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Topics Traffic ESL


840 Ft

Ötezer év emberi történelmén kalauzol végig a több mint 700 oldalas könyv szakértő, átfogó, és mégis tömör szövegével. A nagy hordere-jű, súlyos következményekkel járó történelmi korszakokról 30 tanulmány ad hírt, kétolda-las világ- és régiós térképekkel, amelyek csak ebben az új változatban találhatók. A bővített kiadás változatlanul megőrzi krónika jellegét: több mint 1000 színes cikkben szemléletesen és ismeretekben gazdagon rendeződik össze-függő egésszé a világtörténet a kijelölt mér-földkövek mentén, ezernyi, gondosan kiválasz-tott, túlnyomóan színes képpel, ábrával, rajzzal és fotóval illusztrálva. A politika, a tudomány, a gazdaság és a kultúra számos egyedi aspektu-sát szócikkekben, keretes háttércikkekben meg-jelenő magyarázatok világítják át vagy árnyalják, a történelem kimagasló személyiségeinek rövid életrajzaival kiegészítve. Az egyes történelmi korszakokat eseménynaptár és jól kezelhető kronológia segíti áttekinteni.

Értékes szakkönyv, enciklopédikus igé-nyű összefoglalás és ideális ajándék-könyv egyszerre. Hasznos segédanyag érettségihez, felvételihez.

l új eseményekl új képekl új térképek


ContentsTraffic & Travelling

Vehicles ..................................................................................................................................... 4

Traffic signs .......................................................................................................................... 10

Travelling by bus, underground ...............................................................................................11

Travelling by car ..................................................................................................................... 14

Travelling on a bike or motorbike ......................................................................................... 17

Travelling by taxi ....................................................................................................................18

Vocabulary ............................................................................................................................ 19

Travelling by train .................................................................................................................. 35

Travelling by plane ................................................................................................................. 38

Revision .................................................................................................................................. 42

Solutions ................................................................................................................................. 48



1. Match the verbs with their meanings.

1. arrive a. vitorlázni2. drive b. fizetni3. fly c. sétálni4. get on d. leszállni5. get off e. felszállni6. go f. menni7. pay g. megérkezni8. reach h. vezetni9. ride a bike i. repülni10. sail j. várni11. wait for k. elérni12. walk l. biciklizni

Verbs of transport

2. Find the following vehicles in the wordsearch.








VehiclesTraffic & Travelling

3. Complete each sentence with a

word from the box.

a) When the plane took off, Tom felt nervous.b) Ann’s ……………. broke down while she was driving on the motorway.c) Peter enjoyed his voyage across the Atlantic in an old sailing ……………… .d) Tina got off her …………. and pushed it up the hill.e) Carlos saw the sights of London from the top of a double-decker …………….. .f) Helen and Sue hired a ………….. and rowed across the lake.g) When the ………… came into the station, Kate was waiting.h) Joe saw a …………………….. coming down the street. He shouted, and it stopped.

bike boat bus carplane ship taxi train

_ ub _ ay mentő

_ is_ ing-_ oa_ földalatti

t_ a _ tor lakókocsi

_ mbu _ _ nc _ villamos

_ ar_ v_ _ szemetesautó

tr_ m léghajó

_ ust_ _ r halászhajó

ai_ sh_ p traktor

5. Complete the missing letters and match

the words with their Hungarian meanings.

5. Put the given vehicles below to the right group!

container, lorry, yacht, aeroplane, ferry, tanker, submarine, coach, sailplane, tram,

balloon, liner, helicopter, train, motorboat, hang-gliding, caravan, ship



A2 by

water on

the road by air



6. Find the definition of the given words and complete the missing letters of


_ ub _ arin _

t _ gbo _ t

v_ n

_ elic _ pt _ r

1. a vessel capable of operating below the surface of the sea: ………………………..

2. a small pleasure boat propelled by one or more pairs of oars: ………………………..

3. an aircraft capable of hover, vertical flight and horizontal flight in any direction: ……………………..

4. a vessel propelled by sail or power used for pleasure cruising, racing: ………………………..

5. a passenger ship or aircraft: ………………………..

6. a motor vehicle for transporting goods by road: ………………………..

7. a boat with a powerful engine, used for towing barges, ships: ………………………..

8. a large motor vehicle designed to carry heavy loads, one with a flat platform: ……………………

7. What means of transport are the sentences below about? Write the numbers.

1. I love travelling but I hate aircraft, airports, air terminals and everything to do with them.2. It’s often expensive to have a full meal on a train and the food is often a bad.3. I’d like to travel everywhere by rail because it’s so relaxing.4. It is more and more difficult to get a drink on a short flight.5. To drive in many countries you need to get an international licence.6. I love arriving in a city by river. For example, it’s wonderful to go down the Danube to Budapest. 7. You should buy a good road map before you start your journey.8. It is still possible to travel by rail in comfort.9. It’s a good idea to stop for a rest every two hours when you are on a long journey. 10. When the sea is rough it can be very uncomfortable.







_ ine _

ya _ ht

l _ rr _

ro _ ing- _oat


Traffic & Travelling Vehicles

8. Can you do this Transport Crossword Puzzle?

1: A small vehicle for travelling on water.6: A car whose driver takes where

you want if you pay him.7: A building where a car is kept.8: A medium-sized road vehicle

used usually for carrying goods. 10: An area of water near the

coast where ships „park”.12: Large vehicles used for

transporting goods. 13: A wide road for fast moving

vehicles for long distances.14: To take goods or people

from one place to another.17: A railway system where trains

run below surface.18: A vehicle with two wheels that

you move by turning two pedals.20: A place where airplanes take

off and land.21: A vehicle for air travel, which

has wings and one or more engines.


1: Large vehicles which take people from one place to another.2: A vehicle that transports people, usually in cities, and goes along metal tracks in the road.3: A large boat for travelling on water, especially across the sea.4: A railway engine connected to carriages for carrying people.5: A vehicle which is built to carry liquid or gas.9: London's underground train system10: A type of aircraft which has no wings but one or two sets of large blades to propel it in the air and forward.11: A kind of ship which can travel under water.13: A vehicle with two wheels and a powerful engine.15: A small motorcycle which also has pedals.16: A boat with sails and sometimes an engine.18: Abbreviated word for 13 down. 19: A road vehicle with an engine, four wheels,

and seats for four or five people.





9. Find the words in English.

1. Do you think it’ll be a rough crossing?2. Excuse me, I think those seats facing the front are ours.3. We’re going to Market Street. Could you tell us when it’s our stop?4. Can you take us to the airport?5. Can I take these bags on with me?6. That’s all right. You can keep the change.7. Excuse me, are we landing on time?8. No, no! He said turn left at the lights, not right!9. How do I get to Oxford Circus?

10. Here are some lines from conversations on different kinds of transport. Where do they take place? Write the numbers in the box.



















biztonsági öv


személyzet A2


Traffic & Travelling Vehicles

1. Is it a good idea to _____________ a seat on the train in advance?2. The man in uniform told me that it was time to _____________ the ship.3. He has been very ill and has had to ___________ his flight to the US next week.4. Have you ____________________ your suitcase yet?5. She’s making a _________________ for the 8.57 Eurostar to Paris.6. If you don’t want to ________________ the bus, you’d better hurry.7. I’d like a __________________ ticket to Mancester, please. I want to come back in a week’s time.

11. Complete the sentences using the words below in the correct form.

return pack miss booking reserve cancel board

1.) The quickest way to get from London to Manchester is to take the ….......……… .by-pass highway main road main street motorway ring road

2.) It’s quicker and cheaper to cross London by ………….....…. than to take a taxi.bus car foot metro subway tube

3.) It costs less to travel a long distance by ………….......…… than to take the train.coach hearse limousine plane pullman taxi

4.) Go straight down the hill and take the third ………………….. on the left. You can’t miss it.bend branch corner crossroads junction roundabout turning

5.) If you want to stop the car, you have to put your foot on the ………….......… pedal.accelerator brake break choke clutch handbrake gas

6.) If you’re travelling by train, you have to buy a single or return ………………. .ticket card fare reservation passage

Questions about vehicles

12. Choose the best alternative to fill the gaps in these sentences.

1.) What kinds of vehicles are used in city transport?2.) Why is there a need for an extended public transport network

in big cities?3.) Have you ever used the public transport service in Budapest?

4.) What are the different means of transport like there?5.) How often do they run?




Traffic sig


A) Disabled only.B) Give way.C) Don't turn right. D) Stop.E) Don't turn left.

J) Don't enter.K) Don't drive over 40.L) Don't stop here.M) Crossroads ahead.N) Don't overtake.

O) Cycle hereP) Keep left.Q) Turn round.R) Don't walk through.S) Turn left.

F) Go straight on.G) Don't cycle here.H) Don't park here.I) Turn left.J) Don't turn back.

B1 Match the

signs to their meanings!


Traffic & Travelling Travelling byunderground


London’s underground serves most of the city and links it with its suburbs. Frequent and reliable it runs 20 hours a day with trains every few minutes on most lines. The famous Journey Planner map gives each line a colour making it easy to plan your trip. You’ll find the map is on every platform, and in this leaflet, too.

Fares are based on a zonal system, details are in all ticket offices and in free leaflets from Travel Information Centres. Buy your ticket from the machine or booking office and put it into the automatic gate, pick it up from the top and walk through. If you have luggage or a pushchair, station staff will assist you.

You must have a valid ticket for your whole journey before you travel. If you don’t, from April 1994 you will be liable to pay a Penalty Fare of £ 10. The London Underground system is one of the safest metros in the world but it makes sense to protect your personal belongings at all times.

Video linked TVs assist in ensuring your safety when you’re with us, and at many stations you can use platform "Help Points" to ask for help or information. On escalators always stand on the right and never run, keep children’s feet and fingers away from the sides. Never hold back the train doors when they are closing.

The Underground’s Customer Charter promises you a safe, speedy journey, and a refund of your fare if your train is more than 15 minutes late.

The underground

1. Read the passage and do the exercise.


Angolul nem tudó barátodnak magyarázd el magyarul, hogy...

1.) miért könnyű eligazodni a metró térképen;

2.) hogyan kell érvényesíteni a jegyét;

3.) hova fordulhat, ha úgy érzi, hogy eltévedt a metrón,

4.) mire kell ügyelnie a mozgólépcsőn (a, b, c) ;

5.) mit tehet, ha a vonat több, mint negyedórát késik.


Travelling by


2. Use the correct word from the following list,

or nothing, in the sentences.

(a) Ann went__________ school___________ bus today, not_________ foot.

(b) She waited___________ the bus __________ the bus-stop.(c) When the bus arrived___________ the bus-stop, she

got__________ .(d) Finally the bus reached____________ the school bus-stop

and Ann go_________.

off on at

for by to

I sometimes (a)___________ to school on foot, but usually I (b)____________ a bus because it’s quicker by bus. I (c)____________ for the bus at the bus-stop. When it (d)_____________ at the stop, I (e)____________ on and (f)________________ my fare. When the bus (g)_______________ the school, I (h)______________ off. The journey (i)__________________ about half an hour.

3. Put the correct verbs from the following list in the passage below. If necessary, add -s or -es.reach wait get(2) take(2)pay go arrive

Questions about travelling by bus and underground.

1.) What do you have to make sure of before getting on a vehicle?

2.) Where can tickets be bought?3.) What do you have to do with your ticket?4.) Why is it wise to keep the ticket while travelling?5.) What kinds of season tickets are there?6.) Why is a season ticket useful?7.) Is it comfortable to go by underground?8.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of

travelling by underground?




Traffic & Travelling Travelling byunderground


Situations for this topic

Work in pairs. Act out the following situations in English. We give you

some help.

Egy külföldi megkérdezi tőled a buszon, hogy hol a kalauz,

mert jegyet akar venni. Mondd el neki, hogy a jegyet előre meg kell venni

mindig. Adj neki egy jegyet, mert jöhet az ellenőr, és mondd el neki, hogyan

kell azt érvényesíteni.

conductor / newagent’s ticket-office

ticket inspector / any time pull the handlepunch/ show


Megkérdezi egy járókelő, hogy mivel

juthatna el leggyorsabban a Nyugati Pályaudvarra. Ajánld neki a kettes

metrót vagy a villamost, amely azon az úton közlekedik. Végül mondd

meg neki, hogy legjobb, ha taxival megy, mert akor

nem kell átszállnia.

quickest way take / run along

take a long time / obviouslytake a taxi

saves you time Egy amerikai

barátoddal a délutáni csúcsforgalomban zsúfolt

metrószerelvényen utazol.A beszélgetés során kérdezd meg, hogy Amerikában

is hasonlóak-e a tömegközlekedés feltételei, majd beszéljétek meg, mit lehetne tenni a magyar közlekedési körülmények

javítása érdekében.

rush hours / cope with sg.public transportation systemrun quite frequently / agree

raise the standard of service





by car

1. Choose the correct answer.

1.) After you leave Beaumont, there's a large ....................and you'll be able to get where you want really quickly.

a.) street b.) lanec.) highway d.) path

2.) If the police stop you, you will probably have toshow them your .....................

a.) patent b.) permissionc.) photo d.) licence

3.) You were going 20mph over the ..................... I'm going to have to give you a fine.

a.) speed limit b.) speed barrierc.) speed rule d.) speed maximum

4.) It is the driver's responsibility to ensure all passengers in the car are wearing their .....................

a.) harnesses b.) beltsc.) seat belts d.) safety harnesses

a.) Audi, Bentley, Mercedes, Porsche, Opel

b.) Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Mitsubishi, BMW

c.) Fiat,Peugeot, Renault, Bugatti, Citroen

d.) Alfa Romeo, Honda, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lancia

e.) Cadillac, Rolls-Royce, Dodge, Pontiac, Chrysler

2. Which is the odd-one out? Give the nationalities as well.




Traffic & Travelling Travellingby car3. Fill the gaps in these sentences with a suitable word.

1.) Have you got a car?2.) What make is it?3.) Where and how did you buy it?4.) Are you happy with your car? What is it like?5.) Is it expensive to run a car nowadays?6.) What taxes do you have to pay?7.) What do you do when you get into a car and want to start it?8.) Which pedals do you use?9.) What are the essential parts of car?10.) Which are the ones that you can/cannot see from the outside?11.) Has your car ever broken down?12.) What was wrong with it?13.) How did you get it repaired?14.) Have you ever had a puncture?15.) What is the M.O.T.?16.) Why is it important to take the car for an M.O.T. test?17.) Can you recall any memorable car drive in your life?18.) In what way do traffic-lights control the traffic?19.) What other signs are there to direct the driver?20.) What does a good driver have to know and observe?21.) How old do you have to be to get a driving licence in Hungary?22.) What else do you need to get a licence?23.) How difficult is it to pass the driving test?

Questions about travelling by car.

1.) We put our luggage in the b …………, got in the car and f……….....… our s………………… .2.) After you’ve passed your driving t………………. you’ll get your driving l……………. 3.) An a…………….. may happen if a driver forgets to look in the driving m…………… before

o……………… another vehicle.4.) At a r…….. in Britain you have to give w……………. to traffic from the r…………. .5.) If you’re going to turn left at the traffic l…………., get into the left hand l……………….. .6.) If you can’t find a parking s………….. in the street, you’ll have to pay to park in a car

p…………………. or at a parking m………………… .7.) If you’re caught speeding, you may have to pay a f………… or you may even be

d……………….. from driving.8.) It’s dangerous for p………… to walk in the road. They should stay on the p…………. .

oot astened




by car

Az autód elromlott. Mondd meg a szerelőnek,

hogy a kocsi nem húz, a fékek nem fognak, a motor kopog,

és az ablaktörlő sem működik. Kérdezd meg, hogy mikor jöhetsz a kocsiért, és kb. Mennyibe fog kerülni. Kérd még meg, hogy

centírozza ki az első kereket.

pull / brakes are weak banging sound / engine / windscreen wipers /

balance the front wheelsapproximately


Ellopták a kocsidat.Jelentsd be a rendőrségen!

Mondd el, hogy fehér színű Fiat Puntód van, és a ház előtt parkoltál. Riasztó is volt benne, mégis elvitték.

A kocsi három éves, és a bal első sárhányón van egy nagy

horpadás, az első szélvédőn pedig egy kicsi lyuk.

report / theft make / happen

burglar alarm / a big dent mudguard / hole

windscreen B1

Situations for this topic

Work in pairs. Act out the following situations in English. We give you

some help.

Gyorshajtásért megállít egy rendőr. Mondd meg neki,

hogy biztosan nem vetted észre a tablát, mert különben lelassítottál volna. Itt egyébként sem építik az

utat, hiszen nincs itt egyetlen ember


speeding / speed limitroadworks / sign / missotherwise / take it into

consideration / fine


Külföldi utazásod során meghibásodik a kocsid.

Mivel nem tudod beindítani a motort, telefonálsz a legközelebbi szervízbe.

Beszélj az egyik autószerelővel. Mondd el a problémádat, és kérd,

hogy vontassák be a kocsit a szervízbe.

common problem pass the MOT tow / garage


Egy benzinkútnál tankolsz. Mondd meg a kutasnak, hogy tele

kéred a tankot ólommentes benzinnel. Kérdezd meg, hogy van-e desztilált vízük, mert az akkumlátort után kell

tölteni. Vegyél még egy liter motorolajat, de ne a legdrágábbat. Kérdezd meg,

hogy igaz-e, hogy hétfőtől megint drágább lesz a benzin.

unleaded petrol fill up / distilled water battery / refill / brand

go up B2


Traffic & Travelling Travelling onor motorbike


1. There is a text about the advantages of cycling

Fill the text with the missing words.

………….. is the cheapest and …………. way of ……………… You can cycle to work without getting into ………..and you don’t …………….. too much ……………….. on the …………. It’s easy to park because you don’t have to pay for ………………. and you don’t need much ………………. for …………… . On the other hand it keeps you …………. by using your ………………. .……………… money and protect your ………………….. : use a bike.

cycling - spare - fitjams - cleanest - environment - parking

space - travelling - muscles - way - breatheovertaking - fumes

He took his bike on holiday and ................. everywhere.

a.) She ............................ her horse, got on it, and rode away.b.) Our dog wanted to attack their cat, so I ............................ him to a

tree until the cat had gone.c.) A little girl ran in front of his bike and he ............................ suddenly.d.) They ............................ the water out of the bottom of the boat.e.) As his first exercise in the gym, he got on the exercise bike and

............................ for ten minutes.


2. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box.

braked cycledpumped chained pedalled saddled

3. Write 5 positive and 5 negative things about travelling on a bicycle.+ -





Negative things:




by taxi

1.) How can you get a taxi in a city? 2.) When do people use taxis? 3.) How do they know what the fare is?4.) Do you tip taxi drivers in Hungary?

Questions about travelling by taxi.

Leintettél egy taxit. Mondd meg neki, hogy a várba akarsz menni, de nem ismered az utat.

Kérd meg a sofőrt, hogy mondjon néhány szót a látnivalókról. Kérdezd meg, hogy mivel lehet visszamenni a belvárosba,

miután megnézted a várat. A végén fizess, és adj borravalót.

castle / takesights / get back / walk

bus stop / owe keep the change Hívd fel a taxiállomást,

és rendelj egy kocsit holnap reggel hét órára. Mondd meg a neved, címed, és kérj egy nagy kocsit, mert

sok csomagod van. Mondd meg, hogy biztosan jöjjön a kocsi, mert a vonat

fél nyolckor indul a Déli Pályaudvarról, és nem szeretnéd lekésni, ugyanis

külföldre utazol ismerőseidhez.

have a taxioutside the house / luggagemake sure / at seven sharp

miss / abroadtrust


for this


Work in pairs. Act out the following situation in English. We give you some help.




VocabularyTraffic & Travelling Vehicles

vehicle – járműsuburban train – hévfunicular railway – siklóheavy goods vehicle – teherszállító járművekambulance – mentőautóunderground – földalatti(car-) transporter – autószállító (kocsi)lorry – teherautó(container) lorry – kamionmobile home – lakókocsivan – furgontanker – tartálykocsi, olajszállítódust car – szemeteskocsipick-up – (nyitott) kisteherautótram – villamostrolley bus – trolibusz emergency vehicle – megkülönböztető jelzést használó gépjármű

public transport – tömegközlekedésa means of transport – közlekedési eszközto change for – átszállto get off/on – leszáll, felszállto hold, held up – feltart

On the motorway

motorway – autósztrádaoutside lane – belső sávinside lane – külső sávto switch between lanes – sávot váltovertaking lane – előző sávexit – kijáratslip road – fölhajtó / lehajtó sáv


to turn into (a street) – beforduljunction, crossroads – kereszteződés(traffic) island – járdaszigetfork – elágazásHighway Code – KRESZto observe the Highway Code – betartani a KRESZ-tto break the rules – megszegni a szabálytrush–hour traffic – csúcsforgalomheavy traffic – nagy forgalompeak time – csúcsforgalmi időtraffic jam – forgalmi dugóto get choked – befullad, bedugul



flat rate – egységes díj(szabás)season ticket – bérletto charge-d – felszámol valamilyen díjatto handle the ticket – jegyet kezelhandle – karto punch -ed – kilyukasztpunch machine – lyukasztó gépinspector – ellenőrspot-check – szúrópróbaszerű ellenőrzésfine – bírságfare dodger – bliccelővalid – érvényesextensive – kiterjedttransfer season ticket – összbérleturban – városito push forward – előretolakszikto step-ped out – kilépto give up one’s seat – átadja a helyétstraphanger – kapaszkodó (járművön)destination – rendeltetési hely

Going on foot

passer-by – járókelőpedestrian – gyalogosto walk – sétálto get to a place on foot – gyalog eljut valahovato give sy the directions – eligazítam I right for…? – jó irányba megyek a… felé?to take a short cut – átvágto look out for – kereszebra crossing – gyalogátkelőhelypavement (GB)/sidewalk (US) – járdato step off the pavement – lelép a járdárólpedestrian precinct – sétálóutca



Traffic & Travelling Vocabulary





to get lost – eltévedWhere is the …? – Hol van a …?Could you tell me the way to …? – Meg tudná mondai az utat …-ba?How can I get to …? – Hogy jutok el …-ba?Go straight on. – Menjen egyenesen! Take the first turning on the right. – Az első utcánál forduljon jobbra!Go past the roundabout. – Menjen túl a körforgalmon!Cross the road at the zebra /pedestrian crossing. – A zebrán menjen át!Turn left at the crossroads. – A kereszteződésnél forduljon balra!

Be careful because that is a one-way street. – Vigyázzon, mert az egy egyirányú utca!

Don’t turn into the dead-end street – Ne forduljon be a zsákutcába!Mind the bend ! – Vigyázzon a kanyarnál!It’s a long way from here – Messze van innen!It’s about 5 minutes’ walk from here – Kb. 5 percnyi séta innen.

Excuse me, where’s …? – Elnézést, hol van….?Hogyan jutok el a …? – How do I get to …?What’s the quickest/ cheapest way to get to the … – Hogy jutok el a leggyorsabban/legolcsóbban… … station? – … állomásra? … bus/ coach station? – … a buszállomásra?…. port? – … a kikötőbe?…..airport? – … a repülőtérre?

How do I get onto the motorway? – Hogy jutok el az autópályára? I’m afraid I don’t know/can’t tell you. – Sajnálom, nem tudom

Go back. – Menjen vissza! Straight ahead. – (Menjen) egyenesen The first/ second road on your left/right. – Az első/második utca ballra/jobbra.

After the crossroads. – A kereszteződés után. Cross … – Menjen át …… the bridge – … a hídon … the square – … a téren …. the road. – … az útonIs this road to…? – Ez a … felé vezető út?

How far is it? – Milyen messze van?Quite a (long) way. – Meglehetősen messze.Not far. – Nem messze.How many minutes on foot/by car? – Hány percre van gyalog/autóval?It’s very near. – Egészen közel.Could you show me on the map? – Kérem, mutassa meg a térképen!



main road – főútvonalroad – (köz)út detour – terelőútoverpass – közúti felüljáró, hídvehicle underpass – közúti aluljárócrash barrier – védőkorlátlane closed – útlezárástwo way traffic – szembejövő forgalomcat’s eyes – útjelző karómile post – mérföldkő

heavy traffic – nagy forgalompeak time – csúcsforgalmi időtraffic jam – forgalmi dugóto get choked – befullad, bedugul

hitch-hiker – stopposto flag-ged down – leint, megállítI’m on my way to … – …- ba szeretnék menni . Where are you going? – Hová megy? Could you give me a lift (for part of the way)? – El tudna vinni (egy darabon)? Where do you want to get out? – Hol akar kiszállni? Thanks for the lift. – Köszönöm, hogy elhozott.

Do you know anyone who’s going to …(tomorrow) and could give me a lift? – Tudna valakit, aki holnap …-ba megy, és elvinne engem?

to narrow -ed – szűkülhorizon – látóhatás, horizonttunnel – alagútdirt road – földútfootbridge – gyalogos felüljárócrossing gates – sorompórailway crossing – vasúti kereszteződésbend – kanyarlevel crossing – vasúti átjáróbypass – kerülőútflyover – felüljáróa two-lane road – kétsávos útlay-by – leállósávsolid white line – záróvonaldiversion – terelőúttoll gate – úthasználati díj - fizetőhelywarning signal(s) – figyelmeztető jelzésbreakdown truck – autómentő(forecourt) attendant – benzinkutasfilling station – benzinkút, töltőállomáspetrol pump – (benzin)kút

On the road


Traffic & Travelling Vocabulary

Where’s/How far is it to the nearest petrol station? – Hol/Milyen messze van a legközelebbi benzinkút?

Could you do an oil change, please. – Kérem cserélje le az olajat!I’d like 1 litre/2litres of oil. – Szeretnék 1 liter/2 liter olajat.car wash – autómosó

Full, please. – Tele legyen szíves …pounds’ worth of …,please. – Kérek … £-ért …

…unleaded – …ólommenteset. …super unleaded – …szuper ólommenteset…diesel – … gázolajat

amber – sárgared – pirosgreen – zöldstop sign – állj(set of) traffic lights – forgalomirányító lámpákgive way – elsőbbségadás kötelezőtraffic goes this way – kötelező haladási irányroundabout – körforgalompedestrians only – sétáló utcabicycles only – kerékpárútminimum speed limit – kötelező legkisebb sebességno right turn – jobbra kanyarodni tilosno overtaking – előzni tilos

Is there a bus service to …? – Van buszjárat …-ba? Where do I have to change? – Hol szálljak át? A single/day return to … please. – Egy sima/napi menettérti jegyet kérek …-ba. Can you tell me when we get to … please? – Meg tudná mondani mikor érünk …-ba? How long will it take approximately? – Körülbelül meddig fog tartani az út?

no vehicles – mindkét irányból behajtani tilosno entry – behajtani tilosno stopping – megállni tiloscul-de-sac / dead end – zsákutcakeep to the left – balra tartsend of restriction – tiltási feloldó táblaroad narrows – útszűkületrailway crossing – vasúti átjáróone way traffic – egyirányú forgalmi útparking – várakozóhely, parkolóhospital – kórházmotor vehicles only – autóútroad works – útépítés

Travelling by bus

bus stop – busz megálló to travel by bus – busszal utaznicoach – távolsági autóbuszcoach network – távolsági buszhálózatdouble decker – emeletes buszterminus, termini – végállomás

Road signs



Travelling by underground

platform – peronescalator – mozgólépcsőcarriage – szerelvénytunnel – alagútto mind the doors – az ajtónál vigyázniloudspeakers – hangosbemondó, hangszóróto speed, sped, sped – sebesen hajt

Where’s the nearest underground station? – Hol van a legközelebb metrómegálló?Where does the bus to … stop? – Hol áll meg a(z) …-ba induló busz? Which bus station do I need to catch a bus to …? – Melyik buszállomásról tudok …-ba utazni? When does the last bus/underground leave? – Mikor megy a következő busz/metró … felé? Does this bus/underground go to…? – Ez a busz/metró megy …-ba Do I have to change for …? – Át kell szállnom, ha …-ba megyek?

Could you tell me where I have to get off/change, please? – Megmondaná kérem, hol kell kiszállnom / átszállnom?

Where does one get the tickets? – Hol lehet jegyet venni?A ticket to …, please. – Kérek egy jegyet …-ba.

to make/ catch a train – vonattal utazikto miss the train – lekési a vonatotto sit facing the engine – a menetiránnyal szemben ülto sit with one’s back to the engine – háttal ül a menetirányakto travel first class – első osztályon utazikto see sb. off – kikísér valakit az állomásrato go off the track – kisiklikderailment – kisiklásdestination – útcéllevel crossing – vasúti átjárócrossing gates – sorompólocker – csomagmegőrzőluggage (GB)/ baggage (US) – poggyászfirst-class carriage – első osztályú kocsidirect train – közvetlen vonatthe train is due to arrive at 7 pm – este 7-kor érkezik a vonat

passenger train – személyszállító vonat(diesel) locomotive – (dízel) mozdonyelectric locomotive – villanymozdonysteam locomotive – gőzmozdonysleeping car – hálókocsibuffet car – étkezőkocsi

Travelling by train


Traffic & Travelling Vocabulary

goods station – teher pályaudvargoods train – tehervonatgoods truck – tehervagontank wagon – tartálykocsirailway line – vasúti sínpárfixed rails – fektetett sínekelectric wire – villanydrótat the railway station – a pályaudvaronon the platform – a perononon the train – a vonatonin a compartment – fülkébenluggage rack – csomagtartóticket inspector – kalauzticket – jegyseat reservation – helyfoglalásticket office – jegyirodaemergency brake – vészfékarmrest – karfaseat – ülés, helywaiting room – váró teremfast food – gyorsételekbeverages – italok

timetable – menetrenddepartures – induló vonatokticket office – jegypénztárticket clerk – pénztárosarrivals – érkező vonatokrailway employee – vasutastrolley cart – kézikocsi, targoncaluggage – poggyászgate – bejárat, kapuengine driver – mozdonyvezetőPlatform 5. – 5. vágánya passenger waiting – várakozó utaswhistle – sípguard – forgalmistasignal – (indító) tárcsato wave, -d – integetto hug – megölelnetwork – hálózat

to work by electricity / to run on electricity – villannyal megyWhich station do I need for the train to …? – Melyik állomásra menjek, ha …-ba akarok utazni? Where’s the tourist information office? – Hol van az idegenforgalmi információs iroda?

Where can I find the left-luggage office/lockers? – Hol találom a csomagmegörzőt/az értékmegőrzőt?

When’s the next/last train to …? – Mikor megy a következő/utolsó vonat …-ba?What time do trains leave for …? – Mikor mennek vonatok …-ba?When does it get to …? – Mikor ér …-ba?Do I have to change trains? – Át kell szállnom?



Which platform does the train to … leave from? – Melyik vágányról indul a vonat …-ba? Are there special rates/concessions for …? – Van kedvezmény … részére? A day return to … please. – Egy napi menettérti jegyet kérek …-ba.Two adults and three children tickets to … please. – Két felnőtt ás három gyerekjegyet kérek …-ba.I’d like to take my bicycle with me. – Szeretném magammal vinni a kerékpáromat. I’d like to book a … seat on the 1.30 train to … please. – Szeretnék foglaltatni egy …helyet a 13.30-kor …-ba induló vonatra. The train to Coventry is about to leave from Platform 10. – A vonat Coventrybe azonnal indul a 10. vágányról.

Is this seat taken? – Foglalt ez a hely? Excuse me, that’s my seat. – Elnézést kérek, ez az én helyem. Do you think you could help me? – Tudna nekem segíteni? Do you mind if I open /close the window? – Kinyithatom/becsukhatom az ablakot? Tickets, please! – A jegyeket kérem! How many (more) stops to … ? – Hány megállót megyünk még …-ig? How long does the train stop there? – Meddig áll ott a vonat?Will I catch my connection to …? – Elérem még a csatlakozást … felé?

estate car – kombiconvertible – lenyitható tetejű kocsilimousine – limuzinsports car – sportkocsito run a car – kocsit fenntartto get into a car – beszállni a kocsibato get out of the car – kiszállni a kocsibólhatchback – háromajtós kiskocsi

to do 10 km to a litre – 10 litert fogyaszt 100-onweight tax – súlyadóparking charge – parkolási díjsecond-hand – használteconomical – gazdaságoscc (cubic centiliter) – köbcentiliterpetrol consumption – benzinfogyasztásto look after the engine – gondozza a motortto let sy down – cserbenhagythis car has broken down – ez a kocsi elromlottbreakdown truck – autómentőto give sg a tow – (el)vontatgarage – szervizpuncture / flat tyre – gumidefektwheel exchange – kerékcsereit won’t catch me out – nem fog ki rajtamcompulsory – kötelező

Travelling by car


Traffic & Travelling Vocabulary

to learn to drive – vezetni tanuldriving licence – jogosítványtheoretical test – elméleti vizsgapractical test – gyakorlati vizsga

to attempt (-ed) – megkísérelcompetence – hozzáértésdriving test – vezetési vizsgato perform a U-turn – visszafordulthree-point turn – Y-alakban való fordulásto reverse (-d) – tolatnarrow space – szűk helyto turn left and right – balra/ jobbra fordulnimanoeuvre – rutinfeladatto start the engine – beindítja a motortto give way – elsőbbséget adto change the oil – olajat cseréldriver/chauffeur – sofőrpuncture (GB) / blow-out (US) – defektreverse – hátramenetroad sign – közlekedési táblaspare parts – alkatrészek

speed limit – sebességhatárspeeding – gyorshajtásto exeed the speed limit – túllépni a sebességhatártto pay a fine – büntetést fizet to testify (-ied) – tanúsítto hinder (-ed) – megakadályoz

unfit for – alkalmatlan valamireto endanger (-ed) – veszélyeztet motorist – autósto give sy a lift – kocsin elvisz valakitreckless – vakmerőout of order – rossz, nem használhatódriving offence – szabálysértéstraffic warden – közlekedési rendőroffending – szabálysértőto get away – megúsznito let off with a caution – figyelmeztetéssel elenged

to account for – valamivel magyarázhatóbodily injury – testi sértés, sérülésto blame (-d) – hibáztatwithout consideration for – tekintet nélkülsafe – biztonságos

Learning to drive



to overtake/took/taken – előzparking ticket – értesítés szabálytalan parkolásról

to pay attention to – figyelmet fordítto give way – elsőbbséget adto collide (-d) with – összeüközik valakivelto run over/knock down – elütto fasten the seatbelts – bekapcsolja a biztonsági övethard shoulder – útpadkabreathalyser – szondato dip-ped – tompítcarriage - way – úttest

horn – dudabody / shell – karosszéria (lemezek)rusty – rozsdásrear-view mirror – visszapillantó tükörsteering wheel – kormány (kerék)choke – szivatóbrake (pedal) – fékpedálaccelerator (pedal) – gázpedáloil filter – olajszűrőto reset, reset, reset – újraállít, beállítinterior space – utastérdriver’s seat – vezetőüléspassenger(‘s) seat – jobb első ülésrear seat – hátsó ülésluggage space – csomagtérboot – csomagtartógear lever – sebességváltó (kar)dashboard – műszerfalheater – fűtéswindscreen wiper – ablaktörlőglove - compartment – kesztyűtartóvent – ventilátorwindow roller – ablaktekerő/ lehúzóignition – gyújtás (kapcsoló)ignition key – indítókulcs, slusszkulcsclutch – kuplungseat belt – biztonsági övhandbrake – kézifékto take the handbrake off – kiengedi a kéziféketlet, let out – kiengedto move off – elindulbonnet – motorháztetőcarburettor – karburátorshaft – tengelypetrol tank – benzintartály

Parts of the car


Traffic & Travelling Vocabulary

petrol - cap – tanksapkaindicator light – irányjelzőheadlights – fényszóró, (elülső) lámpafog lights – ködlámpákaerial – antennaregistration number – rendszámnumber plate – rendszámtáblabumper – lökhárítówheel – kerékspare wheel – pótkeréktyre – gumi(abroncs)hubcap – dísztárcsamudguard – sárvédőchassis – alvázexhaust pipe – kipufogócsőbattery – akkuaccumulator – akkumlátorto run down – lemerülto break (broke, broken) down – lerobbanradiator – hűtődistributor – gyújtáselosztóspark plug – gyertyaback door – hátsó ajtódoor handle – kilincsa wreck – roncs (kocsi)

At the garage

Where’s the nearest (BMW stb.) garage? – Hol van legközelebb (BMW stb.) műhely?My car’s (on the road to) … – A kocsim a …-ba vezető út szélén áll. Can you tow it away? – El tudná vontatni? Could you have a look at it? – Meg tudná nézni? … is broken. – Elromlott a …My car won’t start. – Nem indul be az autóm.The battery’s flat. – Lemerült az akkumlátor.

The engine sounds funny /hasn’t got any power.– A motor hangja furcsa / nem húz.

Do you have (Volkswagen stb.) spares …? – Vannak alkatrészei (Volkswagen stb.) …-hoz.

Just do the essential repairs, please. – Csak a legszükségesebb javításokat kérem.

Can I still drive it? – Mehetek még vele egyáltalán? When will it be ready? – Mikor lesz kész?



tube – (gumi) belsőrim – (kerék) abroncswheel – kerékseat – vázluggage rack – csomagtartóreflector – macskaszem, prizmapedal – pedálchain – lánc

motorcycle/motorbike – a motorkerékpárto ride a motorcycle – motorozikcrash helmet – bukósisakgoggles – motoros szemüvegtail light – hátsó lámpa

exhaust pipe – kipufogócsőfootrest – lábtartóengine – motorfuel tank – üzemanyagtartály, tanksidecar – oldalkocsi

Travelling by plane

airline – légitársaságflight – járatdirect flight – közvetlen járatan early-morning flight – kora reggeli járatto fly a plane – repülőt vezet altitude – magasságplane crash – légi katasztrófalanding – leszállásrunway – kifutópályatake off – fölszállásrunway – felszállópálya

Parts of the plane

tail – farokwing – szárnypropeller – propellercargo hold – raktérpassenger loading bridge – utashíd, csáp

airliner – (utasszállító) repülőgép(aero)plane – repülő(gép), gépglider – vitorlázórepülőjetliner – sugárhajtású repülőhelicopter – helikopterrotor – légcsavarairship – léghajóradar – radarcontrol tower – irányítótorony

Travelling on a bike or motorbike

bicycle – a kerékpármirror – tükörbell – csengőhandlebars – kormánybrake – fékheadlight – lámpamudguard – sárhányó


Traffic & Travelling Vocabulary

At the airport

airport – repülőtérdeparture lounge – tranzitváróVIP lounge – VIP váróground crew – földi személyzetdeparture building – fogadóépülethall – hall, előcsarnokboard – (hirdető)tábladelay – késésdeparture – indulásarrival – érkezésschedule – tervezett(érkezési idő)exp(ected time of arrival) – várható (érkezési idő)rent a car – autókölcsönzőchange machine – pénzváltó automatagifts – ajándékmeeting point – találkozóhelytobacco – dohánybolt, trafiklost & found – talált tárgyakVIP (very important person) – VIP-váró, különleges váró, fontos személyiséginformation – információ, felvilágosítástax free shop – vámmentes bolta tourist group – turistacsoportguide – idegenvezető

Which terminal do I need if I’m flying to … with …? – Melyik terminálra menjek, ha a(z) … járattal szeretnék … -ba repülni?

How do I get to Terminal 4? – Hogy jutok el a 4-es terminálhoz? Where’s the…desk? – Hol van a(z) …ablak?When’s the next flight to …? – Mikor indul a következő gép…-ba? When is there a flight to … today? – Mikor megy ma a repülőgép …-ba? Are there any seats left? – Van még szabad hely? How much is a (return) flight to…? – Mennyibe kerül egy út …-ba (és vissza)?A(n) …ticket to …please. – Kérek egy repülőjegyet …-ba…single … – egy útra return … – oda és vissza ...economy class – turista osztályra …business class – business osztályrafirst-class … – első osztályra I’m afraid the flight is full (up). – Ez a járat sajnos megtelt.

Are there any special rates / a standby seats? – Van valamilyen kedvezmény/ Vannak még betöltetlen helyek?

I’d like a window seat/an aisle seat, non-smoking/smoking. – Ablak melletti/folyosó melletti helyet szeretnék, nemdohányzót/dohányzót.

This is a non-smoking flight. – Ez nemdohányzó járat. Where’s Gate B? – Hol van a B kapu?



How long is the delay on the flight to …? – Mennyit késik a…gép? I’d like to.. my flight. – Szeretném a repülőutamat…cancel – …lemondani change – …megváltoztatni confirm – … visszaigazoltatni My case has been damaged. Who should I report it to? – Megsérült a bőröndöm. Kihez fordulhatok? Could I have (another/some more)…? – Kaphatnék (másik/még)…? I feel sick. – Rosszul vagyok. Do you have anything for airsickness? – Van valami gyógyszerük légi betegség ellen? When are we due to land? – Mikor szállunk le/érkezünk?

to fly to London – Londonba repülto take off – felszállto land – leszállto land at 2 pm local time – helyi idő szerint 2-kor száll leto be delayed by fog – a köd miatt késikto cancel a flight – töröl egy járatotcheck(ing) in – utas felvételto check in – reptéren jelentkeziktravel documents – úti okmányokticket desk – jegykezelésair ticket – repülőjegypassport – útlevélpassport control – útlevél ellenőrzés

Your passport has expired. – Az Ön útlevele lejárt.How long are you planning to stay here? – Meddig marad itt? What is the purpose of your visit? – Mi az utazás célja?

visa – vízumboarding pass – beszállókártyato board the plane – felszáll a gépreon board – a repülőn, fedélzetento fasten the seatbelt – bekapcsolja a biztonsági övetporter – hordárhand luggage – kézipoggyászbaggage – poggyászbaggage check – poggyászleadásweight limit – súlyhatárexcess weight – túlsúlyto exceed the weight limit – túllépi a súlyhatártconveyer/conveyor – futószalagto go through Customs – vámvizsgálatcustoms – vámto have nothing to declare – nincs elszámolnivalója


Traffic & Travelling Vocabulary

At the Customs’

Do you have anything to declare? – Van valami elvámolni valója?

I’ve only got articles for personal use/presents. – Csak személyes használati tárgyak /ajándékok vannak nálam.

Would you open the boot/suitcase, please.– Kérem nyissa ki csomagtartót/bőröndöt!

I’ve 1 carton of cigarettes/5 bottles of wine.– 1 karton cigaretta/ 5 üveg bor van nálam. You’ll have to pay duty on that. – Ez után vámot kell fizetnie.Where can I reclaim VAT? – Hol igényelhetem vissza az ÁFÁ-t ?

security check(ing) – biztonsági vizsgálatsecurity gate – röntgenkapusecurity guard – biztonsági őrX-ray machine – röntgengépqueuing – sorban állásto miss one’s connections – lekési a csatlakozáscaptain – kapitányto be airsick – rosszul van a repüléstől

Travelling by ship

a port – kikötő (város)harbour – kikötőpier – mólóquay – rakpartbuoy – bójaunloading – kirakodásdock – dokklighthouse – világítótoronybollard – kikötőbak, cölöpcable – (hajó)kötélanchor – horgony, vasmacskato drop anchor – horgonyt dobembarkation – beszállás, hajóra szállásto embark on a ship – hajóra szállto go on board – beszálldisembarkation – ki- /partraszállásto disembark from a ship – kiszállgangway – kikötőhíd

pleasure - boat – sétahajóferry – kompcabin cruiser – motoros hajó

yacht – jachtfishing boat – halászhajópunt – ladikcanoe – kenukayak – kajakraft – tutajsteamer – gőzhajóocean liner – óceánjáró

airsickness – légi betegségwaste bag – hányózacskócabin – utastérno frills aeroplane – fapadosflight crew – légi személyzetair-steward – légi utaskísérő (férfi)stewardess – légi utaskísérő (nő)passanger – utas

lifeboat – mentőcsónakfreighter – teherhajóhovercraft – légpárnás hajócontainer ship – konténerhajósailing boat – vitorlássubmarine – tengeralattjárócrew – legénységsailor – tengerészcaptain – (hajós) kapitány

On the plane







stern – hajófar, tatbows – hajóorrflag – zászlóhandrail – korlát deck – fedélzetupper deck – felső fedélzetsail – vitorlapole – (evező) rúdrowing – evezőpaddle – (kenu)evező(double) paddle – (kajak) evezőlife buoy – mentőöv staff only – személyzeti bejárat

Which is the best way to get to … by boat? – Melyik a legjobb hajó összeköttetés …-ba? When does the ferry to … leave? – Mikor indul a komp …-ba? How long is the crossing to …? – Meddig tart az átkelés …-ba? Which ports / islands does the boat call at? – Milyen kikötőket/szigetetek érint a hajó? When do we dock in at …? – Mikor kötünk ki …-ban? When do we have to be back on board? – Mikorra kell vissza térnünk a fedélzetre? I’d like to take the car with me. – Szeretném magammal vinni az autót.I’d like … – Szeretnék …

a (first-class) passage to … – … egy (első osztályú) hajójegyet …-ba a single cabin.… – egy egyágyas kabint a twin cabin. … – egy kétágyas kabint an outside cabin… – egy külső kabint an inside cabin – egy belső kabint

I’d like a ticket for the sightseeing cruise at … – Szeretnék egy jegyet a … órakor induló városnéző hajóútra.

Where is the … moored? – Melyik kikötőhelyen áll a …?I’m looking for cabin number … – A(z) … számú kabint keresem. Could I have another cabin? – Kaphatnék egy másik kabint? Do you have anything for seasickness? – Van valamilyen gyógyszerük tengeribetegség ellen? No mooring! – Kikötni tilos!

Travelling by taxi

to take a taxi – taxival megytaxi driver – taxisofőrtaxi rank – taxi állomásfare – viteldíjmeter – díjszámlálóto tip-ped sy – borravalót ad valakinek

voyage – hajóútto be seasick – tengeri betegto sink, sank, sunk – elsüllyed


s of





by trainTraffic & Travelling 1.

Choose the correct answer.

4.) I got into St. Louis too late and I missed my __________ to New Orleans.a.) connect b.) connectionc.) coincidence d.) link

1.) .............................. are outside the train, and the train travels on them.2.) A .............................. is a place where the train stops. 3.) A .............................. is a place where people wait for a train to get on.4.) A .............................. is at the front of the train.5.) A .............................. is a place to buy tickets.6.) A .............................. is a person travelling on the train. 7.) A .............................. is a room on a train for people to sit. 8.) A .............................. is a piece of paper that has information about

your trip: the train time, where you get on the train, and your seat number.9.) An .............................. is a high place to keep your suitcases.10.) An .............................. is a place to walk on the train.

2. Complete the sentences with the missing words. aisle, compartment, overhead compartment, passenger, platform, train engine, train station, train tracks, ticket, ticket window

3. Are these statements true or false in your experience?

1.) Trains are more reliable than buses.2.) Train fares are more expensive than bus fares.3.) Train journeys are more interesting than bus journeys. 4.) Railway stations are nicer places than bus stations.5.) You get to the place you are going faster by taxi than by car.

1.) The Chicago train leaves from __________ 4.a.) line b.) bankc.) quay d.) platform

2.) Before getting on the train, make sureyou get a ticket from the __________.a.) ticket office b.) box officec.) waiting room d.) check in

3.) I had so much __________ on the train, but this nice man helped me when we arrived in Paris.a.) bags b.) luggagec.) box d.) packing






by train

1.) Do you ever travel by train?2.) What are the advantages and disadvantages

of travelling by train?3.) Where can you buy rail tickets?4.) Why is it worth buying a return ticket?5.) Do children get any reduction?6.) What carriages does a train consist of?7.) What can you find inside the carriages?8.) Where do you like to sit when you travel?9.) When did you last travel by train?10.) How did you get to the station?11.) Did you have a seat reservation?12.) When do you have to make a seat reservation?13.) What kind of trains can you travel with in Hungary?

Questions about travelling by train.

1.) Call the station and find out what time the next train leaves from Oxford. Ask if you have to change and what time it arrives.

4.) You are on a crowded train, looking for a seat. Ask in several compartments, then finally when you find a seat ask someone to put your suitcase on the luggage rack for you.

3.) The left luggage lockers are all full. Take your suitcase and leave it at the left luggage office. Do not forget to take the ticket.

2.) Buy a return ticket to Brighton. It is Friday evening and you want to return on Sunday evening. Ask about cheap rates.

Situations for this topicWork in pairs. Act out

the following situations in English.



Traffic & Travelling Travelling

by plane

4.) Please ensure you have fully filled out the green form for ..................... before we land, stating anything on the list you are carrying into the country.a.) customs b.) policec.) immigration d.) aviation

1. Choose the correct answer.

1. aisle2. baggage claim3. board 4. boarding pass5. check in6. confirmation7. departures board 8. domestic9. duty free10. excess baggage11. flight12. gate13. hand luggage 14. immigration officer15. jet lag16. runway 17. ticket18. reconfirmation

2. Match the description with the suitable word or expression.

1.) After you check in, wait in the ..................... until you hear your flight called.a.) waiting room b.) receptionc.) check in lounge d.) departure lounge

2.) All flights to Canada go out of our southern.................. . You need to catch an airport bus.a.) block b.) terminalc.) station d.) zone

3.) Would you prefer a window seat or an ..................... seat, Mr. Jenkins?a.) corridor b.) linec.) aisle d.) non-window

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


a.) passenger’s telephone validation of return reservationb.) large display in airport showing times, destinations etc of departing flightsc.) national, not internationald.) corridor in aeroplane between the seats [there are usually one or two]e.) the strip on which planes land and take off f.) place where passengers go to find their luggage (cases etc) at the end of a flightg.) to get on or enter an aeroplane h. the point in an airport at which a particular flight arrives and departsi.) special ticket showing that passenger has checked in and may board planek.) to register for a flight, inc. checking of tickets, passports, luggage etc l.) a transit passenger is one stopping at an airport that is not his destinationm.) [of products: cigarettes, perfume etc] not taxable; exempt from customs taxesn.) an aeroplane scheduled to fly a certain route at a certain timeo.) light bags, briefcases etc that may be carried on board by passengersp.) receipt for transportation etc. An air ticket has one coupon for each journeyr.) extreme tiredness etc after a long flight between extreme time zoness.) luggage that is more than the permitted or allowed weightt.) government official responsible for checking passengers’ passports





by plane

3. Match words in box A with words in box B to form new words or expressions.

passport firstcheck departurepetrol baggageticket arrivalboarding

reclaim officestation classhall loungecontrol passin

a.) You show your boarding pass to the steward and you board the plane.b.) You go through passport control, through customs and into the arrival hall.c.) It’s usual to book your flight. d.) The plane lands.e.) You leave your luggage at the check-in and they give you a boarding pass.f.) You wait in the departure lounge until they call your flight, and then go to the right gate.g.) The plane takes off.h.) It’s important to go to the right terminal if you want to be on time.i.) You go through passport control.

4. These sentences describe what you do when you travel by plane.

Put them in order.

1.) The plane’s engines started up, and it began to move slowly from the airport building towards the runway.2.) As the passengers were getting on the plane, someone shouted from inside.3.) When he arrived at the desk, the check-in clerk took his suitcase and checked his ticket.4.) The flight attendants were extremely helpful and professional.5.) When we got to Athens, we decided to rent a car for the week.

5. Replace the underlined words with another word or phrase from the box.

boarding, cabin crew,

hire, luggage, taxi

















Traffic & Travelling Travelling

by plane

6. Match a word from the left with a word from the right to form eight compound nouns.

1.) seat a.) building ………………………….2.) seat b.) card ………………………….3.) airline c.) luggage ………………………….4.) boarding d.) locker ………………………….5.) terminal e.) representative ………………………….6.) hand f.) number …………………………..7.) overhead g.) baggage …………………………..8.) excess h.) belt …………………………..

1.) The customs officer …………….. my passport and gave it back to me. I ……………...........… through to be departure lounge.

2.) A: Do you know your flight times? B: Yes, the plane ………………….. off at six in the evening and …...………… just after ten o’clock.

3.) Ladies and gentlemen: would you please ………………......… your seat in the upright positionand …….............…………… your seat belt. Please extinguish all cigarettes. Thank you.

4.) Our flight today will take us over the coast of France and the Bay of Biscay and we will be ……………………………… at a height of 9000 metres.

5.) Unfortunately I had to ………………….......…. excess baggage and it cost me a fortune.

6.) I thought my case was only 15 kg, but when they ………………........ it, it was 23 kg.

7. Complete the sentences

using a suitable verb.

1.) You get lost between leaving the plane and collecting your luggage. You see an official walking down the corridor towards you. What do you ask?Excuse me, which way is…………………………….………………………….?

2.) You arrive at the airport with your luggage. You are flying American Airlines.What do you ask as soon as you get into the terminal building?Excuse me, where is the ………………………………………… American Airlines?

3.) You go to the airport to meet a friend who is arriving from Morocco. When you see them, what do you ask?Did ……………………………………………. flight?

8. Complete the questions.






by plane

International connections are good. Second class carriages aren’t always clean. You can fly to all the important cities abroad. You have space to move. It is nice to be above the clouds. During take off and landing your ears may pop. Unless you want to miss your connections you should be very time- conscious. You can be relaxed because you can see the countryside. The quickest way of transport. Usually punctual. Carriages are likely to be crowded and noisy. You can see everything underneath. Not terribly expensive. Cheap fare are offered to pensioners, students. Some people get airsick. It could be tiring and exhausting for nervous fliers. It is extremely comfortable. Seat in a first class compartment is too expensive. Air fares are much more expensive.

10. Complete the table.

There is no doubt that air travel is more ___________________ than any other form of modern transport, but although it would be more __________________ to travel by train I often fly because I find it more ________________________.Strangely enough, they say it is the _______________________ form of travel. Apparently, it is more _______________________ to drive or cross the road so I don’t feel as __________________________ as I used to when I travel by air. I usually ask for a window seat because you get a __________________ view, Although it can be quite _____________________ because there is less space Others feel less _____________________ next to the aisle because they find it _________________ to forget how high up they are.


9. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.B2

Train Aeroplaneadvantage disadvantage advantage disadvantage



Traffic & Travelling Travelling

by plane

1.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by air?2.) Have you ever flown?3.) What do passengers have to do before boarding the plane?4.) What is an excess fare?5.) What does the boarding card indicate?6.) Where do you go after passport control?7.) What can you do in the departure lounge?8.) Where can you get information about your flight?9.) When can you start boarding?10.) How do passengers prepare for the take-off?11.) What does the captain inform you about?12.) What is an air hostess’s job?13.) What do passengers do when the plane has landed?14.) Do you think flying is a safe way of travelling?

4.) Reserve tickets for you and your family to fly to Paris. When you get to the airport they tell you that the Paris flight

has been cancelled because of fog. Make other arrangements, then telephone your friends in Paris to explain what has happened and when you are

expected to arrive. (3-4 players)

Act it out!

Questions about travelling by plane.


for this topic

1.) You are planning a trip to Honolulu. Ask for flight information, using the

following words. (direct flight, stop-over, charter flight, tourist class,

window seat)

2.) You have bought a ticket to London for July 14. When you get

home you find they have made the booking for July 4.

3.) You are an air hostess. On your flight you

have some difficult passengers: an old lady who has never flown before and is very nervous. A ten year old boy who keeps asking

questions. A woman on a special diet. A young couple with a baby.

What do you say to them, and where do you sit them?

(6-7 players)




1.Write the given words to the right place! One word goes to only one place!

whale, petrol station, jet engine, beach, platform, canoe, crash helmet, terminal, pilot, sailor, engine driver, wave, control tower, pavement, porthole, vessel, car wash, waste bag,

check-in, lifeboat, accelerator, boarding-card, gangway, wheel, flight, harbour, buffet car, porter, crossing gates, airsickness, binoculars, air-steward, number plate

by air

1.) Our train leaves from ............................ 7. 2.) I waited at the ............................ for ten minutes, and then two buses arrived. 3.) I couldn’t get on the first bus because it was ............................ .4.) The train was half an hour late. I think the reason for the late ................... was bad weather. 5.) Buses are not very ............................ . Sometimes they come every five minutes, then

other times you have to wait for forty minutes. 6.) When I got to the bus stop we had a terrible ............................ from the airport to our hotel. 7.) I think the next train is ............................ to arrive in about ten minutes.

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct word! arrival, bus stop, due, full up, platform,

punctual, queue

1.) To rent a car on holiday, you must have your ……………………………………. with you.2.) I’m not taking a lot of clothes with me; I’ll ……………………………………. this time.3.) You can take the dog with you as long as it’s in a ……………………………………. .4.) The band will go on a ……………………………………. . They will play in about fifteen different countries.5.) In my country, a ……………………………………. mustn’t carry more than four passengers at a time.6.) Travelling can ……………………………………. . It’s a good way to understand and accept other people’s beliefs and customs.

travel carrierdriving tourtaxi licencepet your mindbroaden driverworld light

3. Match the phrases and then use them to complete the sentences!




by water

on the road


Traffic & Travelling Revision

1.) When someone arrives you can ask them, ‘Did you have a good ………………?’ or ‘How was your ……………………?’2.) The ……………. from London to Tokyo takes about 12 hours.3.) It was a very rough ………………. and all the passengers were seasick.4.) The hotel runs various ……………. to see places of interest.5.) The weather’s nice, let’s take a(n) ……………………. out of the city this afternoon.6.) The idea of a round-the-world …………………….. sounds really exciting.7.) The guide will make sure you don’t get lost if you go on a(n) ………………. .8.) ……………………… broadens the mind, they say.9.) There’s no point in driving into the city, public ………… is much more convenient.10.) When someone is leaving you can say to them, ‘Have a nice …………….’, ‘Have a good

………………..’ or ‘Have a safe ………………….!’

crossing cruise excursion flight journey outing tour transport travel trip

4. Fill the gaps in the sentences below with one of the words listed. In some cases more than one word fits, and some words have to be used in several different sentences.

5. Choose the most

suitable word or phrase

underlined in each


a.) I enjoy taking the baby out in its cart/pram/trailer.b.) The train fare is expensive, it’s cheaper to go by carriage/coach/wagon.c.) Terry and Bill rode around the island on their bicycle/trolley/tandem.d.) A farmer gave me a lift across the muddy field on his dustcart/lorry/tractor.e.) Cars made between 1916 and 1930 can be called racing/sports/vintage cars.f.) The first person who arrived at the scene of the accident phoned for a/an

ambulance/stretcher/trolley.g.) Lorries, motorbikes and sports cars are all kinds of cars/motors/vehicles.h.) Jack was nearly run over by a fire engine/hosepipe/tanker on its way to a put

out a serious blaze.i.) You need a powerful car to tow a camping/caravan/sleeper in the mountains.j.) Most buses in London are double decks/decked/deckers and you can see the

sights from upstairs.





a.) The company chairman has a Rolls-Royce driven by a …………….. .b.) When my car broke down a passing …………………. towed it to a garage.c.) The police wanted me to describe the ……………….. of the car.d.) The four passengers on the ship had dinner with the ………………… .e.) The train couldn’t leave until the ………………………. waved his green flag.f.) Hilary was given a parking ticket by a …………………… .g.) Before take-off, the ……………………… told me to fasten my seat belt.h.) When I got on the ship, one of the ……………….. helped me find my cabin.i.) There isn’t a …………………….. on this bus, you pay the driver.j.) Eddie is a keen …………………… and rides his bike to work every day.k.) The bus mounted the pavement and injured a ……………….. .l.) Jim works as a ………………………. in a local garage.

6. Complete each sentence with a word from the list. Use each word once only.

captain | crewguard | pedestrianchauffeur | cyclist

mechanic | stewardconductor | drivermotorist | traffic


1) The ship stopped because two passengers had fallen ……..a) upside down b) overboard c) underground d) inside out

2) The ………… was crowded with passengers waiting for the train.a) platform b) quay c) runway d) pavement

3) We had to stop for petrol at a filling ……….. .a) garage b) service c) pump d) station

4) Mary looked up the fastest train to Glasgow in the …….. .a) catalogue b) timetable c) dictionary d) programme

5) The train was very crowded because there were only four ……… .a) coaches b) wagons) c) trucks d) cars

6) Peter’s car ………. off the icy road and fell into a ditch.a) crashed b) collided c) hit d) skidded

7) I dropped my wallet from the boat but luckily it ………a) drifted b) floated c) sank d) rescued

8) Everything went dark when the train entered a /an ………. .a) underground b) tunnel c) tube d) metro

9) David missed his train because of the queue in the ticket ………. .a) office b) agency c) room d) lounge

10) To get to our hotel we had to cross the railway ……… .a) road b) route c) rails d) line

7. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. B2



Traffic & Travelling Revision

1.) a bed in a ship2.) people who work on a ship3.) a journey by air4.) use these to stop a car5.) corridor in a plane6.) travelling faster than sound7.) track where planes land and take off8.) right on a boat (not left)9.) to pass another car10.) another word meaning reverse a car

Example: a bedroom on a ship: cabin

8. What is the word that

matches each of these definitions? Choose from

the words in the box!

a) The bus to the shops leaves from the station/stop outside our house.b) Sue got into/onto her car and drove away.c) Enjoy your travel/trip! I’ll see you next week!d) It’s much quicker to go by/on foot.e) I’d like a back/return ticket to London, please.f) Jane arrives home/at home at 4.00.g) What time does the train leave/part?h) If you don’t hurry, we’ll lose/miss the bus.

9. Choose the correct words underlined in each sentence.



aisle back brakes

bunk cabin flight

crew overtake runway

starboard supersonic



1) There was a notice at the airport which said, “Welcome to Greece”a) Well come b) Well came c) Welcome

2) We missed the train so we decided to ……………..a bus.a) go b) get c) have

3) Jim’s …………..to Argentina left at 6.00.a) fly b) flight c) flying

4) As the bus left, Helen’s friends said, ‘Have a good……………. .’a) journey b) travel c) voyage

5) Carol ………. to Birmingham on the motorway.a) ran b) drove c) led

6) Excuse me. What time does this train …………….London?a) arrive b) reach c) come

7) Could you tell me the …………………to the bus-station?a) street b) path c) way

8) I got on the bus and bought my ……………. .a) ticket b) paper c) cheque

10. Choose the correct word or phrase!

11. Match the phrases and then use them to complete the sentences!

1.) To rent a car on holiday, you must have your ……………………………………. with you.

2.) I’m not taking a lot of clothes with me; I’ll……………………………………. this time.

3.) You can take the dog with you as long as it’s in a……………………………………. .

4.) The band will go on a …………………………………… . They will play in about fifteen different countries.

5.) In my country, a ……………………………………. mustn’t carry more than four passengers at a time.

6.) Travelling can …………………………………… . It’s a good way to understand and accept other people’s beliefs and customs.

travel carrierdriving tourtaxi licencepet your mindbroaden driver world light




RevisionTraffic & Travelling


Work in groups

Find out about your partner’s experiences of travelling by land, sea and air. Discuss these questions:

If you had to travel across Switzerland in the future, would you choose to go by Swissmetro, train or car? Give your reasons.

If you had to travel from Paris to London, would you go by sea, air or through the Channel Tunnel? Why?

Have you been on a ferry? Tell your partners about it.If you had to travel between the two major cities in your country, how would you go? Would you fly, drive or go by train or coach? Why?What do you (or would you) like and dislike about flying?

If you’ve flown, tell your partners about your most recent experience.

When did you last meet someone at an airport? Tell your partners about it.

What is the most unusual journey you’ve ever experienced?

What is the worst journey by land, sea or air that you’ve ever


Situations for this topic



Exercise 1 1-g, 2-h, 3-i, 4-e, 5-d, 6-f, 7-b, 8-k, 9-l, 10-a, 11-j, 12-c

I. Vehicles

Exercise 3a. plane, b. car, c. ship, d. bike, e. bus, f. boat, g. train, h.taxi Exercise 4subway – földalatti, fishing – boat –halászhajó, tractor – traktor, ambulance – mentő, caravan –lakókocsi, tram – villamos, dustcar – szemetesautó, airship – léghajó

Exercise 5by water: motorboat, ship, ferry, liner, submarine, yachton the road: tram, train, container lorry, coach, caravan, tanker by air: helicopter, sailplane, hang-gliding, balloon, aeroplane

Exercise 61. submarine 2. rowing-boat 3. helicopter 4. yacht 5. liner 6. van 7. tugboat 8. lorry

Exercise 7Train: 2, 3, 8 Plane: 1, 4 Car: 5,7, 9 Boat: 6

Exrecise 2

Exercise 101-ferry; 2-train; 3-bus,underground; 4-taxi; 5-plane; 6-taxi;7-plane; 8-car; 9-underground, car

Exrecise 8

Exrecise 9

Exercise 111-reserve, 2-board, 3-cancel, 4-packed, 5-booking, 6-miss, 7-return

Exercise 121 motorway, 2 tube, 3 coach, 4 turning, 5 brake, 6 ticket


SolutionsTraffic & Travelling

1. Diasabled only, 2. Don’t enter, 3. Stop, 4. Don’t overtake, 5. Don’t drive over 40. 6. Don’t stop here, 7. Don’t turn right. 8. Turn round. 9. Turn left 10. Keep left. 11. Don’t walk through, 12. Turn left, 13. Don’t turn back. 14. Go straight on, 15. Don’t turn left. 16. Don’t cycle here, 17. Cycle here, 18. Crossroad ahead 19. Give way, 20. Don’t park here

II. Traffic signs

III. Travelling by underground and by bus

Exrecise 11. Mert minden metróvonalat egy-egy szín jelöl. 2. Tegye a jegyét az automatába, húzza ki és sétáljon át a kapun. 3. A peronoknál levő segítőhelyekhez (Help Points), 4. a) Mindig jobb oldalon álljon b) sose fusson c) a gyerekek lábát és kezét tartsa távol a mozgólépcső oldalaitól 5. Visszakérheti a viteldíjat

Exrecise 2 (a) to, by, on (b) for, at (c) at, on (d) -, off

Exrecise 3 a. go b. take c. wait d. arrives e. get f. pay g. reaches h. get i. takes

IV. Travelling by car

Exrecise 11.c, 2. d, 3. a, 4.c

Exrecise 2a, Bentley - English – the others are Germans, b, BMW - German – the others are Japanese c, Fiat - Italian – the others are French, d, Honda – Japanese – the others are Italians e, Rolls-Royce – English – the others are Americans

Exrecise 31. seat belt 2. test; licence 3. accident; mirror; overtaking 4. roundabout; way; right5. lights; lane 6.space; park; meter 7. fine; disqualified 8. pedestrians; pavement/path

V. Travelling on a bike

Exrecise 1Cycling is the cheapest and cleanest way of travelling.You can cycle to work without getting into jams and you don’t breathe too much fumes on the way.It’s easy to park because you don’t have to pay for parking and you don’t need much space for overtaking. On the other hand it keeps you fit by using your muscles.Spare money and protect your environment: use a bike.

Exrecise 2a. saddled, b. chained, c. braked, d. pumped, e. cycled

Exrecise 11. d, 2. a, 3.b, 4. b

Exrecise 21. train tracks, 2. train station, 3. platform, 4. train engine, 5. ticket window, 6. passenger, 7. compartment, 8. ticket, 9. overhead compartment, 10. aisle

VIII. Travelling by train



IX. Travelling by plane

Exrecise 11. d, 2. b, 3. c, 4. a

Exrecise 21-d, 2-f, 3-g, 4-i, 5-k, 6-a, 7-b, 8-c, 9-n, 10-s, 11- n, 12- h, 13- o, 14 – t, 15-r, 16-e, 17-q, 18-

Exrecise 3 passport control, first class, check-in, departure lounge, petrol station, baggage reclaim, ticket office, boarding pass, arrival hall

Exrecise 41. c, 2. h, 3.. e, 4.. i , 5.f, 6. a, 7. g, 8. d, 9. b

Exrecise 51. taxi, 2. boarding, 3. luggage, 4.cabin crew, 5. hire

Exrecise 61-f 2-h 3-e 4-b 5-a 6-c 7-d 8-g

Exrecise 7 1 checked/ examined; went, 2 takes; lands/arrives, 3 put; fasten, 4 cruising/ flying, 5 pay,6 weighed

Exrecise 81) Which way is the baggage reclaim?2) Where is the check- in (desk) for American Airlines?3) Oh, dear, I think I left my camera in the departure lounge.

Exrecise 9Kexpensive, economical, enjoyable, safest, dangerous, anxious, wonderful, uncomfortable, nervous, easier

Exrecise 10




















Traffic & Travelling Solution


Exrecise 1by water: whale, beach, canoe, sailor, wave, porthole, vessel, lifeboat, gangway, harbour, binocularson the road: petrol station, platform, crash helmet, engine driver, pavement, car wash, accelerator, wheel, buffet car, crossing gates, number plateby air: jet engine, terminal, pilot, control tower, waste bag, check in, boarding-card, flight, porter, airsickness, air steward

Exrecise 21.platform, 2. bus stop, 3. full up, 4. arrival, 5. punctual, 6. queue, 7. due

Exrecise 31 – driving licence; 2 – travel light; 3 – pet carrier; 4 – world tour; 5 – taxi driver; 6 – broaden your mind;

Exrecise 41.) trip/journey/flight; trip/journey/flight, 2.) flight/journey, 3.) crossing, 4.) excursions/trips/tours/outings, 5.) trip, 6.) cruise, 7.) excursion/tour, 8.) travel 9. ) transport, 10.) trip/journey/flight; trip/ journey/flight , trip/journey/flight

Exrecise 5a. pram, b. coach, c. tandem, d. tractor, e. vintage, f. ambulance, g. vehicles, h. firei. engine, j. caravan, k. deckers

Exrecise 6a.chauffeur, b. motorist, c. driver, d. captain, e. guard, f. traffic warden, g. steward, h. crew,i. conductor, j. cyclist, k. pedestrian, l. mechanic

Exrecise 71) b; 2) a; 3) d; 4) b; 5) a; 6) d; 7) b; 8) b; 9) a; 10) d;

Exrecise 81.) bunk; 2.) crew; 3.) flight; 4.) brakes; 5.) aisle; 6.) supersonic; 7.) runway; 8.) starboard; 9.) overtake; 10.) back;

Exrecise 9a.) stop, b.) into, c.) trip, d.) on, e.) return, f.) home, g.) leave, h.) miss


Exrecise 101. Welcome, 2. get, 3. flight, 4. journey, 5. drove, 6. reach, 7. way, 8. ticket

Exrecise 111 – driving licence; 2 – travel light; 3 – pet carrier; 4 – world tour; 5 – taxi driver; 6 – broaden your mind;

HelloTeens Topics angol nyelvű, tematikus, szókincsfejlesztő kiadvány 1. évfolyam 1.szám - 2008. januárKiadó: HEBE Kiadó és Szolgáltató Kft.

Főszerkesztő: Marget MarcsiA kiadvány szerkesztésében közreműködött: Baksa Melinda, Cseh Nóra, Szilágy JúliaAnyanyelvi lektor: Robert KraulisAsszisztensek: Fehér Marianna, Szakál DóraKiadványtervezés: Netlogist Bt, Debrecen

A szerkesztőség címe: 2101 Gödöllő, Pf.153. Tel. 28/513-776 e-mail: [email protected] weboldal: www.helloteens.huNyomda: RO-LA Nyomda, ValkóISSN-1786-0865A kiadvány szerkesztőségünkön keresztül rendelhető meg.