· 2014-12-12 · f ---------- —...

f --------- - ----------------- , : ^ N0; olidLine )f N o n - E I'o G K T r( irRANCISCO, S e p t 7 (/P>—Indoncaia toJipancso pcace treaty, thereby dei ^c« of blocking * solid lineup of no ^ 0 San Francisco confercnce. fdecWon taken by the govemment In infjrencehinnnicd w ith Bpeculatlon tha ^Kj^gjoniyko and hia communist cohorti ths treaty is sifirnqd. /■ » « believed he might act after Po jite today or wait until -------------------- ^RjSBj^probSiy^Satur- I G r ^ d Reces |b 'A ‘ssr„s;.r^ F o ri K Sw « inick to wreck their * VA * K o i a rout« to tbe meeUof. boub. SepL T«keK«CiiM>eei Knmd Jmy In' V B v f t a i t f Otf ehmeea. heavU^ w sroreraflsent ^'■rfmrrroeYe or the Russian Idtho h u rec< r i^ ^ O ra s y ito ’a-convoy-PMMd »ft«r—MtumJng ’/KCiTKtal m nt truck on tbs kffunst ta tmd Kilicaar«n«elhlsnjonilnf. pmon*. . ^fcsldeliytd by the truck ^'tai ° uiT.idw Ahmtd Sot- penons. tnd ntz «ldressed th# hold tmtU they ^ ■ L T w ^ h e htd recelred . Myron e^cndj from Jtktrt* ^.,rtport«l to Q^CB»lEJao*llon minister of A ^ l r t Itto y *^^KnnfflcS tticre tnnoimced ^ ^ot eoi ■^■vSiatt BKttaK thtt the de- . Judge CUrk eo ^luU aiteB K tlns had been thtt wh( ^ I h Vur«v type b u n ^ ■ • ^ n f d r o Secretary Ctr- P.““ >e will be s< ^■ISdj-fleclsrea-tho-tritty 6l«n -trar mtl ^■cidtTUiii United Stat» tnd IK fia short in certain re- HanvL _ thea U hts beo r,f fh . »un>lus disposal ^ 2^ .*?* Conner eut« . JM tttptoa iateresU aod thi Harold Boyd. tM Mt M ; met thtlr de- : « b t b l i reptet. Romuto tald a^ tL *MTm]7 rwfrlcted'I BoydMomoT'O LV UMtreity. Barfe Call. Rtsby. ^Hamousiy addnMSK nlin« q«. Bord^ <tt£at & teS r» f f i W l M cwM-aw w nw _________ 1 other wltaesses. ids Air New Notes, Peace Goal StiU ] Sept. 7 W>-New w m - nfty out of nhinM tettrsnrJM-loaay In the wesi or Chorwoa. Jiaffldron of wtated words Nations Uno br«( d l*K# la Korea u rcmot« communist or/ens i'H s'an ..».M ttd, S 'u S 'S E " ' f Indicts P air ^ o n g Probe -cSS S .;'', “ OOT, Sept. 7'aLftl~An “completely unsat “ nuainB four counu of Ono noU bnishi J r prcMnilng fraudulent slstence that no al ’Welly of Blackfoot was * Jnsldo th# J» «ie Blnsham county ame the night of ^ * ^ 1 city Councllmaa Allied troops dn Iste yesterday. munUts off two I: another 3teaHm_lnmt_wl “^^Sied, naming R. A. encircled two Uni * wjlflcisman. on charges posts. Both surrou f *M of offering fraudulent tnt. Ono counte erldcnee. CraJg. In- dlately. ik " " “ BO•’y samo A fronl*1lne dlsp !r.* « arrested on the companies of reds V.ti ^ connection without firing a sh Muierjr of gravel to the bluted them wlU , artillery. Thc rei aotUmut^oUo It WU called by “ ven miles norl I^itcher aa parallel, « « Uie caie of the stato Farther north I) * ^ 5 A. Crnlg___________ jron-a-secondJiUl. «';Med under |Mp of close Infighting ^ e t tour counls. Crelg, -------------- B« ... f ' MAUlA MO! — ------------------- parently from dro* oK»11 O ^0“ ^UaU nP.flVAfi U io bath by her Blj n . nejy.calleda docfc = i F a r m e i 103 0 0 1 - 7 15 1 b o il r r f ' Wl Oltt-3 10 3 “•C, Burkont, ConsolldaUon of 'ii* 11 ^ «no U. BUM j | '“ -"»i‘fi!h. Chicsgo agriculture agency “-jilBht snmes. ling It through se' *^6 rKommendatli U q LEAGUE committee member' -::~-.W Ooo miew of work RecommendftUonj ^.™i»deiphla. Cleveland night a Chlcaso aro called by heads. Committees. TalkT 'S -------- marketing aa OW . serTlce.-farmer U ita l«Uon. sou conserv. ■'>»*kdD?.n r‘ ? *’®»ched a H*® B '''’rvtiiM follow, studying the 137-1 n demand *«nHy farm policy I PreoUcr Mo- *>y th e .p S D A . Ucnbcn ot tiu i m v Me. ot 'In , tdin-, ------------ "~mr 0w libor* r Lto- --------- -------------------------- Newspaper inPiiT> 1-Reds Treaty H h—Indonesia decided today to thvcby destroying Kussia'a lineup of non-communist na- 'emment In Jakarta camo as culation that Soviet Delegnto mist cohorts would walk out et after Poland's scheduled G ^rw d jiu 'o rs Recess Work For 2 Months BOUE. Sept. 7 UV-A federal rand Jm r Investigating disposal ’ gorenuseat surpiui property In . w B nf laho h u recessed until Nov. 8 1 — f t«r—r«turslng~lwo—Indtetnests ralnst ta undlscliMed number of ■ arsons. . Tb# U. S. marshal's office h u It anvstcd any of tbs Indicted arsons, and names are being with- i!d untU they are In custody. Myron Sfrendsen, foreman of ths 17. reported to U. 8. Judgs Chase Clark lale yesterday the grand ry h u not completed Its work. Judge Clark commented. “1 have a ellng that when a grand Jury of 'Ur type b u flnlsted Its work, the Ibllc will be satisfied that it h u « n e ru j matter full- con»ldns=- Delon* Kobntop The grand Jury convened Aug. J7 id during U«.flr8t two da^ djs- j ,w " ?*„ j," s«rsrm laor feaeral casM. Since /j— rAanmtii ea It h u been lavesOgaUag the rplus disposal transactions of * * iser etat« Purchasing Agent ... S m iijn w ly two weeks ol leiU- \j c lllC V my,.tb#. 33-member Jury <iulaed ' iyd;_joimor-ao»,-0.-A. Robins: ------------r ------------ rfe Call, Rtgby. former stats sen- I /%- m ^ Jero S£°i n?m iim lv i J erome . Scp ^MdtaUyHM^SS|nmi:.ct bcIvcs. ThsJero: i^^^PiPlW B^pwtm * formancc df'the Saturday will iUgttlon a ^ ta , aad numerous D istrict 4-H and ier wltaesses. onatratlon contcg foteSjbut jlivestock sale wii: Still Remote awards assembly . Grottnda Ja r.oui.oLOblnesertiltrapsnorth- —lhe -falrgrounda- :t or Chorwoa. “n ie main United with specutora Trldt ions Uno braced for an expected judging In both cour ununlst offensive. fair events contlnuec he new rtd notes rejected the <S“y a'«n>oon Chief rst allied denials of responsibility y«f* A neutrality une violations at dance ssoDg. Korea. Tljere w u no red Th« horso show, a n wer to Gen. Matthew B. Ridg- In county fair, -s Insistence on selection of a aftemooa. Jo ' truce site ^ charge. «. Chw. nd,. b,..a. ; ths two nsi? messages from _jfi“ n„„v tb-gofaan-Heut.- Oe». Ham 11; in wr« :or red delegate, to Vice Adm. , t r Joy, w n. N. n«.U.»r. S i S "! Oth notes rejected ;oy’s three district fair also was i lals Tuesday of red charges as momlng. There ^ npletely unsatlsfacKiry.” m the dairy dlvUlon QB note brushed uld# Joy s In- t>c«f !nce that no allied plane dropped Uveatock A' In the couatyfalr tl Illed troops drove Chinese com- ^aTn^the UvestoS lUta off two hUls todny on the f?!" «m_lnml_iflierc_rcds-,catiler rcled two United NaUons out- ? ? s. Both surrounded units rouuht . One counter-attacked tmme- ^ jjy_ the high Individual i fro'nt-llne dispatch reported two .(C«tiHnitd «n P u t : panics of reds fled from a hill j . lOUt firing a shot after the allies 1^ai*Tnif 1 ted them with t*nk and fleld re rilU l J lery. Thc recaptured knoll Is lluntlnB permit 11; liwejt_,ol_2fonchoa._whlch_li _toriay^ Tlmea-Hwa. n miles nortb of the 39th Sublett dlvlalon, J Jlel, tlonal forest deer hi Jther north U. Infantiymen Black Pine dlvlslc a srrnnfl hill after thrrw-hwirs -natloaat-forut-deat lose Infighting. • • • 3. ---------------------------- South fork of I MAttlA MONTEZ DKS _ game prese^e ell^ S B , S p l' 7 (j P ho ® M to hS" la -Montea died here today, ap- , ntly from drowning In her bath- She was found-unconjclmis in ff"® preserve dcci oath by her sister, who ImmedU called a doctor aad flrcmen. - ^ armers Recommend SoilJConsersation . nsolldatlon of soll conservatlon heads o: under one U. S. department ef and the agents preside ulture agency Instead of hand- ings, Very few change It through several was one of ent agcncy setups wer rKommendatlons made by a ed and most endorsei nlttee member' after studying a programs, w of work of the varlouB Purpose of the repoi :les. .. tain a consensus fron w er. heud “""'“'‘'i; orest service gave reports after Ing the 137-page booklet on tm _ rnnnu I : SSS*-” ”' " " ''’ > president. According U QXbtn fit tiu BCEuaiHM v * n meiobers t 1 Newspaper Serving O ^ ................. ■?* TWIN falls ; Grand Champion £ i\ [|||M elom Kobniopfi, 22-ycar-old danitater ot Mr. and Hr* on at tbe Jeroaa cotioly fair for fitting and abowlng Is Doe she ssed In the cootest. Counly Agent Vlrfil Cross fi ■at^faf-t-H-elBtnncHiber-hM-won-the awanl. Pslnrtrl sme CooperaUre Creamery photth^sUff eogntrlnf) * * * * * alley Fair Season Jerom e to U sher' iROME, Sept, 7—Ral)id fairgoers in Magic V 8. The. Jerome county and district 4-H fairs i ancc df 'the roHco Saturday evening. turday will bc crammed with district fair eve ation contcats will start i l:30p.m,thcRHiiua\iat. SpOlIillg ;ock sale will be held and tT hat iitUe pos^buii p,m., the 4-H club girls "i^S.erTU'S'e w “e^ ds assembly will bo held. -But don't let it won; Grottnda Jammed much. It still wlU be « -falrgrounda-wera-Jammed. -. Ilic .old gent souade pecutora Prlday afternoon u tlmlstle to the AP repci g In both county and district read this forecast for /cnta continued. And on Prl- five days: temoon Chief Pat, who Is 71 "IJght rnlns during I old. and hU Apache todlans. end; temperatures ab 1 a sun dance demonstration, mal." orse show, a new department fProbably). . county fair, also wu hell l_ ._ ,, - aftemooa. John Masey wu i n Sor « u,. d^.. USDA Foreca 80.000.000 -i 1 charge. Mrs. Haakom Tom- Tn W h a o f 11 ivln Palla. was the announcer. JLll T T ilc a lU g of dairy and beef In the WASHINaTON. Sept. : fair also waa under way Prl- agriculture department smlng. There were M entries recent reporta Indicate fs dairy dlvUlon and 33 In the plant SO.000,000 acres to ' year. Livestock Awards This would be about 1 le couaty»falr the ftixon Stock more thM the goal of » 4-H club waa awarded first acres set by Secretary of. n tho livestock Judging con- Brannan and would c ^ :t»e U vely Uveatockers «ua 78.507.000 acrea seeded to ’-ffrid'iWTHEscTnSiflrciir iheio3t crop, les. third. .Elaine Houston, “W ith prices to be-supj was awarded first prlM as talnlmum of tt.n per b' Jh Individual scorer. This is department aUd. “fanntn « P... U m U I) to produce enough wheat I meet domestic and expoi _ »j r • J ments In 1953-53 and pro< rP rfnil I.T.CtrS increase In the carryov r Cl lllll ^ laia markeung yea Itlng permit lU^ c^led in ^ minimum support pri :s-IlmcM-Htai-todiid8.------ -tilready-«V-for-Ui*-lC43- ilett dlvlalon, Minidoka ns- of the mId-Ji I forest deer hunt. i»Ke 5, p^lce. If the parity prld ck Pine dlvl-ilon. Minidoka ,,y beginning o aal-for«t-dear-bu»t,-P*«c- .... .. 1— WlU bo Increased'ta 80 p Ith fork of PayetU rlrtr _„ji prese^e elk hunt, pase e. J---------------- t Ehrcfc, OnTScTcaiihirdW PROSECUTOR APPO: page 0. , BOISE, Sept, 7 «>-! Ith fork of Payette .Jlver gtoeve. Boise, was appoint preserve deer hunt. p*se ^Mlstant to tho U. S. attot to prosecute office cf prl [lend Consolidation o tion Agencies^of^US ed.hy he.d. 01Iho.t.od" ?.i p S 'P lis S s i lc of the reports was .to ob- thorough InvcsUgaUon. d™p“ *ro«i UM^anMc^r'"* necommendations are U /4on\tt^nding the meeting mitted W ^^XW ute ■d the belief that time al- Daigh. county agent, siaie , nLVmpnt wu too deratood. the reports are t/ ' r i?Jd ^bv "^^eim CPPliStf. Ing e^re^, o) L to ilie'bureau's govemment program S. ^ ^ ****" M d MU oon IVIN FALLS/IDAHO, FRIDAY, SEI^M B E r ' mpion at Jerome Fair R I * 'S ii Lu V ot Mr. and Mrs. Balpb Kabnlopp, won (he ran d ebampli ( and abowlng Is the beef dMslon. The mntaBat wlUi ber 1 nt Vlrfil Croia fald tbU b the flnt time la tbe history of U iwsnirT>el6rirlriTBeBber^rtl$rsii*trTl{yT5rerni f eogniTlnl) , * "* •■-* * * * .,* eason Nears End; feher Out Dual Eve rs in Magic Valley have one more day to enjoy' ict 4-H fairs at Jeroma will close with the.iifia ™«ng. 'T ifltrict fair events from earlymoming to late after Spoiling^ Nominations a t lltUo' possibility of light - - ----- .rur. Details-Giv< don't Jet ll wony you too rwi w-i wt . it sUIl wia be warm.” f-n T If V , .old gent souaded.too op- _____.A .s.JL .t— TJ ProspecUvo candidates fc *ls_ forecast for the next vaeoncies to bo fUled < hiv?^todr"‘SlOM“: temperatures aboul nor- ^ands of tho city clerk by . .. . Sept. 27. Kcordlnf to City Al '‘>“bly). jiobcrt N..W. SallcIseQ. . The necessary petition font >A Forecasts may be bitfl'ra 000.000; Acres > W heaiin W 52 ^ commission ire depa^ent ^ today gtead of five. The terms of eporta Indicate farmers may yejjon ^nd Arnold Cross e .000.000 acrcs to wheat next u,ls year. I H il b e^^ . . , ,. . elect four eommisslonera at tl vould be about cmt ei„uon Oct. 9. Cross and ! lan the goal of 7B.8M.00# mny seek reelecUon If they ; by Secretary Of Agriculture Se 1 and would c^pare with elected at large and voten 1 acrea seeded to wheat for choo«!.Rny.,to^r_cuidldatca_ "CTop: ~~ . Palls' continues to haw three prices to be-supported at a <je5piie ita in-'irm fl In dodu n of tt.n per bushel.- the and lU p«moU^a“ tot*^ tnt aUd. “farmers aro likely as of Jan 1 ce Mough wheat in 1053 to Regutnluon of voters b mesUc and export require. Thursday, but little Intcres: 1953-53 and provide for an ahown. Registration continues in 0,0 catryover at the office o f ^ e city clerk unUl I ton ®- «o«rtstraUon hours are i?t for Ui?^ 1C53 OTP ” M I ^luWu'^ * . of the mId-July parity ' *' ^ the parity price has ad- « w w w w SIT iicat JulylrthfBupport Ujood-Citizens— Why Not Whe iEcuTOR AproiNTm T " * Y oii^rG Eliffibli iu?V.pl3;S1S=.5 to thc U. s. attorney today ruoreciiiciu only." (“Today," she' should h ition of loSr^IitTM^sMw liSl^tmaUe A TTrtTV A “ ‘ke up hU mind. After tll a°o 5 uUon*as jM t' aTweU oIt, n' ,d ^ c re *as a U«oUon u ^ ^rcommltleS ;T O a“ ‘l. » ri3;o\?rBS^.S“ut^' InvcsUgaUon. OppUger brightened. What shs si lew was dUtrlbuted about ^ l j h t ? * ' ^ ‘Mld e “ “BO- . . Bhatlcally. "Ill do It" ' h"v s « lib C*w‘ reaching out, Ooorge A Boise by Sept. IB. 0. W. ^ nmcs-News reporter, plc unty agent, stal^ he u ^ cd ^ a pencU and became t he reports are “ ^ jir,t and only voter tojegls' re ta ^ of agrtculture whm y Morrison, depi a before house and senati on , Thursday, 1 B . opening d ay of registration of the 31 farmen altena- commissioner elect ased-'.support. of various w e e.ry .commissjoner u programs Includmg "• >ort in d mU oQMOwtloa. ' -■ ' Nine Irrljated Mat SEPTEMBEE 7, 1061 ' . »- Fair flU Plan HB Tra . :. f Twin Falls Safety Coun I \-i- nouncemcnt of plans to sp - A- “public’s responsibility.” In addition, the council k v ^rding safety engineerir motorists of harvest se traffic dangers. The councll-ftlao-underl tho organization of a stuc driving safety program. EfforU to ConUnae Pillowing lengthy discussioi aafety education, enforcement engineering., the council vote h o ld uwUicr VftUey-wSde confe: continuing Its efforta to reduci alaughter on Maglo Valley high' Previously letters had been out to various persons In I Valley who played aa - Impo p a rt In Iasi year's campaign an plies were favorable for a se C^mraltleesien Bpeedlng up action for an < meeting, most ot last year's ( m lttee membera were reappol Including Chairman Frank Brig Memben and the groups thay Help ContlnueE Cooperation from the public Uie Magle Valley trafflo safi campaign conUnued u a cltl] reported to Twin Pails offlc -thttt-a-largo-yeUow-BniTel'tn I (he graad ebamplonsblp with EX Ucense plates dn > mntmat wlUi ber here U tbrough a stop sign at Third ai I la tbe blstory cf the ialr nue east and Second street » faJ‘- C l t y T a r ' ^ < - H club.” 'al'BiSO p. m. Th-uriday: The’d sen said the truck. Identlfl * * ft ' later u a elty vehicle,-wu pu * lag a spreader, *f7^ J Another ciUiea reported l i ,'n l l * group e{ am y tracks w u bd * JL ilL lia drlvea-eztremely fu t and ia -. .......................... reckleaamannerbetweeaJem al Event M .s “r S ^ ,• . 'drlver who reported them K :e day to enjoy them- the Tioutor. te with the_iipaLper^. I,— - ,, i ' * ' ' resent ars Uoyd, pmseeu ning to late aftemi>0n. attorneys; Jesse CWlton, after llultitL 4-H”gula ueiii- Hamilton. Judges: Ray Persoi ims wimpa^M; Pr, .1, W^-Ci - • eouaty coroners; R. 8. Tofflen lIT IfltlA T IA newspaper publishers; Jack Pai l^ a il^ U S . . radlQ-Suoni:..Bm«t-Ragl a. •1 /S school admlnlstratcrs; O. W. Lli r f l l l fi I t 1V611— mooiL. safety_ councils,-and_; V * w v-A* Bulbert. truck companies, rp T? ir_ i Tackling spedal aafety probli I r . f . Y O t6 tbe .councU InsUtuted a publ ' campiUw-Urwarri'molbrtBta--or tlve candidates for. the added dangers on county tod s ncies to be fUled on the roada because of trucks and t city commissioners Jan. l tors hauUng ths faU harvest e thdr petitions In the market the dty clerk by 0 pjn. Recommendatlona for addltlc iccordln? to City Attorney <CMU«srf «mPis* x. c*iaiu i) ,W . SallcIseQ. -------------------------------------------- M a n Uprisihg led any day betweea Mon- rt ll t\ i JjB deadline. Porty aigna- S cate CallS 0U< qualified volera .are re- wt . I . ,.«,.no.u..Lon.i».r. UlahPaltohiiei >0. Twin Palls Is required --------------------------------------------- ven dty commissioners In- BLANDINO. Utah, Sept. 7 (JP five. The terms of A. P. a traditional m^aa celebrai sd Arnold Cross expired tum ed Into a brawl a t remote Bl so it WlU be necessary to Utah, early today u the rede oommlssloneia at the dty tossed two pcace offlwrs out >ct. 9. Cross and Nelson their camp. rcdecUon if they desire. This brought, down, the wl mmlsslonen are to -bo man'a wrath and state and cou . large and voters may poUee sped over the twisted, gra y., to^r_caiidldatca_Twlii i>wnrity ^t^i* inues to have three wards outpost to restore order, s Increase In population Stat« Highway Trooper Me omotloa- to first class dty Brown. Moab, called for help a 1. the chanting, exdted Indians chs lion of voters b e g a n him and a feUow officer otf but lilUe Interest w u reservation. {istration continues at the Brown said he asd Sheriff T. ho dty clerk until 9 pjn, Harvey, Saa Juan county, had g ittstraUon hours are from to tbe Indian camp to cheek I il 5 pjn. until Oct d. also repqrta of dnmkenneas. i, ' i, « ' winding up a three-day squaw d t wero rowdy and out of control. -Citizens----- ^ 5V i a -»..»'.i-ii; ' Not When I officers were the ace - •— T ti* - *1:1—O ' —-In Salt-lAks Olty, Oov. J. Brae) rre JC illiriO le / «Ud h# had beea informed hA addlUonal help waa needed. 1 -owtri Indians apparently stayed at Bli iust across the Ban Juan river fn lied their reservaUon. and havs quiel > -dpyp^ the governor indleated, she* should have State Roads] hU mind. After all, it /% jj j , ________^enw BOISB. Bept 7 (i R-U ss sU It u well do It, now, highway board h u ordered a Ionj Ing ta do It jometoe. „,ng, program for oonstruWon < md tt might Just as n j» office space, shop* and wart >w.“ , housea In Bdse and recommend* med so confident, soi designaUonof arouteforU.ablgh IS right. - ' way 38 across central Idaho, itened. What Ohs said. su to Highway.Eagteeer larU \ auftorlMd to pro right, he said em- ceed with plans for reorganising th -ni do It department and aettlng up a pro :hlng out O w e Ab- gram to encourage young englneei s-News reporter, pick- i- ^ In Uxe sUto high «ncll and became the department ^ only voter to jeglsto -------MlHer-sald ths building construc Pay Morrison, deputy tlon program wUl bs projected ovi . o n , Thursday, Ihc a six-to ^bt-sear period wltB ere UonofawS'ilh^Kreho^li^ commissioner elecUon the. number one .priority. The d partmcnt'S' slga ahop burned -dm ■ .III !■ IM ■ I iJ test wlottr. 1 ' . ne Irrigated Idaho Countics Hoik«T et Ag^il I m a •( Clr«aUUam *i-«UUd Prm ia« Oalud PViM J TT T J * r ^lans for Rt Traffic Coi ''alls Safety Council activities went Into high ge snt of plans to sponsor a second valley-wide safet responsibility.’' ition. the council drafted recommendations to ^ safety engineering problema and began a campa s of harvest season * * * * uncH-ftlflo-undertook- T ------ R l*fvA lization of o student afety program. Wf*l-f+OTI forts (0 ConUnae TT littC /iU 1 k i? n '1 fo ‘! S ° t" .S d ‘ Not a slngl# Twla PaUs‘coi the “ u S ^ “t«l to BherUf Jaase Cartic .« vaUeywlde coaltrence »^»f,n examinatlona. he added. lU efforta to reduce the are decreaalag, than <n Maslo Valley hiihways. >nanuals and convincing driven had bem ‘iS *«-taken. The aheriff « irious persons in Mailo ^rivers dally, wlUj only one of 81 ,0 “ a ^ ^ - S p ^? Of« on Thuraday. a light I year-s campaign and re- ^ ? « « « ^ types ol favorable for a second hut toe most troublesome In this -----------------------------------A-davar nunt.mafco.a.swlttaa-w raltleeioes Named ^ within 3i hours. However, thi up.cUoalor ui oK lr, “412^^?” '"“'*“' “to Snft'’£,H “sl!S: Fti :halrman Prank Brigga. *“ ^ ^Sl'lS'-.™uWo«,«.to. ■■ _ allhoujh ha may.not-toe guilty o: r% rVktifiniiao *n officer to ths scene and ths a U M in iU lU C S number, all this trouble can be lUon from Uie public in Like most sherifrs officea la I e Valley trafflo safety Itsdf snowed under with applies conUnued u a dUzen .erer, Oarlton belleres ho hai th to Twin Palls officers Two new depuUes have been rgo-yeUow-BTBTel'tnieir beem>ufon’thb night desk to r Ucense plates drove to give driver's tests. Lawann* R stop sign at Third are- grading ot written examinations and Second street e u t nected wlUi the driver*a tasta._ nuThljriaay: The ’dUT* ~^lt'a going alongnlrtly now." e the truck. IdenUfled so further additions to his force dty vehlde,-wu pull- ' :ader. Metals Ou lanner betweea Jeroms- - - -- ---------- oS“r S c "As W or » toporlod ttm »u DENVER . Sopt 7 (ff)— I J _______j prodying vital, liu'pplles of Uoyd-rprtwcuUnB speeS today a» xuore atriH Jesse Oarltm, sberlftr; the job, • * ' Judges: Ray Personiusr ’^fisdquartcM of the Iw aias^jg^^ ^rwd. Mine. Mill,And SmalterjY.o )ners; R. 8. Tofnemire. able yet, but ft spokesman 5£ r S « ^ ^ i £ S d : f uniou alstnitors: O. W. Linde, to m o m w . ty_ councils,- and_V em __ A-halt in-tbe Btlikc Jli Idc companies. dered Wednesday by the U. 'C ftu « * ‘^.‘S S b S district court here In respoi o~wam'moibriBts"or the to a rcquest by federal atb ers on county aod state neys, acting tmder the Ta ISO of trucks and trac- H ^ l e v law g ths fall harvest to b.^ at work ♦t'K AnsHmd& caoner xttwina et jd.u™to .^Uon.1 •s«mris*x,c*iaiui). Ami.rii.«i| fni ReCn j compaay smelter at East Hale tl Uprising SSi ■ a Calls Out , h PatcuLimii _______________ Mexico, Unloa Insttuctod 4, ^kers In the Coeur d'Alens 1 dUtrict of northem Idi i ? . - a n d boo in Uie Metallne. Wa S S-S ‘*‘,■>““ ■2 '""K 1^? ^ it.rofs. M Ih» national Smelting and Refln E S rtS S -S ffi last night estor* order. MturaTowatE, fhway Trooper MerUn Damaged Plant b, called for help after However, only about half w ’, exdted Indians chased summoned Immediately due te teUow officer otf the ^Ire which damaged the' plant s eral'weeks ago, d he asd Sheriff T. R. A union offldal In Z>eaver s Juan county, had gone Ulne-MlU leadera la the Co in camp to cheek Into d'Alenes and some Arlsona dlstr runkenaess. were told by opu«tora that full p t-of—tho-W lndlanff duetlon-there-could-nob-be-resuB . three-day squaw dance for two or three daya. Ths offl( and out of control, toe said the union men wera ready _____________________ wort today In those dlstrlcta.___ ^ IT U» safety of white ^ ------------- : -------------- U» Uaj town, scorn ol * MOBE STEICKEN I rushed to Uie scene. BOISE, Sept. 7 (<T>-Thro« a es Olty, Oov. J.Braekan pollo-cases-war«-report«d-to-l had been state pubUo health deparUseat i lelp waa needed, lh e day—tbs ninth this month a ireauy stayed at Bluff. Mrd of the year. New patlenta a le Ban Juan river from ao 11-nar-oJd Priest River boy. J Uon. and havs quieted year-old Dayton boy and tt-year-o femorlndleated, Idaho PMU man. Roads Board Urges D )f Central Idaho Houl 3t 7 m —Tbe sUts ih e board also auUiorfked MOle: d h u ordered a long- to Ko ahead with designs on a nei n for eonstruMon of shop buUdlng it Boise to replaci ace. shop* and ware- tbo one which MUler aald Is “ovw. Ise and recommended crowded.” > a route for U. a high- Also discussed were tentaUve plani central Idaho. for a new building to housa the stat4 ^ay.Eogmeer ZarU V. admlnlstnUTS (ifficlals and drafts- IS auUiorlzed to pro- men,* The highway depaitm ent wll 19 for reorganizing Uis move Oct I Into the bunding va nd setUng up a pro- cated by the Statesman ocwtpapcr trage young englneen this summer, eer In the state high- Roscoe Rich, Burley, board ctwli nt r num. said a study ts belog elveo 1 Ihs buUdlng construo- erecUon-of oeatral'Shopa-fDr-stai wUl be projected over highway oqulpmast.»arehou8ea-at •year period wltB erec- the Boise district hU & n ? cmoea ; ihop and warehouse as a recently,aeqiulred all® lour inU me .priority. The de- west ot Bolsa oa U. 8. 30, He aa {a shop burned-down pwisnt pwpwty on whleh tba abo - snlM ttC would nld.. i r ~ “~ EDITIW '^ 5 ^ “" ......... '^ k Tct T cent ^ I *w-v r tj ■; • R e g io n a l | Conference ; Into high gear Thursday night with -the anit Jey-wide safety conference with emphasis on th* jndations to various govemment agendea’ re?, jegan a campaign to warn fanners, truclcepo and * * * * . » -Drivers-Trip-Oyerf itten, Not Road, T ^fi T^la PaUs county ,applicant h u failed tho jiractkd lerUf Jaase Cartlon said Priday, AU failures hare be«-cb stions. ho added. - decreaalag, thanks to Uie recent avaUablllty of drlrert onvlndng drivers tbe should be studied befo^ u The aheriff says hU office Is falUng only about tWD 1th only one of 81 appUcants receiving below tbe mimmmw Ihursday. a light day. according to Oarlton. various types of questions on U» irrttten jublesome la this area seems to be Uie matter ol I o t aoep urs. However, the sheriff polnU out an ottloer ahould :gat« all acddents at Uis scene, " apanles ^ o s t always ask to see Uis officer^ report tf irltoa said. He also points out when a hlt-aad-rtm sedK d,- all e»n having damage which might tmplltattt thOB' troublesome to a driver wbo h u not reported »a j-aot-he guilty of hlV-*nfl-nm drlrtng.-It yorhiTB c a W s scens and the aheriffs offlee b u yotir name and Uoen* s trouble can be avoided, Oarlton explalna. srifrs officea la Idaho, tbe Twin PaUs county Oder with applicants when Uu tests started A i^..!. elleves he hai the altuaUon uader ooatroL •, ■c''! ruUes have been_addtd. Harn Rhfftian. Ti^ -Ba lu Jd M . e nigbt desk t o ^ I r a Paul Ross, making B oa arailaUa tests. Lawann* Routt Kimberly, b u been a d M to haadie ten examinaUons. eye tests, and oUier otOce duties eo^ •jlrlwrXtesU.__________________: _______ mg nl'ctly now,” commented Uie sherUf, whe says ha plaas Uona to his force. j . Is Output Gains W orkers Return Sept 7 OP )—Operations In minei and smbliiA tal iu'ppUes of copper. tT* is ZDore striking onlra •rs of the-lcdependent-International-Uniap -W ft spokesman expressed confidence that neiffly union manbers '^uld be at work ^ tonight cr be strike of .non-ferrous mctal-work^ wM-^z^ idaybytheU.S. ^ - - .Setdem eutls.^- R eached fo r irs back at voile at ,, -Bir* SKSK: HaJey Mme U ng^ R til^ HAILgr. Sept. 7-A ftrlte a t ttw 5xS S S o - a tha mlnsti and tha operkton of tha New Mexloo nilna. Ths agreement haa not beea ' eT a southwestern Kew pieted u soon u It la retonied trom miner headquarten In Galt Lako U Instructed 4,000 city, Coeur d'Alene lead Tbs 'Mumpb mine, under tba t of northem Idaho tenns of Uie agreement, agzeea te e Motallae. W ash, p&y Uie mlnen ths »Tera«e p&j Iqr c today. About half crease woa by- the la ta s a U i^ union In disputes with sem al.othei 00 worker* at the mine eperaUirs. Tho pay Increase Is ilant ot the Inter- subject lo the approval ot tbe wagD Ing and Refining stabUlzaUon board. Toted laat night to Tba agreemeat alao ooatalna t ----------------------------- “no'slHke" clause whlcb wa» ths saged Flant stumhllog blpck-'ln‘reaching.-ab f about half were agreement sooner. Miners contend* ledlately due to a ed that such an agreement would sged the' plant sev- leave them powerless. As a balance sgalnst the "ao strike” dause, ths Jal In Denver aald union h u agreed not to *lock out;* era la tho Coeur the miners. ne Arizona dlstricU ^ the pay Increase la approred nitora that fuU pro- by the wage s ta b l^ o a board It ruld*aob~be*restimed wiil-ba-rotwiacHva to Jtiijr ii ■ ^ » days. Ths offldal _ ------------ -- ---------- , J men wero ready to Ex-EllV Oy SUCCUHlbSr lostdlstrlcti -----^ - 60 trrHAMPTOMr-Nr-y~6 epl-» - __ ___aUD-Jame* W. Oerord. M. U.S. STEICK^ ambassador to Oennany tro n UU 7 W>—Throa now wi7. died yesterday at bis bom* s-peport«d-to-the bimehlal allment-BewwiBtir Ith deparuneat to- vired by his wife. Marr. Uils monto and wiui hli triend, Bernard Bwooib . New patlenta are Oerardwuonaoftholastaui'atresa rlest River boy. JS- la publio life of tbe groHp ef DeaeK wy and 49-year-oJd craii Ufodalsd-wftb W b c d tp v .T ^ ' ^ rges Designation s [) Uoute^for 1X-S^2^ auUiorfked-Miner ' Rich s ^ any nev highway a^'' designs on a aew mlnlatt»tft-e buUdlng would be eoo^ Boise to replace sUucted tn Uis dty, however. - ller aald Is “over- The board recommeaded to . tba 1 ~ American Assoclatloa of State XQgb^ tre tentaUve plans way Oftlcials that a oentnl zonta'’ - to housa the stato across Idaho be d^dgnated a a lJ . 'B.]. iclals and drafts- ae. .'.■'.'li:-. r department win ThereeommeadedTeutaiodklrw the bunding va- txom the Idaho-Wyomtna boxds to- oewtpapcra Idaho PaUs on old state zoot* a>>' trom Idaho paOs ta.BUekteo^ on.: rley. hoard chalr> U. S. fit. tram Blackfoot vertwatAfl^' ts beios given to S. » via Azco. Oan^. Ooodtnb a'Shopa-for-state BUss. Mountain-TTmne, PcilWOTfV lUvarehousea-and Nyssa, .;Or«H wUh an aU teatttdb*; hltfbvay omoea at thatU.B.20nowda5putiedh*iw ^ alte four inllea Arco and Idaho'Falls:vUWa>^oOt U. 8. 30, He said be renmted tram Idaho m vhlcb tbe abops erly to Ako otk tba T«1& ix i^ .bswu.. . UdTOv >• . - !' J.p J CENT^ I lal I •ncei b with the anitjnl mphuisontht' |j t agendes’ re-.i lj s, truckers and: If -;| I Oyer-| I irT^fii Ued the jiractkdilV ures hare beta-cy ffi lability of driver^' | be studied befote! HI g only about tifnl ^9 dow tbe oinhauBi* B ton. ytter of Iot soda ottloer should ta oOlcet^ report tf hlt-and-rtm acqK It ImpUcato them'l wrtedaaacctdea^j It yorhiTB-oalM'; name and lloenia aa. 3unty offlc* I d a # ' rtM A i^.l. ingam >nn^ na&dfohaadie' otdce duties co^ ^ *&*aa]nbapiaM~ MUS ^etUTH^ !i and [onal XJnlflu ice that B ^Iy LW toni^glA® ork^-WM -^z^i ent:Isl.4-; ed for:; ;y Mine 7 -A strUc* a t tba Hailey baa been ireemeat betweea la operaton of tha lent haa not bees' : Pi^es It la retonied trom en in Salt Lak« mine, under tba eement, agzeea te IS average pay Iqr the latezsaUoaal > i wlto aevcral.otoer -, ho pay Increase Is --1 voval ot tbe wagD i . ^ le whlcb was the '-' -In‘reaching.-ab ! ', Miners eontead' ^ agreement would -less. Aa a balanco Itrlke” clause, toe-’ not to *lock out; : rease Is approve^' 1 jlllzaUoa board It Succum bs: ! Nr-Nr-y^. Bepl T —■ Oerwd. M. U.S. naany tron Utt rday at bis bom* Mpt-HewM aatp—• Marr. Bernard'Banob;!- • tboiastKirvtveifi tti ' - -S -S^ 2 ^l w highly a^ ' I however. ■ mended to . tba Q of Btate Blcb^ a oeattol zonta- - - Ignaty u1}.d.].V. ITtnUwhdarai! V' romtea boxds to: > 1 state zodt» a>.’- ' to.BUekteo^ on.: “sis-sss^:.:! uis:vU B ia^^;: ..j Idaho j tba T«l& M ttA . i .' 'i.: ......... J,* J

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Page 1: · 2014-12-12 · f ---------- — -----------------,:^ N0; olidLine )f Non-E I 'o G K T r (irRANCISCO, Sept 7 (/P>—Indoncaia

f ---------

- — -----------------

, : ^ N 0 ;

olidLine )f N o n - EI ' o G K T r (irRANCISCO, S e p t 7 (/P>— In d o n c a ia toJipancso p c ac e t r e a t y , th e r e b y dei ^ c « of b lo c k in g * so lid lin e u p o f no ^ 0 San F r a n c is c o c o n fe rc n c e . fdecWon ta k e n b y t h e g o v e m m e n t In infjrencehinnnicd w i t h B p e cu la tlo n th a

^ K j^ g jo n iy k o a n d h ia c o m m u n is t c o h o rtiths treaty is sifirnqd. •

/ ■ » « believed he m ig h t a c t a f te r Po jite today o r w a it un til --------------------

^ R jS B j^ p r o b S iy ^ S a tu r - I G r ^ d

R e c e s| b ' A ‘s s r „ s ; . r ^ F o r iK S w « inick to wreck the ir * V A * K o i a rout« to tb e meeUof. b o u b . SepL ■ T«keK«CiiM>eei • Knmd Jm y In'

V B v f ta itf Otf ehmeea. heavU^ w sroreraflsent ^ '■ rfm rrroeY e or the Russian Id th o h u rec< r i ^ ^ O r a s y i to ’a-convoy-PMMd »ft«r—M tumJng ’/K C iT K ta l m n t truck on tb s kffunst t a tmd

K il ic a a r « n « e lh l s n jo n iln f . pm on*. . ^ f c s l d e l i y t d by th e truck ^ 'ta i °

uiT.idw A hm td S o t- penons. tn d ntz «ldressed th# hold tmtU they

^ ■ L T w ^ h e h td recelred . Myron e^cndj from J tk t r t* ^ . , r t p o r t « l to

Q ^C B »lE Jao* llon m inister of A ^ l r t I tto y *^^K nnfflcS tticre tnnoim ced ^ ^ o t eoi ■ ^ ■ v S ia t t BKttaK t h t t the de- . Judge CUrk eo ^ l u U a i t e B K t l n s had been th t t wh(^ I h Vur«v type b u n^ ■ • ^ n f d r o Secretary C tr- P.““ >e will be s< ^ ■ I S d j- f le c ls r e a - th o - t r i t ty 6l « n - t r a r m tl ^■ cid tT U iii United S t a t» tn d I K f ia short in certain re-

H a n v L _ th e a U h ts beor,f f h . »un>lus disposal

^ 2^ .*?* Conner e u t« . J M tt tp to a iateresU aod th i Harold Boyd.

tM Mt M ; m et th tl r de- : « b t b l i reptet. Romuto ta ld a ^ t L

*MTm]7 rwfrlcted'I BoydMomoT'O L V UM treity. Barfe Call. Rtsby.

^H am ousiy addnMSK nlin« q«. Bord^ <tt£at& t e S r » f f i

W l M c w M -a w w n w

•_________ 1 other wltaesses.

ids Air New Notes, Peace Goal StiU ]

Sept. 7 W>-New w m - nfty ou t of nhinMtettrsnrJM -loaay In th e wesi or Chorwoa.Jiaffldron of w tated words N ations Uno b r« (d l*K# la Korea u rcmot« communist or/ens

i 'H s 'a n

. . » .M t t d , S ' u S ' S E " '

f Indicts Pair ^ o n g Probe -cSS S .; '',“ OOT, Sept. 7 'aLftl~A n “completely unsat “ nuainB four counu of Ono noU bnishi J r prcMnilng fraudulent slstence tha t no a l ’ Welly of Blackfoot was * Jnsldo th# J» «ie Blnsham county am e the n igh t of ^ * ^ 1 c ity Councllmaa Allied troops dn

Iste yesterday. munUts off two I: another 3teaH m _lnm t_w l

“ ^^S ied, naming R. A. encircled two Uni * wjlflcisman. on charges posts. Both surrou f *M of offering fraudulent tn t . Ono counte

erldcnee. CraJg. In - dlately. i k " " “BO •’y samo A fronl*1lne dlsp ! r . * « arrested on the companies of reds V.ti ^ connection w ithout firing a sh Muierjr of gravel to the b lu te d them wlU

, artillery. Thc reia o t U m u t ^ o U o

It WU called by “ ven miles norl I ^ i t c h e r aa parallel,

« « Uie caie of the sta to F a rth er north I)* ^ 5 A. Crnlg___________ jron-a-secondJiU l.

«';M ed under |M p of close Infighting^ e t tour counls. Crelg, • --------------B« . . . f ' MAUlA MO!

— ------------------- parently from dro*o K » 1 1 O ^0“^UaU nP.flVAfi Uio ba th by he r Blj n . n e jy .ca lle d a docfc

= — —

i F a r m e i

103 001-7 15 1 b o i lr r f ' Wl O ltt-3 10 3“• C , Burkont, ConsolldaUon of'ii* 11 ^ «no U.BUM j | ' “ -"»i‘fi!h. Chicsgo agriculture agency

“-jilBht snmes. ling It through se' *^6 rKommendatli

Uq LEAGUE committee member'- : :~ - .W O o o m ie w of work

RecommendftUonj ^.™ i»deiphla. Cleveland n ight a

Chlcaso aro called byheads. Committees.

TalkT 'S -------- marketing aaOW. serTlce.-farmer

U ita l«U on . sou conserv. ■'>»*kdD?.n r‘ ? *’®»ched a H*® B'''’rvtiiM follow, studying the 137-1n demand *«nHy farm policyI PreoUcr Mo- *>y the.pSDA.

U c n b c n o t t i u i

m vMe.

o t 'In ,t d i n - , ------------ "~m r0wlibor* rL t o -

--------- -------------------------- N e w sp a p e r

i n P i i T >

1-Reds Treaty Hh—Indonesia decided today to th v c b y d estroy ing Kussia'a

lineup o f non-com m unist na-

'e m m e n t In J a k a r ta camo a s cu la tion th a t S oviet D elegnto m is t cohorts would w alk o u t

e t a f te r P o land 's scheduled

G ^ r w d j i u ' o r s

Recess Work For 2 Months

BOUE. Sept. 7 UV-A federalrand Jm r Investigating disposal’ go renuseat surp iu i property In . w B n flaho h u recessed until Nov. 8 1 — ft«r—r« tu rs ln g ~ lw o —Indtetnestsralnst t a undlscliMed number of ■ ■arsons. .Tb# U. S . m arshal's office h u It anvstcd any of tb s Indicted arsons, and nam es are being with- i!d untU they a re In custody.Myron Sfrendsen, foreman of ths 17. reported to U . 8 . Judgs Chase

Clark la le yesterday the grand ry h u no t completed Its work.Judge Clark commented. “1 have a ellng th a t when a grand Jury of 'Ur type b u flnlsted Its work, the Ibllc will be satisfied th a t it h u « n e r u j m atter full- con»ldns=- Delon* K obntop

The grand Jury convened Aug. J7id during U « .flr8 t two d a ^ djs- j , w " ? * „ j,"s « r s r m la o r feaeral casM. Since / j— rA a n m ti iea It h u been lavesOgaUag therplus disposal transactions of * *i s e r e ta t« Purchasing Agent . . .

S m i i j n w l y two weeks ol leiU- \ j c l l l C V m y,.tb#. 33-member Jury <iulaed 'iyd ;_ jo im or-ao» ,-0 .-A . Robins: ------------ r ------------rfe Call, Rtgby. form er s ta ts sen- I /% -m ^

J e r oS £ ° i n ? m i i m l v i J e r o m e . S c p

^ M d ta U y H M ^ S S |n m i: .c t bcIvcs. T h s J e r o : i ^ ^ ^ P i P l W B ^ p w t m * form ancc d f 't h e

S a tu r d a y w illiUgttlon a ^ t a , aad numerous D is t r ic t 4 - H a n d ier wltaesses. o n a tra t lo n c o n tc g

foteSjbut jlivestock sa le wii:

Still Remote aw ards assem b ly. G rottnda Ja

r.ou i.oL O blnese rtiltrap sno rth - —lh e -fa lrg ro u n d a - :t or Chorwoa. “n ie main United with specu to ra Trldt ions Uno braced for an expected judging In b o th cour ununlst offensive. fair events contlnuech e new r td notes rejected the <S“y a '«n> oon Chief rst allied denials o f responsibility y« f* A

neutrality u n e violations a t dancessoDg. Korea. T ljere w u no red Th« horso show , a n wer to Gen. M atthew B. Ridg- In county fair, -s Insistence on selection of a aftem ooa. Jo' truce site ^ charge.« . C h w . n d , . b , . . a .; th s two nsi? messages from _jfi“ n „ „ v tb -g o faa n -H eu t.- Oe». Ham 11; in wr«:or red delegate, to Vice Adm. ,r » t r Joy, w n . N. n « .U .» r . S i S " !Oth notes rejected ;o y ’s three district fair a lso was i lals Tuesday of red charges as momlng. T here npletely unsatlsfacKiry.” m the dairy dlvUlonQB note brushed u ld # Joy s In- t>c«f !nce tha t no allied plane dropped U veatock A'

In the c o u a ty fa lr tl

Illed troops drove Chinese com- ^ a T n ^ t h e U vestoSlUta off two hUls todny on the f ? ! " « m _ lnm l_ iflie rc_ rcds-,ca tile rrcled two United NaUons out- ? ? „ s. Both surrounded units rouuht. One counter-attacked tmme- ^jjy_ the high Individual ifro'nt-llne dispatch reported two .(C«tiHnitd «n P u t :panics of reds fled from a hill j .lOUt firing a shot a fte r the allies 1 ^ a i * T n i f 1ted them with t*nk and fleld r e r i l U l Jlery. Thc recaptured knoll Is lluntlnB p e rm it 11;liw ejt_ ,ol_2fonchoa._w hlch_li _toriay^ Tlmea-H w a.n miles nortb of the 39th Sublett dlvlalon, JJlel, tlonal forest deer hiJ th e r north U. Infantiymen Black Pine dlvlslca srrnnfl hill a fte r thrrw-hwirs -n a tlo aa t-fo ru t-d ea t

lose Infighting. • • • • 3.• ---------------------------- South fo rk of IMAttlA MONTEZ D K S _ game p re se ^ e e l l^

S B , S p l ' 7 (j P h o ® M t o ■ h S " la -Montea died here today, ap- ,n tly from drowning In her bath- She was found-unconjclmis in ff"® preserve dcci

oath by he r sister, who ImmedU called a doctor a a d flrcmen. - ^

armers Recommend SoilJConsersation .

nsolldatlon of soll conservatlon heads o:under one U. S. departm ent ef and the agents preside

ulture agency Instead of hand- ings, Very few changeIt through several was one of en t agcncy se tups werrKommendatlons made by a ed and m ost endorseinlttee member' a fte r studying a programs,w of work of the varlouB Purpose of th e repoi:les. .. tain a consensus frona m n .n a .U o n . w e r . h e u d “ " " '“ ' ‘ 'i;

orest service gave reports afterIng the 137-page booklet on t m _ r n n n u I

: SSS*-” ”' " " ' ' ’> president. According U

QXbtn fit t i u BCEuaiHM v * n m eiobers t

1 N ew spaper Serving O

^ ................. ■?* T W IN f a l l s ;

Grand Champion £

i \

[ | | | M

elom Kobniopfi, 22-ycar-old danitater o t M r. and Hr* on a t tb e J e ro a a cotioly fair for fitting a n d abowlng Is Doe she ssed In the cootest. Counly Agent V lrfil Cross fi ■at^faf-t-H-elBtnncHiber-hM -won-the awa n l. P s ln r t r l sme CooperaUre Creamery photth^sUff eogntrln f)

* * * * *

a l l e y F a i r S e a s o n

J e r o m e t o U s h e r 'iROME, Sept, 7—Ral)id fairgoers in Magic V 8. The. J e rome county and district 4-H fairs i ancc d f 'th e roHco Saturday evening. turday will bc crammed with d istrict fair eve

ation contcats will s tart i

l:30p .m ,thcR H iiua\iat. S p O l I i l l g;ock sa le w ill be held and tT hat iitUe pos^buiip ,m ., th e 4-H club girls " i ^ S .e r T U 'S 'e w“eds a ssem b ly will bo held. -But don't let it won;

G rottnda Jammed m uch. I t s till wlU be « -fa lrg rounda-w era-Jam m ed. - . I l ic .old gen t souadepecu to ra Prlday afternoon u tlm lstle to the AP repcig In b o th county and district read this forecast for/cnta continued. And on P rl- five days:tem oon Chief Pat, who Is 71 " IJg h t rn lns during Iold. a n d hU Apache todlans. end; temperatures ab1 a sun dance demonstration, mal."orse show , a new department fProbably).. county fair, also w u h e ll l _ . _ , , -

aftem ooa. John Masey w u i n

Sor « u,. d^.. USDA Foreca 80.000.000 - i

1 charge. Mrs. Haakom Tom- T n W h a o f 11ivln Palla. was the announcer. JL ll T T i l c a l Ug of d a iry and beef In the W ASHINaTON. Sept.: fair a lso waa under way Prl- agriculture departmentsm lng. T here were M entries recent reporta Indicate fsdairy dlvUlon and 33 In the p lan t SO.000,000 acres to '

year.Livestock Awards This would be about 1

le couaty»falr the ftixon Stock more th M the goal of» 4-H club waa awarded first acres se t by Secretary o f .n tho livestock Judging con- B rannan a n d would c ^:t»e U vely Uveatockers «ua 78.507.000 acrea seeded to ’-ffrid 'iW T H E scT nS iflrc iir ih e io 3 t crop,les. th ird . .Elaine Houston, “W ith prices to be-supj

was awarded first prlM as talnlmum of t t . n per b'Jh Individual scorer. This is departm ent aUd. “fanntn

« P . . . U m U I) ■ to produce enough wheatI meet domestic and expoi

_ » j r • J ments In 1953-53 and pro<r P r f n i l I.T.CtrS increase In th e carryovr C l l l l l l ^ l a i a m arkeung yeaItlng p e rm it lU ^ c ^ le d in ^ minimum support pri:s-IlmcM -Htai-todiid8.------ -tilready-«V-for-Ui*-lC43-ilett dlvlalon, Minidoka ns- o f the mId-JiI forest deer hunt. i»Ke 5, p^lce. I f the parity prldck Pine dlvl-ilon. Minidoka ,,y beginning oaal-for« t-dear-bu»t,-P *«c-

.... .. 1— WlU bo Increased 'ta 80 pIth fo rk of PayetU rlrtr _ „ j ip re se ^ e elk hunt, pase e. J----------------

t Ehrcfc, O nT ScT caiih irdW PROSECUTOR APPO:page 0. , BOISE, Sept, 7 «>-!

Ith fo rk of Payette .Jlver gtoeve. Boise, was appointpreserve deer hunt. p*se ^M lstant to th o U. S. attot

to prosecute office cf prl

[lend Consolidation o tion Agencies^of USed.hy he.d. 01 Iho .t.od" ?.i

p S ' P l i s S s il c of th e reports was .to ob- thorough InvcsUgaUon.

d™p“ *ro«i

U M ^a n M c ^r '"* necommendations are U/4 o n \ t t^ n d in g the meeting mitted W ^ ^ X W u t e■d the belief that time al- Daigh. county agent, siaie , nLVmpnt w u too deratood. the reports are t/

' ri?Jd ^bv " ^ ^ e im CPPliStf. Ing e^ re^ ed - .su p p o r t, o) L to ilie'bureau's govemment programS . ^ a « ^ “ ****" M d MU oon


m p io n a t Je ro m e F a i r

R I * ' S i i

L u V

ot M r. and Mrs. Balpb Kabnlopp, won (he r a n d ebampli ( a n d abowlng Is the beef dMslon. T he mntaBat wlUi b e r 1 n t V lrfil Croia fald tbU b the f ln t tim e la tbe history of U iw s n ir T > e l6 r i r l r iT B e B b e r ^ r t l$ r s i i* t rT l{ y T 5 re rn i f eogniTlnl) ,* " * •■-* * * * . , *

e a s o n N e a r s E n d ;

f e h e r O u t D u a l E v ers in Magic Valley have one m ore day to e n jo y ' ict 4-H fairs a t Jerom a will close w ith th e .iif ia ™«ng. ” 'Tifltric t fa ir events from e a r ly m o m in g to la te a fte r

Spoiling^ N om in a tio n sa t lltUo' possibility of light - - -----

. r u r . D etails-G iv<don 't Jet ll wony you too — rw i w -i w t . i t sUIl wia be warm.” f - n T I f V ,.old gen t souaded.too op- _____.A .s . J L . t— T J

ProspecUvo candidates fc *ls_ forecast for the next vaeoncies to bo fUled <

hiv? todr"‘SlOM“:temperatures aboul nor- ^ands of tho city clerk by. . . . Sept. 27. K cordlnf to City Al'‘>“bly). jiobcrt N ..W . SallcIseQ.

. The necessary petition font

>A Forecasts m ay be b itf l 'ra

000.000; Acres > W h e a i i n W 5 2

^ commissionire d e p a ^ e n t ^ today gtead of five. The term s ofeporta Indicate farmers may yejjon ^nd Arnold Cross e.000.000 acrcs to wheat next u,ls year. I H i l b e ^ ^

. . , , . . elect fou r eommisslonera a t tlvould be about cm t e i„ u o n Oct. 9. Cross and !lan the goal of 7B.8M.00# mny seek reelecUon If they ; by Secretary Of Agriculture S e1 a n d would c ^ p a re with elected a t large and voten1 acrea seeded to wheat for choo«!.Rny.,to^r_cuidldatca_"CTop: ~ ~ . ■ Palls' continues to haw threeprices to be-supported a t a <je5piie ita in-'irm fl In dodu

n of t t . n per bushel.- the and lU p«moU^a“ t o t * ^tn t aUd. “farmers aro likely as of Jan 1 ce M ough wheat in 1053 to R egutn luon of voters bmesUc and export require. Thursday, bu t little Intcres:

1953-53 and provide for an ahown. Registration continuesin 0 ,0 catryover a t the office o f ^ e city clerk unUl I

t o n ®- «o«rtstraUon hours arei?t fo r Ui? 1C53 OTP ” M I ^ l u W u '^ *. o f the mId-July parity ' *' ^ •

the parity price has ad- « w w w w

SIT iica t Ju ly lrth fB upport Ujood-Citizens—Why Not Whe

iEcuTOR AproiNTm T " * Y o i i ^ r G E l i f f i b l i

iu?V.pl3;S1S=.5to th c U. s. attorney today

ruoreciiiciu only."(“Today," she' should h

ition of loSr IitTMsMwliSl tmaUeA T T r t T V A “ ‘ ke up hU mind. After tll

a°o5uUon*as j M t 'aTweU ™o It, n',d ^ c r e *as a U«oUon u ^

^ rc o m m lt le S ; T O a “ ‘l. »

ri3;o\?rBS .S“ut 'InvcsUgaUon. OppUger brightened. What shs si

lew was dUtrlbuted about ^ l j h t ? * '^ ‘Mld e“ “ BO- . . Bhatlcally. " Il l do I t " '

h"v s « l“ ib C*w‘ reaching out, Ooorge ABoise by Sept. IB. 0 . W. ^ nm cs-New s reporter, plcunty agent, s ta l^ he u ^ cd ^ a pencU and became th e reports are “ ^ j i r , t and only voter to je g ls 'r e t a ^ of agrtculture w hm y Morrison, depia before house and senati on , Thursday, 1B . opening d a y of registrationof th e 31 farmen altena- commissioner electased-'.support. of various w e e.ry .commissjoneru programs Includmg "•>ort ind mU oQMOwtloa. ' -■ '

Nine Ir r l ja te d M at

SEPTEM B EE 7, 1061 ' . » -


f l U PlanH B Tra. : . f Tw in Falls S afe ty Coun

I \-i- nouncem cnt of plans to sp- A- “public’s responsibility.”

In addition, th e council k v ^ r d i n g sa fe ty engineerir

m o to ris ts o f h a rv e s t se tra f f ic dangers.

T h e councll-ftlao-underl th o organization of a stuc d riv in g safe ty program .

EfforU to ConUnae Pillowing lengthy discussioi

aafety education, enforcement engineering., the council vote ho ld uwUicr VftUey-wSde confe: continuing Its efforta to reduci alaughter on Maglo Valley high'

Previously letters had been o u t to various persons In I V alley who played aa - Impo p a r t In Iasi year's campaign an plies were favorable for a se

C^mraltleesien Bpeedlng up action for an <

meeting, most ot last year's ( m lttee membera were reappol Including Chairman Frank Brig

M emben and the groups thay

H e l p C o n t l n u e ECooperation from the public

Uie Magle Valley trafflo safi campaign conUnued u a cltl] reported to Twin Pails offlc

-thttt-a-largo-yeUow-BniTel'tn I (he graad ebamplonsblp w ith EX Ucense plates dn > mntmat wlUi b e r here U tbrough a stop sign a t Third ai I la tbe blstory c f the ia lr nue eas t and Second street » faJ‘- C l ty T a r '^ < - H club.” 'al'BiSO p. m . Th-uriday: T h e ’d

se n said the truck. Identlfl* * ft ' l at er u a elty vehicle,-wu pu

* la g a spreader,*f7^ J A nother ciUiea reported l i , ' n l l * group e{ a m y tracks w u b d

* J L i l L l i a drlvea-eztremely f u t and ia -. .......................... reckleaam annerbetw eeaJem

a l E v e n t M . s “r S ^■ • ,• . ■ 'drlver who reported them K

:e day to en joy th e m - the Tioutor.te w ith the_iipaLper^. I,— - , , i '

* ' ' resen t ars Uoyd, pmseeun ing to la te aftem i>0n. a ttorneys; Jesse CWlton, after

l lu l titL 4 -H ”g u l a u e iii- Hamilton. Judges: Ray Persoi• im s wimpa^M; Pr, .1, W^-Ci

• - • eouaty coroners; R. 8. Tofflenl I T I f l t l A T I A newspaper publishers; Jack Pail ^ a i l ^ U S . . r a d lQ - S u o n i : . .B m « t - R a g la. • 1 / S • school admlnlstratcrs; O. W. Llir f l l l f i I t 1 V 6 1 1 — mooiL. safety_ councils,-and_;

V * w v -A * B ulbert. truck companies,r p T ? i r _ i Tackling spedal aafety probli

I r . f . Y O t 6 tb e .councU InsUtuted a publ' campiUw-Urwarri'molbrtBta--or

tlve candidates fo r. th e added dangers on county to d sncies to be fUled on th e roada because of trucks and tc ity commissioners Jan . l tors hauUng th s faU harveste th d r petitions In th e m a rk e tth e d ty clerk by 0 p jn . Recommendatlona for addltlc

iccordln? to City A ttorney <CMU«srf «m Pis* x. c*iaiu i),W . SallcIseQ. --------------------------------------------

M a n Uprisihgled any day betweea M on- r t l l t \ iJjB deadline. Porty aigna- S c a t e C a l l S 0 U < qualified volera . are r e - w t . I .

,.«,.no.u..Lon.i».r. UlahPaltohiiei>0. Twin Palls Is required ---------------------------------------------ven d ty commissioners In - BLANDINO. U tah, Sept. 7 (JP five. The term s of A. P . a traditional m ^ a a celebrai sd Arnold Cross expired tu m e d Into a brawl a t remote Bl so it WlU be necessary to U tah , early today u the rede oommlssloneia a t the d ty tossed two pcace offlwrs out >ct. 9. Cross and Nelson th e ir camp. rcdecUon if they desire. T h is brought, down, the wl

mmlsslonen are to -bo m an 'a wrath and sta te and cou . large and voters m ay poUee sped over the twisted, gra y., to^r_caiidldatca_Tw lii i>wnrity t i*inues to have three wards ou tpost to restore order, s Increase In population S ta t« Highway Trooper Me omotloa- to f irst class d ty Brow n. Moab, called for help a 1. th e chanting, exd ted Indians chs

lion of voters b e g a n h im and a feUow officer otf bu t lilUe Interest w u reservation.

{istration continues a t th e Brow n said h e a sd Sheriff T. ho d ty clerk until 9 p jn , Harvey, Saa Juan county, had g ittstraUon hours are from to tb e Indian camp to cheek I il 5 p jn . until O ct d. also repq rta of dnmkenneas.

i, ' i, « ' w inding up a three-day squaw d t wero rowdy and out o f control.

-Citizens----- ^ 5V ia -»..»'.i-ii;' Not When I officers were the ace- • — T t i* - *1 :1—O ' —-In Salt-lA ks Olty, Oov. J . Brae)r r e J C i l l i r i O l e / «Ud h# had beea informed

h A addlUonal help waa needed. 1- o w t r i In d ian s apparently stayed a t Bli

iu s t across the Ban Ju a n river fnlied th e ir reservaUon. and havs quiel> -dpyp^ the governor indleated,

she* should have

State Roads]hU mind. After all, i t / % j j j ,

— ________• ^enwBOISB. Bept 7 (iR - U ss sU

It u well do It, now, highway board h u ordered a Ionj Ing ta do It jo m e to e . „ ,n g , program for oonstruWon < md tt might Just as n j» office space, shop* and wart >w.“ , housea In Bdse and recommend*med so confident, soi designaUonof a ro u te fo rU .a b lg h IS right. - ' way 38 across central Idaho,itened. What Ohs said. s u t o Highway.Eagteeer la rU \

auftorlM d to proright, he said em- ceed w ith plans for reorganising th - n i do I t departm ent and aettlng up a pro

:hlng o u t O w e Ab- g ram to encourage young englneei s-News reporter, pick- i - ^ In Uxe sUto high «ncll and became the departm ent ^only voter to je g ls to -------MlHer-sald ths building construcPay Morrison, deputy tlon program wUl bs projected ovi . o n , Thursday, I h c a s ix - to ^ b t - s e a r period wltB ere

U o n o f a w S ' i l h ^ K r e h o ^ l i ^ commissioner elecUon th e . number one .priority. The d

partm cnt'S ' slga ahop burned -dm■ .III !■ IM ■ I i J te s t w lo ttr .

■ 1 ’ ' . ■

ne Irrigated Idaho Countics

Hoik«T et Ag^il I m a •( Clr«aUUam *i-«UUd Prm ia« Oalud PViM

j » J T T T • J * r

^lans for Rt Traffic Coi

''alls S afe ty Council activities w en t In to h ig h ge snt of plans to sponsor a second valley-w ide s a f e t responsibility.’'ition. th e council d ra fted recom m endations to safety engineering problema and began a cam pa s of h a rv e s t season * * * *

uncH-ftlflo-undertook- T — ------R l * f v Alization of o studen ta fe ty p rogram . W f * l - f + O T Iforts (0 ConUnae T T l i t t C / i U 1

k i ? n '1 f o ‘! S ° t " . S d ‘ Not a slngl# T w la P aU s‘coi “ the “ u S ^ “ t« l to BherUf Jaase Cartic.« vaUeywlde coaltrence »^» f,n examinatlona. he added. lU efforta to reduce th e are decreaalag, than

<n Maslo Valley hiihways. >nanuals and convincing driven had bem ‘i S *« -taken . T he aheriff «

irious persons in M ailo ^rivers dally, wlUj only one of 81 ,0 “ a ^ ^ - S p ^ ? Of« on Thuraday. a light I year-s campaign and r e - ^ ? « « « ^ types ol

favorable for a second hu t toe most troublesome In this-----------------------------------A-davar nunt.mafco.a.swlttaa-wraltleeioes Named ^ within 3 i hours. However, thi up .cUoa lor ui oKlr, “412 ?”'"“'*“'“to Snft'’£,H “sl!S: Fti:halrman Prank Brigga. *“ ^

^Sl'lS'-.™uWo«,«.to.■■ _ allhoujh ha may.not-toe guilty o:

r% r V k t i f i n i i a o *n officer to th s scene and th s aU M i n i U l U C S number, all this trouble can belUon from Uie public in Like most sherifrs officea l a Ie Valley trafflo safety Itsd f snowed under w ith appliesconUnued u a dUzen .erer, Oarlton belleres ho h a i th

to Twin Palls officers Two new depuUes have beenrgo-yeUow-BTBTel'tnieir beem >ufon’ thb n igh t desk to r

Ucense plates drove to give driver's tests. Lawann* Rstop sign a t Third are- grading ot written examinations

and Second street e u t nected wlUi the driver*a ta s ta ._nuT hljriaay: The ’dUT* ~ ^ l t 'a going a lo n g n lrtly now." ethe truck. IdenUfled s o further additions to h is forced ty vehlde,-w u pull- '


M e t a l s O ulanner betweea Jerom s- - - -- ----------

oS“r S c " A s W o r» toporlod ttm »u DENVER. Sopt 7 (ff)—I

J _______j p r o d y ing v ita l, liu'pplles ofUoyd-rprtwcuUnB speeS today a » xuore a tr iH

Jesse O arltm , sberlftr; th e job, • * ■ '

Judges: Ray Personiusr ’^ f is d q u a r tc M o f th e Iw a i a s ^ j g ^ ^ ^ r w d . M ine. Mill,And Sm alte rjY .o )ners; R. 8. Tofnemire. able yet, b u t f t spokesm an

5£ r S « ^ ^ i £ S d : f u n io ualstn ito rs: O. W. Linde, t o m o m w . •ty_ councils,- a n d _ V e m __ A -h a l t i n - t b e B t l ik c o£ JliIdc companies. dered W ednesday b y t h e U .'C f t u « * ‘ .‘S S b S d is tr ic t c ou rt h e re In respo i o~wam'moibriBts"or the to a rcq u es t b y fe d e ra l a tb ers on county aod state neys, acting tm d e r th e T a ISO of trucks and trac- H ^ l e v law g ths fall harvest to b . ^ a t work

♦t'K AnsHmd& c aoner xttwina etjd.u™ to . Uon.1•s«m ris*x ,c* ia iu i) . Ami.rii.«i| f n i ReCn

j compaay smelter a t E as t Hale

tl Uprising S S i ■“ ”a Calls Out ,h PatcuLimii_______________ • Mexico,

U n l o a Insttuc tod 4,^ k e r s In the Coeur d 'A lens 1

dUtrict of n o r th em Idi i ? . - a n d boo in Uie M etallne. WaS S-S •‘*‘,■>““ ■2 '" " K 1^? ^ it.rofs. M

Ih» national Smelting a n d ReflnE S r t S S - S f f i la s t nightestor* order. M turaT ow atE ,fhway Trooper MerUn Damaged P la n tb, called for help after However, only about h a lf w ’, exd ted Indians chased summoned Immediately due te teUow officer otf the ^Ire which damaged th e ' p la n t s

eral'w eeks ago, d h e a sd Sheriff T . R . A union o ffldal In Z>eaver s Juan county, had gone Ulne-MlU leadera la th e Co

in camp to cheek Into d'Alenes and some A rlsona d lstr runkenaess. were told by opu«tora th a t full pt - o f —th o - W ln d la n f f duetlon-there-could-nob-be-resuB . three-day squaw dance fo r two or three daya. T h s offl( and out o f control, toe said th e union m en w era ready_____________________ w ort today In those dlstrlcta.___ ^IT U » safety of white ------------- :-------------- •U» U aj town, sco rn ol * MOBE STEICKENI rushed to Uie scene. BOISE, Sept. 7 (<T>-Thro« a es Olty, Oov. J.B raekan p o llo -c ase s-w a r« -rep o r t« d - to - l had been s ta te pubUo health dep arU sea t i lelp waa needed, l h e day—tb s n in th th is m on th a ireauy stayed a t Bluff. M rd of the year. New patlen ta a le Ban Ju a n river from a o 11-nar-oJd Priest R iver boy. J Uon. and havs quieted year-old Dayton boy and tt-y e a r-o fem orlndleated, Idaho PMU man.

Roads Board Urges D )f Central Idaho Houl3t 7 m —Tbe sU ts i h e board also auUiorfked MOle: d h u ordered a long- to Ko ahead w ith designs on a ne i n fo r eonstruMon of shop buUdlng i t Boise to replaci ace. shop* and ware- tbo one which MUler aald Is “ovw. Ise and recommended crowded.” >a route fo r U. a high- Also discussed were tentaUve plani central Idaho. for a new building to housa th e stat4^ay.Eogmeer ZarU V. admlnlstnUTS (ifficlals a n d drafts- IS auUiorlzed to pro- men,* The highway d e p aitm en t wll 19 for reorganizing Uis move O c t I Into th e bunding v a nd setUng up a pro- cated by the Statesman ocw t papcr trage young englneen th is summer, eer In the state high- Roscoe Rich, Burley, bo a rd c tw li n t r num. said a study ts belog elveo 1Ihs buUdlng construo- erecUon-of oeatral'S hopa-fD r-stai wUl be projected over highway oqulpm ast.»arehou8ea-at •year period wltB erec- th e Boise district h U & n ? cm oea ; ihop and warehouse as a recently,aeqiulred all® lo u r inU me .priority. The de- w est o t Bolsa oa U . 8 . 30, H e aa {a shop burned-down p w isn t pw pw ty on w h leh tb a abo

- s n lM t tC would n ld . .

■i • ■

r ~ “ ~ E D I T I W ' ^

5 ^ “ " ......... ' ^ k Tc t T c e n t ^

• I * w - v r t j ■;

• R e g i o n a l |

Conference; Into high gear Thursday night w ith -the anit Jey-wide safety conference with emphasis on th*

jndations to various govemment agendea’ re?, jegan a campaign to warn fanners, truclcepo and• * * • * * • • • . »

-Drivers-Trip-Oyerf itten, Not Road, T ^ fi

T ^la PaUs county , applicant h u failed tho j i r a c tk d lerUf Jaase Cartlon said Priday, AU failures h a re b e « -c b stions. ho added. -decreaalag, thanks to Uie recent avaUablllty of d r lr e r t onv lndng drivers tbe should be studied be fo^u T he aheriff says hU office Is falUng only about tWD 1th only one of 81 appUcants receiving below tb e mimmmw Ihu rsday . a ligh t day. according to Oarlton. various types o f questions on U» irrttten

jublesome la th is area seems to be Uie m atter o l I o t aoep

urs. However, th e sheriff polnU out an ottloer ahould b» :gat« a ll acddents a t Uis scene, "apan les ^ o s t always ask to see Uis officer^ report t f irltoa said. H e also points out when a h lt-a ad -rtm sedK d,- a ll e»n having damage which might tmpllta ttt thOB'

troublesome to a driver wbo h u not reported »a j- a o t -h e guilty of hlV-*nfl-nm d rlrtng.-It y o rh iT B c a W s scens and th e aheriffs offlee b u yotir nam e a n d Uoen* s trouble can be avoided, Oarlton explalna. srifrs officea l a Idaho, tbe Twin PaUs county Oder w ith applicants when Uu tests started A i^ ..! . elleves h e h a i the altuaUon uader ooatroL •, ■c''! ruUes have been_addtd. H arn Rhfftian. T i^ -BaluJdM . e n igb t desk t o ^ I r a Paul Ross, making B o a ara ilaU a tests. L aw ann* R o u tt Kimberly, b u been a d M to haad ie te n examinaUons. eye tests, and oUier otOce du ties e o ^•jlrlwrXtesU.__________________:_______ ■ •mg nl'ctly now,” commented Uie sherUf, w he says h a p laas Uona to h is force. j • .

I s O u t p u t G a i n s

W o r k e r s R e t u r nS ep t 7 OP)— Operations In minei and sm bliiA

ta l iu'ppUes of copper. tT* is ZDore striking onlra

•r s of t h e-l cdependent-International- Uniap -W

ft spokesman expressed confidence th a t neiffly union m an b e rs '^ u ld be a t work ton ig h t c r

be strike of .non-ferrous m ctal-w ork^ wM-^z^ id a y b y th e U .S . ^ ♦ • ♦ - -

. S e t d e m e u t l s . ^ -

R e a c h e d f o rirs back a t voile a t , , - B i r *

S K S K : HaJey MmeU n g ^ R t i l ^ HAILgr. Sept. 7 - A f t r l te a t ttw

5xS S S o -atha mlnsti and th a ope rk ton o f tha

New Mexloo nilna. Ths agreement haa n o t beea' e Ta southw estern Kew pieted u soon u It la r e to n ied trom

miner headquarten In G alt Lako U Instructed 4,000 city,Coeur d'A lene lead Tbs 'M umpb m ine, u n d e r tba

t of n o r th em Idaho tenns of Uie agreement, agzeea te e M otallae. W ash , p&y Uie mlnen th s »Tera«e p&j Iqr c today. About ha lf crease woa by- th e l a t a s a U i ^

union In disputes w ith s e m a l.o th e i 00 worker* a t th e mine eperaUirs. Tho pay Increase Is ilan t o t th e In ter- subject lo the approval o t tb e wagD Ing a n d Refining stabUlzaUon board.Toted la a t n igh t to Tba agreemeat alao ooatalna t----------------------------- “no'slHke" clause w hlcb wa» thssag ed F la n t stumhllog b lp c k - 'ln ‘reach ing .-abf about h a lf were agreement sooner. M iners contend* ledlately due to a ed tha t such an agreem ent would sged th e ' p la n t sev- leave them powerless. As a balance

sgalnst the "ao strike” d a u se , ths Ja l In D enver aald union h u agreed n o t to *lock out;* era la tho Coeur the miners. n e A rizona dlstricU ^ the pay Increase la approred nitora th a t fuU pro- by the wage s t a b l ^ o a board It ruld*aob~be*restimed wiil-ba-rotwiacHva to Jtiijr ii ■ ^» days. T h s o fflda l _ ------------ -- ---------- , Jmen wero ready to E x - E l l V O y S U C C U H lb S rlo s td ls tr lc t i-----^ - 6 0 trrHAM PTOM r-Nr-y~6 e p l -»- __ ___aUD-Jame* W. O erord. M . U .S.S T E I C K ^ ambassador to O ennany t r o n U U7 W>—T hroa now wi7. died yesterday a t b is bom*

s - p e p o r t« d - to - th e bimehlal a llm e n t-B e w w iB tir Ith d e p aru n ea t to - vired by his wife. M arr.

Uils monto and wiui hli triend, Bernard Bwooib . New patlenta are Oerardwuonaoftholastaui'atresa rlest River boy. JS- la publio life of tbe groHp ef DeaeK wy and 49-year-oJd craii Ufodalsd-wftb W bcdtpv .T ^

— — ' ^ rges Designation s [) Uoute^for 1X-S^2^auUiorfked-Miner ' Rich s ^ any nev highw ay a ^ ' ' designs on a aew mlnlatt»tft-e buUdlng would b e eoo^ Boise to replace sUucted tn Uis d ty , how ever. - ller aald Is “over- The board recommeaded to . tb a

1 ~ American Assoclatloa o f S ta te XQgb^ tre tentaUve plans way Oftlcials th a t a o e n tn l zonta'’ - to housa th e sta to across Idaho be d^dgnated a a l J . 'B .]. iclals a n d d ra f ts - ae. .'.■'.'li:-.r departm en t w in T h ere eo m m e a d ed T eu ta io d k lrw th e bunding v a - txom the Idaho-Wyomtna b o x d s to -

o ewt papcra Idaho PaUs on old s ta te zoo t* a>>' trom Idaho paOs ta .B U ek teo ^ on.:

rley. ho a rd chalr> U. S. fit. tram Blackfoot v e rtw a tA fl^ ' ts be io s given to S. » via Azco. O a n ^ . O o o d tn b

a 'S h o p a - fo r -s ta te BUss. M ountain-TTmne, PcilWOTfV lU varehousea -and Nyssa, .;Or«H wUh an a U t e a t t t d b * ; h ltfbvay om oea a t th a tU .B .2 0 n o w d a 5 p u t ie d h * iw ^ a lte fo u r in llea Arco and Idaho 'F a lls :vU W a> ^ oO t U . 8 . 30, H e sa id be renmted tram Idaho m v h lc b tb e abops erly to Ak o otk tb a T«1& i x i ^ . b s w u . . . U d T O v >•

. - !' J .p J

C E N T ^ I

l a l I

•nceib w ith t h e an itjn l m p h u i s o n t h t ' | j

t a g e n d e s ’ re-.i lj s , t ru c k e rs a n d : If

- ; | I

Oyer-| I i rT ^ f i iUed th e jira c tk d i lV ures h a re b e ta -cy ffi

lability of d riv er^ ' | be studied befote! HI g only about tifnl ^9 dow tb e oinhauBi* B ton.

y tte r of Io t soda

ottloer should t a

oOlcet^ report t f hlt-and-rtm acqK It ImpUcato them'l

w rted a aa cc td ea ^ j I t yo rh iT B -oalM '; nam e a n d lloenia

aa.3unty offlc* I d a # ' r tM A i ^ . l .

i n g a m > n n ^ n a & d fo h a a d ie ' otdce duties c o ^

*& *aa]nbap iaM ~


^etU T H ^!i a n d

[o n a l X Jnlflu

ice t h a t B ^ I y L W to n i^ g lA ®

ork-WM- z ie n t : I s l . 4 - ;

ed for:;;y Mine7 - A strUc* a t tb a

H ailey baa been ireem eat betw eea la op e ra to n o f tha len t haa n o t b e e s ' : P i ^ e s

It la r e to n ied trom e n in S a l t Lak«

m ine, u n d e r tba eement, agzeea te IS average pay Iqr th e la tezsaU oaal > i w lto aevcral.otoer -, ho pay Increase Is - - 1 voval o t tb e wagD i

. ^le w hlcb w as th e '-' - I n ‘rea ch in g .-a b !

', M iners e o n tea d ' agreem ent would

-less. Aa a balanco Itrlke” clause, to e - ’ n o t to *lock o u t; :

rease Is approve^' 1 jlllzaUoa board It

S u c c u m b s : !Nr-Nr-y^. Bepl T —■ O erw d. M . U .S . n a a n y t r o n U t t rd ay a t b is bom* M p t-H e w M a a tp —• M arr.B ern ard 'B anob;!- • tbo iastK irv tve ifi

t t i ' - - S

- S ^ 2 ^ lw h i g h l y a ^ '

I how ever. ■ m ended to . tb a Q o f B tate B lc b ^ a o e a tto l zonta- - - I g n a ty u 1 } .d . ] .V .

I T tn U w h d a r a i ! V' romtea b o x d s to : >1 s ta te zod t» a>.’- ' to.BUekteo^ on.:

“sis-sss^ :.:!

uis:vU B i a ^ ^ ; : . . j Idaho j

tb a T«l& M t t A . i

. ' ' i . : .........J , * J

Page 2: · 2014-12-12 · f ---------- — -----------------,:^ N0; olidLine )f Non-E I 'o G K T r (irRANCISCO, Sept 7 (/P>—Indoncaia

B Fin a l H o n o rs ~ I ^ ^ ^ < 5 iv e n - to - — i I B u M ’g M ayor i■ E BUHL. S e p t '7—U o n ibaa. Wi B l KTKU Btt«nd»d lu a m l Mrrle«i W i a t U d ra J o h n J ty Ru<( held _ f c V n ii in d iy a itc m o o a tn s Buhl ly - lf t t l i f id l t t - e ln ire h . Butlaew bouws I B .m r* ebM d 2xom 1 to 3 p. m.K l_ O ff lc U U n * w u lhe Bev. K ennlt IW rW rHfthTgg, a ln U t« r o t- th » F lrt t B i ^ p U s t c tiarob . tb i Bev.m c b » r t e i E ia la r . m ln lite r of tbe ra>Metbo<Ust e b u r th . ffc^ 11 A auet v u K iae ^ Mrs. John

.WIlMo t a d X<eth« WlUon. Ort&nUt valU f 'WU U n . D on B utton . Th« S u b l I—7 a M uonlo lodg* No. U , AF k&d AM 1^ . ftttendMl ferv ieei In t r n u p . Mem- M « f i W ben of BuhJ chmpUr No. M. OBS. A I , ' BlM tlten d e d In a rroup.: a PJowBT b e u e r s were memben of t-* V x.B«t:M l.N o.~ai,-lntcm *U on«l.i>rder -•>- JH of Jo b 'i Z>KU|ht«n. dlreeUd b r i '£ M n, L. S . B t th s , guftrdUn.-Uibeis I j% w*r* Buhl J a j r e m JneiudJnff V er- ' A non Ci»ner, R o u Prather, Bobert ' n»L 1

}. s r ,,i , R o n tld ' B urks, - J ts s e i. Pence. Don mount«) Kuiton. W trre n e ttrk e r . P . P . Ahi-1 QUUt. 3. H. B trtte r . 0»I1 etmuBli. r t i i S|:i B r B u ro n a n d J i s m H. Shlelda, ,

* ^’ SheJdoDPuUeT.L.B.PleroT.Jtm ei I H trt. V tun B hrl»er. BIU Aldrich tn d i B ofer-E rb-w ero-m etlw -ptllbetrere.- —J MMoaJe r t tu t i u u c rite* w tr t d l-

' I ne ted by Oliver M tn d e n , p u t m u - f r ter t a d W tlte r T o ii . worehlpful

* B u S tl w t* m td t to th« BuhlI Mmeterr________! Cheerleader Vote K; S i Held by Students{. D t r le u w a r n , eenlor: Ultsl*} ■ oniet«, e e ilo r; Ronnie Bynie, » p h - « ' emort. t a d D lek D tjr. tenlor. were

r ~ S w l e t d n » i U t e r t try-out tn d i ; weloonu tw em bly a t 10:16 t J n ,: n o r td ty . Sbe rie Poc ta d Bo*er ‘3 *

! i Tyler t n iJ tm M tt . .•nie u u m b ly opened with a wei- “ *

eome m eeetc« tro ra John PU tt.. pilaolptl.' t n d X m aet R tc ltad , lu - The C^'.pcrJatendcnt. In troduetlon of new toolaUori teachen tn d a tu d en t tiody o fflcm bar of It foUeved. aad cem

Owen E orey . w ho h u attended group olSt. O la ft coUege a t N orth Bend, U . O.M lsaw ota, fo r tb e p a i t two y e tn . fo r U uM n | a aflln and w T onm panlrf by RaUlfitd M n. J t y OaU o a tbe . pUno.

Burley Resident E 'S1 AKBRIOAK P A l i B , Bept. 7 - M n . _I B to n ab S le lsb t O rlm m ett. 70. Aber- T T q itj

deen, died la ta th is aftem oon la a a accldeati occurring in t n Amerlctn

- FaUe cafe. U ra . O rlm m ett w u re- J J W■ turning w ltb m «nb«re of he r family k a z e I from Parte, Id a ^ w hero they h id Alice LU

held a family reun ion . T hurgdt'W ltb other m e m b en of tbe famUy ter, M n .

ehe daewnded to a low er floor o! the U n . 1eafe. faOlog dow n e o m l itepe to a Preibyte

-«em en l-floo r-b« low ^fibe -< U ed-fn . -]3,-iS53,( tta tly . I d th o in

Pow er county eoroaer H. L . D tv li i n 1B80

tannine actual oauee of death. P U h. tn — A w o ttu f. J . o . BiB H ti trn v a n g teh-ooT i

Burley, A d tu g b tc r , U n . June O tr - two y e tr te tt, ilTae >n BoUe. ney Unc

— Kcnic-Tonight— I™A plonliJw in b e b e l d t t 8:*Op.m.

t o d ty t o welcome th e Tw in ? tIU -u S ^ K K o b lV n o w 'fa iu liy m e m b e n

s r their Je rr t BwUher I t c h t lr m ta of tha

picalo. E lfrleda Relntdorf, Arnold BePaul, M n . Cecil Smith, L. J .Bchroyer aad R o t Oleon tU o a re on •the oomailttee p lann ing the picnic.

The H ospital |^ U n g hours a t th e u u i o VtUey b w i u s

. Memorltl h w p lta l a ro -from a to 4m i l u a PJij- - — -------- -------

A O H R T E DM n. Bltncho Novacek, Mrs. Ken-

se th M cOtiy. M rs. Elbert Jones,Mrs. David B r a th e tn and Mrs. Roy Btbbel, tU Twin Palls.

DISM ISSED I________M rt. Robert L y o a td . Jto*. W . T. -w k uL

PtrU h. M r t R obert HoUowty tn d Mrs. Robert W ilson tn d son. tU .T j Twin P tU i: M n . Mike R tndtU .Eden; Leo KUker. P ller; BlU Os-

_b«nB..M urt»uglj;Janu.BeulahJ3uj= . gtn , E tg e rm tn , and Mre. Htroldm t.s< a ± t w i n

. W e a th e r j M ortuar:Frem CP a a d A P Reports

U ifto V tU e y -P tH U elondy to- ® ,Blfbt t a d B tto rd ty . Little ctatare j

-S tlw S ty v -L « w —t« ilg b t-a b o u t-& 2 — »»Arei Ooodlag. <5 Bnrtey. <0 oa C tm u ^ p r tW ^ Tw la F a lls low l u t n U h l« . g^lld”

■ .' • ch tpel w euti«a ‘ ‘ «»*. «l«*. Ttf. p u » r 0* AftiwusfSM t l IS church, c

« n t . to .^

SSrily-;,., .7~:------*I « RCrPOTCbkv. ----------------------14 IS Jate WIU

' ” I t S ttu rd tyLm An»^- ----------------- M *» ' With the

05U .- ;---------------M „ f lc i ttln r -Kr._Y« k -------------------U « J l R upert Cl

S ; . " :!■ i i 1“ ^ ------!! ■” r fBtU Uk* C ltr_____, .... I I i l ■ ■

I t : ------- ’ l - l -S(. Lasla_____ ______ _ Tl II - . ■ 4----- ----- ----- <7 i i . l i

K i S i - . ------------------! ! ■ ! ! . . .

H a l e a n d ^

I m p r o v e d E l b e r t a I m

PEACHESAre N ow Itipe a t ~

C R Y S T A L S P R I N G S W - O R C H A R D

B uy th e m p ic k e d , o r H^ y o u p i c k th e m .

PHONE 243 9, flllR



1 I K e e p th e W W t « n a g I S a f c1_________________ iJLBarcty-EIyln*. ^

t o - - p j a

'o r I T rB T l^ ......... 1 Irrnme p i

held - nl k d tys to ccBuhl I ^ wlUi tp p r

Muses ■ ' I ben bu t I• r t r I lem of CO'

Cerrolt IQ I Uons fp r iF irs t n \ ■ I ” ment.

I Itev 11 ^f Uie stale adi

ffoto five dai/3 w ith o u i a icgisitture

«* - I. _ ■ . I tjr. Accorc

S F r e ig h t R a te ,P la n C ite d a t _ o.'.”™™

A hw prognun

Utah Meeting S 3lobert ■ QALT J.AKE O riY . S e p t/7 W )- w w lu 'o S '

Western lU tes th lp p e n t a d publio tereectlons . _ u t i l i t y eommiulons announced bsdly p ltc

agreement yeeterdey on a four- O n tita po in t pisn far propoeed revUIoa of »ionB coui

w n mounttln-PtcUlo fre ig h t rates. council u l RepresenttUvet o f I I weetem to tho hig

etatee met w ith In te n ta te eom- u k ln g Uu merco commission official Clyde B. reaolution AltchlioR In t p rc-h etrln g confer- in f to the

, o f the ir num- perm tnent^ ^ a r e la agreement t h t t : other U itr

1. Revised class f rc l« h t raUrotd • “ * r tt« s already prescribed for Uie Twin FalU iinftii t« ^ to r y u far w u t aa Denver Complet]

should bo- extended Uuxiugh Uie Twin ^ I s nountain-Psclflo area. the Washit

Equsl C lu s R a te . ' j! l 'J . The oltsi ratoe. baaed, on mile- M^neii m

a age, should be no h ighe r In this “ “f “ ^ C area Uitn elsewhere In th a n itlon. ^ t j o r m

S. A unUonn schedule o t n ie s . ?[ i t s should be tppUed throughout Uie srlltala ImmedUtewpH- < .T h e u n te s ahouM be p n - h ti

w . .u W?t Hul“S f t o T p p ^ C a g o I i I ^ * 1 ^ o n

r u t t , G m p Objects oil membeI *u- The California M anufaeturen a t- aoclaUon, Uie Baa Pranoiseo Oham- In je c to r .- 'I c m ber of Oommere* and K aleer iteel . -

nded group of dissen^a^** P H l l l C rlend. H . O. Barron, Chicago attom ey x r* ' e tn . fo r U u Alnerleaa AssocIaUon of K lT T I d by B *U niadi.Jtid-w M t«n»-c*rrlen t r« —

p n p tr* d to euggest t c ites ra te forthe moimtain area. Ho h in ted Uiat 9 * 5 ? ™ '. *

f, Uie raUroads do no t agree wlUiF ah lppen th a t a d if fen n tla l now ao- U ortuary c

-plled-to -U nT tilOH.'ta'MVtr d a lm e J e rp K iT fltr

nt ■*'™ h.°S!S.."U n , ■ Pallbeart:

fS Hazelton Resident K ” T Dies at Age of 98 ”S - •;^ HAZELTON, Sept. 7 -M rs . M «y 1*'*had Alice Llndley. fia. died a t 4:30 p « . “

T hursday a t UlB home of h e r daugh- p l i i m f mUy ter. Mrs. U H .W a lU n g tan , here. i 1111111 ■ Uie M n . Llndley, a member of Uie 1to a Presbyterian ehurcb; was bom July U l l . J - fn . -13,-ia53rln-Pert«.-ni.-ehc-cam e-io- -R .-o .-JO E

Idaho in June, 1041, from N e o m IU. « u t . pa id a 'avis I n 1B80 ehe conducted a aUulon in Boliee c -de* «hooW oM wo-ye*n-in-«printK W y.- plfadcd-gul

P y i , » M w u m ttro n . 9 l « a n ’ InitallaUoa. n o eehooi In OUehoma te rrito ry for Ucense H e la r- two y ean . 6hs w u m arried to Our- M tran’ee bo

ney Llndley In NcoRt. HI. H e died Thu >»itv t----- : 1irina.-A-M i!l.-Xl«ui7Jolm H . Llnd. Hendrick. “J

ley. a lio preceded 'h e r In detU l Kar. »UeBed Jone a t 8J« H arr;

Burrlvors Include a eon. Dwight i i a d 'A u g . i s J . U iid l.y . m w T ork Olty, tm _2 ^ daughW rs,-M n.-W tlklngtoa.-H esel-------TO LE-

tan . and M n. w . J. Reagan. Rich- ' n n P E ^ U j, mond. Ind.; a niece. Mra. M. j . Ben- MacKensia lold HOlelngton, Kans.; th ree nepb- □. MacKen;

ews, Ralph Lewis, Alamosa, Colo.; for c « n o o a W. R . Young, Denver. Colo., and J m S t f k

jjiS OUrk Young. Neoge: n ine grand- . l o h « h great-graadchll- completed H

Bervlces will b« held M onday a t 'th e W hite mortuary chapel wlUi the -

„ Rav. H. L. Taylor, pastor of tha ”H aseltoa Preibyterlan church, ot- P p n i

“ * n fj«tlng. Tha bariv » lll ^

:en- ' ' , ----- ;;— . . 1 here nowMagic V ^Iey g " •

F u n e r a l s pe*cbes v— - I tree. O n 1■Tj W KNDELL-Funeral servieBs for

u n . Lola M. Christensen wUl bo. he ld a t i p. m. Tuesday In Uio LDS '----------------

church. Bishop Ray H . Dlxoa will -----------------°** be In charge. Burial.wiU be mtde • ^

ia-Uie-W tndtU-cemeterT:-------------------rold -rf lE Jm

TW IN PA L L S-iP unerai senricei ' ( ^ s S s for L. M. JtUi wiU be held a t S p. B l S p m . B aturdsr a l ' the Tw in Palis M ortuary chtpel wllh th e Rev. At- be rt B. Parrett offlciaUng. T he Twin Falls Odd Fellows Idoge will be tn charge of rlluallsUe rite s a t the Sufliet Memorial park. I j I I I *

—H A Z E L T O N -P unerarse rv iee rfsr “ M rs. Mary Alice Llndley wUl be held _ Monday

p u to r of Uie Hazelton Presbyterian CHIC church, OfflciaUng. The body wUl be

, j? ‘ .N eoga,.n i,.fo r l n te n n e n t_ . ______

ROPSRT—Puneral services fo r the J lla te WIU Klebe wUi be held a t 3 pa t. I ' K M Saturday a t Trinity LuUieraa chuK h 7 i!( 9

■ w ith th e Rev. John W tstiO dorl o l. . p , n . . ficiaU ng.-Interm ent wUi bo mado la ”

R upert cemclery.

■ V a f I I I Y J

J l S h o w l!


Investigate Our BUDGET PLA N .

- fo r OoasolldaUng Debta

s w . C. RobinsonOpposite Radio BuUdlng

......................rnohns.»7 _ ■n e w 4 USED f A '


^ Safety Group y- -Plans Second

Traffic Panel< rn a tu* Out

traffic patrols during the next M G ets t« Bol*dsys to cope wiUi Uie situation m et U /Sgt. C. 1wiUi approval of Uie council mem- Priday U> picben bu t bogged down «n the prob- local ORO hlem of county and lU te appropria- is assistant u Uons for addlUonal n>en and equlp-

- ment. - - Bnlldlnr Ten In Uils connecUon. Uis present „ Clarence Bl

state administration and recent “a legislature were crtUcised sharply |fflUcaUon_.

rf(r f o n r d n c tn g th m a m b e n in tK ia " w w d a y r P *patrolmen, who. councUmen opined, ^ 20*foot pncontribute greaUy to highway safe- mated cost ol

— ’ ty. According to B rigp , “any econ- —“om r trh leved by cutung down the M n f / i r S ihlghw ty p ttro l is economy a t the i T l O l O r i l

• expense of human life." T « /» lr .In Ueu o! addlUonal patrol car*. I j a C l i •

. _ the council favored aa educational . . . - r t ^program pointing out public re- f O fsponslblllty during the dangerous r^ek af u

[ g period ahead. A d i ^ to , the dan- ^ *0 ears foreseen by Uie memben aro 3 ,

P ) - weeds obstrucUng Uie view a t In- n f [ L ® . ^ blio tersectlons and 'insdequste and ? M M y p t o d .top . t a , a u I i S , 1

On ttte m atte r ot wetd toaUoJ c a n a t 4:«01 0* along county and tU te roads the » u aolng »

council U drafting le tten lo be sent » e it. em to t t e htahw ay directors concerned He told oflm . uking^ Uielr coopenUon. Also, a «ut f r« h beh, B. ^ l u t i o n w u passed recommend- iS ff n e v a to ■er- ing to Uie clly-commlsslonen Uiat S M ? w*rL im - perm anent pedestrian crosilng signs c u n L r traHi _ other Uian pavement markings be

Uia Twin Falls. headlight onver CompleUon of a truck route Into in the reiulU

^the W ashington school area U near- U ra WUma /ing compleUon. according to a n - gtren. were <

H , wuncU president. t» ,n u e northOQ M ajor p a rt of the route remaining backing from

unfinished ta the comer eutUnj Thursday. Mitproject a t th e IntersecUon of U. s . ^ n t fender

“ * highway 30 a n d Uie Pole Line road, resulted.imm ediate acUoa on Uie comer

" • project h u been pnwnUed by Dls- f i i f l n m /J,* W rt HUhway Engineer Hemy J U Q C T (

JU setting up a pro- J j l C o Igram of h igh school student parUc- t.,.*

^ IpaUon in Uie Safety councU were w b a t e JudUken T ltu n d a y night but delaUs awarded PaulWill n o t be announced unlU coun- accountant.cll metnbers confer wiUi Harold civil action si^ w n . h igh school driver-tralning ^ r . B ^ . w

f F u n e r i r ^ f o r « « Kunberlv Woman■„ “ fu n e ra l services for M n. LUlle L. work which I:

Osborne, Kimberly resident, wera defendant in H, heW Friday aftem oon a t Uis White A ttom ef for

Jd ° M d i t ^ a a “d ^o ^a rS it w u Mrs. H.H. Rhodes. y .,1

P a llbearen were Jim W en t, ( . n a r f i f f i . D u anoW ood .W .O . Wood, t d Col-

IUl. Jo h n Bates and Oeorge And- A O fflllK8 Burial WM ttade-in-Sunset Me* • Court aoUoE Z morial park . - 31. Hy. Nev..

__________________ motion of the

"Plumber Is Fined 5; On License Rule Sto- -B .-0 .-JonM .-3 in37-F II«r-aveJlU 6 ~ M * j r o ; Lloy

west, pa id a fine of t3S and $3 costs attorney, said oa In poUee court Friday after he vious record. J y.- pleaded-guU ty-of-engeglnr-ln -U ie PaH srarreeted

or Ucense. H e h a d potted a ap- Baker witbheic pearance Ixind Thuriday. D arrah on two

5^ _Iha^ ty -P lum b lng .in ipecto r. W . L . .the provialon t d ' Hendrick, signed the complaint. He and brother a

alleBed Jo n a ein tU lled a septic b u ln -worklne.--------a t 33( H arrison street between Aug. The two you 1 and 'A ug. 37. . c ity officers J

™ ----------------------------- w ith tha thef! • ------TO LEAVE FOR E tm o P t ■ ■ from Uie Bn1- ' RUPERT, Sept. 7 -P v t. E. Ronald HeaUng comps '• MacKenaia, son of Mt. and Mra, A. r a h had aerved

D. MacKenzle. wiU leave Saturday dustrlal achool.'•I for Camp K ilmer. N. J, where he ----------

will em bark fo r Europe. MacKenzle. LEAVEj- who h u been on furlough here. h a o e r MAN

completed his training in the engl- q , ._ Bgn neer corps a t P t. Belvolr, V a, Aug. S S i i :

ahe wUl atten° — ........ ' I I d a h o . ' OUier

I; . P e a c h e s P icked S ^^ 'o h ^^“ ■ 'H A O inaJA N , mt>i.- 7 ~ T h e T O n n z m p

peach ha rv e st Is in fuU swing and Jim JusU< here now and Several residents predict a bumper crop. On BillMosher's farm five bushels of S \ X ^ peaches were picked from one

_ tree. O n Everend Jenien's place 1. m buaheU were picked and told I S H A M

W ednesday. l « » f l W r f

g l - ------- L OMll

« fftiittt lttn itty r Ik lllk i li lV lli l «. se iv jcc^ ou

Sf enjoying Uie <B O ISE S 2 f l f t home all wlnte

S ------a iT - L A K E T T O S - - " ' S ' l S S t Sm CHICAGO _ 531.15

______ _______________________- E J BL‘ TRA ILW A Y S i T *A 7 A O u .Iim t , I sU - P t t t ln i H oU l H . a 4 0 ^

I _ANGUS_AUCTJS h o w L n t a a d ScU ln s &l th « E a& tern Ida!


S A T ., S e p te m b e r34 BULLS & HEIFE

Consigned fron) Tep Herds of California. Nev Aberdeen-Angut Breeders.

_ —Sponiorcd by—



- — ^ T w i a J E a l l s ^ N e w g i n r l

C raag t WUl ' • S laa Releaaed

I T he Pomona Orange wUl tneet a t Joseph Bruce8:30 p. s i. BaUirdsy a t the Kimberly neto. OUa.. pieadiOrange hall. e nneu wben be i

„ , ------- court Friday butPO G e o t« Boise Jndgmeht and i,et M /Sgt. C. R. SmlUi went to Bolie wlUi aa opportunIn - Priday to plek up equipment fo r the „b - local OBO headqusrteri. whera he B irths ■- is assistant unit inatrucur. Fridsy births sl0- ' Memorial honltAl -- BuUdlnr rfiTBll Aiktd ter " n d 1

Clarence Bhsnal. 7 « FourUi tv e . Twin PtUai aadnue west, fUed a building perm it M rt. Rot Babbt'

m!?5ij.°cUnmnM? h?iia 8 ^ 1 0 ? by 20.foot privaU garage a t an esU- «_e . mated coit of t<C«. ^ iD m t H oaeII- _ — - Birs. Helen Bai:

S Motorist Blames “.•ptS?,'S« Lack of Warning

S For Crash-Here“ Lack of a fe ty prtcauUoos w u ®1*I* blamed ^ u rs d s y afternoon ia Uie ™ report of a Flier motorist whose

car and a n llro id locomaUve eol- Uded. Paul Oeno told city offtcen Uiat engine No. IMS w u ewltchlng Americaa Red

ol c a n a t 4:40 p. m. Thursday u he '. u , . W . . . t on SUtS . , » » g j l J

'<1 He told officers' lhe engine c tm ep u t from behind the Trinidad B ean I l 8 i n d g 6 andEIevatorcom psny.M 4Bhoahone .> « ■ . etreefw eit, without havlag a m an M a r k e t

'» clearing tn fflc and Uie whlsUe blew A 'a o a s a v t .• Ju it.t* .U itt-*nglnL cam B .ln .ilJl\tjf. ^ A basement fl

the road. Cano ssld the r tg h t fro n t T^eiVjrvWUmemt headlight on his csr w u damaged dows and vents at

to fa Uie reiulUng collision. - AvenuB Market, <id Ines Hunter, 3M Piercejtzvet. aad e u t . on the come> U ra Wilma A. Peterson, no addrew e u t . w u brougl1- glren. were driven of c t n which ahortly beforo m: •. colUded in U u 100 block of U ain on i; a few minut

avenue north u Mits H unter w u men were caUed.- .g backing from a curb a t U :U a. m . pitm es wenlg Thursday. Minor damage to th e r ls h t bu e m en t of the a3. fron t fender of the Peterson car mg but flnm en ;1 resulted. damaged much of*r _ _ -------- -------------Owner of the stor

; J^udment Granted ,. In Collection Suit yTS'SS™' Probate Judge S. T . Hamilton h u tmoke and heat ui5 aw trded P tu l W. Beck, T w la PtUs- accm m t«.t. M M u Uie result o f a g» clvU tc tlon sgainit 0 . H. WiUltais. __________> Filer. B eck.w u tlso tw tn le d .tu .2 9 . , . . j

Church WJudge Hunllton took Uie m tt te r _ . «

tmder tdviiement tf te r h e trln g _ n i p q i t tesUmony In probaU court I h u n . 1 ./1 C 0 U

I d ty . Beck sought I131.S0 u th e b t l - WENDELL. Sept L ince r iu e-fn r- tf fn im tln g -in r t-U « -Chrlstenten.-M.-d I. work which he perfomied-for the a t 7 p. m. Thur I defendant in 19tO. . . lingering lliness.’ A ttomey for Beck w u WlUiam J . AcUve In LDS i

~ resenUng WUllams. - the Prlnlary nnd 1— t he church. She v

. Charge Dismissed » HySmSw1 ^ i x j r T T In Logan, u u h . T«

• A g a i n s t M a n H e r e were endowed m t. •• Court aoUon agtlnst Bob Loghry.

31. Ely Nev.. i m on tm k i« i of th i M O ie c X ^ ^ Betides her huslM d fy msm lng with Uie iSivW on )3ved by a son :

• t h t t Loghry. who had been.cbarged 'rhs^fdUi w ith grand larceny, comply w ith « « • C h a n ^

» o rden to report, for InducUon Into' Uie a m e d forces.___________ _ _i Msx O . Lloyd, county prosKUUng J attom ey, said Loghry had no pro- Salmon,s vious record. Jack Darrah. 18. Tw in OUier survivors i » -P^HBr«rre*twI-wJth-X->ghry,-plaad.. Bnlnfi__irftd«ori,„ . <d-guH tyr'D latrlet-Judge-H ugh-A r Jiro lhe r_£a iiey -jr• Baker wlUiheld sentence and placed grandchildren.

D arrah on two yeara ptohaUon w ith Puneral services. .the provision thn t he JolnJiiajfather. l . p ^ ^ u d a } - . a t ) nnd brother a t Salmon and begin w ith Bishop JU y H.I worklne.--------------- r"-------------------- Burial-wili be mad

The two youths were arrested by cemetery under the c ity officers July 37 In connection Weaver mortuary, w ith tha theft of a cooling u n it from the Bradley Plumbing " a n d

1 HeaUng company. Ttt-ln Fallt. D ar- . ,. r a h had served time In Uie s u te in - | l i nr dustrlal echool. f y | | \ »

LEAVE FOB SCHOOL• HAOERMAN. Sept. 7 — nW. and B B H ' M n . O len BeU took their daughter.’ Hase], to Moscow Thursday where

she wiU attend ths Unlvenlty of I d a h o . ' O ther students ' to a ttend ■•chool la Mcacow from K ag e m a n •'TO nigg

'wlsct” '*1i w o' Town- ____and Jim JusUce. ______________ .

Y ou need a H | | | | | | | BS H O P P E R ’S G U ID E. . . to know q u a li ty PLACE

W hen you have Uied our Quality ^FUEL OIL, our prompt, friendly

. seryJce.=you..too,.wJIlJcUle.d5.vrn_tO- __________enjoying the comforts of a wnrm Whome aU winter long . . . seduro in

--theHmowJedge-of-our-dependablUty- ------------of service tn d products. Just—

• Nc

kU C T lQ W J _ * £« E a& U rn I d a h o S U ile F a i r K F O O T

e m b e r 1 5 th £16 HEIFERS Compli

' California. Nei-ada and Idaho I 'f 'd u ted ?^ ''’

rABERPEEN. IHLERi s s o c i a t i o n 4 1 0 w m k .


^ e w s in B r ie f —M m i d o l

Joseph Bruce Ketchum. J J . VI- o ___’ neto. Okla.. pletded guilty of d runk- 9 D U U S

e nneu wben be appetred In police Fcourt Friday bu t tha court delerred RUPERT, Btfi. T SJudgment tn d reletsed K etchum have been msde ree

• with aa opportunity to leave town, potato wareiiouses «bI . . -------- . tn d shipping wUi b e «I B irlh i-----------------------------------------UnUc “ Commission -

Fridsy births a t the Magie V tlley leased Uie C. D. Jo toMemorial hosplUl loclude t d tu g h - tn d ilarted procesimter to Mr. ajid M n. Elbert J o n u . toes this week.,

■ Twin PaUs; and a son to 'M r. t a d T lu compsny. printi M rt. Rot Babbtl. Twin Palls. A lor the A and P storet daughter w u boro ThursdtyTo"J4r. Heybura l u t year► a u d w w i iuyujiiiiiinim ; Tri Tii>wr:— r wgTEliuuie tiuB to be• ^ •-------- larger acreages. Dick

^ t u n u H oae ager of Uie plant.Mrs. Helen Bailey, fonner execu- Johnson, *bo h u b

Ure eecntary of the Twin Palis U to wsrehouiiog butl:ch tp ler of Uie Amerlctn Red C rou , 1W8, wUl continue totiTlved home T hund ty n lghtr She The MsUonsl Produb u betn VlslUng b w soa-ln-law Chlttgo, t iu Uased

. and* daughter, Mr. tn d M rt. Jo h n Slmplot wtrchoute. Z: WeUes, tn d new grtndton In P o a - b u opented a f tn a, chatolt. L t. She 4>Itas to sU y In son fanns on lha nori

Twin FtlU about a week before for Uie l u t Uiree ye, letvlng for Stlesi, Ore.. where th e n tm ed mtnsger for, wiu begin her duties u bome te r r - p ita t., lee director of the etlem ch tp ter of The 0. A. Oamp fan. th e American Red Cross. wbo purchased 9j000I --------------------------- northwest of Ulnidoks

' Fire and Smoke : Damage Grocery,; Market at Night

A basement f in which spewed poutoes Is treraglng ; T ieivy-v«\mem fTBTOks-fTter«ta«- ta ra -d iy rM o it-o l-t l1 dows tn d venu at^Crippen'e Fou rth reds but Wtyne Newcc

AvenuB M trket. 403 Fourth tvenue ed shipment of toms i: e u t . on the comer of Fourth itr e e t I e u t . w u brought under control T. ahorUy before midnight ‘H iuradty. A H l B n C B n l i, oni* t few minutes tf te r d ty f l r ^ * 1 • 1 wa

m en were ctUed. ^ D i S t n C t MFltm es w en confined to th e yrt.vw 7-P :

bu e m en t ol th# small, tram e buUd- jy y , iii ir ie t convering but flnm en feared smoke h a d American Legion a t PIdamaged much of Uie grocery stock, f lo u n c e d by Jim Ko ow ner cf Uie sto n U WUUam ori;>-P « - TTie W er port win k

Fire Chlef-T ..7..Bsrtl«lt ssH -he- ^ m venU o iM m ^p t^ lw u uncertain about the damage as Uve bosrd will meet s tyet. but th e n w u a g n a t deal of general meeUng h u bttmoke and heat up iU ln and a c^n- 3 pm . at the Americai:slderablB amount of damage occur- Memben ot Uie eitcired to stock. He u id both th e buUd- tee wUl launch Uieir mlng and stock w en Insured, luncheon. Poet problen

' cuised and ao ageoda

Church Worker - •Kp"i“. W .*N.. • rwT t 11 atUieOrangehsU. Jsn

- Dies m WendellWENDELL. Sept. 7 -M n . Lola M. win be Uie speakers.:

-Ohrlslensen.-SB.-dled-at-her-home wl!l-hold-iU-eon«nllota t 7 p. m. Thursday foUowiag a Uon wiUi the Legion mlingering lUneis. ^

AcUve in LDS chureh work, she M e e t i n g

the Prlnlary nnd^R eU ef'X ciV u^^Uic church. She w u bom April *.ISOJ. in Boncrolt and was marriedto Hyrum ChrlJlenMn Oct. 11. IfllO. Pre«nUUon ol r e ^ f fin Logan, UUh. Two years la ter Uieywera endowed in Ui»Salt Lake City

.w&r&'c?"'vived by a son. Ray ChrisUnsen,Che»-eIah. ..iVuh.: Jive daughters. *'” •M n . Ivy Chandler. WendeU: M n .Laura Dllle. Ooodlng; M n. Helen tom m ltttt. said. Tolman. Pocatello; M n. Emia Jep-8en.-BiUinirsrwoncrtna-Mrg.-Twth - j ' _ t> . ~ x —Cheney. Salmon. ^^ O t h ^ u i ^ w s a n a sliter. M n.

grandchildren. p S T ft. nSoni p*rl "01 Puneral services will be held a t W RLD't UR9EST

l-P _m ^e idaj-.a t-U ia-L D 3 .ehu reb - - IELLE8 AT-lflD —w ith Bishop JU y H. Dixon In charge. ..Burial-wiu be made-tn-the-WendeU • |3 J H R T 5 f i J i ] | l - ! 5cemetery under the dlrecUon of the »Weaver mortuary._______ ________ **



_ V -

PLACE YOUR ORDERS.NOW — For th t! New, ■ Improved, Proven Type— '


Z G A T E S• Ideal for siphoning tubes cr.cofrugote • . Slotted to hold boords In ploce• Non-clogging — Eojier to instoll• Movable-Reusoble• Reinforced with Steel

SIZES 6-1'2-15-18-24-lnch opening

Reinforced Slob Check* ol»o cvoilable C .C .C .A pproved


SEPTIC TANKSComplete With Lids $20 .00 F.O.B. Plont

W f a rt equipped to dellrer t a d Install Utsse Unks foi ir desired.

IHtER Cdnstruttion (410 W ash. ' (Corner T ru ck Lone) ■ Phone <


A^vity ffiU f e ToM m i d o k a a s

S p u d s R i p e n ?.tSK'iMKRUPERT, Sept. 1 - S e v tr tl changea lor location

i»ve been msde recently in local Ugj, jchoolMUto wareliouses where p tcb tg ing IhvitHulr new sipper r ind shipping wUi be done. The A t- ^ ^ looking P«tl l,nUc-commisslon -com pany has “ it .nd I t hileased Uie C. D. Johnson warehouse ens com er.. . (md surted procesilng e trly poU - Jn rtve r of car Uce oes this week.. ^ , oulckly ilpisllng- for a a

The company, principal suppllen ^ o o l ,tudtnU choose U :oT the A and P stores, operated a t S iSteV midway be H ^ b u r ^ iMt y o r but ^ letM d j^ pedestrian t o e ^ a ^

arger acreages. Dick H a m 'l* m ta - m ^ S y for left UjIger of Uie p lan t Intorsectlcn.. » Oent te

Johnson, who h u been in tb e po- hitchhiker's sign *‘Alukt to wsrehouiiag builneu here since c am e ".. . The Rev. Doi;»38. wUl conUnue to buy potatoes, m n e stopping a t PoUcc

The NsUonal Producen Bhippen. telephone.. . Forgoailtago. t iu leased th e form er nlng Ust headed by 'Jimplot wtrchoute. E trl Bell, wbo ,M u ^ - , . .H u g e tn teU f opented a f u m on tb a O ltw - u u t ih . dlipUyed t t Cion farmt on lha north tide project commerce.'.. Baby vei'or the l u t Uiree y e tn . h u been »troUer with mother'su n e d mtnsger for', tbe R upert . . . Ancient car with gilUnt. ' - alied muffler.. . M n . Hi

Tha 0. A. Oamp farm i, CaUfomla. getting an esrly sta rt onrbo purchased 9JOOO acres o f I tn d . . . And orerheard: *'Y<lOTthwest ot Ulnldoka county about v u a tludf.*I year ago .hu leased the w t r t b o u s e ----------------------m highway "JO from U lnldoka r v x« ^ CJ<.a «.+r*nns. TWs warehouie wUl bo used J)utieS fetart'or packsgiag. Joha Kerbe. t a ta tg e r ^ . 1 l £ \ i■^iA»y..u...«,»..ttho Student 01octl depot, reporU Uiat ahlpm eat of New Tn'ln PaUs high loUtoes It arertging from » to 16 dent body oHIcct began

s rS m S S iS ta JS “‘r*'a • r • ole Oreene, secretary,

Distnct Meet SetPILJR. Sept. 7 - P l ^ fo r the 5 t„t<unt; AUce Rhodes.

tlfUj dutrict conrenUon of Uie David OUanow.Vmeriean Le^oti a t Pliw ^ v e djnt- jgy^t Pettygrove.innounced by Jim Koutolk. district president, snd Arta M

^ QulU and Scroll presldenTTie W bt port win be host to the —onvenUoiv-on-Bept-4S.-aha-ax*ou~----- -----------------------Ire board win meet a t noon and the W f i l S p r i A eneral meeUng h u been caUed forp jn . at the American Legton halL Patrlda lllnc le and IMemben ot Uie execuUvo commit- erson, both 10, Twin P i Uj

M wUl launch Uieir meeUng with a reported In serious co:imcheon. Poat problerai wUl be dls- Magic VaUey Memorial hiuised and ao ageodt fo r th e d ty day nson, sllhough an InfUl be set up. • - ------------in- Miss Miracle's comAt 7 pm . a banquet will be served noted Thunday evening

tUieOrangehsU. Jim eaW .M oore, teen-agers « r e ihjured Iepartment commander, and M n . mobUe aeddent Mondayratel Harris. auxiUary president, thonarin be Uie speaken. T he auxiliary ■.Ill hold-iU-convenllon id-conjuno- ----- ...------- --------.on wiui the Legion meeUng. George E. Brown,

----- --■— _ M.D., M.S.Meeting Slated

TlUPERTTft-pC^TiU lfllffTflM tr —lg wIU be held a t * p. m . Monday rm U t. ti>iit4 t* i"«mi the county courthouse to permitresenUUon ol recommendations io r By Appolalaent Only. 1oprovemmt of pretent fann pro- ------rams and polleles'of the TJ. S. de- ---------------------------------artment of agriculture.The meeUng is being h e ld - u t Lrt of the department o f agricul-

“FamUy Farm PoUcy Re- Carl tilea. chslrmnn of the

o u n t y agrlculturai mobUlzaUon >mmlttte. said.

- - 1. Buy/ 2 . l a t U

-CHECK-— ^dlcee

. M 5 i 9 _____________________ — [ f o J ic o m f

fubes o rrugo tes e o m tJs In p lo c e - ty p «le r to in sta ll ’ jocoo

l- ln c h opening

s a lso

M N C R IT I ~

nsltU these Unks for you.

uciibnCo. 1 ^ * ^L a n .) P h o n .6 3 1 - W j R o b e f t i

I wfirlog bright red B ietken •

■ a o s i n g lle tasrkeL . • Woman asking O

; « & r o ? . s r

w S y for left tu m a t busy W“ e t r r i a g m e ? ? '^ ^ ectlon.. » Oent teUIng ^bout OpenlhK of the joutlif*.. " ^ 1 tlgn "A lu k t t o ^ o t n ho dlsW ct «.H - . . . “m e Rev. Donold Black- no6n w u well o t t e ^ ^ itopping a t poUce sutlon to mated 3.000 penons t t e J elephone.. . Forgotten shop- opening performance e < ^ Ust headed by “Oum and day rodeo T hunday n jrtt

i r d l ju y e d a“ P ^ « > d ‘ onTy” ' £ r j SH i i - s f c r p o T t L o i : 1:“ “ndent car wllh greatly orer- u„-iUi to th» «nZT.. ^

S " « l / » S t o n office w t the n * ,-Y.P, b l, t o w S 2 ! u “ ;

• . ■ K -S '/r -S 'sties Start for “ s ,Student Officers F.U . W .I. «»«>1 .lu - J l K ^ P o S w l o " , . Sody otilcCT began their duties T>ni-vf>vit n cori^•eek. Heading the offlcen are Calf roping. Ju le i-uIlson, student body president; Eden. 1B.3 .secondi: U *irrlngton, vice president; Csr- Calif.. Blslsreene, secretary, and Janet Blsckfoot. 21.Ueaiurer. OUier offlcen a n A grand pande of llretbxWhltUe. Oirls lesgue presl- the todeo arena will begls

Clark Whltchend, Boyt dub Priday. foUowed by Uie w a:nt; Dsunna LUicoin. Pep dub performanca a t g p. m.:n t; AUce Ithodet. FHA pres. Queen contestants »a hDavid OHarrow. PPA presl- duced a t the rodeo Wdi/aMJoyce Pettygrove. Theiplant a selecUon wiu be anacMd imt. snd Arta M te Rigley, day night.Mi Scroll president. --------- -

M o a s i ^ £ = t SIda M ln ^ and uoyd Nick- to tUend ihj Kboth 10, Twin Fills, w en ttUl of nuning.;d In serious condiUon t t ,VtUey Memorial hospital Fri->on, sllhough an Improvement I . ,Iss Miracle's condiU on-w u I - M n n A u ' t O l i iThunday evening. Tho two I *” W 8 iC y I O kO

gers (rere ihjured In an auto- Z * Farm Loansaeddent Monday near Sho* t • Olty Resident L a a

t • Clty Businea Bldtl— ] t_ « .N o J lp p r a l i i l - r e e -

seorga E. Brow n, ir ., t • No CommlisloasM.D., M .S . ■ , 2 • Low In terett RaUt

m am rta tr il *r kU 4.

ItlM tl>llt4 t* Int«n>l U4W t A G E N 0 f . ilim t... T .{gg M .t.. p ..^ ppelalaeat Only, Phone 51# ^ ....................................

BE S U R E O F HEATT a k e J u i j tw o i le p s Jo i t i u r e y o u r bo o f d e a a , f rie n d ly w a r a t h t

1 . B u y a SPA RK -oll-bunU ng b e a te r .-

2 . f a « ta lla n « d e< iu a te o U a to ra g e ta n k o ftffalloa* o r a o r e e a p a d ty -n n d fiUilPt

c n A SPARK o i l H i A T i t n

r 0 i t « E R S * m i i r - T 0 P p i r f o r m U I

S P A R K r i r e i d < .in . i i t l i f T ip g WH! w ith a n y o f th e U ghlf r e t l d u a l foe! *

■-------— r .— N c t r l r N 6 r 2 r N o . '3 - o n - a a f tT B r t

d ie te l o i l S P A B K b u m i ih e ee oOttU ly , tffieiently, L a i t w lo te r , f o r txB tf

-------7- — - (h o n ea n d e o f bomeg-werB k q > tw w « *c o m fo r ta b le by S P A R K h eate r* c o m m o n m o lo r d le e e l f u e l , thety p « o f f o t l u s e d f o r t h i t k » , b o ie t <■

l o c o m o t l ^

" ‘DiMOHsminI W e to y o a r ^ g P ^

h e a te r f o r y o u r n e e ^

l o b e r t E .


i e p ^ a s o n iV e

S o s i n i i t I

! '" ■ r . . . ^nd year ,he h J ,,

^ thepSf*^ns Oranne tied £, » hew d lT l^ u

Mgement. ^'« o f ^ e wuth te t

000 persons t l t J performance e< iS1 T hunday nj|n“ ' falr-w eatbn griS<1 only , lightir the rodeo whmi fld friiky a l 2 !

the sp tc u to aentry a t the r* ,,1 Jean RuUierfsj,

for Uie 19M J ey Vigilantes le show and r m ^Buddy P u t« ^ horse. 'Ins In Uie stset,■n Ike Thomna rex., B3 atello. 8,4:T51tji* ,.ia-seeonds.— ■oping. Jules- I £ -secondi: U t Calif., BUla

f pande of llr'eits:■ arena will begin i lUowed byuiew a nee a t g p m. contestants «a (| the rodeo Pridi/aii n wiu be a n a ^

>me, and velms ; left Wdijf for Ita aUend the Kahls


l e y t o Um Loans r Resident Lcta f'BusineaBldC!Jlp p ra ln l-fie— CommlMlaas r Interw tR aia


slD East Afeil

h e a t !u u r e y o u r b o ^ ^ n i t h t

ng -b ea ter« -

> rage t a n k o f t ^ K ' - a a d f i n U p i ^ ^

« t l d u B l f a e T i ^ Kr b n ' a a l H ^ W gI Iheee e r , f o re k q > t - w t f « « ^ ^ ^ i h ea te r*

lu tk a . b u i e i * ^ ^ ^

r y o u r n e e ^ ^ ^ K


Page 3: · 2014-12-12 · f ---------- — -----------------,:^ N0; olidLine )f Non-E I 'o G K T r (irRANCISCO, Sept 7 (/P>—Indoncaia

B . « f f m g g 8 - T . - i 9 n ■-------------

K p ^ n d s L e a d e r o f K M e t h t i d o f W a s h i n g

to tten . aiodhl'* lam I t WM Kthru whl

■ « * P>"®“ * ? S L ^ to lm « te(U» wllhou H S w L u n l mir. H*d « M t be

lu n tO •g? . I ? r KMhmlr, wlUi Ita J u i i f l E H P S B f i l vbelmlng betuty. Tb

H t u r apot o( Ui6 world wht o‘ Ui l ns 70U m U a I

K a h ls.celon udods thH l l f l S t i i S B told me then Is no H r | S w o r l d Uko Kuhm lr, I

I t

■ i 5 S t < K S H P W hea he told me th^ L w S * ' K r , f l l R B a t (he um e Une tha^ h t rled hlffl Uiroush hi

In Pri«« ® “■ ^ i B ' . . . ' bCftuUes or the Tale (

» ‘> ^ d « t r i f d L l f w S N e ^ - T » a S ^

K s« S m s ,fr« ,"is-'S r aS ; I »“»I “y iB S fy ^ r /X L poU

A g e n c y M a i

S e t s A r e ;^ K f T t t * of th e jjg y j 0 Youns, in^ T asU nsliw . “J « "“; • local *oclal jecurlty

Hie gtrl* u> o t a number 01 towni» i % d o the wafWng. a n d j^y

19 da Ihe drying a n d applic*tIoni Joi^ ______ _to Muwer queatlong_e

oia asc anatunlvors.^ C ^ e up UlU country wedncidny, Younj

growlng'UP years, employment ofllce In ■ « , i 5tlfijroUic»orBl»t*ra o‘:30 a in . until noon. K l l tc m » w * » wMh. a n d th e Wtndell poatoHlci K S lin J ta d o - .H W o k m o nnd will bo nt the G ■ ^ U leam lh»t niy sis- jjouae Irom J;3Q to.6 \

tl] the best of I t h e will be *t the ShosI from 0:30 to 10:30 a.

BTiimoehM Jier than d ry - Hailey a t the departi not onlr h u to dry . aaalstwce from a to 4::


L a b o r ^ f e■ u — iinirhL I used to RotR ? L t ii«rs lor the o rder , Parm work In thliK S r ^ t d thInBs. A Binning lo pick up."K m a i i n t f plate-Then » » « > « " 0' “>» •®«'■ , r ? w n CUDS In a row, security agency, annof c S ^ t h w could find H o reported that ord* K S d l h e tlnk. W hat I Jo r sack sewer*, ^ t a t■ w tf i i i t a togtlhcr. a ll bean shockm, which

iS jUverwarc to« harvest season I s ‘def ltd *nil pans to - n In s to shspe up.

H a U ; dlilindiinj’maclUncs READ TIME8-NSW8 K ^ i S [ U i . i n d o s I s a i d ■£t'km 'uii(ierTnm e<nnff- ■ ^ U B i Ol Uie American BARTLET

to m Ihr tax p u t

»■ . ■ ■ ___________ p .E /^ .|;There !s no doub t

m U ii Ulh the communlsbi■ t t ud M Ul American J K £1 A L H ^ t i l y dUlilie him. But, r tT n T T m x tI Bt 1 a n ! It was N ehru RIGHT N'H d t It posilble for me to s i t■woTUiewld's most d rn - JO H N S G O lf c k - M d lofiijoy the most-B T u t ol Ihe esrth I havo ORCHARI

K s d U he sent me a Ucket *«rM ,p W t tol OwllA's m urder-

11 ■ M I

^ Special T o n ig h t A .S atu rfsy t

I '80-Sq. PRINTS^ Colorful selection o f fa s t color prii ».Bnla as8ortm cnt-of-colors—/ and patterns. 3 6 " w idth.».

K Piece G oods— Slreel Floor

^ . , Boyw*_Cot(pnJgrint---------

I F U N N E L SH IRl^ - J u f l t Arri\-cd! C o tto n flannel Bhirts; ^ sleeve, iityle. C o lo rfu l, popu- ^ j

lar colors, p a t te rn s . 4 to 16._._ 1 • t

^ Boys’ W e a r - S l m l Floor

m 70x80 C o tion Plaid


» B o n i« i l l ( » _ s i r „ i Floor


D i S e sa m If te rK e ta i h iu b e e n / « .3. Gsodhl'a name w ill live. fotot. ®‘. ‘* f “ ‘ai(jo vas Kehru who to ld m o not Oaijr » .ppu tK iei i" ,»e India without eeeln« K aah- « t« M «“ a u I jHad It not been toe h im l- unui iu,*®?, «« hum « u ; haw skipped th e ' Tale of ‘■'^uiht fa. 'jjlr. with Its a lm ost over- Y- ^uxm , diu-'i«t ling beauty, 'm a a k s to him I two irttk* ta * UtUe awluded Mva, OubiJ?- a the world where tb e xigliw 17* ^ , '*"• you «« U a bulbul .flashing '

ilors smoM tho lotua. N ehru P ‘» i k L V ^ i a l s S . '’,'"’? ne there Is no p lace tn the n^Ur. bS,i„Hi* gsshmlr, a o d I m u st see o?i‘““i , '* " '^

_F!or<t U«ll. Jlilti. n(K>k-hlM<Wlefr-‘*nd-e*w -^tr uJu, u a » j7^ he told me this, h e told me jf t? ,; ^ ' , 7 ; coiiia So i

, same Ume th a t aU th a t car- mwi?; ilm Uirough h is m a n y years w. uunn. cmie,;'Ison were memorie* of the “““ •

« ssri ;ra ® ? i3 ”ne tei be »W# to g t t m ad a t T ^n n iu ; wiiinni bSi i-n o n a tter w h at h is a tll- Arnow urMtt!Ujward us ls._I know th e re Is r ln hlssoul. 'ah I eould say »o m u c h about S’',',” " ' - D“Hn': u . o- American poUUclans, b u t l “ *

Burlej; liji* Coi. nun»»t- ' mud br MeN.afhl trsdlernU. Inc.) Hupfn: J», Coulr. u J u

— r ; -------- J nriU"'?j..'5encyManager' S I I ' s S " ' iets Area Visits—— —V -------------- ------ Lcn>trtu»«n-ci«t*,-{jh0«d 0, Young, manager of the f ‘» ^>ra<)fT. Twin mu: social Kcurlty office, wtll bc civenV/r umber of towns In Magic Vol. Dutifr; i™ Coium liuriJJ a t week W assist persons In _n*'p!' o^ner. Cutitfort appllcstlons for benefits and 23?^; “{f'’nHV7 “ -uP*‘ wcL5ieiUorLS_conn5Ct5<l_KllhD:wxu;j e and junWors.lnsurance.— — «»r«'nesdny, Younj will bc a t the SlL \mient office In Jerome from pui,; mr i>un” n t . i? n m. until noon. He will be a t £»tiiquii,i. Twin rwu; t u. tndell postofflco a t 1:15 pjn, 'm b. .1 Ih t O ooains coSrt- 'Sfrom 3:30 to.6 pjn. Thursday, riiu; uao DUon' Uaiu- t 1 be at Uie Shoshone postofftco “urifJCIO 10 10® B o w iu In at the department of public Twio mia; ttm» Eiri, T«in

nc . t o . 3 1 . CJO p ^ . T h u r .- I;T. PU1(, nupfrt; De»n Trmii,

------------------------ 5- Duhl.t T>J 1 • 1 *'■ n- Ountnl:. BW»ren; c

i a b o r T N e e d e d — a , ; S T " b . ' : „ V '? sn « , k ta IhU 1. b . - » o ’C ’'o S 3 i i ’iI lo pick up.” R . 8 . C utler. oroMbiei of Uie local em ploym ent Uniaum. u«lu;r agency, announced Friday;lorted U ut orders h a v e comeJc seven, poUto aortera a n d m ■ ■ > ^ ■hockcrs, which in d ica te th e R I I I I n; season Is 'd enm te ly begin- D V I L b W I

BICKE■riM iB-m w a w a s t -m »

-------- -Septnori9517BARTLETT ClaSS B Schoo

-P-E-A-R-S------house, 40’x24’

R E A D Y 5 miles east of SIGHT NOW! until Novembi--------------------- -Bidsmust-be-;

“ oR C H r/*^" check fo r 10 p, . r ^

W ^ J

t.S a tu rd sy l M«n’«

RINTS m HANDJ.____ ■ G reat Bavlnjs on

.Bt color p r in ts i n handkcrch

' - J * * * " y iJ ' Saturday .............ree l Floor Men’s Wi

i ^ t ^ ---------------------- .1 , ' S ped a ll

SHIRTS m CANVAAnnel B h irtflrlong~ W ^^% ~ N at1 ira l'w tilfrc5 ii opu- f w rists. Save a t th16— End Savings Pric

r t t l Floor " W ork Ck

"■wa 18,31ANKET M l , SHAicta, all cotton Qhoogc from 5 co

non-kid aha? rugi------- S a v e N o y l_____________________________*et Floor ^ 8 ^ F n m lian

...........~ T IM E S -N E W !

lack r m em a „ u “S S 'S f i K S S '

IJutchimj.- JO ia: w . - j . »u i t .^ * UlaldokA natloaal Ualu; J. o Uutchltoa. Ualta:

W ’iu?i«n V * M»l«o- Hutehl«

amiu" du“ . pVii2»uSJ2 2SJSJ i a i u •

3S.S‘V . " S ”ffiS 5SSv“i!S,.”"S^iiS. ‘‘■iMt. Artaur Adamaoo. Bu* D o ro ij H.rbokI; Rxipm: All*n>.. — .. oolo. tlupcTt: Laaonta lIcrMI ril!.: T r 'S ’'•ra* Deul- P»n; WeJlaM iiBm. Ountj; *awiIW.'TL “ • Dfqwn. utrBum: llurlej: u»or Uamtrilo. DurlBT;T “» “ » Jtamwio. l)url»T.Tl **“ a Baktr. Bur- Jcalt Uojrinl. Twin yalla: ;■rt n?i. B*™*". «»«l*lrara. Paul; JaN»l J. lHi

,'7- Cojll’a SoU>. ■ Drtds*: bau*l?Dl«rlii£^'^‘Lmi ‘b **• D®o“ *i Jinllot. UalU; Uwrancani^Ji,?;' ®*rnffc Mal; Cati dint. Ualu; 1- 0. Janllat.

E n aa th OUno 0. bm ln.

H'Wk . Wetrlch. Tell; Oeoro B. Kl»r, Ilup«rt; nupm: . U a m n t B. Klfr, fiuowt; B. T. King,

cotu».-M iiu: Bantu. Vo lUuw; Duii*r; u «

» « S „ “ S “ o S S i f i . " '. /? .!; wr«a cat, Oonioa Uik*. Burtar: aem ta■I ” *• “ »“*i '*«»; u tn lk . TwUt>aa CovaU. Al Lautr. abodiOBa: Baa L«unBltabeUi Cow«ii, Rupert: rteh; ixu locatj. UacalWa; lUr^ P e . llattlion; ItoWrt J. U»«lMn.Ruptrt; Uarstrti Caisrron. P. C. UcOra*, UalU; Juaaltap . Clltfort, Twin Palta: Joha Buhl: Paul P. Ueiar. Buhl: H>

“ 7 ' John Cameron. Uixlal., Durtir; ifen Uabcrlr. J

.2 ^ " KaUicrtlna John A, Uonhfad. DurUj: B^ T^ln rui<; Prank a. t UorctitMl. Burley; nobert Hr U r*“?i 0'»l>*=» Collrln. Malu; Jun* MulcMer. UatU; ICollrln. Burler, D. UlUhHl. Durler: Mn. Noi

f “S r nS S : SlU“JS;'r.^ Dra«*.—H(7trumt— Bari »en.-DecIo: WUliea-HewWa;^ i n Palta; V. j . D a r tg ^ . Milton U NeMo. Malu: U»J l«Il'I. Kroneth Dunten. Twla do, Malu; Tom Nell«on. Burler;Dunktn. Twin PaJU: A. H.. NleUen. llejtbum: I. J. KaddO. NWT*'" E- U. DahlquUl, Neddo, Naf: Jefrr C, wultlns.. D^lriubi. Twm Hua. IJ«Ib«rt Neddo. Haf: Park® N«Wi

T*‘" a- M- »•*■: «">rr HHUon. Bupert: Ole>n >>U»; IX. B. EacH«t. TwJa aco. SMpm; tl4» Monhrop. Twli” ■ Twin PUUba Biben. Durlfr: Owar 11. W. a Prleit, nupvrt: Wallace

ler: cilnwn tan, TwIb Palla; wan. Rupert: Oordon U. Punejr.noa: « e ii in c tto n . Lloyd Patlenon. r»ul. te « u r W.

. Ilene Earl, Twin ralU. Iluptrt; Helen U Peek. Haultdrnupert: Albert P»t*»r. L. Pet«»oa. UtlU: Cecil M.

tauic* n*k. Rupert: J»m»:pert; Dean PrmrjcK*oo, 31H: Deao r Xetm. Malu; 0«rrelPUrinr, Buhl. « n . RupertTA, U nichartiSi; 8

inwll. Btrerell; Oalyw Oun- l^ n k Itenmuer. Kerbufn: Bn:b u a ^ l . '^U m ll: J. r . Bea U. B^n'. Malu: OU* 0<

lurley: Mn, J. E, Oeodwlo. Bridn; Mildred eumsaon. Paul:«ri» Ooodniaa. rdeo; Don W. Bajllh. MalU; Barerly BoUUaunry. u ; Oale BmlU. MalU: Ben Bt:utcttUoa. Malu; Pala q. Brldw; Wtltat X Start. .nup<


aled bids will be accepted up un non.9517by the Board of Trustees 3 B School District No. 415, .Hanse 0 , nn th e salp nf thp TiifVpl Si->ifi e, 40’x24’ fram e construction, locati les east of Hansen. The purchaser hi November 1 to move the buildin must be-aeeompanied-by-a-certifi( '< for 10 per cent of the bid. Addre Jones, Clerk, Hansen, Idaho. 5-

M en ’. W h i te C o l to n

ANDKERCHIEFS Mi t savings on m en’a f ira t q uality w hita on handkerchloffl. Special

s r . ! ...2 f o r 1 9 c ^Men’s W ear—S treet F loor

■;— ^ p e c l a l l - M w ’s ^ a n e * —:— — r—

ANVAS GLOVES Mira l wfilte canvas gloves''with'fedTcnlt I K a X^ ts . Save a t th is Week- «Savings P r i c c i — .— . * / V pr. |S q ^

" W ork C tolhea-B aB em ent

18x30 Loc IV lBt

SHAG RUGS MISC f ro m 6 co lo rs in th o so p o p u la r-s ilo kid ahag rugs. <N o f I -------------------------- * • / /

F n m ito r * - S « o o n d F to o r

/Am S -N EW S. TWIN H'AT.T.q" t d a h o '

." t.'is iifs ii.w a sssi s - 'a x - £ .sr-o S ra iu : l«w*U C. llornfc pjurral. Oooaiaf:..a*ttU«LC,.flJli( luvehlaco, Malta: nSLrt ^i».; P. T>llor. TiOiea; W .-J . a uubuaa . P a iU ; 'o t iS p*^TO*a»*. -Tw!n Pii Uutcbltoa. Malta: Walur RumcU Ttioma* T oU PaUa: Cil* ,: MelMo, nu teh l«a. Mal. Thomi. t ^ w S T j . lA V « m e ^ ; Ham. Burley; VUlaa B.; W. L. Uawklo*. Bridie: Ban tJdy. u » n « f lr«>»‘tJOK Uali 10*. Bridn; Jo*epb n*p. o m iu ua;. u a it^ ; oarbarti A. u<

Malta; Rei Od7. U aiu : aeaerlev* U< jworth. MalU; aarenoa Malu!t: B. .La* llunur. war; t c . Vawdrty. Burlay: Joha V jjlr 1, Burley: T. E. Hlnlaa, Durley;--SoM Vadk. Butler: CUn' v ie Btnc&uoa. Ualu; Valeal ne. n u p ^ i-A r ta Valentine. » nkC Aupert: Albert Her- pert; D«an v £ '« & * . Ruperk : Laaonta UerMld, Rg. a. o. Wall* Buriar: Bert Walk

w3: a snl.^'IWl'n'Pall*: Jean U WoSaU^'Jm?': " S S ^ooilA !>au]; JaNial J. ItUlchlMHi, L«ra Weleb. ^ R u s« t; Bmait Well

Paul; Dala Bert Hem- J. W. wiiiiS.' m 3 uK * ^ P- ,Wlod :^«aiu: uw ranca D. Jar- £'^[fc=k?„'“V S“ i S i . ; ^ ' t V c

L. B. Jardla^ Malu: Burtey; Mary Jana Wlan. Burlay: T., Malu: rioyd 6. JaniM, Wallon. Twin PalU: Robert WaltcHopa «. io lai; Malu; Twin Pall.; Mr*. T . W. Wiltoo. T»

Id. ourler. PalU; Wnlpy £. Wauoo. AmetlCU.PUe»S?-' n * y ^ ^ S 'ic o ^ 5 * J ^ l i . ^B. ney. Ilupert: O torn ■ ■ -

A ^ - ........... nE T U EN JIO M T _______•Uer. Durl*y; U O. Se*. HEYBURN, Sep t. 7 -M r. and Mi tr. Twla p»ii*: Joa Kay W. P. Doyd h av e returned from Pall*: May Key»er, Twla u ip to CnIUomla where they toi

0 1 « .= u u , . nnk Utnlk, Twin PalUjo*l)DB*: Bea Lauer. Diet* _____. ,icy. Uxcalton: lUy Leoaey, . ^ _ | | | ^ ^ ..iw^MalUj^ J i ^ M U ^ar.

r Mabwiy. im pm ; “M __^head. Surley: BUabeih Duriey; Ilobert Mulchler.

Nonnaa .

oM, Malu; Doloro* New-^ -------

ffaiiiea im a je : ------------------------------------------------do. Malu: u»] L«{t0y Ned. ra NellMB. Burler; Jullu* im: L J. Naddo. Nat: Urry Jerry C. Nultlns. Bubl;1. Haf: Parke Ncddo. Stra*HUen. Rupert: Qlen Nen. ev&a Honhrop, Twin Tallj;Tihrop. Tvm Pall*.t. nupvrt: Wallace IVUr-Oordoa U. Punejr. Burley; ^ ^ Bin. raul. Leaur H. m rt* .I L. Peck. Haultdn: Mylo UtlU: Cecil U . retereon.CK*. M*}u; Darrelf Raw.\. L. nichanlaon. Bubletl: _Her. Keybum: Bill Hal*-°n. Malu: OU* Oetunldt. ^

Sui“s s f ; n M c f i a h


i iA tt

w W i colot

-■sW IDREFffhita E x ^ lA H aiao iHi---------------------------S V S ? \X RtauLM la

^ S = . =

r ® ; 7 ^T W IN FALLS

-AlbcrUon'a Weat B PolaU

Btowb's #Hi At*. Market / S S ? > 5 0 o O v ^ *” A renoe E tit

C»rdlnal Food Market 6«S Mmln A vrane Eaat

East Side Market BSi Main Avenae Kait

m C w S z . New C entral MarketXti Sboabone S t. N6rlh

l g X X ? > Jbhaay^ D tt»e -lo M lrk tlV O u M ^ Aveaae E u t

-81Z0 J g S ^ O. P. Skagi M kt. No. 1F ^ ' V y O ^ ' *** Avenae E ait' M W 9 Q ‘ O .P .8 k m n a M k tN o .S

s u Sheabone Eaat PtoBeer Part: M arke t'

W AVJf-v j j j j Ktmberly RoadSbelbT's M arket

1913 Addison Avtmis .S e tithP arkC roeerr

MO Booth P a rk Avenua 0 « S c 5 y < < fS W .T rB tkL aneG rocetj •

404 4fh Avenue W eit

3. ID A H O '________________

^ i S S l S e r i e s of Talks E-»"353icSa”: Set by Minister

n u * : J. lAVane-Tney, a t Kankakee. and sow fleld.u.,,-- «e rc t« ry -ro r th e S am arlttn Nas-

i S u - ^ * t . S A. u “rl “ *"* hospital a t Nampa. 1s giving. U atu : Oeaerleiv Udy. a series of speeches In Magto Valley

, . _ . Naiarene churches.-Tho scries s ta rlM a t K laberly

v i7 n ii i r« u " T h m d a y n ight. His schedule to-rmlaa. R up« t eludes Pller, 8 p jn . today; Plrstw ^^ iiri??^ j«D hV n 'i Church of the Nazarene. Twin Palls.

w 3 : Kiietiy; 11 a jn . Sunday; South park ChurchTwm Palla: * » '• a«u of the N aiarene, 8 p jn . Sunday;

^ ( ,1 ^ nuhl. ^ m . ^ n d e y , and Oooding,

“*4!* : K S . 5.1???“,??: " “n ie re U 'W l y a British poesM- V a r J »lou tn Africa where cotton grow-

wiBo. Burlay: T. w. tng has n o t been attempted.Fall*: Robert Wallon, - -I. T . W. Waltoo. Twtn r - - ■ I— I ------- 1---------------- I

DR.E.J.HICKSU b n ^ o m ^ __.L .OPTOMETRIST 6cpt- 7 -M r. and Mn. VISUAL ANALVSMAVO returned from a Phono i s a■nia where they took Idaho Theatre Bldf.r s . Vf. P . Benson. ,

O m iK ing

w A fm m s iT ^A ttairdy metal

wfth colorful floral design




.................. *A T « d s r S r o R f e

f a l l s W abrs Food CenterEM A W boa Avenue W «*

B PolaU BU RLEYih Ave. Sfarket Borley Drive-Indvenoe East _ g 0 1 W « t U th _FeodM arket __ C ard laa l M arketA vrane Eaat U M O verU nd

Ido Market E a n d A M a rte iAvenae Eaat Overlandi(r»l Market E eoaotnr M arketone S t. N6rlh u u OaUeyr tv e - lo M ltk tl H ksdy G neeryAvenae East j m O Overlandn M k t.N o .1 MarllD<ial.Ofoeef7Avenne East j j s E as t U th '

X *H kt.N a.3 O . P . S k a n 'eahone Eaat U16 OverlandHxk Btarket • Pet«r»on*B MarketIberly Road 122 E ast M ain Street's M arket g p sa r G rocerjIsonA vtnos «lEm »t_l8U i ^

‘S . J ' r . S . B U H LC . C . A r f ^ ’. F . ^ t U r t .

tvenue W eit______________ E rb T ro t. > to k e t

Talks Knights Plan to y Minister Exemplify Degree iL .. P a rro tt,, former . Plans lo e*empllfy.tha first degree ^e t Naiarene college a t s meeting Sept. 19 w tre.m ade -LU and now fleld 'Wednesday by the' Knights of T e Sam aritan Nas- Columbus. lU j O’Donnell, publicityt Nampa. 1s giving chairman, states ali new members ' ies in Magto Valley ars ^Invited to partldpste.

. f w im hT i. ^ nwrlng picture en a marine :corps evacuation In Korea wai shown '“ Wednesday n lghfs meetJn»-and ' .

iSSn.^ii ZL 25225“ *"• iSouth park Church —

ndsy.^md Ooodliv. EAT EARLY in ______________■% g m I ■ i

r . M tM i p o o . , . fh ere cotton grow- ■ B ■ V ^


. - D riV G " lf lA N A L vaa ■ ■ ■10 283S W OHT ON m OHW AT S3eatre Bldf.

a mm x

[DE You never have en lUZ — baskets arei N ^ n kitcben, b e

JOQ know , betntifal baskets dc ooe is 70'ars io com bltutlon w it Gamble products at a real savin,

i f e ^ b L Your choice of live^ J j £ f ■ Tbe>torcybeJow‘hiv¥'iie«rb1E s r STORIS ' yellow or blue. T a ^ ypar choi

snppiy Is ju l '

jdC entep Oregon * a t t O ree*^kvenae Weat Shrtver^ Market

r t" ,.t u t h __ Den'a.Pfoeen Food Baak .

K r * ----------------DECLOtfarfeet Q H lettM 'M A TV&UeTland 1^ e i f lL IR i

Filer Meat Co.T t a ^ PlelsUck-Bfilaiket • •

JE R O M Ikagt'e M v e -ln Marketrerland IM arket ' HAILEYJn Street Oolden Bole S t m

W o o d E h w M m M tlto .

i' l k e t c h Ow ^ ^’■ F ood^Iart . O aU en B&la Btor*H u k c t K e tc h a a J to k e t __________

- _________^'pAcm igM tit

Inn i n ngTBUKs'vanoa&~^ T''Ib e y b d r n , s e p t 7 - M r . t a d

- D p j r r p p -*«W a»eriU . Oakland.X / C g L C C ed Mr. and Mr*, a a . P n l t a t *

Jia first degree Wednesday,.......— ----------19 w tr e .m a d e ................................■..................... 1 ^ -• KnIghU afimeli. publicity . ]new members ' ' R E P A IH .- . 'J ;^jpste. g f M .n w n io J 'on a marine aai Im U U Im iL

ireaw asalw w ti' ' P .U T"* ° ° S .° K ! ^ p

iARLY in Shoshone '

EN 6 d mr^ ?OB LIV IN G 'S

ve-ln Caffe iIN m O E W A ? S3 7 0 MAOIO DAM


r have enough beautiM . skets arounjl theJiQuse=^{a k i tc b e o , b e d r o o m ^ b iid iroooi»>-«B d

tifa l b a sk e ts d o a ’c c o m e c h e a p l Y « t t h l i

lom blfu tloD w i th 'y o a r b v o r i te P r o c te r f t s a t a re a l s a v io g l

lice of iwo lovely colo rs l____r h lv ¥ 'i h c M 'b a 3 :e t s o o d isp lay n o w - ^

T a ^ jQ o r c h o ic e — b o t hn rxy t G e t T o o c t l a i u l ' 1 1 . ll

ket 'I t a s e f k a r a e v y ; -•-■ ;

• PA U L. M s n C r t J ^ i H r # ’' ■

..... p j c A W - z ^ : ^ - —K O pairiok^aeae ta lK M . ; ’

WCHFIELI" , P e te rs e tf iT M a U a sM ’ : • 1

n^am m r. auriar ?

U iaaiiaaa '»M aiM ' ' ' t « 0 . » . 8k a m t

____________ ..S H W H O N I ______________------- -Mc0Mll9Tiumrr.rr-''-:.lT

to r , P a r-lM » lfk ite»rk e t_ _______________ W a a d B f> o ^ e t« « * ? r ; ; ^ i .ag,

■ ' 'fl' /


iSr.Mad,ilu,2o , . PnilnM^

2k22ri'*E P A I R . J ^SOTBIO^SItMMailanX:□k-ckrbS

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tifuliu s e = i-»—«ad ’• t thli »cterft


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Page 4: · 2014-12-12 · f ---------- — -----------------,:^ N0; olidLine )f Non-E I 'o G K T r (irRANCISCO, Sept 7 (/P>—Indoncaia

m f e W h J D B " '

li l l '


W i n ^| : S H - y = =R p Ikf r « r -------- ---------^ BUU ti iak«i

g ~ p € 5 ^ = ^ ......... ■' ....

PIy Tl»«»i<«y U w af tl>l< pixT wrre«»t U S»e. IMCI.

a ■ m Mrtw luwu U , InLl^C^Ht,S , PENNSYLVANIA’S E X A M PL 5 U io se w bo a a y be inclined to th l S th e p en a ltie s being Imposed u p o n viol i th e U a g ie Valley safety cam paign 1 s trenuous should ponder a n A u o c la tt • sto ry In th a Tlmes-NewB th e o th e r c

I t b a d to 'd o w ith the re su lts b e in g a j ' th ro u g h a sim ilar safety cam paign lr I~ sylvanla.-[ ' Now t h a t Pennsylvania, w ith m ore i F patro l th a n any other s ta te In th e u ] actually reducing the nu m b er of liI —casualties,-It rem ains lo r s ta te s such-a - to s lt-u p -o n d -ta k o notlce .-Z n-fact, vi

worst record In th e U nited S ta te s ^II comes to th e percentage of Increasa I

mobile accidents cn a p er cap ita basU h as every reason to look elsewhere solution.

. P ennsy lvan ia sta te sa fe ty a u t i' have com e to th e conclusion t h a t s trlc

law s a ro th e m ost effective m eans of i : tra ff ic d ea ths .

"T here Is n o doubt In m y m in d th a r - l s - th e g re a te s t m ier.o n ith g zA m eilea t

ways," say s O tto r . Messner, se c ^ e ts ir I Pennsy lvan ia governor's h ighw ay ‘ advisory com m ittee. >

80 th e Keystone s ta te au tho rltle i p lan n ed th e ir course of action o n t h a t I > -and w b a t’s more, they 're g e ttin g 1

T he g re a te s t single fac to r In reduc l num ber o f highw ay d ea ths in t h a t sta cord ing to Messner, is a law a u to m i suspending a driver's license fo r th re e i ^ M n ^ ^ o ^ n f w ^yeedlng In excess

T his law h a s been in t l f e c t s in ce 191 y ea r before , deaths on P en n sy lra n la to ta led 2,632. D uring tb e f ir s t yea r tl Was in 'e lfR trX fila llU M d fo p p e d ^ S p« to 2,305.

By 19S0, In sp ite of g reatly Increaset 11c a n d m u ch fa s te r oars, th e h ighw ay

. to ll in P ennsylvania fell to 1,BS4 a r — oom m onw ia lth -w on-the-g rand -aw ard - V N ational S a fe ty councU.

To g e t a b e tU r idea of iu s t h ow they down o n speeders in P ennsylvanifl^ ,89:

" e r i tb e lr l ic e n se s 'su ^ e n d e d fo r .' m on ths -last y ea r for speeding! r 80 I n - s p i te -o f j i l l th e ta lk , t h a t t

action o f th is k l n d ^ n o r~ lh e so lu i ' th e tra ff lo problem , here w e h av e Irref ■ Proof to th e coBtrsry. »___________

off w ith a sm a lf fine for speedlng . Sel< a driver’s license revoked fo r a n y (

" le s s th a n 'd r u n k e n driv ing d n d even charge u su a lly involves a n acc iden t.

W iU rB tr lc fe h fd rc e m e n fb flts ’ tiu ff l ' a n d p en a ltie s th a t really s tin g th e vlo

.. P ennsy lT onia dem onstrated t h a t m y kilUngs can be cu t n ea rly In ba:

' ^ ' w e g o 'o n aB sum ins'that t h e 'p e i being Im posed in- Magic V alley a re enough, w h en th e Beath to ll o n o u r h lg is once m o re approaching a n a ll- t im e

O r w ill we take action th a t 's f irm e to b rin g th is wholesale s lau g h te r control?

I t 's a ll a m a tte r of Just bow n:\ucb r • we have fq r h u m an Uves. L Ik eP en n sy l

—w * ^ u ld - 4av«-a-lofr-«f-(heae-Uvea-wh!< being c ru sh ed o u t needlessly i t w e ha n ^ d . t o do so. .

A LW A Y S M YSTERIOUS A m erica’s forem ost Russian ex p ert

agreed t h a t Moscow m ade a m a jo r n c u la tlo n -w h en i t sp u rred -Ifo rth K or

. a tta c k S o u th K orea last year. T h e y 1: th e K rem lin d id not foresee tb e bo ld Wi response to tb a t invasion, n o r d id i t s

—p B tjrth B 'v astT B o rm ain en t^ ro g ram 'to ’f F rom th o fa c t th a t tho com m unists t

to ta lk tru co w ith us In K orea, th e s e c: now conclude th a t Russia is anx ious to th is m istake . They tkigue t lu i t S ov ie t le a t thc very least, seek a b rea th in g spe easing o f tensions th a t m ay lu ll th e back to sleep.

^ y th e sam e reasoning, th ey concludi Z B u s s la ls Iu a lS c ^ ln - tE o n e a r 'f u tu re tc

any aggressive s tep which m ig h t a rou i west anew , perhaps on a fa r b igger th a n K orea. > > .I l l iu s th e y bellevft-there,wlll be n o ea r

. tack upon-Q crm ftny , -Yugoslavia, - o r - p rim e ta rg e ts h i tb e R ussian s tra te g y of Q uest.

T e t th e re a r e disturbing algns t h a t a Soviet th in k in g m ay not be follow ing line. M arsha l T ito recently declared th i t h f irs t t im e sate llite arm ies ring ing country a re superior In s tren g th to h is s tubborn fo rce . .

Since S u s s ia itself is obviously re s t Ible fo r the- sa te llite buUd-up, i t connc unaw are o f th e changing balance o f fo A notab le increase in Sovlct*lnspired : den ts a long T ito 's boundaries Is anc s traw la th o w ind. Tljfae_affairs a r c mi -lactured to provide exciiw fo r R ttack.

Purtheirm ore, th e m otcrlal s to te o f 1 Is n o t good. I t sorely needs n ew eq

S K *, “ ony in pros;corrcctcd. B u t 1

Jugoslavia, lan d of th c he c o ^ u n i s t ^ , a tem pting morsel to s ta lh

• no tw ithstanding, Jcow should h e s ita te to Initiate a tta c k on I f th e reasoning o f America’s Russian spe Ists is accu ra te . Because th a t a ssa u lt « c a rry w ith I t grave risk of embroUlng R in World w ar IH . .

. n ________________ . • . , ____ : _________________ .

T U C K E R ’S ]

cSS.w.**’ ’ ’ *• WABHZNOTON-A i«ml Mr A ^ i . n i l . I t tto p«*i embrselDff I n n l u . Brltlih ■ Ul Mt ef *ur«b I. im . eveotuil* u Uit poUUet

~ - JUtlicusli

IN ASVAMCa ' l l® " *•«T»4«i " ” r t l whit# 'emp

! J S 3 4 s a i k . ^ f- » Si^'luSm

• t in of «<mrt ef M oprtnt CON8IOwill b* pnMliW la th« e *ir thit

HUS.C.I0.1CI. Idiho M*. T«e»« ^tEXTATTVXS t«nnj, althouth they h ite <M . w a tnent for producUon, refla.

Ti»»etowk Ctllf. . . I m 's oU.____ ________ —

3 E X A M P L E r«Mon that Prwldcnt TmaUned to th in k th a t ilde ra ti^ to firm and Ubor 1!d u p o n violators in would b« turned out ofcam paign a re too ° ,» ,.« • On thfl other h#nd. Iri

♦V petroleum Induitry. whleh Jurtn e o tb e r day. revenue, for Uek of fielllUeilUlts b e in g achieved Sbe h u no acceu to the ycam paign in P en n - c w ^ e n .--------------------------------- - — W ilhout-thli-lDcotne.~Ir*n_i*i. — Mou«le»h would b« outtd b:w ith m ore roads to the field would b« open to theite in th e union, is . .am ber of highway scireME-Under the proita tea such -as Idaho- -»«i>lnaUy-m*a.Bo -U,i-Jndu,-In - fa c t, w lth -th e - ^ .o i.d iiecu> r» .c l S t a t t J w h tn I t “ > • « « » . m u M Uif in c rea se in auto* Actual operaUem would fccap ita basis, Idaho Amerleani tnd BrlUih. wlUik elsflwhere fo r a {«” • majoi-lty intereit. In r

be ooly nomSnil for appetra, . I = ^ . u t h o r U l «}n t h a t s t r ic t speed uUsfy tll except the troubleie m eans of curbing • •

GOOD—As often happeni,ly m in d th a t speedift-ATT^yrlettn -h lg h -sr, se c fe ta iy o f the ture nesoUtUoni wlUi Mouadi

h ighw ay safety srabbers lo the middle cut.1 Fair of the lou of Iran'i da

a u th o ritie s haveion o n t h a t prem ise pior«uon for new weiii, um jre g e tt in g results! rrom known tourcu.3r In red u c in g th e Tho M.«alled WUUiton flaldI in t h a t s ta te . ac> kota*. eaitcm Uontant u d cl a w ^ t o m a U ^ l y evoilually may match lr« - .e fo r th re e m on ths SESOVSOES-Americui tiii In excess o t th e ara Itepplns up utlrlUes, u

s r t « t o M l 8 S B .T l «

o p p e d ^ S p e f c e l i r force u i to n ly oa our own alu ■Bd larenUreaeu.

b e h ig h w ay d ea th ^ a rd pwolei.'' undentudtble 1 to 1,834 a n d th e eeo n o i^ IndepcndeoM t ’and -aw ard -o f~ the- -wardrmora pemty<4trlcka-u

upon cucli condl tloni Ruula Iist h ow th e y c rack DABmO-VIce Preil*deat B<avan iaJ> ,8D 2^1v . u « “tiended fo r tn reo aanU bis reply to tbaBumtrouaBding! place nomination on the Damoita lk , t h a t « ^ t ! i ^r ^ e w IuH on to ^,9 body orer which he pttildee h av e Irrefu tab le Tha SenUickUn'i rtiponu

v e ^ W g a t t i n g -

fo r a n y charge houio- « j acrobat?"! in d aven th n t • •n acc id en t. U8T~Barkley U achlns fo:o f W t r a f f l d laTO*u^ advlien would like to dropto g th e v lo la ^ S , He aiw knowi t t le« t al a t e d t h a t h ig h - guisUy ror his lob.-----------------sarly in b a lf . ' The Uit inciudu, to menuo th a t t h e penaJtlea ' Kefaurer. Tenneaee. and-SeaVbITav k m Btrlpt * " ' altboush boUi deny any 1v a u e y a w s m c i uon. Doipite hii feud wim m#1 o n c u r highw ays h . Dougiu, minoli, haa Uie *uan a ll- t im e h igh? men, who - think the lenatorla t 'a f irm enough ticket wiu> UbertU and M1U.0s la u a h te r under aituoush thtuuuof Bjjjjtor McMahon. OonnecUcui

. . homa. and Labor Baeretuy TotlOW S \u c n respec t tn«lr tbortlva ambitions are kake P ennsy lvan ia , h e tn all and knows tU tbs poU

ily if* w T h a d th e * Btrklay u « t , he hipptLijr u wo uuv y jj p ^ y UadeTi, ................................ north aod aouUi. th tn Mr. TruiEMOUSSian ex p e rts are __

JSo“ ’ K o r t V I E W S O F (sar. T h e y beUeve mccarth t pbesen 't s ci th e bo ld W estern scn. Joe MeCarUiy of wucoa

nor d id i t an tlc i- tnUon ccnsldenibly by hU t;

“ f t ^ d t l i e n i who took tlooi )m m unlsts agreed communism iniiitrea, th e s e experts ment came awoy wiui the idtn anx ious to o ffse t Usans htiTe been imearintc the '

la t S ov ie t leaders, MeCtrlhy l& wachlns the

,ay lu ll th e west doubUnj Republlctni and nun Independents who have been coi

ley conclude th a t trnslc fordiln jwllcy fa^urM : d r 'f u ^ r e to tak e :McCiirthy'.KlUi-aa;opcn.ttIndli

tor our preienm ight arouse th e ,pj,g wuconiln lenator chalks fa r b ig g e r scale ftuures to the stupidity and itui

I \ dent. 'He 'h>li convlnclns evldenHI be n o early a t - yon by men in innuenUtl pUw4 v . ^ o r ! L » . ,I s tra te g y o f c o n - htf h trd t t Mr. itum aa'i truit

jnsup._wbo_b«]onstd_lo. Are. dgns t h a t ac tu a l ffanluUoasandvhosUUUthel|C f o l lo ^ n g t ^ ‘ ^ ^ ^ ' ’wccarthy layi U boundicc la red ^ a t fo r nilnUtraUon beciuse he ha« Ulies r in g in g h is rearles*. His injury to some o( thi□ gth to h is ow n compared with the Injury to th

m traton and fellow travelersr to E ly re jp o n s-ip, i t c an n o t be u,« record and to present hU ■ tlance o f forccs._ command attenUon and a creatit- ln sp ired in c l- presence In the community htsries is a n o th e r who love their «untry and who >

i r a t t a c k . -• n a t t o a i STiI s to t e o f T ito s ^ B ritish rc it camp la Koreceos n e w e q u ip - B ritlahem a t—« r nil Bames—crtitny I n p r o s p e c t , boast th a t the n u r lh u can beatic tcd . B u t r i g h t B oth th e umpire and the grourId o f t h c h e r c t lc ttencrouily Brttlah In leadli•Ml tx, R fc iin who . had never played c r ia e t I

presum ably to add to the 1is t M d ln g , M o s- m tr lM i played and won tn a ml* a t t a c k o n T ito , W hich, aa anym w lno wUl ta nR u s s ia n s p e c ia l- handicap a t t l l . For the whole co

I t a s s a u l t w ou ld - pb r*»eotco l.JohnW .T bom t»on m b ro U ta E R lM i

- phowf*,— ' noa

3 Z L _ _ I — — — = 2


HIRLIGIG ^rT O N -A leml-eooperaUye eorportUoo ran ltn . BriUih tn d A&erlcan Intereit* ^l« as m t poUUeo.<llpIomtUC.eeonomlo ao- tu .threatenln* petroleum dlfflculU u In «. to d reilleu middle c u tB - a -A lthcugh -thU -p ro ipac t-m ty -no t - I f i C i M ’W ba enUril; aaUtTtctcry to the Brit- K > w H p l [ V a Uh. who re g e d i t u lu rther «»l« | P ^ ' , - Iv J dence o( th s breakup of their en t« i K \ '■'■i-. ' r w while'empire, I t I t known th a t U E V .- iJM

w u dlicuiied by W. Arerell H arrl- | m man. Preildent I tu m a n 's emliMry,5 tn d Richard Btokei. london 'i rep .

r c w ^ ^ e ^ d u r t o ^ ^ i l r

| i L M oiudeth t t ^ T e l w . H H j M

H CON8IOERATIOK— I t ll now^ dear th i t M oiiadegh wjll not de tl nU nettry mo* wim th . BrIUjh excluilvely cn any u^i biCh they hive offered t 60*60 tr r tn s» - vir> »ho vanroeucUon, refln lw t n d dU trlbu tlon jrf J n c a k u . «

m uit oppose the B r l t l la r S r the same the*eelllngl * Preildent T n im tn shows special cen- And when

farm tn d Ubor elements here. Otherwlie, yendinf m ad turned cut of odlce. I t U t queitlon come in thre

' . etronsUier htnd . Iran canno t operate the Henry . . . wi luitry. whleh furnishes m o it or tha i t t te 's w e can tlst lack of faclIIUei. penonnel and tankan . intereilinc ox tccesi to the AngIo«Iranlan company's aslne reading

oxj'jen . . . 1li-lDcome.'Ir*n-would-b# Impovetlihed; ta ln ln g 'th a t" luld be cuited by vote o r revolution, and d ie n t . . . a ir d b« open to tha R u i i l tn ccaununlics, no t uilng Ri

• • • youTe not breDnder the proposed plan , I r t n would --------MxaBo -U ii-Jnduitry-liw ough-t-ho ld ln tt- -w - ,^ 1 ard.ol.directors. T h a t m ight satisfy all P T A m Ireme natlonalliUo and pro.RusiIan fac- *

rsUens would b« c a n d o ^ JolnUy by Hold!Id BrlUih. WlUl Amerlcani seemlnf to ,..................Ity Intereit. In reality, o u r control would nal for appearance's ttk e .Uie leheme raliei aome preblemi. But

m, It U beUmd In h ig h d rd e s It would *pt the troublemtkera., , , new execuUvooften happeni, the controveny over , ^ P o r ts rro

ly tu m oul to be the Ul wind th a t blow* ff“..m u conilderaUon w m give bom the i'®"tt-Ajnettamran-effeotlTB-wwpoirta-rn--mi wim Moisadegh tn d otoer petroleumla middle eait. *” • ^ “" ‘1lou of Iran 'i dtUy production of 600.000fuel m a BrlUsh M editerranean fleet tn d M n. Helllf111 plan oountriei, h a s lUmuIated ex- chairman, p rlew wells, tn d more in ten ie producUon from m e highnurcei. ----------— ment. Lorettad WlUliton nald. w hloh oorew the © a- Spear, tccompU on tan t tn d c e r ttln a r e u In O sn td t, sang.J match Iran 's ou tpu t. In m e busio

• • • voted t« ask S—American firms In Souto America board to work ip tcUvlUes, u t r e those In our own Srada ichool ac

The covamment wUl probtbly In ten ilt; ratoer m an h oductlon of petroleum from ahtle. tlons. tu n l nibber forced us In to toe syntoeUo M n. Leo ’ 3

r on our own tlm ost unlim ited resources for p u t yenr.leu . room served 5^Igh to t slluiUon h u tU toe elements dren, 3.H1 luiualvan tl tragedy, m e so-called 'b ack - gave 3,080 luntundentudable dem and for poUUcal tn d coit of toe prtpmdance msy tnake tb em more back- or whleh »8.7fl5.i y W d tCT y d mor>-deipefata-A od- 4 ^ 1 0 t - f n t_ l i

tee Preildent B trkiey 's recent explana- FINIBniI ll "not too old to n m tg tln " repre- k m b e i i l tto tba numerous < halleneen for lecond- Brackenburv im o a the DemoeraU* IBSa Ueket. n was i mot a ad daring axtalblUoD, Inasmueh aa «

li m n ln tam t .t, 1 - l” °- jje ty e ig tie ti,_A l ito lU i 'i le b u tU I . oL — jM a if l l t i J R o o im ia i a m S L a U m e n t. p him u Preildent. O rlnned the m an / J J . I . T A * etby: "W bat do wa w tn t In tb e White U 2 1 l : 4 v <>».»«■' ..................................... ,

ly is achlns for reaomlnaUen. u hU rlew reveaU. B e knows tb o m tn y Tru- suld like to drop him on the score of hU mows t t le u t sl* le n a to n are angUng_

udes. te menUon only t few, Senatorlenee. and-Senator rulbrlght,-'A rktn--oto deny any tm blUon In t o t t dlree-I feud wlto toe W hite House, Sen. P tu l 5noU, h u toe tupport o f many T rum tn £ik toe senator would strengtben th e rT tU 'and anU-corrupUonlsts.Jl. although toey have no chance, are h l 5 - - — J , ion. OonnecUcut: Senator Kerr, Okla- ^>r Baeretary Tobin, Massachusetts. But ^ambitions are known to Barkley, who uw s all tba poUUcal gossip on th s floor

auet, he happens to b« more popular K f i ala p tr ty leaden, Indudlng toose In to e fiW L1. than Mr. Truman.him self. I f Harry V *V 'might hava to Induds Alben In toe \i& !x }


arthy of Wisconsin enhanced hU repu- i i ^ S ^ ably by hU appearance In Spolcane ,

who took a loofc t t h im and heard hLs <mmunlsm InflltraUon of the Rovem* y wlto tho Idea to a t th e Trumnn par- ' n smearing the 'm an badly. 4 0 3 MAI Is ttaehlng the people «-lto h is Inlor- PHOIpeople are gtdng him serloui attenUoiu

not wholly partisan. In fsct. some illcans and numerous Democrats and ho have been concerned wlto America'spolicy faUurM have_been looklng_t<L ________^an ;o p cn .tt In d U a -a a -^ o r .u n d er-- ------------9 —IS for our present na tional pllRht.1 senator chalks up to e foreiim policy .Uipldlty and stubbornness cf the Presi- f f /Uinvlnclng evidence of poUcy manipuU- / p r > w ^ Influential pUees who have, fo r'y fars / v t u M Uie “party line” of th e cqmmunl;^, / O i s \ K O _ Qd rash-ch*ge9 In b li'lo c a la d d re u , ho Ttumaa's tru st of tuch men t s PhUlpiloaged_lo. flTe_communl3t-front_orr_ ___who stiU lsth e P r e s e n t 's amhnsaador ___ liiiiiHmtttUl

ly says U bound to embarraas toe ad-uiuse ha h u been so fortoright and.ry to some o t the dupes Is InflniteslmnlLha Injury to toe naUon to s t the In- ■ ^ f J ■>'ellow travelers b a v t caused In past

rCarthy h u toe courage to lay open* HUulwlUBIl to present hU views, ho li bound to p . ,Ion and a great dea] o f respect. His fo r better Qual ■community has been good for; mose w .-w kinds o luntry and who cherlib the ir rretdom. do Ui# job for : »man-Revlew.

NiTOKAL S I A H , * B“ Sln<st camp la K ore t t “plck*up" team of • Soc ia l

all gam es-cricket, to make good n arlhes can beat anybody a t anything. • S oec lo -c and toe ground rules. I t li reporiccl,BrlUsh In leading tow ard toe gucjts, • Inv lta ! played c r ia e t before. B u t I t Is nl.>o to add Ul toe w onderment, th a t the

nd won tn a mUd eU to of confu.*!on.- T l X i B C morlno;wUl agree, pu t.them under-no • l l V ) C ^ = r toe whole corps. In th e of i-quoiecl inW ,T bom tson .tbem *rlnes'novcIb t •. ‘■««“ erdal ;e efflclenUy far 175 y e a n In exscily PH<

to a t score toe B rlton i hadn 't a6 u o n lto r . ______ ________


t o t e s - n e w s , t w i n f a i l s , :

^ I B O B H O P E I T

Are you getUng cnoliib osygtn* -. X r . X l r f V j_ Th* U te it wrinkle in vending m t- .Z eh inei'U one U tat se rv ti t whiff Y O R K -0. of oxygen for 35 cent*. ^ « e n » to 1?I I f s good to know tn a t t ouarter In the e ti

'-aw lll s t i l l ouy *’*"“ « commltte^ 0° un-A m erica;^ ' I Q G I I E H L I *ueu U is'in . amviU et,' sum crJ* t w n to r figured it o '" o to e r conttct

it r f t v - ? J » 'k e e p p e o p le liava Seen notoi iV k L ^ J i t l r a . t 'r e a to lB g w h i l a ^ wbe: 1 ' fw prlcei hU torlo TolJ ‘ K ' i ; a ^ ! f i “ « “ «dowa. “o e . Index- ne- M p y y j o x y g e n * » t to p m s .

^ ~ ^ B ^ 2 | ^ | « i n h a v e D ^ tlons la tb e offl uses. I t n come In clal repo rt of to

f l V ^ ^ ^ H B h t n d y to peopU eom alttee quote< w ttch lag I n t e r - * ro n j document

“ planetary movies. - . put ou t by somt '3 And 1111 be fine fo r toe houie- (m n t communUt »- wife who w tn ls to make really light Uy. T herein I. ” pancakes. Ot course. thaOl have a end b e r form er — tm ijn -U ne 'je ttlng-T aem doim cf/ Caldwell." t writ ‘a toe celling. - books tb o u t toe >* And . when mey Improve thU were Usted u “t a> vending machine, tb e i^ g e n will wise menUOned ai n come in to ree itrength* . . . mild Thl* woman I

' . . . etrong . . . end .•'Hang on. who h a s emphi le Henfy . . . wo're headed- for M an." eome of tb e worn a We can t ls o look rorw trd to tome country. She enjc

Intereiling oxj’Rcn advertising. Im- fsvor or toe Sov '• agine reading: T r y Rumpelmayer'i lojoum In Russii

oxj'gen . . . to e only oxygen con- and aha h e n elf Is «: Ulnlrig' th a t' ah isilng new lagre- ita tem ent to a t ah d d Ie n t . . . a ir. Remember. If you're to jrapher for Ul

nol using Rumpelmeyer'a oxygen, 19SS. you're not breatolng." In thU capadt]

d ---------------------------- to m tke t n ig h t :g . . ' - • J , ' . ___ __ nn, m p it fftrrr

5 PTA in Heyburn S 'S.S’. r i i ; Holds F irst Meet “ S r r^ t^ m M to i? ” *’ ih ’e r a ? h ( ^ h '^ ' ’ c

f Reports rrom standing commit- and Fortune?, tees were made and a teacher recep- a M argaret B«; tion w u held. Mrs. NcaUs Intro- lha b e it photogr

duc«d-liowtrd-MBtoew*, hlFh echool have-tjeen -touna, principal, who InUtxluced hU teach, ment? A nd would

e n . Lund ChrUtenaen Introduced possible to find i, toe grade ichool faculty. joh a s well who wi1 M n. Helllg Beaver, program auodaU on like to. chairman, presented t program lo thU woman's peI from toe high school muslo deparU O h ln t-boy i vti■ ment. Loretta Jensen and Shirley explained, altooui , Spear, accompanied by Janet Croft, always more or li , sang. itanding to e picto:

In toe business aesslons too PTA ■voted to ask to e county esecuUve r r r r

I board to work ou t a plan whereby ^

■ ratoer toan l a ao m any contrlbu- W Uons.

I M n. Loo ■ H andy, luncb room \~ ^ y W , f £ AL ehairm iin-yflvn « fln»Tifl«t-rBpnrt ------OI for p u t yenr. She said too lunch- ^

room served M,629 lunches to chll. EVERYTHtNl : dren, 3.141 lunchei to adults and

gave 9,OSO lunches to children. Tho S T U C1 cost of toe p rog rtm w u 113,035,81. .,,, . ,

or whldi»8.7fl5.07wu apent ror food, •. 43J7ii)l_fD t_Jabor_and:«88,W _for. Gem OfTK

uUUUei, ~ - ------------ - .. - IflO N orto Main - -

FINIBnEB T R A D ^ a — KIUBERLT, Sept. 7—Pfc. Samuel

Brackenbury,.son of Mr. and Mn.S. M. Brackenbury. Kimberly, h u ,finUhed b u lo t r a ^ K a t toe Lack- ____ V A _____ Iland a l f fofcTbtue In Texas'ami luu ■ ■ ■ h ibeen transferred to F o rt Ord, Callf, m 0 F

' Uw I IM l i h i M ^ **** ” *** *****

M iHipJtrf -----------— ---------

ffiS ^ y f i Coll n for itn in ln TreM ^

I '« p s lr ikst Seen

B ."“ • . • s r 'MINIMUM 5IIVICICKASCQ Y»1 k . . « |

v > r v• » iM foIL .w, „ a r t -portd

2 8 6 0 ) / Por S cara

403 M A IN AVE. W.PHONE 2B 60

: ^ ' “ ? ~ : - ~ ‘ P R lN T lN G , PROBLEMS

/ M ■ B l------- aolvethgm j --------------- .rr- .Z

for you! ^

For better quality t t lower prices tor-au Mnrt« of p rinting, let u t do Uie job for you. ' • ‘

• B u s ln e s Fo rm *

• S o c ia l S to t lo n e ry

• S p e c io l P ro g rd m s

• In v i ta t io n s H H

TIMES-NEWS UCommerdal p i in t la g Dept.


1 ■ •■■■

T O F A ^ , r o A H O __________________________


P E G L E R ’S A N (WBW T O R ^ I n tddiUon to U whleh I n s p i r e ^ ed

reference* to Margaret Bourka- toe Chicago TrlbuwW hite In the earUer records of toe peeping tom of Amhouse committee Um. Pul Pl-TU nevon u n - A m e r i c a n i i i ^ ^ ^ B r a i lecture hU publie onamviUes,' s u m c r - K B i n n -A n d .- im o n g -- to ( M o to e r e o n t t c t s B ; B ^ ^ I ' . ;

hava 6 e a * n o t « d " i ^ ^ n 0 ? including m a yeus i iloca 1M4 w b e o E ^ B U n ^ Miss Bourka-Wblie . toe bU torio toI - ^ ^ K b m I ' ' of hU peeping ton^;: ume. TT u known u toe mostwent to p r w s . m o s t I n f l u e n U t l t n U

tlont la tb e o f f u R |K P R ^ ^ ' ' : In thU reipect he cUl repo rt of t o e l g ^ K ^ M lL : u to run t detd h e tt wj eommltUe quoted toe editor of toa Nf r o m documents w*rt»m«r«»i» put ou t by soma of m s moit fU - longer InfluenUal. g n a t communUt fronU tn me cotin- i t s deceitful pra: try. T herein MUi Bourke-White s in t t r a . Alger BUi and b e r form er husband, .JEnkloo of .D raper aod Adler Ctldwell." t w riter bf pesiimUUc discredited by toe a books tb o u t toe American icene’, ed lw rlil Jjrotegci of t were Usted u "sponson'* or otoer- tn d a strange drear wise menUOned u lympathiien. endless ‘‘prollles" of

Thl* woman U a photographer less people droned on who h a s emphasised penlstenUy An antl-anU U om eome of tbo w o n t lore spoU ot our seldom fights toe ccrr country. She enjoyed toa courteous bu t overlooks few (svor of toe Soviet dictaton on a even m anuftctu ren : loJoum In Rusiia during toe war lltUe the potrioUc n and aha h e n elf U autoority for toe by. toose who do figt statem ent to a t ahe h u been a pho- I t would not b« gi tographer for Life magailae ilnce to deny to a t Luce h 19SS. erts an im portant di

In thU capadty ihe w u allowed ence, especially In t to m tke t fUght In toe most secret Itrge. HU p sp e n tre a ad —m o it—fonnldable—American out-approprlate luipi »m ber, to e D-47, which may be toe gent d tlxens In the n belt weapon In toa arsenal of ocd> American regions of dental dv lU uU on In toa showdown Some of toem, ei wlto to e Russian and AslaUc terror, find it hard to bel

• • • would aend "on a pil i tbU woman toe, only photog- to * * « r« t advance

rapher who could be found to do woman who w u listei m u Job for Chlna-boy Henry Luce, obulned by toe houji me Ful Pl-yu of m e Park avenue connecUon wim m. poliUcal cu lt which flndi tuch e u y fronts, acceu to hU magaxlnes. Time, Llfa and Fortune? MUs Bourke-White

II M argaret Bourke-White even er for Chlna-boy'i m ha b e it photographer who could toe _only_clvliian5 e»

•have-ljeen - r o u n a to r to e 'u s lg n . aaid one of hU adi f ment? A nd would It no t bave been exploit. cpoMlble to find anotoer to do toa "TTjey were In pla Joh a s well who w u Innocent of any guarded toe lr passeasiodaU on like tooie which abound --------------In toU woman's pollUcal record? ^

O hlna-boyi vtg iries are never K n nexplained, tltoough apeculaUon U K m m m m k always moro or le u rife. Wotwlto- ^ W ' Itanding to e pictorial policy of life ,


STUDENTOpen •Ul B pm . Friday i

Gem O ffice Supply R e llO n C e (IflO N orto M ain - - phone 87< Oppoalta Tlati-News

--------- Here's How-You

B m .\Y O U lP U C E YOUR OR




You can take 18 m onths to

~ WE NEEDand will allow

___• AN DD■ . YOU C A N G E T A !


2 YEAR or


1 YEAR or



.P P E A B F E O M l g l J S5 A N G L E R S■.hlch Iniptre4 an editorial y l t e r of m no o lh e r 'toe Chicago Tribune to call I t to e j«bably U tnpeeping tom of Amerlean Journal- t _ V ^ ‘iis*t n o th ing : nm. Pu l Pl-70 never hesitates to ^ - ^ u n s wlU Infona lecture hU pubUc on dec«cy . bad»n>u»d >-A n d .- im o n g -- to o se who have Bourte-white o r tlp^ Fought toe communUt tre tson t t m nUrloui reuoo wh M UlderaUa rUk a sd pala fo ; y tu t , m ettiO lT ntoUed D Including m a y e tn since 1038 wben u a t grett Jouroallit o UUs Bourka-Wblie Joined toa sta ff ington Kent.3f hU peeping ton^ptper. Pul Pl-yu They htve n e w J s known u toe most prominent m d re td e n a* w u atatea nost InfluenUal tnU -tnU . M c C a ^ on m a a r a t

m thU reipect he m ^ h t be aald “ S f a run t detd h e tt wim H trold R o n . who batJie editor of m e New Torker. a - the DtUy:ept to a t toe New Yorker U no S t du d a l ^ onger InfluenUal. , . commumit .

IU deceitful praUes of P rank d lJln ttra , Alger HUi and tba team tha waden u McCan If D raper aod Adler.preianUy.wers oondullscredlted by toe conduct of toeee p n n o n 't men caused 1 <jiwrlal protegci of toa New Torker, partment to lock up t ind a strange dreariness aet In. as care "magic" Infom ndless -‘proUles" of dull, m eaning- might be useful to Sovl ess people droned on; Nor wUl Pul Pl-yu'sAn tn ti-anU U one who never or give warning th a t :

eldom fights toe communUt t ra l to n atealUi, deceived toe re lUt overlooks few occuions and mandlng army corns van m anuftctu ren pretext* to be- communUU wltoout re itUe the pDtrioUc results achieved toey were communUts. <y. toose who do fight toem. ThU U not the totalI t would not b« good JoumalUm itesltoy work, which

3 deny to a t Luce hcvertodeu ex- cenUy been trying to 1 rts an Im portant degree, of Influ- floiUnj toy clrcu* bal nee, especially In m e country a t toe Iron curtain to carr irge. HU papers are accepted w lto- to .rebellion to enslaved ut-approprlate l- - But.alLtols &nd-fflOi en t d tisens In the mo»t-thoroughly aceeislble to-Tlme.-wl jnerican regions of too country, private moUvei of Chli Somo of toem, even now, may It publUhed fantuU c

ind it hard to beUave th a t Life Pearson w u t Journal rould aend "on a practice mUslon and standing In toe pr 5 a lecre t advanced air b u a " a Tho air force h ss U ’oman who w u listed In documenU spoaslbllity for lecurity bulned by toe house committee In -snnecUon wlto many notorloui

AlMUs Bourke-White and t report- : for Chlna-boy’i magazine "were .le _only_clvlUan5 ever to d o_» ,‘l _________tid one of hli' adi fo r toU brazen ■ V 1Cplolt. I"They were In place* ao dosely iarded toe lr passe* wero con-

i m -O N AUTOS and A K J P i

FURNITURE w i - s • ^

. j i n i n H — A ----------- ------ ^AT

L o n g '

R eliance C redit otnci, phon» a lta n o ts -N e w * : F b ra a ZSM

Are Going IIHow-You C a n - B e a t The Price



• • •



18 m onths to pay on cara and as long as ;

: NEED Y O U R OLD-id will allow you the highest price in


JIL L IR E U N D 'S UNIC - -Y O U GET2 Y E A R o r 2 4 ,0 0 0 M ILE G U A R A N I


a n d . . .

1 Y E A R o r 10 ,0 0 0 M IL X G D A T tSN T


bill IRELAND'SM MQl“The House o f Sincere Service"

• ■ : ^ A y ' S H M E S l ^

^ t S V m e r s I o n In 't b e fOb- biUtyofendonlngUfa^^ w o n l-a a d . White for a vUlt

^ x l iS S t wui g l« JU a ^ U ^ O d ^ m a t evea ih?2ttd en ea.understandlng of t o cubUiei, wlUi penniaS

, l r command t ^ th e y pictures to her h e ^ ^

Kriou, «M 0n why Tim e hm . c S ln S S

“ ■ c ; . . . . i r U ..1TM u w u .to ta l by O eM to r Twin r.Ji, cotjai,

another wbo bad worked I n 81,,^, (ili jT''*'5fflM of'm e Dally W orker, tb e j .u , « iinai.^ nunlit dtadal In^Ncw Vork.

na 'i UudaUon did n o t ? ramreaden u McCarthy told th o J*w. <oa»uiui, » ^te ,'toat-m e oonduot-of-on*. o f " '• - " '•V .. -(on't men caused th e i l t t o do-n tn t to Ipck MblUhi g p t t, 4. s ," j f ^

t b f S e f u I t ^ ^ ^ e t Russia. p n x t m u ” ''* 2r wUl Pul Pl-yu's pubUcaUona

warning th a t Pearson, b y t in .Ih, deceived toe read en by d e - ^ling anny commUslon* ro r m . Ve*db.4, lunliu wltoout reveaUng th a t rmdmu bituaiimu were communUts. f iU U M l t t e tot.1 01 S g ' & B V f " , | S }thy work, which he ba* r e - cothw «u ■r been t^ ln g t s live dowa by J i ',nj toy dreu* balloons acroas uS?.*” . t ^ron curtain to carry IndtaU on* <»«i on u>t «o>k/ ttriw bellion to enslaved mUliona. (.“• «l.a L ttl! jm a _ iii0r i i .* u _ c a j» . slble to-Tlm e,-w bBn._for-the- lua iw i.iuuB nit te moUvei of Chlna-boy Luce. iblUhed fantuU c flcUon th a t w ilh iB ^niw 'w S i 'J* on w u t JoumalUt of honor d«v>. ii>iii <«s>iitguT»^ ilandlng In m e profession. U" .B air force h ss toe basic r e - 1-dbllity forlecurity and secrecy rgbiiiht a«jt. i , «.

A T T E N T IO N f '


Open fo r Business C A S H Q U O T A T I O N S

O N P O T A T O E S , O N I O N S


__________ V a ry R o a g o n o b lo R otei________

Long V alley Forms CoT W IN FALLS, IDAHO

O ffice P h o n e 8 6 2 o r C o r l Glib, Res. PK I7j

— —

IppjpfflThe PriGe-lncrease!.

T A G ' I ^ N m .O R A B R A N D N E W



lE A S E

i as long as you l ik e on trucks.

ILD CAR . . .5st price in town.


J UNION MOTORS-■ — T ^ ...... -



g u a t i s n t e e : ---------------------— — -

: K S ;•

I D ' S ■ .......-

lOTRSS ^v lc e ” . . . ■ PHONB

owneommtod.Yi*obviously took tS '

M H a t m n *lUi penniaS

t t to her h e ^

^ A D V E R g ; N o n c i TO c uS t;

« A ‘S S u JS : <5

n A tiu t II.


' - . w f W ' & J

• 1» bitrtjr tim 6m, C^tntilo# c«2 * l<l*bo tornlni i J i I bltumiiiCTu

Stwteolii r .r t“ |S •Saglh, knows „ 'JJ «J«l He. r.Uld, f t

»iTw’uS'*” . ty f



ERSu s i n e s s

\TIONS , ONIONSf f i A I U S l L m i [ILER


a r m s CoIDAHO

311b, Res. PK m


l ic k s .




Page 5: · 2014-12-12 · f ---------- — -----------------,:^ N0; olidLine )f Non-E I 'o G K T r (irRANCISCO, Sept 7 (/P>—Indoncaia

o r c e F r o m g u b k

m m o n Law

been W ed In ae^on. RodtUixJi

! ! s r i » s K . i s

nn TealK t"h .« OM

0B“ ~ „ IIUTT a. Doreb»rd_-*ocDdenee M r« . lu d n r . nupm :“^ n infonned th a t i**i«r Bori. nuper

£ w ^ ' ' t o SknowledBe>“ f t r r l M e . She w ta g ^ : ‘l u f iT i i . i8K0‘* 'J i.« f inarrlABo be fcioic* D*t«. n » Si Ud be *d jud - Bufi»y: Pajuii osJ; SS‘" .S lM t Che bondB o l c iv tae* r. Ballet 1 ®? aiBoired. She aUo utootoa. Durin:

’.llnlnMordBW w P * y * n o iim d : C. T. Dn ? S B lB r lu * u P l» rt.S h e lu ipu *. Do*»r. .ji *‘ lTr>cl\ Oltier reUet-.M Bowler. Amenc*a

- M S T " " ' ^ ^ ^ r S S : ^' - ^ O w N K n e Ain«ne»n m ti ; '

' s S i2 ” i! l? < iiS isy r!s?»™ £^i';diVorce from FJoyd jon

_ jjisti. on Durlf7: K*nd»ll ’l

®J 09 commumty property c itn n n t lum M). Un. MlUer claims h e r wood Drown, lutcli f ^ ^ i i ! i a n r '» l l h 'O t h e r Di»eiUooi|-u-u.-in

court fo rt t cf her fonner n im e . Dr

tou lts Brtckett. recrt«nt«d .by Dmokihlr. Amniw

y tnd Ooodlng. g “ -I jjBtoe cnielty In “f* bum: nu ty Dooiir. J I2 ra « Wed HffBlnst Clyde non. Jeroni«, f iS B w ch . Cftlir. T hey Howard B. Cor««, i S d »l Etto, Nev.. Aug. ^*S;/Y u^“ a?»fd

Oiks for rea lora- V«U; v»U5i» 1 if hff m»ldcn niune, Shirley d . u coon». nupert. “ Ved» CoIcT. Buhl: II- hir 1»“0; M. U ChrLii*tl BUptr- r t p r o e n ^ by „ ,g chMbourn*.

Ehtv mil James. Ooodlng. cnidboume. noeicli a o t f ^ eruflty in h e r a c - m»n.-BuriB7: AirrM

rhtvM Cl»rrnc» O. C»roUi« is , dltro^ #5^M t ^ V l d j, ,„ ch»n»lor. Rupc a TtfT vere mwried Peb. 8 . 5di_ Dutlej; Lyl» iMtiTe me child. Real a n d no rd u coruieii. buII KWrtr Include* a lot In gm , nuptrt: Den

n!li±4L Cllnlon U ChunbeCnUdr Sooiht Colemtn. Twin r»:

K.!wreh.rsej that SUy- JS "’ nSr^wVn^n fad to f!« her money Jor nuii. a^ilS. i™n ltd Jor the child. 6he --------------------------» fwtaSj d the child and i«»loiiHhou4eh8ld goods,Js;,i#i(ip!proent be aw ard-ta a l la wch other relief "- tS r< ^ -« « m s-Ju » t-a n d -

[ 1 PoseroT, reprewnted by " hn lad Knufman. Bolae. " “ I ? intttaecnselW In h e r a c - cruelty In » dlrwre fmm A. B urm an ' ” " 1 , ,^ ! f. Tlier sere married S e p t

a »l Wattrly, Kans.. and 28. >M8. m d« child. She a ikj fo r sole Community propictulTe ewe of the m inor “ vlngs account a

lad for UUe.ind Interest In 1}®;“ » «j'«‘aaJuraliWno_____________ M v ln g * ^

ftff* Thwiened- ------- of-i«06;-lire sRareBiB. repreiented by Jam es. corporaUon stock;lal Jimcj. Ooodlnu. charges Crane compivny st<M cMity In her action fo r Eric Railroad, stocl« tem O iulej Dall. F lin t, household fumlahlU«j vere manled at Parm a. Mrs. Seaman tto . II, m n. and_have one husband Icept com

noir In che custody o f women. She aelcs I««r!DT»ln Pills. firm a property scBtH.ehargej timt cn Ju ly them and to dlstrl!

I. tliUe they irera separated, in conformance UiiT ^ e r hgrae iffo rorclbly imjIjciu ptiuikhciiI Uie child to Michigan a n d Merlin S. Voung. I

I there without her consen t eertlon In his accAu«.H, ahe claims th a t n t from ' PaiiUne Z . ' :« he look the child h e were married Junew her lllc nnd said th a t York City and vitorteml he would'kill h e r Sept. 13, 1M3.' T!eaud. She alw charges th a t munlty property i

a a rapport them. She asks- Involved.




- A l c h fo r-th s G reen and GrayTrucks id th th e . . . . . . . .

Rem em ber: we’re the f i r s t and only you m etered proi

— 7 Q m ,

U N I T E t’‘ttailCAN FALLS^ P h o n o .2 1 6 2

Ha i l e y •■ P h o m l 4 9 . \

,- --,BPg iB E s :v ia s i:----------

) U b l e t t D e e r H u n tutouT Id o lt /a w lca n ^ U ; j c . Roo;»-a- w . ' la* U AUta. Aintr»e«i l^U»: Zan Cirrlei Ud. Aia^c»a rw u : 0?utlj Aaarr- . " 'V * ' •u H*lu: 0 . 1- AooeJt. Aupen; M»ru!» AmmciSam oa. auri»r: A. J. ADdenoa, flur- k m ''» » '' C; J. 0, Aad«rton. Burttr: N»»1 An- d; vMO. RockUad; Olenaid AlUn. T*m l>«i

TO. Bweltoo: Emer AdJuni. 8ub!«t; c»n h i v ' li'* '''*1 Abo. SfTbura: U rr r Dw Aadtrjon. Osw Dwi

S , " < a . ' “* s r ‘r.’S‘: V s ; : ■lU lUreld AJlea. llockluid: aitnn* 0. tth r»h i;

J a o . AdUn*. Amrri.

"niiM; itobCTt BOTthardt. nuptTt: "d' ^TT O. Dorebardt. Rupert: John u t-r:rjrn, Rui„V'?"- "

a s O R S s r a / i ; *jert: U»tu» A. BeU. Declo. Kcijrr ^unle* B*t«. DUrlty: U. C. D»t«. Hupfrr w i , , '; ' rl»y: PbrUU O. BUtt.rfI.Id. H»r- 'la

otoa. Durler: W. T. Bummrd. Dnm j wif.u^ nenc4n T»1U: i)»»n D«k»r. IloekUnd: Orenf, lUuiion- Jliiin.rd U. BiJfour. Burler: Olen Banon. e "jiluid: c . T. BrtMnaid. R upm : Jida, nocki'.nrt.Jpu I. no..!. (lm.n»= n iu ; « .,« l.»« S , " S,lm",3 'rier. Amenna P»1U; Clrde Dour* Sr.. Ok :o' w na, AmertCM rtlU : JlonSd DIake D /lfo ili ,*

W S - D^?h- S : " ^ u oulljerlon FalU; 'jamea £ Burke. Dur' llcricf Otrn"‘no<tianri

Uarth^ Z. Burnaa. Burl.f; Harrl- Ooch=w°Bursna. Durley: Leone Budgr. Bur- nour. uVi,^?;B. B. Dudce. Durler: Joe Ballard. Jrrurat; rsnma C O.Vit

ley: KendaU Lee Ballard. Burley: B«Uii o rm rna L. Drower. Paul: William E. Amrnf»n Patii' o*r'r n w n.Paul: K«JIM Danner. Hryburn; Driil ii. q, ^ ; r# Brannon. JtTome: Arnold DeU, nrr, nup»ri; Dlanch* i & ' ‘t - B a « a lI . nupert: Julia a

gPi^.^nupyt: ta n a 'ool, on,-Burl»y;-U»».-01«an-C, Dttar,- —Jar-M:-Orn^ nuptti' ley- kosiky. A.’nrrlcinIwaid aark Draekett, Twin P»Ui: cifflp j Hutchljon i» Brackett. Twin r» iu : L*o lliit; ikahlre. Amnlcan rUU: Sale Dow- Iran IlMttll nock'md I. Duni: Oblrley Bowman. Buhl: Malu; oiVje I ^ k " lu 1 BaUey, Durtey: Dale BodUy. Mey- liocl:. Klmbnly vi^ y. nuby Bodily. Heybum; Ann Dran. Haterm.n; Jo«'’ iioi,} iwi???.’ corl.... Paul:. Beth 5. Oor-Paul: Cheryl 8. CorlML.. Paul: Lorua D.tia lUwirld. Di?lo! y, Duhl: aermld W. Charle*. Amerl* Amrrlun FalU; m n i T*1W. V»l»la D, C\aT«>n. Ruperi; Amustan Talla; Orde

■• £oon». Rupert: Clan^C^ey. Duhl: m liandi«, Amrriean t CoIft. Buhl: Dvan r . Ooz. Itock* L. llawkitu. Rupert' HI I: U. U ChrLilenaen. Durle;: Jim* Iran rall«; Uoaa ;( ;irr

Chadbourne. Rockland; Swood Oeralo iltrwood. Anrrir Iboume. nocKluid: Jamea Chap- Iloffrntn, Huhl; Harold .'BuriBy:'AirrM'Chapm»B, Buriry; ome; liciij Huiiiini, ll rnce O. CaroUiert, Bhoahone: Mrt. Huidiu, Huprrf Ken Chanalor. Rupert: Nl«el !!. Camp- HocXUnfl; piul Hunt,

Durlry: Lyle Cantrell. Declo; Hunt. Duhl; Bally Hum d L. Cbrtnell. Buhl: Velma L Cham- Joha lUlrenoa, »r. J , nupert: Den Chaaalor. Rupert; 1 ora. Burlty: Robert Z. :e CorltM. Heybum: Uoaa H. Cor* J elen n. Iltlnrlch. Twin

Heybum; Raaald Craven. Paul: ] alllnr, Ilockland: Jami Ion 11. Ch&inbera. nupert; K. U. Durlry; t, L Harrood / man. Twin ralU: K. D. Cunu, Lloyd llalrmon, Jerome rican ralli: Curtla Cowman, Iloek- aon, Jncme; Myrtle 1 : noy cowman, noekland. Uabie iionie. Burley,telle Oayton. Durley; Olen Cox. Albert D, Hobts. Ai------------------------------------ / J h u ^

unconditional and absolute ert f t “wPiuJnmoM, n ody ot the child and fo r such ijofmw, American ir ™u,I u m .y b . J« .t m d fe . i iS S J X " " !™ .,"

eret* E. Beaman, represented by 1?.?,.^'^.;17 r . En<l. B ol« , e h u ie s « - 'te cruelty In h e r action for a Rupert; uiltoa Hyde, r ree from Donald L. Seam an. }{*;?*■ y « o . n u rrl ta i,t V»l«. O t . , K , i S « , 5 T S m . 28, ID3D, and have no children, nuperi; C. w. Haru'ood. i imunlty property Includes a ngs account amounting to wiiiiam iniTahiii. Amei U and a checking account of v.-inmaa, Hazelton; » ; savings bonds In the am ount i.n i- n ...i-SOCriife shares S f ^ l S T w i t w 'oratlon stock; 15 shores of O. Jatman, American r* ie company stock; 25 ehare.1 of Railroad, stock (common), and D“?^jon '4 l” ifuTi?y‘; ai

lehold furnishings. nuperi,rs. Seaman charges th a t her land kept company wlUi_othe_r jwien. She asks the court lo con- ocrtnide Jibaon. beelo;

a property settlem ent between Dccio; iwph Jibeon, Dec , »M to dU lrtbul. t h . p ropo rtj »■ ' “ T j “ S U r « y form M ce Uiercwlth^ AmHic|^ ralli; J une J«

,ln a . Young. ^ I s e . chargM de- Bm?a?on tn his action 'fo r divorce Rockimd: Flora Reaiinit.r PaiiUne Z .'F rnnkfle ld . T hey Keaiinr. DUfier; Dr, a .E ■ married June 30, 1030. a t Newc City and were separated on i^ ; Iro K n ip p f^u ? .13 , 1M3.-There-ii'-no-com- rTi7^«,“-Si*'’'’ Uy property and no childrenIved. ................. ....Rupert; Robert Lanen.


I N G ^ E L 'I T H O U R U N I T E D Q U A L I T Y F U

S ^ n ^ U N I T ^

Registeringi e r : w e ’r e P i o n e e r s o f t h e r e g i s t e : a n d o n l y O i l D i s t r i b u t o r i n M a g i c \ e r e d p r o o f o f t h e a c t u a l g a l l o n a i

----------- Q u a liiu P r o d u c ts U tu u rp a sK d


n i!.2162 ..........P h o n e 223

U9 ■ . _ - 4 - - -


H u n t P e r m i t W i m“ «l"n K -alnftr. « « r l

•a ^ COrbrldie. Koomplo. American « l la :can r»"i is .. Cor^«<l*». Burley; wnuiam H. TOoeininii.;.;? ! Chetkeiu. Bum; aatrnce L. Kenltier. AmT a n. Edna U. Kenluer. Amito f iS n ’’ v ' l ” • Kini.-m .pert: Adran J v “ » " ’n Dormler. !*aul;- Howart Leo Kaopp.

^ " ' ' ' ‘vne DuUop, Aintrl- ll,)en Kreaa. Rockland; .Dw* Roeuand; L*nT Kreaa. RocS^'yiu.” ^ FaUa; F»e<l Deli. Karrakrr. PoeaUllo: Adamrail*: PorrBl W. Ooujlaj. leaa FalU; Oeonla Kell

Rupert; Jo^rine ^ l e » ; jo h ^ ^ ‘Kwen?!'ArirvM- ' ^ " ‘'*n FalU; Charlea Fern L. Kucera. Amerlean'0 _ K "n: Oeorte D. Keen. Uv

Chuek Frrl- L. Kucera, Americaa ralU»uhl; ■ I jm .r Q Ur»en. Burli

’-“ ’n .^ ’ii <>fvllle C. Friederlcli; lean' Falli: William Ll«• n,vi ;irnn. Declo; Flank R, Meum Lord. Heyt .111- S i).' Amerl- Me»e, Amrrlean FaUa; Zi0 tclteii; llockland: llurlef; John B. Lu»k. An.M? r ■ O- ^'recm«n. Cairo Lu»k, American r» l lftremao. noekland; Hurler; John A. Uerman,

Amrtlcan Falla: Elmer M. Donald Lively, Duhl; ao ldr _ J- D. Frrdtlckaon. Hurley; Oall Luley. nock

U .i iH Rupert: Al- H. Lambert. Durley: H. n.Uuruush: E. D. land; CTlfJord U ub. Burt Sdoa E. Fite, Kalherine-LI*el/, Duhl:

raju. Mr». U taua FIW. Twin Rtiperl; llobert LM en. E , , , MeUin McUan. l^ k l a iY J. airaud,, Rupert: aeorte Marlin. Twin FallT. Il»d luwion; Ma.ine c. Oanier. n u - Ruprri; W. A. Mehlhal

n . 7.' Hupert: Fred Qlor- Falls; Oron# Woore, Twin A ^,.‘o • • OlorJleld. Roek. M, Moorr, Twin Falla; 1 1 Pf'l orant. Wfn; l . A. OellelU. lhp»-». Ruper;: Merlin D. ^9 . w, 0. Ooodman. Twla Falli; FiUli; j . R. MsLausUtn.

W*f>on McCool. nupert; ble.t,^ («U Oullf., Bublet: Alma Cool. Rupert; MorrU Me< Katl Mauch. Amerlean F

‘m, V " - M o f f i t t . Dtclo; .-Amhroae w., nurlfy; Qordon Lee Ooch- Declo; J. I.. McMurdle. B 1:** ''’" W. QrlMIUi. Mauock. Ruoett: L«wU Mai Twin Fall.; Venna McMjrdle. Uuhl: J

• O rm . Edrn;-Ruptiea Qehrlnv. nuprti: Waytie McWurdlc.Q*ry Crow, Pocatello; L. Moore. Durley: FarUa r ,

1 . Qteoo, Rupefi: Leland J. Oar- Frank R. Mijor, Burley;luperi; Dlanchi Oreco.-Ruiyry OVm Falli: Marvin UcLea‘ American FalU; Uvell McLean, noekland:Ollwn, Ametlcin Falla; Charlci L^an. Ilockland; D. M. oHrnJl' ‘‘Mr-Orrer. n«PHi:~Bnn“ artien=' Wuru«i«h; Tluy Hcifurdle.r. Unerlcan >1IU. Mr., John W, Martin. 1*»e J, Huichbon, Durler: Ed A. MarUn, Paul: Ddoa P. M«M>:ia; virill flock. Klmbrrly; Paul MartMh. Paul; ArtIM»HI, Roclclind; Jamra D. Jlltl, Paul; Collpen Martin. JeOrarce HaakCI, Ilockland: Eitelle Thomu Markland. Ru

Kimberly: VI:mnla Howard, Markland, Rupert: JoaepIn»n; Joe Hoaatd, Haaerman; Diitil: Uidlr McMiirdle.'nd Haakell. noekland; Johnny Morrlt, American Falli: TI, Amrrlean rtlln. Amprlcin Kalli; Keith »d lUWlrld. D«lo; Frank Heaton, lean Fall*; L. Oarr McrrI^n FalU; m nk n. Heaton. Falla: Dale Mot(eU, Decli:»n Tall*; Oyde Holt. Bublelt: MnfJell. Declo; C- 8, M atandiCT, American FalU: WUIard Orval NeUon, Rockland;•kitu. nupert; Ella Hunt. Amer- hotue. Rupert; Oliver C. Ne'ail»; Uoaa U. Herrick. Rockland: rrt: A'«[t J. SeUon. Roc;Harwood, Anerlran Falla: Myal K. Nevhniue. nupert: Orm

;n, Duhl: Harold Hslvcnon. Jer- nurlrn.lMvfard.L. noble.,MIiei>» Hutnlni. lUlpert; Edward Neltiin. Ilockland; May Ku. Rupert; Kenneth Hartley, land; nen R. Korton. Dind; Paul Hunt, Buhl: MerrlU Robert F. NeKon. RuperDuhl; Bally Hunt, Duhl. Kelion. Rupert; Dllly Nela<lUlrenoa, »r. Jerome; Darrell FttlU: Leon Hull. Jerome:

Buriry: Robert Z Hunt. Burley: rop, Twin FalU: Fewton Nin. IlnnrlCh. Twin FalU: Ruaaell can Fall*,r, Rockland; Jamra M. Holvoak, Nick Ocluner, Paul: Joao'I t. L Harrood. Amerlean W U ; Paul: Floyd obe rm llle r^llaltffion, Jerome: Roy Ilalvor- OiiUhl, Hurley; Bunny Onlercme; Myrtle Hisley, Burley; Harry .Onlilil, Durley; SnrHorne, Burley. Burley: Jrnnie Osborn. Am:t D. Hobb*. American Falla; Rou Olien. Buhlett.a, Harper. Rupert; Qarr Ilar- Preiton Oater&aut. Rupei

Upert; Alice M. itammoad. Hup- »en. T»'ln FalU: Edna OUerW, lUmmond, Rupert; Bernard Harry 0, Patteraon, Rupi

Jfmia, American FaUa; Bernard Peyren. Rupert: Marl# PcyTian, American FalU; Jerry Hale, Oeorse Pea»e, Rockland: L.ka; Doyle Hale, Minidoka: Lottie Rupert: Don Patteraon.

PrwSn'^u S iey: Kra PlifllfIlU: Ulllle 8. Harrell. American Barbara Prntoa. Declo;Adair Halrenon. Jerome. Patteraon. Burley: O. E. Pad Hrdi. Rupert: Ronald Hrde. ley: Jo Ann rhllUp*.; Miiloa Hyde, nupert; Mlldre<l lard, nupert; JoeTrestonriRupnt; Fay Hudl Duhl. Duane Pelenan, Haierman: JorBuhl: Howard Hunt. Buhl: WII- Uaae.-man: HarrUon nowenen«cneld, Rupert; Leo Henaeheld. Bert Payne. Amerlean: C. W. Haru'OOd. American m U ; Predmore. Rupert; E t ^Harwood, American Fall*, Rupert: Harry Prousb. T»Vllllam tiaak. American Falla: K. Pollard. An^erlcan FallaI Zntraham. American FalU: II. lard. American rWU.naa. Hazelton; Wayne Inman. Paul Queineil. MurtauslB. J. 8. itobinaon.. Durley: s-JnierrBnr!P7rcHT)r~Jenj>en7 lanocA ram ean—F a ia r- ;^Ou. U. Johnion. Rupert; Roland RockUnd; E»»'C. H «a.

mn, American Filla; Jack JeXfa. H. Roaa, Twin Falla; Verl RDIek Jenien, Burley; Marlon land; 8. E. Roblnaon. Bur

llrjbum; Ina C Judd. Bupert: a . Roblnaon, Burley: Ij b Iolley, Durley: Alcjla Johnaon. American Falla; Robert llo

ley; Jame* H. nitehle. JJolley. Durley: Paul L. Jonea. Kay Rllehle. Jerome; Alvin

ie; Ruth Je({*. Durley: Nolan L. burs..uile3r;.Cecll.F_Jaeoba,JClmbotly; nay C. Ralphs, noeklandle Jll»on. Declo: Hatel Jlteon, aey. nupert: WlUlam n ^lUlph Jlbion, Declo: Wayne Jo l. lean FalU; Eldon J. Ralphrley: Olen Jenaen. Rupert: Cal- L. Qllton Read. RMklaod:naen, Rupert; W. F. Jaaman. Rockland: Daniel,.lUaU J:inFalli; J ^ e Jeiu iUnerlcaa ^ lU ; ^ P.ond F. kindred, Kimberly: Bublelt: Oem njod. AmiIf. Korb, Burley; Valdez Kelly. D. E Raaiom. A ^ l c a oid; Flora Keallne. Durley; Henry D. L. Ranaom. AmerlMn P. DUfley; Dr, O . t Keen. Durley: Relm, Burley: DCn noBlnw

P. Kreaa. Rockland; Victor Don E. R udo^ , T*li> Finutley; Itamanucl Ketba. Uur- U Rudolph. Twin FMla.■0 Knopp. Paul; Carl Knopp, Roblaion, Rockland; I«> B

H:en. Burley; Benny Kraua. lalld: ATdltn-IOeby. BubleU Knopo. Durley. nichardi, American FalU. iTBiy. Buhl! D, U Le*. Jr.. American FalU. _

noMrt Lanen. Burley. • < rrada Roblnaon. Hoqua


E L T A N i aa iT Y FUEL OIL

stering M etersle registenngr m eters, in Magic Valley to giveII gallonage delivered.


L C 6 . , l n eV BURLEY™ 2 3 ■■ , P hono 3i

• t w in f a l l s4 - - - ■ - - P h o M S 6 7 _

. .^TIM Eg-in

W i n n e r s. . . Bchmeiu Amertean ralla: Clara

. fer. Aeequu; ArtBar Southwell land: iiei Boranaen. Borlvr: ”

K -alnftr. Werbura: Uel*1a 2»>l»r. Paul: ,. American « l a : Alei X ett^ *•' ®a>lUi. «up*f« wnuiam H. taoepler. Rupert: . '‘if*”L. Kenltier. American Faiu:Kcnluer. Amerlcia FalU: nutley; I-aul fc B ^ to n .^ « o ,

.lni.-Ruperi: Adolph Knopp. J' “Wiak. n u ^ ; E e l ^ B o ^iwart Lee Kaopp. wm. Jh«c V. Swcrt, B o p ^ . ^ Kreaa. Itocklaad; Arthur KrM. FilU: L u c ^ BbeBr..; L*nr Kreaa. Ilockland; E. E Donald Bldea. Twin FaJU,-, PoeaUllo: Adam Kreaa.'Amer* Ochnrldrr. M lal^ka; W l^IU; O eonu KellOfi, Burley; American F»1U: p r “ *Celtort. Durley; Inn L, Ke*n. £. R. fchuaaelij;. BocklaWohn 1*. Kucera. American Falla; WlPP. Amerleaa 1 ^ . ^ __ _Sucera. Amerlean Falli; Oale E. Waller C. Bparka. Aberteeni^rte D. Keen. Uurler; Edward » « « " . Durlnr; 8 *Ja, Americaa FalU. / Carmen Slerr. Aberdeen: Dr. •>■ uu i^ '^ r .' « i~!j 'lli: Wllllaii Llea'e. Amerlean Belimea noekland; M ljdr^el>la Lord. Heybum: Bhlrley DutJey; Tony ' Blmcefc Jercmenerlean FaUa; Zola R. Lowi. fllrucek. Jerwnellohn a. Luik. Ameiicn FalU; Jerome; Jimmy Bc^bMffer. /»k, American F^IU: Albeit Lee. Uojd Bchormaa. Oublett; IIlohn A. Uerman, T»In FalU; 81rter«, UalU.•Ively, Duhl; Oolden L. Uraan. .n m a Uaye3all Laaley. Ilockland; iieltln Bleaarl, Rupert: Flojdrn. Durley: II. D. Utan, Rock- ert; Hain;d BhaTfer, Twla FalUIlford Laub. Burley. Smith, nupert: D. A. Smith. lne-LI*ely, Buhl: D L. L«, Jr, o w f* B uehan tau i^ ; DaaaWRobert LM ea. Durlty. Ruoerl; Ura. w. IL BmlUi. AMcLean, l^ k la n d : U<nd 0. Falu; W. R. Smith. American

Twin Falla: Rada Malthewa. Iona U, Schortmaa, Rupert:W. A. Mehlhaft. American E SlIcocK, WendeU: Bden Jl

one Moore. Twin FilU: Edith Ruprrl; Lyle BUa\er. nuperf.^T iln FalU: Ho.ard Mal- Bchenk. R u W WlUUun OchenUpen; Merlin D. Miller, Twin en; Frrd Beaker. Bupert.

R. MeLaugWln. Tala FalU: Eratat ll. Taylor. Durley: OaylUcCool. Rupert; Richard Me- ner, Declo; CharlM H- Tbomto^npert; MorrU UcOool, Rupert; ton; A. L. Turner, Declo; C.uch. Amerlean Fall.; Charlea Tucker, Twin FaUa! Dwljht Declo;..Ambrose _W._Uonitt. Twin Filli; Laura TTiomaa purl. I.. MeMurdle. Bulil; Dorothy Thoren. Uurtey; Otto L. Tlei>e,Rupett: 1^1* Matlotk. Rupert, lean Filii:, JJriloa Thorrife, l«McMjrdle. Uuhl: John Uarueh. Beth Turner. Rupert: Lorell J.tVayiie McMurdlr. Buht; Alfred Rupert; John Thonie. Rocklaoi Durley: FarUa E. May. Rupert: Lola U. Thomloa. Heybum;

. MDor, Burley; John MorrU. Tirde. American Falla; Burtonta; Marvin McLean. Hockland: ton, Amrtlcan rail*: Velma TraccLean. Rockland: Leland Uc* en: OIrn E. Tbunton, Burley,<kland; D, M. MorrU, Amer* B- Thotnlon, Durley; Jaaece IL•; Lila C. MUlrr. Paul; Etelyn ton, Duiley; Clara Tayaon. W•Mtinaurh;— Ohiiel«—MMlne,- Date-Taraon.—BocMaadi--JailiTluy HcMurdle.'.Twln PalU; Tlioniaoii; lIeybUfa:“ UaUd*“~nn W, Martin. l*a(jl: John W. Durley: William Thomaa. Rupe■aui; Eldon P. Marlin. Jerome: Durt J. Van Erery, Rupert;,rt*ch. Paul: Arthur Uarun. VInanll. Rupert; Leo. B. Vanillpen Martin. Jerome. • Rupert; Ray J, Valaack. Twin II Markland. Rupert; T. J. Larry Wink*. Burley; Theta V, Rupert: Joaeph UeMurdle, Rockland; Emeat Webb. Americaadlr McMurdle. Buni; Uon Clara U. Wantaff. Amer eantmrrlcan Falli: T. U. Morrla. Jamra D. Waptalf. Amer ean

Falla: Keith Wong. Amer- Clark W, Waptatr. Amer can:•; L. Oarr Merrill. American R. M. WhltUer, Rockland: 1lie Motfelt, Declo; Joaephlne Wahl, llerbum: J. B, Wood. VDeclo: c. 8. MaUock. RuperL Karl WhllUef. Rockland: JoBB4elaon, Rockland; Melba New* Rupert; EiUier Wlan. Rupert;iperi; Oliver C. Newhouie, Rup* Ward, MalU: Oleana Ward, lluiI J, SeUon. Rockland: Lford LaMar Iffttcder. Rockland; lUnue. nupert: Qrnnt L, NeUon. Whitney, Bublelt; Beanor B.dwRTd L. Noble. Malta; D 'rt A.. Amerlcin, Falli; Albert II-lockland; May Nclun, Rock* Ilockland: C.'V. Wllllama, Ourley;n R. Norton. Burlrt , Whipple, Declo: Norman WebliE. Nclaon. Rupert; DeVon C. Falla; Qeorte A. Workman, Ai

lupert; Dllly Nelaon, Amerlean FalU; Mti. Oeorje A Wertman,3n Null. Jerome: Neal North- leaa Falli; Norman 8. Wood.I Falla: Fewton Nelion, Amerl- uarraret Whlllnt. Burley:

Whlllnr Durlor: Clyde Wardle.luner, Paul: Jeanetle Ochaner. > Ouy V Wllaon. Rupert: Lacnioyd Obermlller. Burlty; Paul Wllion. Rupert: Francea M. 'lurley; Bunny Onuhl, Durley: Rockland; Ted L. Whiunc. Butlmill, Durley: Snm B, Onwa. r^i h . Whitney. Bublelt; Fred •rnnle Oaborn. Americaa I'alli: ner. Rockland: Ora WhltUker,m. Bublelt. Hush U. Whittaker. Rupert;oalernout. Rupert: Moyd 01- H. WlUki. American Falla: I

I FalU; Edna OUen. Twin Fall*. - ). Patteraon, nupert; Pierre A. lupert: Marl# Pcyron. Rupert:

-mm T ■ -----------------------

. Prntoa. Declo; Mn. C. X.

. Burley: O. E. Patietwn. Dur-- « -----------

, : V = s “i . w r % r B ; ; : mayne. Amerlean Falli: R. n ., Rupert; Ethel Predmore. iit.w»

M niPPon

Loblnaon. Burley: I> H- Itow -_______Jim ean^a lli; V;-omalph*, — — ai umwvj ; Era'C. ItOaa. TWID Firu; C. ' ' 'n i l f qr»'ln Falla; Verl RalphJ. Rock- iiuvaz Roblnaon. Durley; Meryllle , , V aon, Burley; Leoler L. Robb,FiUu: Robert Iloblnion, Bur-

n H nilehle, Jerome: Mra.Ble. Jerome; Alvin Rent. Hey- « t

[ft? '^ li2 n ^ n S d o rS ?!‘'^nM^ M ■■ & ■ I■' Eldon J. Ralphi, Rockland: I V D E f Z E I[ •n fa 'T ^ la n d : I X K E P I V 3 E I■ Daniel . .Raat. Jr.. American

Oem need. American FalU;

rley Dcn Robinson. Rockland. ii« iT«t r i r ~ m i i a r ra ~

'Amen’i ^ 'W ^ ' 'o . ’ W. lU lli itobm^n. HocMand;. .gelaiut — ? L —



, P hono 381 - ; _____ _


TIMEg-MIWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHOL L S . IDAHO_____________________________________

mvleaa M la : BdvaMJUat. \^'UU. BoeUaad;' te a rv r. Wi >aiu- Sarotd Raet. Amencan Durlry; Lrna White. BooUaad; AU

- • Woodworti, Burler Harry Wbl enaaa. Amertcaa FalU: E IL Rupert; Vinll Whlitla, Rupert; 0< S S l in r a lU : CTara Ochaet* Whittle. Rupert: E. C Winter. Aa a: Artnar Sotithwell. Bock- caa ^ lU ; fuchard E. Winter. An Boranaen. Bsrlev: Walter J. caa Faiu.^ f f i ? - M l f c s S ' >’■s . 4 S “S “ “. w s s ^ s . ’sul e. a S w n Dwle; Frank Z'l'ner. Ourley: Catherine ZUlaer. 1 nuK rtf& lla'Bohm . Durley; »• Zlmmetroaa. AmoJ w ^ B o w : • .. ' '

Buhl VisitsSS3S“S » .” °“ “ “ ■ • » « 'Bparka, Abenleen: T. J. J. D. Vlles. Anchorage, Alaska, v rley; O-jI- 8 t a ^ S^csla of Francts LaMothe.

S 5 m ? r ^ k ^ Wlggln.1. Moffat f ield , CaUf.ilmmy Schaeffer. AcequU;

.n sublett; Uarry A.y^'sperak. Rupert: Oladyi U A D" f f i i j ' a . s i s i i v , n : . h a r a ; . ^ : X S i S s U J - ................................m. W. R. Smith. Amer can K h B _ — ^ _ _S e h ^ S n . ^ W ^ Dorothy E

WendeU: Bden J t Brnllh. ■ ■ W ■.yle Bua\ey. nupert; Vera iMrt: WlUUun Schenk. Rup- .

t& l f e n S . ! : a l s o n ew jAND U S E D #

irtey; Otto L. Tlebe. Amer-

AT PRICES ■rr?Mn*%iii;” D ^ r^ Thorn T ake fldvnntnRe o f o u r Itan ralla: Velma Tracy, nup- , ** .E. Thunton, Ourley; Ralph iitnc and m oney shopp;• SSS’ '-iiw“ t e s LOW ER PRICE SHOP,.».H —nnoMaiuIr-.Jamia—A. -------------------------------------------lIeybUfa:“ UaUd»“~rnural«n. '

c o m p l e t e i

s»f'»“ Lasco t i S H i i RS SUPPLIES . . . S lssr'j. r u a : >?;s5! m o u n t a in iJef. Rockland: JoBB iWlnn: CTT1>T<'T> Pther Wlan. Rupert; Eutene O U i Ju lv -Ua: Oleana Ward. Rupert. *ftitt/er. Rockland; iuitxrt, D. TTie latest, strongest. hea»T

. «>«■»«>«« l i : Norman Webb, Twin

! # " K S Complete Lin,uriv; CIM. W.nll..,DMJa. . ^ ^

s i ' c p p I M C

.NEW'a REBU ----------------- FOR EVERY N

T is for_ -------------------------- — -ciutclrfrTTTfihO ettra"

_______ io n s . . . co ils . . . condcn

I needles signal lights... hitches,I netsI S : WE'RE PA\I ----numbers—- I— SCRAP-MEV Remember,

Tw in -F[ E N G E L S I K im berly Road (Hi-^

~m I j^ iv ^ ^ ------

r .

1 ^ : ftMrT y. wtaki. V IS IT PABZNT8n S i.^ KIMBERLY, Bept. 7 - Mr. UldI Wh'itia, Ii5pirt;^idie Mr*. Albert Praace ind.diujhtti

SSS: S S g = s = = = = — — —

s”S«s.’Ssi P U Jy; Catherine ZUlaer. Dur-s. Zimmermaa. Amolca. REPAIR, PARI, , P ro B p t . a . Economicihl Visits on anpt. 7-M /sgt: and Wn. DISTRIAnchorage, Alaska, vere FairbafliCS Morsi-ancls LaMothe. _

* ' K o g G r s - F 'their son. A. A. Ronnald Ebabertj Tiiffat field, CaUf.


e a W D u t y E q

A U T O I' PRICES THAT CHALLENGE[vantage o f o u r Big Stock o f N ew a n d Used P arts a: id m oney shopping around w hen you can get ii I P RICE SHOP.


iasco” B R A K E dooi^L IE S . . . Shoe Exchange UH O U N T A IN M ASTER

SUPER-BLOX a n eeat. itfongest. heatTduJrJirakd block on mH v ^ i a ^ •ket today. Mountain t«ted and proren. _ _ _

iplete Line of


• 3 FULL YEARfT T T fin g gea rs and pin- “ 0 LONGER LIFE- coil....condc,i. . r . . . . r . . t .»< n

ji 'o ^ > * tsuiuly. ulirCa. •« ot Woailtr SaUeiT—Ig h t s . . . h i t c h e s . . ,


Remember, You Can M o st A lw ayi Ftm

w i n - E a l l s ^ A u trIy R o ad (H i*w axJp)

K j y

In tbe light of the besch c f pleasant niuiio ■'i'l a c you’ll Sad time for rcBec

' U m e, too, for tha cool, cof light Oljmpia Beer. A. to auch moments of coni

" Y O U ft S T

^ B i r !h

: * ^

I1 i t e s t h e W a t t f ^ ::

w ...........

r - .

t» . . . . . .


PABZNT8 Ogdea. Utali. Tlitt»d ber pamtt Jept. 7 - Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jenffl* DallM. en Bee ind.diusbter. the,veek'-«nd. . --------- :

P U M P SA IR , PARTS a n d SERVICEt . a . Economical. . . Efficient Rep&In


'•airbanks Morse—Pomona Pmnps

agers Farm 'Storeaad ' Twta Fan*' ' Flies* IMI


Y Equipment |O P ARTSlLLENGE c q m p a r is o nn i Used Parta and Accessories. . . why waste g you can get it here a t our ONE STOP— I U

.ILARGE STOCK OF Id o o r and 1TRUNK |


AND HARDWAREIneluiUng Deck and Door locks, XdiU> Iccb. . Striker FUtei, etc.


«C/nrf/c” E L E C T R O L Y T E


Pro7» ‘Riese and Many Other Clalmi ef Sumrinritr Woailtr Batleiy-rr WOL PAT lOTJJ •


Always Find It, for Less at .

A uto pA r^pJionelST

j f ld io f ls .. .

ligh t of the besch fire; ia th e a tm o tphe rt

u n t muaio and a cool, clean breeze;

in d time for reBecdon snd r e l t z a t to n i j '................

too, for th a cool, conTirlal re£reahisent

t O ijm pia Beer. A iw ajt a good com panloa

1 moments of conlentm ent, O l jn p ia il

J O u t t S T 0 “ E Bl J 0 y

^ 1 . : '

VWTOM w n w w N ‘ I .BOaa «l A-ariK’a bewOaal InmMS;.;'.., ,' '

........... oiYM»u i i iw m o c o » « ( i " ‘' 7 v 'r*T

' 1,


ted ber p r a t i » u DallM. et«


r eFhDSa im

E N T IT S JSON• why waste M E S T O P - I


^ R EniUticcb. .


3 . .



Suwrinritr .


t . ■ '' '


. ^ t.


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U p

| 3elftMMS:.;'..,,"


Page 6: · 2014-12-12 · f ---------- — -----------------,:^ N0; olidLine )f Non-E I 'o G K T r (irRANCISCO, Sept 7 (/P>—Indoncaia

p id a lio P ro je c t I ' p ,

I j^ T c tio n S o ii^ t I B y D w o rsh a k s lW ^ i ^ W O T O N . 8 ^ t 7 t 2 j ^ w - ^ ^ “ *1

/{ tttc S 'p n d lc t i ? ^ e i - ihortoso « ^ . * i l i d i h o by 18M, Sen. Henry DwoMhiJt.

} i |L . I d a , haa reported In u h o tm d i is r.f p U n s to p r e » for action on the P*U AiMriii. b r i> » d u red n au tlo n pro]ect a t this

y ^ o n o f c o D s r e u . - & 1 . j in f B e cited tb t PPO rtp o rt which 1 U oacluded , - I t U • p p ^ jn t from the d S w " tI^ 'Ifo regoln* u u ly tU th * t *ddltionU r S S . a.) f«oer«tlnB c ipw lty tn exeew of po- i«rw •;- ten tW output of the P»lU»de* p ro j- ^; '« e t m u it be Kheduled on a llrm cc^tnSyy ;bft»la for operaUon in 19M u d aue- c

r oeeduig ycnr# In order to lupply tho r.n^i ■.estim ated loadi and provide operate bmi: n^on

tog rete rvei for a r e u 30 and 41.” Mn: siicrm______ __ A «a» D M ^ l f d _______ t "

"Are* 41 i r U U h a n a Q lh o , a n d *»]• i>. n« 'JO Id M ontana. Dworahak lald . t -Ib t . ju

" I tito m eani th a l there will be a ' pow er -ahortage In the«e a re a i by o' 1994, based on this recent study of kotwrt (ir>, tho power commlMlon on power r«- ®;|>. quirem enU and facilities for m ept- t^ .r* ii* lng th a t demand," he said. lUiutn. >ii

I I>wor>hak ssld he checked again • w ith the bureau of recUmatldn and i2 ! i , id confirm ed th a t It would require th ree iitJehu»a.

; y c n r ' to bring In power IromJPaU- ^

DeUy Cited h*rf no i?"•T h a t m eans th a t If construction

. were sU rted next spring It would bo ci*ud«' u u !ln th e spring of 1M5 before PalU ocm*i.i o. ^ ladea power could -b e -p u t-o n - th g - line," he said. i

“I n view of this, 1 Intend to ap- u. >: n. p e a r before F . •]'. Lawton, director of th a bureau of the budget, for an Im m ediate favorable report on the * Narriii. i request for funds for PaUsades w c'action can be taken a t this lesslon of congreu ." d«ii* scm

— ------------------- i i r y - * - "

McRae Estate Ib bs?;" '" Given to Widow

'^ t o e i a 6 n t - e r u i 8 - « t a t « - 6 r - t h #U te .R ic h a rd McRae was concluded v iit r, E«ri T hu rsday w ith the flUng of a decree —of dlstribuUon awarding property | T Q T \ i to h i t widow, Mrs. MatUe M. Mc> U u l / i l Hae. Buhl. n i i f t

U r . McRae died Deo. S, IMT, leav- U U O Jng a will whleb nam ed his w ^e sole nr.nTmo beneficiary. He also U survived by a . dauglitc r. Mr*. U one Bonar. A nder- J f ”

Includes Jo ts-eight and nine in block four o f McCollum’s “iddJUon to Buhl, a no te on which B 300 Is due. »30«a0 bank account, “RQSSHairTUhUaiIng»“ and V-19S7

Mr*. M c ^ was exocutxlx of the utalA ____________________________

Reports Given at Bureau Meeting “

B O L U ST E R , Sept. 7 — Member- ductlon wu ihliMlrtT*-r*porto-an<l-«.bTl*f.*um- pounds.— n a m f • the •Tamlly Parm Policy Last yeai U rlew " surrey eurrenUy being con- « t M,538W( luctcd by th e U. 8 . departm ent o f Jotm ent wuig rtco ltu ro-w ere-g lren Wedneeday ........ -lig h t a t the Sahnon T rac t commu- - n i ’" "

.V Priceslounty Parm Bureau meeUng re - T l v T carding ih o agricultural depart-nen t survey were WllUam L antlng BOISB, iind W . A. Loughminer. cel^^J> y^,

h a t a large reprtsentaU on Xrom the m onth < ho Salm on trac t attended a s ta te department I s b ’a n d gam a.departm ent poison porting sen

StateTncdmeTax-rForm s-Prepared

B O ^ Sept. 7 (ffv-H ert'a badiGws fur Idahvtaxpuiie is. ___ wIU\

T ho atato tax collector's office Is jreparlng Ure 1051 tax returns for «□ailing ou t to the m an wbo p ay a.,

S ta te T ax Collector P . O. I{elW aid th e new type of fo rm »-d* - Igned a fte r the 1951 legislature Je* eenlA I tassod a “short form" p rov is ion - 2^® . j e being addressed and wlU be Balled sometime during December, to >27 per bi

T h e "short form" provUlgn e n - _____i3l(s~tZfff t u p a y u u n u n g ic u ' thsn*

to take a 10 per cent deduo* i M l l l lon fo r charity , hospital and .m ed- Q B l L cal expenses and o the r dedueUble- I tems WlUiout ItsUng them.

NelU nlso noted th a t th e new form a rrlea a w arning th a t aU Itemised leducUons m ust be aubatantlated. jl

Hired iMpTSHOSHONE. Sept. 7—Jack M ur- D . B . H *

nttam ey-at-lftw . will audi t the Jty boo£s“ for Sfioshone." Thb de- islon to hire Murphy to do tho W . f rork was reached a t the meeting if th e c ity eouncU Wednesday.

I t w as also decided to hire O . H.Jaycock, Ooodlnj. to put a ncw oof on Uie city hall.

F IR M INCOBrORATEO STEVDISBOISC, SepL 7 (<T7-ArUeles of In - . ^m a m

« r p o rf t t lo n -h a v e -b w n -fa * d - fo r - r i T B imto lherX and“ahdXlv4sl«k'e6lBpany; -------------lo^isen, $100,000. Incorporators are3eorge U. Coiner and Shlrlee A. Berm id*Joiner, Hansen, and Jam es A. Sln-la lr a n d O rrlette 0 . Sinclair. Tw in ' *LBO CYUls. 1_________



M'NERAL s a l t Is eosy to fci


DpAo b 'k z

^ - 1 .

I . -------- ----- I— f-------—

: I Payette E lk ” ! ®?®® it L _ ------ ' . ■ I Disci

Tl» *UU ruh »< SB. _ .

ik M’A' re - «f-A«c. IT iu <!■»» ««• «iui)4*4 Bn« wave of spe

DougUi Maclr«M Mtmi.,s v«u i c. Ad«m«, tenUons ro«

ung Jn m * | r . C. AB'Imwi. Duhli ISrmU z . speech In wh

n»tti.Atbm BMBfti. T«iB Fiiui E ai^u H* leaders ari D«nMtt. Jim B«db<I(. Jeia DnMU lU o. A t the U

Dtla. p'arlcri PlaUSO and ll inal JrtrKit A. HMil«r, KlmUtlri C4rl UtaDiJ. SOme Of WhOB

Irm coniBsa. v«Ib« c iur. wiibar o u r . all tlons to "lead

“ “ S K h i ' . ,»t-t b hi: rj4on O. Dufk. JUirm#^ Dark. JUb- "IndlcaUonj

Mn: sstm tB Drififr. fieri Dr»a«r, j»*k le jd en h ln m a Dr»n«T, L«ll* U Il*m. •« Ilutl*r, iEBOcnuiR «>«

f 4 Mn. JL JL rranti.. Tiort Fitr. Tvia A fter the iby *AlbfrU Or.» Or«it. Jfa. Cn»UOt Sotwri (iriDi. *11 Urn. declined to an

lUMtn. >11 J>ros>ti Cnrfc& iiiitr. ’'Y oull have

J>d L au r iiuen.'iuiph JiiioB. D*«1«| At- generaree lit Jehu»a. JU ntni Joha S d - n u n d ot appl

SSoo'S' p*hir, 110.V "uiik. T>t; building bad

;on lu , n itr ; Jot Kallli. Dshl. > 10,750.itr.. I.1BB. Uun.r.1 Uaa. T-la T.IIls ’ Lat«

oe Cl«ud» UUIm.r. llurlrr.lU- Dcm*M a. Mirrlll. Mn. DoniU Mmm. RlS speech,

JlB»l«M-Wr-ArM!Tirt»rTwlirfi1t*rCBSTl*l Tn«lnr‘t almost equally

ip- Nrrtnin. Iltitrmtn: llirold N. elgn ISJUeS.of Twin r i« .i VI»I» 0. n i.Uob. I t conuined

“ a«orft c. ni.T. I- T hat "ourh e • Narriii. n»rnoUi. lunimi HoiwTt P. mUltaty vIcto» Cl*,'.' ,K- Hkh»rd J . « a r II. UirouB

5 S £ , - S . J h . ;

7™!?* “ J rT n n ru ie - i« f c . “ “ ' w l . r . “ w i - *• ■!"»■> » . y Hee — - w ithin tho pn

?- USDA Fixes HopsQuota for Idaho or>»?h."!;»

a t 48.500.000 poundi Uie salableQuanUty of 1D51 crop hops grown la , „ v ;

Sale of the crop Is regulated under r t •a-federal-morketlng-crder:------------ ' f c C r V i C G S

” The saUble quanmy Is based on tesUmated domesUe and foreign d e - . I p m m

L a»^ d for Uie year whldi began T m o ^ Co

Each ' grower's salsble allotment 1®“ .^ " wlU be Uie percenuje of his pro- ducUon Uiat the soluble quanUty Is nw ai ^ p e i .

J s . ! * r ^ 5 : ' ’. a r u , i " p S !•- duct<on was esUmated a t M.3J3.000 ^

7 Last year wlUi-a cTop esUmated I- a t M «6W 0 pounds Uie salable- a l- fh lrley Wimaiit g ? ,. _ , RituallsUo rl

, Prices Received ;L<SlciK : By Farmers Dropg BOISE, Sept. 7 (AV-Prlces' re - f a j W c I lcel ^ byId o fsmiCT ^ IS-»Asln the monUi ending Aug, 15. Ute V. S. c iv il acUon i

; . s a r s

- -The index of 300 11m June for Ul# - -rafl-coniDlatii lowest point since last January.-But

I It is sUll 40 points abovo Uie 1050 Ji'^ -V or ^ e l 01I aTemge-foraircommodlUci. iu in U ff . For I* . W M Bam es, Uie plai . m onth, but most oilier prices recelv- c r i r ed Ijr farmers dropped or remained oAKLEY. S

1 * W h e a 'th e V ite id y while average ” *theTW W lA : prices of oata and barley were off a , few cents. D ty besn ^ c e s dropped . from 17 to *8.50 per hundredweight, .. while alfalfa seed decUned trom 133

to *27 per bushel ■

; I NOWI II , • RC ‘ i T R T i "

» m m ' iiDNDii > 'M W P H

' m u s ■naiiHBjM____ ^

’ A<M«d for Your Spnltl Caj»ra<ii>tl . Berrra idurUUoii ct Uo Toltlo;'!; ••'nmourl.??- -‘ ALSO C O I^ lt CAItTOOW ’ |




* ,«°fy to feed, cosis only Ic , J PI t w ith y o u r feeds, o r p u t

> & F E E D C O .-I FALLS _ PHONE 401 H i M m i

■i “

S p e B c h H i k e s -

I K s c u s s i o n o r i

I M’ h u r A i m . ^ - ^; CLZVEIAND. B ept 7 new ' rUSAT• wave of speculation, about G tn. f ** DougUs MacArUiur-r*poUUcal In- iloo ia ^ «

lenUons rose today foUowlng a t iu •tim «utiii. speech In which ho again attacked J "

the Truman admlnlstraUon and |aM ' i l u r r ..£•!( u; lU leaders are no t to be trusted. l«>» B«t6«ii >«■

A t Uie aame tlm a. MacArUiur !?!*®made a remaric th a t brought a p - ^pUuse and laughter from Ohioans, SATtrsoi'some of whom Uiought he waa refer- “ j ^ring to Sen. Robert T aft. {j?J S lS tJu

He had praised Ohio's contribu- i >m m n /* r«uiitlons to “le a d e r^ p . p ast a s d con- J irS -, ,,m .tem pcnuy." T hen , pauilng and s ,o L to d V . i icmlUng, he la ld : ' i^irpu s<it

•TndlcaUoni Imply Uuit UUs l ! l ‘ *2*lesdentilp^may even Increase In the t«»

oot E ^S u la tto a

A fter the ipeech, U » genera lt *•"*>aide. MaJ.-Oen. Courtney WhlUiey, i f S fw lirr c»tidecUned to amplify wben a reporter » im M ciatm n>asked him If tho sU tem ept referred ‘J;** SHl'iVuhto Taft. ' siee MuK MitiM

’'Y oull have to do your own guesa- sim mb>i« hr Boilag," WhlUiey said. * |« J?," T h e general drew, round after tioo'L ea* B w *round of appUuse la st n ight from Tim Atian audience esUmated by police a t r r0,300 In tho public auditorium. The i«us n««tMU s« rbuilding bad acoommodaUons for i«>itN«ir.JO,750. «»!» •«' o»-

Lat«*l in SortM i m c*ii t« m ? .__gU speech, la te s t. lnj u a t i t L ,o r . .TTZ: ________major policy addreases. was devoted T j ___ *almost equally to dcmesUc and for- t G O D I G ]elgn Issues. _ *

I t conUlned four central polnU: ' T r o v p l1. T hat "our leaders" have lost Uie A 1 a V C l ,

mUltary victory gained In World DE«JLO, Sept.war II. Uirough a too rapid disarm- Alma Tanner, >am ent and dlpIoihaUc blunders, and have been vlslUnth a t they can no longer be trusted ner.

” ” 'T h .t th .D n ltlK lN .U o » ., u u > onaniintlon. U "InhcrcnUy weak."U.d Is ^ t o , , d w ltn

Freedom Threatened v m r i r i Rmn-j.-That'tne-U m e-m ay-cam e-w hen- Japan may be " flrm lj e.iUblUhed etM, were m Dec wlUiln UlO pnjtecUve .folds b f our own cherished llberUes. while we ourselves shaU havo lost Uiem."

4. T h a t since h is re tu m from Uie orient, he has noted "our sUsdy SybU Hosmer drift toward totaU tarian rule wlUi Denver. Colo., are the suppression of those personal er, A. Vf. Hosmei liberties which have formed 'the ^ foundaUon stones to our poUUcal. o v a K P RTV economle and social advance to n»- 1 *'*»tlonal greatness." ^


S c r v i c G s - H G l d ' f o r — •

Jerome Resident bu,,-JB R O M B r-S ep trJJ -^ n e fa l-ee rv -Ices fo r 0 . L. D eahl wero held Wed- n . u . --------------nesday aftemoon n t Uie WUey fu- S?*...? -----------neral chapel. T he Rev. J. D. Crego Am. r.iiVn™___ t.uand th e Rev. RuaseU Meyers offl- Nwiw - ...... — . ida ted . DucU were sung by Mr. ond — ’Mrs. Elbert Rice and Joan Rlgney uinUok> a aWAS nlanlst. llowilU Vtrrr —

Pimbearc^a wer«.Marcus Spen» r.Shirley WlUlams. William JeweU. ctodinf rrr>j«uJr^ John MlUer. Harold Embree and N a in Coodini.Pftnn lrh ...................

RituallsUo rites were conducted natU *i Miinrr.

payment of Note "—Is~Asked4n^uit | ■ —

ClvU acUon waa begun in JusUce A N :ourt Thursday by Blake BroUiers, ▼ » drwin P a iu petroleum dUtrlbutors. - i - - - - j « collect IIIO allegedly due from Roy 0 6 0 0 O f Fields. Twin Palls.

Thfl'coniplatnt-clnlms FlBlds owc.1t -HORSES-MUJ(109.17 on a promissory note ond F o r Prompt(7.87 for fuel oil purcha.^ed from the H ighest PrijlalnUff. For lU attorney. J . Jl. - » r j , r nQames, Uie plalnUff a.iked *35. <IM<

SELECTED. « ,OAKLEY, Sept. 7 - R . Oolden P E R C Y Gl

ffarper has been selected president T R O U T 1}f Uie TWWIA here. K ent Hale and David Severe are counsctlora.

TONITE* Let's Go ^

ROLLER ^SK A T IN G %A n d E V E R Y E v e n in g I |? T \ i

W E D . - F R I . - S A T . - a n d S U N , 1 1 ^


For ReservaUsns, Phone 841-J or 1381-1


X ^ y E fC r V R E T B A T S T O R M !



^ T w in F ^ J R a ( H o S c h e (

KUX KVMV KTF• « « n s - d s s a r r = "

' n O A T " nUDAT' SM C.I«t4:i» <■« gM tis 'S ^ lM Hu t i i .

liM •Lit* la Yan Bttit Sill •fshM V n\t I 'u I wTiU 'T l.. «UtlII ■ Sits •(M?W ' MJUS »U ^,W U«*» 1>M‘MbUu! I MaU,*sus Tr.-6«“u5i oS* »iU BalUMtrb«!r ViUSm l« i]t BMt6«ll Swm MaUreitload Alrwn liMxOait'iM Trdlt IoIu ' dSm S k ^ M 1110 108^ .ATtTBDiTi Im C«U U rrvM iATtmOAT 1 :00 sl(*

TM INirpU S tit SUe> S>» iBam«a*krr‘* Clak t i <0 UmiTilt *IUrUa AsrcMb ■ SlIO *LsIl* Nltbol* tUI U uT>» G^md. X t t S iU II^ O C e u ^ M l t .Till Dr*«.na «v . < .^ 1 t j a «Ti. «. n ..^ ____f .n a—

lO iM N m lOtOO U tnila« T»«*ur iilo D»1KMiiS"..™.P.M. lliss *C«aB «b D im V.M. .

liilS r n l t r r Cktl t j i l l r>niliM M clatm N m ISiM *IUb on Um ra ra liKS H«r ” >00 KHi'xruk* l*!u I i« jcfli!i S S s s s - K i i f f l S i i ' r A S S : ,Silt Yoar N«tt S M 'Al'JliUcr Sp*rt*cwt titO JUt<SiU KllZUt Sill *Twln Vl«w« Nnri S:«9 sDotTIOO •Lca« B W » «t«0 nO ta .U oat ~ lr<S CoUTiM •DrftBM Atwncr d H •CmiI Brown. »•«* Sill Sl*.lSieoxrwi *IW »c«Brtdf of EnoM . iiio m. 'Silt roMlMll-T.r.n. IJ. TlOO • C.IW TiMxUel

I«ll0 n««tMU SMnbMN Tlio •Lea>buisl>a4 DBA SilO iGril e i l lN m SiOO 'C hltuo-n inU r lilO sMo' . i m s s ™ " " i S ^ S ; ; 5 z SllW O il to m ;« r lOllO flUr Diit«t lUrltw llilOxSL

People in Declo Travel, Entertain

DEtJLO, Sept. 7-M r. and Mrs. I i i r e 6 * Alma Tanner, Cedar 01^ . U U h, '^ '^ 9 ' have been vlslUng Mn. Panny T on- _____

Mr. and Mrs. Abner Wlddlson and. huni’dM rm ^ ' t h r o ' Mr. and Mrs. Shtrsl Potter, Rex- tr "»t# drawn tnm ii; burg, visited Mr. and M r^ R. P.Plsher Monday. fir»i t»o»i«iB»diu.. Tt

■U». w er. in D ttlo -IMcKl.?. j . . .Mr. and Mrt. Wesley Clark. IQ a- . a . X. Oartiioiemtv. jn

math Palls. Ore,. n>vl Mr. and Mrs. niooni. Chtrix Dioem, nCxto Johnson. Yakima. Wash., visit- r "c l;iu i 'i .° mX iJd Mrs. Teresa Clark recenUy. r . i i . i E ia .r Coiv. Diek

SybU Hosmer hos returned to a?tDenver. Colo., are vlslUng her faUi- }utu. fewaTL" a! m.

I lfotltl. W« Ho.1.1.

EbUs.. llirrr KBint, al INAKE WVBR WAnX KPOBT ON r‘

r . .» , J K U aatln *GMl.<lnl Harv.r i . i (oopmU Seott'^r•.lon, M.rr Tn

Ib* p.rtlul Port«r. Glrnni I;uil0B DlKh.orCxT.t.SlorMlNonn.l ll.rrlci RuucU. 0. P.itkMB L4k»__ T;<,7881.1 m«n.»-i- t;>:0 uoo S.SIO Twin F.llii luiph HmtliIhillrr _______ UIO S.SM Udd Sm.IWr. *11 Dahl;Mouth______ :.I7» 1.110 ].<40 <«-. A. F.Il. nn ----t.1K.<iO|.) . lUrmoBd 0. Whlt*. Ilt«ltf ...... — . I«.t09 S.tM i.UO Gl.BB* Frrrri L*> W.Ib...k« W.lwlt __ — .llBldoU N « 1.TI0 1.U0Ilnldok. a ii i .:m

- J r E ^ R Qioc lnc PrD^KU 1.A04 1,100 ^ A ^ f M *

’!! I :il! i l l A u t O X h iK . r M 5 : S ’ g = S “ ! P R I : .I. ]|el».Sh>llrr. S.IDI 41 S.OSS AVI.1 ahtiirr-mkiu S4t» 0 UIO ~rtrAcrt-rMtn>tbn’ <raHlltla la>MO»>* —


W A N T E D !dead or alive t«o’ ^

HORSES-MULES-COWS- ;----------CROSBV*OIFor Prompt Pick ep r n ^ ^ M .» .n i '

. H ighest Prices Psid . . . ........................ COBURN*HLCALL COLLECT -ROSERTSTiU

0M8-JI-------------------- 5-------------------- — t u u m i ' ^ m v c

P E R C Y G R E E N E uotiwoiuSiVDOMrT R O U T FA R M - u t • TK MU


---------• C A R T O O N

i t * ® .

--------- I g p g T f P

1 / G R E A T P l

2 l r W i | “ ^ E V E i r G

D 841-J or 1381-R


^ w m m o f o t t m

E Starts, '


U o S c h e d u ie s l J f ^ ™ ^ .^[V KTFI AM-FM “" “ ^ ’*“°’ Stage inT ' rmoAT ‘ PROVO. Utah. Sept. 7

i j “ r “p i . s , ' S ! SHtt«r T :»*Ri*hik«t final scUve phase .today

2;iS Yeiwrdiy's 1,418-ln «

S . . . ,i s a f e .lo.M globulin in humans,‘“ 'i i* '/ ,’'* . „„ This leaves less than

as J s J i i today In the goal of 5.00»la» Hiwa WlUlam McOoweU Han

BATUWAT verslty of Pltuburgh ep

? . ■ & S a s r : , . ^

S L i - o m .; . , m a L i u m i

i . 'K " - " S P . i S w i . S “ ltSill r .m Joonal l o t ^

H .r* S 'i ! « n « rth. Dt> I US xiiocrcT. Kt.aixk. died 0 fev hours before Itli.lutdir liM «MI^ Tmi U.BBtra jfy hojpHal. She succum

S t^rS iiV S i » ^ « r l « ’** bOT pollo.». N n t._ S:«I xDob Ccnidina. _ When today's schcduli

"E i7« r io M V ^ r r i “ »*« tietenalae Uie suet |tn « M . -- b fihelr lesu, sponsorediJn FoundaUon for

t t lo io Paralysis. I t may takelam w i«lio , S Z t. r u r fore oU retulU wUl be kiJUT1.W I M x8L r ra « i. liot.l H»|f O ct Sabalitt

■ = ■ -OnlyJvalf-UuwrolunUer' ' ' "I partaking In the tesU r

O w yhee U n it KXS£-,;r"i?2w v J v^A A A t. controlled .

T h re e , D ee r .”V ■" ‘•' To gsln results, some (

I dren who received the w .« - -» ~™ ii . i . n « . 11— 1 i» «t»n« would have lo ccn 5 " Z r i '.n a Oi.n .u rv lv . , n . I tw rrt drawn (rem III ■ppllc.Uoa.' rt- decreued, or toUlly n

P»r»l)-tlc afterreffect..1 two tioiiBr dtiw. Th. boal .ilowi i» . U tnough cascs of fre ralu .Bd will b. b.M Bfvt. SI le to. paralyiu after polio alta,«ic-V.11.7 P»TBrta bold.n ar.1 0 ,5 j f - (].m » .r . Aitkn, T -la r .iu . gftoU. Uien It m

D.ifflcr«. .:i ci<an. Ttfrr. psroljils prevcnUUve.r. r . M.bri J. b riu i.. Twla pecple like Ray PuUey

“ I " " " . to p io r .Iph n. b iuqulu. Alfco V. E«nMiilu. -----Cu. K ig a l i . . A. U. EqOMulu. J«tt.luaBlu, ill RlrBB. Ttrrr. W _ K

I J f - T r tKoalit. X.r H. KoAlit. CIcnB* 7»m. » - M _ T T V . T

ISSSQffiSuFRI. ana S.

E ' , t e , ; & r T . S : ” “ " - ' nA H D.En.iN O ACi Urrlrt Kuudt. Q. P. Huu.IU J[.«rt. " C M O P '

i s S S t t S T S ? G R A S S '. If»ni>.ih A. 8i.rkw. a i« n . rm r . O I V M a . JIVmoBd 0. Whlt*. r .u l II. WhlU. ^ t hnn. r .rrr;I..oW .lb .U Twla y.lU.


r E R O M D —i u t o T h e a t r e sun. and m(

FRI. - SAT. .......

tNO*‘*^KA N Cr

_CROSBV*OLSON-,- w T T l W f ^o a n r s nm i ' - f / .


Tem (wtU . OuilM K«n>pR , **>——- w MAi?GE'.iaGOW£RtHAHPICrN— ---------------

uouwoMuT'DOMrirritimwPlCCTUE.TKlWHlUCi * ,

M elkBD ILBa>kM «KH n • • » « » ’« » » * * * » * * •* <-----J- ■CARTOON — NE

• C A R T O O N • H i c o w in g -_________^ . -SAMSON and DELU

g p g t f p « y n e F J t i o c R A T t i

★ s,c«. SUNDAY ★G R E A T P IC T U R E S , L IK E G R E A T BO O K S,

“ ^ E V E I T G R O W O L D T --------------------------

C 0 .F E A _ T lfR E 5 --------



Iramatic Test Police Take_BJe a rs W in d f i^ v i

, v v * 1 “ “stage m U ta h

£ l p i £ p u u r .1 . tsM M IU M M " - ” ”»■ ‘^ S S . S w w K t n . w

s ^ tn .n InJecUons to determ ine tho________________« r i a |30. ilysls reilstant effecU of gam m a_________daOOHTEB BOB lulln In humans.___________________noODINO. Sept. 7—Mr Wl leaves less U un 800 to go____________________ OooC ,y in the goal of 5.000 se t by Dr.____________ blrUi ef a soi Ilam McOoweU Hammon, Unl-___________________ j , the ,lty of Pltuburgh epidemiologist_________________ „ j,e lv


S « “ » ’t n r X " ’n, b L Sve_onfi_ol_JlYfl_eaMibllsh«LJa _ = — c3 MBEb-CA-fVMao-ittlcken Utah eounty. T he y j p S W T v ^dren were hU sons, David and J l J n h n i h Mn. Pulley wanted Uiem Inocu- E a U L M -U X ii iU

an Pulley, 17, his daughter, had NOW0 few hours before In D tah V at- ^ ^

hospital. She succumbed to bul-poll!’’hen today's schedule of Inocu- P®®vT J t .ins Is completed, sden tlsU wlU H <»liban. to deUrmlae Uie success. If any, ■heir lesu, sponsored by th o Na-ll FoundaUon for In fan tile Bilyals. I t may take a year be- B Hall resulu wUl be known.

Half G et flaballtntea tlyJialf-theA-cluftUerart-chlldreo - W — oklng In Use te su received Uie ■ „ n c t Sma globulin, a blood substance. H remainder, for reasons of ae- H ^ C O l^ ^ ^

ey In the conUvlled experiment, given a harmless blood sub-

1 gsln results, some of th e chU-. who received Uie blood sub- ____;ee would have to contract polio,then survive an attack w ith a

eued, or toUlly non-existent iM l ^ 1 ^lytic afterreffect. |C ) m ^ V'ienough cases of freedom from ( M m j r i BlyiU after polio attacks can be I i l W .ed th s 'result o r Uie gammajUn shots, then It may be th a t - ^ice h u discovered a true polio 7 Ylytls prevenUUve. ople like Ray PuUey a re giving




: FIRST SHO\to»l»» n»l D»d»crtl » ■ ■ "


I +-M-»+++4-++4"C-+4"

’ ++*+4-++t+++4'+4-1



5AMS0N ond DELILAH" A iT A U if x k

- lA iia iE N aM y


PROGRAM N 0 ~ 1 ~ - ---------- CARTDON-AT ■7:45'4e

se e B om -F i

~ ~ ' --I - ST;T op-night Western Advi

BRENNAN \tM n -M P i(u a -

i s S i , ^ 3 8 ‘‘ , n e w SI

■ T H l D A t . S E P T E M ^ ;

ce Take Bible - Scouters Mb - L i e u - - o t : F i n e s l A

B -- js r th B snake R i v c F c ^ «fS rtien ted as bsJl by U ure group.

S tw lU io u t a city license. P™ oia»

r S h e took Uie Blblo-ln.jleu

^ ^ e n said 'Uie Bible was

DAOOHTEB BORN . \ ^ W H V3W0 . Sept. 7 -M r. and Mrt.T • » _ ” « I

Anderson. Ooodlng, an- | P A Y M O R K )the blrUi of a son on Aug. ■ •US,

Anderson Is th e daughter ■ d P F D amm.Md Mrs. H. Melvln SmlUi, ■ V U r - R A T E±____ __ a I GASPIMEB-NEWS WANT ADS. ( . AT TKB

^ NOW ★ § F E A B IE si


t tU m T -H A P P y ...^ !!^


S T A R T S S U N D A Y .......... MT R U E I T E R R I F IC ! ' W

“ I W A S A N A M E R IC A N SPY ” , H ‘♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ + + *+ + 4-*+ + + *+ **+ + *+ + **+ + *+ + f+ fH * t^ B


T S H O W 7 :4 5 . L A S T C O M P L E T E S H O W ^ ^ B

RAM N 0 ~ 1 ~ W I T H P R 0 0 R A M " I T O ^ - - ^ B | OON-AT ■7:45&iri>0;------ OARTOON=Ar»:00

y ^_AUM CTiOHs I

L A T E S H O W S A T U R D A Y ' ' H * S E E B O T H -F E A T U R E S L A T E A S 1 1 ^ M i

- ^ S T A R T S S U N D A Y !ht W cstcm Adventure Shock

N E W S H O W T IM E I S 7 :4 5 .

" T

Juters MaSepL 7 -B « i‘'

nesday night u fWJrganlie for fennen. a.-uiiUn<lakeR ivcrceuw ■0 w e group. ^ « « m » d e fo r jo : Ivanced p ro n S S h e y ea rbook iS * “ K> Uie Icse f f *

A T M O D j i


r i N K E H nNEW LOWa



B tei Track ijw , 9,^


Page 7: · 2014-12-12 · f ---------- — -----------------,:^ N0; olidLine )f Non-E I 'o G K T r (irRANCISCO, Sept 7 (/P>—Indoncaia

d C e r e m o n y

i s C o w p l e j n

ble Ring

^ H iH H ip ^ ifh ig ***

^ r a y . y / * 5tb d i ro w i ^ w « B | k

tl i^ r l^ n . W hlu sa tin :• •N p P S g M

IBt t^ W . H d r o

f S ^ 'S ' t h V ^ ^ r «ti?'£ £ l n i Pr«yer." ^ J S J . - , - ' . ^ - • »

^ j W r U l n of nylon

^ ^ S l l n e M d Ion* ,■ ^ . J 7 i ---------^ S T p o l n U d ovor“ M rsk e *»* “ '* “ l^t.% iJ g t S uee peter P « n F 3 Vfc S n r f 'lown h^j; y l ^ ^

LaSenxl wIUj Ul o rchid K f ^ jJ**7wie » tln a lrcuneri. £S ^H R ?-g !

v u Ann E u n u ,^ MitroD of honor K to S a e g e p . '3 g g ‘ ^ Gcbenk. slBtcr of

Connie O v d n er . B | h 9 ^ H | 9 |^ Ctupnui. American M ftrli vere Corrlne J J ^ p e HUb. nieces o f

u ia t Bstn 3 ; * ^ Jim s. n U N X I

£ , a s . r u . f s 5 s4 tntCTilff brother. HB Sd W RflMlH Hyde, aa- M o m k o r c ^ to lher. and M ar- / V i e m D e r l r iniMr o( tho bride. T h e Flremen'i au: W o o l moiher wore • m e t with M n. CUnt [H tme with black a c - evenlnf. Roll ca r t i« ii .F e tie r chose,* w ith each toember ti [a jn s acces- f i n t day In echooL*h r r t eorswes of p ink PiaocWe was pla:

w ere received by M leOnlas the wed- u d Mrs. Don WhlU

—fWi IU held for th e Ooorge Masn, 2 ^ , t the QuUd g u e s t iStL eewtd with a c ro - -

a t t - n t ctntered hy th a - M r r * t r l j r e i y l a r r a b oaa mirror d K o ra t- j j r s . May RJoley 81 ct deOla anil Plnk Blad- ^ w _ u,m.

^ three candle ^ e S n n S ^ gfatCuSIcC vff^ Esther WhkC tfto tiw lltlo ^m an - ley ; Mr. Q « Shrode, “?**• “ '1 Mrs. b le a Palrti

“ '*2?' 0 * ^ tff, Mr*. Enm nuer» ie p^ u g . ohrlitlna" C.EI

tt. Reeeptlon assistants ’ ________Oirld Buff. Mrs. EmU (-------------------:---------

^ Mi*. OotUjeb JRoll- ^

««ldlnj trip the new M rs. V - ^ ^ l C Minsvy w ll wllh navyKooortu and wore a a .apf ■ I t would be weU fc&, s ISSO graduate of toachers to remembeM l hlsli school and n o such .thing as an

r n i~cnipioyea~h7~thB' ■airferuw iirm B iyrmTelephone company, every other child of U

ibooUMper. th e aame family, atitrwB. a 1D43 graduate trea te d accordingly,n blih school, attended Bunny is a UtUe birttr of Idaho three-years- tim id-and-cling ing .CUh state Agricultural b lm th a t way. He can:» TUI. Ht KBS affiliated w an ts a ahow of affeca N a.fratem lty.-H e.ia te c tio n .la the presenel Ihs Cue Implement h e loves and trusts,b WendeU where th e m other. His ch a iy ter.

tna nicstj « r e Mr and cr*U«il adults, very — - ChUdren. learning ho. • , , ta k o great delight 1

non Martin KK',2X \T J l^ n ffja r-K i Bunny ts fat

r u i i e r n , fatlguea early, hff re babyhood, cUmba lst<

i ' 9 i ^ la p and talks u he 1 K \ ^ . \ learn ing . His mother I

> --------------- -hlm ;-asiure»-hlm H «C ' f ^ T i ^ *f < r V / erownup-UtUe-boy seiW ' • ^ ' aho can do and she Is

X ) \ ao. B u t other people dA , / V ••You-rc spoiling tha7 / e rlne . Look a t him. &_ ; / \ 7 \ a n d w anting to gel IJ l / ' T v i f e a y i h is grandmother,

'. "D ear me. Isn 't he]p }m age? My w n Jimmy 1' I i a \ i a n d he 's tougher tha

/ h im out and let hln---------- in rn tr^ V o u -re -b a b y i

\ J H m uch .” says a fflendlt' Jk / i T h e timid, clingingV ■• / / . be ahored ia to couragt^ A ta i i f / H o has to be helped

V pow er. The chUdren's

T . ' \ exam ine him, study H\ Y * “? his growl

' « \ \ I h la m other,.The tcacl. I L * understand Indlvlduall

— wlU-do h*r-b«st to-foU__ l l . ® _ c lw i i dire£)iops §nd u

cooperate w ith aU wbc/ - ' / I ^ L h e lp . Given the rWhtI a n d training, the cbUd

r l I fll^* “ ™® ^ dlffleultle■ / I 1 ^ . . to Uve successfully aiy j ' | r | V ' low s. In h isow hnleha

' / I LA M E E/ / C O R R E C

I ' . . . is pleasant 1■ ' ■ ' ■ / : 3 Backaches may t

i W ith-rheum atlBi lumbago, slomsch

-;i disorders. If yoi> i^ — - everything e l« ,

I « 4 | . menta. • BeUef Is c

i , r A r M A iJO .fOR WOMCT)-------- " Maln-Nor tlr - .Jl “ ''1 W0UI8 In CHIHOPEA

, ™ - ’ B I l l l M l l l^ •lUi other blouses too’

f / i t P R O V I


i p ; ~ s - i r t - s i A " !

« r s i * i

I'l# Buober '

R e p e a t s Vows Plans Discu ^.BySigma. far ruKhIng

BetA BigmA PUi Wedi

<^rve of nuhlnR.

Margt T>’tor. Bonnte appointed new city cc

l m » l 9 S P t r 'preildei

!««& ':>■ wmmltteej for the y a0 H L i . > . j r ^ V ‘" " ‘'"8 »«I be Sepi.M l O j 1 SSS.'"”' " ”’ ^B F J b ft j . . . —* - j_ . ^ B t r l - 1 Missionary (

W Reports Gi\ ------ Ueogue-S

'-•- :JT > • rorty.jlx mlsjlonarv, V ^ ' ™»de In August and 01fir.-i Munty farm ey 1fU ' •• % S women's Miwionary le

' ' * Immnnutl Lutheran ctl i r f V ^ «port«d at the roceiln,

V. - ^ day t;;yiiog.. / T i t . ■ ^ ^ e ^ e p lc m b e r calllr

, includej Mrs. E m est ' ’ V L. Llerroan and

t ' ' ,Th« annual ba iaa ri Nov, fl. The old choir

sen t to the RexburR hi “ dreiiing gowns.

■SSsJ H-' ' “ HosttJsts'for'OctoBcr''■ Pctffsbn; Mrr. BUI Puu

. . . . . . . Pau l PuJbW. •>■ .. ^ fliin w u shown of

a SW ror.'g S a g l ^ J o-'. of the national dlsirlcm M r i n r T lM T ' ' '1l boxes Wl).1 octobn.a ^ H R H B S i Q ^ Ouests were Mrs. 1

John Fitter nnd Mrs, £

H B H H H Vows Exchai At Rupert

’ RDPERT. Sept.- 7 —J I 4 1 . former resident of Rup«Aembers M eet Faim eid , v

M « « s £ n

gaged In the garage bu

lE - lr -e sT la rrO o lfu ; ■Waste:----------------PIC N IC fJW nMay RJpley. Spokane. W ash.; a potluck picnic was

^ «‘ft«™>on in Hby-the-Momlngalde-clul

Mr. Christina Petser, Modes* Most people, it h as lllf.; American Falls friends are unable to hold a Mr. and Mrs. Oene 8napp. shoot a picture a t less

"lare of Your Ghildr. By ANGELO PATRl.

c ^ be weU for m othen a n d own nature. He will n e^ r s to remember tha t there Is Jlnuny.W hy should he? :h .thing as an average ch ild a terrible thing If eve

W iirm B iy m m n rT ttjT iro n r •iSHSTiiirigsrdoing'tho"}ther chUd of the same age. o f a t tho same tim e. A klune - family, and ahould b e dence spared us th a t an1 accordingly. be grateful accordinglyny la a Uttle boy of 7, gentle, the most of w hat the oc:and- clinging. Nobody-m adc affcrds;-----------------------a t way. He cam# tha t way. H u The “average child" :a ahow of affection, close p ro - used by professionals, the presence.of someone oae Is very,,■es and trusts. suUi u h la e n t Consider him.-. His characteristics make life ______

: adults, very difficult. T h c Do jot i.m » ht«r*i7‘oV«( n. learning how timid he Is, ?««'• 1)!''* «.'»« •>!Teat delight In frightening J \ uildlng'^rom him so h e fee ls p. 0. d«x «g, suUeamplng out and scaring h im . i», N. Y. .n Bunny ts fatigued, and h e ■ ■* ---------------a early, h e reverU a b it to _od. cllmba Into his m other's * / l .1 talks u he did when f irs t U ' . . , g . His mother patiently ho lds _________

S . ! S . £ , % . 5 S . « B A C K 1 0 ^1 do and she U right la doing other people don't think so. l i r t n , ft

•re spoiling tha t child. K a th - ____ w w w v tiv * ’!/00k a t him. Seven years oldintlng to gel Into your lAp,” m m.s grandmother. r me. Isn 't he young for hla [y son Jimmy Is Just his age W 'i's tougher than nails. P u sh V ____it and let him go with th e ». ^•Vou're—babying—him —to o — ----------- ? /~ ^ taays a friendly neighbor.

tlmld, clinging child canno t \ ^ * 1■cd into courage and strength, - r r ^ V» .I to be helped to get th a t H ( Lfr The ChUdren's specialist will e him. study Hla nature and y of his growth and advise :her,.The teacher, (rained to and individuality In children^hsr-b«st-to-follow-the.physl~ -----IrecUons in d U a mother will ____te wlth'aU wher i n trying to Iven the rWht kind of care Inlng, the chUdwlll overcome ( his difficulties and be ablesuccessfully among his fe l- Tm N tw CAOElhis own nlcha'ln life, tn h la • ' f i m U i


A -rheum atltm . arthrltla. b l r console m Ej I Mo:DUgo, stomsch and kidnsy . G r«ypU sU e. OU*:his^orders. If you hava tried , wide; 6 H ' deep. M»d*iirything else, tiy adJusU ^ ^ ata. BeUef Is often obtain-after f ln t treatmsnt. tO P A Y <

)R. ALMA HARDIN ^ S 3 9 M P 5 I' Maln-Nortlr-v -fhoM tJU - CHIBOPBACTOIt



RYSTAL SPRIMGS-ORCH/F l l i r ’243>J9 — C o m o g e t 'e m o n d Sove!

1 S D i s c u s s e d M a r i e ( ^ ' O ^ r

/ S i g m a G r o u p 'W e c l | / 5 'd i : l < s 6

» £ '- . r 's T ™ r d . t S n i C h u r c h S e n

c , T . “ 7 ;

Jackson, son of Mr.v 1^ '^ , ^ " P '* '* «• o t Pocatelli

ebraied in a nupUal massli M new city council repre- a t the a t. Nicholas CathoU

IS u’fo"' b»ckS m id“de« .rtu2M toi

i i l - l " "loeruon, IM Third avenue boy* were O ary in d David„ „ Preceding the ceremohy 1

— ^ * vm Pope; Richfield, s«ig.

s i o n a r y C a l ln r \ r f c - ^ 5 t reccMlonsl. M rs.'pope sap o r r s 0 1 v e n o t the couple knelt a t the fe_ c • ■ Dlewed Virgin where tl

i.Eu'„b,r e l i t e J S S ' T “ *u trm a n She c r r lc d a colonliU b,U c m .n . M Mr., Owm j ^ k a .I ljh t r a a U ri wl

t / m- t y t • “ = ;to i23h? ' E: l»"-«l!«a vdl h.M byS .. .^ “ >” ol OTOI, b to m ., bomi


“f '*'* pwdiimihcr,'M rB. M ^ a «

r d ' r s r i B j n n i * ' ^ r r w■ to her matemrU grandmol s «ere Mrs. TTiaete. Mrs. M o r l a Dallollo. The rlt« r nnd Mrs, Emll Pltser. nedctnce worn by the bride

* ■* * . to a close friend. Lorena 1

's E x c h a n g e d Z r r . ' o l ™ ; b X “

' R u p e r t H o m e

S n 'K * g ; s ’. : „ r . „ " i ; s s s

r - c b S s ; « 3 £ H H ' s r . t s ' s ' i . s i s “ ■ £ £ “

a r . . r i ' " . ' . S J E x S S S 5Alter . w eaain i tr ip lo “ ™ ! “ " '>'»o“ l u « id *•

^ ______ y s , . ' “ . g o V , a s ; . ' '

£ S s r „ “ ;

™ ¥ h m ‘ o E r i ' '” S

— — e and was flanked by pink ai>eopIe. It h a s been lound, candles, lie to hold a camcra and The cake was cu t In t r picture a t less than l/25th ' ~ • ■ “ ■ ' ~

I s Kre. He will never become a ■ ¥ '/hy should he? I t would be M s th ing everybody was

me* tim e. A kindly provi- m ‘Mired us th a t and we ahould - - - B Irui accordingly and make H Io t w hat the acheme of lUe ■

verage child" Is a symbol ■ Iirofcsslonals. a paper child. ■,g oae Is vcry. veiy differ- ■Ider him.

s ? ‘H ' S r S M I I'.'oil! »7.'BuUea"d. «««^Yctk ' I f i ■ ; # '


3 p [ f

^ -S N O ll

T k N tw CADET ............................. S U P P ^

& ■ . N o ,h i„ 8 .0 d i fplays ou/<foor»oa bat- * ' extra to spend J. . and famous Dial- . of Sperry Drifterdesigft giveayounch. l.r orice snd ^oated tone that rivals , l t iisole MUI Maroon or — - - one oi-toe« 10 aaUc.0H 'hl6h;llJi' Bowls . . . Of fiH ' deep. H«l. purchase of a 5(

Hurry! GetB IT TODAY AT . before your Dri

is cone \ You’ll■' ------ you'Ube.mot

g Q O y f f l g j i m . baking success }

. r ' SPERRY 1SE LOVELY / v A . I , l . a h .

CHES^ k i ! H igher v ilu

kNNING— ____ -HIS WEEK, '


; T IH E S - j^ SJES-NEWS. TWIN TAILS. IDAHO '------------— -------------------- ~

. ' R u p e r t B r i d e

^diirkso iv in | | | | ^ | | | |M | | | |M Services

7—The marrtage a r e t M u le ODonntU.

of M r. a $ U n . Martin Rupert, and Rotart Le-

311. son of M r . ' ^ d ' ^ uon of Pocatelld. w u bei- a nuptial masslBsturday,Nicholas CathoUe church. ‘'T W ’I m EIw m B ? !of iladloU fo teed th#

d d e co rau o n s to rii« (8 ln . t y j riremony pertormed by the o t ;sr H . 5 ,’^ e t o a n . Altar m ^a a n r i n d David A«on. ^ r i J l i V T ^ i Ig the ceremohy Mn. Mel- P: ‘Richfield. s<ng. Sha was l i ' ed by Mrsv.«eity Rausch< R- W '> ’layed the p ro c ^ o n s l and I. M rs.'P ope sang while r. knelt a t the feet of the b*V 'Mrgln where the bride ■ ^ ilil

de, given In marriaja by ■ ■ ■’ ^, wore a while brldsl satin !> '. ^ /-’3^ turlng a gathered skirt ^ t tB ? '

tr»ln. The peplum was • •Sji r - ' ® * ' ^ \ .h chantUly lace, which ' L • Iled around the nylon net 't '- 'O S ;.....the fitted bodice. Long , - i « . ' 5 'I ^ e to a point over the

rled a colonial bouquet of ' t B - t|.A A ).-.h t roses Ued with whiteamers. Tokens of senil- ’. i ] H . carried out In tbe finger , ^ y ^ > X 'C If^!ged vcU held by a coronetblossoms, borrowed from ■ '- : • ! » • . i J j a M

lev Piuill, frtiuiln nf thi. . • • ’

rled a sUk handkerchiefbeen b r o u g h t by her -> > 'l i lH i j

icr, Mrs. Margaret O'Don- '' tho Chicago World’s fair

id wore a ruby belonging.temal grandmother, Mrs. n A ^ l l l K B M S r i ^ ^ r a Dallollo. The rhlnutone , :■ W « l'orn by the bride belonged friend, Lorena Llndh. of honor was M n. Rena

thciJds were Maryre Nelsoa 1 a

;>t1s wera Manone Pope

m was Pal close

bS " ' ” ■legroom's mother were a t'^rtcrais paow -a x a n engtatu lowered afternoon dress.bride's mother chue a manner and was served by M rs.'

two-piece suit. Both wore bur Bell, assisted by Mrs. JosepI : begonias and while car- Mason. Punch was poured by 1

Jack WhlUng, SheUey. he recepUon held for the Mrs, Albert Asson bad chargi a t the parish haU, Mrs. the gift book and Claudeen Bov;

:. accompanied by Mrs. and Doris J ones and Mrs. Pope 1in~thiu g e 'u t 'th e 'g tf t 'ta b le s-----

egroom's moUier furnish- BeeepUoa osslstaata were Mn ree-Uered wedding coks, papU. Mrs, W . Vaden. Mrs. Al 1

, m iniature bridal couple, of the brtde. encircled by Ught orchid The brlde’a traveUng cnsfi Has. rested c a a mirror was a rose beige sutt wIUj w aaked by pink and white accessories, a n d a corsage of-i

delight roses.) was cu t In tradlUonal After a .wedding trip to S alt I




c y O U P ^ ^ --------------—

Nothing to d ip or send in! N ot a penny Sperry extra to spend! Juit purchase a 25 lb . .sack . Westem of Sperry DriftM Snow Flour a t ihc regu* the Spen Isr price, and your grocer will ^ h r you uniform c one of-these lovely, durable l»y J^Iixing - - i n .k i ^ e i Bowls . . . o r get /«>o bowl* with your 117 westi purchase of a 50 Ib. sack. members

H urry! Get rour Ivy .Mixing Bowls bakiitg it before your Drifted Snow grocer’s supply cause a b is cone! You’ll be more than pleased. variations-y o u 'l l bc more thio.deltghrcd with,the.,_.siires;.you taking success you’ll hsve when you use every turn

' SPERRY DRIFTED SNOW ALWAYS GIVES Yr M » a l i l « a i n n n n Com m u ' 2 K ittt i- good for lovely Queen Bess Pattern — a foldejilverwarc.Ssvecoupon$-buildacompIetc<t I Higher value coupons in larger sacks. buy! Save• J(*rtT." "OnW J«w ." "H««.Pit*rctri"Ma“Mmh. M»W«: ir»BS

) e r t B r i d e B a i ^ i s t W o m e n V ,

| | | j | M X i r c l e r X d n v e i ^

A t L o c a l H o m e :T lie BapUst clrclU of Ute Firs

BapUst church h e ld meeting. .TbundajrAfUmooo-Talks on Chrla tia n m endU neu were featured.

Rebeoea circle 1 mat wlU M ^ C arl Benson. Mrs. H. H. Bal ienger. . president, conducted thi meeUng. The propam. under thi

^ ^ -^IB l d irection o t Mrs. Herman Dodson .V H w as 'on th e subject of 'Uie church

A * < 4 « It* ,tmporUnee and our responil 1, ^ . ^ ' , 4 biilly." M rs. W. A. Farley and M n

I; 1 HaUle Oarlton gave talU on Chris1 tlon friendliness. Ths group vot«

^ shower for thi[ ^ ^ ■ ■ 1 W ;> T . church. T h e hoateu and Mra. Carl

aon served refreshmencs.> Mrs. Tom Hughes entertalnet

J j B H l i l n ' « M arjorie O lbun circle Ko. 8. I n ab

I Kuykendall, vice president, eonduet - r '.t- V I ed the meeting. Mrs. H.'B. BoUowa;

4 I » prayer, Mrs. Lenora JohpJ r t j r . ' v ' .'3 Ison gav® the dereUons. Ker themi

* “ “Prlandihlp wlUi Jesus,- M n Bennie Winkler, program leadei

M O U p >»ve a ta lk on ChrlsUan frlendll ness. T h e hostess waa assisted b**” ■ .................

- n -- XO'dla circle No. S met with M n M- S. Shotwell for a luncheon. M n

■ |S ( 7 . - ' ; h Shotwell conductcd devotions. M n B urkhart tsYo a program oi

the sub ject of BapUst foreign mis tlon flelda. She read a letter froc

' y y iiC T M Mra. Marjorie Qlbson. nilasloaar;

' * * *

C l u b s E n t e r t a i n e d» y n .g R , Sept. 7-M r. and Mra. I

E. Albln entertained their canasb 'W B H B IW club a t a no-host dinner part;

’u B K W H B I i S M onday evening. Mrs. Ralph Cedar holm a n d R. V. qilck received p r ita OuesU were Mr. and Mrs. O. J Childs a n d son, Winston.

Mrs. Z.uU>er Herce eneertalne< her con trac t bridge club Moaday a a d e a ie rt luncheon. ... ...

A benefit coffee hour was heic Tuesday momlng by Mrs. F . Z A lbla

BEKT L .'J3lCK *0rr-------------------------------------------------------iiota-ataW engtatteg) o,ty^ u , j < ^ p ] , (o MalU

where h e is an Instnictor In thi waa aerved by Mrs. WU- Junior h ig h school.Isted by Mrs. Josephine ■ T he form er M lu O'Donnell «ai :h was poured by Mrs. g radualed from tha Rupert high I, SheUey. school a n d w u employed a t U)it Asson had charge of M inidoka drug store Uils summer and Olaudeen Bowman He Is a graduate of Rupert h lgt

nes and Mrs. Pope were « « * “ •J'o State coUege, Po-t h r g l f t ^ b l e s ; -----------«ateUo,-A-pr*-nupUsl-party,-honorassistants were Mrs. 0 . held receaUy alV. Vaden. Mrs. Al Dal- the pariah halL a -M yrt-N u tU ng^un la _O uL -nt-Jow n_guesta-w ere_M t»

K enneth Lowder, Richfield, sister ol 'a traveUng ensemble Uie bridegroom; Mr. and Mrs. 'W. R beige sutt with white Senaer, Buhl, aunt and uncle o l th t m d a corsage of-pink bridegroom; Mrs. Hayes Vaden and

daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin ddlng trip to S alt Lake Pope e n d daughler. aU Richfield.

m M E



r O P / ^ / .Spffry 5tk*™ fm * ,g ^ for 111/v o u r bakings!

enny SperryDriftedSnowismiUedfroaMlect sack . Western wheats. It's constantly tested in

r'cgu* the Sperry laboratories to-Miur* TOU of you uniform quality. . . aod "Homt'PtrlttUd"

xing .._in.kitch*ns like your* by.Sperry’ra ttfi o f— :- your li7Wcs(embomcmaken.Tocseiioffletttff '

members prove again and agaio, gcliut owls bilking Ush, Speny DrifMd-Sflow caaoot pply cause a baking failure due P

v^Hadons in quality. This ap I ther,_-«ure*,.yo*/ o f p e rf« r b t k l n g i . _ \ ^ ^ ^ '

use every time!,Try i t i v

LWAYS GIVES YOU THESE EXTMS. . .2 K i r t t i a w k n c i p n

tern ~ a folder full o f M artha Meade'l tested ileie recipes in every sadc o f Drifted Snow you icks. buy] Save djcm for *h*ndyt«dpelibnuy.


!. IDAHO •

............. ■ ■

^^E 1S E 3i f o ! H o m P ^ All officers of beUiel No. IP. orderICUS n o m e b o t Job-S Daushlers. are ask«l to re-. clrclU of Uie P lrs t p o r t- a t itW p jn . Sunday a t Uiech h e ld meeUngs Masonic temple for a prscUce ses-mooo-Talks on Chrla- alon.u were featured. * v ¥cle Ho. I mat wlUx . The DAR mceUng scheduled forison. Mrs. H. H. Bal- Monday has been postponed unUIlent, conducted th e «ep t. 36 when the vice presidentprogram, under the Beneral w iti.p iy her offlclal visit.

4rs. Herman Dodson, I t wlU be a dinner a t 0:30 p in . atibject of “Uie church, th e home of Mrs. Prank W, Brown,e and our responsl- Kimberly road./. A. Farley and Mrs. *. gave ta lU o n Chris- 1. n r l l ' Tus. n s group voted R e t r e o t T Q l k I s .towa] shower for the / - • . , . >, oateu and Mra. c a r l- V j l V e O D V L e o d e r freshmtnU. . ,H ugh^ A t C h u r c h M e e t

on circle No. a. I n ab- , ,prtildfm*. Mrs. vf. M. PMller, Buhl, statece president, conduct- P r ^ d e n t ofUie“OHHsUan Women'a r. Mrs. H.‘B. HoUoway JjHowshlp, gave aa outline of Uieer, Mrs. Lenora Jo h n - retreat to be beld OcL a anddevoUons. Her them e * CaldweU a t the OWP meetinglip wlUi Jesus,- Mra. Valley ChrlsUan church Wed- Ier. nrotram leader, >>uday e^' Uie home of Mrs. )n ChrisUan frleadll-ittis waa assisted by also presented someloway, ................. * hlghllghta on Uie origin-ana "pur-No S met with Mrs. 2“?J* organlsaUon. Mrs.

I f ^ a f c w n , ^ Esther Hatcher gave a missionaryu i w d ^ S . m 5 : l i^ S S o n ^ ' "®Vap''tLt‘ f?? ^ lS S ^ u " „TI»* meeting closed wlUi dedlca-

8f«uP'» « « t quarterly i Q ^ n V ^ l o n ^ U _ |^ ^ ^ l _ l a n ^

„ „ will bc“ 6cril~lo Mrs. Grace P a ^* * Hendricks, missionary In Japan.

; n l e r t a i n e d 5 S U * "t. 7-M r. and Mra. P . hosUss presented a bouquetrtalntd their gladioli to Mrs. Puller. Refresh-.o-host dinner n a r tr were served. The next meet-ig. M r s .R S c S d a r ^ be Oct. 8 wlUi Mrs. Clar-.Clllck received prirea. « « „Mr. and Mrs. O. J . • , ¥ ♦ *

? ' S r " « , . e « , . n , d T a l k F e a t u r e dridge club Monday a t T he Amigo Star club w u enter-^eon. ... U lned i t Uia home.of Mrs. J . A.offee hour waa held ^Prlggs Thursday evening. Oo-hos-S by M ri ? r a M” ' =•^ Pred OJers and Mrs. Merle Clark.____________;______ Mrsj C. P , Bowles gave a talk on

, th e appreclaUon'oflraveE-’I M B me WlU return to M alta meeUng will be O ct Instnictor In the w « 41hooL LVNCHEOK HOBTZSSEBM lu O'Donnell was Mrs. C, P. Cosgriff and Mrs. Maiy

m Uie Rupert high K lm u greeted guests and memberau employed a t tbe a t the Blue L ak u Country olubt storo Uils summer, bridge luncheon Wednesday after-la te of Rupert high noon. Bridge prises Were receivedtho Btate college, Po- t>y M n . Marguerite Jacksdh 'and

w ^ h e ld ^ ^ M m U ^

L g u c s ta -* c re -M n . j K o d a k F l n l s h l i t ger, Richfield, sister of { Dally Sendee

, \ .S ';S S .T .£ I S E D O H P H O T On . Hayes Vaden and 5 Entrance on Uie alley Mr. and Mrs. Melvla ( he«ida wUer D ru i ghler, aU Richfield. I______ , 1 7 ° - , - ^ ^ ____ ,<


j f ^ S B T. \ y

I —



led fro ffl« lec t / .a d y tested io /isturt you o f Imt-PtrjitUd" J j Wlerty’r a ta g o f --------------- ~ ^ 1 ^ Z 1 Z ~ Z —icseiioffletttff ' ' ' / # | ' ^ 7 11;a io ,» /« r /W / M•Sflow caaooc I

{eade'i tested ISnow I

t d p e library. I

n ]U iai.tK . . I

'I; ■ - ■ ■ 1

' I Y i s i t o r i . G r e e t e d ' ;

^ A T O B ' S M TUiel No. ID. order B tm L E Y ,. SepL T -M ri’ •. are asked to re- M lU er.aod Mrs. AUc« Bm er, te r*. Sunday a t Uie marly o t ladlanola, Ketr.. « B t l l i -rr a prscUce ses- Itora of Uie W etreeo eh tpU r MOk

M o f Uie OBS Monday « * n £ ^ ------ -I ¥ One new member w u v a k o a ^ 'ng scheduled for W inifred Cloughlsr, weethy m * - . ,. postponed unUI troa. announced friendship j l g h t '10 vice president *IU b« observed a t Uis tm t s e e Uher offlclal visit, ing. #ep t. 17, at,jihlch Ume netgi».r a t 0:30 p in . a t borlnf chapten wUl be lavlUd.Frank W, Brown, A covered - dish iracheon p re ­

ceded the meeUng wlUi the of«> * fleers aervlng u the aipn«r com*• , , mlttee. Mrs. -Oertrude Peckhaid t .

Q l k I s was chairman.

* ' u ° u C i r c l e C o n v e n e sr c h M e e t RIOHPIRLD, sept. T-M ts. R oe.iiitr Ti<ihi ■«.«. Rogers w u hostess to circle ’


u L S . * W r i 'Uie homo of Mrs. o rc k d o No. a wlU p ra-, .«m . “ *>‘1 a t UlB 8<pt. 30 JOlHt

S o " n S e i U ? d rc le -S a * a * m ^ ^ Mrs. EsUier Vansant will en ters . j

‘‘ In her home S e p t •Bucho gave Uie u . Raymond Balrd wlU be m -

sed wlUi dedlca- “ “ ‘‘ S ' , ,'s llra t quarterly ^

S P a r t v H o n o r e etfS rO ra ce Paul R uth McOarUiy w u honoree a t » ' I nary In Japan, party held Thursday evening bjr I r conducted Uie Q erry Blaafleld. Carma. H atelmlre I

and Frances PuUer. Bridge a n d I lenled a bouquet canasta were played and prlsee PuUer. Refresh- went to Mrs. OoroUiy Johnstoo,

, The next meet- c a n u ta and M an Jo CahlO t a ' wlUi Mrs. Clar- bridge.

Miss McCarthy wUI attend school * a t Idaho s u t e ccUege, Pocatello,, , th is faU.

a t u r e d * * *club w u eater- ‘ BtCHANQB BELD

i e o f M n . J . A . Mr*. O harbtte .QoccneU . en tw - evening. Oo-hos- talned members of the Tonng Bome», P. Remlck, Mrs. m a e n elub Wednesday afU isoon 1. Merle Clark, a t a cooked food exchange. 'Hm IS gave a talk on next evening mssUng wlU be a t IraveE-TM B m homB-ofMr.-aadMrf;OUrenaeTeefc— I

b ig lc SALE I

SdSf„£? WALLPAPER» Were received B U Y N O W A S A Y E t Ite Jacksdh 'and ,

m o T o I O X A M I u J m h

i w i K r A i x » o u r a * r » m T O o .ey Drug (Aooas In m Post Office)

\ C O S T ! I....... ..........~

- ' i W- ...............

i l :


•eeted f Session-

- « » ;■ » n r i e 4 - e% Bm er, te r* fetr.. w est iU >

“ e v e S fcm m k a a ^ '~ - 1. wertby m o « ,. Undshlp ‘Uis next meet* ch Ume netgi»> be Invited, toicbean p i* - vlUi the of<

e dinner com* tide Peckhaid t .

n v e n e s. 7-M rs. Roe- 4tess to circle ’ Id-W SO S-Toc*^■si PeUey con- lals. Mrs. R og- f presided. P lane ' I a discussed a n d i

Ko. a wUl p ro . fi Sept. 30 Jo in t I

rch wim d re te ■ I

u t win en ters . 11 ber homs Sept. ■ n! U rdw lU beaa< M

* lln o r e e HJ honoree a t » H fl ly (Tenlng bjr H rma. H atelmlre H ’. Bridge a n d H d and prlsee . lUiy Johnstoo,Jo Cahia t a '

I attend school lege, Pocatello,

•BELDntaneU . e n tw . . iTonngBome* dar afU m oon nchange. 'Hm wlU be a t th e ^ ._ H | OUrenseTeefe— m


^ P E RS A V B t

• PAINT Oo.It Offlee)


- 0


Page 8: · 2014-12-12 · f ---------- — -----------------,:^ N0; olidLine )f Non-E I 'o G K T r (irRANCISCO, Sept 7 (/P>—Indoncaia

I ^ X g e e ig h t

M O M f A U A M U t 1

B r BOB GILLIAM OliarUe Metro, tho m an th e T w tn c

a w oowboyi booM oui o t j ty c t t p „ , 4TK' a couplo o t teaw n i tco . h u i i t been ToUd lbs m u iw e r of th s ll f i ear lo the clu* A 8aUy 'l e w i s I (ter lead la ; hU Mont<om«7 ,•am to tho letgus championship. - M etro Ipen t two r e m wllh the

owboyf, Unlihlng second bu t w in- tw e Ins th e plByoMi In 1M8 and tin* p o r ihlns t l r s t

lg MelTo'i tenure >no:nat the Cowb^rs te aU h igh a t te n d 'W - ' ' T

tiU city. • f 'O f c r i i i t t i ™ VallA fter Metro was Irr

n le sM d otAriEht^ J i B s d L r ' i f l peUty-tfigC fowboyi- ln ;* - Wei

h o o u d on •'with O•J" '' th e MoniRomery ( 0 <0-1«fll team . I t was a havi

'IT . m e m b e r ot t i l l defe 4*'i class B S ou lh ttilem league then . Uiat

S ’' M etro llnlfthed thltd alter a alow % u a ta r i and n nhaky pitching siafJ. Bt

/ ; • M etro has maniiKed five y e an and JeaiJ iL'.' h u never tInUhcd lottcr th a n th ird . The

■' j i .... ProbaWy the bis rea.wn b th a l Mon. . 'I ' on every team hc h u manajted. slnsl'4% there have been a t I m t tlve .300 o r balail l i ; b e tu r h itters and leading hom erun t I;l l t l h itters. Metro hnd a balling tee h e condH J I devUed. polentftl a ^ SRCni

been used here since Metro left, b u t ihijr i i ' «lo*ct» o t high schools in Idaho s till lenlc' ? ' are using the device with succew. leftj ' l ; O t course there are many reasons durliis.' for » drop In atUndance. II h a s don

‘;1'' been general nol only In the Pioneer P rleague, but throughout th e m inor winleagues, Bul lhe year M etro le tl a te r

. ! / , ‘ here, attendance sagBed badly. sides’ «>'; He w u a popular, fiery leader on L arr

' th e field and hs wot a popular, w hlti . gental personoJlty o tf the field, nantI M etro's biggest asset to the Cowboy and .I ........ xnanagemeDt. a point, they never d i e ;

' - leallied unlSl a l l t r they Jlied h im , DnI •; w u Ws personality otf the field. KingI H e made basebaU fans for th e andI .1 Cowboys. H e kept old tans' In ter- giartJ ’ _M t. M etro would spent alm os^every of ai

aftem oon the team w u In lo w n " X': i ' U lklng baseball Mom■ Ho hod a word for every person aiKn

th a t cam s along. He apoke lo servo u , , •i; ' Ice clubs and olher groups. H e tour* u iu : 1 ' ed Magle VaUey speaking to h igh L itV K hool classes and he was Interested Mour

a n d worked w llh the Knothole a a n g counta t h is own expense. lougl

----------- >njcf»-w as-eom ethlftr-U k»~*6® - -openidifference tn the conlraet M etro and 'u k e d and the contract the Cowboya ghen

I offered. M etro had Just won th e w eIMS pennant and thought a »W perryraise would nol bo unreasonable, blgge;LetUng Merto leave proved to be jey g

jh th e f irs t step In declining in te rest pojitiIII fo r th e Cowboys, T hs.Ito ry go t o u t Sfttte:

and I t made a lot o f fans unhappy ironw ith th e Twin FaUs front office. oiark

■ W 'C aa.tmaglns. now.iinco M etto . -gin,i,I . h u m ade another good nam e for the L .1 Mmself In fw te r ball than th e Plo* a t' •• - neer Jeague, th a t the Cowboys and Ejen

the New York Yankee farm srstem Buhl. a re more than sorry they Ie£ him p«Birj|

........_iUjj.AWay..Ior,*M......... ____________H an«A w riter In a Montgomery paper carey

praising Charlie's efforU th is le a -eon said, "He took t h ^ assorted tonlgl player*, ex-blg leaguen. Southern

'— T t fway down and moulded them Into a \ J i

■ - w ln n ln t c o m b ln a U o n M e tr o has —done ono o t the finest Jobs of m an- aging in the minor leagues . . - U t -

---------- 2t-alao-mu5t-be rtmembered-U iat - —OU McDougald, the Yankees* sen* l « i aaUonal rookie, got hla sta rt in p ro- X -U

I fesslonol baseball under Metro. Aj>- q o i parently , CharUe started him o tf on

:• the r ig h t foot,--------------------------------------------------

riONKSB LEACUK Ofl**W L Pet. OD Wilr r M l U k t Clt? ---------- tl « .«« „ •

— ' S S

■ K r W l - ' l . - — !! r™ ~■ -■!!' r . :!!! S !? " S 'H

DeiM _______________ *« «rrU»T't rrtUkU n ifhm , A-Sllc

B<lM innnU )•«) at Ofdfn (Bom*»U «>. TotalT-ln r .l l . (««..llakl.) at S.U Laf. „ A-S

Chr 21.4I, Hoi** .Idaho t'alti Ipllehrrm unataUatilO al ini'

^"ia'iTnoViviuio W) alCrtatralla'(un- Culh J.xallabli). ______ ______________ J '" '-

’ AMERtCAN LKACtlE lo».‘lJIW 1, fel. cn T^uth.CI«».lanH----------------JS M .*30 Umb JVnr York___________«; (9 .»:c ! •CMciiro ~~ « '.m t m WhIU.D«troU ... .— 81 “t .455 29rhllaJrlphla-------------M 7* .11* Ch*mmt^JH^LzzizzTM ii

___________ SjATlOKAL I.EARUE V*

____ S s S . r 7 z z : i 3 , ; ! j i JC r____________I li M !*»•

•- r»ii*a.irnia-^j=-------- « «j .<« Fordhi

Clikait. ----------:-------- » 7« .41" « ■ ■ ■__L.” _ AMERICAN I.BARI/R ' H u lSoilon at N«w York. U’*jhIm.-lon at ■ ■ ■

rWladtlphla. poalponnl. rain.OnU tamw athrfuW.

£ '5 2 ; u = : ! : : S ! ! ! = ! ' ! !Oamprii an4 Nlirboa; UiDonald. Ma' -

koor7. ilafl.all. f a i t . anJ UlIU.----------------- NATIONAI."lEAfiDB---------------^

rhiladelbpli at DrooUrn po.lponrO, rain.---- fll.-lx»ia-=----------- 0 ------------------------------

ChamVi».'nIk»ior»B anrt 6ar».U MtLUh,DgbltL Kllrpal*!". Lirta aad OwtB. Ouiv **K»w York I t Boat«a pe«tpo«»<J. rain.Cincinnati ___—— CW «M 4C»—4 » S

------------- —

M u r t a u g h ’s T e a m

Wins T o u m a m e n t > ^■Murtaughl U 58 girls softbaO

t w ^ p l u r ^ f ln t place honor* in ^ the Twla PaU* LDS stake gtrU aoft- ^ to u jm m ca i held here. Tw in k . PaUa th ird ward elaeed second.

Toumey o t f l d ^ eald ^w held *0 glrU In the (taka

Member* of tJia Martaugh »»«m Include Nonna MePtoHad. June •?**?? Tolman; Barbara Rose, Ann Perkins.

- M argaret Bose, Alene Morse, C h ^ rey -B a tA Barbara Peterso&lU>bln n ^ t and Luans Lee. team cap*

g i l B n i i n P i ^

M U S Idaho Fallstthe T w in S h o o t in g f o r t h e i r second a tra i^ h i MO ^ h u fo o tb a U - te a T n -h e rc a t 8 p .m r S i e r of th e T ig e rf l h n v c p u lle d o u t o f B ig S ix c o n f y 'lea g u e F r o m a l l I n d ic a t io n s th e T ig e rB 'h a

. ^ so u n d e d b y I d n h o F a l l s C oach w ith th e F r a n c is C la rk p f t c r t h e f i r a t * bu t w in- tw o w e e k s ' o f d r i l l s . H e re-

p o r t s h is s q u a d h a s m ore P H H w e ig h t , m o re c j ^ r i o n c e a n d '

m o ro .s p i r i t th a r i I d a h o F a n s : ' ' - t e a m s o f t h e p n g t . ‘ - i J

’ ■ TwoTlHeFTHjrrsChool games are . . J ®•. - ■_ • W scheduled Saiurday n igh t In Maslo l l B I ^ 9 n Valley. Mountain Home, a new en* B B

w' - : * try In Magle VaUey football com* peUtlon, I n v a d e s Kimberly and W e n d e U l i la y r a ra i ih n r T ^ . 'lJ o U i T K M are LltUe Plve conference games. ^ R H

, V Coach Harold Brow n's BrxUns, a B | B I 40-U victor over PocateUo Mondty,

have been working ha rd on pass defense. I t w u th rough th s atr

ie then , tha t Pocatello w to puU Into a alow a 14*li Ue a t haUUme here Monday.

lg sla ff. Brown expects th e T igers to un*;ars and leash a powerful aeria l attack here.Ul th ird . The TlRcrs wouted the Bruins here

U lh a t Monday. Idaho Falls runa out ot a lanaged, alnsle wing form ation w ith an un* a .300 o r balanced line. lom erun Tha Bruins are In top physical d **lhat gnme. The 'club

e Injured. One casua:ty was reporledleft, b u t ih ij week, however. Dave Hoover, aho s till im lo r reserve halfback, broke his access. left foot In four places Wednesdsy reasons during a braining M rlmmags sts*II h a s lion on pass defense. ■ ■

Pioneer Probable aiarUng lineup Soturday > m inor will see Bud CroM nnd Lee Bartlett Lee tro le tl Bt ends. Olvend Rcsa ond Jim W hil- seen Ir dly. sides a t tackle.i, K ellh Jensen and Llacoli ader on Larry Ohurch a t guards, d o rk pisyed popular, W hitehead a t center. Ralph Con- lha flai 3 tleld. nan t a t quarierback. Dale Deagle ef h li ; Cowboy and Al Mingo a l halfbacks and Ed* by the■ never die AUlson a t fullback. - • -----------ed h im . Drown reported Dick Truscoit, Joa field. King. Wes BarUett. Jerry Herrick H o r for Uie and K eith Qualls a re pushing tor ' In ter- atarting poiiltlons and m ay see lots a every of action. K a #n lown A Ja ite crowd ef 3.388 tans aaw

Monday's opener and another ‘big -r-i person attendance la seen for Saturdoy os I 'l

c serv- the T-torm aUon B ruins shoot for :e tour- an undefeated season. HAZEa h igh LltUe Is known of tho strength ot an imnr « rested Mountain Home, b u t the Elmore bnll rcc e Q ang county Uam h&s always fltW td new Cof ^ tough squads. Kimberly won Us tinning. k ^ « o - ■opener*7ffnr-arT7emieir-M 6OTay dSTopw

M etro and will be out. under Coach Dob ers • owboyi sherinan, to make i t two stralghL Hazell

WendelJ Is the underdog to Olenns name In a W Perry. T hs Pilots have one of the nnrUcloo

onabl^t biggest class B teams In Magic Val- to be ley and have le ttennen In mosl BndKers

ntercat pojlUons. Wendell, under Murray nnd nur jo t o u t Sotterfleld, la rebuilding Its grid- h„va inr ihappy Iron fortunes, w hile Coach Les jh a H f«ce. oiork's Olenns Perry squad U being opener i I M etto . -<lngled-ou t w t he leaui to beui fui' tne for U iT u tU e Plve UUe. je Plo- EJghl games, Ooodlng a t Rupert, a tnk ri ys and M en a t Dcclo, Castleford a t Pller, n g Z ; . , system Duhl a t OaUey. Jerom e a t Burley. c „ i mu et him FBiriicId a t H azelton, H eybum a t u i______ Han u n...M urtaugh a t Paul and ?, paper caray a t Bliss wcre scheduled by


^ U g d e i t i B u r i e s y

' . T ' B o i s e P i l o t s -H .ih a t - ______________________________ Homnorj

iSS; In 16-2 Game« At>-- It«Vf i n OODKN. Sept. 7 W>)-SUll In Ois um n sho:

® roee fo r aecond spol I n final Plonecr year con league st4indtngii, the power Inden degree 1

------- O gdcn-Ileds ’ T hursdBf -n igh t bc- aummer"InbOTtd Botoe 16-1. Id a h o ..

' • ) Manhandling Pilot pllchera May- H unt i C nard Pa rk and Ted C ham nou for heavy a

M hits, Uie Reda plowed to victory couUon. behind tho slx-hll p ltch lng-o t PhU Knapp a

A m Amato. McNlel vCODES It. DOldE 2 COUjd |,1,

Sf'r* . h o a )eJ.n »b h o a trouble."i S K ;; ! i 1 i ! ! ! 5 .

it! II Vhlt. lb 4 1 11 0 Iraalna u 4 » J S,oa nJ4 riiippo cf t o « o M tw r o n o HoselU 1*1 Grrsnti lb 1 1 4 5 1 1 « « {ItW f t t l

.‘i'.'k'i, l l l i Core;chimn’L , . 0 ^ 0 S ^ ® ’ Haselton,A—Mlchalr« 1 1 0 0 Malta, Si

T.U1. T ...U . .T T in ; ™It Laka A—SlnsM for Chamncaa In «ih. K, an

lla-(un. Culh J. l,.mb I. Val.n,lne.^l«<-a. Dot- SALT I *r« '‘ JU ? '"8 ru ^ r.'u o a ' “ a^‘ow*‘n iil‘iir«*i"a, fiiih. sn u -u ra h . :n ii Wll be f

cl. cn —Outh. lamh. ( irm rr. Itlll— Sfllurdny30 Umb J. Ur..ln._». Hulh. L0» At RCi l 4 -Dolir^rnnM.Ule.1. Kl"s t.< (Ir^g/r u> ChlCOgO“ I J ■’ a'^'Y' y™r'"k *s m i'A ' *i>°r

-pt? S la 4. KK—Amatn 3, Vark 7. Chamnraa 4. I ■oil 4Jb L»fl—»t>l*a ». Ondtn 11. I.« rr—I’arV. Ill' 1

• f ll—Va"«nt1nt ” T - ;im . A—l.iOi.■14 ’ Yole quftrtcrbnck J im R>-an re-oo_i'.i turncd-a .-k lcko lf 07. yarda for a . . ,____as I « tbuchdofl-n aeason agalnat .« 1 Fordhom. • -- -------------

^ ^ l i i m i i i i i i i i i i II . . . . a ■ j j

‘'"ti s S o sm o o th „ H l l

. ------ i t - le a v c s .y o u I H

1 - h r c a i h l t s s i ' 9

Slm iT noJfjp _

-VOUKA, 'mSO»noCU>l<fmieO«^traiaa«>i»liplri(L ’ H P

r l ^ S«>nwaS<ilnaCni.U<..lUnie>it.Coaa.'- I MThar- ‘ B lU b in B a


^igsk inners Ta ^alls Club Satticond s tra ig h t w in , th e Twin F a lli B ruin.'j.entc : a t 8 p .m r S n tu rd a y -a t Lincoln"lie1d In a non-< ' B ig Six conference com petition th is y e a r to r :he T igers 'have re b u ilt in jua t ope y e a r . A n op Coach * * * ♦ ^

' " Pass SnaggF a s

"M ails lew en*

Ulns, a ' . <londty,n pass \ |-As air -JillU Into -londay. to un*

here.IS here - AZmIt ot a


Z Ske hU nesday

turdoylarllett Lee DarHett, J85-pennd end far (tie T w la IW hil- seen In action a t 4 p .a . Salnrdsy w ben th e lin and Lincoln field for (he letond came of (he te tClark played oftenslre eentcr and defensive end t u t :Con- tho flank v h e n (he Bruins are cn (be a ttack (hi

Deagle ef h li pats catching ablllly. He itepped Into (id Ed* by (he graduaUon of Bobby F a luh . (Staff ph'

fii Hazelton Sees Cage ::: Better season

For FootbaUHAZELTON, Sept. 7—Chanccs tor “ “so 'T ’l

'U» Of on Improvement in HotcUon'a foot* hunted a“” 0f® bnll rccord appeared brlahter u H e w aItWtd new Cooch D on H unt ended condl- chargedn t inning drllls.T hurgdnv for his Pri* splracy.s ra a y dny opener w ith the Falrtield Mush- A n o UI Bob ers. - been on 1ghL Hazelton h as no t won a footbaU dieted Inilenns game In the two years ll h u been w ith jotfc

participating In the Magic Valley Oene Mel• Val- elght-mon football conference. The Allmosl Badgers have the experience, weight 1550 chi

urray ^nd numbers IhU year that Uiey R**"* w »hftva lacked In,prevloua seasons. York. Mc

. Tha Badgem, however, enter their <*own th ey in g opener a» W w t. <‘tT o r haa no t lost a gamo m two years. H® sav

Returning letlerm en are OrvlUe two repoiiE " '’ Stokes, 100, cen ter: Reed Perkins, Pw t.

178, guard; Je rry K napp. 151, end; U“"» J- KCarl M urphy, Ii5 , bocki Ken Johan* L - .

™ sen, 145. end ; K arl Lance, 21J, ^ _iruard: C harles-M eN iel.- ijj .-bo rt: | • - | j ' •

^ J n r C ram nne, IB7, end: Roy Coul- v T * 1 . • son, 105. guard , and Lewis Cebb.140. back.

OUier prospecU^cre Bob DUle, 130, ■*•

"Tn~'R]whlie._l35..,ccntcr:..Jfly_Cobb..M0.guard; Jack O m ni, 115. back: Ron- q r e a tnie Sellers, 1S3, bnck, nnd Charlea Q renl F a ll

____ HQmhorat..H30. g^inrd____________HoMlUin. under Hunt, la ahowlng n |» h t to h i

a 'lo l of sp rit th is season and knows h . » ithU wlU be breaking Into Uie win col- ,trc tch drlv

I the um n shortly. H unt, although a flrat j(,.n io-5 dsneer year conch. Vecclvcd Ills mo-iler’a PocatclloIftden degree J n phyaicnl educfitlon Uila fy,.

be- aummer from Uie University of other In th

M»y- H unt aays h is Une will be fairly w alted^ uws for heavy and rugged, built around opening upctory Coulson, L a n e e . Perkins, Stokes, ^j^red InPhU Knapp and Johnnacn. Murphy and » n r - rean

McNlel will hend thc bnckjleld and ; U l h could give " th e opposlUon a UtUe grkat V

5 S S trouble." rocawiio ai , I « ■ H unt says h e m ust wnll until after 'A

j-* .6 be sure v .niiw it e?-J 3 5 of Uie Dndgcm' c.npnbllltles. AnanUa sbI ; 0 Hasclton-s Achcdule Includes Pair- j;*"'®'' *'• lOO fltW fttH M Cllw \. S c p l. 'l; n a itllon '’ » J a t Carey, Scpt. H ; Richfield at ►'r.iin.iu « ;

HaseUon. Bcpt. 21; Harelton atMalta, Sept. SB; Hazelton at Delle. J- l;/

; r r j r w e . Oct. B: Dlcirich a t Hnzclton. comuvw p i Oet, 8, and Hozcllon nt BUsj. Oct. 19. ~

RA*MS TACKLE CARDINALS iwa7.u‘n"'','‘..-‘"‘dos SALT LAKE CITY. Scpt. 7 lU.R)- ‘'7l‘-isaml.’ ,k?)•*• The eyes of Uie pro football world inntl. Chinch* Vim ^ focu5cd on Bnll Lake Clly

m il- Sniurdny n igh t whcn Uia powerful Kimoirk. v .tLos At^Rcle* Uftms trvngle with \h t u»r^ .». ttar.t<

?rr u> Chicago Canllnhla In the Uie ata- jfi'il—SlniHa'^SO— dlum. tn l-liuon.- Da


i : d » ! y . : B : F : G : ^ilnat ____

I 0 ^ ^ —' Buximuoi OKI

— in m h tr ' fYm worlc fare

roiker.Cur«« c

1 , 1 Ilic H tr* w earH Rronger Powet

- -^‘-l!3-moner Jt itxiiy aod •

»«r>nr lim—

P , a/ Sm»t■ wMf, wM. utm


■ ’ '■ 7 ■ T

S '

s Take on New Sattirday1.1 B ru in . ' j .e n t e r ta in a sp ir ite d Idaht» V - 9 . H (ie ld In a n o n -c o n fc re n c c g a m e . T h e _____th is y e a r t o r e b u ild th e ir sq u a d . MOSCOW.e y e a r . A n o p tim ip tic n o te h a s b e e n “

¥ » « « s t a r s a r e no■ H itions o n t

i S n ag g e r■ ■■ ' m ■■■' proi

.V-. ■ ' dldates fo r U ■ 'i

^ aUowlng frc Vanity team s i

P i n t year ti promise Includ fuUback; Jay ba ck ;D u rch R aad-Ao«ep-fla

OUier freshr/ P X . <^0^ An

Ted\ l Palrfleld;

H shone, fullback. f terback, Seaun

Orotlno. s\uird^ B M \ eod; Joe Edge

V t Y ' Dockstader, He• ‘‘v l ^ Eldam, Sandpo

B ^ ^ H Orlnker, Ookla O runst, Evand.

Hess, Shi B U lL aw r.'V

Mendlolo. Bolsi Q K oZ .Q tU g ^

^ Pickett. caldBPrice. Moscow.

' Burley, halfbtNewark, N . < Bellevue, hain

V > " Heytmra, halfl

t o I t . Tw in r .1 1 . U n i t e who -HI I .Ilay w ben th e Idaho Falla Tlget* Invade ““«?•fame of (he aeason bere. BarUett. whe ----------feu lve end t u t year, b u been ihltled to T V 1 . cn m e a ttack ( h i t year ta (ake advanUge IIe Itepped Into (he big aboes lef( behind^ ----------

i ICageBriber I ’51 C a Surrenders d e c l o . s ,p i

N E W Y 0R IC .-Sept7 (/p>-Jaek faces Ooach Dt(Zip) W eat. acctued u a fixer In prepares tho Olhe big college boaketbill scandal, 1051'. Magic Vagave him self up Thursday be* ence race. Det

I for cause " I ’m Ured of living Uks a Friday by enloot* hunted animal," O rtalles.

as H e w as held In 150.000 ball, Declo loat 10 <ndl- charged with bribery and con- year through g:

been on for him since he was In- squad^ls norfaa>bau dieted in July. He was charged h u ahown a lot>een w ith jofferlng a HOMO bribe lo for ths future,ilteji Qene Melchlorre. Bradley unlver- fairly strong atThe All-Amerlca. to Uirow a rent season.Ight 11) 0 championship buketball Earl H u n t. :they 8»me w ith City 'College of New team captain. '

York. M elchlorre u id ha tumed oble starUng Dcheir down th e bribe. OuUere*. 180. eil l t i i Weat. 40. pleaded tntwcent. m tS J iC to n ip l;:an . H e' gove Wmselt up todoy to o len Mccham. ]vine two rep o r te n to r Uie New York leUc. 120. guari[Im Poat, Irv ing IJelxrm on and WU- JOS. ccnter, a•nd; U»m J . Keegan. blon; DennUlan* . * Clarence Leoni21S, « ..p^ tackle; Dick U '

S; G . T . ^ W a l l o p s ^ SSX '„*obb. 1 ^ ^ derson, 140. ful

P o c a rd s 10-5 •'f & B i g R a l l ^ S ^“ »■ QKEAT FA IX 3, 8cpl. 7 M l - f '« G reat F alU rammed home seven

runs-ln-tw o-la te-lnnlngj-T hursday '■'"S n igh t to h a n g on Uj a second placeo«s uo ^^1Ui Ogden In th? Pioneer f* • Amifo>- stre tch drive while handing Pocatal- ,

lo a 10-5 defeat. Dm 1o r 1B61bc1 Pocatallo moved Inlo o 4-0 lead In

Uib tbtujifcnnd;Jnnlng-iuul..added-a<i* Sepl._14^Dcclo0 other in th e flfUi. Pocatello.handed 21; Dcclo a t Hai

. In Uireo runs In Uie tourUi, but ^ Murtaugh. C■<f>y w alled unU l Uie seventh before Nov. 3,-

opening u p tjie big guns. Four runs Declo. Nov. 9.scored In th a t Inntng and three -----------more roam ed homeward In Uie LAYNE FIGHTelphlh. SAN FRANCI

■ttle c k k a t v a l l s 10. roc*TELi.o I propased 10-rouif ( , . «“moi7k If 4 1 I « lilntia V »5 c 1 between former

c.fmchfi Jb 4 1 I I iiaiuo Jb »! 1 * plon EZMrd Chf■ure Vaniiwit - j - i - t «Uwi«n»-M orL cw irtonrcta, 1, n"‘ on“ ib 4 0 I 0 sinlTpl If, i s t a day by Promotei

R.i.a«r. a«- 3 a 0 J i>rr«r rt - 4 1 1 0 aald lhe Ilnonc' at ?-«Tiiraiu < a I i { w il^rr'r 4 1 i 0 Charlc-i' managiJ l CMMbVk p » I « 0 D.niS P » I «1 too high. 'Hie bo

!lp. ^ ? « « « ! for the San Prelon. CoffiUVw p 0 0 « ol

T...U T . .„ , . i n n ;

Cr»«t Kalla ........ ......_M0 3M 41-10 I'|l_winlfr. SD-I11—Samnlyk, Cartnlrhatl. Aninlit. K>a» T _ i,ia A.■rid liirttl. Chlnch«V. Ilaron. I. Ilanirn J. An.'j l . srIOM. Elllntl. Winter I. Dinitlt r.— •'ful Ancrlr.n. 1. lini— I

fr PASS 1ailll-OanMa. nr-A nanla. lo Carn<I H>el tn riiuon.- Oanlrli to Aniclont Io Jlllloll. '


G o j ^ ^ c f i Z Z j j f lf TR A C TO R TIRES’ Look' «t the k ing-un clean on | l ^ ^ ‘ .

-Power-Curvc dre* .T hey dig right • t -into the *oU and bold. You g« B s v ' MiVnSBuTimup tractioo in aoy iyp« kHI ^— in m h e r' forwani e r rrr t tK.Ym worlc fane r, sitc fccL

~ ro » e r5 ;u rrc cleats May cltan becauK the a re B B a fleiing iction__that Uirtjw* d i« oW of tbe trend.

'■ Tht m n w ear yoo get from higher, . JKTonger Powef-Corre c l« t. n » n t q Ho G ra h m n

. .«i£l_m aney i t i . r o a t pockety Stop----------aon-«-hy-thein todiy aod eeo dus farm-proven i,ave bern a totire. — - ■ ‘ they Joined the

H is pasalnff hajr . ^ MT ZJMr JCUc* ^ sensational an t

ahlpIs UlUeahc

*»-* *md Lu/4t M f Olto'a choice .Of■■ V J r CAC. He picked!

'|There'a nolhli

A g AHD a i o v i UP tO O O ITPl Z u S ™ i i w '

n ^_^fe from frceii . =no ,m atlec.hc

pets from weei

_______________ - Trcaionc' bran

t im e s -news7 t w in f a l l s ,

_ N e w P r e p

S t a r s A i d ,

.ho V a n d a l s — —M O S C O W . S e p t. 7 Q o l f T

M a n y t o p Id a h o p re p f o o tb a l l •*■s t a r s a r e now b a t t l in g f o r p o - ^H itions o n th e U n iv e rs i ty o f I / ^ T i r h iId a h o foo tbA li te a m , O U W U *

Coach Babe curfm an said several „ . T r n T i V i... freshmen proipectj are Ukely can- S A L T L A K I

dldales fo r Uie Vandal Uavelllng b o y s— w ho a re. 'i squad. T h e Pacific Coast conference „ „ RJl gptbnf

■d U aUowIng freshmen to compete on — „W VanJiy team s Uils year. o f th e season , S■ P i n t year men who have ahown l in e d rive hon M promise Include Flip Kleffner, Bolae, ^ n o nn in th e■ fuUback; Jay Buhler. Hailey, half^ *««,■ back: B urch Roark, Lewiston, tackle.■ . «ad-«ogei-flandobhrBolae.^tack3e:- l ^ n ' o n ^ S ^ I■ OUier freshmen on Uie squad In- S“™! ‘ iy,,.oni of I I sm* Armltage. Dave Preden- sill Helsner■ berg and Ted Prosienson. tackles f ^ " '* ," ‘l h r ^ t L■ from Palrfleld: Charles Bates, Sho- c i X f l l e■ shone, fullback: H. A. BuUer, quar-

I " s 'S iw ;

■ d t u , H cu . Bh.llty.■ Dm Lnwr.' W tte r . ta in llt li; LooB Mendiola. Boise, end; Robert Noble. Twin Kaii> ab h o a i B G reat PnU8_ M o n L -to rk lr:_ D lck . j^JIr-r--,,;^ * { ^ ! B Pickett. Caldwell, halfback; Bob i r : r j V ? i e i o■ Price, Moscow, wckle; Jerry Reid, m w cf » s * « i B Burley, halfback; Tony Tordlff, Campi-iHf >«H B Newark, N . J., center DorreU WoUar. ifliooii B Bellevue, halfback; KelUi Uacola. Knoka < < > > ■ B Heybum. halfback; Gene Rlglbal. itu-rii p | » « ® " PorUand, Ore.. back; Wynn Stokes. p | « « o. Salmon, center; and Lee Llberg, ii_iiuk«-au Jp Genesee, back. a. i » > '

S Declo Gridmen 3"-'..'"™' -m *1 1 ' n Salt"ukr cltr ......- Rebuild for.....

• f* 1 y -1 . • . il"l'ualn :. tnil-^ami

.’51 Cam paign S S S l sDECLO, Sept. 7 -A rebuUdlng Job n r tL !

t faces Ooach Devon.^ndarson-as-ha i .-u ( t—.TiALi'aii1 prepares the Dcclo Homels for the kii^-iium«ii t-. 1051'. Magic Valley -class B confer- 7 ,l'," |^u^«1l a mil. ence race. Deelo opens Its w ason f ro - .r nP-lt-MI Friday by entertaining ths Eden a—u«. _________

: S e a s o n ■ « (

r S i S - 4 S f ^ S ^ s r S o l d - b y - B t• squod Is n o t fast. Anderson said, but P / v n a t o r G (■1 h u ahown a lot of spirit and promise D O O a i e r O I.} for ths future. He expects to be Season Uckets toi

fairly atrong ot the end of the cur* school athletic coit rent season. sold throughout Ui1 Earl H urst. 170-pound tackle. Is bers of the Bniln' team captain. Others on tho prob- President Jamea Sl)1 able StarUng Declo teom ore Manuel Tlckela. selling fc

OuUere*. 180. end, a regular on last fo r all of Ta-ln Fall_ siMiJiCtontLplittLCOiiltitnce.tcam;. baalcetbftll.haMja a .1 Olen Mccham. 140. guard; Gnle Gll- S inclair aald moneyt letle. 120, guard: VoDcll Mahoney, sale e t UckcU he

205. ccnter. a iraa ifer from AI- vast athleUc progrblon; Dennis Weeka. 150, guard; high school.

_J Clarence Leonard. 213, sophomore H e urged realdeitackle: Dick I-ewla. 170. end; Wellon firm s who have

~ Oalfrhout;'. 180." end:'G ory Voyce, tickets to contact140, sophomore halfback: J. R. An- club membera whderson, 140. fullbncki Olen Weeks, ticket sales.140, halfback, and Alma Tumer. 130, T ^ese Include Sln

.. LaM ar Hurst, m ond-Builer Wood.__ all, 145. Incklea; Joe Allen. ISO. ccn- H oward Uerrbli. Ien ter. and Mike Novosel, 130, and Ted ^

GlU eltc.J20.-backa-l_____________ . . - r - i r -' Gutlefcz, Hurai, Osterhoul, Novo- S ' n '

„ sel. Tum er, Anderson and Lewla are AUen, Ed Benoll am

* 'D ^ '" i M r 8chedule Include* Eden Utah StfltC In a t Declo. Sept. T. Paul a t Declo, ,

Bepl._l,4;_Dccloji{_Heyhuro. Sepu | , P A V f i - l O r J fd 21; Dcclo a t Hansen. Sepl. 28; Declo iu t a t Murlaugh. Oct. 3: Hojclton a t l^ O A N , Utah. 8 fl: Declo, Nov. S.'^m d CasUeford a t S la te A gricu ltu r e

he LAYNE FIGHT CANCELEB to‘*p“ y 'a li JSAN FRANCISCO. SepU 7 W>-A T h e Aggies will me

propo.%ed 10-round flghl next month tho YMOA team ot : * between former heavyweight cham* University of Mex: * plon Ezsard Charles ond Rex Layne dependent all-star

orLcwirtonrDtahrwiB-called-ofMo- —Ta n B n g ' UiB 'tnp 0 doy by Promoter Jlnimy Murray. He and Bob Horbertsoi0 iwld lhe financial terms aaked-by H ull, cenlcc;-D on ° Charle-^' manager, Jake Mints, were Jack ie Wless, guar1 too high. T lie bout had been planned team , and Jock Clo

for the San Prandseo Cow palace, m an . Andy Haj'a, If — Pr e d Golding, aecor

- iio-Chin.h,rV T In «. riiu, Biih.ii J ia 1. * resldcn f o f BurleI*, J In I. .SO-ChlncWk », Danleli ---------------

5. U»-CI>lnch«k i, ComI.kfr 1. Danlfla ». Jo h n MorClU. BriV » r o, i b. . . , ». r d. h. . , *• tha»i. T - i;io . A—<u. holflterlng.

I PASS MASTER „ ,J ........... ............I You’re

: _ O n e a h o tla *‘ \ r in te r l

You’re0 « o G r a h a m Is one gocil rea*

------«on-«-hy-the Cleveland-BrovvnT ' N o -o tb e r-a nhave brrn a top team ever since g iv e s th e sarthey Joined the pro football loop. . p ro te c tio n ! H is pasainff h u been conalatently aensatlonal and his. fleld general­ship Is llltle ahort c t uncanny. Butthere's nothing uncanny about / c n n T ' O ' TOlto'a choice .of anU-frecxe for hlfl P K r . S ICAr. He picked lhe bta tl Otto #ay». 1 i V t j U *"There'* nothing llke '->reatone'- BRAf anu -freere fo r m y money! On#•hot lasts a ll winter, ao I pul I t In A l l U - r

.. and forget about lU 1 )<now I’m- *-^ f e from freei(? and bollovers ’ _ •

. = n o . cold or.warm llpets from week to week. I know W V O " ^ w hof no olher W f r e e t e U ia t ir lT e t--------------------"SM*th e aame d eg ree of p ro tec tion . fc*MC«*U«i«4e»

- P rcatonc 'b rand lfl p im D te ed l’*

w m r ^ L s . iD jm o ' ■ :


; S a l t L a k e T r i p s T

' C o w b o y s S t r i v e t o! SALT LAKE CITY, Sepl. 7 ( ffJ -T h o Suit 1 J boys—who are s tru g g lin g to m aintain fourth plw = _ n n 8-3 setback T huraday n ig h t Dave B rittaii* of th c season, ge ttin g a tim ely single to knot the 3 line drive hom erun w ith no ' —

JSS-- BuhlSche■f iln'on VComptJelrt double; Rifle Mat(

' In thc bottom of the frame BrlttaUi ' jjujjl , Sept. 7 - : drove Bill Helsner In wlUv Uie Uelng valley wll’ runa, in the sa lt Lake lltUi.HeU ner lo ,igh i m Uielr rll■ singled. Clyde Blevins waUc^, and ^ match sponsored• B rliu ln 's infield single Joadri ^ e pjjtoi• b u cs. Eddie Coleman nied ou t wlUi any r

HeLincr acorlng alter Uie M tch. and will be hi* Twin Falla added a pair of runa y . -ug^d JO cal ; in a belajcd rally In Uie elghUi. Held one-half miles : singled, and wlUi two men out. Jim »rUon alarta a t S:: ' G off walked, ond Bob Itooke singled contestants must■ Held home. Goff scored on Jac* u,njughout thi

BukowoU's slngU, Caih prises go to t“ah h"o” iu T l i . 'i a Uie vorious motchc

: I t " '■J !!. » 1 1 z w imaa « i l l : One feature will' -filllTntrs-rTTirsw TTT-ii— t - r r r ^ i iR h 'm E T r r u n, m w cf'' J : * « ll“ naad. Jb » J ; I houetle u a ta ij

Campiiiw 4 5 I olitiitabr. )t> 4 S i » ttwoy. Other mat-’ Moor. »i » s« V ,X n iii6 4 6» « atandlng largcU al’ Roff Ib * « >1; « } * ; i and 1.000 yarda.■ nS-r’i P 1 0 « 0 iiruui'a 'p » » 0 4 Cecil Johnston, i ’ A -v it‘>“« > « » “ club secretary, Is, l i S - a u ‘ * * * rangemenu.

i.S"' R u sse ts SD oubleh i

I lm . 5. UHtrehftt. fioff, llm>ai.i«. K - - - ------- -

!!‘tni"-^“.™7hI'l7’Tro^^ "Witli BillCampbell. Drlllala.^rowcra. Wnnan.^niw TV A t- U MJM.AMto JUtanar to kSii, MJIoi BILLINGS. Sept. 7

; ? u i ! i f i ° r . n ; ! 5 : L i r i 7 a T ^ ; ; - . r i paii»i„..i u ( t—iTiALi'aii* 10. Salt Uka 11. Thursday nlghC to i EK-nuM.ii t. s. r.idman J. SO 5.5 j ,tc r tlie Muatar

. 1 = ^ m u . > ■ » » ..T ro - .r :, nP-ita.MbrTfow»r. hcoder.A—IH. The split gave t n ------- rn* t 1“ maUiemaUcal chanceSeason M e t s Sold-by-Brum-----------^ , *' Idaho l-all. ab h « alDllllBoosters Group K;r;:” ‘ !!!ip

Season UckeU for Ta-ln Falls high i ulk" ik^— rru school athleUc contasU are being n«(.„ u a i i o o>y sold Uiroughout Uie elly by mem* r aia™«a <f s i s jlKan bers of Uie Bruins Booalers club, " J J ^ 5^,*;President Jomea Sinclair announces, tou, t • « i olopi

Tlckela. selling for I7J0, a re good Uarw.oa » 1 0 1 0for all of Tft'ln Falls’ homo tootboll, '* «5 j J '

Sinclairaaldnioneyderived trom'Uie "focii; r ia 'ia 'i r fcsale e t UckcU helps support Uie ..A-'i™""'’''* “ vnat auiieUc progrom o l Uie local mniR,;high school. n -Jm m , llatk !. D

H e urged residents and D»u. E-ui*'*. Kar.n, f irm s who hove no t • pu rchas^tickets to contact any one or.:33 d» u to smaii. .idclub membera who a n handling ;.t icket sales. jib—ilaibUoa Ccslo 4

T hese Include Sinclair. AI Weatcr- r „ i „ r . n - u « b i 3 agren , Joy Merrill. Arnold Croas. a- too i«t.)

Cain, Gene Shirley. Paul Taber. Idaho ralla ab h o ainiiii H oward Oerrlah.' Dick Bweet. Bob «■ * | |W arberg. Jake Roth, Russ Wells, J J JT om Hovenden. Charles Rountree, lUck ib a a iii ln a i i J o h n 'n n l l . 'L 7 H."Ha3lam rChariea yu,.r. ir / i i I'OiKu. Allen, Ed Benoll and Olen Simmons. vN.’SJTi J l } I 1 1

Utah State Cagers Leaveior Mexico •H

LOOAN. "Utah. Sept. 1 inv-'U tah iv,ui, i7 T i r » | tc S la te Agricultural college cage stars, A.niad out for luiiir 10 Of them, lett Wednesdoy for a south-of-the-border lour. imitnn* ~

T h e uam will uavel some 8,000 R-Co.^7an. iiauan, m iles lo play alx games In Mexico. Panmoa. MeNamarar* T h e Agglcs will meet three c lubs- *• vJkJV , 81.ho YMOA Uam ot Mexico City, the ror^n :, kiiiti >. i-atura<

University of Mexico and an In- Tc«ia. Smith t, Dtnntit dependent aU-star squad._______ f"w!:vr” "” .'’*^,.i

JHoklnK Uio ifljj urc B cii v^ook McNanara tn Corcoranand Bob Harberlson. toru'arda; BUI wiiiiama t in s ' i : luiiwH ull, cenlcc; • Danell Tucker and * *■ »B-McK«y 2, ^Jack ie Wless, guards, on Uie firstteam , and Jack Clark. Bob Spring-m an . Andy Haj'a, KelUi Sewell andP re d Golding, aecond team. Clark laa resldcn fo f Burley, Ida,

Jo h n MorelU. Brnndeli University ootball guard, has lhe hobby o( up- -

holslerlng. W M — ------------------- — — . —

You’re SET ^O ne ahot last* all , NV interl J

- < • p = |

' You’relAFT : ' 1N o rust . . . no foam . . . H ereTno freeze ...n o failure!

_________ SAT ISfHe’s learned f r

_ _ ...... , safer and m ore (Yflii i*p SURF1 ou re o u rve. equipped shop iN o-otfaer-anti-F rcvze— ----- n o w l --------------gives the same degree of

. protection! ,


"A n ti-F r^z^ mmm'■______ I * - - _____ . ---------- n i “S iU E S


V ■■

r i p s T w i n F a l l s 8--

‘i v e t o H o l d F o u r t ]The Salt Leke C ity B ees handed the TSvin Fi

itain fourth place in th e P ioneer league and a pi,», . Dave B ritta in hurled and b a tte d hia way to hig i ngle to knot th e count a t 1-1 in th c scco n d ani-bl

Buhl Schedules M ajor Leajj Rifle Matches— S la te "H ;rf' b u h l , Sept. 7-D c«r h un ten I I U J)n Magic Volley wlU get a chance o - -rk0 alght In Uielr rifles Sunday in ^ U i n i t K ^ r R ok match sponsored by Uie Buhl * - ' ‘ “ * * 1 1 1 ^ 1 U gline nnd Pistol elub. Sheota wUl CHICAGO, Sent ^ m)« open for any rifle wlUi any- louU Cardinal*light and will be held at Uie n a - ings of four p ifd iS lJlonal guard JO caliber range aix Including four one-half mllea west of Buhl, and two doubles, - f o r ^tctlon aUrta a t 8:30 aJn. over Uie Chicago Ctda*!

Contestants must uae Uie same a slim Wrigler firume Uiroughout the enUre shooL 3 ^ 6 saw Uie beaibirS .:oih prises go to the wlnnen In H al Rice, who'e fourthShe vorious motches. th e year and a trlolaOne feature will b e jh e tlf8l nm a. and Riiiy ,

JaRh u a in jr o n in p ig deer all* m ered homa Uiree i Slouetle u a target 300 yards j j t h homer, a doubledway. OUier matches will be T he PUUburgh PL-^landing targeU a t 200. iCO, 800 th e ClnclnnaU Redi ^nd 1.000 yarda. in to a Ue for aiith eiiCecil Johnston. rouW 3. Buhl, Notional league, -ni. ^

lub secretary, U handling a r- an hour and 14 t n ”angcments. played to Uie s m i i e ^

. I ever to see a nljht u j]k n I * . e«rae a t Porbes fieldlussets Split u.?8l“ S‘a a )o u b le h e a d e r ; ^ith’B illings -jnJ.INGS. Sept.7 MV^Theldoho

, r = , . s C S I S• m r tte M u .u .n ,. to le . « " t t o d«rU>I to lM lD l ,tory in Uie first game Of a double- »eason.ider. ~nis split gave Uis Russeta a P l o v O K i lUiemaUcal chance to eaUh the A i C a 1 K t jC rBin Palls Cowboys for tourUi pfflce A j J | C«%*v*.U fPioneer league standings. A u U o D a r K lO

SILLINCS 4. IDAHO FALLS J S i m: Boise Grid Ten b ” " 1 0 0 j|sS7h V ' t : 1 S BOISE, Sept. 1 ( f l - l

.f J { s olKmn lb * 1 0 0 DMplta I^ n g modtf k <amta aa a 0 1 :|s<knaUl If 1 1 2 0 LltUe ROSe bOWl SqtOlOlJ

* I S ? 2 " 1 S a i JtwlKd "KWd" >nbiton p i 0 1 a ■ Coach Georgo BUnUij nilSttkuia 1 0 0 « - day.«'■» p e 0 0 o[_________ ___ _DwUht_W lnsi<nr..l»saDui;— ria ja 'ir fo ia iT '" s j a s i T back'who'scampered fm-CreunM out Ior liarkUoa In llh. dOWH In lhe LtUla RoU ts

-....--•••••-•■fcJ j ” J z J year, U amongIhedili—Jf«im liaik • Drowiic, Smith 2, men nlum lng. u. r-uavk . Karan,"Crpio V tu i t - O therlettennoostfcrlS rn. Davia. R n i - ^ t r t , fati.raon. tjee a n Nolan Ponl, Its, Q‘ niv£*’t i \ ' i : ; i i ' ' ' S i « . ’'’ B:rih Palls;-tMerlln-H<nnrd, S Vrnaixlat. U ft-ldahe Falla T. Illllinn PalU, tallbadr;. XofCq Tetlo-narbiion s In I, Atbucho J In 1. Spoknne, tacJltl J«ta Si]

IOO la t.) - quarterback, Ustiniaa. ama------T uce.- iM.-ena.-Me^mm------ -HtTwanl-BBrtcnrBiStfaiai

0 Falla abh e aimillnra abh » a ----------------------- ;----“7b'’ "■ { I ^ l|S;';rh"*rt‘' i ? • S r a ,a . I. l »Ufl rf t a 0 0 Cltiaon c S 1 » I Uallay I. I'arna fcl ib a a l l lD a il iS b l a a i llama _t, llallir >. P'n* i r t.r. If--- 1 1 J'D Karan Sb” 4'4'2'S llama. I.«[l'il4aho TaDl uT^ f l ,f a I 4 « 4 0 0 0 Wr-Wllllaa.K 7-iiU . A-B mar. " jL ""„ " **n*’ , , , « ................. ..................... .

......... ’ f S ’ iii? ' trailers•|B.StKlBBaa 1 0 0 0 ■ ANV SIZB—TJPW I

tall SI 117 iil T«U1» 17 i n 10 ' FA R M WAGOKniad out for llallir la Uk. ' - n ..MtStmtk eot for Parna In Jli. . Wo b a n a fUD S««?n a i Jl{ SJ?ZS hand • • • W «-Coiwtn. llaiiaan, llaclt 1. Rotar*, w bat yoO W aSl, ..WOrraoK. McNamara r T>ta, Scbnaldt 2, I t for yotl. anJn :. Il.nciall i. E-M»ll *. Han-Iloifrm, McKar 3. SmlUi. lUll—Cor- C A p E R f C

h, rnnandaa. ?IV-Smlth! bl>-IUek TRAILER CO.

r i V . : . ; ; i ; ; 'n m i a " , J ’i ' S l . ; ..............................

^ l a c B a m e

H ere 's A nother o f Our Moii

SAT ISFIED CUSTOME[e’s learned from 'experience th n t "motoring iifcr and m ore economical w hen h ia car is c h e ^ iriy and repaired expertly , by a long establiflD* quipped shop Buch as ours. D rive up fo r * ^o w l ------------------------------------ ■ ■ --------------

M ' W I L U

^ M o t o r C

2 3 6 S h o * o S r s C W a « “ 1 P t r o r i *

.......................- FBmATrSEPIEMBg

-■ ■■ ■


i l l s .8-3

F o u r t hm dcd Ihc Tivin F a e ag ue a n d a 51, .^

I j h i a i v w t o h i f jtne'flccond ani-bi

ajor Leam la te -H itljainmerRainCAGO. Sept, 7 m s Cardinal*

of four pltehen J Idlng four liomeni two doublea,-for I i Uie Chicago Cuh? slim Wrigley fi^u

: saw Uie b o ib ir to Rice, who^e fourthh year and a triple dn■ ta d Blllt-Ja h r .^!d homa Uiree homer, a double aa

le PllUburgli.piat, ClndnnaU Redi T*• Ue for liith Bit

onal league. Tbe n a w ur and 14 n u i ^Ml to the smiCeatoa to see a nljbt u b

» a l Porbes field le Chlcogo WhBiSob 31. Loula Brava 1 1-Wl plicblDg of Him,

who rapped out l « elttoat7.hi{toffll ogorulalent nlai vaihedileheoder betveea U nl tees and Bojloo Bad* t necessary for iheaatilay eight gusn m t : during lhe floal 10ft tn.

ea Players Id Spark fo iseGridTaUSE, Sept. 1 (fl-l ir conege tooltalUB ■’‘paQy'’ UlU ym spite losing modtfk ! Rose bowl sqtolOii d"good" lnU ii#I«i tl Oeorge BIuUit tH

Uhl_Wlnsi<nr..WM w ho 'scanpe^ f s i

. in the LtUlaRoute /car, U among the diU nlum lng.lerletteraiaoiitferll t n Nolan fonl. ItS. t ;-tMerlln-H(nnrd, S . tallbadr.-.Xereq Ttt one, tacUi; John Sii Igo, guard; John Cm erbock, UsttRsaa. aniT w rn r a r O T ^ a mirt-BartcnrBditfiiltti

7B« t. I »• I. I'arna fc », llallir J.- i-ri^idaho-Faa-ir Wllllaata. ^


FARM WAOMe b a n a fuU iM )md . . . If « W u l yoa w as l ,..W n


P K R T — -


■ Our Moii

5T0M Ent'm otoringlis car is c h ^ long establiflW ;ve up fo r *

[LI.I: o r C


--------- Pfitrarl**


Page 9: · 2014-12-12 · f ---------- — -----------------,:^ N0; olidLine )f Non-E I 'o G K T r (irRANCISCO, Sept 7 (/P>—Indoncaia

s ^ - s s ! i “ ‘ i n U l

i - i s | r » ” - E r a:S ¥ sa‘ 'A " ‘I ' S ^ ' S I. r.St°K . m . *■ ‘‘ prff If-®” ;*iD*aS{{; i ^ w . M*dJ • c. > ?*S»* h: «U*. *. OpuS U»*!« J; C

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-------------P p s r - - I j f ,

^ ----------- i “ ~ ” ~ “ ii : i

K«iJ»«»ft» ' . V’ 7


“U ( M gSA O .yfiS . A L v iw / X OMCS WB r » ^ W /^eOOT -T H E PATH O P A Vlt?TUC

• 2 l A N D NOBLB eOUCW lOM — LABO IMDfiEO A T FIRST A SC EN T , j e u r S L S S e o SMOOTH, 6 0 A

» A iS ^ /l 6 (JeB 0 , 6 0 PULL OF 600DLV g PK 05P£CT AKTO M eLOD lO U S/^

f S o V # e c o N o s - n w r i H E h a r ^ ^^ 1 3 \ CF C«PHEL>S 1$ NOT & ^ 6 ^ '-^ T O ^ ^ v M C H S e < '^ ( M B

r a LIKE T H A T r 7 r

1 : = : ^ = ^


v . , ^ /

T"“n isn’t in te re s te d in me . . . Wl ’•w jlam orous?"


S ^ v l p i l s

•Na l d d u c k

II -f r a s H - * ^

n * > o » o l L \ u / ’ T i f f f i S : s : ^ ( . ! . S ^

|fli |i M f l !i[iiS[5]![ OUT OUR w /B d Ie m B S Di l g ? 0 p ^ - - ^ 9 ^ c u r \B .KSm S t o f f i . K c H ^^ r n n ^ * r r n » f n ~ ' ' r ? r ! ™ 'W T T A a r " ,lA iQ B A U .IP fA lff lT M B i j ' : J l . | i . \ O P'iOU/ >i p g g l n l l l l i F g ^ ' 'r : , i - ‘-.fCAMTi s ■ ■ B t l l s l ^ e l s I I n h a v e a B f f i T I ftDli f l i r M ?i

;ti«n *f V atu rd a y 't P u u n ,

3WN . (. U itrie lu>d - • lain* BUM auiur*!• MtdJ ■ c. BtM horn ' i P ’t t ^ =2 u»*!« J; 2 * * ;;® ^ ;» _ j

- P - - i t s s r s . . " " I m

( f w A « . To"’po*lU(il

^ ! ! : - 8 d L s - ------------------ - .1 T . r a i ;■relula ■%—

la. c n ( (, ! t S J J S " ' . » . . .

i s i O T L SIDE GLANClV .y f Ritllan*T •< <>. ContlniBt |i2 ^— — <t" CRirltf * I > v r itt. Utt)* ehIM

U. ArtineUI Ull^y”T Untutsa ■ l a lIL Uettl»d ap .

__ __ p«tnnc« Is

--------------------------------------------------- ----------------« -7 '


X OMCS W B O T B _ ^ ^ ■ ^ ? P A V lt?T U O O «

L A B O W ^ S ^ ' ^ \ • ^

Wrt"'e i o D i o u e / ^ THAcr V-” ' ^ J . / i L J; H A R ^O W C B .U N C IE ' J Z r ^Jcn* j ^ p BU Lsy, X R; * 1 ^ ( M E A N AMDS W I

’v ^ l ^ C O G W r iT ' K ^^ < W s i M A d

^ \ g o o t < / B

" It’fl not the dancin th rough m y

^ K i * 5 t i i r d - - c s R N i v x r ; ^ r 7 iNlSHEK ----------!------

- ^ = : = 3 t =/ o (T O k \ K

1 me . . . W hy h av e I. "Ask Jun io r who lei the ahower alnco i M t


P a n i c s OU

P 5 3 3 3 7 ’ ^ I ^ ^ O fA iiR T RAoio^ toQ i ~SURVEV/


. ■■^. ^ T T M E S - N E I

OUR W AY By W U JJ Ay < ^ o w r \ / l a C T T H ’sAMEi Y w e i i , D ^

W « ^ A a . 1----- nflTHERSTD ^ \ N - H 6 l L Ml . V p p ' i o u / / 6ca*n:HV<i6BfcCK ^ u k s a <s»■ fCA M TI WnWARWROP A a 6AJWWj

m v S A \ TKEM OLPO M JPER & \SC BN H; r a W N irreS \ AND I THINK HE L »0 TMAkljiu. PRIVACYT^ ^ PROPPEDTHEM a Ptx.‘ ,' ^ ^ - y - T i . V TH' 1 r r j ^



«* « rt» n rr» » ■w ix ^L l k i h fc-w.~«».

lo t th c d a n c in g t h a t g e ts m e dow n— i t ' s t h o t h o i th r o u g h m y w h o ia l i f e be ing ao p o lite I”



m i r r«« MKv cL i e T, m t t tt.«. mi, vt. - ~.:-t

[ u n l o ^ h o l e t t t h e r in g in th e t u b ^ r v o b e e n u b ■e r alnco I ’s a t d o w n oh th e 'f6 u r* m aflte 3 'f lc h o o n c




I V g a ! « ? y ^< V w e i i ,D A 6 U O 1 V V - T -T -

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S f teftV A i

- i t ' i t h o th 0 U 2 h t y <

l i n i u . t F B jrS r > j g

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Ld vLraTC^oNOo^Sm~ OPANENFORCeO f- 'lOUh


BflleS B choonM l''^

0O£S->ClV•^%^5S^^ rtV ^ OWfcTWtfUU.

I » 5 ltp 7 ||£ S g ? -3 ? !3

: D I S N ^ . . R

• A (uamNANT.1 \REFua«TO ' A Ifearyouand Jseuw m w

LSriDAHO ' ~ ~

NOO HMXK>'T TVM eC W M 'V iG VG\.\OW ^ i f ^A N Y W.v> I WOGWC tOR w W6V\W I

, c o i v t e ^ ' c iM o% iN i:L vne^K cuQ K v s e o ti* 5 W t > w _ i = - : s w v w . f t e oN6W r - mi

w i t e e ' H ' i a ^ ^ ^

a h t b u m i r jg J c a i l t e e twoF**^^^ n e m n ^ ..

r T > 7 t t> 6 H r * S r c W T ^ 'C O » .W O « O f t 'f Y n o

UNOONOOBTJBNWRClDTp? I P L A C B ? ^ ^ORCeO ?-^'»OUM8ANVfE'VE ^ • • v r i ' '— IC O T T PG E T ourya ■ 1 - - — -••

3 ^1 /

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I S : A W H A N ) C U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > e i P f«0riN9 W W I8 ^ X « P » 5 S W a i5 ^ X

i t^ -H O w o o « S 'io :tu < tA 3 a * r r-o ^ o « L o u » iJ ) /i::^ ^ 2 \—OWfcTWtfUU. M tW C lN t.r- NOftli M O O T ^V O 'rS S ,

7 ? B ««T O Y C nSSN A K e5. nA T V A N V —^ { WMMJf J • A n x A s -A K j-u tA V * o » r = c ^^ •S ^ O D M IH U A N t / t T /

' ■ aJMAJgJfcJto—

r .i ^REFUal^TO SVWBOVS /•O IH ’SOfRftL'SVrt^

. . . ._ ... ...._ . ^ ■-

jl m r r n j A K ^ , y ^ « 6 6 a « - H«tfHNffR>JAND /w FBU.Eg£A^ft&- T>«yfrif/-HB'fi-- ^


VR.VCW i o f t [ a k a ^n su Q i ]Iw>s<f< WGl\Wi I 'W K& m M0(i w w ^ s o v m

a ittO ft^fY ncT ^ r*ACM& M A N unkfT unN on f

W /^M PIC O N V N mv C H 9 M « M ^ n i [(T m T O T H E O M y ' SD M SlH E SIA M nQ M V H »^«0rN3lKJ1HS J M lLOM P/AIPM OS/VS.fl ■ -T V 5 E T - U P . '^ D9CCTlVe/ VAWCO

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GlVSMC < DO < / o ^ p & p ^ r t N I a-».MOUR4 } v o u U G ive M t »♦ MOOW I ■

IRAB \M 4 0 ''l0 U VeOONERORLKTEU) ^ i H

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Page 10: · 2014-12-12 · f ---------- — -----------------,:^ N0; olidLine )f Non-E I 'o G K T r (irRANCISCO, Sept 7 (/P>—Indoncaia

H H b teBl-TgK^-^-----------

I I j y i a ^ e l iIMra—-- •*—• •

StocksU A B E E 1 8 A T A O L U < ^ » u

I l i l H MSV TOSX, Sept. T OP)—S t e c k t - M U ^ J ^ k M ^ n ^ U r .lUwMtl TteUit ta

iK H ''*C U ^H U far M M « tari>c a»4 ! T ^ffirll | « | i | W hM t-Untlr la tr mtr m ^

P £S a in i i O at»-'M «^ flra I BcptmUr • tm sM k L "'Bw*-8U»<f'^U 1< onu hifhtr I| I b ' ’c J S H ilM , .<M. “ “ '

^Pl*L TOIUC. 8«t>t. 7 y n - i h t t ^ M|l l , I M rk tt mad* taed ptvftmt U M w«h a m wllfl J a fliul .Bort la tha lu l hoar <r( H»dla«. »«ml

tPi.iB ' ra»erUB« dlMOttrr e( aaathrr olUeat all J mM la IU Karth OthMaTU b i t hoor Tmh »<i.hrt rolama t . BA j > ijl aa aaUnatad l.m.HO . . . . . . *-IIaiIl. l * NW .t PUU drops^ n .nJ W k Cal [ f r V tb rta lln a d a« ttn . iWaOtra U a ^ >4. bm,(, ll...;» vaaMd ta batwM) IS aod 11 wUU Dow BiuI i tT Ch«at<»J »b«t np to atwaij i l a ahara at

I I: ““H taS?*.™ VorlhCT PwUle. Oolf OB. LO raB.An«ri(>n World A lnyi; JohM- CatU.

|>ji « < r i w ront.I > « , ^ B Can. I-Wlli. Konli. W ^ a load.

Blk. ?; Woeirt, ChiralM. BUtU Coo^ cawtM d TMT. Saan Rotbuik («hkli rapon^ In*' t


M ' iiK S !« ..ssI i I Ata Altllnaa UK Lo*«< • , fad iS’ r i f iM '.! ! siiw.i" la a s

1,; i ! S " . V A S S i ,",l s isMJj. ■sfKia ,.J| s;;s! ! S K S S u . i i f J i ?

il;.'!D f(uiu •!] ra<ina o«f * v m

tiff {ft.—- -a* F S ' S . ' - ' t“s s - l i r —

II J C*B radfU tlKPallmaa i lH .(I V M 'I Caia Tt rota Oil MK oU> if jr& io tZ r 17% HOA . «M MMlMhl,! iji gr.'oS K SM 'J' I ?,r.i,i;»: a r s - iilssrj-* ."s S “r,i' s ig rs ,^ K i

J i ^ s r o i r c . . . ‘ i f a s ?cSi^p^od** n n I I S 'to tCnn* II B nn lu roa ] U tlJC t

_ CotUu Wttahl lOlt n ___j j ! v Sh.«

^ s . " £ . . 'sa& if.d S SS-:'■ g-ix !!»gv-r.. Irirm Sot T in i l l U a K g j f * ~ | W aaUbla

l l l l i M " i! s sS S s“ ‘ i iiTi 'l lte E f !!gs:as-'“ ’ I ™,j

OlllatU » U 8 BsbUr HH ataara

:■: s iE i r il“ S “ siiSiMO* 'NUT T O U CUM lc» to

MXW TOBK. Bn>L 7 UV- 'An Sopar f/I« NUnra Had 11 CatU

;zT ......... — l ^ - “ ■■'

l i E t S / ^ i ^ ^ ^ . i s - 1 !;'~'KiyitgBa-Bt-;-| .............—, • • ltl.7»

. . Ktritena Kl «’a at; j- K c n ^ 'X i -------------------------- « 0 4 i _,CJIC

■■ X m tm Dl ' ~~wo'bt IdmU iIf Kantaaa W ,. >T.4t, ' ................. .1 ^ n c \

ii Stock Averages JH(i .......................... — . ;--------- ™ “ ,I, OaapOal kr Tka Aaaaditad rt«H B in ,

la” t. lUlt. U ^. StSabK M ehai>tt_A.7 A.1 AJ A4 ladUaa

MjJ : w « A a n _ Z t iM MJ H J s r« n i S r■;; M<»tli a r> — JIM •»• * !• » f j T r i l

■:| ' i i E - Z i i f ! : ! i l l . ! ! : ; K ! S f " S~1 6ti«at

:; ;i Twin FaDs . s s . Livestock Prices gSj;

______ 2SioJonowlneJwliiJ*Uj.llTe#tock _ p iprlcM are prorlded b j Ui# Twla * ' ?aU ( Uvestock Oommlnlon com* p u 7 b u e d oo the rcAtlU o t the U st weekly m eUon u ie :

., Choice bulcber^ IW- '020 lb s . -------------------»34M-t23.00

Hoff*. 350-2U I b l ._____$MM-»34JI) . . .; Boffs, 170»I80 Ibj_____ *23X10

Ho«». 24J.278 Ibl. ____ I21J0421JO ”" — m ginnore-U U B -T JJ------------------------« .c i-

Ib s .-------------- ---------- 120.00 «« • *"Bom , 300-M0 Ibc._____ | i.hE etvT o r / e t n m ___ $10^0-117.00 .

. •**COWi-_^_________U2J.00-*28.00 —- , . v t

fr Vealen _____________ $30.DO-t38.00I C tn n e i t t n d ctrtten _*n .M -*22JM

!•' L u n b t ______________ t27.00-j29i0 IJ S f w i.------------------------- * 9XIO-#12,CIO

;i Buttelr and Eggs° ® - a>ofca b

' ■ I (T«fO« cniCACo , *?'

------CmCAC0 r -« « t—7 C T pB ilW -'-aTracdpu H9.«ll; vhalnaia mIIIU pricaa

' eiKhannd to H cant a peoDd toim-; t l Llthlaoi; ;rc-.SsiV.r/«!V,^cV"^i a am ^ pV l^iaSTa'SS « ^ { .'.'’'i r k * l { ^ »

. | ^ ,* ~ a^ h 4 l-ri U . ^ j{2S*w!« i dlrui^M i 1«

2 ^ : W tt \ . j r ‘jW jf®nrtt‘'b«S lWf«r. .

|1 - aANPRAnascoI I BAH niANCI&CO. fcsL T (UT)—Sst. .

i-'i . i .a 'I .-S i.iS ^ .! .^ A iTitJ 17,Si-2

I T he oil pipeline txavenlm Saudi *(I Arabia Is 1,088 » U « loat.

[ I

k e ts and F inLl. . ____ . • ________________ . * ............

; L i v e s t o c k_ _ _ ocDW a i i c /

‘Sr."’Si'sesadaeUr. g^ula aalakl'a H i ftw toot and ilDckaTm J Z '" u , - i"* “

itw BMdlsm l»0^» Ib. »l«k >Um « « - 'ia« aad B-ditaa aad rood ilocktr asd fa«Ur

halfan XM0-I0.«0| add haad toad alack ^ ^ aow. U.«4| «alm MlaWa lOt namUallr

u ‘ . “ wiSpaalaW. l.l« !l™ nafM lakla.ap.<iMa»i s i , ts amra »la inicki marhat aal a u ^

llihadj UU Tliufadaj' tUuihtar Uaba a ratran* hUbari faadln* Itmbt fUadfl I load* th*l<^VI V -. IM lb. u u h tiwkla tliailiUr Unta 1100 . .g ’" ' '

n a ti « k>ad> cbaica 71-H lb. UUh tmtklB faa d lw to ta 11.0040 fUt.

- .1 rOKTLAHD WWX.n>a ataak PORTtJlNO, 5»jpI. 7 MT-rOBDA)- r w itha n isa taUbli 11] taoallr odda asd andi) cHICA' ***"“•• f?S!"o*' uku « __ _ ..I— _

• “ u » 7 E S 5 k » S "nlama «• BAH rilANCIBCO. BtpL 7 WV^CUSSA) Julr >.14 i« i .lalaa ad* aeoilaal. ..... . Dm . .h lle ^ w Shaap aaUUa i W iaaalaal. M.r

LOB ANCELSfl Julr osir on. LOS a n o c lc s . s«pi. 7 vn—(tauu )— o tu

Joha.. Cattla .altbl. UOi bulk of todar'a tapvir ttratI. Xaasa. conalitj of rair.; tndlar tatbar acQf*. DmDa ront. MpwUll/OB utllltr and raa tt coort I «oupla MtrAaiarlcaa load, and loU oUlltr and coaimtrcUl niDia M.r•u Good, cawt 2IM.1I.00 atroBfi unatrs aad cut* Julr

raporlad |«v'JO.OO.II.OO about ttaadri calrta aalabU Hr*—KI far-lha l t l not anaoih u latt aarktl. «U c k ^ ^ .**??* ^

» h S u *BoSfc ^'"lljt—0--------- . B»pt

aalti D IN V n Dn<0 DENVEB. Savt 7 M>-(UBDAl-C.ltUIK aalabU 400| calrM t*i Urstlr ordarMt laI , f»l aatUa iBCludlar lo« prlma lUna KANSA

t lU I7.»-10: thoWa u low ptlaw htirtn at car.;lU t t .U | faw op«a n.rhtt aalta ala«lr but and d.rklj{ Boat aU M f t* BUIltr and low |j.t:>; i

aoinuarcbl a m S.71.H.WI «asB*ta aad7« (Bttara llJO-ltM i pracUcallr bo TtaUra llIJ* '

HK «r ealraa oflcrat. IM IS.I n U on 2M| bvtchm ataadr to II Of mer* Corni I

IK lewfT] faw aow uba tUadr to n er nora l« higher« *K dawBt chokaMMtO Ih. baUhtn ll.i« a (i Ni>. 1 II.I

U «lMaWa M >M Jb. M.W;add aal« madlam n W fl.7)4 r ra d s and lUht w«j(hU ll.0t.1D.00] ao*. II.72H.* IL00.1IM> add baad bear* ^ O .U lJ

~ S l ^ Bhiup I .W i Boaarlr litdlratWt I Itritlr to^'ilUcNMU ^ faadar and lamta rasi tacludM riiht MIU n>IIH ean Coiotadc* hr n il! awaa acarca.44% OUAItA DtMrr IMK OUAnA. SrpL T M>-(USDA)-l{o(iSlK aaUblo 4.H0| tlov. vtrr uarrtn: U4«41U lew«ri bBik choka MO-ltO lb. bariowi <SlK BiHl silU lOJMO) top 11.00 far part d^kt ofIjK jhoka 17W10 I l^ .^ ,l .™ .lr ll.W-JI.00lIIH *Caltia aaJab a M H i calrta lOOi attlra, ea^lliil!!

• I aJSTS^aa^^SJi^MOToof’*- iiUTlol

<1 ' lanha 1L10<71: CBll^ta'^foS aUuihlar ~funj'N”l |o « •« . . 1MWI.00.______jl j? CHICAGO

I H aowo ll.ti-ll.OO. RU PQ}i CalUa aaUhIa I.OOOt ealraa H0| Bilma Kioo JeOJ

s | ssT,:s;.J.t:.:rS™ -iiis:UH Ib. raarlla««tM rallJ048nead.aadahalaa lOOlC ROO

~ V W aUar»-|t.MJ7.U7“ .hoie.-'-f;r-lb.—fctifata- cHSra »U S I U t ; eoBBrreU aows t7.004*J«l bulk ‘ .4(S CBBBar ta stUltr tomt l».0».ttJOl aas. C U _ ^ e4()i narcUI to prlma vtalara 1I.0047M. There

tap JO law«r at >1.111 aholca lIMM lha. SOt p lU tM .io.ti.00. BlAlne

=1^• * lhti^'’WV*.UM!.itT UiBta /BUr lUadr 0* »he*t

IT. wllh 'Wadnatdur-t marktti ahotca asd of peU.pritBa aaUraa ».004q00.____________

Esil Potatoes-Onionsii!?! — - ccCco Big 3 Eiiia ij

" sbpbI I . Ilfhtl d«aaad alawl Buktt WASH:I **‘T»aek *3^?*O00 Ibt.) I Idaha and Owfon ®

Boatala US lA WMhad 4.4<M40, Wath. httVe t« IIH laitoB IliiMtti US lA wathtd aitraa world prt

4 .40^J0| WbaoBtIa PoBtUo US IA R iiuU «| w aaW i« .l,0 » j Triumph. US IA wad«dear a t t.00( BBMaU UB 1 IJO. e lp i BUnJ

naa Stmat aaW <100 1bt.)i UB lA wuhad Wcsten» Idaho. OratoB and WuhlnttaB RomU DiStqeka 4J4M.M: m a d whlltaNtbratka ^A4 ladUaa aad WUecmlB unwaibad 2JM.7II Onln*M-1 n ^ Idaho f ^ at M^i W l ^ l n l ^ J O . B la t^ for>7.0 anU s marktt aboat alMdr for btiL __•*.1 T r ik aalta. ( » fta.). Idaho Bwaat \^ ? ^ o r« i7PJ Spaalth I loth aad Ur«*r I can at 1.00] UUI todflE! sfj,rrjs;-s.-a-i.‘‘.v ;d

~1 S tnat aal« IH Iba.) i klldwaaUm madlum tbClT Xlftt]

X.00I whita. Idaho m«lalB UO-LtO: (tw ChUU.

^ $2,501"5^2 —P o t a to - a n d O n i o n Gl

O o m p u r . Bk* Bid*, Pbone >M) terday In ■«3-W '-------------------------------------------------- “ 'n .m w.i34^Q NOVSUflES ONIONS DUTlker

ll.^ l hUh.-|I.U 'kn>. IU I clotal 11 >SO,OOOda£ ! j O ONIONS -------- -- ti.c i-T .w v'w .w -law .-n.M -»loa.|-ii death OtJ

s sil'iTO ---------KOVMBKUTORrrr»:............. ......... iil

•M ivt .41 hU. affarod at.lMOi aaaalta. LIU Rae♦XJ'XJ; ■ . m d Pat. i*"-®2 "T W ilng 'Is 'IceU fad 'J '^tm clpE tT n^- •prlef-'rtX g J S d m lw . a .y(29.S0 I ■"■ ' -----

111! Twin Falls Ma^ Cholea balih«nf"«W t?lta. _ t» M .l lJ 0 Cn»l Norlh— J • (Taro dtalrr. (piaUd) grtal North

Ko«a. UO-im Iht.------- ---------1-----11 .00 r i n t ^ N ^f S ii f «Bnr«t>.:M i b t ------------ n i* o i’iBi»..Wa.p r ^ Jiac., MMOO lha. ---------------------17,00?! t l LU hl.ow.uBd« 400 1ba.------------- 17.00 R^*. No- I) H - JIaarr aowt. orar 40« Iba. ------------lUOO Rtjit. H a..I. (Ona daalar ovwtad) (FourdMI

u“ l RW41 I Z -------------- I i k 'oOi l a=i-s"iS-iin=r===!i!:S,U tl s u . . (70 Ita. d«h),------------

BVTu" = Z Z Z Z Z Z = r ! i ! : 2d m •‘7 a - . n . «i f s ; y .* ! '" — ! ! i S L '! i j

- w . „ . , .= l2:'J2rr ; i - . ' i - S . S 'A I J - K l l S K X - ' i : £SU’'Sa“* dallr p r l« . M,, Ttrr loTto ll« Lar»a A _

^ asri*.;O.U. ]>M-100 n ^ -____ Ifi? Mtdiuoi n .

rflUdJ POTATOES T r a d .------___. P talOT net ttW lat ptadlat arir « u ^ t<gt.U .W »

............. - ............. - .................. . T

Tpw • ChanF i n a n ce is

I The to:.......... * * • * t e e o f t h

k / ^ • CoaimerciGramaiICAC0,. 8apL t MV-Com Btcad a ChrUtBlK

K-Ron narkat oo tha board ef trad* todar. Uclvlfl

“ • walracU tcorwl naw Maaooal paaki. H eal/'s S tlocktt* **'“• »>arkak look lU <b« from Ballroad.

anf: k; ■■r'*"»•>«*«> • ■'I*'""d fViJK Wbaal cloMd S >0"»r te S h!»b«, findings t<I S f f i n 7 ^ .'l7 's “ 2 u w \ ^ i ‘'fl5S O’hlttiar, 6»pl»mb»r ilH '-rt! wa (n»w ttrla) number fl

bla tap. BxhaBfad t« l i hithar. SapUnbar I.IOH- ' - I t a a ' CBAIN ¥ > - ^

BDA)— FUTURES TADLB In j were1 andll CIIICACO. Hapt. 7 tflv - KoUtDlk. '. . . , . _ _ o»«» »■«»■ ____ CIOM M n ._ Jp h

. Bapt J.4J54 *.4« UVI, t l H ?«°«7 AlDm 2.« Z.4«» X.U1;, Ll il Jones, R..J!*: : i i t s J H S J. M. M=:a. i i i i!£& • i ls i;u!{ IiiiaM.r i.Tiii 1.711, i.«% i .« 2 Mr*. J. Julr i.uvt I.7«ii 1.715. i.7i(i and Leo

s s s r ' s ’* s*S3J: s;; :!;!■ :!!« :!!;• S5 “"“ '.I; ■ i : K ' - i V K . w - s l . ■“ •“ ■ C o n -

1: ; ^ ! j i u !:!!« j i K'SSfSoaS'Bapt 1,17 i.«7 - i . r I.U the JeromB« _______ i.7i*i day a f t e

trad Ib KANKAH CITT KANSAS CITT. Bapt. 1 UT>—Whaatl 41

ftn at e irt; Ue lowar to 1 hlihar: Ne. 1 h.rd day... Thedr bat and d.rk IMS to IL11>U: No. 1 Smith WillBdlow |«i 10 i:.J « « : No. 2 r«l «.»» to — ' t* BBd ll.tti,N : No. 1 12.11 to IM 7^N | Bapt. faaM M H Ttalan «.«*;. D«. I2.HH, M.r I t l l . July

12.IIS.f men Corni « e ra : nnnlnallr <ie lo-tr to r n an le Miher: No. 2 whlu ll.7 t^ to ll.ISN;.loa li No. 1 ll.tIH to II.94N I No. 2 r a i l ', andBatom » W IJ.7J to IJ.7JM ; J If.#}*; ce

bean b . t t ' i j n n : Ue towtr to Ue hifhtr;U » .« .

aTiht MIlA malta 12.10 to ll.UN. a. K.llr IM I to tl.4«N.

lira II.«t lo 1I.70N.D.n«r I1.:« to II.21K.

-H m ■

NEW YORK, fifpt. 7 «V-E.UBuUdiVoo! “ '*• "» .«* PoUBd.;•11.001 610.000...I I . . Jutorta clo.od .1 of a « n l (e 10eaBU low*r; Oct. 111.0; Oae. U U ; M.r«h

U.OV. 1.4 lowrr; 0«u SOt.ttl; Dtr. IM.uRi h ilr o«V"i97oii'"''

S h S r "liMl'ld^^ N S g in .u r*

Ssr Grops-on-Leased-----------• A Land Look Good

RUPERT, S ep t. 7—Crops o a the prime 5,100 Jeajcd Bcrca on the pumplnj:

division o t th e n o r th side extension ehalaa _10ClC good -th is VCftT, ^ b a r t^ P r l{ i -

cHara,'bureau oT reclam ation agri- ^ culture engineer, so ld Friday.

«. There are 1,260 acres o( poUtoes,*«?.' 3,400 acres of aeed peas, <0 acres of 1.D0. green peas, iSo acres of sugar beets,

370 acres o f barley. CO acres of pinto beVtii and 40 acres of oata, Pritchard said. A pproxltnntelj: 200 acres were

0 lha. s o t planted, h e added. ~Blaine Hodges. Rupert, had a yield _________

S — Iof w heat to th e acre and 44 bushels ■

asd of peaa. M acM artln , Burley, had a • ■ grtea pea y ield of three tons per Bcr6. '‘Prltchard~8a ld *a bumper crop*

g o l poUtoes Is expected. ■

- Big 3 to Discuss---------- 1•ff 13 Big Problems m« k rt WASHINOTON, Sept. 7 MV-The M___ ITnlted s u te s , B rita in and Prance M lv2S£ have, agreed to discuss 1« urgent W l ntraa world problems, nearly all Involving

R uu la , a t nex t week’s blg.three for* _elgn m inisters conference. ■

ukad W estern O erm any. Spain, the ■“ y “ lU U aa peace trea ty and communist ■4.11, China are am ong the key issues ■ -IJO. slated for study during tho four>day

8e ia 6ropcrirh irh i« > "R t6iiafty.-------- ------------^SvMt ' Xfilormed officials who disclosed f l 2.001 th is today sa id th e th ree ' foreign

ministers aUowlU consider Joint eeo- .* nomlc and poUllcal'rnoves to protect ^

■diem tbe lr na tionals behind the Iron cur-<B<h tain, both In easte rn Europe and red

: 'i p Chink ___ _____________: ,

■"'* $2,500 Damages n Granted by Jury J

BOISE. Sept. 7 OJ-fD-John Dunker.WeUer. was aw arded >2.500 by a .

Ad federal district court Jury late yes- IN) terday In h ts dam age suit agalnit 1— I the Union Pacific rallroa'd.

Dunker and h is sons had asked ■1 It *50,000 damages In the ir suit against

the railroad tn connection with thodoath of M n . D unkcr-Juns 2 1 .-JM 0 ..------ !------- -a t a grade crtM lng near the Dunker farm four miles n o r th ea it o t WelJtr,

■ HAOHu I a n I ^ ^ p l " '?— i r .a n d Mra. Olen Bell. Hazel Bell. Mn.LIU nae Moore a n d sons ^UchBel jHrand Pat, a ttended th e Thacker an^ :|{A.

Tn^" ■ p r ie t~ 'rtu n io n r"a r H eM rr^TJtan.i — 'tiiLabor day. ' ;^b

------------------------------------ ---------------------- ils

d ls M a rk e ts || [nEANS i;°'

llJO Craat Kerlham. Xo. I .Ittfl Ills Great North.rB. No. I — ^^E| |

.....♦ nn • LIVE roULTRTr w Colored fowl. 4 Ita. aad o»»r----------- JJt(I Le«horB fowl. 4 lha. aad o r tr ---------- l»ft ti» While. 4 Ita. and o n r --------- TOct oo Colortd iprlnxa----------------------------- :Jrrs — '—— It- s l/**hMii foeka......... ......... t< S Q

LM I RulUrfat --------------------------gOQ No. S HutUrfat He .

I 1 9 1

S V !____ : = : — i e o 6 ki

cU. ?L-

/ ■'


Chamber’s Okay Pastor _____ Is Given to Pair _Resi{

The soUclUtloa eontrof'commlU ' R U ^ T . B tee of the Tw in FalU Chtmber.of M c a u re . - p u Commerce has glren blue cards to church fo r (IHarry L. Stradley seUlng D-Prost-O. realgned lo tMalic and to Michael Beran' aelllng C entral Chrl

e<*i a Christmas cards. e re tt. W ash, todar. Melvin K . Ainsworth's sale of Tha R ev . U

.“ 'J w K entcraft hosiery for men and J . s . to R u p e r t fn , H ea l/s sale of advertlilng In the served a yeai, from Railroad Journal did not recelve'the n a U conventT "» • approval of th e committee, church a n d t

The committee li now sending lU com m ittee onhifber, findings to m em befrty bulletin ra th . ta le m a thirhar, c r than postcard becauie o t the CTiristlan chu

.1 rwu.,1,. . s<|'u*S,a“S

P a ik in g F ines 7 ^ —W. City pollce collected « 8 In pa rk . V - / I . C l kJ feed Ing fines Thursday. ■

Paying 11 each for overUme pa rk . 1Ing were C. L. Oentry. Mn. James W A N TKoutalk. C. O . Case. CUreoce Nye, '

_Cl0M Mn,_Jphn_Edwjir_d3. A w l_H U l. <P.»ii£lj♦ i i; Henry Askew. Ray lineob , j . R. i g j . —~ —2.4 y Jones, R..Holderrted. Larry Walker. • dua Z I ^!•« g J. M. Morrison, Sheryl ^ h a r d . (a aialm.mM 2 Mrs. Roy Stanger. June Bennett. ib anr one ci.

™ Home Lunmber and Coal company. For w w c1.71 Young's Dairy Products company Z -SS h Z J I '.‘•US snd R. 0 . Mathers. ■ ____»« T*{•^2 Mrs. J . K . Bailey, R. Schmoger _____I.71K and Leo Whitehead paid t2 each ------

;o r im proper parking, while John — ----------^•* '» C. Aahworth paid M fer overtime . u H S '" ? ” ' : • § Pricing In a loading rone.

Conference Slated• i r j ^ Titers c o n ie ^ c e or iSe'^ldaho tSITw ^ T

Methodist church will be field a t tSfi, .u ' the Jerome Methodist chureh Mon- . “d 7 . infcn^i.7i>i day a f t e r n o o n through Friday rasard u, tha

mornlag. tho Rev. J. D. Crego. pas- _ „•ti 41 church,' announced Pri- 1, llw S2 h.rd day ...T h e Rev. Dr. RockweU C. lJ in * ih .S « . No. 1 Smith will be the to% ’ir

•tr leg you sa the fa\


t h e N.— ------------------------------------------------------------------------

______________ ^ I R B A M

I Submigrl-





----------— QUIET-(youca

S; AA Sfoinless Steel K MULTI STAGE


^ -------0Nt¥-O N E-R<

i? S NO RODS OR'lect

and CAIr y W E - R E A L L Y - B I

s i I S N O T H I N G C


i J ' . ' / 2 »“ 'I ■ 8 0 ' LIFT — 3 0 I

~ ||!« 120 ' U F T — 3 0 L

160' LIFT — 30*1,

I I i R E A S O N A I

S i ^ - ^ W H Y % b

f f i - ‘ ' 1

I U ' FAIRBi- • " s u b r

l l t o g e r s F (£ 1806 KIMBERLY ROAD _,, T-lj——

^ W l N - F A L L g . I D X h O - ; —

P a s t o r in R u p e r t ^ l i B r T S ^f r j ! e . s i g n s J [ i 8 j ^ o M c S ^niu RUPERT, B ept 7 -T h e R e t. John iFt.scER c d 5 «

of M c a u re . pastor of tka Chrlatlan cardBtr. t i i ’i n I to church fo r (he last alx years. Has-O . realgned lo became pastor o f th c "i^ ^ co.stact aUng C entral Christian church In Bv- EtfS* ?, ,!ind 5

e re tt, W aah. wedattdtr at uof Tha R 45T. Mr. M caure, who came A...»t ticnh.8. to R u p e r t from Red Bluff, C a llf , took eid

the served a year as president o f th e ~ the s ta te coavention o t the C hrlstlao n,oM :o2 or «i

church a n d waa a member of the s.nrir«. J«rewt. 1 . Jls com m ittee on recommendations of — ith . ^ e IntemaUonal convenUon of . . n v n r r the ChrlsU an churches.------------------------------------A T T E

He w as acUve In civic work. Boy ScouU a n d Uie CAP while In R u- O W N !

----------------------*a------------------- Clciirc(j D

«. C l a s s i f i e d . S - ” ’r t . I . I . . . 1 ,111 f>ii pi««« WANT AD RATESm i .a w o _ m .c u s to

m . .............'VAYNEird. (A nlalrBsm et 10 -ordt U raoBlrad PHONIett. IB ear ena cltulfltd ad.Inv. For n .n a lt. tr* ubl. talosi 'my I j.d a r_ n ^ ar ,jx « ^ d .n ^ CHIROPI

- ^ 1 -------h ^ r n — f!io ~ l^ 2:TO“ d r. o b. Jo.iiwaa

ihn _1 2_I—I __!__ U.l» Hnrlh. PkoUbIbo rear erwlll hu bt*s e.Uth

" lUhed. caah max .ecoiap.Br rear erdtr. T RA V EL-DEADUNES for Cltullltd onln * ___Mondar-t Adt-1 ^ ai. S.lurdire Cl.AKK SllLLI IC C

TuMdin thwush rrldtrt Otubtr u- I p. m. Dtr Dtfore laiertloa

In. Bundart-1 P- p . Salurd.ra _______ B E A U lJ

.j?u:r..TM ';: 'vsiTss.'ii s; '■ “H ISS";

Erran ahooll ta taportad laiatdUi* CO>4l’l.t7t~>>a.Bl» Ir. Ke alloatncM will ta oiada for .uidttu at r a ^

C. toen thaa eat iBcorract loMrtioa. daali work fraa.w.rtfc 11.00- ntal

'i saw it at f a i r ------

IE N E W! B A N K & M O R S E





IT—(you can hardly h e a r it run)

less Steel & Bronze ConstrucI







0 ' L l ^ — 3 0 LBS. PRESSURE — 3 9 0 GAU PH

0 ' LIFT — 30*LBS. PRESSURE — a o GAL. PH



FAIRBANKS-MORSEsubm ersible at

s Farm Sto---------------•• ......................................... TV

— ^ ^ ^ — — t -

.................... ■■■ S " " .............


f TOOK eld™ rrtoUt IbU a~M* la* n e EO a( j - Halah t^m rbone lot or wrlu UalUd MaUna. t»I«ie _S.rr.ra. Jtre-t. Idah^ -------- fAlNTIhC.of I I and Whralrr. Ptai

-a t t e n t i o n


_ Cleared Desert Land CUSTOM b.llBr a ^ hjMrrt’A an rpwirtunltr for roa to maka • or 4CI North w.tait

la tprlnx ior «ldlUoB.I ItOO Ttil-H. _I-AI^EIIIIAKOINO. P»>ALSO DO CUSTOM UWP PLANWO lihlt^ ^Wo'k f° jr .

' WAYNE BAUER cu^m ,h»rPHONE 17M-J ?uJI, ‘

I WANTWli Cm*' - Riolhcil<e. homt b» ICHIROPRACTORS

DIL D B- JOIINSOn. l t l Tblrd Aveaaa nmnd. (ureltli eWnUml TtUphoB. 111. Artnue lj»l- 7*hen

NEitVC ipacliutit. Dr Almt Uardla. 110 UUU,[)0I1NC,» N.'rlh. Pboat n i l work, tuWolIinf .B

T R A V E L -R E S O R T S i 'S V '" '. ! '™ .." ;CI..I.K ...t-Lt., C .. . . y > U.I

Ottotar U. ioi lntorH..UoB n il SOT.

. BEAUTYSHOPS ^ n ^ r otiViT

1'hy.”2iSt.M.*'1iV'Z-B.t*r:* lost andCOMl'Ut-ie oBdan taanu ttrrlea br a». ■ otV

pert epcr.un- MKhlatlta. trA eold tOSTi am.ll cate ef k• • .a 11.00 us. AnulU Ot«iitr Baton. rhoot !2!0.

COMI'Lb-Tt:~i>aaBlr ttrrkt *r adroacad aTllAYia) Olt STOLK;tuidttu .1 radaead pflcta. JsBlor itn- r»ra and .rourWdtou -e«k fna. Muhlatlau and eald hair. Aniwcrt -Uurp\

J w.rte. 11.00. ntaatt ArU Andemr. Jlw TTiomwon. I ha

from c.r MHiUwr.1 TWO htlt. BB .Ida f< ward. Dare llantli

^ m P.IU or 0I7.IU. JtiT

T / H T SCHOOLS &/ > i J L L UAIR STYLISTS an 1:% / I ' . Yeo c.a,ba«».aB a

_______________________ ____________ _BBraaosrttfal aad iBd rooratll for n*natr Artt Aeadtmi


EXl'KlUEHCKD w.iina / " ' , “

MI»DLr.-AGKU Ivlr for for l>e ak^nlr ^ « e.ri‘ r.rk Hold'

]|OUSi:KKEFb» le- Ukii W K d E ----------------------------a'?M«"hW

TboB. OIM-IU. Jtn Phont 1101-M. Twia )

' 7 7 HELP WANTEg CXl'EIUI^CED a ^ * *

— —.U R E S Y S T f M - “ i S w ' H

houtlnf. Job an Reat

M G -F O R - ,....wool (trrstBt prtaMr.


. . . Enperler Lubrica tiot

dead a«rnlan. 1<----- ^ -------- ------------------------- ------------- .T"~Appl»


___ ___ III ltd Art.

3aritrun) — . ' :^ I TIIK It. r. GoonniC o n s t r u c t i o n ? S V S ‘- S


! D l l k i D CLUDCS GENUIAL■ r,E S “SS.


T H E W E L L■ ■ 1 1 . »T a .h . ta WHOLESALE SELUUEIlClIANDlSmn.

- p ^ D - x ---------------------- --------- -JSg.SS5ffilS,W■ ■ u. r. GooonicH i



COOK for thcap ranch t


-maturrd contldtn).

T H E R E ---------------- J S i i E ENorlh. Fhont 7IQ.J <

■ M A R K E T " 1 1 ^

r tOU^8AI.Bi t:«ulpn»at

— L .MODiaiN Phllllf.J-«»- .

/ I P L E , , I S i Bnnlalt. Modern haut<

■ m«IUu peufiilon. Uoii l l I MAN OK WUUAN t .■JL1_ ___•_____ _ -iU. !T-S.!S'»;- 4 9 0 G A L. PH K .'.,S ‘ "S ' f f i a ; *

Writ, no, (.A, Tlnr..>-390 GAL PH ----- a o G A L. PH _


C E D T O O _____


rludrt -r«l ttUla and Write P.O. a

Eal!^. Ide

i O R S E

I a t I . BRICKY/rvilnt an oetlltnt bsi


- ■ . - ^ i > T T O n r -

, -------------- — U -------------- -------------------------------- --

........ _____________________I ^ A T . 8 EPTlCTn.|


P ' - - -ciTLiu-

ss.n-ju''■jnna*i^Mwlnf. rh raa '.OIO-J. .RAY JIA]4UD a ^ . 11 *“ I-lMoIa

.-SM f ■^la 'rS u .--------- ------ ^

iS rw T J L BUHL c o n J 4 CONSTRUCT

$ F i 7 i i r ^ r v 3 5 ^ : B u h u S■AI EIIIIAKOINC. p.IalliW.

------ fu r n ish ed^

/AS-TUli Ctt" cooklB*. hoUl. ^Unrant. North. Ttllif” ',*^g .risa-TV.siS'j;.""—- ' s s i s s r s - a : g j g g r !s-a ■ULLUOKING, l.nd larcllnc. earrrall

S S l i S t e :

clover and all.Ifa »w«C Call 0»7.Il« aarlr *1*- mori>ianorOt7gi^ McCUIa and Boa, U(JHI hou.ekw.L . ..TT

tilSi:-----------------------------------------^ ~TJHra«~iilh.' « iiu i£^LOST AND fO U N O n i t ,* . '. " " . i t s

OSTi am.n cate ol ke,.. L ltanl nwtro.

rilAYia) Olt STOLKNI Small while f c rhetit OH.BII, m .n l^hUck nra and arotind r ro . and Ull. lonr ^hair. Aniwen -Murphr." M tanl re-.rd. ~Jim TT-ompton. I'hon. 2H0.H. _ H.«0 A BIT UDEL t l AuUBialk WInehaUr 13 taktn Btt waUr ht»i.¥S : hVl-TB .IdT'fe'r .•'cZ"ll“oo* TOAILS a s w,w ari Due llantlnf. O llJJI. Twin ^f . iu or 0I7.IU. Jemma. Frank Sehear. ' C llpM K M ifrt— g - ^

SCHOOLS & TRAINING /t-AiuMk^T ^ ~AIR STYLISTS an la tea iun t deatad. Boad. Cltr hta. ' yoa MB hmsit aB «»art Daiatklaa la •■m i.n-riut n.L. 1 ^ aa tnuUaijr ttart l ^ e w ^ jw a^jill. ,,SnU?JlSa"5?l"“aBd liSiPDdtBT atena.,rosntll for a lacraUra ai^ < B ^ U atcaratr aow. Dob'I Otiar—rarell.IW ar. CLUHE W. twe ma.,Bnatr *rU Aeademr. TMrd Artnu. Wml

HELP WANTED— FEMALE 7!^*pt,l‘?H.’9UNU wemtn^fffr^ounula work.

ANTCUi EtWltnrtd walCraM. A p ^ * »»■*la pttioa. Cllr C.Ie. I l l Mala AtaOM »0 tnd Am . t N.nh. tKatl.___________________________ LAUOElrooBo, I’.n jjtSCl'ElUEHCED W.llrt.!, full or part _talh..cloae In. 1» Atk.time. Applr la penoo. Itacaraoa Coffae 4 NICE room., prlr.u Utt,Shnp-___________________________ {"" '•‘wL /dm t. ptri i:irjDLE-AGKU Ivlr for Usht heOMkttplai _for )we tkletir pwpla. Can lire 1^ AVAILAUIX launtdUlelT, i

- r im F S i S r S r i S r i S ” 'u n p u « nisheI)■I»ttfl«uiM«f*ltelifn.—Bwm-ttniUStd.- I.ROOIT'apartBtat.'iJj *■ TboBt OIW-IU. Jtroma. arealata. ac Lakta South.Phont IIOI-M. Twin FalU befora 1. _ ATT8ACT1VE Bodtra I »

HELP N ^ NT E D -M A L ECl-EllIiaiCED opentor waBt«l fer ttrr- ATtnue E«iL________Ice tUllon In Goodin*. Eaeellant loca- i.RnoM modern duslx. u t ^ ^ I t . lartBtorr. WrtU Boa 41. Wctl. Thene "

UUilEl) B..B. .n..ll f.milr, fer r ~ r I . RQOMS aad baUuwfc ~ round work. Pr.fer Irrlfator. Good _Ukj._lkal.YaH awilk. n loutlnf. Job on RcMworth irKt. Con- DASCMENT aptrtanl. a :act £< iiecurllr A(*n«r. FhoB. Will rtnt to wertl.r lUr.

MIKDIIOOM etfanbliid w H JIAVi; an epenlns for OBa czptrltnetd wnthle. Heat. h« w.tor,

* g a t

z<ptrltnct<l 1Lubrication M an tjeor. ll 'n t and w.Ur a

Oood aarnlan, IH d .r week llh ..enu. omL 1I17».— - . • . " ApplJ- “ a S 5 « I | . ^ AiTS


"■ ____________ a j .NEWLY dMonttd apanaa

~ elMttla tura. het wattrt

ays & ,a°vs g8!j!-ssiOUNO MAN. rilOl’EKLY QUALI- FURNISHED Hv

LUDES GENUIAL .SERVICE. EX- Artflu. WwLEKIlgJCE NOT NECESSARY BUT PARTLY furaUhtd ItttttIKLI’ L . AITLICANT UUBT nE ]rd ATtnue Wttt. 'fiUUSTHIOUS AND WILLING TO r iinnu-----TT---- ,,._hg.'o‘, a ° f f i “?o’s p c K S 7 » ° i - ■ g i y . . . ' ; 3 aWHOLESALE SELUNC . It E T A 1 L ONE-IIOOM houtt, .ta lEIlClIANDlSmn. AND CREDIT B.m.r. Slreet. Keglh F|j N° MIOO M tnidtrn^hw aha . r. GOOOniCH com pany , dU i.»nnM"r,?.«i.k S Ain A vm ni: CA»T. T w m .r^L U . “-'.‘.“ I K S f “ A ™ V l ______________________________ No chlldrwi. < m .

- HELP WANTED— s m a ll t a ^ ai. MALE & FEMALE ! : T i m ^ h r a « ‘-hSJ

>K for theep ranch at Muldoon. IdUxk TWO-IIOOM ■p.rtisnu, f>.11 HI7.W. I l l Itta ATease Eatt. Un. cooklnr. U lkU .?^ 'win r.lli-______________________ WMk. AUo ene tadnoaN AND WOMEN w.ntad Inmwll.Uir —ElSiSU-SSSi----—^I tr.ln for noul mtBastment. O i^ UNFURNISHED r


orlh. Fhon. 7IQ.J or 1H.R._______ MODEHN . l.bedroo<B. BafWUKKN Chr.ron f . i ' tutloa fer.lMM ■ C.II 2IH-M. Twla TalU._

J>Ua.^B»aa«naM* SMALTTBIOStni h«.t. altet;nU Ctll Vic niflet. fiUnd.N Oil ef nl.htd. Phon. 7I1J w J

: . " uk, ■ « i „ „ . “ S j r r ' r g . *

2; "1:: ’■ sr .V ’S " .."

I l ' r S l i . S S f ; . ; * - " - ' ' " ' g w ‘S i , S . _luoT . . . . I . ' u . l ,. .. . MISC. fOK «1

B. PMUjj^aiip.n.m (a r.r. or fall C.1. Ap.ll.M * ^ ^ r » ^

'Ci?-FlS"'n?‘Z s 5 rlOD STOB&-Crec*ir and Baati. IDABO

K.L, JENKINS Phone 71 **” " tooh'b ^!'

B A R A N D -L O U N G E ]

l*0 T O lw «n > « ^ 2 drt Y««l ««ui. md ln»rntor7. nrethcra. P" " * * , ^

Write P.O. Box «97 "lln.™ .. aad raftrtani.

IDAHO Powtr f J ^ ^ I l-h^drooBi home W

------------------------------------117M1._______________ -—r«o-U0 ACRES. OWB t j l ^

■nd nfrrtntta.

B R IC K Y A R D '“ 'M b N ^ V gn t an aetllent buixtek ShouU ,■■„d.” i;5idU“.‘Bd";tr„ui“p m « r ,4 i . i d a h o f i n ^ ®th. raatoD.hlt price ef IK.OOO.OO. LOANSr tenn.,, *

OW YHEE R E A L T Y S S m "‘“i jS M-----------ri,..-. (I, ' o in b ifH U C T .'"

Boise. Idaho C » .r t

A T i ^ s ^ F T E a a ^ j

USINESS O P ^lawEsa baildijrTrr-E^

WELL-IX^ATEDa Twli r .iu v-l.. *

in .w ST 'J

.r a y MANhII North L laci,

b u h l co n ^ & CONSTRUCTION

F o r Sale' AT b a r g a in PBia

f k e d ■k a T l m sBuhl, 1,1, 1,,

-FU R N ISH ElfT BAKUA4II. cJoM U. i S n od.Ar«,u. N tru.‘*-“* g >

tAiH tloker hnt! .STTtc»«Ber. Pbon. ;iieh **" ^ XUOMS. Blet), r.nee. 7<l 2nd A ./tT * lULt and dnble bedTS:

S i r - ' ' S

H r I t f ^ l ^ e S 5 ^ ^ 5 5IhAMnaeEuL ^VB p rln i, room |.>r aUerlr pmen tr hMiu oard and rooa weeklM i2. hen. Olt-Rti. **

11.00 A WT n tl waUr ht.1, ^

T f t* m o B iiCTn

JK N lbH bU AfAkThin

IHE W. twe IMM. (tre.A hlrd Artnu. Wm . " DEItN 2 m ai. ckM iT^ rptrmber 7. Till}(JM apariani,pHrti.Ua«oiBta trtftrrtd. Ph«« m lOOMa. Adalu. 8tM ■0 2od A m .t Korth.

i ;m !

VILAUIX lBUntdUl.lT, M tat wlU ator*, nfrlmUiri

u N f u r NisheI)}?

;s ra r" ™ “*'mCTlV^Bodtra I

^ M r » ^ t r . . .4.!. .a!,; rtflue EaiL

eti. Phene 21l»W. 3BRN.-X-»om».-*rtnfc klk, 21 llh Avrnue Eatl.)E11N 1 room., ctat U. n 101 7th Arena. EuL

JOMS aad talhfMo. atlm ■ket lloaltT.H aeglk. rWw .CMENT aptrtanl. alM lllrenttowertl.rlUr. U vDIIOOM et(«TBbIiid ifUl n.hle. Heat. h« w.tor, 1 lOMlUfltrKlf’ML '~DOMS. lU frlttnte. IM ■ ,ofl. Il»7lt.DOMS,- modm. nllaa M KT. l i n t and w.Ur fo)*» .renu. omL 1I17».

io o B tl.rem Alrcttela i.kle, Inauln IM lEIlN p.rUr laraWMtIa rnt Ib ntw boat. h t« Klltnt lonHen. AWa-lrLY dMOnttd aptRM- ettle tura. bel wtttr tot im i W ar IU UatthB

.NISHED cahla for nt> •

TLY fnraUhtd Itto i >I ATtnue Wttt. ' lOM BlMlr forBkktd^ mth. Inquire 1C2 -ROOM howtt, .ta aM mtr. Slrwt. Kealh PH*- -

OM tumUb*d hnitt.cW^CallbcfcnlOa.».«rtBI chlldrwi. < m .LL Bwdera tau«. a » 1.00. Geed Iwallea.

MIOOM ip .rtonu , W

nherlr Road._________

Ll. houtt. ealuhle I« "

EH N .l.bedr^1 2I11.M. Twla Tail*.

h ^ r W e T l J Oftf

DIIOOM modm taa*_ t hr watk or ooBth. IB

■ i s tD i i c w T o s r ?» o boo... Bot aud-* •

“ M " s c 7 7 f i i n r o


( j t e b 7 ° ' ^- tto. 1.A Tlmt«3j» rt IW acn two

BocU I. T^iii a fo" 1*0 wllk P ^ ^ , Bca aad raftnaeta. »•

0 Powtr f«f»“ * , ^ * drooBi hoBt hrIJL______ -—r

ACRES. 0 * J J S T

d a h o f w ^ ______ L O A W


Page 11: · 2014-12-12 · f ---------- — -----------------,:^ N0; olidLine )f Non-E I 'o G K T r (irRANCISCO, Sept 7 (/P>—Indoncaia

FA R M S FOI* I _ | | , | | I llll ~ 'r ^ e f c I»«1«-IM ■»•'• M,oo« DOWH J

- j— , M A ^ ^ r r . m o^ ^ ^ r t f f l t k . c S * b i t J ^ ’'.'«l»Sl»*• • I - mail rouu. «I»««klW.—T < rrW t. I*0W> fer ImmrfUU »»I.. -i S * ! » - *’" ” '“ ’■ , . r . onA V E


I ffrooK JU S s rS '^ i" * s o w cn o p

*** Wtadtll lewnilti. 2 fc'■ 0 _i^TTfarMW. irs « inpt hril. C«x

floor <f»j". ipu^ olUr, Urn. ibm^ ^ jy L .a S«pUmb«> »• tulldlnn f»>r. UO utUm jS* ! — k—. w.iTS dMlrtd.' Thli Urm <

•»«. e « l . . » b . !«..>,» • “ J ^ S f l . J all* »«<“»'.

______________ CATTLE J-**- DAIRY RA(B E IC K H O M e ! ; ! . , " . ' . - . r . S - ;" . , hooiM. I oie>0««i. C<K^ H, *tucl>*d barn, hindir* 4> <»»>.

g ; s . ; 3 » - ! r ; !

mNB 0390-R3 u , „ w .n J .a °?1? J" ' dIuhM ftnc^.

i S S l p e t e r sR E A L ES^

^ A * m 'E R Wendell. K[H O ST BA N l^ Phone -16

g Capln Ajency

- J ^ " ' BEAL ESTATE"i CITr LOTS. VIelOfT »ul~

OHM u « u p . , ,,- i .

“ K ? ? ^ .bi1u ao®* fuf .nxjn .'’" ’i.i)>««•• Ili.MS- »U;Vtr hf«l. Biclil c»bl«^ lim H«Ib *»•. 8. p i t ,

r w l» I WILL YODI_ **"**{1* {i*”"

<,E“ > E it.*5i5bn.«“ )'t*™*. S e rv ic e AgiUDI|l»lt«>. I brir*omi. <U B«lh

*sd f»«. ■1 .1 ^ >1U»- .o caaJO N E S H A Y , GRAINhiliWTml rhoin »U WIIIK TIKO •tri« Jor l<

> nutr. fU tUrriten.— g x c ic YALLCt HUIllU

____________________ I b.rlr. CU r» lj«^ . HPKKU Krlnilinc aiul boIm

CUTE Miiiir, Co. ri.0... tm------------------------------- rseD-tTiD4iBi-ii*Bi>*^, ft, . «,plr. * ro,*.. full P^on. ITtt.n c, C.I.-J7ul« lu<««. Iiraer. BALED ~ t . and -h » tm tn n i aed a «ondar(iJl balr. I'hona U-J12. f tU. 4«.B p.7Tn.M aad «H>h.______________

' ■ .FA R M IMPLEi

I - F A L M E A L T Y -KSUBANCE CO. Phon» i . m . n „ . n.Insu Eail Phon. l l » CAfiK A-« coisHaf, 0____________________ aHathmii'U. I nut tit

- VAQ TKACTOK »ll)i b«n_____________________ U n M »lU{ha»»fc Cin.-------------------------------- nirr._______________

Ban# Ne»r t^ o iNTcnNATioNAi.Ito lD School r-

!Twdri'rT>''hVm.V l” il k l « " INTEllNATIONAL tc ^ l i »ilHDr dl»Uaci to lo w far htan l~Jrya»t.

Home Near vac ' cakk iriwior aixi” Ittniiloa-BffiBoI----------------a>r-sir„5ir-Jra-K»ia--

i S S i t a . " " ' ou'i- T rn 'ro .? %EEN'S A G E N C Y S * " t".Kti fWiia-Twtn rilU----- - JiM.-U'“ » - s r ’ii.ii' .'T Si.i'- . I— _mllM_w2lj;M22:dln£^

?SA N CH S T Y L E I ..............HOME .........‘" ' . S . ' " .

TerUbla Cellar I'ou: bx nea vlih n i l ti I’oUte i‘ll«r

, PorUbl.;Sort

. ' s i T i . r t Hi"hC , . . a lE a . . .

D O U G L A? BEDROOM M A C H IN E S>; Cl»» la. IU, furnaca tad ‘®* *"* *’"* •iwd htf at M400. ” '

C^E. A D A S IS . . u eE D MACHn

*** Ona 8r-» Caia Cnmbln* Ona M.J CaJ» ComWo*

I---------------- Ona Modal M Comblaa^ r o n SA1.E o . . t3 S " , . , mo- Hod.I.A, m e Tractor

L o p p o r t u n i t yWISCONSIN MO'

Mabo'a mnat fcrlllaW o o d R iv e r Im '

I. I r i J I^ ^ X i^ j_______C A T irm im

I----------------------------" •« TrinV r.ldtiT,.^ Ona MlnnaapolU-aollr* (

5jJ>Bm'S0N AGENCY On. Caij^ ComblM..rr»4 ^ *■ > ‘■out t » .r„clnf- ---------------------------------- Ona Olhar TO Tratlor

-----------------------------Ona Oll»ar lO'Tracl«r

p a r s u a l u e s - | s i . r i r 'MO A rn ro __ _ _ _ llollovtr S^raprr

------ M O U N T A I■I» i c i 5 i ----------------- S T A T E S n i P L IJTiSm'” m J:« f td A.a. Soulh

^ s u r a n c e CO . r iu ^ . m h,«i a .*'” »• Eaii j ,y BUadard and Swlojlaf

nE C T L lrT E— _______ WINDBOWEI

’'w o p T A R j i —^ “ ••10 aem at n.W «f hir»aallft« kaaU.

P'-«=cU»a, > •‘o* roUlo Bulllnr Dll ■ D i« .ra ..m ,

< u i ': « ■i’ .ar VoUSH:” >«r s rc a n , E Q U IP J

' Ga l l e y f a r m a n d w e l d i n g

~ i - iV E 5 T 6 iK i . Hs t o c k f a r m V/F.AKm P(I.. TI..iT.>rt. *»

c ; ~ .1 i s t . i'»— »■»»■ " ° .° , ! iy S a ,T J '.V A

g f V A L L E Y ' ■ ‘ J " ^ l E N l C O R P ‘‘‘ ‘•e* 1«# •P ' JIIJ Of Dac-UUi, |:D ba«d. OlPUl

'* 1 ^vrnlnii ■— -SO liDOU «hll* faca aound

J AaUa. IJUtUoei,

FA R M S FOR S X U UVESTOCK » P n i• rrTt't.A L i.„„nfit. Ir, „■ -

r g . ^ r . S ' K K - l . ' rbglMJap. a«b#oI btu. ullk touu. brt~;is, p,rouu. i i i^ k l t r . TbU »la<* prlcad Is m t. >, nunnadlaU aala. - _________P. O. GRAVES & SON

rhona 111 ^* ^ S/U.I tIaUuiB tinn.

------------------------------------------- , . . ^ n

BTOOC AND }'-j *ui Ent/Ma«'.ctr •itiloaSO W cnO P FARM oi.Mi,ura*. fnll naUr ri*it.^n« of •* HIISI ami *0(111(1 caiJ I

•tda'a b«t rincbw. Doidarlac -.Cuirei., 4 bnj juiiIII townilta. J fMd fceua*. mod. _■"'» »lll ftaih.n .n„n. | 'k>'ir»pt hfal. C«od cortala. lanta OAIIKH aiidla hor» »nolUr, barn, nathlna ahad, olhar Aralim crioiti*. |i : i m ' 7DI* fair. UO ealUa »railnf. JU»ht ■J«rfim>. i,!,),n q, i;;.,*Ir«l.' Till JTm «BUlu X lu ilu r ^ • '"b i.jmtr b . boutbl Kpar.1, 1,. '

_ rh ,.i . :c ;jiv ni«r, ti.i-,CATTLE AND . ‘'“"I’'"! >'•

DAIRY RANCH «“‘-lera., M cuUl.aW. balan<. paa. a W ^ . V11 f*«t frra waUf. T»a »oo<J >all. im.

I. I ^modarn. C«d^ taaani flaor -----

| K “ 'S i,5 S '^ S JS ^ 'vJJIIklntakotlborn. Pboaa II■OOOD 80 ■

WanJtll. Full »alrr riiht. all -----I l!o.l»rn limuf twr.. —rajta. Crayry a n»UhltJi,n houaa. !' . —

F W C E S ^P A liP E T E R S O N F o r D E A D nnd US

R E A L E S T A T E A N I M A T 'W tnatll, ia .h o m N l iY lA L . .

Phont <B!1■ — I. ... I T«i> rtju Hi

>L ESTATE“ f OR s a l e ■ ID A H O H ID ! DTS. Vloorr aulMll.Ulo- No doTn & T A L LO W Cnt. U rtr wub. Cen Trallaf Co. L ——

WHY RENT? ________________PETSdo»n and mo.a Into Ihla »-b*<l. , bKSlALi; Slarana kliuni. l:( he™ HUl itn. full hanm«flt. 0H«-II1,

£ S r - " " = -WILL YOD BELL ENCLlbU u,iu« ,i«d«,

i’/ ; k K , / ‘s . f « v s ; ; |r , i VI . , ONK KtilALL minscaa. >:0.'R e a l E a tn to • n»nh US«r Caml I'hn-

S e rv ico A gencyIn Boulh rhona JOM I untii | „[], , „ i . \

t v . GRAIN a, F E eS G o o 'b tH iN f iS TCIKO alra- Jor lala U HaU. la- ^m-ail „t>.

llarrtaon. Phona ItU,

-g»ILr»ld.n«a HM. _ •'I’r.*,In Jln* and B o lu a n u lu . La'a cOHN. tonato«, poialo... tu»ii Co. Pbona »tl-W. _ ___ AildUon A>n.ui Ilail. Koal N

________________ IlaalUi t»«. »fj«Ubla aalli •!^RM IM PLEM EN TS w ^m . n . . si..w»i.-------fT--------— ;— r-------— - UlClI OOEimsKV nllk, tontln

i-« comblsf. Grain and bnn Allan. raji. K. toulb at Vi lanu. I nnl tit llartar Blora.\CTOK «ll)i bnn culttr ami «ul>atUthaafli. C in f. n«M No* nndj. Cmd Oui

Bartlatt I’aara rcnNATinNAI. bain II.OOOAtf, - s *•Hull Uan<b. nil.., Idaho. U u n

N a t i o n a l ccmbi.rJ .11 ra.dr -----------------------------------or haan b .r y ^ .ouiV: aaat '*' ~c<ir»>r. uum, ~ nAHTLrTT PEAH!HK iriulor and cultivator. S«* McINTOSK AND CltAIl Aiiuba.“ ira“K»in~Avj6ur"SiuiKr ----------------nfadyh'oW —

1: COUT of yovr twuto harroi - Biuhil or truck loa.Johnaon Polain Pltktr. KInsla Drlni ctinlalatra

■ rhinr. IISO. Two rov macblna..•lll-mora.lhaa.aata-thalr cnat-ln ---- J..E . BOWDEN ORCt

Si ,“ r s s . n . . ..■nl «f fiandlnr,_____________ ' . 1 ■ ,


Poilto m n Wl” k* " • *;on»;o'r“ n.‘rt^/r“ 5 i.i« K E N Y O N G R E ICan^‘ai“'Lj:'i;^’’ orb ‘ *“ '• -?a'lla'^ “

D O U G L A S -------------------------------------M A C H IN E S H O P I------- ----------------------------m »ad A.«.aa Soulh P E A C H E S

JBED MACHINERY D IE R K E ’S L A K.» Caaa C^mbln.IdJi-Jl'S^'bTna -Uh rlcv-up CONTAINEehmrnU0 Crawltr IIIO ________________________, IIIC Tractor __ ,


id R iv e r Im p le m e n t— cA iiti, luAim-------------- — E a g lc 'B lu f f O r c h


inaapolU-Uollna Conblna w l U i ________________________ _n aturhnirnu. W A N T E D TO 81

C b l . , ! . r i ^ U . . - ,

w '; s ' , " ‘! i ,„iar TO Tratlor Will pick up In Jl.ld or ataar'lO'Traclor *<» ilowtra ' :0 TO <0 ACIIM wllhln 7 t

r . n «Uh han,oa ph* |---------------undENT^NEED""

M O U N T A IN S C R A P * C A S T U T E S T M P L E H E N T — -------------- m n s i y z s m f ^A.a. south Pbona l . l------------------------------------- T W IN F A L L S------------------------------------- , A U T O P A R T SPOTATO & DEBT ~ ~

^EQUIPMENT FOR SALE OR TR,JJ#ra, Ali Blf*) Jlolirr DraHiif, nv.i/tririr fHTtrma fnmf*fr

and S.latlof Trpa rUara. * '1 . PhoSTtllll, M.kanthDECT LITTER M ISC ELLA N EOU S FOI

■WINDBOViERS_^,____ _;{ -» c ak blne . i .c.bbaroTii.r>* row-lUKM lad irltiJmwara.rt (ound lbl> to ba tha failn t ONE 12i:0 IVA-room'hcnaf, «hirraallft* baaU. noIra «0I Norih WaiblnHnn.oUlo Bulllnr Dluan UUKS5ES. tur coal, wuol cnaih,,„ _ r .n ra . » m h A..nua E ^

RE3TAURANT aflglpmanl and 1

U L E Q U IP M E N T• W E L D IN G S H O P irn k c ^ )i?. a.'ii= r

FAVU IDAHO Oal-lar. Idaha. Phona WS, ‘■ ,1, ' I VlOUlllNES to cilnti eompli

_ I- I I U J«*t tacilifd. IncluditT O C K & POULTRY -»>'■"«•■■__________________

— , ■ ■ t i r s ° r , . c r ' . cI'hona HIM. p i„„ , OUl.tll.ifcr waaaar Jl*»- i « and Mrt«.rlh.hl<h.ay M. P»> . wl. F.lla EflulP*■JO Buttolk rttn«. WUIard Uft* pany, Phona IH»____ J.. nnrih llantan. Ida^.--- ^— £nV: j ] callbar Voab.rr bMrT U;i )«» Mailno ««ak UaMnc Uka n««, Ona !<»« V. 1:0 ba«d. OlPUlt. 0. X. QolV . a apatlll. t?a.ea. i t t Madlw______ _________________ i-UTATO ar finaral waral>mat~OT*hlt# faca aound mouth a>r«. norih alda oJ ll«rlfT. Cor'dlUa. BUtUeel, M»to. PhoM Wriu P.'O . Bo» 4IJ<. IT"

TO CK 4 . PO U LTRY M ISCELLANEOUS POR<'•' '»>. t:all KlltNUKL'S poUUi sUar. UUia sai

^or.~;is, pricni to aall. UAVC lumber araUabla at Bill e>«

jil Ilir-tb/IllwI'Mabo. ’"kTari «»00T TYLER vaiaubla crtawr. '■ * •• •5 - .-^ _ :i fool .huftl. brvar.1 «llh a Wtl tialiuin ..T:-----n s ------I S “ .rd. rw<d aSai». |»0,e0l ra^TVa

I 'u .m o .nrin-. ^ SttUilOEIISl Wab.ui<b!iu« ',a .- ^

?*' ItolitalB aod nt«. I,a. th»h \% prtca. Fa<toi

»i> >a«ri old. whiia f— f' » « •« . • LIKE HEW-I7M

i i r ' a ' A a r a — — -

_i-hon.j„o,;;„,*45',v*Ti.TB‘ L I M I T E D

= A M O U N T’ ArUflcUl IsamlnatloB tn r .

’ ■ G A L V A N IZ E D P I P- I tt to *4 l«th *»l7

—H IG H E ST ---------------- • Bnma l i,M;i .U .to.'

P R i C E S p i m ^ r s - ' . r . “-E A D nnd U S E L E S S jia.B.d .»d drut«4


T»l» FilU III All kind. e( foolID A H O H ID E ■ *'!“ • ': TA LLO W CO. **“ ' ‘ ‘

- ' K R E N G E L ’S , IN CPETS ' Jl* SKi Art. Sroti Ph«

.Tarana ...un^ Pbona

r TTp- jor'a.i., C.II 0»»1I, FURNITURE 4 APPLIAI

'.* .'»• ^ ■ i " , _________ Ai^AUTHEST ran; ;.' HMC.'ItUiLLmin*.... KO.M, 1,1 placa Twin Fait,.■hor Camp. I'hi.n. a<»UH. fasv wai-itr ' t» « i~ ll 00 hT*■Ji Stolrh collla .n.l bordar «,.k. WiuJn-Ilaira.'

L ' 5 : . " E l r v Er T H iN i is T O E A r ~ .- I S , S " I.I• , User Ji7an. roultnr Supplr. Cuaranl»»d, M AY Elaclrlf.

........ .................................IJI.. ..I«ht, Phon. o m .n i. tVANa oll haatar. ncalknl co’lion, poialoaa. cu«ui9l,an. SOU .-room alu. I tt. Phona tTiU.■»rnu. Ilait. Kaal N«oli Cemar. QUICK SALEl »«* Mayu* waah.l-TTiiinpii-p«ut**«.- n ■ Htn; —candltlimnM.- til'TyUrttrMt.-k, Idabo On«a™ ai.ocUtlon. MEW ANU nad alKtria nntia. »•U21;___________________ an otJar, Llaald Caa and Aanlla>dii Dr, llauarr-a wondct tooda. KENHOIIE waahinf machlna. Bar

g ^ g y u T i i i s - - "INbKir Billk, contlnsou rafrlr* V«nt^ — ■ -■■ . . .f “ ■ ^ I " t*«ld Oaa tsdlalrr. rhoaa.8tlK>.m. . . . . - mw. UW tlnhg tr Baad,

W rip. about Saptmbar QUAKEll oll baaUr wllh booaur •Mbar ad whan rlpa. B. T. ciilalla« fan aiuthmanu Inraji. <. aoulh ot ritaf.______ j „ AT„oa Eul. .

■ H«d7. G »i Oualiu I 'p j P V u K t c v ^ S P E C IA L

1 ! ________ :__ - COLEMAN HEATER_______________________ Uaad Ona BaaaaD- I»J0

a 5 | a a a , L , i , I t b . r . G o o p R g g - e i

u.h.1 or truck loadBrlni ctinlalatra i

30WDEN ORCHARD____________ R.tuMw'^SBSibFr i -:ila South ot Xlnibatlr Dua la Incraaaa T^uiaa at tai

menu ot Jurtillara. our Saturday_______________ ______ tlon will alart a l l P.M. aach 8aU

Arransa la alland Ihli SaturdayxivnL.rnTA m ci.E SMiTi.rrr P i ; ^ i macic valley aucticktINTOSW APPLES :01 Shnhon. 81. Soulh. Pbona :r»ady Wftk af la.lJ '

N Y O N G R E E N I----------------------------------------lli. H WMI. U asuih from TWO USED


---------------------------------- EIGHT USED---------------------------------- 1 OIL HEATERS

R E A C H E S---------------------------------- ------ ----------ONETJSED--------

S R K E ’S L A K E - • .ONE USED


H A L E P E A C H E S t o a b h b u r n e r


C -^ lU ff-O rC hnrd------ -^»-Maln-8o.>h PhamdELOK VALLEY ___________________________;TinvEST OF DOHL SPECIAL SERVICES

- • — ruULTUY roaluTMpplr, NTED TO BUY ^ * l i .c u n k Cl..nln,M La,Un cr rad rullKa! In.^tloa. II. Iia .n . Cbl.

lon 9r.l rulllni halH MATTIttisSKs" ranaraiad, ptrtonup In Jl.ld or alack, rhona Irrja^facto^. i.'t Sacond Af.aga

.CltES wllhln 7 milaa Filar. UEl'TIC la'iik and Cfaapool claaalnc.

U T O P A R T S „ bewi rrralmi.------------------■ — ' THE PT X .rr BHOP

iALE OR T te A D E ~ :.ama, lumMr. Moaa asd failiya t.|tl, Maronth , i — iANEOUS FOR 5 ^ B U S I N E S S ft

ir coal, wuol cnau. a l K t ^ ____ ■ -« m m L S S A L C S iS S H V IC .

CAH Aucllon Saiutdar. _ lilMlua Cytlarr. I’H. Ill, Ul >UU Ai

.v s : ! '"

to pilnti ccmplala aaaort- m^Sardaen'a. IM tad » t W. PbeaaractlTM. IncludiM palnu- y rf)Af AfKflCM t F m r iN G .

ON aulomaUc rllla -llh ~w. Quallly pHntlai <U aU kMa. tX«M^

* '" -. T n n R S ^ M a ■■ -, «h.Al haaaa fer liumadUia ■ , f>aa actlnatct. Ph, 111« | l ralla EflulP*.«» C ^ - k ..,, ..,.11 .,’. t aatlnublat. Ptl Oltl

t o

! ;! ;liw !S ;s ro M ra c ^ot llurlfT. Co..d condlUon. g- , ,I. Bo» diJi. r : a o»T *

' ~~r TIMis'-NEW!


^ l \ lauth. bauth P a rt , mall uprubt plaBfcJcioawnSiiESr aratj:bl. at J Cal.M Ird Av«iua Eaat. I ^ a a U lt. ~S i iiS ‘" iU ^ ." ^ U T O S FOR S A U t

R va^bla^^la^r. ^ prirai K h l/^ a ^ * * " '

: Wa^^laHi^ga w». I-------^ ^ ^ -------------

S S ? S i ? S P E C IA L•h M prka. Factoir Radle

■ — m » OLDSMOBILB Ctub Coopa.1 Lew miiaatfc'tbia la » eaaawn

IKE NEW-I7M «ar. UlT* c l^ _ » /» Ufa. al: « i Md CoapV.^^ :»« T h^foW rt^ lM ^tS ^KOBd Arraaa Ewtfa

• ~ — --------* BROW NING A U T O CO.• (Khara You Daal WUh CanMnc.l

. I M I T E D - ^ =

• M O U N T b i g g e r . . .o f ' B e t te r .

■ANIZED P IP E i n S c . : ;la *4 lath aaly epENOB MOTOR

IMWJC an< »Jnr,h____ _U » DaSClTn rtiitflM, ,VELL CABINO »'"* >>«“ f --------------------•. :li" aad r i j i ; i),s0TO Cuatom d-doof, Ba4laaiataad ti;d drltlad air condlllnar__________III

LVANflED PIPB D.l«x« M \> \ ‘r o n WELLS “ " — — — —

:>4t CHEVnoLrr Stylasiaatar M»l u , « '.K i»ilaal Peat '> faaclBf BOW «B hand I»*I FORI) BupaT Daluxa {.daar. A

(ondliion — ;------------------ M

N G E L 'S , m e . ■***Sroti Phau W rtoDEBAKEB Chaiaplafc Baal.

'**~ — —I and aretdrlaa. jUl.ahipa >— Ml

RE & A PP U A N C E S ' » » n y CK Caupa. tudia a»J baau

Xlllkaaawl » l. Blaar^aln. g p ^ N C E M OTOR CO.

• Used C u r U t~,.n ; ;; «t,IC.-.KU.r<al.. »0» «*!« B«.th___________ «■»<■» »

nBa'iJi' **■” '*■** —

a r s I E V E R Y D A Yroom aal. laod condition. U

ag. Claanara.__________ „d wcalar haatar. ltl.H up. »M AY Elactrlc.________ £

----------------- D---------------------laatar. ncalknl coedltloa,

*!»rM°a",‘u«*w.;h., ^ ■ c

ad alaatria nntia. Mtka ma t>:ald naa and Aaallaacc .

rwrltar, both naarly nrw. B A R G A I N Sttallon._______________Oaalari any riMaaabla at. 1119 STUOXBAXER Chamslea lUti

a. Ltaald Oaa asd Applt. Dalua 8Ur LIU coapa with n:iBbtrtr Baad,................. ........... die, allmatUay and a»«Tdrl.*.IH8

' p sl . t Arreoa Eul. i.roma. “ * «<«pa.lUI

------------------------------- IKI DODGB Sadaa ----------------------U»lI :#<» rORD Cwtom d.dMr wll

S P E C IA L ndle and baatar. W. B. tim an

. I«ll TACOnD Bad.« _______ ll»IIUO * 1110 DODCB Sadta »«

SO O D RIC H e 's ! 1»0,CHEVBOLET gadaa ',------ - |»

I *” * ^ ” ?rt^al tn ClIEVnOLrr track Wlu> baat ba

[ICTION SALE »mm.rcUI Ucaua IU«^"55?u''n"*at*----"l— 8adtB.-tA-loa<—hllara. our Saturday aue- *”**I al I P.M. aach Saturday. I S.E.B D-l-C-K alland thli Salurday aalaillur. and appliance,------ ---- • T '^V I N ~ ‘F A 'L L 'S “

^ s C 'S . ^ W i o j u MO T 0 R V O .I Tba Mandly 'Horn, of Bludabtkaf

--------------------------- ---- Ebc« Beblf/lar Jaka Boll

WO USED ------------------------------------------------L FURNACES iN COOD CONOmOH .:OHT USED “ S E L E C T ’L HEATERSj i ? “ o 6 r i » ' ' U S E D C A R S ! !

-------- :— ----------Sold-Only-At^------------

- . -W IL L S M O T O R C O .JNE USED Prices Soeelal

t o . w .c k o ,u, i

« TT>« IJil WASH Ambataador Woor ^ l «E R T E . L E E IT"?,*a E S CO. :-UB ^?int“! lU L t!^ ! ! ! ! l - i im

--------------------------- 1 '**■AL SERVICES ---------------T T " ' "

aiu. loaiia.___________ „Tara! vary thtrp---- IIIUaaptlc lank cltanlnx, Praa

IL lia io , Dgbl. phoBO 1(41 PLYMOimr 4.door aadan. R'd^^

'Kl"si‘Mid AfaTe'J’f tw ^ 1«» Roadmtiwr aadanatU^-dIOi baalar; rary alaan _._tl09t nd Cfaapool claaalnc. HoIjh ,p jj yo,U> Conaartlhla. Loaded wllhhSTa iilM “ ■ “ “ -------Illc lank., i:0.«0 t l planu l»4l FORD tWan. lUdJo. baatar. aaat,n t'io Inilan if-Jilr-I .- -------.*.araVnifH

Ihlar C«nali\icIlon C4.' \ V ' . i------------------------------ \tI irO R D Woor aadan.'Naw rubbar:' — . . . . . I I - ,1„B --------------------- IHO

:f ill mak«. rr clipper bladn 11,00.bladM ll,U. hand aawi Saa jBbnala at thai

W IL L S — -PTX-rr SHOP Uaad Cm »«)U Tcjick U aaI. CaladoaU llotal Baar Wllla . Sob Wllla . Hank WHU

U S IN E S S m d P R O F E S S IO N A L


TOM . " “ J i S c t M M - w e


WI NG ^ • ' ‘nP F .W tilK BS ~~ ~~aa attlniaua- rlj t t l l * ^ j j * . „ u k aad aarrtaa Pboaa Kh^_MtlaUbl.|. Ph. O ltM ^ .«>» TypawrlU.. B / OppealU.P. 0. . ., lad AT., f<a..Fh, 1101, a VKNhTJAN B U N D SI LOAN cC aln t. rmlriaa. r a U p i;rT t.a rn iS :


0 & M U SIC AUTOS FOR SALI,.nO U . t u . JUa«<*lB.

? .^ .°* |g?a ‘ltt’t ! ^ ^ ^ * SPO T CASHS FOR SA U t F o r Y our

‘S S iT y a i i i - " ’ c a r OR EQUITY«iab eaapa, Ilka naw. CUUN CAM OKLT

loal nllaa. Contldai Uada.__________________ DO\VNTOWN------------ --------------- 1 MOTOR S A L E SP E C IA L . ■■

aiLB ctub Cotipa. ■ '■■' ' ■" ■ — - ■ —— — ^


" n CALLOWAY & McM AIN’StlGdtiX* . a •B e t te r .B O Y S ... ' .........................U ted Car*ENOE M OTOR S P E C IA L !:

TaMJODCECuilam dnloar with ndle, aulomatia 44paad tnnamlailen,

;ualon d-doer, Ba4laand air aondlUcnar, too vlaor. whluInar —________IIIH tlr« and finlihad Id aparkllnfDaluxa d-loor, Badh>tB< ' “ — — -

i T " .» i ™ u r ! Z Bob E ec j« t l .» d C ara1 eoBdlUaa. Low Dad«a Pb. 14T> rirmoiitb-------------- 1------- I im H t Black Tr«k Laat Eaat .ipar Daloxa Waer. A.I IN«‘ »«

: l^rllDdar 4-doar. Ha.

KES Chaiaplaal Raalar TW IN FA LLSrlaa. * . l . t h t p . ---- I4H EQ U IPM EN T CO.

'“ . a TEDOKS-DBZD 0 4 K S -, BOSES

! M OTOR CO.1 T o y Tv • IMfl JTOTEBAKBR aamptoa Weor1 c a r l / iX ladaa wllb erndrlta and

nona 111 allBiatliaf---------------------- IUI(lai II -ai I t i l l UEaCUSY,-4.daa*-aadaa. -Htdla.

-----------------:------------- btalar and aaat coran ------- I1U>“ ■j ll4t BTUDEDAKEB Cbamalm 4-loor

[I Y D A Y *"**"■l l i l CUEVBOLR acapa. Vtw ptlnt

aad seed tlraa----------------- 14»ll l l CHEVROLET aeupa. Uacbanlcally

sood ........ I n t" in n rO B O v .| H Un sUkup. im pair

iniumlialea. radla. baatar;_ «aarl»,#«r, 1.000 mllaa -----IIUO^ H it ro n o v a V, too picknp. Naw

A paint 11 nrr*R Lecatad on Track U sa

Ttlapbesa t t d 'G A I N S V. n .- i . . te

JEER Champion Ratal • i ■ar LIU coapa with ra-Uay and ar«TdrlT*.IH8t. - ■ ■ - .......................................

R S . .S ; " 5 5 S i™ F A I R W E E K

-------------- u m S P E C I A L SI Ceatoffl d-dMr wllbbaatar. W. B. Urc._and A-1 OBED OARS

AND THDCKSI Sadaa _______ ll» l

__________„ „ R ID E TO T H E^ ■ » n - H ? ---------- R O D E O — ---------- r

tnek wltb Xapaad aila~ iirO nO o f Ooi'bed.----------------- IIH U S E D CARS

, r r track wllh baat bad- ---------- ------------------------------ir UI llaaua -------lUO |H0 UERCURY t-door. lUdla. baaUr.

_____ ___ o.ardrlra._l*,000_oll.a_„i:utru sadtB. (A fo«d----- —------------------------IlU KM FORD CUIIOCB l-loor. Radio.

--------------------------------r~ ‘F A 'L L"S___ “Q R ’C O . >»« * 0”-‘Uoma or Sladabtktr

Jtka Both 1*>< CIIEVROLET 4-door. Rtdio tnd

-------------------------- COMMERCIALSI I tu FOHD r-l, S ton. l^apaad aila.

T T ?rT ^>i ijJC jV - 'i I tll CHEVROLCT ] toa. Upaad wla.flat bad _______________ I im

^ INTERNATIONAI. KB5.*,Only-A.t— ---------- ------ ----------- ------------

M OTOR CO. " "es SoeelalS W eek Onlyl CHURCHM ANbaaaador Wear. Radk MOTORS. INC.rdrl.a, bad snit. plaa. JERQUE. IDAHOeran. chrensa {Opaa Bsaday)I flnUb -----------f lm Phona 111 Lot Pboaa TT»aaador 4-loor Cmlcan 'llo. baalar. c>rardrl»a ,, .iunit, wbllawall Mm. '

’■ a i a i S S T .I f " Q U A L I T Y ”

' — O K —; . h . „ „ . . l i m y g j j pIf 4-door aadan. R.dlo,

mtlblfc Loaded wllh |.ap««l

n RadJ& baatar. aaat1 ^ -in»-CHEVR0LPr-8.p»«»tBopri-.llJM-ir' aadan.' Naw rubbar: ' l l« CHEVBOLET bualaaa. ,

ikaasadnaM a------ -- -lW.CllSVaOLCT-t-deef-ead*aJUtt.I to ehooaa from. CHEVROLET Weof tadaaj IM

* • ' l»7 BOICK « o i r aedaa------ _ |n MIL L S — • IUI DODCE 4.daor aadas^:= ;nO K

lU nk^IlU IHIcnHYSLEn 4Joor aadan_|UM— - I I J FORD 1-daor aadaa ___ lll l l

■ ' L 11(1 CHtVROLrr Mon. >.ap«*d) N A L

_ _ . IIM CHEVROLET H-too plelnAlin*J V ' l td cnEVROLCT plakui-milw ’ ' j iM CHEVnOLgr y '- to tltkui»-t!tw

l td rOBD H-toa plekw.' — Z tlili’

^ 1 . a tl Wth Ara.' ! ' K-ta*-pWtn*-IIOUt U E A T lN a 1141 BCTDEBAKE» H.


Sarrlea-~Ph. KU-lt. IHI INTERNATIONAL ^-lan pickup

s v . ‘“ v a K ’s s-I — aU maw eldar »od«laIS Ml loL ---- Irtta . r U a M . thaf. ______________

— G L E N -G rJE N K IN S ' » l T ; r r U a T»I SA LES an d SERV ICE

g ,g jA a o ^ ^

r ttvtiM, Pbeaa tU. ' ' '


• CA SH ■ SPECIALI '’ Y o u r IM7 rRAZER-UttkatUB. Uaalar.eaalJ EQUITY

Bob Keeno lln td C araR S A L E S

• > 4 ; " a ■■ I .

I d T a r s " C 0 M E IN ~ T


Don't babaekwMd I Jtut TF.LLua wbat aaka tn l modal Car you wait. We'll thow yoo

I i M cM AIN 'S '

im « u T . E ; H " ! r ; . l “r ? £....................... ...... ......lafr VOUl JI.y wat

. I m » LINCOL.V 44oor. Btdlo. baatar,C IA L !. M « y l!2 L !!L l!L « in i

i;!;-«i'?B” .? irk i in ;'‘“ “ * « — » " «-----— _ tS 9 « .0 0 lOU OLDBJIODILE Wear. Radla.

hattar. brdtamatia'dnra, laali U sed C ars "^ Itio STUDEDAKES l.doar. Orardrlra,, 14T» riymoutb haalar, a ihlor bltdr. V wWck U a t Eaat . low «llaa«. ____tllMthe SUBkar) i „ i nasII Raablar SUtloi W»«eo.

I —I I Radio, haalar. atafdtlrt, Jo»tIlka naw, etly IH actoal

" a ll* ------------------- __I1»UF A L L .9 . I t i t FORD I.door ladta. Nr« Urea.

r e r o o i K S - , i i " p T c y " iS ‘Suft'»Li,

D O U G L A S - S E L F

_ _ _ _ M O T O R C O .« t coran -------I1U> h 1 Halo Ata. Eut , Pheai 1J4I-WCR Cbataalm 4-loor "SAFB DWr

r acopa. Naw pdnt ■

r aeupa. Uacbanlcally |

= 1 ? ^ ^ -----------DOWOTOWH-----------USED CARS

_________________^------- - ■■

, Track U aa » » DOWfU 4.4oor --------------11117“ • ; .r . ®“'V, R. Taaalay ^

IIH STUDEBAKER ai.aa Clab coapa. orardrlra. radla.

.............................. — baalar. low mllaaia, tlaaa. —.......

W E E K ,' t T A T Q , whita Hr-, u r Ilka anr.

j , „ mercury t,door_______ i m jED OARS *■*“ " ' '" • ''‘'In-rn v c m .

^ I t i l DODCB Coopa__________ ^|ltlTO T H E Radio a a ^ U t .D E O — ---------- r m a n tEVimLgr j ■

ED CARS ' ------------ " "-loor. Radla. baaUr. ^i,000_oll.a „ . i : i 4 t ______________________________a »-loor. Radio. . , . Opn?Evening,

' Lotr PlcaDco Rates I 4^oor. IWIo^ind ....................................... ...............

flepar Moor. lUdK DO\VNTOWN

•4^oor. Radio t nd MOTOR. S A L E S

3R C IA L S 4.4 NORTH1 ton. l.ap..d ^

‘ ] ton. I^paad tila. ,i I-------------L _ i i m --------------------------------------------------INAL KB5.*. I ____ ----------- 11011. ------- ^CLEANER.GARa------------

varrrood— — liZM Add Up to

* 1 1: h m a n ■‘*xs? / s ’IS , IN C. J J„ citEVROLET S ^ Dalna <-

IDAHO door.'Two.tosa fray, ridlo. baalar,Bsnday) while wall llraa. Yary claas

U t Pboea T7 .ml wall carad Jor_______ tU tIlOSO MERCURY anlaa cogpa. Cua-

mala] ircr, radia hattar. low f ' ■ ■' mllaaia. A nice car to r— lie it

1041 IIUICK Sapar 4-door. Duk (rey.‘* l" '* iS^bttk^ li'hu '^^**^ '"’

L I T Y J , „ CHEVROLET Blyllni DaliiV*”door. Radio, baaUr, racy claan.

'K ----- t t i t PLYHOTOI*?alaxa J-toor. ni«k in A R R «»•» OLD.1UOmi.E 4-loir Judlo!haalar. hydrtmiUe. tarr

1041 Cil'cVROLErAireaadaB. Iladlo. ro i tD haatar. a nira onll_______ l l l t l

T>i,i,„n i»4< Ci/nVKOS.ET Fh«laaalrr d-<lm».: t t Z « < i . f f ~ U r _ -ttumlnlon CHEVnOLET Flaalmtalar »-pa».

TiT. a i n K LCT »»|«.M1. , S " i '

,- i» r ,M^ a _____|U M >»“ 8apar,tedaeatta. Badlo. ;--------------- baalar. diractloa .^rBala, aaataadaa .— nOK -------;^ - m 7 .harp H g k l^ - ........

door aad.n_ |U M « •" Cm ma l l l t l ........ ....... am ll f—*®*“ ---------- I t l l OLDSMODILJ: i r aadtoatu. l lyy.tnn » ----» dramai;^. rmdia, haatar. wilU wail

^tOQ pleku^.tint !»** BTUDEDArnt t .p a a ^ a T a o m/ .|,v .n l l t l l lt41 rOIlD CoBTartlbla. llMUr . t t t lplakap-IUII CHEVROLET Dale.a l-l»or. Nr*

pIckuMim • baaUr; IPOd _. l e k n p '^ u t i - • 7 ,

k k n ,-------- IIOU tOMHERCIALa l |i i , t«si DODOE 1 ion inxk. Dual whaala.— -----------llOtl Omaha aleck rack, daloxa cab, III.lon, }.apaad ' j t t j CHKVttOLET I tea. U ^ . H— — — i m i haalar, food rabbar WM 11

. . . , . 1040 noDCC <i toa pUknp. 44pMd. H AL «.lon pickup . et^

CHEVROI^ H tCB plekap.^^*.dar m i a t E V R M ^ ^ Ha»y^ ^

lE N K IN S ■ 1 ' ■S ER V IC E . rhona lU ifrwna, Uaba

CARIt ' Opan Dally tad BuBdayaHatfTffWdi WT | '■ ' . " ■wbIbw » r *wglat w t i i "

’ " 'P A dB ^B L B V llW -I

T a u t o 's fo r s a l i . -Q . 1141 n t o Mar aadiiT M U w d b ^ !

38 I= = =« s a l i

I L I '" ' I - '. . . H -W . . . ™t ^ ? a " M * “L YOUR CART

“ i g ; ' ' ‘" ■ ^ z v z r ^ . :

, , „ SEE N O rrY NORTHHOP feed C ars> Pirawflib b o b REESEU a.E aat USEDCABS

*““ "> ' Dadfe Ph. 1470 Plrawttk

™ " G O O D W I L L " r


■ i f f la 'S OF Q U A L IT Y - - J“tld*7iBiS • »M nuicK---------------- ------ n m .Ouraalaad ^upar ta^a. XIrtara. Varr

Radio, beatar, .Uawtll Ur«. acaiplat* | i .

* « L _ Jr aadaa. Badla. r^l«> biaUi, vblta’ a id n ^ - H i

ritTOati. Hllauat,00*. t t '. d ^ . Orardrlra. HM PofmAO-------------- R•ck. Varr i-Soor aadai. ID;

«<««■ ItM DODGE lE4^o» Wi t « r o i ^ _ _ ------------------. J i

" n t E H Z Z Z Z l n l l 1laa. Nr* tirai. 4.daor ladai ’*'**a . .« a ty _ | l l l IM7 PONTUO .

sS .J - S E U -

' Irranl Oeod P»a.War C«z*I Pheaa lltl-W al j tw lk t i im

^ . BARNARDtlPEM EVBflXn* "nT. a • w

— • • C A onjuo M im M i

IWN_______ I- _______ I



- A ^ L------------ « « l itH DODOB »lek«p, d«a«a.trtlans baatar. Haw palat «■«««

-Itll-CHEVROtEr-l^a* ■’cotvnourr « « . ------- a . * '

A bamla. - " * ' ■---------- - l l t l ONE OWNKl

s r : m r -------------- ' — - —

1141 PACKARD U o n ladaa.------------^ ------------- --------------

----------------- -IM t OLDSMOIIUX.iJaor.nr__________lings laita I t i iw - r —

iR ftte i » » 5 * » “ * ^ *ada^ V . . . '. . i

....... ' i«7 pLYMOtnn 'epatu ' d i b i i * ' 7 - ‘

IH7 rOIO Statloa Wafoa. Maw paint.\L E S •

1141 t t n c v a r a8b-aespa__ |U W '

»<1 ClIBTSLEIt Saratin agape O w - '


« o sa U#ed Cars•• Oa LIaceU-u4-ATteu T '

TOO rboaa It-RUI 7maaa. Uabe !

'Iloi Dalna UT, r»dlo, baalar, ..................... — * ■

T RUCKS a T R A lL E ia -a hattar. low rOR BALEi Uto l t » bewa trallar. U“ “ n—T *‘ Dolllofc axtraa. alUlla toUat asd>or. Duk ftw . abowir. Plosaar Ttallar Caart.»aUr, diractloa - ■lfhu.-otbrr— -JEETIDR Baw Cblomblat.-alao'oar maJ„...—vT-j'' *l*y onae Ona J74oet Ssaitaa, ooa H-(eet .rllni Dalgia 1- waal CraJt Woody aaal. i7l A *.Ur, racy clajn. dlaOB-troaa wail.xa l-door. Dlaek TRAILER IIOMES-Now. 17-reot. I baA.-r. fandjT akirta. room, wllh biatkftal a a c k . ^ toileteor ■ It . KadlB. tad ahowar, Ib atock. Alta aaed t(M=• *>rT ll.foot. 1 bad room BotMway, tJ.tU.00.——------ jtll4» Ii.iur lalactloa U B«w and aaed trallara.•eaadan. Radio. Tartna. Trtdaa. Wa boy for caab. Park------------O K I Trallar Bala. IIM KImbarly Road.rlaaalrr Moot. ' ' ■ ■■■ ■ihada. claan^^^ . j

?kk*h«ilarr*S^ . •Bd wtU * lOK rORD baalar ^a^ ; amaitar 4 ^ m . ' aacf^atir al eaty — __ Ijm.OOr-' i ib"’ ' i« » DODce, ^ .

B o b Reese Uscd Carauiatta. Badlo. Sedfa PK 1470 P ln w U -

aaiBlea-1 pae,- ------- ------------\ir. taller i ^ e ■ .

M c V E Y « /iN a ; '

Intem atibnal T racks---------- «»» PA B T8A 8SRV I0BIlMUr _M*I. l-leer. N r* PJek-Opf

MW m t WTEBMATlONAt;; H - tan.-4.>l a s '" ” ■ ~* m t INTERNATIONAL % taa, baalar.. - .......

s s S . t e . t » w . - ■ ■■’ S ': :i S T T ^ . l» u DnXBNATTOKAL-ft to*. -

I!I!----- t n s ■ tJsea T n ic ta ' ■ ‘.••--IB Plekap.^^ m i o u a I tt taa. I t >atato aaS • .' . J

m :—K iHft OMO i t t toa w ia * r •.•Jmma. Uaba a a m l - ^ . .tack aldaa, . ^?llti,*iTl T ^ t£ 3 B l< A T l» » « ;.r4 H ____ _

u i iladU aad baatar i Arasoa, 0»abM ,

r~Meeb Xadli^.:> ftod aoodltlea.

1 ^ -

CO WICT.t.IT> n an T ti JMh .


SE . . .B8

Pl7»««tk " il?"* '

i l r; n

T — - -

- > _ « i » i - la. Vary — -HTWI kaatart

T S w " '" ■


■-------- *>” ' n— . HIM n — -lUW H--------n m :

— — t l l l l - — II ,m i

u Caa


^ * " i m i ■

-------- :»«*•


c.nr______...i - I r i u .........

1 .] . d ^ ' "

u Mawpdat.

> aeopa. O w -

B CO. .


raeaa T ' 7maaa.Uabe !

AILERS -onia trallar. U UUla toUat asd Cecrt.

ralae ear oaed Uk. eaa H-(eet r »aal. 171 A4>.;

kway. tJ.tU.00.Mr"Slb“ l l S

I baalar asd'__iim.DO

J Caraj|»b»aaUi :

f c T ^ ' f ■

n e k s:oa

taa, baate.. - ......tawhaaM.

>Mato ■■::}

f eik sa « * w » :




Page 12: · 2014-12-12 · f ---------- — -----------------,:^ N0; olidLine )f Non-E I 'o G K T r (irRANCISCO, Sept 7 (/P>—Indoncaia

l ^ - P A O l I i r W S L V E . - J ________ ...................

. A t t h e C h t• r . DWAS01 CATBOUC ' '

. .. fhall* r. m aifa A. rtu n w . M bU il l

BUMi «, I It (.m. Sosair (U l ft .•n>]B«d«T«U«ukiaiMiare(OirMcU>«r retUr. n- t t r«TMa>l Hih>. TiM WMk.tU’ BDrMrr/-MH, I u a . CcclMbnJi t<tBr4«r wonhl»|

«a tiM m t «{ {inl FrUm • • i «« Mnnoo. ‘

«( dan. IlM km. ta lilO el/n MUIi• .*5'ss*ivs:»»isis .Tiii;

«lUM* TM*dar Ttandtr nmlcun M Der 8« itb* neuaj. u t Smmta tm o* ixvth. WCTU oTiH P A 8kk ttll. , t r bMf «( U» dwr <U7. W«•r aUht br Mllla« st tk« mUfr. >» >«• I I a lk >Ttnw borth. er pkoM IIL wlUi MnII. Ml boa IcTsrd

n o u } ( u n . L un ttA N foitowiii

• lU t a , « r lr MTYtiTlS l»l» « » -SSS;."Sr.;SS!.'?^A";S K-»"

E f S i l H i p

I ■ ' " I ■“

Neighboring ifsj; Churches ,

------» oor arr ith« elull«i

aOLUBTEK COUUUKirr > "tpaeiilrWMHTIEHUH m,D,“A l

„ f f i " - '- .

a„a-.£g,;.?';^ra.".g m a.'Ss'-DffJEShraHt> et lau r« l ts Ih* Udla. ErtrroM oa 'o < r* ■ tb* B*Imoa triet k Bi««d t« http fUrt >• tt tk* (all pr««r»m br ittiMlw tb* m u. w Um tbb comU« Urd‘* dv.

r tL n «E8T iuPTJST I n > « C. i™ , , MW

I* wn., S06dw /or^»U ^ „ h wFilih B«T*d • 'MiUoa.” J s ^ clofcli (er trw irSs ?i«fis.v,ffSL.”,r.7 :

- L ' * i •optTtnui ■ Iw lui ne«l*i BM*w* br putw. f P-B-. tlan^raUen. I 9.m. w iitm ia . prtnr. T^T r i J .

DQ>I* iUidr. $ PJB, *b«lr t r u .• ______ i9lr»tlei) I


' IB (er *11 to •.m.w m : Mr*. T n i isMrlBUixlRiL A»ii r t^ ^ lT d r ts . (*low^ b /iB ll^utnbS djflM ^ B M « n "Faeti 1 Keov." f lU pja . reatb j p.m. Tt ae*tlac with th* eTaaiillillt mMUec •( W(dn*Bd*7t P A SlM PJB. T B ^ . Wonn't Ml*> „Zi,r p f.tleMrr eoetatj; a*(ti. I « . tlitir.d»j-, «iaUr«o'i p n m aad oral** m*«(lB(, lal kr Mr*. Uo>»«r BthoalL ______ CBUI

aUBL m S T WAU LOS ' t< • 4.B), fleadar ackooL ItiU a.B.. prlaiU

bood m**tlBf. 1 ^p-m, *attamtttl o ^ M J « j » BusM A a a C k i^ ^ ••“ ■■

m n ia A t te&si Aaro^e prliatkood *p*ak. ^ a - I P;iM9BU*^»aSe*r^*eU<ri VI!t?"«l>or«*KST--.’:r!..'sac'.ss»':ad p .» Wedaaadar, PrlBarj. I pA Tkaiv .


= =— W f r n V 'E W t^ r S p t tn r m m lr ^ ^, 1 1 ^ 1 aacrantal *o>wi aptakan. Martka

S j S S ' S S S iaecMr. « MB. Wadaiadar, KIA. 4 P-B. »

. ikondar. V rtaut.MUSTAUOn OOSFSL CTXIW ^

' B**tla« a t C«Bttr. Iil9 Tkinday. ce(>

homa. ______

«|UBU*. -n i» C«e>l0T\*T." 1 PA . 7Ma« p w il*^ aodatr. 1 P.m., m«*an. 'Xaat W«Ooa* Short or tk* Ceat" I p.a. W*dBV d W .w rae rrl* * ^ ____ ,

JKrROWr DIDL8 BAPnST 111 £a<t Bceead anssi

L*aU* T*ab*rtlB. pailarI t BA , Olbll Itsdri Eail Bird. t«p«r> <17.,,,

tatradMib 11 a.«a, prtMklaf. Till Ma.. "O '"

|ra rm a «r«r SViCV llranlar aai Tii-

CARLETDKO BIDLI BApmT Jt a .n , SoDdv’ m1**1i' tA , woi« DopUl

tUp. I_P>B. weraktp and twit *«rrle«- I ^iSlIl »x*tla». " •

■ u ^

_____ _ Oecnort beenttn C nda O n te J------------------ ^wwiwd by tba Wert'* bi«**t m

e n eaal w»hli«/aidilUa. ItVbe - ' ' - from ttaboratblA mates «nd diirt

Whkfa n e tu tb* doUan you >:

.— ^ CAU .YOUR (rf .


C h u r c h e s• • Mlitoa D«»

tfkoif •Wla *n U T MKTSOOUT p.a, DipUitr fhoikaa* and reertk a u t aad Mite klIII AlbaH n. rarix t. ittalilaf aler mtHm joBdar eU l B.B. Sasdar achcoli U n. C. E. YsgSkeetri<*(k«r r e tl* r.* ^ e M > d » t:e la .* ,;(o ,.l la c « i 1Hkday saraarr ( m »it( a-B. oaUI saso. 11 ikB.. wllk Mn. R-a(Ur- m nhlpi karftoo* aolo br Karl X>abklrBa) «u>- > P B. ad OB urmoa, “Ocrf Wai )■ Chriit.*' TlM p.B., la t»<Baur. latma«dUUar>dHeUirM YrB..ll«c£a^ a»d>r. <e<trd *T*« aad roelk c«iUri Mar? Mazir«j| and Car. BMlacl rW*Bap. Ol/B MUI*r la <kan* nf aealor MYF I tb*)r «e*^ »■ L. >

j r . a t toBk k rA Bni** ct Kalloaal Coanicatlsa luallaa. wfll I M1I1T 0( H*th*diil TMtk.’ TIM. P A Keodar, ^m a t Dor 8«U 'B **l Ib reutb cvnur. Th* itaU I p a htardaorth. WCTU «oeT*atl<ia vlll ba bald bar* TUw (tllmhlsa dar dar, Wadaadir asd IbBrMUr o( a a t Tiiitj. JaekiI Bar. « * ^ I p.». W « i> ^r. Circle 10 Batla Dro.a bomt.

vlUi Mn. Vrrnoa Biallh. t l ( Dlu* Lakt* nllbl. (rpt. I., boalerard. WSCS dr»1ta meat Tbaradar a* l"l tnm Ik*

(altowii Ne. I. Mr*. Ralph Feler, UT iJa - tbt cllr.- aala. al 11»4 p.B> I Na. I. Mra. J. E. raa . '

»kk, TIO Mala a.*ou* amth. a t 1 sK p-m.' Cfll4,0 . fer daiatn laaclMon; K& 4r Mra. A. M. IM

karah ralUr, i l l M<nh WathlactOB, lilO P A | io * a js: • l » *• Mn. Otofi* CbUd*. t u a«b th a**. V s n

Hue aajt liM p.n.; Ma (. M ^ Clara M lw 'T- Kn- Wll>l*a Ut*il*r. «»> TTiIrd nanu* ^ k !

^ ;y««« ’ >'• «■»> Bll*. w tth. „ I S . '“A1BI

"""* . fIBST raWSTIAKBUlb and akaboa* hll e«B lau<

-Bichard DtVUkra. Blalatar - b* kliai tuf!UaJB..BIbUKkeel»IUid«parlatata] thta." C ^ l

woraklpatnrkB aad fnd« ll«aM *: rraak aod llttllk o W. Slaak. aaparial*ai*at. lOitO b a . war. p«rr«t;^ad

osr OYT d«p«adi oa roai will rou aatwarth* ehaIJ«tii*T Tbit Baadar ertalac will ba lEVtK

,- .1 s. ;;.'t;nz%7srii'‘s-jsi ja tv is S f l i , — 1 . . . .b .,.h , „ . t k

f ff mnnbar k un*d to brinr a Ctiatt. Mr*. "SBaJtrt*nt th* prt*r*m. I p.m.'TboSdar, p S I i^ 'Tp.a.-W"!!’''

t th* B**f>Bc fn conftitaM ream. « ;tg|mSi AMEUCAK LUTDEKANr „ roarth a«»«t aartk^ » a-B, SBB'd*; Kh(J»l' ^ I r^ d a r : ako ‘'““•I

s±Ti.r;br„.'LT:r»™5s "“'oi™r„s; s '™!!s,"s.'sifa.‘? s “” S lrS i^ 10 B.B., Busdir Mhool r IUr Eaitmia. «l*cUea t t otl

*Bp*rJal*a45tsi. )J a ja , »rar»blp. 7 nttdw, oo»^Chriitlaa Eadta»or. ■ arancallitk » P.». Tkar*d aarrlea- I Wada**<lM, prartr ia*«u Mn. DoUkl 1

rm « T x wiplratlen at tk* Autiablr ol God church. il

riSST riNTECOBTAb Io’i.m..'s?■ .n 10 .nitnL Bftat AUrad Ktrron, *ap*rlat«ed*nL 11 lurllac ckMr

^ S ' * * - 8?‘« .’r,‘' p ^e«th 2 p.m. T i**dair, p rtrtr mtetlnr. K p.m. t at W(dn*adar. Bfbl* *luUr. I P-m. rrU ar. riBST CBUI

^ " “ T i“ """/.aws™""''

|*e« I p.m. tbundar, Bu Martba'a ralld at Iniai tk* boaa <rf Mta.-O.eft*-O*iw*ir.r,---------5 -rc ir -U » -

S i ffS .t i i i a -a . DIbl* ackooli dtpartnonUl I FG

S S fia" l.S 5 jB f^ a .‘r “;<iraW °,-.5S2i I '

^ -------------------------------------------------------------- ■ •

I AUCTION!Locxled t mllet Dorthwest o f Buhl, or ■« mil 6ehoca (on Hlway 3 0 ) - o n -

I ------M Q N ^ S EPT.f ita r t i i iK 1 2 :3 0 — L u n c h on G

— -------------------------B c c a w of.m -bcalU t-in-tha i t__________________ I.T*«rty.lEcli


S e v e ra l o th e r S t e e r s , C a lv e s , HorscS: P o u l t r y . 8 Y o u n j Bulli

HouMhoM ffoods; M achinery and Equipment >-»• g n ln . and all m lscellaoM tu l t « a i a«umuUt

N. L. LATHROM -Iroi« nopU&f A narmoB. A uiU onM n n 1 We ________________________ _____________ ■

■ 9 > y aW T \ J ^ E j

fi Ifie deanesf coal inC n d a G a te h a t b m O t t« e G ^ C tM r f b u r o o n i t 'a b i « e * t m a r t ID «^ SioeXvpaoiH ~ ' d ^ t V ^ . f r « d - - - R ig h t i o i r w i c « » W *a ^ a n d d u r t . a te ly . D e n t w ait unta tta• doU art y o u a p eo d fo r O n Je r to d tT l

^m m m water washed ■= (mTLE GATE Cl--------^ - ■ ■ • - : ~ tM in n w g f lw o» p e r < W Jorr


. , : _________ . . . . - — - T i l l

— • m t r B A m ir n m iB*tk«M at Nlatk wat D. B. B

DtntaB C Bka. patter tiU ajB.. 'Sui• :il'a.B.. tkartk achool: Baraarr «atH *Tlr* ea tha r.*i

nooa. II a-®- wortklp; aarsMa. “Wbaa dar feru*. Hal !JMIitoa B*te»«* Vvmtf-. •athan W tha vm blp: **itbcf«

^ tboiri •Wla tel* brM n. Jaba I)kkepw4d« tk* eU BaaM. : : p .» ,‘B.rt4.t YeHh raltot-ablp/^Tftatar l«,hlp. I p.a...

iad aiaki kkk. ( pja.. (k it «T aw aea. Earth,'^ -111 baalB( t«rrk«t: ttraca. -How sualcht Caa p.a. Meodar. T

£. YogSkeetr 1:10 p.a>;Mondar, Bor Bcenla. cberch. I p.m. >^ 1 pja. TMtdtr. Marr-Marlka cUta Batla Ba«t la pailert*m‘ *l<k Mn. R- 1- Bnllb. IM TTiIrd BTtao* WoBtn't auocltt

MUL I p.BL TB*t<Ur_Ud* I’a t (Irck p.m. Wtdondir...mJ BMU la t»t rbartk parlor. T p A Wad. tirarth. 1 pm.a ^ aiMlir. <ertr*4 dkk^nMr_«a4>ta*lMn> ^«b: IkU vlll b*IlH. B*tlla(l rWifUea foT B u^tlaltk . Vl thr church.b*)r «ee^ »■ L. arv dl(tetnr of Cbrk'ltB Ed. tarr asd Tratbrl.

lata I pja. htard«r, Cbalkactr tlaaa partr la tralelBX kSooI a S i . ftllmhlp hall •( lb* ckurth. «ilO p.a).s & f a r:‘= K-.'M-fa'Su'c-teJ'.s.S'S , ■¥.?[Jb- tbt (Mr. ______ w jlr iaw iln i; *

'cflJHSnAH BCIENC*M. . IM Nlath ar*ac* aaat ^

B.I 10 *.,.. «<Bdir achaoU 11 B.B. Buaday "*Bd I p.m. Wwlatadar, cbarch tcTrioa. “

lara M i l , . >eam opra dallr axetpl Suadara v t 1."M ;?in!lr^i«h!Tun'*‘*tAifM;nUti”ai’‘thS H G y l ) UMo. ajliliuJ laU* aa4 Uk*a*« of Oed »lll ___

b* brosibtaiil at a ^ l« « Baadari ktaot». HEYBURN, If f i

lUblt c’lialkBi iBclBde th* (allowlac froB l i n . Edith K Rtanlt ( l: i» l 'So God Craatad naa la ^ j h y am kUC hll ®.B la « t, la tha toiaia of God craatad b* klai Bult aad (tiaal*' crwitad he UW and SUtcr

>ta] tktai." CoirtlaUr* paaaactB (roB Sckaca McCardcU. aak .Bd JIttllhlDjl»4.i-Maa ktplritaal aad - 1 - - ror. p»rf<tthJad Waaaa ha k tslrilaal aad loa atrfrcl.'b* PWt b* ao Bnd*ratood la Cbrla.(all Ika Scksc*. Man k.tdaa, tb* Imat^ ot n l * A

o( Lertj lit U a«t p h r tk w ; (p. 411).r s lEVETfTH-DAT ADVEHTIBT ,•«r. ' JU Tblrd ar«.a* aorth W C haV G 1oa* . E'llaf Calkla*. patUr. * r>»>• StUrdtr frtleati tilO a-m.. Btbbalb Ti’*** ukooL Ailid* «Udr. "Crtatlaa I "Ani. n J t:iK ,a.l Ult--^<MMr«n-| alodf. -CroatlBf lb* ReadV f»*• Jsrdia ni»tf. It ajB. praachlnr ttrtlc*. . , ' .

T-p.a.“W»!Bi*d.r;T m * r --------- -----------th lS -

O'* ‘=90 . JO H N !^ 5 i‘, l r 5 ^ ,p ‘iZ irpS ? t‘r ORI .iJB*.i‘«"^.“:“^* i» “ ’‘2?l-B,'*ik‘tir;*^,'K : P hon« 2 4 3 .'zr t p.m. Tutadtr, prartr i*r>l«t. I p.m.

Tbnndtr, CA ttrrlca. Tublk wtleetjia. 1 ^ ^ ^ — — r iu T cauKcn o r ttie BRrmBtN

■n.M a«»M aad W td .tia ti Mrth 10 tJB.. saalar ackooIi lUr Mooa. at).

ptrlaltndmt. 11 a.B. »OT«blPi Dalt Wa- kta. ipnlirri tpackl moak. 1:14 p.m.Tundtr. UdlM Aid n*«ta al charch wllh

aa. «l*cUea e{ efflena *«h*<lul*d. t p.n. W*d-nttdar. gatrt^lr council na tk al cbareh. M ■ 1 ■

,tk S P.n. Tkarwltr. junior n ild mt«U wtth A « B l l «U Mn. D>Ukl Mllchatl. ' J 1 1J " TWIH rALU COBPEL TAnEBNACLl J t b Jh. iU Meero* airt«t V M n f V P IE. G. Wrakaep. paitar M-ian-.IIH.<

It a.m.. SuBdar achool. II a.B.. wor- '•hlfl. T:M p.m.. trrrke. I p-b . TVnday

all and Tlundtr. ttrrk*. 10 a.m. Salurdar,II lUrlla* cbWrtn'a charth. *ilS a.ciu Sat>

M- urdtr, profran or*r KVMV. Ti)0 a.m.Sundtr, pmttan or*? KLIX.

•ri r i m cBUEcn o r r n e kazareki i ' —

l:(l a.n.. Saadar acbooi. 10;t( aJa.. wonblni Dr. A. L. Farrott. *p*alitr. T ' —p.m, f ir ra 1 p-b.. aranftllttlo ttrrlce.I p-Bi. Moadtr, charth board mattlac. (

.Ir - . . ■

■J I ''5LAUGHVr NG *1 I x fc l '^ J o b of Butcberlos on I I

lal J " “ raO N E #597-J4 U l ^- i I M . B. E A C K E R '

S^SALEBuhl, or K milt e a tt ot Lucerene

U te S e a n Eo

SEPT.- 10 ■cltanen “Ita «xfc

- L u n c h on G ro u n d s « id complete n«featurea tave yc

» « I t l i 4 n - l h .M 7 -------------------------


a lv es , Horses, Mules, Hogs,I Younff BulU

and Equipment: Hay, Straw and I X k C I litema acc ura uU ttd 00 a larm .

I R O M - O w n e r

I II D. M. Cheney, Cletk

/ v ^ m T' " • 11..

■ ^ v /

/ Now <

' '


2 8 6 0 *9CtMrfbuyoonfaeMlm H - fo r f re e h o m t .irw « 'e iaB ipp t7 7MiinnK<H- - D EM 0N STRA 1t w ait ta ta tbe w inter n « ii o r m a l l» h l l« o i

____________ , ' fo r FREE U T E Fr A S f l E D l ^ H ^ ^

ITE COAL I ’™;??!

a wenblp: a«iTBoa br P * ^ ; awwrr la TTv T l

B P.B. Maodar. IW Seoul* naat al ik* I.u cberch. I p.m. Kf»ndar. TK* - JIIa Ba*t la paiier't tludr. tlio P A T^Mdar, MuU Valkr ptr• WoB*n't auocltUun. tl Ik* couna. aaulk fork raratia rir• Wtdondar, BralBf drcl* at lb* <U d*cr beat. Oct. I U Ciranh. T p.m. Wadnradar. Ibt Coeplt'a .Carl Slaadferd. V<« (dab! ikk will b* a “Back to School-panr «>at-• al lh» fburch. 0:3'’ t.B. "Ti'T.»'.7. WDbor Claar. J»r«i< tarr asd TratbrUrlal will Bact at Uaut. Batltr.1 Isa. 1 r *" Ibur>dar. tcBlor chair iiiu. . Tbomaa Slckariea. Ji s.ri'Ki i.’g.-.y.'a- if v

' M a i ?a-B.. wvnklp. T p a . reaac paoplM natl* Mawaar Zurtaa Mtat !« . 7 :0 p.B_ MtTlc*. I P.B. Weda«dar. eT’j S S * " JIm

t n m Bt*tUn« br Albert Blohler. .

; H e y h u r n E v i e n t s• HEYBURN, Sept. 7—Mr. and M n. * — ' J^Iv, u 5 " t S ^ e ^

U ra. Edith K lnshom and children,J Rijby, aro suesU of her broUier-ln- 1 Uw and sitter. Mr. and M n . Jack i P V A 1

: C A I' PEACHES fordi

We have ripe Gz'awford U S E IPeaches A N IH

: R ead y fo r C a n n in g p h o n e C; A lso ripe H a les j o r Gooding 47- -------- thie-^oeekond-------- -------TwIn*Fa


: Phono 243J3- Filer B T A I X <

i m i l l 5“ DOWthis Kenmort

S A V E 6 . 0 7 ! ^


Reauldrir 44.93 m


3BM j jUte Sean Eoiy Poyment Plon 9 ^ 0 fK m

a n J _ ^ « 5 n ^ u r ^ w ] ^ 3 ^ Z Z 3 Z Z ^ ^ f i S i ^ B 0cleanen”lta extra featureaand complete newfeaturea tave youfatlstiln ; work . . . (tlvemore-Umo lo playl ConieIn tor your K enm ore today)---------- -—

NEWKenmore Porte


Now Oiily L i b e r a l t r a

---- ----------------------- ------------------------------------a l l o w a n

— --------- f o r y o u r

. M • • m a c h i r


G uaranteed

SAVE $11 „One Year^Freo

B U A kiv I m S S bB ^ : notbaek a sd Co.PHONE I *« «»'n 'Vest. Twin F a i

2 8 6 0 i Oentlemcn: Please tend n! fomiallot) df.icrlblnn Ker : mtchUiM »iia vacuum cl«

for free homt,DEMONSTRATION- : .— ------------or m o ll I k l i c o u p o n 1 i S ™ E n o R i m : ----------

for FREE LITERATURE I i o r r v ---------------' et.

' W E E 5 e w m g ~ S t h o o l - W i t h _ T h e

o f o K e n m o r e S E W I N G ^ S C f l

— a o i ^ b

a ^ M > > ^ A o r H m X j i FREE p/



S o u t h P a y e t t e

D e e r P e n n i t s

MuU Valkr ptTBll kald*ta la tb*a«iUi fork raratia rittr naw pratarra ape- \ .ckl d*«T beat. Oct. 4 lo 41. ar*i \ j l l '

.Carl Slaadferd. Vrida Dkadfetd. Iwf. ^ U^ W ^or Claar. Jarians C. I . Carp*BUT.y n w a a fllckarioa. KtU* DkkcBoa. T-la

CM* ]Uo**a. LaVarr Ha~a»aa.'J*r««]' BJana B. lla tk . Arco. • %

Jaba P. Jt«**n. Dorltr. % - - /rnacta U K*«(*. IVla ralk. ^ /□tBde I.aU]a>*r, Ourl*r-

: Jtr kfanlB. JaraB.I .Ckadt* f . Mc Deaald. Borlarj P. A.iMatatr. Latar P*«t ■Maiatr, Wllladlna M*t»tr. Erk Mta ’ *

IL- E. Naraaib lU rm ua. ■ .% M ,CUIr K. tUtkatta. niebard J. Xalcbbanl. ■ ■ ■ V j

“■.‘“u'i.sni'Ks-, ...I, ■ I I IIBktrldaa. Ruault K. Bbttldaa. Jr, p rlra ■ ■ t f l

bUr* L Tarlor, Aroe. ^ H . l | I MHtw Y ork rank* aa U » world't


F O R D E A D e



P H O N E COLLBCT T H E R A GG o o d in g 47 R u p e r t 65 b e x e l

" V I T A M I II D A H O H I D E

8 T A I X O W C O . U N I C A PM i — ABB0 TT8

------------- ^ O P T I L E l■■ UPJ01DT8

V ZYMACJ I ^ L I \ 60.000 UKTIB

DOWN / formuijy i th U K en m o re


/v . I

w - - .


ALKASL i b e r a l t r a d e i n s a l h e p a t i c

---------a l l o w a n c e — ;--------------------M e d ju m -s iic —

- f o r y o u r - o i a -----------------------

m a c h i n e. ___________ :______ ^ J D A R O L . C O U G ]

G u a r a n te e d fe r______ T A B S IN , L n rsc

2 0 ye ar* A N A H IS T , WO’One Y e a r^ F r e e Serrlee

, 40’s ..................

notboek aad Co. f- —aln West. Twin FaU*. Idaho j T k le and tle-l:nien: Please tend m# furUier In- ; C n n n l r i A Tlion dfscrlblnn Kenmore tewinj i « » I I U W iv ic IDM »iia vacuum cleanen. ; Maulc Skin ' «; I Thoy C0 l ........ d

ET OR i m _________ ;_________j

— . j

- W i t h _ T h e P u r c h a s e ^ P l — ING M ACHINE"----- ------

#- — 403 ^ E S T 'M A ir “ - „ ; 7 ; r , .J j FREE PARKING T W I N F A L

. - - ' V ' . -V


ABDOL Wllh V itam in C-lOO'i-------- *T.TTJ.yfl’MULTICEBRIN, 100's . . A T h IrA G R A N , 100's . . . 9


UNICAPS, lO O 's ................3ABB0TT8


ZVMACAPS, lOO's . . . . 660.000 iw r re

VITAMIN A ,100 's . . . 5. 8T0A RT8

FORMULA, 100's . . . . 3

BIO 31-INCn Soft CBddly R o th


TAMPAX ■ 3 y3 » 5 < « in 3 s i z e jx iiiY K -JS i---------------------------------—A jm oT rs-.--------------

...... VIDAYLINf / l pro f9(lhn) . LILLY’S - .

' / I . T 1 » HOMOCEBW- r ^ e d during thow PAJIKE-DAVM

5i".;“f e C ABDEC DR^ 4 »M*. -Innflted bv a

ooricr. ^ —^^ :Allw t i r.urjM




t h y a v a l

Cold T r e o f m e n l

- t e l S - — ^ V I C K S - V A P C T R U B -

i ^ # 3 3 c 7 3 c- 1 .2 !G R O V E ’S BROM O Q U IN I N E > mL a r g e S iz o _ ....................................................... O j4 -W A Y COLD T A B L E T S ........... m j iL a r g e S i z e ................................................. £ L %N U R S E B R A N D L A X A T I V E ........................ ^ m

- X O L D -C A P S U L E S ™ ...— ------------------------ 4 ^B A U M E B E N G U E ..............L n rg e S i z e ................................................ ” ®

S Q U IB B G R E A S L E S S A N A L G E S lc"^ ’ m mB A L M .L a r f re .............. 5 5A L K A S E L T Z E R .............L a r g e S i z e .............................

S A L H E PA T IC A .............-M e d iu m -S ite .................. ............... ............. Q - J

.- S T . J O S E P II - A N T m iS 'T I M E - 'C O U G H SY R U P . L a r g e S ize ..................... . I * ®

JD A R O L ^ C 0 U G U ..S Y R U P _ .......................... I,,., . 6 5

T A B S IN . U r g e ...... 73« Sm all ........ 44A N A H IS T , lOO’s ........... 1 * 9

......... 9 8 c ........qq. - r t l " « i n . - r , i , - U ,.llh .O .M il.r

Snookie Twins Bath ScaleMaRlc Skin ' a , ^ _They C0l 2 e9 5 7*65

^ a V w ll l fO P :rw iN f a l l s ,



2 96 Capsules __

rs . . 4:^

. . . . 3.11 clocT.___'2BST. BtGQ

. . .' . 9.45 WATOT

. . . 5.95 B u b b k ^ tl

. . . 3.11 4 9 ° ' J

B o r r a . -----------------------------:----------------------

IpAYLIN, T6 o i. . . , 3,fliV S ............ . - . ------

0M0CEBRIN,16oz. . . f ltlKE-DAVlB

BDEC DROPS, 50 cc. . .

I^M OR PH EU M , 50 cc.3.S


ic6N”bULCET, lOO's . . 2.V

HYAVALS, lOO's . . . . 1 ®

- _ StUf C0Ttz>) t k l ^ w

iofments « apotrub--------- NoteDOOIc 1 . 2 9 Covers!....... 6 9 « ^ ----------

4 9 « LADIES’

I 49® WATCH^ Q C • 17 Jewel OTdH—■■■■■■ , eud BiJ

.................. 5 ^ • One Year an*n*li

..I l 5 4 « S ^ L -M_ 6 3 c - I------ ^............... i « 0 0 p , n j , Jiuai

6 9 ^ _ y a i r Drym.11....4 4 ®

1 - 9 8 5 . 9 5

- l 5 5 c | --------------------------

ath Scale | j | 0 H7.6S ................ | g .......- “ > 1

ia@ 0igsD S^*

i o r ^ r j B^ 1005


p^ k e -pa^ M



' ' s - r r i


. . . 1.

f C ora>)tk |



ITCHfel • Tdk

en Sleel Bid

rear Gnantt

- • — —— '

indy !!»«»»

IrDry[ol aad Oil^


i l N V l i U ^ H

JSw ?''®Sa-m

IX. gi^K