Sl 07 I-l. blltthe aame flour aold at 86 .'' *banel, a ii-" of

only 23 centa a barrel, againai L'Tc.'iits a buahelfor wheat. Now the wheat ^.-IN at .**."_ 7-*srents, or "> eonts higher thun in 1880, whilethc same flour sells at -.'4 7."., a dollar lower thanin June. lm'.v Th<* prieea of manufacturedproineta genenlly are about th*' loweat e\*'i-

known. and thoso ineasui*" the o.xpciidituies of

rhe faimois, as well as a great BRTl of the M-

penditurea of other produccra. The retailprices of articles made fiom fann producta havenot advane*-'! at an.v time in proportiofl t<> theadvaace <<f prieea <>f such producta, and mean-while tho cost of other manufa* tured articleshas been matoiially diminiahed to conaumera.


\ nooi\ many of Mr. Cleveland- organa are

buaily endeavoring those davs to prodnce tbeimpieaaioa 'hat the Republieana i.f New-Torkare a prey t<» factioiialism. and fo the politicalBupineoeaa which factioiialism angendera. lt i**a ailly salia'iiie, of which th*' *aiiipaiirn as it a*l-VanOOa Wili efTe.tlially allsposa-. '1'haasa- whain\xf it coiintanance aro confront*<l b.l the faclthat their own party is divi*l"d into " Snappera"and " Anti-Siiappers."' an«l that sua h kadingDemocrata as Uoveroor Plower, Lieutenant-Covinoi' Sheehan aml Bdward Murphy, jr..iho chairman <>f the DeRiocratic Oommittee, aream ree nd as bolding that (Irovei Cleveland can-

not carry New-Vaaik. Il is ¦_ aaammaaii deviccof thievea to divert attention from themaelveaby oyiRg "Stop thief."* Do tiuse Demoeratieorgana bope, by Ta_tht§ th*' fals*- cry **f !.*.-juiblican factioiialism. t.a withdiaw public at¬

tention from the deplorable ooadition in whi* hthoir own j*aily now flnda itself'.'

It is intetestini; to note that "Tho New-Yoik WorId'; is not talciiiK stoak in the atorieaof a di\ide*I**aii party in Na-vv-Voil..In its iiasuo of yeaterday it aaya; " ln thoeolitost for Now-Ya»il; ihis \t-.n tl,.- DORMN raa ywili hav*- the whole Republican party t*» Rght.Jt is jtist as well to undeistand that fact BOW.

. . The Demoeracy of New-Yoik noatlight the caiopaiKii with a claiu undeistanilinjjthat it is t<* i.o a strugcle against the wholeKepublican party." Right yon are, neiuhbor:and allow ha to add that becanae your party inNew-York Rives battle ajtainst "tho whole'*Republican party of New-York it ia fatod lolote Now-York. For it was demonstrated fourjeatt aao that Cleveland, the exnonent of Kreo

Trhde, is no ntateh in th<* Empire State f..rliatiisoii. tkeexponent <»f protectlon for Ameri¬can indnstry. Tfcc RepuMicanfl <>f this fore-

tnost coinnion.vealth will rote Bfl I wnit on thet.uilT i-WOfl in 18*2, just as tli.v <lid in 1888.Thoae ..h<» l""'1* tot diviaiona in their rankiwill be woefully miataken. RepuMicanfl jjen-

crally hav.- a habii of doing tbelr beal whenthere i- in.i-t need ihat tke? sEbidd do ao.jnatas mu Democratic frienda have ¦ way of mak¬lng sliipwreck of golden opportunitiea. Tho

Republican* of New-York ue alive to tho im-

portance of tbe eonteata whi.h are to be de-cided in November. Conaequently, as "TheWorld" ii..t'-. tbom wbo glre tken battlemust be ptepared to fbce -*tke wkole Repub¬lican party''.wbieh means eveiy man of us

ni every one of Sew-Tork'a Bixty conntlea.In order that our part? ikonld poll its ent iro

vote it is onlv nec-eaaaiy tkal tke prelimliiarywork shoul.l l>e thoronghl.1 perfomted. Thastat.* Commlttee tke oounty eommlttee« mdrelated organiaationa §re now bnaily engagediu tbe perfonnanca of tbelr grave dntica, indbetween tken they ean. aml we bHleve th".\will. mak" a tkoroOfh canva-ss in ev<*i-.v Behooldiatricl Let ihi- be done. lei ***** **-*t9 ln-rolred ln tke Norember election be eleariy aml

forcibly preaonted, ind Ibe reaull rannol Ilist.-iy will repeal Itielf. For tkeaecond time New-York "ill a'^*' her rote forl.t'iijaiiiin llarii-i.ii.

TBE ILLEUAL APFOBTlOSBEST.In this lamie is printcd in full Ihe apeecb de-

llv.t-.-.l ycaterdaj by Mr. Sutherland bel.Judge Rumaey, at Rocheater, attacking theLegialatire Reapportionmenl Ad on the groundof iis iiiiioiistituti..nalit.v. Bvery man whohas a rote in State onghl i" read Mr.Sutherland'g apeecb. Th.* Republican partywas IoiiII.n .l.alt w.ih bj the la-t Lcgialaturcand bj tii" Democratic boflaea who decreed itaa.-ts. and thal part of tke wrong wblch bad lodn wlth the lediatrihutlon of «eata in the Legialature is here preaented with a dearneaa, com

plctcneaa and force thal comblnc to mak.- ivhalgeema to ns an unanawerabk argument. Tbereapportionmenl of the Leglalature was. of all

the i.l.j.'.t- h.-l.l in view h.i Ihc -nat.* Ihicvea,Iho one moat deaired. Thej n*anted th. ir plunder. th.-it bridge billa, their railroad l.ill-. theii,1, -lai.le liul.- chartei amendmenta with de-teatabie liul" "teala eoncealed behind tbemih<-\ wanted tbelr cooatitntlonal convention,thoir liiinor-dealera' .¦ <-i-.' lau md their <''.;i

gr. genymander. Ilut all theae taken

tog. ther were <.i flmall importance in Iheii eyeaoom|_red with tha acheme mj lo rediatricl Ihia-lai- as t<. giro them permancnl eontrol <>f theLegialatnre. Tbla wa- the prime object <-f all

tlu- \i!I;.iii.-- thut Ied l:»-t Januar* t<. th.- ..;

ganixation uf a fraudulenl Democratic Legialature.There was no want of ayalem in th'- atcps

taken i" at-ctunpliah Ihia prime purpoae. 'I bchon* - were warcel* open f«»r biwinem before:i l.ill empowering Ihe Set-retarj ..f -iat.- i..

lake an enumeration wa- iutroduced. All diacietion "ii- placed unreaervedl.* in th.* band*,,f thi- ofDcei lb- waa empowered in his own

wa\ t,, appoint the enumerator*. and aecordingt., hi- on ii riew to compen-tato Ihem. An armv

of B.000 Democratic political workcra waa

ralled inatanllj int« action. an.i wl.the anowa

were -nll coTcrini. hall the State fhe enumi ra

tion wa- hken. I' waa et .* - lu re fraud,anj in th i part of the -; H the fra il« w. re

limplj giganti. II.. evidi nre ihat haabeen diaputed. the effect "l which cannol beqneationed, Tiik TriBI XB baa prured thal .-.t

lc.-t _.'."..» «'.'". ll.llli"- were f:.l-l.« «-... Ti T -1 tflthe two ...iiiiti'-- >.f N.-v. Vorh and Kinga. Iniu i.niallv .|i-h..n<-t mannei Ihe entimeratinnwa- cumputrd. Ai ording to tba t'onatitiition,repreaentatlon aaa t>. be la-.1 npon the cili-/...i popiilation, bul "\ phyaical nlteratinna oflhe i'lum.' la'.ir-' I-..1I- rnmmittwl iii Ihe ..fli. .. f-.. t' ,.f -tai.. Iii'-- and iiii'l'-i ihc* diret-ti.iii,,f hia biirean ofliciaU. al ha-' _.*:» alienanrere fraudiilentl* < ..rnt.-.I hm li/ena. li wa*

on a report ol an enumeration thint wmngfull..taken and wrongfnlly counled thai tt." 1lature proceeded to rediatrl. I the -tat.Tkexe iiauefl "f facl were not presented t..

Judge Rumaey. Ih- attention waa ralled oofcito i--u.'snf law. It n*a« claimed by Mr. Suther¬land that upon fuur diatinct Rronnda, each ofirhlch haa I.n beretofon delincated in ThbTmi'i nr, lhe reapportionmenl contravened thefondamentai law <-f lhe -iat-. Mr. Sutherlami s argument i- exkauatire. lt it*** Inlaieach iflane wlth greal car.* and fnlnea«, and it

learea tke courta no .-tb.-r option, if th'-.*- up-hold 1h<* art. than t<> lhe wbole the-.,i\ ..f a Conatitution. No principle >.f law i-better aettled than that a written Conatitutionbv .l.-iuli defining bow ¦. thing -hall be .I.-n'-forbida th<- doing «>f ir in nnv other way. It larc_uired by Ike Conatitution of N'-w V.ul. lhatan enumeration <>f the populatlon shall he takenin th'* year 1853 and al the en.l <>f ererj tenyean thereafteri thal a redlatribulion ..f neat*in tl.e Legialature shall be ordered l.v the Legialature al ita Umt Beaaion after tke retnrn «»f

every enumeration, and tkat the redistributionshall be baaed aa to tke Houae »11**¦ ri tke ritixenpopulatlon, aml as to the S. nat.- iiim.ii tke 'iti-/<n popnlatlon, excluidve <>f pernoni of .-.ilor nott.iM.I: ind thai tke Senate districta shall rontiiin as nearly as may be an equal number ofinhabitanta, and that membera <>f Aaaiuihl.ishall be apportioned to th'* eountien as nearlyns may be arcording to the number of theirreapective Inhabitnntn.

ln tbe acl now before the nourta no one oftheae provi«lon> haa been tvpeeted. Tkeenumeration wai taken, not in IH85, bm inlKii'.'. The Re__pportlonmenl \<t was paaaed,not at the lirst sessiun of the Legialatnre afterthe return <>f the enumeration, bul al ¦ apecialsessiun of tke saine Leghdature whi.h took tkei" iisiis Nu accoiinting wkaterci u-ta made >.f

peraona <>f coloi noi taxed, and th.- diatribution of -<at-. l.oth in the Senate and in'. was made in Hagranl diaregard <>f theinjiinciiuii ta baae it, as nearly as maj i»<*. on an

equal number <>f inhnl.ii.iiit.. It will be fonndl.v readlng Mr. SutherlandV addreaa tkal theRepublican objectiona t" tke Reapportionmentbill are m.t captioua, iiarmw m tei Itis siui|i|v aaked tkal i 'I""' regard slmii |M. badtu tke will <>f th.* people as expreaaed iu tkeirl.riuiai.v law.

BBBABIBO TIIE 0CBAS BBCOBB.The Inman iteamahip Cltj <<f Paria, which.

with the ('itv of New Voik, is BOOU to be admitted to American regifltry, will be i naatual-ized citi/en t.< be proud >.f. |for iplendid innaoroai ihe Atlantie iu .r> days, 1:, i.*. :iU,\ -.

minutea n«»t onlv ikattera all prerioua recorda,bul augura ber rcatoration tu th,. peerleaa emi-nence ake enjoyed before ihe aocidenl <>f 1890.N'earlv a year has paaaed sim-.. the record waala>t broken by Ike Whlte Star linera dajeaticand Teutonic, -.> it hi ti a few daya <>f eaeh other,and until yeaterday the Teutonic'a aupremacyat all poinfta i-eeme.l lik.*l\ (,i pglaain una-s-saiii.l h* ezlitini .oin|).-tiiors. Captaln IVat-kinss victory. however. piuves that his ^oodship has not exkauated her reaourcea, and lhatthe lowering of the record alnce her th-st notableexpkdl iu i<*t>!< has by no neana ruled her olTthe tield.The inesent triiiDiiih ia in sonio rcstv'cta even

,,..-,. lemRrkable than the Teutonic'a astonish-Ing aehiovemont in aano VOJRfle of tho best

days mn. tho best fwo-days' run. fho best

Ihieo-dnys' run. and tho highest average hour-

lv sjmt.1." The Teutonic still holda the two-dayrecord of 1.827 inileaa, but her best day's run

.f :,it milea the (itv of Paril has on this tripUyu-,, rxcelled, by raaa of 519 and 528 miles-the longeal diatancea travelled from noon to

11000 by BRy ship Ihat ovor sailod the soas.

The Teutonics thrco-day run of 1,582 iniles is

aN,) Burpeaeed by 11 milea, aml her train-

lil^,. s.i.h',1 of 20.840 milea is outmatohed by a

record of _«».4>_. Th.- City of Paria, it is true.has not beaten the Teutonic in aetual paaaagetime ns badly as the Teutonic boat the City ofParia. The record is lowered only 88 min-ut,.s: but thia impli's a rednction of :: bouraand 20 mlnutea bekm the Inuian liner'a own

initial accompliahmept, and is theicfore r*la-tivelt Biore notahle. Tho weather. of eourae,was fair. A f*-w boura of fog alone Interrupteda uiiifsiriii ro^istiT of imootb acaa :m«l fRtor-log breczea. Captain Watldna, however, lan.,t*sl for .jniak foui-weatber pa«aageai aud his

recird-breaking ancceaaea are due t<» lueh aadaeiid.'iif ln BO greater ratio than those of any

,,f his competitora.While th,' Citj of Paria agaln leada with Ihe

nratbound record, the eaatern pennan! ia still

beld by tbe Teutonic, irbicfa wrcated it fromhei laat October. Uke the Teutonic. botvever,,1,,. tity «.t Paria onee beld both recordai-imnltaneoualy, having ln December, 1888, re¬

duced the eaatward n.inu' time to ."> daya,._"_. boura and 50 minutea. The Toutonlc'a beat,";"strai.l time is only 1 houi and 17 minuteasiioii r. ih" dlfference being thus conaiderabljl,.ss than tlm .between the two greRt weaternt,i|,s «*f the City of I'ans not'd alioye. Coii-

niderlng that this wonderftil ocean racer baaalready broken half a doaen recorda, it i** not

Uio IBUCh t" ''.\|..''t that Bhe mav als.a rompcltho Tentonic to freah apurta t.i retain tho east-

boiuid aseendaiu.v. And what a ronteal it wili

I,,.' it m mi'' that over forty yeara bave

elapaed si...-," Ihe Africa rroaaed the Atlanticin iu 1-2 daya, and tbc iiv. -.bay paaaage is still

a dream. Hul wiih st.atnships already demol-¦,AinHi in one daj a diatance greater than that

between New-York an.l Cleveland, its realixa-tiai.i muat .soon I.*' atlaiii*"!.

"Kin <>i: EERRIPOR.RRRf"Tha. City Improvemenl .Soclety ha- been ap-

plving IU tmergiea for aeveral months to thedifflridt hm n -l.l" taah of-refurming th'- N*«w-Yorti rab -vst.-iii. *,f which the most objection-able f-atui" i> Ihe Xew-Yorfc rab drlver. Thisis :ni aged aud loiigh abuae, and manv philan-thropistshavetried in vam toaboliah it. Tberemay be ritiwna wh... iveary of lamenting an.l

protenting. haveabandoned all h<>i.f improve-mont.awl onl} aale lo bo allowed to dle in peaeeiviiboul fuithei contribiitlona oftime and laboran-l language Io the <au*o. lt aometimea aeema

as h anrient wronga aere I. ueariaome than

fmiil-s ait.iiijais t.i mi" tbem. lt maj be

sael lint w have ihe rxorbitaul rab und the

,,,,,....,.., ,i:i\.., alwaya with in. an.l that tbey¦re n longei rapable "f arouatng protltable ,m

dignation. Hut this is the wrong apirit. Th-'

poinl i^ thal adifforenl aort of caba and driverawould !". a good thing to have with u- alwaysand that iu boneal endeavora t.. arhieve thiaboon energj -au nevei I.xpendod altogetherIII V IIII.

Wr -.ii'iH-w that nol.o.Iv. living or ''.aal baihnd ti." hardihood to -...> iha' "ll! *****

ivitcni i< aell oontrived or irell conducted.I!-, uii.A au....I.I" vMtora whom the metropollai..,- ;,,.,. ,-n'a i:.iiii'"l vv.i." ih.- Christian lu

;, v..r -I- legal *. Thej one Bnd all p-rccivodwith pleaaiire thal th.". irere welcomeil with

;|:|.| m return thej rwwurdi -1 this

,.,,.,i,,it'. wili ...m|iliin*'iii- "f the in- st ,..n

, ,- ,|,... rlptlon. Thej praiaed onr poi i-e,

,lir »treei-i, oui mannera, out botela, our park*,m si.iniil.v onr Work Kxrhange. :in*l preitj,....,u pverj rmtom and inalltntion wlth whieh,i.v came in .tart. Bul flot evea an es

iravagant idea "f cwurtcaj rould induce themFn ,,,. ab vv. i! of oui rab* and rarriagea. Thereih*.. drow the Iine, Bml) and uiiRnimoualy.Thin.v thouaand Intoreating and InMllgenifuung men and maidena became convinced bjexpericnoe aud credible te«timony Ihat N"w

Vork i« deplorablj .behind the age in Ihla re

,,,,i ;,,,,! :,r" bow engaged la diaaeminatingthat molancholj truth throughoul tho country.Their verdlct is the rerdirt of all who inbahif,,, visit the ni*'Uo|i..liv Thia queation i' di»-

tinguiahed in ¦ remarkable manner from all;,tl.-is b.v th*- fact tbat there is onlj "ne «id*'

,,, it, i;\,'n ihe baughtj and exacerbating an

tbora "f ..ur nu- i* oomplain bittorlj uf thelrhard lot. Thelr avonnenl la thal thev are the

..,,i.t vi.iiins of ih.ii own induatry, that IhejcnjoA no pearo of mind and are all tteadiljproreeding toward paupera'gravea on thelr ownrehidea,The phasui" ..f .l'l.-ite has fr.',|uentl> m

ijui.-l aocial philoaophora to awime rorthoaakeufargument thal th" ahape of Manhattan laland;|M,| tho circumatRRcea and babita *.f lif<* whi* h

hsve proceeded from thal fundamental eaprioof nature make it Impnaaiblc tbal we ahouldever poaaeaa a Katiafaetoiy cab ayatem. lt maj!.. ;.|in;tt..l w*- think, ihat theconditiona bereforbid a* lowa tariff aa maj be profltabli mam

tain.-l in manv other riiiee. Bul we refuae tol..|Hve thai the largeal poaaible pro«t la derived under the preaeRt ayatem of extravaganllawfid ehargea aud nnUwful extortion. Thetarifl eard under ihe cuahion and the bandit

on tiu* box accoinplish. between Ihem. unhappj,,,.g,ilts for both palrons aml proprietora. It

may be .oiu.'.ied, perhapa, without mueh riahof i-efutatioii that 88 cents fa.r ih** ftrat mlle for,... or two peraona in a one home vehicle la not

extremely high, ln rleu ofall the circiimatonceaiffcrting the caae. Uut tho double rate for a

two-horac vehicle, and the additional Aargeafor a longer diatance are exceaaivo in both caaea,

othei .iti.s have tln- ad\ aiitai,.' of ratea whichU1. must belleve to be proportionatelj louer,aI.| they have. inoi<*aiv*r. at their coininand at

siiiall prioea oertain eomfortable claaaea ofvehides which ar*' Btrangdy irRRtiHg la New*V'.llvHut far more Irritating and oppteaaive tnan

tbe l"K:ii 18*8* which New-Yoekera are eom¬

pelled t" paj i- th*' general and oonacienceleaa,.\t ntioii of the drivera. L*et n<. amdd Jehnn-hoae soul abhors an overcharge compteifl that

I,,. |b uiijustiv conileinned. T<> all such nre

,,iTi r the aaaurance <>f *.ur profound reapect,regretting tbat the* are not aa overwhaatmiRgmajority <>f thoae arho hold the relm for birein this Imperlal aity. It is upon the baeka of

their unvvoithy OoDcRgUei thal we lay lhe lash,and it is 0B them that tha- City Iinprov*'inentgodetj is apecifically invoking th." terrora <>fih," |aW. Tbey daily \iolale lhe oiiliaiaiucs in

unrit and in fact, They bide thelr taiilT earda,they are prone to oonccal their aumbera, theyregard the paaaeBger a* thaii prey, they facehim down with steadfast falaebooda if ihey can

and take Kave of him with objurxatioiis if theyfuil t*i cheat Iii in. If may be said that their

patfORI have tho reihedy iti thoir own banda,and so they would havo if all wero familiar withtheir riRhts. or in every instaiu" had the timet. ohtain It ia bocause under presentivcndition* individuals ate «ure t^> be wronjscd.women, invalids. _tranger», belated passen-

gers hurrjiiij; to their tiains.thut those who

know what is due them and can easily niakcan example of whoever denies it, are urKed to

stisfain the soeiety in its work of reform.

TIIE PIRE OS THR CRUIMEB CBAMIMRTOB.Kires in eatten eargeei ftem ipoBtaneooB t*m-

bmation hnve beeome t"<» eommon. BR» lt * RMa.rten that (ire starts in a eoal cariP, aml when II

daea, aa in the earn of the I'nited Statea rniUr

ObarWtoa, iu Paget Souad. a few daya ago. «.

altaatiofl ia most dlffeult ta eentroL Fortmiately IR*

(ire la tho eoal bankera ol the Cbaiketan araa

promptly dlaeovered, an.l yrt l'«'f<>^¦, .¦ B0"M '

extingatahed manv of the offlcera' ateatrooiBe aan

thelr Bttiaga were dettroyed, the bertb-deek aad

ateeragii qaarten wm* badly dameged. and otherloaaea wm* Inflieted II wns ealy ¦ f,,w ***** that llre Ktarte-l |n I fl«nl pi'e nf eaal :,f *¦"'

Brooklrn Navy Yard fram epentaneoua eembuetioB,and it t.M.k two or three da|l "*«> BRttofUl* it

Oth-r tnt in heapo anal e*»nl leinkers hav*heen raeaed i*y Bpootaneaoa eemboetlen. Imt tbema«it threat."nini_ <>n." was tl.iat »n tlie Aiii**ri."in

deamehlp Waahlqgton, when. on h.r whv from

Uverpool to New-York. in 1854, her r*m. eanghtlire in mldeetaa nn.l the en,{iue**r*s for*** kept thelire suiiiliieal so that, tbe aeveral luin-li**'! paeaengeraknew BothlBB of it nntll the meel reaehed Hall-t.\, when h<-r bankera arere Baeded with areterand the llit* was extlngalehed.

Spootaneone eoBibttatlon i» no doubt <lue, pri-inarilv. to tlie BhfiOrptiofl by eoal of lhe oxygenof the air. All *.f eoal, aft.-r being eal <«r

broken, is*iriti t*. Bbaott oxygen, the amoaat rary-lnc in voiimie aeeordiag to the qaality *>f the eoalThe aii-orptiaiu nf Ihe oxygea raiws the tempera*ture of tha eoal, Bad thla angmeata tlia- rate atwhieh tha- oxygea is taken la Altbongh the ab-soi'iiiion .af ia\y_a"ti doea naat niLa-i* the tln- eoal faiitlirii'iitly high t.» eaaaa eombaatloB,the oxygen itaelf beeomeji ehetnloally aettve, anlln bituminoui eoal, arhleh was probably the ki'id.rn tha* Charleaton, it rombinea arlth the eeutalnedbydrogen and earboa, thus further Inercaaiag thetoiupeiatur*'. When aueh aetlon tak.-s ph*'" iutiit" I'lTltl** **f il beap ot 60*1, B Mllliell'flt a|liailtityaal air mav Ik* BUpplied to eauae .simiitaneoiis ii.m-

buatlofl. Ii is alao rli.iin-'l that pyrita*s in th**

.1 |>lav tan ImportaBl part in promottag eom-

buafion. The ehemleal ohang* arhleh tbe pjrrlteaundeigo, eapecially if there is a large pereenteg-,.r thal Bubatanee preaent, Ib aome instunees lilaa-r-ates aulphur; aad as the .emperatore neeeaaary t<*

ignite aulphur is only 4-.' degraea F-hreaheittvvliil*" iii tbe eaaa af eanael eoal. arhleh lanites attba l.ivvt'-t temperature among tbe s.'veral kmals.ailis dtgreea Fuliieiilielt are ra*-|.iir*"<l. it wili l>e seen

tiiat. in eonaequeoe_e»ol tbe ehemleal obange in-

dicoted, the BOtnal temperature <>f Ignltiaa iareally li.wei.-al '.'.l.-.r.'.-s in entinel eoal. Pv-iita-s ai-aa |ir.iii,"fe Bpontaneoua romhuBtlon thrangfathe teodeney ol th" eoal to Bplit np in sinal! pleee*,eaiiaed i.v expaaaloo from oxldatioB, thus rxpaatea11,-si, surfacea with a conaequent lncreaaed ahaorp-tion i.i oxygea. Coal cargo lircs ar** more fr*-.|oeiitni the tr..pias iu the higher latltiules. but the

Lntroductlon ol high ateam pieswure*. with tbeeonaequant laeiea* of bunker temperature, in

ronneetlon wlth trlple expaoaioe rngines, bas had;!.. aame effect ui>ori the bunker ooali of Meain-

abipa thal tbe natural beal <.f the tropiea baa badnpon imi rargoea. ll haa been sai.l that the «o-

aalia-.l v.'iifilatioii Whleh baaa time to time

heeo tntrodueed Ib ships ia one «>f the moal piollSeetOAra aal' spolltlineoiis a'a.ll|l>ilstiiall. If B thOfOIlghInveatlgatton is made, Ba there pra.bablv wili bein tlie raae of the CharleatoB. the eao«e a,f the tire

ln her hankers wili m. doubt in* demonatrated, aad:, remedv may be found t.a la*ss.-u Bueh daagen in

thc f'lture. ^^^^^___m__m_mmm_mmm

The commeree deotroyer Colambia; the aorelwarahlp that was Ronebed at PhUadelphla bb

Tiwaalay. a** the Bflh temel of the lTnlted Rtatea

S f,. hrsr name. «ad Ihree *.f fh.**e mei

iv ith diaaatronfl IRtea. I'.'it lhe prejMt Colambialo ,i more auhBtantlal veaael than wns any of the

,rs. n..i ibe w..s laanobed ander euch pleaeanlaml Biiapieioua .i-liti.-ns that good luck mav al--,i , h I.-- a"\p*'.te l to follow her. I aaluuilaia the first

nu* ¦> rorty-foar-gBB vaaarl of i.:-"s toaa, buill al

lhe WiwhlBgton N.«'-.v k'ard. She araa oae <>f

tho v,-weln bnnwd on Aagaal U, IB14, after the

Hritish had eaptared W.vhlagtea an.l irt lire t*.

The M",'.iiial Columbia wns alua. a forty-f.a-.r .".ii wiaad "f IJ26 lOOB .lisp!.i«.'uia'iit. Her

Icm.1 waa lald In l«», bul ahe waa bo< laaBebeduntil 18.10. She wna one of tbe rcaoela lylng al

ii,,. Sorfolk N.ivv V-.r I when the «vll War bi-gan,,j.| just laefoie the '...if.'.l.'Mt"*" .' .pttiie I that dfa-

,.,. i., .pril 21, IMI, waa BUrd wlth eombua-t,i,lo,,,"! with ml aad turpentine and ael

llra to by the I'nloa Xbtj alDeer Ib eamiaaad le

.r,.v.-nt Im falliag lata the baada "f lhe rnemy

The thinl C'lnnil ia WBB BB ImpTOTiaed ir..ria'l.'i>l

that did Bervlee ofl tl.e North Carollna S.mmls..,.! wi.s wreeked afl th.* North CaroHfla .bR

-,,i is,;::. The fourth Columbia wns a viv.«^l por-rtuwrd i'v th" Uovernmenl in !..! She araa detiii.-i for <ii*v in the Nerth Atlaatle Sqaadroauntil tl.e elom of the Rar, an-l a vear lafer

Saal'l Ht BUCUOR._l, ifl underat.I lhal Mr Cleveland, Ib hia

Irtter ol .^eeptaaoe, wlll make tie greataet effort.f |,|fl life lolng t.a h'.U' ob Ihe lariff. Ib»w

e,.dlngly mortlMng il would '«. to the dele-

pta wi,,. compoaed tbe (Idcag.uTentlon if. la

bb aaxiety lo a.mpliah BaR cl^ hedge, bonhoiihl tun.hi- «>IT the platlonal

_ m °

RilltBfNate is eornmaal) icgarded m lhe rtta-

p.-niive ..-nir." of the world. A|.|mr.*ntlv "'Vhe

Rocbeater DbIou" would faln bare tliat iiiverto.ldiatlnotion h.«rtowed upon K ..'h.-i. r For tt krep.<.-_»liini-: the MoKlnley hill . ptekpocket tariff mo*.

bery."v eorrrapoadenl et "The Boaton TreneerlpV

Mpoo whom the pletnm of Warren Haatlaga la"t!T ireat counell eliamber tl Calcutta" .md theIntend, "Mene arqua ln ar-luis' inva- ,n.7i.a- ,i pro-r.a.iii'l 'impwaaioii, Ihaaka to Ifaeaulaya ramotia,-*, .v. vv;as MiiuL.rly hapreaied i.y Mr. Clevelaad'a.,,,,. ,'r.ii.r." rn the Madiaon gqaam Oardea laalW**k It wi" "aU he hla IRull if *<. i Inur.-r

o| s,-..,t..r llill 'l"<- »"f m.i'at.* Rw alert a..|

rnterprUlag eobblrr of tradittoB atul deeorate hia

.i,,i wlth Ihe legead, " Ueafa, arataea'a aad chil-drea'a boibb ka arduia."

- ? -.

Sa-nat'T AMriah'a Ibeta aad Igarea make a t**r-

rihly ilestructive hreadalda tor the ."rav-IradoDemoeracy.

_ m

lf ih*. MiKinl'-y bill U-Ati latrodaeed new ladaa*in.'s, ateadled, aod in maaj laataaueee raiaed, wnttBaml in all eaaea bwrered prieea, what groaad .>f

,-,,niphiint. agalnal it CBB tbere ho t If it has

helped the prodaeer and fhe waiie-eHriM-r, and at

(he same time has ledueed fhe OOBl "f liviiii; f'.r

Hia- 1'iiiihiitiK-r. why ish.iul.l any AiiKTi.'ati va.te

BgaiMt it '¦' lt may nol bave beea o gaad law

im Bngland, but then it waa aet pa.sse.i m ta

\,-t of rarliament. lt is au Anieri.'i" htw BBdhaa operated advaatogeooaly f"r tha general Ir-temBta of the eauatiy.


.lolm T. Ithli, Itaimlilliiiii aOBrtBOB IRI Onv.Ttior ti

MM-fBB, Is ii Vermotit.-r hv blrtli. unal ls llfty '»».

yoars of Bgt. Ile BM always Ik-.-ii B praclkal furiri.'r.

unal la a mnti of spl.'ii.ll*l |>l.v*.l«iu.'. He has Ik-cii

-in-.iU.i- nt tiu- HlehifBfl ii'.u*' "' RepreaaataUvea toriu,, tenns. anal wn« a member -f c-iik-r^s ton ranun, oovoraor Uae* maAt btm ltniironai Onaada-.loiuT. au offito llo holil fa.ur yaiir-.

a iiiiiii'ii.ui.. iu hor toar »f tbaRaaRR, wMafe h**amir, iha (jie'iiiuis. ha. now reaebed NeaBBMa.

Ilinil.-t .sia.vvv Is nnl v.-t .-ntirclv foriftveni. ni.- s.,.,11, tur h-r **i mi*' Taa*** ObbIb." Beoaralagtaa ia. vlsllair lll iA. Louls. liil«rviowo«l by " Ibe (.lolae-Ugfl_ofiat.*

Kxrr.-lila.iit Ilav.s, who Just now haRfaaa to be

in piaiileMrn. vhora ba bbUhb a visit .-very mubbmrls n bellever ln tbe nmlliw nblrt, evon at a clty hot*'l,If tho weaither rooulivs lt.

Thd wlf- "f Mr. PriBk, Bl ItOmiBtlBd. ls of Ma-'ia

BfeBaBRa Moa-k. BORMHM '« "Tho lkaMon Jtjurniil."

H.-r father wai A*ia P. OMMB, who b**tvvayn U8B nnd

l«na WBfl a*ng-*e«t tn the wholenale slaoe buslnesai In

Illtsburi. nitkklug Ma purchflsea*' ln Boston, wfiere he

and hls brother, llmvey Oitlds, were arrll taioim.They araia partaera ot Hr. Mi Aibrr.. of Boaton,who iittended to the piirrhn-lrtfj of the flrm*. atocllu Ihis rlty. and was u wldely known und hlghly ro-spe.tcd l'lisinc.s rnan.

Mr. QeOBBJB hfctraa, the new gapraaM Court Ju-tlee,|g a glant ln Klutiir.', of dlgnlfl.d yet adnble inanners,purtl. ulaily .'iiiu-t, niiH to younger membera of the bar,and possHsw^ tx ih,.. ******** mikI a ready mrit. L'ntUwlihln a Um ****** he showed tvMflBflflg ot a do.ldc.lyllterary bent, and .ren jet rta'ls lhe (.reek and La'lu(IjiskI.-m fnr entertalntiieiit. Addlnon Is hls favoriteKngllsh aataar. 111* wlfe ls -md lo be a 'votnun olhm* .*utiiliiiii.'iits. and the r-*ldence ot Ui*' famlly oflsto.-kton av.-., All.'gheny Clty, ls lhe BflBBfl of man|MCtal gathfrings. Mayor Ke.ui.-dy, of thnt clty, liher brolher.

Frnu Hwiaafl Yogl. 88__a one of lhe great dromatli-opiani.s nf (iermany, wife of thi- dlstlngulshed tenor,H.ltulrh Yogl. wlll ivtli. In OfltflkM from actlve worhat ihe Munlcti Royal Opera, where both iha and herhu-band BBVfl \irru th.- l.'adliiR .alngers for the Lutiwemynix ye.M*. I'raii 8*8*9 ****** has for aeveralyears bflflB ><-ilou.-ly; but, with her husbnnd,she has bflflB OBfl flt tlie PBBItflflt exponents ot th*true ..'rt.nei_.iii tn.dllloii M BBUBttfl artlng, both olthem havlng had tlm beii.-flt of lhe BMfltflrl guldi.aca.iiirlng hls l-old"!..-.. i.t Murtl.h. ***** Vogl wu* .__.

piMlally dlstlugutsh.'d for h.r |snld.-. nnd shI rreatediin- part <>f at thfl tlr-t peiforman.-e of - lAtiValKuert*," lu lr-IO. at Munlih. r*he wlll rennln an.. K_l_reitmlt_.Ued." or l.< noiarv member of the Royal<>p.'i.i Campaai*.

Elchard ..iranss, Ikfl vonng (ierman composer and(ondii.tor. ls conval..f-ceiit at Hclthenhall. lu t'pperUavaria, aaar llaliaaif Ih h ¦* *"~*i P*8*iJ* ¦**open -i-iiiitraiii," of whi.h the flrst a.t ls sald to bafllllall.-d.Tke aataaa d.-ath by iraaralag ot Robert \v. sha- thlrd MB ,,f Dr. R. Vi. Shufeldt. of Tnkoma Park,U. ___, tali.s uway B proniMng young -rlentlat. mr

HBM months he l.a.t bflflB fl.Bflfltli wlth the ornlth>l.irUal dlvl.lon of the Natnral lllatorv Muaeum ofMarietta Colleg.*. Matlella. ohlo, n- taxldermtat aadoolleetor H>- lost hls llf. whlte on a l.lrd liunt upil... ohlo'Rlver. Tho COAflfl wlll hls prlvataISumSm lnflta niu-.-um a- - The r-hufeldt rolle*tnm<*whi.h wfll fnrntat. the aadflaa for » titttng monument


"I .ligK'-t,"' 889*1 » rorr**-i»».nd"nt, "the follow*.

ing new KnglWh words: Typine. a type-wrttlagnocklM (U.o accent falW upon the last lylUbl*,tvpeeeii).

" Typer, a male operabjr on the typine..¦ rjf-fla. * ******* Bpajaaar on tl.e typine.¦..*., lypa, ta write aa the typine."T\po-< rlpt, tiyaWllttua or ty.K_-W--._en man-

u-.ript... lt may aid tka mernory Ifl -«*BM tuat tno ***** **<>¦**. Ifl form.-d by 988*8 the llrst at.d toel sytlableiof the expres-lon type-wrlilng marhine, and that tt

MIM tha BBBM a- the romplete expresston. Also

that tho -Mt one, typosrrlpt. ls forraed by Biking thaflrst MM and the la-t ta. syllables of the expreaMrmLifU BIIHflB fllBBBBBltBt und changlng. for the -alie ot

..'uphoiiv, the u of th>- -..i-oiid yllable int. an o.

.. Ther.' Is 8 v... au.-y In the Kngllsh vorjibulary whieh

these words UL The type-writing Industry lii__

sprung up wlthln a sh.n-t Ume, no

words have rome inlo general u->- to meet the r_o_ulre-¦MBtfl of the new __lBB_Bflfl A genetul move. eat

waaM oalflUy <-i.-.biiaii taaaa."

v Matter ..f *m*t,*^W***\ >«»'. l",n 01ir .*!lt'ba'»*Bfhool cl*aa I" the b.-ia*vol.'iit. woman.

¦¦*.., - aald iiw bbbUI boy, -i w«nt. i am a

CatkoUc, an.t b.-IU-ve ln the masses ratber tlian lhai-ii.--.-.-.'¦-¦ 'Iadlaaapalla loaraal

-The AirJUtaetaml Kerord'' hua aatoai "i^n »»

-,.,-.,iid var wtth ****** 949** ** ln<'re__.liig proap' I, a .jii.-iiteilv t.i.ig.i/liic han.laoii.elv prtnted end

pmfttaely lawtialfli. Ta* tlr-t number ef the ser-ndv.ii.un.' reveali -vid.-BBfla al ¦apertiB' uaekmni aaihigh P'>\*-r. BBCh BB undertaliltig _kat_T8B a larg»¦lea.-ur. flt BBflflBBS.

A l.ini.E D1M <" RA'iF.D.I kBOW, -ir, lt di. l.K/h that dowiirlgTa bad

Wh-n a f.'llow 11k.- rn<- aln't gol Bfl Krit,Hut I raa help lt I nat* tfl hmt

llentv u' -and au' gtl up an' i'n teiiin' vou. Hr, grewi alnaar tir*»i

Apoiimlln' an' driviii' nt things whal w.m't go,I d" f-.r lt -eein- a*- lt thing- all ron-jilred

N.'ver t" let me hav- .r-half » ahow.

There was mo-t t«>o niiu.y 'f «s ehlldren at horoo,An' muh all ol **t WBl ********** f'»l-s. too;

An' -nl- alt.'. -"*. you hno-a*. »..,__¦.I'ip !., iii.- -. i- .ti li wlii'ti thete'a aoinethlii u. do

To iv-|. ;' ..^ lamtilj ln bBiter ;.'.' bread."Twaa alwaya bb UU, but l h- p«l h.te .he rww,

An' Buor dnddv-how often he'a -«tdJIo ****** hfl mlght P'u me a gho-t ol * .how.

Mr wora i.i---if aat al lt Bm 8*8 me.We dug out hls grave ln the hlll>lde rlay *.

Hc V..-1- uht -I.-n ii- died, a.i* waak, t>..t weMi--«_ is l.ainis iimt wai f., away.

Thing- -e.-ni.*d la P<> arroBg after that wlth t**.Remeniber. lv-* aglu* J.m. gaa.__Baa_

An \,-r whea h.d ******* BP :uid ment to «4__,

HM let" me -tlil wtth a p.'rer flB0W,

Tliingi miglit liave BflBB dltftvnt to wTiat they ll,Ilut 1 thoiight one Uin- VA ttAWn » W*}*.,

lu-t om bm. t" fceer tor, roa -.ti"'-'". bnt ulWi.ui.iti't. ih* -._.!. baaa it -<> for tiw wori.

gba ***** tot a llvtn aho **"¦ nn' aet ihe:\..ur handa l- f"" enough aow, wlth the h«e.

Oulle full enoBgh BWW _MBl lakln' n' me.

Wbo, ju-t lila* vmiail., haln't never a show.

A..' -le hnnga !,y It. -Ir. 93* 9 ***** t* a nv.t

When, wiiii.r, i .1 wanr »<if u.v haafla bu b> bit,\u I'ii, flourad bb' ..i.i.t. art' l"-iu- i<> b.»n

rhe burl o* mv rtoea .>' gli Bp bb* t*_%.IT tn iv be I'm iookefl. then wlll T*airvldo'lur'them a- lf 1-f heit- hiingry below.

kn* aomehow l've kuwM lu baavca taat idiu tome way bo glren _obm lort ot * ahow. i

-H'hl.ago News Kerord.

T!w tnrA " taofflflB" la Pwaaylaaala mennfc thi.-hi.-r .'\".-iitlv.- ..m.-.-r of ¦ lv.ia.n_rh. And t rjonugh1- au iBCOrpflfBtfli miini.-li"ility, 1-s- populoiu Cian a

,!'\ BBd MN iv.jmU.ui- Uian B hnmb...

one Bf U.e rn.-t rwriMM KflBM M U.e world tajMBiln 1'ii.laii.l. where lt OCritM I" manv pln-es. lt lljnatural baroraetflr. and aetaally lawMBh. PfOhflMij.lumg.-s tu th- weafh-r. It ia ralled semaUulr. aa«turua blark ahorUjr baajoee bb appmai-hlug raln. WMlln nu- flraatlMT lt h* m.Ki|e.l wlth spot_* ol wBwai*..r a i"ue fitne iht*. earloai Baaaflaaraaa **" a

mratery. t"'t »!' nn«iv-l«> «>f the *-tma »how« tt t-> beUi -11 rnlvd wm. .lav nnd ..iilalnlng a pflttlofl '*

ror* -nn and attre. Thi- h_ct belng haown, the

.-\|>l .nuil .n wns ,.n-v. The «alt. abaorhlna IMiivl-t.ue. turned when the .-ondltlona mertfH-.ornl.le tot raln. wiulo th- drvn-ss ,4 the nim.-*ph**re brought out llie vjlt fisuii the lut»-rl *r M IM-lon.- Ii. Whlte sja ia ,,ti the siirf-.».e.-(St. Lonls ..lob»l>-nu.i n.t.

\ t.egr>> H\1ng near Obflkffl. *rx., owtis n dog whlrhBt*m_fl all the religl ui* ni.'"ltii__s y-i ttie neiphtxrh^-d, up aud titeis t>. follow In th- .-Jnzlng. and »oe8ui> to tlie aliar wlth lha of tlie moorne***-. Ifl ba

prayed for.

Leajal Ttmttt l>.-t.res» tr.*n<*, b*t me Inr mv >*"».iH-fnr.' you. nnd vou shall Judge whether I nm t** en-orIn aiatlng mv i-lt.lm br ...irs. Vou BBflM *_.****i.n ,. artlag yon a toog tlm.-. and by a fnir trlni v*a-av vou h.vo found tm d.-fending thnt whleh la ng. t,tAhvnol then ...nsi'tii |n mv pruy-r for your hn"d anah-i»it. U.urest Irene, I MM, Do nof 998 ni>- *****me have v.,ur uiisw-r. Da nof demur.

lr-ii- I .-.rn Bfl-M, Legal, you are t,*.> brler. ou

my ,1...-|*|on ls. If yott glve «..«'.iHty for the t**t* t*ev-rv -ult I mnv ord-r or rontra't. 1hen I mnr crra.

f.-aa But he. Biade a motion tor hls hut. nnd the *t*

gamonta w.r.- .ll-ml-sed then and tkMB. -tB***** '< .iirt.-r.

THRIB *T*V***UBtl ANI) iKOIOTVf-iI'r,.in Tke News K.-eord.

lt ls a taatlaunlal tn tka ''-t'-epiion.-il genlna ol\i-thiii- grhopenhfluer thnt he perfeetH hli piill.""*-phjr >'f pesalmlsin before the lYopl.-'a partv pl.itfor«WU Iri e .Istiii.v.

¦ *> .

DNK ('IIANIK ******** rOB IIARVARD.IVotn The IU. taa Adverl-er.

The irninlng f»r the Mtf Yale-llarvnrd tWAAHBiriine of th- COMtng nutumn I- t> begln early twa

.',ar Al-endv the llnrvnid BHfll ar- pnetWBg Blflnu ..» s|»,»l tn KeW-HaMpahlM, whlle the Yale BMB *mb**gin irMnlng Ifl Augu-t. llarvard nppenr* t" W_\ murh fi-om h.r r.veiit defnls and *P*J3Si'n: the ritmaOfl team |a alfwaiy Iti t-wlnlng J'wr.?*Zihe bellef that fhe llnrvnid rfflfBfl wUI be aiBBBJIhall usual. ln alm.-si every form of »thie**'*«*»trnliiliig la th- ni.Kt In.portant fn.">>r ln BBflBBB-

C.MPF.NSVTIONS 11 »R TIIE PEACI1 CR^P-rrr-m Tlu* BaMlBaorfl AaKrteaa.

The blaiBBim nnd 9* whorMeberrr are right I****

In all ihelr beaiilv. the toninto l« on lhe *""'. J»r hnZrrah n.-ver faii.s t.. erawl aboal laaOm***mB*J997m*I .rn. rounllng lu the potuto crMf. n«_2JR^|the ihere wiu prflhaaly be ,ftm'tl1'"»l_l<.it lu Marvlnnd thls l.esides terrnpln and canvw

Im.-k Aaak._TAKE OOOD f'ARE OF TIIF. nARlEr..

From The IUltlinoi*e Amerienn. ^^^Meu and women. if they BM ftMjS-SSfiluTB

enough tO stand Ih- s|,-;,ln (of hls kflt»m*»«-gninln siilTerl.ig wlll l.e nmong the bablea to **¦*£weather of thls kind .......ns g.ave t*9**A*Am m*

wflian weeks ol laat month the Intont "SJj^jJSv.,r *.l,:li. und lt ls |MMi that this week s raflge.wlll glve another large imd MUflMBM toiai.

VES. |F TMEY YOTEP IT \VH.I.IN('l'Y*Fis.m The St. loul* Otaba DlBMIiat.

,t wlll be a great thlng fo" I****gg gfS1,-y for the aegroea ,.f t.e Boath t^*.* \\ -,._iJd.,f votlng. no matter whom Ihey o'le mr. * ^bfl iK-tter lhat they voted tlte atralght Kourfton x,

Ihmi not le vote at all.

TKN'MON OFFICE APM1NISTRAT10N.Fmm The liidlmiapoll*' Jourual.

. BM Baan re.ult ot Uie Raum ^***S*_***,iIt hM 1.-1 lo tka rev.H-atlon *J*J£**]J_a_ *(on-re..n,en. through Ihelr a_8__^_!_g_a tlobtaln Informatloa to aeU to pcnalon »«»» *******
