
1 拥抱世界的色彩 To Embrace the Color of the World 16 届广州国际艺术博览会 THE 16 th GUANGZHOU INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2011 12 8 —12 12 8 th -12 th Dec.2011 INVITATION 主办单位:中国美术家协会 广州市人民政府 Sp onsor: C hina Artist Association and Guangzhou Municip ality 承办单位:广州市文化广电新闻出版局 Undertak er: Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television of Guangzhou Municip ality C op yright Bureau

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Page 1: 16届艺博会招展书(中英文)



To Embrace the Color of the World



2011 年 12 月 8 日—12 月 12 日

8th -12th Dec.2011


主办单位:中国美术家协会 广州市人民政府

Sp onsor: C hina Artist Association and Guangzhou Munic ip ality


Undertak er: Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television of

Guangzhou Municip ality C op yright Bureau

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Undertak er & Ex ecutive: Guangzhou Yi Times Ex hibition C o., Ltd

展览场馆:广州白云国际会议中心 2、3、4 号楼一、二层

中国广东省广州市白云大道南 1039-1045 号

Ex hibition venues: 1-2/F, Building 2,3,4,Guangzhou Baiyun

International C onvention C enter(#1039-1045,Baiyun

Avenue South, Guangzhou,Guangdong,P.R. C hina)


Offic ial w ebsite:www.gzartfair.com


Billion yuan era of China art market 2010年中国艺术品交易额近 600亿,全年共有 20件中国艺术品拍卖价格超

过 1亿元人民币,几乎全部刷新了中国艺术品前十名的价格纪录。

There w as nearly 600billion turnover in C hina art mark et,in 2010,

the auc tion p rice of 20 p ieces of C hinese artw ork s w as more than RMB 1

billion,setting a new p rice record for the top 10 C hinese artw ork s.






The 2008 financial c risis has set a new turn for C hinese artw ork

to contend for hegemony in artw ork industry. C hinese calligrap hy

suddenly sp rung up , becoming the driving force for the art industry.

W hen Europ e and the United States w ere still deep ly into the shadow s of

economic setbac k s, yet C hinese art mark et has a contrarian rise, w ith the

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outflow of funds lik e national real regulatory p olices, monetary mark et

and others, more floating money w as invested in art w orld. Meanw hile,

by the motivation of multi-buyers, the p rice of C hinese artw ork w as

raised as a w hole, thus led C hinese artw ork to “the era of billion yuan”.


赵无极、吴冠中等艺术家进入全球艺术家成交前 50 的名额中,占据排行榜的近

1/4, 在 Artprice2010年 10月底公布的当代艺术家成交排行榜中,中国艺术家

陈逸飞、曾梵志等均在排行榜前 50 中,占据整个榜单的近 1/3。中国已继美国

和英国后,成为第三大艺术市场,艺术市场份额占全球的 14%,并将在未来 10


C hinese artists Z hang Daqian, X u Beihong,Fu Baoshi, Lin

Fengmian, C hangyu,Li K eran, W u C hangshuo, Z hao W uji, W u

Guanzhong ,ec t. w ere listed in global artists of the top 50 based on

volume of transac tion, oc cup ied nearly 1/4 of the list. C hinese artists lik e

C hen Yifei, Z eng Fanzhi w as in the top 50, almost oc cup ied

1/3,oc caoding to Artprice issued at late Oc t.2010. C hina has become the

3rd leading art mark et and tak en up 14% of the art mark et share of the

globe, even w ill surp ass England, being the 2nd one in 10years.


Guangzhou-vibrant cap ital c ity of the south

广州位于珠江三角洲中心位置,具 2200 多年建城史,常住人口 1100 多万,


了数百座国内最大、面向整个亚洲乃至全球的专业商品贸易中心,2011 年人均

社会消费品零售总额超越京沪,成为中国最能花钱的城市。2010年第 16届亚洲


Guangzhou, the center of Z hujiang River Delta and the fifth largest

center c ity, has over 2200 construc tion history and p ermanent p op ulation

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of 11million. Being the most develop ed commerc ial and modern service

c ity, Guangzhou assembles hundreds of p rofessional commodities trading

centers w hich are the biggest in C hina and op en to Asia even to the w orld.

Per cap ita retail sales in 2011 w ill ex ceed Beijing and Shanghai, as a

result, Guangzhou w ill become the biggest sp ender c ity. The 16th Asian

Games w as suc cessfully held in Guangzhou in 2010.

《2010胡润财富报告》显示,中国有 87.5万名千万富豪和 5.5万名亿万富

豪,其中广州市 4.92 万名千万富豪和 3810 名亿万富豪,千万富豪平均年龄 39

岁,亿万富豪平均年龄 43岁,成为世界最年轻的奢侈品消费群体,广州奢侈品年

消费额接近 100亿元。

From the 2010 Hurun Fortune, there w ere 875thousand

millionaires and 55thousand billionaires in C hina, 49.2thousand

millionaires and 3.81thousand billionaires resp ec tively in Guangzhou.

The average age of millionaires w as 39, and the the billionaires w as 43,

w hich p roved to be the youngest lux ury consuming group s. Annual

consump tion of lux ury in Guangzhou reaches nearly 100billion.



雕刻、广东音乐等。2010 年广州出台“世界文化名城”战略部署,扶持文化产


Lingnan culture, the youngest and the most dynamic p art in C hina, charac tered

w ith a comp romise betw een C hina and the W estern, sync retism of the ancient and the

contemp orary, high sp irit of innovation. The outstanding rep resentatives w ere

Lingnan style, C antonese (Guang) Embroidery, faience (p ainted p orcelain), sculp ture,

and canton music .

In 2010, Guangzhou strategic p lan, The Famous City of World Culture, aimed to

sup p ort the develop ment of culture industry, to mak e Guangzhou the c ity of w orld

culture and to strengthen the soft p ow er of culture in central c ity.

广州国际艺术博览会 Guangzhou International Air Fair

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The only offic ially sp onsored by the international art ex p osition in South C hina region



Guangzhou international Art Fair is the only one offic ially

ap p roved by Bureau of C ulture, sp onsored by C hinese Artist Association

and Guangzhou Munic ip ality.

【引导艺术市场 畅导艺术生活】

1993 年,中国最早的艺博会—中国艺术博览会在广州举办。1996 年在中国

艺术博览会的基础上举办首届广州国际艺术博览会。迄今已成功举办 15 届,不



In 1993, the earliest art fair – China Art Exposition was held in

Guangzhou, on base of which the 1st Guangzhou International Art Fair came

into birth in 1996, and there have been 15 terms held successfully till

this year. Regardless of exhibitor amount, levels of exhibits or

transaction volume, it keeps the leading position in China and even in

the world, and becomes one of the three art expositions in mainland China.






As the advanced art ex p o in Asia and the earliest art ex hibition ac tivity in C hina,

Guangzhou International Art Fair has been committed to “p romote the Sino-foreign

cultural communication and boost the C hinese art mark et”. Being a large-scaled

cultural ac tivity sup p orted by Guangzhou Munic ip ality, it is a k ey p art of the cultural

and ideological construc tion as w ell as the develop ing strategic objective of

modernized central c ity in Guangzhou. It is not only an imp ortant p art of cultural

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construc tion in Guangzhou, but also the only international art ex p o led by C hina Artist

Association for long.

第 15 届广州国际艺术博览会回顾

Retrosp ec t of the 15th Guangzhou international Air Fair

【最具规模的艺博会 成交额傲视海内】

The most professional air fair with largest volume of transaction

2010 年 12 月 9 日—13 日,第 15 届广州国际艺术博览会在气势恢宏的广州



会规模之大、展品之丰富、层次之高超过往届。本届艺博会展会面积 20000平方

米,共设展位 550 个,其中国外画廊 80 多家、国内画廊 130 多家。汇聚众多世


等 17 个国家和地区的画廊与艺术家参展。本届艺博会共交易各类美术作品一万

多件,现场交易金额达到 1.1亿元。吸引了来自国内外专业观众约 7万人,更有

近 15万广州市及珠三角地区市民参加了艺博会及各类活动。成为中国最具规模、


On 9th-13th Dec . 2010, the 15th Guangzhou International Art Fair w as held in the

grand Guangzhou Baiyun International C onvention C enter as scheduled. W ith the

sup p ort and guide of Guangzhou Munic ip ality, C hina Artist Association, and

Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television of Guangzhou

Munic ip ality C op yright Bureau, as w ell as the elaborate p lanning and organization of

the ex hibitors, its p op ularity and transac tion volume have brok en the p revious records

in C hina. Its ex hibition area had reached 20,000 sq.m, and 550 booths w ere set, w hich

attrac ted more than 80 foreign galleries and over 130 domestic galleries, as w ell as

many countries and regions w ith tens of thousands of ex cellent art w ork s, such as

France, Germany, Italy, South K orea, America, Jap an, and Russia etc . Over 10,000

p ieces of artw ork w ere ex changed and the turnover had reached 1.1billion, attrac ting

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more than 70,000p rofessional visitors from home and abroad, as w ell as 150,000

residents from Guangzhou and Z hujiang River Delta, w hich made the 15th

International Art Fair a most initial-driving and most influential art fair.

◆展会规模:20000平方米 Ex hibition Scale: 20,000 square meters

◆参展机构:210多家 Ex hibitors: over 210 units

◆展出作品:1万多件 Ex hibits: over 10 thousand p ieces

◆观众数量:20万人次 Visitors: 200 thousand p eop le

◆成交金额:1.1亿人民币 Total Turnover: RMB 1.1 billion

◆参展国家和地区:17个 Partic ip ant C ountries and Regions: 17

◆到会媒体:200多家 Rep orts: over 200 media comp anies

第 16 届广州国际艺术博览会

The 16th Guangzhou International Art Fair


广播新闻出版局承办,广州艺时代展览策划有限公司承办执行的“第 16 届广州

国际艺术博览会”(16届艺博会)定于 2011年 12月 8日—12日将在广州白云国

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Ap p roved by Ministry of C ulture of the Peop le’s Rep ublic of C hina, sp onsored

by C hina Artist Association and Guangzhou Munic ip ality, undertak en by

Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television of Guangzhou

Munic ip ality C op yright Bureau, and ex ecuted by Guangdong Yishidai Ex hibition

Planning C o., Ltd., the 16th Guangzhou International Art Fair (16th GIAF2010 for

short) is going to be held in Guangzhou Baiyun International C onvention C enter on

8th – 12th December 2011.

16 届艺博会以“拥抱世界的色彩”为主题,继续突出广州艺博会的交易功

能、发现价值,在内容、场地、组织形式方面均比 15 届进一步提升和优化,并




With the theme of “To embrace the color of the world”, GIAF2011 will

keep giving prominence to the transaction and discovery value of Guangzhou

Art Fair. With further improved content, enlarged place and better

organization, it has set more secondary themes, special shows and

high-quality supporting activities, to present the exquisite artworks

with artistic and collector's value to the visitors, and provide an

efficient open transacting and exhibiting platform for the best

exhibitors all over the world.

一、 展区规划

Plan of Exhibition Zone

(一) 精品画廊展区(二层)

Delicate Gallery Exhibition Zone (2F)


Painting and sculpture: exhibit delicate painting and sculpture from

home and abroad.


Traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy: exhibit delicate

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painting and handwriting from home and abroad.

(二) 特邀推荐展区(一层)

Specially Invited and Recommended Zone

1、 美协/美院联展:集中展示各地美协、美院绘画、书法、雕塑精品;

Artist Association and Academies of Fine Arts: exhibit painting,

calligraphy and sculpture of artist association and academies of fine

art from various regions.

2、 艺术部落联展:集中展示各地艺术群落绘画、书法、雕塑精品;

Artists Colony: exhibit painting, calligraphy and sculpture of art

tribe in different places.


Art Supplies: exhibit various kinds of art supplies.

3、 国艺精品馆:集中展示民间木雕、根艺、广绣、广彩、艺术陶瓷、工艺


Delicate Artistry Hall: exhibit wood and root carving, Guang

embroidery, artwork ceramics, artware and other excellent artwork.

二、 同期配套活动

Sup p orting Ac tivities

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1. VIP Preview

Guangzhou International Air Fair VIP p review , Guangdong industry

federation, Global C hinese Businessman Federation, Guangdong Oversea

Enterp rise Association, Guangdong Oversea C harity Assoc iation,

Assoc iation of Guangdong Province C ollec tors, C elebrities of

C ommerc ial C irc le of Z hujiang River Delta and Hong K ong, Macao and

Australia, as w ell as other entrep reneur w ere invited.

2 .Famous p ainters and young art talents gave live ex temp oraneous

p erformances w hich deserved big ap p lause. Mr.X uqinsong, p resident of

the Artist Association, w as w riting w ith brush.

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3. Art C ollec tion and Identification

Guangzhou Art Fair, Art Trading Fair and Palace Museum in Beijing

jointly held art collec tion and identification, the state ex p erts Shan

Guoqiang, Ye Peilan, Z hang Guangw en ,LiuMing ec t. came together and

p rovided guidance to collec tion lovers.

4. Symp osium for Art C ollec tion and Identification

C hinese Artist Assoc iation, assoc iation of collec tors and other ex p erts

w ere invited to hold Academy of ex change Tour in terms of artw ork

collec tion, art value evaluation p rincip les, and causes of ap p reciation,

forms of ex change.

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5. Auction of Artw ork

The auc tion p rice of the 15th Art Fair w as over 10million, thus

attrac ted almost 600 collec tors and investors. In inflation c ircumstances,

the value of artw ork and the feature of beauty w ere deep ly ador6

6. Academy of Ex change Tour and Art Salon

2011 Guangzhou International Art Fair is going to p roject ex cellent

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ex hibition and international art salon, p lanning to build Guangzhou

International Art Fair to a great celebration of art that never ends w hich

w ill bring art into high-end crow d and establish w ider coop eration.


Exhibition Notice





Art institutes like national and international art galleries, artwork

companies, art colleges, art groups, arts publishing houses.


Scop e of Ex hibition


Including painting, canvases, print, sculpture, photograph, video,

multimedia, integrated material and other equipment, etc.


Exhibition Expense

品牌画廊展区(二层):RMB 1600元/㎡

Gallery Zone(2F):RMB 1600元/㎡

特邀推荐展区(一层):RMB 1200元/㎡

Specially Recommended Zone(1F):RMB 1200 元/㎡

光地:Bare Stand

RMB 1200 元/㎡(二层)

RMB 1200 元/㎡(2F)

RMB 1000 元/㎡(一层)

RMB 1000 元/㎡(1F)

展位规格:品牌画廊展区展板为双面乳白色 PVC 贴面木制展板,展板规

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格:高度为 3.6 米;一楼特邀推荐展区为 2.5 M。

Spec of stand: The wall in gallery zone is double-side milky PVC wooden

panel,3M or 3.6M in height.

展位设施:展板、楣板、地毯,每个标准展位(36 ㎡)配射灯 16支、 洽

谈桌 1张、地柜 1个、椅子 4把。

Facilities for stand: panel, fascia board, carpet, 16spotlights for

standard booth,1 business desk, 1 locker and 4 collapsible chairs.


Professional Visitors




C ollec tors, art museum direc tors, museum direc tors, air c ritics,

artists, ex hibition p lanners, art brok ers, art consultants, art enthusiasts,

theoretic ians, celebrities, famous stars, enterp risers, financ ial elites, new s

rep orters



Exhibition Schedule

2011年 12月 6日 15:00-17:30

6th Dec.2011 15:00-17:30

2011年 12月 7日 08:30-17:30

7th Dec.2011 08:30-17:30

2011年 12月 8日 08:30-12:00

8th Dec.2011 08:30-12:00

●VIP预展:2011年 12月 8日 14:00-18:30

VIP Ex hibition Preview : 8th Dec .2011 14:00-18:30

●公众展期:2011年 12月 9日至 12月 12日

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Ex hibition Period: 9th -12th Dec . 2011

●参展报名截止日期:2011年 09月 30日

Deadline for application: 30th Sep.2011


Exhibition Venues:

广州白云国际会议中心 2、3、4号楼一、二层(中国广东省广州市白云大道

南 1039-1045号)

1-2/F, Building 2,3,4,Guangzhou Baiyun International C onvention

C enter(#1039-1045,Baiyun Avenue South, Guangzhou,Guangdong,

P.R. C hina

强大的宣传攻势 构筑城市艺术长廊



广告资源,优先推广画廊,将 90%各类广告资源直接宣传参展作品,为宣传艺术


W ith Guangzhou munic ip al government strategic p lan “C ity of W orld C ulture”,

Guangzhou Art Fair adjusts the p ublic ity and tak es the lead in p utting forw ard the

concep t of “Urban Art Gallery”, integrating all k inds of media and advertisement,

p op ulariz ing galleries and p utting their w ork s in ads to p lay a p ow erful sup p ort to

p romote masterp iece and c reate the atmosp here of urban art.

1. 推广计划步步为营

Overall promotion

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We will broadcast the Art Fair information to professional audiences

at home and abroad by varieties of promotions such as invitation, news

release conference, exhibition information and report, and help them make

proper promotion plan to assist them in communicating well with


2. 买家邀约全面周到

Considerate Invitation to Buyers



机票以及酒店住宿。预计到场有效买家将达到 2万人。

With the previous cumulative buyers' information, we will selectively

invite the top buyers to GIAF2010 from China, Asia and all over the world,

and provide them with VIP services including round-trip tickets and hotel

accommodations. It is estimated that there will be up to 20,000 buyers


3. 科学可续合理的广告推广

Reasonable Advertising and Promotion



We will advertise through subways, outdoors, newspapers, highways,

and airports in Pearl River Delta, to build up our presence and wide our


4. 直邮及短信推广

Direct Mail & Message Promotion




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In order to invite numbers of collectors, art museum directors,

critics, artists, exhibition planners, governmental officers,

celebrities, art brokers, art enthusiasts and financial elites, we have

prepared abundant VIP invitations and visiting tickets to mail directly

or send to the potential buyers. Meanwhile, our Message Promotion C enter

w ill also unremittingly send messages about Art Fair Information to p otential visitors

in Pearl River Delta.

5. 主办单位鼎力组织

Best Efforts of Sponsor

主办单位中国美术家协会将积极、主动组织并发动旗下 5000 余会员出席博


The sp onsor - C hina Artist Association w ill tak e ac tive p art in organiz ing all

members (more than 5000) to tak e p art in the Fair.

6. 合作媒体

C oop erative Medium



TV Stations: C C TV, Phoenix Television, Dragon TV, BTV, GDTV, Hunan TV

and Travel TV



Newspapers: C hina Daily, South C hina Morning Post, W enhui New sp ap er,

Southern Metrop olis Daily, Guangzhou Daily, C hina Securities Journal and Peop le’s




Magazines: Hurun Rep ort (Lux ury Business Portal), Art Value, Gallery, Artist,

Artron, Art Map , Life-Element, Hiesquire


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Websites: C hina Artist Association, Artron.net, iONLY.com.cn, artintern.net,

artnow .com.cn, cansart.com.cn

国外媒体:artnet、artinasia 、Bloomberg TV、AAC 、eyemaz ing、artlink 、

flashart、artp rice

Foreign Mediums: artnet, artinasia, Bloomberg TV, AAC , eyemaz ing, artlink ,

flashart, artp rice


Notes of Exhibitor


Notes of application







1.1. Exhibitors who want to participate in the Fair shall submit

the application form and related documents to Art Fair Organizing

Committee Office before the deadline. Exhibitors shall ensure the

authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the documents, and guarantee

all the exhibits are original and genuine articles. If an exhibitor

provides false information and fake exhibit, the Fair are authorized to

request you to take corrective measures, or cancel your application

without returning the prepaid exhibition fees, and you shall take the sole

responsibilities for any other damages. If an exhibitor causes damage to

a third party, you shall take sole responsibilities for all the damages.



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1.2 Exhibitors shall submit detailed and complete data and

information of exhibits to the Fair. The Fair has the right to use the

above data and information in nonprofit propaganda in any forms. Meanwhile,

the Fair has the right to prohibit the display of any disapproved exhibits.




1.3 Booth Planning: The Fair will distribute the booth according to the

exhibitor's choice together with the overall layout of the exhibition hall,

based on exhibit category, and chronological order of the exhibitors'

application and payment. The Fair has the right to adjust the overall

layout of the booths (the adjustment is based on communication with







1.4 Usage of Booth: An ex hibitor has the right to use a booth only after

p aying all the ex hibition fees. Ex hibitors have no right to transfer the

w hole or p art of booth to any third p arty for value or for free; the ex hibits

disp layed in the booth shall be consistent w ith those ap p lied. For any

disobey of the above regulations, the Fair has the right to cancel the

ex hibitor's ap p lication w ithout returning any ex hibition fees. And the

ex hibitors shall tak e sole resp onsibilities for any other damages.


2. Application Information for Exhibitors

现场展位图 (附件一)

Booth Site Map (Table 12)

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Booth Ap p lication Form (Table 2)

三、 展品销售

Sales of Exhibits




The ex hibits can be sold direc tly by ex hibitors during the ex hibition,

and corresp onding tax es shall be p aid according to the related national

regulations. The ex hibits shall only be disp layed w ithin the rented booth,

and not allow ed to p lace on the ground or occup y any p assages; the

ex hibitor shall not p aint or p erform in site (ex cep t the unified

arrangement by the Fair), or the Fair has the right to c lear up the booth

w ithout returning the ex hibition fees.

四、 联系方式:

C ontac t information:


Guangzhou International Art Fair Organizing C ommittee Office

地址:广州市天河区天河北路 177 号祥龙花园祥龙阁 708室


Address: Rm.708, X ianglong Ge, X iangLong Garden, No.177, North

TianHe Road, Guangzhou C ity

Post C ode: 510620