xxi. monday, ns. -...

vsfc. xxi. washington. i>. c.. Monday, j.inii vhy id. i*>4. ns. 8.089. HIE EVUMMU ST A U »> KVHKV ATTKH^IKja HVITDaT it THE STAR « t> I L I S «* -m-rn&wm A'eilil **!» 11 ril Sr««V; my W. L). WALLAOH. > aftfl tefTM lB (Mltni u> tau1: _»i - at 94 & I #*».or JT «%»« mot>ik fo mftil J S* f>. IS #4 50 ft T*ft*\ M ?2 fnr «i I .aIu; tl for Art* sal for i*ea tk=.^ ; imimni fti th« r%fc» of I'd .-win a *»»k . Waj»» smb. on om;iaim>Hn. r^o «*»*«. arADYKKTiniMXitrM iif.cJ Uwtte tfc« M MOf« IX 0'«i0^k It.. T»ftf *S* MM WH1 4\» Mli 4»t HHMnBBmBDwmmHaBan < For the IIolltliiyH. 4. B. B1IIICK& 4 9., Bbavck o# Nm 1ft 4*n Ul Bwad ftr., Sr* lou, vwrjut rvn ULX AT TSSIS B TOILS, IU. *3T PESBiSYLTAllIl AVENUE, NEAR TTTIBT JIR?<Tn rtTRRKT. SJTJy Of THK OLn *V/>TSR POCKSR. TO1 MOfT COMPLST1 .vvtiftf «<Nf <j* IMPORTED HIKES AS1> LIQUORS TO B8 Wl'«ll IS TH« MSTE0P0LL3. -iLiwET1TB nPfifrntro * mi u xtwxixn KsApl ItiJUDb* Krrs AND KEUS no. I MAC&KKKU K ENNF.nr^ S A I .MO N, 1 80USBD A FIUKLKD LAMlfcj* TONOUES, PIOS» FF.ET, i | ESOLJSH DT?N OODFTSH, T&ff.-thrr with ail the ZftFXUBJKS INCIDENT TO THE SEASON. ! .. I Mmul A. M. B. k. Co. are also Sola Proprietors «f BIHISftER'8 CELEBRATED LONDON 1-WK OIN, Pwt ap Lo Quart Bottles for mrdieinai ut. AlftO. tJOl* Agebt* for OLl> TOM LONlMiN <H)K1>I AL, OIN. | . _ i VAU 9rtkW»» lK*«i«ht *1 thtrir itOie wirruWJ mltke 8rut quality, and forwarded to any part of tk« mktf ftrm of i Am wa iot«cd to ha y*rman«ntl7 Uvr.atA.1, re9M^llr r*4UMl famlli** tn j-t» na & call. AHKAM M BINIVUKX, liiSSKY T. CAP EN. WaMM9«TO», Dwmlwr. iddi. a m muiMuiiD ^ i'/i «. * I . . «> Mm*m » WW. A»TO OU CVU^UIUU WIVfl i *tt»r IIoom. BOLLIK CU17KCH, NATIONAL LOAM. TBI IflW All PER CENT. BONDS of tho UKiTED STATES, TAT All LB TWJVTT T1AW FROM DATS, (41 (An Tiro T«»rs, tt Option of lk« Hnr»rmmonl.) TUB COt'POJI BONOS, la Smut of firry »oi,lars, Ml HUNDRED DOLLARS. vtvb HUNDHKD DOLLARS, . and oki thouBAND DOLLARS. thi 1£gist£rfd bum^, In Jom* «»f FIFTY DOLLARS, oki bCNDKKD DOLLARS, FITS HUNDRED DOLLARS, **E THOUSAND DOLLARS, fltl thohfand dollars, and tb* thorftamd dollar*. e9t1u8t commencing at date of fubchape, amd ntir,l» 82*5 iwtullt in crold. tkrue SoHM are ulft OflJUili-T HOVKKNM KNT PEOr&lTT wrw in th« market. Tfc* latftTMt, it pri-nrnt price nf wiin, b«icf IfolTttont to m PimCk.xr In currency. FOR tALJfi BY JAY COOKE &. CO., RANKKKK, 4** FIFTJUtNTH HTRBUT, Dc^L<as is OOTERJfMEXT M OA DA, TREASURY NOTE3, CERTlTlCATta, 4JLtfr AND NAVY VOUCHER*, COIN, CURRENCY AND EXCHANGE I JOHNSON a* NAQLE, I Mt HJSHYLTASIA ATISCI, HOLE AUKVra for th« IBTRICT Of COLUMBIA I _ .HI WTLkSK BISINGEB * 00 *8 1C*«. 19 *#«**r Strwt, New York,) CXLXB3ATKD B9TTLKB WIIB8 AMD LIQFORS, fOK MJiJJiCiM AL tfUKPO-lW. Meomm«D-t*<i >t th* mert emlMBl Pfcytl eUiii of Ik* C. 8. Ana*. OLD MEDAL OOttN AO, OOLB UKCAL MABEiRA, eOLD MXDAL PORT. ©OLD MEDAL "HKRRY. I OLD TOM LON DON OOKDIAL. UP VAN WINKLE (JIN, WHIAT NUTRIENT, OLD HOMK^TfcAb RYB, KABTMHT BOURBON 1-33 RR3IRYB, AAOMATIO SWISS QIHB BITTBE8. V*kr)toU« attention of P)iy«ieiftD« Dra^^ivta md. Ofown to the** *xo«ll«nt good#, which w ml Iw Yerk pri««a. freight added. hut that the ttirwik mriu of th* abort foote will Inrar* th# atiataetion aad aocfldi»aoe of - I Al W _ ^ lu.« ftW. « I. I . Ill I III ll| w»w rwjwir- *. »nf ! «« rw Mm of IrrMpon#* bv* . Tit: riff* of Dfwi l^tn tad k>-o*11*4 cli«rriru. «»udy «h»w 9*rdi to. J«HN80N * !V AGLS. MflB K«U» Achate £ HOBKKTi' CT1UP Of WILD OBIBRY AN0 TAR. A !*ifl 1 ®T irm HIT OtBB FOE OBSTlXATh LUUHHS AMD CXJLDS I._ nirim rrui"iJ w ITUVDiM W^kot^t *nd Fiica id the Br*»at «ju J Irrit* of the Tbi->«t It c«<o>>in»y> in a co uc*»ntr.»?«<! fern thr rriu'Uk1 of WilJ Cherry B-»rk 1->< the h»*llBf pr«*ferti#»of Tar. In ten cv-mo«t mf tvtin it will cure »C'l vmm b<jttt» wt ,ch eo«U bat will #fBormlly nufte e to effect the car* DiUiMMi. D..«j >1, ltffi. Tki« wili «ertify thnt I h*v« u*~i tn in f f%:nily fhr Mtcrtl ye»i« K^^rU1 Hyrup of Wihi Cherry ud Tw, tr«1 have f''Un*i it tn* U>«t »ud Bout »p->-«ty m. rr for C<«u!",»n,1 C«l4» tb*t I h»re «r*r trv-<t. ft j.iwitr* »« b«»« mn «peoHr ®**t in curibi I rrltjitlou of TkfMt. OBO. W.T»tlo». Mo. 189 North K*»*'.r «»r^t B»vln« u»eU Dr. RotwrU. «yru»of Wild 0«er»i ud Tat I r*e<> turn end it ms %n T*ra«i» i . - ». I.BP,r' r VVI"". « fcev.tf. A. W ii>oi. alO RtrfoN areuna Fr»e»- Ktrt*. r»r .r orr <tnr*n Pr»p»f«Kl »oi -oM Jo*It f H (UJhKKTS. No 1 SivfinifttBt * ]. Al»o, by £U A>. *T"Tr. »ru«*. t .J7!| P4, * »»( fi r thia TMirtH<« * * ,U »f»«! '* ^ PVfMM Sf^CTLBttf follnwiiHr th»tr R««l!nfnU, %* tli«» »«d» tl.rui-|h Al- JUi lrin wi4 R*< li ' buy tl. »» Kl B'. »u»t r AKkr1 At ll'» Ch iv-I' iph,* Hn-f? *iii 169 K inf n«*ar W v of >b Pl»* *ii<i *»jiod haxd.by 'tf (,nck^«M. d* 13 1m* I a PROPOSALS. M T 8 C pTLT I B~ Orr:ci s«T8iOriu Qvatiuiiirn, % Arm* %f ui Paommt. J Wxaatae-ru* naytaiabar lifes > fturwlALa ara larltas fnr fnrn;*nuif Tor vn* %m j? t&* arzcr of til* Pnv.nn* th* fAllowing »rU<»U«: kjuuu toxu bMt Ttokotkf Ray, aoonr+ty WrJ. tht weight ofaach bale to be marked tkenra tfitt/Vb bcafeele »f OaU, of tke aeet ««elttr. la etron* ao«ka. ««U eewed. f/wbeordeOak and Hickory Wood. well uuoatd a*j-i of Ike be*t *a*iitr Ml bid xnnit be anenmpenied ay tkeendoreei .saat rJ tT<. vM*on«ibl« iMr«>na tfc»t tk» awaj-d«d will "W falfli'rfMl BM* win be opened from time to time ae the arj Stale# mar be seeded, and eunlraete wlH be awarded &?r the quantities ium^mI tn the lvweet rwepmurfble bidder up to tke time of opening. Pbo right U rMMrvAd to *eoa»t all or any part of *** bid. r rt»posaia ehonid be eadoraed " Propoeabi for Hav ar Oat*, or Wood " aa the eaMTnayba. and enoloeee taee»arateenTek>pee. FUfUS iw&almk Lieat. Cr.l. and A. D. C.. *eO-tf Oblef QaarWrmeetec. | jbi.aWARR statk lottbbf. BRILLIANT S C H K M S ! HIS PRIZES OF S700. CAP1TAI 530.000 8*cocrt Capital Pnw .. 7 .W90 Ooliar* Ltwnrt Thre« ><anb*r PrUe.. ..7OO Dollar* DEL A WA RE STA TE L 0 TTER Y, Auihc-.i^d by ' An Act for tho Kscoarafarnftrt of Ir.t*raaJ Improrrmerti in tba 8tat- of Dei»w%re.'' JOB NA MORRIS A CO , Man»*«»rr Ci ijy; a4. to dr»i?r. in Wilmington, L>*Uwfcr«, on HATTT fcf; A Y, January 31 #t, ] 1*3. 8 C n 8 M K l prize of $3".w is %&,(**) lpriMcf ">SW\n ~ . ... 7,990 jpri«t?ot 3 «'»0, J pr»«« oi #7 0,1 prue vl $7m* 1 p:»*e of 70C, l prize oi 7t.-0,prise of 7flrt I pr:zr of 7ft":, 1 prist' cf , l pnxp of 7;ai 1 pr»«e of 7"ft. l p'izts of 7W. ] prize of 7 1 priie oT 7.X. 1 prize or 7P0.1 priz* vf 7-ti ] 1 prize of ?Y, 1 prizo of T-*', I prizr of 7:s: 1 pr:*r of 7v*', ! prize of 7'.*:, i prixr of fit; 1 prize cf 7-v. l prise ot 7h>, i prize of 7-r, 1 pnx«- of 7(V, i prize of 7<A l prii<* of 70' 1 prixc of 7M>, l prixc cf 7ft4. 1 prizn of 7;*i 1 prise «f Ttv, 1 priac of 7\*>, 1 prize of T-.s: i pna* of 7: ft. 1 priEP nf Ton, i prire Tori 1 prue of 7COr 1 prizn or 700,1 priie nf 7<l' 1 pi iie of 7W), 1 priz^ of TtXJ, 1 prite of 7*\ 1 prix* of 7ti>, j priz. ot 7 I pn*.- of 7 si I priZA of Tiki, I pnzA of T'f', ! pr»z<* of 7m i prize or f\K, i prizeo! 1 prize or TfK> prite of «**', 1 prize cf 7<*!, I prize of 7\W 1 prixn of 7Tfl. 1 priz«> of 7«\ 1 prir;« of 7:*i I prize of 7V. 1 »ri»A of 71*1, 1 pris** of r*i ] prize of /«>, 1 prize of ?;V>, 1 prir.e of 7w l pri*B or 7W, 1 prize of 7*\ 1 prizs of 7<Vi 1 pnte of 7W, J prize of 7W\ 1 prize of 7on » prist of 7«*\ 1 prist of 7'*», 1 prize of T-J1) i priie of Tno. 1 priz<! of 700.1 prize of TiVi 1 prize of 7:*', 1 priie of 7W. ! prize ot 70U 1 prize of 7i*t, 1 prim of Tut, I prizn of 7*1 1 prize nf TOP. 1 pri*^ of 7 0. 1 prm- of ffTi Iprieeof TV-. 1 price of 71*'. 1 priz» of 790 1 prite f f 7<V:, 1 prirt- of 71"*', 1 pri of TX« 1 prize of 7<"*\ i prize of 7^, 1 priie of T*~> 1 prize of 70ft, 1 prize of 700, 1 prize of 7:|0 »pr.»4of JW.l prize of 7"®, 1 prize of 7;i 1 prize of TOP, 1 prist- of 7-TO. 1 prizi< of 1&. 1 prize* of 700.1 prite of T«». 1 priz« yf TJ&] 1 prize «>f 700, l prize of 71*), 1 prize of 7?*' 2 1 prize of 70P, ] prite of TOP. 1 prit»> of T)0 1 pi iz« of 7**'.1 prize of TV, 1 prite of 7X» ; 1 pr:?e TflO,lpH*eof 7W ] pri»« of ? *> ''i 1 prize r.f 7nf>, 1 prjtr of 7V\ 1 priz.* nf 700 r* 1 P' ize of 7<*>, l prize 01 Tj0. ] prize of 70* 1 jwizr of 700, 1 prtzr of 7"»i, 1 pnzr of Tiki 1 nrixr r:f 7W*. 1 urix#* of 7^ 1 nrtzi> nf TYI 1 prize of 7U>. 1 prize of T*1, I prize of 7*50 1 prize or 700, i prize of 7'*), 1 prize of 1 priae ef 700, 1 pri*e of 70i', ] prize of 7X> 1 prize o;' 700, i priae of 7=-:, 1 prize of 7*> 1 prixe of 70fc, 1 priae of 7ft'-, i prize of 70" 1 prize of 7»0,1 prise of 7 < , 1 prixe ot 700 1 pr:.ze of 700, l prixe of 7 1 priw of 700 1 priA«of 7'Tft, 1 prize of 7>* , 1 print* of 7**' I prize of 700,1 prize of 7DC-, 1 prim; of 7<X> 1 prize of 700, 1 price of 700.1 prize of 700 1 prize of 700. 1 priae of 700, 1 prize of «(*' 1 priso? of 700, 1 prize of ? 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Delaware. jaa<5-lm* ' » NUTICK I O Mi'K AND WOCM>KD S-1LDIKR3 CIVILIANS ANJ» Of HEfta. DEFvT OF THE B * O. R R. CO. The Companies compoeiog the line betw«#-n Washington nun >crk liaTfc pux c u a ! tr*e (. er| §3. flttr<1 up % 11 h Wtri*"-'sar Ttntilated . and txpr©*!-ly f r ufEcarn, Rnldiors and others that ar« wounded or aick .with the exoeation of f«r.ta-f"i-Pa^ea. Th* < *r will If art* on l'C 3:?UAVH. I HI K^A-.danlSAli-HDAYafer Philadelphia a' ? p. .. Express Tr»'n. <rr;ne West. iol4ierr. civilians, officers and *-Tbfr- t at -re tick or 4<>um1ed, ar« informM thaf - Ctr a >11 lea* e tl- - pot eTiu * HON DAY, ¥* » HQ<1 KKlU.tY m: 7 *. m , grring thivtitfh to the Ohio riv*r % itiiout ehmitfe <>f c»rt». Mdiwiind olnrlm farU itfli or disc argt-d will And i thr *i.-1 m »*t d^siR^M;* root« for tL* Hrrt. Thin m tbe otslr lis* lh\l e»n m*!1 a Ihi^uih ti'VMfroni W»«fa^nton or check from thi ci:r. (.*! riON TO PAPPRVQKHS . Thu ONLY f Lai K ti buy ticket* 1h a: tae 1 icket iu the >t oflhf- IMO.'.F. Co. J>6 lf BLAcKfeMITHiS JroKOfH. If. ANVILS. Do. FELLOWS. Iks GRISDSTOSHS. iiOHSE SHOES, tVLE do. HORSE SHOE NAiLS% IROS and STEEL, WRENCHES, HAMMERS. RASPS,and uii BLACKSMITHS TOOLS woi mlie. wboicmm* or retail, at low-»t price*. J P HARTHOM)W, HVIlS 03*» P(«TflDth rt., b«t. Pi *». .tnd CtrUkl OX YOKEc. LOG CHAINS, grindstones. WHEELBARROWS, CANAL bAHKOWS, J a rnrs. 1FTH CHAINS, wagon jacks. WAGON WRENCHES, hope, bWJNtrLF.THF.KS. lAJiGE FLAT F(tK M ST AI B.I, HAY AND COAL SCALES ficks. shovels. HA Y STRAW and FODDER rVTTFRS,*t i f*r or *t lowest market »rlc-*. J. P. IJAllTbOLUW. If Itn di* Snv*nth at P> 11 »m1 l-r.il i 4 X*«2 A HATCHETS, S ^ H'.S, WOOD SA vrs, fWOOD HORSES. PICK HANDLES, AXE HANDLES, BROOMS. BUCKETS, E HUSHES, MEASURES, BASSETS. #f . *«., for Mie. vbolo«ale »u<l hr J . IJAKTHOLOW, i?> ra 93m 8«T«Dth at . M Pa. tv, ud Canal, JfeS . JL" -"XuOlJP BRAKE'S PLlttTATIOI BITTER*, KxiittusUnl nMurr'u great restorer. A delightrml beverage and active tonic. Compoeed of pore *»t IJrol* Rar», roots and herbs. It In, rigorates the body, without stimulating the brain. It destroys acidity of the stomach, creates an appetite, and strengthens ttu? system It I* a certain cure for l>y?i>epeia, (Toustipa| Clou, Dun hn-a, Iuver Cornpiamt, ai.d Nerv«us | lieana^he, and prevents Mi>wmaUc dt»«*aee j jroin change of diet, water, etc. It can he used *t ail timee Of dav. bv old or vounr. and ia uar> nJrirly mommt nded to wphIi uiit dt-lwatf l*»r*on* Sold by ail Orocer*, L>rus:»tlFt*. UoMk, iinrt Siikxiiis. P. H ItHAKE Ac <X)^ No. <"2 Hroartwny. N^w York tw 25-»>o<lni \| ANDKKW J JOYCR I AY br foand tt bu> old fUtd. w(it*r» a%n » i»f|" %"d »»ri*-d etoek of 0AHftI*f(B8 on baud. ft >- il v « .^,4 u:. .1 « u# yyy w wan iuv yut aau huu uib »)iu pkT Mtl.P. I.«iw:riii< of all doae witii pr«>a.pli.- # Ami iu tb« b«#t mtuixr 17 Hn AMUSEMENTS. MADAM! LIZZIE BJuTl] ~~ A«HIKT*t) »T MW KMM1 r. LINCOLN, HMtfe* hon-r to uiDt.us^ t»*t *h«> will sita mi B V £ K 1 X (J th* PC*1** AKD L»KAMATI0T8, MOSDAY BV]»*:NO. Jm U', !«S, 0/)L KLLLO *S* HALL, Sere»iA _ **_ ** " Ly''_ Meatus tijt\ TiiJ! Ufii'HANS OF TOMJNTBSSA. It THK OLD OKItil*AL f ASPBLLL-8 S1S3TREL9 AMD BRASS RANI)! ; M.C CA***«tL. ' Uamaoss PIRJiCl FROM TDE PALACIOF MC3IC, (F«arteftcth n^.. N«w fork City,; i WILL or-EH Ai ODD FALLOWS' HA f.L, ON WRDN*8NA\ KVISNINO JANUARY *J18T. ASP BVlfcY ETBJUXO tSIIL FCiilHfctt JtuTICI. In tLtir uiiriT&ivd . SOIHKES l)°K7 HIOPB! fST For fnil p*riw-n";*r« srp rrTammnth d«*rript;T> shPit* prngrainnioa, .Vc , «tc ArtmiB»iob 25 o*-» * f -fttr1 ** cents. 17 4t rl-A'-K Fl) W AltD!*. BoftiueM Aft WSl. H. THOMPSON. . 7 NINTH PTRF.ET, One Door from Prritt.rylr*ei» Arnni, 1>EALKK IN Tobaoco and Cigars, The attrnfinn of dr&tar* and thn public in inritad to my-lock of FINK VIRGINIA OHRWINO TO BACCO, which I hnnjfht xrhnn it wm eh^ap, and i ar* pr-p«rfl to h*U »t ») * *«ry k»wef?t «a*h prio-. In PLUG TOBACCO I will name the following: Thouias' Eidurada. Andertvu'a Navy, V(tCorkl»V Go d L*af, Grarrlr Twi*t, Hh:«» Hfn'« Chirkvu. Tri»tt«>r'* Roa^h St R^ady, Virei> 5u»>, Foil Twist, Buruett'e Honey Dew, Bona Fide. ftraToly, Lotr'h Kxiwlmior, Tewi, Firm, and yarious other brands. I hare i4ft<> on baud, » larg« K>t of OI<*AK8 fire CUT CHEWlNtt ajud KMOKlN<* TOrfAC CO, *k*e& i invite attention to before pureka-iu#. WM H THOMPSON, 614 Ninth »trrt«t, <123 lm* one door from Henna arena®. VITHOLERAI.H PRODUCE AND FRUIT nOUSE OF joy En e co . i'ofvvr 4»d d 8tr««t*, W:inh:n(ftfln. 1A/W) f.BLe. APPLET prime Western New Ycrk Apples, (no fruit lir.e -t in thin market.) just arrire-J. JONES A GO. a boxes pw &fF Palermo oranges, DIM; 100 do LEMuNS. Splendid FKUfTT from lat« Boston cargo. JONFfA CO.. former 8th and 1) aw. 1AAA BARRELS POTATOES, juUU Prom Mud^ and Jerney, 600 do ONIONS. r«d and yellow. Jn«t arrirpd at JON BS \ 00.'S, Uornnr 3th ami D nt*. f , DtJTTSRl BUriiK! BUlTKtt I I* CQQS! EGGS! EGOS! GOSHKN BUTT BR, ROLL BUTTER. COOKINQ BITTTKR, Twenty p*r «»»n*. h*tt*r t»ud thirty p*-r c*ut. ehetj^r IL&n herr and Baltimore. JONES 4 CO.. eoruer Pth and D Btn. 1/w\n bUAlid SFLBNDlD NKW YORK ,UUU CHEESE, at New York prices. Jf»N fc* 4 CO.. comr h;h and D s'.s. t1ALL AT UUil St'jUK Foil RA14IN9. 9AK DINEF, IIK RHINOS, TON0I7E9. HAM3,»ad a" kin<t»s rro-tuce &ud Fruit, ch«>ap~r ani hotter than tnywhtrp JONKSal CO., 13 1m C«.rn.-r 8th and D its., Washington. Wood I Wood I Wo«>d ! KINDLING AM) STOVE WOOD! On hacd, tb* qnnHty nf nil kinde of WOOD! 8AWKD AND PPT.IT TV ANY LENGTH OR 8I7.K RKQUIRKD. kindi.inTv wood. A Huotrior Article of Pino ~u! Dvnr^lv f.ir kindling, bawtd Short and Kin« -plit. id a substitute tor charcoal in building AuUiraciU* FLrc* in R»di«t*r«, Ranges, 4c. By Cash at ofict tc hen orrlrrtd. THUS. J. HALT, Offie« 2**'2 Pent: a aT«nue. bet. 11th and 12th. Mill and Yard foot »f Seventeenth st. J»n 2-tf [Republican and Chronicle.] BNKVSR Y0<> LATK TO LEARN, Y PR(»PES*OR ALKXANDKR WOf OWSKI. PlAKIbT, VoOALI»r ASU COMPOHSK. NKW AND SIMPLIFTKD MKTITOD FOR PIANO FutilE ASD SLVlilNG. i Prof Wolow«ki continue* hi* fttogiug an-l P'auo Clat «j, and oitn" a new coarse for I'iano and yiugIn® whieh wili bftthe ImI, ».« ProffKHor's Hiitfagiv mt-nta in Now York h»<gin on xhe l»t of Mar. Ail ! th/.u*. m hn rnallv /l&cl rn t/v Kn K. <w4 V.« K . .. TTV rr uv i \ »« / V * " VC vruvuiri VJ Ull UCTT mid citriurdintrir») <t«ni ha?»* bo time to lose P.y Prof. Wolowskis new method a person hiring only a slight knowledeeof rauoic will be enab!*<l : in a Ttry fhort time to read music with grn%t facili itj. nud t-ifcute operatic as well as daviieal ruusir with rar# perfection. An to the vocal part, by i U way of vocalisation he srrirts at n.ost extraord nary results, n-ndors ti e roicf powerful au4 enable* the siuver to rosali if,** witfc facility, aecura^y end ftp* »UHlitv of tone. Pruf. Wolnwski rt-ceirus visitors daily from lf> to ram and from 3 V. 4 p. m.. at hi* residence. No. 421 Tenth street:betT*en E and if. Ja II PRK8KNTSI LADIB8' AND CHILDREN'S DBES3 ¥CB8, finch as BU8HIAN and HUDSON BAT SABLE, MINK 8ABLE. WAT KB MINK, fITCn an 3 BHMINB, BU vr Al'U HOHSS. (iKMTST MUFFLERS Th« UrgMt frtock r »*.<? offered in thin market. Aa ntir fcutir« ntnck in of our owu la&aufftAtar*, W9 ttui Kl** *n»vriint«e for thmr durability. H. Sl W. MKY JiN BERG, 49 Market Space. b«t. 7th and 8th st«., d* 17 a«rder th» Artmue Houm. J^OSWELL A WIHMBUII r n f n o v r V V MS W *% * * * v I Colors hair a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, leaving it soft and glofun ; will hot bchbi Or ckimi* tuk uair like a dye. So wash or prepata; turn required. Simply appked with a brash. Warranted btstaad efceape't. Try it, and you will 1H ! no other. FCN8T0N «c 800K1HLD, General Agents, New York ; de 18 lm* And 30# K street. Dear Wiliards'. ^/5^"Urr "0TBL-VllJy RK8TAU KANT. ifirTTk Comrr-if Fn av. and l\tk .it., wlw Washington D. C *,f The Proprietor ! the above efetabliftbment re! apectftillr annonnces to the public and his friends that bin bon»e ban been thornueh!y remodeled, aad I ill** arrangement* a* e such a# compete with any other hotel of it« site. . The HJE.^TAL'KANT DEPARTMENT has also betu greatly improved. rartiroiar atteu'ion in called to his WK1N PTE HE < Win*- Room,) where nothing bot the bent W IN fci1 CORDIALS, etc., etc., are kept. Tbi* Heln £tuba in up utairs, and entirely teparated futm the Har, where we are also prepared to «ru up MEAL8. OV8TRR8, OAMB and DKL1C AC ILH, which will be served in a first-rate style Ed st moderate price*. rlAsV.-tf n nu iiTrn n ? --- r . «<nni^n, rrupnvior. ^ FULL A&SOKTMKNT OF HARDWARE AID HUtSKPrRNlSHlNO GOODS, For 8»1» at Lowest Pri«o*, Wbol*«*le and lUtail. J P BARTHOLOW, 33M Skvkntii 8T*b*T, b*tw»-«n Pennsylvania a*«nu« an4 Canal. YV ATII II 0 T 10 I. Id CjDi«iiueno« of th« 1u«u«mb of the wmioi in tn« R*»*rTolr it will jH»c«»w>*ry, unl«sa onn«>mi of water pr«eWc*d, for t):*» G"T«mm«nt hkiu to *but off th« supply to oititfUM <*utirelp. All <»n« ^r«. therefore, forbidden to ih tat ar4r&ntt» on P«ih)*t1 vani* *ti*uu*j. or any Htru«tr or *v»»nu«-* and«-r tn« r* « supervision of th»Coiruiiwtfnr«-r of PabMr Rnil4lr.trs.Tor w>it«»rin« th» . * pnx-mraia, fir >«r %pt pn»*ln n'irpwJW \L.d nil fceraotifc usint; ibr watar »r» ur«>-!ittr *> t/> fc« m ««*onon»n*%l In it# »*« <ts p«.^ .!.!«« B H tfRKN^R u V OommimuDKr nf PatMe Huilding* jvMCJHKMfcNTH. WA6HINQTON THEATRE. COKNPK MLMVIMTH AND 0 8TRJ1T8. TilK *BM*ATIQ!« Of th«- tvn vmt> lut w«*k aeblrfid by TliU FEAKL OK THE AMEK1CA.N 8TAGB LUCILLE WEXTERN. LTCILLfc WE3TERN". In ker ihi illliitf, gieit and beautiful imperKmnlioa "LADY ISABEL" TBKeriLTY A«D fcUFPEkllfG WIFB. TAPOBR AUDIENCES TLan Wei* n«r bmfar* aurwroblnd ia thi« Thrat«r ATtESTtD HER Mr.kTTfl tHK PEOPLE C&VK WITH A RUSH. A HIMAN AVALANCHE t*# r-ox«», Baiecfiits *uJ Orchestra Cbaar«, ard ibe pectatcre. MEN. W<>ME» AND CHILDREN V* Jl» KK HKM) 3PKI.I. BOUND Pt %b* pa-hrtlc genius of this mxti.it*. through lb- wbult uf thia cr»*t pr.ricrmancB, «atc vbia their PENT UP SYMPATHIES p.nr«r f.- rth in *p<>ntaueuus *rp!«u»«.or accorded to fcn ccueuiutuale r.ct the *il*nt, T«t not leaj vplendid tribute vf LUXTRTKNT TRARgl .... ... " u'u am ruvit VI 1U kCilVtlUftl MtU J U1 patLelie p- wcr, which Can j*E\KRBB SnRrtOTTEN By tbn*r f..rtn».*t«» <-T»n«^h tnwitn*s« it Tfc.* S1 tr.«ii<>nt«>r.t, r*"6i*-tUD* the probability P«r crnitrci* hricir iff] e T i fiT i«pnij nt> » *** 4 ** ...a >1.. L- V I nir irnnit I riiA I rr.r.*TfcT.t:y -te *o ail de-irou* vf b«hol4iaff it, th# k<1«inti)i>-h«y, uver^-ity of SKCtKlMr SKAffl DURING TllK DAT 1 H(M»AY EVENING,JAN. 1*111.1862. vol: >'<J{ 1TIVELY T1J K LAgT TIHIC, JTOK PU«1T1\CLT Ti.E LABT TIM*. Willhi prrformo.i C. W. Tayl. ura's Orrat B*»x» icrai ftluitl l'rkn<& of EABT L.YNKE! EAST LYNNE! EAST I.YNNE! Or. Th < ELOPfMKVTf (*. 1HE kLOFhMENT! Or, 7ME ELOPEMENT! Fee a wiil prodo.-i>d th r a Military Drus» cf til* THE PRKNCH ?PV ; Or. THE STORMING OF A i.fUERS1J Ht cri Ft. A Imi", ) .MfsThiUf Mtrie. i .Mi?«Lucille Wefltern Th* Wilo- Arab lioy. \ Ir. whi.-h <->-.&r*ct«r hoatarsd* »r^? ^QROVER'8 THEATRE. PINSSVIT4N"IA AVENUE, nw WiLtrd g Hotel LSO«i»P 0*OT*«~~- MARAvBI THIS '.MONDAY) EVENING, First time nf th* »i*rt ing musical »eenie dramatic K«iu;iii»re. it. thn*« jiunn, !>y Albert 0a*ae<iy tl rsrsatixed ftoiu the crigicai French rilitian of Victor IIr5£n"« L»* Mi 'bkabls:*. an<l entitled FA iTTNE, oft this f*tk r.r a Ormktti. Irr.plnTinjmry inrmbrr «f th»» Company, and the islrnt« ul lhr itrrtateuJOpoter sad din-jtor, Mr 0 Kopmtz. with whom every bar of the manic i* if inal. Mr. Gruver would i>*g to announce that this rer ici; lT tLe j?la> has brr-u prtptic^ r>;th the intention of piacfr « H-fore the pubiic every fcene, incident situation and cb»r»ripr of FANT1NE. Faiitmv... . Sat# Drain fiat's njjidntisitm Private itoxc*. %$: Dtcm t'irclr y< rt-ut1; Oreh*fctxa Chairfl, 7-> cunt*; raaily r1.: .t_'n« * t-.!.. ...i /l.lt .-»r *.n.i > Mrcif. lu "'Hi", v»«iw uwicifi wwiitf; vuiurnl H»r1«Tr« fiiicruta E*«mrf. upru at quarter before 7 o'cU»rk ; p^r'orm r.LCrS con-m-nee a* half- p**t 7 o'clock. WASHINGTON VARIETIES, M>T11 STREET, FEA3 PESyaYLTAMA AVE NUB. PRO«'RIKTOKK A HAMBLIN 4 CO. f TAG K MANAUKB JAMBS PILGRTlrf BALLET MASTER B. YATB8 II ALL OF BEATTTY. Tlic pot-alar Tieitirg pl-.ce. w*h*re all oar cilisrn* ! NMtl the strangers nightly tiock for the cujot- i . t <.i thp most j-tvlj^h ar.d ^ut i,I W m, rlvK KNT*RT AIN MENT rriT,r%IH wir. itUd l»y thr moHfe critical amnseto cc the most fivorit* place of j m-rrcir.x after tb« care* «» t-iw rtaT »re over; j 5£e5 th« r-P*'* wfour !^u*v C>vi'-»l ra.n enter- | taiie" hV {**ric<1' mo*1 1 *c l,"n* ftnd most teyouc »n.nwB>rnt. Titlnt! Ht't md Chtarest rlnll Amir'.ta! T)l( L«# ^RN jjy EUV NUl U x ! . 'or nTir w' p * only, of *M * HKLKNK, Witboutexct-j>ti^ii.*He tainted ltd utomi -limbed nniit tbatfeas ever appear, d on the American V « « * > >* <«»w v. u< » - *j i'< a i «ii Ml Mlt-J* iVA »*f»KT. Kutititd by the pres* and public th» Qu«.*n of Hon* i-uifnge u-nt. for on» wt-ek *u!\ of 0. W. .-MITU Tho c«lvbrat«d laivui«'J Artist. 2d wet'k of tL« graceful aulch-irmin* Didwum M'LLE LIZKiTE. W 8 BUDWORTH, The r«nowued *rd taleut*<i N«*ro Artor. Firnt app*ar*ne«- of tb* Wa»hin*ton Ktrort* BO* BUTLER. ' The TTumoriat and P*nv>mimi«t. Third «*ek and col tin wad flaccess of Fr if HE!V YATl&P *i.d tu Union* Corp* de ftailet of i'w^Bty aulirul Yuucg Laaien. week of th« renowned Medlry GIog L»nrer,IlM HAYE8. _ , MI>8 Ai>A TF3M A N ,th« b»ati4iful and pleading VociliFt. FAM l.ON W. Un* pnpu l*r Delineator a id ton-ic finger. PAUL BMK<»KR th* favorite Actor »rd Vora'.irt. JAM *8 I'iLUKlM. tli Wei! known Author ind Actor W DULANY. tht> fimon* Par.tr.miniint. FBANK KERNr-, tbir Funny Nig. M LLE UlCHAl.lllNE.tbe Fa rinating U .nwas?. MIFP K FLORENCE. 'be Little Favorite. M188 CH ABLER tfce Popular Artist. Misa Julia Mar.b, Mi** KUith Whiting, Mi«e I-aa Devt-re, Mian M»r> l>.-iiUe Misf Drak«, Mi«« Julia Rose. MiM Emma S»tvne and Kor!> other Artiat*. w!in will npp->ar in ch**tef»nd brilliant perlur«iauct». new, freeh and ori*!-al TALENT OF ALL NATIONS! CHAKUE OF mOGRAMUS EVERY NIGHT. Ar inuteut/tv " . ^ *"* * i niiyn.i i/r j*v.^iopiv.i .. m &uu ralUilT Circle. 33 e<*nt* ; Orchestra Chairs, y>rentn; Sinxie in Huikh. 75 cfcnt., Private Doiea, (holding six iwrnr.BK.) H5 ; Colon-1 Cii sir. ££ ccut,« Dunr* op«*n at 65* o'clock ; commence at 71tf o'elk. THE NEW CANTERBU^Y, mniSIANA AV.. KIAB SIXTH »?*B1T WM. ¥. PtNN Pole Proprietor *nd Manaeer OKU. PERClVAli business Manager TMMKNME COMBINATION ! VNVKECEDEN ED SUCCESSf TDV I A Ri; V.ST AND H K>T CCi M D A V v IV? aim 1 II M " * V> *" *** " '* * 1 X ^ X UJI COUNTRY! Exctlsicr is iht motto if thf Great Can'ftyri/ ! BEST ENTERTAINMENT IN Tlltf WO*LD! THIS WKKK, A NV» P»nto niinA entitled THE GOLDEN AXE, Or tuk £l> es or tub II \phted Strum I KnthnM»«'->c reception of the Wiahinfton fit tori te MlM H'LIA MOUriMJfft. MIPS AONE9 feUTlI^RLAND, Ml^g KATE PENNOYHR M'LLES AUOU!?TA AND MARIE. Who h&Tv won (uldi u ti|iioiuuK l»» th«ir beauty and grace. mill' DAI I i V 11 L- Dl»ATIf »DO < nr< m/buaii i/n uni; i n Ciivo. Firet appearance in this city of MI&3 FLOR*s«.-» RIVKR?, M1S8 HANNAH IHR n. v.isn MAGGIE MARSHALL. Prom the Phil*»!< 'phia theRtt-r*, who will appear in conjunction with > II & COURT OF R K A UTY Misfi Fr*nk La Folio, Mis* Jennie Allen liitH Lilly 0ran3on. Little Ella, AND Til K GREAT BALLET TBOI7PH. Bueond week of tho peopla'* favorite, ik t n ir u i u 1/ «» ' 1/ i v a r a iv a ft i\, Fir*t week of LARKY TOuLKY, the Ethiopian Delineator, from New York H W KOAN, J. A. WILLIS, J. 8 CLARKE, aki> thk cikk»t C«»k»*s o'Kthiopk! Fvrming in nil th< (irmiesl Co*art*t vf Arli.il> t evt-r brought together in one ffttablinhment, Ar>»ii«Moy.Balcony and Parqaette, 25 o-nta ; to Orchestra Arm Cbaira, 80 rents ; to Prirate Boxes, : hcidicx six p«-r»< na ifS Dc-nr* open at o'clock ; p* rformanee at 7\. A (iRAND MAT'NKK will » ifi*en next 8atnr > day Aft noon, f«>r Ladi.<a *nd Children, at 2 o'clk ( Arfmittjrm I oiHna #/> PV! 1/4l/t at- . nm H<* » «BUV«. M «**« iVW. * W " ''I* , »* V W IT 8 MAIL &TAUC4. HE Ful*rrib«»r in runniup & line of sta*e«, car- ! ryin« The F b. Mails, ygrv>a^^*^ w ami i n (;ton , ROT K VII. i. v. Ijtfr T if POOLL8V1I I K and yUKI'KM.'K Md. L* »vr W .««huw ton »t "S a iu. on Motili ty*, W*dni»i«lHj* ni.<1 Kri«1»y;-. t'»»r PooI«»«viU", returnin« nr-xtdavft; l<a**«-n Tu»->d*y<, Thur^Uy-" and 8nt*rd*yw fcr Krwlfriek. aod ref<irn n«*xt day . niiiktn»r n. dnil* l"u- to Hock'ille. Olfic«, nt.rtheast forrer i f i th *i>d JaUlm* m\M \M'X OOOLBV, Pmo'r^ j "OVBTKKS.OKtiTltiUJ I ^ "Mir s?. FRL8R T> B KK.U, CAS . AND HHICKb OYSTERS, \tSMfTH A MORRISONS, ®o<t-Sm W t I 2.0(10 BBL* pVlM^OLARiriRD OlOBh 'or «al«s fcy KL.US <M!RN«, 14 8'^uth U«y -tr »t. da Butt mor«. » # TELEGRAPHIC NEWb. , t [ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES.] FROM ARKANSAS. (tM>r* «f Arkantai Pe«t C aftratd ll(ht I RfgtmMti # Hfktl Tr«*p«riftBrH. C'ATpn, Jan. 17..The )»in St^rm, wkt.L left ArVnunu- Pust on Monday, nn*ired h«r*to-d«r, J ftDfi rAtifittna thu «* 4 V. * »*- -* . **r «o wi MW 91 mm poft. Thp attack wan n.ade on Friday evening by the gent-cat*, thr land forces dcbarkiag two ailtelflctr, marching la the rrar of tha fortifications. The reheN had fortification' fXtend;rg two mil.- * Ulow the main fort, frou* which \ tLey *rrc driven V:y i»b«*ll*; noI, however, fw»fcie thrv had dot.e r.OB;i- damage to the gnn»-c.ars. Three t ails entered the port-hole* of the Lexinftoo, Lining four iu> n. Thr main fort, whlAi i* represented to ba\* Le»n very strong, mrrVndi rrdnn Sunday. Tne ofll .frs of the Moi oi any thateix regimvnts wrre captured in thr works, and that at daylight on Mcnriay two Trxns regiments, not knowing tb«- place hail t urreudcrvd, rami* in to r^»n:or.-» them* and were alto captured. nrly all thr ammunition taken from the Iilr.» V, ing, scxr»* days since, was recaiKured. Ocr loss :r r.ot a.-, beary as first reporWd. Official I'enfiruitttion. The following c-fllcial coailrmataon of tae rrr.rrni victory ni Arkansas l*o»t bu b*-ea m- I etitrd at hwailquHXU-r* of the army : MXKFBIP, Jhn. H..Maj. (jtn UaUrek. C«»erel-in-t'li\rf. 1 he fellow m? diaj-.aicU is juat r»r»ivrri: * V. 8 Qraxt, mrj.(teu. Htcdtfunrirrt Army of tke J'j't rf Arkcnrti.', Jan. 1!.- To Maj. tien. V. S. Grant, ; Cou-manuinp thi* Department of ih<* Tfrn"?"- » 1 fca>e tf e honor to i*pvrt that th«- for.es undrr i tt.y rt-tv.mnnri a!tarfc»d thf Po«t ol Arkao^as 1 .o da> all o'clock, harinf ntormfd th* s ^torki. Wf took a larpc nr.mhrr of pn«on*r-, | variously t-eiir tiled at from T.GOn to tn. i Efttw r with nil hi* etor- e, animals aa«i muni- tlnnw i f v.ar Rmr Admiral David D. I'ortrr, ctmmaiidinp thp Mi«*i«pippi p<|ua!ron, ofT«»ct.t t el y nad briiliaa t ly co-ejierafcrd in arc-otn in)t this complorr encodes. Jjt». A. MrCLiRjiAKn, klaj.CirD. Com. SOUTHER* KEWS. New Yokk, .Tau. The Richmond pa;>er« t of the ,6th hare reached here. Ttntv couUun a j telegraphic ditpateli to thr effVct that all wu ; j d iet at >Vtimir|:on cd Hip 15th, hut it was | 1»« \»*d that Uu- Federal flett and laud forrw* w*»rc en route there. Ail non-combatant* wera ' reqn<eted teleaxe the town. Another Federal !o:c», fjcna six U> len thousand *trone> waccaid to be advancing towards Kinaron. A Federal blockade steamer wa* ashore off NuirhsTille aound aud tlw crew were still aboard. Another blockach-r was lying near, tut the termer would probably be a touU j wreck. Thr ttt-aua r Columbia luui run the blockade out of a brl port, and another tsu-amrr had i i Bii :d trom l\a<^au wi'-h a heavy m til and a valushle aborted oaryo. She reported thai i fix swift >u-nmiT* wre freighted about to »4ul from Nasiau to run the blockade. Rrlm»eo( Krdrrul PrlMMTI. Foktrxfb Mokp.ok, Jan. 17..Col. T,ndlow returned iron* City Point last evsning. Hs states tnat all commissioned utticer* of the U. i S. captured aft<T tin1 »2th of January will be Lanced or*r to the Governors of the Staee wlterf they are eajiturrri. t# be dealt with t»jr tbfm. It is pTobabl^ that all officers captured before the l'2tb will be released on parole. Th*-r«- if* a lar»re number of the Murfrce^boro' pri^orer* now at Richmond, and boats will be M-ut lor them to-day. (treat Firr at A*pinwall. NEW Yokk, Jan. 18..Atpinwfcll dstr? of Isccfir.bcr 30 state that three bkK-ks or buildings were consumed there, laduJiuk the Panama raliroail office, tin- Howard, St. Charles and j At-pinwall Hotel*. Los;-. '**',(* 0. The dti dnu r America from N«>w York was at Atpinw all with her New York paw-n^ers aboard, 'be steamer from San Francisco not hnvinf urrivi-d stt Pr.nnma Tha «- ! Champion, irem w York cn the b;td nov ' »irri>ed on th*» :V>th. Kami Iutrlligrnrr. Ntw Yoek, Jan. 1*..The frigate Colorado. Com. Gold*borough, arrived h^re to-day. Tiit- euiibuats lroquou-, Wfh&wkon, and ft aha.it l sailed to-day. K«niiuatr«l for I. S. Sruulor. CiJLVEI.AM', Ohio, Jan. 17..The Repnbli ans met In caucus at folumhn*, Ohio, and oorni* ratrd Brn. Wade for United States Senator, ou th«- flrfrt ballot. The ragged, slovenly. tatrerd. malion regimen te of the South.wild, lx>ny and h angry, ith matted hair and m«*ndi<*antj« r-tg«, are said to ha\e extorted Itoni iht* reboi Gen. Loo the n uiark:.* There is only one attitude in which I never «hou!d be ashamed of your seeing my men, and that is when they are fighting." WTh* Leavenworth Conservative proffers th<- lolloping chcring prospect to the new htate oilicers sf Kansas" When the n«w Mate ofli cers arriteat Topeka, they will find every office empty and the mouey drawer itolen." A WaalMngton letter writer depicts Ht okrr as wearing "hi* faults opnn his sleeve. Tbt' world know* them. lie is too mnchof a ' talker, drinks too much, and is inclined to rash1 neff. Pat he ie, in nut* oi these drawbacks, every inch a soldier. tar- it is stated, on the authority of a letter fjc-m Pane, that Messrs. B&riufr, of I^jndcm, have five million dollars on depoeit belonging to l itixrua ol the South, who art either now in Europe, or on the way thither. 9jr A yotn* man, representing himself to bo a ton oi ex-tiov. Aiken, ol S. V., has b^o swindling tiu* go<-d people of the Quaker City cut of sundry sunuoi money. Tke police are after hiiu. « K>~ Propoeition* *rr before the Legislature* of Pennsylvania and New Jersey to prohibit negroes from cornmg into thoaeStatpe hereafter. Memorials numerously signed have been pre* wnted in lavorof the A lady oommunicM^ to the Harrisbnrg Vnior. the conclusion, resulting from long invet-tuaUc.n, that diptheria is mainly caus< d by the vrsntof a sufficient quantity of oominon salt in ordinary diet. Mif-s Alioe Ilot.hkisp, a young lady of FtuVen years was drowned recently at New Ituvn, Ctby breaking through the ic« whUe skating. W The annual tables of the coal trade show the operation* for IHi'2 to have been 8,259,472 tons.the anthracite alon« r«iir*»K#nt»a thi»i» millions of dollars. MOT Th^ Wmans- Brother*, of Baltimore, hare lot the tat job of keeping the Russian railroad m repair. A French company ha* underbid tin m. fy The revenue of the Chemp«>ake and Ohio C'ai.al lor the >ear umouutx to about sixty thousand dollun>. or one tbird the yield of the etreHin when in its most prosperous condition. The remains oi Gen. O. M. Mitchell wer» brought to New York from South Carolina r-n \\ ednevday la<t, and will be interred in Greenwood Cemetery. ^Gallant little Ilhode Island bas furni*ht*d 16,U<5m*n for lami and tea service since the vur broke out, and has disbursed 8AHMXJ0 for t»onntie?. wjt a liorsc capiurcu ircm me Kebei filar it < Hon-e Cavalry, and which belonged to theee- | ta » cf G<*n. Kearney, wm recently sold Vn New ark, N. J., lor *135. WW The largest military hotpnal in the world, ccn'fiiwi x bed*-, was opened and dedicated ' on Saturday at Philadelphia. tfj~ The cold in the north of Spain is described a- qui*e unusual this year. Great quantities of tno« had 1 alien, and wf»« deep on the ground It costs s< methiu* for the privilege of retruing fpiritoooB liquors in Macon, <* ., the cit> ((luiicili bavinr Ixrd tlie lireaw *l(!.(wn, (f^ i'hHrles Sumner wa» re-elected to the IJ. , S. nate by a Tote of ftt Mt«f}74 v >>- cast. In fonr months. 91,4**-',"<<» wor'h of r- ' rf u :i> fr. n "sf ( > j - t.i \1 i. - ]>1 i«, Tenn. Why was our icm-v>n m«iV*r lik>* n.certain tuc(i>Bfnl modern ln»Uiu'»u ! l'# i Mil#--»h»» wie Adam"1 company. tJ A dwd was #>xe<ii *0 tu 2! irff- r«t ;i few r«}r titic**, ob wliicb the nue huuu >- c»»?t « >«». gv Sluif'or, an <-\- h#>ri * of ' <v»| it iii t \ . x ,i. Lua 5k-« ii i iu '/ berlit c fvC lorn -tolitih'. / I I . * f 1 L} » . ! < « » »*** the~weeki.y mar. ni( iiiiUik VwUrwM) iMml, mk* » > » « » imW niMv «f WWMttH ».*! TIUM-UMA, Ml » ! !». * PW® « « mi« » ^ w Vaa *©^ia* . . « i * » .^* « ® 9N|M»m » ^ « n UTtfkbir oaaiaiB* «* "WtAin^t »* *U» kM »<« n< i>»Ut Mmmm* Htm ilrwlila « mwiUt tkro««iott Ik* aoaatz-r WU«U aopt** <la wr*f Hf>i *aa »* r«TH kt Ik* matar, lm**4i>l*ty t/Ur Un« a# |t|W. PriW-fKIll OBVra. LOCAL NEW<. MlCVin I.i* AT THI C«BTBAL Of Aft So Bvt*B - Lact nif ht, two «uJrr*, oar of a Vnext: ont, ik* c*U»c«*f a Maa«arhTi*rn« r«*iirv*ut, *tr* treatbt o«iLA>r trta) at ih^ffeoftrnl r)a vr<t. b< r.» forlatt riding Tim oKHiOit* pM if. rwscre cf th* lav, bat Jaatlr* Wmwr, ta« rr«ft«trau\ rtcod r.y the old mnim ihat^r. >. rant* of tb* la* 1# ad *»conr, and ha* bct#r n to coc»>d<-rtd in the tunl.-a** rourii «f «kirk had knowUdp* II* «mk1 % «* + m vtu:. hr h.m*»ir was Bard by Jo»tt** th»a» lor fa-1 dtiviiif, and anutinr in wbirh two(rn> lftie t ad Curd lor a lib* uffecor, *bvwinf Lhat iceenBM la rtn ** n»a >- . - * . lUK- wklBV * coorir. 1 he oSrr.Crn u»»t«w1 that t&#tr tfnoTf>l Cf to U owudrnd. and wotM M "down u»V'* Th« JMUff f llrtf t ra*r in Ho- tec a^raiafi thrm. lie w»« th»r* on a TWlt, a*>4 aitrr d;nc<-r at tb* Dotal took acwrarftad Jk»«rfct to lAfcr ft «Uk Mil ftmoki- Hr had hftrrtlf pi fl>d tfc* #»wke fivai hit mouth *bm hr wn* arrratrd by nn ofli*ar tor tHwt ih# icaplftrate b* pat In ihr l.lra of Ignora****, hat Ibe ma**alTat* rrji^lrd the plra on th» p mnd that Jgncraac* la uoexcuat. and hr had to prxf t fa* i>f twn <0>1U»« ***" T-"** . *. -- * _ . . wv«'W. 1WF J tu lie lOCCW-rtlr » lUt th« m, dlrrrtwl them to & flue of flvr dollar*, wbtA woiMd ho f; W eftih.. On* ot them laid down a*.*, not.-, and >aid that be would pay friend iflne. f*Li(V,J tut fur biuuelf he would roaml: to»?h'r law.* 1 he Jastire M' cnd thr (It# of#rH for U>o oulet -party. and th«-n v<tt poltu-ly «nfr»rm*<t tr.e fuardnthAt tit# o;h*-r g»*a'lrmau wished to cvuiilt luchrr |nw,M and reqnoeted tb*m to rbow Lin. tho room for such private eoooultaIkna. The f ntleir.an wa» ther. eondncled to hsmUrlu UtvifcobJitorv of the guard to onee. How long ho remained ut conruitaUon wv ha ra rot brcn iaionced. For mi Wamv Static* CiiM^-Jrmo Fatter, htrault ar.d hattery: rirmisaad Joitt Ford, drunk; 91. Chae Elli*. rrunk and maorderly; 93.5F. Lawrence I>aley, arrnik; ft M. ratrlrk £mitb, I'atrkk Kelly, da.: dt«mMut*d. Kliea Thcmar, fighting; fJ V. S. Hatch. ^rofHoitj; dumkbfMtto John Kuntn^y. aaaaoit %S. L'enniF O'Conn^U, Jarae* OH'ornf-tl, drnnk ft each. M. Watte, alia* TUoiuas J oh anon, da.; turned to the military Richard Kichard-*«a, flr^tinr dl»mic*ed. Ixttis Telton, stealing stlr^r w-ntrh from T* I'aum. jail for court: for carry tag w*i*p-»»» ; r»i*mi**« d. Weet Lnrlne, *a«picton of *teaJi »c; to. Benj. Gcddard, drunk and dia«wd«rte: lined 91. Wm. H. Willie, picking a man's pOiket, diftiAe: ed. F.hmheih t'onnrr. wnlkiur C«tborint Wilton, do.: loekud np t»«» hentp. Jamee Nac^l*. drunk; turned om to tfihiary. At t Moran, profanity; locked op »ix Loiirc. I«rwi* I'areon, ra*rancy: o'.^r 4 to Irave the city. Lome Rbemhardt, drwife rd<1 disorderly; dumiteed. Ann Brows, itt»crderly; fined fl. Mary C. Lm. do.; 4». II. Tbo« Hadcliffe, drr.nk locked up eis bourn. Joeeph Obereen. do.; fined 99. Truman He* Mestrr, e nspicioui character di*mi*e»d Ixh.m H heir, hard t, rwpidon of robbery; held tor m hrnrinjf. Sunday..Sarah Nlrnme, drunk; locked op * bcure " Wm. Mitchell, raemncy; ordered to It-are Uip city. Patrick ScoWon. drank and d if orderly; turned oeer to Ifce military. (k>». Rodfert, overcharging bark ratee; fined SI Hi. Cornelius Phehan, intoxicated; dtemteeed. Marshall Goff- Interfering with an offlf^r: flwd J. » _ A. « »- » - r-i.w. i fwr xi. iago, drunk and disorderly: do. ft. 00. _ Fko*i>Waid Statiok Caum.Wis. OHM aiid I'ai M r», *old«*r», di*ord< rly. dMBlMd. Abraham Trari«. da.. do. Jao. Mariiu, dr^ntaf locked op Ull aohr and dismissed. Marj Martin, disorderly; d»am»*«»»<i ],irzls Rom, profanity: Hot o §1. I'.d« 'd Landry, drank In Hi# etnet; ao. tl-S*. Sahtrdny . J. RGrlC*. J. A Son iter and Jm. Ah xand» r. drunk and disorderly; tarued ovor to tli« military. J D Atcbtson. assault; dlsluicu-d, J)\ JutUre (lark. Nim'l A. F>reo*onf drunk and disorderly: diejnisi^d. Auettlul Bland. prolanitj- "ied |l>. WUlksBMibt di unk; (iumiMf* ha* William.-, jamfclir.?; do. Sunday . John Garrabant. drunk, dumi*«d. Chas. Macker. noting. » *. unty (or a hMriBr. .loi n Riley, intoxication : turned OT«>r to Um military. Au^uiiut Hland,*ui>p«-<-trd of rran^ larcf-ay: d»ml»a*d, th<r«- bring no endtDM agaluct him. THMI eOU*, That dress, TifOAK oixtvm . Ob Saiurtisv, Samuel Willis, a wm arretted by officer Crump, on the char** of Isrceny ci a dr»*sf, erg > and floras fntm Win. \p»P r, in Qwgflowi. Yttfrr »y» »tfc« bit daughter, on New Year'* day, went to pmt o* b»r dr»i, and it mat&'t ihure: th« mt Aav his vife wrnt to get the eggs, and thsy ami tl f re; and the next be went to get |lrm, and they warn't ihere n other." A few daya age he wac telling * woman la the First War# ol the occurrence, and she remarked lliat a eaaa had just ottered to sell her a dreaa wttk er<j« broken on iU and he found Willi*, who offered to cell him the dress. Officer Ortunp was aaik^ who arrested Willis and took him before Joetire Prnry, who committed him to jail. Will us a!utrd that he found the drees m Ma wagonbo*. I'aASAUB Tuixr..Saturday night, about t% o'clock. Patrolmen Thompson and MeElfr>-Hi *rreta-d a Grrjnan naro^d I«om» RltotakardS suspected of being a passage thief, and took him to the Fourth Ward stauon, when* he was searched. Upon his person was found a military hat with the regulation cord upon it, a military overcoat and cape »ith staff buttons on it. In the noeket of the coat was so envelope directed to Capt. Oapehart, WTrnrsy Hotel* Capfc Cafmharl was sent lor, and epos appearing at the station house described and identified his coat and hat. At the sum tin* j that these article* were stolen a qui It wai Molt ti frc-m the room. A M cloud" was also found upon him, supposed to have kan K- iiihardl told M-Teial tal*'», ncititrr of which wns confirmed by the teatimo&v. and h* wm *er.t to jail lor conrtby Jostle* waller. I.aecf.s v..On Thnrada? ntchW Wm. liobb, Ja>. 1 boroiMija andl>»-mnei Kidwll, weatlnt* Wai-dt rlich's restaurant, on the Navj Yard, and &i>r remaining roma time, KLdwall np* praie4 to be alck. tuid the party were allow«4 to mam: the >**r-k»epfr, John Monohliy, re* rr.airinfr in the room with ib* m. Kobb toft Ifct otbrn» in the early part of the nlcbt, and Mono* fcein, en awaking abont 4 o'clock in the mvrmj uif,« wewevred that hla pocket* had bean nfl«| -> auu iwwj uvtisr* in jcoia ana eigni nniyi ia vol* k taW« n The parties were irmtid yeeterrfsy inornirf, and taken before Justice CalX, who held thrm fcr an examination y««Utniay Ik rooon, but the evidence did not jasUif holding th«m tor court, and th*y were die* missed. I'aVax. Otit.kehci-About 3 o'clock rn Saiuiday alt«*raon. the team attached to a ftoy ernment *»ron ran on down (J street, near the V'ar department, and Lewi* Ricgleo, a*r<t about foartern years, seeing the hor»>e» conlo* towards the pavement, attempted to get out of the war. and ran across the troet, wh.-n was kiio<k»*d down by the horses, and tha vwigi-n p«Fi>fd over hi* body. An army sur(eon j afMne at the time, at 'once had hun removed to the residence of hi* lather, Mr. Wm. Klt'gle«s on I street, near Seventeenth, au<t dr*-#*ed hi* injuries, which ( ontinfd of a broias acj©f-"» the *fc»maeh mtd fractured *kull. Ha li\« d throughout the night, hot died at too'tloek yvsierday morning. hoiibimi a \*>hkauk..'>n r^iuroaT, jonn "H. Soddeih, went to th« hona? of Thorn a* <irnTfT| u»ar <ial;'o wood yard, an<t w till** Grorfr **r lyinr on the floor be pat bM b; rd in hi* pocket, took out hi* pocket-book, fr< m « hu h he attracted three dollar*, and pat tbr b< ok >«< k in the pocket. <1 row thinking thai FndtVth wa« gritiag a piec«* of tobacoo. G rover a «4»ort t.me afterwarda discovered hi# lew. and acruM-d Suddeth ol taking iU bat hm refu»inr to *lv# It np, Orover procured a warrant. on which Suddeth wa* arretted by oflM Will.ante and taken before Jutttce Drurj, *iK) ctii u.itifrd turn to jnil. Pu rr . r-/dk ir0rj._Wa*hinct«M, J o»> i i 1 horn tor, W m. Foot,» ua pit ion of I *t<»by | iim.ifffMi. Ann BoUrr, France* Kmo, Bias 1< irk< j, I». rollnol, J Tuclw, di»ord*>riy{ dlrnii^' d. fc. l'ft«auatijch and John St>u»W. do.; f'n» «l f4 f4 ew«*h W F*rirnM>n, drnnk fti>4 disorder.*: do Jobn O'l'wn,do., turnedor*r to militttiN. Motynn Martin, <-HVrtuff If! wi'ufj»y: do. .tan'M 1{ ipl»t« au«T and R Ilrt fcman. |Hdd!ln, vti Luui lici m»; dl»mfc»«l. J. P. Uy urd P. P. Sullivan, drunk, vnrD'4 » > r *" mili'arv. Win. Wiirbinftvit, mmmII i d tatui \; tot it«r t* arinf. mmm .. %J : i th» rc an* «*»-htf. n men of war afvr A1 » '! \ \: bit} K*ir IvlH'v » tti<' ikltiaar* in»i «» ' t.i > ai' »:ii I *hlp* of war will . ti r < '*r th»» Alabama, of Un| .Vv>,.j. : iii« «.! Imt.

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Page 1: xxi. Monday, ns. - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1863-01-19/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · 1C*«.19*#«**rStrwt,NewYork,) CXLXB3ATKD ... Inten cv-mo«t mftvtinit

vsfc. xxi. washington. i>. c.. Monday, j.inii vhy id. i*>4. ns. 8.089.



it THE STAR « t> I L f» I S «*-m-rn&wm A'eilil **!» 11 ril Sr««V;


W. L). WALLAOH.> aftfl tefTM lB (Mltni u> tau1: _»i - at 94 & I#*».or JT «%»« mot>ik fo mftil JS* f>. IS #4 50 ft T*ft*\ M ?2 fnr «i I.aIu; tl for Art* sal for i*ea tk=.^ ;imimni fti th« r%fc» of I'd .-win a *»»k . Waj»»smb. on om;iaim>Hn. r^o «*»*«.arADYKKTiniMXitrM iif.cJ Uwtte tfc«M MOf« IX 0'«i0^k It.. U« T»ftf *S*MM WH1 4\» Mli 4»tHHMnBBmBDwmmHaBan <

For the IIolltliiyH.4. B. B1IIICK& 4 9.,

Bbavck o# Nm 1ft 4*n Ul Bwad ftr., Sr* lou,vwrjut rvn ULX AT TSSIS BTOILS,


SJTJy Of THK OLn *V/>TSR POCKSR.TO1 MOfT COMPLST1 .vvtiftf«<Nf <j*


-iLiwET1TB nPfifrntro* miu v»xtwxixn KsApl ItiJUDb*




ESOLJSH DT?N OODFTSH,T&ff.-thrr with ail the


Mmul A. M. B. k. Co. are also Sola Proprietors«f BIHISftER'8 CELEBRATEDLONDON 1-WK OIN,

Pwt ap Lo Quart Bottles for mrdieinai ut.AlftO. tJOl* Agebt* for


. _ iVAU 9rtkW»» lK*«i«ht *1 thtrir itOie wirruWJmltke 8rut quality, and forwarded to any part of tk«mktf ftrm of

iAm wa iot«cd to ha y*rman«ntl7 Uvr.atA.1, w« re9M^llrr*4UMl famlli** tn j-t» na & call.AHKAM M BINIVUKX,liiSSKY T. CAP EN.

WaMM9«TO», Dwmlwr. iddi.a m muiMuiiD ^ i'/i «.*I. .« . «> Mm*m » WW. A»TO OU CVU^UIUU WIVfl

i *tt»r IIoom.BOLLIK CU17KCH,





(41 (An Tiro T«»rs, tt Option of lk« Hnr»rmmonl.)TUB COt'POJI BONOS,

la Smut offirry »oi,lars,


andoki thouBAND DOLLARS.

thi 1£gist£rfd bum^,In Jom* «»f


andtb* thorftamd dollar*.

e9t1u8t commencing at date of fubchape,amd ntir,l» 82*5 iwtullt

in crold.

tkrue SoHM are ulftOflJUili-T HOVKKNM KNT PEOr&lTT

wrw in th« market.Tfc* latftTMt, it pri-nrnt price nf wiin, b«icf IfolTttontto m PimCk.xr In currency.









for th«



1C*«. 19 *#«**r Strwt, New York,)CXLXB3ATKD

B9TTLKB WIIB8 AMD LIQFORS,fOK MJiJJiCiM AL tfUKPO-lW.Meomm«D-t*<i >t th* mert emlMBl Pfcytl

eUiii of Ik* C. 8. Ana*.



V*kr)toU« attention of P)iy«ieiftD« Dra^^ivtamd. Ofown to the** *xo«ll«nt good#, which w mlIw Yerk pri««a. freight added.W« hut that the ttirwik mriu of th* abort

foote will Inrar* th# atiataetion aad aocfldi»aoe of- I Al W_ ^ lu.« ftW. « I.I. Ill I III ll| w»w rwjwir- *. »nf ! «« rw

Mm of IrrMpon#* bv* . Tit: riff* of Dfwi

l^tn tad k>-o*11*4 cli«rriru. «»udy «h»w 9*rdito. J«HN80N * !V AGLS.

MflB K«U» Achate



I._ nirim rrui"iJ w ITUVDiMW^kot^t *nd Fiica id the Br*»at «ju J Irrit*of the Tbi->«t It c«<o>>in»y> in a co uc*»ntr.»?«<!

fern thr rriu'Uk1 of WilJ Cherry B-»rk1->< the h»*llBf pr«*ferti#»of Tar. In ten cv-mo«tmf tvtin it will cure »C'l vmm b<jttt» wt ,ch eo«U bat

will #fBormlly nufte e to effect the car*DiUiMMi. D..«j >1, ltffi.

Tki« wili «ertify thnt I h*v« u*~i tn in f f%:nilyfhr Mtcrtl ye»i« K^^rU1 Hyrup of WihiCherry ud Tw, tr«1 have f''Un*i it tn* U>«t »udBout »p->-«ty m. rr for C<«u!",»n,1 C«l4» tb*t I h»re«r*r trv-<t. ft j.iwitr* »« b«»« mn «peoHr®**t in curibi I rrltjitlou ofTkfMt. OBO. W.T»tlo».

Mo. 189 North K*»*'.r «»r^tB»vln« u»eU Dr. RotwrU. «yru»of Wild 0«er»i

ud Tat I r*e<> turnend it ms %n T*ra«i»i . - ».

I.BP,r' r VVI"". «

fcev.tf. A. W ii>oi. alO RtrfoN areunaFr»e»- Ktrt*. r»r .r orr <tnr*nPr»p»f«Kl »oi -oM Jo*It f H (UJhKKTS. No 1

SivfinifttBt * ].Al»o, by £U A>. *T"Tr. »ru«*. t .J7!| P4, *

*« »»( fi r thia TMirtH<«* *

,U »f»«! '*

^ PVfMMSf^CTLBttf follnwiiHr th»tr R««l!nfnU, %* tli«»

»«d» tl.rui-|h Al- JUi lrin wi4 R*< li ' buy tl. »»Kl B'. »u»t r AKkr1 At ll'» Ch iv-I' iph,* Hn-f? *iii169 K inf n«*ar Wv of >b Pl»* *ii<i

*»jiod haxd.by 'tf (,nck^«M. d* 13 1m*

I a


Orr:ci s«T8iOriu Qvatiuiiirn, %Arm* %f ui Paommt. JWxaatae-ru* naytaiabar lifes >fturwlALa ara larltas fnr fnrn;*nuif Tor vn* %mj? t&* arzcr of til* Pnv.nn* th* fAllowing »rU<»U«:kjuuu toxu bMt Ttokotkf Ray, aoonr+tyWrJ. tht weight ofaach bale to be markedtkenra

tfitt/Vb bcafeele »f OaU, of tke aeet ««elttr. laetron* ao«ka. ««U eewed.f/wbeordeOak and Hickory Wood. well uuoatda*j-i of Ike be*t *a*iitrMl bid xnnit be anenmpenied ay tkeendoreei.saat rJ tT<. vM*on«ibl« iMr«>na tfc»t tk»awaj-d«d will "W falfli'rfMlBM* win be opened from time to time ae the arjStale# mar be seeded, and eunlraete wlH be awarded&?r the quantities ium^mI tn the lvweet rwepmurfblebidder up to tke time of opening.Pbo right U rMMrvAd to *eoa»t all or any part of*** bid.r rt»posaia ehonid be eadoraed " Propoeabi for Hav

ar Oat*, or Wood " aa the eaMTnayba. and enoloeeetaee»arateenTek>pee. FUfUS iw&almkLieat. Cr.l. and A. D. C..*eO-tfOblef QaarWrmeetec.

| jbi.aWARR statk lottbbf.BRILLIANT S C H KM S !

HIS PRIZES OF S700.CAP1TAI 530.0008*cocrt Capital Pnw .. 7 .W90 Ooliar*Ltwnrt Thre« ><anb*r PrUe.. ..7OO Dollar*

DELA WARE STA TE L0TTER Y,Auihc-.i^d by ' An Act for tho Kscoarafarnftrt ofIr.t*raaJ Improrrmerti in tba8tat- of Dei»w%re.''

JOB N A MORRIS A CO , Man»*«»rrCi ijy; a4. to dr»i?r. in Wilmington, L>*Uwfcr«,on HATTT fcf; A Y, January 31 #t, ] 1*3.8 C n 8 M K

l prize of $3".w is %&,(**)lpriMcf ">SW\n ~ . ... 7,990jpri«t?ot 3 «'»0, J pr»«« oi #7 0,1 prue vl $7m*1 p:»*e of 70C, l prize oi 7t.-0,prise of 7flrtI pr:zr of 7ft":, 1 prist' cf 7» , l pnxp of 7;ai1 pr»«e of 7"ft. l p'izts of 7W. ] prize of 71 priie oT 7.X. 1 prize or 7P0.1 priz* vf 7-ti ]1 prize of ?Y, 1 prizo of T-*', I prizr of 7:s:1 pr:*r of 7v*', ! prize of 7'.*:, i prixr of fit;1 prize cf 7-v. l prise ot 7h>, i prize of 7-r,1 pnx«- of 7(V, i prize of 7<A l prii<* of 70'1 prixc of 7M>, l prixc cf 7ft4. 1 prizn of 7;*i1 prise «f Ttv, 1 priac of 7\*>, 1 prize of T-.s:i pna* of 7: ft. 1 priEP nf Ton, i prire Tori1 prue of 7COr 1 prizn or 700,1 priie nf 7<l'1 pi iie of 7W), 1 priz^ of TtXJ, 1 prite of 7*\1 prix* of 7ti>, j priz. ot 7 I pn*.- of 7 siI priZA of Tiki, I pnzA of T'f', ! pr»z<* of 7mi prize or f\K, i prizeo! 1 prize or TfK>prite of «**', 1 prize cf 7<*!, I prize of 7\W1 prixn of 7Tfl. 1 priz«> of 7«\ 1 prir;« of 7:*iI prize of 7V. 1 »ri»A of 71*1, 1 pris** of r*i

] prize of /«>, 1 prize of ?;V>, 1 prir.e of 7wl pri*B or 7W, 1 prize of 7*\ 1 prizs of 7<Vi1 pnte of 7W, J prize of 7W\ 1 prize of 7on» prist of 7«*\ 1 prist of 7'*», 1 prize of T-J1)i priie of Tno. 1 priz<! of 700.1 prize of TiVi1 prize of 7:*', 1 priie of 7W. ! prize ot 70U1 prize of 7i*t, 1 prim of Tut, I prizn of 7*11 prize nf TOP. 1 pri*^ of 7 0. 1 prm- of ffTiIprieeof TV-. 1 price of 71*'. 1 priz» of 7901 prite f f 7<V:, 1 prirt- of 71"*', 1 pri >» of TX«1 prize of 7<"*\ i prize of 7^, 1 priie of T*~>1 prize of 70ft, 1 prize of 700, 1 prize of 7:|0»pr.»4of JW.l prize of 7"®, 1 prize of 7;i1 prize of TOP, 1 prist- of 7-TO. 1 prizi< of 1&.1 prize* of 700.1 prite of T«». 1 priz« yf TJ&]1 prize «>f 700, l prize of 71*), 1 prize of 7?*' 21 prize of 70P, ] prite of TOP. 1 prit»> of T)01 pi iz« of 7**'.1 prize of TV, 1 prite of 7X» ;1 pr:?e o» TflO,lpH*eof 7W ] pri»« of ? *> ''i1 prize r.f 7nf>, 1 prjtr of 7V\ 1 priz.* nf 700 r*1 P' ize of 7<*>, l prize 01 Tj0. ] prize of 70*1 jwizr of 700, 1 prtzr of 7"»i, 1 pnzr of Tiki1 nrixr r:f 7W*. 1 urix#* of 7^ 1 nrtzi> nf TYI1 prize of 7U>. 1 prize of T*1, I prize of 7*501 prize or 700, i prize of 7'*), 1 prize of ?»1 priae ef 700, 1 pri*e of 70i', ] prize of 7X>1 prize o;' 700, i priae of 7=-:, 1 prize of 7*>1 prixe of 70fc, 1 priae of 7ft'-, i prize of 70"1 prize of 7»0,1 prise of 7 < , 1 prixe ot 7001 pr:.ze of 700, l prixe of 7 1 priw of 7001 priA«of 7'Tft, 1 prize of 7>* , 1 print* of 7**'I prize of 700,1 prize of 7DC-, 1 prim; of 7<X>1 prize of 700, 1 price of 700.1 prize of 7001 prize of 700. 1 priae of 700, 1 prize of «(*'1 priso? of 700, 1 prize of ? '), l prae of 7001 priae of 700,1 prizeof 700. 1 prire of 7001 pHx* of 700, 1 priae of 70ft, J pr'7<> of 70»1 prtze of 7U1'. 1 yrii**i'f 7C'(, 1 prize of 7001 prize of 700, 1 prizij of 7ft), 1 pri/.- *»f" 700I prixr of 7r*>. 1 prize of 7WJ, 1 priZ" of 7iz>1 prize of 700, 1 prize of 70J, 1 priteof 7vW] priae 700. lpj^zt*of ToJ. 1 prize of 7001 prize of 7<JU. 1 pr.au of 7iK', 1 pria.- of 7?<)1 prize of 7ou. 1 prize of 700. ! pri»e of 7oo1 prize of 7<>1,1 prixe of 700.1 prixe of 7«»1 prixK of 700, I prize of 7«0, I prixn of 7001 prize t»f 700, 1 prize of 7<"0 1 prixe of 7'"*)J prize ot 700. 1 priz* of 7W, 1 priae of 7001 prixe.of 7tj0 ) prise .->f 7(0,-1 prixe of 7001 pi ize ot 700, I prize of 7u}, 1 prizt* tif 7001 pr»*e of 700 I prize of 700 1 pri*»» «>f 7.001 p.ize of 7»i0, ! pri^e of 700, I prize of 7001 prize of 79b, 1 prize of fOO,

«3 prizes of $ m are..,. $<>.45063 priz'-a of l"Xi »r»' 6.300fc3 prix*-« »f 75 are 4J2o<v. prtz.Kof fcl are

3 prizes of 20 *r» 7H,13U23.436 prizes of K) are 234.Yi0!

27.814 prices**. .....amounting to $52K.6A&Ticket# *:0j Halvti 8f; Quarters $2.S; EighthsfW A U « for Tick?'- in tb* nb«»v«» Lottery

slum Id hr a Idrr^d to JttUN A MOKKTH .V CO.,^tJminjr?"i». Delaware. jaa<5-lm*' » NUTICKI O Mi'K AND WOCM>KD S-1LDIKR3 CIVILIANSANJ» OfHEfta.

DEFvT OF THE B * O. R R. CO.The Companies compoeiog the line betw«#-nWashington nun

>crk liaTfc pux c u a ! tr*e (.er| §3.flttr<1 up % 11 h Wtri*"-'sarTtntilated . and txpr©*!-ly f r ufEcarn, Rnldiors andothers that ar« wounded or aick .with the exoeationof f«r.ta-f"i-Pa^ea. Th* < *r will Ifart* on l'C 3:?UAVH.I HI K^A-.danlSAli-HDAYafer Philadelphiaa' ? p. .. Express Tr»'n.

<rr;ne West. iol4ierr. civilians, officersand *-Tbfr- t at -re tick or 4<>um1ed, ar« informMthaf - Ctr a >11 lea* e tl- - pot eTiu * HON DAY,¥* » HQ<1 KKlU.tY m: 7 *. m , grringthivtitfh to the Ohio riv*r % itiiout ehmitfe <>f c»rt».Mdiwiind olnrlm farU itfli or disc argt-d willAnd i thr *i.-1 m »*t d^siR^M;* root« fortL* Hrrt. Thin m tbe otslr lis* lh\l e»n m*!1 aIhi^uih ti'VMfroni W»«fa^nton or checkfrom thi ci:r.(.*! riON TO PAPPRVQKHS . Thu ONLY

fLai K ti buy ticket* 1h a: tae 1 icket iu the >toflhf- IMO.'.F. Co. J>6 lf



woi mlie. wboicmm* or retail, at low-»t price*.J P HARTHOM)W,HVIlS 03*» P(«TflDth rt., b«t. Pi *». .tnd CtrUkl


»rlc-*. J. P. IJAllTbOLUW.If Itn di* Snv*nth at P> 11 »m1 l-r.il


for Mie. vbolo«ale »u<l hrJ . 4» IJAKTHOLOW,

i?> ra 93m 8«T«Dth at .M Pa. tv, ud Canal,JfeS . JL" -"XuOlJP

BRAKE'S PLlttTATIOI BITTER*,KxiittusUnl nMurr'u great restorer. A delightrmlbeverage and active tonic. Compoeed ofpore *»t IJrol* Rar», roots and herbs. It In,rigorates the body, without stimulating thebrain. It destroys acidity of the stomach,creates an appetite, and strengthens ttu? systemIt I* a certain cure for l>y?i>epeia, (Toustipa|Clou, Dun hn-a, Iuver Cornpiamt, ai.d Nerv«us

| lieana^he, and prevents Mi>wmaUc dt»«*aeej jroin change of diet, water, etc. It can he used

*t ail timee Of dav. bv old or vounr. and ia uar>

t« nJrirly mommt nded to wphIi uiit dt-lwatfl*»r*on* Sold by ail Orocer*, L>rus:»tlFt*. UoMk,iinrt Siikxiiis. P. H ItHAKE Ac <X)^ No.<"2 Hroartwny. N^w York tw 25-»>o<lni

\| ANDKKW J JOYCRl» I AY br foand tt bu> old fUtd. w(it*r» h« a%n »i»f|" %"d »»ri*-d etoek of 0AHftI*f(B8 on baud.

ft >- il v « .^,4 u:. .1 «u# yyy w wan iuv yut aau huu uib »)iu

pkT Mtl.P.

I.«iw:riii< of all doae witii pr«>a.pli.- # Amiiu tb« b«#t mtuixr 4« 17Hn


A«HIKT*t) »TMW KMM1 r. LINCOLN,HMtfe* hon-r to uiDt.us^ t»*t *h«> will sita miB V £ K 1 X (J

th*PC*1** AKD L»KAMATI0T8,

MOSDAY BV]»*:NO. Jm U', !«S,A» 0/)L KLLLO *S* HALL, Sere»iA_ **_**" Ly''_

Meatus tijt\ TiiJ! Ufii'HANS OF TOMJNTBSSA.It




(F«arteftcth n^.. N«w fork City,;i WILL or-EHAi ODD FALLOWS' HA f.L,


In tLtir uiiriT&ivd .

SOIHKES l)°K7 HIOPB!fST For fnil p*riw-n";*r« srp rrTammnth

d«*rript;T> shPit* prngrainnioa, .Vc , «tcArtmiB»iob 25 o*-» T« * f -fttr1 ** cents.J« 17 4t rl-A'-K Fl)W AltD!*. BoftiueM Aft


1» NINTH PTRF.ET,One Door from Prritt.rylr*ei» Arnni,


Tobaoco and Cigars,The attrnfinn of dr&tar* and thn public in inritad

to my-lock of FINK VIRGINIA OHRWINO TOBACCO, which I hnnjfht xrhnn it wm eh^ap, and iar* pr-p«rfl to h*U »t ») * *«ry k»wef?t «a*h prio-.In PLUG TOBACCO I will name the following:

Thouias' Eidurada. Andertvu'a Navy,V(tCorkl»V Go d L*af, Grarrlr Twi*t,Hh:«» Hfn'« Chirkvu. Tri»tt«>r'* Roa^h St R^ady,Virei> 5u»>, Foil Twist,Buruett'e Honey Dew, Bona Fide.ftraToly, Lotr'h Kxiwlmior,Tewi, Firm,

and yarious other brands.I hare i4ft<> on baud, » larg« K>t of OI<*AK8

fire CUT CHEWlNtt ajud KMOKlN<* TOrfACCO, *k*e& i invite attention to before pureka-iu#.

WM H THOMPSON,614 Ninth »trrt«t,

<123 lm* one door from Henna arena®.


joyEn e co .

i'ofvvr 4»d d 8tr««t*,W:inh:n(ftfln.

1A/W) f.BLe. APPLET prime Western NewYcrk Apples, (no fruit lir.e -t in thin

market.) just arrire-J. JONES A GO.

a boxes pw &fF Palermo oranges,DIM; 100 do LEMuNS.Splendid FKUfTT from lat« Boston cargo.

JONFfA CO.. former 8th and 1) aw.

1AAA BARRELS POTATOES,juUU Prom Mud^ and Jerney,600 do ONIONS. r«d and yellow.Jn«t arrirpd at JON BS \ 00.'S,Uornnr 3th ami D nt*.f ,



Twenty p*r «»»n*. h*tt*r t»ud thirty p*-r c*ut.ehetj^r IL&n herr and Baltimore.

JONES 4 CO.. eoruer Pth and D Btn.

1/w\n bUAlid SFLBNDlD NKW YORK,UUU CHEESE, at New York prices.Jf»N fc* 4 CO.. comr h;h and D s'.s.

t1ALL AT UUil St'jUK Foil RA14IN9. 9AKDINEF, IIKRHINOS, TON0I7E9. HAM3,»ada" kin<t»s rro-tuce &ud Fruit, ch«>ap~r ani hotter

than tnywhtrp JONKSal CO.,j« 13 1m C«.rn.-r 8th and D its., Washington.Wood I Wood I Wo«>d !


On hacd, tb* qnnHty nf nil kinde ofWOOD!


kindi.inTv wood.A Huotrior Article of Pino ~u! Dvnr^lv f.ir

kindling, bawtd Short and Kin« -plit. id a substitutetor charcoal in building AuUiraciU* FLrc* inR»di«t*r«, Ranges, 4c.ByCash at ofict tchen orrlrrtd.

THUS. J. HALT,Offie« 2**'2 Pent: a aT«nue. bet. 11th and 12th.

Mill and Yard foot »f Seventeenth st.J»n 2-tf [Republican and Chronicle.]



i Prof Wolow«ki continue* hi* fttogiug an-l P'auoClat «j, and oitn" a new coarse for I'iano and yiugIn®whieh wili bftthe ImI, ».« ProffKHor's Hiitfagivmt-nta in Now York h»<gin on xhe l»t of Mar. Ail

! th/.u*. m hn rnallv /l&cl rn t/v Kn K. <w4 V.« K . .. .«TTV rr uv i \ »« / V *" VC vruvuiri VJ Ull UCTT

mid citriurdintrir») <t«ni ha?»* bo time to loseP.y Prof. Wolowskis new method a person hiringonly a slight knowledeeof rauoic will be enab!*<l

: in a Ttry fhort time to read music with grn%t faciliitj. nud t-ifcute operatic as well as daviieal ruusirwith rar# perfection.An to the vocal part, by i U way of vocalisation

he srrirts at n.ost extraord nary results, n-ndorsti e roicf powerful au4 enable* the siuver to rosaliif,** witfc facility, aecura^y end ftp* »UHlitv of tone.Pruf. Wolnwski rt-ceirus visitors daily from lf> toram and from 3 V. 4 p. m.. at hi* residence. No.421 Tenth street:betT*en E and if. Ja II




(iKMTST MUFFLERSTh« UrgMt frtock r »*.<? offered in thin market.

Aa ntir fcutir« ntnck in of our owu la&aufftAtar*, W9ttui Kl** *n»vriint«e for thmr durability.

H. Sl W. MKYJiN BERG,49 Market Space. b«t. 7th and 8th st«.,d*17 a«rder th» Artmue Houm.

J^OSWELL A WIHMBUIIr n f n o v rV V MS W *% * * * vI

Colors hair a beautiful and natural Brown orBlack, leaving it soft and glofun ; will hot bchbiOr ckimi* tuk uair like a dye. So wash or prepata;turn required. Simply appked with a brash. Warrantedbtstaad efceape't. Try it, and you will 1H! no other. FCN8T0N «c 800K1HLD,General Agents, New York ;de 18 lm* And 30# K street. Dear Wiliards'.

^/5^"Urr "0TBL-VllJyRK8TAU KANT. ifirTTkComrr-if Fn av. and l\tk .it., wlwWashington D. C *,fThe Proprietor ! the above efetabliftbment re!apectftillr annonnces to the public and his friendsthat bin bon»e ban been thornueh!y remodeled, aadI ill** arrangement* a* e such a# t« compete with anyother hotel of it« site. .

The HJE.^TAL'KANT DEPARTMENT has alsobetu greatly improved.rartiroiar atteu'ion in called to his WK1NPTE HE < Win*- Room,) where nothing bot the bentW IN fci1 CORDIALS, etc., etc., are kept.Tbi* Heln £tuba in up utairs, and entirely teparatedfutm the Har, where we are also prepared to«ru up MEAL8. OV8TRR8, OAMB and DKL1CAC ILH, which will be served in a first-rate styleEd st moderate price*.rlAsV.-tf n nu iiTrn n ?--- r . «<nni^n, rrupnvior.



HUtSKPrRNlSHlNO GOODS,For 8»1» at Lowest Pri«o*,Wbol*«*le and lUtail.

J P BARTHOLOW,33M Skvkntii 8T*b*T,

b*tw»-«n Pennsylvania a*«nu« an4 Canal.

YV ATII II 0 T 10 I.Id CjDi«iiueno« of th« 1u«u«mb of the wmioi in tn«R*»*rTolr it will jH»c«»w>*ry, unl«saonn«>mi of water l« pr«eWc*d, for t):*» G"T«mm«nthkiu to *but off th« supply to oititfUM <*utirelp.All <»n« ^r«. therefore, forbidden to ih tatar4r&ntt» on P«ih)*t1 vani* *ti*uu*j. or <« any Htru«tror *v»»nu«-* and«-r tn« r* « supervision of th»Coiruiiwtfnr«-rof PabMr Rnil4lr.trs.Tor w>it«»rin« th»

. * pnx-mraia, fir >«r %pt pn»*ln n'irpwJW

\L.d nil fceraotifc usint; ibr watar »r» ur«>-!ittr *>t/> fc« m ««*onon»n*%l In it# »*« <ts p«.^ .!.!««

B H tfRKN^Ru V OommimuDKr nf PatMe Huilding*


TilK *BM*ATIQ!«Of th«- tvn vmt> lut w«*k aeblrfid byTliU FEAKL OK THE AMEK1CA.N 8TAGB


In ker ihi illliitf, gieit and beautiful imperKmnlioa"LADY ISABEL"

TBKeriLTY A«D fcUFPEkllfG WIFB.TAPOBR AUDIENCESTLan Wei* n«r bmfar* aurwroblnd ia thi« Thrat«r


A HIMAN AVALANCHEt*# r-ox«», Baiecfiits *uJ Orchestra Cbaar«,ard ibe pectatcre.MEN. W<>ME» AND CHILDRENV* Jl» KK H KM) 3PKI.I. BOUNDPt %b* pa-hrtlc genius of this mxti.it*. throughlb- wbult uf thia cr»*t pr.ricrmancB, «atc vbiatheir

PENT UP SYMPATHIESp.nr«r f.- rth in *p<>ntaueuus *rp!«u»«.or accordedto fcn ccueuiutuale r.ct the *il*nt, T«t not leajvplendid tribute vf

LUXTRTKNT TRARgl.... ... " u'u am ruvit VI 1U kCilVtlUftl MtU J U1patLelie p- wcr, which

Can j*E\KRBB SnRrtOTTENBy tbn*r f..rtn».*t«» <-T»n«^h tnwitn*s« itTfc.* S1 tr.«ii<>nt«>r.t, r*"6i*-tUD* the probability o»

P«r crnitrci* hriciriff] e T i fiT i«pnij /» nt> » *** 4 **...a >1.. L- V I nir irnnit I riiA I

rr.r.*TfcT.t:y -te *o ail de-irou* vf b«hol4iaffit, th# k<1«inti)i>-h«y, uver^-ity ofSKCtKlMr SKAffl DURING TllK DAT 1H(M»AY EVENING,JAN. 1*111.1862.vol: >'<J{ 1TIVELY T1J K LAgT TIHIC,JTOK PU«1T1\CLT Ti.E LABT TIM*.Willhi prrformo.i C. W. Tayl. ura's Orrat B*»x»

icrai ftluitl l'rkn<& ofEABT L.YNKE!EAST LYNNE!EAST I.YNNE!


Feea wiil b« prodo.-i>d th r a Military Drus»cf til*


.MfsThiUf Mtrie. i .Mi?«Lucille WeflternTh* Wilo- Arab lioy. \

Ir. whi.-h <->-.&r*ct«r hoatarsd* »r^?


THIS '.MONDAY) EVENING,First time nf th* »i*rt ing musical »eenie dramaticK«iu;iii»re. it. thn*« jiunn, !>y Albert 0a*ae<iytl rsrsatixed ftoiu the crigicai French rilitian ofVictor IIr5£n"« L»* Mi 'bkabls:*. an<l entitled

FA iTTNE, oft this f*tk r.r a Ormktti.Irr.plnTinjmry inrmbrr «f th»» Company, and theislrnt« ul lhr itrrtateuJOpoter sad din-jtor, Mr 0Kopmtz. with whom every bar of the manic i*u» ifinal.Mr. Gruver would i>*g to announce that this rer

ici; lT tLe j?la> has brr-u prtptic^ r>;th the intentionof piacfr « H-fore the pubiic every fcene, incidentsituation and cb»r»ripr ofFANT1NE.

Faiitmv... . Sat# Drain

fiat's njjidntisitm Private itoxc*. %$: Dtcmt'irclr y< rt-ut1; Oreh*fctxa Chairfl, 7-> cunt*; raailyr1.:.t_'n« * t-.!.. ...i /l.lt .-»r *.n.i >Mrcif. lu "'Hi", v»«iw uwicifi wwiitf; vuiurnlH»r1«Tr« fiiicruta

E*«mrf. upru at quarter before 7 o'cU»rk ; p^r'ormr.LCrS con-m-nee a* half- p**t 7 o'clock.



II ALL OF BEATTTY.Tlic pot-alar Tieitirg pl-.ce. w*h*re all oar cilisrn* !

NMtl the strangers nightly tiock for the cujot- i. t <.i thp most j-tvlj^h ar.d^ut i,I W m, rlvK KNT*RT AIN MENTrriT,r%IH wir. itUd l»y thr moHfe critical amnsetocc the most fivorit* place of jm-rrcir.x after tb« care* «» t-iw rtaT »re over; j5£e5 th« r-P*'* wfour !^u*v C>vi'-»l ra.n b« enter- |taiie" hV {**ric<1' mo*1 1 *c l,"n* ftnd most

teyouc »n.nwB>rnt.Titlnt! Ht't md Chtarest rlnll ?» Amir'.ta!T)l( L«# ^RN jjy EUV NUl U x !

. 'or nTir w' p * only, of*M *HKLKNK,

Witboutexct-j>ti^ii.*He tainted ltd utomi-limbed nniit tbatfeas ever appear, don the American

V « « * > >* <«»wv. u< » - *j i'< a i «ii MlMlt-J* iVA »*f»KT.

Kutititd by the pres* and public th» Qu«.*n of Hon*i-uifnge u-nt. for on» wt-ek *u!\ of0. W. .-MITUTho c«lvbrat«d laivui«'J Artist.

2d wet'k of tL« graceful aulch-irmin* DidwumM'LLE LIZKiTE.W 8 BUDWORTH,

The r«nowued *rd taleut*<i N«*ro Artor.Firnt app*ar*ne«- of tb* Wa»hin*ton Ktrort*


The TTumoriat and P*nv>mimi«t.Third «*ek and coltinwad flaccess of Fr if HE!V

YATl&P *i.d tu Union* Corp* de ftailet of i'w^BtyB« aulirul Yuucg Laaien.

week of th« renowned Medlry GIogL»nrer,IlM HAYE8._ ,MI>8 Ai>A TF3M A N ,th« b»ati4iful and pleadingVociliFt. FAM l.ON W. Un* pnpu l*r Delineator a id

ton-ic finger. PAUL BMK<»KR th* favorite Actor»rd Vora'.irt. JAM *8 I'iLUKlM. tli Wei! knownAuthor ind Actor W DULANY. tht> fimon*Par.tr.miniint. FBANK KERNr-, tbir Funny Nig.M LLE UlCHAl.lllNE.tbe Fa rinating U .nwas?.MIFP K FLORENCE. 'be Little Favorite. M188CH ABLER tfce Popular Artist. Misa Julia Mar.b,Mi** KUith Whiting, Mi«e I-aa Devt-re, Mian M»r>l>.-iiUe Misf Drak«, Mi«« Julia Rose. MiM EmmaS»tvne and Kor!> other Artiat*. w!in will npp->ar inch**tef»nd brilliant perlur«iauct». new, freeh andori*!-al TALENT OF ALL NATIONS!CHAKUE OF mOGRAMUS EVERY NIGHT.

Ar inuteut/tv ". ^ *"* *i niiyn.i i/r j*v.^iopiv.i .. m &uu ralUilT

Circle. 33 e<*nt* ; Orchestra Chairs, y>rentn; Sinxiein Huikh. 75 cfcnt., Private Doiea, (holding

six iwrnr.BK.) H5 ; Colon-1 Cii sir. ££ ccut,«Dunr* op«*n at 65* o'clock ; commence at 71tf o'elk.THE NEW CANTERBU^Y,

mniSIANA AV.. KIAB SIXTH »?*B1TWM. ¥. PtNN Pole Proprietor *nd ManaeerOKU. PERClVAli business Manager


TDV I A Ri; V.ST AND H K>T CCi M D A V v IV? aim1 II M " *V> *" *** " '* * 1 X ^ X UJICOUNTRY!Exctlsicr is iht motto if thf Great Can'ftyri/ !


A NV» P»nto niinA entitledTHE GOLDEN AXE,

Or tuk £l> es or tub II \phted Strum IKnthnM»«'->c reception of the Wiahinfton fit tori te



Who h&Tv won (uldi u ti|iioiuuK l»» th«ir beautyand grace.mill' DAI I i V 11 L- Dl»ATIf »DO< nr< m/buaii i/n uni; i n Ciivo.

Firet appearance in this city ofMI&3 FLOR*s«.-» RIVKR?,

M1S8 HANNAH IHR n.v.isn MAGGIE MARSHALL.Prom the Phil*»!< 'phia theRtt-r*, who will appearin conjunction with

> II & COURT OF R K A UTYMisfi Fr*nk La Folio, Mis* Jennie AllenliitH Lilly 0ran3on. Little Ella,AND Til K GREAT BALLET TBOI7PH.

Bueond week of tho peopla'* favorite,ik t n ir u i u 1/ l« «» '1/ i v a r a iv a ft i\,

Fir*t week of LARKY TOuLKY, the EthiopianDelineator, from New York

H W KOAN, J. A. WILLIS,J. 8 CLARKE,aki> thk cikk»t C«»k»*s o'Kthiopk!

Fvrming in nil th< (irmiesl Co*art*t vf Arli.il> tevt-r brought together in one ffttablinhment,Ar>»ii«Moy.Balcony and Parqaette, 25 o-nta ; toOrchestra Arm Cbaira, 80 rents ; to Prirate Boxes, :

hcidicx six p«-r»< na ifSDc-nr* open at o'clock ; p* rformanee at 7\.A (iRAND MAT'NKK will » <» ifi*en next 8atnr >

day Aft noon, f«>r Ladi.<a *nd Children, at 2 o'clk(

Arfmittjrm I oiHna #/> PV!1/4l/t at-. nm H<* » «BUV«. M «**« iVW. * W " -» ''I* , »* VW

IT 8 MAIL &TAUC4.HE Ful*rrib«»r in runniup & line of sta*e«, car- !

ryin« The F b. Mails, ygrv>a^^*^w ami i n (;ton , ROT K VII. i. v. Ijtfr T ifPOOLL8V1I I K and yUKI'KM.'KMd. L* »vr W .««huw ton »t "S a iu. on Motili ty*,W*dni»i«lHj* ni.<1 Kri«1»y;-. t'»»r PooI«»«viU", returnin«nr-xtdavft; l<a**«-n Tu»->d*y<, Thur^Uy-" and8nt*rd*yw fcr Krwlfriek. aod ref<irn n«*xt day.niiiktn»r n. dnil* l"u- to Hock'ille. Olfic«, nt.rtheastforrer i f i th *i>dJaUlm* m\M \M'X OOOLBV, Pmo'r^

j "OVBTKKS.OKtiTltiUJ I ^"Mir s?.FRL8R T> B KK.U, CAS .


®o<t-Sm W t I

2.0(10 BBL* pVlM^OLARiriRD OlOBh'or «al«s fcy KL.US <M!RN«,

14 8'^uth U«y -tr »t.da Buttmor«. »




(tM>r* «f Arkantai Pe«t C aftratd ll(ht IRfgtmMti # Hfktl Tr«*p«riftBrH.

C'ATpn, Jan. 17..The )»in St^rm, wkt.L leftArVnunu- Pust on Monday, nn*ired h«r*to-d«r, JftDfi rAtifittna thu «* *« 4V. * »*- -*. **r «o wi MW 91 mmpoft.Thp attack wan n.ade on Friday evening bythe gent-cat*, thr land forces dcbarkiag two

ailtelflctr, marching la the rrar of tha fortifications.The reheN had fortification' fXtend;rgtwo mil.- * Ulow the main fort, frou* which \tLey *rrc driven V:y i»b«*ll*; noI, however, fw»fciethrv had dot.e r.OB;i- damage to the gnn»-c.ars.Three t ails entered the port-hole* ofthe Lexinftoo, Lining four iu> n.Thr main fort, whlAi i* represented to ba\*Le»n very strong, mrrVndi rrdnn Sunday. Tneofll .frs of the Moi oi any thateix regimvnts wrre

captured in thr works, and that at daylight onMcnriay two Trxns regiments, not knowingtb«- place hail t urreudcrvd, rami* in to r^»n:or.-»them* and were alto captured.N« nrly all thr ammunition taken from theIilr.» V, ing, scxr»* days since, was recaiKured.Ocr loss :r r.ot a.-, beary as first reporWd.Official I'enfiruitttion.

The following c-fllcial coailrmataon of taerrr.rrni victory ni Arkansas l*o»t bu b*-ea m- Ietitrd at hwailquHXU-r* of the army :

MXKFBIP, Jhn. H..Maj. (jtn UaUrek. C«»erel-in-t'li\rf.1 he fellow m? diaj-.aicU is juatr»r»ivrri:*

V. 8 Qraxt, mrj.(teu.Htcdtfunrirrt Army of tke J'j't rfArkcnrti.', Jan. 1!.- To Maj. tien. V. S. Grant, ;Cou-manuinp thi* Department of ih<* Tfrn"?"- »1 fca>e tf e honor to i*pvrt that th«- for.es undrr itt.y rt-tv.mnnri a!tarfc»d thf Po«t ol Arkao^as 1.o da> all o'clock, harinf ntormfd th* s^torki. Wf took a larpc nr.mhrr of pn«on*r-, |variously t-eiir tiled at from T.GOn to tn. iEfttw r with nil hi* etor- e, animals aa«i muni-tlnnw i f v.ar Rmr Admiral David D. I'ortrr,ctmmaiidinp thp Mi«*i«pippi p<|ua!ron, ofT«»ct.tt ely nad briiliaa tly co-ejierafcrd in arc-otnin)t this complorr encodes.

Jjt». A. MrCLiRjiAKn, klaj.CirD. Com.SOUTHER* KEWS.

New Yokk, .Tau. The Richmond pa;>er« tof the ,6th hare reached here. Ttntv couUun a jtelegraphic ditpateli to thr effVct that all wu ;j d iet at >Vtimir|:on cd Hip 15th, hut it was| b« 1»« \»*d that Uu- Federal flett and laud forrw*w*»rc en route there. Ail non-combatant* wera '

reqn<eted teleaxe the town. Another Federal!o:c», fjcna six U> len thousand *trone> waccaidto be advancing towards Kinaron.A Federal blockade steamer wa* ashore off

NuirhsTille aound aud tlw crew were stillaboard. Another blockach-r was lying near,tut the termer would probably be a touU jwreck.Thr ttt-aua r Columbia luui run the blockade

out of a r« brl port, and another tsu-amrr had ii Bii :d trom l\a<^au wi'-h a heavy m til and avalushle aborted oaryo. She reported thai ifix swift >u-nmiT* wre freighted about to »4ulfrom Nasiau to run the blockade.

Rrlm»eo( Krdrrul PrlMMTI.Foktrxfb Mokp.ok, Jan. 17..Col. T,ndlow

returned iron* City Point last evsning. Hsstates tnat all commissioned utticer* of the U. iS. captured aft<T tin1 »2th of January will beLanced or*r to the Governors of the Staeewlterf they are eajiturrri. t# be dealt with t»jrtbfm. It is pTobabl^ that all officers capturedbefore the l'2tb will be released on parole.Th*-r«- if* a lar»re number of the Murfrce^boro'pri^orer* now at Richmond, and boats will beM-ut lor them to-day.

(treat Firr at A*pinwall.NEW Yokk, Jan. 18..Atpinwfcll dstr? of

Isccfir.bcr 30 state that three bkK-ks or buildingswere consumed there, laduJiuk the Panamaraliroail office, tin- Howard, St. Charles and jAt-pinwall Hotel*. Los;-. '**',(* 0.The dti dnu r America from N«>w York was

at Atpinw all with her New York paw-n^ersaboard, 'be steamer from San Francisco nothnvinf urrivi-d stt Pr.nnma Tha «- !

Champion, irem N« w York cn the b;td nov'

»irri>ed on th*» :V>th.

Kami Iutrlligrnrr.Ntw Yoek, Jan. 1*..The frigate Colorado.

Com. Gold*borough, arrived h^re to-day.Tiit- euiibuats lroquou-, Wfh&wkon, andft aha.it l sailed to-day.

K«niiuatr«l for I. S. Sruulor.CiJLVEI.AM', Ohio, Jan. 17..The Repnbli ans

met In caucus at folumhn*, Ohio, and oorni*ratrd Brn. Wade for United States Senator, outh«- flrfrt ballot.

The ragged, slovenly. tatrerd. malion regimente of the South.wild, lx>ny and hangry,ith matted hair and m«*ndi<*antj« r-tg«, are saidto ha\e extorted Itoni iht* reboi Gen. Loo then uiark:.* There is only one attitude in whichI never «hou!d be ashamed of your seeing mymen, and that is when they are fighting."WTh* Leavenworth Conservative proffersth<- lolloping chcring prospect to the new

htate oilicers sf Kansas" When the n«wMate ofli cers arriteat Topeka, they will findevery office empty and the mouey draweritolen."

A WaalMngton letter writer depictsHt okrr as wearing "hi* faults opnn his sleeve.Tbt' world know* them. lie is too mnchof a '

talker, drinks too much, and is inclined to rash1neff. Pat he ie, in nut* oi these drawbacks,every inch a soldier.

tar- it is stated, on the authority of a letterfjc-m Pane, that Messrs. B&riufr, of I^jndcm,have five million dollars on depoeit belongingto l itixrua ol the South, who art either now inEurope, or on the way thither.9jr A yotn* man, representing himself to bo

a ton oi ex-tiov. Aiken, ol S. V., has b^oswindling tiu* go<-d people of the Quaker Citycut of sundry sunuoi money. Tke police areafter hiiu. «

K>~ Propoeition* *rr before the Legislature*of Pennsylvania and New Jersey to prohibitnegroes from cornmg into thoaeStatpe hereafter.Memorials numerously signed have been pre*wnted in lavorof the

A lady oommunicM^ to the HarrisbnrgVnior. the conclusion, resulting from long invet-tuaUc.n,that diptheria is mainly caus< d bythe vrsntof a sufficient quantity of oominon saltin ordinary diet.

Mif-s Alioe Ilot.hkisp, a young lady ofFtuVen years was drowned recently at NewItuvn, Ctby breaking through the ic« whUeskating.W The annual tables of the coal trade show

the operation* for IHi'2 to have been 8,259,472tons.the anthracite alon« r«iir*»K#nt»a thi»i»millions of dollars.MOT Th^ Wmans- Brother*, of Baltimore, hare

lot the tat job of keeping the Russian railroadm repair. A French company ha* underbidtin m.

fy The revenue of the Chemp«>ake and OhioC'ai.al lor the >ear umouutx to about sixtythousand dollun>. or one tbird the yield of theetreHin when in its most prosperous condition.

The remains oi Gen. O. M. Mitchell wer»brought to New York from South Carolina r-n\\ ednevday la<t, and will be interred in GreenwoodCemetery.

^Gallant little Ilhode Island bas furni*ht*d16,U<5m*n for lami and tea service since thevur broke out, and has disbursed 8AHMXJ0 fort»onntie?.wjt a liorsc capiurcu ircm me Kebei filar it <

Hon-e Cavalry, and which belonged to theee- |ta » cf G<*n. Kearney, wm recently sold VnNew ark, N. J., lor *135.WW The largest military hotpnal in the world,

ccn'fiiwix bed*-, was opened and dedicated 'on Saturday at Philadelphia.

tfj~ The cold in the north of Spain is describeda- qui*e unusual this year. Great quantities oftno« had 1 alien, and wf»« deep on the ground

It costs s< methiu* for the privilege of retruingfpiritoooB liquors in Macon, <* ., thecit> ((luiicili bavinr Ixrd tlie lireaw *l(!.(wn,

(f^ i'hHrles Sumner wa» re-elected to the IJ. ,

S. nate by a Tote of ftt Mt«f}74 v >>- cast.In fonr months. 91,4**-',"<<» wor'h of m» r-


rfu :i> fr.n "sf ( > j - t.i \1 i. -

]>1 i«, Tenn.Why was our icm-v>n m«iV*r lik>* n.certaintuc(i>Bfnl modern ln»Uiu'»u !

l'# i Mil#--»h»» wie Adam"1 company.tJ A dwd was #>xe<ii *0 tu 2! irff- r«t ;i few

r«}r titic**, ob wliicb the r» v« nue huuu >- c»»?t« >«».gv Sluif'or, an <-\- h#>ri * of ' <v»|

it iii t \ . x ,i. Lua 5k-« ii i iu '/ berlit c fvClorn -tolitih'.

/ I I .

* f 1L} » . ! < « » »***

the~weeki.y mar.ni( iiiiUik VwUrwM) iMml, mk*

» > » « » imW niMv «f WWMttH ».*!

TIUM-UMA, Ml » ! !». *

PW® « « mi« » ^ w

Vaa *©^ia* . . « i * » .^* « ®9N|M»m » ^ «

n UTtfkbir oaaiaiB* «* "WtAin^t »**U» kM »<« n< i>»Ut Mmmm* Htm ilrwlila «mwiUt tkro««iott Ik* aoaatz-rWU«U aopt** <la wr*f Hf>i *aa »* r«TH

kt Ik* matar, lm**4i>l*ty t/Ur U« Un« a# U«|t|W. PriW-fKIll OBVra.


Bvt*B - Lact nifht, two «uJrr*, oar of a Vnext:ont, ik* c*U»c«*f a Maa«arhTi*rn« r«*iirv*ut,*tr* treatbt o«iLA>r trta) at ih^ffeoftrnl r)a vr<t.b< r.» forlatt riding Tim oKHiOit*pM if.rwscre cf th* lav, bat Jaatlr* Wmwr, ta«rr«ft«trau\ rtcod r.y the old mnim ihat^r. >.rant* of tb* la* 1# ad *»conr, and ha* bct#r

n to coc»>d<-rtd in the tunl.-a** rourii «f«kirk b« had knowUdp* II* «mk1 % «* + mvtu:. hr h.m*»ir was Bard by Jo»tt** th»a»lor fa-1 dtiviiif, and anutinr in wbirh two(rn>lftie t ad Curd lor a lib* uffecor, *bvwinfLhat iceenBM la rtn ** n»a >- . - *

. lUK- wklBV *coorir. 1 he oSrr.Crn u»»t«w1 that t&#tr tfnoTf>lCf to U owudrnd. and wotM M"down u»V'* Th« JMUff f llrtf t ra*r in Ho-tec a^raiafi thrm. lie w»« th»r* on a TWlt, a*>4aitrr d;nc<-r at tb* Dotal took acwrarftad Jk»«rfctto lAfcr ft «Uk Mil ftmoki- Hr had hftrrtlfpi fl>d tfc* #»wke fivai hit mouth *bm hr wn*arrratrd by nn ofli*ar tor tHwt ih#icaplftrate b* pat In ihr l.lra of Ignora****, hatIbe ma**alTat* rrji^lrd the plra on th» p mndthat Jgncraac* la uoexcuat. and hr had to prxft fa* i>f twn <0>1U»« ***" T-"**. *. -- *

_ . . wv«'W. 1WF Jtu lie lOCCW-rtlr » lUt th« m, dlrrrtwl them to& flue of flvr dollar*, wbtA woiMd ho f; Weftih.. On* ot them laid down a*.*, not.-, and>aid that be would pay M« friend iflne. f*Li(V,Jtut fur biuuelf he would roaml: to»?h'r law.*1 he Jastire M' cnd thr (It# of#rH for U>ooulet -party. and th«-n v<tt poltu-ly «nfr»rm*<ttr.e fuardnthAt tit# o;h*-r g»*a'lrmau wished tocvuiilt luchrr |nw,M and reqnoeted tb*m torbow Lin. tho room for such private eoooultaIkna.The f ntleir.an wa» ther. eondncled tohsmUrlu UtvifcobJitorv of the guard toonee.How long ho remained ut conruitaUon wv ha rarot brcn iaionced.Formi Wamv Static* CiiM^-JrmoFatter, htrault ar.d hattery: rirmisaad JoittFord, drunk; 91. Chae Elli*. rrunk and maorderly;93.5F. Lawrence I>aley, arrnik; ft M.ratrlrk £mitb, I'atrkk Kelly, da.: dt«mMut*d.Kliea Thcmar, fighting; fJ V. S. Hatch. ^rofHoitj;dumkbfMtto John Kuntn^y. aaaaoit %S.L'enniF O'Conn^U, Jarae* OH'ornf-tl, drnnk fteach. M. Watte, alia* TUoiuas Joh anon, da.;turned to the military Richard Kichard-*«a,flr^tinr dl»mic*ed.Ixttis Telton, stealing stlr^r w-ntrh from T*I'aum. jail for court: for carrytag w*i*p-»»» ;r»i*mi**« d. Weet Lnrlne, *a«picton of *teaJi »c;to. Benj. Gcddard, drunk and dia«wd«rte:lined 91. Wm. H. Willie, picking a man'spOiket, diftiAe: ed. F.hmheih t'onnrr.

wnlkiur C«tborint Wilton, do.: loekud np t»«»hentp. Jamee Nac^l*. drunk; turned om totfihiary. At t Moran, profanity; locked op»ix Loiirc. I«rwi* I'areon, ra*rancy: o'.^r 4to Irave the city. Lome Rbemhardt, drwiferd<1 disorderly; dumiteed. Ann Brows, itt»crderly;fined fl. Mary C. Lm. do.; 4». II.Tbo« Hadcliffe, drr.nk locked up eis bourn.Joeeph Obereen. do.; fined 99. Truman He*Mestrr, enspicioui character di*mi*e»d Ixh.mH heir, hard t, rwpidon of robbery; held tor mhrnrinjf.Sunday..Sarah Nlrnme, drunk; locked op* bcure


Wm. Mitchell, raemncy; ordered toIt-are Uip city. Patrick ScoWon. drank andd iforderly; turned oeer to Ifce military. (k>».Rodfert, overcharging bark ratee; fined SI Hi.Cornelius Phehan, intoxicated; dtemteeed.Marshall Goff- Interfering with an offlf^r: flwdJ. » _ A. « »- » -

r-i.w. i fwr xi. iago, drunk and disorderly:do. ft.00._

Fko*i>Waid Statiok Caum.Wis. OHMaiid I'ai M v» r», *old«*r», di*ord< rly. dMBlMd.Abraham Trari«. da.. do. Jao. Mariiu, dr^ntaflocked op Ull aohr and dismissed. Marj Martin,disorderly; d»am»*«»»<i ],irzls Rom, profanity:Hot o §1. I'.d« 'd Landry, drank In Hi#etnet; ao. tl-S*.Sahtrdny .J. RGrlC*. J. A Soniter and Jm.

Ah xand» r. drunk and disorderly; tarued ovorto tli« military. J D Atcbtson. assault; dlsluicu-d,J)\ JutUre (lark. Nim'l A. F>reo*onfdrunk and disorderly: diejnisi^d. AuettlulBland. prolanitj- "ied |l>. WUlksBMibtdi unk; (iumiMf* ha* William.-, jamfclir.?;do.Sunday .John Garrabant. drunk, dumi*«d.Chas. Macker. noting. » *. unty (or a hMriBr.

.loi n Riley, intoxication : turned OT«>r to Ummilitary. Au^uiiut Hland,*ui>p«-<-trd of rran^larcf-ay: d»ml»a*d, th<r«- bring no endtDMagaluct him.

THMI eOU*, That dress, TifOAK oixtvm .Ob Saiurtisv, Samuel Willis, a wmarretted by officer Crump, on the char** ofIsrceny ci a dr»*sf, erg > and floras fntm Win.\p»P r, in Qwgflowi. Yttfrr »y» »tfc« bitdaughter, on New Year'* day, went to pmt o*b»r dr»i, and it mat&'t ihure: th« mt Aavhis vife wrnt to get the eggs, and thsy amitl f re; and the next be went to get M« |lrm,and they warn't ihere n other." A few dayaage he wac telling * woman la the First War#ol the occurrence, and she remarked lliat a eaaahad just ottered to sell her a dreaa wttk er<j«broken on iU and he found Willi*, who offeredto cell him the dress. Officer Ortunp was aaik^who arrested Willis and took him before JoetirePrnry, who committed him to jail. Will usa!utrd that he found the drees m Ma wagonbo*.I'aASAUB Tuixr..Saturday night, about t%

o'clock. Patrolmen Thompson and MeElfr>-Hi*rreta-d a Grrjnan naro^d I«om» RltotakardSsuspected of being a passage thief, and tookhim to the Fourth Ward stauon, when* he wassearched. Upon his person was found a militaryhat with the regulation cord upon it,a military overcoat and cape »ith staff buttonson it. In the noeket of the coat was so envelopedirected to Capt. Oapehart, WTrnrsyHotel* Capfc Cafmharl was sent lor, and eposappearing at the station house described andidentified his coat and hat. At the sum tin*

j that these article* were stolen a qui It waiMolt ti frc-m the room. A M cloud" was alsofound upon him, supposed to have kanK- iiihardl told M-Teial tal*'», ncititrr of whichwns confirmed by the teatimo&v. and h* wm*er.t to jail lor conrtby Jostle* waller.

I.aecf.s v..On Thnrada? ntchW Wm. liobb,Ja>. 1 boroiMija andl>»-mnei Kidwll, weatlnt*Wai-dt rlich's restaurant, on the Navj Yard,and &i>r remaining roma time, KLdwall np*praie4 to be alck. tuid the party were allow«4to r» mam: the >**r-k»epfr, John Monohliy, re*rr.airinfr in the room with ib* m. Kobb toft Ifctotbrn» in the early part of the nlcbt, and Mono*fcein, en awaking abont 4 o'clock in the mvrmjuif,« wewevred that hla pocket* had bean nfl«| ->auu iwwj uvtisr* in jcoia ana eigni nniyi iavol* k taW« n The parties were irmtid yeeterrfsyinornirf, and taken before Justice CalX,who held thrm fcr an examination y««UtniayIk rooon, but the evidence did not jasUifholding th«m tor court, and th*y were die*missed.

I'aVax. Otit.kehci-About 3 o'clock rnSaiuiday alt«*raon. the team attached to a ftoyernment *»ron ran on down (J street, near theV'ar department, and Lewi* Ricgleo, a*r<tabout foartern years, seeing the hor»>e» conlo*towards the pavement, attempted to get out ofthe war. and ran across the troet, wh.-n h«was kiio<k»*d down by the horses, and thavwigi-n p«Fi>fd over hi* body. An army sur(eonj afMne at the time, at 'once had hun removedto the residence of hi* lather, Mr. Wm.Klt'gle«s on I street, near Seventeenth, au<tdr*-#*ed hi* injuries, which ( ontinfd of a broiasacj©f-"» the *fc»maeh mtd fractured *kull. Hali\« d throughout the night, hot died at too'tloekyvsierday morning.hoiibimi a \*>hkauk..'>n r^iuroaT, jonn

"H. Soddeih, went to th« hona? ofThorna* <irnTfT| u»ar <ial;'o wood yard, an<tw till** Grorfr **r lyinr on the floor be pat bMb; rd in hi* pocket, took out hi* pocket-book,fr< m « hu h he attracted three dollar*, and pattbr b< ok >«< k in the pocket. <1row thinkingthai FndtVth wa« gritiag a piec«* of tobacoo.G rover a «4»ort t.me afterwarda discovered hi#lew. and acruM-d Suddeth ol taking iU bat hmrefu»inr to *lv# It np, Orover procured a warrant.on which Suddeth wa* arretted by oflMWill.ante and taken before Jutttce Drurj, *iK)ctii u.itifrd turn to jnil.

Pu rr . r-/dk ir0rj._Wa*hinct«M,J o»> i i 1 horntor,W m. Foot,» ua pition of I*t<»by |iim.ifffMi. Ann BoUrr, France* Kmo, Bias1< irk< j, I». rollnol, J Tuclw, di»ord*>riy{dlrnii^' d. fc. l'ft«auatijch and John St>u»W.do.; f'n» «l f4 f4 ew«*h W F*rirnM>n, drnnk fti>4disorder.*: do Jobn O'l'wn,do., turnedor*rto militttiN. Motynn Martin, <-HVrtuff If!wi'ufj»y: do. .tan'M 1{ ipl»t« au«T and R Ilrt fcman.|Hdd!ln, vti Luui lici m»; dl»mfc»«l. J.P. K« Uy urd P. P. Sullivan, drunk, vnrD'4» > r *" mili'arv. Win. Wiirbinftvit, mmmII

i d tatui \; tot it«r t* arinf.mmm ..

%J : i th» rc an* «*»-htf. n men of war afvrA1 » '! \ \: bit} K*ir IvlH'v » tti<' ikltiaar* in»i

«» ' t.i > t» ai' »:ii I *hlp* of war will.

t i r < '*r th»» Alabama, of Un|.Vv>,.j. : iii« «.! Imt.