16 english writing a sa h i w ee kly {,3z. õo¿ri sï...0ë0y0 0s0h0 0g0m0~0y the man who planted...

problems including social and gender gaps. [ ] When I first read “Anne of Green Gables”, this red-headed girl attracted me so much. It may be that I likened myself to this girl who was short tempered but had a strong sense of right and wrong. [ ] I felt no sympathy for him then, but as I have experienced a lot of things over time, I have started to understand his sentiment about life. [ ] The Man Who Planted Trees It tells the story of one shepherd’s selfless effort to reforest his desolate village. I believed the shepherd Bouffier was an actual person when I read it, but it is a fable by Jean Giono. Bouffier continues to plant trees single- handed over 40 years and turns his village into a place full of life and hope. [ ] I strongly recommend this book to the young people who are concerned about environmental issues. [ ] This book is a ‘must’ for people who want to live his/her life to the full. [ ] Tony One of the books that impressed me most was “Walden” by Henry David Thoreau, a vivid account of the two years or so in the mid-18th century the author himself spent alone in a secluded cabin at Walden Pond in Concord, Mass. In the book, Thoreau not only observes and contemplates nature and its seasonal changes; he uses his broad knowledge of philosophical and religious texts to turn these observations into answers to such questions as “how should one live?” “Walden” is a must-read for those who yearn for solitude, love nature and want to get away from it all! [ ] Asahi Weekly Sunday, November 13, 2016 E-mail 104-8011 03-5541-8534 E-mail [email protected] 11 20 ENGLISH WRITING 57 Chips 28 Anne Kiki Happie Transworld Abilene Asahi Shimbun file photo 10 I would like to recommend Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” for reading this autumn. [ ] “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens is one of my favorite books. [ ] Have you read Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” or seen the film of the same name? If not, I recommend you to read it, or see the movie. [ ] “The Great Gatsby” is set apart from every other novel. [ 28 ] I was really impressed by this book. [ ] Gone With the Wind Scarlett O’Hara I was especially moved by her dynamic personality, which I think most world leaders lack today. I believe you will enjoy the book. [ ] It is one of the most exciting novels I have ever read. When I first read it, it was so exciting that once I picked it up, I could hardly stop reading it. [ ] It portrays the plight of mer- cury-poisoned victims in Minamata city, Kuma- moto Prefecture. Each narration in the book was so poignant and staggering that I couldn’t put it down. [Chips] It is encouraging for me to know there are various, interesting ways of leading a life of for a woman. [ ] If you read the book, you will be impressed with her quietly humorous descriptions about current Japanese 16 B Tony The book I’d recommend is “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. In this book, the author goes on a motorcycle trip with his son and friends to 1) recover his original self, who lost saneness and memory in his struggle to find an answer to the problem of the world being divided into the romantic mind (emotion) and the classic mind (reason). He 2)concludes the key to uniting these two is 3)caring heart 4) and gives us a hint to live a harmonious life. The book was written about forty years ago, but what he says holds true even today. This is why I’d like many people to read this book. [ ] 1) Although not wrong, “rediscover” is a much more suitable word in this context than “recover” which has stronger connotations to sickness or ailments. rediscover recover 2) Whenever I see the word “concludes,” I expect it to be followed by the conjunction “that.” Otherwise, it should be followed by a colon here. concludes that 3) We each have one, I hope, so let’s make it “a caring heart.” heart a caring heart 4) This clause seems like an afterthought and therefore unimportant. Yet it is also one of the contributor’s reasons for recommending the book. Give it a sentence of its own. I would also suggest there is more than one hint on how to live a harmonious live. harmonious life The book I’d recommend is “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. In this book, the author goes on a motorcycle trip with his son and friends to rediscover his original self, who lost saneness and memory in his struggle to find an answer to the problem of the world being divided into the romantic mind (emotion) and the classic mind ( reason). He concludes that the key to uniting these two is a caring heart. Plus, he gives us hints on how to live a harmonious life.

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problems including social and gender gaps. [仲田利恵子]です。「赤毛のアン」と自分の境遇と重ね合わせているのが、When I first read “Anne of

Green Gables”, this red-headed girl attracted

me so much. It may be that I likened myself to

this girl who was short tempered but had a

strong sense of right and wrong. [鈴木郁代]です 石川啄木の「一握の砂 にある短歌を引用し I

felt no sympathy for him then, but as I have

experienced a lot of things over time, I have

started to understand his sentiment about life.

[清水邦夫] は自分の境地を述べています4)ストーリー

 内容を紹介することによって書籍の良さをアピールすることもできます The Man Who Planted

Trees の内容に触れながら所見も加えているのがIt tells the story of one shepherd’s selfless

effort to reforest his desolate village. I believed

the shepherd Bouffier was an actual person

when I read it, but it is a fable by Jean Giono.

Bouffier continues to plant trees single-

handed over 40 years and turns his village

into a place full of life and hope. [国村正子]です

5 まとめとして 締めの言葉も重要です I strongly recommend

this book to the young people who are

concerned about environmental issues. [富村義彦]やThis book is a ‘must’ for people who want

to live his/her life to the full. [西村美千代]はどちらも読者層を絞って語り掛けています

 表現と内容の両面において Tony 先生が賛辞を送っている作品です One of the books that

impressed me most was “Walden” by Henry

David Thoreau, a vivid account of the two

years or so in the mid-18th century the author

himself spent alone in a secluded cabin at

Walden Pond in Concord, Mass. In the book,

Thoreau not only observes and contemplates

nature and its seasonal changes; he uses his

broad knowledge of philosophical and religious

texts to turn these observations into answers

to such questions as “how should one live?”

“Walden” is a must-read for those who yearn

for solitude, love nature and want to get away

from it all! [岩渕誠]

Asahi Weekly Sunday, November 13, 2016

「英文ライティング道場」投稿規定● がき、ファクス E-mail(添付ファイル不可)のいずれかの

方法で「英文ライティング道場」係まで。● 郵便番号 住所 氏名 ペンネームも可 年齢 職業を明記

のこと● あて先:〒104-8011 朝日新聞 朝日ウイークリー編集チーム● ファクス 03-5541-8534 ● E-mail [email protected]

●締め切り 11月20日 日 必着


【 成 績 優 秀 者 投稿者数57人 】■ 最優秀 岩渕誠 鈴木郁代 仲田利恵子 国村正子 C h i p s

  清水邦夫 鈴木敬之 藤井博 優秀 熊谷正敬 稲葉芳明 市陽代 富村義彦 アルフ28号

  みなみちゃん 道川健 加藤学 大場健一 Anne

  三村浩一 西村美千代 田代保則 岸久子 Kiki

佳作 織田智子 岡本康寿 小林鋼史 吉川理 前寺洋司  青木正子 H a p p i e 大友喜惠 惣田義則

  小田俊郎 T r a n s w o r l d A b i l e n e 宇埜冨美子

読書の秋 いい本と出会えるか =神戸市中央区 0 4 年

月Asahi Shimbun file photo

【添削・講評】 取り消し線― 削除    内 省略可能 太字 評者の修正・加筆を示します また [  ]内の名前 投稿者敬称略 で

 文面から投稿者の読書熱が伝わってきました 古典はもちろんですが 新刊本も含まれており 編集チームも読んで楽しかったそうです ただし あまりにも気合が入り過ぎたこともあり 語数オーバーが目立ちました 今回に限らず 語数が基準の約10パーセント前後を超えた場合には成績のランクを下げています

1 書き出し 語数が限られていますので早い段階で書名を挙げましょう I would like to recommend Harper

Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” for reading this

autumn. [岡本康寿] “Oliver Twist” by Charles

Dickens is one of my favorite books. [みなみちゃん] Have you read Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”

or seen the film of the same name? If not, I

recommend you to read it, or see the movie. [加藤学]などがよいでしょう 趣向の変わった書き出しは “The Great Gatsby” is set apart from every

other novel. [アルフ28号]で 他の書籍と異なる理由を知りたくなります なお 減点にはしていませんが 書名はイタリック体にするか 手書きの場合は下線を引くことが望ましいです

2 感想 感性に訴えるのが人に薦める場合の常道です 読んだ感想や気持ちを素直に吐露しているのが I was

really impressed by this book. [吉川理]ですGone With the Wind の主人公 Scarlett O’Hara に心を動かされているのが I was especially moved by

her dynamic personality, which I think most

world leaders lack today. I believe you will

enjoy the book. [道川健]です 「三国志 のわくわく感を表現しているのが It is one of the most

exciting novels I have ever read. When I first

read it, it was so exciting that once I picked it

up, I could hardly stop reading it. [鈴木敬之]です 「苦海浄土 の内容を紹介し その衝撃を表現しているのが It portrays the plight of mer-

cury-poisoned victims in Minamata city, Kuma-

moto Prefecture. Each narration in the book

was so poignant and staggering that I couldn’t

put it down. [Chips]です3 理由

 理性に訴えるのも手法の一つです 「フランスマダムから学んだ最上級の女になる秘訣 から女性の生き方を学んでいるのが It is encouraging for me to

know there are various, interesting ways of

leading a life of for a woman. [よしむらりょうこ]

です 芥川賞作品「コンビニ人間 を紹介し 作者の社会観に触れているのが If you read the book,

you will be impressed with her quietly

humorous descriptions about current Japanese


16 第3種郵便物認可


 ノーベル文学賞受賞が決まった米国の歌手で作詞家のボブ ディランさん Bob Dylan が

月 日 ラス ガスでコンサートに出演し 受賞後初めて公に姿を現した ただ 受賞について 一切語ら かった    朝日新聞 月 日朝刊  一部改訂

 優秀作品を選んで Tony 先生に講評してもらいました。下線の ~4 の部分が講評のポイントになります 取り消し線 ― は削除、/ 前の語

(句 との置き換え可能 太字 修正・加筆を示します

The book I’d recommend is “Zen and

the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. In

th is book , the author goes on a

motorcycle trip with his son and

friends to 1)recover his original self,

who lost saneness and memory in his

struggle to find an answer to the

problem of the world being divided into

the romantic mind (emotion) and the

classic mind (reason). He 2)concludes

the key to uniting these two is 3)caring

heart 4)and gives us a hint to live a

harmonious life. The book was written

about forty years ago, but what he says

holds true even today. This is why I’d

like many people to read this book.


●1) Although not wrong, “rediscover” is a

much more suitable word in this context

than “recover” which has stronger

connotations to sickness or ailments. (誤りではありませんが この文脈では rediscover が適切です recover は病気関連を連想させます)● 2 ) W h e n e v e r I s e e t h e w o r d

“concludes,” I expect it to be followed by

the conjunction “that.” Otherwise, it

should be followed by a colon here.

concludes の後には接続詞 that が続きます代わりにコロンでもよいです●3) We each have one, I hope, so let’s

make it “a caring heart.” heart はそれぞれ一つですので a caring heart にします● 4 ) T h i s c l a u s e s e e m s l i k e a n

afterthought and therefore unimportant.

Yet it is also one of the contributor’s

reasons for recommending the book. Give

it a sentence of its own. I would also

suggest there is more than one hint on

how to live a harmonious live. この部分は付加的であり重要ではなさそうに見えます 本の推薦の理由として挙げるならば 独立した文にします また harmonious life を送るためのヒントは複数あると思います

改定訳⇒ The book I’d recommend is “Zen

and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”.

In this book, the author goes on a

motorcycle trip with his son and friends

to rediscover his original self, who lost

saneness and memory in his struggle to

find an answer to the problem of the

world being divided into the romantic

mind (emotion) and the classic mind (

reason). He concludes that the key to

uniting these two is a caring heart. Plus,

he gives us h in ts on how to l ive a

harmonious life. 以下原文通り