2015.5.10.祢是榮耀的君王 ,榮耀祢聖名,開啟雙眼

我我我我我我 ( 我 121:1) 我我我我我我我我 我我我我我我我我我我我我我我 I look up to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord. He is the Maker of heaven and earth.

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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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Page 1: 2015.5.10.祢是榮耀的君王 ,榮耀祢聖名,開啟雙眼

我要向山舉目 ( 詩 121:1)我的幫助從何而來 我的幫助從造天地的耶和華而來I look up to the hills.

Where does my help come from?  

My help comes from the Lord.

He is the Maker of heaven and earth.

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請安靜預備心來崇拜 聚會時請設定手機為震動或關機 Please switch your mobile phone into silent

mode; keep silent and prepare your heart to


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祢是榮耀的君王 You are the King of Glory


You are the King of Glory,

You are the prince of peace

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You are the Lord of heaven and earth, You’re the Son of


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天使都向祢跪下 敬拜尊崇祢

Angels bow down before You, Worship and adore,

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因為在祢有永生之道 祢是主耶穌基督

For You have the words of eternal life, You are Jesus Christ the Lord.

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和撒那歸於大衛的子孫 和撒那歸於萬王之王

Hosanna to the Son of David Hosanna to the King of kings

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願榮耀歸於至高神 耶穌是彌賽亞

Glory in the highest heaven, For Jesus the Messiah reigns!

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榮耀祢聖名 Glorify Thy Name

父神我愛祢 我們敬拜讚美祢在全地上榮耀祢聖名

Father, we love You,

We worship and adore You

Glorify Thy name in all the earth

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榮耀祢聖名 榮耀祢聖名在全地上榮耀你聖名

Glorify Thy Name, glorify Thy Name, Glorify Thy Name in all the earth.

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耶穌我愛祢 我們敬拜讚美你在全地上榮耀你聖名

Jesus, we love You,

We worship and adore You

Glorify Thy name in all the earth

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榮耀祢聖名 榮耀祢聖名在全地上榮耀祢聖名

Glorify Thy Name, glorify Thy Name, Glorify Thy Name in all the earth.

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聖靈我愛祢 我們敬拜讚美祢在全地上榮耀祢聖名 Holy Spirit, we love You,

We worship and adore You

Glorify Thy name in all the earth

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榮耀祢聖名 榮耀祢聖名在全地上榮耀祢聖名

Glorify Thy Name, glorify Thy Name, Glorify Thy Name in all the earth.

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開啟雙眼 Open My Eyes

開啟雙眼 仰望神的榮耀 揚聲歡呼 讚美榮耀君王

Open my eyes, look up to God's glory, speaker cheering and

praising King of glory.

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主 我愛你 我讚美祢 哈利路亞 我稱頌祢

Lord, I love you, I praise you, Hallelujah! I eulogize you

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都歸耶穌 All for Jesus 獻給耶穌 獻給耶穌

All for Jesus, All for Jesus

獻得贖的整個人All my being’s ransomed powers

獻我意念以及動作All my thoughts and words and doings

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獻我光陰 獻一生All my days and all my hours

( 副 ) 都歸耶穌 都歸耶穌(Refrain ) All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

獻我全身事奉主 x2 All my days and all my hours

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願我手來作祂聖工 Let my hands perform His bidding

願我耳朵聽祂話 Let my ear hear in His words

願我腳步走祂道路Let my feet run in His ways

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願我口常讚美祂Let my lips speak forth His praise

( 副 ) 都歸耶穌 都歸耶穌 (Refrain) All for Jesus, all for Jesus

獻我全身事奉 x2Offered my whole body to serve the Lord

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自我眼向耶穌注目Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus

世上富貴不在心I’ve lost sight of all beside

丟棄萬事看作糞土So enchained my spirit’s vision

為要得著受膏君Looking at the Crucified

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( 副 ) 都歸耶穌 都歸耶穌 (Refrain) All for Jesus, all for Jesus

獻我全身事奉主 x2Offered my whole body to serve the Lord

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讚美一神 Doxology

讚美一神萬福之源Praise God, from Whom all blessings


天下生靈都當頌言Praise Him, all creatures here below

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天上萬軍也讚主名Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host

同心讚美父子聖靈Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost


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主禱文我們在天上的父Our Father in Heaven,

願人都尊祢的名為聖Hallowed be Your name

願祢的國降臨Your Kingdom come

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願祢的旨意行在地上 如同行在天上Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven

我們日用的飲食 今日賜給我們Give us today our daily bread

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免我們的債 Forgive our debts

如同我們免了人的債As we also have forgiven our debtors

不叫我們遇見試探And lead us not into temptation

救我們脫離兇惡 But deliver us from the evil one

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因為國度 權柄 榮耀全是祢的直到永遠阿們For the Kingdom

The power

And the glory are Yours

Now and forever, Amen

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願耶和華賜福給你God Bless You

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