2006 prl 4e phy 5152 p1 qns

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  • 8/13/2019 2006 PRL 4E PHY 5152 P1 Qns


    [Turn overSciPhysics: Mr David OonSciChemistry: Mr Jason Tan

    1 A quantity of water is poured into a measuring cylinder. A small stone is then addedcarefully. The two diagrams show the water levels and the measuring cylinder scales.

    What are the correct values for the volumes of the stone and water before adding thestone?

    Volume of stone / cm3 Volume of water / cm3

    A 22.0 32.

    B !. 32.

    C 2!.0 3.0

    D ".0 3.0

    2 Alice wants to calculate the density of a type of wood. #he measured the mass andvolume of different si$ed samples of the wood. Which graph shows her results?

    3 Which quantity is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of a force by the distancemoved along the direction of the force?

    A Acceleration C %ressureB &oments D Wor'

    4 The diagram below shows a smooth curved bowl placed on top of a short table. A ballis released at point A. At which point does the ball have the ma(imum 'inetic energyand some gravitational potential energy?















    floor table





  • 8/13/2019 2006 PRL 4E PHY 5152 P1 Qns


    [Turn overSciPhysics: Mr David OonSciChemistry: Mr Jason Tan

    5 An apartment bloc' receives water from a nearby reservoir. A pump is necessary to liftthe water into a storage tan' at the top of the building. ow much e(tra energy mustthe pump supply to each one 'ilogram of water/ in order to lift it into the tan'?gravitational field strength is )0 1*'g

    A )00 C 00 B !00 D +00

    6 4n solids/ thermal energy is transferred by conduction. What is the cause ofconduction?

    A 5ensity changes C 4nfra6red radiationB 7(pansion D &olecular vibrations

    7 The diagram shows a simple form of solar water heater. Which coiled tubing wouldgive the hottest water from the outlet?

    A ,opper/ painted blac' C %lastic/ painted blac'B ,opper/ painted silver D %lastic/ painted white

    8 A small cor' is attached to a metal plate with wa(. An electric heater is placed close tothe plate. After some time/ the wa( melts and the cor' drops off. ow does heat reachthe cor'?

    A 8y conduction only.B 8y conduction and convection.C 8y conduction and radiation.



  • 8/13/2019 2006 PRL 4E PHY 5152 P1 Qns


    [Turn overSciPhysics: Mr David OonSciChemistry: Mr Jason Tan

    D 8y convection and radiation. 8ec'y investigates changes that may ta'e place as sulphur solidifies. Which of the

    following correctly describes these changes?

    A A transfer of energy and a change in temperature.B A transfer of energy but no change in temperature.

    C 1o transfer of energy and no change in temperature.D 1o transfer of energy but a change in temperature.

    1! 4n which list could each property be used in the measurement of temperature?

    A 9as pressure :iquid volume &assB 9as pressure :iquid volume ;esistanceC Weight 9as pressure &assD Weight :iquid volume ;esistance

    11 -ne end of a spring is moved bac'wards and forwards to produce a model of a wave.

    What is this type of wave called/ and what is a good e(ample of it?

    T"#e of wave $%am#le

    A longitudinal radio waveB longitudinal sound waveC transverse radio waveD transverse sound wave

    12 The bottom surface of a thic' glass bloc' is painted silver to act as a mirror. Whichdiagram could represent the path of a red light ray which enters the glass bloc'through the top surface.

    A B C D

    13 What is a property of all electromagnetic waves?

    A They are deflected by magnets.B They are positively charged.C They can travel through a vacuum.

    D They travel at the speed of 3.3 ( )02




  • 8/13/2019 2006 PRL 4E PHY 5152 P1 Qns


    [Turn overSciPhysics: Mr David OonSciChemistry: Mr Jason Tan

    14 ow does an ebonite rod become negatively charged when it is rubbed with a duster?

    A The duster gains protons.B The duster loses electrons.C The rod gains protons.

    D The rod loses protons.

    15 The resistance of a length of wire is ; . What is the resistance of a wire of the same

    material and length/ but with half the cross sectional area?

    A ;*! C ;

    B ;*2 D 2;

    16 The diagram below shows a circuit with ! resistors connected to one dry cell. Thepotential difference across each resistors is A 7 = B 7 =

    17 An electric 'ettle is connected to the electrical mains by 3 core wires. When the 'ettleis wor'ing correctly/ which wires carry the same current?

    A The live and the earth.B The live/ neutral and the earth.C The neutral and the earth.D The neutral and the live.

    18 Which of the following proves that a piece of metal is already a magnet?

    A 8oth ends of a strong magnet is attracted to it.B 8oth ends of a compass needle are attracted to it.C -ne end of a compass needle is repelled by it.D -ne end of a copper wire is repelled by it.

    1 The core of a transformer is made of iron because iron is

    A a good electrical conductor.B cheaper than copper.C easily magneti$ed and demagneti$ed.



    8/13/2019 2006 PRL 4E PHY 5152 P1 Qns


    [Turn overSciPhysics: Mr David OonSciChemistry: Mr Jason Tan

    D ma'es a good permanent magnet.2! The diagram below shows a simple e(periment to investigate the type of radiation that

    is emitted by a radioactive source. Three materialsa piece of paper/ a piece ofaluminium and lead are placed in turn between the source and detector.

    Which case below would be the most li'ely result of the e(periment that proves thatonly alpha and gamma particles are emitted?

    Counts measure& on counter

    1o material %aper Aluminium :eadA +!00 3+00 )200 2

    B +00 3200 3200 2@

    C +300 +300 +300 3

    D +"00 +"00 200 2

    21 A manufacturer accidentally dropped some tiny industrial diamonds intocopper 44 o(ide powder.

    Which steps could be used to recover the diamonds from the mi(ture ?

    ste#1 ste# 2 ste# 3

    A sha'e with dilute acid filter evaporate the filtrateto dryness

    B sha'e with dilute acid filter save the residue andwash it with water

    C sha'e with water filter evaporate the filtrateto dryness

    D sha'e with water filter save the residue andwash it with water




    Test material

    placed here

  • 8/13/2019 2006 PRL 4E PHY 5152 P1 Qns


    [Turn overSciPhysics: Mr David OonSciChemistry: Mr Jason Tan

    22 4n which conversion do 2- molecules lose 'inetic energy ?

    A ice steam B ice water

    C steam ice D water steam

    23 An atom of element 'has )" protons and 20 neutrons in its nucleus.

    Which symbol is correct for the ion of '?

    A 20 '> B 3" '


    C 20 '6 D 3" '6

    24 The formula of china clay was given in an old boo' as Al2-32#i-222-.

    This formula is shown in a modern boo' as Al2-x#i2-y.

    What are the value ofxand yin the modern formula ?

    % "

    A 2 !

    B 2

    C ! 3

    D !

    25 7lement (has the electronic structure 2..).

    7lement)has the electronic structure 2..+.

    The compound formed between (and)will probably

    A conduct electricity when molten.

    B e(ists as a gas at room temperature.

    C have a low boiling point.

    D not conduct electricity when dissolved in water.



    )" )"

    )" )"

  • 8/13/2019 2006 PRL 4E PHY 5152 P1 Qns


    [Turn overSciPhysics: Mr David OonSciChemistry: Mr Jason Tan

    26 Ammonia gas decomposed according to the equation below.

    213g 12g > 32g

    What is the total volume of gases produced when 3 moles of ammonia weredecomposed ?

    A ! dm3 B @2 dm3

    C "+ dm3 D )!! dm3

    27 Which of the following describes reduction ?A gain of electrons B gain of o(ygen

    C increase in o(idation state D loss of hydrogen

    28 ,alcium carbonate was added to an e(cess of dilute hydrochloric acid at 20 ,.The e(periment was repeated at !0 , with the same amount of calciumcarbonate. The volume of carbon dio(ide produced was measured at regularinterval.

    Which diagram shows the result obtained ?


    A B C D

  • 8/13/2019 2006 PRL 4E PHY 5152 P1 Qns


    [Turn overSciPhysics: Mr David OonSciChemistry: Mr Jason Tan

    2 The diagram shows an e(periment to test the o(ide produced by burningmagnesium.

    What would be the colour of the solution when universal indicator was added ?

    A green B red

    C violet D yellow

    3! Which of the following describes a step in the preparation of insoluble barium

    sulphate from aqueous barium nitrate and aqueous sodium sulphate ?

    A Add a few drops of phenolphthalein.

    B ,ollect the precipitate of barium sulphate by filtration.

    C 7vaporate the filtrate until it crystallises.

    D &easure a fi(ed volume of aqueous barium chloride with a pipette.

    31 %art of the %eriodic Table is shown below. The letters are notthe actual symbolof the elements.

    Which statement is correct ?

    A *has more metallic character than V.

    B (and +both form ions with a charge of )>.

    C )is more reactive than V.

    D ) has a lower melting point than V.



  • 8/13/2019 2006 PRL 4E PHY 5152 P1 Qns


    [Turn overSciPhysics: Mr David OonSciChemistry: Mr Jason Tan

    32 Bluorine is a halogen. The table shows some of the properties of otherhalogens.

    element Mrmelt,n-

    #o,nt/ .C


    #o,nt/ .C

    colour of


    chlorine @) 6)0) 63 yellow

    bromine )+0 6@ >" brown

    iodine 2! >))! >)! violet

    Which statement about fluorine is li'ely to be correct ?

    A Bluorine e(ists as a blac' solid at r.t.p.

    B The Mrof fluorine is )".

    C The boiling point of fluorine is 6) ,.

    D The melting point of fluorine is >220 ,.

    33 An e(periment is carried out to find out the order of reactivity of some metals.Three metals are placed in solutions containing aqueous metal ions.

    The results are shown.

    What is the order of reactivity most reactive first ?

    A Be/ Cn/ Al/ &g B &g/ Al/ Be/ Cn

    C &g/ Al/ Cn/ Be D Cn/ Be/ &g/ Al



  • 8/13/2019 2006 PRL 4E PHY 5152 P1 Qns


    [Turn overSciPhysics: Mr David OonSciChemistry: Mr Jason Tan

    34 &ethods used to stop iron from rusting include

    coating with tin

    coating with $inc

    attachment of magnesium rods.

    Which metal is most often used to protect iron in food containers/ undergroundpipes and roofing sheets ?

    foo& conta,ners un&er-roun& #,#es roof,n- s0eets

    A magnesium tin $inc

    B tin $inc magnesium

    C tin magnesium $inc

    D $inc magnesium tin

    35 An 0 cm3sample of air was passed over heated iron in a tube until there was nofurther decrease in volume.

    When the apparatus were cooled to the original temperature/ what would be thevolume of gas that remained ?

    A )+ cm3 B 20 cm3

    C +! cm3 D 0 cm3

    36 4n the fractional distillation of crude oil/ which product has the highest boilingpoint ?

    A bitumen B lubricating oil

    C 'erosene D petrol



  • 8/13/2019 2006 PRL 4E PHY 5152 P1 Qns


    [Turn overSciPhysics: Mr David OonSciChemistry: Mr Jason Tan

    37 The diagram shows how useful products can be obtained by crac'ing long chainhydrocarbons.

    Which two substances could be (and)?

    ( )

    A ethanol propane

    B hydrogen ethene

    C propane ethane

    D steam ethene

    38 Which of the following is the formula of an al'ene ?

    A ,! B ,2+

    C ,3 D ,!

    3 Which structure shows a compound that reacts with ethanol to form a sweet6smelling liquid ?

    A B

    C D



  • 8/13/2019 2006 PRL 4E PHY 5152 P1 Qns


    [Turn overSciPhysics: Mr David OonSciChemistry: Mr Jason Tan

    4! Which structure represent the structure of Terylene?





    $D A$

