【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap....

2018年度 注   意 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 11 4 5.解答用紙には解答欄のほかに次の記入欄があります。 (1)受験番号欄 『解答用紙①』および『解答用紙②』の 2 枚ともに受験番号を受験番号欄の上欄に算用 数字で記入しさらにその下のマーク欄にマークしてください。 (2)解答科目選択欄 ①「英語」「数学」「国語」を解答される方 『解答用紙①』 の解答科目選択欄について「解答をする」のマーク欄にマークするとと もに解答する科目を○で囲みさらにその下のマーク欄にマークしてください。 ②「理科」を解答される方 『解答用紙②』 の解答科目選択欄について「解答をする」のマーク欄にマークするとと もに解答する科目を○で囲みさらにその下のマーク欄にマークしてください。 受験番号および解答した科目が正しくマークされていない場合は採点できないことがあり ます。 6.記入したマークを訂正する場合はプラスチック製消しゴムで完全に消し改めてマーク してください(消しくずを残さないこと)。 4.解答は全てマークセンス方式です。マークは黒鉛筆(シャープペンシル可) で右の例のように正しくマークしてください。 マーク例 2.問題冊子は1部解答用紙は 2 枚です。なお解答用紙は「英語」「数学」「国語」用の『解 答用紙①』と「理科」用の『解答用紙②』の 2 種類があります。解答用紙は選考終了後に 2 枚とも提出いただきますので2 枚ともに受験番号欄に記入およびマークしてください。 1.選考開始の合図があるまでこの問題冊子の中を見てはいけません。 7.解答用紙は折り曲げたり汚したりしてはいけません。 8.解答用紙の※印欄はマークしてはいけません。 10.選考終了後問題冊子は持ち帰ってください。 9.問題冊子と解答用紙にページの落丁・乱丁および印刷の不鮮明な箇所や汚れなどがある場合は手を挙げて監督者に知らせてください。 ※理科については「物理基礎」「化学基礎」「生物基礎」から2 科目選択し解答してくださ い。解答する科目の順番は問いません。解答時間(60 分)の配分は自由です。 3.出題科目ページおよび選択方法は下表のとおりです。 出題科目 ページ 選択方法 英  語 1〜 11 解答科目は選択できる 科目を受験票で確認のう 選択しなさい。 数学Ⅰ・A 13 〜 16 理科※ 物理基礎 17 〜 19 化学基礎 21 〜 24 生物基礎 25 〜 28 国  語 国語 1 〜国語13(うしろから始まります)

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Page 1: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at


注   意


基 礎 素 養 検 査


5.解答用紙には解答欄のほかに次の記入欄があります。  (1)受験番号欄    �『解答用紙①』および『解答用紙②』の 2枚ともに, 受験番号を受験番号欄の上欄に算用

数字で記入し,さらにその下のマーク欄にマークしてください。  (2)解答科目選択欄    ①「英語」「数学」「国語」を解答される方     �『解答用紙①』 の解答科目選択欄について,「解答をする」のマーク欄にマークするとと

もに,解答する科目を○で囲み,さらにその下のマーク欄にマークしてください。    ②「理科」を解答される方     �『解答用紙②』 の解答科目選択欄について,「解答をする」のマーク欄にマークするとと

もに,解答する科目を○で囲み,さらにその下のマーク欄にマークしてください。  ※�受験番号および解答した科目が正しくマークされていない場合は,採点できないことがあり



4.解答は全てマークセンス方式です。マークは黒鉛筆(シャープペンシル可)で右の例のように正しくマークしてください。 マーク例

2.問題冊子は1部,解答用紙は 2枚です。なお,解答用紙は,「英語」「数学」「国語」用の『解答用紙①』と「理科」用の『解答用紙②』の 2種類があります。解答用紙は,選考終了後に 2枚とも提出いただきますので,2 枚ともに受験番号欄に記入およびマークしてください。






※理科については,「物理基礎」「化学基礎」「生物基礎」から 2科目選択し,解答してください。解答する科目の順番は問いません。解答時間(60 分)の配分は自由です。


出題科目 ページ 選択方法英  語 1 〜 11


数学Ⅰ・A 13 〜 16

理科※物理基礎 17 〜 19化学基礎 21 〜 24生物基礎 25 〜 28

国  語 国語 1〜国語13(うしろから始まります)

Page 2: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at

― 1 ―

 次の英文を読み,問い(問 ₁ ~ ₄ )について,それぞれ  ~  から最も適当なもの

を一つ選び,解答を    ~    に入れなさい。   (₁₆点)

   An old saying reminds us that there is nothing new under the sun. In other words,

what we “invent” today is something we borrowed from the past, and adapted to our

present needs.

   Letʼs take the example of fast food. Contrary to popular belief, itʼs not a modern

invention. You may be surprised to learn that people have been buying ready-cooked

meals for centuries.

   Why has fast food been so popular throughout history? The answer is simple. Fast

food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the

meal, and wash the dishes. It makes life easier for working parents. In the past, when

many people lived in small rooms with no kitchen, they bought food that was already


   There are many varieties of fast food. They reflect the tastes and traditions of the

local population. In the Middle East, for example, people eat kebabs*. In Japan, they

buy bento boxes. In Italy, they enjoy pizza with many different toppings. In Mexico, they

like tacos and burritos. These ethnic dishes are no longer local specialties. They are

becoming popular all over the world.

   Multinational companies such as McDonaldʼs and Burger King have “globalized”

the popularity of the hamburger. But to increase sales, they have adapted it to local

tastes. Instead of beef, they make burgers of turkey, salmon, shrimp, tofu or vegetables.

   Why are traditional hamburgers losing popularity in the U.S.? Many Americans

worry about the health risks. Beef is high in cholesterol and saturated fat*. This is why

fast food chains in the U.S. are now offering healthy alternatives such as sushi, salad

and vegan* selections.

   Fast food keeps borrowing from the past and adapting to the present.

(注)*kebab: ケバブ(中東に端を発する肉料理の総称)

   *saturated fat: 飽和脂肪  *vegan: 菜食主義者用の

出典:Joan McConnell/Shuichi Takeda/Kiyoshi Yamauchi 「Read Well, Write Better」 成美堂

Ⅰ 1 4

⑴ ⑷

(解答番号 ⑴ ~ � )

英   語

Page 3: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at

― 2 ―

問 ₁  According to this passage, which of the following is true about fast food?     

   Despite popular belief, fast food is a modern invention.

   Fast food is quick and convenient, but it is not so cheap.

   Itʼs complicated to answer why fast food has been so popular throughout history.

   Fast food makes life easier for working parents.

問 2  The underlined words tacos and burritos are mentioned as examples of    .

   popular vegan selections

   popular local specialties in the Middle East

   ethnic dishes that are becoming popular all over the world

   ethnic dishes that are no longer fast food

問 ₃   According to this passage, multinational companies such as McDonald ʼs

have    .

   offered only their traditional hamburgers

   spread the popularity of the hamburger all over the world

   decided not to adapt their hamburgers to local tastes

   lost their popularity in the U.S.

問 ₄  What is the best title of this passage?     

   Fast Food: Nothing New Under the Sun

   Fast Food and Health Risks

   Fast Food Chains in the U.S.

   Healthy Alternatives to Fast Food

















Page 4: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at

― 3 ―

 次の英文を読み,問い(問 ₁ ~ ₅ )について,それぞれ  ~  から最も適当なもの

を一つ選び,解答を    ~    に入れなさい。   (2₀点)

   For every problem, there is a possible solution waiting to be tried. For every field,

there is a new idea waiting to be heard. What is often missing is a platform for creative

thinkers to share their thoughts. Thatʼs where TED Talks come in. The lecture series

reaches huge audiences, creating the chance for great ideas to take root and grow.

   TED stands for “Technology, Entertainment, Design.” The first conference, held in

California in 1984, had speakers from those three fields. Later events welcomed guests

from the academic, artistic, business fields, and beyond. In 18 minutes or less, speakers

discuss something they feel strongly about. That could be anything from black holes to

public housing.

   In 2001, TED became part of a non-profit organization, which took the platform in

exciting new directions. The TED Prize was introduced in 2005. Every year, money is

awarded to three speakers to help them achieve their goals. One winner was the rock

musician Bono for his support of African social movements. Another was the chef Jamie

Oliver. His Food Revolution program teaches cooking skills and encourages healthy


   To expand the TED platform, the TEDx program was introduced in 2009. It

supports events at local venues* like schools and libraries. More than 10,000 TEDx

events have been held in 167 countries, and theyʼre bearing results. In April 2010,

Naheed Nenshi spoke at TEDxCalgary about city planning. Helped by his newfound

fame, he ran for mayor of Calgary. Mr. Nenshi won, made important reforms, and even

won re-election three years later.

   Talks by Mr. Nenshi and others can be watched on the TED website, YouTube, and

elsewhere. By 2012, TED Talks had received more than one billion views! There is

clearly a large audience for these short, yet thoughtful lectures. Since theyʼre free to

watch online, they can be enjoyed by thinkers and doers* everywhere.

(注)*venue: 開催地  *doer: 実行する人

出典:Andrew E. Bennett 「Reading Pass 2」 南雲堂

Ⅱ 1 4

⑸ ⑼

Page 5: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at

― 4 ―

問 ₁  According to this passage, TED is a program    .

   that gives creative thinkers a platform to solve their new problems

   that promotes great ideas to be developed

   that held its first conference in California on all academic fields

   in which lecturers can use more than 18 minutes to deliver their speeches

問 2  According to this passage, Bono is a person who    .

   decided the winner of the TED Prize to support African social movements

   gave away some money to support the TED Prize

   won the TED Prize for his career as a rock musician

   was awarded the TED Prize for his support of African social movements

問 ₃  According to this passage, which of the following is true about TEDx?     

   It was held at facilities that were located only in rural areas.

   It has achieved good outcomes in the events held at local venues.

   It is a program which elected Mr. Naheed Nenshi as mayor of Calgary.

   It is a program which gave rise to TED Talks.

問 ₄  According to this passage, what had happened to TED Talks by 2012?     

   Mr. Nenshiʼs talk had received over one billion views.

   All the speeches had been made shorter to make the lectures more thoughtful.

   The total number of views had exceeded one billion in all.

   Every speech had been made accessible for a fee.

問 ₅  What is the main purpose of this passage?     

   To explain what the term TED stands for

   To increase the online viewers of TED Talks

   To point out the benefits of technology, entertainment, and design

   To introduce a rough history of TED Talks





















Page 6: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at

― 5 ―

 次の各文の空欄    ~    に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ  ~  

から一つ選びなさい。   (2₀点)

1  Please call us if you have any problems    our product.

    into   at   with   for

2  Itʼs going to be snowy! Itʼs foolish of you     your sweater.

    to bringing   not bringing   not to bring   not to bringing

3  You    have bought your concert ticket; I have two invitation tickets.

    cannot   must   neednʼt   should

4  I am going to take an    course in English during summer vacation.

    intensely   intensity   intensively   intensive

5  I think David    dinner with his girlfriend when his teacher called him.

    has   was having   will have   have

6   We have developed a new computer that works five and a half times    the

older one.

    as fast as   so fast   the fastest   faster

7   Recently, many of the people     buy their own daily necessities order them


    whom   which   when   who

8  I worked    into the night because I had a lot of work to do yesterday.

    late   lately   latter   of late

9  Have you considered    out of your hometown when you go on to university?

    move   to move   moving   being moved

10 The teacher told her students that the Moon    a satellite of the Earth.

    had been   is   was   will be

11 The black and white cat with cute eyes    eating fish deliciously.

    are   have been   were   was

12 We canʼt believe our president because his words donʼt    with his actions.

    correspond   correspondent   correspondence   corresponded

13     right at the second traffic light, you will see the bank on the left.

    Turn   To turn   Turning   Turned

14 The time will come    we can travel to the Moon.

    what   when   which   how

Ⅲ ⑽ � 1 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Page 7: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at

― 6 ―

15 Anne    sick in bed for more than a week, so her friends worried about her.

    will   is   has been   had been

16 Cathy was angry because she had been made    for a long time by David.

    wait   to wait   waiting   for waiting

17     here now, we would tell him the whole truth of the case.

    If Sam   Were Sam   Sam was   Sam is

18 Ken got a good score, so he    went back home from school.

    cheer   cheerful   cheerfully   cheering

19 Physics    too difficult for Kate.

    are   have been   were   is

20 Jack told me to hurry up or else I    make the last train.

    canʼt   would   wonʼt   wouldnʼt

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Page 8: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at

― 7 ―

 次の会話文A ~ Cの空欄    ~    に入れるのに最も適当な英文を,それぞれの

解答群の  ~  から一つ選びなさい。   (₁₈点)


A: Hey, John. How are things going with you?

B: Pretty good, Mark. I canʼt complain.    

A: Kind of slow. I didnʼt do much because of the heat. How about yourself?

B: Oh, I worked all summer. Saved up some spending money.

A: That always helps. Say, howʼs your class schedule?

B: Well, it looks like itʼs going to be a hard one this time.

A: Whyʼs that?    

B: For one thing, I have to take organic chemistry.

A: Me, too. Wait a minute. What time is your class?

B: It starts at nine.    

A: No, mine is at three-thirty. Professor Colson.

B: Right, Colson! You can help me study!

A: I think weʼd better help each other study.


   Where did you travel to?

   When did you return?

   How was your summer?

   Who did you get here with?


   When will you take one?

   What courses are you taking?

   Will it be that easy?

   Which class do you like most?


   Is that in the afternoon?

   Thatʼs nine in the morning.

   Is yours at three-thirty?

   Are we in the same class?

Ⅳ � �

1 4













Page 9: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at

― 8 ―


A: Hi there. Iʼm Jack, your new neighbor across the street.

B: Nice to meet you, Jack. My nameʼs Ed.

A: Where did you guys move from, Ed?

B: My wife and I have just come from Japan.

A:    My son has just gone there to teach English!

B: It sure is a small world, isnʼt it? What do you do, Jack?

A: Oh, I work in construction, making roads and parking lots.

B: Sounds like really hard work.    

A: Sometimes, during big projects. But you never do, right?

B: Yeah, teachers at our school get weekends off, thank goodness.

A: Where do you teach, locally or out of town?

B: Iʼm at the high school just down the road from here.

A: Is that so?    We just laid down the new parking lot over there!


   Iʼve never been there.

   Where is Japan located?

   No kidding!

   Did you meet him?


   Do you work hard?

   Do you work on weekends?

   Do you do any big projects?

   Do you use construction materials?


   I saw you working there this morning!

   I saw your car parked there today!

   Well, thatʼs no surprise to me!

   Thatʼs really surprising!













Page 10: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at

― 9 ―


A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, thank you. How much are these blue socks?

A:,    Theyʼre 15 dollars.

B: Oh, thatʼs not too bad. Do they come in dark gray?

A: No, sorry, just blue.

B: O.K. Um, how much is that muffler?

A: Which one? That black and brown one?

B: No, the black and blue one.

A: Letʼs see ... Itʼs 25 dollars.

B: Thatʼs a really nice one.    

A: All right. Will that be cash or credit?

B: Credit. Hereʼs my card.

A: Very good.    


   Theyʼre not blue.

   The black ones?

   Iʼm not really sure.

   This pair here?


   Iʼll look around.

   Iʼll be back later.

   I think Iʼll take it.

   I just canʼt decide.


   I just need your card.

   Iʼll take the cash.

   We donʼt take cards.

   Just sign right here.













Page 11: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at

― 10 ―

 次の 1 ~ 6 の各英文の下線部と最も近い意味を持つ単語を,それぞれ  ~  から一

つ選びその解答を    ~    に入れなさい。   ( ₆ 点)

1  Heʼs always looked up to his uncle.     

    ignored    respected    fooled   believed

2  Beth loves kids, so teaching suits her.     

    entertains    bothers    pleases   matches

3  Tomʼs illness is affecting his work. He should take some time off.     

    health    disease    mind   medicine

4  This instrument is used to make bread.     

    document    area    tool   record

5  I live close to the school. It normally takes me only 10 minutes to get there.     

    usually    sometimes    hardly   occasionally

6  Ken gets anxious when he has to give a speech in class.     

    responsible    worried    quiet   excited

 次の 1 ~10の日本語に合う最も自然な英文になるように,それぞれの語群を並べ替え,

    ~    に入る語を一つ選びなさい。ただし,文頭にくる語も小文字で書かれて

いる。各問いの解答が共に正しい場合のみ正解とする。   (2₀点)

1  私たちは交渉の明確な計画を持っておくべきだと私は思う。

  (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) a clear plan to negotiate.

    I   should   think   we   have

2   ケイトがレストランに着いた時には友達は既に彼女の誕生日パーティのために集まっ


   All her friends (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) surprise birthday party when

Kate arrived at the restaurant.

    for   had already   together   come   her

3  そのデパートは2010年から閉じたままだ。

   The department (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) 2010.

    been   has   closed   since   store

Ⅴ 1 4

� �

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Ⅵ� �

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Page 12: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at

― 11 ―

4  デイビッドはもう決してコンピュータゲームで無駄遣いしないと約束した。

   David (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) computer games.

    money   never   buying   to waste   promised

5  そのイベントで何かを期待しても無駄だ。

   It (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) from the event.

    expecting   is   use   no   anything

6  淡い色で印刷されたカレンダーは女子に人気がある。

   A calendar (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) popular among girls.

    in   light   is   colors   printed

7  研究者らは最新の技術でそれらの標本を分類した。

   The researchers (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) the newest technology.

    means   those samples   of   classified   by

8  そのシステムがうまく動かないことは明らかだった。

   It was (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) properly.

    the system   work   clear   that   didnʼt

9  ずっと夏休みだったらいいのにな。

   I (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) the time.

    it   wish   all   were   summer holiday

10 ヘンリーがその新しいイタリアン・レストランをここに開いた人だ。

   Henry (  ) ( � ) (  ) ( � ) (  ) Italian restaurant here.

    the man   launched   the new   is   who

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Page 13: 【推薦入学選考(1日目)】 基礎素養検査 · food is quick, convenient and cheap. You donʼt have to go to the supermarket, cook the meal, ... Naheed Nenshi spoke at

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