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SPACE presents 空空空空 空空 SPIRITUAL REALITY J o u r n e y W i t h i n 靈靈靈靈靈靈靈靈靈1

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SPIRITUAL REALITYJ o u r n e y W i t h i n



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1. SPIRITUAL REALITY takes you through a unique journey.《靈性的實相》帶引你展開一趟獨特的旅程A journey which will change your life.一趟改變你的生命A journey which will enrich you and make you Knowledgeable and Blissful.豐富你的人生,帶給你知識與安祥的旅程

2. SPIRITUAL REALITY is a program on Meditation and Meditational Experiences.《靈性的實相》探討的是靜坐和靜坐的體驗

3. While you watch this program,觀賞這個節目的時候 Be totally relaxed….請你完全地放鬆自己Just witness it…單純地觀照它Just flow with it…跟著它的能量流動Don’t try to analyze it…不要試圖分析它的內容Totally be with it…完全地與它同在If any thought comes, cut the thought…. Take a deep breath… and just be with it.念頭出現的時候,斷絕那個念頭…做一個深呼吸…與那個念頭同在

4. It is just for you.這個節目是為你製做的

5. In this whole Creation, we are just a small speck.我們只是整個造化裡的一顆微塵

6. Each one of us is in search of每個人都在追尋Good health,健康Peace,


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安祥Knowledge,知識Prosperity,繁榮Harmony and和諧Overall … a happy and blissful life at all given times and situations.總而言之,我們無時無刻都在追求快樂富足的生活

7. Each and every person strives hard to achieve this state.我們為了達到這個狀態而努力奮鬥

8. But, can this really be achieved?但我們能夠達到嗎?

9. Yes…this can be achieved.是的…我們能夠達到

10. All this is possible only by Understanding Cosmic Energy and Self-Knowledge.這一切只有透過對法界能量和自性知識的了解才能達到

11. Now let us know about Cosmic Energy.現在讓我們來了解什麼是法界能量


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12. The Cosmic Energy exists everywhere in the Cosmos. 法界能量遍及法界,無所不在It is the Bond between the galaxies, the planets, humans and molecules.它連結著銀河、地球、人類和分子

13. It is the 'space' between each and everything. 它是眾生萬物之間的空間It is the bond, which keeps the whole cosmos in order. 它是使整個法界井然有序的連結鍵

14. Cosmic Energy is the 'Life Force'. 法界能量就是生命的勢能

15. This Cosmic Energy is essential to maintain the order of our life and to expand our Consciousness.法界能量是維持生命秩序和擴展意識的要素

16. Cosmic Energy is the base for all our actions and functions. 法界能量是所有行動和生理功能的基礎

17. We receive some amount of Cosmic Energy in deep Sleep and in total Silence. 我們在深睡和完全的靜默中接收到一部份的法界能量We are using this energy for our day-to-day activities of our Mind- like… 再運用這個能量從事日常的心靈活動seeing, speaking, hearing, thinking and all actions of our Body. 例如,觀看、說話、聆聽、思考和所有的身體活動

18. This limited energy gained through sleep is not sufficient for these activities.在睡眠中獲得的有限能量,並不能滿足這些活動的需要


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That is why we feel exhausted, tired and tensed. 這就是我們會感到疲憊、倦怠和緊張不安的原因This leads to mental and physical stress and all kinds of illnesses. 這些現象導致了身、心的壓力和各種疾病19. The only way to over come this is to get more and more Cosmic Energy. 克服這些壓力和疾病的唯一之道,就是獲得更多的法界能量

20. Cosmic Energy is essential to: Maintain the order of our life. 法界能量是維持生命秩序To lead a healthy and happy life.活出健康和快樂的要素To totally involve in all situations we are in.它讓我們全心地專注在當下的情境To obtain Knowledge 它讓我們獲得知識and finally for expansion of our Consciousness. 讓我們擴展意識21. Abundant Cosmic Energy is obtained, only through… Meditation. 只有透過靜坐,我們才能汲取到充沛的法界能量


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22. Sleep is unconscious Meditation睡眠是無意識的靜坐Meditation is conscious sleep.靜坐是有意識的睡眠In sleep, we get limited Energy.在睡眠中,我們只能獲得有限的能量In Meditation, we get abundant Energy.在靜坐中,我們獲得了源源不絕的能量

23. This Energy enhances the power of our Body…Mind…and Intellect.這種能量可以提昇身體、心靈和智能的力量It opens the doors for our Sixth Sense… and Beyond.它開啟了第六感之門,進入超感官的領域With this boosted Energy through Meditation, We will be relaxed, healthy and happy.在靜坐中獲得的能量帶給我們鬆弛、健康和快樂It also helps to reach greater heights in the physical realm.它也能讓體能邁入一個更高的境界

24. Meditation is nothing but a journey of our consciousness towards the Self.其實,靜坐就是意識回歸自性的旅程

25. In Meditation, we consciously travel from… Body to mind, Mind to intellect, Intellect to Self and Beyond.在靜坐中,我們有意識地由身體開始,進行穿越心靈、智能、自性和更高境界的旅行


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26. To do Meditation, first we have to stop all the functions of our Body and Mind, that is:我們要先停止一切的身、心的功能,才能達到靜坐的目的Body movements, seeing, speaking and thinking.也就是說,停止肢體的活動、觀看、說話和思考

27. Now, let us know how to do Meditation…現在讓我們來談談靜坐的方法

28. For Meditation, the first thing is the Posture.靜坐的第一步就是姿勢

29. You may sit in any posture. 你可以選擇任何一種坐姿The Posture must be comfortable and stable.選擇一個讓你感到很舒服、很穩定的姿勢We can Meditate either on the floor or on a chair.坐在地板上或者椅子上都可以We can Meditate in any place, where ever we feel comfortable.或者在任何一個我們感覺舒服的地方

30. Sit comfortably…舒服地坐下來Cross your legs… 兩腿盤坐Clasp your fingers…雙手交叉

31. Now, close your eyes …把眼睛閉上

32. Stop inner or outer chatter.停止一切內在或外在的對話Don’t chant any ‘Mantra’.不要持咒Just relax…只要放鬆Totally relax…完全地放鬆下來


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Just relax…單純地放鬆

33. When we cross our legs and clasp our fingers, energy circuit is formed and gives more stability.當我們盤好腿和雙手交叉好的時候,身體形成的能量迴路會讓身體更加穩定

34. Eyes are the doors of the Mind.眼睛是心靈之窗So, eyes should be closed.所以應該把眼睛閉上

35. Manthra chanting or any chattering …inner or outer... are the activities of the Mind.持咒或內、外在的對話都是心靈的活動So it should be stopped.所以也應該停止

36. When body relaxes, Consciousness travels to the next Zone- Mind and Intellect.身體放鬆之後,意識就會進入心靈和智能所在的第二個區域

37. Mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts.心靈只不過是一堆念頭而已There are numerous thoughts always coming to the surface of the mind.紛雜的念頭會不斷地浮到心靈的表層When ever there are thoughts in the mind, we may get many questions- known or unknown.念頭會帶來各種已知或未知的問題

38. To transcend the mind and intellect…One has to Observe the Breath.要超越心靈和智能的限制,我們必須觀照呼吸

39. Observation is the nature of the Self.觀照是自性的本質So, one should just witness the Breath.所以,我們要目睹自己的呼吸


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40. Don’t do conscious breathing… 不要做有意識的呼吸Don’t inhale… or...exhale ...consciously.不要做有意識地吸氣或呼氣Let inhalation or exhalation happen on its own.讓吸氣或呼氣自然而然地發生

41. Just observe the normal breathing.只要觀照正常的呼吸就好This is the main key. This is the Way.這是靜坐的關鍵,也是唯一的法門

42. Don’t go behind the thoughts. 不要追究你的念頭Don’t cling to quarries… questions or thoughts.不要執著在各種妄念…問題或念頭上Cut the thought…斷絕念頭Come back to the breath.回到呼吸上面Observe normal breathing.觀照正常的呼吸動作Be with your Breath.與你的呼吸同在

43. Then, the density of the thoughts reduces.接著,你的念頭越來越少Slowly breath becomes thinner and shorter.呼吸也會變得更淺、更短

44. Finally, 最後Breath becomes… smallest…and…呼吸會短得像一道閃光一樣Settles like a flash in between the eye brows.停留在眉心的位置上

45. In this state: One will have No breath and No Thought…這是一個沒有呼吸也沒有念頭的狀態


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He will be totally thoughtless.你所有的念頭都止息了46. This state is called Nirmal Sthithi or No Thought State.我們稱為無念的狀態This is the Meditative State.這是一個靜心的狀態

47. In this state we will be under the shower of Cosmic Energy.在這個狀態下,我們開始接收源源不絕的法界能量

48. The more Meditation one does, the more will be the Cosmic Energy one receives.靜坐的時間越久,我們接受的法界能量就越多

49. This Cosmic Energy flows through the Energy Body.法界能量在我們的能量體內流動It is also called the Etheric Body.能量體也叫做乙太體


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50. The Energy Body forms with more than 72000 Nadis or Energy tubes which run all across the Body.能量體是由七萬二千個氣脈或能量管所組成的All these Energy Tubes start from the top of the head region.


51. This region is called ‘Bramha Randra’.


52. These Nadis spread through out the body like roots and shoots of a plant.


53. The Energy Body is the main base for the design of our life.


This Energy Body is the main source for all our actions and even for our existence.



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54. Our Energy Body receives Cosmic Energy during deep sleep and Meditation.


We are using this Energy for our body and mind activities like seeing, speaking, hearing, thinking and all physical actions.


55. All these functions are totally based on the incoming Cosmic Energy.


56. The inflow of Cosmic Energy is purely based on our thoughts.


When we have thoughts, the inflow of Cosmic Energy is obstructed.


In other words,


Our thoughts are the stumbling blocks for the inflow of Cosmic Energy.


57. When the inflow of Cosmic Energy is less, the Energy in the Energy Tubes depletes.


58. This depletion causes Etheric Patches in the Energy Body.


These Etheric Patches gradually lead to diseases in the physical body.


In other words,



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Root cause for all diseases is the lack of Energy in the Etheric Body.


59. In Meditation, we get abundant Cosmic Energy.


It flows through all our Energy Tubes of the Energy Body.


When Cosmic Energy is passing through Energy tubes, because of its heavy flow, it cleanses all Etheric patches.


When Etheric Patches are cleansed, we come out of all our illnesses.


60. When Energy starts flowing through the Bramha Randra, we ‘feel’ heaviness in the head region or heaviness of the whole body.


When Energy is cleansing the Energy Tubes in a particular region, we may get itching sensation or pain in that region.


Some times we may experience pain in various places in the physical body.


For these pains we need not take any medicine.


61. All these pains will vanish by doing more Meditation.


62. By intake of more and more Cosmic Energy through Meditation, we come out of all physical and mental illness.



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63. If we Meditates inside the Pyramid, Meditative state can be achieved three times faster than normal.


Let us know now about: Pyramid and Pyramid Power.


Pyramid Power金字塔的威力

64. Pyramid is the most stable structure, which receives the highest Cosmic Energy in this Planet Earth.金字塔是地球上最穩固的結構,也是接收最高法界能量的地方

65. Pyramid forms at an angle of 52 degrees51 minutes 金字塔以 52度 51分的角度形成and because of this Angle, it receives the highest Cosmic Energy. 這個角度讓金字塔接收到最高的法界能量

66. Pyramid can be constructed with any material. 金字塔可以用任何建材製造Materials make no difference in the receiving of the Cosmic Energy. 金字塔的建材不會影響法界能量的接收


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67. Pyramid has to be aligned to perfect cardinal directions- north, south, east and west. 金字塔的四個端角必須與東、西、南、北四大方向對位

68. Cosmic Energy gets accumulated at 1/3rd height from the base of the Pyramid. 法界能量累積在金字塔 1/3的高度This place is known as King's Chamber. 這個位置就叫做國王的密室Cosmic Energy will be the maximum in the King's Chamber and it spreads through out the Pyramid. 法界能量在最強的國王密室裡向整個金字塔擴散69. A crystal fixed at the apex of the Pyramid, multiplies and distributes the Cosmic Energy through out the Pyramid. 在金字塔頂端安置一個水晶,可以把接收的法界能量強化後再擴散到其他的部位

70. The No Thought State or Nirmala Sthithi is attained three times faster if one meditates inside the Pyramid. 在金字塔裡靜坐,我們達到無念狀態的速度比其他地方快三倍

71. Pyramid can be used for communication with higher frequencies.金字塔可以與高層的頻率溝通

72. Meditation in the Pyramid helps in Healing and for all …. . . Meditational Experiences.在金字塔裡靜坐有治療的效果,也可以提昇靜坐的體驗


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73. Now let us go through once again what we have understood so far.現在讓我們把前面的內容複習一遍

74. Meditation is a journey towards the Self.靜坐就是回歸自性的旅程For this we have to transcend the body and mind.旅程開始之前,我們必須先超越身體和心靈的束縛By assuming a comfortable Posture, Our body totally relaxes.採取一個可以讓身體完全放鬆的姿勢And this facilitates transcending the body consciousness.這樣的姿勢可以幫助我們超越身體意識

75. By observing our normal breathing, We transcend the mind.


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透過觀照正常的呼吸運作,我們超越了心靈When we transcend the body and mind, then the Cosmic Energy flows.超越身體和心靈之後,法界能量就會流進身體裡

76. Cosmic Energy cleanses all illnesses of the body.法界能量可以清除所有的疾病Thereby we will be healthy with out any medicine.讓我們不藥而癒,享受健康的生活More and more Cosmic Energy releases all the tensions and stress of the mind.進入身體的法界能量可以釋放心靈的緊張和壓力

77. As we practice more and more Meditation, mind becomes calm and has more space.靜坐的時間越久,心靈就越來越平靜、越空靈This leads to higher memory power.平靜祥和的心靈可以提昇記憶力

78. More and more Meditation leads to higher Understanding capabilities.靜坐的工夫越久,理解力就越強Then it leads to good inter personal relationship.人際關係也隨之改善79. Meditation enhances the happiness of family life.靜坐可以帶來家庭生活的美滿幸福Mind will be tranquil. 靜坐帶來心靈的寧靜Meditation makes you healthy and blissful.靜坐讓你充滿快樂和幸福感Meditation helps us to get answers to all our questions.靜坐幫助我們獲得所有問題的答案

80. To achieve this and more…為了獲得這些好處Meditation should be practiced every day.我們必須天天靜坐Meditation can be done at any place.任何地方都可以靜坐Meditation can be done at any time, even during a journey.


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81. In one sitting Meditation should be done for a time equal to ones age.入坐的時間要和我們的年齡相等For instance, a thirty-year-old man should do Meditation at least for thirty minutes in one sitting.比如說,一個 30歲的人一次至少要坐 30分鐘

82. For Meditation you need not leave the family life.修習靜坐的人不須要拋棄家庭生活Every one should do Meditation.每一個人都應該學習靜坐Children are best Meditators.童年是練習靜坐的最好時機They can start Meditation by the age of five.兒童最好在五歲開始學習靜坐

83. For Meditation, we need not go in search of any physical Guru or Master.修習靜坐的人不須要再尋求古儒或師父

84. The Guru or the Master is Within.古儒或師父就在你的內在Your Breath is your Guru.呼吸就是你的古儒Your Breath is your Master.呼吸就是你的師父

85. It is for every one.靜坐是所有人的師父


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SPIRITUAL REALITY靈性的實相journey Within內在之旅

PART 2第二篇


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1. Meditation is the journey of our Consciousness towards the Self.靜坐是意識回歸自性的旅程To do Meditation, we have to transcend the body and mind.我們必須超越身體和心靈的束縛,才能達到靜坐的目的When we transcend the body and mind, we reach the Self.超越身體和心靈之後,我們回到了自性Then we receive abundant Cosmic Energy.然後,就能夠接收源源不絕的法界能量By more Meditation, our Self Knowledge expands.自性的知識隨著靜坐的工夫而擴展Now let us try and understand what is… KNOWLEDGE.現在,讓我們來了解什麼是知識


2. Meditation takes you to the realms of higher Knowledge.靜坐把我們帶入更高層的知識領域Knowledge is nothing but Experience.知識其實就是經驗Experience is nothing but totally involving yourself (in the situations you are in).經驗就是全心全意地投入你所置身的情境


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3. By practicing more and more Meditation, we receive higher Energy.靜坐的工夫越深,我們就能接收更高層的法界能量With this higher Energy, higher involvement is achieved in every aspect, which leads to higher Knowledge. 高層的能量讓我們全方位地投入生活,帶來更高層的知識

4. Through Knowledge, we get higher Understanding and Wisdom.高層的知識帶來更深度的明白和智慧With this understanding, 有了這種智慧We understand that we are not just the body and mind.我們開始明白自己不只是身體和心靈的組合體We understand that we are miraculous beings.我們明白自己的存在是一個奇蹟We understand all the situations we come across 有了智慧,我們了知了生命的一切情境And come out of all our problems by higher understanding. 一切問題迎刃而解

5. The higher Energy and higher Knowledge expands the Consciousness. 高層的能量和知識擴展了我們的意識Expansion of the Consciousness is the very purpose of the SELF. 生命的目的就是擴展意識

6. Higher Knowledge is obtained only through higher senses like Third Eye and Astral Body高層的知識只能透過第三眼和星光體這樣的超感知才能獲得

7. Third Eye


8. The Third Eye is a very powerful tool of the soul… to 'see', to 'feel' and to ‘hear’ the higher frequency realities.第三眼是靈魂用來觀看、感覺和傾聽高頻率實相的利器These three functions of the soul are known as Third Eye.


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9. By practicing more and more Meditation, more energy flows.靜坐中可以獲得更多的能量More energy activates the Third eye更多的能量可以開啟我們的第三眼It is a great Experience for a Meditator.這是一個非常殊勝的經驗

10. At the time of activation of the Third Eye, we feel an itching sensation or pulling sensation at the fore head region.第三眼開啟的時候,前額會產生刺癢或拉扯的感覺

11. We start 'seeing' glimpses of various colors rotating around us. 我們開始瞥見各種色光在身邊迴繞旋轉

12. We 'hear' murmuring sounds- sounds of walking.也能聽見喃喃的低語聲和走路聲13. We 'feel' as if we are traveling in a pitch dark Tunnel.有一種彷彿在漆黑的隧道裡旅行的感覺

14. When the Etheric Body gets sufficient Cosmic Energy by more and more Meditation our Third Eye gets perfected. 乙太體由靜坐中獲得足夠的法界能量後,第三眼的視力越來越精純

15. Here, we perceive crystal clear visions of this plane and other planes. 我們可以清晰地看到世間和其他存在界的景象

16. In Third Eye perfection: We 'see' so many things clearer than the physical visions. 精純的第三眼讓我們擁有比肉眼更透徹的視覺

17. We 'see' other frequency realities. 我們可以看到其他頻率的實相

18. We ‘see’ the things, which are not present in the realm of five senses. 我們可以看到五官無法感知的事物


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19. We ’feel' so many things, which we cannot express with words. 我們也會有許多無法用言語表達出來的感受

20. We 'hear' inner voices, sounds or sounds of instruments from other frequencies.我們會聽到內在的聲音或其他頻率傳來的樂器聲

21. We 'see' Masters who are not there physically with us. 我們可以看見已經不在世的大師示現

22. We ‘see’ Masters in a physical form, as we know them.我們可以看見大師以我們熟悉的形體示現

23. After more Meditation, we start 'seeing' the Master like a 'Bright Light’. 靜坐的工夫深入之後,我們開始看到以明光示現的大師

24. Even by 'seeing' the Bright Light, we 'feel' the identity of the Master. 我們甚至可以在明光中認出大師的身份

25. We can 'hear' the messages from the Masters. 我們會聽到大師的給我們的訊息

25. We 'feel' like moving in a tunnel and finally merging with the light. 我們有一種在隧道中摸索後終於與光合一的感覺

26. Through Third Eye Experiences we know: 透過第三眼的體驗、透過大師的訊息 We can get answers for all our problems through 透過看到或感覺到其他頻率的實相Messages from the Masters or by 'seeing' other frequency realities or as a 'feeling'. 我們解開了所有生命的答案

27By this,透過它Our actions will change.我們有了新的選擇Our beliefs will change.我們的信念改變了


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Our Understanding will change.我們的知解改變了After this Third Eye experience, we find changes in our perception of this physical plane.   有了第三眼的經驗之後,我們對物質界的感知改變了Now let us know the other tool of the SELF i.e. Astral Body….現在讓我們來認識自性的另一個工具─星光體

28. Astral Travel


29. Astral Body is a tool of the Self to perceive other frequency realities. 星光體是自性用來感知其他頻率實相的工具


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Astral Body is one more form of our Consciousness just like our physical body. 星光體就像我們的肉體一樣,它是意識的另一個形相

30. In normal condition our Consciousness is spread through out our physical body. 在正常狀態下,意識遍佈在身體的每一個部位When we receive sufficient amount of Cosmic Energy and when we feel to perceive other frequency realities,我們接收了足夠的能量後,開始感知到其他頻率的實相Consciousness moves in the form of Astral Body.意識開始以星光體的形相活動We perceive Astral Body experiences unconsciously in our sleep, which we call DREAMS. 在睡夢中,我們無意識地感知到星光體的經驗One can perceive Astral Body experiences consciously in Meditation.在靜坐中,我們是有意識地感知到星光體的存在 31. Astral body travels beyond space and time. 星光體可以穿越時間和空間After Conscious Astral Experiences, we start perceiving new dimensions. 在意識到星光體的存在之後,我們開始感知到新的次元

32. In Meditation, after receiving abundant Cosmic Energy, the consciousness, which is spread everywhere in the body, starts moving towards a point.


33. While consciousness is moving, we experience jerks in the physical body.


34. We feel as if our body is floating.我們會有身體在飄浮的感覺

35. We don't 'feel' the hands and legs.但卻感覺不到手和腳的存在

36. We 'feel' lightness of the body like a feather.


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37. Movements may be experienced in different parts of the body 身體的不同部位可能會出現移動的感覺or some times one may experience as if the whole body is rotating.有時候甚至會有整個身體都在旋轉的感覺These are known as ASTRAL MOVEMENTS. 這就是所謂的星光移動

37. By practicing more and more Meditation, we get more Cosmic Energy. 靜坐的經驗越多,我們獲得的法界能量就越多

38. The Consciousness takes the form like an Astral Body, starts rotating very fast which causes heavy movements.意識以星光體的形相快速地旋轉,接著引發身體的移動

39. After the movements, the Astral body starts coming out of the physical body with a link called Silver Chord. 身體移動之後,星光體開始沿著一條銀帶離開身體

40. Silver Chord is nothing but a high vibrant consciousness which transfers the messages of the physical body to the Astral Body and vice versa. 肉體和星光體靠著這一條由高振幅意識組成的銀帶彼此傳遞訊息With this, we do ASTRAL TRAVEL. 星光體透過銀帶開始神遊太虛

41. Astral Travel is a travel of our Consciousness to known and unknown places and frequencies. 星光體出遊就是意識離開身體,到一些已知的和未知的地方和頻率去

42. By doing Astral Travel we get highest knowledge and understanding of the SELF. 透過星光體出遊,我們獲得了至高無上的知識和對自性的明白43. In Astral Travel, our Astral Body can pass through all physical materials, all elements like … earth, 星光體出遊的時候,可以穿越一切有形的物質,例如,土

44. water, 水


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45. fire, 火

46. wind and ether. 風和乙太四大元素

47. Astral Body can go to all other frequencies with out any limitations.星光體可以毫無阻礙地遊訪其他的頻率

48. After coming out of the body, the Meditator 'sees' his own physical body.星光體出遊的時候,靜坐者看到了自己的肉身 By this he gets a great understanding. 他獲得了卓越的洞見

He understands that he is not just the body and mind, but he stays in the body. 他明白身體只是他暫時的居所,他明白自己不只是身體和心靈而已

This is a great Understanding. 這是一次了不起的明白

49. Every one should experience Astral Travel.每一個人都應該有一次星光體出遊的經驗

By experiencing Astral Travel, our limitedness will vanish and 經歷過星光體出遊之後,我們的侷限感消失了we will understand that we are UNLIMITED.我們明白自己是無限的

50. By this experience, 有了這一番體驗We understand that we are THE CONSCIOUSNESS. 讓我們明白自己就是意識We understand that we are UNLIMITED. 明白自己是無限的We understand the NEW DIMENSIONS OF LIFE.  


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51. Nirvana涅槃 


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52. By practicing more and more Meditation,我們接收的法界能量We will receive more Cosmic Energy. 隨著靜坐的工夫而不斷地增加Cosmic Energy improves our involvement in what ever we are in. 法界能量改善了我們對當下的投入By more and more total involvement with Body-Mind-Self, 身體─心靈─自性對當下投入得越多We Understand IN-TOTAL about the situations. 我們會對情境有更透徹的明白This Understanding is nothing but KNOWLEDGE. 這一份明白就是知識

53. The common person will get only experience, but fail to perceive the Knowledge in that situation. 一般人只能由情境中獲得經驗,無法感知到情境中蘊涵的知識It is because he experiences the situation with physical understanding alone.這是因為他們只用形體來了解情境的緣故 54. But a Meditator will Understand the situation in TOTAL. 但靜坐者卻能完全地了解情境It is so because he Knows that he is not just the Body, 因為他知道自己不只是一具肉身而已He knows that he stays in the Body. 他知道他是肉身裡的居住者He understands that the situations are for his evolution. 他明白所有的情境都是為了生命的進化而發生的

55. After experiencing all meditational experiences and implementing it in our practical life, 有了這些體驗並且把體驗落實在日常生活中We will get 'great understanding'.我們獲得了生命的真知卓見

56. This Understanding opens up several thousands of doors, which gives new dimensions of perceptions in our life. 這一份真知卓見開啟了千萬道生命的妙門,揭示了感知的新次元Our understanding, our Perception and our Knowledge expands a lot. 我們的理解力、感知力和知識獲得了無限的擴展


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This leads to the expansion of our Consciousness. 接著,我們的意識隨之擴展 Which is nothing but having WISDOM. 開啟了浩瀚的智慧之海

57. We experience this state of Wisdom as a 我們稱這樣的智慧是THOUSAND PETALLED GOLDEN LOTUS. 千瓣金蓮

58. Each and every petal is a new dimension of understanding.每一瓣蓮花都代表著一個解悟的新次元

59. By perceiving more and more dimensions, 感知到的次元越多we understand more and more Knowledge of other existences. 我們就獲得越多其他存在的知識With this Understanding, we come to know that: 這一份解悟讓我們知道There is No Death and we are Eternal Beings. 生命沒有死亡,我們是永恆的存在We understand … “what is Birth?” and “what is Death?” 我們明白了何謂生?何謂死?

60. BIRTH & DEATH生與死


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61. We come to this Earth plane as a speck of Cosmic Consciousness.我們來到世間的時候,只是一粒法界意識的微塵

62. While coming from the source, we come with Etheric Body as a structure of the Self.我們的自性以乙太體的結構離開了它的源頭We come to this Earth plane to have unique experiences.我們為了經歷獨特的經驗而來到世間

63. For our experiences, we select the womb, 我們為了體驗世間的經驗而選擇投胎的子宮We select the parents, environment and situations.父母、環境和生命的情境The whole design of life is known to the Self.自性完全了知生命的整體設計

64. After selecting the mother, speck of Consciousness enters the mother’s womb. 意識微塵選擇了母親之後,開始進入母親的子宮

65. After Consciousness enters into the mother’s womb, the fetus gets life.意識進入子宮後,胎兒就有了生命

66. The physical body takes the shape according to: the Cosmic Energy in the Etheric Body and the Cause.肉體依照乙太體內的法界能量和因緣而產生了形狀

67. Consciousness will be traveling frequently to the ‘Source’ till it takes first breath.在第一次呼吸之前,意識會頻繁地回到源頭After coming out from the mother’s womb, it takes its first external breath. 胎兒離開母親的子宮後,開始了他生命中的第一次體外呼吸This is known as Birth.這就是我們所謂的誕生

68. From day one to age of seven, we will have awareness of the ‘Source’.



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69. The mind starts taking its shape from age of seven. 心靈在七歲的時候開始成形It completely forms by age of fourteen.在 14歲時成形完整

70. The Intellect starts its activation from the age of fourteen and is fully developed by the age of twenty-one.智能在 14歲時開始啟動,到 21歲時發展完成

71. From the age of twenty-one to the age of twenty-eight, one experiences the combination of body, mind and intellect.在 21歲到 28歲之間,我們經驗到了身體、心靈和智能的結合From the age of twenty eight, life depends on Self Knowledge.從 28歲開始,生命的發展完全仰賴自性的知識

72. If one does not have awareness of the Self, his Consciousness lies in between body and mind. 一個對自性沒有覺知的人,他的意識就會停滯在身體和心靈之間Because of this, misery starts. 意識的停滯是悲苦的開始He cannot understand the situations. 這樣的人不了解生命的情境Things will become more critical for him. 他的生活中充滿了危機

73. He moulds himself into concealed rigid ness. 他開始進入僵化的概念裡Rigid ness blocks the Cosmic flow.僵化封閉了法界能量的流動Due to this he suffers physical illness, stress and tensions.能量的封閉使他飽受疾病、壓力和緊張之苦

74. He passes his days with out awareness. 他在毫無覺知的狀態下虛渡一生He cannot understand the very purpose of his life.他不了解生命的目的何在


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75. He passes from childhood days to youth, then to old age and finally passes away from this Earth plane with out completing the purpose of coming to the Earth plane.


76. This… what we call Death.這就是我們所謂的死亡77. Even after death, the layer of rigid mind with wrong understanding does not allow the Consciousness to reach the ‘Source’.


78. Because of the wrong understanding, he creates his own Hell and Heaven.在錯誤的知解下,他創造了地獄和天堂 79. and stays as a lower Astral being.徘徊在一個低層的星光界裡

80. If one starts one’s life being with the Self, one will be always blissful in all given situations.活在自性中的生命,讓一個人在任何情境中都洋溢著喜福

81. Even after Death, one won’t be in the lower frequencies.One will go back to the ‘Source’.即使死後可能進入較低的頻率中,他終究還是會回歸源頭


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82. Enlightenment開悟 

83. By obtaining Higher Knowledge through Third Eye, Astral Travel, Knowledge of Birth and Death, 透過第三眼、星光體出遊和生死的知識而獲得高層的知識以後one will have perfect understanding of Body, Mind, Intellect, Self and Life force.我們就會對身體、心靈、智能、自性和生命力有了圓滿的了解

84. One understands that: Consciousness is the combination of Energy and Knowledge.了解意識是能量和知識的結合Conscious comes to this earth plane to gain more Energy and Knowledge and To CREATE.了解意識為了獲得更多的能量、知識,為了創造而來到世間85. By living all the time with this understanding, one starts getting a higher Understanding about the Existence of whole Creation. 在這一份明白中生活,我們才能對造化的存在有更深一層的了解

86. With this Understanding one will become a MIRACULOUS CREATOR.有了這一份明白,我們變成了一個奇蹟的創造者

87. Then, Whatever one speaks, it manifests! 然後,我們的一言一語都會成真

88. Whatever one thinks, it manifests! 起心動念都會化現

89. Whatever one does, it becomes a CREATION! 一舉一動無處不見創意

90. This is E N L I G H T E N M E N T. 這就是開悟


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Spiritual Reality Meditation Video, Meditation DVD, VCDs are available online.《靈性的實相》影片、 DVD與VCD版線上供應。

Spiritual Reality- Meditation Video is a clear visual explanation of MEDITATION and MEDITATIONAL EXPERIENCES with world class animations in the form of Meditation Video, DVD and VCD. 《靈性的實相》以生動清晰的 3D動畫,為你解說靜坐的技巧並揭開靜坐的奧妙。

It is for the first time the Spiritual Truths have been given a stunning visual form through cutting edge technology in Spiritual Reality Meditation Video, DVD, VCDs. 《靈性的實相》是全世界第一個以最新 3D動畫科技,透過影片、DVD和VCD的形式,解說靜坐的技巧與靜坐的奧妙。

Spiritual Reality Meditation Video, DVD, VCD explains about the means to obtain Perfect Health, Memory Power, Good Interpersonal Relationships, Happiness and Bliss. 《靈性的實相》透過影片、DVD和VCD,說明如何透過靜坐獲得完美的健康、記憶力、良好的人際關係以及和生命的喜福和快樂。

Spiritual Reality Meditation Video, DVD, VCD explains the process of Meditation and highest Meditational Experiences like Third Eye, Astral Travel, Nirvana, Knowledge of Spirit, Knowledge of Life after Life and the state of Enlightenment. 《靈性的實相》影片、DVD和VCD說明第三眼、星光體出遊、涅槃、靈性知識、往生知識和開悟狀態等靜坐的過程和靜坐的最高境界。

Spiritual Reality Meditation Video, DVD, VCD explains about COSMIC ENERGY, which is the Source of all our existence and link between every thing. Spiritual Reality Meditation Video, Meditation DVDs are available online in Meditation DVD, Meditation VCD and CD formats.《靈性的實相》影片、DVD和VCD說明聯結眾生萬物與存在源頭的法界能量。歡迎線上訂購《靈性的實相》影片、DVD和VCD。


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Spiritual Reality Meditation Video, DVD clearly explains about the way one can practice Meditation with the help of the Video, DVD. The Video, DVD visually explains with Computer Graphic Animations the process of Meditation and Meditation Experiences. With the help of the Video, DVD, one can easily practice Meditation at his own place effortlessly.《靈性的實相》透過影片、DVD和VCD,用生動的 3D模擬動畫,教導你如何以循序漸進的方式,輕鬆而毫不費力地學習和體驗靜坐的奧妙。

Spiritual Reality Meditation Video, DVD is the Knowledge Bank to know, understand the highest Meditation Experiences like Third Eye, Astral Travel, Etheric Cleansing, Life after Life, Nirvana, Enlightenment and Pyramid Power. The Meditation Video, DVD clearly explains with Computer Graphic Animations the process of activation and perfection of Third Eye, the science of Astral Travel, Energy Cleansing and many more.


Spiritual Reality Meditation Video, DVD is the outcome of decades of Spiritual Research by the Masters of SPACE.《靈性的實相》是空間公司所有靈修大師歷經數十年親身修鍊與研究的結晶。

Contents of Spiritual Reality-Journey Within

《靈性的實相 – 內在之旅》內容簡介:

Spiritual Reality-Journey Within Meditation Video, DVD, VCD is unique visual guide to know and understand the science of Meditation. You can practice Meditation with the help of this Video. 《靈性的實相 – 內在之旅》影片、DVD和VCD以生動的畫面引導你了解和明白靜坐的科學知識。讓你配合畫面的解說,輕輕鬆鬆地掌握靜坐的竅門。

Further the Video gives clear explanations about the Experiences one undergoes during Meditation.按部就班地以清楚詳細的畫面,解說靜坐者在靜坐過程中的各種體驗。

Spiritual Reality Video clearly explains in different chapters to help in knowing and understanding Meditation Experiences like Third Eye Experiences, Astral Travel Experiences, Nirvana, Life after Life Experiences


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and finally understanding the state of Enlightenment.《靈性的實相》影片以不同的章節循序漸進地讓你深入地了解第三眼、星光體出遊、涅槃、出生與死亡和開悟等最高的靜坐境界。

Spiritual Reality Video has explained about the Cosmic Energy, which is the Life Force for our existence and the ways to obtain Cosmic Energy. 《靈性的實相》影片以前所未有的方式說明法界能量的奧秘與汲取法界能量的方法。

Spiritual Reality Video has explained the Energy Body or Etheric Body, which is the structure of the Self and is the base for our existence. Energy Body is the root cause for our health and ill health. 《靈性的實相》影片為你解說能量體或乙太體與自性和存在的關係,以及為何能量體是影響人體健康和疾病的肇因。

Spiritual Reality Video also explains the means to obtain perfect physical and mental health.《靈性的實相》影片告訴你如何獲得完美身、心健康的途徑。

Spiritual Reality Video explains about the Pyramid, its structure and its power. It is Knowledge Bank for spiritual seekers.


Each and every vision, word is personally experienced by our Masters.


Spiritual Reality Video is not just a video; it is a Path to live with Bliss.


Buy online Spiritual Reality Meditation Video, DVD and VCD.

歡迎線上訂購《靈性的實相 – 內在之旅 - 揭開靜坐的眾妙之門》影片、DVD與VCD。

Spiritual Reality- journey within《靈性的實相 – 內在之旅》


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First of its kind in the world舉世無雙、絕無僅有的靈修秘笈

60 minutes of Breathtaking video on Meditation一部讓你摒息詫異如獲至寶的靜坐寶典This product is the outcome of extensive research bySpiritual Masters through Meditation靈修大師歷經多年研究的現身說法A step by step Meditation visual guide按部就班的畫面解說A video to learn and practice Meditation按照畫面解說,循序漸進地了解並實修靜坐Spiritual Reality is the answer to…Be healthy, joyful and peaceful.《靈性的實相》提供你獲得健康、喜樂和安祥的答案Be blissful at all times and situations.讓你在所有時刻和情境中喜福洋溢Achieve whatever you want讓你心想事成Become a Miraculous Creator讓你成為奇蹟的創造者

Content:目錄:Meditation靜坐Cosmic Energy法界能量Energy Body能量體Third Eye第三眼Astral Travel星光體出遊Pyramid Power金字塔的威力Nirvana涅槃


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Life after Life往生Enlightenment開悟

Concept, Research, Creation and Production; SPACE構想、研究、創意與製作:空間公司Animation: JUPITER動畫製作:木星Music: KADRI’S KEYS音樂:卡德利之鑰Voice: ASHISH VIDYARTHI旁白:阿希虛‧維雅狄