2 sken 3

 PREFACE Assalammu’alaikum wr.wb Alhamdulillah, praise and gratitude we pray to God Almighty for is  blessings and gra!e so that we !an prepare a report this tutorial dis!ussion. "his report was prepared in order to fulfill the task sub#e!ts ematoimunology . " o the le!turer who was in$ol$ed in a !ourse on this blo!k, we say thank you for all the guidan!e that has been gi$en so that it !an properly  prepare this report. %e reali&e that there are many flaws in the writing of this report, both in terms of !ontent, language, analysis, and so on. "herefore, we apologi&e for the shortage. "his is due to the still limited knowledge, insight, and our skill. 'n addition, !ri ti!ism and sug gest ion s from read ers are we e(pe!ted, to the  perfe!tion of this report and repair for all of us. opefully this report !an be useful and !an add insight for us. %assalammu’alaikum wr.wb.  )andar *ampung, +o$ember -/  Arranger 1

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Assalammualaikum wr.wbAlhamdulillah, praise and gratitude we pray to God Almighty for His blessings and grace so that we can prepare a report this tutorial discussion.This report was prepared in order to fulfill the task subjects Hematoimunology. To the lecturer who was involved in a course on this block, we say thank you for all the guidance that has been given so that it can properly prepare this report.We realize that there are many flaws in the writing of this report, both in terms of content, language, analysis, and so on. Therefore, we apologize for the shortage. This is due to the still limited knowledge, insight, and our skill. In addition, criticism and suggestions from readers are we expected, to the perfection of this report and repair for all of us. Hopefully this report can be useful and can add insight for us.

Wassalammualaikum wr.wb.

Bandar Lampung, November 2013



Preface ...................................................................................................

Content........................................................... ......................................

Scenario ..............................................................................................

Step 1..................................................................................................

Step 2..................................................................................................

Step 3..................................................................................................

Step 4..................................................................................................

Step 5.................................................................................................

Step 6.................................................................................................

Step 7.................................................................................................

Bibliography ..................................................................................



Pipisnya Merah

Pasien, anak laki-laki, berusia 9 tahun dibawa oleh ibunya dengan keluhan buang air kecil lebih sedikit dari pada biasanya, dan berwarna merah, seperti air cucian daging. Selain itu ibu pasien juga mengeluhkan adanya bengkak pada kelopak mata anaknya. Ibu pasien menceritakan 2 minggu yang lalu, anak mengalami sakit batuk, pilek dan demam.Dari pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan tekanan darah 130/100 mmHg, didapat kan edema palpebra. Dari hasil pemeriksaan urine didapatkan oligouria, hematur dan proteinuria (+). Pemeriksaan laboratorium darah didapatkan konsentrasi natrium rendah.