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SPOKENWORLD COMPLETECOURSE FORBEGINNERS written by Elpida Argyrakopoulos edited by Christopher .Warnasch, Shaina Malkin, and Katerina Zombolou1 Ph.D. LIVINGLANGUAGE Copyright 2009 by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc. Living Language is amember of the Random House Information Group LivingLanguageandcolophon .areregisteredtrademarksofRandom House,Inc. Map Fodor's Travel, a division of Random House,Inc. Allrights reserved. Published in theU nited States by Living Language, an imprint of Random House, Inc. www.livinglanguage.com Editors: Christopher Warnasch, Shaina Malkin Production Editor: Carolyn Roth Production Man.ager: Tom Marshall Interior Design:Sophie YeChin First Edition ISBN: 978-1-4000-2459-9 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available upon request. Thisbookisavailableatspecialdiscountsforbulkpurchasesforsales promotions or premiums.Special editions, including personalized covers, excerpts of existing books, and corporate imprints,can be created in large quantitiesforspecialneeds.Formoreinformation, writetoSpecialMar-kets/Premium Sales,1745Broadway, MD6-2, New York,New York10019 or e-mail [email protected]. PRINTED UNITEDSTATESOF AMERICA 10987654321 DEDICATION my brother Constantinos, to whom always look up! ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to the Living Language team: Tom Russell, Nicole Benhabib, Chris-topher Warnasch,Zviezdana Verzich,Suzanne McQuade,Shaina Malkin, ElhamShabahat,SophieChin,LindaSchmidt,AlisonSkrabek,Carolyn Roth, and Tom Marshall. Special thanks to Alexandra Ioannidou. CourseOutline Introduction How to use this course The Greek alphabet and pronunciation VOCABULARY Saying hello and good-bye, and other greetings and courtesy expressions. Basic vocabulary and structure for talking about family and friends. Everyday objects around the home and descri ptive terms. Talking about your daily routine and asking questions. . GRAMMAR 1.Subject pronouns I 2. The verb (I-me)(tobe) 3Asking yesjno questions 4. Gender and articles 1. The simple present of I (E-kho)(tohave) 2. The plural of masculine nouns 3Negative sentences 4Numbers1- 20 1.Indefinite articles 2.Plural of feminine nouns 3Plural of neuter nouns 4Using adjectives 5.Possessives 1.Present tense ofverbs 2.Present tense of verbs- the .. 3Questions question words 4Numbers 20- 100 5LH'SGO. 1. Days of the week, months, and seasons .::::;::.;. Talking about school, courses, and studying. Vocabulary and expressions for buying things. Vocabulary and expressions related to ordering food and eating. Expressing likes and dislikes. Vocabulary related to towns and cities. Getting around and asking directions. Speaking on the phone, making appointments, telling and giving dates. 2.More negation 3Demonstratives 4Present tense conjugation of Group 2verbs 1. The comparative and superlative of adjectives 2.Common irregular verbs 3Quantity expressions 1. Expressing and in the past 2. simple past of other verbs 3Object pronouns and the accusative case 4Expressing likes and dislikes 5Ordinal numbers 1. The imperative 2. The accusative case 3Accusative adjective agreement 4Accusative prepositions 1.Numbers above100 2. Telling time 3Polite requests 4Dates ..............................-..............-....., ________ _._............._.............................., ..................................................-..-...---------,-- Greek ..VOCABULARY Going to the doctor' s office and the pharmacy. Important vocabulary and expressions for talking about sickness, health, and the human body. Talking about computers, hardware and software, and using the internet. Vocabulary and expressions for taking care of everyday needs and obligations. Jobs, professions, and companies. 1. Genitive case of nouns and articles 2.Adjectives in the genitive 3Indirect objects 1. The simple future tense 2.Simple future of irregular verbs 1. The use 2. Modals 3 The subjunctive 1.Word order 2. Two-word prepositions 3Reflexive verbs and pronouns free time, and recreational1. More the voice activities. the nature1 and the weather. Greek- English glossary English-Greek glossary -----..----...., ................., ........................._ 2. Relative clauses 3Strong and weak pronoun forms 1. The weather 2. The past continuous tense 3The conditional 277 305 Courseoutline tJ c ....,t'D c , lntroduction This course is designed to provide you with an easy and practical introduc-tion to the language.twill help you learn the basics of Greek vocabulary, structure,andconversation,sothatyou'llbeabletotakepartinevery-day conversations,findyourway around,andmakeyourself understood in arangeof situationsin Greek.Of course,learning alanguageisnot a simple thing;ittakes t i m ~ ,patience, and commitment, but it can be alot of funandveryrewarding.Thisprogramdoesn'tassumethatyouhave any knowledge of Greek, or that you're a whiz with grammatical concepts. Everything is explained in plain English, grammatical concepts are put in simple language, and there are plenty of examples to help you understand eachpoint asyouprogressthroughthecourse.You'llprobablyfindthat with thiscourse,Greek comes to you farmore painlessly than you would have imagined! But before you begin, take amoment to read the ' wto Use This Course" section, so that you can get the most out of Spoken World: Greek by Living Language. HOW USETHISCOURSE This beginner-level course isdesigned to use both audio and visual instruc-tiontohelpyoumasterthebasicsofGreek. previousknowledgeof Greek is assumed. Followingthisintroduction, you'llfind asectionthatteachesyouevery-thing you need to know about the Greek alphabet and pronunciation. U se it in conjunction with the audio to become fully acquainted with the sounds of Greek.Imitate the native speakers that you hear, but don't be worried if you don'tsound quite native yourself;after all,you'renot.Goodproriun-ciationwillcomeintime.Justusethepronunciationsectionenoughto familiarizeyourself with the soundsand spelling of Greek.Then you can begin the fifteenlessons,each of which isdedicatedtoaparticulartopic and to specific structural points. Asa general piece of advice,fight the urge to skip ahead or rush over any part of this course. It's designed in a careful sequence, and each section rep-resents a building block that adds to everythingit while at the same time preparing you for everything that comes after Always move ahead at your own pace;if you don'tunderstand somethi.ng, if you .don'tfeel quite comfortable with some point, ov:r That the best way to make sure your learning and Each lesson of this course contains the following sections: Vocabulary warm-up The vocabulary warm-up kicks off the lesson with key words you'll hear in the dialogue.Many will be related to the topic of the lesson;some will be related to the grammar you'll be learning in that particular lesson. Dialogue The dialogue in each lesson servesthe double purpose of allowing you to readandhearnaturalGreekatworkandintroducingyoutoGreekcul-ture.Read these dialoguescarefully;they'llcontain the grammar and key phrasesthatyouwillbelearninglaterinthelesson.Don'tbeafraidto read them several times, and listen to them on the recordings a few times, aswell.Alwaysgoat your own pace,and stick with a section until you're comfortable with it. Vocabulary The vocabulary list contains new words from the dialogue as well as other wordsrelatedtothe overalltopic of the lesson.Youcanrefertothislist whilereading through the dialogue,but, of course,the translation of the dialogueisprovided as well.U se the vocabulary lists asachance to build agood foundationfor your Greek vocabulary, one topic at a time.Ex?eri-ment with different methodsof learning vocabulary-spoken or repetition, flash cards, practice sentences, searches ... Be creative, and find what-works for you. Keyphrases The key phrasessection contains more practical words or phrasesrelated tothelessontopic.Don'tworryif you don'tgraspthegrammar behind each phrase right away. Treat the phrases asextended vocabulary lists; the grammar will be filledin as you progress,and the idiomatic and practical expressions you learn in the key phrases will come in handy. Culturenotes Eachlesson containstwoculturenotes.These notesareintended togive you a window Greek culture. They cover topicssuch asfood, clothing, -- --- .....................................................,...-- ---------Greek manners, and etiquette, and they also give you a chance to the differ-ent regions of Greece. Grammar EachlessoncontainsanumberofnotesonparticularaspectsofGreek grammar.Thesenotesareintroducedin acarefulsequence,sothat they bulld on one another, and they explain the key structures you encounter in the lesson- particularly,in thedialogue.Eachtopicisexplainedinplain and simple language, and there are plenty of examples to help you under-stand.Grammarcanbetrickyformany beginninglanguagelearners,so takeyourtimeon the grammarnotes.Grammaristl1enuts-and-boltsof any languagelearning;without it,you wouldn'tknow how toput words together ! Exercises Theexercisesin eachlesson willgiveyou more opportunities topractice thegrammarandvocabulary you'velearnedineachlesson.Eachlesson includes an answer key at the end, so you can check yonr progress. lndependent challenge Themostimportantpartof learningalanguageispractice.Thesechal-lenge activ:itiesare designed to give you ideas forfinding contexts in your lifewhere you can practice yourGreek. They'remeant asaguide;if you feelinspired to create your own independent challenge activities, goright ahead. The more contact you have with a language,the better you'lllearn it.Anddon'tforgetabouttheinternet.Languagelearnersnowhavean incredibletoolat theirdisposal- they can findnewspapers, blogs, online references, travel and tourism sites, and much, much more, all of which can be used to add depth and color to language lessons. Audio The audio portion of this course is divided into two sets:Set and Set Set includes the vocabulary warm-up, dialogue, vocabulary, key phrases, and grammar examplesfrom each lesson.English translationsarenot in-cluded. Thispart of the audio course should be used along with the book, following the order of each lesson, toallow youto hear the words on the page in spoken Greek. good approach is to read each section first without the audio so that you're prepared to get the most out of the audio when you do listen to it. Then, take it step-by-step and listen to each section at a time, always allowing yourself the time and repetition that you need. *HelpfulHint:Onceyou'velistenedtothedialogueseveraltimeswhile reading along in the book, try listening to it without the help of the book. ----------..-......................................................... --....-....................................------I ntrod uction I..., I Q.. c: - ::J ......................................- This will help tune your ear to Greek, and it willmake understanding the spoken language easier down the line. Set is intended to be used on the go to supplement your studies.Ittains the from each broken easily digestible sen-tences.hear pausesafter each sentence, phrase, line use the pauserepeat- what heard practice Set several exercisesthat appearthe but are based the exactly the same grammarThe exercisesSet way to make use Set is it each the text to theSet UseSetwherever it's the car, the at the gym, while youthe dishes,the... It's up also use Set as a review keep Glossary At the this a t all the thelists,plus that'staught thegrammar It awide of practical thatmay up the text of this course.It's as a dictioriary, but it be avaluable tool forthe of Greek. As usethiskeepthis isgrad-ual it happen overnight.Still, withrepeatedpractice, you'llfind yourself becoming abetter better Greekspeaker each time you pick up this course. But just used in books; they'reusedby people.So,if youcan,seekout speakersof Greek where liveor the That way, youcan practicethelanguage discover new people while you do. (ka-LIe-pi-ti-KHI-a!)Best of luck! _..........................................._,_ _ ____ ....,_.........,,.,,,,,,,,, .................-----............................................ --....._.....................................___ ..................................___ xiiGreek TheGreel-- - ................._____ --- ............................-..----............................... --; fLffiER jGREEK APPROXI i ............................._-; YO-ta eeinsee l"''"''' _- . .............. ---......... :----................k...............................__ -- ----;--..--]! r", ..........., ......................_.,....,u.v....--..._..,,,.,,,.,..,.,,,,,..............................,..,,._ .,., __ ............ ..... 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